Exercise therapy for vascular diseases of the lower extremities. Nodular varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. Treatment and rehabilitation of patients with deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities 3 exercises for thrombosis for the legs

An article on the topic: "exercise for thrombophlebitis and varicose veins" as the most important information about the disease.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities is a fairly common pathology, often leading to disability and disability. Treatment of this disease usually requires an integrated approach, among other things, gymnastics for thrombophlebitis is also necessary. Any therapy for varicose veins of the legs can only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Physiotherapy is no exception in this case.

Modern medicine clearly outlines the range of reasons leading to the development of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities. First of all, these are various pathologies of the cardiovascular system, which cause stagnation in the vessels of the legs and provoke a malfunction of the valve system.

We should not forget about the working conditions of patients. Sedentary labor contributes to painful changes in the veins and arteries of the legs, leads to the formation of blood clots and areas of necrosis. Quite often, similar symptoms can be observed in pregnant women.

To successfully combat vascular diseases on the legs, experts recommend actively using various exercises for deep vein thrombophlebitis. Physical complexes of basic loads, developed by doctors, will help reduce the risk of blood clots in the provoked vessels, the development of areas of death of skin and muscle tissues.

If the patient has a predisposition to disruption of the vessels of the lower extremities, then it must be remembered that this pathology can proceed practically without symptoms, the dilated veins do not hurt and do not bother the patient. However, exercise therapy in such a contingent will help reduce the risk of complications.

You need to start small. Daily morning exercises for thrombophlebitis using special exercises will help to quickly increase the pressure in the vessels of the legs. But, as you know, in a standing position, the pressure in the veins in a healthy person can reach 90 cm of water column, while with varicose veins of the legs, it drops. This leads to stagnation of blood and the formation of blood clots.

In short, it is precisely to reduce stagnation in the veins and arteries of the lower extremities that most of the therapeutic exercises for thrombophlebitis are directed.

useful exercises for varicose veins

From it you will learn about lifestyle modification as an important component of the treatment process, effective exercises for varicose veins, sports that are useful for diseases of the legs.

The daily struggle in the morning

Any instructor in remedial gymnastics will confirm that achieving success in the treatment of pathology of the vessels of the legs is a painstaking business and requires great dedication. Therefore, appropriate physical activity should be evenly distributed throughout the patient's day.

Morning exercises with thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities should begin a daily treatment complex. The first exercises are performed by the patient while still in bed. First of all, attention should be paid to the feet and ankle joints.

To begin with, you need to make several circular movements with your socks, preferably clockwise. After that, you need to pull up the socks as much as possible, slowly returning them to their original position.

Such actions should be gentle, not painful, and should be repeated 7 to 12 times. Exercise should induce warmth and lightness in the legs.

The subsequent load for this contingent of patients begins, oddly enough, from the upper shoulder girdle. Swinging arms, tilting the body in different directions and warming up the cervical spine should increase the pressure in the vessels of the upper body in 5 - 7 minutes enough to cause the outflow of stagnant blood in the veins and arteries of the legs and feet.

Further morning therapeutic exercises for thrombophlebitis will already be directed to the lower extremities. The main emphasis should be placed on swinging movements of the legs, rotational movements in the hip joints and swinging on the feet. On the issue of squats, experts have not yet come to a common opinion.

10 effective exercises for varicose veins of the lower extremities:

The first exercise ends with exercises on the back, where the main direction is work with the legs raised upside down. Such actions also help the outflow of blood stagnant during sleep from the vessels of the lower extremities.

After the end of this complex, water procedures are required with washing the feet with warm water. It is important to monitor the integrity of the skin of the legs and feet with varicose veins. If the skin is dry, then these places must be treated with special greasy creams and avoid cracks or abrasions.

Prevention during the day

Doctors call the basis for the prevention of varicose veins regular exercise, water procedures with elements of hardening and walking. The complex for the day looks like this:

  • Walking tours form the basis of all medical complexes. The main condition is that they should not exceed 2 - 3 kilometers, cause fatigue and heaviness in the legs. It is recommended to move, raising your legs high and observing a large amplitude of arm work.
  • Such actions should be carried out at least three times a day, the last walk should take place 2 hours before bedtime. It is important to maintain proper breathing and avoid an increase in heart rate.
  • At the end of walking, experts advise to make 6 - 8 kicks and give the lower limbs an elevated position for 7 - 10 minutes, which will increase the outflow of blood to the upper body.
  • In addition to walking, other exercises should be performed 3-4 times throughout the day for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities. Gymnastic exercises on the back with legs raised high are best suited for such patients. Making rotational movements of the lower extremities, patients reduce blood stasis and prevent the formation of blood clots.
  • Leg swings in the hip joint, using a chair as a support, have also proven themselves well. Such complexes of exercise therapy can be done up to 15 - 20 times in one approach, depending on the physical condition of the patient.

Anyone can get a more detailed list of exercises for varicose veins at the exercise therapy department in the clinic at the place of residence. Experienced specialists will help you choose special exercises, focusing on the stage of the disease, the age and physical characteristics of the patient.

Basic prohibitions in exercise

It should be noted right away that any strength gymnastics with thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities is strictly prohibited. Patients with a similar pathology should refuse to visit the gym, regardless of the level and quality of sports equipment. Even simple exercises for the upper half of the torso can provoke a relapse of the disease.

For this category of patients, any power loads on the legs are completely prohibited. Jumping and long-distance running are prohibited. Sprint is also contraindicated, as it causes a rush of blood into the vessels of the lower extremities and provokes its thickening.

Great harm to patients with varicose veins can be caused by physical exercises performed while sitting with lowered legs. In this state of the body, the fluid tends downward, increasing the edema in the provoked veins of the legs and feet.

Gymnastics for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities should not include sharp squats and stretching elements. Such actions can lead to rupture of capillaries and small branches of venous plexuses on the patient's legs.

It is difficult to include in this short list all the physical exercises that can harm patients with a similar pathology. When prescribing physiotherapy exercises, the instructor will definitely tell you about the necessary restrictions when playing sports.

A few simple tips for preventing thrombophlebitis

If you have problems with your legs, you should try to prevent the development of pathology by your own efforts. First you need to take care of your own weight, since varicose veins are 3 times more likely to occur in obese people. This is due to excessive stress on the muscles and blood vessels of the lower extremities.

It is recommended to pay attention to the rhythm of life, and if necessary, even change jobs. Sedentary work for this contingent is a direct cause of the development of the disease. If this is not possible, there are a lot of exercises that are necessary and can be done right during the day at the workplace.

Such patients should spend a large amount of free time in a supine position, while their legs should be in an elevated state. It is forbidden to cross your legs.

You should take care of your toilet. Tight trousers or leggings, tight tights are contraindicated for leg diseases, as they worsen the outflow of blood from the provoked vessels.

And again about sports. Since the gym is not available for these patients, they have only one choice - the pool.


very useful for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities, of course, if the patient does not have open ulcers and other trophic skin lesions.

Physical therapy and affordable sports exercises can be a reliable help in the prevention and treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities. In addition, exercise is an excellent source of vitality and good mood.

Treatment of varicose veins without surgery.

Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities treatment gymnastics

Forecast provided that thrombophlebitis is treated correctly, it is favorable in most cases. With deep vein thrombophlebitis in patients, as a rule, postphlebitic syndrome develops. Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins can result in the resorption of a thrombus or its organization (germination by connective tissue) with obliteration of the vein, which turns into a dense cord.

Unlike deep vein damage, this does not lead to impaired venous outflow. Sometimes blood clots calcify, forming phlebolitis (vein stones). With thrombophlebitis, especially deep veins, there is always a risk of developing severe, often fatal, complications - pulmonary embolism. With purulent thrombophlebitis, there is a danger of ascending thrombosis with damage to the iliac and inferior vena cava and the development of sepsis (see). With migratory thrombophlebitis, the inflammatory process usually responds well to treatment, but after a while, thrombophlebitis develops in other veins. In parallel with this, the phenomena of endarteritis are steadily progressing, therefore, this pathological process should also be treated at the same time.

Thrombophlebitis treatment should be complex, it is different for different forms of thrombophlebitis. In acute deep vein thrombophlebitis, bed rest with an elevated position of the diseased limb is mandatory, which reduces edema, the risk of embolism, pain and improves blood flow. Considering that the compensation processes go faster with the functional load of the limb, as well as the fact that the thrombus from the 3-5th day is more firmly fixed to the wall of the vein, the patient is allowed to move the fingers and foot of the affected limb from the 4th-5th day of the disease, with On the 6-7th day, in the absence of acute symptoms, sit in bed, and from the 8-9th day - walk around the ward with an elastic bandage applied to the sore limb.

In acute thrombophlebitis of superficial veins, prolonged bed rest promotes the spread of thrombosis to deep veins; therefore, bed rest is not currently used in the treatment of thrombophlebitis of superficial veins. A light bandage with heparin ointment or Vishnevsky ointment is applied to the affected limb, on top of which an elastic bandage is applied in order to turn off the superficial vein system from the circulation.

The patient is allowed to walk only with an elastic bandage applied.

Thermal procedures for a diseased limb in the acute stage of thrombophlebitis are contraindicated. Cold is used in cases of persistence of pulsation in the arteries of the affected limb (cold intensifies the spasm of the arteries!).

Antibiotics are prescribed from the first day of illness. Penicillin is administered intramuscularly in combination with streptomycin in the usual dosage. Anticoagulants are used as directed by a doctor under the obligatory control of the blood coagulation system (coagulogram) and urine analysis (microhematuria!). Heparin is injected intramuscularly at 5000-15000 IU every 6-12 hours. within 3-5 days. Effectively drip introduction of heparin with novocaine and penicillin (100 ml of 0.25% solution of novocaine. 5000 U of heparin and 200,000 U of penicillin) into the paravenous tissue of the diseased limb. This mixture can also be infused intraosseously into the calcaneus or the outer ankle of the affected limb. The injections are repeated 2-3 times every 3 days.

In the acute stage of thrombophlebitis, no later than the 3rd day of the disease, a good therapeutic effect is achieved when fibrinolysin is administered simultaneously with heparin. 40,000 IU of fibrinolysin is diluted in 300 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution and injected intravenously over 3 hours. At the same time, 10,000-15,000 IU of heparin are injected intramuscularly: fibrinolysin dissolves the formed thrombus, heparin prevents the formation of a new thrombus.

As an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and reducing blood clotting, butadion is prescribed in a dose of 0.1-0.15 g after meals 4-6 times a day, as well as dressings with Vishnevsky's ointment, which are changed every 3-4 days.

To relieve vascular spasm, especially in cases of severe arterial spasm, apply perirenal novocaine blockade according to Vishnevsky (see Novocaine blockade).

In acute thrombophlebitis, novocaine blockade according to Shkolnikov is indicated.

The blockade is made on the side of the defeat. The patient is placed on his back. After treatment with an alcoholic solution of iodine, 5 ml of a 0.25% solution of novocaine is injected into the skin of the abdominal wall 1.5 cm inward from the anterior superior spine of the ilium. Then 250,000-1,000,000 IU of streptomycin in 150-200 ml of 0.25% novocaine solution is injected there to a depth of 14 cm along the inner surface of the ilium. When both lower extremities are involved in the pathological process, a bilateral blockade is performed. The blockade is considered to be done correctly if in the first 10-15 minutes. the patient experiences a feeling of heaviness and pleasant warmth along the back of the thigh of the diseased limb. After the blockade, it is recommended to rest in a horizontal position for 30-40 minutes.

