How to make roses made of maple leaves. Master class "Roses from birch leaves. Other crafts from the autumn gifts of nature

Roses made of maple leaves. Master class with step-by-step photos

Master class on needlework: In the technique "Work with natural material".
Title master class: "Flowers from autumn leaves."
Author of work: Nikolaev Natalia Anatolyevna, Pedagogue of Additional Education MBOU DOD "House of Children's Creativity" Sinnikov, Kemerovo region.
Master class is designed For children and teachers of additional education.
Purpose of the master class: With the onset of autumn, I want to show and tell how from bright autumn leaves you can make a bouquet of roses. I am ready to tell you how you can enjoy not only from a walk in the park, when you collect extraordinary beauty Autumn leaves, but also aesthetic pleasure from the bouquet of the same leaves. This unusual decor will decorate your home, and most importantly - will remind you of a pleasant holiday in nature.
Purpose: Registration of a wicker basket roses from autumnal leaves.
A task:
- familiarize yourself with the opportunity to use fallen leaves to create roses with your own hands;
- educate the love of creativity, creative work.

Materials and tools:
- Natural material (Oreshnik leaves),
- Jute Rope,
- scissors,
- Scotch,

Wicker basket.
- Oasis.

Step-by-step manufacturing process:
1. We take a yellow or more green leaf of nuts and fold it twice (across, and not along!)

2. We turn it into the tube (roll)

3. We take the second sheet of nuts and put on it the first - coiled

4. Watch the second sheet in the third sheet

5. Take the fourth sheet and as in paragraphs 3.4

6. Watch the base of the resulting rosette a thread or a jute rope and tighten it tightly

7. And here is our first rose! Thus, we do the desired number

8. By the same way, we make a few roses (preferably odd number)

9. For the design of the basket Take a sheet of maple and put the foundation

10. We put the floristic brick, and insert roses from leaves into it

11. When all buds are ready, we connect them together, and then it all depends only on your imagination. You can "wrap up" by their same maple leaves, you can take the leaves of chestnut, hazel.
This is the eco-composition.

Council to needlewomen:
Flowers from autumn leaves will stand, and please the eye, but after a couple of days, the leaves will begin to dry. They will acquire another species, no less beautiful, but the other. Therefore, for those who want to keep flowers in almost their original form - there is advice: as soon as you make your roses from the leaves - cover them with varnish (just do not need to use nail polit or hair in any way). Parquet varnish or varnish for plastic. You can also paint roses with acrylic varnish and then they will always be as you want.

, genuine leather and other infirm materials for making crafts, of which we learned to make beautiful artificial flowers.

Autumn has long come to their rights and painted the world around us with bright multi-colored paints. Autumn presented us with remarkable natural materials for the manufacture of unique crafts with their own hands - fallen from trees

autumn leaves different sizes and with bizarre forms, as well as numerous flowers and inflorescences that we will use for the manufacture of beautiful colors,sympathetic lamps , elegant bouquets with artificial roses,original compositions from vegetables and fruits For interior decoration.

And kids will gladly help their parents to create amazing crafts from the priest, absolutelysandy natural material . Such joint leisure is very useful for the development of imagination, shallow motors of the hands, sensory abilities of small children and schoolchildren of junior classes.

From autumn natural materials you can do not only simple crafts, children's educational toys, appliques and herbaria. Interior designers have long been adjacent to the unique beauty and indescribable refinement of autumn gifts. Room walls can bedecorate with exquisite panels and paintings with compositions in the form of flowers from autumn fallen leaves (maple, oak, chestnuts), composed with their own hands in a special way. In order to use fallen leaves of trees and dryflowers for making crafts , bouquets and compositions do it yourself, it is important to properly prepare these natural materials before work. You probably already know that the autumn leaves can be paved between the sheets of albums (books, magazines, newspapers) and place the cargo on top. This method of workpiece is suitable for the formation of herbarium, children's appliqué or collagefrom dried leaves.

But for the manufacture of bulk die and bouquets with flowers From the autumn leaves who fell from the trees, this method is not suitable. Before you start twisting from those who fell from the trees of leaves such flowers (for example, roses made of red maple leaves), it is important to correctly process them in order tocrafts retained their original species long time. We will tell you about this in detail in this article further. Besides tips and useful ideas on creating bouquets and compositions from natural materials, you will find herevideo lessons , as well as master classes, with the help of which you can quickly make with your own hands as simple compositions (children's crafts from leaves, appliqués, figures, collages), and complex bouquets and objectsto decorate the interior in the form of bouquets with flowers from autumn leaves (topiary ) Or the compositions of dried flowers (see photo).

