Designing a pet store is an interesting idea. Step-by-step instructions on how to open a pet store from scratch. What documents and permissions are needed

For reading 9 min. Posted on 11/27/2019

Opening your own pet store can be an interesting idea for a budding entrepreneur. From an economic point of view, the attractiveness of such a business is quite obvious, because according to statistics, a cat must live in every third family, and a dog in every fifth family. There are also lovers of aquarium fish, birds and hamsters. The demand for pet products is stable at any time of the year, so we can talk about the profitability of the business. The main thing is to correctly determine the range of products you need and draw up a competent business plan.

Opening a pet store: the pros and cons of a business

As with any business activity, opening a pet store has its pros and cons:

Since there are still more advantages in starting this business, it makes sense to invest in a pet store. The decisive importance in the promotion of the idea is given to the competent territorial location of the premises and the carefully selected assortment.

What documents are needed to open a pet store from scratch requirements and permits

In order to work calmly, and not wait for the arrival of regulatory authorities, it is better to immediately legalize your business.

Where to start preparing all the necessary documentation:

  1. Naturally, the first step should be the registration of the enterprise in the status of LLC or individual entrepreneur. Registration as an individual entrepreneur is advisable if the area of ​​the pet store is less than 50 m2, and the planned turnover will be small. Registration of the status of a legal entity (LLC) makes it possible to conclude contracts with wholesale suppliers, obtain a license to sell medicinal products if there is a veterinarian on the staff.
  2. The next step is to obtain permits from the SES and the fire inspection. They will be issued on the basis of a report of commissions who visit the establishment to check its compliance with the current regulations.
  3. Permits from the Conservation Society and the Veterinary Service will also be required.
  4. License for the sale of veterinary drugs.
  5. OKVED codes (47.76.2; 46.38.22; 46.11, etc.) and the optimal taxation system (USN or UNDV).
  6. Cash register registration.

An entrepreneur will have to spend several months and about 70,000 rubles to collect and execute the necessary documentation. Professionals will resolve all issues faster.

What do you need to start a pet store from scratch?

To start a pet store from scratch, you will need not only the official registration of the enterprise and obtaining permits to work. We will have to solve a lot of organizational issues related to the choice of premises and the purchase of equipment, interior design and advertising events, drawing up a staffing table and selection of an assortment. But first things first.


According to experts, the most successful option for the location of a pet store may be its placement in a veterinary clinic or on the territory of a hotel for animals. This is due to the fact that people with animals regularly come to such institutions. It is this category of visitors who are most interested in purchasing goods in a pet store.

If the implementation of such an option is unrealistic, then you can open a store in any other passageway, not necessarily the central streets. You can even rent a small space in a large shopping center or in a residential area.

The main thing is that the outlet is located on the first floor of the building and has a front entrance, the sign above which can be used as an advertisement. It should be bright and memorable.

Premises for a pet store

To choose the right room for a pet store, first of all, you need to decide on its format:

  • For the functioning of a small stall, 8-10 m2 is enough.
  • An average pet store will require a room of 50-80 m2.
  • Well, a supermarket for animals should be located on an area of ​​at least 100-150 m2. In this case, it is better for an entrepreneur to rent a detached one-story building.

With a sufficient area of ​​the pet store, the best solution would be to allocate thematic zones in it. For example, it can be departments: "Everything for cats", "Aquarium", "Clean paws", "Poultry house" and so on. Shop visitors will be able to more conveniently and more purposefully determine their purchases.

To save money, it is best to rent a premise that is already ready and adapted for work in a non-residential fund. This makes it easier to get all the permissions you need and to open your store faster.

Furniture and interior design

In pet stores, you rarely see interesting interior solutions, and you can play on this to attract visitors. A colorfully decorated façade with funny animal images, as well as aquariums or birdcages displayed in display windows, are likely to generate interest from shoppers and a desire to visit the store. Inside, the interior can be supplemented with pictures of pets, funny plush toys that "live" on the windowsills, and original furniture. Fresh flowers and plants will become an excellent decoration of the store and an excellent background for living creatures. That’s what you don’t need to save on!

Correct placement of cages, terrariums and aquariums will allow them to be viewed from all angles. The best option for installing them will be special podiums. If you suddenly want to update the interior, then shelving on wheels will come to the rescue. They can be moved in any direction, easily creating different compositions. However, without closed showcases, a work table and counters, the list of furniture will be incomplete.

reference ... Only feed and large objects can be freely available. Veterinary drugs are obligatorily placed in closed windows.

