Bim technology building information modeling. BIM. In simple language. What solutions work on the basis of BIM technology

According to our rough estimate, based on 20 years of practice, excavation work can “lose” up to 50-60% of the budget. On reinforced concrete and finishing, exactly 30%. On errors of reordering in case of collisions, the cost of an engineer increases by about 10%. It is for this simple reason that when an "evil customer" implements a BIM model of a building, wild screams and groans begin from all sides.

BIM control will now be on all government orders under the new standard, so the screams and groans will be especially epic.

Here I see a trace of all systems, I can get an accurate estimate for each node: and when you move or add an object, I will receive updates in all design and working documents at once.

What is a BIM Model? This is a three-dimensional model of a building, where all systems are docked and linked in one single plan. We put an outlet in the room - a new outlet and a corresponding length of cable appeared in the general estimate. The material error of this model is 2%. On paper, they usually take a stock of 15%, and the surplus of this stock is desperately "lost".

Let me show you examples rather than tell them.

Here is the main view: here you can see the model of the building without rendering, just at the level of engineering diagrams. In the now open window in the center - the building for inspection, in the background you can see sections for specific systems.

This is how all the engineering systems of the building "assembled" look like.

You can turn off the consistent view and see only specific subsystems. For example, this one is water supply.

And this is an electrician.

You can twist and enlarge the area of ​​interest.

Switch to another system view.

View individual nodes as "bricks", that is, objects (then it is convenient to duplicate them in the constructor, for example).

You can see concrete structures and their properties.

Here is closer.

And already on them to impose the types of systems or individual nodes.

For the customer, we usually collect a beautiful render (see below), and we ourselves use the view as above when designing.

About three years ago, computers started pulling BIM models of buildings. Of course, 3D buildings were designed back in the Soviet Union, but now it has become really common and easily reproducible.

Even these "bricks", that is, models of nodes, such as the device of elevators - they are made in 3D and can be viewed from all sides. Since this is not "The Witcher" or "Mass Effect", the optimization of the engine is the last thing here, there is no special pre-renderer, and powerful enough machines were needed to comfortably work with the system.

How data is collected into such a model

Today, building design can go in three ways:
  1. The old fashioned way, that is, on paper, or rather, in one of the CAD systems. There will be a bunch of different documents, which are then combined in the mind of the engineer into one common project. This is a completely normal method when qualified specialists are involved in the work. But in fact, in the real world, still someone will cross the cable duct and ventilation, if not during design, then certainly during implementation. Playing on tolerances, difference in schemes and the absence of a single plan, you can “lose” a lot.
  2. Start the old fashioned way and get the sketch approval the old fashioned way, and then go to BIM and design everything right at once. The intermediate stage is most often needed when the general contractor decides to control the construction normally.
  3. Design directly in BIM. Then a sketch is one of the representations (just saving the model in a certain format and a printout), the electrician's plan is another representation, etc. All this can even be agreed upon in Moscow in in electronic format.

For our office, which you can see above, we used both methods. More precisely, they imported old 3D models and design data, and then began to support everything in BIM.

The first stage took several months from two specialists. We took blueprints from AutoCAD and imported them into the BIM environment. Something was in PDF, they had to be outlined manually. We have been making architecture and construction for a month. The rest of the time - an engineer, in particular, I had to go into the building, look at the places and photographs. The most important thing that the scheme gave was the absence of collisions of systems. The BIM environment does not allow intersecting engineering subsystems: it is similar to board routing. There are many ways to avoid this and catch bugs.

This is extremely important for the general contractor, because he pays for each such collision at the facility from his sweat. I've built a residential complex, built a skyscraper, our team has a person who designed three metro stations from scratch, data centers and other smaller objects - without any count at all. So, every damn time when there is no BIM, ventilation always comes to the column. We fix, move, change. Then the designer says, "It's not like that." And the gimmick starts from the very beginning. Now we design directly in BIM, and this removes a lot of headaches.

But back to our building. After all the systems were outlined, they began to saturate with engineering and correctly draw up drawings so that BIM had complete specifications. That is, at first, for example, the electrical control room was just one unit, such as a material point, then there appeared a division into separate large devices and lines inside, and then it became so detailed that we already knew the serial numbers of the spare parts. This design depth is called LOD: British Standard for Levels of Detail for Information Model Items. LOD100 and LOD200 are like in computer games, when there is a certain constructor and nodes. The model can be used for analysis (based on volumes, areas and orientation by applying generalized performance criteria) and cost estimates based on estimated areas and volumes. Well, and planning, of course. LOD300 is already a normal detailing for the release of traditional design documentation and for various engineering calculations. There you can also read equipment, products and materials, as well as rough work. The 300th model can be used for collision analysis. LOD 400 is already the release of working documentation for carrying out various engineering calculations, for obtaining accurate data on equipment, products and materials for calculating the amount of work. This model can be used at the construction and installation stage, that is, it will serve as a direct instruction to builders. For each joint, you can safely ask. Lost meter of cable - no one will notice. Missing 50 meters - immediately burned. We usually work at this level, but for our office we are aiming at LOD 500. This model can be used at the operational stage, consumables like lamps and their resource are visible there.

The 400th LOD in construction practice gives a few more obvious advantages. Here's one example. A very common mistake is incorrect calculation of capacities. This is usually done manually by comparing different plans. In BIM, it is automatically considered a system, and everything is docked as it should. Often, designers calculate according to different methodologies, or they simply do not notice some detail, and the equipment simply does not turn on in terms of power.
Going over the budget is usually up to 7% for reordering new units (this is even if you don't have to change something in the layout on the fly in order to deliver new equipment).

At the 500th LOD, the technical and economic indicators of the building are already one to one: it is also built with all the formulas for calculating loads, power, brands of toilet bowls, slopes and the exact amount of wire.

What's next

Further, having such a model, any automation modules are screwed to it. You can hang over the work schedule and watch. We will install automation in our building and give away part of the access to the control room in order to manage the building like in Hollywood.

It is very convenient for estimators to work with a BIM model from the 400th LOD. Designers are comfortable - they quickly print and cut into knots. This greatly reduces the time required for various jobs. Educated foremen of BIM twist and twist. Contractors at the construction site, of course, do not need this at all, all the "losses" are in plain sight, and it is very difficult to forge the documentation. The entire technical-economy is checked: the earth mass is ideal, all pipes, everything. Logs are written: who got into the model, when he got in, what he looked, what he changed. Naturally, all these modules complicate the work in terms of training (you need a minimum of a month course to just read BIM professionally), but this is already a requirement of standards. At state competitions, everything will now be through the BIM model. Uneducated contractors will suffer.

How much does it cost

It costs about 100 thousand square meters for LOD 400 to move about as 5-6 apartments in the center in money and several months in work. Oddly enough, it still pays off well on the savings on the project. However, a more correct approach is to immediately design in a BIM environment. This is a month longer at the preparation stage, but it turns out almost free of charge in the general estimate.

Automation is more expensive. For example, our colleagues made a module for the stadium control system, there are control sensors on the lower levels that check vibrations, the level of the slope of walls and beams, and evaluate the appearance of defects in the metal. Simply put, they help to understand that the stadium can collapse in six months or a year during normal life, or in several hours if it was damaged by an earthquake (but it seems to be worth it). The same data is transmitted to the Ministry of Emergency Situations in real time.

Here's who needs it:

This became a natural human reaction to the radically changed informational richness of the life around us. In modern conditions, it has become impossible to efficiently process the huge (and steadily increasing) flow of "information for thought" that precedes and accompanies the design itself, which has poured into the designers using the old means.

Moreover, the flow of this information does not stop even after the building has already been designed and built, since the new object enters the operation stage, it interacts with other objects and the environment, that is, in modern terms, the active phase of the building's "life cycle" begins. ...

So the concept that emerged as a result of the reaction to the prevailing situation building information modeling is much more than just a new design method.

It is also a fundamentally different approach to the construction, equipment, maintenance and repair of a building, to managing the life cycle of an object, including its economic component, to managing the man-made habitat that surrounds us.

This is a changed attitude towards buildings and structures in general.

Finally, this is our new look at the world and rethinking the ways of human influence on this world.

The approach to the design of buildings through their information modeling involves, first of all, the collection and integrated processing in the design process of all architectural, design, technological, economic and other information about the building with all its interconnections and dependencies, when the building and everything related to it are considered as a single object.

The correct definition of these relationships, as well as accurate classification, well-organized structuring and the reliability of the data used are the key to the success of information modeling.

If you look closely, it is easy to see that with such a concept, the fundamental design decisions again remain in the hands of a person, and the computer again performs only the technical function of information processing entrusted to it.

But the main difference between the new approach and the previous design methods is that the arising volume of this technical work performed by the computer is of a fundamentally different nature, and a person can no longer cope with it.

A new approach to the design of objects was named Building Information Modeling or abbreviated Bim(from the English term Building Information Modeling).

A brief history of terminology

The term BIM appeared in the lexicon of specialists relatively recently, although the very concept of computer modeling with maximum consideration of all information about an object began to form and acquire specific outlines much earlier. Since the end of the twentieth century, this approach to design has gradually "matured" within the rapidly developing CAD technologies.

Concept Building information model was first proposed by Georgia Institute of Technology professor Chuck Eastman in 1975 in the journal of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) under the working title " Building Description System»(Building description system).

In the late 1970s - early 1980s, this concept developed in parallel in the Old and New Worlds, and in the USA the term was most often used "Building Product Model", and in Europe (especially in Finland) - "Product Information Model"... At the same time, both times the word Product emphasized the primary focus of researchers' attention on the design object, and not on the process. It can be assumed that a simple linguistic combination of these two names led to the birth of the "Building Information Model".

In parallel, in the development of approaches to information modeling of buildings by Europeans in the mid-1980s, the German term was used "Bauinformatik" and dutch "Gebouwmodel", which in translation also corresponded to English "Building Model" or "Building Information Model".

These linguistic convergence of terminology was accompanied by the development of a unified content of the concepts used, which ultimately led to the first appearance in scientific literature in 1992 the term "Building Information Model" in its current content.

A little earlier, in 1986, the Englishman Robert Aish, at that time the creator of the RUCAPS program, then for a long period - an employee of Bentley Systemes, who recently switched to Autodesk, in his article first used the term Building Modeling as it is currently understood as building information modeling.

But, more importantly, at the same time he was the first to formulate the basic principles of this informational approach to design: three-dimensional modeling; automatic receipt of drawings; intelligent parameterization of objects; corresponding to database objects; distribution of the construction process by time stages, etc.

Robert Eisch illustrated the new design approach with the successful application of the RUCAPS Building Modeling Complex in the renovation of Terminal 3 at London Heathrow Airport. Apparently, this 25-year-old experience is the first use of BIM technology in the world design and construction practice.

