The scenario of the May 9 elementary school. Scenario "May 9 - Victory Day" (for elementary school). Matinee for elementary school students Victory Day is a great holiday

Scenario "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" for grade 2 students

Goals: to expand the knowledge of schoolchildren about the Great Patriotic War; to make children feel the greatness of the spirit of the people of the military generation, their faith in the triumph of justice and truth on Earth; tell about pioneer heroes, about the children of war; contribute to the education of patriotic feelings, respectful attitude towards war veterans.

Equipment: posters: "Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten", "We have been bequeathed to protect this world", etc., audio recordings of songs about the war, portraits of pioneer heroes, an exhibition of books about the war.

Extracurricular activity progress

The song "Cranes" (lyrics by R. Gamzatov, music by Y. Frenkel) is played.

Every year on these May days, our people remember the terrible years of the war, honor the memory of the fallen heroes, bow to the living.

The war has passed

The trouble has passed

But pain appeals to people.

Come on people, never

Let's not forget about it!

On June 22, 1941, the peaceful life of our people was disrupted by the treacherous attack of Nazi Germany. And in order not to end up in fascist slavery, for the sake of saving the Motherland, the people entered into a mortal battle with a cruel, insidious and merciless enemy.

June 22nd was a day off. Cities and villages slept, after graduation evenings young people walked. Graduates dreamed of their future. Nothing foreshadowed trouble. As soon as dawn began to dawn, the clock showed four in the morning ...

And suddenly this morning silence was broken by a powerful invasion of military equipment: the hum of aircraft, the clang of tanks, machine-gun bursts. An unfamiliar speech was heard ...

One of the first battles of the war took place at the border fortress of Brest. Her heroic garrison fought for about a month.

If the stones could speak, they would tell the whole world about how bravely the border guards stood! But the forces were too unequal.

Suffering heavy losses, the Nazis continued to advance deep into the Soviet Union. The whole country, young and old, rose to battle with the enemy ... And the enemy began to retreat. Slowly but surely, our troops drove the enemy back to his lair.

This victory was not easy for us. The Nazis destroyed and burned hundreds of cities, tens of thousands of settlements. They committed unheard-of atrocities. It is difficult to find a home in our country, wherever grief comes: some have lost their son, some have lost their father or mother, some have lost their sister or brother, and some have a friend.

The victory came at a high price.

(The song "Sacred War" is played.)

Although more than half a century has passed since the Victory Day, time has no power over the memory of people of different generations. That is why we are gathered here today.


The war was sacred.

Even the one will not doubt this

Who, having arrived from another planet.

Earth will read history.

Read about how under the moon

The country lived by retribution.

War is sacred if Zoe,

Without flinching, she walked to the gallows.

War is sacred. And Matrosov

With all my heart I lay down on the machine gun.

Oh, how many fair-haired and snub-nosed

In the name of life, death will take.

They will go to the damp ground

In the sunrises, in the grasses, in the green,

Until death, believing, listening

All your righteousness, Moscow!

Every day of the Great Patriotic War at the front and in the rear was a feat, a manifestation of the boundless courage and resilience of people, loyalty to the Motherland. More than twenty-seven million people died in that terrible war - every eighth inhabitant of our country.

In the harsh days of the war, children stood next to the adults. Schoolchildren earned money for the defense fund, collected warm clothes for front-line soldiers, worked in military factories, were on duty on rooftops during air raids, and gave concerts in front of wounded soldiers in hospitals.

The Tankman's Tale

It was a difficult fight.

Everything is asleep today,

About ten to twelve years old. Troubled,

Of those that are the leaders of the children.

Of those in the frontline towns

They greet us as dear guests,

The car is surrounded in parking lots

Carrying buckets of water for them is not work,

Bring soap with a towel to the tank

And unripe plums pop ...

There was a fight for the street.

The enemy's fire was terrible

We made our way forward to the square.

And he nails - do not look out of the towers,

And the devil will understand where he hits from.

Then guess which house

He nestled, - so many holes,

And suddenly a boy ran up to the car:

Comrade commander, comrade commander!

I know where their gun is.

I scouted ... I crawled, they are over there in the garden ...

But where, where? .. - Let me go

On the tank with you. I'll just give you ...

It was a difficult fight.

Everything is asleep today,

And I just can't forgive myself:

From thousands of faces I would recognize a boy

And what is his name, I forgot to ask him.

