Fill in a package of documents for a social teacher of a general education institution. The list of normative documents of the social teacher. The goal is the formation of socially approved behavior, increasing educational motivation

Work description: I offer you a summary of the work experience of a social teacher, presented in four sessions of the permanent seminar "School of the beginning social teacher". Within the framework of the first lesson, the specifics of social and pedagogical activities and some aspects of the regulatory framework for this work are revealed. The proposed material will be useful for novice specialists.
We have a quiet work.
But our soul is open
For those who need care
For those who need protection.
Questions and problems - without counting,
And we love our work.
We have a quiet work,
But people need us!
I am glad to see you at our first lesson of the school of the novice social educator. I propose to divide the conversation on the indicated topic into four components:
What is a social educator? Introduction to the position or profession "under the microscope";
The main activities of a social teacher in a comprehensive school;
Regulatory support for social and educational activities;
The value of the microsociium in the socialization of children.

1. Introduction to the position or profession "under the microscope"
In Soviet Russia, the appeal to the profession of a social teacher was made in 1989, when the USSR State Committee on Public Education created at the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences - a temporary research team under the leadership of V.G. Bocharov, Ph.D. whose work was scientific rationale the introduction of a new profession focused on working in an open society, called, as opposed to social workers of social security, "social teacher". Official registration the name of this profession was made in Russian state documents in March-April 1991, and in the education system this position "got accustomed" after the publication of the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On social and pedagogical work with children" No. 61 / 20-11 dated 27.02.95.
The name of the specialist "social teacher" is derived from the word "teacher", which is associated primarily with the teacher. Therefore, it is not surprising that after the introduction of such a position, teachers became the first social educators; they also made up the majority of students in all forms of course retraining of personnel to obtain a certificate in this specialty. Many teachers from our Kurgan schools have also passed professional retraining on the basis of IPK and ABM and received diplomas allowing them to carry out social and pedagogical activities.
The profession has appeared recently, but in fact it is not new. In Russia, social assistance or assistance from society, the community was, almost always, because compassion and mutual assistance are an integral feature of the Russian people. Charitable organizations and compassionate people funded and built shelters for homeless children and orphans, and hired educators for the younger generation. Pedagogy in the form of rules and instructions for childcare for adults has also appeared a very long time ago. The first systems of pedagogical education originated in Ancient Greece(IV-V centuries BC).
So who is this person - a social educator? What is it psychological picture, his personality characteristics? What are the areas of his competence?
In everyday life, we often notice that professional affiliation leaves a kind of imprint on a person's thinking, behavior, and attitude to the world. This phenomenon in psychology is characterized by the concept of "professional mentality" - a complex of deep, often unconscious personal characteristics of a person.
The following are distinguished as such abilities: observation, the ability to quickly navigate a situation, intuition, empathy, reflection and self-control.
In addition, a social teacher should have such professionally important qualities for all workers in the social sphere as sociability, orientation towards interacting with people, kindness, curiosity, interest in working with people, firmness in defending one's point of view, optimism, the ability to find a way out of controversial situations, diligence, neuropsychic stability. Of course, communicative qualities, in other words, the ability to communicate, are among the most important professional qualities of a specialist.
So, the Qualities that ensure the success of the professional activity of a social teacher:
Abilities Personality traits, interests and inclinations
love for children;
developed communication skills (communication skills with people);
developed verbal abilities (the ability to speak clearly, clearly, expressively);
good memory;
mental and emotional balance;
developed organizational skills;
ability to empathize;
flexibility of behavior;
the ability to keep your distance;
teaching ability;
high level of attention distribution (the ability to pay attention to several objects at the same time). tendency to work with children;
the ability to lead;
a high degree of personal responsibility;
self-control and poise;
non-judgmental attitude towards people;
interest and respect for another person;
exactingness towards oneself and others;
Qualities that hinder the effectiveness of professional activity:
lack of organizational skills;
lack of love for children;
mental and emotional imbalance;
inability to empathize;
rigidity of thinking (inability to change ways of solving problems in accordance with changing environmental conditions).
Thus, we can say with confidence that a social teacher is not a position, but rather a vocation, a life position, if you like, a civic position.
Today, in all schools, the position of a social teacher has been introduced, and the social and pedagogical service at the school is a form of specific and varied assistance to each student, as close as possible to his family, the sphere of relationships with others.
It looks like this: in the center of the school system of relationships there is a student, his family, and next to it is a social teacher, a representative of his interests, an intermediary between him and social structures- school, society, etc. As a rule, a social educator knows all his wards very well: how they learn, what they like to do in free time what circles and sections they attend, as well as what microclimate in their families. It is pleasant to note that this knowledge is often mutual: the parents of students know social teachers well, they are often asked for advice, asked to help in resolving conflict situations.
The field of activity of a social teacher provides for work with the entire contingent of students, although most often the objects of their special attention are children who have problems in learning and behavior, as well as their parents. Why parents? To help a child, you need to know the conditions of family upbringing. That is why a social educator should work with the family purposefully, systematically, using, as a rule, an individual approach in working with them.
It is no secret that in school there are cases of tension in relations between teacher and student, between peers, between parents and children, parents and teacher, etc. In such situations, a social teacher comes to the rescue, who studies the causes of the conflict and regulates it. He, as it were, “leads” through school life both the student and his entourage. It is safe to say that prompt assistance to each student in a difficult life situation is the main task of a social teacher.
So, a social educator in his professional activity plays several social roles at once - this is an adviser, lawyer, arbitrator (judge), public figure, friend, coach, assistant, psychotherapist, mediator, expert.
The purpose of a social educator is to study, learn, understand, accept, help.
To save and educate young souls is the main mission of a social educator:
Strive to do quiet good
Not for praise or reward.
As an example to them, not for the sake of nomination,
Give people knowledge and warmth.
Strive to do everything not for show,
May your impulses be sincere,
Let them wake up someone's consciousness,
And let purity come from you.

