Life phrases with meaning of love. Beautiful aphorisms, quotes, sayings, statuses, wise thoughts, words, phrases about the meaning of life, about a happy life, with meaning that they touch the depths of the soul, interesting, winged, positive, funny, smart, funny:

Life is what exists that every time it starts first and goes to its own way, it is blooming and growth, wilting and death, it is wealth and poverty, love and hatred, through tears and laughter ...

Short, wise phrases affect the vast spectrum of the faces of the human existence, are forced to think.

It doesn't matter how born is - think about how you die.

Not afraid of short-term failure - a short luck is much unpleasant. (Faraj).

Memories are similar to the islands in the sea of \u200b\u200bemptiness. (Shishkin).

The soup is not so hot as he welded. (French saying).

Anger is short-term madness. (Horace).

In the morning you begin to envy the unemployed.

Weass are larger than truly talented. (L. Väshanarg).

Good luck is incompatible with indecision! (Bernard Verber).

We strive for a bright future, which means that the real life is not particularly beautiful.

You will not be addressed today, you are late tomorrow.

Days fly instantly: only woke up, I was late for work.

Thoughts coming during the day are our lives. (Miller).

Beautiful and wise statements about life and love

  1. Envy - sadness about the well-being of another person. (Princess).
  2. Cactus is a disappointed cucumber.
  3. Desire is a father of thought. (William Shakespeare).
  4. Lucky, who is confident in his own fortune. (Goebbel).
  5. Feel - this is yours, boldly rushing!
  6. Hate nobleness of indifference.
  7. Time is the most unknown parameter in the surrounding nature.
  8. Eternity is only a time unit. (Stanislav Lts).
  9. In the dark, all cats are black. (F. Bacon).
  10. We will live longer - you will see more.
  11. Bed as luck, one does not come. (Romen Rolland).

Short statements about life

It is difficult for a person who decided to argue the king for the monarchy. (D. Salvador).

Usually, the failure is worth an offer to increase the price. (E. Georges).

Stupidity is invincible even by the gods. (S. Friedrich).

Snake snake is not horrid. (Pliny).

As if the rake did not teach the heart of a miracle ...

Talk with a person about himself. He will agree to listen to the day. (Benjamin).

Of course, happiness is not measured with money, but in Mercedes cry better than in the subway.

Thief opportunity - indecision.

You can predict the future by looking at what a person spends time.

Sing the spikes, do not collect grapes.

His delaying with the decision has already accepted: nothing to change anything.

How do you speak about happiness and life?

  1. People seem to: they want truths. Upon finding noting the truth, they want to forget about many things. (DM. Greenberg).
  2. Speak about troubles: "I can't change it, it is better to benefit." (Schopenhauer).
  3. Changes occur if you go overhead habits. (P. Coelho).
  4. When a person approaches, the wounded animal behaves unpredictable. A man with an emotional wound comes the same. (Ganggorm).
  5. Do not believe people talking bad about others, but about you well. (L. Tolstoy).

Statements of great people

Life is a direct consequence of human thoughts. (Buddha).

Who lived, not as I wanted to lose. (D. Schomberg).

Giving a person a fish, you will only hang it once. Having learned to catch the fish, it will always be full. (Chinese proverb).

Without changing anything, the plans will remain only with dreams. (Zakay).

Looking at things differently, change the future. (Yukio Misima).

Life - Wheel: What was recently below, tomorrow will be upstairs. (N. Garin).

Life is meaningless. The goal of a person is to give her meaning. (Osho).

A person who is consciously coming along the path of creation, and not mindless consumption, fills the meaning of existence. (Gudovich).

Read serious books - life will change. (F. Dostoevsky).

Human life - boxes with matches. To handle it is serious - ridiculous, frivolous - dangerous. (Ryunca).

Life, lived with errors, is better, more useful for the time spent on the thing. (B. Show).

Any illness should be viewed as a signal: you are incorrectly related to the world. If you do not hear signals, life will strengthen the impact. (Svyash).

Success is to master the ability to control pain and pleasure. Having achieved this, you can control life. (E. Robbins).

Banal step - choose a target and follow it, can change everything! (S. Reed).

Life is tragic, if you see it close-up. Watch from published - she will seem comedy! (Charlie Chaplin).

Life is not a zebra with black and white stripes, but a chessboard. Your course decisive. A person within a day seems to be several possibilities for change. Success loves who uses them efficiently. (Andre Morua).

Statements about life in English with translation

The truths differ little from different peoples of the world - you can make sure that you read the quotes in English:

Politics Are Come from The Words Poly Ticks (Bloodsucking Parasites).