About the children of war

Together with adults, thousands of children in red ties stood up to defend their homeland. Next to the names of the legendary war heroes: Ivan Panfilov, Dmitry Karbyshev, Nikolai Gastello, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Alexander Matrosov and many, many others, we name the young heroes of the Soviet Union ... Volodya Dubinin, Valera Volkov, Lenya Golikov, Nina Sagaidak, Zina Portnova, Valya Kotik, Marat Kazei.

How did the children of the war feel, what did they go through? Hear about the girl Tanya Savicheva, whose story the whole world knows. She lived in Leningrad and in the most cruel days of the siege kept a diary, every page of which still burns the hearts of people. Breathing on her numb fingers, Tanya wrote: “Zhenya died on 28 December. 12.30 a.m. in the morning of 1941, Grandmother died on 25 January. 3 pm 1942 ... Leka died on March 17 at 5 am 1942. Uncle Vanya died on April 13. 2 am 1942. Uncle Lesha on May 10 at 4 pm 1942 .... Mom on May 13 at 7.30 am. in the morning of 1942 .... The Savichevs died ... They all died, only Tanya was left ... ”Tanya briefly outlived her loved ones. Soon after this last entry, eleven-year-old Tanya also died.

And here are the memories of those who survived.

“In September 1941, the Germans occupied our village. My grandmother died of injury, and my grandfather and I were sent to the Krasnoe Selo concentration camp, where my grandfather was shot, and I, 12, was sent to the Buchenwald camp. There were many children in the camp. They settled us at the hospital, made us donors. Many were pumped out blood to a drop by direct transfusion. When I was completely exhausted, I was infected with tuberculosis and sent to destruction. She survived by a miracle. "

Let us honor the memory of those who gave their lives in the struggle for peace and happiness on earth, for our life with you with a minute of silence.

A minute of silence.

(After a minute of silence, the students read short talks about the pioneer heroes ( homework). A teacher or librarian reviews a pioneer hero book exhibition.)


Let's bow to those great years

To those glorious commanders and soldiers

And to the marshals of the country, and to the rank and file,

Let us bow down to the dead and the living.

To all those who cannot be forgotten

Let's bow, let's bow, friends.

All the world, all the people,

All over the land

Let's bow for that great fight.

Over eleven thousand soldiers of all nationalities were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union! The immortal feat of Alexander Matrosov, who closed the embrasure of the enemy firing point, was repeated more than three hundred times during the war years. For heroism and courage the title "Hero City" was awarded to the cities: Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Volgograd, Minsk, Kerch, Odessa, Sevastopol, Novorossiysk, Smolensk, Murmansk. The Brest Fortress was awarded the title "Hero Fortress".

Glory to you, brave, glory, fearless,

People are singing eternal glory to you!

Death who have crushed, fallen valiantly!

Your memory will never die!

Through the centuries, through the years - remember!

About those who will never come again -

Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!

Eternally worthy!

People! As long as hearts are pounding - remember!

At what price happiness was won, -

Please remember!

Tell your children about them,

To be remembered!

Tell the children of children about them,

To be remembered too!

Flowers are laid on the gravestones.

No! Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten!

And now it has come - the great long-awaited day - Victory Day! People have been waiting for this holiday for one thousand four hundred and eighteen days. It happened on May 9, 1945.

Victory! Glorious Victory!

What happiness was in her!

May the sky be clear forever

And the herbs will be greener.

Do not forget this date for us,

That ended the war.

To the victorious soldier

Hundreds of times - bow to the earth!

Sing, trumpets, victory song!

May, make noise all over the country!

Glory to the last shot

Who finished the war!

Today, a holiday enters every home,

And joy to people comes with him.

We congratulate you on a great day!

Happy Glory Day! Happy Victory Day! (The song "Victory Day" is played (lyrics by V. Kharitonov, music by D. Tukhmanov).)


When the Great began Patriotic War?

How long did it last?

When did the war end?

Which pioneer hero do you remember?

Additional material for the teacher

We remember honoring with a low bow

All who did not survive the war -

And those who have gone to the obelisks

And those who have no graves at all.

Dozens of years lay between us,

The war has gone down in history.

We are in the heart with eternal words

We write the names of the victims.

As long as they are alive ...

Remember their scars and gray hair.

Their courage in those years was stormy

Saved a free country from slavery.

Soldiers have stories everywhere.

Mighty ones, you walked everywhere

Through the thunder of war, hardships and losses,

Before death, without bowing his head.

You saved your homeland in battle,

Overcame all obstacles.

Thank you from all over the earth,

Thank you for everything, soldiers!

And good hour, happy hour,

Peaceful dawn hour

In the name of you, in the name of us

We are celebrating Victory!

How you entered the cities!

