Analysis of the project activities of students in social studies. Education portal. What is a project method

Presented by: Sharikova N.I., head. UMK history of social science
Date: 01.12.11

It is generally accepted that modern man must be distinguished by responsibility and initiative, productivity and efficiency, adaptability to dynamically changing conditions, the ability to multiple choices, a new type of functional literacy. The formation of these socially significant qualities is designed to solve the modernization of education.

What is a project method

Under the project (from the Latin proestuz - moved forward) in the "Dictionary of the Russian language" S.I.Ozhegov means:

1) a developed plan for a structure, some kind of mechanism, device;

2) preliminary text of any document; 3) concept, plan.

This interpretation of the meaning of this word is close to its general technical understanding. Therefore, in the technical sphere, the meaning of project development is precisely that, as a result, either a certain material object or an algorithm for its creation, as well as the necessary documentation and technology, must be fed. In essence, this result in technology is called a project, it does not matter whether it is a project for a building, car, machine tool, etc. The term “project” thus combines both the work of creating the project, the product of this work itself, and the ways of replicating this product in other conditions.

Projects have become a common form of productive and socially significant activity of people in various fields. We constantly hear about humanitarian, environmental, economic, political, sports, entertainment and other projects.

Projects called "Method of Problems" already 80 years ago began to be actively implemented in school teaching practice. Usually this method is associated with the ideas of the American philosopher and teacher J. Dewey, who proposed to build learning on an active basis, through the student's practical activity, corresponding to his personal interest in this particular knowledge. Detailed coverage of the project method was obtained in the works of American educators W.H. Kilpatrick and E. Collings, who tried to organize not just active cognitive activity of students, but activities based on joint work, cooperation of students in the process of working on a project.

In the 1920s. the method of projects attracted the attention of Soviet teachers, who believed that, by ensuring the development of initiative and creative independence of schoolchildren, it would contribute to a direct connection between the acquisition of knowledge and skills and their application in solving practical tasks... Moreover, supporters of the project method (V.N.Shulgin, M.V. Krupenina, B.V. Ignatiev) proclaimed it the only means of transforming the “school of learning” into a “school of life”, where the acquisition of knowledge will be carried out on the basis of and in connection with difficulty learners. At the same time, academic subjects were denied, the systematic assimilation of knowledge in the classroom under the guidance of a teacher was replaced by work on completing assignments of projects, which often had a social orientation. Their topics speak for themselves: “Let's help eliminate illiteracy,” “The harm of alcohol,” etc. It is not surprising that the level of general education of schoolchildren fell, students acquired only knowledge and skills related to the practical work they performed. Therefore, the universalization of the project method was condemned in further practice. Soviet school this method has not been applied.

Abroad (in the USA, Great Britain, Belgium, Israel, Finland, Germany, Italy, etc.), the project method has become widespread and gained great popularity due to the rational combination of theoretical knowledge and its practical application to solve specific problems.

In the modern Russian school, the project-based teaching system began to revive only in the 1980s and 1990s. in connection with the reform of school education, the democratization of relations between the teacher and students, the search for active forms of cognitive activity of schoolchildren.

It is necessary to distinguish between a broad interpretation of the project as a concept and a specific educational technology - the “project method”. A project, as mentioned above, is a collection of certain actions, documents, preliminary texts, an idea for creating a real object or some kind of theoretical product.

Project method- This is a didactic category, denoting a system of techniques and methods of mastering certain practical or theoretical knowledge, one or another activity. Therefore, if we are talking about the method of projects, then we mean precisely the way to achieve the didactic goal through the detailed development of the problem (technology), which should end with a completely real, practical result, formalized in one way or another.

The project method in didactics is understood as a set of educational and cognitive techniques that allow students to acquire knowledge and skills in the process of planning and independently performing certain practical tasks with the obligatory presentation of the results.

It should not be forgotten that the project activity of schoolchildren differs in a number of signs from educational and research. First, unlike the latter, the project method is aimed at a comprehensive and systematic study of the problem and the development of a specific version (model) of the educational product. Secondly, for educational and research activities, the main result is the achievement of truth, while work on a project involves obtaining, first of all, a practical result. In addition, the project, being the result of the collective efforts of the performers, at the final stage of the activity presupposes the reflection of joint work, the analysis of the completeness, depth, information support, and the creative contribution of everyone.

Educational and research activities are individual in their very essence and are aimed at gaining new knowledge, and the goal of design is to go beyond research exclusively, teaching additional design, modeling, etc. This training should be carried out both on the material of existing academic subjects and in a specially organized learning environment.

For the modern school, two types of design are relevant. Pedagogical design as a process of transformation of the educational system can be attributed to the social type (design of organizations, norms, complex social objects). The inclusion of students in project activities (project method) is referred to as designing a humanitarian type, which involves: definition of goals, development of means of their implementation; taking into account social and cultural conditions, i.e. taking into account the positions of other project participants.

Let's consider the possibilities of using the project method in school teaching practice.

In 1999, she began work at the Moscow school number 207 first design group, developed the theme "The world from the height of my 16".

In 2001, the second group of high school students picked up the baton and turned to the topic with the no less publicistic title “Is it easy to be young?”.

The initial stage of work is the so-called pre-project. During this stage, the building of interpersonal relations is carried out, leaders are identified, an experiment is planned, and most importantly, the theme of the project is formulated.

In the case when the area of ​​scientific knowledge, within which the research is to be developed, and the idea itself are presented by the teacher, the first step is to actualize this idea in the minds of the participants in the project group. Showing the relevance and attractiveness of immersion in this area research activities, the teacher is thus trying to find in the students - members of the project group - partners and like-minded people, because the main principle of the technology of project learning is cooperation and co-creation.

As a rule, many people come to the first meeting - almost all of the 10th grade students. They do not yet know why they came, they are guided by interest and a sense of solidarity. It is especially important for the teacher that among those who came there was an explicit or implicit leader of the student collective, since he can later become the leader of the project group. Experience shows that this meeting is the most difficult one; it must be thoroughly thought out by the teacher, up to the reproduction of possible answers of students to the questions posed.

Already at this stage, attention is paid to the design of the office in which the meetings are held. You can use specially created code strips. In the first meeting, a film is shown showing the goals of the project and the content of the first stage.

Project goals:

Teach independent achievement of the intended goal;

Teach to anticipate mini-problems to be solved at the same time;

Form the ability to work with information, find sources from which it can be gleaned;

Form the ability to conduct research, transfer and present the knowledge and experience gained;

Form teamwork and business communication skills in a group.

Stages of work on the project:


Project planning stage;

Analytical stage;

Generalization stage;

Presentation of the results obtained.

Pre-project: exchange of knowledge on the topic, interests; expressing wishes, questions; discussion of the ideas that have arisen; enumeration of possible project topics; formulating a project theme for a class or group of students; formulation of topics for the work of subgroups.

Here are the questions and problems put forward by students, as of interest to them, at the first meeting of the group: relationship with parents; friendship with different people; the problem of alcohol and drug use; sexual relations; religious and other sects; society's attitude towards youth; youth music, clothing, films, games; the attitude of young people to the army.

It is easy to make sure that these problems are related to the process of socialization, i.e. with the assimilation of knowledge, norms and values ​​by a person, allowing him to be a full-fledged member of society. Expressing problems is a noisy and rather lengthy process, but these are the very searches for a common language, building relationships, which are the core of the pre-project. At the end of the meeting, an exact date is set for the next meeting and a specific task is given - to decide which of the proposed problems should be given priority, in your opinion. Experience has shown that the second meeting of the project team is attended by those students who are determined to take part in the proposed work. The meeting begins with the selection of a secretary whose duties include keeping the minutes. The main task of this meeting is to formulate a project topic and assign it to subgroups. As a result of the discussion, the participants of the first project group named the project “The world from the height of my 16”.

The second project group called the project “Is it easy to be young?”.

The next step is to divide the participants into subgroups and define the topics of their work as components of the general research topic.

Then the topics of the essays are formulated. The following topics were chosen by the participants of the second project group: “We all come from childhood”; “Outcasts at the turn of the millennium”; "Juvenile delinquency"; “The role of mass media in people's lives”; “What kind of army do we need?”; "Games People Play; People who play games".

Project team members receive an assignment: to come up with an emblem for the project group and to look through the literature on the topic of the abstract available in the library, as well as, if possible, to get acquainted with the information posted on various sites on the Internet and related to the problems of work. The teacher reminds that it is necessary to take photographs in subgroups, and one or two participants are given the task to combine all the photographs, the logo and the names of the topics of the abstracts on the Whatman paper.

The main goal of the planning phase starting with the third meeting of the design team to get an overview of the future direction of the research work.

Just like in the first meeting, the teacher uses the visuals of the meeting. This time it is represented by a code strip, which reflects the content of the planning stage of the work on the project.

Project planning: determination of time frames limiting the stages of work; discussion of options for reporting on the work performed; formulation of the most pressing problems that can influence the course of research work.

During the third meeting, the teacher only occasionally makes adjustments to the course of the discussion on planning the project activities. It is very important to provide students with the maximum initiative, leaving themselves the role of a consultant and assistant.

It is at the third meeting that the main problems related to the conduct of the research are determined:

How to work with books and magazines? How to correctly draw up an abstract?

How to conduct questioning and testing?

Analytical stage: research work of students and independent acquisition of new knowledge; clarification of the intended goals and objectives; search and collection of information through the students' own knowledge and experience; exchange of information with others (students, teachers, parents, invited consultants, etc.); study of special literature, attraction of materials from the media, the Internet.

It should be noted that the main task of the analytical stage are students' independent research, independent acquisition and analysis of information. At the same time, the teacher monitors the progress of the study, its compliance with the goal and objectives of the project, provides the groups with the necessary assistance, avoiding the passivity of individual participants. It is also responsible for adjusting the activities of groups and individuals and helping to summarize intermediate results for a summary at the end of the phase.

Very important activities of the analytical stage are classes related to familiarizing students with algorithms for special methods of working with information, such as conducting a questionnaire, a sociological survey, searching for literature and working with it, searching for information on the Internet.

At the fourth meeting of the groups, a library session is held. Its main purpose is to familiarize students with the catalog system of the library, teaching them the ability to use the literature search system.

The fifth meeting is devoted to teaching the skills to take notes and summarize text information. At the end of the lesson, the participants in the project group receive an assignment: write a complex plan for their future abstract and make a list of used literature and other sources of information.

The sixth meeting of the project group is devoted to acquaintance with some methods of questionnaires and sociological surveys.

The seventh meeting of project teams involves summing up the results of the work done. Representatives of each of the subgroups report on the conducted sociological research, talk about the state of the work on the abstract. The second, no less important, task discussed by the participants was preparation for the presentation. Participants in the first project team decide that the presentation requires video and photo clips on each topic. The participants of the second project group decide to stage a performance, the general direction of which should correspond to the name of the project.

Generalization stage: systematization, structuring of the information received and the integration of the knowledge gained; construction of a general logical scheme of conclusions for summing up (in the form of abstracts, reports, conferences, videos, performances, wall newspapers, school magazines, presentations on the Internet, etc.).

The task of the teacher at this stage is to provide students with maximum independence and help to be creative in choosing the forms of presentation of the results of the project; stimulate forms that give an opportunity to open up to each student.

At the eighth meeting, all members of the first group bring their abstracts. After a short brief report on the results of the work done, a decision is made to finish the work on the abstract and start writing a speech on the materials of the work of each of the subgroups.

The aim is to create in writing a document concise in content, including a description of the objectives of the study, the methods used and the results obtained, as well as a message about the intention to continue the study, if such an intention was provided by the authors.

Here are the the topics of the abstracts were presented by the participants of the subgroups: “Politics is mankind's favorite game”; "The influence of religion on human behavior"; “Juvenile delinquency”; “Modern family - harmony and conflicts”.

Presentation of the obtained results: comprehension of the data obtained and the way to achieve the result, the exchange of information received, as well as the accumulated experience in the classroom or group of students; discussion and joint presentation by participants of the results of work on the project; joint presentation of results at school, city, district, etc.

The peculiarity of the stage lies in the fact that the very implementation of the presentation in the form chosen by the participants is, in fact, educational and is focused on acquiring the skills of presenting the results of their activities.

Preparing and synthesizing presentation material tends to raise new questions and encourage students to debate. Here the progress of research can be criticized, mistakes made in the course of work on a project can be independently identified. The task of the teacher is to explain to the participants of the project group the basic rules of discussion and business communication; strive to develop the skills of a constructive attitude to criticism of their judgments by others and to the presence in the group of many points of view on solving the problem.

Thus, the project method is based on the positions of the pedagogy of pragmatism, whose representatives defend the principle of “learning through activity”, considering it as a type of creative work in which the student is an active participant. This method is based not on an informational approach focused on the development of memory, but on an activity approach aimed at the formation of a complex of mental abilities (understanding, reflection, constructive imagination, the ability to set goals) necessary for research activities.

The educational potential of project activities lies in the ability to: increasing motivation in obtaining additional knowledge; learning methods scientific knowledge(put forward and substantiate an idea, independently set and formulate the task of the project, find a method for analyzing the situation); reflection and interpretation of results.

Working on a project helps to educate students: significant human values ​​(social partnership, tolerance, dialogue); a sense of responsibility, self-discipline; ability for methodical work and self-organization.

Project activity develops: research and creativity of the individual.

The essence and value of educational projects is to teach children to design their own trajectory of movement when solving a particular socio-cultural issue.

L iteration.

1. Klimenko A.V. Project activities of students. g.PIiObsch., 2002, No. 9

2. Machekhina V.N. Organization of project activities for high school students.

f. PIiObsch., 2002, No. 9

3. Project: “20th century: year after year”. f. PIiObsch, 2001, No. 9

In modern Russian education, there is a broad interpretation of the project as a concept and educational technology - the “project method”.

The project method is a learning system in which students acquire knowledge and skills in the process of planning the implementation of gradually becoming more complex practical tasks - projects.

The project method (projective technique), as an educational technology, is a didactic category that denotes a system of techniques and methods of mastering certain practical and theoretical knowledge, one or another activity. This is a way to achieve a didactic goal through a detailed development of a problem (technology), which ends with a practical result, formalized in one way or another.

The project method in didactics is understood as a set of educational and cognitive techniques that allow students to acquire knowledge and skills in the process of planning and independently performing certain practical tasks with the obligatory presentation of results.

In our work, we talk about the method of projects, meaning a way to achieve a didactic goal through a detailed development of a problem, which should end with a very real, tangible practical result, formalized in one way or another. This result can be seen, comprehended, applied in real practice. To achieve such a result, it is necessary to teach children to think independently, find and solve problems, using for this purpose knowledge from different areas, the ability to predict results and possible consequences different solutions, the ability to establish causal relationships.

In the period of rapid informatization of our society, there is a growing need for the education and upbringing of children who can live in an open society, who can communicate and interact with all the diversity of the real world, who have a holistic view of the world and its informational unity. Therefore, for the development of children, the ability to collect the necessary information and put forward a hypothesis, draw conclusions and inferences, use new information technologies to work with information becomes important.