The word "politics" comes from words Poly (many), Ticks (blood circulation). Means "Insects, sucking blood."

Love Is Conflict Between Reflexes and Dreams.

Love is a contradiction between reflexes and reflections.

Every Human Like An Angel With One Wing. WE CAN FLY ONLY IN EMBACING ONE ANOTHER.

Man is a single angel. We can fly by hugging each other.

Our life is a consequence of our thoughts; She is born in our heart, she is going on our thought. If a person speaks and acts with a good thought - joy follows him as a shadow, never leaving.


Everything that changes our life is not an accident. It is in ourselves and waits for only an external occasion to express action.

Alexander Sergeevich Green

Life is not suffering and not pleasure, but the case that we must do and honestly bring it to the end.

Aleksis Tokville

The strive is not to succeed, but to ensure that your life makes sense.

Albert Einstein

The riddle of God (part 1) The mystery of God (part 2) The riddle of God (part 3)

See all things in God, make a movement to the ideal from your life, live gratitude, focus, meekness and courage: This is an amazing point of view Mark Aurelia.

Henri Amiel

Every life creates his own destiny.

Henri Amiel

Life is a moment. It is impossible to live first on the draft, and then rewrite on Belovik.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

The vocation of each person in spiritual activity is in a constant quest for the truth and meaning of life.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

The meaning of life is only in one - the struggle.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Life is a continuing birth, and you accept yourself as you become.

I wish to fight for life. Fight for the truth. Everyone and always fight for the truth, and there is no ambiguity.

It is not necessary to watch where a person was born, and what kind of morals, not in which land, and for what principles he decided to live his life.


Life - is a risk. Just getting into risky situations, we continue to grow. And one of the most risky situations to which we can dare are risk to love, the risk to be vulnerable, the risk will reappear to another person, not afraid of any pain or offense.

Arianna Huthfington

What is the sense of life? Serve others and do good.


No one lived in the past, no one will have to live in the future; The present is a form of life.

Arthur Shopenhauer

Remember: Only this life has the price!

Aphorisms from literary monuments of ancient Egypt

It is not necessary to be afraid of death, but an empty life.

Bertold Brecht

People are looking for pleasure, rushing from side to side, just because they feel the void of their lives, but they still do not feel the emptiness of the new fun who attracts them.

Blaise Pascal

About the moral qualities of a person should be judged not by individual efforts, but on his daily life.

Blaise Pascal

No, apparently, death does not explain anything. Only life gives people certain possibilities that are carried out by them or disappear in vain; Only life can resist evil and injustice.

Vasily Bykov

Life is not to live, but in feeling that you live.

Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

Life is not a burden, but wings of creativity and joy; And if someone turns it into the burden, then in this he himself is to blame.

Vikenty Vikentievich Veresev

Our life is a journey, the idea is a guide. No guide, and everything stops. The goal is lost, and forces as it did not happen.

Whatever we strive for, whatever private tasks, which we ourselves, we own, we are in the last account strive for one: to complete and completeness ... We strive to become an eternal, completed, and a comprehensive life.

Victor Frank

Find your way to find out your place in life - this is all for a person, it means to deal with himself.

Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

Who wants to make the meaning of life as an external authority, he cums that for the meaning of life takes the nonsense of his own arbitrariness.

Vladimir Sergeevich Soloviev

A person in life may have two major behaviors: he either rolls or crams.

Vladimir Soloohin

Only you are dominated to change your life for the better, just reimbursed to do it.

Eastern wisdom

This is the meaning of our stay on Earth: think and seek and listen to the long-range disappeared sounds, as our true homeland lies behind them.

Herman Hesse

Life - Mountain: Raise slowly, descend quickly.

Gi de Maupassan

The idleness and something enthusiastically entail the viciousness and unhealthy - on the contrary, the aspiration of the mind to anything brings cheerfulness, eternally directed towards strengthening life.


One thing, constantly and strictly performed, streamlines and everything else in life, everything revolves around him.


Just as the body disease happens, there is also a lifestyle disease.


There is no poetry in a serene and blissful life! It is necessary that something grumbled the soul and burned imagination.

Denis Vasilyevich Davydov

It is impossible for life to lose the meaning of life.

Dezima Yuni Yuvenal

True light is the one that comes from the inside of man and opens the mystery of the heart to the soul, making her happy and consonant with life.

A man struggles to find life outside himself, not realizing that the life he is looking for is inside him.