2. The main activities of a social teacher in a comprehensive school.
The object of the social teacher's activity is minors who need help in the process of their socialization. This category includes children with intellectual, pedagogical, psychological, social deviations from the norm, which have arisen as a result of the lack of full-fledged social education.
The professional task of the activity of a social teacher in society is most easily revealed by contradiction. If the process of socialization of a child is successful, then he does not need the professional help of a social teacher. The need for it arises where and when the family and school do not provide the necessary development, upbringing and education of the child, as a result of which “socially dropped out” children appear.
In essence, the task of the activity of a social teacher can accordingly be defined as assistance in the integration of a child into society, assistance in his development, upbringing, education, professional development, in other words - assistance in the socialization of a child.

Consequently, the goal of the social teacher's activity is to create conditions for the psychological comfort and safety of the child, to meet his needs with the help of social, legal, psychological, medical, pedagogical mechanisms for preventing and overcoming negative phenomena in the family, school, immediate environment and other societies.
By agreement with the administration, in view of the existing problems within a particular school, a social teacher can develop his activities in the necessary directions, filling them with specific content.
Main directions of activity:
Socio - pedagogical research with the aim of identifying social and personal problems of children of all ages;
Providing social and pedagogical support to the family in the formation of the student's personality;
Social and pedagogical protection of the rights of the child;
Social - pedagogical counseling;
Socio-pedagogical prevention, correction and rehabilitation.
Prevention of delinquency, deviant behavior, vagrancy, neglect in a child's environment, as well as early family trouble;
Promoting the creation of a pedagogically oriented environment for the optimal development of the child's personality;
Organizational and methodological activity;
The relationship of the school with social institutions.

The duties of the joint venture are complex and varied and consist in the following:
Carries out a set of measures for the education, training, development and social protection of the individual in educational institutions and at the place of residence of students;
Studies the psychological, medical and pedagogical characteristics of the personality of students and their microenvironment, living conditions;
Identifies interests and needs, difficulties and problems, conflict situations, deviations in the behavior of students and provides them with social assistance and support in a timely manner;
Acts as an intermediary between the personality of students and the institution, family, environment, specialists of various social services, departments and administrative bodies;
Takes measures for social protection and social assistance, the realization of the rights and freedoms of the personality of students;
Promotes the creation of an environment of psychological comfort and personal safety for students;
Interacts with teachers, parents, specialists of social services, departments;
Organizes educational work in the classroom, educational institution;
He maintains partnerships with the family of students, jointly solves the problems of upbringing and personal development, some others.