The full-fledged cognitive activity of schoolchildren is the main condition for the development of their initiative, an active life position, resourcefulness and the ability to independently replenish their knowledge, navigate the rapid flow of information from various sources, including the Internet. These personality traits are nothing more than key competencies. They are formed in a student only under the condition of his systematic inclusion in independent cognitive activity, which in the process of performing a special type of educational tasks - design work - acquires the character of a problem-search activity.

Project activities are in perfect harmony with the principles of modern education, such as:

 the principle of learning activities;

the principle of a controlled transition from activities in a learning situation to activities in a life situation;

 the principle of a controlled transition from joint educational and cognitive activities and independent student activities;

 the principle of reliance on previous (spontaneous) development;

 creative principle.

On the subject of social studies, the project method makes it possible to implement problem-based learning that activates and deepens cognition, allows teaching independent thinking and activity, a systematic approach to self-organization, makes it possible to teach group interaction, and develop the creative initiative of students. The project method is always focused on the independent activity of students, individual, pair, group, which students perform for a certain period of time. This approach is organically combined with the group approach to teaching. The project method always presupposes the solution of some problem, which envisages, on the one hand, the use of various methods, teaching aids, and on the other hand, the integration of knowledge and skills from various fields of science, technology, technology, and creative fields. The use of this method makes the educational process creative, and the student relaxed and purposeful. When working on projects, there is a creative work environment in which any independent work, attraction of new, not studied material, when there is an intensive self-study and mutual training, conditions are created for the self-development of a person's creative individuality and the disclosure of his spiritual potential.

With the introduction of the project-based teaching method, which is based on research and creative activity, it becomes possible to deepen and consolidate the knowledge gained in other subjects in computer science lessons, to fulfill the social orders of society.

21. Personally-oriented education in teaching social science disciplines.

The tasks facing modern education can be solved by turning to personality-oriented pedagogy (E.V. Bondarevskaya, V.V. Serikov, I.B. Kotova, E.N.Shiyanov, O.V. Zaslavskaya, S.V. . Kulnevich, VV Shogan). It is she who allows you to ensure and support the processes of self-knowledge, self-construction and self-realization of the child's personality, the development of his unique individuality, the formation key competencies... This is due to the fact that the basic principles of student-centered teaching are conformity to nature, cultural conformity, individual and creative approach, creativity and cooperation.

The student-centered approach assumes the active participation of students in the educational process based on self-organization. As a result, schoolchildren develop the ability to comprehend and rethink the content of knowledge, there is a personal attitude towards them, the ability to create. Such personal qualities as activity, responsibility, self-control, self-discipline, the ability to make choices, assess facts and events, respect other people's opinions, and tolerance towards others develop. All this helps the child to find the values ​​and meanings of life, realizes his development as a person of culture and an integral personality, supports his individuality and creative originality.

Personally-oriented content requires adequate pedagogical technologies for its implementation. Their characteristic features: cooperation, dialogue, creativity, focus on supporting the individual development of the child, providing him with the necessary space, freedom to make an independent decision, choose the content and methods of teaching, co-creation of the teacher and students. In this regard, the main teaching methods are: discussion, pedagogical support, reflexivity, creating a situation of choice and success, diagnostic, systemic modeling, design and creative activities.

The controversial nature of the content of education forms an understanding of the problematic ambiguity of the proposed provisions. Reception of a comparative analysis of concepts and phenomena contribute to the formation of prerequisites for the self-organization of personal attitudes towards awareness internal sources, connections, mechanisms of development of events. When organizing a discussion, special importance should be given to the conditions for its conduct, the creation of a certain environment that puts students in the position of experts, which makes it possible for assessment, comparison, criticality, motivation, self-affirmation, self-realization, etc. The basis of the discussion is the creation of a problematic situation. During the discussion, participants learn not only to perceive the expressed ideas, information, opinions, but also to respectfully relate to the point of view of other people.

At the same time, the implementation of a dialogue between teachers and students in the classroom becomes one of the key conditions for student-centered learning, creating a comfortable educational environment, and educating students in the spirit of tolerance. After all, the dialogical orientation in communication is, first of all, an orientation toward equal communication based on mutual respect and trust, an orientation toward mutual understanding of positions, mutual openness and communicative cooperation, a desire for mutual self-expression, development, and co-creation.

At the same time, it is necessary to move away from the traditional dialogue based on the teacher's question and the student's answer. It is necessary to structure the question so that the student could freely express his opinion (What do you think ... ?, What is your opinion ...? Etc.). Do not rush to evaluate the correctness of the answer, but give the opportunity to express their assumptions to other students. As a result, in the process of discussion, students together with the teacher will be able to find the answer. Moreover, the teacher, without imposing his opinion as the only correct one, should direct the students' thinking activity. It is then that the acquired knowledge will be comprehended, filled with personal meaning.

In this case, the discussion in the lesson:

- it is a friendly, comfortable environment when the student is not afraid to express his opinion, when he does not receive a negative assessment of his own personality or behavior;

- this is the encouragement of the activity of the one who asks the question, expresses his own opinion. Any opinion should not be ignored, everyone should understand and discuss what is being said;

- this is a dispute, defense of one's own position, clarification of what is not clear, an attempt to get to the bottom of the truth;

- this is a joint creative search, when all together are trying to solve an educational problem or task;

- this is an opportunity for students to show and form their own position, manifestations of value-oriented activity.

Thus, when creating conditions for self-organizing learning activities pedagogical support plays an important role for students. It is realized through a specially organized activity of the teacher, who helps the student to independently understand the content of the educational material. And here an important role is played by teaching schoolchildren the skills of working with educational material, historical text, the ability to analyze, compare, and draw conclusions. Historical concepts should not be assimilated as ready-made knowledge, it is necessary that they arise in the minds of schoolchildren as a result of logical deduction and construction. In this case, the achieved results of assimilation are the product of their own cognitive activity, organized and controlled by the teacher.

The creation of a problem situation in the lesson helps to activate the cognitive activity of students. The problem learning process consists of two necessary stages:

Practical or theoretical assignment causing a problem situation;

Search for the unknown in it by independent research of the student, or together with the teacher.

As a result, the process of assimilation begins not with the presentation of a known sample to the student, but with the creation by the teacher of such conditions for educational activity that cause the need for assimilated knowledge, and the knowledge itself appears as an unknown subject to assimilation. In this case, the search for the unknown in a problem situation coincides with the process of assimilating new knowledge. The teacher, by helping the student to comprehend the general methods of orientation in historical reality, thereby contributes to the development of his thinking, the formation of his personality.

Moreover, the necessary development can be ensured by the optimal sequence of problem situations serving the assimilation of new knowledge, their specific system. At the same time, between the closest problem situations, there may be a rather complex system of other knowledge, implying the problematic assimilation of the necessary educational information, the performance of tasks that serve for the development of students, etc. Successive problem situations in this case represent the main links in the formation of a new action, in which new relationships and conditions are revealed that provide a higher level of cognitive activity of schoolchildren.

An important point In the formation of the ability to obtain the necessary information, teaching students the rules for writing scientific works (studies, abstracts, reports on the work done), the use of the design method plays. Creation of projects, research activities provides students with maximum opportunities for independent research and appropriation of information, to stimulate the skills of independent operation of the material received. At the same time, children get the opportunity to master productive methods of mental activity.

The design method stimulates self and mutual learning, the development of communication skills, as well as personal qualities - cognitive initiative, search activity, creativity, independence, business leadership. The implementation of the project takes place in stages: movement goes from concept to result, and the completion of the project, discussion of the results of the work, the opportunity to demonstrate it to other people gives the child a sense of meaningfulness and justification of efforts. In addition, teamwork on a project relieves students of unpleasant sensation controllability, creates a sense of freedom, relieves intellectual fears, contributes to the emergence of internal motivation.

The rethinking of the educational material also occurs as a result of creative activity. Creativity is a reflection on the known, as a result of which a new, personal meaning of knowledge appears, its “meaning for oneself”, personal value is revealed.

Creativity in the study of history can help the development of a child's personality, his ability for self-development, which, in my opinion, is the main task of the learning process. I would like history to make children think, create, dream, create, feel.

In order for the student to feel my subject, he must pass the acquired knowledge through himself, his feelings and ideas, create his own way of seeing historical event... To do this, he must immerse himself in the studied time, see it from all sides. The solution to this problem is facilitated by the use of creative assignments, game modeling, which help to fill children's knowledge with emotional, personal content. The child becomes, as it were, a participant in historical events.

As a result of the application of personality-oriented technologies in the educational process, schoolchildren are able to memorize in the process of thinking. Situations of choice, decision-making create conditions for productive and responsible cognitive activity, in which students not only discover something new for themselves, but also create this new, create it. At the same time, a conscious creative position is formed in the child.



Project methodology is one of the active forms of learning
history and social studies.

I have been working at school as a history teacher for a little and a lot, only ten years. My teaching experience began in 1999 and since then I have not considered myself in another role. Previously, the topic of my work was: "The development of cognitive activity of students through the implementation of tasks of a creative nature."

Developmental learning is an active-activity way of learning, in which purposeful learning activity is carried out. At the same time, the student, being a full-fledged subject of this activity, consciously sets goals and objectives of self-change and creatively achieves them.

V last years I realized that I began to move more and more away from this problem. The problem of the social competence of the individual has become more modern and maybe even fashionable for everyone. The result was the emergence of a competency-based approach to learning. The modern content of education does not always meet the needs real life... It "gives instructions", but does not teach how to act correctly and adequately in a given situation. The modern student needs life skills that can be applied in real life. To achieve this goal, many technologies have been developed today, among them the project method has become the closest and most interesting for me.

It is always sad for me to hear at social design contests how some group of children sets not entirely realistic goals, even fantastic ones, which even the state cannot solve.

For example, the laying of an alley of heroes in the city with the installation of personalized granite slabs, etc. Behind such projects, adults are clearly visible, who are doing all this instead of children.

What does social projection do for our children? This is the ability to draw up official documentation (statements, petitions, reports), build a project budget and a long-term plan for its implementation, negotiate with sponsors and simply interested people, conduct sociological surveys and diagnose changes in the external environment of the project, and much more. But the main result of the project activity is the consolidation of the project group and the growth of the social activity of children.

There is a lot of talk about projects today. The fashion for projects has swept over the entire modern system of public administration in Russia and has covered domestic education with its head. The words "project" and "design" are firmly embedded in the life of Russians. We meet projects in scientific activities, as well as in culture, sports and other areas. We hear on television that we have launched a new project, meaning a new film, program or performance. In Russia, not so long ago, priority national projects began to be implemented, which are associated with the most important parties. public life... One of them is Education.

Thus, design is explicitly or latently present in our life and is constantly expanding its influence on human activities.

But the main problem is that not everything that is called a project is it, sometimes there are also cheap fakes.

Today there is a need to talk in more detail about design, especially in relation to the education system, where today any abstract, report, small Scientific research, dramatization, role-playing game go under the brand name of the project. They demand projects from teachers and administrators - as many as possible, good and different. At the same time, they rarely bother to explain what it is and “what these projects are eating with”.

Another problem is that in pedagogy there is no single approach either to understanding the project, or to the vision of project activities in the education system. But finding common ground, highlighting the basic principles, showing differences in approaches is not only necessary, but also extremely important for understanding the modern teacher, especially for historians and social scientists, on whose heads these project innovations fall mostly.

Difficult issues of the implementation of project activities in the school.

How is a training project different from other projects?

How broad should the topic of the project be so that it does not turn into several projects?

How effective is individual project work?

How should the presentation of the project be carried out?

What is the role of the leader (teacher) in the project?

Is it possible to study the entire course in a project-based way?

Can the project contribute to the development of the full volume of knowledge (taking into account modern requirements)?

What is the optimal ratio of simulation and real in a training project?

How should you deal with the possibility of making mistakes in a training project?

Is the lesson a project for the teacher?

In which case? Is this how everyone treats the lesson?

What are the criteria for evaluating projects?

I was already able to answer some of the questions when I spoke at the August methodological association of history teachers of the Orenburg region, as well as at master class within the framework of the "Young Leader" school on the following topics: The role of a teacher in a children's social project, project and research activities.

But other issues require serious study. It is impossible to do without design in modern life. If we want new generations of Russian citizens to be aware of their responsibility, be active and proactive, not afraid of difficulties, believe in our strengths and see opportunities for their rational use, then to one degree or another we must include design in the educational process.

Design is one of the principles of organizing human activities.

The project is not just a good thing, the activity on its preparation is characterized by awareness, purposefulness, efficiency, reflectivity;

The project requires significant time and energy costs.

The effectiveness of design should not be absolutized, but it should not be underestimated either.

The project method originated in the 1920s in the United States. It was also called the problem method. It was based on the ideas of the pragmatic pedagogy of the American philosopher and educator John Dewey. His disciple and follower W. Kilpatrick, defining the essence of this method, called it "a plan that is fulfilled from the heart."

In Russia, the project method was known as early as 1905. After the revolution, the project method was used in schools on the personal order of N.K. Krupskaya. Since 1919, under the guidance of the outstanding Russian teacher S.T. Shatskiy, the First Experimental Station for Public Education worked in Moscow. In 1931. By a resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), this method was condemned as alien to the Soviet school and was not used until the end of the 80s of the 20th century.

The project method was widely used in Russia and was undeservedly forgotten, because did not give positive results. There were several reasons: the theoretical problem was not sufficiently investigated. This led to an ambiguous understanding of the essence of school projects, their typology, organizational forms of work. The idea imposed from above was not perceived by the teachers as something necessary, reasonable, important for the education of students. As a result, the idea of ​​a design methodology did not receive its development and research in this direction was stopped.

In contrast to the complete oblivion of the idea of ​​projects in domestic education, all developed countries continued to improve and develop the theory and practice of this method.

Today, the project method is used again, but in an updated form. It is the comprehension and application of this method in a new socio-cultural situation in the light of the requirements for education at the modern stage social development allows us to talk about the school project as a new pedagogical technology that allows you to effectively solve the problems of the competence-based approach in teaching the younger generation.

The most complete classification of projects in domestic pedagogy is the classification proposed in the textbookE.S. Polat, M.Yu. Kukharkinaand others. It can be applied to projects used in teaching any academic discipline.

E.S. Polat explains the project as one of the methods of pedagogical technology: "The project method is based on the development of students' cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, the ability to navigate in the information space, the development of critical thinking."

From a methodological point of view, a project is a series of actions aimed at achieving a single goal, usually large-scale, with a limited time frame. The project method, as defined by E.S. Polat, involves the solution of some problem, which involves, on the one hand, the use of various methods, teaching aids, and on the other hand, the integration of knowledge and skills from various fields of science, technology, technology, and creative fields. The results of the projects being carried out should be, as they say, tangible, that is, if this is a theoretical problem, then its concrete solution, if a practical concrete result, ready for implementation. E.S. Polat highlights the basic requirements for using the project method:

  • The presence of a problem / task that is significant in the research creative plan, requiring integrated knowledge, research search for its solution.
  • Practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of the intended results.
  • Independent (individual, pair, group) activity of students.
  • Structuring the content of the project (indicating the phased results).
  • The use of research methods that provide for a specific sequence of actions:

In this classification, according to several criteria, the following types of projects are distinguished:

1. By the method dominating in the project

  • research
  • creative
  • adventure, gaming
  • information
  • practice-oriented

2. By the nature of project coordination

  • with clear coordination
  • with hidden coordination

3. By the nature of contacts

  • domestic (regional)
  • international

4. By the number of participants

  • personal (individual)
  • paired
  • group

5. By the duration

  • short term
  • average duration
  • long-term

Born from the idea of ​​free parenting, today the project method is becoming an integrated component modern system education.