The person who is limited in the heart and thoughts is inclined to love in life what is limited. The one who has limited vision can not see on the length of one elbow on the road, on which he goes, or on the wall, which he relies with his shoulder.

Those who illuminate the lives of others will not remain themselves without light.

James Matthew Barry

Look at every morning dawn, as at the beginning of your life, and for each sunset, as at the end of it. Let each of these short lives It will be marked by some kind of good act, some victory over himself or acquired knowledge.

John Reskin.

It's hard to live when I did nothing to earn your place in life.

Dmitry Vladimirovich Venevitinov

The completion of life, and short and long, is defined only to the goal for which she lived.

David Star Jordan

Our life is a struggle.


Without difficulty you will not get honey. There is no life without sorrow and adversity.

Duty is what should give humanity, our loved ones, our neighbors, our family, and, above all, what we must all those who are poorer and defense us. Such is our duty, and its failure to make us spiritually insolvent during life and leads to the state of moral collapse in our future incarnation.

Human honor is not in power of another; This honor is in it itself and does not depend on public opinion; Defending it is not a sword and not a shield, but an honest and impeccable life, and the battle in such conditions will not give way to the courage to every other battle.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

The bowl of life is beautiful! What stupidity to resent on it only because you see her bottom.

Jules Renan

Life is just for that Krasnos, who seeks to be permanently achieved, but never achievable target.

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

Two meaning in life - internal and external,
At the external - family, business, success;
And internal - unclear and unearthly -
Part of everyone for everyone.

Igor Mironovich Guberman

Who can fill every moment in deep content, that endlessly extends his life.

Isolde Kurtz

Truly there is nothing better in life than the help of a friend and mutual joy.

John Damaskin

Everything that happens to us leaves one or another mark in our lives. Everything participates in creating us as we are.

Life is a debt, although it was a moment.

Only that is worthy of life and freedom, who goes to battle every day.

A person lives a real life if you are happy with someone's happiness.

Life is like sea \u200b\u200bwaters Refreshes only when he goes back to heaven.

Johann Richter.

Human life is like the gland. If you use it into the case, it is abruptly, if not use, the rust eats it.

Caton senior

It's never too late to plant a tree: let the fruits do not get you up, but the joy of life begins with the disclosure of the first kidney of the planted plant.

Konstantin Georgievich Powesty

What is more expensive - glorious name or life? What is smarter - life or wealth? What is painful - to achieve or lose? That is why great addictions inevitably lead to great losses. And irrepressible accumulation turns around a huge loss. Know the measure - and you do not have to experience shame. Quality to stop - and you will not face the dangers and you will be able to live for a long time.

Lao Tzu

Life must and may be an imperceptive joy

The shortest expression of the meaning of life may be like this: the world moves and improving. The main task is to contribute to this movement, submit to him and cooperate with him.

Salvation is not in rites, sacraments, not in confessing one or another faith, but in a clear understanding of the meaning of your life.

I am sure that the meaning of life for each of us is just growing in love.

In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone should do his own business, and in this wisdom - the highest justice of life.

Leonardo da Vinci

The benefit is not that life is long, but in how to dispose of it: may happen, and it often happens that living long lives for a long time.

Lutions of Annese Seneca (Jr.)

The greatest flaw is the eternal incompleteness because of our habit of postponing from day to day. Who ends his life every night, you do not need that time.

Lutions of Annese Seneca (Jr.)

For busy day, the day is not too long! We extend your life! After all, the meaning, and the main sign of it - activities.

Lutions of Annese Seneca (Jr.)

Life like a play in the theater: It is important not how much it lasts, and how well they played.

Lutions of Annese Seneca (Jr.)

Basna and life is not valued for the length, but for the content.

Lutions of Annese Seneca (Jr.)

What is the longest life? To live until you reach wisdom, not the very long, but the greatest goal.

Lutions of Annese Seneca (Jr.)

What will be the conviction, these are both actions, and thoughts, and what they will be, such and life.

Lutions of Annese Seneca (Jr.)

There is nothing ugly than an old man who does not have other evidence of the benefit of its long life, except for age.

Lutions of Annese Seneca (Jr.)

Let your life be equal to you, let nothing contradicts one another, and it is impossible without knowledge and without art, allowing to know the divine and human.

Lutions of Annese Seneca (Jr.)

For a day you need to look like a small life.

Maksim Gorky

The meaning of life in the beauty and strength of the desire for goals, and it is necessary that every moment of being had its high goal.

Maksim Gorky

The task of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to live according to the internal, conscious to you by law.

