Dragonmark combination crossing. Legends of dragonmark. Crossing dragons. All dragons. Characteristics and necessary materials

"- a game for connoisseurs of the strength of firewesters, which are rightfully considered to be descendants of dinosaurs. How to cross the dragons to bring really legendary and strong creatures that will give you pleasure from the game?

Crossing is the main process in the game, since it is this way that you can acquire new warriors. They will help fight hostile dragons. Just do not forget that the birth of a small dragon is just the beginning. It must be raised and fade in order for him to grow strong, powerful and became a reliable friend.

Where to start the removal?

Crossing starts with room 2 adult dragons in the nesting. Remember that adult individuals are dragons from 4 levels. It is they who can start pairing, after which there is a small probability that an egg will be in the hands of the player. It is placed in a special incubator so that the small egg is ripe. Subsequently, a small dragon will hatch out of it, who needs to provide ideal living conditions in a separate home. It must correspond to the elements of the dragon.

Popular Dragons for Disabling


Rare Dragon, whose characteristics fully correspond to the entire list of earthly elements. His advantages - land, fire and water. Choose adult dragons so as to combine 2 elements - lava and water or earth and boiling. It is this step that will increase the chances of the fact that after 20 hours from the egg it will be hatched.


Also a rare dragon, which carries the element necessary for further successful crossing. The main element is metal. It is usually used for battles only at the initial level. For crossing, it is necessary to bring parents with metal and snow elements. After 12 hours, you will learn about the appearance of the egg, if the pairing is successful. And in 17 o'clock in the incubator there will be a small dragon mercury.


A unique dragon that can attack perfectly. His legendary attack can be complemented by new blows that will exceed the power of any opponent. For crossing, you will need an addition to the green elements of the native, an elephant or owl. The probability of successful pairing is 4%. Crossing will continue at least 2 days and 2 more days are needed so that a dragon appears from the egg to the light.


Dragon, who perfectly uses fire and wind in the attack. On the pairing of parents you need only 5 minutes, as a result, you should give them a chance. And more than once. Incubation is also assigned only 5 minutes. Elements Earth and smoke is the best option for the appearance of Drakets of the natives.


Another popular dragon, which destroys enemies from the face. To cross, choose parents with metal elements, as well as gingerbread or agnes.

And let the pairing be successful!

Today, the topic of our article will be a new dragon of the month in the game of the legend of dragonmark. We will talk about how to withdraw the dragon of the month of Chevalé, and what characteristics it will have. Let's talk about what combinations are used to obtain a new pet. And also which of them is better to use for beginners of the game.

Description Chevalier

Chevalier is the legendary dragon. As can be seen from the description, the developers tried to convey to us that the representatives of this species could become noble defenders of Dracoon-like, but something went wrong ...

The second elements of this pet will be light, and the third is a metal. The second element can be discovered for gold, and the awakening of the third will cost 99 diamonds. In general, we can say that as for the legendary this pet is quite weak. And to output it or not, everyone will already decide for himself.

Necessary elements

In order for the cheval to have in its presence of the Pets of the following elements:

  • The fire;
  • Wind;
  • Water;
  • Greens

More clearly disabled options are presented below in the table.

All combinations with fire require Pets of ATS, which this moment There is no opportunity. Therefore, choose those representatives that you have in stock and let you be lucky.

Below in the table we reduced all the characteristics of the Dragon November of the month in one convenient table.

Who else can work out

In addition to the pet of the month, you, with some more likelihood, will receive other representatives of the Dragon World. It can be:

Time without VIP (hour)

Time with VIP.


24 minutes Smoke
36 minutes
3 hours 12 minutes

Boil, Loda

4 hours 48 minutes

Cloud, watermelon, grains

6 hours 24 minutes

Candy, sheet

9 hours 36 minutes


12 hours 48 minutes

Agava, Elixir (VIP 4+)

48 38 hours


As always, to withdraw the dragon of the month of Chevali from the first time, most likely will not work. But do not despair. If you set out the goal of getting such a pretty pet do not stop. And until the end of November you will definitely have your cheval. Be sure to share in the comments managed to get a new welcome pet.


All who brought this wonderful pet can participate in the action called Duel. Duel will continue until the end of the month. The prize for its passage is dragon Sunjantzan.

The legends of Dragonia are a very interesting and fascinating game, where everyone can become a breeder and dragon coach. This game will appeal to all, regardless of age and gender. All who began to play, interests one question how to get a dragon in dragonmark. There are several options that we will talk next.

What are pets there

Before proceeding with the description of the methods of obtaining pets, we will briefly tell about what kind of pets are.
In the game of the legend of Dragonia, there are the following types of dragons that vary:

  1. Estate - fire, water, wind, earth, metal, greens, energy, emptiness, light, darkness.
  2. Rorseless - ordinary, unusual, rare, epic.
  3. Representatives of the highest level are legendary and divine.
  4. Pedal pets.
  5. Bosses.
  6. Clans.

In more detail on the species we will focus in the next article, and now proceed to the description of the methods of obtaining dragons.

Methods for getting

There are the following ways:

  • Breeding.
  • Purchase.
  • Participation in stocks.
  • Participation in clan competitions.
  • Get from a set of cards.
  • Get in the dungeon.
  • Defeat the boss in the battle and buy it.
  • Purchase VIP-status.

You can also get a pet for the collected friendship glasses, for the invitation of friends, and Prairi. - Going on Facebook.

General provisions

Regardless of the method of receipt, the egg with a dragon will get to you in the inventory. Or, as in the case of common breeding, immediately in the incubator. If you wish, you can send eggs into an incubator or leave in inventory. If you have an egg with a pet that you already have, you can sell it directly from the inventory (there was no such possibility before).