Hirudotherapy is also prescribed (see. Leeches), which reduces vasospasm and inflammation, reduces blood clotting.

Treatment for migratory thrombophlebitis is the same as for deep and superficial vein thrombophlebitis. Topical application of corticosteroids - hydrocortisone and prednisolone - has a good effect.

With often recurrent thrombophlebitis, intramuscular aevit is used, 1 ml daily, for a course of 15-20 injections. At the same time, Escuzan is prescribed inside, 15-20 drops 3 times a day before meals for one and a half to two months. The use of escuzan prevents new thrombosis and exacerbation of thrombophlebitis. After the end of the intake of escuzan, an alcoholic tincture from the roots of plowed steel (T-rae Ononis arvensis) is prescribed, 30-40 drops per dose 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 - 1.5 months.

With postphlebitic syndrome in mild cases, constant wearing of an elastic bandage or elastic stockings, limitation of staying on the legs is shown, in severe cases, especially with varicose ulcers, surgical treatment is indicated. Physiotherapy treatment (high frequency, sollux, iontophoresis with novocaine), as well as spa treatment (mud, sulfuric and other baths) is shown no earlier than 3 months later. after subsiding acute phenomena with thrombophlebitis of superficial veins and after 6 months. after deep vein thrombophlebitis. Treatment in the resort with radon and hydrogen sulphide waters is especially effective.

Surgical treatment of thrombophlebitis is used for purulent melting of the vein and the formation of abscesses: the vein is ligated above the purulently melted thrombus or the entire affected vein is excised, the abscess is opened; then treatment is carried out as in a purulent wound (see. Wounds, wounds). With thrombophlebitis of varicose veins, the best results are obtained by surgical treatment in the form of excision of the affected veins.

Prevention of thrombophlebitis- timely treatment of diseases that contribute to its occurrence (purulent processes on the limbs, varicose veins, trophic ulcers, etc.). In the prevention of vein thrombosis that occurs after various operations, early getting up of patients in the postoperative period, therapeutic exercises, the fight against dehydration, and the improvement of the cardiovascular system are of great importance.

Source: Treatment tactics Objectives of the treatment

In the treatment of acute venous deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities, surgeons must solve several problems:

1. To prevent the progression of thrombosis.

2. Prevent pulmonary embolism.

3. To prevent the progression of edema and thereby prevent the development of venous gangrene and loss of a limb.

4. Promote rapid recanalization and the achievement of compensation for venous outflow.

4. To carry out the prevention of post-thrombophlebitic syndrome.

5. Prevent retrombosis.

In solving these problems, the following are important:

1. Mode of physical activity.

2. Correct and long-term elastic compression.

3. The effectiveness of pharmacotherapy.

4. Timely surgical treatment.

5. Qualified rehabilitation.

The leading method of treating deep vein thrombosis of the thigh and lower leg is conservative therapy, for which a patient with an acute thrombotic process in the venous bed should be urgently hospitalized in the department of vascular or general surgery. A patient with acute venous thrombosis should initially be considered a candidate for pulmonary embolism.

Patient management regimen

In case of deep vein thrombosis of the leg, thigh and iliac veins, the first 3-5 days before the removal of venous hypertension and instrumental examination for the nature of thrombosis (localization, embolism), bed rest is recommended.

In the absence of flotation and embolism, patients are allowed an active lifestyle with correct elastic compression of the entire limb to the inguinal fold.

In cases where it is not possible to conduct a full examination (ultrasound scanning), patients should be kept in bed for 7-10 days against the background of anticoagulant and compression therapy. This time is enough to remove the threat of pulmonary embolism and fix the thrombus to the venous wall, and patients are allowed to get up, walk in a dosage rate, actively bend and unbend the feet and toes to accelerate blood flow, that is, patients are recommended a motor regime with limited static stay in the vertical position.

Firstly, physical exercise helps to compensate for the activity of the cardiovascular system in general and venous outflow from the extremities in particular.

Secondly, muscle contraction provides an increase in the concentration of an important antithrombotic factor - tissue plasminogen.

During bed rest, and especially with existing limb edema, the lower end of the bed should be raised to improve venous outflow.

After deep thrombosis, it is necessary to gradually expand the amount of physical exercise. Special gymnastics in a horizontal position has a beneficial effect on the rehabilitation of patients. It is necessary to exclude only those types where a static component is present or which can provoke leg injuries. In addition, all exercises should be performed with elastic compression of the lower extremities.

The build-up of the load should be gradual. For a start, a daily 1.5-hour walk with periodic rest is sufficient. If the affected limb does not respond with pain or convulsive syndrome, the duration and frequency of walks may be increased. After 2 - 3 months, physical exercise can be expanded through gymnastics aimed at improving venous outflow from the limb. These are exercises in a supine position with raised legs ("birch", "scissors", "bicycle", etc.). In the future, exercise on a stationary bike, jogging, cross-country skiing can be connected. In addition, at all stages of rehabilitation, it is advisable to go in for swimming, which is the optimal sport for patients with pathology of the venous system.

Therapeutic exercises for thrombophlebitis

With thrombophlebitis, classes in the pool, yoga, Pilates are allowed.

Sports activities during which sharp intense movements are performed - for example, tennis, weight lifting, are prohibited.

Physical culture plays an important role in the complex of therapeutic and prophylactic measures.

Studies have shown that in a semi-sitting position, intravenous pressure in the lower extremities of a person is equal to 15 cm of water column, in a sitting position - 26 cm, while standing - 94 cm.When a person is standing, the veins of the legs swell and increase in volume. During work, especially rhythmically repeated in a standing and sitting position (walking, sawing wood, cycling, etc.), muscle contractions periodically squeeze the veins and push blood out of them towards the heart.

Therefore, dosed work, coupled with the contraction of the leg muscles, contributes to the fight against the phenomena of blood stagnation in the veins. Prolonged standing and sitting is static work, accompanied by a fixed position of the legs. The muscles of the legs in such cases squeeze the veins and do not contribute to the movement of blood through them, which leads to significant stagnation. Therefore, stationary work is more tiring than work involving movement. Weakening of the activity of the heart in various diseases of the heart can also lead to venous stasis in the legs. Pregnancy in women often causes enlargement and overflow of the veins of the lower extremities with blood, since the veins of the pelvis are compressed by the enlarging uterus with the growing fetus in it.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the superficial veins located under the skin of the lower leg and thigh are exposed to nodular expansion of the veins. With this disease, blood circulation in the affected leg is impaired, which leads to a nutritional disorder of the skin. In some cases, varicose veins do not cause significant concern. If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, then even benign leaking nodular veins (without any complaints) can develop and be complicated by edema, eczematous rash, ulcers of the lower half of the leg and foot.

Nodular varicose veins can be complicated by blockage and inflammation (thrombophlebitis), so it is very important to systematically carry out preventive and therapeutic measures, which should be comprehensive.

You should regularly engage in daily morning hygienic gymnastics with the inclusion of special exercises followed by water procedures, such as: rubdown, washing or shower. During the day, several times you need to do special exercises for 3-7 minutes. Participation in industrial gymnastics is beneficial. Regular, non-tiring walking walks at a distance of one to three kilometers (in the morning, afternoon, or before going to bed) are highly advisable.

It is unacceptable to wear round garters that tighten the legs. It is important to monitor regular bowel activity to prevent blood stagnation.

With thrombophlebitis in the subacute period, small slow movements in bed are allowed, you can sit at the table while eating. We give an approximate set of therapeutic exercises for thrombophlebitis in the subacute period.

Along with other methods of treatment, in chronic thrombophlebitis, therapeutic exercises with careful hardening and walking play an important role. However, overvoltage should be avoided.

An approximate set of special exercises for performing during the day with chronic thrombophlebitis

1. Walking with high leg raises and a large arm swing.

30-100 steps, 2 steps - inhale, 3 - exhale, or 3 steps - inhale and 4 - exhale.

2. Raising the straight leg, touch the opposite palms with socks, 4-8 times each

3. Lying on a couch or rug or sitting. Raising your legs as high as possible, do vigorous bending at the knees - "bicycle". 20-40 times. Breathing is uniform, with an emphasis on extended exhalation.

4. Alternate leg raises based on a chair. 6-12 times.

An approximate complex of therapeutic exercises for thrombophlebitis

(TM - slow pace. TS - average pace)

1. Full breathing. Slowly 3-4 times.

2. Spread your arms, pull yourself up and bring your arms together, clasping your shoulders. TM. 3-5 times.

3. Alternate flexion in the knee joint with simultaneous lifting of the pelvis. TM. 3 times.

4. Pull the bent leg to the stomach. TS. 3-5 times each.

5. Sit down with your hands. TM. 3-4 times.

6. Alternate abduction or raising of a straight leg, 3-8 times each.

7. Flexion and circular motion of the feet. TM, TS. 10-40 times.

8. Alternate flexion of the lower leg, relaxed. 3-5 times.

9. Imitation of walking. TM + TC. 20-60 steps.

10. The transition from a sitting position to a standing position. 4-20 times.

11. Raising the case. TM. 10-6 times.

Note: Start with 4 exercises and gradually add one exercise every 2 days. Finish the complex with a full breath.

Doctor I - Venous congestion, ether 05.12.13

A patient who was assigned physical activity, exercises for thrombophlebitis, usually thinks that they should be directed only to the legs. But in fact, exercises for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities are mainly aimed at strengthening the venous system and improving blood circulation. Elastic and strong veins are essential for the good health of the entire circulatory system. However, over time, they tend to wear out and lose their elasticity, which leads to various problems. Other factors that contribute to the development of inflammation and blood clots:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • fatty food;
  • bad habits (alcohol and drug use, smoking);
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • super heavy physical activity.

Is it possible to play sports with thrombophlebitis?

Since the entire weight of the body presses on the lower limbs, an increased load also falls on the veins in the legs. Therefore, if the valves and venous walls are weakened, then circulatory problems begin. Due to stagnation in the lower part of the body, at the time of an unsuccessful surgical intervention, thrombophlebitis may occur, physical activity in which is recommended by phlebologists and vascular surgeons. Gymnastics for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities should primarily be aimed at strengthening muscles and oxygenating the blood. After all, if the inflamed part of the vein (even after a complete cure) does not have enough oxygen, then the surrounding tissues will begin to suffer from the accumulation of toxins, which in the long term can lead to an ulcer. Therefore, when diagnosed with thrombophlebitis, the recommendations of physiotherapists are to perform simple exercises.

What to do with thrombophlebitis?

Even simple walking with thrombophlebitis is considered one of the very effective ways of prevention. Any other exercise that requires constant movement of all limbs is also allowed. Yoga, Pilates, gymnastics for thrombophlebitis will help not only improve blood circulation, but also strengthen the muscles of the limbs. But a treadmill, a stepper and an exercise bike for thrombophlebitis will not be the best helpers for exercise. After all, excessive stress on the legs can significantly worsen the general condition of the veins. If there is no money for special equipment, but you still need to do exercises for thrombophlebitis, then you can use ordinary dumbbells or even bottles filled with sand. The easiest and most effective exercise for thrombophlebitis of the legs: walking at a fast pace, as well as rolling from heels to toes (best with dumbbells in hand). Daily exercise for thrombophlebitis can consist of a set of simple exercises, the purpose of which is to strengthen the muscles of the legs without overloading.