Equipment and inventory

As for the arrangement of a stall for the sale of feed, it is as easy as shelling pears to equip it. It is enough to install racks and bench scales - that's the whole package.

It will be more difficult to decide on a pet store, because the purchase will require significant costs:

  • Refrigeration equipment (cabinet and display case) - 77,000-80,000 rubles.
  • Cash counter - 3,000 rubles
  • Lamps for heating animals, UV-radiation systems - 5 580-76 130 rubles / piece.
  • Cells, aquariums, terrariums - from 1950 rubles / piece.

Moreover, ordinary cages used at home are not suitable for keeping animals in a store. They must have a certain margin of safety, be easy to clean, and so on.

The installation of electrical equipment will also become a costly part. But you can't do without it, since many of the animals need lighting. If the entrepreneur still does not have enough funds or experience to keep large breeds, then at first he can start selling small animals - hamsters and budgerigars. They do not need any special care and can be kept in normal cages.


Professionals know how difficult it is to form the desired assortment immediately after opening a store. This usually takes about three months, taking into account the specifics of the region. At first, in order to establish trade, you can borrow the experience of already operating pet stores, and then use your own developments.

According to experts, the greatest profit for the business comes from animal feed. Food is best bought for cats and dogs, a little worse for rodents and birds. The second most popular product group is tray fillers and care products. Selling cages, aquariums, food bowls, cat houses, animal care literature also brings some profit, but it is not comparable to selling food. However, the assortment of the store must be varied, since the quantity and quality of goods affects the level of sales and the profitability of the business.

The ratio of product groups in the assortment of the pet store in percentage terms:


The recruiting of employees in a pet store is undoubtedly an important milestone in the formation of a successful business. Moreover, this business has a certain specificity - work with animals. That is why only people with a veterinary education can apply for the position of sales consultants. There must be at least 2 salespeople in the store. Of the professional qualities they must have: communication skills, a desire to learn, knowledge of the topic. Sellers will have to spend 40,000 rubles a month on their salaries. plus 10% of the proceeds.

Who else to invite to work:

  1. Store directors ... At first, an entrepreneur can perform the functions of a director himself.
  2. Veterinarian ... He does not have to be enrolled in the state. He can work independently in a private reception.
  3. Accountant ... With a small turnover and in the process of promotion, accounting can be ordered from an outsourcing company. The monthly cost of such a service will cost 2,600-3,300 rubles.
  4. Cleaning woman ... The salary of a cleaning lady is usually 12,000 rubles.

If the store is going to be a family business, then try to do it yourself, without involving outsiders.

Pet store marketing and advertising: how to promote a business from scratch?

Even the best pet store should take care of proper advertising for its promotion at the start of the project.

Asking the question of how to promote a business from scratch, you can get many solutions:

  • The original design of display windows and bright signage will certainly attract the attention of passers-by to the store.
  • Posting advertisements at bus stops, billboards and in transport will allow you to reach a significant resource of potential buyers.
  • Promotion of the store through social networks and thematic groups on the Internet will expand the audience of customers.

In addition, it would be a good idea to conduct all kinds of PR campaigns:

  1. Food tasting events.
  2. Promotional programs such as “Buy two goods for the price of one”, “Make a purchase, receive a gift”.
  3. Bonuses and discounts for regular customers.

A ready-made business plan for a pet store from scratch: calculating profitability and costs

In its most general form, a business plan is presented as follows:

  • The store is located on the ground floor of the building.
  • Its area is 60 m2.
  • Number of employees - 3 people.

Start-up costs:

Monthly expenses:

The monthly amount spent on the operation of the store will be equal to 167,000 rubles. The average turnover of similar stores is up to 2,750,000 rubles. in year. Subtracting monthly expenses and 10% for sellers, we get a balance of about 470,000 rubles. With a business profitability of 10%, the initial costs will pay off in about 1.5 years.

Starting your own business is always a risk that justifies possible future welfare. Owning your own business is the dream of many. But thinking about a potential business, the question arises of which field of activity to give preference to.

This article will focus on how to open a pet store, what documents to prepare and what to expect from a business.

