Havana world. Civil war in Colombia ended? Civil War in Colombia Civil War in Colombia Map

In Colombia, 3 sides are actually fighting: the government army, the right-stocking grouping (Paramylitarios) and the left revolutionary groups and the FARC - the left-handed rebel grouping of Colombia. It originated in 1964 as a militiated wing of the Community of Colombia.

FARK argues that since 1964 he leads a war with the government for the construction of New Colombia, society of social justice and social equality. At the time of his heyday in the 1990s, the Fall Army had about 17,000 fighters, both men and women supported by a significant part of the population, the so-called "civil militia", supplying them for food, medicines and information, with an international network capable of maintaining operational communication with other countries and ideological allies. The rebels controlled 45% of Colombian territory, they were even considered a threat to Bogota.

According to the official Columbian government, FARK is responsible for numerous terrorist acts, explosions, killing politicians, kidnapping and extortion in the country. The militants of the organization according to official data participated in the production and sale of drugs, kidnapped people with the purpose of redemption and forced teenagers to fight against the government. In all the time of the conflict between the Colombian authorities and Farc since 1958, at least 220 thousand people became victims, including 177 thousand from among the civilian population, about 45 thousand people were missing, more than 5 million civilians became refugees.

President of Columbia Juan Manuel Santos announced on August 27, 2012 that the Columbian government took preliminary negotiations with FARC in order to achieve conflict termination. September 23, 2015, in Cuba in the presence of the Cuban leader Raul Castro, President Santos and the leader of the rebel Jimenez shook their hands and announced the intention to sign a peace agreement in March 2016. On June 22, 2016, in Havana, representatives of the Columbia Government and FARC announced the coordination of the terms of the final cessation of fire, disarmament, security guarantees and the fight against criminal organizations. The agreement itself was signed on June 23. On October 7, the Norwegian Nobel Committee presented the President of the world to President Columbia Huan Manuel Santos for efforts to complete the completion of the last half a century of the Civil War.

Personal girls posing in front of a camera with a weapon, in VEGAez Municipality, Antiway Department, Colombia, December 30, 2016.

In Colombia last weekend voluntarily surrendered to the authorities of the 45-year-old Nelli Avil Moro on the nickname Karina, one of the most influential commanders of the Levatsky rebel grouping revolutionary armed forces of Colombia (FARK). She is accused of dozens of cruel murders, in particular in the organization of the murder in 1983, the Father of the current President Columbia Alvaro Uribe, in the preparation of terrorist attacks, seizures, torture hostages and armed rebellion.

About what is an armed movement, which has been talking about many recently, says expert on Latin American countries Alexander Gostev:
- In many countries of Latin America, there is a sluggish more or less partisan armed struggle. In the 60s there was a surge in the appearance of a wide variety of armed partisan, rebel groups, which performed completely under different slogans, they were ultra-right, ultrasound, levate-peasant, ultrahristian. The revolutionary armed forces of Colombia "Army of People" officially appeared in 1966, they were formed by activists of the Providest Columbian Communist Party. Despite the fact that 30 years of various Colombian governments with them a constant active struggle with them, until now, FARC remains the strongest armed formation in Colombia, tentatively from 16 to 20 thousand permanent armed fighters.

- in the 60s, in the early 70s, they said that the goals of these all revolutionary rebel armies and brigades - the formation of a single, let's say, the left anti-imperialist front, which is known, one of the leaders of the Cuban revolution Ernesto and Guevara.
- first, there was never any unity, starting from the 60s, if only because from the 60s, Moscow and Beijing - two main forces that supported rebel movements around the world - finally diverged in the same Latin America. In almost every country, two communist parties appeared, one was promotional, and the second propekine, one was Maoist, the other was Marxist-Leninskaya. If we are talking about the revolutionary armed forces of Colombia, they have slogans in their time were levate-peasant and Marxist-Leninsky. By and large, Farc was a huge and well-organized and sounded from the outside of the gang of criminals, criminals in the medieval, I would say, the sense of the word, which differed in an incredible some cruelty, atrocities, sophisticated some kind of sadism in relation to the captured prisoner, Captured to hostages to journalists, politicians, foreigners, whom they captured very much. Who financed it all? What money do they exist on?

- Cocaine money?
- by 99%.

