Dried melon benefits. What do they do with the finished product? There are such serving options

There are few people in the world who are left indifferent by the aroma and taste of ripe melon. But, like all other varieties of melons, this "false berry" has one significant drawback - too short fresh storage period. In an effort to gain the opportunity to savor the fragrant gift of nature, which was written in the Bible itself, all year round, people learned to dry melon. And it turned out that dried melon is in no way inferior to its fresh prototype either in taste or in the degree of usefulness. So what is the use of dried melon, what vitamins does it contain?

All the beneficial properties of dried melon are based on the fact that in their fresh state, these melons are a storehouse of trace elements, vitamins and amino acids necessary for the human body. Drying, carried out correctly, allows you to preserve vitamins A, B, C, PP, E, folic and pantothenic acids, pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, beta-carotene, calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, iodine in the product , zinc, starch, fluorine, sugar, fiber, proteins and mineral salts. As a result, this delicacy is able to eliminate many diseases and improve the functioning of the body, in particular the digestive system.

A Treat That Heals: The Benefits Of Dried Melon

The available trace elements and vitamins in the melon stored in the form of dried fruits have a positive effect on the regeneration and rejuvenation of the body, the health of hair, skin, capillary vessels and bones. Despite the rather significant calorie content, dried melon helps to lose kilograms due to its beneficial effect on the digestive system: constipation is eliminated, all "garbage" is removed from the intestines, and even kidney stones are removed.

Calorie content of dried melon

Fresh melon is considered a low-calorie product: only 35 kcal per 100 g. But the calorie content of dried melon is an order of magnitude higher: in 100 g there are already 341 - 385 kcal, depending on the type of "false berry". However, at the same time, candied melon fruits do not become a harmful product for those who monitor their own weight. Dried melon can be used instead of sweets and cakes.

Dried melon harm

As well as fresh, dried melon categorically does not accept its simultaneous eating with sour milk, honey and alcohol.

In such combinations, a product useful for the digestive system turns into a provocateur for the development of disorders. Children under one year of age are not given such dried fruits due to insufficient formation of their digestive system.

Dried melon should not be consumed if you have the following diseases:

  1. diabetes;
  2. obesity;
  3. liver disease;
  4. gastrointestinal diseases.

Considering the above, it should be noted that the benefits and harms of dried melon for the body are completely incommensurable values. Chronic patients with the above diseases, of course, should beware of this product, and this delicacy can be harmful to healthy people only in case of excessive overeating.

Dried melon during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Dried melon is often referred to as a feminine product. Such a melon during pregnancy can eliminate the risk of developing vitamin deficiency and, with the help of the enzymes and trace elements present in it, will help "build" the skin, nails and hair of the baby and keep the appearance of the expectant mother affected in an interesting position. You can eat candied melon fruits during any trimester of pregnancy, while not forgetting that the number of calories in a dried melon is significant.

But the question of whether it is possible to breastfeed a melon causes a not so unambiguous answer among doctors. False berry, both ripe and dried, can provoke the development of allergic reactions in babies. In addition, the elements from the melon that got into the milk can "backfire" by the appearance of digestive disorders in the baby in the form of gas or stomach cramps.

It is necessary to decide whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have a melon in the form of dried delicacies in this way: you need to monitor whether the child has allergies and gases after the introduction of vegetables and fruits that are more common in the place of residence into the diet. If not, then mom can eat a little melon and see how the baby's body reacts to this. In case of a positive reaction, candied melon can be eaten. After all, it provokes an increase in the production of milk by the female body.

The use of dried melon in cooking

On the shelves today there is a dried melon in the form of small candied fruits, a larger dried melon Pigtail - a standard in the form of a product braided from strips and other delicacies in the form of this melon culture. This product can be used as an independent dessert or as a component in the preparation of complex desserts, baked goods and drinks. The most popular is Thai dried melon.

Drying melon at home

When it comes to the industrial production of candied melon fruits, special drying chambers are used there.

But if you wish, you can make a treat with your own hands at home.

You can dry the melon:

  • in the sun;
  • in the oven;
  • in the drying chamber.

Algorithm for holding melon sushi at home:

Many people look forward to the end of the summer season, when juicy and sweet melon will appear in markets and supermarket shelves. Its aroma and taste can leave few people indifferent. But the melon has one significant drawback - the fresh shelf life is too short. People have learned to dry it. Studies show that dried fruits and candied melon are not inferior in characteristics to fresh fruit.