Any entrepreneurial path has its own advantages and disadvantages. When the advantages of a business justify its disadvantages, it can be profitable.

Advantages of a pet store:

  • demand (for this moment every third family has a pet that needs care and attention);
  • the possibility of obtaining a stable income;
  • in case of profitability, it can pay off in a short time;
  • the pet market is annually enriched with a variety of new assortments;
  • average level of competition.


  • at first it will be quite difficult to decide on the range of products. After a while it will be clear what the locals prefer;
  • a high degree of risk (on how competently the store is geographically located, its profit will largely depend);
  • a characteristic smell in the room, which is extremely difficult to get rid of;
  • a high degree of responsibility for the animals that will be sold in the establishment.

As we can see, there are still more advantages, which means that investing your money in the pet business is not such a fantastic idea. The decisive importance in this matter is played by the competent territorial location of the store and its business plan.

A step-by-step process for organizing such a business is presented in the following video:

Required documents and permits

In order to start your own business, you will need the following list of documents:

  • registration . The choice of the first or second format will depend on how large the store you plan to open. For a zoological tent it is possible, but a large point will require;
  • licenses and certificates for the entire range of products offered due to its specificity;
  • veterinary certificates (in case the store sells animals);
  • medical certificates for each employee of the future institution.

In addition to the above package of documents, you may also need permits for trade in a specific premises from the following authorities:

  • sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • fire protection.

Only after their approval can the work be legal.

Format options

Immediately after you have assessed your opportunities and risks and collected the required list of documents, you should think about which store format will be more preferable for you. Among all possible options the following can be distinguished:

  • Large store with a wide range of products designed for both common animals and exotic species. It also usually contains a variety of food, clothing and toys. And the headquarters of sales consultants has over ten people in one shift.
  • An establishment of any scale, the main principle of which is self service... This format allows you to keep only 2-3 sales consultants, who can be cashiers at the same time.
  • Medium-sized store... The assortment of this format is quite diverse, but still inferior to the first option. Some types of animals can be sold in it: fish, birds, etc., different types of feed, animal care products and much more.
  • Small shop, which specializes exclusively in the sale of feed for different types animals and their care products. The presence of specific pharmacology is allowed.
  • Small zoo department in a large shopping center or hypermarket, the assortment of which has a narrow focus.
  • An establishment of any scale with a narrow specialization, which offers products exclusively for cats and dogs, or, conversely, for exotic pets.
  • Shop on the Internet or in in social networks ... At the current level of development of online trade, this option may well turn out to be cost-effective.
  • Opening zoological center... Its peculiarity is that the center includes several departments at once, for example: a veterinary pharmacy, a pet clothing store, possibly a veterinary clinic, etc.

The choice of this or that format will depend on how solvent residents of the area in which you are going to open an institution.

What are the best animals to trade?

Any such store implies the presence of some animals for sale. This is a big responsibility for the owner, but the risk can be justified if the object of the trade is chosen correctly.

If you are just opening an establishment and have no idea how much it can be in demand in a particular area, then you should not provide too wide an assortment of animals. This can be very risky.

It is best to start trading with small kittens, puppies, inexpensive fish and birds.

As the point builds its reputation, there will be an opportunity to sell other species of animals, for example, iguanas, hamsters, chinchillas, and more.

Please note that if you decide to start trading in animals, you will also need to take care of the related products. Otherwise, who wants to buy a chinchilla if it is not possible to get specialized food for it.

And one more piece of advice in this regard: at the beginning of the work, you should not start selling expensive pets. Earn the trust of your customers and then you can think about how to start supplying more expensive copies.

Related products

This is perhaps the rare case when the range of products can be as wide as possible, while the quantity of each type of product can be relatively small. Even if the sold winter down jackets for dogs will be sold in a single copy, you will know that next time they can be ordered from suppliers in several units.

It must be remembered that each pet has a number of features that your potential buyers always strive to take into account. Therefore, let them find everything they need in your establishment.

When making up the proposed assortment, take into account the following list of goods, which can be expanded if necessary:

The success of the enterprise largely depends on the well-coordinated and trusting work with suppliers. The best option for finding suppliers is the internet.

Give preference to topics that have positive reviews. Work experience and extensive interaction with different companies are also important.

Paying attention to the price that suppliers set, also learn about the possibility of returning the goods in case the quality does not suit you. Responsible companies always provide this opportunity to their clients.

