Individual educational route 1st level onr. Individual educational route for a child with OHP - III level. Individual-oriented corrective action plan

1 year of study

p / p

The content of the work

The timing


October November.

Development of the mobility of the articulatory apparatus, clear motor kinesthesia.

Sound reproduction:

1. Preparatory exercises for the production of whistling sounds.

2. Setting and automation of sounds "s", "z", "c".

1. Exercise in distinguishing between long and short words by ear.

2. Learn to convey the rhythmic pattern of the word.

3. Work on 2-3 complex words from open syllables.

Development of phonemic perception:

1. Learn to hear a vowel sound along with other sounds.

2. Learn to hear a syllable with a given vowel sound in a row of other syllables.

3. Learn to determine the presence of sound in a word.

1. To begin work on the formation of correct physiological and speech respiration.

4. Develop the correct tempo of speech.

5. Work on the clarity of diction.

6. Start working on the intonational expressiveness of speech.

1. Learn to use singular and plural nouns in speech.

2. Exercise in the use of the plural form of nouns in the genitive case.

3. Learn to coordinate words in gender, number, case.

4. Fix simple prepositions (na-s, v-from).

5. Learn to form and use nouns with diminutive suffixes in speech.

Coherent speech training:

1. Develop dialogical speech. Learn to answer questions with sentences of 2-3 words.

2. Learn to make sentences of 2-3 words.

3. Learn to repeat stories-descriptions, riddles-descriptions from 2-3 sentences.

Sound reproduction:

    Preparatory exercises for articulatory gymnastics for the production of hissing sounds.

    Setting the sounds "w", "w", automation.

December January February.


Work on the syllable structure of the word:

1. Exercise in the transmission of the rhythmic pattern of the word.

2. Work on monosyllabic words from a closed syllable.


1. Learn to highlight the initial stressed vowel sounds in words.

2. Exercise in the analysis and synthesis by ear of fusion of vowel sounds.


Development of general speech skills:

1. Continue work on the formation of correct physiological and speech respiration.

2. Work on fluency of speech and softness of voice.

3. Strengthen the ability to change the strength of the voice.

4. Continue working on the rate of speech.

5. To improve the intonation expressiveness of speech.


Development of lexical and grammatical concepts:

1. To consolidate the ability to coordinate words in a sentence in gender, number, case.

2. Practice using some relative adjectives.

3. Consolidate simple prepositions in speech (na-s, v-from, to).


Coherent speech training:

1. To consolidate the ability to build sentences of 2-3 words to demonstrate actions and a picture.

2. Exercise in drawing up stories-descriptions of 2-3 sentences.

3. Teach to retell texts from 2-3 simple sentences.


Sound reproduction:

Differentiation of sounds s-sh, h-z.

March April May.


Work on the syllable structure of the word:

1. To consolidate the ability to convey the rhythmic pattern of a word.

2. Work on two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning, middle, end.


Developing the skills of sound analysis and synthesis:

1. To consolidate the ability to distinguish by ear words with initial stressed vowel sounds.

2. Exercise in the selection of consonants from a number of sounds.

3. Learn to highlight the final and then the initial consonants in words.

4. Exercise in the analysis and synthesis of reverse syllables, and then direct syllables.

5. Give an idea of ​​the vowel and consonant sounds, their differences.

6. Learn to select words for a given consonant sound.


Development of general speech skills:

1. Continue work on the formation of correct physiological and speech respiration.

2. Work on the fluency of speech.

3.To process the clarity of diction and intonational expressiveness of speech.


Development of lexical and grammatical concepts:

1.Fix simple prepositions in speech: on, with, in, out, to.

2. To continue working on the ability to coordinate words in a sentence in gender, number, case.

3. Learn to use the imperative mood of the verbs in speech: walk, lie down, run.

4. Learn to use nouns with the suffixes -onok, -onok in the genitive plural (fox cubs, wolf cubs).


Coherent speech training:

1. To consolidate the ability to make sentences of 3 words.

2. Continue to practice retelling texts from 2-3 sentences.

3. To learn to compose stories from 3 sentences about the subject and about the picture, first the subject, and then the plot.


Self-massage of the face and neck.


of the year




Development of fine motor skills of the fingers (finger gymnastics, hydromassage, sand therapy, self-massage).


Speech therapy massage.

Individual educational route

2 year of study

Examination of the state of speech, non-speech mental functions. Filling in speech cards, drawing up a work plan.