Since about 2002, thanks to the efforts of many authors and enthusiasts, a new approach to designing the concept "Building Information Model" were also introduced by leading software developers, making this concept one of the key ones in their terminology.

Later, as a result of the activities of such companies as, first of all, Autodesk, the abbreviation BIM has firmly entered the vocabulary of computer design technologies and has become widespread, and now the whole world knows it.

Historically, some developers of computer programs related to information modeling of buildings, in addition to the generally accepted, also use their own terminology.

For example, Graphisoft, the creator of the widespread ArchiCAD package, introduced the concept VB(Virtual Building) - a virtual building that essentially echoes BIM.

Sometimes you can find a phrase with a similar meaning electronic construction(e-construction).

But today the term BIM, which has already received universal recognition and the widest distribution in the world, is considered dominant in this area.

What is meant by BIM

If we now turn to the inner content of the term, then today there are several definitions of it, which in their main semantic part coincide, while differing in nuances.

It seems that this is primarily due to the fact that different specialists came to the concept of building information modeling in different ways, therefore, some understand a BIM model as a product, for others BIM is a modeling process, some define and consider BIM from the point of view of practical implementation, and some - who generally defines this concept through its negation, explaining in detail what “not BIM” is.

Our goal is to convey to the reader the essence of building information modeling, so we will pay less attention to the formal side of the issue, at times "mixing" different formulations and appealing to common sense and intuitive understanding.

Now we will formulate a definition that is more consistent with the current approach to BIM by Autodesk and, from the author's point of view, most accurately reveals the very essence of the concept.

Building Information Model (BIM)(Building Information Model) is:

  • well coordinated, coherent and interconnected,
  • amenable to calculations and analysis,
  • having a geometric reference,
  • suitable for computer use,
  • upgradeable

numerical information about a projected or existing object, which can be used to:

  1. making specific design decisions,
  2. creating high quality project documentation,
  3. predicting the performance of an object,
  4. drawing up estimates and construction plans,
  5. ordering and manufacturing materials and equipment,
  6. management of the construction of a building,
  7. management and operation of the building itself and technical equipment throughout the entire life cycle,
  8. management of a building as an object of commercial activity,
  9. design and management of the reconstruction or renovation of a building,
  10. demolition and disposal of the building,
  11. other purposes related to the building.

A schematic of the BIM-related information flowing into and out of the model is shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Basic information passing through BIM and directly related to BIM.

In other words, BIM is all that has a numerical description and properly organized information about an object, used both at the stage of design and construction of a building, and during its operation and even demolition.

As you already understood, the abbreviation BIM can be used both to refer directly to the building information model itself, and for the information modeling process, and, as a rule, no misunderstandings arise.

In a number of literary sources, a reduced version of this abbreviation is also used. bim(the so-called "small BIM") - a general designation for the entire class of software working in the technology of "big BIM" - information modeling of buildings.

Very close to BIM, the concept formulated by Dassault Systemes in 1998 PLM(Product Lifecycle Management) - product lifecycle management, which today is actively used by almost the entire industry of mechanical engineering CAD.

At the same time, all kinds of technically complex objects can be considered as products: airplanes and ships, cars and missiles, buildings and their systems, computer networks, etc.

The PLM concept assumes that a single information base is created that describes the three main components of creating something new according to the scheme Product - Processes - Resources as well as the connections between these components.

Having such a unified model provides the ability to quickly and efficiently link and optimize the entire specified chain.

So we can say with great confidence that BIM and PLM are "twin brothers", or, more precisely, that BIM is a reflection and refinement of the PLM concept in a specialized area of ​​human activity - architectural and construction design. It is quite logical that, by analogy with PLM, the term BLM (Building Lifecycle Management) even began to appear - building lifecycle management.

At the same time, due to the specifics of the architectural and construction industry and its difference from mechanical engineering, it should be admitted that BIM is still not PLM.

Practical benefits of the building information model

However, terminology is not the main thing. The use of the building information model greatly facilitates the work with the object and has many advantages over the previous forms of design.

First of all, it allows in a virtual mode to put together, select according to the intended purpose, calculate, dock and coordinate the components and systems of the future structure created by different specialists and organizations, "at the tip of the pen" to check in advance their viability, functional suitability and operational qualities, and also to avoid the most unpleasant thing for designers is internal inconsistencies (collisions) (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. The project of the new building of the higher music school New World Symphony in Miami (USA) by architect Frank Gehry, developed using BIM technology (design began in 2006). The components of a single model are shown separately: the outer shell of the building, the supporting frame, the complex of engineering equipment and the internal organization of the premises.

Unlike traditional computer-aided design systems that generate geometric imagery, building information modeling typically results in an object-oriented digital model of both the entire facility and the process of its construction.

Most often, the work on creating an information model of a building is carried out in two stages, as it were.

First, certain blocks (families) are developed - the primary design elements corresponding to both construction products (windows, doors, floor slabs, etc.) and equipment elements (heating and lighting devices, elevators, etc.) and much more. , which is directly related to the building, but is made outside the construction site and is not divided into parts during the construction of the object.

The second stage is modeling what is being created at the construction site. These are foundations, walls, roofs, curtain walls and much more. In this case, it is assumed that there will be widespread use of pre-created elements, for example, fasteners or framing parts when forming curtain walls of a building.

Thus, the logic of building information modeling, despite the fears of some skeptics, has left the field of programming that is incomprehensible to designers and builders and corresponds to the usual understanding of how to build a house, how to equip it and how to live in it.

This greatly facilitates and simplifies the work with BIM for both designers and all other categories of builders, and then operators.

As for the division into stages (first and second) when creating BIM, it is rather arbitrary - you can, for example, insert windows into the modeled object, and then, for reasons that have appeared again, change them, and the already changed ones will be used in the project. window.

The information model of the designed object built by specialists then becomes the basis and is actively used to create working documentation of all types, develop and manufacture building structures and parts, complete the object, order and install technological equipment, make economic calculations, organize the construction of the building itself, as well as technical and organizational solutions. - economic issues of subsequent operation (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Construction of the new building of the American higher music school New World Symphony (started in 2008) and its future appearance(completion of construction is planned in 2010). Building with an area of ​​10,000 sq. m, the hall is designed for 700 spectators, adapted for webcasts and recording of concerts, as well as 360-degree video projections, on the top floor there is a music library, a conductor's studio, as well as 26 individual rehearsal rooms and six - for joint rehearsals of several musicians ... The estimated cost of the object is 200 million dollars.

The information model exists throughout the entire life cycle of a building, and even longer. The information contained in it can be changed, supplemented, replaced, reflecting the current state of the building.

This approach in design, when an object is viewed not only in space, but also in time, that is, "3D plus time", is often called 4D, and "4D plus information" is usually denoted already 5D... Although, on the other hand, in a number of publications under 4D can understand "3D plus specifications".

As you can see, there is still no complete unity in these fashionable quantities of D, but it's just a matter of time. The main thing is the inner content of the new design concept.

BIM technology has already shown the possibility of achieving high speed, volume and quality of construction, as well as significant budget savings.

For example, when creating a new building of the Museum of Art in the American city of Denver, the most complex in form and internal equipment, an information model specially developed for this object was used to organize the interaction of subcontractors in the design and construction of the building frame (metal and reinforced concrete) and the development and installation of plumbing and electrical systems. ...

According to the general contractor, only a purely organizational application of BIM (the model was created to work out the interaction of subcontractors and optimize the work schedule) reduced the construction period by 14 months and led to savings of about 400 thousand dollars at an estimated cost of the object of 70 million dollars (Fig. 4) ...

Fig. 4. Museum of Art in Denver (USA), the building of Frederick S. Hamilton. Architect Daniel Libeskind, 2006.

But one of the most important achievements of BIM is the ability to achieve almost complete compliance with the operational characteristics of a new building to the customer's requirements.

Since the BIM technology allows with a high degree of reliability to recreate the object itself with all structures, materials, engineering equipment and processes taking place in it, and debug the main design solutions on a virtual model.

In other ways, such a check of design solutions for correctness is not feasible - you just have to build a model of the building in full size. What happened periodically in the old days (and still happens now) is that the correctness of design calculations was checked on an already created object, when it was almost impossible to fix anything.

It is especially important to emphasize that the information model of a building is a virtual model, the result of the use of computer technologies. Ideally, BIM is a virtual copy of a building. At the initial stage of creating a model, we have a certain set of information, almost always incomplete, but sufficient to start working in a first approximation. Then the information entered into the model is replenished as it arrives, and the model becomes more saturated.

Thus, the process of creating BIM is always extended in time (it is almost continuous), since it can have an unlimited number of "refinements".

And the information model of the building itself is a very dynamic and constantly evolving education, "living" an independent life.

It should be understood that physically BIM exists only in the computer's memory. And it can only be used by means of those software tools (a set of programs) in which it was created.

BIM and information exchange

The result of the development of computer design is the fact that today the work on the basis of CAD technologies seems to be quite organized and debugged.

Now, about 25 years after its inception, the DWG file format created by the AutoCAD package has taken the place of the unofficial but generally accepted standard for working with a project in CAD programs and has already begun to live a life independent of its creator.

The same applies to the DXF format, developed by Autodesk for the exchange of data between various CAD programs and other, including computing, systems.

Almost all CAD programs can now accept and save information in these formats, although their own "native" file formats sometimes differ significantly from the latter.

Thus, we state once again that the file formats created by the AutoCAD package have become a kind of "unifier" of information for CAD programs, and this did not happen by a command from above or by a decision of some general meeting of software developers, but historically was determined by the very logic of the natural development of automated design in the world.

With regard to BIM, today the form, content and ways of working in building information modeling are entirely determined by the software used by architects (designers), of which there is already a lot for BIM.

Since the widespread introduction of BIM technology into world design practice is currently (by historical standards) at its initial stage, a unified standard has not yet been developed for files of software systems that create information models of buildings, or the exchange of data between them, although such an understanding is maturing and attempts the development of uniform "rules of the game" is already being undertaken.

I think it will take some more time for the world community of designers to develop generally accepted "templates" for BIM, unifying the rules for the transfer, storage and use of information.

Perhaps, a solution to this issue will be found by analogy with CAD systems, when one of the BIM complexes will become the most popular without a doubt.

Unfortunately, due to the just mentioned lack of a single standard, transferring the information model from one software platform to another without losing data and significant alterations (often almost everything needs to be repeated) is not yet possible.

So architects, builders, subcontractors and other specialists working in BIM today greatly depend on the correct choice of the software used, especially at the initial stage of their activity, since in the future they will be firmly attached to it, in fact, will become its “hostages”.

Of course, this state of affairs is not conducive to the development of building information modeling. Designers who have switched to BIM technology are entirely dependent on the level of development of information technology, the level of understanding of the problem and the skill of the creators of computer programs. They are limited in their professional activities by the framework that programmers provide them. This is bad, but there is nothing else yet.