Sports with thrombophlebitis should not harm, so any exercise should be started with a warm-up. Starting position: sit on the floor with legs extended forward, fold both arms behind your back. Then gently bend your right leg and put it under the thigh. As a result, the left leg should be straight and the right leg bent. The heel of the bent leg should point straight up, and the big toes should point to the floor. Without bending your back, you must try to raise your left leg. If the starting position is accepted correctly, then it will not work to raise the foot very high. Repeat the lifts 10-15 times, then change the working leg. After finishing the warm-up, it is logical to think about whether it is possible to pump the press with thrombophlebitis? In general, doctors do not allow abs work even with minor varicose veins, not to mention chronic thrombophlebitis. But no one specifies that only long breath holdings and compression of the femoral veins are undesirable (as happens when performing the exercise from a prone position). Professional physiotherapists, who believe that with thrombophlebitis, you can play sports, suggest raising your legs from a prone position. This will help to strengthen the abdominal muscles and at the same time improve venous outflow.

The following exercise is forbidden to perform with lesions of the veins in the legs. But if thrombophlebitis has struck the hands, then you can safely do several repetitions a day. Before starting the exercise, you need to stand up straight, spread your legs 30 cm apart, and turn your socks out. Stretch the hands straight in front of you. When performing the exercise, it is better to look straight ahead. Next, you need to bend your knees, keeping your back strictly straight. There is no need to squat down, just sit down slightly and hold this position for at least a minute. Also slowly return to the starting position. Repeat squats 10-15 times. As muscle memory develops, the number of squats should be increased.

As already became clear, physical education and thrombophlebitis are quite compatible concepts. The most important thing is to avoid overloading and blocking blood flow. The next few exercises help to strengthen the muscles of the lower extremities, but at the same time are categorically contraindicated in the acute stage of the disease. Starting position: lying on the left side, the head is lowered onto the arm bent at the elbow. The left leg is straight and the right leg is bent at the knee. It is necessary to grab the lower part of the foot of the bent leg with your right hand and slowly pull it back. Repeat the movement 10-15 times. Over time, you can change the pace. You will need a sturdy chair for the next exercise. As a starting position, you just need to sit on a chair with your legs wide apart. Then rest your hands on the edge of the chair and lower the pelvis (but not below the level of the knees). Sit back on the chair. Repeat 15-20 times. These squats work well in the calf muscles and improve blood circulation.

These very simple exercises will improve your health, and thrombophlebitis, as a result, will recede. If the stage and nature of the disease does not allow you to go in for sports, then at least you need to give up a sedentary lifestyle. Long-term immobility leads to a deterioration in venous blood flow.

Find out the symptoms, how to treat and whether it is worth playing sports at all if you have a disease such as thrombophlebitis.

The content of the article:

Thrombophlebitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the vessels of the venous system. The main cause of the development of the disease is blood clots that form in the veins. The initial stage of the disease, in which the inflammatory processes have not yet been activated or are insignificant, is called phlebothrombosis.

The disease can affect not only superficial veins, but also those that are deep. However, this disease is most often found in the superficial veins. Any damage to the veins can initiate the development of the disease. Since the vessels do not have their own muscles, the blood clots formed in them continue to develop, which leads to a violation of blood flow in a specific area of ​​the limb.

If thrombosis develops in deep veins, then with sudden changes in blood pressure, they can break and clog small vessels. Thus, thrombophlebitis is a serious ailment that, in a certain situation, can cause death. Everyone knows that under the influence of physical exertion, blood pressure increases. In this regard, a fair question arises, is sport possible with thrombophlebitis?

The main reasons for the development of thrombophlebitis

The main reason for the development of superficial thrombophlebitis is trauma to the walls of the vessel. This can happen if the catheter is not inserted correctly or the syringe needle is inserted during the injection. The ailment in deeply located vessels is directly associated with varicose veins. Let's note the main reasons for the development of thrombophlebitis:
  1. A sedentary lifestyle - if physical activity is absent for a long time, then the blood clot actively increases in size and as a result can cause serious disturbances in blood flow.
  2. Damage to the walls of a blood vessel.
  3. Genetic or acquired abnormalities of the blood coagulation system.
Among the risk factors for the development of this ailment, we note:
  • Forced long-term limitation of mobility.
  • Obesity.
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse.
  • Pregnancy period.
  • Various ailments of an oncological and hematological nature.
  • Limb injuries.
According to the available statistical information, in 2004, when women undergo hormone replacement therapy during menopause, the risks of developing thrombophlebitis significantly decreased.

Thrombophlebitis symptoms

Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins develops slowly and the main symptoms are redness of the skin at the site of damage to the walls of the blood vessel and the appearance of seals. As the disease progresses, the redness spreads further, affecting new areas. Often, the inflammatory process resembles a cobweb and more and more small blood vessels are damaged.

Even with a severe form of the development of the disease, its symptoms may be mild. At the site of inflammatory processes, the skin becomes hard and reddens. Most often, the disease affects the lower extremities, and its symptoms are pronounced hyperemia and the appearance of a venous pattern on the skin at the site of injury.

After the appearance of edema on the skin, the patient begins to feel incessant itching, and the pain becomes pulsating and burning. If you quickly change the position of the legs, then the situation is aggravated. This is possible, for example, in the morning when getting out of bed. Among other things, the patient gradually develops a feverish state, and the body temperature is in the range from 37.5 to 38 degrees.

The symptoms of deep thrombophlebitis are very similar to superficial ones:

  • Local increase in body temperature.
  • The appearance of redness on the skin, and sometimes blue discoloration.
  • Swelling.
  • As the disease develops, pain appears.

Note that in comparison with superficial thrombophlebitis, edema with a deep one is more pronounced and immediately striking.

How is thrombophlebitis treated?

When diagnosing this ailment, first of all, the question arises before you not about whether sport is possible with thrombophlebitis, but how to be cured. Note that therapy for superficial and deep thrombophlebitis is different. If the ailment was diagnosed at the initial stage of development, then most often the patient carries out the treatment on his own, but before that, you should consult with a specialist.

In the acute form of the disease, drug therapy is carried out, which includes anti-inflammatory medications, as well as ointments. They are able to relieve swelling, improve blood flow and increase vascular tone. We also recommend carrying out the following procedures:

  1. Use a warm compress.
  2. Drugs like ibuprofen or aspirin can help suppress inflammation, relieve pain and speed up blood clotting.
  3. You can use non-steroidal ointments and gels.
  4. During clinical trials, the high efficiency of using special dressings and stockings has been proven.
It should be noted that when the tone of the blood vessels is low, the use of compression garments and elastic bandages promotes squeezing of the veins and thereby prevents the separation of a blood clot from their walls. The length of the stockings depends on the height of the lesion. Using compression garments can limit the spread of edema and reduce the risk of developing deep thrombophlebitis. Most often, the thrombus resolves over several days, and in especially difficult situations, weeks. After that, all the symptoms of the disease disappear.

It only makes sense to use antibiotics if the veins are infected. Otherwise, the use of medications of this group is not only unjustified, but can have negative effects. All of the above concerns the treatment of superficial thrombophlebitis.

If deep vein disease is diagnosed, then the therapy should be different. First of all, this concerns the mandatory use of drugs of the anticoagulant group and the need to keep the legs in an elevated position. In this case, it is important to prevent the development of pulmonary embolism, and for this, hospitalization of the patient is required for the entire period of treatment.

Also, in some cases, in addition to anticoagulants, thrombolytic drugs should be used. They allow you to speed up the process of resorption of blood clots. Thrombolytic medications not only speed up the healing process, but also dramatically reduce the risk of a blood clot ruptured. If all the measures taken to treat the disease do not bring positive results, there is a need for surgical intervention.

We will also tell you about the most effective folk methods of dealing with the disease:

  1. Consume one third of a glass of nettle decoction three times a day.
  2. The leaves of the golden mustache are used locally.
  3. Hazel leaf tea is very useful for thrombophlebitis.
  4. Honey should be used to make a compress.
  5. In a similar way, a cabbage leaf, previously oiled with vegetable oil, is used. To increase the effectiveness of such a compress, the cabbage leaf must first be broken.
All of these treatments can only be effective in combination with drug therapy.

Prevention of thrombophlebitis

The development of many ailments can be avoided if special preventive measures are taken. Thrombophlebitis is no exception to this rule. First of all, you must lead an active lifestyle. In addition, we recommend that you do the following:
  1. Avoid sitting or lying down for long periods of time.
  2. You cannot be in a horizontal position for a long time period. If you are forced to limit your activities due to injury or illness, wear compression garments.
  3. On long flights or commutes, get up and walk around the cabin.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids. To avoid dehydration.

Sports with thrombophlebitis: is it possible to do

If you want to know whether it is possible to play sports with thrombophlebitis, then get acquainted with the contraindications:
  1. Active running and jumping- cardio training that involves the use of bouncing or intense running should not be carried out.
  2. Avoid excessive stress on the leg muscles- all sports in which exercises must be performed in a standing position are banned. Exercising on a treadmill or an ellipsoid should be limited in time.
  3. Strength training- when diagnosing thrombophlebitis from the training program, it is necessary to exclude squats, deadlifts, and lunges.
Many women prefer jogging when choosing a sport. This is due to the fact that many specialized resources often talk about the benefits of aerobic exercise for weight loss. In turn, many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity want to get rid of excess weight. As we have already said, varicose veins can become one of the reasons for the development of thrombophlebitis. In this regard, the question of whether it is possible to play sports with thrombophlebitis is somewhat modified.

It is generally accepted that varicose veins are mainly found in elderly women. However, according to statistics, in recent years, this ailment has become significantly "younger". Scientists have proven that age does not matter here. On the planet, about 60 percent of women suffer from this disease, which can cause the development of thrombophlebitis.

Blood circulates throughout the body and it is especially difficult for it to return back to the heart muscle from the lower extremities. If you are active, frequent contractions of your leg muscles can help improve blood flow. One of the main reasons for the development of varicose veins is a passive lifestyle.

As in the case of thrombophlebitis, running with varicose veins is contraindicated. It is high loads that can provoke the formation of a blood clot and its subsequent separation from the walls of blood vessels. Answering the question, is sport possible with thrombophlebitis, if we are talking about jogging, then definitely not. Another thing with varicose veins, light running loads are allowed in order to stimulate the outflow of blood from the lower extremities.

However, there are some rules you should follow when doing this. First of all, remember that with varicose veins, jogging should not be long. We also recommend wearing compression garments for class. But swimming with varicose veins can only be beneficial. Since water has a much higher density, blood cannot stagnate in vessels, even when you are just lying on the surface of the water. That's all that I wanted to tell when answering the question, is it possible to play sports with thrombophlebitis.

Is a disease that affects people both young and older. Veins lose elasticity, are damaged, which lead to blockage of blood vessels and other unfortunate consequences.

One of the causes of thrombophlebitis is lack of physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle.

In the period after the treatment, whether operative or conservative, it is important to remain calm.

However, after recovery, it is necessary to perform a special set of exercises aimed at increasing the tone of muscles and blood vessels and preventing possible complications.