Mark Arellium

The art of life more resembles the art of the struggle than dance. It requires readiness and resistance and in relation to sudden and unforeseen.

Mark Arellium

Do not do what your conscience condemns, and do not say that not according to true. Observe this most important, and you will complete the task of your life.

Mark Arellium

Put one good deed to another so tight so that there is no biggest gap between them, which I call to enjoy life.

Mark Arellium

Let your things be great, what would you like to remember them on the slope of life.

Mark Arellium

Everyone is a reflection of his inner world. As a person thinks, such he is (in life).

Mark Tully Cicero

Life is beautiful if you learn to live.


It is necessary that each person finds for himself personally the opportunity to live the life of the highest and inevitable reality of every day.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Svtain

A genuine mirror of our way of thoughts is our life.

Michelle de Monten.

The changes occurring in our lives are a consequence of our choice and our solutions.

Wisdom of the Ancient East

Follow your heart, while you are on earth, and try to make it so that at least one day of your life was perfect.

Wisdom of ancient Egypt

Beauty lies not in certain features and lines, but in the overall facial expression, in that life sense, which is lies in it.

Nikolay Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov

Who is not burning, he smokes. This is the law. Long live flames of life!

Nikolay Alexandrovich Ostrovsky

The assignment of a person is to serve, and our whole life is a service. Do not forget only you need that the place is taken in the earthly state then to serve as a state of heaven and therefore, meaning his law. Only so serving, you can please everything: the sovereign, and the people, and the Earth.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Live - it means to act with energy; Life is a struggle in which you need to fight brave and honestly.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Shelgunov

To live - it means to feel, enjoy life, feel unreasonably new, which would resemble what we live.


Life is a pure flame; We live with the invisible sun within us.

Thomas Brown

The best part of the life of a righteous person is his small, unnamed and all forgotten actions caused by love and kindness.

William Wordsworth.

To spend your life on what will survive you.


Although few of the people Caesari, everyone still costs once in his life with her rubikon.

Christians Ernst Benzel-Stee

Tormented by passions of the soul breathing fire. Such seed anyone in their path. Lained mercy is cold as ice. Such will freeze everyone who will meet them. Those who are tied to things are like rotten water and a rotten tree: life has already left them. Such will never be able to create good or to make another happy.

Hong Zychiche

The basis of our satisfaction with life is a feeling of its usefulness.

Charles William Eliot

The only happiness in life is a constant desire forward.

Emil Zol

If you create in life with nature, you will never be poor, and if with a human opinion, you will never be rich.


There is no other sense in life, in addition, what kind of person himself gives her, revealing his strength, living fruitful ...

Erich Fromm.

Each person is born for some business. Everyone who goes on the ground has its own duties in life.

Ernst Miller Hemingway

There is an opinion that there are words-shackles, there are speech words, and there are words-wings. And, if the first and seconds should be found in our lexicon as much as possible, the latter can form our life and our worldview. But their function is much more. Let's get acquainted with them, find out what they represent, and how to use them. To "wings" refer to beautiful quotes. What are they talking about? What force do you have? And why are it worth paying attention to them?

Wings - what allows you to fly and soar birds. So they help us believe in our own strength and tear away from the sermost and everyday life in thinking beautiful phrases. They are in them and courage, in them confidence and kindness. The main focus of such checkouts is to help.

If you love - love all the soul,
If you believe, then faith to the end.
And then will be together with you
Your happiness, love and dream!

To find out where your heart lives, Pay attention where your mind wanders in moments of dreams.

When you look for your Happiness, do not take it from others.

Do not complain about the cold of the worldIf he did not put a heat drop in him.

Everyone wants a beautiful rose, a beautiful night, a good friend. It is important to be able to love a rose along with her spikes, the night with her mysteriousness, a friend with all his problems.

For nothing these questions:
Is it really loved or lies?
To funny everything is simple here:
He who loves - protects.

Someone does not decide to confess love? Tell them the wrong: "You will succeed!", And he will turn in the inner doubts what kind of frightening them were. If a friend has to take a serious decision, wrap it in support using beautiful statements. Tell him that with any decision taken by him, you will be near and help everyone to overcome, give him the wings to him, so off, could look at the situation from the side. It will help him be calmer and more confident.

Woman should not tell a man aboutthat loves him. Let them tell her shining, happy eyes. They are eloquent any words.

Some people enjoy the rain, Others simply wet.

We think that God sees us overy - But he sees us from the inside.

Let this day be happy
And all the dreams come true.
Let the sun shines you everywhere,
And smiling flowers ...