The constituent elements of design in education.

Creative design workshops.

Design involves special methodological techniques in the work of a teacher, extensive use of discussions, role-playing and business games, and modeling. All this implies a shift in emphasis from passive to interactive teaching methods, and implies a change in the teacher's work system.

A study project can undoubtedly be a wonderful way to explore some topics. For example, in the course of history, the topic of the abolition of serfdom can be built on a project basis, especially since the historical situation itself testifies to the existence of different options (projects) on this issue. The events of any board can also be viewed as a project - for example, a class might be tasked with creating a website dedicated to a particular period of government. To do this, it is necessary to outline the main pages, distribute tasks for filling one or another page among the students, and the creation of the main page will be the general unifying work. Here it will be necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the topic, the age of the students, their preparedness, the availability of technical capabilities and much more.

In the game (10 grades), "Oral filmstrip" (another option is a slide presentation), children are invited to imagine themselves as the authors of the filmstrip and, in the course of the teacher's story, draw up his plan, writing down the content or the name of the pictures for his frames. So, for example, on the topic "The movement of populists" the teacher prepares a plot-figurative story. The teacher informs about the game itself in the lesson as follows: “Imagine that each of you needs to create a film strip called“ Walking to the People ”. Now I will try to tell you vividly and figuratively how this happened, and you need, while listening carefully to my story, make a list of frames, that is, either write down the names of the pictures that you put in the frames, or the text that you are going to write under them. The point is that later you could restore from your notes and tell how you see each frame of your filmstrip. "

Creation of a historical almanac dedicated to the uprising itself or the period from the time of the organization of the Northern and Southern Societies to December 14.

The historical map can be dedicated to the exile of the Decembrists. On the map of Russia it will be necessary to indicate in circles different color or small figures:

a) the cities through which the Decembrists followed to Siberia;

b) places where the Decembrists served hard labor;

The use of the design approach is of particular importance in the study of cultural and historical material. An educational project for a student is a way to create something interesting on your own, try your hand, show your knowledge and skills and show publicly the achieved result. This method is applicable to the study of the everyday culture of society, as it allows you to reconstruct, on a historical basis, the manifestation of the everyday and mental-moral spheres of society.

Topic: Signs and superstitions in the life of an ancient Russian person. (10 cells)

The problem is the preservation of the superstition of the Russian (Russian) person.

The goal is to identify and reveal all the pagan superstitions that were associated with clothing, things and everyday life. To convince you to trust not omens, but your intellect.

Topic: From grandmother's chest .. (6 cl)

The problem is the preservation of the unique culture of everyday life of Ancient Rus.

The goal is to create a corner of Russian life in the school museum, to conduct an open lesson (extracurricular activity) ..

Topic: Idols of the Soviet era. (11 cl)

The problem is the sharp changes in the system of moral and moral values ​​of the Soviet society during the periods of "thaw" and "stagnation".

The goal is to compile a selection of popular films of the Soviet period (compose a voice-over) and create a collection of photographs "Idols of Soviet Cinema".

Topic: The world of things in the house of a Soviet person. (11 cl)

The problem is the low level and "modest" quality of life in Soviet society and modern society.

The goal is to create a virtual and museum exhibition "The World of Things in the House of a Soviet Man".

Presentations, research papers, portfolios are created on these topics.

The collected material, and these are postcards, badges, dishes, photographs and other things of the Soviet era, are used to decorate exhibitions and expositions in the school museum.(see Appendix # 1)

The museum is the center of the civil formation of the personality. The school museum is designed for children. Children are the future of our society. If we want to raise worthy citizens, we must bring up a spiritual and moral core in our children.

The museum program includes several blocks designed for different ages and for a wide variety of interests.

Inexhaustible source, Native origins, Sources of goodness and mercy, Genealogical origins, Sources of glory and valor.

The form of implementation of all blocks - project activities

It is through the project that the child is revealed and realized.

Project activity is activity, responsibility, duty, propaganda, co-creation, search.

At one time, I was very interested in the methodology of Edward de Bono, set forth in his "Six hats of thinking" (St. Petersburg, 1977) and aimed at the development of non-standard thinking. Lesson in grade 11 on this topic " Civil War in Russia". The form of the lesson is a business game: a meeting of the newspaper editorial board to prepare a special issue "To the 90th anniversary of the end of the Civil War in Russia." Lesson technologies: the method of Edward de Bono "Six Thinking Hats", the method of associations, discussion. Students are divided into groups ("editorial departments") and receive tasks that must be solved using certain hats (see table)

Tab. An example of using de Bono's methodology in the lesson "Civil War in Russia"

Editorial departments

Ways of thinking




White hat - from the "blank slate"

Development of a sociological survey to identify the attitude of our contemporaries to the Civil War.


Blue hat - business, rational, substantive communication.

Preparation of the presentation "Chronicle of the events of the civil war"


Green hat - creative thinking

“Brainstorming on the topic: why were the Bolsheviks able to take and retain power?


Red hat - emotional thinking, expression of feelings, experiences.

Preparing an essay, poem or story on behalf of a person of our time about the Civil War.

Department of critical


Black hat - critical, negative thinking.

Formulation of arguments to substantiate a negative assessment of the actions of the red and white movements in the Civil War.


Yellow hat - positive thinking

Formulation of arguments to substantiate a positive assessment of the actions of the red and white movements in the Civil War.

The relevance of the topic: "My political party" lies in the fact that for schoolchildren the issues of creating parties and their role in elections are, as a rule, little understood. The game allows students in grades 9-11 to focus not on a person, but on ideas, legal procedures. The goal of the game is to improve the legal and political culture of schoolchildren through the direct participation of everyone in the creation of a youth political party.

The parties were created and represented on the Constitution Day, the parties spoke and the voting took place (5-11 grades took part in the voting), which showed the rating of each party. The presentation of the parties was very bright and unexpected, the guys used videos, slide presentations, calendars as advertising and campaigning. Three parties were represented and each of them formed its own electorate, which gave it its votes.

Here it will be necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the topic, the age of the students, their preparedness, the availability of technical capabilities and much more.

It should be noted that in this way it is not possible to study the entire training course, if only because it is necessary to use different forms and approaches. It may be optimal to include individual design actions in the lesson, and then full-fledged use of design in extracurricular activities (in this case, social design).

In the current academic year, the project activities were entirely devoted to the theme of the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory.

In 2007, there was the first experience of the “big” project “Courage” (see Appendix # 2), which gave remarkable results - 2nd place in the regional action “I am a citizen of Russia”. Grade 9 and 11 were engaged in the work on the project; the information space of the Internet has ceased to frighten the children with the amount of information, they have learned to purposefully acquire knowledge; By creating slide projects, students mastered the presentation program and acquired the skills to design work in electronic form. And since then, we do not stop at what has been achieved and continue to work in the project "I am a Citizen of Russia"

In 2010, work on the project ended. It was as if we touched our hearts to a heroic deed, passed through time and ourselves became different, strong.

The Courage project became for us something more than just a project, it was the life that we lived for three years, it is impossible to list how many difficulties there were, this was a misunderstanding of the problem with the authorities, financial difficulties, searching in archives, paperwork, but this is not the main thing, the main thing there is a result - on June 22, 2010, a monument was opened in our village, we saw tears of pride for our fellow countrymen, heard the words of gratitude from relatives of veterans.

Since 2008, we have started working on the project "Children of War - Children of the World". A stand and a video of the same name were created. You did not recognize her from a book, this is how our film began about the children of war and about us children of the world who were involved in this project.

The War Children project has left a mark on our souls forever. He caused pain and joy and tears in us at the same time. People cried on the set and cried again at the premiere of the video, which we managed to edit and show on the eve of the 65th anniversary of the Victory.

This film received in May 2010, a second degree diploma and a cash prize at the regional festival Salute Pobeda!

In 2010, I, together with the students, are developing new projects. In the 10th grade, in social studies lessons, we began work on the project "My family is my wealth", the purpose of which was to strengthen family and moral values ​​among young people. The product of the project will be the release of a collection of the best essays, photographs, genealogies and drawings on a given topic, as well as the video film "Golden Weddings". The accumulated material will become a resource for interesting events, both school and rural, such as "The Solovyovka Family", "The Village Day" and others.

On the occasion of the 230th anniversary of the village, the premiere of the project "Give a coat of arms to the village" took place, the 10th grade also became the organizers and designers of the project. Not only was the exhibition designed, but also a popular vote was held at the celebration of the "Day of the Village", the most interesting ideas were encouraged by prizes from the village administration.

The most important thing is that the guys feel the importance and necessity of the work they are doing.

Interaction with the student during the work on the project.

Working on a project involves very close interaction between student and teacher. The pedagogical subtlety here is that the student should feel that the project is his job. He must see that the teacher respects his point of view.

In other words:

A1-A2 - if today the child does part of the work himself, he does the other (difficult) part of the work together with the adult, then tomorrow he will be able to do the entire volume of such work on his own;

В1-В2 - if a child tries to do all the work, even the part that is not yet available to him, making mistakes, without achieving a result, then tomorrow he will not be able to do such work;

C1-C2 - if a child independently performs only what he knows how to do, and an adult does the difficult, inaccessible work, then tomorrow the child will never learn to do this work.

Interaction with students in his zone of proximal development

when working on a project.




C1 Problem area

Valuation area

Value level



Assessment of the situation

Creative level


The way to solve the problem

Expected results

Practical level

Plan, tasks, deadlines, schedule

Solving the problem, implementing the plan, making changes

Evaluation of intermediate and final results. Presentation. Reflection.

This arrangement of elements is very convenient and shows the path for creativity to all project participants. The presence of three levels allows you to clearly distinguish the project approach from the event or from a set of good deeds.

The first stage of work on the project-problematization... The beginning of work on a project, an incentive for action is the presence of a problem. The process will take place when the original problem of the project takes on a personal connotation. If the topic does not arouse interest, then the work will turn into a heavy duty. The most important thing is to motivate the child, the most ineffective way is direct coercion, it can cross everything out. Therefore, at the very beginning of work on a project, it is necessary to show the maximum pedagogical tact.

Next stage - goal setting ... Carried away by the topic of the project, children often do not measure their desires and their capabilities. In any case, it is necessary for the student to remember that achieving the goal of the project should contribute to solving the original problem.

What needs to be done to achieve the goal of the project? (this will help define tasks)

How will you solve these problems?

When are you going to do this? (timing)

What do you already have to do the work ahead? (resources) etc.

At the stage of implementation , there may be changes that need to be made to the original design. This can reduce motivation.

Many adolescents have not yet formed a "sense of time", therefore, it is necessary to know well the individual characteristics of each student.

Presentation is a showcase of the project. The time limit is usually 7-10 minutes per performance. During this short time, it is necessary to talk about the work that has been carried out over several months. Speech and rules are the two main problems of the presentation. It is very important to teach children to choose the most important thing, to express their thoughts briefly and clearly. It is better if the text of the presentation is written in the form of abstracts.

The project is carried out according to a certain scheme:

1. Preparation for the project.

When starting to create a training project, you must comply with a number of conditions:

Preliminarily study the individual abilities, interests, life experience of each student;

Choose a project topic, formulate a problem, offer students an idea, discuss it with students.

2. Organization of project participants.

First, groups of students are formed, where each has his own task. When distributing responsibilities, students' propensities for logical reasoning, for forming conclusions, for designing project work are taken into account. When forming a group, they include schoolchildren of different sexes, different academic performance, different social groups.

3. Execution of the project.

This step is associated with the search for new, additional information, the discussion of this information, and its documentation, the choice of ways to implement the project (these can be drawings, crafts, posters, drawings, quizzes, etc.). Some projects are completed at home on their own, others that require teacher assistance are created in the classroom. The main thing is not to suppress the initiative of the guys, to respect any idea, to create a situation of "success".

4. Presentation of the project.

All the worked out, designed material must be presented to classmates, to defend your project. For the analysis of the proposed teaching methodology, the ways of implementation and presentation of the project are important. Thus, schoolchildren may have a special notebook only for projects. Projects can be executed on separate sheets and fastened together, forming an exhibition, installation. Groups can compete with each other. The first draft is encouraged, and then the final copy.

5. Summing up the results of the project work.

The number of steps - stages from the acceptance of the project idea to its presentation depends on its complexity.

The beginning of the project activity of schoolchildren is usually very simple - what is of direct importance for each of them, "Family tree" (6 grades), "House of my dreams" (6 grades). Children should get the impression that social studies is not only an activity, but also a pleasure.

With pleasure, the guys also carry out projects such as role-playing: this is a dramatization of the customs and traditions of different peoples in social studies lessons in the 8th grade

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Committee of Education and Science of the Kursk Region

Regional budgetary educational institution

Secondary vocational education

Kucherovsky branch

"Sudzhan Agricultural College"

Methodical development

Topic: "Project activities in social studies lessons as a way to develop the cognitive interest of students"

X. Kucherov - 2015

Considered at a meeting of the methodological council

OBOU SPO Kucherovsk branch "SSKhT"

Minutes No.__ dated ________2015

Chairman S.P. Golovatykh _________

Reviewer: S.P. Golovatykh, head. methodical office of the Kucherovsk branch of "SSHT"

Methodical development / comp .: G.I., Komarova. X. Kucherov, 2015, 27 p.

Komarova G.I., 2015

X. Kucherov


This methodological development is addressed to teachers of humanitarian and socio - economic disciplines involved in teaching social studies in secondary specialized educational institutions, as well as teachers of social studies in secondary schools.

The purpose of writing this work is to test the method of project activity as one of the ways to develop the cognitive interest of students in social studies lessons.


1. Main part

1.1 Relevance of the topic

1.5 The structure of the project assignment





Everyone knows that new knowledge can be obtained from others ready-made, or you can get it yourself. Moreover, the knowledge gained in the course of one's own experiments, observations, experiments, conclusions and inferences is usually the most solid. As a rule, they are stronger and deeper than the information that is obtained through learning. For several years now I have been using the project method in social studies lessons. This contributes to the development of free and systematic thinking of students, forms their skills and research skills, and at the same time to study on their own, because, as DI Pisarev said, “any real education is self-education”. The design methodology makes it possible to achieve these goals.

1. Main part

1.1 Relevance of the topic

The secret to the success of the design method in social studies lessons is to connect the project with real life. When students realize they are dealing with “real problems,” their motivation to design rises dramatically. The effectiveness of such work is manifested in the fact that students learn the basics of research techniques, learn to argue their point of view, their conclusions, they develop such qualities as independence, initiative, creativity, responsibility. Currently, I am at the stage of comprehending and creatively mastering the method of the educational project. But the first conclusions are clear:

the method of projects is a pedagogical technology focused not on the integration of actual knowledge, but on their application and acquisition of new ones, including through self-education.

