Console action RPG role-playing games. Legend of Mana Review. Passage of Legend of Mana. Secrets Legend of Mana. Console Action RPG Role Play Games Legend Of Mana Passage

Legend of Mana.

* Advice.

* When you are on the menu screen, enter the EQUIP menu. Select an object at your discretion, select the subject status, click X. twice. The Name Creatio Screen screen appears, and you can enter the name of this item.

* Most often, monsters eggs appear in those places in which you fought with bosses and, when you enter the territory in which you have been fighting for a boss not so long ago, you will see that there are no monsters eggs here. Leave this room and go back after a while. It will certainly appear there. When you find such an egg, do not stop on this, find the place on the map where most often met with bosses, and spread some food in every place. Unfortunately, you can simultaneously be only 5 servings of this food.

* In the course of the game, your characters will often find a deficit of funds (LUCRE). In this case, you need to go to Ssbucaneer. When you find yourself there, go down to the bottom deck, go through the next door at the bottom of the screen and find yourself on the semi-love, i.e. In the nose cockpit. Here and in the next room, find the so-called Polter Box. These are drawers, very reminisant treasure chests. Here you can often detect three very valuable crystals. Sun and Moon crystals can be sold each for 750 lucre. And the Red Crystal (Glow Crystal) and more expensive - for 1000 Lucre. You can enter and get out of the kubrick as much as necessary. We did not have got to Ssbucaneer, then go to the 2nd floor of the Bone Fortress fortress and fight the Kid Dragon Dragon. He drops Dargon Steek, which costs 1000 lucre. In addition, he drops and Dragon Breath, which is very useful for hardening swords, and can be sold for 300 lucre.

* To return to the SELECT screen screen Press simultaneously buttons START + SELECT + R1 + R2 + L1 + L2.

* When you fight bosses, take care of how they attack. Most often, if you follow this advice, you will be able to dodge their attacks. Try to fully use your abilities and special techniques. You can pause during the battle to see the level of the enemy.

* After completing the 5th adventure The Lost. Princess, pink booine will be able to teleport to a new place - MEKIV Caverns. There are a lot of enemies here, and you will calmly earn a large number of experienced points.

* When you are in the city of Bejeweled City, enter the room where you will find a diamond. You can now enter and leave this room, and every time you will detect the boss, for the victory over which you will receive 900 experienced points.

* Experienced players who will succeed successfully finish the game automatically turn on the game again and get a choice of two options: High Exp Mode mode (Nightmare Mode) is very difficult, just a nightmare mode of complexity or easier Low Exp Mode mode (Normal Mode).

* When you try to catch a monster egg, come to it as slowly as possible so as not to scare. Put some food in front of him, he will begin to eat it, and you will wait for it when he falls, and then catch it. Most often, eggs can be found in those places where you fought with bosses, or where bosses should be. In addition, in these places you can find various elements, coins and so on.

* Special Techques.
Special technicians are, in fact, very powerful techniques. They are not easy to use them, but if you are able to do it, then the enemy will have to be disadvantaged. These techniques can be used only when the Power Bar power indicator flashes. This indicator is located just under the HP indicator, and its level rises when you attack enemies or use special abilities in battle.

* Synchro Effects.
This is an additional premium for what you fought with friends. When you find yourself near your comrade in arms, Lightning skips between your stones (Gems). See it next to your HP indicator in percent (%). This means that the sync effect is activated. It helps you restore HP levels, and if you often stand next to each other, almost shoulder to the shoulder, you will raise your HP level all the time.

* Secret sword.
Remember the game Saga Frontier 2 on the same memory card you use when playing Legend of MANA. Enter the Save Screen screen, select the Saga Fortress file, then exit this screen, now go to the Bone Fortress Fortress, go to the bridge where they fought with Death Bringer, and see two skeletons. Go to them, fight with DeathBringer 2, and for the victory, get the most powerful sword from the game Saga Frontier 2..

* Get Chocobo..
To get chocobo and make it with your favorite and comrade, write down the stammon game Final Fantasy. VIII on the same memory card you are using in the game Legend of Ma. Enter the Save Screen screen, select the Final Fantasy VIII file, exit this screen, you can find the bird's egg in the eastern Domina section, and then remove Chocobo from it.

