Is it possible to live without higher education? How to build a successful career without higher education. Does it make sense to apply for a vacancy with a requirement for a high school student without a diploma

Educational issues are very sensitive and difficult issues. On the one hand, who are we without knowledge, without a school diploma and a diploma of secondary or higher education? From an early age they prove to us the hyper-importance of education, otherwise we will not be able to achieve anything. Then, when we have our own children, we, in general, follow the same guidelines. We try to give children education, often - at any cost, sometimes - and at the cost of a happy childhood. On the other hand, only a blind person does not see how our education is lame at all its levels, how children's curiosity and craving for new things are irretrievably disappearing, how the gap between the long-awaited diploma and real life is growing, because modern realities are changing too quickly for educational institutions.

Some decide this issue radically. And it's not about home teaching, but rather about learning by life itself. This point of view also has a right to exist, because what is the main goal of education? In my opinion, to give knowledge, and they can be obtained not only sitting at a desk. Here is one of the opinions.

Education or freedom?

Do you want me to blow up another template now?

Meet Karina - a sunny, cheerful, beautiful and open girl living on the island. Nusa Penida is already two years old (an island located about 12 km southeast of the Indonesian island of Bali. - Approx. ed.). Karina is 12 years old. Two years ago, traveling with their family in Asia, they came to a beautiful island for a couple of days and ... could not leave. Now they have the most famous and, perhaps, the only guest house on the island, Nusa Garden, where all tourists who come to enjoy the juicy beauty of the island stay.

Karina has not been to school for two years now and does not even study remotely. Instead of breaking her psyche, raping her brain and losing her freedom thanks to traditional education, she solves organizational issues in a guest house on equal terms with adults, communicates with tourists in English, with locals in Bahasa, drives a bike much bolder than me , is a great photographer and plans to start a blog. She is literally saturated with the sun, sea and the spirit of freedom, and it is difficult for me to imagine her in the stereotyped reality of children of her age, although my imagination is such that I envy myself.

I looked at this young personification of life outside of dogmas, standards and rules, and for some reason I recalled my work at
- My baby is choking! He's choking! - A client with whom we could not find one day a week for the arrival of a tutor for 5 minutes was eagerly broadcasting into my headset, because an 11-year-old boy has 7 lessons at school 6 days a week, and after that English, sports, music and God knows what else. And he, poor man, is suffocating. And mom knows he's choking. But one more tutor is needed, he is desperately needed, because the beloved child has a four instead of a five, and this is shame and shame!

I then said what was supposed to be said, but only one thought was spinning in my head: “What are you doing, crazy people? What are you doing with your children ?! " You can prove to the world around you and be so magical as I am that there is nowhere without education, but the life of most people is the best proof that this model of life does not work. For 30 years, the magic head has managed to see enough of people with two higher educations and English level Advanced, who worked as sales managers or sellers in cell phone stores next to yesterday's schoolchildren.

I personally know those who dropped out of university in their second or third year and now live the life that diligent students, excellent students and medal winners see only on TV.

No, there is no need to take children from schools en masse and move to hang out in Asia together. To each his own - someone likes to boast of diplomas and awards and to be a small cog in a large mechanism. Someone, thanks to the knowledge gained, really creates an empire and influences the social, economic and political world order. And someone jumps on the waves of a crystal-clear ocean, speaks three languages, drinks coconuts every day, runs a guest house and at the age of 12 thinks more sensibly than big 30-year-old children playing "serious life."

Draw your own conclusions.

