Congratulations on September 1 to 6 graders. The new school year

And every year we go back to basics
Where the school time blooms
Where primordial knowledge is the line
And childhood is endless
After mowing countless years
We will bring the children here
Knowledge Day will not go out of style
Congratulations to the teachers!
Grant valuable sciences
For many years to students,
May our grandchildren strive for you,
Low bow and praise to you.

Outside the window, a ray of sun is pouring
Globe at school got bored
The desk laughs happily:
"The student has become more mature!"

Happy flowers, ink, discoveries!
The day of knowledge has come to you!
Happy events to you
In the best of all schools.

Knowledge is never too much
Let your mind keep them.
After all, without knowledge, nowhere -
Neither this nor that.

Do not be lazy, learn
Discover the secrets of the world.
And let every gram of knowledge
Helps you in life.

Every year, from morning until early,
The fuss begins -
It's not a joke holiday -
The first day of September!

Bows, blouses, shoes, trousers
And bouquets of flowers
Urgently buy everything, iron -
So I'm ready to go to school.

We sincerely congratulate everyone,
And we want in the school year,
Wish everything to come true -
What joy will bring!

The first day of autumn in the sun,
Boys are in suits, girls are in bows.
All around sparkles with joy now
And bouquets are full of flowers in hundreds of children's hands.
Let the smiles shine brighter than all the lights
May the school give many bright days
Let every day pass by you not in vain.
Happy holiday, guys! From September 1!

A bouquet of flowers in your hands
And a new satchel behind my shoulders,
There is excitement and delight in the eyes,
You squeeze your mom's hand tightly.
Today is your main holiday
This is your first time going to school
You are a first grader, you are big!
Now everything will be different.

Knowledge Day is a holiday for the whole country!
When all schools open their doors
And everywhere the laughter of happy children,
And maples in red meet everyone in schools,
We congratulate each of us
Happy autumn holiday and wish you
To become a great start in class life,
In which we begin to study in the fall.

Congratulations you guys
On this holiday of knowledge!
I want to wish you success
And great efforts!

I want you to learn
Only excellent,
To behave with friends
Simple and tactful!

Good teachers to you,
Kind and pleasant
Concise explanations
And always understandable!

Congratulations to you guys
Happy September 1st!
I want to wish you good luck
On this holiday I am!

Poems from September 1

Congratulations on September 1st!
With a new start, with a new expectation.
Believe me, you go to school for a reason -
So accept your wishes today:
Knowledge, it is known, is light,
You strive for them boldly and stubbornly,
And you will know the taste of great victories
And you will be able to live fruitfully!

The summer is over and is calling tenderly
Children at school desks.
And with books a new, magical flight
The Day of Knowledge will give you again.

And on the first day of autumn, September day
School friendship meets you.
And childhood years, silver,
The light of good radiates on you.

Congratulations on the beginning of your studies,
Enter the class with a smile on Knowledge Day!
Boys, girls - everyone is happy with each other,
Grades, control ones are still ahead.

On Knowledge Day, the teacher will not give you an assignment,
He will ask you to tell about summer,
And the first day of school is almost not a school day,
He's just to congratulate everyone!

Here comes the breath of autumn,
New calendar sheet.
The Day of Knowledge has come again -
The main holiday of September!

You are in a good mood
Go to school every day.
For any question a solution
Then you will be able to find!

And with any school task,
We know you can handle it jokingly.
Rejoice in the merry years
They will fly by quickly!

Like sparks are burning
First graders eyes,
On this day for them around,
Everything is a piece of a fairy tale!

You are the best today
All are more beautiful today!
This is a small success
In your young life!

May dreams come true
Let learning be joy,
And accept from the bottom of your heart
Our congratulations!

The beginning of autumn is the beginning of school life,
And the bell will ring again for you.
All words, deeds, thoughts will become different,
And again, go to class for your lesson.
May all your expectations come true
May plans and dreams come true
And may all brave desires come true,
I wish you success, victorious height!

First time you go to school today
In the first grade, for the first lesson.
This day will be remembered for a long time:
School yard, teacher and bell.
Ahead are mistakes and victories,
Just don't turn, walk!
Always be patient and courageous
Conquer difficulties with perseverance!