That is, they guard people who cultivate drug plantations, and then engage in all this affairs on world markets?
- They have very complex relationships. In Colombia, there is not only FARC. There are at least two major partisan groups that also have many thousands of fighters - this is the army of national liberation and there is also a folk army of liberation, Maoist, this is the military wing of the propinge Communist Party of Colombia. There is a huge number of so-called paralimilitares, it is ultra-right, completely fascist detachments, at least they act under the flag of this flag, these are private army of drug traps, large latifundists, some local ultra-right politicians. This is a huge cocktail of 20-30 armed gangs that are constantly included in various blocks with each other or fight with each other, or somehow find out the relationship.

- How does all this relate to the famous Columbia cocaine cartels, there is a Medelinsky or Gogaty cartel?
- Two main cartel Colombian officially defeated, after Pablo Escobar was killed in the 93st year, from the point of view of Colombian peasant, a popular, revolutionary hero, absolute Robin Hood. There are documents that he financed them, understanding how any criminal leader is that the more unstable the situation in the country will, the easier it will turn his business. Cocaine plantations in Colombia are very small, the main cocaine is grown in Peru and in Bolivia. In Colombia, there are already laboratories for its processing, after which it is already through Mexico and the Bahamas, at least until it started at all last years The merciless struggle against drug dealers, he was delivered to the States.

- Cutting Karina is a big victory of the Columbia government?
- Certainly. This woman was the third strength, significance and influence by the commander in the revolutionary armed forces of Colombia. She has already managed to declare that, of course, everything that she did is wrong that war is not a way out that reconciliation in Colombia can only be seen by a calm political dialogue. She has already expressed concerns for their lives, which, naturally, she will not forgive the betrayal of her associates. Actually, the associates were left, because at the beginning of March, when the armed incident was on the border of Colombia and Ecuador (three countries - Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador were on the verge of war), was killed Raul Regus. Then, after this, the Columbian raid on the territory of Ecuador, a week later, another commander of these three was killed, he was shot by his closest associate. He cut off his hand to him and with this hand she walked around the mountain jungle to the nearest one Military post, he carried with her hand to present evidence, fingerprints, what he killed his commander.

- For which I received a million dollars, promised by the Columbian government ...
"Therefore, now we can say that Farc is beheaded. On the other hand, no one knows if it is, because of the fact that Fark is scattered detachments. The same Nelly Avila Moreno stated that she did not come into contact with other FARK commanders for the last two years. That is, it is absolutely such a rural partisanism in the jungle.

Name of the Nobel Prize Laureate. They became President of Columbia Juan Manuel Santos. The 2016 World Award was awarded to him "for efforts to resolve the conflict in Colombia."

Armed conflict between the authorities of the country and the rebels began in the 1960s. And only in 2016, the parties managed to achieve the final agreement on its completion. On September 27, in Cartagena, an agreement was signed on the termination of conflict and ensuring a solid and sustainable world.

About how half a century armed conflict began in the South American country and how it was settled - in the TASS material.

How did the civil war in Colombia begin?

  • Armed struggle in Colombia in the form of a partisan war - Gerilla - has a long-standing root. Back in 1920-1930 Armed conflicts were regularly broke out caused by the demand of the peasantry to redistribute land ownership and protect the interests of Indian communities.
  • In the late 1950s. Various rebel associations began the struggle for influence in the country. The largest of them are left-wing groups of the revolutionary armed forces of Colombia (RVSK) and the Army of National Liberation (ANO).
  • RVSK advocated the eradication of social inequality, poverty, corruption, against the US intervention in the country's internal affairs under the pretext of the provision of military and economic assistance. Considering that the Government of Colombia cannot or does not want to solve these tasks, the purpose of its struggle of the RVCK declared the conquest of political power.

What damage caused the country's conflict?