Location selection

The determining value of the future profitability of the establishment is played by its territorial location. The ideal location for any store is regional cities... If you post point of sale in a large city, that is, the risk of not withstanding the competition and ultimately failing to fail.

And as for too remote corners, for example, villages and villages, here such a store will most likely not be in demand.

When starting such a business, carefully research the future location of the store and the paying capacity of local residents.

Conduct a site analysis. If there are already too many pet supply stores on it, then it makes sense to consider some other territory.

Necessary equipment and personnel

The number of staff in your establishment will depend on how large it is. When choosing personnel, pay attention to their education, it is good if it is veterinary. However, there are people who are infinitely imbued with love for our smaller brothers and know about them more than any specialist. These employees will always be the face of your store.

You will also need the following equipment:

  • trade racks of various sizes and designs for the presentation of small and large goods;
  • counter and display facilities;
  • houses, aquariums and animal cages (if you intend to sell them);
  • customer service equipment (lockers, cash desks, etc.).

Advertisement of the establishment

As you know, advertising is the engine of commerce. When opening a point from scratch, try to make as many people as possible know about it. Come up with an original name and creative slogan. If you have no thoughts on this, contact an advertising agency.

In the first months after the opening, it makes sense to use the services of promoters who distribute leaflets on the streets.

Project costs

Statistical data revealed that a successful pet store pays off in the first year their work. However, at the start, it will still require serious investment. The costs will be directed to:

  • rental of premises;
  • purchase of goods that will be put up for sale;
  • the costs of registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • payments to staff;
  • taxes;
  • running costs.

The zoo market attracts forward-thinking entrepreneurs because it is resilient to economic downturns. Market products are in demand at any time of the year, both in large and sparsely populated areas. Many people are willing to spend their last hard earned money on caring for their beloved pets.

Some entrepreneurs start selling animals and accessories right away in order to generate more profit. There are "pitfalls": pets require a lot of money for maintenance - from 3,500 rubles a month plus cages, examinations and vaccinations in a veterinary clinic. We recommend starting with the trade in feed and themed paraphernalia.

The plan will allow you to calculate the investment and analyze the risks. You need to study competitors and find flaws in their work in order to offer the audience the best conditions. In this article, we present an example of a pet store business plan - on the basis of it, you can draw up a project for your area or city.

The target audience

For an effective product presentation, you need to have an idea of ​​who you are offering it to. Pet shop customers are pet lovers, people of different ages and worldviews. The target audience is approximately 60% women and 40% men.

According to the research results, the alignment is as follows: 35% of families have cats, 20% - dogs, 3% - fish and birds, 1% - turtles and hamsters. Rare species of animals account for less than 1%. Each owner is interested in creating comfortable conditions for the wards, therefore he is ready to pay. The main focus should be on the most common pets - cats and dogs.

Brief analysis of the market and competitors

There are more than 30 million domestic cats and 22 million dogs in Russia. Researchers note the trend of an annual increase in demand. Accordingly, the number of sellers of feed and related products increases by about 25%.

Today, there is a balance of supply and demand, so the competition is high. But the convenient location and reduced prices for goods will allow us to take a place in the market “under the sun”. It is important to expand the assortment as much as possible so that the buyer can find everything he needs from you. Discounts, promotions, small gifts, additional services (haircuts, manicures for pets) will help to "unwind". Online shopping is gaining in popularity right now, so home delivery will be an advantage.

The Russian Federation ranks first in Europe and fifth in the world in terms of the number of pets in families. Annual spending on them is about a billion rubles.

Services and goods

One of the planning stages is choosing the optimal format for the pet store. There are such options:

  • A large store with 2 or more departments, a wide range of animals and accessories. Large pet stores employ more than 10 salespeople and consultants. Optimal format for million-plus cities.
  • Supermarket. A few consultants and cashiers will be enough.
  • Medium-sized store. Several species of animals, accessories, food, medicine, furniture and clothing for animals are sold here. We need two or three salespeople. The area is not less than 70 m². There is a catalog of rare products that can be delivered to order.
  • A small store for the sale of feed and care products. The area is about 10 m². Be sure to open in areas with high traffic.
  • Zoo department in the supermarket.
  • Special shop. A promising format for the zoo market, since in many regions there is a lack of a narrow range of products. An example is an aquarium or fish store.
  • Online store.
  • Zoocenter. Combining a veterinary clinic, a pharmacy, a shop, a pet hotel, a grooming salon.