Teacher! And that tells us everything
Do not express feelings in words.
You and I fearlessly soar on the waves,
Warmed by the rays of knowledge.

On the Day of Knowledge, we sincerely give you flowers,
That they are generously warmed in the fall.
And with you we build bridges of knowledge,
And we appreciate all the advice from you.

Congratulations on the day of knowledge in verse

Autumn ... the maple leaf turns yellow,
Waving to the children, he escorts them to school ...
September again, someone's first lesson ...
A loud, cheerful bell is heard.
It's a holiday today and guys are happy
Meeting of friends and teachers.
Preschool children look at them with envy:
"If only we could go to school as soon as possible!"

Schoolyard doors again
Open the way for you
To the bright city of knowledge, and it's time
Without lingering long at the doorstep,

Taking a backpack, enter with a smile
To the school world, because it is so wonderful!
Let good luck lie ahead
And everything will be interesting to you!

Happy Knowledge Day, Happy Autumn!
It's time, the calls are ringing
And again the children are invited:
"Rather to the class, students."

Studying is not easy
But everything will work out, you know.
With firm tenacity and patience
You will achieve the heights, just dare. /

The day of the holiday is not easy - the beginning of cognition.
From one in September, they created a day of knowledge for everyone!
Who is studying or studying or running from it
In the morning he dressed up decently and looks welcoming.

Bouquets of roses and lilies are carried by students ...
There the bow was dismissed, here - look more fun ...
Crowd with the neighborhood on the school parade ground,
The bell rings boring - at least be happy, at least cry.

They are in a hurry to congratulate everyone and everything who came.
With the beginning of training, with the first day of September!
And we congratulate everyone, here you can hear a laugh,
Has arrived great holiday- the rhyme ended.

I wish you bright and cheerful days
Knowledge of interesting, necessary, new -
After all, they are not given to us in vain!
Congratulations on September 1st!

What happened? Why then
Leaves are yellow whirling
Freeze, circle again,
They look around at us:
“We saw recently
Like grimy ones, in the dust,
We ran, fought,
We jumped into the yars with a cry! "
And today, like a needle
Everyone is smart and clean
And with bouquets: "Whose is more?"
They are all in a hurry to school ?!
Why, a holiday for all the kids!
We will be full of knowledge
We will become a year older, taller,
This is important - look!

So the summer has flown by
And the Day of Knowledge comes
Disciple, get down to business
A sea of ​​knowledge is waiting for you!

Don't get lost in the sea
Be diligent, do not be lazy
Learn from the heart, try
Your life will be bright!

The school opens the door
The school year starts,
Happy Knowledge Day
Those who go to knowledge.

Comprehend, develop,
Let the interest not fade away
Let them pass you by
Boredom, laziness, and even stress.

May friends be reliable, faithful
You will have a whole class.
Well, students, go for it!
To school, to knowledge! Good hour!

Happy Knowledge Day, our wonderful students. We wish you an incredibly cool academic year with a lot of success, victories, discoveries, ideas, achievements and your own achievements. Let the educational process progress easily, let all your dreams come true! Try, do not be lazy and then everything will work out!

Summer flew by quickly
You came to school again,
For three months of vacation
Have a rest, have grown up,
We wish you happy
This was the school year
Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge,
Joy and success awaits you!

Happy Knowledge Day
I am you disciples
Let along the road of knowledge
The steps will be easy.

Interesting lessons
I want to wish you
Everything is great
Checklists to write.

Wish you
They strove for knowledge,
Were diligent
Studied well.

May it be successful
The whole school year,
May school luck
Will not let you down.

Happy knowledge day, congratulations to all -
Let great success await in business.
May it be good at school
Cozy, fun, light.
Let laughter and friendship here and there
Run through the school floors!
We wish you excellent knowledge,
Happy but reasonable days
Different questions, tests
And sincere teachers!

You are in a hurry to school today.
Here the bell rings again
Autumn day, the very first
I already invited you to a lesson.

Let study be a joy
Let the fives fly to you.
Jokes, laughter, cheerful babble
May they always sound among you.

I congratulate on the day of knowledge
And I wish you victories.
So that you always enjoy
A bright world of school years.

May always you guys
Knowledge will be in order.
And in diligence to study
So that there is no shortage.