3. Regulatory support of the joint venture
One of the most important aspects in the work of the joint venture is the maintenance of documentation, which helps to plan activities, record the stages and results of preventive work, organize and conduct a preventive conversation, parent meeting, class hour, navigate emerging problems and find ways to solve them.
The legislative, regulatory and legal framework of social and pedagogical activity is determined by documents, conventionally grouped into five levels, in accordance with the subjects of their publication:
1. Regulatory and recommendatory documents of the world community (constituent acts, declarations, pacts, conventions, recommendations and resolutions of the UN, WHO, ILO, UNESCO ...)
2. Domestic legal acts of federal significance (Constitution, codes, laws, orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, decisions of collegia and orders of the Ministries of the Russian Federation);
3. Documents of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
4. Documents municipalities(regional, city);
5. Decisions, orders, instructions directly from institutions and educational organizations.
Among the most important international documents related to the activities of a social teacher are:
Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948
1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Basic Law Russian Federation is the Constitution (adopted on December 12, 1994 by a popular referendum).
Declaration of human and civil rights and freedoms.
Of great importance directly in educational institutions are regulatory and legal documents of the federal, regional and municipal levels, regulating the activities of a social teacher:
1. Family Code of the Russian Federation
2. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
3. Civil Code of the Russian Federation
4. Housing Code of the Russian Federation
5. Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation
6. Labor Code of the Russian Federation
7. Law of the Russian Federation "On basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation" dated 24.07. 1998 No. 124 FZ
8. Law of the Russian Federation "On the basics of the system for the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors" (as amended on July 21, 2007 N194-FZ) of June 24, 1999. N120-FZ
9. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"
10. Law of the Russian Federation "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" of 20.07.1995, of 24.11.1995.
11. Law of the Russian Federation "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Issue of Citizens with disabilities health "from 30.06.2007. N120-FZ
12. Law of the Russian Federation "On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation" of 25.1 0.1991 N1807 - I
13. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the regulation on the appointment and payment of state benefits to citizens with children" dated 12/30/2006. No. 865
14. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the procedure for the upbringing and training of disabled children at home and in non-state institutions" dated July 18, 1996 No. 861
15. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation "On ensuring recreation, health improvement and employment of children in 2008 - 2010" dated 01.04.2008. No. 23
16. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On violation of the law of the Russian Federation" On education "dated 02.06. 1994 No. 179
17. Letter of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation "On additional measures to protect the housing rights of minors" dated 09.06. 1999 No. 224 / 26-5
18. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On measures to prevent suicide among children and adolescents" dated 26.01.2000. No. 22-06-86
19. Letter of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation "Recommendations on the organization of education for children from families of refugees and forced migrants in educational institutions of the Russian Federation" dated 07.05.1999. No. 682 / 11-12
20. Letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "On social support for disabled children" dated 03.04.2000. No. 14-52-246 in / 13
21. Federal Law of April 24, 2008 No. 48-FZ "On guardianship and trusteeship"
22. Law of the Russian Federation "On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care" from 21.12.1996. N159-FZ
23. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation "On approval of the procedure for the work of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development on employment with orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children, children left without parental care" from 10.02.l998 No. 5
24. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2009 No. 423 "On certain issues of the implementation of guardianship and trusteeship in relation to minors"
25. Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "On Amendments and Additions to the Housing Code of the RSFSR" dated 05.13.1998. No. 1179
26. Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "On approval of payment Money for food, when acquiring clothes, shoes, soft equipment for children under guardianship (guardianship) "dated 08.19.1999r.N119
V last years other important documents have been developed and published concerning the entire system of Russian education.

Institutional documents
1. School charter
2. Job description
3. Work plan of a social teacher
4. Analysis of the work of a social teacher for academic year
5. Social passport of the school
6. Social class passport
7. Cyclogram, structure of the working week of a social teacher
8. Order of the director "On the establishment and operation of the school Council for prevention"
9. Regulations on the Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Delinquency
10. Regulations on the mechanism of interaction in the educational space of the school for working with students of the "risk group", etc.

The social pedagogue's office work consists of:
- Normative legal acts governing the activities of the institution and the specialist (the above should include the Charter of the OU, regulations, functional responsibilities ...);
- planning the activities of the institution and the specialist (work plans of the educational institution, social educator, cyclograms of activity and control);
- data on the study of the social composition of families, social portraits of a student, class, school;
- projects or programs in certain, most relevant areas of social and pedagogical work;
- logs of registration of appeals of those who need help;
- inspection reports;
- documentation for the registration of offenses, deviations in development, conflicts in the team, actions and results to overcome offenses;
- documents from correspondence with institutions and organizations involved in solving problems;
- documentation on matters of custody and guardianship;
- reports on the work done for a particular period;
- monitoring of activities, the results of socio-pedagogical studies of the microdistrict, families, etc.
- medical-psycho-long-pedagogical characteristics of the wards, organization plans individual work with them;
- minutes of various sessions, meetings, meetings, teachers' councils, etc.
- guidelines for parents.
- methodological recommendations for class teachers, teachers on solving problems of a child's social life and removing conflicts in interpersonal relationships.

Today we will talk about three important documents required in the SPD: the plan of work of the joint venture, the socio-pedagogical passport of the class and the school.
Planning the work of a social teacher.
The social educator plans his activities in three sections:
- urgent (current) work;
- perspective (design);
- plans for interaction with various social structures.
Scheduling urgent work can be presented in the form of a cyclogram (schedule of mandatory tasks for a week) or a grid plan.
Needs to be considered urgently emergencies(= 1 hour per day) and current work.
In the activities of a social teacher, various forms of plans:
an annual or half-year plan, in an educational institution acting as part of the school's work plan (long-term plan); planning for a longer period is possible;
work plan for more short term, as a rule, for a quarter, month, week (calendar plan); the form of presentation of such a plan are cyclograms, plans-schedules and plans-grids;
a plan for carrying out specific actions, forms of work, planning activities in relation to specific problems, specific wards.
At the beginning of the academic year, diagnostics of society, social certification of classes, educational institutions, microdistricts are carried out; cultural and household relations in the families of students of the social risk group are studied and analyzed, the data bank and the list of children by social status are being adjusted:
Large families;
Single-parent families;
Low-income families;
Families in socially vulnerable situations;
Families in difficult life situations;
Disabled children;
Children with disabilities;
Children from substitute families;
Children of the "risk group" (cards for accompanying children in need of supervision),
The employment of children in the extracurricular time is revealed, the lists of children attending the Higher School of Education, PDN, KDN and ZP are checked and corrected.