Exercises for thrombophlebitis

Correctly selected exercises associated with the contraction of the muscles of the legs contribute to the fight against stagnation of venous blood.

With a sedentary lifestyle, the muscles of the legs squeeze the vessels, the blood circulates poorly. That is why sedentary work is more tiring and harmful to the body than physical activity.

Exercise also has a beneficial effect on the heart, which promotes normal blood flow.

Gymnastics for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities is performed in a mode that is sparing for the patient. at the same time it is categorically contraindicated.

With a mild degree of the disease, it can damage blood vessels and cause an accelerated one, and even more so when it is neglected.

Any mechanical impact helps and go on a journey through the vein, which leads to sad consequences.

How exercise can be done for thrombosis

Consider the answer to the question of what exercises for thrombosis can be performed without harm to the body.

Even in the postoperative period, while in bed, the patient can perform the simplest movements. Fixing a limb in one position is not only unhelpful, but also leads to postoperative complications.

A good method of physical activity in the first days of the postoperative period is to move the toes, which are slightly raised.

As the pain decreases, the movements become more difficult and gradually involve the entire foot.

There are many sets of exercises, the doctor selects the most suitable one.

Basic exercises

  1. It is necessary, lying on your back, stretch your arms straight along the body. Alternately pull your legs towards the chin, straining the muscles of the calves.
  2. In the supine position, alternately raise your legs as high as possible, holding them for a few seconds. Perform the exercise with each leg 5-6 times, and then do the exercise with both legs once.
  3. A very useful and simple "bike" movement. Lying on your back, perform rotational movements with legs bent at the knees, at first very slowly, but gradually accelerating.
  4. As you exhale, raise your legs, while inhaling, lower them. Hold for a second at the top point.
  5. Alternately tense the calf muscles, bending and unbending the toes.
  6. Standing on all fours, take your legs bent at the knees as far back as possible.

Permitted exercises

There are a number of exercises that are conditionally allowed for thrombophlebitis. However, they need to be performed only under the supervision of the attending physician.

  1. Squats. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and squat, slowly bending them at the knees, as low as possible, but so that it is comfortable. You can perform movements holding the back of a chair.
  2. Swing your legs... They are performed very carefully, without sudden movements. Five to six times in one direction, smoothly and slowly.
  3. Rotational movements of the feet. Holding on to the support, you need to raise the leg and smoothly rotate the foot around its axis several times in one direction and the other. Change legs.
  4. Rolls from toe to heel. This is a simple but very useful exercise. It makes the calf muscles tense and normalizes blood flow in the limbs.

Such therapeutic exercises for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities tones the vessels and improves their condition.

Prohibited exercises for thrombophlebitis

It should also not be forgotten that some physical activity with thrombophlebitis is simply contraindicated.

These include:

  1. Any jumps: both independent and perfect with the help of balls, skipping ropes.
  2. Strength and load exercises: when using dumbbells, barbells, weights.
  3. Movements that are performed while sitting on a chair with the legs down. This creates additional stress on the vessel wall of the legs.
  4. Fast and sharp squats and kicks.
  5. Any gymnastic stretches. You also need to be wary of yoga asanas, performing them only under the supervision of an instructor and with the consent of the attending physician.
  6. Long intense runs, marathon runs.

Please note that for any exercise, you need to choose comfortable clothing that does not squeeze the body. This is especially true for leggings that pull over injured legs, interfering with normal blood flow.

The exercises are performed under conditions of careful fixation and elastic compression with special bandages and bandages. In this case, the edema of the limb is removed and the vascular wall is restored.

Also, leisurely walking, as the most natural form of physical activity, has a good effect. It does not unnecessarily strain the body and has a beneficial effect on the muscles of the legs.

First, you need to walk on a flat surface for short distances. As you fully recover, walking should be included in the mandatory set of preventive exercises used for thrombophlebitis.

Exercise stimulates the outflow of venous blood from the affected limb and has a beneficial effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system as a whole.

Along with gymnastics, it is necessary to introduce contrasting douches of the legs, alternating between warm and cool water. It also tones the blood vessels and helps them train.

Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities, or varicose veins, is a fairly common disease today, characterized by an inflammatory process in the venous walls with the formation of blood clots inside and subsequent blockage of the vessel. Treatment of this pathology is a very important and necessary measure, which helps a person not only to maintain their activity, but also to avoid the occurrence of serious complications, which often lead a person to disability. An important place in the treatment and rehabilitation process is occupied by therapeutic exercises for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities.

Treatment of the disease

There are many reasons for the onset of pathology: a sedentary lifestyle, low physical activity, infections, vascular injuries, a change in the blood composition, as well as high blood clotting, a hereditary tendency to form blood clots. All these factors require special monitoring by the patient and the prescribing physician.

The principles of therapeutic measures aimed at eliminating pathology are:

  • taking anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • elevated position of injured limbs;
  • the appointment of ointments that improve blood flow;
  • warm compresses on the affected areas;
  • elastic bandaging of the legs.

It is imperative to engage in remedial gymnastics with thrombophlebitis of the legs, physiotherapy exercises is one of the main stages of therapy for the disease, leading to an improvement in the patient's condition, allowing to avoid the formation of new foci.

Physiotherapy exercises for this disease is an important component that plays a big role in the full recovery of the human body:

  • prevents the occurrence of repeated foci of the disease:
  • helps prevent the occurrence of pulmonary embolism;
  • helps to improve blood flow in the affected part;
  • helps prevent the occurrence of post-thrombophlebic syndrome;
  • reducing the risk of serious complications.


Therapeutic gymnastic exercises for diseases of the veins in the legs should be performed in a fairly gentle mode. In addition, there are a number of contraindications that limit the circle of persons allowed for exercise therapy for this pathology. Contraindications to gymnastics with thrombophlebitis:

  • patients who are in serious condition or have post-thrombophlebitic syndrome;
  • increased body temperature in the patient;
  • complications after the main treatment process;
  • bleeding from dilated vessels;
  • early postoperative period (1-2 days after surgery).

These contraindications require additional measures to improve the general condition of the patient. After taking additional measures and restoring the permissible state of the patient, gymnastics can be started and performed according to the appointment of a specialist.

Lesson rules

All trainings, including for thrombophlebitis, have a number of rules necessary for the correct, rational balancing of the severity on the human body. This is necessary in order for the patient to optimally load his body, to avoid deterioration of the patient's condition and complications. Basic rules of gymnastics for thrombophlebitis:

  1. The main rule in the classroom is constant supervision by a specialist, as well as the appointment of exercises strictly by a doctor. This will make it possible to properly rationalize and dose the load on the legs, to determine the optimal level of exercise required for a speedy recovery of the patient and prevention of complications.
  2. Another important rule of gymnastics for venous disease is that exercise should not overstrain muscle fibers. At the initial stage of exercise therapy, a low load on the injured limbs is prioritized. It is necessary to start charging with simple tasks that do not require large energy consumption and heavy loads on damaged vessels. Exercises are advised to be performed in short sets several times a day.
  3. When carrying out gymnastic tasks, it must be remembered that with thrombophlebitis, it is strictly forbidden to carry out massaging movements - this threatens the tearing of a blood clot from the vessel wall, the occurrence of serious consequences.
  4. The load should increase as the pain decreases and the muscles become accustomed to the resulting tension.
  5. All physical techniques should be performed with comfortable, non-squeezing clothing for the patient.
  6. Trainings are advised to be performed in conditions of high-quality bandaging of damaged areas of the legs.

Compliance with these rules contributes to the rapid restoration of blood flow, reducing the risk of complications associated with a possible separation of a blood clot.

A set of exercises allowed for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities

With this pathology, patients are shown such activities as swimming in the pool, light exercises. These tasks have a minimal, gradual effect on the body, do not require sharp and intense movements, prohibited by this pathology, contribute to the body's rapid adaptation to the load received.

The main techniques allowed for the disease include:

  1. Dosed walking with knees raised high and swinging the arms. It takes about 100 steps on average. The main criterion for completing the task is correct breathing - slow deep, it is recommended to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
  2. Running at an average or slow pace for short distances.

In a supine position

Exercises while lying down:

  1. Legs and arms straight, bend the legs towards the chin. Run about 10-15 times.
  2. Raise straight legs up, linger in this position for a few seconds. Number - 5-10 times.
  3. "Bicycle" - performed lying on your back, arms - parallel to the body. Alternately bending and unbending the legs at the knees, make circular movements, as when riding a bicycle. Execution time - within half a minute.
  4. Flexion and circular motion of the feet. Perform for half a minute.
  5. Alternately bend and unbend the legs at the knees, pressing them to the stomach. It is performed 5-15 times on each leg.
  6. Lying on your side, lift your straight leg up, about 10 times, then roll over to the other side, repeat the exercise on the other leg.

Sitting exercises

Sitting exercises:

  1. Pressing your legs together, slide your feet on the floor for a distance equal to the length of the foot. Repeat 10-15 times.
  2. Lean on the heels, followed by muscle relaxation - 10-15 times.
  3. While sitting, raise the legs on toes, while tilting the body of the body forward and exerting a load on the toes, linger in the position for 10 seconds, then relax.
  4. To make circular movements with the foot, first alternately, then with both feet together - 10-15 times in one approach. Can be repeated several times, resting between sets.

In training, the complexity of the exercises must be gradually increased - from the simplest to the more complex. Exercise should not be too difficult or uncomfortable.

Prohibited movements

With thrombophlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities, there are a number of contraindicated activities, the implementation of which is fraught with a worsening of the condition, the occurrence of complications:

  • jogging at a fast pace, for long distances;
  • jumps, in any form of their performance;
  • sharp, deep squats;
  • strength exercises (using dumbbells, strength training equipment).

After carrying out the training complex shown, it is recommended to alternately pour warm and cool water on the legs with contrast - this will increase the blood flow to the legs and relax the muscles in the field of the transferred loads.

It is important to remember that exercises must be performed regularly, then they will bring a positive result. Along with moderate exertion, a balanced diet with restriction of salty and fatty foods has a positive effect in the treatment of venous disease. Following all the instructions of the doctor will allow you to enjoy a full, healthy life for many years.

But in fact, exercises for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities are mainly aimed at strengthening the venous system and improving blood circulation. Elastic and strong veins are essential for the good health of the entire circulatory system. However, over time, they tend to wear out and lose their elasticity, which leads to various problems. Other factors that contribute to the development of inflammation and blood clots:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • fatty food;
  • bad habits (alcohol and drug use, smoking);
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • super heavy physical activity.

Is it possible to play sports with thrombophlebitis?

Since the entire weight of the body presses on the lower limbs, an increased load also falls on the veins in the legs. Therefore, if the valves and venous walls are weakened, then circulatory problems begin. Due to stagnation in the lower part of the body, at the time of an unsuccessful surgical intervention, thrombophlebitis may occur, physical activity in which is recommended by phlebologists and vascular surgeons. Gymnastics for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities should primarily be aimed at strengthening muscles and oxygenating the blood. After all, if the inflamed part of the vein (even after a complete cure) does not have enough oxygen, then the surrounding tissues will begin to suffer from the accumulation of toxins, which in the long term can lead to an ulcer. Therefore, when diagnosed with thrombophlebitis, the recommendations of physiotherapists are to perform simple exercises.

What to do with thrombophlebitis?