On the other hand, in mechanical engineering, for example, the level of development of aviation directly depends on the level of development of the machine tool industry. And this does not hinder progress. If everything is coordinated correctly across entire industries. On the contrary, the needs of aviation largely stimulate the development of machine tool building.

A paradoxical conclusion suggests itself - the further development of architectural and construction design will depend on the level of development of programming. Perhaps not everyone will like it, but this is already a reality.

As well as the fact that the tasks arising in the design stimulate the development of information technology. Everything is interconnected.

Forms of obtaining information from the model

The information model of a building today is a specially organized and structured data set from one or several files, which allows the output to be either graphical or any other numerical representation, suitable for subsequent use by various software tools for designing, calculating and analyzing the building and all included in it. components and systems.

The building information model itself, as an organized set of object data, is directly used by the program that created it. But it is also important for specialists to be able to take information from the model in a convenient form and use it widely in their professional activities outside the framework of a specific BIM program.

Hence, another of the important tasks of information modeling arises - to provide the user with data about an object in a wide range of formats that are technologically suitable for further processing by computer or other means.

Therefore, modern BIM programs assume that the information contained in the model about a building for external use can be obtained in a wide range of types, the minimum list of which is already quite clearly defined by the professional community and does not cause any discussion (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Types of graphical representation of the building information model. Tatiana Kozlova. The architectural monument "House of Composers" in Novosibirsk. The model is made in Revit Architecture. NGASU (Sibstrin), 2009.

These generally accepted forms of displaying or transmitting information about a building contained in BIM are primarily:

All this variety of forms of output information provides the versatility and efficiency of BIM as a new approach to building design and guarantees it a defining position in the architectural and construction industry in the near future.

Fig. 7. Tatiana Kozlova. The architectural monument "House of Composers" in Novosibirsk: a three-dimensional section of the building. The model is made in Revit Architecture. NGASU (Sibstrin), 2009.

Rebutting major misconceptions about BIM

To better understand the nature of Building Information Modeling, it is also useful to clarify what BIM cannot and is not.

BIM is not a single building model or a single database... Usually it is a whole interconnected and complex subordinate complex of such models and databases, generated by various programs and interconnected with the help of the same programs. And the perception of BIM as a monosyllabic model is one of the earliest and most common misconceptions.

BIM is not "artificial intelligence"... For example, information about a building collected in a model can be analyzed to detect possible inconsistencies and collisions in the project. But the ways to eliminate these contradictions are entirely in the hands of man, since the very logic of design is not yet amenable to mathematical description.

For example, if you reduce the amount of insulation on a building in the model, then the BIM program will not think for you what to do: either add (buy) more insulation, or reduce the area of ​​the premises, or strengthen the heating system, or move the building to a new place with a warmer climate, etc. The designer must decide for himself.

Almost certainly in the future computer programs will begin to gradually replace a person in the simplest (routine) intellectual operations in design, as they are now replacing in drawing, but in real practice it is too early to talk about this. When this happens, it will be fair to say that a new stage in the development of design has begun.

BIM is not perfect... Since it was created by people and receives information from people, and people tend to make mistakes, errors will still occur. These errors can appear directly when entering data, when creating BIM programs, even when computers are running. But these errors occur in principle less than in the case when a person himself manipulates information. And there are many more internal layers of software control over data correctness. So today BIM is the best there is.

BIM is not a specific computer program... This is a new design technology. And computer programs (Revit, Digital Project, Bently Architecture, Allplan, ArchiCAD, etc.) are just tools for its implementation, which are constantly developing and improving. But these computer programs define the current level of development of building information modeling, without them BIM technology is meaningless.

BIM is not only 3D... It is also a mass of additional information (attributes of objects), which goes far beyond just the geometric perception of these objects. As good as the geometric model and its visualization are, objects must still have quantitative information for analysis. If someone is more comfortable, we can assume that BIM is 5D. And yet it's not about the number of D. BIM is BIM. And only 3D is not BIM.

BIM is not necessarily 3D... It also includes numerical characteristics, tables, specifications, prices, calendar charts, email addresses, etc. And if a three-dimensional model of the structure is not required to solve design problems, then there will not be 3D. Simply put, BIM is exactly as much D as needed, plus numerical data for analysis.

BIM are parametrically defined objects... The behavior (properties, geometric dimensions, location, etc.) of the created objects is determined by sets of parameters and depends on these parameters.

BIM is not a set of 2D projections that collectively describe the designed building... On the contrary, all projections are derived from the information model.

In BIM, any change in the model simultaneously manifests itself in all views.... Otherwise, conditions are created for possible errors that will be difficult to track down.

BIM is an incomplete (frozen) model... The information model of any building is constantly evolving, as necessary, replenishing with more and more new information and adjusting to reflect changing conditions and a new understanding of design or operational tasks. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this is a “living”, developing model. And with the right understanding, its life span completely covers the life cycle of a real object.

BIM benefits not only in large objects ... There are many benefits on large facilities. On small objects, the absolute value of this benefit is less, but the small objects themselves are usually more, so again there is a lot of benefit. The building information model is always effective.

BIM does not replace humans... Moreover, BIM technology cannot exist without a person and requires more professionalism from him, a better, comprehensive understanding of the creative process of building design and greater responsibility in work. But BIM makes human work more efficient.

BIM doesn't work automatically... The designer will still have to collect information (or manage the process of collecting information) on certain problems. But BIM technology significantly automates and therefore facilitates the process of collecting, processing, organizing, storing and using such information. As well as the whole building design process.

BIM does not require a person to "dumb data"... The creation of the information model is carried out according to the usual and understandable for the designer logic of building a building, where his qualifications and intelligence play the main role. And the construction of the model itself is carried out mainly by graphic means traditional for design, including in an interactive mode.

Which, among other things, does not at all reject the possibility of entering some (for example, text) data from the keyboard.

BIM does not make the "old guard" of specialists unnecessary... Of course, any guard sooner or later becomes "old". But experience and professional skill are needed in any business, especially when designing in building information modeling technology, and they usually come over the years. It is another matter that the former specialists (all, not just the "old" ones) will have to make certain efforts (some even considerable) when mastering new tools and switching to a new technology. But practice shows that this is all from the realm.

Mastering BIM is not a matter of the elite and does not take a lot of time... More precisely, it takes exactly the same amount of time to master BIM as it takes to master any other technology professionally - "the period of initial training plus the whole life."

Vladimir Talapov's cycle of publications on BIM continues with the article "At the heart of BIM lies a whale".

This year, the second day of the conference was completely devoted to broadcasting technical presentations. All events that took place simultaneously in five parallel sessions are available for viewing on the organizer's website. In the block "Architecture and Construction", where 12 speakers took part, representatives of the Bureau "Artpot" Vladislav Livanov and Vitaly Malozemov spoke about their experience of switching from Autocad to Revit.

Looking ahead, it is worth saying that the authors do not offer recipes that will instantly allow you to design in a new environment, but rather the opposite - they build the transition process in successive stages. It was thanks to a pre-planned process and an integrated approach that bureau employees were able to reorganize to work in a new environment without wasting time and compromising design.

One of the main mistakes of architects, according to the speakers, is that most are trying to transfer all the principles of interaction that they have developed over a long time in CAD design to a 3D platform, which cannot be implemented in principle. Therefore, the studio developed a spiral development model for the transition to work in Revit, which allows you to move in logical segments, fixing intermediate results along the way.

Three components of success

First of all, the workshop identified three basic principles that will be useful to any studio, regardless of the design environment in which they work. At first glance, these principles may seem trivial, but this is where many make mistakes, not giving due attention to seemingly obvious concepts. The primary foundations of any design, according to the authors, are as follows:

  • A single design entity.
  • Constant interaction of all participants in the process.
  • Unified structure of data storage and transmission.

A single design entity implies the joint work of all employees with one file. There should not be many different versions of the project or additional drawings that no one knows about except the author himself. That is, all participants in the process work with the same design drawings. Thus, in case of modification of one element, these elements are immediately transmitted to other computers, which excludes the appearance of different variants of the project.

Working in identical files requires well-established communication, and therefore the authors of the report place special emphasis on the constant interaction of all participants in the process. This is especially important when working with subcontractors or in cases where different departments are outsourced. Therefore, the process of relationships during work should be agreed at the very beginning. It is essential that all participants are immediately aware of the changes, thereby minimizing rework and bug fixes.

The third problem has to do with the files themselves, which many store and name as they please. As a result, when it is necessary to quickly find the required file, especially among different versions, it is very difficult to figure it out not only for colleagues, but also for the authors of the drawings themselves. Therefore, every studio needs general rules by storage location, names of folders, files, etc.

The first attempt, which increased productivity by 1.5 times

To switch to Revit, a separate project team was allocated in the workshop, where, among other things, there were already specialists who were familiar with the program. Immediately, an ambitious task was set - to fully develop the project in Revit and issue the finished working documentation, which, however, cannot be achieved in full right away.

The transition was easier for the architects than the others, and even the first time they managed to release working documentation for the AR ( architectural solutions)... But the main problem arose with the rest of the specialists, and, first of all, with the designers, who could not adapt the system for themselves in a short time, so we had to return to the development of documentation as usual.

Realizing that they still have to work in AutoCAD, the studio decided to make the most of the program's capabilities in order to ultimately save time for staff training and new attempts to switch to BIM design. Binders, dynamic blocks were customized, templates were developed. A separate mention should be made of the publication manager for printing, which made it possible to put the release of working documentation literally on a stream.

For example, when it came time to print a project, no one wasted extra effort. The Print Publication Wizard was launched and worked completely offline. This not only reduced print time, but also greatly increased the overall productivity of the workshop. Due to the use of new tools, it was possible to increase the speed of project creation by 1.5 times at once.

Need a link

Thanks to a significant reduction in development time, it was possible to transfer one of the designers exclusively to the development of structural models in Revit, which previously had to be somehow built by the architects themselves. This intermediate link helped to normalize the interaction between architects who already worked entirely in Revit, and designers and engineers who still use the dwg format.

This model of work made it possible to make an important change in the work of the workshop - to separate the main design solutions developed at an early stage of design from the release of working documentation. That is, the architects continued to work in Revit, and all other specialists received their work in dwg export files and continued to work with the files in AutoCAD. At the same time, in parallel with this, a designer working in Revit raised a three-dimensional model of structures from ready-made drawings and coordinated it with the architectural department.

Thanks to this solution, already at the next object, it was possible to obtain not only an architectural, but also a constructive model of the building. The second experience and all the preliminary preparation contributed to the complete transition of the workshop to BIM design. The third house project, the most complex of the three, has already been completed by all departments in Revit.

Moving to design in four dimensions

Having received the full support of the customer, the bureau decided to continue to improve the principles of work and to establish also the construction process in order to drastically reduce the cost of building the building by reducing overhead costs and increasing the efficiency of installation work. Therefore, a temporary, construction process was added to the three directions, becoming the fourth dimension.

