Mineral deposits are concentrated on the mainland. How are they looking for minerals. Treasures of the earth. Description of the West Siberian Plain

Exceptional underground riches are concentrated in the depths of our Motherland. Russia occupies one of the leading places in terms of the number of deposits and mining operations. What kind of mineral resources are contained in the bowels of our country?

Mineral resources of Russia

In the territory Russian Federation there are about 200 thousand fields in operation, and the total cost of all underground resources is $ 30 trillion. Our most important underground resources are oil, natural gas, coal, iron, cobalt, potassium salts. Russia contains 60% of the world's gas reserves, 30% of coal, 20% of oil.

Rice. 1. The largest deposits in Russia.

Despite the huge reserves of minerals, there may be even more of them. Indeed, in the geological sphere, the territory of Russia is poorly studied. So the area of ​​Eastern Siberia, where there are many deposits, has been studied by only 4%.

Deposits of Russia

Iron ores (Kola Peninsula) lie in the crystalline basement of the platforms, oil and gas deposits are located in sedimentary covers (Volga-Ural basin, West Siberian plate). The largest deposits of hard and brown coal are located in the Vorkuta region, in the Donetsk basin, Kuzbass, Tunguska, Lensk, Kansk-Achinsk basins.

Rice. 2. Kansk-Achinsk basin.

Iron ores occur in the area of ​​the Kursk magnetic anomaly, the Aldan shield, Angara-Pitsky and Angara-Ilimsky regions, nickel ores - on Kola Peninsula, polymetallic - near Norilsk.

Mountain regions are rich in ore minerals. There are deposits of ores of non-ferrous and rare metals: copper (Ural, Transbaikalia), lead, zinc (North Caucasus, Primorsky Krai, Altai), tin ( Far East, Eastern Siberia), bauxite (Northern Urals, Krasnoyarsk Territory).

There are gold deposits in Eastern Siberia, Yakutia, in the north of the Far East, and platinum deposits in the Urals.

There is a diamond deposit in the west of Yakutia, apatite deposits on the Kola Peninsula, potassium salts in the Volga region and the Urals, and graphite in the Far East.

Rice. 3. Deposits of diamonds in Yakutia.

Table "Our underground wealth"

Name Properties Place of Birth
Oil Dark flammable liquid Samotlorskoe, Fedorovskoe, Romashkinskoe deposits
Coal hard, but fragile; is black Donetsk basin, Kuzbass, Tunguska, Leninsky and Kansk-Achinsky basins
Natural gas flammable and explosive Urengoy, Yamburg, Leningradskoe, Rusanovskoe deposits
Cobalt metal similar to iron, but darker Murmansk region, Ural, Norilsk
Iron ore has a dark color and the ability to attract metal objects Kursk Magnetic Anomaly area, Aldan shield, Kola Peninsula

Russia ranks first in the world in the production of diamonds, oil and natural gas

What have we learned?

Russia is a huge country, in the depths of which a large amount of natural resources are hidden. ore, coal, oil, metals are mined in our country, gems And much more. In many branches of the extractive industry, Russia is in first place (production, oil, gas).

Assessment of the report

Average rating: 4.6. Total ratings received: 39.

Target. Learn to mark mineral deposits on a contour map, compare the atlas map with a contour map, correctly apply conventional signs and signatures.

Equipment. Map "Minerals RUSSIA", geographical atlases, contour maps, rulers, colored pencils.

Briefing. Using generally accepted conventional symbols of minerals, comparing atlas maps with contour maps and making a binding of deposits to geographic objects, draw the largest deposits of minerals.

When drawing up a contour map, observe the following requirements:

1) make conventional signs and signatures clearly, accurately, if necessary, use different colors;

2) the signatures of the deposits should be made according to parallels;

3) draw up all explanations in conventional symbols of the contour map.


Peat deposits. North of the European part: (Moscow, Gorkovskaya, Kirov region), West Siberian Plain.

Coal deposits. Kuzbass, Karaganda Basin, Pechora Basin, Moscow Region Basin, Ekibastuz, Kansk-Achinsk Basin, South Yakutsk Basin.

Oil fields. Central part of Western Siberia (Samotlorskoe, Ust-Balykskoe, Megionskoe, etc.); Volga-Ural oil and gas province (Mishinskoe, Buguruslanskoe, Zhigulevskoe); Eastern coast of the Caspian Sea (Prorva, Uzen, Cheleken), North Caucasus Komi ASSR (Usinskoe);

Gas fields. North and northwest of the West Siberian Plain (Urengoyskoe, Yamburgskoe, Medvezhye), Volga-Uralskoe (Stepnoe, Orenburgskoe), North Caucasian (Stavropol, Berezanskoe), Komi ASSR (Vuktylskoe, Voyvolzhskoe).