Children were running towards you.

Thank you forever

We are all living in the world.

We remember everyone by name

And we are glad to hug everyone!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

Thank you soldiers!

On Victory Day,

Loyal to the brotherhood of soldiers,

Gather in a circle

War veterans.

Without ranks and without titles -

Ivans, Petras -

Twin brothers of the harsh


Time rushes in full swing

But in our country, dear

The years have not gone into oblivion

Marked by the war.

In a lesson in first grade

The kids whisper quietly:

“Do you remember the Year of Victory, Vasya?

Forty-fifth! Write it down! "

"Forty-first - forty-fifth!" -

Our kids teach.

And for a former soldier

It's kind of like yesterday ...

Leading. Many songs were composed at the front. Chastooshkas were also composed.


The evil enemy has started a war,

We will not spare him:

Both at sea and on land

We'll smash and smash.

Our tanks are rushing into battle

The earth trembles.

Let the fascists not burrow

To the collective farm fields.

Mother accompanied her son

And she gave such an order:

“Take care of your native country,

How I took care of you. "

Drizzling slanting rains

In Berlin on the way.

Better Mother Russia

There is no edge in the world.

Leading. During the Great Patriotic War, our army fought in six gigantic battles, conducted about forty major offensive operations. Battle of Moscow (September 30, 1941 - April 20, 1942), Battle of Leningrad (July 10, 1941 - August 9, 1944), Stalingrad battle(July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943), Battle of the Caucasus (July 25, 1942 - October 9, 1943), Battle of Kursk (July 5, 1943 - August 23, 1943), Battle of the Dnieper (August - December 1943).

Before you celebrate the table

Victory day, day of the decade,

Friend, let's have three bows.

Our first bow, earthly and long,

In complete silence, without the singing of copper, -

To those who sleep from the Elbe to the Volga,

Paving the hard way to Victory.

And a second bow - alive and sweet

To all fellow citizens, throughout Russia.

And her Armed Forces,

Both the workers and the peasants.

And our third and last bow -

Our bloom, youth.

Young defenders of Victory,

Be like your fathers!

O. Bergolz, 1955

How bitter it is for us to stand at the obelisk

And to see mothers standing there.

We bow our heads low

Bow to the ground for your sons.

Consider us your sons,

Consider us your daughters.

You lost your children in battles,

And we all became your children.

Young beardless heroes

You have remained young forever.

Together with us you walked beside

Roads that never end

They can't stand falsity around you

Our restless hearts.

And we seem to be three times stronger,

As if baptized with fire too.

Young beardless heroes

Before the suddenly revived system

We are walking in our minds today.

And we don't have machine guns in our hands,

And flowers are the spring gift of the earth.

Of the land that once

Protected, saved by soldiers,

So that in the spring the flowers bloom on it.

A joyful, cheerful melody sounds. Children play, read books, jump, play with toys, whisper (5-6 people). Everyone else is standing near the chairs.

Student(in the middle of Hall).
If they say the word "Motherland"
Immediately in memory rises
Old oak, currants in the garden,
Thick poplar at the gate.
By the river a shy birch
And a chamomile hillock ...
And others will probably remember
His own Moscow courtyard.
The first boats are in the puddles,
With a skipping rope foot stomp
And a big neighboring factory
Loud joyous beep.
Or the steppe is red from poppies,
Golden virgin land ...
Homeland is different
But everyone has one!

Record "Holy War".

Children become a semicircle, some in caps, a nurse, letters are held behind their backs.

Leading... At dawn on June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. For 4 long years until May 9, 1945, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for the liberation of their homeland from fascism. They did it for the sake of future generations, for us. Let us tell our children and grandchildren about this just war so that they will remember.


1. On the first day of the war, they were 17-20 years old. Of every 100 children of this age who went to the front, 97 did not return. 97 out of 100! Here it is, the war!

2. War - this is 1725 destroyed and burned cities and towns, over 70 thousand villages and villages in our country. The war means 32 thousand blown up factories and 65 thousand kilometers of railway tracks.

3. War is 900 days and nights of besieged Leningrad. This is 125 grams of bread per day. These are tons of bombs and shells falling on civilians.

4. War is 20 hours at the bench a day. This is a crop grown on sweat-salty soil. These are bloody calluses on the palms of girls and boys like you.

5. War ... From Brest to Moscow - 1000 km, from Moscow to Berlin - 1600. Total: 2600 km - if you count in a straight line.