At this stage, programs such as Navisworks and MS Project helped, where the organization of the entire process, linking to scheduling, calculation of labor costs, etc. was carried out. Especially for builders ahead of the construction site itself, a separate building model was developed, where information was collected, for example, on the amount of materials required for the production of each stage of construction work.

Already at the construction site, the ISU used this particular model to determine which materials needed to be purchased in the near future. And if there were questions about the implementation of one or another part, then units were additionally developed directly on the model, which were then discussed again at the construction site, thus developing the ideas of paperless design.


Methods and tools of modern design in the construction industry have long used elements of computer analysis and modeling. With the help of automated graphical and mathematical representations, it is possible to develop with high accuracy an individual concept for the construction of a specific object, taking into account the requirements for its operational characteristics and the external conditions of future use. BIM technology has become a new stage in the development of this direction, which does not process individual parameters of a building, but considers it comprehensively and, depending on adjustments to certain indicators, automatically changes the properties of other components.

General information about technology

The transition from classical methods of developing design and technical solutions to analysis tools and automated preparation of documentation has been going on for more than a year, and the very idea of ​​modeling with accurate calculations without the participation of architectural services did not arise out of nowhere. At this stage, BIM technologies in construction allow you to create graphic objects based on embedded data, drawings and reports.

Of course, the initial information is collected by special groups of designers, but the further development of the object model is completely entrusted to the automated BIM complex. It is important to emphasize that the system does not only perform structural calculations with the subsequent presentation of a computer image. It simulates the life cycle of a building, allowing you to assess external influences on its elements, communications and equipment. Maintenance personnel also have the opportunity to experiment by making adjustments to the parameters of the object and monitoring the reaction of other components to the changes made.

Benefits of BIM technology

The fundamental difference between this design approach is the ability to represent three-dimensional models of buildings. Similar information systems provided the construction of objects in two-dimensional planes, and BIM-modeling tools make it possible to visualize a volumetric 3D image. Another advantage is variability. This means that even after the final stage of modeling, developers can use several versions of the object, adjusting it to certain characteristics. The merit of the method as minimizing the error tolerance is also essential. The fact is that BIM technology is based on high-level machine computing, which practically eliminates the risk of miscalculation. Ultimately, the customer also wins financially, since design automation cancels a number of stages that require a lot of money.

Information Modeling Elements

At a basic level, a graphical representation of the future building is created. This fragment of the project is the backbone built on technical calculations. In the same complex, separate blocks can be formed that are responsible for the execution of specific details - communications, structures, equipment, communication lines, etc. It should be emphasized that already in this system, the relationship between the components is organized and, depending on the nature of the interaction, they can influence each other, automatically changing their parameters. An important element is the ability to manage the aforementioned life cycle. Initially, BIM technologies in design were conceived not only as a technical tool, but also as a means of regulating the process of using an object. For example, reconstruction is planned in the already constructed building. The program will allow you to assess how appropriate this or that tactic of the project to revise the structure will be.

BIM Modeling Toolkit

All elements of creating a virtual project are performed using powerful software. Also, sets of libraries are used, on the basis of which the modeling is implemented. In turn, users control the system through the GUI and API interfaces that allow inputting initial data in a convenient format, editing it and receiving materials ready for processing. Provides BIM technology and the use of specialized systems for a narrowly focused analysis of individual qualities of the house. Some of them perform context modeling according to different schemes, depending on the tasks. For example, using programs for determining the physical parameters, it is possible to calculate the critical points of the centers of mass in a building, which will make it possible to optimize the object in terms of the risks of collapse or deformation of individual parts.

BIM modeling steps

The process of implementing a project using the BIM system is based on three stages - the development of a technical solution itself, construction and operation. At the first stage, initial information is collected, processed with structural analysis tools and, if necessary, an estimate is drawn up. In parallel with the automated procedure for generating the object model, the project is being coordinated. At the next stage, a ready-made solution is implemented in practice - construction and installation operations are performed. What place can BIM technologies occupy in construction? With the help of the same software, calculations are made on the use of optimal materials, schemes of installation work and a logistics model are formed, which optimizes the whole process of organizing events. At the operational stage, information modeling can be used to select the most effective approaches to reconstruction, repair or modernization of an object.

BIM technology implementation

Construction and engineering companies are integrating information modeling tools in an integrated format. The implementation process involves the development and installation of target software, its customization for specific tasks and staff training. At the initial stage, BIM technologies are used in the design as a pilot toolkit. The trial period allows you to identify errors in the work of maintenance personnel, as well as to make amendments to the methodology for implementing design modeling, adjusted for the area of ​​use of the system.

Application of technology

At the moment, this complex is successfully used in the construction of multi-storey buildings. Also, the industrial sector actively uses advanced computer-aided design tools. In particular, this applies to mining facilities, manufacturing industries, engineering structures and communication systems. It is worth noting the use of BIM technologies in management systems. Large companies use modeling tools to improve staff efficiency and optimize costs.


The key differences between the traditional approach to project development and the use of automated systems are the degree of accuracy, elimination of errors and flexibility in quality control. In addition, BIM technology enables large-scale design. Already today, on the basis of this concept, more advanced means are emerging that allow combining into one structure not only the elements of one object, but, for example, several buildings. Thus, the range of coverage of the target model is expanded, which can include groups of residential and industrial buildings.

BIM (Building Information Modeling or Building Information Model) is a building information modeling or building information model.

1. What is Building Information Modeling

The turn of the late XX - early XXI centuries, associated with the rapid acceleration of the development of information technology, was marked, finally, by the emergence of a fundamentally new approach in architectural design, which consists in creating a computer model of a new building that carries all the information about the future object. This became a natural human reaction to the radically changed informational richness of the life around us.

In modern conditions, it has become completely impossible to efficiently process the huge (and steadily increasing) flow of "information for thought" that precedes and accompanies the design itself, which has poured into the designers using the old means. And the result of the design is also full of information that must be stored in a form that is convenient for use.

The flow of such information does not stop even after the building has already been designed and built, since a new object, entering the operational stage, interacts with other objects and the surrounding environment (urban infrastructure).

In addition, with the commissioning, the internal life support processes of the structure are also launched, that is, in modern terms, the active phase of the “life cycle” of the building begins.

Such an informational "challenge" of the modern world around us demanded a serious response from the intellectual and technical community. And she followed in the form of a concept emergence building information modeling.

Initially emerging in the design environment and gaining wide and very successful practical application in the creation of new objects, this concept, nevertheless, rather quickly crossed the established framework for it, and now information modeling of buildings means much more than just a new method in design.

Now it is also a fundamentally different approach to the construction, equipment, maintenance and repair of a building, to managing the life cycle of an object, including its economic component, to managing the man-made habitat that surrounds us.

This is a changed attitude towards buildings and structures in general.

Finally, this is our new look at the world around us and a rethinking of the ways of human influence on this world.

1.1. What is meant by BIM

(from English Building Informational Modeling), abbreviated BIM isprocess, as a result of whichbuilding information model(from the English Building Informational Model), which also received the abbreviation BIM.

Thus, at each stage of the information modeling process, we have a certain information model that reflects the amount of information about the building processed at that moment. Moreover, an exhaustive information model of a building does not exist in principle, since we can always supplement the model that is available at some point in time with new information. The process of information modeling, like any process carried out by a person, at each of its stages solves some tasks assigned to its performers. And the information model of the building is the result of solving these problems every time.

If we now turn to the inner content of the term, then today there are several definitions of it, which in their main semantic part coincide, while differing in nuances.

It seems that this situation is caused primarily by the fact that various specialists who contributed to the formation of BIM came to the concept of information modeling of buildings in different ways, and over a long period of time.

And the very information modeling of buildings today is a relatively young, new and constantly evolving phenomenon. To a large extent, its content is determined not by theoretical conclusions, but by everyday global practice. So the process of BIM development is still very far from its logical conclusion. This leads to the fact that some understand a BIM model as result of activity, for others, BIM is modeling process, some define and consider BIM from the point of view of factors of practical implementation, and some generally define this concept through its negation, explaining in detail what “not BIM” is.

Without going into a detailed analysis, it can be noted that almost all currently existing approaches to the definition of BIM are equivalent, that is, they consider the same phenomenon (technology) in design and construction activities.

In particular, any model assumes the presence process its creation, and in turn any creative process presupposes result.

Moreover, the existing "theoretical" discrepancies in the definitions do not prevent any of the participants in the discussions around the concept of BIM from working fruitfully as soon as it comes to its practical application.

The purpose of our book is to convey to the reader the essence of information modeling of buildings, so we will pay less attention to the formal side of the issue, at times "mixing" different formulations and appealing to common sense and intuitive understanding of what is happening.

Now we will formulate definitions, which, from the author's point of view, most accurately reveal the very essence of the concept of BIM. In some ways we will repeat ourselves, but I think it will only benefit the reader.

Building Information Modeling(BIM) is process, as a result of which, at each of its stages, it is created (developed and improved) building information model(also BIM).

Historically, the abbreviation BIM is used in two cases at once: for the process and for the model. As a rule, there is no confusion because there is always context. But if the situation nevertheless becomes controversial, one must remember that the process is primary, and the model is secondary, that is, BIM is primarily a process.

Building information model(BIM) is information suitable for computer processing about a projected or existing building object, while:
1) properly coordinated, coordinated and interconnected,
2) having a geometric reference,
3) suitable for calculations and analysis,
4) allowing the necessary updates.

In simple terms, a building information model is some kind of database about that building, managed by a suitable computer program. This information is primarily intended and can be used to:
1) making specific design decisions,
2) calculation of assemblies and components of the building,
3) predicting the performance of an object,
4) creation of project documentation,
5) drawing up estimates and construction plans,
6) ordering and manufacturing materials and equipment,
7) management of the construction of the building,
8) management of operation throughout the entire life cycle of the facility,
9) management of the building as an object of commercial activity,
10) design and management of the reconstruction or repair of the building,
11) demolition and disposal of the building,
12) other purposes related to the building.

This definition is most consistent with the current approach to the BIM concept of many developers of computer-aided design based on building information modeling.

Schematically, the information related to BIM entering the model, stored and processed in this model and obtained from it for further use is shown in Fig. 2-1-1.

Fig. 2-1-1. Basic information passing through BIM and directly related to BIM

1.2. A brief history of terminology

The term BIM appeared in the lexicon of specialists relatively recently, although the very concept of computer modeling with maximum consideration of all information about an object began to form and acquire specific outlines much earlier, even in the era of the formation of CAD systems.

Since the end of the twentieth century, the concept of BIM as a new approach to design has gradually "matured" within the then rapidly developing design automation systems.