Choosing a variety of melons for drying

In order for the melon drying to be stored for a long time, at the preparation stage, you need to choose the right variety of this berry. The melon should have a sugar-like, fairly firm flesh. There should be as little water as possible. The following varieties are suitable for this:

  • Collective farmer.
  • Take a walk.
  • Pineapple.
  • Torpedo.
  • Ditma.
  • Persian.

Drying and candied fruits should be made exclusively from ripe fruits without damage. After all, only then will the dried fruit be equal to the fresh melon in terms of the content of vitamins and microelements.

Drying melon at home

Not everyone has the opportunity to buy dried melon at the market or in the store. It is much more economical to dry the fruits in the summer and enjoy them in the fall and winter. To do this, there are several ways to prepare a treat. But regardless of the chosen method of conservation, it is important to properly prepare the fruits. To do this, they are washed, cut in half, the seeds are removed, the skin is removed and cut into thin slices. The thicker the pieces of fruit are, the longer they will dry.

The melon can be dried naturally in the sun, but then the process will take about 2 weeks. Therefore, to save time and effort, you can use modern kitchen appliances:

    Gas or electric oven... The process takes place in two stages. A baking sheet is covered with baking paper, slices are cut with a thickness of no more than 0.7 mm and laid out on a prepared sheet. Maintain the product at a temperature of no more than 75 degrees with the fan on. If not, open the oven slightly to remove excess moisture. Then the oven is turned off and the slices are allowed to stand for several hours so that the moisture level evens out. After that, the melon is dried at 60 degrees for about fifteen hours.

  • Electric dryer... To prepare drying in an electrical appliance, the berry slices are placed in the trays of the appliance and dried for eight hours at a temperature of 55 degrees. Warm air rises from below and is dispersed by a fan along all trays. Therefore, a maximum of three pallets should be used. Then the slices will dry evenly.

To get dried melon, melon is cut into thicker slices and dried a little less time.

Cooking candied fruits

You can prepare melons for the winter by making candied fruits from it... To do this, use a slightly unripe berry, wash it and peel it of seeds and peel, cut it into small cubes, prepare syrup from sugar and water and boil melon pieces until soft, then the future candied fruits are left in a cool place for 12 hours and repeat the cooking-cooling process for more 2-3 times.

When the pieces are cooked for the last time, add citric acid, then the candied fruits are thrown in a colander and dried in the open air under gauze or in the oven.

The sweetness is stored in a glass jar lined with paper, sprinkled with sugar or powdered sugar on top.

Storage of dried fruits and their use in cooking

After the drying process, the melon ribbons are twisted into bundles, and then into pigtails. Braids are best kept in a glass jar lined with parchment to prevent mold from forming on the product. Also, linen bags or paper bags will do.

Dried cantaloupe or Thai melon is a very popular delicacy among pastry chefs. It is combined with dried apricots, prunes, raisins, cashews and almonds in many desserts and pastries. And if you sprinkle it with sesame seeds, poppy seeds or ground nuts, you get an excellent substitute for chocolate and other store sweets.

Useful properties of melon dryers

Thanks to drying at low temperatures, dried slices retain all the vitamins and minerals only collected from the melon field. The rich composition of vitamins and trace elements in the product maintains the general tone of the body, helps to fight external negative factors, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

It is recommended to use such a delicacy for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, nervous and psychological diseases. Dried melon is also recommended for women during pregnancy and menopause. Folic acid is necessary to maintain hormonal levels during such difficult periods for the female body. Melon dietary fiber helps to normalize metabolism, eliminate constipation, and promote weight loss.

The harm of goodies

Melon dryers are not recommended for use with dairy products, honey and alcohol.... This combination can lead to severe stomach upset. People with diabetes are also better off avoiding sweets due to their high glycemic index. It is also better for women during lactation to refrain from eating treats. The product is quite allergenic, which can provoke not only rashes on the baby's skin, but also Quincke's edema. And sugar causes fermentation in the baby's fragile digestive tract.

Only by using the product in moderation, you can feel its beneficial effect on the body. Abuse of such a high-calorie product threatens negative changes in the body, even for a healthy person.

Step 1: Prepare the melon.

First, the melon must be thoroughly washed and dried. After that, with a knife with a long blade, cut it in half and extract the seeds from it with a spoon or with our hands. Cut off the skin from each half with a knife or vegetable peeler. We put the peeled melon on a cutting board and cut it longitudinally at first (the width of each slice should be no more than 3 centimeters), and then across. Thus, we get small melon cubes.

Step 2: Dry the melon in the oven.