No matter what your face is - It is important that it expresses. It doesn't matter what your voice you have is important as your words. It does not matter how you say - your actions speak for yourself.

Wings you need a man to, armed with them, could become richer. So that the whole world for him is closer. They expand its horizons so much that the first thing he sees, analyzing beautiful aphorisms, it is. He understands what is really capable, and how to use the entire potential that he has!

Love is when you want Worry with someone all four years of year. When you want to run with someone from the spring thunderstorm under the lilac with the flowers, and in the summer to collect berries and swim in the river. In the fall together to cook jam and stick the windows from the cold. In winter - help relive the runny nose and long evening ...

Love is swimming,it is necessary to either dive with your head, or do not climb into the water at all.

Hearts like flowers- They cannot be opened by force, they must reveal themselves.

Thousands of candles can be lit From one single candle, and her life will not be shorter. Happiness does not get smaller when they share it.

Do not throw the phrases of the sorry, There are words stronger than hurricane.
Healing wounds from a knife, and words do not heal the wounds ...

There are beautiful phrases from the ground, you need every person, because we sometimes overcome fears and doubts, someone pursue gossip and unkind wishes, envy. How is all overcome? And do not fight, otherwise it will be easily tightened into the circulation of complexity and swamp uncertainty. Went the wing, read the beautiful, and parity, parcel over these difficulties. They do not cost to spend and a minute of your life on these insignificant things.

Where is a lot of love There are many mistakes. Where there is no love, everything is mistake there.

The best frame is a random frame.
The best thoughts are your own.
The best feeling is mutual.
The best friends are faithful friends.
Most best person - For each your own.

Although life and not tied by a bows, it's still a gift.

In a thunderstorm, in a storm,
In everyday smearing
With severe losses
And when you are sad,
Seem smiling and simple -
The highest art in the world.
S. Yesenin

People may forget what you said. May forget what you did. But will never forget that you forced them to feel.

I will be able to rejoice, you will die to understand your significance and significance of some events and people in your life. Those of people who do you need, let it remain in it, do not let the rest on you putting off shackles on you to destroy your personality and your life. What will help in this? Wise and beautiful aphorisms. Start the day with their reading, and when problems come out, read the strengthening sayings again.

In the soul, everyone has a quiet corner,
Where we do not admit anyone.
And at the same time we will dream of
So that someone crossed the threshold.

Failure does not mean That God left you. This means that God has the best way for you.

I am airdo not try to keep. Breathe while I give myself to breathe!

I do not ask for a burden to be easier, And the shoulders are stronger and the heart is wiser.

Executions with magic power

Magic is the ability to convert a wonderful moment into a lifetime. It is the magic of conversion and possess words-wings, disbelief they are converted into confidence; fears - by virtue; Losses Beautiful Aphorisms are transformed in the acquisition. How do they do it?

Without having the opportunity to live forever We have the opportunity to live brightly.

Nothing will never leave While it does not teach us what we need to know.

Why we close your eyeswhen we pray, dream or kiss? Because we do not see the most beautiful things in life, but feel your heart ...

About some words and expressions we can safely say: appetizing; wise; peace-loving; filled with deep meaning. And each item very accurately characterizes beautiful phrases.

Do not be afraid in life change,
Especially inevitable.
They come at that moment
When they are needed.

Delicious or colorful, juicy, beautiful phrases, those that are so called for action. If we want someone to praise, encourage to be active, or say a compliment, we use special vocabulary. The vocabulary, in which the expressions, which fully take advantage of the interlocutor, include his imagination and motivate the actions.

Husband and wife should be like hand and eyes:
When the hand hurts - the eyes cry, and when the eyes cry - the hands wipe the tears.

True love is when You love with whom I would like to meet, and who you do not want to part.

Happiness can not be loud. It is quiet, cozy, native ...

Do not learn children to be rich. Learn to be happy. When they grow, they will know the value of things, and not their price.

So often we all lack balance in everything, and in desires, and in aspirations, and in relationships. It is beautiful quotes and help to find harmony in themselves and in their look at life. Simply put, they help become wiser, teach on the examples of experience and knowledge of decent people.

How easy it is to offend a person!
I took and threw the phrase evil pepper ...
And then sometimes not enough century
To return the offended heart ...
E. Asadov

- T. season, When people must warm each other: in their own words, their feelings, their lips. And then no cold is scary.

You can always close your eyes towhat you see, but you can not close the heart on what you feel.