1. Social class passport
Every year in September, the class teacher fills out the class passport for the following positions:
Employment of children outside school hours;
Large families, indicating the number of children in the family and the data of all children in the family);
Families with signs of SOP;
Low-income families;
Single-parent families;
Children of the GR;
Information about children with deviations in health;
Families in TJS;
Children from substitute families;
Children without Russian citizenship;
Children from families where parents / one of the parents is disabled;
Children who do not live with their parents;
Information about the nationality of the children
Parents' educational level
On the basis of the data of the SP of class passports, a social passport of the school is drawn up.
2. School social passport
Socio-pedagogical examination of the school constitutes the informational basis of socio-pedagogical work. It precedes planning and forecasting. A common in practice form of the primary document based on the results of social and pedagogical research is the socio-pedagogical passport. This is a basic document providing an overview of social characteristics the territory in which the given social educator operates. Filled in once at the beginning of work. Subsequently, when changing any of the characteristics included in the passport, appropriate adjustments and corrections are made to it.
The passport contains information that allows the social educator to make informed assessments and make decisions that comprehensively take into account the situation at school, as well as the data obtained is used by the social educator when drawing up a plan, creating a "data bank" about families, about school students.
Sections of the joint venture passport:
General information about the OS;
Material and technical base
Information about preschool education (circles, sections, clubs, children's public associations operating in the educational institution), about additional subjects, electives and courses (except for basic general educational programs);
The social status of students and their families;
Information about the students of the school (general data, data by grade);
The staff of the educational institution;
The microsociety is most important for the socialization of the child, therefore, the school passport contains information about the institutions, organizations located in the school's microdistrict.
4. The value of the microsociium.
Microsociety is the nearest space and social environment in which a person's life takes place and which directly affect his development.
The influence of the micro-society on the process of socialization of a person at various stages of his life depends on the objective characteristics of the micro-society and the subjective characteristics of the person himself.
The objective characteristics of the microsociium include:
spatial characteristics;
architectural and planning features (openness-isolation, historically established or industrial buildings, the ratio of low-rise and high-rise buildings, the presence, quantity and quality of small architectural forms, etc.);
the well-being and development of communal services on its territory, as well as the saturation of the service sector and its qualities;
cultural and recreational opportunities (availability and quality of work of educational institutions, cinemas, clubs, gyms, stadiums, swimming pools, museums, theaters, libraries);
demographic situation (composition of residents: their ethnicity, homogeneity or heterogeneity; socio-professional composition and the degree of its differentiation; characteristics of gender and age composition; composition of families);
the socio-psychological climate, which is determined by the ratio of the number of residents with prosocial, asocial and antisocial lifestyles, the presence of criminogenic families and groups, criminal structures, as well as a measure of the active participation of the population in the life of the micro-society.
Microsociety includes such factors of socialization as family, educational institutions, peer groups.
The parental family is of decisive importance in the formation of the emotional world, self-awareness and moral foundations of the individual in the first years of life and is a leading factor in socialization in preschool age.
Through the system of educational institutions, society and the state, on the one hand, strive to provide equal opportunities for the upbringing of all their members, and on the other, to create conditions for everyone to realize their capabilities, satisfy needs and develop abilities and interests.
The peer group is an important factor in socialization. The need to communicate with peers exists at any age. Already at an early age, a child has a special relationship with his peers.
A child deprived of communication with peers loses in his communicative development. Although children learn the language mainly from adults, some kind of intuitive communication skills are formed only in communication with peers.

So, dear budding social educators, I congratulate you on your assumption of office. And for your information:
The Day of the Social Worker and Social Educator is celebrated annually on June 8, based on the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 27, 2000. The day was not chosen by chance. It was on June 8, 1701, that Peter I adopted the decree, which laid the foundation for the creation of the state system of social protection, "On the determination of the poor, the sick and the elderly in the homes of the Holy Patriarchate." According to Peter's decree, "for ten sick people, there should be one healthy person in the poorhouse, who would go after those sick and repair all kinds of help."