The active involvement of students in the creation of projects gives them the opportunity to master new ways of human activity in a socio-cultural environment, which develops skills and abilities to adapt to the changing conditions of human life and society as a whole.

1.2 Goals and objectives of project learning

The goal of project-based learning is to create conditions in which students:

independently and willingly acquire the missing knowledge from various sources;

learn to use the acquired knowledge to solve cognitive and practical problems;

acquire communication skills by working in various groups; develop research skills (the ability to identify problems, collect information, observe, conduct an experiment, analyze, build hypotheses, communicate); develop systems thinking.

Theoretically and experimentally substantiate the need to implement the project method in school education;

Determine the pedagogical conditions for the use of project activities in the educational environment of schoolchildren;

Reveal the degree of training of project activities, the level of formation of educational and cognitive interest;

To test the methodology of working on a project in the conditions of secondary vocational education.

1.3 The essence of project learning

This method assumes that students "live" a certain period of time in the educational process, as well as their introduction to a fragment of the formation of a scientific understanding of the world around them, the construction of cognitive models. Materialized product

design is an educational project, which is defined as a comprehensive solution to a problem independently applied by students in the form of developments. We emphasize that the didactic unit in the project method is taken from real life and personally

a problem that is significant for students (economic, legal, environmental, etc.). Thus, the problem and the ways of its solution acquire the contours of project activity. When solving a project, along with the scientific and cognitive side of the content, there are always emotional-value (personal) activity and creative sides. Moreover, it is the emotional-value and creative components of the content that determine how important the project is for students and how independently it is completed.

The project encourages the student to: show intellectual abilities; moral and communicative qualities; demonstrate the level of knowledge and subject skills: show the ability to self-education and self-organization. In the process of developing a project: students synthesize knowledge in the course of their search; integrate information from related disciplines; looking for more effective ways to solve project problems; communicate with each other. The project activity clearly demonstrates the possibilities of mono- and poly-subject, individual and group educational routes of the project.

The essential features of this method are the student's subjectivity, dialogism, creativity, context, adaptability and independence of students, arising in the process of implementing the project method. Organization of teaching in history,

social studies, law, cultural studies by the method of projects creates optimal conditions for the transformation of students into "subjects" of activity. Each student becomes an equal member of the creative team, work in which contributes to the development of social roles,

fosters commitment and responsibility when completing tasks on time, mutual assistance in work. Feelings, attitudes, thoughts and actions of schoolchildren are involved in project activities.

Dialogue allows students in the course of the project to enter into a dialogue both with their own "I" and with others. It is in the dialogue that "free self-revelation of the personality" is carried out (MM Bakhtin). Dialogue in the project method performs the function of a specific socio-cultural environment that creates conditions for schoolchildren to accept new experience, rethink old meanings, as a result of which the received legal, social, legal information becomes personally significant. Creativity is associated with the resolution of a problem situation, which determines the beginning of active mental activity, the independence of students, as a result of which they discover a contradiction between the legal, social, economic content they know and the inability to quickly apply them in practice. Solving a problem often leads to original, non-standard methods of activity and the result of implementation. Any project is always the creativity of students. The context in this method allows you to create projects that are close to the natural life of students, to understand the place of "Law", "Social Studies", "Culturology" in the general system of human existence.

Integrativeness means the optimal synthesis of knowledge for students to implement the problem under study with the involvement of content from other subjects.

Manufacturability is associated with the organization of students' cognitive activity at certain stages of project activities.

In order to stimulate the cognitive activity of students in social studies lessons in grades 9, I conduct practical and laboratory classes with solving problem problems, discussing typical situations. Students with interest get acquainted with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the school. To implement the skills and competencies associated with work planning, the development of a step-by-step program of action from concept to finished product, I practice the inclusion of ninth-graders in project activities.

Projects encourage the student to set goals, master general educational skills, manifest intellectual abilities, manifest communicative qualities, develop group work skills, and build relationships. Joint activity provides ample opportunities for both the teacher and the student to build subject-subject relationships.

1.4 Initial theoretical positions of project-based learning

1) the focus is on the student, promoting the development of his creative abilities;

2) the educational process is built not in the logic of the subject, but in the logic of activity that has a personal meaning for the student, which increases his motivation in learning;

3) the individual pace of work on the project ensures that each student reaches his own level of development;

4) an integrated approach to the development of educational projects contributes to the balanced development of the basic physiological and mental functions of the student;

5) deeply conscious assimilation of basic knowledge is ensured through their universal use in different situations.

Systems of teacher and student actions. In order to highlight the systems of actions of the teacher and students, it is important to determine the stages of project development in advance. To date, the following stages of project development have taken shape: development of a project assignment, development of the project itself, presentation of results, public presentation, reflection. Let's reveal the essence of the relationship between the teacher and the student.

Interaction between teachers and students in the educational process

Stages Teacher activity Student activity

1.5. The structure of the project assignment

1.Choosing a theme.

1.1 Choosing a project theme.

The teacher selects possible topics and presents them to the students.

Students discuss and accept common decision on this topic.

The teacher invites the students to jointly select the topic of the project.

A group of students, together with the teacher, selects topics and proposes them in the group for discussion.

The teacher participates in the discussion of topics suggested by the students.

Students independently select topics and offer the group for discussion

1.2 Highlighting subtopics in the themes of the project.

The teacher pre-isolates subtopics and suggests

students to choose. Each student chooses a subtopic for himself or suggests a new one. The teacher takes part in the discussion with the students of the sub-topics of the project. Students actively discuss and suggest subtopic options. Each student chooses one of them for himself (i.e. chooses a role for himself)

1.3 Forming creative teams

The teacher conducts organizational work to unite students who have chosen specific sub-themes and types of activities Students have already defined their roles and are grouped according to them into small teams

1.4. Preparation of materials for research work

If the project is voluminous, then the teacher develops assignments, questions for search activities and literature in advance

Selected high and middle school students take part in

development of tasks.

Questions to find an answer can be worked out in teams, followed by discussion in the group.

1.5. Determination of forms of expression of the results of project activities

The teacher takes part in the discussion.

Students in subgroups and then in the group discuss the presentation forms

the result of research activities: video film, album, natural objects, literary living room, etc.

2. Development of the project

The teacher consults, coordinates the work of students.

stimulates their activities

Students carry out search activities.

3. Presentation of results

The teacher advises, coordinates the work of students,

stimulates their activity.

Students, first in groups, and then, in interaction with other groups, formulate the results in accordance with the accepted rules

4. Presentation The teacher organizes an examination (for example, invites senior students or a parallel class, parents, etc.)

Report on the results of their work

5. Reflection

Students reflect on the process, themselves in it, taking into account the assessment of others. Group reflection is desirable. Possible topics for study projects are as varied as their scope. Three types of educational projects can be distinguished in terms of time: short-term (2 - 6 hours); medium-term (12-15 hours); long-term, requiring a significant amount of time to search for material, analyze it, etc.

In my opinion, an educational institution should have different educational projects.


project-based learning creative theme

When using the method - the project, all the goals of the lesson were achieved and a qualitatively new result was obtained, expressed in the development of the cognitive abilities of students, their independence in educational and cognitive activities.

It is important for teachers who will use this technology to remember that there may be limitations in the use of the technology:

Low motivation of students to participate in the project;

Insufficient level of formation of the skills of research activities in students;

Vague definition of criteria for evaluating tracking of project results.

And yet, such practice-oriented projects are aimed at a specific practical result and are associated with the social values ​​of students.


1. Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies: Textbook. - M .: Public education, 2001.

2. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system / Ed. E.S. Polat.-M., 2000.

3. Salnikova T.P. Pedagogical technologies. - M., 2005.

4. Guzeev VV Educational technology: from reception to philosophy. - M .: September, 1996.

5. Intel. Teaching for the Future: A Study Guide. - M., 2005.

6. Yastrebtseva E.N. Five evenings. - M., 1998.

7. Chechel I. D. Method of projects: subjective and objective assessment of results. // Director of the school, 1998, No. 4.

8. Maslennikova A. Educational systems - an overview of historically established approaches. // Director of the school, 2004, no. 8.

9. Guzeev V.V. Educational technologies. Specific traits educational technologies of different generations. // Head teacher, 2004, №6.

10. Chechel I. D. Research projects in teaching practice. // Practice of administrative work at school, 2003, no. 6.

11. Maslennikova A.V. Materials for the special course "Fundamentals of student research." // Practice of administrative work at school, 2004, №5.

12. Zemlyanskaya E. Educational projects in the economic training of schoolchildren. // Public education, 2006, no.

Annex 1

Summary of a lesson in social studies in group 1 "A" m on the topic:

“Human and Civil Rights and Freedoms in Russia”.

Subject: Social Studies

Group 1 "A"

The didactic goal of the lesson: to form students' knowledge about the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, to reveal the meaning of Russian and international legal documents.

Educational: familiarize yourself with the content of the articles of Chapter 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child; to build students' understanding of the universal nature of the rights referred to in the Declaration and the Convention; show how to implement them in life.

Developing: to contribute to the formation of students' interest in moral and legal issues; develop the ability to express your own point of view and take into account the position of others.

Educational: foster a sense of responsibility for their actions and respect for the law.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Lesson forms: Study of a new topic with the preparation of project work group lesson - workshop.

Teaching methods: explanatory and illustrative using project-based learning.

Main textbook: A.G. Vazhenin. Social science. Tutorial for educational institutions SPO, M: Academy, 2011.

Equipment: computers and a projector, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (preamble), the Constitution of the Russian Federation, presentations.

Basic concepts: Declaration, Constitution, Convention, rights of the child.

Lesson structure:

Block I - target - 5 min.

· Organizing time.

· Updating knowledge.


Goal setting

II block - procedural - 35 min.

· Introduction of new information.

· Awareness and comprehension of the information received.

· Consolidation of knowledge and skills.

III block - analytical - 5 min.

· Summing up the lesson.

· Stage of awareness of students about homework.

· Stage of reflection.

· The final stage.

During the classes.

I block is target.

I. Organizational stage.

Greetings from teachers and students; the report of the attendant and the fixation of the absent; organization of attention and internal readiness.

II. Updating knowledge on the topic.

The teacher updates the students' knowledge with the help of questions:

1. Were people always equal?

2. What is personal discrimination?

3. Should people be equal in their rights and why?

4. What does the rule of law mean?

5. What is the highest value of the state?

6. Why is it accepted to call the Constitution the law of the highest legal force?

7. What is the highest value determined by the Constitution for the state?

8. What document is called "the law of higher legal force"?

Let's sum up the mini-result: The state undertakes to ensure the unity of laws. The Constitution is a law that has high legal force in the entire system of legal acts. Article 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation calls rights and freedoms the highest value of a person and indicates that the recognition, observance and protection of human and civil rights is the duty of the state.

The teacher motivates students to study this material.

Motivation: you have a Russian passport, you are all citizens Russian Federation, you must know your rights and freedoms, as you are responsible for your actions.

The teacher introduces the students to the topic of the lesson.

Look at the topic of the lesson "Human and Civil Rights and Freedoms in Russia." What tasks should we solve in the lesson today?

Students participate in defining the objectives of the lesson.

II block - procedural.

III. Introduction of new information.

1. Work in a notebook.

Write down the number and topic of the lesson

Storytelling with conversation elements


What human and civil rights do you already know about? What child rights do you know? What does the expression “Human rights are enshrined in law” means?


Can freedom be absolute? Why do rights need protection?

You already know how high the status of a person was raised by the Constitution of the Russian Federation: “A person, his rights and freedoms are the highest value” (Art. 2). And in this regard, it consolidated the duty of the state - to recognize, observe and protect its rights and freedoms (Art. 2).

Among the highest values ​​of human civilization, human rights occupy a central place, because they allow us to apply the “human dimension” to all aspects of our life, social and individual life - to the state, to the economic, social, political, legal and cultural spheres.

Modern science has convincingly proved that all the most complex state and legal problems ultimately affect the state of human rights, and therefore, on the conditions of its existence.

What are human rights. If you remember, when defining the concept of "law", the key word is "norm" ("law is a set of norms established ..."). When it comes to human rights, we also mean certain legislatively enshrined norms. But what and what is their feature?

You can answer very briefly: these norms express the measure of a person's freedom. Or somewhat broader: these norms in the form of legal rules express the natural ability of a person to freely act in accordance with his interests, to claim decent living conditions. Such norms are objectively necessary for every person for the normal development of the individual, full participation in public life.

The whole set of norms in question is usually called the catalog of human rights. It is enshrined in a number of international legal documents (about which - talk ahead) and constitutions of legal states.

The main thing in this catalog is the human right to life and to everything that serves its preservation and development - the right to personal inviolability, free choice of ways of life, freedom of thought, conscience and religion, beliefs, etc.

Human rights belong to him from birth, they are called so: natural, inalienable, inalienable. No one can infringe on human rights - neither the state, nor society, nor individuals.

Human rights are universal in nature - they are based on the principle of equality, that is, an equal scope of rights for every person. This means that the measure of freedom is the same for everyone and no one has any privileges in the field of law. Not a single person, due to his subjective characteristics - race, nationality, faith, language, gender, social status - can be infringed on his rights.

Working with a document (Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

The teacher divides students into groups of 2-3 people, instructs students to study the material:

Read the main articles of the Declaration of Human Rights and briefly describe:

What areas of public life are covered by the rights listed in the Declaration?

Please read the article, which talks about the responsibility of a citizen to society.

Students study the material and answer the teacher's questions.

Fundamental in this package are the documents called the International Bill of Human Rights (it includes 5 documents). The Universal Declaration of Human Rights occupies the central place among these documents. It was adopted by the General Assembly (general meeting) of the United Nations on December 10, 1948. This date is annually celebrated as International Human Rights Day. All peoples and all states, each person and each authority must constantly be guided by this Declaration, strive to implement it - this was decided at that historic Assembly.

Working with the tutorial.

The teacher gives assignments to students, students complete assignments.

· Open the tutorial on page 310 and read 1-3 paragraphs. Highlight the main aspects of the concept of human rights.

· Formulate briefly for writing in a notebook.

Human rights and freedoms and citizens of the Russian Federation. These highest values ​​of a democratic rule-of-law state, as noted in the last lesson, are enshrined in Chapter 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the catalog of rights set out in this chapter meets the highest requirements (as they say, standards) of international human rights documents, primarily the recommendations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. You can see this for yourself when you open the text of Chapter 2.

First of all, let us emphasize that the unified system of rights enshrined in our Constitution covers all the main spheres of social life: political, economic, social and spiritual. The catalog of human rights corresponding to these areas is enshrined in the articles of the Constitution: civil (personal) rights - in articles 19-28, 45-54; political rights and freedoms - in articles 29-33; social and economic - in Articles 36-42; cultural - in Articles 43-44 (see diagram).

Review types of rights: civil, economic, cultural, social, political.

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The teacher divides the students into five groups.

Working with a document (Constitution of the Russian Federation (slide)

Each group receives an assignment: study of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Chapter 2 "Human and Citizen Rights and Freedoms".

Group 1: receives the assignment to study political human rights.

Group 2: receives the task to study economic human rights.

Group 3: receives the assignment to study civil human rights.

Group 4: receives the task to study social human rights.