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Well no

Well, for me the question of education (namely the highest) is always a double-edged sword. Although I myself am a student, in my VERY large family there are many examples of people with and without education, so I will share the experience of life without education with a couple of examples.
1. My favorite person is my grandmother. I finished school and that's it ... I made up for my lack of education with hard work. After school, she worked on a collective farm and lived in the village, helped raise 2 sisters and brothers, when she was 25 she saved up money, moved to the city in a small apartment and opened her own small tent in the market. My grandmother was what is called blood and milk, she worked very hard and knew how to earn money. By the age of 50, she had 2 rather rather big apartments, a shop, a car and a little capital, not that much, but it's all on the horns of an antediluvian town, where, apart from a factory, you can't really make money anywhere.
2. Another relative (conditionally uncle). 9 classes of education. He does not work anywhere, lazy, mediocre, sits on his mother's neck, interrupts (Sometimes !!!) odd jobs. After school, he did not even want to go on a road trip, saying that he would live like that. From idleness, he began to drink a lot, he lives like a ragamuffin. I don't know if he can be rehabilitated in any way. But the result is one - it's hard for him to live.

In general, there are still a lot of stories, but the essence is always the same - without education you can live well, and work, and get good money for this work, and you yourself will not sink into oblivion, only for this you have to sweat and work. No, with higher education you also need to work very well, but with it, whatever one may say, there are more room for maneuver, so to speak. But if for some reason you cannot study now, then at least do not stop working both at work and on yourself, so as not to drown in your own laziness and missed opportunities.
Hope it helped)
Good luck)

I have a secondary education - 11 classes. I work as an artist at a high level, I have a salary higher than the average in Moscow, I do not deny myself anything, because the level in this matter is important, and not the number of "formations". By the way, my friend's brother got a job as a journalist after school. Bottom line - drives around different countries with a high salary.

I can tell you about my partner.

He is twenty-three years old, he dropped out of the philology department in his second year, and now he earns in general the same as the graduates of the philology department. The whole last year he has enough to feed himself, me and our cat, as well as to pay for my education and his rather expensive creative hobby. During this year, there were moments when we did not have any money at all, but I think that these are problems of the transition period, and in the future it will not be so. He does not exclude the possibility of education for himself in the future, but hardly a linguistic one.

At the same time, there are nuances:

    Prior to that, for several years I had earned more than he did in not particularly fancy jobs.

    He has been learning the language from the age of twelve and is quite seriously interested in psychology (which is also important for teaching) from about eighteen. He does both for pleasure, and almost all of it free time consists of activities, one way or another related to these areas.

    Personally, I think he is very talented in language, psychology and performance.

Conclusion: without higher education, you can live, including, you can live a completely intellectually rich life; but any skill that will be in demand and costly will be developed over a period of time comparable to that which would be spent on higher education.

Well, I have an education. And sometimes, when applying for a job, I really want to hide its presence. I am not interested in a diploma specialty, but a potential employer has questions, what is wrong, why not in his field, are there any problems? No problems. And the specialty is quite decent - a teacher of economics.

Higher education is one of the first items in the description of the requirements for most vacancies. As a matter of fact, HR professionals do not very often attach higher education degrees to the personal files of employees. There is a perception that a universal higher education is necessary, and life without it will go downhill. But is it really so? There are many clichés in the approach to higher education. Today we will look at the most common reasons for getting higher education, and what they mean in reality. To understand whether to start.

When higher education is needed

    Obtaining a specialty, which is impossible to learn on your own... And this is perhaps the only one hundred percent objective reason. Indeed, a number of specialties require higher education. For example, becoming a doctor or chemical engineer without extensive specialized training impossible... Higher education provides close control over the acquisition of skills and provides a basis for practicing them.

    Initially, the higher education system was aimed specifically at teaching specific skills, the independent development of which embarrassingly, unreliable or even unethical... Over time, higher education began to encompass a wider range of activities and spread to professions that previously did not require higher education.

    Increasing the general level of erudition... Higher education, first of all, teaches not specialties, but that where to find information and how to process it to learn the specialty on your own. This is one of the key skills for successfully adapting to changing living conditions. Of course, you can learn this without universities, but the institute provides a good opportunity to do this in a short time. If you want to learn how to learn, a college degree will really help. In addition, higher education provides knowledge in general basic academic disciplines - psychology, philosophy, economic theory, sociology, law, conflict management. A basic knowledge of these subjects in life can only help. At least for general development.