A social educator working at school should be guided by the following documentation in his activities:

1. Texts of administrative documents on social and pedagogical work. Laws and by-laws on the exercise of the rights of the child;

2. Job description;

3. Perspective, calendar work plan for a year, month, week;

4. Cyclogram or work schedule for a week, month, approved by the head of the institution;

5. Schedule of thematic group consultations, schedule of individual consultations for certain groups of the population;

6. Projects or programs in some of the most relevant areas of social and pedagogical work;

7.Documentation: on the accounting of offenses, developmental disabilities, conflicts in the team; on the development of individual educational routes by children who are in intraschool control; to control the movement of students; actions and results of overcoming violations;

8.Documentation on issues of custody and guardianship, registration at the place of residence and employment, protection of the rights of the child in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the judiciary;

9. Taking into account the appeals of parents, teachers, students and solving the problems posed by them;

10. Data on the study of the social composition of families, the social portrait of a student, class, school, social expectations of parents, students, teachers, as subjects of the educational process;

11. Taking into account measures for the social protection of children from socially disadvantaged families;

14. Systematized information on city and district services for parents and children about possible ways to solve their problems. eleven

  1. Conclusion

So, the social educator identifies adolescents in need of social assistance. These are, first of all, unsuccessful adolescents who, due to their abilities, cannot learn the school course. These are adolescents who experience stress either in a peer group, at school, or in a family. These are adolescents of deviant behavior, many of whom are addicted to drugs or alcohol. Most often they are registered with the commission on juvenile affairs.

Sometimes, helping these teenagers can only consist in sorting out their relationships with others. In another case - to teach to control your actions, to be confident in yourself. It is often necessary to explain to the adolescent the legal and moral consequences of his behavior. But in both cases, sensitivity and cordiality are required from the social teacher.

The social teacher becomes the organizer of the student's extracurricular time, uniting in his educational work with his parents. He organizes various sections and clubs, school events.

The social teacher coordinates the work of the teaching staff with difficult teenagers, their families, with the surrounding social microenvironment and the community of the microdistrict. He periodically informs the teaching staff of the school about the psychological climate in the classroom, about each difficult student and about helping him. Plays a major role in preparation and planning social work schools.

Particular attention is required from the social educator to adolescents who are expelled from school. He helps to arrange them in another school, to help them get used to a new team.

The social educator identifies adolescent schoolchildren who are illegally employed during school hours, decides on their studies, and checks whether the legal norms of child labor are being complied with.

He monitors whether all those in need visit the rehabilitation centers; controls the receipt of all social privileges by large families: free "school" breakfasts, purchase of clothes, transportation costs.

Social educator studies the interests of children and adolescents, problems family relations with a different style. He studies the family, helps her in crisis situations, helps in improving the environment, in improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of the environment, protects the interests of the teenager, and establishes contacts. The increase in the effectiveness of the activity of a social teacher at school is due to the relationship of his work with the school psychologist, class teachers, and the deputy director for educational work.

Help from the "higher" social services is also important. The efficiency of the activity is increased through the exchange of work experience. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to hold single meetings at least once every six months of all social teachers of the city's schools. If exchange of experience between social educators of one city is important, then exchange of experience in this direction between countries is invaluable.

In conclusion, it should be said that, unfortunately, today there are schools that do not yet have social teachers. It is good if his functions are partially performed by the deputy director for educational work or some class teachers. For example, they can visit the families of students, they can keep records of disadvantaged families for themselves, hold meetings and talks with such families, but they do not have the right to provide official social assistance to students. Social educators have such rights. Therefore, their presence at school is irreplaceable. But since this profession is relatively young, there is hope that schools that do not yet have social teachers will not have long to wait, I want to believe that this profession will be in great demand. And future school social educators need to know that they are expected and needed.

Legal and regulatory framework (regulatory and recommendatory documents of the world community, state, regional, intraschool documents ) - Annex 1

        Planning the work of a social teacher, reporting and analytical documentation:

    analytical report of the work of the social teacher for the previous academic year, approved by the head of the educational institution - Appendix 2

    work plan of a social teacher for the year;

    work plan of a social teacher for a month;

    plan (grid) of work of a social teacher for a week;

    a plan of joint work of the school and the IDN for the academic year - Appendix 3

    work schedule indicating the time of individual consultations;

    cyclogram of the work of a social teacher for a week - Appendix 4

    consultation log (for students, parents, teachers);

    group lessons journal (with students, parents, teachers);

    journal of accounting of individual lessons with students;

    register of crimes and offenses among students;

    register of visits and preventive work of the IDN inspector;

    a register of family visits at the place of residence - Appendix 5

    socio-pedagogical class passports - Appendix 6

    socio-pedagogical passport of an educational institution - Appendix 7

    socio-pedagogical passport of the microdistrict - Appendix 8

    personalized data banks of children and families of various accounting categories ( families problematic, in a socially dangerous position, low-income, incomplete, large families, foster parents, raising disabled children, pupils consisting of different types preventive accounting, "risk groups") - Appendix 9

    individual prophylactic cards for students who are registered within the school, registered in the IDN, KDN, drug dispensary (they are accompanied by acts of examination of living conditions, characteristics (Appendix 12), other materials) - Appendix 10

    individual correctional work with students - Appendix 11

    plans-contracts of social rehabilitation of families in a socially dangerous situation - Appendix 15

    social passports of families in a socially dangerous situation - Appendix 16

    individual protection plans and legitimate interests minors, interdepartmental individual plans for the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors (Methodological recommendations "Organization of the work of an educational institution to protect the rights and legitimate interests of minors").

    acts of inspection of housing and living conditions - Appendix 17, 18

    documentation of the Prevention Council: analysis of the work of the Prevention Council for the past academic year, the work plan of the Prevention Council for the current academic year, minutes of the meetings of the Prevention Council - Appendix 20

    self-education folder (portfolio) - Appendix 21

    group and individual training programs;

    social and educational projects.