You will learn how to process and save maple leaves and autumn flowers so that made of thembeautiful crafts Not turned into brittle, shapeless and curled objects. And you can make from these natural gifts of the autumn of a wide variety of colors and with surprisingly distinguished bizarre forms can be anyartificial Flowers - Big Roses , small cornflowers, elegant chrysanthemums, cute daisies,elegant pitchers . The color of these homemade colors can be the most different (not only yellow or red) - after all, dried autumn leaves can be painted with acrylic primer with the addition of the combat of the desired color (and then cover with colorless varnish). With helium handles, you can apply different drawings and geometric shapes on the surface.artificial flowers Autumn topics.

Ideas for creativity:

- Applique.
Great idea for leisure with a child! Have you already collected many beautiful fallen leaves and autumn flowers in the yard, dried, made a colorful herbarium? Let's not stop on the achieved! Pulling on the table a large sheet of thick paper or cardboard, spread our "crop" on it and lay the original composition, combining colors and different forms of natural materials. . It is possible to glue the part of the autumn composition to the base on the basis of the PVA (but it is better to use photocles or gumiarabics);

- Collage.
You can fold together with your child a multi-layer bright collage under the frame. The bottom layer is large dark and brown leaves, then greenish, upper layers - small bright contrast leaves of red and yellow flowers. We add to the collage of dry autumn flowers, folding from them different shapes and get a beautiful bulk composition.
And you can add letters or words (as well as the shapes) into the collage - tightly press to the glued composition of the cardboard sheet with cut letters and gently cut on the template of the beaks with a stationery knife (of course - the hands of the parents, not a child);

- Developing game for a child.
A wonderful idea that your baby preschool age will enjoy! At the paper sheet, glue the half of the fallen leaves (first cut the vertical sheet). The task of the child is to draw a lack of half a pencil (felt-tip pen). Advise the baby to choose the appropriate color of the pencil and carefully look at the form of halves to reproduce the mirror part of the composition. The most difficult version is a maple leaf, leave for later and help a little baby to draw;

- Painted autumn leaves.
You can decorate both flat and volumetric crafts from the leaves of painting. For this work, use helium handles and markers (with silver, gold, white and other colors). Bouquets with decorated artificial flowers Will be fine and other interior objects;

- Bouquet of autumn leaves and dry flowers.
About how to add flowers from maple leaves with your own hands and collect a bouquet of them, you will find information below. If you decorate such a bouquet with delights and put it in a small wide vase, you will get a great composite center for your room;

- Drug or Topiary from autumn materials.
Another excellent option for interior decoration. Of the fallen sprigs, you can fold a small tree and decorate it with homemade flowers made of leaves. Or
folded topiary (see photo), Attaching many of these flowerflowers on the floral ball (Option: on a ball of foam);

Tsevilla (photo):

- bulk painting from the gifts of autumn.
As a basis, you can use a large photo frame or a wooden frame for paintings. Background can be done
from cardboard, appropriate . We make interesting compositions from maple leaves, dry flowers, fallen pine needles and other natural materials, attaching from a wire with a wire.

Useful tips:

How to prepare autumn leaves for making crafts and appliques at home.

- For volumetric crafts in the form of colors and bouquets.
We will not work out the surround crafts from dried leaves, as they are too britter. Therefore, we will specifically process the collected leaves. We divide the solution - 200 ml. Glycerin by 400 ml. Clean water. In a dense plastic bag, we neatly put the leaves with the trees and recall them, then poured the cooked solution. Package with contents should be sealed (heated knife) or stick with adhesive tape. Leave this package for 3-4 days in the dark chulana, and then decompose the leaves on a paper towel to dry. From these flexible, long preserving the initial view of the leaves can be added a variety of flowers (below - MK: how do you make beautiful roses from maple leaves with your own hands);

- for flat autumn compositions (appliques, collages).

The leaves collected in the fall and flowers are best dried in massive magazines and reference books. The collected natural materials need to be pretty pressing with a tremendous cargo, supplied from above on the directory.

How to dry the autumn flowers for crafts and compositions:

- Drying Iron.
Autumn leaves and many small flowers can be dried using an iron. To do this, place natural materials on dense cardboard , cover the top with a thin paper sheet and stroke the non-heated iron until the whole moisture evaporates;

- Natural drying.
excellent option for drying autumn colors. In a dry room with good air circulation, pull the rope. Collected flowers we put in bundles and hang out the inflorescences from the rope;

- Drying in the oven.
a wonderful way to dry large solitary flowers (roses, tulips, peonies) for the manufacture of compositions. The temperature in the oven should not be very high - approximately 50-60 ° C. Carefully follow the process so that the flowers do not boil when drying and do not lose the form;

- Volume drying of flowers.