Concept Building information model was first proposed to the general public by Georgia Institute of Technology professor Chuck Eastman in 1975 in the journal of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) under the working title "Building Description System"(Building Description System), although it had appeared in a scientific report he had published a year earlier.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, this concept developed in parallel in the Old and New Worlds, and in the United States, the term was most often used "Building Product Model", and in Europe (especially in Finland) - "Product Information Model".

Moreover, both times the word Product emphasized the primary focus of researchers' attention on the design object, and not on the process. It can be assumed that a simple linguistic combination of these two names led to the birth of the modern "Building Information Model"(Building Information Model).

In parallel, in the development of approaches to information modeling of buildings by Europeans in the mid-1980s, the German term was used "Bauinformatik" and dutch "Gebouwmodel", which in translation also corresponded to English "Building Model" or "Building Information Model".

But the most important thing is that these linguistic convergence of terminology was accompanied by the development of a unified content of the concepts used, which ultimately led to the first appearance in the scientific literature in 1992 of the term "Building Information Model" in its current content.

Somewhat earlier, in 1986, the Englishman Robert Aish, a man with a difficult fate (at that time was involved in the creation of the RUCAPS program, then for a long period - an employee of Bentley Systems, then transferred to Autodesk), in his article for the first time used term Building Modeling as it is currently understood as a building information modeling process. But, more importantly, at the same time he first formulated the basic principles of this informational approach to design, which now form the basis of the BIM concept:

  • three-dimensional modeling;
  • automatic receipt of drawings;
  • intelligent parameterization of objects;
  • project data sets corresponding to objects; distribution of the construction process by time stages, etc.

Robert Eisch illustrated the new design approach he described with an example of the successful application of the RUCAPS architectural modeling suite for the renovation of Terminal 3 at London Heathrow Airport.

RUCAPS (Really Universal Computer Aided Production System) has been developed in England since the late 1970s for architectural design on minicomputers from Prime Computer or Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). By modern standards, it can be attributed to 2.5D systems, since the model itself was shown in three-dimensional, but the main elements (walls, windows, doors, etc.) were used only on flat views of plans or facades (a tribute rather not to the classical approach in design, but insufficient development of computer technology at that time). But all views were interconnected, so that changes in one of them were automatically transferred to others. Simply put, the model was perceived as a whole, and not a set of stand-alone flat drawings that required individual revision.

Apparently, this experience of 30 years ago should be considered as the first case of using the BIM methodology (still in its initial form) in the world design and construction practice.

Since about 2002, thanks to the efforts of many authors and enthusiasts of a new approach to design, in particular, the architect and strategist at Autodesk for industrial development Phil Bernstein and the promoter of the BIM idea Jerry Laiserin, the concept "Building Information Modeling" introduced into use and leading software developers (Autodesk, Bentley Systems, Graphisoft and some others), and they made the concept of BIM one of the key in their terminology.

It looks like software developers don't care, Model is it or Modeling- if only it works, since programs combine both the process and the result. For designers or construction workers, this difference also seems insignificant.

In the future, the abbreviation BIM has firmly entered the lexicon of specialists in computer design technologies and has become widespread, and now the whole world knows it.

By the way, we talk about buildings- this is a variant of the translation of the word Building into Russian, although according to the meaning of BIM, it is also suitable here constructions(bridges, embankments, piers, roads, pipelines, etc.) too. Therefore, it is more correct to understand BIM as “information modeling of buildings and structures”, but for the sake of brevity we will only talk about buildings, understanding buildings in a “generalized” sense.

Historically (and economically) it has developed so that some developers of computer programs, in fact related to information modeling of buildings, in addition to the currently generally accepted terminology, also use their own concepts.

For example, the Hungarian company Graphisoft, the creator of the ArchiCAD package widespread among architects, introduced the concept of VB (Virtual Building) back in 1987 - "Virtual building", which, in essence, echoes BIM, and incorporated this concept into its program, thus making ArchiCAD virtually the world's first BIM application.

Sometimes you can find similar phrases in meaning electronic construction (e-construction) or virtual design and construction(VDC - Virtual Design and Construction), and in the USA the term CIM (Civil Integrated Management) is also widely used in relation to infrastructure facilities.

And yet, today, the abbreviation BIM, which has already received universal recognition and the widest distribution in the world, is considered dominant in the field of design and construction.

There are also terms that highlight the individual sections of Building Information Modeling. In particular, Bentley Systems has introduced and is actively using the term BrIM (Bridge Information Modeling), which clarifies the BIM concept for this type of structure.

The PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) concept formulated by Dassault Systemes in 1998 is very close to BIM - product lifecycle management, which today has already become fundamental in industrial production and is actively used by almost the entire CAD industry.

The PLM concept assumes that a single information base is formed that describes the three main components of creating something new according to the scheme Product - Processes - Resources, as well as defining the links between these components.

The presence of such a unified model provides the ability to quickly and efficiently link and optimize the entire specified chain, which combines the design, production and operation of the product.

At the same time, in the PLM concept, all kinds of technically complex objects can be considered as products: airplanes and ships, cars and missiles, buildings and their engineering systems, computer networks, etc. (Figure 2-1-2).

Fig. 2-1-2. PLM technology is designed to solve a wide variety of problems in the development, production and operation of products. CATIA V5 software

Thus, since buildings and their systems are listed as PLM objects, it can be argued that the concept of PLM is applicable in construction and architecture.

On the other hand, as soon as we start to apply PLM in this industry, we become overgrown with the specifics of design and construction activities, which takes something from mechanical engineering, and replaces something with our own or rejects it altogether, and we, whether we like it or not, get BIM.

So it can be stated with great confidence that BIM and PLM are "twin brothers", or, more precisely, that BIM is a reflection and refinement of the PLM concept in a specialized area of ​​human activity - architectural and construction design, taking into account all its specific features. It should not be forgotten that the concepts of BIM and PLM each have their own specific history of emergence and development. But the proximity of these concepts objectively suggests that the development of technical types of human activity is proceeding according to general laws in a single direction - the direction of information modeling.

It is quite logical that, by analogy with PLM, the term BLM (Building Lifecycle Management) has already begun to appear - building lifecycle management, very similar to the already widely used concept of FM (Facilities Management) - service management, denoting a system consisting of organizational, technical and software resources for managing the operation of the building and the processes occurring in it (Fig. 2-1-3).

Fig. 2-1-3. Alexey Kopylov. Bank project "Accent". On the left - the appearance of the structure, on the right - the simulation of the movement of cash flows and visitors in the building Diploma project in the specialty "Design of buildings". NGASU (Sibstrin), 2010

Of course, having heard all this, BIM skeptics (and there are still a lot of them) may object: “What BIM? What kind of database management? What are engineering and other concepts? Go to any construction site and see what is being done there! There everyone is walking in the mud in boots! " (Figure 2-1-4).

Fig. 2-1-4. Football stadium "Wisla" in Krakow, designed to host Euro 2012. Design and construction is carried out using BIM technology. Computer model and stages of construction of the East Stand, 2009

In reply, Firstly, once again recall the specifics of the construction industry - everything is built on the ground, so large excavations and related problems are inevitable.

Secondly, we note that at all times, construction has belonged to the category of the most accurate and intellectually capacious types of human activity, like mechanical engineering.

And the level of technical study of the erected structures, this very "construction" accuracy, was always required the highest for its period of time.

A striking example of this is the erection of the Eiffel Tower in Paris in 1887-1889, when its creators, with unprecedented dimensions of structures, solved not so much construction as “machine-building” tasks, bringing all metal structures to the highest degree of assembly readiness in advance and carrying out only “ riveted "installation.

The level of construction accuracy has always been determined by the general technical level of development of mankind in general, has steadily grown and continues to grow in our time. Moreover, the growth is an avalanche, so that today, on a mass scale, construction production is quite comparable in terms of performance accuracy (taking into account the scale of "products") both at especially significant objects (bridges, stadiums, high-rise buildings, concert halls, etc.) and on conventional buildings with modern mechanical engineering (Fig. 2-1-5).

Fig. 2-1-5. On the left - the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed in Moscow (built in the middle of the 16th century), some "discrepancies" in the parallelism of the octagons of the Western pillar are clearly visible; on the right - installation of glazing of the Swiss Re Building in London (early XXI century)

At the same time, again due to the specifics of architectural and construction design and production, as well as their differences from mechanical engineering (for example, a building can be designed, built and operated at the same time), it is worth noting once again that BIM is still not PLM.

1.3. Relationship between old and new design approaches

The information modeling approach to building design presupposes, first of all, collection, storage and complex processing in the design process of all architectural, design, technological, economic and other information about the building with all its interconnections and dependencies, when the building and everything related to it are considered as a single object.

Correct definition of these relationships, as well as accurate classification, well-thought-out and organized structuring, relevance and reliability of the data used, convenient and effective tools for accessing and working with existing information (data management interface), the ability to transfer this information or the results of its analysis for further use in external systems are the main components that characterize building information modeling and determine its further success.

And plans, facades and sections, which previously dominated the design process, like all other working documentation, visual images and other types of project presentation, are now assigned only the role of presentation results this information modeling. True, the results are sufficient to quickly assess the quality of the project and, if necessary, make the required adjustments.

Running a little ahead, we note that one of the main advantages of information modeling is the ability to work with the entire model using any of its types, in particular, plans, facades and sections familiar to designers are perfectly suited for these purposes.

Someone in such a situation may see an obvious contradiction - moving from flat projections to an information model in design, we reserve the right to form this model for flat projections.

It seems that there is no contradiction here. You just need to take into account the following circumstances.

1. Building Information Modeling comes not instead of classical design methods, but is development the latter, therefore, it logically absorbs them.

2. Unlike the classical approach, working through flat projections is accessible and familiar, therefore, for many it is convenient, but not the only one method of working with the model.

3. With the new design method, work with planar projections ceases to be "purely drawing" or "geometric", it becomes more informative... And flat projections play the role of a "window" through which we look at the model.

4. The result of designing according to the new method is model(now this is a project), and a heap of drawings and documentation (what was previously considered a project) is now just one of the forms of its presentation. By the way, some examination bodies, for example "Mosgosexpertiza", have already begun to accept the information model instead of the classic set of paper documentation.

If you look closely, it is easy to see that with the concept of information modeling of buildings, fundamental design decisions, as before, remain in the hands of a person, and the "computer" again performs only the technical function entrusted to him for storing, special processing, output or transmission of information.

But one more, no less important difference between the new approach and the previous design methods is that the increasing volume of this technical work performed by a computer is of a fundamentally different nature, and a person with such a volume in the constantly decreasing time allocated for design is no longer cope.

1.4. BIM is based on a single model

In 2004, a loud tragedy occurred in Moscow - the dome of the Transvaal Park collapsed. Then they decided to make the author of the project Nodar Kancheli guilty - it would be convenient for many. One of the most serious accusations against the architect is that in a number of cases the wrong grade of concrete was used. But the case was not finished, but was closed under an amnesty. The investigation showed that in the process of its approval and implementation, several dozen changes were made to the building project, both structural and in materials, in particular, a change in steel and concrete grades. As a result, many changes, sometimes carried out without a proper calculation justification, accumulated an error that led to a tragedy. And if the creators of "Transvaal Park" had a single information model, all calculations in case of each change could be carried out in a timely manner and with high accuracy. But, unfortunately, no one had heard of BIM at that time.