Even simple walking with thrombophlebitis is considered one of the very effective ways of prevention. Any other exercise that requires constant movement of all limbs is also allowed. Yoga, Pilates, gymnastics for thrombophlebitis will help not only improve blood circulation, but also strengthen the muscles of the limbs. But a treadmill, a stepper and an exercise bike for thrombophlebitis will not be the best helpers for exercise. After all, excessive stress on the legs can significantly worsen the general condition of the veins. If there is no money for special equipment, but you still need to do exercises for thrombophlebitis, then you can use ordinary dumbbells or even bottles filled with sand. The easiest and most effective exercise for thrombophlebitis of the legs: walking at a fast pace, as well as rolling from heels to toes (best with dumbbells in hand). Daily exercise for thrombophlebitis can consist of a set of simple exercises, the purpose of which is to strengthen the muscles of the legs without overloading.

Varicose veins are a terrible "plague of the XXI century". 57% of patients die within 10 years of.

Sports with thrombophlebitis should not harm, so any exercise should be started with a warm-up. Starting position: sit on the floor with legs extended forward, fold both arms behind your back. Then gently bend your right leg and put it under the thigh. As a result, the left leg should be straight and the right leg bent. The heel of the bent leg should point straight up, and the big toes should point to the floor. Without bending your back, you must try to raise your left leg. If the starting position is accepted correctly, then it will not work to raise the foot very high. Repeat the lifts once, then change the working leg. After finishing the warm-up, it is logical to think about whether it is possible to pump the press with thrombophlebitis? In general, doctors do not allow abs work even with minor varicose veins, not to mention chronic thrombophlebitis. But no one specifies that only long breath holdings and compression of the femoral veins are undesirable (as happens when performing the exercise from a prone position). Professional physiotherapists, who believe that with thrombophlebitis, you can play sports, suggest raising your legs from a prone position. This will help to strengthen the abdominal muscles and at the same time improve venous outflow.

The following exercise is forbidden to perform with lesions of the veins in the legs. But if thrombophlebitis has struck the hands, then you can safely do several repetitions a day. Before starting the exercise, you need to stand up straight, spread your legs 30 cm apart, and turn your socks out. Stretch the hands straight in front of you. When performing the exercise, it is better to look straight ahead. Next, you need to bend your knees, keeping your back strictly straight. There is no need to squat down, just sit down slightly and hold this position for at least a minute. Also slowly return to the starting position. Repeat squats once. As muscle memory develops, the number of squats should be increased.

As already became clear, physical education and thrombophlebitis are quite compatible concepts. The most important thing is to avoid overloading and blocking blood flow. The next few exercises help to strengthen the muscles of the lower extremities, but at the same time are categorically contraindicated in the acute stage of the disease. Starting position: lying on the left side, the head is lowered onto the arm bent at the elbow. The left leg is straight and the right leg is bent at the knee. It is necessary to grab the lower part of the foot of the bent leg with your right hand and slowly pull it back. Repeat movement times. Over time, you can change the pace. You will need a sturdy chair for the next exercise. As a starting position, you just need to sit on a chair with your legs wide apart. Then rest your hands on the edge of the chair and lower the pelvis (but not below the level of the knees). Sit back on the chair. Repeat times. These squats work well in the calf muscles and improve blood circulation.

These very simple exercises will improve your health, and thrombophlebitis, as a result, will recede. If the stage and nature of the disease does not allow you to go in for sports, then at least you need to give up a sedentary lifestyle. Long-term immobility leads to a deterioration in venous blood flow.

Ksenia Strizhenko: “How did I get rid of varicose veins on my legs in 1 week? This inexpensive remedy works wonders, it's common. "

Deep vein thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities is an inflammatory pathology of the walls of the veins that are located under the muscles.


There are such causes of deep vein thrombophlebitis:

  1. Congenital anomalies in the development of blood vessels. These include congenital or acquired dysfunction of the venous valves, underdevelopment of the muscular membrane. Often, the disease provokes congenital varicose veins. All these features contribute to the deterioration of the passage of blood and the formation of stagnation in the vessels. Platelets can clump together to form a blood clot.
  2. Thrombophlebitis develops as a result of stomach or pancreatic cancer, malignant tumors in the pelvic area. In patients with cancer, metabolic processes are disrupted, and blood clotting increases. As a result of taking strong antineoplastic agents, the inner lining of the vessel is damaged, and the production of substances that thicken the blood is activated.
  3. Thrombophlebitis is caused by hormonal disorders - dysfunction of the female genital glands, the use of contraceptives. Pregnant women are at risk, because as a result of hormonal changes in the body, they can develop inflammation in the veins.
  4. With obesity, leptin is produced in increased amounts. It activates platelets and causes them to aggregate (stick together).
  5. Postoperative complications.
  6. Shin and hip fractures.
  7. Paralysis that develops as a result of injury or stroke.
  8. Infectious pathologies.

The predisposing factors for the occurrence of thrombophlebitis are:

  • age over 40;
  • frequent and long trips;
  • work associated with a long stay in the same position;
  • intense physical work;
  • increased loads when playing sports;
  • smoking.


Thrombophlebitis begins acutely. Sometimes symptoms can develop over several hours. The higher the area of ​​inflammation is located, and the stronger it is, the more acute this pathology proceeds.


This form of the disease does not show pronounced symptoms. Painful sensations with thrombophlebitis are insignificant and appear periodically after physical exertion. Often occur with prolonged walking, standing.

In chronic thrombophlebitis, pain appears after a long walk.

Swelling with this form of thrombophlebitis is periodic. At rest, they are practically absent.


In acute thrombophlebitis of the venous walls, the following are observed:

  • bursting pain in the limbs. The person feels overflow in the leg. In the calf muscles, the pain increases if the patient increases the load on the ankle joint;
  • swelling of the legs. The diseased lower limb increases in volume in the ankle area and on the back of the foot. Deepening in the skin when pressed;
  • soreness when probing a blood vessel. If you press on it, the pain intensifies. Due to the deep localization of the veins, not everyone has such a symptom;
  • change in skin tone: it becomes purple and blue. This is due to a violation of the movement of blood in the dilated vessels;
  • thrombosis leads to an increase in temperature in the inflamed area. The skin becomes hot in the affected area, and in other parts of the body it is white and cold due to a violation of the movement of blood;
  • enlargement of superficial veins;
  • chills.

In acute thrombophlebitis, there is pain when probing a blood vessel.


The doctor can sometimes determine the diagnosis of "thrombophlebitis" at the stage of the initial examination. The specialist pays attention to the condition of the veins, the presence of edema, pain and fever.

To clarify the state of the internal veins, functional tests are performed:

  • Homans test. If the rotation of the foot causes discomfort in the supine position with the limbs bent at the knees, then thrombophlebitis can be suspected;
  • soreness increases with pressure on the lower leg;
  • during the Lowenberg test, a sphygmomanometer cuff is placed in the middle of the gastrocnemius area, into which air is injected until a pressure of 150 mm appears. With the development of deep vein disease, soreness is felt below the location of the cuff.

To clarify the diagnosis, dopplerography of the vessels is prescribed.

The examination reveals:

  • narrowed lumen of the veins;
  • varicose veins;
  • the presence of clots in the vascular lumen;
  • the presence of reverse blood flow.

For a comprehensive diagnosis, patients are prescribed blood and urine tests.


Acute deep thrombophlebitis is treated only in a clinic. This is associated with the risk of a blood clot ruptured. Therapy at home continues after the manifestations of the acute inflammatory process subside.

The course of therapy can be from 2 to 6 weeks. Prescription of drugs and procedures depends on the severity of the pathology, the severity of pathological changes, the presence of complications.

Only an experienced doctor will be able to prescribe drugs and procedures to the patient, depending on the severity of the pathology.

The following physiotherapeutic procedures have proven their effectiveness:

  1. UHF. The therapeutic effect of microwave electric fields is explained by the fact that body tissues convert electromagnetic radiation into heat. At the same time, inflammatory processes subside, edema decreases and blood clots dissolve. The number of procedures required.
  2. Electrophoresis for thrombophlebitis relieves blood clots, reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process. Patients are injected with heparin, Aspirin, Theonikol, nicotinic acid, Trental using a weak current. It is necessary to conduct electrophoresis sessions.

The use of leeches gives good results. Hirudotherapy prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces edema, and strengthens the affected vascular walls.

Surgical intervention

Most thrombophlebitis surgeries are performed through a small incision in the skin.

If the thrombus has already come off the venous wall, then the patient is treated with surgery.

Indications for the operation:

  • spread of the inflammatory process up the vessel;
  • the threat of thromboembolism;
  • the presence of seizures in the medical history;
  • if the blood clot has already come off the venous wall.

Contraindications to surgical therapy for thrombophlebitis:

  • late stage of varicose veins;
  • erysipelas;
  • eczema;
  • severe heart pathologies;
  • advanced age;
  • carrying a child.

Operation is contraindicated during pregnancy.

With thrombophlebitis, the following types of surgical interventions are performed:

  • the imposition of a cava filter to prevent the movement of a large thrombus;
  • applying a clamp to the inferior vena cava or suturing it;
  • endovascular catheter thrombectomy of the inferior vena cava or iliac vein.

Compression underwear should be worn after any surgery.


For the treatment of acute thrombophlebitis, the following medications are prescribed:

  • heparin ointments (Heparin ointment, Lioton) exhibit anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic activity;
  • diclofenacol, Nurofen and other gels containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components inhibit the formation of prostaglandins, which cause platelet adhesion processes;
  • anticoagulants (streptokinase) reduce clotting in thrombophlebitis. They are administered by intravenous drip method;
  • tablets Butadion, Ortofen, Indomethacin are distributed to the affected areas of the body and relieve inflammatory processes in them. It is contraindicated to take these tablets for stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers;
  • angioprotectors (Troxerutin and its analogs) increase venous tone and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

For the treatment of acute thrombophlebitis, heparin ointment may be prescribed.

Folk remedies

With the help of traditional medicine, you can alleviate the condition of a patient suffering from thrombophlebitis: relieve pain, swelling in the legs. Drugs that help fight inflammatory lesions of deep veins:

  1. Tincture on bee submore. A handful of dead bees are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and infused for 14 days. The tincture is applied in the form of a compress: applied to the affected area for 2 hours. The duration of treatment is 1.5 months.
  2. A honey compress (honey is evenly distributed over the tissue) is applied to the area with a diseased vein for 3 hours. The duration of therapy is a month.
  3. Mix propolis with warm butter (for 3 parts of bee glue you need to take 10 parts of butter) and heat this mixture for a quarter of an hour. Rub the product into the diseased areas of the body once a day for a month.
  4. For rubbing, use apple cider vinegar (rubbing once a day for 2 weeks).
  5. Goose fat is the most effective treatment for thrombophlebitis. A mixture is prepared from it (30 g of crushed comfrey roots are taken per 100 g of fat), which must be heated over low heat for 15 minutes. It is necessary to smear the affected areas of the body within 2 months.
  6. Nettle infusion has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and relieves the disease. For the preparation of infusion 1 tbsp. l. crushed leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. Drink half a glass 3 times a day.
  7. To make tea from clover heads, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials, pour it with a glass of water (boiling water), leave for half an hour. Drink a glass after meals for 2 weeks.
  8. 0.25 kg of finely chopped garlic is poured with 300 g of natural honey. It is necessary to infuse the mixture for a week. Consume 1 tbsp. l. for 40 days.

