Learn English at Dhow. Continuing education program "English in kindergarten" English language project in preschool

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    ... preschooler ... projects in teaching english language/ O.Yu. Boltnev // Foreign languages ... language/ E.L. Stepanova // Foreign languages at school. - 2004. - No. 2. - S. 66-68; Stepnova, I.S. Games in learning English language/ I.S. Stepnova // Foreign languages ...

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    Book >> Pedagogy

    At subsequent levels the project process learning (programs common teaching aids... Specific objectives of the curriculum (indicated in English language the word "Objectives") is ...? ". They reveal curiosity especially clearly preschoolers- "why", as well as ...

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    As for preschooler, such significant people ... Programs extracurricular activities: "Light construction", "Project activities and ICT", "Rhythm", " English language... effective learning through role play, practices, projects, observation ...

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Project on English language for senior group kindergarten

Project "London"

Project type: informative
Project participants: elder children preschool age(5-6 years old)
Terms of project implementation: short-term (4 weeks)
Problem: children are poorly informed about the homeland of the English language.
Objective of the project: to introduce children to the sights of London.
1. Give an idea of ​​the capital of England - London, sights.
2. Expand children's understanding of the traditions and culture of England.
3. To acquaint with the inhabitants of England.
Estimated results of the project:
Knowledge about the country England, the capital London, the ability to tell about the sights of London: Big Ben, the Thames River, Tower Bridge and Castle, a double-decker red bus, London Zoo. Have an idea of ​​the people of England, culture. Arouse interest in learning English.
1. Conversation “England. London"
2. Coloring pages on the theme "London Attractions"
3. Watching the video "Traveling in London"
4. The game "Rain, rain, go away"
5. Viewing slides on "Holidays in England"
6. Entertainment "Travel around London"
Preliminary work:
1. Selection of literature, illustrations, videos, music.
2. Working with parents: learning the song “Rain, rain, go away” by children together with their parents.
3. Making visuals for events (bus, Big Ben, ship, poster with details), searching for animal toys, umbrella.
Children's interest in the topic, manifestation through cognitive activity.
They have an idea about the homeland of the English language, about the inhabitants of England, their culture.
They know how to distinguish and show the sights of London.
1. Paul O. Zelinsky “The Wheels on the Bus Hardcover“. October 30, 1990
2. Elizabeth Cothen Low “Big book of seasons, holidays and weather. Rhymes, fingerplays, and songs for children ”. Copyright, 2011.
3. Matteo Pericoli “London for Children”. Hardcover. April 1, 2014
4. Peter Spier “London Bridge Is Falling Down“. Paperback - September 20, 1972. (Zephyr Books)
1. Conversation “England. London"
-Guys, today I will tell you about a country that speaks English. It's called England. This is the flag of England. The people who live there are called English. This is an Englishman, this is an Englishwoman (showing illustrations). The capital of England is London. Let's repeat together - London (I show London sights. Look how beautiful the city is. It has a lot of attractions: the Big Ben clock tower, red double-decker buses pass through the streets, there is the Tamsa River, and the Tower Bridge is right there. This is a Ferris wheel - London I. This is Trafalgar Square, the famous London Zoo. In England there is a real queen who rules the country - Elizabeth. She lives in her Buckingham Palace, which is guarded by the real Court Division. In England, a very peculiar weather. Every half hour the weather changes. The sun shines. , then clouds appear and it rains. Therefore, the British always carry an umbrella with them. The British love to talk about the weather over a cup of tea and ask when they meet How are you? How are you? Do you already know how to answer this question? (children: I'm fine, thank you!) That's right. And when they say goodbye, they say - Good-bye!
2.Coloring on the theme "London Attractions"
-hello, children! Nice to meet you! Glad to see you. Today we will remember the sights of London.
- Look at my pictures of sights. Only they are black and white. Let's color them in. What color is the London bus? (red). What color is Big Ben? (yellow). Now let's start coloring.
Children color and name their attractions.
3. Watching the video "Traveling in London"
-hi, my dear friends! Today we shall watch video of London. Today we will watch a video about London.
- What is the name of the river in London? (Thames)
- What is the name of the large tower clock? (Big Ben)
- What is the name of the bridge in London? (tower)
-What buses run the streets of London?