As for the assortment, feed is in the greatest demand. Feed is divided by age categories, breeds, properties, composition and other characteristics. It is important to expand the range of animal nutrition to the limit.

The second most popular item is care products. These are shampoos, combs, dryers.

Accessories and medicines must be on sale.

When purchasing animals, it is important to check the availability of veterinary certificates. Otherwise, there will be penalties.


Suitable places for shops are shopping centers and sleeping areas of the city. That is, territories with maximum traffic target audience... Of course, there should be no competitors nearby. The downtown location is prestigious, but not so important for a pet store - all the same, the bulk of buyers will come from residential areas.

The optimal store area is at least 50 m². You need a place for a trade zone, utility and storage facilities. Some buy or build a separate building. In this case, additional expenses will be required for a cleaner, a security guard, landscaping, an advertising sign. It is also possible to buy or rent an apartment on the ground floor.


It is important to form a staff of competent specialists. Employees without education and experience will not be able to give the buyer comprehensive advice and recommend the best product. A good seller of a pet store knows almost everything about animals and will tell you which food is suitable, which medicines and vitamins are suitable for the animals and will not harm them. Buyers themselves in 90% of cases do not know what they need.

In the first months, the minimum staff will be enough:

Standard job responsibilities of a sales assistant:

  • Assistance in the selection of goods and answers to consumer questions.
  • Sale of medicines (appropriate qualifications required).
  • Taking care of animals that are sold in the store.

At first, you can deal with the purchase of products, bookkeeping and marketing on your own. As the company develops, an accountant, store manager, and merchandiser will be needed. For the sale of medicines, it is worth hiring a specialist with a veterinary education. It's great if you can find experienced breeders. Pet owners trust professionals, so they will be happy to contact your establishment.


To trade pets, you need special furniture - racks and trays. You will need showcases, a counter and a work table. For storage of pharmaceutical products - refrigerator.

A detailed list of the necessary furniture and equipment is presented in the table:




Total amount


Cash register equipment

Other expenses

If you want to save money at the start, buy plastic stands. They are cheaper than metal ones, their bright design will attract buyers. Buy the rest of the equipment from your hands.

To use space rationally, purchase multi-tiered shelving that can be attached to the walls.

The documents

Traditionally, small shops are registered as individual entrepreneurs, large ones - as LLCs. An agreement with the Commerce Office will be required. You also need to get an extract from the state register, register with the pension fund and the tax office. When choosing a taxation system, indicate what you provide to the population (if you plan to be engaged in grooming, sewing clothes). To sell medicines (this includes flea collars, feed with medicinal additives), you will need a veterinary license. A special license is also required to trade pets.

Individual entrepreneurs carry out activities under the unified imputed income tax (UTII). This option is suitable if the area of ​​the retail space does not exceed 150 m². If the store is larger, choose the simplified system.

The collection of documents will require about 15,000 rubles.


If the initial budget is small, an attention-grabbing sign is sufficient as an advertisement. If the store is large and the budget allows, printing products are used (ads for posting, flyers, leaflets, business cards), advertising on the Internet (ads on forums, in social networks), advertising on radio, TV, in print media.

Organize a grand opening with balloons, discounts and gifts for visitors. Give your customers discount cards. An important factor is the comfortable atmosphere in the store. Consider zoning and themed design, keep animal cages clean, unpleasant odors eliminate with air fresheners and ventilation. Your salespeople should be polite, but not intrusive.

Is it worth starting a business on the Internet

The online store can work both independently and as an addition to an offline point. You will need to hire couriers.

In a sparsely populated region, opening an online store is impractical. In large cities, it is an excellent solution, since residents of megalopolises, due to their busy rhythm, are increasingly buying on the Internet. As you draw up a pet store business plan, find all online competitors, note their strengths and weaknesses, and research their range to offer a wider selection of products.

Financial plan: profitability and payback

1,358,000 is the approximate amount for opening an average store. Larger formats will require 3 million or more.

The average markup for popular product groups is 30%. For some positions, the markup sometimes reaches 150%. The average check in the country is 800 rubles.

With a well-thought-out business organization, you will soon reach a daily income of 20,000 rubles. If there are 25 buyers a day (with a check of 800 rubles), the profit per year will be 6 million.