6. Seems a little, right? By plane, about 4 hours, but in dashes and on bellies - 4 years 1418 days.

7. People died, did not spare their lives, went to their deaths to drive the fascists from our land. For example, 28 Panfilovites. They did not allow any of the more than 50 enemy tanks to reach Moscow. "Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat. Moscow is behind." Defending the capital, almost all the soldiers were killed, but they knocked out 50 Nazi tanks.

8. At the classroom hour, we learned about the Belarusian village of Khatyn. It was like this: on March 22, 1943, the small village of Khatyn was surrounded by the Germans. Soldiers broke into peasant huts and threw people out into the street. The inhabitants were herded into the barn. It was getting closer and closer in him. The mothers tried to calm the children down, but they themselves could not hold back the tears. There were many large families in Khatyn. For example, the Baranovskys have 9 children. The Novitskys and Iotko - 7. And 19-year-old Vera Yaskevich was rocking her seven-week-old son in her arms. Old people were pushed into the barn with rifle butts. Punishers surrounded the barn with straw, doused it with gasoline and set it on fire. They were burned alive. Many tried to escape from the fire. In vain! SS men in cold blood, without a miss, shot them from machine guns. This day was the last for 149 residents of Khatyn. 75 children were martyred.

9. The war was. These yellowed triangles are proof. These are letters from the front. My great-grandfather wrote them ... to my great-grandmother ... When he went to the front, his daughter was just born. He asked in a letter: "Is my daughter aguk?" He never managed to see his daughter. My great-grandmother received only a funeral.

Leading... In many families, soldiers' triangles-letters have been preserved, which were sent from the front by fathers and grandfathers, husbands and sons, brothers. They wrote that they would return home and only with a victory.

Children read lines from family letters to the front.

Leading... The greatest burden of the war was borne on the shoulders of a woman mother.

Soldier 1(writes a letter) .
I know you have anxiety in your heart-
It's not easy being a soldier's mother!
I know you are all looking at the road.
On which I once left.
I know, wrinkles are deeper than steel
And the shoulders became a little stooped.
Today we stood to death in battle,
Mom, for you, for our meeting.
Wait for me and I will come back,
Just wait really hard!

Soldier 2
(opens the letter and reads).
Hello dear Maxim!
Hello my beloved son!
I write from the front line
Tomorrow morning - fight again!
We will drive the fascists.
Take care, son, mother,
Forget sorrow and sadness -
I will return with victory!
Finally, I will hug you.
Your father.

Soldier 3(with a candle).
My dear relatives!
Night. The light of a candle trembles.
This is not the first time I remember
How do you sleep on a warm stove.
In our little old hut
That the forests are hidden from sight,
I remember a field, a rivulet,
I remember you again and again.
My brothers and sisters are dear!
Tomorrow I'm going to fight again
For my Fatherland, for Russia,
That she was in dire trouble.
I will gather my courage, strength,
I will beat the Germans without pity,
So that nothing threatens you,
So that you can learn and live!

Dance "Cranes".

Leading... Not only men, but also women fought in the war. They were nurses, doctors, nurses, scouts, signalmen. Many soldiers were saved from death by gentle kind female hands.

Nurse(a girl in a headscarf with a red cross, with a bag).
Cannons rumble, bullets whistle.
A soldier was wounded by a shell fragment.
Sister whispers:
"Come on, I will support you,
I will bandage your wound! "-
I forgot everything: weakness and fear,
She carried him out of the fight in her arms.
How much love and warmth was in her!
The sister saved many from death.

Leading... About 40 million Soviet people died. Can you imagine what this means? This means - 30 killed on 2 meters of land, 28 thousand killed every day. This means that every fourth inhabitant of the country died.

I ask everyone to stand up. Let us bow our heads before the greatness of the feat of the Soviet soldier. Let us honor the memory of all the victims with a minute of silence.

A minute of silence.

Song "Eternal Flame".

We are not here with you because the date,
Memory burns like an evil shard in my chest.
To the grave of the unknown soldier
You come on holidays and weekdays.
He protected you on the battlefield.
He fell without stepping back.
And this hero has a name -
The Great Army is a simple soldier.

The sun is shining on Victory Day
And it will always shine for us.
In fierce battles our grandfather
They managed to defeat the enemy.
The columns are going in an even formation,
And songs are pouring here and there,
And in the sky of hero cities
The festive fireworks are sparkling!

The song "To the parade with grandfather!"
Let the calm cities sleep.
Let the sirens shriek
Doesn't sound over my head.
Let not a single shell explode
None of them scribbles a machine gun.
Let our forests announce
Only birds and children voices.
And let the years pass peacefully
Let there never be a war!

Song "We sing about the world".