Combat mood,
Never lose heart
And with great interest
Study all subjects!

On Knowledge Day to all students
We wish you great endurance,
And so that you have enough strength,
Granite of science gnaw stubbornly.

We wish you noisy changes
Good friends and girlfriends
So that in return for efforts
You've got the experience you need.

And so that the fives in the diary,
They lived peacefully in their home,
And so that there is success in hand,
And failures floated by!

Today is an important day for you,
Finished for study fees,
Let it be for you, friends, not laziness
Granite of science gnaw stubbornly.

Forward, to success, to a dream
Always strive without doubt,
Keep it flat and simple
Your road to learning.

Fives straight rows
Let the diaries decorate you
And everyone will be proud at school -
Our talents are growing!

The new school year is already coming!
New wonders await you outside the door.
Each of you understands with your heart
That a new streak begins.

Be daring, greedy for learning,
And open up a new world with joy!
We wish you success and inspiration,
So that you choose the correct landmark!

May this year become rich for victories,
Let all subjects be easy for you!
Happy Holidays! Happy Knowledge Day!
Think boldly, wisely and deeply!

I am glad to welcome my readers! We all love poetry, the beauty of sophisticated phrases and rhymes. That is why poetic words are so often used on solemn occasions instead of dry and official phrases. Surely, many of you will accompany your offspring on the first day of autumn to the traditional school line. Some will have a good opportunity to speak to the audience with speeches for teachers and schoolchildren. I suggest that you give up for a while from banal prose and voice your congratulations on September 1 in verse in order to pleasantly surprise your listeners.

Congratulations poems for students

For the main heroes of the occasion, there will always be suitable beautiful congratulatory lines that will give you a positive attitude and a desire to quickly sit down at your favorite school desk.

Gathered without reminders

Have become more smart and mature ...

For schoolchildren this holiday of knowledge

The most important in a line of days.

For the kids, I wish

From all the teacher's soul:

Eagerly comprehend the sciences

And be nice too!

We are very glad to see you

Congratulations on the first of September.

Always do well in your studies

Get a heap of fives!

Unleash the ability to strive

And study with pleasure!

Today I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge!

I wish you great achievements and happiness!

Excellent study, reliable friends;

So that life becomes brighter and more fun!

Congratulations we fervently

Those who love to learn!

We have many wishes

We hasten to pass them on to you.

Many useful skills,

Nice teachers to you.

Books - only interesting

Inspiration and ideas!

Today is an unusual, bright holiday,

And ahead - the year is filled with labor.

It will be difficult and very hot

But he will also bring rewards with him.

We wish you strength, perseverance and luck,

Wide horizons and victories.

So that these wonderful, magical moments

They left their sweet mark in the soul.

How to congratulate teachers

On this day, one cannot do without sentimental words addressed to the class teacher or favorite teachers, and, of course, intended for the very first teacher.

What is the most important thing about the word teacher?

Knowledge! There is no doubt about that.

With children, you will rush towards science,

Opening the whole world in front of you.

We are in a hurry to congratulate you heartily,

May your year be full of good luck.

Students - only diligent and glorious,

Peace, happiness, patience away from adversity.

Years after years go slowly

But our native class is just as close to us.

Advice, lessons, deeds

Wonderful teachers lead us into the world.

We will warm you with words and hugs

And I would like to wish with all my heart -

Health, achievements, inspiration.

Although we are adults, we have kids in our hearts.

Once upon a time we were tiny

They brought me to the school class.

Our bows shone

Flowers bloomed in their hands.

And clumsy fingers

You taught to write;

And the knowledge is countless

We got it with you.

When we get into trouble

When the eyes are filled with tears,

We are going to you as to a spring,

Looking for support and protection.

You were always affectionate

They gave us advice.

We were happy with you,

We will not forget this.

School years rushed by,

We didn't notice them.

The first teacher

We missed you so much!

Poetic congratulations for parents

Relatives and friends of schoolchildren often have to re-pass with their children school curriculum helping them with lessons; give good advice and help in Hard time... So, congratulatory lyrics for beloved dads and moms will be very helpful.

The holidays and summer are over,

The trill of the bell will bring the guys together again.

Their new subjects are waiting in the class,

There is a lot of knowledge, but it won't hurt.