A single model of the facility being built is the basis of BIM, which is an integral part of any implementation of this technology. This is the solution to all the problems described above. Only a single model gives complete and agreed information on the building.

If there is no single model, this is no longer BIM, but some approximation to it, or even just a pitiful parody (“there is 3D, so everything is fine”) of an information model of a building.

In 2008, the One Island East, a 308-meter skyscraper that was designed in one year and built in two years, was commissioned in Hong Kong, which has become a global example of the use of BIM technology (for more information on it in Chapter 3). In particular, its unified information model was used to find all inconsistencies and collisions that appeared during the design of this complex building by a large team of various specialists. According to the general contractor, Swire Properties Ltd, in the process of working on the project, about 2000 such errors were promptly detected and eliminated. In the Digital Project program used then, as in the overwhelming majority of modern BIM complexes, the search for collisions occurs automatically, but their elimination, of course, is already the work of a person.

A unified information model of a building, which includes architecture, structures and equipment, is not something particularly outstanding, but a completely normal and easily realized phenomenon, available even at the educational level. Only a single building model can be used to carry out full-fledged calculations of its characteristics, as well as generate specifications and other necessary working documentation, plan the movement of funds and the supply of components to the construction site, manage the construction of the facility, and much more.

But a single model in BIM should not be confused with a single file. A single or compound file is already a way of organizing work with a model in a specific BIM program or a set of such programs. As a rule, parts of the model belonging to different thematic areas can be autonomous. For example, it makes no sense for an electrician to see all the loads and connections of building structures in his file, he just needs to see the structures themselves (their contours). In addition, large projects give rise to huge information models, working with which as a single file already presents considerable technical difficulties. In such cases, the creators of the model forcibly divide it into parts, organizing their docking. This is a common practice for current IT technologies, due to the level of development of modern computer technology.

On the other hand, with a small size of a single file and taking into account the specifics of the tasks being solved, there is usually no artificial need to divide it into parts. For example, the file below was actually a single architectural design model, after a certain preventive cleaning it had a volume of 50 MB and was well processed on a regular computer (Fig. 2-1-6).

Fig. 2-1-6. Evgenia Chuprina. The project of an Orthodox church in Novosibirsk. The work was done in Revit Architecture, NGASU (Sibstrin), 2011

In other situations, related directly to the amount of information, the intrinsic complexity of the object forces designers to have many files in a single model. For example, the project below for underground development (7 floors deep) and the general reconstruction of Sverdlov Square in Novosibirsk contained 48 files that directly form a single model, and about 800 family files, but it was efficiently processed on an ordinary personal computer (Fig. 2-1- 7).

Fig. 2-1-7. Sofia Anikeeva, Sergei Ulrich. Reconstruction project of Sverdlov Square in Novosibirsk. The work was done in Revit Architecture, NGASU (Sibstrin), 2011

The specific technology for working with a unified information model is determined both by the content and scope of the project itself, and by the software used, as well as by the user's experience, and usually allows many options.

If everything is simple with "small" projects - you can work with one file (with software suitable for its versatility, of course), then "large" ones are doomed first to dividing, and then to "stitching" the parts into a single whole. Moreover, this "stitching" must be correct in order to obtain consistent information, and not a set of disparate "drawings in electronic form." Some BIM programs, for example Bentley AECOsim Building Designer, write a single model in several thematically separated associated files to solve this problem.

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that in information modeling it is necessary to take the program that does it in the best way for the implementation of each section of the project, and then somehow put it all together. Of course, it’s good if you end up with an information model, by which you can at least check collisions. But more often than not, this "gathering together" and nullifies all information modeling - the parts of the project are simply not assembled into one model. In order not to get into such a situation, we must remember that computer design, especially BIM, is like a game of chess, where you have to think several steps ahead. In particular, when working with parts of the model, one must immediately clearly imagine how it will then be collected into a single whole. If you have no idea - do not think about BIM and draw in AutoCAD, in the classic design this program has not let anyone down yet!

Those who think several steps ahead have found that a single model can be assembled in many ways, and that this, in particularly large cases, even highlights some specialization among employees. Moreover, even a special terminology has appeared.

For example, federated model(federated model) - this model is created by the work of various specialists in various programs with their own file formats, and the assembly of the general model is carried out in special "assembly" programs (such as Autodesk NavisWorks). Today it is one of the most common options for building a unified information model for large objects (Figure 2-1-8).

Fig. 2-1-8. Ekaterina Pichueva. Collision checking in Autodesk NavisWorks. NGASU (Sibstrin), 2013

Or integrated model(integrated model) - assembled from parts made in open formats (like IFC).

It is worth mentioning separately hybrid model(hybrid model), which collects both 3D elements and associated 2D drawings.

There are other terms as well, but I would not like to hammer in the already loaded head of the reader, since he "reached" this page. I will only formulate the basic principles that should be followed when obtaining a unified information model of a building:

  1. If the model can not be divided into parts, it is better not to do this, but immediately work with a single model.
  2. If dividing the model cannot be avoided, then it is better to use a variant of the central file and local copies for each user.
  3. If this does not work (for example, architects and electricians need different file templates), then you should use external links.
  4. If external links are also problematic (for example, the executors of parts of the project are located in different cities), then get ready to "stitch" the parts using specialized programs.
  5. If it is not possible to work at all in one software (or in a single file format), then you will also have to "stitch" parts of the model in specialized programs, or be prepared for the loss of some part of such information and its "manual" recovery.
  6. If you got to this point, skipping the previous five as not suitable, then forget about BIM and draw in AutoCAD, or invite 1-5 students trained in information modeling - they will quickly do everything for you.

1.5. BIM - a tool for scientific research and experimentation

Building Information Modeling has another very interesting quality - it makes it possible to conduct Scientific research and experiments on almost all issues related to planning, design, interior arrangement and equipment, energy consumption, environmental friendliness, design and construction features and other aspects of design and construction activities.

For these purposes, a model is created not of a specific projected or already existing object, but a certain abstract computer design that, to the required extent, imitates the situation under study.

In the future, this structure is influenced by the computer (changing its parameters) and the results are analyzed (Fig. 2-1-9).

Fig. 2-1-9. Igor Kozlov. Development of a permanent formwork block system using a research building model. Based on the results, a Russian patent was obtained. The work was done in Revit Architecture, NSASU (Sibstrin), 2010

It is logical to call such a model Research Building Information Model or Research BIM (RBIM).

Of course, one could argue that when designing a building, various options for planning, construction, equipment, etc. are always considered, and the most suitable one is selected.

But the difference between the research model and the "regular" BIM is that RBIM is designed from the outset to study some general aspects of the design, equipment or functioning of buildings and may not correspond to any particular structure at all.

RBIM is another BIM feature that takes building information modeling technology far beyond conventional design (Figure 2-1-10).

Fig. 2-1-10. Svetlana Valger, Maxim Danilov, Yulia Ubogova. Modeling of elements of permanent formwork and calculation of the structure for deformation when pouring concrete. Modeling was performed in Revit Architecture, calculations - in ANSYS, NGASU (Sibstrin), 2014

1.6. Practical benefits of the building information model

However, terminology is still not the main thing. Building Information Modeling (BIM) greatly facilitates the work with the facility being built and has many advantages over previous forms of design.

First of all, it allows in a virtual mode to put together, select according to the intended purpose, calculate, dock and coordinate the components and systems of the future structure created by different specialists and organizations, "at the tip of the pen" in advance to check their properties and viability, functional suitability and performance as separate parts and the whole building as a whole.

Also, BIM technology makes it possible to avoid the most unpleasant problem for designers - the appearance of internal inconsistencies (collisions) that arise when combining its component parts or adjacent sections in a single project. Rather, it is impossible to avoid the problem, but to solve it effectively, spending dozens of times less time on it than with the previously used "manual" or even CAD-ovsky approach and, most importantly, guaranteedly identifying all places of such inconsistencies (Fig. 2- 1-11).

Fig. 2-1-11. The project of the new building of the Higher School of Music New World Symphony in Miami (USA) by architect Frank Gehry, developed using BIM technology. The components of a single model are shown separately: visualization of the general view, the outer shell of the building, the supporting frame, the complex of engineering equipment and the internal organization of the premises.

Unlike traditional computer-aided design systems that create geometric images, the result of information modeling of a building being erected very often becomes object-oriented digital model of the entire structure, by which you can simulate the process of organizing its construction.

And even if the creators of the model did not set themselves the task of organizing the process of building a building (although this is an obligatory part of any project), based on the information model it turns out much easier than with the traditional approach (plans, facades, etc.) (Fig. 2-1-12).

Fig. 2-1-12. Ekaterina Pichueva. Building construction schedule based on the information model. The work was done in Revit Architecture and NavisWorks. NGASU (Sibstrin), 2013

Here are a few characteristics that distinguish BIM from traditional computer-based building models:

  • Exact geometry- all objects are set reliably (in full accordance with the real, including internal, design), geometrically correct and in exact dimensions;
  • Comprehensive and updatable object properties- all objects in the model have some predefined properties (material characteristics, manufacturer's code, price, date of last service, etc.), which can be changed, replenished and used both in the model itself and through special file formats (for example, IFC) outside of it;
  • Wealth of semantic connections- in the model, such relations of connection and mutual subordination of the constituent parts are set and taken into account when considering, such as “contained in”, “depends on”, “is part of something”, etc.
  • Integrated information- the model contains all information in a single center, thus ensuring its consistency, accuracy and availability;
  • Life cycle maintenance- the model supports work with data throughout the entire period of design, construction, operation and even the final demolition (disposal) of the building.

Most often, the work on creating a building information model is carried out in three stages.

First stage... BIM is an object oriented technology. Therefore, first, certain blocks (families) are developed - the primary design elements corresponding to both construction products (windows, doors, floor slabs, etc.) and equipment elements (heating and lighting devices, elevators, etc.) and much another, which is directly related to the building, but is produced outside the construction site and is used in its entirety during the design and construction of the facility, and is not divided into parts.

Second phase- modeling of what is created on the construction site. These are foundations, walls, roofs, curtain walls and much more. In this case, it is assumed that there will be widespread use of pre-created (at the first stage, which, by the way, can be carried out in parallel with the second) elements, for example, fastening or framing parts when forming curtain walls of a building.

Stage three- further use of information from the model created at the second stage in a suitable format (for this purpose, the IFC format has been specially developed) in specialized applications for solving individual problems related to the design of a building.