Iron ore deposits. Kursk magnetic anomaly (KMA), Krivorozhskoe, Kerchskoe, Kostomukshskoe, Kachkanarskoe, Sokolovskoe, Sarbayskoe, Taezhnoe.

Natural resources of the Russian Federation, their assessment

Russia is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of natural resources. The RF possesses a huge and varied species composition (more than 200 species) natural resource potential. In terms of the volume and variety of natural resources, Russia is practically unmatched in the world. According to the calculations of scientists, reserves of coal, iron ore, potassium salts and phosphate raw materials of the Russian Federation are provided for 2-3 centuries. Significant forest, water resources, gas and oil reserves. The population of Russia is 2.4% of the population of our planet, and the territory of the Russian Federation is 10% of the earth. At the same time, ~ 45% of the world's natural gas reserves, 13% of oil, 23% of coal are concentrated in the Russian Federation, 0.87 hectares of arable land are per capita, forests in Russia cover an area that makes up 22% of the world "forest" surface. In terms of reserves of certain types of natural resources, Russia holds the first or one of the first places in the world (1st - in terms of gas, timber, iron ore, potassium salts, hydro resources; in terms of oil reserves - 3rd in the world). Russia is also rich in bauxite, nickel, tin, gold, diamonds, platinum, lead, zinc. Many of these resources are located in Siberia, where long distances, sparse populations, harsh climate and permafrost pose significant challenges to economically extracting and transporting raw materials to processing and consumption sites.

1) Water resources

Water is the basis of life on the planet. Russia is washed by the waters of 12 seas belonging to three oceans, as well as the inland Caspian Sea. On the territory of Russia there are over 2.5 million large and small rivers, more than 2 million lakes, hundreds of thousands of swamps and other water resources. The most provided with water resources of the lower reaches large rivers... An increased level of water availability is characteristic of humid zones (tundra and forest) in Russia. Of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Kamchatka Region (without autonomous regions), Sakhalin Oblast, Jewish Autonomous Oblast. In the center and south of the European part of the country, where the main population of Russia is concentrated, the zone of satisfactory water supply is limited to the Volga valley and the mountainous regions of the Caucasus. Of the administrative entities, the greatest deficit of water resources is noted in Kalmykia and the Rostov region. Few better situation in the Stavropol Territory, the southern regions of the Central Black Earth Region and in the southern Trans-Urals.

Total water resources of Russia

Fresh water resources are approximately 790 km 3 / year. More than a third of potential resources are concentrated in the European part of the country. The most explored predicted resources are in the Kaliningrad region - 87.9%, the least - from 2.5 to 4.8% - in the north and north-west of Russia, as well as in the Siberian and Far Eastern regions.

Data on the total resources and reserves of fresh water in Russia are given in the table

2) Land resources

Lands located within the Russian Federation constitute the land fund of the country. According to the current legislation and the established practice, the state registration of lands in the Russian Federation is carried out by categories of lands and holdings.

According to the data of the state statistical reporting, the area land fund The Russian Federation as of January 1, 2005 amounted to 1709.8 million hectares.

Rice. The structure of the land fund of the Russian Federation by land category

Distribution of the land fund of the Russian Federation by category, million hectares

Land resources are the natural basis for agricultural production. The most significant resources of highly productive lands are found in the chernozem regions, especially in the Central Black Earth region, the Volga-Don interfluve, in the flat part of the North Caucasus and the steppe Trans-Urals. Lands of average agrarian quality occupy vast areas in the non-chernozem regions of European Russia. Local plots of land with satisfactory agricultural potential are found in southern Siberia, in the south of the Far East, and even in the alas zone of Yakutia.

Underutilization of the agrarian potential is noticeable in industrially developed regions - Moscow region, Kuzbass, Samara and Rostov regions. In such conditions, only large farms(or powerful cooperation), specializing in the food supply of industrial cities, are able to compete with factories for personnel and investment.

For the north of Siberia - from the Urals to Chukotka, we can also talk about the presence of certain reserves for the production of agricultural products (in particular, reindeer husbandry).

3) Hydropower resources

Russia possesses enormous hydropower resources.