* Get a "Fast Wheel" (FASTEST WHEEL).
Finish Quest "Catchin Lilipeas" in the game Chocobo Racing, write down the memory card you use in the game Legend of MAN, then log in to the Save Screen screen, select the Chocobo Racing file, exit this screen. Go to the harbor of Polpota Harbor. You will see Skippy on the map screen. A large strange creation with huge ears, which you probably met in questions such as Catchin Lilipeas and Huntin "DU" CATE. He will give you a subject in the form of a wheel called Fastest Wheel.

Completely complete the following quests in Jewel Hunter: The Lost Princess, The Flame. Of Hope, Drowned Dreams, The Looking-Glass Tower, The Lucky Clover, Cosmo, Two Pearls, Alexandrite, Flourite and Tear Drop Crystal). Then, when these events are completed, go to the bar in Domina on Salamander Day. Here you will see Shadow Zero, standing at the rack, talk to him and play Miniyigru.

* Mini Agigan Land Verg.
Make so that "9 lands" were clearly visible on the world map. It will remind a slightly slanting chalkboard for grubblas. Then hold the L1 button of approximately 4 seconds, and the Land Spryigner's start screen will appear.

* A new game With some additions (New Game + Fuature).
Successfully finish the game, then then download the game, which is next to the music symbol, and get a new option (New Game + "Feature). Thanks to this, it will be possible to save your old level, items, features and all kinds of tools, and when you start in your own home, go to the studio (in the room located near the stairs), where you find the encyclopedia and you can find the forgotten volume (Forbidden Tome).
* Being on the menu screen, enter the EQUIP menu, select an item at your discretion, then select the Status of the Item, click X. Twice on this subject, and the Name Creation screen screen will appear, where you can rename the subject by entering the name on your own selection.

* Items with value.
If in the course of the game, find that the financial capabilities of your character (LUCRE) are very small, go to SS Bucaneer. When you find yourself there, go down to the bottom deck and enter the first door at the bottom of the screen. Will be on the semi-love. Here and in the next room, meet "Special" enemies (Poltar Box Enemies). They resemble chests in which treasures are often stored. These enemies, when you defeat them, leave behind various very valuable crystals.
Sun Crystal (Moon Crystal) and Moon Crystal can be sold at 750 LUCRE, and the shimmering crystal (Glow Crystal) even for 1000 lucre. Go to the room, enter with the enemy, then exit the room, and when you return back, the enemies will be in place. Repeat this procedure as many times as you like until you feel that you have restored your balance balance. If for some reason you can't get to this ship, then go to the second floor of the fortress (Bone Fortress) and fight the Kid Dragon Dragon. He will also drop a special Dragon Steak object, which costs 1000 lucre. In addition, he drops Dragon Breath, which will be very useful when setting up swords, and it is possible to sell it for 300 lucre.

* Duel between two players.
If you want to fight for a duel with your companion, go to Geo, go through the upper point, enter the building, pass by Sotherbee directly to the basement. Go down as far as possible and talk to the Garlic Guy. Now you can fight or with your comrade or with NPC.

* Monsters eggs.
Most often, the monsters eggs appear in those places where you fought with bosses. If you enter the zone of the recent battle, and there is no monster egg, then exit this command, come back, and they may appear there. Sometimes you have to go 2-3 times, but you should not be upset. When you find an egg, remember this place, perhaps monsters appear here often, so it is advisable to leave a few pieces of meat to lure them. Please note that you can only leave 5 pieces of food at a time.

* Maps MYSTIC POWER Cards.
Mystic Power Cards cards work best if you use three pieces at once. One card (Cleric Card) has even a small negative effect on your attacking power, while three cards increase it very much. The GOD of War Card map only slightly increases your strength when used, while three such cards raise your power to 10 points.

* Armory attacks.
Weapon attacks Plunge Attacks can be changed very interesting way. For example, the Sun Crystals Card card will change your Plunge Attacks to the Sunlight attack, which although it makes enemies rather medium damage, but it is extremely effective against the Demks (UNDEAD). Some items allow you to change the power of damage applied (from medium to huge). Remember the game before you do the experiments, as they can get the results that you will not satisfy. But when the experiment passes successfully, remember it and use it later.