After placing the egg to the incubator, you need to wait some time (or skip for diamonds), and only then open the egg. When the egg opens and a small dragon will appear, you can sell it or place it in a dwelling with the corresponding element.


The most common way to get a dragon in Dragonia is the usual breeding in the nest. To do this, you must select the two pets in the nobility with the necessary elements and press the button to "output". After that you will see the time through which you can pick up an egg with a new pet.

To find out what dragon will appear, you can only wait for the required amount of time or looking at a special calculator on the official website of the game.

Tricks in Dragon Dragon

  1. You can cross the pets only to achieve 4 levels. The higher the level of the dragon, the greater the chances to bring rare pets. And from individuals with low levels, the usual offspring is most often.
  2. Some of the one-hithery dragons are not cross each other. For example, water and metal or light and shadow. Therefore, it is necessary to cross the hybrids with such elements.
  3. When crossing two dragons, you can get a pet that will have an element from one parent or from both, with a certain share of probability. The more elements of the parents, the unexpected offspring you will receive. To obtain very rare dragons, as a rule, a lot of attempts will be required. But it is worth it, since such a pet will bring more experience and victories.
  4. The more time parents spend in the nesting, the more rare dragon you will receive. Dilution time can be varied from 30 seconds (fire) up to 2 days (legendary pets).

After the breeding time passes, a heart appears above the nest, which means the end of the process. You press it, and the egg with the offspring is automatically placed in the incubator if there is a free space.

Please note that you cannot sell an egg to the room in an incubator, even if you already have such a pet. It is necessary to wait until it appears and only after that sell it or place it in a free dwelling.

Crowded breeding

Such breeding is practically no different from the usual one. The only condition, how to get a witch dragon - it is necessary that his parents are enchanted.


The easiest way to get a dragon in legends is a purchase. You can buy for:

  1. gold,
  2. diamonds
  3. talk tokens,
  4. as well as real money.

Per gold You can purchase only basic single-affected pets to achieve a needed level player.

Per diamonds You can buy almost all other dragons, which can be obtained in conventional dilution, bosses and some legendary. The exception is divine, which can be obtained only during the period of shares, performing certain conditions.

Per tomnov tokens You can buy only inhabitants of the dungeon.

Per real money You can get a set in which the dragon will include, as well as some resources, such as housing, crystals, coins, food, anger potion, etc.

Participation in shares

  • Participating promotions that are periodically held in the game, you can also get a pet. Performing the tasks of the promotion, you will get an egg or grocery token.
  • Dilution token provides for an increased chance of obtaining in conventional dilution when crossing certain elements or pets. There is a gantry tool in a limited time.
  • Get divine or legendary Dragon You can only participate in the promotions, performing their conditions.

From the deck

Get a dragon in dragonmark can be in card sets. To do this, you need to assemble a certain number of fragments from the card set.

Fragments can be obtained:

  • performing daily tasks;
  • when watching advertising;
  • taking part in the league;
  • as a gift from friends;
  • buying card sets for clan currency, witchcraft tokens.

Clan Dragons

Clanes dragons perform certain tasks.

  1. Reduce the time of breeding and appearance of pets,
  2. increase gold mining in housing,
  3. help in battles, etc.

You can only get a clan dragon only by joint efforts.

The egg of the first clan pet is just like that, and it must be warm in the incubator 50 times. Only after that the dragon will appear. To get the following, it is necessary to take an active part in the clan competition. Win and receive cards. When their required amount will be gathered, it will be possible to withdraw another clan pet.

The Gameloft Studio was not averse to exploiting the theme popular recently. After the release of the second part of the cartoon "How to tame a dragon" to these legendary mythical creatures, an interest was again.

Having your own manual, and even better, a combat-ready fanching pet - no one would have refused. IN new game From Gameloft can be raised not one, but a whole army of these creatures. They are sociable and most of all love strokes and fruits.

Attention! Friendship codes in the comments below.

"Legends of Dragonia" is a game in the genre "" and at the same time military strategy. In addition to growing young dragons on the player's shoulders, one more task will be lazy - the release of dragonmark from militant Vikings. They also have an army consisting of evil dragons. With them and will have to fight the player's ward.

First you need to grow a pair of dragons. Each of them needs their accommodation. To increase the number of wards, they will have to cross them to get new species. For food, you need to build farms and grow fruits on them.

In the game there are daily tasks, which work does not make up - to stroke the dragons, feed, bring a new look, improve the construction, weakened the territory. For each performed action, the player receives a gold award and experience points.

The battle with the enemy occurs on a separate map in the form of a step-by-step fight three to three. Each of the dragons has its own characteristics to be taken into account when battle. The player is directly involved. His task - when attacking a dragon, click on it for acknowledged shot. You need to select the top three in the most powerful pets who have achieved the greatest level of development.

Dragons in the game a huge amount - about a hundred species. They can be obtained when crossing or buying for crystals. The stronger the dragon, the more likely to receive rare and exotic offspring from it. But the longer the crossing process itself will happen.

To buy farms and housing need gold. It can be obtained in several ways: stroking the dragon, collecting with dragonfish and for performing daily tasks. Crystals can be obtained in the same way, but they fall significantly less often gold.

The graphics in Arcade are pretty good, but is made in a cartoon style that does not have to taste everything. Yes, and the game itself looks more oriented for children. Which, however, does not make it less exciting. Moreover, it is interesting not to fight, but to cross the dragons to get the most incredible of them.

Legends of Dragonia - a decent game of the masted developer. The theme of the dragons will accurately like children and fans of these mythical beings.

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