  • The total number of colombians, in one way or another affected by armed actions, exceeds 8 million people. The dead were included - 260 thousand, missing - 45 thousand, internally displaced persons - 6.8 million, as well as wounded, abducted, who were dedicated, lost property, etc.
  • The conflict had a great influence on the economic development of the country, primarily due to the high military spending, the payment of compensation to victims, as well as due to the losses that the agricultural sector suffered.
  • The past five years, the government annually allocated for military needs on average 7-8% of the state budget or 3.5% of GDP (the total amount spent during this period exceeded $ 45 billion). Under conditions without conflict, the growth rate of the country's economy should significantly accelerate and GDP will double every 8.5 years (and more than once in 18.5 years, as happens now).
  • The conflict also had a negative impact on the environment: due to hostilities, illegal mining of raw materials and cutting of forests by rebels, as well as the settlement of new lands forced by displaced persons for 50 years in Colombia, 3 million hectares of forests were destroyed, and therefore the state of the atmosphere was worse And because of the numerous rebel terrorist attacks on pipelines in the soil and water has fallen more than 4 million barrels of oil.

How did the authorities tried to come to a peace agreement with RVSK?

  • The first with a similar initiative was the President of Columbia Julio Cears Turkey Ayala (1978-1982). With it, a law on the amnesty of participants in rebel movements was adopted, but it was rejected by RVSK.
  • The Government of President Belisario Betankura (1982-1986) established a Commission on Peace issues. In 1985, the legal left political party was created by the Patriotic Union (Union Patriotica), to which the former partisans RVSK were able to join. Nevertheless, by the end of the 1980s. The opposition of the government and the rebels intensified again and the negotiation process gradually came up.
  • The dialogue was resumed only in the late 1990s, but he was repeatedly interrupted.

What is the merit of Santos in the resolution of the conflict?

  • The cessation of hostilities and the conclusion of a peace agreement with partisans became the main theses of the pre-election program of Santos, who came to power in 2010.
  • On September 4, 2012, he officially announced the beginning of the dialogue with RVSK.
  • On September 23, 2015, the first personal meeting of Santos was held in Havana with the leader of the RVS Timoleon Himenes. By this time, the parties have already managed to reach an agreement on three principal issues - agrarian reform, the participation of rebels in political life and solving the problem of illegal cultivation of narcotic plants. The result of the meeting was an agreement on holding a wide amnesty after the completion of hostilities (except for cases of particularly serious violations of human rights).
  • On December 15, 2015, the parties agreed on one of the most difficult items of the agenda of the negotiations - about the victims of the armed conflict and justice. It was this provision that caused the sides of the most disagreements. The agreement provides for the creation of special jurisdiction authorities to investigate crimes committed over the years of armed actions, the payment of compensation to victims and guarantees of the unique crime. RVSK pledged to compensate for the damage caused, including to participate in the restoration of the destroyed infrastructure and carry out demining the territories.
  • On August 24, 2016, representatives of the government and rebels reached an agreement on the comprehensive and final completion of the conflict. On September 26, 2016, a solemn ceremony of signing a peace agreement took place in Cartagena (Colombia).

What is known about Huan Manuel Santos?

  • Born on August 10, 1951 in Bogota, the capital of Columbia, in the family belonging to the Columbian elite - His ancestors were famous politicians, journalists, intellectuals.
  • He studied at the prestigious private College "San Carlos" in Bogota, then he was the cadet at the Maritime Academy in Cartagena. In 1972 he graduated from Kansat University (USA), where he studied the economy and management of enterprises.
  • In 1972-1981 was a representative of the Columbia National Federation of Coffee Manufacturers in International Organization Coffee in London. In parallel, he studied at the London School of Economics and Political Science, where he received a master's degree in economics, economic Development and public administration. He studied journalism in the government school. John Kennedy Harvard University (USA). He also studied in the Fletcher school of law and diplomacy of the University of Tafts (USA).
  • From 1991 to 1994 He headed the Ministry of Foreign Trade, where he contributed to the entry of Colombia to the WTO (full member since 1995).
  • In October 1997, together with the world-famous Colombian writer Gabriel, Garce Marquez, tried to initiate peace negotiations RVSK and Ano. It was assumed that political parties were supposed to participate as representatives of the state in the process, and not the government, which partisans did not recognize legitimate. However, this initiative did not find support from President Ernesto Sampera writer.
  • In 2000-2002 He served the post of Minister of Finance and State Loan in the Government of Andres Pastra Arango.
  • Since July 2006, he performed the responsibilities of the Minister of Defense in the Government of Alvaro Uribe, who under the "Democratic Security" proposed did the "Democratic Security" proposed struggle led (with the participation of not only law enforcement agencies, but also a civilian population).
  • In May 2009, he took part in the presidential election of 2010, won the second round, which took place on June 20, 2010.
  • Instead of the Democratic Security doctrine, he proposed the Doctrine of Democratic prosperity, which allowed peaceful negotiations with partisans.