4. The game "Rain, rain, go away"
While the music is playing, the children are singing a song and running, when the music stops playing, the children run away under the umbrella.
Song lyrics
Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
DADDY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.
Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
MOMMY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.
Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
BROTHER wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.
Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
SISTER wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.
Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
BABY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.
Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
Rain, rain, go away.

5. Viewing slides on "Holidays in England"
New Year and Christmas are the main holidays in England. Santa Claus congratulates children on this holiday.
Valentine's Day. Millions of people on this day confess their love to their halves and do it beautifully, with the help of postcards - valentines, or souvenirs in the form of a heart.
St.Patrick 's Day. The symbol of this holiday is the shamrock, as well as the green color. On this day, national festivals with Irish folk music are held throughout Britain.
Fool's Day. This is a day of harmless pranks.
Queen Elizabeth's birthday. On this day, there is a ceremonial parade, a solemn carrying of a banner, a review of troops and a magnificent secular ball at the end of the day.
Easter holidays usually fall in March or April and are held in many countries, but the holiday in England is distinguished by its symbols: the Easter bunny or rabbit, which means abundance, and Easter chocolate eggs.

The first Monday in May is considered an official holiday and is called Spring Day. The British associate it with Robin Hood, and it is carried out in the form of costumed processions and folk festivals.
August rest day, which takes place every last Monday in August. This day is considered an official day off, and the local population tries to spend it with their families in nature. The second holiday is the Notting Hill Carnival, which takes place every last Sunday in August. This is a two-day street festival, during which everyone tries to put on fancy or extravagant clothes, music plays incessantly until late, fairs with a variety of food and many other interesting events are held.
One of the favorite holidays of the British, and now of many other nationalities in the world, is Halloween, which takes place annually on October 31st. The holiday appeared thanks to the ancient Celts, and marks the eve of All Saints Day. Despite the fact that Halloween is not officially a day off, this day is especially actively celebrated in the country. People wear colorful costumes, decorate their homes, visit neighbors with trick-or-treat words, and beg for sweets. The symbol of the holiday is traditionally a pumpkin with a face carved on it and with a candle inside, popularly known as the Jack-o'-lantern. This Halloween attribute is found in all Englishmen. He is called to protect the house from evil spirits and from all evil spirits.
Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night. On this night, fireworks are thundering all over England, bonfires are made and an effigy of Guy Fawkes, a man who in the 17th century tried to commit the Gunpowder Plot and blow up the Houses of Parliament in London, is burned. At the same time, many people burn the garbage accumulated in the yard, arranging a kind of farewell to the fall. Boys on the streets beg for coins with the words supposedly for Guy, and they buy firecrackers with the money raised.

6. Entertainment "London"
Lesson form: entertainment.
Lesson type: consolidation of new material in the form of travel.
Consolidate knowledge of the sights and culture of the UK.
Educational: consolidation of children's skills in the use of vocabulary on the topic "London".
Developing: contribute to the development of reproductive and productive speech activity, working memory, curiosity, imagination, memory volume through a gradual increase in speech units on an auditory and visual basis.
Educational: fostering a respectful attitude towards the culture of the country of the target language, the formation of a stable interest in the subject.
Course of the lesson
1. Beginning of the lesson
1) organizational moment
-hello, my dear friends! i "m glad to see you!
2) initial motivation
-today we go on trip to London. Today we will take a trip to London. Are you ready? You are ready?
3) speech charging
-Let's get on the red bus. He will take us to London. Let's say Magic word"Bus" and the bus will start (children say "Bus" in chorus ") Guys, let's sing the song" Wheels on the Bus "!
Song "Wheels on the Bus".
The wheels on the bus go
Round and round,
Round and round,
Round and round,
The wheels on the bus go
Round and round,
All day long.
The horn on the bus goes
"Beep, beep, beep,
Beep, beep, beep,
Beep, beep, beep. "
The horn on the bus goes
"Beep, beep, beep."
All day long.
The wipers on the bus go
“Swish, swish, swish,
Swish, swish, swish,
Swish, swish, swish. ”
The wipers on the bus go
"Swish, swish, swish"
All day long.
2. The main part of the lesson
1) -that's how we arrived in London! Guys, look how beautiful it is here! Let's take a look at the sights of London.
A short story about London, viewing illustrations, video.
-London is the capital city of England. English is spoken in London. There are a lot of attractions here: Buckingham Palace - Buckingham Palace, The Queen - Queen, Big Ben - Big Ben, Houses of Parliament - Parliament, Tower of London - Tower, Prison - Prison (illustrations). Red double-decker buses pass through the streets of London. Also, the weather in London is changing rapidly. each hour. Now it is raining, then the sun is shining. And now a cloud is approaching us. Let's hide from her under the Umbrella umbrella.
2) The game "Rain, rain, go away"
Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
DADDY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away (when the words end, children run under the umbrella, running away from the cloud).

Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
MOMMY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
BROTHER wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
SISTER wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
BABY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, Rain.
Go away.
Come again another day.
ALL THE FAMILY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.
3) - guys, look - this is the queen's castle. Let's get to know the Queen (showing the castle toys and the queen).
-hello! I "m a queen! My name is Elizabeth II. I live in this castle. Have a nice day!
- guys, the queen wished us have a nice day... Have a nice day!
4) -and now let's go to the London Zoo - London Zoo (go to the table with toys). Look, there are no animals here! Where did they disappear to? It says here that this zoo is new. We need to help transport all the animals here from the old zoo by ship.
Game "Ship".
Children call animal toys in English and put them in the toy ship.
-this is a crocodile / elephant / lion / zebra / kangaroo / tiger / monkey / etc.
After all the animals have been placed on the ship, he sets off on a journey along the Thames River to the new zoo.
- guys, this is the Thames River (choral repetition - The Thames).
-look! This is London Zoo. We unload the animals. Now let's see what other animals live in the London Zoo (slides).
5) - guys, look who wants to meet us (girl).
Girl: -hello, children! How are you? My name is Anny. Where are you from? Children: I "m from Kazakhstan. Where are you from? Girl: I" m from London. I like to play. Let "s play with me!
Game "Hokey Pokey" (melody from the song "Boogie Woogie").
Hey, everybody. It "s time to do the Hokey Pokey!
Make a BIIIIIG circle. Here we go.
You put one hand in.
You put one hand out.
You put one hand in.
You do the Hokey Pokey and turn around.
Everybody turn around.
You put two hands in.
You put two hands out.
You put two hands in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and clap your hands.
Everybody clap your hands.
You put one foot in.
You put one foot out.
You put one foot in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and sit down.
Everybody please sit down.
You put two feet in.
You put two feet out.
You put two feet in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and stand up.
Everybody please stand up.
You put your head in.
You put your head out.
You put your head in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and sing a song.
La, la, la, la, la, la!
You put your backside in.
You put your backside out.
You put your backside in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and be quiet.
Everybody please be quiet. Shh!
You put your whole self in.
Your whole self out.
Your whole self in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and take a bow.
Everybody take a bow (bow).
Goodbye to Annie - Good bye, Anny!
6) - guys, did you like London? Do you remember all the sights? Let's do it again! We will draw a map of London with you. Look, these are the silhouettes of the drawings. You need to choose a suitable figure and name it (children complete the task).
7) - it's time to go back to our kindergarten. We get on the bus. And while we drive, listen to a song about London Bridge.
"London Bridge is falling down"

Falling down, falling down.
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair lady!

Build it up with iron bars,
Iron bars, iron bars.
Build it up with iron bars,
My fair lady!

Bend and break, bend and break.
Iron bars will bend and break,
My fair lady!

Needles and pins, needles and pins.
Build it up with needles and pins,
My fair lady!

Rust and bend, rust and bend.
Pins and needles rust and bend,
My fair lady!
3. The final part.
1) summing up
- here we are! Did you enjoy traveling around London? What have you seen in London? Who did you meet? What they were doing? Let's say goodbye Good-bye!

From birth, a child is a pioneer, explorer of the world that surrounds him. Everything happens to him for the first time. Every moment of a child's life is valuable in itself: it carries many discoveries that will subsequently create the basis for the child's further development. He is interested in everything that surrounds him. It is well known that five-year-old children are called "why." A child of this age is tuned in to communication and is looking for ways to establish it.

In this regard, the activity of a specialist in the field of early teaching of a foreign language is built, on the one hand, as the satisfaction of the natural, playful, momentary desires and needs of the child, on the other hand, as a conscious, purposeful, organized process for the mental and personal development of a child by means of a foreign language. ...

A. Mayer defines the goal and means of early teaching of a foreign language as the creation of a communicative orientation of the learning process, stimulation of cognitive (conscious) motivation and the formation of a positive attitude towards the studied language and foreign language culture.