Dance "Childhood".
The war has passed, the joy has passed,
But pain calls out to people:
"Come on, people, never
let's not forget about it.
May the memory of her be true
They store about this flour,
And the children of today's children,
And our grandchildren, grandchildren.

Children throw balloons with paper doves on them to the music.

A teenage boy sits on the stage and draws something on the ground with a stick.


(against the background of the sounds of the surf) He loved to draw in a curled-up notebook while sitting on a sandy beach and dreaming about who he wanted to be. Maybe an artist? Or an engineer? Or a sailor? But no one yet knew that he was destined to become a brave scout.

(The sound of the bombing is heard. The boy stands up)


Nobody knew what could happen like this
That breaking our childhood dreams
One day the war will knock on the door
All plans were changed in one fell swoop.
Fell on our weak shoulders
Heavy, not child's play.
And we, not daring to contradict her in anything,
We felt what war means!

I gave everything to the war,
And, unfortunately, I never saw my childhood!

A girl in an overcoat appears on the stage.


They dreamed of something completely different: to swim in clear river water, run barefoot on young green grass, sleep peacefully under a peaceful sky, have fun and play, but life decided otherwise.

Girl(in an overcoat):
We weren't trained
Didn't know what to do.
Little accustomed to work
We were all but.
I'm not afraid of bloody wounds
Now I work for the nurse.
I help at the front
I save the lives of the soldiers!
I gave my childhood to the war,
So in the midst of the battle and grew up.
(A very small kid appears on the stage with balloons in his hands).


The war has become the common biography of a whole generation of children. Even children in the rear are still children of war and their memories and stories are lifelong.


My childhood is inseparable
It was connected with the war.
They looked at the sky with hope:
That would be peace today!
In the morning, waking up, they ran
Get something to eat.
Even this happened
We had nothing to drink.
We fled from the bombing
Horror frozen in my eyes
We lived in fear, did not know
How to get over it ... how ...

We gave everything to the war
Good and not seen!


They will grow up and become courageous, resourceful, courageous. Their dream will surely come true, there will be a peaceful sky overhead, sonorous children's laughter will be heard on the street. But all this will happen if ... they survive.

(to lyrical music and dim lights, everyone leaves the stage)

Several children stage S. Mikhalkov's poem "We Are Warriors Too". They are distributed throughout the hall, put on costumes, take the necessary attributes.

Signalman (the child sits on a high chair, depicting a signalman, on his head - headphones, in his hands - a microphone or telephone).

Hello, Jupiter? I am the Diamond
I can hardly hear you at all,
We occupied the village with a fight.
And how are you? Hello! Hello!

Nurse (bandages an equal, sitting on a chair, he groans).
Why are you roaring like a bear?
A trifle remains to be patient.
And your wound is so light
That will heal for sure.

Sailor (looks at the sky through binoculars).
An airplane is on the horizon.
On the course - full speed ahead!
Get ready for battle, crew!
To leave is our fighter.
Two pilots are examining a map in an open clipboard.

1st pilot.
The infantry is here, and the tanks are here,
Fly to the target for seven minutes.

2nd pilot.
The battle order is clear.
The enemy will not leave us

Submachine gunner (walks along the central wall, in his hands a machine gun).
So I climbed into the attic.
Perhaps there is an enemy lurking here?
We clean the house behind the house.
We will find the enemy everywhere. (S. Mikhalkov)

Scene for Victory Day for primary school"What do you know about the war?"

(There are four guys on the stage, dressed in a soldier's uniform. A girl comes up to each of them in turn and asks questions).

Girl(the first soldier):

Soldier, what do you know about the war,
Please answer me?

1 soldier:

I know a lot about war
He spent the whole war in the trenches.
War is grief and misfortune
This is the devastation in the cities.
It's hunger and believe me
Be on the verge of death!
In a word, the pain cannot be conveyed,
God forbid you don't know war!
Girl (approaches the second soldier):
It became interesting to me
Who started the war?

2 soldiers

Started in June
The twenty-second.
When in the forty-first year
The fascist began to bomb the cities.
He started bombing from Kiev,
Leveling all the houses with the ground.
Hatched a plan in a couple of months
Crack down on our country!
But the plan failed miserably
After all, the Russian soldier distinguished himself!
Equal to a courageous feat,
We've smashed the fascist army!

Girl(approaches the third soldier):

What is Victory Day?
Do grandfathers celebrate him?

3 soldiers:

What is Victory Day?
This is a holiday parade
These are tanks and soldiers
Everybody is marching!
This is a colorful fireworks
That takes off here and there.
These are songs at the table
This is my grandfather's album.
These are gingerbread, candy,
These are the smells of spring
What is Victory Day?
This means there is no war!