September October November.

Sound reproduction:

1.Preparatory exercises for the production of sonorous sounds.

2. Setting the sound "l", automation.

Work on the syllable structure of the word:

Work on two-syllable words with a closed syllable and a confluence of consonants.

Developing the skills of sound analysis and synthesis:

1.Exercise in the selection of the initial stressed vowels in words, in the selection of final and initial consonants in words.

2. To consolidate the ability to analyze and synthesize reverse and direct syllables.

3. To consolidate the idea of ​​vowel and consonant sounds, their differences.

4. To give an idea of ​​hardness - softness, voicedness - voicelessness of consonants.

Development of general speech skills:

1. To continue to work on the education of correct physiological and speech breathing.

2. Work on the fluency of speech.

3. Actively work on speech intonation; develop the timbre of the voice.

5. To form the ability to use pauses correctly, to alternate percussiveness and pause.

Development of lexical and grammatical concepts:

1.Fix the singular and plural forms of nouns in speech.

2. To practice the use of case forms of nouns.

3. Continue work on teaching the coordination of words in a sentence in gender, number, case.

4. Learn to form and use relative adjectives in speech.

5. To consolidate the use of simple prepositions in speech: on, from, to, from, to, above, under.

Coherent speech training:

1.To learn to make sentences of 4, 5 or more words from a picture, from a demonstration of an action, on a given topic.

2. To improve the dialogical and monologue forms of speech, the ability to ask questions and answer them correctly.

3. To develop the ability to retell short texts, compose stories-descriptions, riddles-descriptions according to the proposed plan.

Sound reproduction:

Setting the sounds "p", "pb", automation.

December January February.

Work on the syllable structure of the word:

1. Work on three-syllable words with a closed syllable and with a confluence of consonants.

2. Work on four-syllable words from open syllables.


1. To consolidate the idea of ​​vowel and consonant sounds, their differences, of hardness and softness, voicedness - deafness of consonants.

2.To teach the sound analysis of words like: poppy, wasps, whale, elk.

3. To give an idea of ​​vowel sounds as syllabic.

4. Exercise in dividing monosyllabic, two-syllable and three-syllable words into syllables. Introduce the concepts: "word", "syllable".

5. Introduce the concept of "offer". Learn to draw up graphic diagrams of sentences without prepositions.


Development of general speech skills:

1. To improve the skill of correct vocal presentation.

2. To improve the clarity of diction, using pure talk and nursery rhymes with practiced sounds.

3. To continue to work on the development of the qualities of the voice.


Development of lexical and grammatical concepts:

1. Continue work on teaching the coordination of words in a sentence in gender, number, case.

2. Learn to use prepositions: before, for, about, near.

3. Learn to form and use possessive adjectives in speech.

4. To learn to form (according to the sample) words of the same root.


Coherent speech training:

1. Improve the skill of drawing up and disseminating sentences based on a picture.

2. Improve the ability to retell texts according to plan.

3.To teach the compilation of stories from 2-3 sentences on the picture using this plan.


Sound reproduction:

Differentiation of sounds lr, lr.

March April May.


Work on the syllable structure of the word:

Work on 3, 4, 5 complex words with a complex sound-syllable structure.


Development of skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis, analysis of sentences:

1.Exercise in the selection of words for a given sound and words with this sound in a certain position in the word.

2. To learn to analyze and synthesize words from 4, 5 sounds.

3. To improve the skill of syllabic analysis of one-, two-, three- and four-syllable words.

4. Improve the skill of analyzing simple sentences without prepositions and with simple prepositions.


Development of general speech skills:

1. To continue working on the tempo and rhythm of speech, clarity of diction, intonational expressiveness of speech.

2. To improve the sonority and mobility of the voice.


Development of lexical and grammatical concepts:

1. Continue work on teaching the alignment of adjectives with nouns, on the practical use of relative and possessive adjectives in speech.

2. To consolidate the ability to use simple prepositions correctly, to clarify the understanding of their meanings and to begin to form the ability to use complex prepositions: from under, because of.


Coherent speech training:

To improve the skills of a full and short retelling, a descriptive story, a story about a picture, a series of pictures, a story from personal experience.


Enrichment of vocabulary.

During a year


Development of mental processes (attention, memory, thinking, imagination).


Development of mmpr, graphic skills.


Speech therapy massage.