The cognitive activity of children at this age is very high: each teacher's answer to a child's question gives rise to new questions. A preschooler cannot yet find answers to all his questions on his own - teachers help him. In all preschool institutions, along with the explanatory and illustrative teaching method, educators and teachers of additional education use problem-based teaching methods: questions that develop logical thinking, modeling problem situations, experimentation, experimental research activities, solving crosswords, charades, puzzles, etc. However, this approach is fragmentary, episodic: logical tasks are practiced in separate classes in mathematics, familiarization with the environment, speech development or construction.

To consolidate the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, you can use complex thematic classes. However, the relationship between the sections of the program does not give such effectiveness in the development of cognitive creative abilities of children and their communication skills, as the interpenetration of these sections into each other, or, in other words, their integration. The design method most fully meets these conditions.

A project in educational activity is a set of actions specially organized by a teacher and carried out by students, which culminates in the creation of a creative product.

The method of projects reflected the approach of the American philosopher and educator J. Dewey, who believed that education is designed to provide not only knowledge that an adult will need in the future, but also knowledge, skills and abilities that can already help a child today in solving his urgent problems. The project method allows for an up-to-date study of the surrounding life, active use of knowledge and skills.

The project method is based on the following values:

  • expedient student activities,
  • orientation to the personal interest of the child,
  • practical relevance of the acquired knowledge.

Work on the implementation of a project combines various forms of activity (collective, group, individual), various technologies and techniques (conversation, game, survey, debate, discussion).

The project method has found wide application in many countries of the world, mainly because it allows integrating the knowledge of students from different fields while solving one problem, makes it possible to apply the knowledge gained in practice, while generating new ideas.

A project is an activity, the motive of which is to resolve a problem situation, requiring a creative, research approach, child's initiative, and collective interaction. For example: “The alien has broken a flying saucer. He has to spend some time in our city. It is very difficult for him to find his way in our space, because he speaks only English. What help can you offer him? " A presumable continuation of this situation is the compilation and presentation of a city map in English. The following topics will be involved here: “Professions”, “The city where I live”, “Colors”, “Animals”.

We distinguish the following stages of the project:

1. Presentation of the problem.

Purpose: creation of motivation for activity

2. Discussion of options for solving the problem and choosing the direction of the solution.

Purpose: determination of the form of project implementation

3. Implementation of the project.

Purpose: story-related introduction and activation of language material

4. Presentation of results. Project protection.

Purpose: application of skills and abilities in practice

5. Analysis of the results.

Purpose: evaluation of work, possible formation of a new design field

The fundamental difference between the project method among preschoolers and schoolchildren is that in the first case the teacher takes the position of the project manager, while in the second case he is only a guide.

However, it should be noted that in any case, a teacher working with children in a project form should leave an authoritarian position and develop the following qualities (according to K. Rogers), necessary for personality-oriented communication and partner interaction:

1. Congruence.

In the understanding of K. Rogers, congruence is a term used to denote the exact correspondence between a person's experience and his awareness. This means that a person should know their own feelings as well as possible, and not show any relation to a partner, feeling completely different on a deeper or subconscious level. Openness also includes the desire to express in words and behavior your different feelings and attitudes.

2. Acceptance of yourself as you are.

K. Rogers argues that to be who you are is to completely become a process. Only when a person can become to a greater extent who he is, to be what he denies in himself, there is some kind of hope for change.

3. Acceptance of another person.

Acceptance of another person, the ability to listen and hear him seems to be a necessary condition for establishing an equal partnership: the more I accept another person, the more I like him, the more I am able to create those relationships that he can use. By acceptance, I mean a warm affection for him as a person of unconditional value, independent of his state, behavior or feelings. This means that you like him, you respect him as an individual and you want him to feel in his own way. This means that you accept and respect the entire spectrum of his relationship at the moment, regardless of whether they are positive or negative, contradict his previous relationship or not. This acceptance of each changing part of the inner world of another person creates warmth and security for him in his relationship with you, and the security that comes from love and respect, it seems to me, is a very important part of a helping relationship.

4. Empathic understanding.

Empathic understanding means understanding another's fear, anger, or embarrassment as if they were your own, yet without your own fear, anger, or embarrassment associated with them.

As for preschool children, it seems appropriate to link it with play activity, since play activity dominates at this age. Learning takes place during the game. Consequently, in a group of preschoolers, as a “problem”, some kind of game situation can be proposed, which presupposes some kind of research creative search, some kind of interaction for its solution. It is important to note that planning the progress of the project can only be assumed, knowing that any moment can open other areas of activity and this will require abandoning the previously outlined plan.