According to many experienced florists, this method of drying autumn colors allows you to preserve their natural shape and color. The cut flower is placed in the calcined dry sand for 4 weeks. You can use a small-scale mesh box as a container at the bottom and retractable bottom. Flowers with terry and volumetric inflorescences (lilies, dahlias, roses) We place in the sand with stems down, and with flat inflorescences - baskets (buttercups, chamomile, asters, forget-me-not) - stems up.

What instruments and materials can come in handy for the manufacture of autumn crafts:

- Scissors.
Small scissors with blunt ends for a child and sharp long - for an adult;

Stationery knife and stacks.
With the help of a stationery knife, it is convenient to cut multilayer details of the crafts. Plastic stacks are excellent tools for a child with which it can cut separate leaves for appliqué;

- Shilo.
For convenience, choose a tool with a wide wooden handle (length - 5-6 cm) and not a very thick stitching part;

- Long tweezers and tweezers.
Pinzeta is convenient to move small details of the crafts. Plippers with a swapped front part can be borrowed from a manicure set. Such tweezers are very convenient to spin the individual parts of the product and wire;

- Thin wire.
It is often used to form a frame of crafts and toys from natural materials. To fasten individual parts, it is desirable to use a flexible and durable copper wire with a diameter of 0.35 mm;

- Foil and foil paper.
To decorate autumn crafts, for applications and collages;

- Sewing needle and threads.
To connect separate details of the crafts, to form bouquets from leaves and dry flowers;

- Paper.
The more different types of paper (different in color, by density, in thickness), the better. For the manufacture of crafts, appliqués, bouquets, panels and wall compositions from natural materials, you can use corrugated, wallpaper, velvet, parchment, landscape, wrapper, copying and other types of paper;

- Plasticine and plastic (polymer clay).
For fastening, as well as for modeling individual parts, complementing products from leaves, dry flowers. Your child can work with the plasticine and polymer clay;

- glue.
A variety of glue brands can be useful in work. Often use PVA, BF, Mars. The most secure options for use in the work of the child - PVA and adhesive pencil.
To glue individual details of the crafts, brush with a solid pile;

- Paints and tassels.
To create appliques and collages - watercolor and gouache paints. For coloring volumetric crafts from autumn leaves and dried flowers - acrylic paints. Draw the most convenient than the whole squirrel soft tassels.

2. How to make it yourself a beautiful rose from fallen autumn leaves

Such an artificial flower make it yourself very easy! For work, prepare the autumn maple leaves, durable threads, golden paints and sunflower oil. You can handle the leaves with a solution of glycerol (see the recipe above) for the durability of the collected craft.

For the manufacture of a separate flower, it is best to choose monophonic maple leaves. Rosets from leaves will be quite large. 5-7 such crafts are enough to fold a beautiful bouquet. As a leaf for this bouquet with artificial homemade flowers, you can use all the same maple leaves. Roses make red and yellow.

So, let's start working:

- We take a sheet of maple and bend in half (facial side - out);

The most tip bend and twist the leaf into the roll;

We take the second maple leaf of the same color, put already a twisted bouton in its base (see photo);

We form the petal of the maple rose, bent the sheet and turning tightly around the bouton;

Similarly, turn around the third maple leaf. The more rose petals will be, the volume and more rose will turn out. Shift a little down each subsequent row so that the flower looks blossomed;

Just above the leaf cuffs fix the craft of thread;

Similarly, we will make another 5-7 of the same roses (yellow, red, greenish);

Lubricate maple roses with sunflower oil so that the bouquet lasts the initial look for a long time. Now you can cover the crafts of gold paint;

It remains to lower several maple leaves into a small vase, and then form a beautiful bouquet of artificial roses.

3. Master classes. Learning to make crafts in the form of flowers from autumn leaves and compositions from dried flowers

Master class №1:

Stages of step-by-step production of chic volumetric roses made of red maple leaves that fell from trees (photo).

Master class number 2:

How to make a flower from autumn leaves. Another option of folding from the maple leaves of a large rosette with your own hands. Step-by-step photo MK.

Master class number 3:

We make crafts from leaves

It is very sad, to observe how autumn comes after the sunny summer: the leaves are yellowing on the trees, they almost always come rain, it becomes cold on the street, you have to get warm things from the cabinets.

Despite this, the autumn time can also become beautiful and full of paints, during the occurrence of sunny days. A funny deforest runs around the city parks, plays, collect multicolored bouquets of fallen leaves.