MANA series

Developer: Squaresoft

Publisher: Square EA

Release dates

Plot: It so happened that this is the weakest place of the game. In essence, there is no main plot here, and the whole game is only a series of side quests. The main characters are absolutely impersonal, without the past, present and future. Caucasian dental dealers with weapons in their hands. But sometimes they will allow them to increase the options for answers in the dialogues. The formal tie is so. The mana tree started again, and the bad people as they had relocated all the artifacts in which some power remained at least. Your task is to collect these relics and revive a tree. Side Quests themselves sometimes come across interesting, and sometimes not very. However, you will not leave the feeling all the time that you are just some kind of mechanism, to fulfill the instructions of other characters. Here they live, and you only exist ...

Gameplay: Not too similar to previous games. At the beginning of the game on the map there are no locations at all, you ourselves should be placed there. This is done so. There is another sidew quest, at the end of which you give artifact. By placing this artifact on the map, a new location appears from it (city or dungeon). All this gives some opportunities for the nonlinear passing game.

The combat system is also somewhat new. At the beginning, you can choose which weapon will be posted, and arsenal is decent there - from the banal sword to Nunchak. What takes, with the most part of the game to wander, although then it will still be possible to change it. Each weapon has a combo strikes, as well as additional buttons you can assign special. Attacks (their ruler will be copied with ordinary shocks), magic or additional movements (jump, protection, etc.). When using magic, a pause occurs in the game, and on the screen shows the radius of its action. As you understood, some special drive and excitement from such a booze should not be waiting. There will be a little more interesting if you borrow the second joystick to your friend - because The ability to play together in the game is kindly provided.

Also in Legend of Mana, there are many additional fintyphleus, designed to diversify rather monotonous gameplay. For example, you can build a house, plant a tree and grow ... monster. :) And in the future, it will be possible to order weapons and even create your own golem. Monsters can be pumped through Sony PocketStation - a kind of portable device, which ordinary mortals saw except that in the pictures, but now it is available to everyone through the emulator.

Graphics: But this, along with music and there is something for which Legend of Mana is considered one of the masterpieces of the Golden Epoch of PlayStation. First of all, it is simply stunning, drawn by hand backgrounds! This very rarely see in games, and for that time it was generally revelation. Specialist. Effects are also very kindly made, like huge beautiful bosses. And the corporate art design of the characters creates a game of its unique style.

Music: Gorgeous! This wonderful soundtrack is created by the famous Yoko Shimomura. Almost all melodies have wonderful. Music in Legend Of Mana perfectly complement the picture, fully immersing you into the world of hand drawn fairy tales. Here and wonderful piano solo, and fantasy motifs and, of course, incendiary combat tracks on bosses! Even if you did not inspire you at all about the filing of the plot and gameplay, I recommend listening to this OST in any case.


The plot in this game is extremely difficult to evaluate, as it is an agglomerate of scattered quests (all of them 64). However, not all of them are so scattered, as it may seem at first glance. Very many quests are very logical contact with each other, forming very clear plot threads, separate, and at the same time flying into a real tapestry, in the center of which is the last, decisive quest.
As it should be expected from the next game of the SEIKEN DENSETSU series, with the Great Tree of Manna, once again something happened. Because of this, "something" various dissonances in the world began to occur, and its various corners populated the creatures, so many years inhabited by the tree - the Sprotlings. Not dangerous, often even very stupid, these creatures will get to you in any and every location.
Despite the same fragment, quests are quite and very interesting. Here there will be quests and for lovers to wave with a sword and other types of weapons, which is given to you a huge amount of choice, and for fans of puzzling intricacies.
The game is clearly designed not to one pass. Some of the quests become affordable after the passage of others, and some are closed, being missed. Differentiated plot: 8 out of 10