All folk remedies are in addition to traditional therapy for thrombophlebitis.


Complications of thrombophlebitis include:

  • post-thrombophlebitic syndrome - progressive venous insufficiency. Symptoms of this disease: thickening of the skin, pronounced edema, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, cramps;
  • thromboembolism with a blood clot entering the pulmonary artery. Consequences: sudden death, acute heart failure, lung infarction;
  • sepsis is a rare complication of thrombophlebitis. It is observed when a secondary infection is attached. This complication most often occurs in patients with a weakened body against the background of severe diabetes mellitus or cancer. Symptoms of sepsis: lowering blood pressure, fever, increased heart rate, the appearance of a pinpoint rash on the skin;
  • phlegmon and abscess develop in patients in the process of self-medication for thrombophlebitis.

The most common complications of thrombophlebitis include thromboembolism.


You can prevent the development of the disease by following medical recommendations:

  • hygiene. If at the end of the working day there is a feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities, then you should take a contrast shower. You can put your feet in cool water;
  • hardening procedures: dousing and rubdown, contrast shower, swimming. Walking barefoot is helpful;
  • physical exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs will help prevent the development of thrombophlebitis;
  • in the presence of risk factors for the development of inflammatory vascular diseases, compression underwear should be worn. It is recommended to put it on before getting out of bed;
  • you should avoid dehydration by drinking at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • it is necessary to quit smoking;
  • it is necessary to treat infectious foci in a timely manner;
  • to prevent thrombophlebitis, hypothermia must be avoided;
  • in the presence of altered veins, you must refuse to visit the bath, sauna;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun is not recommended.

It is possible to prevent the development of the disease by following medical recommendations. For example, if you have altered veins, you need to refuse to visit a bath, sauna.

In the diet for thrombophlebitis, you need to include more products that strengthen the veins:

  • seafood;
  • fish dishes;
  • seaweed;
  • cereal dishes;
  • berries;
  • watermelon, pumpkin;
  • onion garlic;
  • polyunsaturated fats;
  • ginger, red pepper and other spices.

Drinking watermelon helps to strengthen the veins.

All foods high in vitamin K should be avoided as it leads to increased blood clotting. It is found in broccoli, spinach, liver, cabbage.

It is necessary to limit the use of coffee, alcoholic beverages, fatty broths, marinades, rose hips, baked goods, and legumes.

Meat dishes are allowed to be consumed no more than 3 times a week.


With timely treatment of thrombophlebitis, the prognosis is favorable. A healthy lifestyle, normalization of the patient's weight and the implementation of all the recommendations of the attending physician increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome of the disease and guarantee the absence of complications.

Thrombophlebitis: causes, symptoms, prevention

Superficial thrombophlebitis and deep thrombophlebitis

Congestive thrombophlebitis in the lower extremities

So that the veins do not burst and the heart does not get TROMBUS

Make it a rule to smear your feet with a regular ...

Diseases of the vascular system often develop over many years and result in rather serious consequences for humans. One of the most insidious pathologies is thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities: it can cause disability and even death if the thrombus separates from the vessel wall and enters vital arteries with blood flow.

Features of the disease

Disease of the legs - thrombophlebitis - covers the venous system of the lower extremities. This pathology occurs mainly after the age of 45, but recently it has been more and more often recorded in young women, less often in men. Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities is an inflammation of the vein wall and the formation of a blood clot in it, which completely or partially clogs the vessel. Since the most common cause of the disease is varicose veins, the patient is often diagnosed with varicothrombophlebitis. The main symptoms of pathology are pain, swelling of the leg, thickening of the vein, and its redness.

Blood clots in the veins can independently dissolve, which, for the most part, is characteristic of thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins (saphenous veins). Nevertheless, even the defeat of the external veins can flow into the inflammatory process deeper than the lying vessels. If the patient has deep vein thrombophlebitis, there is a high risk of complications - the separation of a thrombus and its introduction into other organs with the blood flow. The most serious complication is PE (pulmonary embolism), which is often fatal. In medical practice, the defeat of the internal deep veins is often called phlebothrombosis, although the pathogenesis - the formation of a blood clot on the inflamed vein wall - is the same for both types of the disease.

The classification of types of thrombophlebitis by the type of course is as follows:

  1. acute thrombophlebitis;
  2. chronic thrombophlebitis;
  3. subacute thrombophlebitis;
  4. exacerbation of chronic thrombophlebitis.

By the nature of the ongoing processes, thrombophlebitis of the legs can be:

  • purulent (septic);
  • non-purulent.

Due to the occurrence of thrombophlebitis, it is classified into the following types:

  • stagnant - due to compression of the veins by edematous tissues;
  • inflammatory, including post-injection, post-traumatic, infectious, allergic;
  • hemostatic - provoked by a blood clotting disorder or cancer;
  • ulcerative - associated with serious disorders of tissue trophism.

By the type of connection between a blood clot and the vein wall, thrombophlebitis is as follows:

  1. occlusive - the lumen of the vessel is blocked by a blood clot, blood flow is impaired, a blood clot can grow to the vein wall;
  2. parietal - grows together with the vein wall, but the lumen in the vessel remains partially open;
  3. floating - a large blood clot (up to 20 cm long), which is dangerous due to the possibility of separation from the vein wall, as it is weakly attached to it.

In terms of prevalence, the process of thrombosis is:

  1. local - affecting only one part of the limb;
  2. migratory - capable of occurring in different veins of the lower extremities at the same time or at different times.

Causes of occurrence

Despite the fact that similar factors and causes can provoke the development of pathology, it does not occur in every person who is exposed to pathogenic influence. The fact is that for the appearance of thrombophlebitis, a combination of three groups of factors in the body is necessary - the Virchow triad:

  1. Damage to the venous wall, in response to which a blood clot appears. Since the saphenous veins are injured more often, thrombophlebitis of this localization is more common. Surgical intervention, contusion, wound, burns, injection and catheter placement, as well as an infectious disease can damage a vein. All these phenomena lead to a change in the vessel wall and the emergence of the need to "seal" the defect.
  2. Decreased blood flow velocity. Especially often, a slowdown in the speed of blood movement is observed in patients on bed rest, after prolonged compression of the leg, for example, with plaster. Slowing down of blood flow occurs with heart failure, varicose veins, chronic lymphovenous insufficiency, in pregnant women.
  3. Increased blood clotting. Sometimes it is hereditary, and also develops in connection with existing diseases - severe infections, dehydration, oncopathologies, blood diseases. Blood often clots in response to treatment and many medications. Pathology is widespread in the postoperative period, especially during vein surgery.

The etiology of the disease includes the impact of all three groups of these prerequisites, one type of which has a more pronounced effect. As a result, an inflammatory process starts in a certain part of the vein, a blood clot forms - thrombophlebitis develops. For the most part, at first, the disease is non-suppurative, but in the presence of microbes outside or in the bloodstream, a purulent process can join.

The disease can follow two paths in its development. More often, the growth of a blood clot and inflammation of the vessel stops spontaneously, the vein subsides, and the blood clot is tightly soldered to the inner wall. The risk of a blood clot ruptured in this case is minimal. But when the inflammatory process is progressive, the thrombus becomes floating - floating, which is loosely attached to the vein with only one end. Such instability of a thrombus threatens its separation and embolism in any vessels of the body.

There are many risk factors that exacerbate the likelihood of developing the disease. Thrombophlebitis often occurs during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, when the blood becomes thicker against the background of hormonal changes, edema appears. Risk factors also include smoking, abuse of baths and saunas, old age, frequent air travel, working in a seated position, physical inactivity, abortion and taking hormonal contraceptives.

The zones of lesion of the veins of the lower extremities are varied. Thrombophlebitis is able to cover the area of ​​such veins:

  • large and small saphenous veins;
  • femoral vein;
  • popliteal vein;
  • deep veins of the lower leg;
  • veins of the foot;
  • pelvic and iliac veins.

Thrombophlebitis risk groups

Many people are at risk, below are the main categories:

  1. Men over 40. In men, in contrast to women, after 40 years, the blood clotting control system begins to work worse. That is why, after this age, many of them are recommended to take blood-thinning drugs.
  2. Overweight people. The risk of blood clot formation in obesity is about 10 times higher. In addition, the danger is higher in the presence of excess cholesterol in the blood, in the abuse of fatty, junk food.
  3. People with a sedentary lifestyle. Working in the office, driving leads to stagnation of blood in the lower extremities. Only playing sports and an active lifestyle will help to avoid problems.
  4. Persons who practice alcohol consumption beyond measure. It causes platelets to clump together, dehydrates the body and greatly increases the risk of thrombophlebitis.
  5. People with varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency. These diseases impair blood flow in the vessels of the lower extremities and contribute to thrombus formation.
  6. Smokers. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, which provokes thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities.
  7. People exposed to stress. Emotional overload, stress cause the release of adrenaline into the blood, as a result, the work of blood vessels is seriously impaired.
  8. Pregnant women, as well as women after 35 years of age, taking hormonal contraceptives. Both of these conditions thicken the blood, therefore, are risk factors for thrombus formation.

Among other things, scientists note that more often thrombophlebitis appears in people with a height below 1.60 cm and above 1.90 cm.

Symptoms of the disease

Acute thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of the legs most often occurs suddenly, sometimes for no apparent reason, or after a limb injury, after childbirth. The patient's well-being can, in general, remain normal, but the body temperature often rises, chills, and malaise are observed. The clinic of the acute form of pathology is as follows:

  • pain, distention, heaviness along the vein;
  • sometimes - irradiation of pain in the area of ​​the foot, knee, hip;
  • limitation of leg movement;
  • local redness, which, as the disease progresses, may become more significant in size;
  • local hyperthermia;
  • visually noticeable dense, cord-like cord, painful on palpation;
  • with concomitant varicose veins - density, soreness of the dilated veins and nodes;
  • an increase in saphenous veins in diameter;
  • edema of the lower limb in the area of ​​thrombosis (with thrombophlebitis of superficial veins);
  • a gradual increase in the size of the protruding area.

With migratory thrombophlebitis, several foci of thrombosis can be identified, which occur simultaneously or sequentially. Chronic thrombophlebitis can be recognized during an exacerbation, which is manifested by signs similar to those described above for the acute form of the disease. Usually pathology gives its manifestations for a long time, for many years. Outside of exacerbation, symptoms may be absent altogether, but sometimes the patient has skin itching - the area of ​​the most suffering from vein pathology itches, night cramps appear, zones of hyperpigmentation on the skin of the legs. Favorite places for localization of thrombophlebitis are the lower half of the thigh, the upper parts of the lower leg, the area of ​​the inguinal fold. In the subacute course of thrombophlebitis, the signs of the disease are implicitly expressed. Vein pain may be mild, and general symptoms are usually absent. Veins on palpation are painful, somewhat indurated.

Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins is not nearly as dangerous as the pathology of deep veins. A particularly unfavorable variant of the development of the disease is ascending thrombophlebitis, which covers deep veins or spreads proximally. The disease is severe if it is superimposed on varicose veins with valvular insufficiency and damage to the perforating veins. The higher the zone of inflammation of the vein, the more difficult the process develops. The main symptoms of deep vein thrombophlebitis are as follows:

  • severe, bursting pain;
  • increased pain when lowering the leg down;
  • a feeling of swelling of the calf muscles;
  • pronounced edema of the entire limb;
  • stretching, shine, blueness of the skin of the foot and lower leg;
  • muscle soreness when squeezed by hand;
  • redness, hyperthermia of the leg;
  • covering the leg with a network of swollen veins;
  • the appearance of swelling under the eyes;
  • increased body temperature.