At home, I start collecting a variety of crafts for school and kindergarten, sometimes just for yourself. There is a huge variety of exciting ideas, about them and our article will be.

Crafts from leaves for kindergarten

The child loves to take part in creating various crafts. Show him what can be made of multicolored leaves who flooded all the streets of your yard, and he will be insanely happy to take part in this.

Creating crafts is not only entertainment, thanks to such activities, children can get wonderful exciting lessons to familiarize themselves with the outside world, develop thinking and creative abilities. This will help you, presented options for work in kindergarten.

What is necessary for crafts from autumn leaves:

  • Directly the leaves themselves, different colors, sizes and species;
  • Stationery (glue, pencil, scissors, paper, white and color cardboard);
  • Threads;
  • A wish.

Possible options for crafts from leaves

Applique from autumn leaves

It is considered the easiest view of crafts from the leaves. With your child, you can make an applique in the form of animals or birds.

Using dry leaves, PVA and paper glue and paper can be created. In order for work to be brighter, use the leaves of different colors.

Crafts from leaves and cardboard

Make a craft from cardboard and leaves will not be much difficulty. It is only necessary to cut the base from the cardboard and glue dry leaves to it.


One of the most exciting and widespread types of crafts for children is an amateur herbarium. You can collect a lot of species of natural material, according to which your baby will study with interest to the variety of plants growing in your area. Engage as much as possible plants as possible to create a beautiful herbarium.

Autumn leaves garland

Dish leaves, then plunge each of them in the paint of yellow color, to give the leaves a brighter color. After that, hang leaves dry in the form of an elegant garland.

It is necessary to take maple leaves of different sizes and colors, then cover them with a transparent varnish. After the leaves are felted well, you need to hang them on a thread, decorating beads or beads and hang. The resulting suspension will become an excellent decoration on the street and in the house.

Bouquet of flowers from autumn leaves

Flowers created from maple leaves are very impressive.

Vase from leaves

It is possible to use any leaves that you like. For one vase, you can use several types of leaves, different in color and form, and can be made of the same.

Instructions How to make crafts from leaves Application To begin with, you should prepare all the necessary materials, and shoot the table with the loop.

To create an overhead application, you should draw a picture on the cardboard, after applying the leaves to the drawing, you do not need to cut the leaves, they are used entirely. All that is not enough, it will be possible to draw paints or make from other materials.

Silhouette applique, created from cropped leaves. Leaves are cut to embody them, conceived pattern.

The most difficult way is to create a modular applique. It is made from the leaves of the same sizes. In this way, the scales of fish or feathers of birds make.

To obtain a symmetrical application, it is necessary to choose paired leaves identical in all parameters.


Ribbon - with it create a lot of parts on one drawing.


Collect leaves for herbarium is better in dry weather, as the wet leaves require additional processing. Every detail of herbarium needs to deal with a cold iron, before that carefully eliminate all the chains of the sheet.

If on the street is constant dampness and no time to wait for dry weather, then they should be given the opportunity to dry themselves. After the leaves dried, they are stroked with a warm iron, putting them between two sheets of paper. It is not necessary to put the iron on the leaves, just just press a little to not flatten them.

The cooked elements are located on a sheet of paper that will serve as a background and at the same time framed. Fix leaves with thread or glue.

Bouquet of colors / rose

In order for neat and beautiful flowers, the leaves should be smooth and clean. Put the leaf directly in front of yourself, fold it in half. Then you need to twist half the leaf into the tube, but do not twist very tightly, the flower should be volumetric.

It turned out a core of a flower, petals make from the rest of the leaves. In the second maple leaf puts the core. In turn turns the edges of the sheet so that the petals are. The sheet can be fixed with a thread so that it does not fall apart.


So that the flower turned out to be volumetric, thus should be twisted at least six or seven maple leaves, each of which is fixed by thread. To create a bouquet, several such flowers are needed.


For the manufacture of this craft you will need:

  • PVA glue;
  • Leaves of different color;
  • Normal air ball.

A balloon must be inflated to the desired vase size. Take glue, diluted half afternoon with water. Lubricate one half of the ball with adhesive solution.

Each piece of paper should be gluitively to lubricate another layer of solution, so that the top layers of sheets also kept well. When you glued the upper layer, it should also be lubricated with glue.

After that, remove the ball a few days before full frost. When our fake will dry, you will need to burst the balloon. Vase from leaves is suitable for use. The manufacture of such a job is not difficult, but it is very interesting, so it is good to do it together with children.