The reasons for the start of the conflict each of the parties treats in its favor. Farc and other partisan movements declare that they are fighting for the rights of the poor in Colombia to protect them from state violence and ensure social justice. The Government of Colombia declares that it fights for an order and stability and seeks to protect the rights and interests of its citizens. The militarized ultra-right ("Paramylitares") of the Group declare that they only respond to the alleged threats from the partisan movements. And partisans, and the ultra-right are accused of participating in drug trafficking and terrorism. Finally, all parties participating in the conflict are criticized for numerous human rights violations.

According to a study conducted by the National Center for Historical Memory of Colombia, 220,000 people died in conflict between and 2013, most of them are civilians (17,7307 people), more than five million civilians were forced to leave their homes between and 2012.

Armed conflict in Colombia has deep economic, political and social prerequisites that have formed in the country 50 years ago. In the early period (-1982 years), partisan groups, such as FARK, ANO and others, put forward slogans of universal equality and achieve communism, which allowed them to gain support from some sections of the local population. From the mid-1980s, communist slogans began to lose popularity, and the Government of Colombia, strengthening the fiscal system and reforming the system of local self-government, seized the initiative to combat the opposition. In 1985, the Party of the Patriotic Union (UP) was formed with the participation of FARC. In the end, UP was distant from the rebel groups and moved to the parliamentary struggle.

The Colombian government began the fight against drug carriers, which appeared in the country in-year, and the left partisan groups and the right-wing militarized organizations have established a connection with them, earning drug trafficking. This led to the loss of their support from the local population.

The origin of the armed conflict in Colombia is associated with the agricultural unrest in 1920 in the regions of Supreme and Tegradam. The peasants at that time fought for the ownership of coffee plantations, which caused a split between conservatives and liberals.

With the end of La Viivansia, most self-defense detachments and partisan detachments, consisting of supporters of the liberal party, were dissolved, but at the same time, some former liberals and communist groups continued to exist in several rural enclaves. One of these liberal groups was the "Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia", or Farc (FARC), formed by Muchura Alhura in the early years.

M-19 and several smaller partisan detachments were included in a peace process, which ended with the election of their representatives to the Constituent Assembly of Colombia, who adopted a new Constitution in 1991.

Irregular contacts with FARC continued with varying success. In 1990, President Cesar Gaviriya Trujillo (-) gave the order of the Colombian army to attack the Farc camp in La Uribe. The rebels responded with their offensive, but in the end both sides decided to move to negotiations. In 1991, the parties held short negotiations in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, and in 1992 - in Tlaskale. Despite the signing of a number of documents, there was no specific results.

The Military Activity of FARC during the 1990s continued to grow at the expense of money from the abductions of people and participation in drug trafficking. The partisans defended the villages that grown Koku, and received the "tax" in return or harvest. In this context, Fark managed to gain and train new fighters, which began to be used in partisan raids against government bases and patrols, mainly in the south-east of Colombia.

In Las Delhisias, five FARC troops (about 400 partisans) attacked the military base on August 30, 1996, 34 soldiers were killed, 17 and about 60 were wounded hostage. Another major attack occurred in the city of El Billar on March 2, 1998, where the Battalion of the Columbia Army came to the ambush partisan, as a result of which 62 soldiers were killed, and 43 were captured. As a result of other minsk attacks against police bases in Miraflores, Guavaryar and La Uribe in August 1998, more than a hundred soldiers, police and civilians were killed.

These attacks aggravated the status of President Ernesto Sampera Pisano (-), which already was the object of criticism due to information about the financing of its presidential campaign through drug sales. The administration of Samper spoke out against the attacks of FARC, gradually refusing numerous vulnerable and isolated outposts in countryside and concentrating the army and the police in fortified fortifications. Samper also contacted partisans to agree on the release of some or all hostages. In July 1997, 70 servicemen were liberated, negotiations on the liberation of the rest were conducted during the 1998s.