    A smooth transition from childhood to adulthood... If the two previous reasons apply to people of all ages, then this applies only to school graduates. Adult life is different from the everyday life of yesterday's schoolboy. For many adolescents, the period of adaptation to a new status can be traumatic. The student body, on the other hand, can become a kind of psychological buffer for farewell to childhood. The reason for getting higher education is, of course, subjective and not for everyone. But she still has a plus sign, because the desire to be a student in order to extend your carefree youth at least a little more is completely normal.

When it just seems to be what you need

    Inability to get Good work without higher education... Beloved by the older generations, the manipulation "if you don't study, you become a janitor", of course, firmly settles in the mind and takes on a negative connotation. If such attitudes are forced to get a higher education, then it is better to think hard or even work with a psychologist before entering the university. This will help separate the real desire from the imposed guilt feelings. Success in life depends on the ability to adapt, not on the propensity for academic success. But we are about something else.

    Getting a good job without higher education is not that difficult, enough have any skills... Repairing apartments, for example, is a good job. Being a flight attendant on a passenger plane responsible for the safety of passengers while seeing the whole world is also good. Higher education is not required for either specialty. And the list is endless. In addition, for some positions that do not require higher education for employment, they are allowed to study at the expense of the employer. This can be done, for example, by the police.

    Inability to be a respected specialist (and person) without higher education... This reason also requires psychological work. Or, again, real examples that destroy this myth. Midwives, jewelers, architectural restorers - they all have no higher education, only secondary education. But hardly anyone will call their work little respected.

Bad reasons to get higher education

    Parents said - it is necessary... Listening to parents is good, and no one argues with that. But a person lives his life independently and only he determines the need for training, the right specialty for himself, etc. Parents, of course, can advise something, but they should make categorical decisions only about themselves.

    Everyone gets higher education... Doing something for the company is not the path that will lead to success. Getting an education is a conscious, responsible step that can seriously change your life. And this step should be based on personal goals and desires.

Higher education is a great tool that can turn you into a professional. But not for every specialty it is necessary... For example, many humanitarian areas can be mastered on their own much faster and much deeper than in a university. A trivial example of this - famous writers, poets who did not receive higher education, but throughout their lives honed their literary skills and achieved brilliant success. The refusal to receive higher education has also not spared technical specialists. Many well-known companies can demonstrate on their staff self-taught programmers who are in no way inferior to their colleagues with a diploma.

Examples can be given endlessly, the essence is the same: higher education is not always the only source for mastering a profession


The decision to obtain higher education must be highly individual... Someone really needs it, it is simply impossible to carry out some types of activities without higher education. Higher education is a great tool that can unleash outstanding potential. But in modern times and without higher education, you can live with dignity, there is no doubt about that. Therefore, whether a higher education is needed or not is not a controversial issue. This is a question, the solution of which is determined individually in each specific case... And the decision depends on goals, desires and existing skills and resources.

Per last years higher education has slipped to the needs of the lower rung of Maslow's pyramid. It reaches the point of absurdity. Inveterate C grade students who, in mathematics lessons, could not correctly solve the simplest equations and problems, become economists, engineers or lawyers.

The diploma has become a mandatory attribute modern man... What - no difference. Neither the university, nor the specialty, let alone the marks in the insert do not matter. The fact itself is important. I have a diploma!

More and more people are falling under the conveyor belt of higher education. What to do? The market, fashion, the opinion of the older generation dictate their own terms. To be successful and educated means to be a specialist with a diploma. This alone is nothing more than a stereotype. IN real life there is a big difference between an educated person and a person with a "crust".

Why more and more people are disappointed in higher education and is it possible to become successful by giving up a diploma - in the stories of our heroes.

Andrey, 21 years old

Occupation: happy person

Place of residence: a man of the whole world. Originally from Bobruisk.

After school, I entered the Faculty of Journalism of the Belarusian State University. The story turned out to be funny: I filed documents because I bet a bet, and to myself. In 30 seconds after the mental installation, the event came true, and so I found myself among future journalists at the most prestigious university in the country. After a semester, I realized that, firstly, it’s not very interesting to study, and secondly, it’s too expensive. I couldn't afford to spend about $ 1,500 a year for rubbing my pants at lectures and seminars that was absolutely useless for me.