Photo crafts from leaves


To the autumn holiday or to the day of the teacher, you can make roses made of maple leaves with your own hands. Thanks to the bright colors of leaves, which can be pale yellow, bright golden, orange, red, green, bouquet also every time will appear in a new guise.

What do you need to work?

  • Maple leaves (freshly collected);
  • Threads.

Depending on the structure of the leaves, the final result is not always the same and expect. Of the soft and thin leaves, more pronounced layers and clear roses are obtained. And it happens that the sheet is harsh, when working it cracks, so the layers of bud will not be so pronounced, not very clear. But in any case, the bouquet is beautiful and interesting.

How to make roses made of maple leaves with your own hands?

Prepare a middle. It can be made of small leaf.

Turn it to the front part to myself, then fold twice by starting the top back.

Twist into the tube, starting with the right or left side. For convenience, you can fasten this roller with scotch.

This is a rose core, around it and need to combine bud. To do this, take another sheet as in the previous case, fold it twice, then a little, about 1 -1.5 cm, remove its top back and wrap around the core. How it seems to be thrown over or begin to swaddle a child.

And then everything is also. We take the next leaf, a little more than the previous ones, and just wrap around, forming a bud. Only in every subsequent case should do it from the opposite side. That is, wind the core sheet, pinch the convergent sides, and then the next sheet should be started in this area so that the tips converge on the other side. So alternately add about 5-6 leaves. It is possible and less, but then there will be very small boutons. However, they can also be quite part of the autumn bouquet.

In the process of work, you need to firmly compress the stalks at the sheet itself, as the bud thorns all the time. As soon as the last, the largest leaf was added, you need to warm all the stems thread well. Just thoroughly impact from the base to the middle. Optionally, the flower stem can be wrapped beige, green or yellow corrugated paper.

Flowers can make any quantity from three and more. Then collect them together and also wrapped the stalks, or scotch.

In conclusion, the bouquet is complemented by whole leaves that can be of a wide variety. For brilliance, you can apply sunflower oil to each bud, only a little bit, just one droplet. All, roses made of maple leaves are ready with their own hands.

Little bouquet of three flowers.

Chic bouquet of 9 roses.

Bouquet of maple leaves do it yourself: Master class in step-by-step photos for children and adults. Video.

Bouquet of maple leaves do it yourself

This master class was sent to our competition of children's autumn crafts of Skorikov Polina and her mother Julia.

I convey the word Polina and Julia to keep master class.

Bouquet of maple leaves do it yourself: materials and tools

For the manufacture of a bouquet we needed:

- a large number of maple leaves (clean, not dried, not patients),

- basket,

- filler (straw),

- artificial snow (spray),

- Stapler or threads.

- Elastic (for bouquet fastening).

Fields, her sister Ksyusha and Mom Julia collected leaves near the house. Then, on the same day, they made a crawler (Polina with Mom).

During the collection of maple leaves for a bouquet, you can read the children a poem:

Lived carved maple leaf
In the morning he listened to a bird whistle,
Rustle on a branch of Clean
And the whole summer was green,
Sheet dreamed of can
Sweep the blue skies.
Time went and on the signs
Pozdia summer has come.
Our leaflets became color -
Red-yellow - painted.
Flew the autumn wind
Published it noticed,
Skilled and tearned ...
"I fly!" - The leaf said.
(Irina Blazhevich)

Bouquet of maple leaves do it yourself: Step by step description and step-by-step photos

Step 1. We make the heart. At the very beginning it is necessary to make a "core" of the flower bud. To do this, fold the maple leaf in half

Then this folded sheet must be collapsed into the tube.

The heart is ready.

Step 2. We make petals.

Then you need to make the "petals" of bud. For this you need other leaves, too, folded in half and attach them to the "core" as shown in the photo below.

And turn the petals around the "cores".

At the bottom of each petal should be fastened. You can use threads, but we used the stapler.

Step 3. Collect a bouquet of maple leaves into the composition.

The finished bouquet is tightening at the bottom of the elastic, to hold and place in the basket.

On the bottom of the baskets lay out the filler (we used a straw) so that the bouquet is stable. We do in it deepening for a bouquet.

I splash the buds of flowers with artificial snow (spray) so that they become white. Bouquet of maple leaves ready!

Bouquet of maple leaves do it yourself: step-by-step video

If you love to make a step-by-step video, then another version of the master class for making your own hands bouquet of maple leaves you will find in the video below. This is a video master class from the teachers of Studio "Florate" - a floral studio from Arkhangelsk.

Bouquet of maple leaves - A wonderful gift to close and friends! Make it in these autumn days along with the children and rejoice in the beauty of nature!

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