Appendix 13: Categories families in need of social and psychological support.

Appendix 14: Algorithm of work of a school with a family in a socially dangerous situation.

Appendix 19: Provisions on the Council of Prevention.

Appendix 22: The rights and ethical standards of the social teacher.

Appendix 24: Documents required to place a child in an orphanage.

I ... The main regulatory documents regulating the professional activities of a social teacher :

International level

1. Convention on the Rights of the Child

Federal level

1. Constitution of the Russian Federation

3. Family Code of the Russian Federation

4. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

5. Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation

6. Law of the Russian Federation "On basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation" dated 24.07. 1998 No. 103 FZ

10. Law of the Russian Federation "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" dated 24.11.1995.

11. Law of the Russian Federation from "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Issue of Citizens with Disabilities" dated 30.06.2007. N120-FZ

12. Law of the Russian Federation "On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation" from 25.1 0.1991, N1807 -I

13. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the regulation on the appointment and payment of state benefits to citizens with children" dated 12/30/2006. No. 865

14. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the procedure for the upbringing and education of disabled children at home and in non-state institutions" dated July 18, 1996 No. 861

15. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the federal target program" Children of Russia "for 2007 - 2010" from 21/03/2007. No. 172

16. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation "On ensuring recreation, health improvement and employment of children in 2008 - 2010" dated 01.04.2008. No. 23

17. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On violation of the law of the Russian Federation" On education "dated 02.06. 1994 No. 179

18. Letter of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation "On additional measures to protect the housing rights of minors" dated 09.06. 1999 No. 224 / 26-5

19. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On measures to prevent suicide among children and adolescents" dated 26.01.2000. No. 22-06-86

20. Letter of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation "Recommendations on the organization of education for children from families of refugees and forced migrants in educational institutions of the Russian Federation" dated 07.05.1999. No. 682 / 11-12

21. Letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "On social support for disabled children" dated 03.04.2000. No. 14-52-246 in / 13

The list of normative legal documents regulating the activities of a social teacher in working with orphans and children left without parental care at the federal level :

1. The law of the Russian Federation "On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care" from 21.12.1996. N159-FZ

2. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation "On approval of the procedure for the work of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development on employment with orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children, children left without parental care" from 10.02.l998 No. 5

3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the norms of material support for orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, studying and raising in federal state educational institutions, minors, students and children. in federal state educational institutions - special vocational schools of open and closed type and the federal state institution "Sergiev Posad Orphanage for the Deaf-Blind of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development" from 07.01.2005. No. 65

4. Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "On Amendments and Additions to the Housing Code of the RSFSR" dated 05.13.1998. No. 1179

5. Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "On approval of the payment of funds for food, purchase of clothing, footwear, soft equipment for children under guardianship (guardianship)" dated 19.08.1999r.N119.

The list of normative legal documents regulating the activities of a social teacher on the prevention of neglect and homelessness at the federal level:

2. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On measures to identify and record children aged 6 - 15 years old who are not enrolled in educational institutions" dated 03.21.2002. No. 419 / 28-5

3. Letter of the Federal Agency for Education "On the organization of work to prevent and suppress offenses related to drug trafficking in educational institutions" dated 24.11.2005. No. 14-11-272 / 03.

II ... Organizational and administrative documents :

1. Job description approved by the head of the institution.

2. Schedule of work of a social teacher, approved by the head of the institution.

3. Cyclogram of work for a week.

4. Resolutions, orders, orders of higher organizations that regulate and determine the content of the activities of a social teacher.

5. Orders of the director of an educational institution, regulating the work of the social and psychological service (orders "On the establishment and operation of the school Council for prevention", "On joint raids", etc.).

6. Regulations on the Council of Prevention and the procedure for registering and deregistering in-school records.

7. Consent to the processing of the student's personal data.

III ... Work planning:

1. Analysis of work for the previous 3 academic years (analytical and statistical).

2. Plans for the work of a social teacher for the academic year and summer period, which includes joint work with the administration of the publiceducational institution, a psychologist, class teachers, a medical professional, a parenting committee, etc.)

3. Plans for joint work of the social educator in generaleducational institutionwith institutions of the prevention system (CDN, PDN inspectors, district inspector, etc.).

4. It is necessary to have information about the problem, goals and objectives of the school for the academic year. Based on this, formulate the problem, goals and objectives of the social and psychological service, determine the main forms and methods of work for their implementation.