In addition, there was a realization that you can be a professional without a higher education. But when you are 18 years old, it is difficult enough to resist pressure from others.

In the summer, I decided to do it again, only this time, due to a difficult financial situation, certainly on the budget. I would not have been able to pay for a fee. I rushed to the Faculty of Physics of the Belarusian State University, where from year to year there was a shortfall in the free department. Why? I do not know. Everything happened completely spontaneously. I studied for a year and realized that it is better not to study at all than to study in a specialty that does not bring even a gram of pleasure. On this my craving for the "crust" ended.

After many attempts, I realized that getting a higher education is a pointless endeavor. If a person is a fool in life, then it will give nothing. If a person even without a "piece of paper" has an idea of ​​the world, if he is not divorced from reality, then even without higher education he will figure out what's what. I was able to say "no" to myself in time, realizing how much time I was spending on things that were useless for myself. It's just that the system is so established: you definitely need a higher education, for example, to reassure your parents.

At first, my family also did not support me and said: "Continue to study. You never know what can come in handy in life." By the way, this phrase is the most common. Perhaps it is good if there is education. But you can go your way in a different way, without wasting time on things "potentially" useful to you.

With my mother, understanding on this issue has only recently emerged. She accepted me with my position in life, but friends always supported me.

Absolutely everyone understands the senselessness of our higher education, only not everyone has the courage to go against the system. Among my acquaintances, there are quite a few of those who did not finish their studies, dropped out. Some have found themselves, some have not. But if they did not begin to study again, then they made their choice in favor of free swimming.

By the way, I noticed an interesting pattern: the level of professionalism does not depend in any way on the presence of a "crust", on the contrary. Often, people who like to learn are absolutely not adapted to work, moreover, they do not like to work at all! But those who, on the contrary, do not differ in their craving for university knowledge, plunge into work one hundred percent.

Here is a wonderful phrase: "What is higher education? This is a certificate that you are not a fool." But you can not be a fool without a higher education.

I recently returned from a five-month trip to Southeast Asia that has managed to change me and my lifestyle. I gained confidence in myself and now I am in complete harmony with my inner peace... After the situations in which I happened to be (hitchhiking at night in Siberia or, conversely, in a heat of 40 degrees), you understand how simple everything is in life. If you want, then do it, and you will see what will happen. When it's not yours personal experience then it's hard to grasp. But when you take $ 200 with you and set off on an endless journey, believe me, it changes you. I could continue my journey, I could earn $ 1500 a month, there were a lot of options how and where to stay, but still I decided to return. Just because I really wanted to. I do and will do what my soul lies in.

During the trip, I realized that the most interesting people even at 40 do not know what they want to do in life. If you want to write a song - write, if you want to do business - then go and create it. There is no obstacle fence. It all comes out of our head, but it is better to throw this garbage, it interferes with life.

Now I do not think about what exactly I will do in the future. In the very near future - your own small business and creative self-realization. Our project starts in the spring, and so far I have 2-3 months to put my thoughts in order. Who will I be in 5 years? It's hard for me to say. But the main thing is that I will live the way I really want to.

Vladimir, 25 years old

Field of activity: entrepreneur

Place of residence: Minsk

My university education is 4 days of an introductory session at the Belarusian Institute of Jurisprudence for the specialty "lawyer-jurist". I did not appear within the walls of the institute again, perhaps until the moment when I took the documents. I was very young, did not want to study. Initially, I planned to connect my life with programming, but the points were not enough. To become a law student, I just had to submit two of the three certificates that I had on hand and pass the internal exam in social studies.

But in the setup session, I realized that it was not mine. I was not going to enter another university, I was in no hurry to work right away either. It was just that at that time I decided for sure that I did not need a university education. My mother, of course, was against the fact that her son remained an ignoramus. However, this is not her fault. Stereotypes, what can you do. Mom grumbled a little, but in the end she accepted my choice.