Learn how to solve the questions in kind - this is a talent that deserves respect. What will help us? Beautiful phrases. In any conflict situation, such a talent is the only thing that will help us remain real people. In the family, at work or with an informal meeting, each of us needs to be shown that the first thing we value is the world. And on this basis, we will be able to build a strong relationship.

Wise filled with deep meaning

Beautiful aphorisms are deep water, which is useful to explore and in which it is pleasant to enter. Their waters carry our thoughts from the usual and ordinary things in the depths of consciousness. It is there that we find the true goals for which we live and who are striving.

The day ran out. What was in it?
I do not know, flying like a bird.
He was ordinary day
Still, it will not happen again.

To be in memory of children tomorrow You need to be in their lives today.

Do not believe those who say beautifully In his words is always a game. Believe someone who is silent, creates beautiful things.

Accurate quotes

Why not make the basis of life beautiful statements? They highlight us the way for which it is worth going. Exactly and do not make adjustments, pointing to our mistakes and suggesting how they can be corrected. Therefore, it is worth reading beautiful aphorisms every day. Read yourself and send friends, put them in social networks and try to follow their simple wisdom. What do you get, thanks to this attention to these statements? Wings!

Three things never return back: Time, word, opportunity. Therefore ... do not lose time, choose words, do not miss the opportunity.

Before someone condemn put on his shoes, pass his way, turn through every stone, which lay on his road, feel His pain, try his tears ... And only after that tell him how to live!

and late from life to wait for something. "
And I will answer - it is nonsense ...
there are still ships and aircraft!

Probably, in the life of each person the moment occurs when he is looking for answers to his questions in the sayings of great people, hoping to find confirmation of his thoughts and feelings. The wise words help to cope with difficulties and instill hope, make you think and critically look at our actions. On time read or heard, they can specify the right path to change for the better.

Wise words of great people about time

  • Time is what we want most, but we use the worse way. (W. Penn).
  • Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future, today is a gift. That is why today is a present. (B. Ken).
  • Time runs forward, but leaves his shadow behind. (N. Hoisorn).
  • The wise words of excitement, said at the time of the mistake, cost more praise per hour of success. (F. Sinatra).
  • If you can not get rid of the skeleton in the closet, make it dance. (B. Show).
  • The future is what everyone reaches at sixty minutes per hour. Whoever he is and what he did not do. (K. Lewis)
  • Any comedy, like any song, comes his time and his own time. (M. Servantes).

Life is a gift that is given to us over. The question of what its meaning is, the best human minds were asked from time immemorial, recording or transferring their thoughts and conclusions to the descendants. Reading wise words about the life of the past and now living philosophers, everyone can find on eternal question Own answer.

  • Life is not a problem that needs to be solved, but a reality in which experience should be developed. (S. Kierkegore).
  • Our thoughts determine what is happening with us, so if we want to change our lives, we need to expand the boundaries of our mind. (W. Dyer).
  • Life is only ten percent consists of what is happening with you, and on ninety of how you react to it. (L. Holz).
  • Life is very simple, but we do everything to make it difficult. (Confucius)
  • Our main goal in this life is to help others. And if you can not help them, at least do not hurt. (Dalai Lama).
  • Changes are the law of life. Therefore, those who look only in the past or present will probably miss the future. (D. Kennedy).
  • All life is an experiment. The more experiments you do, the better. (R. Emerson).
  • Do not take life too serious. You never get out of it alive. (E. Hubbard).

About love

So far, humanity exists, this topic will worry it. We offer the reader to the reader wise words about love spoken by famous people.

  • I love you not for who you are, and for who I am next to you. (R. Croft).
  • Love is friendship laid on music. (D. Campbell).
  • Love is the strongest of all passions, for it attacks the head, heart and feeling at the same time. (Lao Tzu).
  • With love, everyone becomes a poet. (Plato).
  • Keep love in your heart. Life without her is like a dull garden with dead flowers. (O. Wilde).
  • The art of love is a lot of perseverance. (A. Ellis).
  • I decided to adhere to love because I hate is too heavy burden. (M. L. King).
  • In his life, everyone should love at least one bad partner to truly evaluate good. (E. Taylor).
  • Darkness can not displace darkness, only the light is under force. Hate can not displace hatred, can only love. (M. L. King).
  • If you live up to one hundred years, I want to live for one day less so that you do not have to live without you. (A. Miln).

About family and children

Perhaps the proposed wise words about the family will again remind the fact that the most important thing in the life of every person.