What would you wish you, parents?

Be an example for your children

Helper, support, inspirer

Their discoveries, achievements and ideas.

No more sleep sweetly

You have to get up at six-zero-zero.

So that the kids get to school

Ancestors took over the burden of worries.

Wake up early in the morning

Be sure to feed.

Checking homework at night

Go to meetings.

And also worry

So that there are "five" in the notebooks.

So let it be an easy year

And the whole family is always lucky!

Poems for kids

Motivating poems from loving parents will help to tune your child to a positive in the morning, so that the baby can look forward to school uniform and go to the ruler in high spirits.

Summer has come to an end

Contrary to the wishes of the children.

Satchels, smiles, bouquets

And smart students ...

Pages Coming Soon

Notebooks and primer;

Congratulations to you, our beloved,

The diary and notebooks woke up in the morning,

Together with the books, they all smiled at us.

Congratulations from the beginning of your studies,

Only fives in chorus want.

Do not ruin school friendships with friends.

So that teachers help in everything

And knowledge quickly flew into my head.

May all the changes be cheerful

The tests and grades will be excellent.

Congratulations from my heart

Mom and Dad, as well as friends.

Charged wishes for first graders

Poetry is able not only to elegantly present wishes, but also to create for the youngest guests on school ruler atmosphere of friendliness and good mood.

A cheerful bell is heard,

The first class is met by the school.

Primers and breaks

Books, recipes, assessments.

This day is a wonderful holiday

Every first grader knows.

To make the path easier

Do not forget to congratulate.

Learn subjects well

Listen to smart advice.

Be diligent and you

Make your dreams come true!

Each of you was a child

What a hesitant run after mom.

A naive, simple preschool child -

There is nothing you can do about it.

And now you are already first graders,

You are proud to walk to school.

All week diligently, diligently

Science is given to comprehend.

The satchel is in perfect order

No question arose.

There are no blots in the notebook

And a clean diary for now.

I want my congratulations

To convey to all first graders:

May learning be easy

And get unprecedented peaks!

Congratulations to graduates

Worthy of admonishing high school students who are preparing to leave school, will help soulful words, which at some point can even move to tears.

This year is already the last for you,

Graduation and most important class!

Inside is full of emotion and excitement

On the Day of Knowledge, we hasten to congratulate you!

May the school be remembered for a long time

And heats warm light you later.

Here you received not only knowledge,

But the best moments, moreover.

Oh, childhood year, it will soon be over,

And dissolve like a wonderful dream.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world

Than to feel like a graduate!

Graduates, for the last time

You are standing here on the ruler.

A serious stage has started,

Be able to overcome it.

Knowledge day will not be repeated,

But you are more drawn to them.

The shadow of childhood has already disappeared

And you become more mature.

The cherished hour has become a little closer,

When the barriers run out.

Exams will pass for you

They will give your certificate - an award.

May this year rush by without any problems!

Good luck, happiness and health to everyone!

This small arsenal of poems, including short and long greetings, will definitely come in handy on the eve of September 1st.

See you soon, my dears! Subscribe to blog updates, introduce friends to my publications, share them on social networks, saving your favorite lines. All the best to you friends!

Best regards, Anastasia Skoreeva

Red day of the calendar -
It's a September holiday
For students, he is the main one,
National Day of Knowledge.

May he bring you
Strength, good luck for a whole year,
Many new hobbies
The most joyful moments!

The calendar turned over -
And September has come to us!
The student quickly put on his shoes,
I happily went to school.

After all, today is the holiday of Knowledge,
The first joyful call!
And the beginning of all daring
And a rich lesson.

You learn in a big way,
To look for the answer to everything!
Let the fives be in swoop
Fly into the diaries!

The bell rings cheerful
Welcoming Knowledge Day,
And the doors are school again
Opened in front of us.

Knowledge day begins
School new year,
May school luck
Will not let you down.

Let them be in the diaries
Excellent grades,
Let the merry laugh
Ringing at breaks.

Take you to the new heights
I wish I strive
Comprehend science
And study well.

Today is a holiday of light, friendship, books,
Flowers, smiles, sometimes - torment ...
So let every moment give you
Delight in acquiring new knowledge.