Girl (approaches the fourth soldier):

On this day, I want to know
Congratulations to the veterans?

4 soldiers:

We thank the soldiers
For silence, for a peaceful home.
For childhood, joy, for a dream,
For the world we live in.
And even though many years have passed
We will not forget this feat.
And every year on May 9
We will remember the heroes.
And congratulate the veterans,
And glorify their heroism!


Thank you my dear,
For the fact that we live.
Not knowing tears and grief,
Not knowing the war!

(All veterans are given flowers)

Characters: girl, mom, dad, grandmother.

Tell me mommy what war means
And why does it arise?


War is grief
War is death
And nothing is worse
Not in the world, believe me!
War is the tears of relatives, mothers,
When funerals are sent to their sons.

War is horror
War is moaning.
Killed and wounded
Account - millions!
War doesn't matter
Are you old or young
Returns home
Gray-haired guys.

Dad(puts down the newspaper and joins in the conversation)

Yes, Hitler completely miscalculated
The Soviet soldier fought with dignity!
He wanted to seize territory,
To enslave the entire Soviet people.
But they gave him a firm rebuff.
And we drove the Germans all the way to Berlin!

Scenario for May 9 for grades 1-4. The feat of the people to live for centuries

Target: expanding the historical knowledge of children; fostering a sense of patriotism, memory of the past of their people, love for the Fatherland.

Equipment: drawing of the Eternal Flame; stands with reproductions on the theme of the Great Patriotic War; photos of monuments and monuments; portraits of pioneer heroes; audio recordings of songs of the war years.

Event progress

Leading. On June 22, 1941, the peaceful life of our people was disrupted by the treacherous attack of Nazi Germany. And in order not to end up in fascist slavery, for the sake of saving the Motherland, the people entered into mortal combat with an insidious, cruel, merciless enemy.

The words of Yuri Levitan about the attack of Nazi Germany are heard.

Reader 1.

The flame hit the sky -

Do you remember, Motherland?

Quietly said, "Come to the rescue"

An excerpt from the song "Sacred War" (music by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach) is played.

Reader 2.

In the hour of trials, bow down to the Fatherland

In Russian, at the feet, and tell her:

“Mother, you are my life! You are dearer to me than life!

Live with you! With you - to die! "

D. Kedrin

Reader 3.

The sunset is painted with blood

We walk quietly without words.

Past fields and arable lands,

Past native forests.

Our path is hard and long.

In grief. In tears. On fire.

The German, having occupied Kalinin,

It is already striving for Moscow.

Your bare feet

Blood in the middle of the road

Your difficult path, Russia,

From west to east.

Children play the guitar and sing a song by B. Okudzhava.

Ah, war, what have you done, vile one?

Our courtyards have become quiet.

Our boys raised their heads

They have matured for the time being.

On the threshold they barely loomed

And they went after the soldier of the soldiers.

Goodbye boys, boys

Try to go back.

Reader 4.

We were fighting along the dusty roads.

The earth trembled from the bombs as if it were alive.

We are every meter of our native land

They defended by pouring blood.

When the bombs seemed to make the world go deaf

And my friend was the first to fall from our company,

I knew: we need not tears and not a sigh,

And my lead, my step forward and my nerves.

Death is scary to me, but I was not shy in battles,

I went on the attack - I did not bend others below,

I went boldly into battle, not because I dared,

But because I hate cowardice.

Lead blizzard of chalk

Shells exploded, mines howled.

And the song was our companion.

In battle, on a campaign, at a halt at night.

An excerpt from the song "Sacred War" is played.

Leading... Not only adults, but also children fought. The medal "For the Defense of Moscow" was awarded to 20,000 pioneers, 15,249 young Leningraders were awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad". Guys, do you know young heroes?

Pupils deliver reports prepared in advance at home about pioneer heroes (Zina Portnova, Marat Kazei, Valya Kotik, etc.), about Komsomol members (Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya).

Leading. Children looked after the wounded in hospitals, collected scrap metal, money to the Defense Fund, sent thousands of parcels to the front with warm socks, embroidered handkerchiefs, tobacco pouches.

Reader 5.

Loyal children of the Russian lands,

You have become immortal on the planet.

Towards the sun with clean hands

You raised the banner of our victory.

Leading... The greatest burden of the war was borne on her shoulders by the woman mother.

Reader 1.

Mom, I am writing these lines to you.

I send greetings to you sons.