A necessary element of project activity is the child's interest, his needs are not imposed on adults today. The possibility of implementing a project arises only when the field of interest of children has been identified, when children have allowed an adult into their circle, and not in the case of involving adult children in their pedagogical activities.

Project activities include not only project implementation activities, but also the design of these activities. In such an organization of classes as project work, children not only acquire subject and interdisciplinary knowledge and skills, but also the ability to plan and organize their work, their free time.

In addition, the project method allows us to solve the problem of “non-speaking” children, which is often encountered in foreign language classes. By being involved in project activities, having an interest and striving for the implementation of the result, children can more easily overcome the foreign language barrier.

The method of projects in the classroom with older preschool children is especially interesting. This age stage is characterized by more stable attention, observation, the ability to begin analysis, synthesis, self-esteem, as well as the desire for joint activities. The project can combine the content of education from various fields of knowledge, in addition, great opportunities open up in organizing joint cognitive and search activities of preschoolers, teachers and parents.

Thus, project activity not only creates an active environment for communication and learning a foreign language, but also forms the zone of proximal development of the child as a result of joint activities.

In Progymnasium 159, the project method, since 2004, has been actively used in English classes with preschoolers. During this period, the following projects were implemented:

  • project "City Map"
  • store opening project
  • joint project with younger students "Meeting with a foreign guest"
  • the project “Our cheerful alphabet”.

As a result of the analysis of project work in English classes with preschool children, the following types of projects were identified:

  • game,
  • role-playing,
  • creative
  • practice-oriented.

The following main characteristics of project activities were highlighted:

  • the presence of interest as a motive for activity,
  • phased implementation,
  • problematic,
  • creativity,
  • choice,
  • partnership (both children among themselves and children and the leader)
  • integrability,
  • availability of the product of the activity.

A feature of the project, implemented in foreign language classes, is communication as a necessary basis for collective creative activity. Within the framework of the project, in an atmosphere of partnership, friendly communication, children learn lexical units, grammatical structures, regional realities and activate them. In addition, children gain valuable experience of motivated “non-artificial” foreign language communication.

Anna Khodeeva
Creative Journey to Britain English Language Pedagogical Project

A. M. Khodeeva,

educator additional education

MBDOU kindergarten number 63 "Mashenka"

Stage I the project«»

The purpose of working with children in the first stage the project is the formation in children of an idea of ​​the country of the studied language English language, through creative activity.


- educational « Great Britain» ;

- educational language

- developing (application).

Material and equipment: map UK, world map, sheet template with a picture of a world map without an island Great Britain island-shaped template sheet

Lexical units: Great Britain, island, country, the world.

At the first stage the project the acquaintance of children with the main character accompanying children in the process of studying linguistic and regional material - Winnie the Pooh. The teacher introduces the hero, talks about the author of works about Winnie the Pooh, about a real prototype of a teddy bear. Briefly touches on the topic of London and the London Zoo. Reminds children of the capital of our homeland - Moscow. Educator tells the children that Great Britain Is an island-state consisting of "Historical provinces" which are called England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Under the direction of teacher children study the map of the world, examining the map in detail UK mark the color palette of the card.

In the process of realizing the main goal the project the first stage is carried out creative activity - application. Children apply to a template sheet with a picture of a world map without an island Great Britain island-shaped template sheet.

During the lesson, there is a regular change in the activities of the children. Immediately before creative activity teacher conducts finger play with children to help children release tension from their hands. It is known that finger games, as well as creative activity, develop the child's brain and promote the development of speech. Thanks to finger games, the pronunciation of sounds is improved. It was not for nothing that the famous teacher V... A. Sukhomlinsky that the mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers.

Physical education is also an important point in the work. Children take a break from the work done.

As a result of the work done, children learn such lexical units as Great Britain, island, country, the world.

Stage I pedagogical project« Creative journey to Britain» for older preschool children

The purpose of working with children in the second stage the project is the introduction of children to the flag UK, the formation of elementary communication skills on English language, through creative activity.

At this stage, the following are being implemented tasks:

- educational: to acquaint children with new lexical units on the topic of flag UK;

- educational: foster interest in the country of the studied language, create an atmosphere of friendliness to the culture of another country;

- developing: develop speaking skills, develop the ability to rhythmically arrange forms, depending on the shape of the sheet and the images on it (application) .