It is somewhat more complicated to assess the schedule in this game, which belongs to the same series, as the game is 95% drawn with pencils and watercolor. An exception is a variety of equipment and ordinary for SEIKEN DENSETSU series, chocolate, etc. Everything else, including model classes, painted on paper, scanned and straight from the scan sent to the game. (Of course, the modelings of the characters passed the animation, otherwise it would look like this creation.) Scanners in secret laboratories then did not yet united with the Squaresoft Enix, a clear thing and then were better than our homemade animals. Landscapes, locations, characters, monsters - everything is drawn by the hands of conscientious artists. As a result, a clear case, a two-dimensional schedule, but ... The word "watercolor" in conjunction with the word "Squaresoft" already gives the brain the opportunity to divert unmatched, the brightest paintings. And does not deceive: the game and the truth came out very bright, impregnated with the color through. Therefore, given the young people who have not been lazy to such work from Square, without listening and so silent the voice of the conscience, I will issue my decision:
Saturated with color and clear lines of skillful, painstaking and hardworking hands of the Squares "paper" graphics deserves: 8 out of 10.


So, we turn your gaze on Gameplay. Actually, the management of the characters has changed little and is very easy to control the characters in other SD family games. But because of the charts have just disassembled by us, the perception of the engine is changing for the better, some may even make some kind of novelty in this game parameter. But, looking into it, we will easily find out familiar to us, albeit well veiled, rod. The management here, as in the previous parts of the series, resembles arcade, battles pass in real time, where the enemy does not sleep, which makes a good drink of a good portion of action, which makes it a pleasant to the taste of the RPG / ACTION cocktail.
Of particular bad nothing about the management cannot be said - the characters run very cool, fighting - be healthy too. Yes, and techniques (abilities) look - do not sneeze. A familiar disguised as a new friend, the old good: 7 out of 10.


Let's start with special effects. Completely recognizable, but a little advanced. The ringing of swords, whistle arrows, the sound of steps, transient to the sound of the running legs - everything is very well sent to the chart of the game. It would be even superfluous if we heard high-quality recording of natural sounds. Such voice acting is good only for three-dimensional games, where such a case is assessed very strictly.
As for the music ... Well, what can I say - Square brooms do not knit and everything is perfect and proportionally. Yoko Simomara (Yoko Shimomura) did not give up - he gave a powerful artillery salvo in honor of the Seiken Densetsu series. This music can be discouraged for a long time and well. Someone said that good music should be stuck in the head, but so that she does not want to expel it from there. Music from this game I myself, if she wares me into the brain, with pleasure, scrolls also and once again, savoring every chord. Music to battles with bosses gives a powerful charge of energy and must really like the connoisseurs of good rock. There are many instrumental music, as always very beautiful penetrating into the soul. Music gives the game that special, the unique dynamics, which, to help the active engine, makes not just play, but feel all the beauty of the game, move on, dream ...
Ideally coiled sound effects and truly magic music Mr. Simomara: 10 out of 10.


Well done from Square, and truth, big experimenters! Well, what a fly could bite them to make a nonlinear plot, such a rare for them? What made them painstakingly draw the whole game world on the paper? What kind of devil or muse chupes them how to spin the game in Gordiyev Knot, as a work of art that is boring will not be bored? Invent the story threads, which are indulusable to this proud node, and at the same time beautifully woven tapestry, which, besides, perfectly combines with this node! But something tells me that this is not the very last and not the highest duty experiment Square, something tells me that they will still be afraid of something bold and interesting, so:
A small plot for Picasso "Gordiyev Knot, woven into tapestry": 9 out of 10.


Low - the game is simple and its passage does not cause difficulties. Go fast and easy. By volume, the game is medium or below average.
Average - the game is very balanced and the gameplay is very pleasant. With proper perseverance, it is fast enough. In case of insufficient perseverance, it can be removed forever, or started first. Puzzles if they cause difficulties, then the output is literally after a couple of seconds, simply and painlessly. The most pleasant gamer the level of complexity.
High - the game is large in the literal and figurative sense. Go for a long time and hard. The gameplay is sometimes very annoying and brings to the handle. Puzzles are severe and on their raysterity sometimes leave whole days. The passage of the game is required from 2 weeks to months.
I chose a long time between these three categories. It is quite difficult to determine, since on the one hand to pass it simply and quickly, making a huge number of passes in the quests, in principle, it is possible, and on the other hand, the gameplay gives a lot of pleasure, most quests pass on the middle level of difficulty, but! From the third party, and among them sometimes come across such, on which it is possible to spend the day. Therefore, I decided to estimate this moment as a percentage. According to my vision, the low category is approximately 30%, the average is 60%, and high - 10%.