Alexandra Makarova
Individual educational route for children with FNR, ONR

Individual corrective work plan

For the 2017-2018 academic year

F.I. of the child:

Log. conclusion:

1. Preparatory stage

Target: thorough and comprehensive preparation of the child for painstaking and long-term correctional work.


To form interest and motivation for speech therapy classes.

Develop auditory attention, memory, phonemic perception through games and special exercises.

Form and develop articulatory motor skills to the level of minimum sufficiency for sound production.

Form and develop fine motor skills of hands in the process of systematic training.

2. Formation of pronunciation skills and abilities


- Sound production: ___

The work on the production of sounds is carried out only individually.

Automation of delivered sounds in syllables.

Automation of each corrected sound as it is staged can be done as individually and in the subgroup children with a similar defect.

Automation of delivered sounds in sentences.

Each word worked out in pronunciation is included in sentences, then in small stories, nursery rhymes, phrase-mongering, poetic texts with words including corrected sounds.

Differentiation of delivered sounds and automated sounds.

Automation of sounds in spontaneous speech (in monologues, dialogues, games, regime moments and other forms of children's life).

Formation of syllabic structure the words: formation of pronunciation of words of different syllable structure

2. Formation and development of phonemic perception and skills of sound analysis and synthesis in parallel with the correction of sound pronunciation.

Learning to distinguish, highlight sounds and syllables in speech;

Determination of the number and sequence of sounds and syllables in a word;

Characteristics of sounds;

3. Development of fine motor skills and fine differentiated movements of the hand and fingers. Improving the speed and smoothness of switching from one movement to another.

4. Development of cognitive mental processes: attention, perception, memory, thinking, imagination on the selected in the pronunciation of the material.

5. Work on the grammatical structure of speech.

Improving the skills of inflection and word formation

6. Work on a coherent speech.

Drawing up proposals for the subject and plot picture;

Distribution of proposals with minor members (definitions, additions, circumstances)

Teaching storytelling based on a plot picture, a series of plot pictures, according to diagrams.

7. Securing the correct pronunciation of the child in independent speech

Parent / legal representative ___ (___)

Speech therapist:___ (___)

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MADOU "Kindergarten Alyonushka" No. 40

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Methodical development

"Individual educational route for a child with disabilities-ОНР"

Annotation: vIn this methodological guide, a plan has been developed for writing an individual educational route for a child with disabilities, the reason for compiling an IOM, goals and objectives is explained, the content of the IOM, recommendations for working with parents are described. It is intended for educators working with children with OHP in a preschool educational institution.

Keywords: IOM-individual educational route;

correctional work.

Preschool childhood is a period of intensive mental development, the formation of the most important personality traits of a child, the initial formation of those qualities that are necessary for a person throughout his subsequent life. The need to support the individuality of each child is one of the main tasks of preschool education. Only on its basis can a full-fledged development of a preschooler's personality be achieved, and his features and unique abilities can be revealed. Today, in relation to children with developmental disabilities, scientists widely use the term "individual educational needs" of a child, which mean the features of the preschooler's motivational sphere, which have a special specificity due to the nature of development, socio-psychological factors, and to satisfy which special conditions are required.

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard allows us to speak today about the formation of a new system of preschool education, where one of the key points is the need to use all pedagogical resources for the effective development of the child. An individual approach to the child should become a priority in the organizational and educational process of preschool institutions. The importance of an individual approach is emphasized in the FSES DO (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated October 17, 2013 N 1155 Moscow "On the approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education"). Support for individuality is recognized as one of the fundamental points of preschool education: only on its basis can a full-fledged development of a preschooler's personality be carried out, his characteristics and unique abilities can be revealed.

This poses for the teachers of the preschool educational institution the task of creating optimal conditions for the realization of the potential capabilities of each pupil. One of the solutions in this situation is the preparation and implementation of an individual educational route (IOM)... Individualization of training, upbringing and correction is aimed, first of all, at overcoming the discrepancy between the level set by educational programs and the real capabilities of each pupil.

IOM is developed for children with developmental problems and is a characteristic of the units of education mastered by a child in accordance with the individual and age-related abilities of their development.

The main goal of creating an individual educational route (IOM for a child with disabilities-OHR): creation in kindergarten of conditions conducive to the positive socialization of preschoolers, their social and personal development, which is inextricably linked with the general processes of intellectual, emotional, aesthetic, physical and other types of development of the child's personality.