Material and equipment: flag illustration UK England

Lexical units: a flag, Union Jack, United Kingdom, color, red, blue, white

In the second stage the project with the help of the hero Winnie the Pooh educator introduces children to the flag UK, noting its historical significance and detailing its history. The children are offered a story that this flag symbolizes the unification of three countries England, Scotland and Wales, British children call their flag the Union Jack, which means "Combining flags".

Children look at every part (cross) flag, learn that a straight red cross on a white background is called "Cross of St. George" and is the symbol England... White oblique cross on a blue background - "Cross of St. Andrew", patron saint of Scotland. And the red cross on a diagonal on a white background is the cross of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.

After the annexation of Ireland in 1801, the red cross of St. Patrick appeared on the flag. As a result, a very beautiful flag of the United Kingdom was formed. UK.

As creative activities children are encouraged to paint a flag UK using simple and colored pencils.

Immediately before creative activity is finger gymnastics.

In the process of assimilating new linguistic and cultural material, as well as creative activity, children memorize words like a flag, Union Jack, United Kingdom, color. Repeat vocabulary on the topic "Colors" (red, blue, white).

As a result, the result of the second stage the project there is an enrichment of the vocabulary of children, the assimilation of new lexical units.

Stage III pedagogical project« Creative journey to Britain» for older preschool children

The purpose of working with children in the third stage the project is the introduction of children to the capital and the royal family UK, the formation of elementary communication skills on English language, through creative activity.

At this stage, the following are being implemented tasks:

- educational: to introduce children to new lexical units on the topic of the capital and the royal family UK;

- educational: foster interest in the country of the studied language, create an atmosphere of friendliness to the culture of another country;

- developing: develop speaking skills, develop the ability to rhythmically arrange forms, depending on the shape of the sheet and the images on it (application) .

Material and equipment: illustrations of sights of London, Buckingham Palace, photographs of members of the royal family, paper crowns.

Lexical units: a palace, royal family, queen, king, prince, princess, give me, please, stand up, sit down, I am….

In the process of educational and play activities, the hero Winnie the Pooh invites children to go to the capital of the United Kingdom UK London... Children watch a slideshow with photos of socially significant places in the city. Stay in detail at Buckingham Palace.

Educator in the person of the hero, he tells the children that at present the royal family is headed by Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen is already at an advanced age. The Queen's husband - the Duke of Edinburgh, contrary to all expectations, is not a king. But their children are real princes and princesses. Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Princes Andrew and Edward.

Children are shown slides with photographs of the royal family, and a short story about the order of succession to the throne is shown. Children get acquainted with the residence of the royal family - Buckingham Palace, look at illustrations with its external and internal decoration.

As creative activities, children are offered a game - dramatization, staging scenes from the life of the royal family.

The result of the end of the third stage is the assimilation of new words: a palace, royal family, queen, king, prince, princess. As well as speech revolutions: give me, please, stand up, sit down, I am….

Stage IV pedagogical project« Creative journey to Britain» for older preschool children

The purpose of working with children at stage 4 the project is the introduction of children to the holidays UK, the formation of elementary communication skills on English language, through creative activity.

At this stage, the following are being implemented tasks:

- educational: to acquaint children with new lexical units on the topic "Holidays UK» ;

- educational: foster interest in the country of the studied language, create an atmosphere of friendliness to the culture of another country;

- developing: develop speaking skills, develop the ability to rhythmically arrange forms, depending on the shape of the sheet and the images on it (application) .

Material and equipment: flag illustration UK, in some of its parts - the flag England, Scotland, Ireland, album sheets, pencils.

Lexical units

This stage is divided into two sub-stages. In the process of implementing the fourth stage the project, children are offered linguistic and cultural material on the topic "Holidays UK» .

In the beginning, the children tell Winnie the Pooh about traditional Russian holidays. Then Winnie the Pooh invites children to learn about the holidays of people living in Britain... First of all, we are talking about Valentine's Day. Children are provided with information about the history of this holiday. The guys learn that there are several versions of its origin. Winnie the Pooh talks about two of them. During the story, he demonstrates a slide show with historical illustrations.

As creative activities, children are encouraged to do their own "Valentines" from colored paper by means of applique.