  • Every day of our life is a contribution to the bank of the memory of our children. (Ch. R. Svindoll).
  • Charity begins with the family. (D. T. Smalllet).
  • Children more need a personal example, and not in criticism. (T. Geesburg).
  • The presence of children makes you a parent no more than the presence of a piano-pianist. (M. Levinwe).
  • The main thing is that the father can do for his children is to love their mother. (T. Geesburg).
  • Parents are like God, because we want to know what they are and think well about us. But often remember themselves about them, only when they need something. (C. Palanik).
  • Parents are the only loves us immediately. The rest of the world is just if earning. (E. Brashers).
  • The power of the nation comes from the integrity of the family. (Confucius).
  • When you raise a man, you raise an individual. When you raise a woman, you teach a whole family. (R. Macaver).
  • A person travels around the world in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it. (P. Coelho).
  • Why grandmothers and grandchildren get so good? Because they have a common enemy - parents. (R. Macaver).
  • There are three things with which you can never sacrifice; Your soul, your family and your dignity. (D. Howard).

Good luck and success

How does success really depends on good luck? The answer will be the wise words of celebrities.

  • The secret of success is how to use pain and pleasure instead of pain and pleasure to use you. If this happens, you will manage to manage your life. If not, life will be controlled by you. (T. Robbins).
  • Many did not even imagine how close they were close to success when they decided to abandon the goal. (T. Edison).
  • The quality of life of a person directly depends on the desire to excellence, regardless of the selected areas of activity. (Vince Lombardi).
  • The best revenge is a great success. (F. Sinatra).
  • Wise words about love is better than morals (L. Kokhut)
  • Remember your dreams and fight for them. You need to know what you want from life. There is only one thing that can stop you - fear of failure. (P. Coelho).
  • Talent cheaper than cook salt. What distinguishes a talented person from successful? Only a lot of hard work. (F. Sinatra).
  • Diligence is a mother of good luck. (B. Dizraeli).
  • Fortuna knocks once, but misfortune has much more patience. (Wuatur).

About Nadezhda

The wise words that help to cope with troubles and take a look at what is happening otherwise:

  • Look at the light and do not see the shadows. (saying Australian Aboriginal).
  • Where there is life, there is hope. (Theocritters).
  • Hope is able to see the light, despite the pitch darkness. (D. Tutu).
  • Hope has great knowledge, because it can do the present not so heavy. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can postpone the difficulty today. (T. N. Khan).
  • Let your hopes, and not sorrow, form the future. (F. Schiller).
  • Keep your cherished dreams in the soul and see what happens. (T. Delice).
  • Never give up. Expect just the best of life. Enclose for this effort and get the desired. (E. Pulmsifer).

In the article you will find the words of famous people about different life situations.

Interesting and beautiful aphorisms, quotes, statements, statuses, wise thoughts, words, phrases about life with meaning

They will be useful to those who try to self-realize, expand their range of knowledge, boasted wise thoughts and ideas. As a rule, the most popular aphorisms belong to famous personalities: actresses, writers, musicians, directors, poets.

Many put smart quotes In the statuses on the Internet networks to give their pages charm and meaning. In any case, such words teach vital wisdom, give advice. Such words can be learned by heart, write to the notebook, send messages or use in dialogs.

Words about life:

Short and smart aphorisms, quotes, statements, statuses, wise thoughts, words, phrases about life for status

Status is a brief statement of thoughts on its main page in social networks, Internet blogs and forums. Status should fully convey the mood of its owner, character and personal thoughts. It is better to choose the status from the list of smart statements of celebrities, wise men and writers who, with the help of words, accurately express feelings.

Status "Life":

Winged expressions, quotes, aphorisms, statements, phrases, words about life

"Westerns" are called those words that have become familiar with popular films, poems, songs. Often, such phrases express the "whole salt" of the experienced feelings that have happened, help to understand some things or take an important decision.

Famous phrases:

Interesting and beautiful aphorisms, quotes, statements, statuses, wise thoughts, words, phrases about a happy life

For example:

Cool and cheerful aphorisms, quotes, statements, statuses, wise thoughts, words, phrases about life

People with a good sense of humor always try to pay attention to those quotes and phrases in which the share of jokes is present. Such statements must necessarily raise the mood, to instill positive and others.


  • When a black cat overtakes me the road, she has to spit three times. (Author unknown).
  • Do not waste nerves, waste money! (Author unknown)
  • Those who are afraid of perfection does not reach it. (S. Dali).
  • Modern beauty does not require sacrifice, it requires money! (Author unknown).