In general, these events were perceived by some Colombian and foreign analysts as a turning point in an armed confrontation, designating the advantage of Farc over the weak government. In 1998, as a result of the leakage of information, it became known that the US military intelligence considers a likely to fall in the Central Government of Colombia for 5 years, if it is not possible to form the opposition of Farc. Some considered this report as inaccurate and panico.

Also during this period, the activity of militarized groups, both legal and illegal ones, increases. The creation of CONVIVIR's ultra-right organization was authorized by Congress and Sampere Administration in 1994 to combat partisans. CONVIVIR members were accused by human rights organizations in the commission of numerous abuses against civilians. In 1997, the Constitutional Court of Colombia limited the authority of the organization and demanded strict supervision for their activities. However, in April 1997, several former members of Convivir created the combined forces of the self-defense of Colombia, or AUC (AUC) - a militant militia, closely related to the illicit drug trafficking, which, since 1997, attacked the rebel groups of Farc and Ano, as well as civilian Persons. AUC was initially operated in the central and northwestern part of the country, having conducted a series of raids to the areas of influence of the partisans and against those who, as they considered, supported the partisans. For the training of new members of Auka, military companies were called upon, an example of such a company is "travel a-Hanith" - a private Israeli military organization under the leadership of Yair Klein.

2000-2006 were overshadowed by thousands of deaths as a result of the last war between the Colombian armed forces and paramilitary groups, such as AUC, on the one hand, and the rebels of FARC, ANO, EPL - the People's Liberation Army - on the other.

During the first term of President Alvaro Uribe (-), the situation in the field of security in Colombia was extremely fragile. The authorities have done very little in solving the structural problems of the country, such as poverty and inequality, perhaps, in part due to political conflicts between the administration and Congress of Colombia (including the law, which allowed Uribe to re-election) and the relative absence of free funds and loans) . Some critics were accused of uribe that his activities to reduce the crime and partisan activity were aimed at the end of the powerful decision of the internal conflict, not believable with violations of human rights.

On March 1, 2008, the Colombian Armed Forces began military operation against Farc, invading 1.8 km into the territory of Ecuador and kill 24 rebels, including Raoul Reyes, a member of the High Command of Farc. This led to the Andean diplomatic crisis between Colombia and Ecuador with the support of Venezuela. On March 3, Ivan Rios, another member of the High Command of the FARC, was killed by the head of his security service.

On May 24, 2008, the Colombian magazine "Revista Semana" published an interview with the Columbia Minister of Defense by Juan Manuel Santos, in which Santos mentioned the death of Manuel Marudanda. The news was confirmed by the Mark's commander Timoleone Himenes in an interview with the Venezuelan TV channel on May 25, 2008. The new leader Fark became

The internal armed conflict in Colombia is an asymmetric civil war of weak intensity, which began in the 60s of the last century and continued to the present. Initially, the main actors were the Colombian government, the army and left partisans. A dozen years later, the right militarized groups, drug players and criminal gangs joined them. The Colombian conflict has passed several escalation stages, especially in the 1980s, when some actors began to finance drug trafficking.

The date of the beginning of the Columbia conflict is considered to be the year of birth of the revolutionary armed forces of Colombia - the Army of the People, the grouping FARC - 1964. However, in the report of the National Center for Historical Memory as the beginning of the conflict, 1958 is mentioned, the last year of the period "La Violencia".

The famous Cuban journalist Angel Gerra Cabrera goes on and argues that "a fraternal country did not know a single day of the world after the murder in 1948 the popular leader Jorge Elasera Gaitan, and this event laid an end to his desire to achieve democracy and social justice of political means" (Angel Herra Cabrera, "Colombia in fear: no day without war", October 5, 2016).

This crime led to a bloody popular uprising in the capital, known as Bogotazo, which has spread to the rest of the country. So began the period of the civil war, known in history as "La Violencia". Nevertheless, the Government of Ospina Perez managed to suppress the uprising.

Finally, since 1958, the leaders of liberal and conservative parties agreed to a new transitional period. Over the next four presidential deadlines (16 years), two parties led the country alternately.

But soon displeasure peasants who lost their hope for reforms due to the 1958 bipartisan agreement, led to the emergence of revolutionary and procrimonyistic political groups that began to spread throughout the country using Cuban experience. Indeed, the temporary world was not accompanied by cardinal reforms in the agricultural sector. New social movements appeared, tension grew, on the part of the government there were no adequate actions. Ultimately, this led to a new armed conflict.