Group 5: receives the task to study cultural human rights.

Students must study the articles of Chapter 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and fill out the table. Stage III: research.

Students study rights and complete the appropriate column.

On-screen memo: To help you.

Civil (personal) rights - associated with the personality of the copyright holder. The freedom of a person to make decisions independently of the state is realized.

Economic rights - the ability to freely dispose of property benefits and conduct economic activity... Associated with ownership.

Cultural rights - provide spiritual development and self-realization of the individual. Freedom of access to spiritual and material values ​​created by human society.

Social rights are claims to a decent standard of living and well-being.

Political rights - the possibility of an individual's participation in the political life of society, in the formation and implementation of state power and local government.

Stage IV: presentation of research results, report using home-prepared presentations.

(As a result) Project: "The rights of a citizen of the Russian Federation".

Civil rights

Political rights

Economic rights

Social rights

Cultural rights

The right to live

The right to participate and manage the affairs of the state

The right to private property and its inheritance

Freedom of labor, the right to work in normal conditions

Freedom of creativity and teaching

The right to protection of honor and dignity

The right to association, freedom of association, parties, etc.

Freedom of economic activity

The right to rest

The right to take part in cultural life, to use cultural institutions

access to cultural property

The right to liberty and security of person

The right to meetings, meetings,

demonstrations, processions, picketing

The right to social security

Right to immunity

personal life

The right to elect and be elected

Right to housing

The right to inviolability of the home

Equal right to any job

The right to health protection and medical care

The right to freedom of movement and choice of residence

The right to apply to government agencies

The right to a healthy environment

Freedom of conscience and religion

Right to information

Right to education

Freedom of thought, speech

Criminal and procedural guarantees

Conversation Discussion of the project:

Question: What rights of yours, in your opinion, should be guaranteed in the first place?

Prove briefly that all rights and freedoms are universal and inalienable. To do this, take any right and read it, substituting the "not" particle. (For example, “NOT everyone has the right to participate in peaceful assemblies and associations.” What follows from this? What rights will be violated?)

Is it possible to achieve full equality between people? How do you understand the equality of rights and obligations?

The second chapter, which consists of 48 articles, is entirely devoted to the constitutional status in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. They are located in a certain system, reflecting the specifics of the nature of rights and freedoms, those spheres of human and civil life that they relate to.

In the first place are put forward personal, or civil, rights and freedoms. In order for a person to actively and fruitfully express himself in the economic or political sphere, first of all he needs to find himself as a person, to realize his dignity, independence and responsibility for being one of the participants in social life. Political rights are in second place. They reflect the position of a person in society and show that he is by no means a cog in the social mechanism, but a full-fledged subject participating in the management of state affairs.

Economic rights occupy the third place and relate to such important areas of human life as property, labor, recreation. The social rights of citizens are also highlighted, allowing a person to express himself not only as a participant in economic relations, but also as a full-fledged subject in all the variety of social ties and needs (for example, the right to motherhood and childhood).

And, finally, we can especially highlight the cultural rights of citizens, which allow a person to realize himself as a particle not only of the past (the right to access cultural values), but also of the future (freedom of literary, artistic, scientific, technical and other types of creativity).

Assessment of the results and process of project activities

Analysis of project performance, results achieved (successes and failures) and their reasons)

The classification of rights with which we introduced you is widely known in science, although it is not the only one. There is also a classification based on human freedom expressed in rights: freedom from… freedom for…. On this basis, all rights are proposed to be conditionally divided into three groups.

The first includes the rights that are best defined by the word protecting: the rights to life, to the inviolability of the person, home, to the protection of honor and reputation, to the secrecy of correspondence, etc. If you think about it, you will see that this group of rights, figuratively speaking, creates legal fortress around a person, protects him from any interference in private life, including from the state and society. The essence and purpose of this group of rights is that they provide a person with freedom from interference by others in his private life.

The second group of rights presupposes the free activity of the person himself: the right to freedom of creativity, the right to earn a living by freely chosen labor, the right to participate in government, the right to freedom of assembly, the right to freely receive and disseminate information, etc. This group of rights can be realized only in in the event that a person himself actively acts, of course, without violating the laws. If you think carefully, you yourself will be able to determine that this group of rights provides a person with the freedom to take action.

And the third group of rights obliges the state and society to take care of a person, to create social (public) security for him: the right to health protection, housing, an adequate standard of living and other rights that are commonly called socio-economic. They can also be defined as follows: they express a person's security from a bad life that is humiliating to human dignity - from unemployment, homelessness, poverty, helplessness, weakness, etc.

We hope you have already realized that all types of rights are equally important. And only in their totality do they open to a person the freedom of choice, the possibility of full-fledged, versatile activities in all spheres of social life.

Further, it is logical to turn to the duties of a citizen of Russia. We emphasize right away that the catalog of basic duties is enshrined in the Constitution and, therefore, is an official state requirement for the behavior of citizens.

It includes the following responsibilities:

o comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and laws (art. 15, part 2);

o be sure to get basic general education (art. 43, part 4);

o take care of the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage (art. 44, part 3);

o pay taxes and fees (art. 57);

o preserve nature and the environment, take good care of natural resources (Article 58);

o defend the Fatherland (Article 59).

The list is short, but if you think carefully about these requirements, you can draw the following conclusion: each of us has a sacred duty - to preserve our Fatherland.

Legal guarantees and human rights protection system. The question is quite natural: is the protection of our rights ensured, the possibility of realizing them - to exercise, fulfill, put into practice?

The Constitution gives a direct answer to this question: "State protection of human and civil rights and freedoms in the Russian Federation is guaranteed" (Article 45).

The main legal guarantees for the protection of human rights are enshrined in Chapter 2 of the Constitution (Articles 46-54) and meet generally recognized world standards. Consistently familiarizing yourself with the content of these articles, you will understand the main thing: you have guarantees of protection of your rights through the courts (up to an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights); you can get qualified legal assistance; you have the right to compensation by the state for damage caused by illegal acts of state authorities, officials.

But any guarantees would be useless if a certain system of human rights protection bodies did not exist - protection mechanisms, as lawyers say.

First, the President of the Russian Federation is the main guarantor of our rights and freedoms (Article 80, Part 2). The Council for the Promotion of Institutions Development has been established under the President civil society and human rights. The most important task of the Council is to study the real state of our legislation, as well as law enforcement practice in the field of human rights. On this basis, the Council prepares its recommendations to the President.

Naturally, one of the main tasks of the Government of the Russian Federation is also the implementation of measures to ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens (Article 114, paragraph "e").

Secondly, for the first time in our history, the position of the Commissioner for Human Rights was introduced (Article 103, paragraph "e", as well as the Federal Law "On the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation" (1997). Its main task is to contribute to the protection of violated human rights , improving our human rights legislation.

And thirdly, the most widespread type of human rights protection is the judicial system (a detailed discussion about it will take place in a separate lesson). Anticipating this topic, we note: since the court is an organ of state power, judicial protection is one of the types of state protection of human rights. Moreover, if a person is not satisfied with the decision of the district court (the first link of the judicial system), he can apply higher - up to The Supreme Court RF or the Constitutional Court of the RF. And then, if he considers it necessary, he can apply to the European Court of Human Rights. This is the last link in the security system.

Situation. In early 2007, the media reported: Evgeny Vedenin (from Tatarstan) received 1 million rubles in compensation for illegal criminal prosecution. He spent 4 years in prison on false charges of murder. Since the death penalty in Russia has been temporarily suspended, the defendant was sentenced to 15 years of strict regime. He was acquitted after he was accidentally arrested and the real culprit was identified. The court admitted a miscarriage of justice. And if the death penalty were not suspended in our country?

And yet it was the court that ultimately managed to protect the rights of E. Vedenin.

The rights of the child. A child has exactly the same amount of rights and freedoms as an adult. And yet there are differences between them, and in favor of the child. And this is understandable: after all, every child "due to his physical and mental immaturity needs specific protection and care, including proper legal protection." This was written in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, adopted by the UN in 1959. It can be considered that this short document (only 10 articles - principles) opened the "era of the rights of the child." Its first principle states that “rights should be recognized for all children without any exceptions and without distinction or discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property status, birth or other circumstances…".

However, this Declaration is only a statement of intent. Therefore, in 1989, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted. It was immediately signed by representatives of many countries, including ours. And this is already an international treaty, a legal document that is binding.

Working with a document. (Convention on the Rights of the Child (preamble). (Appendix 1.)

The teacher gives the task:

Check out the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Students get acquainted with the information and answer the teacher's questions.

What year was this document published? (1989)

What are its goals? (to establish the legal status of the child and the obligations of the participating States)

Please tell me, does the scope of rights depend on age?

1. to consolidate the legal status of the child by introducing an international catalog of his rights;

2. to consolidate the obligations of the participating States.

According to the first goal, the Convention first of all outlined the age limits of childhood: every human being under the age of 18 is a child.

The following was a catalog of the rights of the child. The first place, of course, is given to the child's right to life (Article 6) and to everything that is necessary for the full development of the individual: the right to education, social security, freedom of thought, conscience, religion, free expression of one's opinion, etc. ...

As for the states parties, the Convention obliged them to take all necessary measures to protect the child from any form of discrimination, physical and mental violence, abuse and exploitation, to create conditions for the best interests of the child.

Our country was one of the first to sign the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In this regard, amendments are made to domestic legislation (family, civil, labor, criminal law), taking into account the rights of the child. In particular, a special chapter is included in the Family Code of the Russian Federation - “The Rights of Minors” (Chapter 11). You will learn more about its content in the following lessons.

IV. Awareness and comprehension of the information received

The teacher checks the assimilation of the material with the help of questions:

1.What documents did we meet in the lesson?

2. What is the basis of these documents?

3. Can a person defend their rights?

4. Does the person have responsibilities and what?

Students answer teacher questions.

V. Consolidation of knowledge and skills.

The class is divided into groups of 2-3 people.

Students complete the task of the EOR module (P-type)

The teacher checks the completion of the assignment.

Sh block - analytical.

Vi. Summing up the lesson.

The teacher and students formulate the grand total.

Lesson conclusion: got acquainted with human rights in the Declaration of Human Rights, in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. We found out about the need for Russian and international legal documents.

Students record the conclusion in a notebook.

The teacher evaluates the performance of the class and individual students; gives reasons for the marks to be set, gives comments on the lesson.

Vii. Homework awareness stage.

The teacher explains the homework:

Paragraph 14-15, answer the questions, complete the tasks of the ESM module (K-type)

Students write down their homework.

VIII. Reflection stage.

The teacher invites you to evaluate your work in the lesson.

Complete the sentences:

1. Today I learned ...

2. It was interesting ...

3. It was difficult ...

4. I learned ...

5. I was able to ...

6. I was surprised ...

7. I wanted to ...

Students evaluate their work in the lesson using questions.

Those who wish to read out the answers and hand them over to the teacher.

IX. The final stage.

The teacher thanks for the work, says goodbye.

Thank you for the lesson. Goodbye.


for the methodological development of Komarova G.I.

"Project activities in social studies lessons as a way to develop the cognitive interest of students."

In the concept of modernization of Russian education, the main task of the general education school is formulated - "to form an integral system of universal knowledge, skills, as well as the experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students." This is not so much a task of the content of education as of the teaching technologies used. Project activity is associated with the creativity of students and generates something qualitatively new, different from the existing one.

In the process of project activity, as in research in general, the student goes through all stages of scientific research:

The emergence of a problem situation, its initial analysis and hypothesis formulation;

The stage of finding a way to solve the problem in the course of its additional analysis based on existing knowledge;

The stage of implementation of the found principle of solving the problem and its verification.

Working on a research project is an educational activity, so it is natural that it is carried out under the guidance of a teacher. However, the role of the teacher in this case is to organize subjective relations, to correct the independent activity of students.

The main result of using the project method is the competence of students in the study of social studies, specific skills and abilities that are formed in the course of project activities: experience with a large amount of information, presentation; the ability to assess the situation and make decisions, work in a team, structure information, plan work individually and in a team. Thus, research work, which is the basis of project activities, acquire all these skills. The experience gained in the process of project activities is based on the interests of the students. Using new information technologies allows you to significantly deepen the content of the studied material, to have a noticeable impact on the formation of practical skills. The method of the educational project used by me contributes to the development of the independence of students, all spheres of their personality. Therefore, project-based learning can be considered as a means of enhancing the cognitive activity of students, a means of improving the quality educational process.

This methodological development can be recommended to all teachers of the humanitarian cycle for use in their work.

Reviewer: Head. methodical office Golovatykh S.P. ______________

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Stavropol Territory

State budgetary educational institution

Higher professional education

"Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute"

Faculty of History and Philology

Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Historical and Philological Disciplines

Course work

Methodology for organizing project activities in history and social studies

4th year student of the IF4I group

A. V. Dubinina

Scientific adviser:

Ph.D., History, Science, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Historical and Philological Disciplines

Klopikhina Vasilina Sergeevna

Stavropol, 2014





Relevance.The modern educational process is unthinkable without the search for new, more effective technologies designed to promote the development of students' creative abilities, the formation of skills for self-development and self-education. These requirements are fully met by project activities in history and social studies in the educational process. The inclusion of the project method in the educational process was fraught with a number of difficulties. Some educators are wary of innovation. After all, not every teacher is capable of becoming a truly scientific leader of a group of schoolchildren working on projects. Here you need a high qualification of the teacher, and a sufficient level of knowledge of the subject being taught, and a willingness to take additional time. The implementation of creative projects provides a system of effective feedbacks, contributes to the development of the personality of not only students, but also teachers who take part in project activities. It provides them with new opportunities for improving their professional skills, further deepening pedagogical cooperation, which ultimately helps to optimize the educational process and increases the effectiveness of training.

Project activities interest students if they know that their project will be in demand. Choosing the theme of the project and carrying it out, schoolchildren learn to identify the needs of applying their forces, find opportunities for the manifestation of their initiative, abilities, knowledge and skills, test themselves in real business, show purposefulness and perseverance.

Research object__ is the process of teaching the history and social studies of high school students on the basis of project activities

Subject of study__ the practice of applying the method of project activities in history and social studies.

Target term paper __study the methodology of project activities for senior students.

Work hypothesis__if in the process of teaching history and social studies the method of project activity is used, then the creative abilities of students in the field of project activity in history and social studies will develop.

Coursework objectives:

. Analyze the principles of project teaching technology.

Explore the classification of projects in history and social studies.

To reveal the algorithm of the teacher's and students' activities in the technology of project-based teaching.

Investigate the organization of project activities.

The methodology for organizing project activities in the history and social studies of high school students is a fairly well-studied topic, so even at the Roman Academy of Arts, works were created that were called progetti, that is, projects. Their fundamental features were: student orientation (since their work was independent); orientation to reality (since the subject of work was practical problems); focus on the final product (since the plan, sketch, model were developed). Students' developments were usually not implemented, so we can assume that this was the first understanding of the project in a pedagogical context. The project method born of the practical needs of the system higher education in technical disciplines, was moved to school. The design method has evolved as a controversial phenomenon. One of its types was based on the development of theoretical knowledge and research skills (the place of work on the project was a drawing room and a laboratory, and the method itself ended with technical drawings, a summary of data, calculations, analyzes; importance was attached to the educational value of the project; professors influenced its success).