A severe course is also observed with the defeat of the ilio-femoral section of the main vein. When a thrombus is loosely attached to the vein wall, it may come off and develop an unfavorable condition for life - thromboembolism.

Possible complications

A thrombus inside a vessel tends to increase in size. Sometimes the blood clot becomes so large that it completely blocks the vein and provokes the development of acute venous insufficiency. In this case, there is severe pain in the leg, instantly expanding edema, and the limb can increase in size by 2-3 times. A sharp violation of blood circulation in the great veins without urgent treatment can lead to the development of venous gangrene, which will require amputation of the limb. The most severe complication is phlegmas, during which there is a thrombosis of all the veins of the limb.

The prognosis is also serious in chronic thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities. Partial blockage of a vein or several veins provokes the development of chronic venous insufficiency, which leads to oxygen starvation of tissues and the occurrence of trophic ulcers and elephantiasis. With the addition of an infectious process in the walls of veins and surrounding tissues, in the absence of emergency care, septic complications can develop up to blood poisoning. Only earlier medical intervention and high-quality therapy for thrombophlebitis can prevent such consequences.

There is an even more serious complication - the appearance of a floating thrombus and its separation. With the blood flow, this clot spreads through the venous system, while every movement can be dangerous for a person, because muscle contractions provoke a clot stop in any part of the circulatory system. Most often, there is a blockage of the pulmonary artery, accompanied by respiratory failure and cardiac arrest.


The diagnosis is based on the patient's complaints, anamnesis data, as well as on a number of instrumental and laboratory examinations. You will have to donate blood in order to find out the degree of its thickening. For this, it is recommended to perform biochemistry and a general blood test for platelet concentration and prothrombin index, coaulogram. Instrumental diagnostic methods are aimed at clarifying the size and location of the thrombus, as well as the risk of its embolism. The following research methods are used:

  1. Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities with Doppler scanning;
  2. radiopaque phlebography;
  3. radioisotope study of the venous system;
  4. Contrast-enhanced MRI;
  5. chest x-ray (if pulmonary embolism is suspected).

Usually, for the diagnosis of superficial vein thrombophlebitis, an ultrasound scan and blood tests are sufficient. With deep vein thrombosis, it is recommended to do phlebography - a more accurate invasive method of investigation. In the early stages, thrombophlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities can be determined using physical tests that can identify the following symptoms:

  1. Bishard's symptom - when you press on the inside of the heel or lower leg, the pain in the leg increases.
  2. Symptom of Opitz-Ramines - after applying the cuff of the tonometer above the knee and injecting more than 50 units of air. there is pain along the affected vein. As the exposure ceases, the pain subsides immediately.
  3. Homans' symptom is severe pain when rotating the foot.
  4. Moses' symptom - when squeezing the lower leg with the hand from the sides, there is no pain, when squeezing in the anteroposterior direction, it appears.
  5. Lowenberg's symptom - after placing the tonometer cuff on the lower leg and forcing air up to 80 units. there is a strong sharp pain.

Treatment methods

First aid for an acute form of the disease, which covers deep or superficial veins, involves strict bed rest, which is prescribed to prevent the separation of a blood clot and pulmonary embolism. The leg is given an elevated position on the splint, which promotes pain relief, helps relieve swelling, and improve venous outflow. If there are no contraindications from the kidneys and heart, recommendations are made to increase the drinking regimen to 2-3 liters per day to thin the blood. When the disease progresses subacutely, the patient can turn in bed, sit down, and then release the leg from the splint. Thermal procedures and hot compresses are strictly prohibited, which are indicated only in the chronic form of pathology without exacerbation. After removing the splint, compression is done on the legs - wearing bandages, underwear (knee-highs, tights, stockings), elastic bandages.

In a hospital, pathology will have to be treated with its acute course and the threat of thromboembolism. In other cases, it is possible to fight thrombophlebitis at home. Medical treatment of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities is aimed at preventing the spread of the process to deeper veins, at reducing the risk of thromboembolism, suppressing inflammation, and preventing relapse of the disease. Anti-inflammatory drugs are immediately prescribed - Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Nise, Ketoprofen, etc. Also, to reduce pain in case of their high severity and to optimize blood circulation, injections are made - lumbar novocaine blockade for 5-6 days.

Conservative medicine suggests the following treatment regimen for any form of pathology without surgery:

  1. drugs for strengthening the walls of veins (venotonics) - Troxevasin, Detralex, Phlebodia;
  2. medicines to prevent further growth of a blood clot (antiplatelet agents) - Aspirin, Cardiomagnet;
  3. tablets and injections for resorption of a blood clot (thrombolytics) - low molecular weight heparins, during which blood counts should be regularly monitored;
  4. drugs for emergency thrombus lysis (fibrinolytics) - Urokinase, Streptokinase, Trypsin;
  5. ointments for dissolving a blood clot in the saphenous veins - Lyoton, Heparin;
  6. anti-inflammatory ointments - Ketonal-gel, Diclofenac;
  7. antibiotics to eliminate the infectious process with purulent thrombophlebitis or at high body temperature - Ceftriaxone, Cefixime.

Hirudotherapy is used in the acute form of venous pathology. It is also necessary to place leeches if there are contraindications to anticoagulant therapy. Hirudin from a medicinal leech enters the bloodstream, reduces its viscosity, helps to dissolve a blood clot, and reduces vasospasm. Of the unconventional methods, homeopathy is also popular, but its effectiveness is high only with prolonged use, which is possible only during chronic thrombophlebitis without exacerbations.

Physiotherapy is usually prescribed only for chronic lesions of superficial veins. It can include UHF, magnetotherapy, massage, laser treatment, solux, infrared radiation, ozone therapy, etc. According to indications, some patients are recommended sanatorium-resort treatment, but only with prolonged remission of chronic thrombophlebitis without pronounced trophic disorders.

Indications for surgery for thrombophlebitis are the lack of results from conservative therapy, a high risk of separation of a thrombus. Removal of veins with blood clots (phlebectomy, thrombectomy), or their separate areas is performed. Modern methods of surgical treatment include the installation of traps - cava filters, which are inserted through a puncture into a vein and open in it, preventing the thrombus from migrating with the bloodstream. Unfortunately, the filter can thrombose itself, causing severe edema and increasing the risk of thrombosis spreading to the other leg. A complication is post-thrombotic disease and the development of trophic ulcers. The methods of surgical intervention that will help cure the pathology also include ligation of veins, stripping of superficial veins, bypass grafting, stenting, sclerotherapy, laser and radiosurgery.

Therapy with folk remedies

External treatment with traditional medicine is recommended only for subacute and chronic thrombophlebitis. If home remedies are associated with any heat exposure, it is strictly forbidden to use them during the acute phase of the illness. Thrombophlebitis therapy with folk remedies may include the following recipes:

  1. Take 10 g of nettle herb, plantain leaf, white willow bark, chestnut fruit, marshmallow root, raspberry leaves, chamomile flowers and medicinal rue. Brew 2 tablespoons of 600 ml of boiling water, leave in a thermos overnight. Drink 100 ml of infusion three times a day for 1 month.
  2. Pour 200 g of marsh creeper grass into a bucket, pour boiling water (5-7 liters). Insist wrapped in a bucket, then make a foot bath before bedtime. Repeat the treatment for 5-7 days.
  3. Take a leaf of white cabbage, beat off with a hammer. Lubricate it with vegetable oil, bandage it to the sore leg overnight. Repeat until recovery.
  4. Purchase quality apple cider vinegar. At night, gently lubricate their feet, and rub them in the morning with a course of 1 month.
  5. Dilute 100 g of sea salt and 2 tablespoons of baking soda in 10 liters of water, make a foot bath for 15 minutes. Repeat daily for 10 days.
  6. Combine cottage cheese and honey in equal parts, carry out a medical bandage with this mixture on the thrombophlebitis area, keep it for at least 2 hours. Repeat every day until recovery.
  7. Mix melted goose fat (100 gr.) And propolis tincture (2 tablespoons), mix thoroughly and refrigerate. Smear the affected areas of the legs with this cream twice a day for 14 days.

It should be remembered that herbs such as nettle, comfrey, calamus should not be used as monotherapy because of the risk of increased blood clotting, but in the collection they can serve well for venous thrombosis.

The basis of the diet for thrombophlebitis should be healthy foods and plant foods. It is necessary to seriously limit salt in the diet so as not to provoke the appearance of edema, to give up fatty meats, sweet pastries, cream cakes, canned food, smoked meats. Lemons, garlic, sea fish, oatmeal, seeds, beets, onions contribute to blood thinning. To maintain the health of blood vessels, calcium is required, therefore, the diet should contain cottage cheese, kefir, sesame and other foods rich in this element. The viscosity of the blood is increased by foods with a high presence of vitamin K - bananas, mangoes, spinach, cabbage, liver, so it is better to refrain from consuming them during an exacerbation of the disease.

The patient, after the cessation of thrombus formation, should begin to play sports, but practice only moderate and doctor-approved loads. This is fitness, gymnastics, exercises in the morning. It is useful to do walking, do the exercises "scissors", "bicycle", "birch", walk on tiptoes, do rotation of the feet, swing legs, etc. But during an exacerbation, any load is strictly prohibited, as they increase the risk of blood clots.

Other tips for thrombophlebitis:

  • wear only comfortable shoes;
  • choose loose clothing that does not constrict the body;
  • do not sit for a long time in one position;
  • practice walking the stairs more often instead of taking the elevator;
  • sleep with your feet on a hill or a special foot pillow;
  • wear compression hosiery, for pregnant women - to give birth only in special elastic stockings;
  • in the morning, do a contrasting water douche for the feet.

Disease prevention

The most important measure to prevent the appearance of a blood clot is to control the condition of the veins with varicose veins and lymphovenous insufficiency, which, if necessary, must be treated with surgery in advance. You should lead an active lifestyle in order to prevent stagnant processes in the legs. For prevention, it is also important to give up smoking, harmful products, maintain hygiene, temper, lose weight if you are overweight. If you have a tendency to thrombosis, you should do special exercise therapy classes and wear compression hosiery.

Are you one of those millions of women who are struggling with varicose veins?

Have all your attempts to cure varicose veins been unsuccessful?

Have you already thought about drastic measures? This is understandable, because healthy legs are an indicator of health and a reason for pride. In addition, it is at least a person's longevity. And the fact that a person protected from vein diseases looks younger is an axiom that does not require proof.

Deep vein thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities

Frequently asked Questions

The site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious doctor.

  1. Damage to the inner lining of the vein (infectious, allergic, mechanical)
  2. The focus of inflammation near the vein (purulent wound, abscess, boil, bruise);
  3. Blood clotting disorder (blood clotting as a result of dehydration, hormonal imbalance, or an increase in the number of platelets - the cells that are responsible for clotting);
  4. Violation of the movement of blood through the veins (varicose veins, poor functioning of the venous valves, compression of the vein).