The educational route includes the main directions:

Organization of movement (development of general and fine motor skills);

Skills development (cultural-hygienic and communicative-social);

Formation of activity (manipulative, sensory-perceptual, subject-practical, play, productive types - modeling, application, drawing);

Development of speech (formation of the sensory basis of speech, sensorimotor mechanism, speech functions);

Formation of ideas about the environment (the objective world and social relations);

Formation of ideas about space, time and quantity.

Monitoring of the educational process is an assessment of the child's degree in mastering the main educational program, based on the analysis of the achievement of intermediate results by children in educational areas. The date of the initial monitoring: the first two weeks of September, and the final one - the last two weeks of May.

The following methods are used in monitoring: observation; conversation, problem situations; analysis of products of children's activities; subject tests (widely used to study the level of development of children in the educational field "Cognition"; diagnostic game situations.

Individual educational routes are developed:

For children who do not master the basic general educational program of preschool education;

For children with disabilities, children with disabilities.

For children with high intellectual development.

When developing an individual route, we rely on the following principles:

The principle of reliance on the child's learning ability,

The principle of correlating the level of current development and the zone of proximal development.

The principle of respecting the interests of the child. In another way, he is called "on the side of the child." Those educators should be objective about the child and his problems! Always be on the side of the child!

The principle of close interaction and consistency of the work of the "team" of specialists, in the course of studying the level of development of the child (phenomenon, situation);

The principle of continuity, when the child is guaranteed continuous support at all stages of assistance in solving the problem.

An individual plan for working with a child is drawn up on the basis of the data obtained from a detailed study of the anamnesis with the obligatory involvement of the mother, since at home she must communicate, play with the child, continuing the development process even in simple, everyday situations. She should learn this by attending speech therapist classes, if the child attends an advisory and practical group. If the mother resists, it is advisable to invite her to classes in a gentle manner, constantly emphasizing the success of her child. In order to choose the most optimal way of accompanying the child, it is necessary to reliably study the child's capabilities at a given time period, offering program material in those portions and in such a way that a child with speech pathology will accept without tension, with good returns and positive motivation. For this, a detailed diagnosis is carried out in all parameters of the psychophysical, speech, emotional development of the child. The data obtained during the collection of the anamnesis is recorded in the speech card and the card of psychological support.

The efforts of preschool educational institutions specialists within the given framework of a preschool educational institution are aimed at solving the following tasks:

Determination of the level of opportunities for preschoolers with disabilities;

Identification of existing needs and the formation of a system of social needs;

Creation of an adequate environment to meet needs, to ensure optimal living conditions for all children attending a preschool educational institution.

Stage I - Preparatory.

Collection of primary information, identification of the problem, determination of ways and means of its solution. Study of the request of parents (legal representatives); data on the development of the child, brief information from the anamnesis; information about the conditions for the development and upbringing of the child; analysis of the situation of the child's social environment; the specificity of the manifestation of developmental features, age characteristics; identifying real difficulties.

Stage II - Comprehensive diagnostics

Identification of the characteristics of the physical, mental development, personal and cognitive sphere of the child: diagnostics of mental development, identification of individual psychological characteristics; diagnostics of speech development; pedagogical diagnostics, identification of learning difficulties; determination of the level of actual development; fixing the nature of developmental disabilities; identification of a personal resource, determination of the zone of proximal development.

Stage III - Development of an individual educational route

According to the findings, as a result of in-depth diagnostics of the "team" of specialists at a meeting of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council, an individual educational route is drawn up and approved, a plan of specific measures is developed to solve the identified problems.

Stage IV - Correctional, developmental and educational work on the implementation of an individual educational route

Individual and group lessons with a speech therapist, educator. Maximum disclosure of the child's personal resources and his inclusion in the educational space of the preschool educational institution.

Stage V - Intermediate diagnostics

Revealing the dynamics in development. Analysis of the results of changes in the studied characteristics after corrective and developmental measures. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the selected methods of correctional and developmental work. If necessary, making adjustments to the individual correctional and developmental program.

Stage VI - Correctional, developmental and educational work on the implementation of an individual educational route

The dynamics in the development of the child is taken into account. Consolidation of the acquired knowledge, abilities and skills.

Stage VII - Final diagnosis.

Monitoring the effectiveness of the implementation of an individual correctional and developmental program. Making a forecast for the further development of the child. At all stages of correctional work, to develop psychological processes: attention, thinking, memory, self-control, perseverance, to achieve a complete understanding of addressed speech and communication speech.