T.M. Matveeva, E.A. Mishchenko, S.E. Shishov say that for the first time the method of organizing project activities in history and social studies was used in 1908 by D. Snedzen, the head of the department for the education of agricultural schools in the United States. At the beginning of the 19th century, the way of life of farmers did not allow their children to attend school regularly, as they were involved in agricultural work in the spring and fall. American educators believed that hands-on training was the foundation for training future farmers. Students were given a number of homework assignments at school, collectively known as a home project. This is how the methodology for organizing project activities in history and social studies arose. In 1911, the United States Bureau of Education legalized project activities.

The project method began to be developed in 1919 in the city of Dalton, it is also known as the "Dalton Plan". Its main feature is the preparation of a personal curriculum and individual organization of educational material for each student. The child could move at a comfortable pace, at the right time cooperating with other students and turning to the teacher for advice. At regular intervals, he reported, "defended" his project. Within the framework of the Dalton Plan, the goal of education remained to acquire a sum of knowledge without taking into account their urgent need for a child.

Most of the authors A.N. Brenchugin-Romanova, E.S. Polat, V. Rokhlov, L.O. Filatova and others believe that the theory and practice of project activities in history and social studies began to actively develop in late XIX- the beginning of the XX centuries. In their opinion, the project method originated in the second half of the 19th century in agricultural schools in the United States and was based on the theoretical concepts of "pragmatic pedagogy", In the Pedagogical Encyclopedia, I.A. Kolesnikova, M.P. Gorchakova-Sibirskaya and B. Valyasek believe that the methodology of organizing project activities in history and social studies was introduced into a wide pedagogical context by the follower of John Dewey V.Kh. Kilpatrick (1871-1965), who designated it as a purposeful activity carried out from the bottom of his heart, carried out in certain social conditions, taken as a typical feature of school use. V.Kh. Kilpatrick defined the school curriculum as a series of experiences linked together in such a way that the information gained from one experience serves to develop and enrich a whole stream of other experiences. Such a property can only be possessed by an activity that is connected with the surrounding reality and is based on actual interests. And this is possible only if the curriculum is not common for all schools, but individual, developed in the joint work of a teacher and a student. X Kilpatrick identified three main components of the new pedagogical system: educational material arising from the nature and interests of students; expedient activity; training as a continuous restructuring of life and its ascent to the highest levels. In fact, the project method at this stage was learning through the organization of "target acts" that allowed students to navigate in specific situations. The purpose of the training was to equip students with methods of problem solving, search, research. According to Kilpatrick, educators should aim to support and exploit children's love of planning. The connection of acquired knowledge with a new goal is one of the most fruitful sources of new interests, especially interests of an intellectual nature. In this aspect, the term "project" was used. A project (according to V. Kilpatrick) is any activity carried out "from the heart", with a high degree of independence by a group of children, united at the moment by a common interest. V. Kilpatrick identified four types of projects:

Embodiment of thought into external form. II. Getting aesthetic pleasure. III. Problem solving, solving mental difficulties, problems. IV. Obtaining new data, strengthening the degree of knowledge, talent.

According to V. Kilpatrick, a project can be staging a play in a school theater (type I project), examining and discussing a picture (type II project), mastering any activity, for example, writing at the high school level (type IV project). Thus, all the interests of the students are reflected in a variety of projects.

In Russia, practically in parallel with the developments of American teachers. Under the leadership of S.T. Shatsky in 1905, a small group of employees was organized who tried to actively use various types of design in the practice of working with children. On the turn of XIX and XX centuries. In the domestic methodology for organizing project activities in the history and social studies of high school students, a new approach is being formed, according to which the student in his work must proceed from the fact of his perception. At the same time, observations and experiment constitute the main and obligatory feature of the project activity. In search of the most appropriate name, teachers used definitions such as practical (V.A.Gerd), experimental (A.P. Pinkevich), research (B.E. Raikov), experimental, laboratory method (K.P. . Yagodovsky). After the translation in Russia in 1925 of the translation of the book by V.Kh. Kilpatrick, educational project activities in the history and social studies of high school students have become widespread as a specific form of pedagogical activity.

In the literature, there is no single point of view on who is the author of the methodology for organizing project activities in history and social studies in the Russian school. V.A. Kalnei, T.M. Matveeva, E.A. Mishchenko, S.E. Shishov, V. Rokhlov believe that the founder is S.T. Shatsky. In the methodology of organizing project activities in history and social studies, he included the student's "adaptation" to the material (the choice of suitable material for a particular purpose) and to the tool (the ability to use tools).

G.V. Narykova, one of the founders of the project teaching method, calls P.P. Blonsky. The scientist gave a social meaning to learning with the implementation of this method. It is in project-based teaching that the teacher becomes not the main source of knowledge, but a consultant, assistant, "companion" of students in their creative transformative activities., B.V. Ignatiev.

After the revolution, the methodology for organizing project activities in history and social studies in Russia was used in schools on the personal order of N.K. Krupskaya. In 1930, the People's Commissariat for Education approved programs for primary school and for FES schools, in which it was recommended to apply the methodology for organizing project activities in history and social studies, to replace school classes with links and teams. The project method was then also called the method of problems. The authors proposed to build learning on the basis of the student's expedient activity, in accordance with his personal interest. Initially, it was assumed that it is very important to arouse the personal interest of students in the acquisition of specific knowledge that may be useful to them in life. The problem, for the solution of which it was necessary to apply knowledge or acquire new ones, was taken from real life, was significant for the student. Independent work on solving a problem, obtaining a specific result and its public presentation were in the nature of a project activity. Students were given only the knowledge that could find practical application in their lives.

T.A. Novikova says that in the USSR in the first years of Soviet power, the method of organizing project activities in history and social science was partially applied in the practice of experimental and some private schools, but was condemned in the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) of September 5, 1931 "On primary and secondary school "because it did not give students the opportunity to master the system of knowledge in the field of specific training courses... However, in Soviet times, in the framework of extracurricular socially useful activities, events were sometimes carried out, in essence, the implementation of projects. And only in the 80s, the method of projects again came to the pedagogical practice of our country from abroad together with the technology of computer telecommunications.

project learning high school student history

Chapter 1. Conceptual foundations of the organization of project activities for high school students

1.1 Principles of project-based teaching technology

In modern school, the task of updating the content of education, understood not only as a certain amount of information, but also as the activity of schoolchildren and their attitude to the material being studied, has become urgent. In these conditions, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the work ourselves, to determine its goals and objectives, to look for ways to solve them. All these components are included in the content of project activity and radically distinguish it from classical methods. In the process of working on a project, students must set a goal themselves, determine the ways to achieve it, find, generalize and analyze the necessary information, draw conclusions. The result should be the acquisition of complete knowledge of the subject and the mastery of a certain research baggage.

The technology of project-based learning is considered in the system of personality-oriented education and contributes to the development of such personal qualities of schoolchildren as independence, initiative, ability to create, allows to recognize their pressing interests and needs and is a technology designed for the consistent implementation of educational projects. The concept of a "project" in a broad sense is anything that is conceived or planned. Translated from the Latin language, "project" means "thrown forward", i.e. concept in the form of a prototype of objects.

When implementing the project technology, a specific product is created, which is often the result of joint work and reflection of students, which brings them satisfaction, due to the fact that as a result of work on the project, the students experienced a situation of success and self-realization. Design technology, acquiring the features of a cultural and historical phenomenon, creates conditions for value rethinking, dialogue, in the development of the content of school education, the application and acquisition of new knowledge and methods of action.

This technology, used in the domestic school, is not fundamentally new in world pedagogy. It arose in the 1920s. XX century in USA. The design technology was called the method of problems, the method of projects and was associated with the ideas of the humanistic direction in education. The main ideas of this technology were developed by J. Dewey and his student W. Keel-Patrick. These scholars believed that teaching should be focused on the purposeful activities of students, in accordance with their personal interest. In their opinion, the main didactic unit of the educational process is a problem taken from real life and personally significant for students. They must independently or jointly in a group solve it, applying the necessary experience, sometimes from different fields of science, and get a really tangible result. The whole problem and the ways of its solution, thus, acquire the contours of project activity.

In our country, the ideas of project-based education are associated with the name of the outstanding Russian teacher P.F. Kaptereva, who believed that project-based learning is aimed at a comprehensive exercise of the mind and the development of thinking. Subsequently, project training in Russia developed in parallel with the developments of American scientists and is associated with the names of P.P. Blonsky, A.S. Makarenko, S.T. Shatsky, V.N. Shulgin. However, due to the fact that this technology began to be introduced into the school insufficiently thought out and consistently, it was in the 30s. XX century came to be regarded as "non-pedagogical". Only recently, in connection with the changes in modern education, interest has re-emerged in this technology.

The purpose of the design technology is the independent "comprehension" of various problems by schoolchildren. life meaning for trainees. This technology assumes that students "live" for a certain period of time in the educational process, as well as their introduction to a fragment of the formation of a scientific understanding of the world around them, the construction of material or other objects. The materialized product of design is an educational project, which is defined as a detailed solution to a problem independently adopted by students. In the project, along with the scientific (cognitive) side of the solution, there are always emotional-value (personal) and creative sides. It is the emotional-value and creative components of the content that determine how important the project is for the students and how it is independently completed. The main thesis of the modern understanding of the technology of project learning sounds like this: "everything that I learn, I know what I need it for and where and how I can apply this content."

As emphasized above, this technology is always focused on the independent activity of students - individual or group, which students perform for a certain period of time, and presupposes a set of problem teaching methods that are creative in nature. This technology is built taking into account the principles of humanization, communication, individualization, activity, value approaches, focused not only on the formation of knowledge and skills in students, but on the self-realization of their personality.

The most essential features of project-based learning are its dialogic nature, problematicity, integrativeness, and context.

Dialogue allows students in the course of the project to enter into dialogue with both their own I and others. It is in the dialogue that "free self-revelation of the personality" is carried out (MM Bakhtin). Dialogue in design technology performs the function of a specific socio-cultural environment that creates a condition for schoolchildren to accept new experience, rethink old meanings, as a result of which the information received becomes personally significant.

Problems arise when resolving a problem situation, which determines the onset of active mental activity, manifestations of independence in students, due to the fact that they discover a contradiction between the content they know and the impossibility of explaining new facts and phenomena. Solving a problem often leads to original, non-standard ways of working and results. Context in design technology allows you to create projects that are close to the natural life of students, to understand the place of the science they study in the general system of human existence,

In the context of what common human cultural activity the educational projects of schoolchildren should be carried out? The main spheres of human activity developed by M.S. Kagan: practice-transformative, scientific-cognitive, value-orientational, communicative, artistic and aesthetic. Educational projects in the context of practice-transformative activities can be modeling, technical-applied, experimental-measuring, etc. Such projects are most typical for the subjects of physics, chemistry, mathematics, technology. Learning projects that mimic research activities are based on real and mental experimentation and allow students to imagine the process of research activities in any school subject.

Educational projects with elements of value-orientated activity are associated with the fundamental values ​​of humanity: the problems of preservation environment, issues related to demographic problems, energy problems, problems of providing the population with food and are considered in the lessons of geography, history, biology and social science.

Educational problems related to the communicative needs of a person include the problems of communication, informatics, energy and information transfer and are considered in the lessons of informatics, physics, etc.

The integrativeness of the design technology "means the optimal synthesis of the existing concepts of knowledge assimilation and theories of teaching schoolchildren."

Any project is closely related to the activities for its implementation. Moreover, the activity is carried out in the conditions of a free exchange of opinions, a choice of methods of implementation (in the form of an essay, report, graphic diagrams, etc.), a reflective attitude to the subject of one's activity.

The construction of the educational process, focused on the implementation of projects by students, is built not in the logic of the studied subject, but in the logic of students' activities. Hence, in the project cycle, informational pauses are allowed for mastering the content of the new material, it is assumed that projects are carried out at an individual pace in the form of advanced independent tasks of a research, practical nature under the guidance of a teacher based on the students' own choice. The choice in the design technology is carried out at various stages and can be external: the choice of the project itself, the choice of the type of task, role, activity partners, the choice of material and the form of its presentation in the project, the choice of the way of doing the work, the choice of supports. The internal choice of students is determined by the needs, abilities of the student, his value orientations, subjective experience, emotional mood and relationships with other students.

So, in the process of updating education, the task of a student-centered approach to the implementation of a project by students becomes important, during which the student acquires new knowledge and research skills, as a result of the project, the student receives not only a solution to the problem, but also personal self-realization. And it solves the essential features of project-based learning: dialogical, problematic, integrative, contextual.

1.2 Classification of projects in history and social studies

In modern science, technical design is distinguished (the development and implementation of projects for predetermined goals) and humanitarian (problematic organization of thinking and activity). The most complete classification of projects in domestic pedagogy is the classification proposed in the textbook by E.S. Polat, M.Yu. Bukharkina. It can be applied to projects used in the teaching of any academic discipline. and

Collings classification of educational projects:

Game projects are activities for children whose direct purpose is to participate in group activities.

Excursion projects - expedient study of problems related to the surrounding nature and social life.

Narrative projects - those, developing which, children had the goal of "enjoying the story in the most varied form" - oral, written, vocal, artistic, musical.

Constructive projects - aimed at creating a specific, useful product.

I.S. Sergeev proposes a classification of projects according to the dominant activity of students. This classification includes:

Practice-oriented project - aimed at solving social problems that reflect the interests of the project participants or an external customer.

Research project - similar in structure to scientific research. This is the activity of students to solve a creative, research problem with a previously unknown solution, which presupposes the presence of the main stages characteristic of scientific research:

Information project - aimed at collecting information about an object or phenomenon in order to analyze, generalize and present information to the audience.

Creative project - involves the most free and unconventional approach to its implementation and presentation of results.

Role project. The structure in such projects is only outlined and remains open until the completion of the work. Participants assume specific roles based on the nature and content of the project. These can be literary characters or fictional characters. Social or business relationships are imitated, complicated by hypothetical game situations. The results of the work are outlined at the beginning of their implementation, but fully emerge only at the very end. The degree of creativity is high.

In practice, it is usually impossible to see one or another project in its pure form; one can only talk about the dominant direction of the activities of the participants in one or another project.

In teaching practice, as a rule, group and personal educational projects are used. It should be noted their features in terms of advantages.

Benefits of group projects:

Project team members develop collaboration skills;

The project can be carried out deeply and versatile;

Each stage of work on a project, as a rule, has its own situational leader and, conversely, each student, depending on his strengths, is most actively involved in a certain stage of work;

Within the framework of the project group, subgroups can be formed, suggesting various ways of solving the problem, ideas, hypotheses, points of view, this competitive moment, as a rule, increases the motivation of the participants and positively affects the quality of the project.

Benefits of personal projects:

The work plan can be built with maximum precision;

A sense of responsibility is fully formed in the student, since the implementation of the project depends only on himself;

The student gains experience of activity at all stages of the project implementation - from the conception of the idea to the final reflection;

The formation of the most important general educational skills (research, presentation, assessment) is a controlled process.