Thus, the logic of building information modeling, despite the fears of some skeptics, has left the field of programming that is incomprehensible to designers and builders and corresponds to the usual understanding of how to build a house, how to equip it and how to live in it. This greatly facilitates and simplifies the work with BIM for both designers and all other categories of builders, as well as owners, managers and operators.

As for the division into stages (first, second and third) when creating BIM, it is rather arbitrary - these works can be performed almost in parallel.

You can, for example, insert windows into the modeled object, and then, for reasons that appear again, change them, and the already changed windows will be used in the project.

The information model of the designed object, built by specialists, becomes the basis for obtaining specialized information on its various parts, nodes and sections. It is actively used to create working documentation of all types, develop, calculate parameters and manufacture building structures and parts, complete an object, order and install technological equipment, economic calculations, organize the construction of the building itself, financial support for construction, as well as solutions for technical and organizational and economic issues of subsequent operation.

One of the impressive examples of the integrated use of BIM in the construction of a large, technically complex and particularly significant facility is the construction of the new building of the American Higher School of Music (Conservatory) New World Symphony in Miami. The design of this structure using BIM technology began in 2006, construction in 2008 and commissioning in January 2011 as planned (Figure 2-1-13).

Fig. 2-1-13. Construction of the new building of the American Higher School of Music New World Symphony and its future external and internal views

This building has a total area of ​​10,000 square meters, the main hall is designed for 700 spectators. It is adapted for webcasting and recording of concerts, as well as external 360-degree video projections. On its top floor there is a music library, a conductor's studio, as well as 26 individual rehearsal rooms and 6 for joint rehearsals of several musicians. The estimated cost of the object was $ 200 million, the final one was $ 160 (another interesting, but already quite predictable result of using BIM).

The design of such an object, carried out in sufficient short term, was associated with a large number of the most diverse and very complex calculations performed on the information model of the building, and once again clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of BIM technology (Fig. 2-1-14).

Fig. 2-1-14. High School of Music New World Symphony: main entrance. Gehry Partners Architects, 2010

The building information model can (should) exist during the entire life cycle of an object, and even longer. The various data contained in it (initially entered) can then be changed, supplemented and replaced, reflecting the current state of the building.

This approach in design, when an object is considered not only in space, but also in time, that is, "3D plus time" is often called 4D, and "4D plus (non-geometric) information" (for example, cost) is usually denoted 5D. Although, on the other hand, in a number of publications 4D can be understood as "3D plus specifications", but this is less and less common. Some take pride in making 6D or even 7D models. I think that the pursuit of the amount of D is some kind of tribute to fashion. The main thing is the inner content of the new design concept.

BIM technology has already shown the possibility of achieving high speed, volume and quality of construction, as well as significant budget savings. For example, during the construction of the new building of the Museum of Art in the American city of Denver, the most complex in form and interior equipment, an information model specially created for this object was used to organize the interaction of subcontractors in the design and construction of the building frame (metal and reinforced concrete) and the development and installation of plumbing and electrical systems. (Figure 2-1-15).

Fig. 2-1-15. Museum of Art in Denver (USA), the building of Frederick S. Hamilton. Computer model and construction of the building frame. Architect Daniel Libeskind. Tekla Structures software

According to the general contractor, purely organizational use of BIM (the model was created only to work out the interaction of subcontractors and optimize the work schedule) reduced the construction period by 14 months and led to savings of about 400 thousand dollars at an estimated cost of the object of 70 million dollars. These results (400 thousand dollars and 14 months - "at the tip of the pen") are impressive (Fig. 2-1-16).

Fig. 2-1-16. Denver Museum of Art (USA), Frederick S. Hamilton Building. The final look. Architect Daniel Libeskind, 2006

But nevertheless, one of the most important achievements of BIM is the now (and almost absent) opportunity, only by "intellectual" efforts, to achieve almost complete compliance of the operational characteristics of a new building with the customer's requirements, and even before its commissioning (more precisely, even before it construction). This is achieved due to the fact that BIM technology allows you to recreate the object itself with a high degree of reliability with all structures, materials, engineering equipment and processes taking place in it, and to debug the main design solutions on a virtual model. In other ways, such verification of design solutions for correctness is not feasible - you just have to build a model of the building in full size. What happened periodically in the old days (and even now happens in some places) - the correctness of design calculations was checked on an already created object, when it was almost impossible to fix anything. In the previous history of construction, there were many cases when, after the construction of a building, according to its real characteristics, the very purpose of the object was corrected or restrictions were imposed on the conditions of its operation.

It is especially important to emphasize that the information model of a building is a virtual model, the result of the use of computer technologies. Ideally, BIM is a virtual copy of a building.

At the initial stage of creating a model, we have a certain set of information, almost always incomplete, but sufficient to start working in a first approximation. Then the information entered into the model is replenished and corrected as it becomes available, and the model becomes more and more accurate and rich.

Thus, the process of creating an information model is always extended in time (it is almost continuous), since it can have an unlimited number of "refinements". And the information model of the building itself is a very dynamic and constantly developing education that “lives” an independent life. It should be understood that physically BIM exists only in the computer's memory. And it can only be used by means of those software tools (a set of programs) in which it was created.

1.7. Forms of obtaining information from the model

The building information model itself, as an organized set of object data, is directly used by the program that created it. But in some cases, the model itself is not needed for work, it is important for specialists to be able to only take information from the model in a convenient form and widely use it in their professional activities outside the framework of a specific BIM program.

Hence, another of the important tasks of information modeling arises - to provide the user with data about an object in a wide range of formats that are technologically suitable for further processing by computer or other means.

Therefore, modern BIM programs from the outset assume that the information contained in the model about a building for external use can be obtained in a wide range of views. Moreover, there are already different forms (sometimes they are called "containers") of the model representation, in which this model is, as it were, in some kind of protective shell that allows receiving information, but does not allow any changes in the model itself. This "read-only" presentation of the model is very convenient when working with affiliates, third parties, just for open access, ensures the preservation of copyright and protects the model from unauthorized changes.

The minimum list of forms for outputting information from the model has already been quite clearly defined by the professional community, does not cause any discussion and can only expand (Fig. 2-1-17).

Fig. 2-1-17. Types of graphical representation of the building information model. Tatiana Kozlova. The architectural monument "House of Composers" in Novosibirsk. The model is made in Revit Architecture. NGASU (Sibstrin), 2009

These generally accepted forms of withdrawal primarily include:

1) files with data in certain formats for exchange with other programs (today - the IFC format and some others);
2) drawing 2D working documentation and drawing 3D-views of models;
3) flat 2D files and volumetric 3D models for use in various CAD programs and other applications;
4) tables, statements, specifications for various purposes (Fig. 2-1-18);

Fig. 2-1-18. Ivan Kissleyev. Reconstruction of the Central Clinical Hospital of the SB RAS. General view and fragment of the statement of finishing the premises. Diploma project in the specialty "Design of buildings". The work was done in Revit Architecture. NGASU (Sibstrin), 2010

5) files for viewing and using the Internet;
6) files with engineering tasks for the manufacture of products and structures included in the model;
7) files-orders for the supply of equipment and materials;
8) the results of certain special calculations (in tabular, graphic or animation presentation);
9) graphic and video materials reflecting the simulated processes; especially important are visual representations of various quantitative characteristics of a building for a qualitative assessment by the user - pictures with insolation, strength characteristics, pollution levels, patterns of the intensity of use of premises, etc. (fig. 2-1-19);

Fig. 2-1-19. Igor Kozlov. Visualization of the strength characteristics of the building frame. The model was made in Revit Structure and transferred for analysis to Robot Structural Analysis. NGASU (Sibstrin), 2010

10) files with data for calculations in other programs;
11) files of presentation visualization and animation of the model (Fig. 2-1-20);

Fig. 2-1-20. Elena Kovalenko. Project of the Center for Contemporary Art. Diploma project in the specialty "Design of buildings". The model is made in Revit Architecture. NGASU (Sibstrin), 2009

12) files for various types of "solid" prototyping of the created object according to its computer model (three-dimensional printing) (Fig. 2-1-21);
13) the logical development of this direction will soon be simply the construction of a building using a construction 3D printer;

Fig. 2-1-21. Rio de Janeiro's Media Library project. On the left - a computer model, on the right - a model made on it. The model is made in Revit Architecture. Architectural firm SPBR Arquitetos, Brazil, 2006

14) types of volumetric sections and other complete or incomplete fragments of the designed building in various modes, facilitating its spatial perception (Fig. 2-1-22);

Fig. 2-1-22. Tatiana Kozlova. The architectural monument "House of Composers" in Novosibirsk: a three-dimensional section of the building. The model is made in Revit Architecture. NGASU (Sibstrin), 2009

15) data for the manufacture of a model or its parts on CNC machines, laser or mechanical cutters or other similar devices;
16) any other types of information provision that will be required in the design, construction or operation of the building.

All this variety of forms of output information provides the versatility and efficiency of BIM as a new approach to building design and guarantees it a defining position in the architectural and construction industry in the near future.

1.8. BIM and information exchange

A natural result of the development in the last decades of computer design is the fact that today the work on the basis of CAD-technologies seems to be quite organized and debugged.

Now, 30 years after its appearance, the DWG file format created by the AutoCAD package has taken the place of the generally recognized standard for working with a project in CAD programs and began to live a life independent of its creator.

It would be more correct to note that currently there are actually two DWG formats.

The first, usually referred to in the literature as RealDWG for clarification, is a closed licensed format and is developed by Autodesk for the needs of its software (primarily AutoCAD in various modifications).

The second format, referred to in publications as Teigha (until recently - DWGdirect, even earlier - openDWG) for the avoidance of confusion, is supported by the Open Design Alliance (ODA), which unites more than 200 leading CAD manufacturers from all over the world (Bentley, Siemens, Graphisoft, etc.). It is he who is an open format and is widely used by various programs for storing and exchanging data.

The DXF format, also developed at one time by Autodesk for the exchange of data between various CAD programs, on the one hand, and others, including computing, complexes, on the other, has also gained considerable fame.

Now almost all CAD programs can accept and save information in these formats, although their own, "native" file formats sometimes differ significantly from the latter.

Thus, we state once again that the DWG and DXF file formats have become a kind of "unifier" of information for CAD programs, and this did not happen by a command from above or by a decision of some general meeting of software developers, but historically was determined by the very logic of the natural development of computer-aided design in world and success of the AutoCAD package.

As for BIM, nowadays the form, content and ways of working on information modeling of buildings are entirely determined by the software used by designers (architects, constructors, subcontractors, etc.), of which there is already a lot for BIM and the number of which is growing like an avalanche.

The introduction of BIM technology into world design practice is currently (by historical standards) at its initial stage, so that a unified standard has not yet been finally developed for software files that create information models of buildings, or for data exchange between these programs.