Planning correctional work by periods:

I period (September, October, November).

Lexical topics: our body, vegetables and fruits, toys, family, clothes.

Articulatory gymnastics and "Window", "Fence", "Tube", "Spatula", "Needle", "Fence-tube", "Let's clean our teeth."

Breathing exercises"A cold wind is blowing", "Blowing through a straw" (blowing bubbles), "The ball burst."

Finger gymnastics"Fingers greet", "Fingers bow", "Fingers-fists", "Basket with vegetables", "Big feet", "Playing the drum".

Sound culture of speech Development of auditory attention on the material of non-speech sounds (2-3 sounding toys). Work on the strength of the voice (quietly, loudly).

Grammatical structure of speech: the formation of words using diminutive-affectionate suffixes; the formation of plural nouns; coordination of adjectives with nouns in number, gender; the formation of relative adjectives; the formation of onomatopoeic verbs; negotiating sentences according to the picture (the girl feeds the sparrow); drawing up phrases with the prepositions "U", "S", "NA".

Coherent speech: answers to simple questions; drawing up phrases based on a plot picture; drawing up phrases based on two reference pictures; retellings based on a picture; memorizing poetry, nursery rhymes.

II period (December, January, February)

Lexical topics: Tableware; New Year; Furniture; Wild animals; Domestic animals and birds.

Articulation gymnastics

"Shovel", "Fence-tube", "Brush teeth", "Cat lapping milk", "Horses".

Breathing exercises"The ball burst", "The baby is crying - A-A-A", "The boy is playing - E-E-E", "Let's warm the hands", "Blow off the snowflake." Inflate and suck in cheeks - "Fatties - Skinny".

Finger gymnastics"House, open", "Flag", "Glasses", "Fingers-fists", "Fish-crab", "Snowball game", "Table", "Chair", "Goat", "Goose".

Sound culture of speech Differentiation by ear of three sounding toys. Determination of the direction of sounding of the toy.

Grammatical structure of speech: the formation of plural nouns; coordination of adjectives with nouns in number, gender, case; coordination of personal pronouns MY, YOURS with nouns; construction of a structure: verb + noun with a preposition, construction of a phrase with the prepositions "U", "S" (A cow has calves. A cow with calves).

Coherent speech is a retelling of a simple text of 2-3 phrases based on a picture.

III period (March, April, May)

Lexical topics: Birds; Spring; Transport; Forest. Articulation gymnastics"Sweet jam", "Cup", "The cat arched its back", "Horse", "Turkey", "Swing".

Breathing exercises"The wind is blowing", "The ship is buzzing - U-U-U", "Football".

Finger gymnastics"Bunny", "Birds peck grains", "Sun", "Boat".

Sound culture of speech Voice modulation (high-low).

Grammatical structure of speech: the formation of plural nouns; coordination of numerals 1, 2, 5 with nouns, the formation of two-component phrases: noun + verb in the past tense (Mom did. Uncle did. Children did); construction of the phrase "This is ...".

Coherent speech: answers to questions in a full sentence; phrase construction: subject, predicate, direct object; retellings based on a picture; memorizing poetry, nursery rhymes.

Estimated results of speech development:

· Use non-verbal forms of communication;

  • · Use your hand to solve communication problems;
  • · Show interest in the environment (people, actions with toys and objects) and talk about the environment;

· Listen and show interest in speech statements of adults, stories, poems, nursery rhymes, songs;

  • · Reproduce familiar onomatopoeia, babbling words and truncated phrases;
  • · Perform actions according to simple speech instructions, answer simple questions about yourself and your immediate environment.

Working with parents.

A feature of this route is the active involvement of parents in the work, which helps to increase their psychological and pedagogical competence. Teaching parents (or mothers) gives the maximum effect when carrying out corrective measures. The content of correctional work involves the active use of the following forms of work with parents:

1. Advisory and recommendation. 2. Lecture and educational. 3. Organization of round tables, children's matinees, holidays. 4. Individual lessons with parents and their child. 5. Conducting practical training sessions on the correction of parent-child relationships (based on the results of diagnostics of parent-child relationships). Due to the frequent absence of the child, it may be necessary to adjust the individual educational program.


Thus, by building an individual educational route for children with disabilities, we provide our pupils with equal starting opportunities when entering school.