Written By: Dea The Nanman

Legend of Mana.
* Advice.
* When you are on the menu screen, enter the EQUIP menu. Select an object at your discretion, select the subject status, click X. twice. The Name Creatio Screen screen appears, and you can enter the name of this item.
* Most often, monsters eggs appear in those places in which you fought with bosses and, when you enter the territory in which you have been fighting for a boss not so long ago, you will see that there are no monsters eggs here. Leave this room and go back after a while. It will certainly appear there. When you find such an egg, do not stop on this, find the place on the map where most often met with bosses, and spread some food in every place. Unfortunately, you can simultaneously be only 5 servings of this food.
* In the course of the game, your characters will often find a deficit of funds (LUCRE). In this case, you need to go to Ssbucaneer. When you find yourself there, go down to the bottom deck, go through the next door at the bottom of the screen and find yourself on the semi-love, i.e. In the nose cockpit. Here and in the next room, find the so-called Polter Box. These are drawers, very reminisant treasure chests. Here you can often detect three very valuable crystals. Sun and Moon crystals can be sold each for 750 lucre. And the Red Crystal (Glow Crystal) and more expensive - for 1000 Lucre. You can enter and get out of the kubrick as much as necessary. We did not have got to Ssbucaneer, then go to the 2nd floor of the Bone Fortress fortress and fight the Kid Dragon Dragon. He drops Dargon Steek, which costs 1000 lucre. In addition, he drops and Dragon Breath, which is very useful for hardening swords, and can be sold for 300 lucre.
* To return to the SELECT screen screen Press simultaneously buttons START + SELECT + R1 + R2 + L1 + L2.
* When you fight bosses, take care of how they attack. Most often, if you follow this advice, you will be able to dodge their attacks. Try to fully use your abilities and special techniques. You can pause during the battle to see the level of the enemy.
* After completing the 5th Adventure The Lost Princess, Pink Boin will be able to teleport to a new place - MEKIV Caverns. There are a lot of enemies here, and you will calmly earn a large number of experienced points.
* When you are in the city of Bejeweled City, enter the room where you will find a diamond. You can now enter and leave this room, and every time you will detect the boss, for the victory over which you will receive 900 experienced points.
* Experienced players who will succeed successfully finish the game automatically turn on the game again and get a choice of two options: High Exp Mode mode (Nightmare Mode) is very difficult, just a nightmare mode of complexity or easier Low Exp Mode mode (Normal Mode).
* When you try to catch a monster egg, come to it as slowly as possible so as not to scare. Put some food in front of him, he will begin to eat it, and you will wait for it when he falls, and then catch it. Most often, eggs can be found in those places where you fought with bosses, or where bosses should be. In addition, in these places you can find various elements, coins and so on.
* Special Techques.
Special technicians are, in fact, very powerful techniques. They are not easy to use them, but if you are able to do it, then the enemy will have to be disadvantaged. These techniques can be used only when the Power Bar power indicator flashes. This indicator is located just under the HP indicator, and its level rises when you attack enemies or use special abilities in battle.
* Synchro Effects.
This is an additional premium for what you fought with friends. When you find yourself near your comrade in arms, Lightning skips between your stones (Gems). See it next to your HP indicator in percent (%). This means that the sync effect is activated. It helps you restore HP levels, and if you often stand next to each other, almost shoulder to the shoulder, you will raise your HP level all the time.
* Secret sword.
Remember the game Saga Frontier 2 on the same memory card you use when playing Legend of MANA. Enter the Save Screen screen, select the Saga Fortress file, then exit this screen, now go to the Bone Fortress Fortress, go to the bridge where they fought with Death Bringer, and see two skeletons. Go to them, fight with DeathBringer 2, and for the victory, get the most powerful sword from the game Saga Frontier 2..
* Get Chocobo..
To get chocobo and make it with your favorite and comrade, write the memorized game Final. Fantasy VIII on the same memory card, which is used in the game Legend of Ma. Enter the Save Screen screen, select the Final Fantasy VIII file, exit this screen, you can find the bird's egg in the eastern Domina section, and then remove Chocobo from it.