Cold war and fear that the Cuban revolution will spread throughout the continent, only poured oil into the fire. The United States adopted the so-called doctrine of national security, which provided for the use of Latin America's foreign policy in the interests of the US foreign policy to ensure internal order, combat organizations or movements of the left and prommunistical sense, which sympathized with the USSR.

It was at the time that the Colombian partisans expanded the geography of their actions, Cocaine traffic from Peru and Bolivia (from the beginning of the 1970s, he was heading mainly in the United States and Europe) a flour to Colombia and ultimately contributed to the expansion of the rebel expansion. Colombia has become the fatal center of this deadly business. In the southern regions where the presence of the state was practically not felt, but FARC had its supporting points, appeared underground airfields and a cocaine production laboratories.

The economy of illicit drug trafficking has earned in Colombia since the late 1960s. Colombia took the role of the leader from Bolivia and Peru, and the North America market became the main recipient of drugs.

While the rebel movement was gained strength, half the country began to emerge semi-axis formations - mainly on the coast Atlantic Ocean. Many farmers, soldiers, politicians and businessmen were interested in fighting partisans. The most active grouping of the self-defense forces of Colombia (ACCU) were carried out under the command of Carlos Kastano Heil.

The lack of control by the Central Government led to the spread of irregular paramilitary formations in various parts of the country.

After in 1964, Colombian peasants united in the partisan detachments of FARC and began a war against the state, more than 200,000 people died in the country and 6 million became displaced persons.

The presidency of Alvaro Uribe Veles (2002-2010) was characterized by the enhanced persecution of the rebels using the armed forces and paramilitary groups. However, continuing his hard politics against the partisans, Alvaro Uribe at the same time made the negotiation process. And the mediation efforts made in recent years by Cuban leaders of Fidel and Raul Castro, the late President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez, Alba countries, contributed to the resumption of contacts between the Government of Colombia and FARC partisans.

The current president of Colombia Huang Manuel Santos almost completed an extremely difficult negotiation process, which should lead to disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of militants in civil life.

After the unsuccessful results of the referendum, Santos called for National Dialogue with all political forces, in particular, with those who said "No" by agreement with the rebels. These are mainly supporters of the former Presidents Alvaro Uribe and Andres Pastra. Santos met with them on October 5 in an attempt to identify ways to fulfill the Havan Agreement, because the political uncertainty after the plebiscite threatens the world in Colombia. For the first time in the last six years, Santos and Uribe spoke each other.

In his article, Angel Herra Cabrera notes: "It is obvious that the partisan organization will not accept any changes that do not guarantee a decent world and social justice."

Currently, there is a danger that Uribbe will try to use the Pyrrhie Victory "No" on the referendum in an attempt to put FARC on his knees, putting forward absurd and unattainable requirements. He is a sworn enemy of the Bolivarian revolution and, being now a senator, is closely connected with circles of pro-imperialist reactionaries.

Uncertain future

President Juan Manuel Santos received the Nobel Peace Prize for his hard work in achieving peace in Colombia, however, the leader of the Farc Rodrigo Londono on nicknamed Tymoshenko did not receive a premium because for global elites It is extremely difficult to recognize in the rebel a decent award, despite his commitment to the world.

It is quite appropriate to the words of the famous Argentine political scientist Atilio Harrow:

"It is impossible to get rid of a feeling of disappointment, which causes this result [referendum]. A thousand times already said that the world in Colombia means the world in Latin America. Huge responsibility lies on Farc-EP after this deplorable referendum. In the course of difficult negotiations in Havana, the partisans showed wisdom and now they will have a new test. It is worth hoping that the temptation to resume the armed struggle will give way to a thoughtful and responsible attitude, which, unfortunately, did not turn out to be from Columbia's citizens. Applications Comandante Tymoshenko confirm that now the arms of the rebels are words, it is seeds of hope. The same applies to the leadership of the National Liberation Army (ELN) and the speeches of the President Santos shortly after the results of the plebiscite. There is hope that there will be no new war, similar to the one that continued for many years and cost almost half of the current GDP of Colombia. " (Atilio Brohn, "

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