We cover the baking sheet with parchment for baking, which we grease with a small amount of vegetable oil. This measure is necessary so that the pieces of melon do not stick to the surface of the baking sheet and paper. Next, lay out the cubes in one layer and sprinkle the melon with granulated sugar a little. Preheat the oven to temperature 120 degrees and send the baking sheet into it. After 15 minutes, reduce the heat to 80 degrees and continue to dry the melon. In general, it is necessary to cook the fruit in the brazier. 1.5 - 2 hours... Periodically (about every half hour), the pieces must be turned over. As for the time, after 1.5 hours the melon will be still soft and elastic, more like dried, and after 2 hours it will be already dried. In this regard, adjust the cooking time according to your individual desires and taste.

Step 3: Serve the dried melon.

Cool the dried melon completely, after which it can be eaten or used in the future in the preparation of other dishes and desserts. Nutritionists recommend that people suffering from liver and gastrointestinal tract diseases consume dried melon at least several times a week. Also, losing weight people need to pamper themselves with such a delicacy. In addition to the fact that it contains a minimum amount of sugar and calories, the dish has a beneficial effect on our health and metabolic processes of the body. Bon appetit, everyone!

In summer, dried melon can be cooked not only in the oven, but also in the sun. This is delicious, but it will take a lot longer. Also, the melon is cut into pieces, after which it is threaded onto a stainless wire or laid out on a newspaper and placed in the sun. After 3-5 days, you will have a wonderful delicacy on your table that will appeal to adults and children.

In the future, dried melon can be used to make aromatic desserts, baked goods, and you can also cook jelly or compote from it. Tea lovers can be advised to brew several pieces of dried melon with tea, after which the taste of the drink will be saturated with a very aromatic aftertaste.

For drying, mainly summer and sweet varieties of melons with dense pulp are suitable. For example, these can be the following varieties: Kolkhoznitsa, Nesravnennaya, Bykovskaya, Zimovka, etc. they have a very rich taste and aroma that will remain during drying.

Fresh fruits contain the maximum amount of nutrients, but, unfortunately, they have a limited ripening period. Therefore, the methods of canning and drying have long been mastered. So, dried melon is a valuable product that should be included in the menu.

What is useful

The benefits of dried melon are due to its composition:

  • vitamins A, C, D, PP;
  • folic acid;
  • riboflavin;
  • pyridoxine;
  • beta carotene;
  • mineral salts;
  • iron;
  • cellulose;
  • starch;
  • sugar (mainly sucrose);
  • proteins.

In this case, the calorie content of the product is 341 kcal per 100 g of dried fruit.

The delicacy is sold in the form of separate pieces or pigtails. Recommended for dietetic food. But it is important to know how many calories there are in dried melon in order to correctly calculate the serving. Usually it is an additive to baked goods, cereals, tea is drunk with it, instead of sweets.

The beneficial properties of dried melon are the saturation of the body with potassium, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

  1. Sodium helps to better transmit nerve impulses.
  2. Calcium is responsible for bone health and is absorbed only when vitamin D is present.
  3. Phosphorus is also essential for the body.
  4. Magnesium has a positive effect on the psychological state.

Dried or dried melon pulp cleanses the liver, removes toxins, normalizes the gallbladder, expelling excess bile. Thanks to its diuretic effect, dried melon, pigtail or in pieces, relieves kidney and bladder problems. Numerous vitamins and minerals will serve as an excellent source of protection for the body from overwork, insomnia and vitamin deficiency.

Melon can only bring harm to those who have diabetes or have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Dried Thai melon contains almost the same calories, but it contains less sugar than regular melon.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

This sweet delicacy is good for pregnant and lactating women. This is an excellent vitamin supplement that will provide the body with the essential elements needed during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is only important not to overdo it, so as not to cause allergic reactions or an increase in blood sugar. In this case, it is worth adding pieces of dried fruit to compote or porridge.

You should choose only a high-quality product - a pigtail or slices of dried melon should not be covered with seeds or unpeeled peels, or other impurities. On the palate, the dried fruit has a rich aroma, texture and sweetness of a banana.

How to make dried melon - varieties

If you wish, you can make candied melon fruits yourself. In this case, you will get a truly natural product, especially if the fruit was grown on its own site and without pesticides.

Not all varieties are suitable for drying. The optimal ones are:

  • Pineapple;
  • Collective farmer;
  • Walking around;
  • Torpedo.

Dried or dried melon has the Uzbek name kauyndak and is widespread in Uzbek and Turkmen cuisines.

Melon is dried either in the oven or in an electric dryer.

There is a method of drying in the sun and wind. The fruit is cut in half and the seeds and skins are removed. The half is cut into strips, but not completely. It is laid out on a wire rack and dried for a couple of days, constantly turning over. Then it is hung on ropes in the sun. Dries better in windy weather. Then she braids into a pigtail.