I remember you so dear

Such a good one - no words even!

For life, for you, for native lands

I walk towards the leaden wind

And let there are kilometers between us now.

You are here, you are with me, my dear!

E. Asadov

Leading... Women also took part in the battles. They threw themselves bravely under bullets, during bombing and shelling. The Sisters of Mercy carried the wounded soldiers out of the battlefield. Women served as scouts, translators, radio operators, went to partisan detachments. They fought shoulder to shoulder together with the men, recapturing every inch of their native land.

Reader 2.

I've only seen hand-to-hand combat once.

Once in reality - and a thousand in a dream.

Who says that war is not scary

He knows nothing about the war.

Yuri Drunina

Leading... In this war, our people accomplished a feat in which the greatest courage of soldiers, partisans, members of the underground and selfless workers of the rear are merged.

Reader 3.

It was April, the rivers swelled,

Life was awakening from sleep.

Was born in every person

One great spring.

Not a crane call

She was close to us, -

April thundered, and went to Berlin

Deadly brave troops.

M. Timoshechkin

Leading(against the background of music). People who defeated the enemy ... Those who fought for the Motherland are becoming less and less alive. You and I must never forget these people, we have to keep the peace on earth so that no one else will have to experience the horrors of war. On May 8, 1945, an act of unconditional surrender of Germany was signed in the city of Postdam. Adata on May 9 went down in the history of our country as Victory Day

Reader 4.

On the ninth day of jubilant May,

When silence fell on the ground

The message rushed from edge to edge:

The world has won! The war is over!

Almost four years

A formidable war was raging.

And again Russian nature

Full of lively awe.

The song "Victory Day" is played (music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by V. Kharitonov).

Reader 1.

We are not here with you because the date,

Like an evil shard, memory burns in my chest.

To the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

You come on holidays and weekdays.

He protected you on the battlefield.

He fell without stepping back.

And this hero has a name -

The Great Army is a simple soldier.

War is over,

But by the singed song

Over every house

She's still spinning

And we will not forget

What twenty million

Gone into immortality

To live with us.

Leading... In memory of the victims, I ask everyone to stand up. Let us bow our heads before the greatness of the feat of the Russian soldier. Let us honor the memory of all those who died in the war with a minute of silence.

A minute of silence.

Reader 1.

For everything that we have now,

For every happy hour we have

For the fact that the sun shines on us

Thanks to the valiant soldiers,

That the world was once defended.

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A joyful, cheerful melody sounds. Children play, read books, jump, play with toys, whisper (5-6 people). Everyone else is standing near the chairs.

Student(in the middle of Hall).
If they say the word "Motherland"
Immediately in memory rises
Old oak, currants in the garden,
Thick poplar at the gate.
By the river a shy birch
And a chamomile hillock ...
And others will probably remember
His own Moscow courtyard.
The first boats are in the puddles,
With a skipping rope foot stomp
And a big neighboring factory
Loud joyous beep.
Or the steppe is red from poppies,
Golden virgin land ...
Homeland is different
But everyone has one!

Record "Holy War".

Children become a semicircle, some in caps, a nurse, letters are held behind their backs.

Leading... At dawn on June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. For 4 long years until May 9, 1945, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for the liberation of their homeland from fascism. They did it for the sake of future generations, for us. Let us tell our children and grandchildren about this just war so that they will remember.


1. On the first day of the war, they were 17-20 years old. Of every 100 children of this age who went to the front, 97 did not return. 97 out of 100! Here it is, the war!

2. War - this is 1725 destroyed and burned cities and towns, over 70 thousand villages and villages in our country. The war means 32 thousand blown up factories and 65 thousand kilometers of railway tracks.

3. War is 900 days and nights of besieged Leningrad. This is 125 grams of bread per day. These are tons of bombs and shells falling on civilians.

4. War is 20 hours at the bench a day. This is a crop grown on sweat-salty soil. These are bloody calluses on the palms of girls and boys like you.

5. War ... From Brest to Moscow - 1000 km, from Moscow to Berlin - 1600. Total: 2600 km - if you count in a straight line.

6. Seems a little, right? By plane, about 4 hours, but in dashes and on bellies - 4 years 1418 days.

7. People died, did not spare their lives, went to their deaths to drive the fascists from our land. For example, 28 Panfilovites. They did not allow any of the more than 50 enemy tanks to reach Moscow. "Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat. Moscow is behind." Defending the capital, almost all the soldiers were killed, but they knocked out 50 Nazi tanks.