Moreover, due to the rapid development of BIM, there is often no even top-down compatibility between different versions of the same program. In other words, if you switched to new version BIM programs, then you will not return to the old one. A kind of "forced", but with objective reasons, progress. Practically the same is the case with transferring a model from one program to another if these are programs from different vendors.

Therefore, in the global industry of BIM programs, the understanding of the need for common standards is ripe, and serious attempts to develop common "rules of the game" are already being undertaken. But, I think, it will take a long time for the world communities of software designers and manufacturers to develop generally recognized "templates" for BIM, unifying the rules for storing, transferring and using information. It is possible, of course, that a solution to this issue will be found by analogy with CAD-systems, when one of the BIM-complexes will become the most popular without a doubt. Of course, this will take a long time, and in itself is unlikely. But work in this direction is underway. For example, despite the competition, Autodesk and Bentley Systems have already achieved significant success in the mutual exchange of files of information models and library elements.

Still, more promising is the path of purposeful development by the user community (more precisely, the union of software developers and the design and construction industry) of file formats both for the information model itself and for data exchange between BIM systems of different manufacturers.

In this case, we are talking about some open standard for storing information, tied to the specifics of architectural and construction design. At the same time, the data themselves can be used to model a building, its equipment, operation, reconstruction, etc. Moreover, the standard should be exactly open, that is, accessible to everyone, and not the own format of any specific BIM program.

This approach will open up access to BIM to a wide range of developers and users, solving countless of their specific tasks. Without this, the massive introduction of BIM into design and construction practice is impossible.

Currently, the world is already widely using the IFC format (in various versions) to exchange data between BIM programs or obtain this data from a model for use by other programs. The ability to save a model in IFC format has even become a certain “quality mark” for a BIM program. But there is still a lot of work in this direction.

Unfortunately, due to the just indicated lack of a single standard, the transfer of an information model from one software platform to another (namely, the transfer, and not the transfer of some part of the information) without data loss and significant alterations is still almost impossible.

So architects, builders, subcontractors and other specialists working in BIM today greatly depend on the correct choice of the software used, especially at the initial stage of their activity, since in the future they will be firmly attached to it, in fact, will become its “hostages”.

Of course, this state of affairs is not conducive to the widespread development of building information modeling.

Designers who have switched to BIM technology are entirely dependent on the general level of development of information technology, the level of understanding of the problem and the skill of the creators of computer programs. In most cases, they are limited in their professional activities by the framework that programmers provide them. It may seem that this is bad, but in modern conditions, the dependence of designers on the level of development of information technologies is only growing, and, unfortunately, there is nothing else and will never be. Of course, this adds arguments to the proponents of "manual design" who "did not depend on anyone" and "did it all themselves", but returning to the previous level of technology is a path of regression, and it is impossible.

On the other hand, in mechanical engineering, for example, the level of development of aviation or shipbuilding directly depends on the level of development of the machine tool industry. And this does not hinder progress. If everything is coordinated correctly across entire industries. On the contrary, the needs of aviation and the same shipbuilding largely stimulate the development of machine tool building.

At first glance, a paradoxical conclusion suggests itself: the further development of architectural and construction design will depend on the level of development of computer technology and software tools. As well as another conclusion: the tasks arising in design and construction (however, as in other areas of human activity) stimulate the development of information technologies. Everything is interconnected. Thus, design, construction and computer technology today are combined into a single, jointly developing complex. Perhaps not everyone will like it, but this is already a reality. A reality that determines the development strategy of the entire design and construction industry for a fairly long term.

1.9. Major misconceptions about BIM and their refutation

To better understand the essence of building information modeling and based on the experience of the discussions around the new design technology, it will also be useful to clarify what BIM cannot, what consequences it does not lead to and what it does not.

It should be noted that by the time the second edition of this book was published, many misconceptions had lost their relevance, and they were removed from the text, but new ones appeared.

So, let's try to understand what “non-BIM” is and what properties of BIM are attributed completely in vain.

BIM is not "artificial intelligence". For example, information about a building collected in a model can be analyzed to detect possible inconsistencies and collisions in the project. But the ways to eliminate these contradictions are entirely in the hands of man, since the very logic of design is not yet amenable to mathematical description.

For example, if you reduce the amount of insulation on the building in the model, then the BIM program will not think for you what to do: either add (buy) more insulation, since the proposed one is clearly not enough, or reduce the area of ​​heated rooms, or strengthen heating system, or move the building to a new place with a warmer climate, etc.

The designer must decide such questions himself. Almost certainly in the future, computer programs will gradually begin to replace humans in the simplest (routine) intellectual operations in design, as they are already replacing in drawing, but it is too early to talk about this in real practice.

When this happens, it will be fair to say that a new stage in the development of design has begun.

BIM is not perfect. Since it was created by people and receives information from people, and people tend to make mistakes, errors will still occur in the model. These errors can appear directly when entering data, when creating BIM programs, even when computers are running. But these errors occur in principle less than in the case when a person himself manipulates information. In addition, BIM has many more internal levels of data correctness control. So today BIM is the best there is.

BIM is not a specific computer program. This is a new design technology. And computer programs (Autodesk Revit, Digital Project, Bently AECOsim, Allplan, ArchiCAD, etc.) are just tools for its implementation, which are constantly being developed and improved. These are tools for storing and working with model data. But these computer programs determine the current level of development of information modeling of buildings, without them BIM technology has no meaning, it simply cannot exist.

BIM is not 3D. This is not only 3D, it is also a mass of additional information (numerical, attributive, etc.), which goes far beyond just the geometric perception of these objects. No matter how good the geometric model (which, by the way, itself also represents only a properly organized set of numerical data) and its visualization, objects must also have quantitative and attributive information for analysis.

If it is more convenient for someone to operate with the D symbol, we can assume that BIM is 5D. Or 6D. It's not about the number of D. BIM is BIM. And only 3D is not BIM, it is rather a "container-shell" for BIM, and with certain reservations.

BIM is not necessarily 3D. It also includes numerical characteristics, tables, specifications, prices, calendar charts, email addresses, etc. Of course, a virtual model of a building is created in three-dimensional form, but if a three-dimensional model of a structure is not required to solve specific design problems, then there is no need to use 3D - such work will be redundant. 2D tools are also widely used in BIM. Simply put, BIM is exactly as much D as needed to effectively solve the problem, plus numerical data for analysis.

In general, it is wrong to compare (let alone contrast) BIM and 3D. With the same success, following ME Saltykov-Shchedrin, one can talk about "the constitution and stellate sturgeon with horseradish."

Many of those who contrast BIM and 3D believe that 3D is simply a way of displaying information. Often you can hear the phrase from them: "The designer does not have to see the building in volume, flat drawings are enough for him."

In fact, 3D is, first of all, a storage format (geometrical in meaning) of information for human-readable visualization and convenience of subsequent operations with this information. This is the root of many misunderstandings and misconceptions about BIM.

In general, BIM is information about the object and how to use it(in other words, specialized programs, interfaces), which directly depend on the tasks assigned to the designers. And all the conversations (and even discussions) about the number of "D" are very useful only because they represent a good, "fashionable" and intelligible way of popularizing BIM ideas for an audience that has not yet been prepared.

BIM are parametrically defined objects. The behavior (physical and technical properties, geometric dimensions, relative position, etc.) of the created objects, their interconnections, dependencies and much more is determined by sets of all kinds (not necessarily geometric) parameters and depend on these parameters.

If there is no parameterization in the model, it is not BIM.

BIM is not a set of 2D projections that collectively describe the design of a building. On the contrary, all these projections (plans, facades, sections, etc.), like many other graphical representations, are automatically obtained from the building information model and are its types (consequences). The model in this case, in philosophical terms, is primary.

This BIM property - automatic tracking in all types (including in drawings, tables, specifications) of model changes, is one of its strongest and most fundamental aspects (Fig. 2-1-23).

Fig. 2-1-23. Leonid Scriabin. Ethnographic center of the peoples of Kamchatka. Diploma project in the specialty "Design of buildings". The stages of three-dimensional sketching, creating a model, visualization and obtaining the drawings necessary for the project are shown. The model is made in Revit Architecture. NGASU (Sibstrin), 2010

BIM is an incomplete (frozen) model. The information model of any building is constantly evolving, as necessary, replenishing with more and more new information and adjusting to reflect changing conditions and a new understanding of design or operational tasks.

In the vast majority of cases, BIM is a living, evolving model. And with the correct understanding, the period of its existence completely covers the life cycle of a real object.

BIM is not only beneficial for large facilities. There are many benefits on large facilities. On small objects, the absolute value of this benefit is less, but the small objects themselves are usually more, so again there is a lot of benefit. And the percentage of benefits from BIM is about the same. So building information modeling is always effective.

BIM does not replace humans. Moreover, BIM technology cannot exist without a person and requires from him a high, maybe even more than traditional design methods, professionalism, a better, comprehensive understanding of the creative process of building design and greater responsibility in work. With all this, BIM makes human work more efficient and productive, increasing its intellectual component, freeing from routine work and protecting it from mistakes.

BIM doesn't work automatically. The designer will still have to collect information (either direct the process of collecting information, or control this process, or create a model, or formulate conditions for this model, etc.) on certain problems.

On the other hand, BIM technology significantly automates and therefore facilitates the process of collecting, processing, organizing, storing and using such information. As well as the whole building design process.

BIM does not require a person to "dumb stuff". A BIM designer is not a mainframe operator sitting in a white coat punching cards surrounded by flashing lights.

The creation of an information model is carried out according to the usual, familiar and understandable for the designer logic of building a building, where his qualifications and intelligence play the main role. And the construction of the model itself is carried out mainly by traditional, familiar and convenient for design graphic means, including in an interactive mode.

For example, if you "draw" a floor plan in any of the BIM programs, then as a result you create not the floor plan, but the floor itself - the corresponding part of the information model of the entire building. Which, however, does not at all exclude the possibility of entering some (for example, text) data from the keyboard. It does not exclude data entry by any other means, for example, a volumetric scanner or voice.

BIM does not make the “old guard” of specialists unnecessary. Of course, any guard sooner or later becomes "old". But experience and professional skill are needed in any business, especially when designing in building information modeling technology, and they usually come over the years.

Information models can be created by working in the usual style for specialists who formed in the "classical" era (through plans and facades), just a lot of new things have been added to them. It is another matter that the former specialists (all, not just the "old" ones) will have to make certain efforts (some even considerable) in mastering these new tools and switching to a new technology. But practice shows that this is all from the realm.

Mastering BIM is not a matter of the elite and does not take a lot of time. More precisely, it takes exactly the same amount of time to master BIM as it takes to master any other technology professionally - "the period of initial training plus the whole life."

BIM implementation does not require a lot of money. This money will be required almost as much as needed for the introduction of any new technology.

BIM implementation is beneficial not only for large companies. This is also beneficial for small firms, since the speed of making changes to the project, checking collisions, accuracy of calculations and documentation, and many other qualities of BIM save money for everyone.

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