Studying the literature on this issue, it can be seen that both in theory and in practice of education, distinctive features the traditional approach and the design approach: the so-called "knowledgeable", on the one hand, and "ability", on the other. "Knowledge" is built on traditional foundations: the classroom-lesson system of teaching, the prevailing illustrative-explanatory teaching method, the frontal form of organizing the learning space, control and questioning of the reproductive type and other similar characteristics. The goal of this approach is the formation of knowledge, skills, and abilities. The leading type of activity is reproducing. "Ability" focuses on the personality of the student. One of the indicators of personality development is the mastery by students of such mental operations as: synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, induction, deduction, abstraction. But the most significant is the emergence of a need, interest, motive for personal growth, changing oneself, developing an emotional-figurative sphere, and gaining experience in emotional-value relationships.

The project method in didactics is understood as a set of educational and cognitive techniques that allow students to acquire knowledge and skills in the process of planning and independently performing certain practical tasks with the obligatory presentation of results.

Based on the prevailing method or type of activity, they distinguish applied, research, information, role-playing projects.

Applied projects are distinguished by the following features: clearly defined result of activity; careful thought over the structure of the project; clear distribution of functions between the participants; registration of the results of activities with their subsequent presentation and reviewing;

Research projects imply: the activity of students in solving creative problems with a previously unknown result; the presence of stages characteristic of any scientific work.

Information projects are aimed at studying the characteristics of processes, phenomena, objects and involve the analysis and generalization of the revealed facts. The structure of an information project is similar to that of a research project, which is often the basis for their integration.

The structure of role-playing projects is only outlined. They are characterized by: the construction of a hypothetical game situation; performing certain roles that imitate business, social and other relationships; the result remains unknown until the end of the work.

Role-playing projects allow participants to acquire a certain social experience.

In accordance with the subject-content area, monoprojects and interdisciplinary projects are distinguished.

By the nature of contacts, projects are local, intraschool, regional, national, international; by the number of performers - individual and collective; by duration - short-term, medium-term and long-term.

In real practice, integration occurs most often different types projects, which is due to specific goals and objectives.

Thus, project-based learning is a useful alternative to the classroom system, but it should not supplant it.

In the structure of the main educational program, the program of research and project activities, which "should be aimed at mastering by students a set of educational and cognitive techniques and practical actions for solving personally and socially significant problems and finding ways to resolve problematic issues through independent actions." Independent "finding ways to resolve problematic issues" provides project competence, which means that the student can, if motivated, organize their own activities to solve the problem. Project competence consists of:

· knowledge design technology,

· design skills and

· experience in project activities

When developing project competence, readiness for project activities is formed. Project activity always occurs only where a specific problem is identified and formulated. "- ES Polat.

Thus, in order to solve the tasks set by the Federal State Educational Standards, it is necessary:

the student's readiness for project activities,

a real motivating problem,

a well-defined program of design and research activities to solve the formulated tasks. The teacher's readiness for the project and research activities of students means:

· design and research competence of the teacher

· mastery of the method of teaching projects and research

the teacher's ability to apply instructional design and research in various organizational forms

· knowledge about the possibilities of educational design and research for solving various educational problems

Forms of educational design in the educational process. The program of research and project activities should contain:

· goals, objectives and main directions of research and project activities of students at the level of basic general education, a description of the principles of the project-problem model of teaching;

· planned results of research and project activities of students;

· forms of organization of research and project work of students;

· methodology and tools for monitoring the implementation of research and design work by students,

· criteria for their assessment and presentation of the final results.

The educational trajectory of the student isa chain of educational projects and research should have the following properties:

· the correspondence of problems and tasks of projects and research to the age of the student;

... level:

· Formation of general educational skills and abilities for project activities of the 1st level of complexity

· Formation of elements of project activities of the 1st level of complexity

· Short-term projects with simple group interactions and individual

· Students' use of project activities to organize their teaching 2nd level:

· Formation of subject skills as universal

· Element-wise formation of project activities of the 2nd level

· Group short-term and medium-term projects of the 2nd level

· Application of design in self-study, self-organization of group work in the school environment, life self-determination


· Development of elements of project activities of the 3rd level

· Participation in complex group projects of the 3rd level with an assessment of the social significance of the project as a whole and your contribution

· Self-design solutions to personal problems and tasks

Methodological substantiation

· To draw up the correct chain of projects and studies, it is necessary to draw up a methodological description of each project and study using a methodological passport.

· The sequences of projects and student research fit into the syllabus of classroom and extracurricular activities with subject and non-subject content.

· The program of design and research activities of the Basic educational program for the Federal State Educational Standard should reflect the goals and objectives of all chains, both general and individual.

The effectiveness of the student's project-based learning is recorded after each completed project or research, by adding to his portfolio signs of informal recording of the student's personal achievements The mid-term assessment of student achievement in project-based learning should record:

· progressive development of project competence,

· correspondence of the results obtained to the tasks set in the project or study,

· showing initiative and creativity in solving personal problems and difficulties in the process of independent work,

· educational results obtained,

· recommendations for solving unsolved educational problems. So in modern science, technical and humanitarian design is distinguished. In the humanities, design, leaving the prevailing method or type of activity, distinguishes applied, research, information, role-playing projects.

Chapter 2. The practice of organizing project activities at school

2.1 Algorithm of teacher and student activity in project-based learning technology

When applying the project-based teaching method, the teacher turns into an organizer of activities, a consultant and a colleague in solving problems, obtaining the necessary knowledge and information from various sources. Working on an educational project allows you to build conflict-free pedagogy, together with children to relive the inspiration of creativity again and again, to turn the educational process, the process from boring coercion into effective creative creative work.

The educational project from the point of view of the teacher is an integrative didactic means of development, training and education, which allows you to develop and develop specific skills and design and research skills in students, namely to teach:

Problematization (considering the problem field and highlighting subproblems, formulating a leading problem and setting tasks arising from this problem);

Goal-setting and planning of the student's content activities;

Self-analysis and reflection on the effectiveness and success of solving the project problem

Presentation of the results of their activities and progress of work.

Presentations in various forms, using a specially prepared design product (layout, poster, computer presentation, drawing, model, theatricalization, video, audio and stage performance);

Search and selection of relevant information and assimilation of the necessary knowledge

The practical application of school knowledge in various, including atypical situations;

Selection, mastering and use of a suitable technology for manufacturing a design product;

Conducting research.

With the project method, the teacher prepares thoroughly for such lessons in advance. These are not "day-to-day" technologies. At the beginning school year it is advisable to highlight those topics, questions, sections of the course program for which it would be desirable to conduct a project in order to enable students to delve into the material more deeply and in detail, to give them the opportunity to independently understand it not at the level of reproduction, but at the level of using this material to solve some significant problem for the acquisition of new knowledge.

Of course, the student's initiative in choosing a topic is limited at first by the scope of the school course and the capabilities of the teacher, who initially acts as the scientific leader of the project. The highest level of projects is provided, as it should be, for high school students. Topics are narrowed, requiring reference to specialized literature and sources Choosing a project topic is not an easy task for a leader. Sometimes the student is aiming at a problem that is clearly beyond his control. It is important here not only to reject it, but to do it tactfully, showing the student all the difficulties of the work ahead and not scaring him away from research at all. Often such a refusal is due to the lack of sources, the search for which involves working in an archive, a museum, or traveling to other cities. It happens that the themes just "lie on the surface", but the simpler and closer it is, the more difficult it is to see it. This paper provides a number of recommended topics and learning objectives for history projects.

Local history projects are of great interest. Local lore provides a young person with the most complete set of original materials, allows him to talk about things that are close and often "tangible", gives a chance to find something of his own, to bring his own conclusions into the study of the issue.

Preparing, arranging and presenting a project is a much more complicated matter, both for a teacher and for students, than performing traditional tasks, therefore, in our opinion, it is necessary to have, in addition to the work plan, a diary of project activities that will help set a sequence of actions. It is necessary to convey to the students clear requirements for the design and presentation of the project, the criteria for evaluating the project.

The application of the project method in the lessons of history and social studies, first of all, has the following goal - to increase the practical, skill-forming orientation of the content. At the same time, priority is given to active, interactive, playful, laboratory methods, research activities, methods of creative self-expression. The creation of a problem-motivational environment in the lesson is carried out in different forms: conversation, discussion, "brainstorming", independent work, organization of a "round table", consultation, seminar, laboratory, group work, role-playing games... History as an academic subject is a fertile ground for project activities. Teachers often face problems such as lack of interest among students, narrow horizons, lack of analysis and generalization skills. Interesting job in groups gives the children the opportunity to feel the subject, gain new knowledge, and the teacher - to solve the above problems.

Rules for successful project activities

1.There are no leaders in the team. All team members are equal.

2.Teams don't compete.

.All team members should enjoy communicating with each other and from the fact that they complete the project together.

.Everyone should enjoy a sense of self-confidence.

.Everyone should be active and contribute to the common cause.

.Responsibility for the final result is borne by all team members completing the project assignment.

General approaches to project structuring:

.You should always start by choosing the topic of the project, its type, and the number of participants.

2.Further, it is necessary to think over possible variants of problems that are important to study within the framework of the outlined topic. The problems themselves are put forward by the students at the suggestion of the teacher (leading questions, situations that contribute to the definition of problems, videos with the same purpose, etc.). A brainstorming session followed by a brainstorming session is appropriate here.

.Distribution of tasks into groups, discussion of possible research methods, information search, creative solutions.

.Independent work of the project participants on their individual or group research, creative tasks.

.Intermediate discussions of the data obtained in groups (in the classroom or in the classroom in a scientific community, in group work in a library, media library, etc.).

.Protection of projects, opposition.

.Collective discussion, expertise, assessment results.

Action plan for students in the project.

1.Each group participating in the project receives a Student Action Plan for the Project, which includes:

2.The choice of the topic of the project (research).

.We set a goal. (Why am I doing this? What result do I want to achieve?) Write down the answers.

.If this is a study, then you need to put forward a hypothesis - a hypothesis. (Make your own guess about what the result will be and why?) Write down the answers.

.Choosing a method. (What needs to be done to get the result?) Write down a plan of your actions, the time to complete each step.

.We collect data (we set up experiments, collect the necessary information, material, draw up it, check our actions in terms of the time that was determined for each step).

.We get the results. (If something fails, this is also a result).

.We analyze the results. (We compare the results obtained with this hypothesis).

.We draw conclusions. (We are planning further activities). We assess the actions in the group.

.We defend the result in the team. We get an overall assessment of the results.

These checklists help students move successfully towards the goal of creating a project.

Criteria for evaluating student work.

1.The degree of independence in performing various stages of work on a project.

2.The degree of involvement in group work and the clarity of the fulfillment of the assigned role;

.Practical use of subject and general school ZUN;

.The amount of new information used to complete the project;

.The degree of comprehension of the information used;

.The level of complexity and the degree of proficiency in the techniques used;

.The originality of the idea, the way to solve the problem;

.Understanding the project problem and formulating the goal of the project or research;

.The level of organization and presentation of the presentation: oral communication, written report, providing objects of visibility;

.Possession of reflection;

.A creative approach in the preparation of objects of presentation visibility;

Turning to the design methodology in the educational process allows you to take into account the individual characteristics of the development of schoolchildren, contributes to a better consolidation of the material received in the classroom.

So project activity in a form accessible to students can be used at any level. A high school student, who independently thinks over and selects the necessary information, unobtrusively consolidates the necessary material. The use of the project method has shown its effectiveness. This is due to the increased interest of students in the study of subjects, the development of their skills of independent, search and creative work.

2.2 Organization of project activities of high school students

There are many different pedagogical technologies that could meet the new challenges of education. But the conversation will focus primarily on the project activities of schoolchildren, which psychologists consider to be structure-forming for building a learning space at school.

In modern pedagogical literature one can come across both the term "project method" and the term "project activity".

The method of projects is a set of techniques, operations of mastering a certain area of ​​practical or theoretical knowledge, a way of organizing the process of cognition. Therefore, if we talk about the method of projects, then we mean a way to achieve a didactic goal through a detailed development of a problem (technology), which should end with a very real practical result. The method is based on the idea that is the essence of the concept of "project". The project method is focused on the independent activity of students - individual, pair, group, which students perform for a certain period of time. Project activity is a psychological category. School for a high school student is a place where his growing up is ensured. To solve the problem of age, the school must provide the child with the opportunity to experiment with his own action, the opportunity to try, changing the position from an orientation towards a plan to achieve a result, and then be sure to turn back to a plan. A project in the context of education is an effective action, but performed in laboratory conditions specially organized by the teacher. Thus, the project activity of students is outside the content of education: it does not imply a radical change in the curriculum, the content of educational subjects (the same subject-centrism remains), the lesson remains the main unit of the educational process, the whole class moves at the same speed and along the same trajectory towards the goal set by the teacher, while the project activities of the children themselves determine and direct the content of education. The method of projects in the hands of the teacher is a kind of pedagogical tool with the help of which certain didactic tasks are solved, that is, first of all, the tasks of an adult.

Project activity is a way of organizing educational space, students. The implementation of the project form in practice leads to a change in the teacher's position. From a bearer of ready-made knowledge, he turns into an organizer of educational and cognitive activities of his students. In this regard, the psychological climate in the classroom should also change, because the teacher has to reorient his teaching and educational work and the work of students to a variety of different types activities, on the priority of research, search, creative activities. In these conditions, the teacher performs only the functions of control and correction of their activities. They set tasks for themselves, plan and solve them, monitor their actions and assess their results, and determine their individual educational trajectory. A project as a form of work requires the registration of results for presentation to others, which cannot be specified by a five-point assessment system. So, the main ideas of designing a modern school should be centered around the principle of design. This principle can be found for a child only in a situation where different forms of content and organization of the school are opposed. Such oppositions reveal themselves in different academic subjects and in different types of work within one subject. At the same time, the diversity should have a certain center around which and in relation to which this diversity can only appear as a multitude of images of something single, and not disintegrate into unrelated elements. The main difficulty and main task with this approach is to ensure unity of action, that is, the unity of the school.

Community can only be ensured if:

a) a single concept;

b) the team type of work of the school team.

The center, which will be able to keep around itself different types of student activities (educational, play, labor), and can become the project activities of senior students and teachers. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the student, his success in the study of subjects, natural inclinations, self-control skills, etc., the teacher helps to choose in the lesson the type and type of study assignment, the method of its implementation, and also helps to regulate the amount of work performed, thus forming the skills of fixing the effectiveness of learning ... Considered from this point of view, the individual educational route is one of the subjects of the project activities of schoolchildren. This route allows, differently than the curriculum, to construct a time sequence, forms and types of organization of interaction between teachers and children, a range of types of work. With subsequent training, the student will have to track his own progress in the formation of the UUD. The main tool for constructing individual educational trajectories is the sheets for self-design of educational activities (LSOD). Pupils complete self-design worksheets (LSOD) with their parents. On the one hand, this forms the order of the gymnasium for educational services, on the other hand, it attracts parents to participate in the management of the educational process, creates the preconditions for self-educational and self-evaluating activities.

The student fills in the self-projection sheet independently, defining his individual educational trajectory. This type of activity is aimed at developing the skills of self-assessment, self-regulation, and the conscious formulation of educational requests.