1. FSES DO (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated October 17, 2013 N 1155 Moscow "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education"

2. Mironova S. A. "The development of speech of preschoolers in speech therapy classes", M .: "Education", 1996

3. Nischeva N. V. "The system of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment." SPb .: Childhood-Press, 2004.

4. Tkachenko T. A. "System of correction of general speech underdevelopment in children of the 6th year of life", M .: "Gnome and D", 1996.

5. Filicheva TB.,. Chirkina G.V. "Program and guidelines for correctional education and training of 5-year-old children with general speech underdevelopment." M .: "Education", 1991.

6. Filicheva, T.V. Tumanova T.B. "Program and guidelines for correctional education and training of 6-year-old children with general speech underdevelopment." M .: "Education", 2000.

7. Filicheva, T.V. Tumanova T.B. “Children with general speech underdevelopment. Education and training ”. Educational - methodical manual. M .: "Gnome and D", 2000.

8. Chetverushkina NS “The syllable structure of the word. The system of corrective exercises for children 5-7 years old. " A practical guide. M .: "Gnome and D", 2001

Individual route

correction of speech development

Surname, name of the child

___________________ __________________________________________

Year of birth


Conclusion TPMPK

OHR Level 3 ___________________________________________

Areas of correctional and developmental work:

Development of speech motor skills.

The development of fine motor skills.

Correction of sound pronunciation.

Development of phonemic perception.

Development of motivation for verbal communication.

Enrichment of active and passive vocabulary.

Formation of the skill of word matching.

The development of coherent speech.

Correctional work at the speech therapy center is carried out through individual and subgroup lessons. The number and duration of individual lessons from 15 to 20 minutes, 2 times a week. Subgroup 25 minutes once a week.

Directions of correctional work

Development of speech motor skills.

Preparation of articulatory patterns of disturbed sounds through articulatory gymnastics exercises.

Development of fine motor skills

Improving the static organization of movements;

Improving the dynamic organization of movements;

Improving the dynamic and static organization of movements.

Correction of sound pronunciation.

Setting the sounds W, F, S, Z, L, R, Pb; Automation of sounds in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, text;

Differentiation of delivered sounds in syllables, words, sentences, text.

Development of phonemic perception.

Learning to identify given sounds in a number of other sounds, syllables, words; determining the place of sound in words. Division of words into syllables, sentences into words. Sound analysis of words; composing words from given sounds.

Development of motivation for verbal communication.

Development of speech initiative, creation of motivation for speech activity simultaneously with the enrichment of vocabulary; the formation of the ability to create an internal plan, a program of expression.

Development and improvement of the lexical and grammatical side of speech

Expressive speech. Work on generalizing concepts, naming the seasons and months; selection of adjectives on lexical topics. Subject dictionary: naming cubs, unfamiliar objects. Body parts and objects. Dictionary of adjectives: naming adjectives by color, shape, quality of material, selection of adjectives for nouns, selection of synonyms, possessive adjectives. Verb dictionary: selection of verbs for nouns. Selection of antonyms. Impressive speech. Distinguishing between diminutive forms of a word, prefixed verbs, prepositional-case constructions. The grammatical structure of speech. The formation of plurals of nouns, nouns with diminutive meaning, the use of nouns in indirect cases, the coordination of adjectives with nouns, nouns with numerals, the formation of plural verbs and prefixed verbs, the use of prepositional-case constructions.

The development of coherent speech.

Learning how to write sentences, retelling, writing descriptive stories, based on a series of plot pictures and plot pictures.

Planning corrective work by periods:

I period (September, October, November).

Lexical topics

"Autumn", "Vegetables", "Fruits", "Berries", "Migratory birds", "Toys"; "Autumn clothes, shoes, hats"

Articulation gymnastics

"Hippopotamus", "Smile", "Tube", "Pancake", "Needle", "Smile-tube", "Brush Teeth", "Delicious Jam", "Hamster", "Pussy is Angry"

Breathing exercises

"A cold wind is blowing", "Blow off the leaf", "Vitamin for fruit", "The ball has burst."

Finger gymnastics

“Fingers greet”, “Fingers in the forest”, “Hedgehog” (using a ball-shaped sujok), “Cabbage”, Games in a dry pool, shading of figures.