Drying melon at home

An electric dryer is an ideal option. The fruit of a medium-sized melon must be washed and dried. Cut and remove the seeds, peel off the rind and the unsweetened hard part near the rind. Cut the pulp into 0.5 cm strips.

Heat the electric dryer to 70 °, put the slices on the trays so that they do not touch each other. Melon drying takes up to 12 hours, but every 2 hours you need to turn off the electric dryer for 10 minutes so that it does not overheat.

A more troublesome way is cooking in a gas oven. The fruit is also cut into strips and laid out on parchment, the baking sheet is placed in an oven heated to 70 °. For better moisture evaporation, turn on the ventilation mode or open the oven door.

It is important to periodically change the parchment so that the slices are not in their juice, otherwise they will bake and not wither. Cooking time is 10 hours.

Cooking recipes

Candied fruits can be consumed throughout the year, as they retain their beneficial properties for a long time. You just need to store the product correctly - in a glass jar or a bag made of cotton or linen, since dried fruits must "breathe". Before use, you need to check for mold, traces of insects.

The delicacy can be served cut into pieces, or with the addition of other products:

  • Sprinkle the strips with finely chopped nuts and wrap them in rolls;
  • roll the slices of dried melon into balls and roll in poppy seeds;
  • sprinkle water on strips or melon slices, dry and sprinkle with sesame seeds;
  • add raisins, dried apricots to the slices - you get a healthy salad. You can season it with yogurt or add cottage cheese.

When mixing candied fruits with other dishes, it should be remembered that the calorie content per 100 grams of dried fruit changes, especially if it is added to cereals and baked goods. Be especially careful with honey, which makes the melon even sweeter. For dieters, it is helpful to have a calorie plate for different foods to calculate the calorie count of a meal from multiple ingredients.

The properties of dried melon make them useful for children over a year old, and it is better to introduce it into the diet from the age of three, when the child's digestive system is able to cope with such a product. However, you should not get carried away with candied fruits either, otherwise the child may develop diathesis or allergies. You need to start with small portions so that the child's digestive system gets used to the new dish.

Dried melon is a healthy and delicious dessert. Dried fruit can be eaten in its natural form or used as one of the components for the preparation of various dishes. The properties and subtleties of cooking dried melon should be considered in more detail.

Composition and calorie content

Dried melon contains many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body. Dried fruits are made by drying. When cooked correctly, melon does not lose its beneficial properties. In terms of nutritional value, 100 grams of the product contains 341 calories. Dried melon contains the most carbohydrates - 82.2 grams. The amount of proteins is 0.7 grams, and fats are present in an amount of 0.1 grams.

It should be noted that all figures are indicated per 100 grams of dried melon.


Most of all, the product contains vitamin C. This element is vital for the human body and maintains normal overall health. And also in the product there are many vitamins of group B. Each of the elements of this group has its own serial number and is responsible for performing individual functions. Taken together, these vitamins strengthen the nervous system, and also improve the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dried melon contains niacin, which is responsible for many of the body's vital processes, for example, brain function, blood circulation, good eyesight and much more. Vitamins A and E are of great importance for health, since in addition to strengthening the immune system, they are responsible for the good condition of the skin. In addition to stimulating the renewal of skin cells, vitamin A helps to strengthen bones and teeth.

Trace elements

In addition to vitamins, dried fruit contains many trace elements. Potassium is present in large quantities in the product, which is primarily necessary to maintain water balance in the body. This element is also responsible for the performance of the brain and the condition of muscle tissue and blood vessels. The properties of sodium are similar to those of potassium, so it should be said that the elements help each other in strengthening the body. Sodium is responsible for water-salt metabolism, improves the condition of the nervous system and muscles, and also promotes the production of gastric juice.

Calcium is one of the essential elements that is essential for bones and teeth. In addition, the element is involved in the process of blood clotting. Magnesium is very important for stabilizing the mental and emotional state, as this element improves the state of the nervous system. And also this trace element helps to get rid of frequent headaches and migraines.

How is it useful?

The beneficial properties of dried fruit are due to its composition. During the drying process, the melon retains its useful qualities, therefore, in terms of properties, dried fruit is not inferior to fresh product. Dried fruits bring the following benefits to the body:

  • has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system as a whole; regular consumption of dried fruit in food helps to strengthen the heart muscle and improves its work;
  • removes harmful substances and toxins from the body, which improves liver condition and overall health;
  • promotes the excretion of bile from the body, which also reduces the burden on the kidneys and gallbladder;
  • has a diuretic effect and helps to remove sand and small stones from the kidneys;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system, helps with sleep disturbances, relieves insomnia, and also protects against stress and helps to cope with anxiety;
  • strengthens bone and muscle tissue;
  • has a moderate laxative effect, therefore it can be used as a prophylactic agent for constipation;
  • it is recommended to use during menopause to reduce symptoms;
  • increases male potency;
  • improves the general condition of the body during pregnancy and contributes to the normal development of the fetus;
  • improves the functioning of the immune system;
  • strengthens the nail plates, promotes hair growth and improves the condition of the skin.