I myself am from Grodno, so after a very short "student life" I returned to my hometown, until I ended up as a project manager in the BSUIR business incubator. After that, I finally settled down in Minsk and began to do what I really like. Now I am an IT entrepreneur. Having worked in large and well-known companies, I gained a lot of experience and decided that that's it. Enough. It's time to implement your own project. I am actively working on it. In general, judging from my own experience, I will say that it is easy to get into absolutely any field without a diploma. The main thing is to have a head on your shoulders, the ability to speak and write correctly.

Studying at a university is cool. But if it didn’t work out for you, it doesn’t mean that you will be an ignoramus all your life. After all, education is an everyday process, a process of developing oneself as a person. I read at least 25 books a year. What is it like fiction, for example, Bulgakov, Pelevin, the Strugatsky brothers, Goethe, and professional. Now, besides, I am taking two courses of the Coursera project - "Institutional Economics" and "Philosophy of Culture". (Author's note: Coursera is a massive online education project that allows you to take courses for free at leading universities in the world).

Yaggen, 22 reptiles

Sphere of dzeynastsi: kiraunik і znavalnik, satyyalny pradprimalnik

Months of zhykharstva: Minsk

Paslya scanchennya Saligorskay Gimnazii, I am a shepherd at Lycei BDU, and then - at BDU at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics (special - "mathematician"). How am I going? Yes getaga?

The grandmother of May was spread out the fiziks, but the father died at the proper hour, the BDUIR, the dzyadzka ў myane is the architect. Here are the abstainers who have put them on this "and atmasfer pennay pavagi and the pastors give me the pastry. Hatsya balls, atrymanyya on the Central Television, gave me a base with the help of a pastoralist on a free addendum in any Universitet of the country.

I chose mechanics and mathematics, and not paishoў, napryklad, vuchystsa for pragmatic, for reason, INTO matematika - geta asnova ўsyago. But only with a sweaty mind I understand that the time you have heard the matematiki you can say, like the light. Kali you geta understand, then, darachy, you can have a snake and a palyapshats. Geta hello to me, Velmi spatrebilasya ў Mayoi dzeynastsi.

It’s at her hour so much I’ve got a mathematician, I’m thinking navat prysvyatsіts peny a part of Svaigo zhytsya navukovai dzeynastsі. Ale, vedayets, kab getm zaimatstsa, treba be to chalaveks peўnaga warehouse. I apynuўsya nedastatkova sedlіvy for the getag, for me ў peny the moment became davolі nya simple ўthe whole hour of zaimatsts only matematikay, and pa-іnshamu z oy is simple nelga.

At the geta, I’m pachynaў actyўna develop the platform, as a muggle used to be our land. With pains and pains of a month ў maim sertsy and galave, instead of matematiki, took over "Talaka". Yashche pains eagerly start kanfіlіkt in hours: mathematica sat down for an hour, and his project taksama pachynaраб patrabavats іs pains and pains. I am a radzei, asablіva at aposhnіh courses, guided by busyness, alright znakhodzіў hour, cab paspiakhova building sesіі.

Usya getaya "idylya" died, kalі unіversіtet pachak patrabavats yashche for more than an hour. Cursavyya, padrykhtoўka and writing a dyploma ... Tady, I understand that I won't go far. At that moment, I am ўzho dastatkova pavuchyўsya, if I should kindly develop abstract thoughts and ўzyats hell univiesiteta ўse, INTO magchyma.

Ab "ectaўna, kab atrymats dyplom, I didn’t need papratsavats yashche adzin — two months. Is it small, wouldn’t I die? Nichto could not adkazats. The choices were crushed.

Tsyaper I'm aktyўna I'm engaged in the development of the platform Taxama pens for an hour I work over the projects of the sphere of budget and alternatynay energy. That side I am praedprimalnik, tsi more obedient to the words of satsyyalny pradprimalnik. I was blown away on the right, not a pamochnik, but a galava, like a dzyakuchi mechmatu "prakachak", an abstract mentality and sistemny glancing at speeches, atrymans on a mechmatz, I am velmi spryayuts.