In the second stage, Winnie the Pooh pays attention to another popular in UK holiday"Halloween"... Children will learn about the reasons for celebrating this holiday on October 31, about how it is customary to celebrate it in Western countries.

Creative activity - modeling. Children sculpt Jack-o "-lantern pumpkin.

As a result, by the end of the first stage, children are proficient in the next vocabulary: holidays, St Valentine Day, festival, cards, to love, I love you, Halloween, witch, ghost.

Irina Cheredanova
Project for senior preschool children "Acquaintance with English"


The great social changes that have occurred in Russia in recent decades have led to a significant expansion of international contacts, therefore increased the need for proficiency in foreign languages. Without knowledge of foreign languages modern man it is impossible to manage. Has changed and age of students... If so far English studied only by schoolchildren, now parents strive to start learning as early as possible children foreign language, already with preschool age.

Preschool age traditionally considered the most favorable period for mastering a foreign language. And interaction with the teacher, the sounding text, pictures arouses interest, encourages a response.

The learning process is different originality: it happens in an emotional and practical way. The child strives for vigorous activity, and it is important not to let this desire fade away. It is necessary to promote its further development, to realize its potential.

Early education develops the child's mental functions, satisfies his cognitive needs, creates excellent opportunities to arouse interest in the linguistic and cultural diversity of the world, respect for the languages ​​and cultures of other peoples, and contributes to the development of communicative speech tact.


Preschoolers have good speech hearing and tenacious language memory. They also have a highly developed emotional-figurative perception of language. Preschoolers quite sociable and devoid of those numerous complexes and clamps that become a psychological barrier for many adults in mastering a foreign language as a means of communication (for example, an adult is much more afraid of making a mistake); they are curious and strive for active knowledge of the world.

It is necessary to develop interests and abilities preschoolers, contribute to general development, the manifestation of curiosity, the desire to learn new things, to develop speech children, which will be greatly helped by classes in English language.

Children will be able to apply the knowledge gained when they go to school: they will have accumulated a certain amount of knowledge, which will greatly facilitate the development of any training program English language in elementary school.

purpose the project

The goal is to contribute to the development of cognitive and social activity, speech-thinking activity, independence preschoolers and self-confidence in the classroom of English language.

Formation of primary communication skills in a foreign language.

Developing listening skills (listening comprehension).

The development of speaking skills (that is, the formation of a child's idea of ​​a foreign language as a means of communication).

Awakening interest in the life and culture of other countries.

Development of each child, his personal qualities in the process of teaching a foreign language (mutual help, persistence in overcoming difficulties).

Creation of a positive attitude towards the further study of foreign languages.

Concept the project

The positive role of early learning of foreign languages ​​is next:

Interest in other cultures and languages ​​is formed; emotional responsiveness to foreign language speech;

Mental processes: attention, memory, thinking;

Communication skills are formed children: all aspects of native speech are improved, vocabulary, speech hearing are expanded, dialogical and monologue speech of the child develops;

Socialization of the personality takes place baby: achieving mutual understanding, the ability to interact with peers;

Emotional and volitional qualities develop baby: the ability to overcome obstacles in achieving the goal, the ability to correctly assess the results of their achievements;

Develop Creative skills children, fantasy.

Description the project

Long-term project(academic year).

A type the project: Informational, practice-oriented, cognitive.

Participants the project: teacher, children senior preschool age.

Methods and techniques:

o Practical method (work children with pictures, slides of educational presentations).

o Visual method(use of pictures, handouts, examination of individual objects, observation of objects and phenomena).

o Verbal method (explanation, questions, conversation, use of a verbal sample).

Predicted Results

By the end of the period of study, children should have the following skills and skills:

Isolate english speech in the general speech stream;

Say hello, say goodbye to English language;

Use spoken expressions:

Happy birthday to you! - Happy Birthday! Hello - Hello. Good –bye! - Bye. What is your name? - What's your name? How old are you? - How old are you? What is it? - What is it? Thank you! - Thank you! What color is it? - What color is it? Do you have a sister (brother? –Do you have a sister (brother?

Understand the teacher's questions;

Express agreement, disagreement at an elementary level;

Speak single words; name items;

Be able to independently build simple sentences;

Also, children acquire a certain idea of ​​the culture, traditions of the country of the studied language, expand their horizons.

Stages of implementation the project

Stage 1: goal setting

It involves the selection of the necessary literature, illustrations, visual aids, electronic educational presentations, audio materials, pictures.