But they are used by less than 20%. Most of the hydropower resources are in Siberia and the Far East (80%). They are especially large in the basins of the Yenisei, Lena, Ob, Angara, Irtysh, Amur rivers. The rivers of the North Caucasus are rich in hydropower resources.

Rivers are of great importance for the development of interregional and intra-economic ties. Russia has the most extensive river network in the world; the length of navigable river routes in Russia is over 400 thousand km.

4) Fuel resources

A feature of the location of fuel resources on the territory of Russia is the high localization and remoteness of the most productive and intensively used fields. As a result, the centers of production and consumption of resources are spaced apart from each other by huge distances, even in Russia.

The unique significance for the fuel and energy supply of the country of the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamal-Nenets districts is well known. The regions of the Volga-Ural oil-gas-bearing province - Tataria, Udmurtia, Samara and Orenburg (to a lesser extent Perm), as well as Komi, Kuzbass and Yakut There is a natural decrease in the resource potential in regions with a large age of active exploitation of deposits.

5) Biological resources

Flora: there are 11,400 species of vascular plants on the territory of Russia; 1370 - bryophytes; more than 9000 algae, about 3000 species of lichens, more than 30,000 - mushrooms.

1363 species have different useful properties, of which 1103 species are used in medicine

It should be noted that according to some estimates, the volume of commercial stocks of wild plants is about 50% of biological stocks.

Fauna: The territory of Russia is huge - over 17 million square kilometers. Natural conditions are very diverse. Therefore, a significant part of the world's biological diversity is located in our country. In Russia, there are about 1513 species of vertebrates:

320 species of mammals,

732 bird species,

80 types of reptiles,

29 types of amphibians,

343 species of freshwater fish,

9 species of cyclostomes.

In addition, about 1,500 species of marine fish live in the seas washing our country.

As for the invertebrate fauna, it numbers up to 150,000 species, of which 97 percent are insects.

And many of these species exist only with us, nowhere else in the world are they. Scientists call these species endemic.

6) Forest resources

Russia is the largest forest power. The area of ​​the forest fund and forests that are not included in the forest fund exceeds 1180 million hectares in the Russian Federation. In terms of forest provision, Russia ranks first in the world, possessing approximately 1/5 of the world's afforestation and timber reserves, and in relation to boreal and temperate forests it is practically a monopolist, possessing 2/3 of the world's reserves. The forest fund of the Russian Federation, stretching for many thousands of kilometers from the pine forests of the Curonian Spit on the shores of the Baltic to the birch forests of Kamchatka and the spruce forests of Northern Sakhalin, from the scarce dwarf vegetation of the north of the Kola Sub-Polar region to the richest in species composition forests of the Black Sea region, occupies 69% of the country's land area. At the same time, the level of forest cover (the ratio of the area covered with forest to the entire territory) in Russia as a whole is 45.3%.

The forests of Russia are rich in animals and game.

7) Mineral resources

Russia has a rich and varied mineral resource base. Mineral resources (mineral resources) are understood as a set of minerals identified in the bowels of the earth as a result of geological exploration and available for industrial use. Mineral resources are non-renewable types of natural resources. The mineral raw materials extracted from the subsoil and the products of its processing provide the overwhelming majority of energy, 90% of the production of heavy industry, about one fifth of all consumer goods.

A distinctive feature of Russia's mineral resource base is its complexity - it includes almost all types of minerals: fuel and energy resources (oil, natural gas, coal, uranium); ferrous metals (iron, manganese, chrome ores); non-ferrous and rare metals (copper, lead, zinc, nickel, aluminum raw materials, tin, tungsten, molybdenum, antimony, mercury, titanium, zirconium, niobium, tantalum, yttrium, rhenium, scandium, strontium, etc.); noble metals (gold, silver, platinoids) and diamonds; non-metallic minerals (apatites, phosphorites, potash and sodium chloride, fluorspar, muscovite mica, talc, magnesium, graphite, barite, piezo-optical raw materials, precious and ornamental stones, etc.).

The mineral resources potential of Russia as a whole is sufficient for an independent and effective economic policy. Russia accounts for almost 1/2 of the world's coal resources, approximately 1/7 of the world's oil reserves and 1/3 of natural gas. Russia, along with Canada, USA, Australia, South Africa, France, Niger, is a major producer and exporter of enriched uranium. The main deposits are located in Eastern Siberia, the Northern Region, etc. Large resources of mineral raw materials are enclosed in the bowels under the waters of the internal and external seas of Russia (shelves, continental slopes), in the coastal and bottom sediments these seas. The subsoil of the shelf has large deposits of oil and gas; in the coastal bottom sediments of the seas, mainly in the form of coastal placers, accumulations of tin, gold, titanium, zirconium, iron, manganese, etc. are concentrated.