Come on razdzyalyats "without adukatsi" and "without a hole". I have never trawled past the situation, I have tried to do it right now. Well, maybe only adzin times, if I zapanyaў quotation and a fine ў DAI.

Velma is important for education and training. And eighth for adukatsyayi truncated folds. Byts to the Adukavan chalaveks - geta does not mean a metz "krachku" tsi is able to vykonvatsyu pratsu. Adukavans - geta meaning of that, that may be shyrokі look, that, that is good, aryentuets ў suchasnastsі, in navukah, podykhodakh. I have a plan for me to daspadoby Lyatuchy Onyversite. Geta try to start sapraўdny ўnіversіtet, which is not a vuchyts of prafesіі, but, like і pavinen, yes nіversum vedaў. Lyatuchy sabraў in hellish months the most famous intellectuals, philosophers and pastors from all Belarus. Penny hour I davolі aktyўna зdzelnichaў at zhytsi Lyatuchag, dze і papaўnya, piles adukavanastsi.

At blizheysha hour vyartaztsa va unversite, I do not get up. And what about yaki? I do not turn off such magic. Kali me sapraўdy spatrebjatstsa of the Penny Veda, then I will pay navuchastsa ў VNU. Ale rabіts geta will be yaўna not for "krachki". Adukatsya for meena is a geta that is, that is, that is, that is, what is it? Geta folded harmonic develop asoby. Well і godse zho pryraўnіvats і bltats іe z "korachkay".

Has a higher education diploma helped you to become successful?

The topic that I try to voice at any youth platform where I have a chance to perform!

I'll start very far, but is it even necessary in Russia?

So let's get the facts straight!

1) We live in Russia

2) It is relatively easy to get a higher education with us.

That's not all, but I will build on them!

Let's start with what is wrong with Russia (in terms of HR, of course), so ...

Most large companies are based on the experience of the Soviet era and they do not need higher education unless the cleaning lady is not a fact. Further, any fact of self-education is denied and methods of assessing skills and competencies are not supported. Modern companies, on the other hand, most often require already sufficient work experience and, preferably, a visual result - reviews, works, publications, etc.

Although the personnel appraisal system is trying to change for the better, in fact no one needs (a better one), since according to it, most modern "successful" managers will be rejected - this is Russia, places here are often received not according to merit, but according to "merit" ... I've seen enough of this, so I know what I'm talking about ...

The availability of higher education is a VERY IMPORTANT fact, since in the next 5 years the availability of higher education in Russia will change in the worst side and I assure you, this is the next stage in fooling the Russians, unfortunately. And if you can, then study now.

After all that I have written, back to the author's question!

Is there life without VO?

Of course there is!

Of course, you all heard about successful guys who opened their own business, without a "tower" and so on =) I am very happy for them, but look who these people were, what they had for start-up capital, what initial (before university training) and where are they now ! =)

We will consider an ordinary person from an ordinary family who, from the start-up capital, only the clothes that he is wearing and there is a maximum of Dad and Mom for the soul, who can feed and shelter (this is not the worst option)

First option: Internet and Media! This is a huge, not very plowed field, pay attention there! There are a lot of ways to make money! Hurry up every day hundreds of DJs, presenters, bloggers, streamers, etc. appear in Russia.

Large companies in which there is real career growth with the acquisition of experience and the absence of serious requirements in the early stages. For example, come as a locksmith, gain experience, establish yourself and become a master, and there is already money and education and further growth ...

And of course individual entrepreneurs of a different spectrum, from cleaning companies to furniture assemblies and repair services. Trade is also there.

There are several more directions, but the main one looks something like this ..

The general idea is this: if you do not see in yourself the abilities that distinguish you in any field, be it trade, media, and maybe even invention (and other talents, of course, that can be used or sold). Then immediately go to STUDY !!!

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