Phonemic processes

Differentiation of non-speech sounds;

Reproduction of syllable series;

Selection of words for a given sound;

Isolation of a given sound from a number of others, from syllables, from words;

To form the ability to select words from a sentence;

Grammatical structure of speech

Formation of words using diminutive suffixes;

Plural formation of nouns; coordination of adjectives with nouns in number, gender;

Formation of relative adjectives;

Drawing up phrases with the prepositions "B", "ON", "POD" based on graphic schemes.

Coherent speech

Develop the ability to listen attentively to the speech addressed, to answer questions with complete answers;

Drawing up phrases for a plot picture, for a series of plot pictures; according to the schemes;

Picture-based retellings;

Memorizing poetry.

Sound reproduction

Statement of sounds [s], [h]. Automation of sounds in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, text;

II period (December, January, February)

Lexical topics:

"Tableware"; "Winter", "New Year", "Wintering Birds", "Furniture", "Wild Animals", "Professions", "Family", "Holiday on February 23"

Articulation gymnastics

"Smile-tube", "Brush our teeth", "Pancake", "Cat lapping milk", "Cup", "Painter" "Horse".

Breathing exercises

"The ball burst", Inflate and suck in the cheeks - "Fat man - skinny", "Blow off the snowflake"

Finger gymnastics

Games in a dry pool, games with a constructor, figure outlining, "Fist-rib-palm", "This is how the fingers walk", "Come out fingers to walk",

Phonemic processes

To form the ability to select words from a sentence;

To form the skills of recognizing and distinguishing words that are similar in sound composition;

Form the ability to distinguish between syllables with similar sounds;

To form the ability to recognize a given sound in texts, sentences, words, syllables, in isolation;

To consolidate the skill of highlighting the first sound in a word;

To consolidate the skill of determining the last sound in a word;

Grammatical structure of speech

Coordination of adjectives with nouns in number, gender, case;

Coordination of personal pronouns MY (MY, MY) with nouns;

Drawing up phrases with the prepositions "ABOVE", "FROM", "FOR" based on a graphic diagram.

Coherent speech

Answers to questions with a full sentence

Strengthen the skill of constructing sentences of 3-4 words;

Learning to compose a short story based on a picture, a series of plot pictures, descriptions, retellings.

Sound reproduction

Statement of sounds [w], [l]. Automation of sounds in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, text;

III period (March, April, May)

Lexical topics:

"Spring", "Holiday on March 8", "Transport", "Pets and birds", "Professions", "Space", "Trees", "Insects", "Flowers"

Articulation gymnastics

"Cup", "Horse", "Turkey",

"Swing", "Painter", "Fungus", "Accordion", "Woodpecker".

Breathing exercises

"Football", "Blow off the butterfly", "Blow out the frog", "Breeze"

Finger gymnastics

Games in a dry pool, games with a sujok ball, games with a constructor, "Guests", "Castle".

Phonemic processes

To consolidate the skill of determining the position of a sound in a word;

To consolidate the skill of highlighting the first and last sound in a word;

Strengthen the skill of determining the sequence and number of sounds in a word;

Strengthen the skill of choosing words for a given number of sounds;

Form the ability to select words from a sentence.

Grammatical structure of speech

Plural formation of nouns;

Coordination of numerals with nouns;

The use of nouns in indirect cases;

Coordination of adjectives with nouns;

Coherent speech

Answers to questions with a full sentence;

Consolidation of the skill of drawing up a short story based on a picture, a series of plot pictures, narratives, descriptions, retellings.

Drawing up phrases with the prepositions "U", "S" using graphic schemes.

Sound reproduction

Setting the sounds [w], [p], [pb]. Automation of sounds in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, text;


Gomzyak O.S. Organization of speech therapy work with children 5-7 years old with OHP level III. - M .: publishing house GNOM, 2013

Teremkova N.E. Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with OHP

T.Yu. Bardysheva, E.N. Monosov. Teaching coherent speech for children 4-5 years old. Picture-graphic plans of stories.

T.Yu. Bardyshev. Finger games.

N.V. Nishcheva. Summaries of subgroup speech therapy classes in the senior group of kindergarten for children with OHP.

L.A. Komarov. Automation of sound C in game exercises. Preschooler's album.

L.A. Komarov. Automation of sound Z in game exercises. Preschooler's album.

L.A. Komarov. Automation of sound Ш in game exercises. Preschooler's album.

L.A. Komarov. Automation of sound F in game exercises. Preschooler's album.

L.A. Komarov. Automation of sound P in game exercises. Preschooler's album.

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