* Get a "Fast Wheel" (FASTEST WHEEL).
Finish Quest "Catchin Lilipeas" in the game Chocobo Racing, write down the memory card you use in the game Legend of MAN, then log in to the Save Screen screen, select the Chocobo Racing file, exit this screen. Go to the harbor of Polpota Harbor. You will see Skippy on the map screen. A large strange creation with huge ears, which you probably met in questions such as Catchin Lilipeas and Huntin "DU" CATE. He will give you a subject in the form of a wheel called Fastest Wheel.
Successfully complete the following quests in Jewel Hunter: The Lost Princess, The Flame of Hope, Drowned Dreams, The Looking-Glass Tower, The Lucky Clover, Cosmo, Two Pearls, Alexandrite, Flourite and Tear Drop Crystal). Then, when these events are completed, go to the bar in Domina on Salamander Day. Here you will see Shadow Zero, standing at the rack, talk to him and play Miniyigru.
* Mini Agigan Land Verg.
Make so that "9 lands" were clearly visible on the world map. It will remind a slightly slanting chalkboard for grubblas. Then hold the L1 button of approximately 4 seconds, and the Land Spryigner's start screen will appear.
* New game with some additions (New Game + Fuature).
Successfully finish the game, then then download the game, which is next to the music symbol, and get a new option (New Game + "Feature). Thanks to this, it will be possible to save your old level, items, features and all kinds of tools, and when you start in your own home, go to the studio (in the room located near the stairs), where you find the encyclopedia and you can find the forgotten volume (Forbidden Tome).
* Being on the menu screen, enter the EQUIP menu, select an item at your discretion, then select the Status of the Item, click X. Twice on this subject, and the Name Creation screen screen will appear, where you can rename the subject by entering the name on your own selection.
* Items with value.
If in the course of the game, find that the financial capabilities of your character (LUCRE) are very small, go to SS Bucaneer. When you find yourself there, go down to the bottom deck and enter the first door at the bottom of the screen. Will be on the semi-love. Here and in the next room, meet "Special" enemies (Poltar Box Enemies). They resemble chests in which treasures are often stored. These enemies, when you defeat them, leave behind various very valuable crystals.
Sun Crystal (Moon Crystal) and Moon Crystal can be sold at 750 LUCRE, and the shimmering crystal (Glow Crystal) even for 1000 lucre. Go to the room, enter with the enemy, then exit the room, and when you return back, the enemies will be in place. Repeat this procedure as many times as you like until you feel that you have restored your balance balance. If for some reason you can't get to this ship, then go to the second floor of the fortress (Bone Fortress) and fight the Kid Dragon Dragon. He will also drop a special Dragon Steak object, which costs 1000 lucre. In addition, he drops Dragon Breath, which will be very useful when setting up swords, and it is possible to sell it for 300 lucre.
* Duel between two players.
If you want to fight for a duel with your companion, go to Geo, go through the upper point, enter the building, pass by Sotherbee directly to the basement. Go down as far as possible and talk to the Garlic Guy. Now you can fight or with your comrade or with NPC.
* Monsters eggs.
Most often, the monsters eggs appear in those places where you fought with bosses. If you enter the zone of the recent battle, and there is no monster egg, then exit this command, come back, and they may appear there. Sometimes you have to go 2-3 times, but you should not be upset. When you find an egg, remember this place, perhaps monsters appear here often, so it is advisable to leave a few pieces of meat to lure them. Please note that you can only leave 5 pieces of food at a time.
* Maps MYSTIC POWER Cards.
Mystic Power Cards cards work best if you use three pieces at once. One card (Cleric Card) has even a small negative effect on your attacking power, while three cards increase it very much. The GOD of War Card map only slightly increases your strength when used, while three such cards raise your power to 10 points.
* Armory attacks.
Plunge Attacks Weapon Attacks can be changed in a very interesting way. For example, the Sun Crystals Card card will change your Plunge Attacks to the Sunlight attack, which although it makes enemies rather medium damage, but it is extremely effective against the Demks (UNDEAD). Some items allow you to change the power of damage applied (from medium to huge). Remember the game before you do the experiments, as they can get the results that you will not satisfy. But when the experiment passes successfully, remember it and use it later.

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