The profitability of the business is 20-30%, the payback period is about 1 year.

Risk factors

The main risk lies in the sale of live goods and drugs. Both types of activities require appropriate licenses. If you provide these services without licenses, the point will be closed. Rosselkhoznadzor does not always issue a permit - study the requirements and common reasons for refusals.

When concluding contracts with suppliers, involve a lawyer who is able to foresee the nuances associated with deliveries and payments.

The "work" of non-professional sales consultants can reduce the potential profit significantly. Be careful when hiring. For inexperienced sellers, conduct training workshops, as pet supplies are specific products.


A pet store will be profitable if it is traded in a promising location. That is, in the center or in a residential area in the absence of competitors. The most profitable areas for trade are large shopping centers and markets. It is better to locate the store near bus stops, metro stations, crossings and intersections.

It is important to bring the service to perfection, not to overstate the prices, to work out the assortment, to make a bright, eye-catching trade sign. Ideally, if you cooperate with the manufacturers of products directly. Ordering a ready-made business plan for a pet store or compiling it yourself is a personal matter, but it is important to collect detailed and accurate information about the industry. Then the risk of bankruptcy will be minimal.

Selling pet supplies is a profitable business, because pet supplies will always be in demand - people do not spare money for it. Such a business can also be associated with the main source of income - an offline pet store.

An online pet store has its advantages over an offline store. First, opening such a business will be cheaper for an entrepreneur, because there is no need to rent a space with shelving for a store, spend money on signs, even a warehouse may not be needed if selling via dropshipping.

What is needed to create an online pet store?

To begin with, you need to be well versed in this topic. You will sell products that the health and life of animals can depend on. Therefore, the availability of qualified staff in the store staff is very welcome.

We advise you to provide free online advice to buyers. So everyone will win: both satisfied visitors who bought exactly what was required in their situation, and you, because the average check with competent expert advice usually grows.

Most likely, the pet store will have a wide range. Clients will need not only personal communication with the manager, but also textual information about caring for pets. Therefore, make sure that on the pages of your online store customers can find all the information about food, vitamins, and accessories for animals. What else to write about? About training, toys, sterilization, types of food, diseases, vaccinations - about everything that may be of interest to loving owners.

Attentive attitude to the needs of your customers, quality advice, good articles will work for your reputation, and over time will bring you positive reviews and many satisfied customers.

How to open an online pet store from scratch: the technical side of the issue

First you need to choose CMS- the platform on which your store will be created. We recommend our own development - ImageCMS Shop, which will provide you with all the modern functionality for developing your business in e-commerce. System overview.

The structure of the store itself can be standard. But we advise you to split the products into sections for different animals.

On the design it is worth paying special attention. It must inspire confidence, match the goods. The decor should be typical of a pet theme.

Choosing a ready-made template will be much cheaper than making an individual one from scratch. Many companies that develop an online store offer ready-made templates. A collection of our ready-made designs can be viewed.

And here is a selection of templates for an online pet store:

Next, you should choose domain for your online pet store. This is a symbolic name that is displayed in the user's browser bar when they go to your store. Choose a domain that will be associated with your company, with the theme of the world of animals, with goods for pets. For example: goodspet, zoomir, fannyzoon, zoomarket etc.

The next step is buying hosting, the place where your online store will be hosted. We recommend our own development - This hosting ensures the uninterrupted operation of the largest online stores and corporate sites. There are optimal tariff plans and a free trial period.

Where can I find suppliers of pet supplies?

There are several options for providing your online store with goods.

The easiest option for aspiring entrepreneurs with a small budget is the already mentioned dropshipping. With this sales scheme, you will not need to purchase goods or rent a warehouse. In fact, you will simply coordinate orders and deliveries to customers from your suppliers' warehouse. In this case, the product will be found exactly through your store. You can read more on the topic here:

  • Dropshipping suppliers for online stores: how to find in Russia and Ukraine.

And the last option is import from Europe from trusted brands.

After the question of choosing suppliers is closed, the process of actively promoting the online store follows. This is done with the aim of making your site visible on search engines. It takes a lot of time and money to get store pages to good positions in the search, but without this, all the previous work will not make sense. After all, to become a client of your company, you must at least find it.

One of our managers is ready to advise you on the creation and promotion of online stores. Contact the chat!

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