IV ... Main activity materials:

1. Social passport is generaleducational institutionfor the previous 3 years.

2. Databank or lists of students by category: from large families; from low-income families; from dysfunctional families; disabled children; children under guardianship; set for free meals by category; registered at the school; registered with the ODN; prone to unauthorized leaving home, vagrancy. All lists must be formed with the most complete information.

3. Map of social and pedagogical support of students of the "risk group" .

4. Card of individual study, adolescents who are registered in the generaleducational institution and ONE.

5. Programs of individual preventive work with students registered with the CDN, cards of social and pedagogical support for students registered with the PDN, at the MSC, plans for working with families and students in a socially dangerous situation.

6. Rehabilitation programs for every disadvantaged family.

7. Protocols of prevention advice. The minutes of the Prevention Council are compulsorily drawn up in accordance with the requirements for the design of the protocols, i.e. indicating the ordinal number of the meeting, the composition of the sitting persons invited to the Council, the agenda of the meeting is indicated, which should begin with an analysis of the implementation of previously adopted decisions. When considering the personal affairs of students, it is indicated which of the parents or persons substituting them was invited, which decision was made, and who is responsible for the implementation of the decision of the Prevention Council and the deadlines for the implementation of this decision.

8. A log of records of the raids carried out with full information (the date of the raid, the composition of the raid participants, the list of families who planned to visit with a note on the results of the visit (it was possible to visit the parents or persons replacing them or not). All information is noted in the personal cards of the students: who was at home, what work was done (conversation, warning or a protocol was drawn up, has the situation changed with the student, in the family, etc.)

9. Information about the committed crimes and offenses of students. Statistical report: ATC digital data on the number of crime cases, the date of the crime, the offense, the first time or re-committed a crime or offense, was it registered in the generaleducational institutionor in the PDN at the time of the commission of a crime or offense, the category of the family, than the student is engaged in after school hours.

10. Materials about the summer employment of students in need of social assistance (children from low-income families and disadvantaged families, disabled children, children under guardianship), students of “risk groups”.

11. Materials of speeches at pedagogical meetings, seminars, parent meetings, class hours, etc.

12. Taking into account the appeals of parents, teachers, students and solving the problems posed by them. Journal of consultations, indicating the topic of the consultation, for whom it was carried out.

13. Journal of visits to lessons, their analysis (may not be available)

14. Taking into account measures for the social protection of children from socially disadvantaged families. A register of the assistance rendered.

15. Projects or programs in some of the most relevant areas of social and educational work

16. Methodical materials for class teachers, parents, teachers on solving problems of a child's social life and removing conflicts in interpersonal relationships.

A social teacher working at a school may have the following documentation (in agreement with the administration):

1. The texts of administrative documents on social and pedagogical work, laws and by-laws on the implementation of the rights of the child.

2. Job description.

3. A long-term, calendar work plan for the year, which can be presented both as a separate document and in the context of the annual work plan of an educational institution. It should present those activities that are fundamental in the work of a social teacher in a particular educational institution.

4. Cyclogram and work schedule for the week, month, approved by the head of the institution.

5. Schedule and accounting for thematic group consultations (students, parents, teachers) in approximately the following form:

6. Schedule of individual consultations for certain categories of clients. Accounting for requests from parents, teachers, students and the resolution of the problems raised by them (confidential information) in approximately the following form:

7. Projects or programs in some of the most relevant areas of social and educational work.

8. Documentation for the registration of offenses, deviations in development, conflicts in the team; on the development of individual educational routes by children who are in intraschool control; to control the movement of students; actions and results of overcoming violations. In the context of the above, a special place is occupied by the documentation of the Council for the Prevention of Delinquency and Neglect among Minors.

9. Documentation on issues of custody and guardianship (detailed lists with numbers of personal files, dates of deprivation of parental rights and the appointment of custody, addresses, phone numbers, place of work; acts of inspection of living conditions), protection of the rights of the child in law enforcement agencies and the judiciary.

10. Data on the study of the social composition of families, the social portrait of a student, class, school, social expectations of parents, students, teachers.

11. Taking into account measures for the social protection of children from socially disadvantaged families.

14. Systematized information (in the form of cards or information stands) on city and (or) district services for parents and children.

The documents of any institution represent a certain system that reflects certain aspects of its work or the entire work as a whole. So, orders consistently document the manager's administrative activities, in the minutes - the work of the pedagogical council, in magazines - student progress, and so on.

Documentation systems are called office work, which includes the creation of documents, work with them, storage.

The need for office work is often perceived by a social teacher as completely non-pragmatic, unnecessary, or not realized at all in the formation of plans and programs of activity. Behind the documents there are always living people, a living matter, life itself. It is bad when in documents they see only "papers", in office work - only bureaucracy. Competent record keeping enhances the professional success of a social educator and makes him less vulnerable to various checks and reports. The main methods of studying the activities of a social teacher and its results are the analysis of reporting and documentation of a social teacher.