8) Recreational resources

Recreational resources include natural and cultural-historical complexes and their elements, each of which has its own specifics

Recreational resources are a complex of physical, biological and energy-informational elements and forces of nature, which are used in the process of restoring and developing the physical and spiritual forces of a person, his ability to work and health. Almost all natural resources have recreational and tourism potential, but the degree of its use is different and depends on the recreational demand and specialization of the region.

There are regions in Russia where recreational activities are the determining industry in the structure of their social reproduction. It includes a network of recreational enterprises and organizations. Greatest Wealth in Plan recreational resources represent zones of mixed forests and forest-steppe. Of the mountainous regions, the Caucasus is of the greatest interest. The Altai Territory and a number of eastern mountainous regions are promising.

Placement of PR by region

The distribution of natural resources in Russia is extremely uneven. This is due to differences in climatic and tectonic processes occurring on Earth, different conditions for the formation of minerals in past geological eras.

In nature, resources are not located separately, but in the form of their complex combinations, located in certain territories. Large combinations of resources of national importance and covering vast territories are called natural bases. There are several of them on the territory of Russia: in the Eastern Zone - South Siberian, North Siberian, North-Eastern, Primorskaya; in the Western Zone - North European, Central, Ural-Volga.

Almost all types of resources (except for iron ores and potash salts) are concentrated in the eastern regions (in Siberia and the Far East), and the main consumers are in the European part of Russia. This leads to the need to transport huge masses of cargo from east to west.

Resources in the European part of Russia were used much more intensively than in the eastern regions, and at present their reserves are largely depleted. This especially applies to the forest resources of the European North, oil and gas reserves of the Volga region and the North Caucasus, chernozem soils of the steppes and forest-steppe (the humus content in them has decreased, mechanical properties, most of them are subject to erosion, etc.). Therefore, in the European part of Russia, a careful attitude to resources is required and, most importantly, a decrease in the resource intensity of the economy in order to produce more finished products from a smaller volume of resources.

In Siberia and the Far East, in recent decades, they tried to locate the most resource-intensive industries (electricity, heat and water-intensive). The eastern regions are now the main fuel and energy base of Russia, the main producer of non-ferrous metals. The resource bases are increasingly shifting to the east and north - areas rich in resources, but with harsh natural conditions. Naturally, their extraction there is much more difficult and more expensive. V last years increased security costs environment, especially in the extractive industries. This trend is increasing.

70% of oil reserves are concentrated in Western Siberia. There are significant reserves in the Far East and Eastern Siberia. More than 80% of gas is also located in the north of Western Siberia. There are giant deposits here, including some of the ten largest in the world. There is a certain potential for gas reserves in Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

The distribution of forest resources is mainly zonal.

The maximum reserves are available in the regions of the taiga zone (Irkutsk Region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, the central part of the Khabarovsk Territory, in the European part of the country - Kostroma and Novgorod Regions). To the north and south of the central part of the forest zone of the country, there is a noticeable decrease in wood reserves per unit area.

In addition, the central part of Russia in the course of long-term economic development has lost a significant part of its forests. The steppe zone itself and the tundra are the most forest-deficient regions of Russia.

Complete the definition: Minerals are

In the south of the country, a local center of forest resources is noted in the mountain forests of the Caucasus. The forest potential of semi-desert Kalmykia is of minimal importance in the country.

Coal deposits are more differentiated. However, the Eastern regions account for more than 90% of all coal reserves. The first place in terms of coal reserves is occupied by Western Siberia ~ 50%, Eastern Siberia accounts for> 30%, in the Far East - 9%. In the Eastern regions (Siberia and the Far East) there are deposits that are among the ten largest coal basins in the world (Kuznetsky, Lensky, Tungusky, Taimyr, Kansko-Achinsky).

Russia has a large hydro potential - 2500 billion kW / h (of which it is technically possible to use 1670 billion kW / h). 86% of hydropower resources are also in the eastern districts, only 53% in the Far East. The Angara-Yenisei cascade of 5 hydroelectric power plants was created, 4 of them are large.

Western Siberia has the world's largest artesian basin.

Thermal springs are known in Kamchatka - the Valley of Geysers (~ 70 springs), in Chukotka (~ 13 springs), in Altai, in Buryatia. In 1967, the Pauzhetskaya Geothermal Power Plant (GTPP) was built.