Learning is light. So don't be lazy
Discover your talents and calling.
And learn excellently.
Today is your holiday. The Day of Knowledge!

Congratulations today,
Everyone who appreciates the light of science,
Knowledge is not only power
Getting rid of boredom.

We wish you good luck
Endless patience
So that every day is full
Joy and inspiration!

May the baggage of your knowledge be great
And the diary will only shine with a difference,
May school days be filled with luck
They play only with joy, happiness.

May your school year shine with luck
And everyone will be successful in the sunrise,
May any peak be easily conquered,
And your dreams are just coming true!

Today is the Day of Knowledge
We celebrate everything
And knowledge is power
And we know that.

We know everything
And strong and strong.
So let's be true
The mainstay of the country!

On Knowledge Day, I wish
Always be a Know-it-all.
I wish you great success
Reach without difficulty.

So that laziness does not interfere,
And there was interest
So that you like
The whole learning process.

Today everything is full of, boils and breathes,
Smart, with bows, for the first time.
Perhaps someone will hear for the first time:
Call! Please, guys, to the first grade.

And someone will meet the last year sadly,
September is rich in events.
And to classes where everything was empty yesterday
The stream of boys will rush and girls.

We wish you an academic year
Luggage of knowledge to make it heavy.
So that you not only become taller,
So that everyone grows up and grows wiser.

So that all tasks can be easily solved,
Dictations without mistakes and labor,
So that they can do everything, know, understand
And they have always applied knowledge.

To find friends, reliable girlfriends,
So that the days passed in a bright succession.
Let what was difficult become simple.
And dreams and dreams will come true.

There comes a quiet school time.
We wish you guys no fluff, no feather!
It is easy to get involved in the cognitive process,
And so that it arouses the most necessary interest.

There are many fives, enjoy your studies.
Make friends, admire, smile.
Let a year will pass the way you want
And, of course, love your teachers.

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Congratulations on September 1
We are in a hurry today.
The native school is tired of waiting
And all your teachers.
Let everything be like the first time:
Smile, shine of happy eyes.
And there is still study ahead
And your funny friendly class.
I wish you do not know the difficulties
And it's easy to get up in the morning
Always willing to learn
And know the subject of any "five"!


The first day of autumn in the sun,
Boys are in suits, girls are in bows.
All around sparkles with joy now
And bouquets are full of flowers in hundreds of children's hands.
Let the smiles shine brighter than all the lights
May the school give many bright days
Let every day pass by you not in vain.
Happy holiday, guys! From September 1!


How quickly the summer flew by
And it's time to go to school again.
In the glow of the sunlight
The kids are in a hurry with flowers.
For them today in a bright color
Sparks a leaf of the calendar.
We wish you joy, success,
Good luck! From September 1!


Congratulations on September 1st!
With a new start, with a new expectation.
Believe me, you go to school for a reason -
So accept your wishes today:
Knowledge, it is known, is light,
You strive for them boldly and stubbornly,
And you will know the taste of great victories
And you will be able to live fruitfully!


The sun scorched the leaves
Golden September.
So autumn has come
We go back to school.
Well, we are ready for victories
The heart just breaks into battle!
Let us fill the mind with light!
School, we are always with you!


The beginning of autumn is the beginning of school life,
And the bell will ring again for you.
All words, deeds, thoughts will become different,
And again, go to class for your lesson.
May all your expectations come true
May plans and dreams come true
And may all brave desires come true,
I wish you success, victorious height!


Knowledge Day is a special and bright day.
After all, there is an academic year ahead.
Perhaps it will turn out to be hot
But only the stubborn glory awaits!
We wish you courage, patience,
Wonderful discoveries and victories.
And may the wonderful moments
They will leave a mark for many years!


First time you go to school today
In the first grade, for the first lesson.
This day will be remembered for a long time:
School yard, teacher and bell.
Ahead are mistakes and victories,
Just don't turn, walk!
Always be patient and courageous
Conquer difficulties with perseverance!


First grader is proud
And it sounds like an adult!
There was still a child yesterday
And today - a student.
Today is such a special day
On a piece of calendar!
Congratulations on your new life!
Schoolboy, from September 1!


I wish you bright and cheerful days
Knowledge of interesting, necessary, new -
After all, they are not given to us in vain!
Congratulations on September 1st!


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