The analysis of self-design sheets allows us to trace the formation of competencies in the field of health preservation, socialization, goal-setting, and self-design. The form of self-assessment and assessment of the results of advancement along an individual educational trajectory (LSOD) is a student's portfolio, which reflects step-by-step progress towards the goal, success and achievements.

Find and develop the zones of success, talent of each high school student, taking into account his age and individual characteristics- the main goal of the modern school. Indeed, every person wants to feel significant, successful and capable. It does not matter which study or extra-class area will play a major role in building educational route... Therefore, the individual educational program of the student includes a self-design sheet for the educational activity of the student (LSOD) + an individual program of additional education (extracurricular activities) + an individual health preservation program + an individual curriculum (state standard).

In August 2010, on the recommendation of the NMS of the school, changes were made both in the content of academic subjects and in the ways of organizing the educational space. Changes in work program senior classes concerned the following points:

The subject content of the training courses was optimized:

We made changes to the planning of the study of the subject, implementing concentrated training by tightening the terms of the program.

We strengthened the integrative side of teaching through the organization of subject days, the organization and implementation of interdisciplinary projects, integrative project tasks in educational and extracurricular activities.

When organizing and conducting educational projects, students of different ages (volunteer movement) are actively used in order to provide students with the opportunity not only to realize the boundaries of their own subject knowledge, but also to see and "try on" new ways of working in the classroom, which at the next stage of learning will be leading in the organization project forms of educational activity. Such forms of education make it possible, on the one hand, to reflect on their ways of working in a group, a team, on the other hand, to act in a non-standard situation that requires the complex use of skills and knowledge acquired within the framework of individual academic disciplines. This technology also allows not only to minimize the impact of the intensification of the educational process, but also to create conditions for the successful adaptation of first-graders to school, gaining positive social experience, thereby creating conditions for achieving the results provided for by the new educational standards. It is also important to ensure continuity and psychological support, which will allow current first-graders in four years to successfully move from the initial stage of education to the secondary level and also become volunteers.

The activities of pupils and teachers determine the schedule of lessons for the week, and not vice versa, as is customary in a traditional school. Now the schedule has become non-linear and can change every week.

The organization of project activities has several phases: "launch" - joint planning and design of tasks for the academic year; solving jointly set tasks through individual educational routes both inside the academic subject and outside it; reflexive phase - presentation of a "product", the result of an individual educational route, building "maps" of movement along its educational route.

In the practice of developing education, students develop skills in project activities through solving project problems.

A project task is a task in form and content close to the "real" situation and is focused on the use by students of a whole range of methods of action, means and techniques not in a standard (educational) form. On such a task there is no "label" indicating which topic, which academic subject it belongs to. The result of solving such a problem is always a real "product" (text, diagram or model of the device, the result of the analysis of the situation, presented in the form of tables, diagrams, graphs), created by the students. He can be further "cut off" from the task itself and live his own separate life.

Requirements for the "project" task:

has a common plot, a real situation is set in which children need to use a set of methods of action known or unknown to them;

consists of several tasks related to the plot, which help students to solve the task;

you can move from task to task both sequentially and selectively (depending on the level of preparedness of the group);

tasks can have certain "noises" (distracting maneuvers) that create different obstacles to solving the task;

the final task of the task can be a general "assembly" that allows to bring together everything that the group performed in separate tasks (for the teacher, this task is "key", the subject of a general assessment of the solution to the problem).

The system of tasks included in this type of task may require different "strategies" for its solution (in some tasks, tasks must be performed sequentially, revealing individual sides of the task, in other tasks it is possible to perform tasks in any sequence, in others the required sequence of tasks is hidden and must be identified by the students themselves, etc.). The main intrigue lies in the use of the results of completed tasks in the general context of solving the entire task. Project tasks can be both subject and interdisciplinary, starting and final, thematic, inter-age. The main condition is the ability to transfer methods of action known to children (knowledge, skills) into a new practical situation for them, where the result will be a real one. baby product... These tasks usually take several lessons. The inclusion in the educational process of tasks of this type allows the teacher during the academic year to systematically track the ways of becoming, first of all, the ways of work and methods of action of students in non-standard situations outside a specific (separate) academic subject or a separate topic, that is, to monitor the formation of educational activities in schoolchildren. It should also be noted that the regular use of such tasks helps to increase the cognitive interest of students. From the standpoint of the competence-based approach, the main direct result of educational activity is the formation of key competencies. And just the project task here acts as an instrument of the level of formation of the ability to study, interaction in a group, to work with different sources of information (author A.B. Vorontsov).

Lesson as a design problem

A lesson as a project task consists of several tasks that are interconnected by a common plot and serve as guidelines for solving the task as a whole. Before setting a project task, a specific practical, problematic situation is necessarily described. It is fixed in the formulation of the lesson problem and is implemented through a system of tasks. The main condition of the project tasks is the possibility of transferring the methods of action known to children into a new practical situation for them, where the result will be a real children's "product".

Lessons - project tasks help to increase the cognitive interest of students, develop the ability of students to independently solve problems on the basis of independent experience, provide the opportunity for all students to achieve the desired result. The main goal of the project tasks is to contribute to the formation of different ways of educational cooperation among high school students. It is at such lessons that the teacher has the opportunity to observe the ways of work of both individual students and a separate group of students. The main method is built-in observation. The system for solving design problems, which contains all the stages of future design, can be one of the ways to prepare schoolchildren for project activities in adolescence. In addition to the lead teacher, other (free from classes) teachers, parents and high school students can be involved in such work (volunteer movement). Armed with special "observation cards" (expert sheets) and connected to children's groups, the experts observe the process of solving the problem at all stages, without interfering in any way, and record their observations. The teacher's analysis of all expert sheets after solving the project problem gives a complete picture of how the students structured their work at all stages of the solution.

Public speeches of experts are also essential for the development of educational cooperation in the classroom, in which both the positive and negative aspects of the work of groups of schoolchildren on the project task, identified in the process of expert observation, are noted. It is important to find out to what extent the organization of the work in the group contributed to the quality of the solution obtained.

The new educational standard pays special attention to the acquisition by students of the experience of participation in project activities. Experience shows that organizing such activities is not an easy task for many teachers, so we return to the problem of using this form of educational work in teaching practice.

In recent years, project assignments are increasingly included in the mass practice of teaching social studies. The reason for this lies in the opportunities that project activity opens up for the development of general educational (interdisciplinary) skills and socialization of students.

Student projects in the system of educational work

The advantages of project activities are primarily that. that it includes a set of search, problematic, inherently creative educational actions, techniques and methods. In the implementation of projects, students show a large share of independence, use not only integrated knowledge from various social sciences, but also supra-subject skills (plan their activities, divide the task into stages, determine ways of searching, accumulating, classifying and processing the necessary information, presenting the results of work in the public speech, etc.).

Among the goals of the project activities of schoolchildren are:

stimulating the cognitive independence of students in the field of individual content interests and subject preferences;

creating a condition for the implementation of skills and competent to it. related to work planning, development of a step-by-step action program from concept to finished product;

improving communication skills in the process of group work and public speaking, at the presentation.

Among the projects used in teaching social studies. the following varieties can be distinguished -.

applied (the result of such a project can be directly used in the practice of this school);

informational (involve the analysis, synthesis and presentation of specific information by the project participants to a wide audience);

role-playing, game (participants take on certain roles due to the content of the project, determine the lines of behavior in a game situation);

research (involves the solution of a creative research problem; determination of the main stages of work, characteristic of scientific research).

The approximate requirements for the implementation of a training project are as follows;

) must correspond to the project assignment (project theme);

) can be performed individually or in a group with the definition of the exact content of the activities of each member of the group;

to analyze each person's own answers to the questions of the questionnaire and draw a conclusion about what motives prevail in his educational activity, what prevents him from studying better;

based on the generalization of the collected materials, prepare a computer presentation and speak with it in the classroom.

The main tasks (stages) are fully implemented in the final product (computer presentation). The work was presented to the class (a public presentation was held), answers to questions for the presentation were received.

The work is framed taking into account the citation requirements, contains links to sources.

For each criterion, it is possible to assign from 1 to 3 points:

point - the criterion is poorly expressed;

points - the criterion is clearly expressed, but there are some shortcomings;

point - no comments. The maximum possible amount of points is 15.

Mark "5" - 15-12 points; "4" - 11-9 points; "3" - 8 points or less. An unsatisfactory grade for design work is not awarded. If the student has not coped with the work, it is removed from the presentation and not graded.

Project for fifth graders

Let's get acquainted in more detail with the Organization of project activities on the example of the organization in the 5th grade of the Moscow City Linguistic Gymnasium No. 1513 when studying the topic "School" and under the topic "Classmates, peers, friends".

The project activity included the following main stages:

) preparatory (organizational, or launch period);

) main (project execution);

) presentation (public protection of the work performed, presentation of the product obtained on the main maize, answers to questions);

) evaluative (discussion of the revised project and assessment of project activities).

There were 30 people in the class included in the project work. To carry out the project, the class of pin cases or into groups (in accordance with the wishes of the students themselves): "historians", "sociologists", "journalists". Due to the fact that there were too many "historians", this group had a subgroup of "historians-2".

In the lesson that preceded the actual project work, each group was offered sample topics that they had to develop and present to the class.

Historians-2 was tasked with asking their parents about their school life and presenting a generalized look of the Soviet school in the second half of the 20th century.

The "sociologists" had to compose a group portrait of the class based on the generalization of the data of the questionnaire they themselves developed.

The "journalists" had to prepare a report on the work of all groups in the form of a cool newspaper.

During the week that separated the students from the lesson of the presentation of the results of project work, the students repeatedly asked the teacher what to do, what to bring to the lesson, whether they understood the assignment correctly, and advised on how best to prepare for the lesson.

It was in the course of this preparatory work that many schoolchildren showed themselves brightly.

Design tasks for this stage of learning in primary school have their own specifics in terms of construction: the formulation of the problem, the sequence of objective actions through the system of tasks is explicitly set by the author of the design problem. The project task as a whole will be solved only if the group is able to cope with all the proposed tasks, including the final task as a place for "assembling" all the results of individual tasks. Lessons organized in the form of a project problem at the beginning of grade 1 differ significantly from lessons at the end of the school year. As students master various ways of activity and forms of cooperation with people around them, ways of obtaining new information, the prototype of the resulting "product" becomes more complicated. There is a transition from game forms of creating an educational problem to modeling. An educational model can be called such an image that captures the general attitude of some integral object and provides its further analysis.

Basic actions when creating a model:

Analysis of the material (text) to be modeled.

"Translation" into the language of symbols and signs.

Students should designate the same elements and relationships with the same symbols and signs, and different ones - different.

Model transformation action.

Correlation of the resulting model with reality.

How, in this case, are the lessons in the first grade structured? To design a lesson, a teacher needs to:

determine the result of the lesson in the form of a formed children's ability (children must discover a new way of action; discover that they can work in some way, and comprehend when and how they use it; learn to work in some way faster and more clearly, etc.) .d.);

imagine at what level of this ability the projected lesson will begin in children. This is not always easy to do. It often seems to a teacher, like any adult, that there are things that are clear to everyone. Arriving at the lesson, he is surprised to find that the clearest and simplest things children perceive somehow differently or understand at all;

select tasks from the teaching materials using the description of the tasks, the program and an approximate thematic plan. This should be done by determining the approximate time required for children to complete tasks (taking into account certain types of work).

provide for the main logical moments of the lesson (what changes the type or direction of the children's activities), where various options for the further development of events are possible; such moments happen on average 5-7. These points should be thought out in detail, designed, including precisely formulated and written down verbatim questions or instructions;

think over what the children will do during the logical segments of the lesson (discuss something, perform actions in workbook, consider objects of observation, check the work of a neighbor, etc.). These types of work should replace each other, while the advantage should be given to working with your hands. Even when a diagram is being drawn up, let everyone try to draw it themselves or copy it from the board. For each such segment, the teacher must solve questions about the form of implementation (class-wide discussion, work in a group, work in pairs, independent work), necessary materials, presentation form - non-presentation of the result;

foresee and outline at what moments it is necessary to check whether the children are in control of what they are doing (prepare "traps", organize self - and mutual check). It is also important to outline the points of assessment in advance (although they often happen unpredictably): when, what, whom, who, according to what criteria should be evaluated, whether the criteria will be discussed, etc.;

provide for reflexive moments at each lesson: summing up the results of the work by children, assessing the mood, setting goals for future work, planning the progress of the task, etc. There cannot be many such moments, each of them should not last more than 1 minute, and you need to watch out for so that they do not take on the character of routine repetitions or rituals.

The emergence of project tasks in the educational process requires the teacher to radically revise his approaches to organizing the learning process, and, consequently, an increase in the time spent preparing for the classroom. To free up temporary resources, it is necessary to cooperate and coordinate the efforts of teachers from different grades of primary school.

The regular inclusion of project tasks in the learning process of primary school will be a good starting point for a smooth transition to project-based forms of educational activity in a teenage school.

So, when organizing the project activities of students, the teacher acts as a mentor in the implementation of the project by the student, the students for the implementation of the set goals are united into problem groups and in the process of implementing the project they provide mutual assistance and also present projects that criticize and come to a general consensus, in the process of implementing the project the student goes through stages from the collection of information, its processing, analysis, synthesis, comparison to the design of the project and proceeds to the most important and difficult stage in the implementation of the project of its presentation at the end of which his opponents express the opposite point of view to him. At the end of the presentation of the project, the project is considered completed in full or in part.


Qualitative structural and socio-economic changes in recent decades are called the transition to a post-industrial society. They lead to a change in the traditional paradigm of general education. Life requires graduates of schools for intellectual and moral development, the formation of critical and creative thinking, the ability to work with information, responsibility, initiative, communication, independent thinking. And the project methodology in history and social studies has great potential: developing, teaching, educational, psychological. These possibilities can be realized in combination with other methods and techniques to achieve a qualitatively new level of education and upbringing.

Are projects today used both in the educational process at school and in additional education, and as a way to organize life in teenage associations? And, at least for the school, many questions remain with the project approach: How to combine the project approach with the classroom system? How can you build a different learning process, based mainly on a system of projects? How to connect the current understanding of the educational standard with the values ​​and ways of organizing life in the project? etc.

But it is already clear that the use of the project method largely helps to solve such painful problems as insufficient motivation of students, their alienation from the problems and values ​​of education and culture in general, the isolation of knowledge from life, etc. And this impressive list of "victories" of the project method inspires new searches for opportunities to implement it in everyday teaching practice.

It is known that working with the project method requires a fairly high pedagogical skill from the teacher. Therefore, teachers who propose their own development of educational projects are more innovators than teachers; they are applied scientists and methodologists in this area at the same time. For a teacher of mass pedagogical practice, the project method is certainly within his power, but after special training. The training of project teachers is a prerequisite for the implementation of the method of study projects in practice.

Design thinking is essential for both adults and children. It must be specially awakened, systematically developed and carefully cultivated. Today, even in order to simply survive, not to mention to lead an existence more or less worthy of a human being, we must boldly go towards a new one. That is, to be able to design our interaction with an ever-changing and unpredictable world. This means that we need to learn continuously and non-stop.


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