Problems solved by office work in the work of a social teacher: accumulation of reliable information about the contingent, its problems, ways and methods of working with it; fixing the process of rendering assistance, aimed at increasing its efficiency; transmission of information about the state of social and pedagogical problems to all levels of management and execution; systematization of information on the forms and types of assistance, providing access to it for everyone in need; typification of customer categories and conditions of their service for data banks.

An essential feature of office work in social work is that parts of documents can be presented in different ways, in the form of: analysis; certificates; reports; information; test results, questionnaires. Thus, a social teacher should be able to independently, in accordance with the oral or written instructions of the head, draw up the main official documents and draw up them.

A huge role in the current work with documents is played by correct system their grouping, classification and storage. To classify documents in institutions, so-called case nomenclatures and classifiers are created. With their help, documents are grouped into cases, and then into groups of cases (for example, of any department of an institution or for any branch of its work). A social educator must be able to draw up his own nomenclature of cases, be able to use classifiers.

The archive is gradually being formed from the executed documents. It arises first in the office work, and then the documents are transferred for storage to the archive of the institution.

The successful implementation of measures aimed at social protection of the population is largely determined by compliance with social work professional principles:

Professional competence is a deep awareness of a specialist about the conditions and methods of solving emerging problems and the ability to professionally put his knowledge into practice;

Stimulating activity - encouraging a person to a conscious, interested manifestation of activity in the implementation of his energy, abilities, moral and volitional potential for solving the task;

Unity and correct balance of authority and responsibility, rights and duties of a specialist;

An integrated approach that provides comprehensive impact, serves as a barrier against departmental and limited work;

Purposefulness gives the activity a certain perspective, allows you to predict the result and develop a specific program of action.

The duties and rights of a specialist are determined by the qualification characteristics of the position. Such a qualification characteristic is prepared by the federal agencies of departmental management on the basis of generalization of functions in the real experience of many specialists. However, there is not a single document that clearly states the professional rights of a specialist. Therefore, a social educator acts in the legal field of modern legislation, appropriating de facto rights arising from the need for high-quality performance of his professional duties and the ethical professional code of a social worker.

To carry out their duties, the social educator and social worker widely use rights:

Represent and protect the interests of clients in the legislative and executive authorities;

Conduct public or private social practice with a special education diploma or specialty certificate;

Collect information related to the needs of children and adults, conduct social surveys of the population, diagnostic studies;

Make official inquiries to public organizations government agencies requesting a solution to personal and social problems clients;

Inform state bodies about the state of a particular problem in the field of their activity;

Make proposals to enterprises and institutions, commercial structures and public associations to encourage parents, families, social work volunteers for social initiative and activity;

Be actively involved in promoting the experience of family education, social work, using funds mass media;

Lead public initiative movements of citizens aimed at solving specific social problems.

The main task of a social teacher is to create a personality-affirming situation that actualizes the forces of self-development of the child's personality. The advantage of a situation as a method of education is that it cannot be created for some average child or class. The personality-affirming situation is different for each individual person. In a situation, you can reveal the most hidden information about the inner world a child who is difficult or simply impossible to obtain through questionnaires, interviews, observations.

A personal approach can only be carried out by a social teacher who has the necessary set of personal attitudes, such as: empathy, belief in the capabilities and abilities of each child, openness, attitude towards the child as a unique personality.

The results of personality-oriented education are expressed in the attitude of the social teacher and pupil to common activities, cooperation, to each other, in psychological well-being, self-esteem, and the growth of personal achievements of each.

The legislative, regulatory and legal framework of the social teacher in Russia, as in any other state, is determined by legal documents, conventionally grouped into five levels, in accordance with the subjects of their publication:

1) international documents, the most important of which is the 1995 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child;

2) Russian documents of federal significance (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Civil, Family, Criminal codes, labor legislation, laws of the Russian Federation);

3) documents of the Russian Federation that are significant for the specialist and the sphere of his professional activity, in which he lives and works;

4) documents of municipalities (usually orders, orders and decisions of the collegium of a departmental governing body are important for a social teacher);

5) intra-corporate documents.


1. List the principles of paperwork in social and educational activities.

2. What are the main functions of the documentation process in social and educational activities?

3. What are the main types of documentation used in social and educational activities?

4. What are the criteria for the effectiveness of social and educational activities?


Issues for discussion:

1. The effectiveness, efficiency and productivity of social and educational activities.

2. Criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of social and educational activities.

3. Criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of social and educational activities.

4. The procedure for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of social and educational activities.

5. Technology of social and pedagogical expertise.

6. Documentation and office work in social and educational activities.

Problematic questions for discussion:

Denis Diderot wrote: "It is not enough to do good, you have to do it beautifully." Give examples from social and pedagogical practice, where and by whom this principle was applied.

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