Dried melon is high in calories and therefore not recommended for overweight people. And also in the composition of the product there is a lot of sugar, therefore, dried fruit must be excluded from the diet for people suffering from diabetes mellitus. Dried melon takes a long time to digest.

For this reason, in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the product should be used with great care.

How to choose fruits for drying?

To make delicious dried fruits at home, you need to choose the right quality melon. First of all, it is important that the fruits are ripe and unspoiled. As for the variety, the following types of melon should be preferred:

  • "Persian";
  • "Collective farmer";
  • "Pineapple";
  • "Walking";
  • "Torpedo".

"Collective farmer"



Other varieties can be used. Melon requirements for drying are firm flesh, rich taste and aroma. As for the maturity of the fetus, it can be determined using some simple methods.

  • When buying, you should pay attention to the smell of the fruit. A pleasant, unobtrusive aroma should emanate from the peel of a ripe melon. The lack of smell will indicate that it is not yet ripe.
  • In addition to the aroma, the sound can also tell about the ripeness of the fruit. It is necessary to lightly slap the surface of the melon with your palm. If the sound is muffled, then the fruit is ripe, but the sonorous clap will indicate the opposite.
  • The melon skin should be firm. If you press lightly on the peel, there should be no dents. If the skin loses its original shape after pressing, then the fruit is overripe.
  • There should be no damage or defects on the melon surface. Whichever variety is purchased, the peel of the fruit should have a uniform shade without foreign spots of a different color.

How to dry it yourself?

In order for dried fruits to retain all the beneficial properties of the melon after drying, it is important to take a responsible approach to this process. There are several ways to dry the product, each with a different drying method.

In an electric dryer

One of the most convenient ways to prepare dried fruits, vegetables and berries is to use an electric dryer. At the same time, you do not need an expensive unit with complex drying programs - the simplest model will do. The melon must first be washed, peeled and seeds removed. In the meantime, you need to warm up the electric dryer, leaving it on for five minutes. The peeled fruit is cut into small pieces. The thickness of one piece should not be more than five millimeters. As for the length, you need to focus on the size of the electric dryer so that the pieces fit easily into it.

When the device warms up, the melon is laid out on the pallet in such a way that the pieces do not touch each other, but lie at a short distance. The drying process takes no more than twelve hours in total. At the same time, the temperature in the apparatus should be at the level of +70 degrees.

In the oven

Not everyone has such a unit as an electric dryer. And buying such equipment for single or rare use is impractical. You can cook dried melon in a conventional oven, and in terms of taste and quality, it will be in no way inferior to the product from the dryer. The procedure for preparing the fruit is similar: the melon is peeled from the peel and seeds, cut into thin short pieces. The oven must be heated to a temperature of +70 degrees. On a baking sheet, you need to put parchment paper, and the melon is already placed on it.

Drying the product in the oven has some peculiarity. The fact is that during the cooking process, the melon will lose a lot of moisture, which must evaporate. To do this, keep the oven door slightly ajar during cooking. Due to the abundant moisture build-up during the first five hours of drying, the parchment paper should be changed regularly. Otherwise, the melon will turn out to be boiled, not dried.

The total cooking time will be at least ten hours. In this case, everything will depend on the variety of the melon.


Melon drying in direct sunlight and in a draft is considered by many to be the best and correct way. Residents of regions with a warm climate can apply this method in practice. Hot and dry summers are ideal conditions for drying melons outside. Melon for this drying method is prepared in a slightly different way. The fruit is thoroughly washed, cut in half and cleaned of seeds.

Each half must be cut thinly, not separating the pieces from each other, but leaving them connected at one end. The plates must be spread apart in different directions so that they do not touch each other. You need to act very carefully so that not a single piece comes off. For the first two days, the product must be kept on a sieve in the house at room temperature. During this period, the melon must be turned over regularly.

After that, ropes must be placed between the thin dried pieces of the fruit. In this case, the rope should not be too thin, otherwise it can cut the melon and disconnect the plates. The fruit is hung out on the street in the sunniest place. The drying process can take fourteen days - it all depends on the weather conditions.

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