Funny and funny "life" statements

Strong aphorisms, quotes, sayings, statuses, wise thoughts, words, phrases about life sad to tears and that they touches to the depths of the soul

Such statements and phrases should force each person about the meaning of their life, pierce on a tear and feelings. These may be quotes of famous people or the statuses of little-known authors, the main thing is the word power that is present in them.


  • Time can not cure, it just teaches us to live with pain. (Author unknown).
  • The worst thing that can happen in life is a quarrel with a close man before death. (Author unknown).
  • Tears are much stronger than smile, because a man is smiling often, and rarely crying. (Author unknown).
  • Tears are not weakness, but a trail of the soul. (Author unknown).
  • I'm not afraid to admit, I'm afraid of my confessions will not listen. (Author unknown).
  • If you hear the clock ticking is a sign of loneliness. (Author unknown).
  • Do not rush to rejoice if I found a key of happiness, you may have already been replaced by locks. (Author unknown).

Sad "Life" statement

Statuses about a happy life, family

In this article you can find suitable status for social network or life motto. Here are collected here beautiful words Classical and modern authors about happiness in family life.


  • Happy one who loves his family to all his soul!
  • Family is a source of happiness, or grief.
  • Children need to give birth not for family happiness, but in a happy family.
  • Patience of his wife - the secret of family happiness!
  • Yes, the union and family are born in heaven, but going down to the ground, it is important not to pour it into the dirt.
  • The family should give strength to wake up every morning.
  • In the family should lead someone and this "someone" - love!
  • In a family quarrel, not the one who "explodes" is to blame, but the one who "presses the button".

Interesting "Family" statuses

Love statuses: Interesting, vital, funny, sad

Such statuses necessarily "wipe" every person with their sensuality and vitality.

Most Popular:

  • If the bonfire of love is impoverished, grinding coals
  • If thoughts are only about one person, it means that you already love.
  • Only that man will not "wear a horns", which gave a woman wings.
  • In love is not alone, and two people do the world
  • Find love is needed, having time, and finding it, look for time.
  • In love with eyes you see happiness
  • The voice of a loved one is the most sweet music in the world!

Statuses about happy moments in life, happy time

The most famous statements:

  • Happy family people You will never cry about the past, will never put in other people's affairs and try to know the future.
  • It is necessary to live so that in my heart felt peace, and behind my back - wings!
  • Do not expect when it becomes better, difficulties will always be, but you need to be happy today!
  • Life is then good when God is not ashamed, but thank you!
  • It is not ashamed to listen to the opinion of others, ashamed not to try to be happy!
  • Happiness is not a horseshoe hang over the door, but to remove the sir.
  • If there is a loved one nearby, you can survive any grief with him.

Statuses about the life of Omar Hayama

O.Hayam - the Great Persian philosopher, whose words have great strength, experience and wisdom. His quotes are devoted to the most relevant topics: happiness, love, family, separation, friends.


O.Hayam: Statement No. 4

Status about purpose in life and change for the better


  • No thing will change in this world while a person does not learn to look at it differently.
  • For a person, there is no word "late" while he is alive - he can change something.
  • Be careful, once changed, you can no longer be the same.
  • Changes are for the better only when you are waiting for them.
  • Nothing will change until the person wants to change himself.
  • It's easy for a person only when you fly in the abyss, but it's hard, only if you climb on the mountain.
  • You should not wait for change from the world, you need to change yourself!

Positive statuses about patience in life

  • In marriage, everyone is sure that the most patient - it is he!
  • Only the one that tolerate will be able to find a right decision. Patience is like dirt in the water, first spoils it, and then settles, making transparent.
  • If you are restrained, you will be able to survive even where the idiot prude pond.
  • Endurance is born where patience dies!
  • To suffer is good, but tolerate all my life is bad.

Statuses for social networks about life for girls and women


  • Beautiful woman will decorate even the poorest room.
  • Women will never raise attention on those. To whom indifferent, but with 99% confidence will be loved by those who hate.
  • Charm - the need for a woman!
  • Yes, women are rarely sure of what they want, but diligently achieve this all life!
  • Any woman, even the queen, can lead her lover.

Statuses for social networks about life for guys and men


  • Bachelers do not marry only because there are much more women than family men.
  • The last word of the man should be: "You are right"!
  • Experience as a state of a man, so we can walk in 50 years!
  • With your loved one, you want to spend eternity, and with a good life.
  • Gold is tested by fire, and a man - a woman!
  • A man is much more important not what a woman says about him, but what she thinks.
  • Even the fool will cope with smart man, but with a fool, you can handle only a smart woman.

Video: "Audiobook aphorisms"

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