8. At the classroom hour, we learned about the Belarusian village of Khatyn. It was like this: on March 22, 1943, the small village of Khatyn was surrounded by the Germans. Soldiers broke into peasant huts and threw people out into the street. The inhabitants were herded into the barn. It was getting closer and closer in him. The mothers tried to calm the children down, but they themselves could not hold back the tears. There were many large families in Khatyn. For example, the Baranovskys have 9 children. The Novitskys and Iotko - 7. And 19-year-old Vera Yaskevich was rocking her seven-week-old son in her arms. Old people were pushed into the barn with rifle butts. Punishers surrounded the barn with straw, doused it with gasoline and set it on fire. They were burned alive. Many tried to escape from the fire. In vain! SS men in cold blood, without a miss, shot them from machine guns. This day was the last for 149 residents of Khatyn. 75 children were martyred.

9. The war was. These yellowed triangles are proof. These are letters from the front. My great-grandfather wrote them ... to my great-grandmother ... When he went to the front, his daughter was just born. He asked in a letter: "Is my daughter aguk?" He never managed to see his daughter. My great-grandmother received only a funeral.

Leading... In many families, soldiers' triangles-letters have been preserved, which were sent from the front by fathers and grandfathers, husbands and sons, brothers. They wrote that they would return home and only with a victory.

Children read lines from family letters to the front.

Leading... The greatest burden of the war was borne on the shoulders of a woman mother.

Soldier 1(writes a letter) .
I know you have anxiety in your heart-
It's not easy being a soldier's mother!
I know you are all looking at the road.
On which I once left.
I know, wrinkles are deeper than steel
And the shoulders became a little stooped.
Today we stood to death in battle,
Mom, for you, for our meeting.
Wait for me and I will come back,
Just wait really hard!

Soldier 2
(opens the letter and reads).
Hello dear Maxim!
Hello my beloved son!
I write from the front line
Tomorrow morning - fight again!
We will drive the fascists.
Take care, son, mother,
Forget sorrow and sadness -
I will return with victory!
Finally, I will hug you.
Your father.

Soldier 3(with a candle).
My dear relatives!
Night. The light of a candle trembles.
This is not the first time I remember
How do you sleep on a warm stove.
In our little old hut
That the forests are hidden from sight,
I remember a field, a rivulet,
I remember you again and again.
My brothers and sisters are dear!
Tomorrow I'm going to fight again
For my Fatherland, for Russia,
That she was in dire trouble.
I will gather my courage, strength,
I will beat the Germans without pity,
So that nothing threatens you,
So that you can learn and live!

Dance "Cranes".

Leading... Not only men, but also women fought in the war. They were nurses, doctors, nurses, scouts, signalmen. Many soldiers were saved from death by gentle kind female hands.

Nurse(a girl in a headscarf with a red cross, with a bag).
Cannons rumble, bullets whistle.
A soldier was wounded by a shell fragment.
Sister whispers:
"Come on, I will support you,
I will bandage your wound! "-
I forgot everything: weakness and fear,
She carried him out of the fight in her arms.
How much love and warmth was in her!
The sister saved many from death.

Leading... About 40 million Soviet people died. Can you imagine what this means? This means - 30 killed on 2 meters of land, 28 thousand killed every day. This means that every fourth inhabitant of the country died.

I ask everyone to stand up. Let us bow our heads before the greatness of the feat of the Soviet soldier. Let us honor the memory of all the victims with a minute of silence.

A minute of silence.

Song "Eternal Flame".

We are not here with you because the date,
Memory burns like an evil shard in my chest.
To the grave of the unknown soldier
You come on holidays and weekdays.
He protected you on the battlefield.
He fell without stepping back.
And this hero has a name -
The Great Army is a simple soldier.

And finally, on May 9, 1945, the long-awaited Victory came!

The sun is shining on Victory Day
And it will always shine for us.
In fierce battles our grandfather
They managed to defeat the enemy.
The columns are going in an even formation,
And songs are pouring here and there,
And in the sky of hero cities
The festive fireworks are sparkling!

The song "To the parade with grandfather!"

Let the calm cities sleep.
Let the sirens shriek
Doesn't sound over my head.
Let not a single shell explode
None of them scribbles a machine gun.
Let our forests announce
Only birds and children voices.
And let the years pass peacefully
Let there never be a war!

Song "We sing about the world".

Dance "Childhood".
The war has passed, the joy has passed,
But pain calls out to people:
"Come on, people, never
let's not forget about it.
May the memory of her be true
They store about this flour,
And the children of today's children,
And our grandchildren, grandchildren.

Children throw balloons with paper doves on them to the music.

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