Stage 2: preparatory

Determination of the duration of the lesson - 30 minutes. It is only important to change the type of activity every five minutes, to move from an active game to a conversation at a round table; then - to work with pictures, questions; after that to physical education, etc.

Determination of the frequency of classes - once a week.

Defining teaching methods preschoolers foreign language - subject pictures and electronic educational presentations.

Determination of methods of teaching sound pronunciation. You need to introduce sounds gradually, going from simpler to more complex.

Work with each sound is built in three stage:

a) presentation of sound from detailed description the actions of the uvula, the work of the organs of speech;

b) consolidation, development of sound, in the process of which the children themselves talk about the work of the organs of speech, answering the questions of the teacher;

c) repetition, when only the sound itself is reproduced and the game situation is commented, but the work of the organs of speech is not mentioned.

Working with sound based on onomatopoeia.

At this stage, the teacher conducts the following Events:

Registration of documentation and materials the project,

Determination of the topic and material of each lesson,

Determination of the final event,

Determining the order of the GCD for the study of English language.

Stage 3: formative, practical (performance the project)

Implementation of the main activities provided for project... According to plan the project 1 lesson per week is held, lasting 30 minutes, taking into account individual and age characteristics, based on an individually differentiated approach, interest and desire children... The use of illustrations, pictures, electronic educational presentations, questions and game material allows you to make classes accessible, interesting, meaningful and informative. Classes are not only of practical importance, but also educational and educational, which in general allows you to comprehensively develop the personality of the child.

Topic Purpose Vocabulary and speech patterns

Greeting To acquaint with new lexical units. Promote the desire to practice English language.

Learn children greet the interlocutor and say goodbye to him. Hello I am… Good morning! Hi!

Good night goodbye

How do you do? What "s your name?

Family Teach children talk about themselves. To acquaint with lexical units on the topic. Teach to name your family members I have a family A mother A father

A sister a brother

I have a mother I have a father

I have a sister I have a brother

Score from 1 to 5 To acquaint with counting skills from 1 to 5, develop logical thinking One Two Three Four

Five How old are you?

I'm four. I'm five.

Color Teach children call colors Red Yellow Black

Green blue pink white

Orange gray brown

Seasons To acquaint with lexical units on the topic, teach how to use this material in speech Season Spring Summer

Animals Learn to name animals, answer the questions A cat A dog A frog A bear A hare A lion A monkey A snake A zebra

Food Expand vocabulary A Breakfast A Fish A Juice A Lemon

А Milk А Soup А Chocolate А Coffee

And Tea ice cream

Fruits and vegetables Promote the use of lexical units in speech An apple A banana A lemon A tomato

A carrot A potato A kiwi

Transport To acquaint with lexical units for transport. Activate previously learned units A car A tram A train A plane

A trolleybus A bus

Electronic educational presentations at Topics:

1. Pets.

2. Wild animals.

3. Seasons.

4. My body.

5. English alphabet in pictures.

Subject pictures on Topics: "House", "Animals", "Body", "Transport".

Stage 4: final (summarizing)

The final event - game KVN at theme: « English KVN» .

Products the project

1. Electronic educational presentations.

2. Thematic pictures.

3. KVN presentation.

4. Summaries of GCD.


Tasks the project are implemented through the use of informational technologies: demonstration of presentations, pictures, active work with audio materials, participation children in conversations.

Content implementation the project goes through the joint activities of the teacher and children, in integration across five educational areas.

Classes are not only of practical importance, but also educational, which in general allows you to comprehensively develop the personality of the child. As a result of joint activities, children acquire skills, cognition skills of English language, knowledge of new subjects and much more.

List of literature and Internet resources

E.V. Zemchenkova « Preschool English» , M., 2008.

Dictionary of Foreign Words, M., 1988.

Shishkova I.A. « English for the little ones» , M., "ROSMEN", 2012

Belokurova A., Ruban T. "We teach English playing ", Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2011

Astafieva M. D. "Holidays for children studying English", A collection of holiday scenarios for children 6-7 years old, M., "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2006

Shishkova I. A. " English for kids 4-6 years old: a guide for teachers and parents ", M., Rosman Press, 2004

Steinepreis M.V. « English and preschooler» , M., TC Sphere, 2007

Soroka O. "Determine the level of language acquisition"[Electronic resource], Mode access: http://solnet.ee

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