According to statistics, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are more likely to suffer from thrombophlebitis. This fact is associated with wearing high-heeled shoes, pregnancy and the use of hormonal contraceptives.

Symptoms and Signs

Diagnosis of thrombophlebitis

  • swollen superficial veins;
  • swelling of the foot and lower leg;
  • cyanosis of the skin in certain areas;
  • painful area along the vein;
  • hyperthermia (high temperature) of certain areas of the skin.

Functional tests

You lie on your back on the couch. The legs are bent at the knee joint. If movement in the ankle joint (rotation of the foot) causes pain and discomfort, then this indicates an illness.

  • the doctor squeezes your lower leg with his palms in front and behind;
  • the doctor squeezes the lower leg from the sides.

With deep vein damage, pain appears only in the first case.

A sphygmomanometer cuff is applied to the middle of the lower leg, this is an apparatus that measures pressure. The cuff is inflated to 150 mm Hg. Art. With deep vein thrombophlebitis, you will feel pain below the cuff.

This test differs from the previous one in that the cuff is applied above the knee. When squeezed, pain is felt under the knee and in the calf muscles.

If, when coughing or sneezing, you feel pain in the lower limb, then this indicates an inflammation of the deep veins.

  • narrowed areas along the vein due to inflammation of its walls;
  • enlarged, blood-filled varicose veins;
  • thrombus in the lumen of the vein;
  • reverse blood flow through the venous valves.


The components of the ointments have an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, prevent blood clotting and the formation of blood clots. And the ester of niacin expands the surface capillaries, which helps the ointment penetrate deeper into the tissues.

The active substance of these drugs suppresses the production of prostaglandins - substances that cause inflammation and adhesion of platelets. Ointments also have powerful pain relieving effects.

Recently, they have been trying not to use antibiotics for the treatment of deep vein thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities. These drugs cause the blood to thicken and new blood clots appear. In addition, it was found that most cases of venous inflammation are caused not by microorganisms, but by other causes. But if bacteria were detected during blood culture, then antibiotics cannot be dispensed with.

These drugs reduce blood clotting, dissolve blood clots, and help clear the vein.

Heparin is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. The first days the dosage is 0,000 units per day. This amount is divided into 3-4 parts and injected at regular intervals. Heparin is diluted in 10 ml of saline. After a few days, the dose is reduced.

The drugs are distributed with the blood throughout the body and help relieve inflammation and pain even in the depths of tissues, where ointments do not penetrate. The funds are contraindicated for people with gastric ulcer and liver pathology.

Take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day after meals. Duration of treatment is up to 2 weeks.

Taking an angioprotector increases the tone of the veins, strengthens their wall, and reduces capillary permeability. This helps to reduce inflammation and reduce swelling.

Take 1 capsule 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-7 weeks.

UHF - ultra high frequency therapy

You are placed in a comfortable position on a couch or chair. Capacitor plates are installed on both sides of the affected vein or along it. You will feel a pleasant warmth during the session. The procedure lasts about 10 minutes, the course consists of 6-12 sessions.

An electric current is used to inject drugs through the skin to reduce inflammation and help dissolve blood clots. For these purposes, heparin, 5% acetylsalicylic acid solution, fibrinolysin, 2% trental solution, 5% teonikol solution, 1% nicotinic acid solution are used.

You sit on the couch. Medicines are applied to the electrode pad and placed on the skin along the vein. During the procedure, you will feel a slight burning sensation. If the tingling sensation becomes severe, notify the nurse or burns may result. The procedure lasts about 15 minutes daily, the course is 10-15 sessions.

You need to lie on the couch, magnetic inductors will be placed near your feet. The affected limb is exposed to an alternating magnetic field for 20 minutes. It will manifest itself as a faint sensation of warmth. It is necessary to pass the sessions.

Paraffin treatment is not carried out in acute thrombophlebitis. Paraffin applications help to improve the condition of blood vessels, blood circulation in the affected limb and metabolism in the skin. This procedure is very useful for people prone to the appearance of trophic ulcers.

Leeches can help with acute thrombophlebitis. People who do not tolerate blood thinning medications are especially in need of such treatment.

Operations for deep vein thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities

  1. Ascending thrombophlebitis - the inflammation spreads up the vein.
  2. There is a threat of pulmonary embolism.
  3. You have had attacks of acute thrombophlebitis.
  4. The thrombus has come off the wall of the vein and is approaching the sapheno-femoral anastomosis - the place where the superficial and deep veins join. In this case, an urgent operation is needed.


  1. Late stage of deep vein varicose veins.
  2. Erysipelas, eczema or other inflammation of the legs.
  3. Severe heart disease.
  4. Senile age.
  5. Pregnancy.

The operation is performed under spinal anesthesia, when the drug is injected into the lumbar spine. This procedure is easier to tolerate than general anesthesia. The operation itself lasts up to 3 hours. You will have to spend 2-5 days in the hospital.

In order not to let a large thrombus enter the bloodstream, a metal filter in the form of an umbrella, bird's nest or hourglass is installed in the inferior vena cava. It freely passes blood, but retains large blood clots.

  • the presence of a large thrombus in the lumen of the inferior vena cava;
  • the risk of pulmonary thromboembolism;
  • a person cannot tolerate anticoagulant therapy (blood thinning medications)
  • prevention of thromboembolism in people with heart disease.

Disadvantage - if the blood clot comes off and gets stuck in the filter, then blood circulation in the leg will deteriorate sharply and surgery may be necessary.

  • multiple blood clots in deep veins;
  • reappearance of blood clots;
  • inability to remove blood clots with a catheter.

Disadvantage - stitching worsens the outflow of blood from the lower extremity.

Thrombectomy is a vein cleaning from a blood clot and restoring normal blood flow in it. For this, special devices are used - catheters. Through an incision of 3-4 mm, a narrow flexible tube is inserted into the vein and with its help the thrombus is taken out or crushed.

  • high risk of pulmonary embolism;
  • ineffectiveness of drug treatment;
  • the thrombus is located high and there is no way to install a filter;
  • oncological diseases that led to the appearance of thrombophlebitis.

The disadvantage of this method is the possibility of the reappearance of a blood clot in this area.

In some cases, combined operations are performed, and occasionally the affected area of ​​the vein is removed. The surgeon's tactics depend on the results of the ultrasound, the condition of your veins and the location of the blood clot.

Traditional methods of treatment

Pour 250 g of peeled and chopped garlic with 300 g of liquid honey. If it thickens, then melt in a water bath. Stir the product and leave for 1 week at room temperature.

2 tbsp. l. Pour hop cones with 2 cups of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Let it brew for 30 minutes.

Pour a tablespoon of dry bark with a glass of water and boil over low heat for 25 minutes. Let it brew for an hour, then strain.

Mix dry herbs in equal amounts and use to prepare a decoction. 2 teaspoons of the collection pour 300 ml of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour.

Diet for thrombophlebitis

The menu should contain products that strengthen the vascular wall and prevent blood clotting:

  • Fish and seafood;
  • seaweed;
  • fermented milk products: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt;
  • cereals: any cereals and sprouted grains;
  • berries: cranberries, lingonberries, grapes, sea buckthorn;
  • melons: watermelons, melons;
  • onion and garlic;
  • a variety of vegetables: tomatoes, carrots, beets;
  • nuts and dried fruits: figs, dried apricots, raisins;
  • vegetable oils: linseed, olive;
  • spices: ginger, cinnamon, paprika.

Limit the consumption of foods that damage blood vessels or increase blood clotting:

  • meat, especially fried and smoked (meat dishes can be eaten 2-3 times a week);
  • strong meat broths;
  • pickled dishes;
  • legumes: beans, peas;
  • bananas, rose hips and black currants;
  • animal fats: lard, butter;
  • strong coffee;
  • baked goods, muffins, confectionery;
  • alcoholic beverages.

Avoid foods containing vitamin K, which is involved in blood clotting, these are:

Prevention of thrombophlebitis

  • contrast shower: temperature difference 3-10 ° С;
  • dousing: in the first days, the water temperature is 30 ° С, daily decrease by a degree until you bring it to 10 ° С;
  • wipes with cool water: wipe your body daily with cold water using a small terry towel;
  • swimming in the pool or in open water;
  • walking barefoot on sand or pebbles.
  1. Relief of veins. Place your feet on a pillow so that they are raised at a 20-degree angle. Stroke them from your feet to your thighs. This exercise is suitable even for pregnant women and patients who are forced to stay in bed.
  2. A bike. Lying on your back, twist the imaginary bicycle pedals.
  3. Rotation by feet. Lying on your back, lift your legs straight up. Rotate the feet alternately or simultaneously.
  4. Scissors. Lying on your back or sitting on a chair, raise your legs. Cross and breed them alternately.
  5. Move your fingers. Straighten your legs while sitting or lying down. Flex and extend your toes.
  6. Rise on toes. Stand with your feet together, palms pressed to your hips. While inhaling, rise on your toes, and while exhaling, lower yourself to the starting position.

Do each exercise 3-5 times in the morning and evening.

These are special knee-highs, stockings, tights and tights for men and women. Such products compress the leg, reduce its volume and improve blood flow in the veins. Compression hosiery is a modern replacement for an elastic bandage, which has traditionally been used to prevent blood clots. You need to put on such products or bandage your leg in the morning, before you get out of bed. Choose the correct size of laundry and use it regularly.

The first rule is to stay hydrated. To do this, drink about 2.5 liters of fluid per day. This will help prevent blood clots.

  • quit smoking;
  • promptly treat foci of infection (inflamed tonsils, sinusitis, caries, abscesses)
  • avoid hypothermia of the legs;
  • if possible, avoid situations where you need to sit or stand for a long time;
  • if you notice enlarged veins under the skin, then refuse to visit saunas and try not to spend a lot of time in the sun;
  • in some cases, it is necessary to take angioprotective drugs: Ginkor Fort, Detralex, Eskuzan. They improve the condition of the venous wall and blood circulation in the surrounding tissues, prevent inflammation from developing.

Frequently asked questions about thrombophlebitis

What does thrombophlebitis look like (photo)?

How to treat thrombophlebitis at home?

Treatment of thrombophlebitis at home is possible if the disease has not gone beyond the lower leg, and there is no danger of a thrombus moving into the deep venous system. Only a doctor can determine this, therefore, before proceeding with self-treatment, consult a specialist.

Folk remedies for the treatment of thrombophlebitis

  • Chop 10 g of peeled horse chestnut (1 small chestnut) and pour in 100 ml of vodka. Leave to infuse for 7 days in a dark place. Take 30 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  • Horse chestnut foot baths. Boil 50 g of chopped chestnut fruits or flowers for 5 minutes in 1 liter of water. Cool and use for baths.
  • Fresh lilac leaves will help relieve inflammation. They need to be applied to the sore spot at night in the form of a compress.
  • 2 tablespoons of bodyagi pour 500 ml of boiling water. Insist for an hour. Moisten gauze in the infusion and apply to the inflamed area. Cover the top with cellophane and a layer of cotton wool or woolen cloth. Fix with an elastic bandage and leave the compress overnight.
  • Rub areas of thrombophlebitis overnight with apple cider vinegar, diluted in half with water.

If after 4-5 days you do not notice improvement or the signs of inflammation spread higher, then immediately consult a doctor.

What is subcutaneous thrombophlebitis?

During the day, a plastic ice bottle wrapped in a towel is applied to reduce inflammation.

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