There are significant reserves of iron ores in Gornaya Shoria in the south of the Kemerovo region, the Angara-Ilim basin (Irkutsk region), etc.

The reserves of manganese ores are small in the Kemerovo region. - Usinskoe.

There are known reserves of nepheline in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Kiya-Shaltyrskoe deposit).

The promising deposits include copper sandstone deposits - Udokanskoe (Chita region).

Copper-nickel ores are concentrated in the Norilsk region in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Polymetallic ores are concentrated in Transbaikalia - Nerchinskoe deposit, Primorsky Krai - Dalnegorskoe.

Large tin deposits are concentrated in the Pacific ore belt and Eastern Transbaikalia. Kavalerovo - Primorsky Territory, Komsomolskoye - Khabarovsk Territory, Esse-Khaya - the Sakha Republic, Sherlovaya Gora and Khapcheranga in the Chita Region.

Certain reserves of natural resources are concentrated in the European part of the country, including the Urals. The reserves of iron ores of the KMA in the Central Black Earth Region with a high iron content in the ore should be distinguished. KMA reserves account for 55% of the country's iron ore reserves.

More than 9% of oil is concentrated in the Urals. There are oil reserves in the North Caucasus.

The potential of natural gas in the North Caucasus is noticeable. Significant reserves of gas - condensate - in the Lower Volga region (Astrakhan region) and in the Urals (Orenburg region).

There are reserves of coal in the Pechora basin (Komi Republic) and the eastern wing of the Donbass.

In the Urals, reserves of manganese ores are concentrated (Sverdlovsk region), bauxite - in the north of Sverdlovsk region, nickel-cobalt ores - Khamilovskoe (Orenburg region)

On the Kola Peninsula there are appatite-nepheline and copper-nickel ores.

In the Komi Republic - bauxites - South Timan bauxite region, as well as in Arkhangelsk and Leningrad regions(Boksitogorsk).

In the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania - polymetallic ores - Sadonskoye deposit.

SULFUR INDUSTRY (a. Sulfur industry; n. Schwefelindustrie; f. Industrie du soufre; and. Industrie de azufre) is a branch of the chemical industry that unites enterprises for the production of elemental natural and gas (associated) sulfur. Natural sulfur is obtained from deposits of sulfur ores, gas - when cleaning natural gases, gases of oil refining, non-ferrous metallurgy and other industries.

In Russia, they knew how to extract "combustible sulfur" from hydrogen sulphide springs in a number of places in the Northern Territory. In the middle of the 17th century, deposits of native sulfur were discovered in the Samara and Kazan Volga regions. It has been mined in insignificant quantities since the time of Peter I. By the beginning of the 20th century. its production ceased, and since 1911 Russia imported sulfur from other countries. In 1913, 26 thousand tons of sulfur were imported into the country.

The first sulfur mine in the CCCP was commissioned in Crimea (Chekur-Koyash) in 1930. Then autoclave sulfur plants (based on the Karakum sulfur deposits) and the Shorsu mine in the Uzbek CCP were commissioned, where a combined method of smelting natural sulfur was first implemented. In 1934, sulfur enterprises were commissioned in the Volga region and the Turkmenian CCP, which also used a combined method for producing sulfur. This made it possible to increase the production of natural sulfur in the country to 40 thousand tons per year. At the same time, the production of gaseous sulfur from non-ferrous metallurgy and coke production wastes developed. With the production of gaseous sulfur at the Mednogorsk copper-sulfuric plant, the volume of its production in the country by 1940 was brought to 50 thousand tons per year. In the 50s. deposits of native sulfur were discovered in the Ciscarpathian region, on the basis of which the Rozdolskiy (1958) and Yavorovskiy (1970) mining and chemical plants were put into operation. In the same years, the underground smelting method (underground smelting) was widely introduced into the practice of mining operations, which makes it possible to extract sulfur reserves that are not available for open pit mining. There is an increase in production capacities for the processing of natural sulfur at the Gaurdak sulfur plant and the Kuibyshev plant, and the production of gas sulfur is intensively developed, obtained by purifying natural and coke oven gases, sulphurous oils, and waste gases from non-ferrous metallurgy. Gas sulfur production increased with the commissioning of the Mubarek (1970), Orenburg (1974) and Astrakhan (1986) gas processing plants. The dynamics of the production of elemental sulfur is given in Fig. For industrial-genetic types and location of deposits, see Sulfur ores.

About 50% of all reserves can be exploited open way with subsequent enrichment and smelting of sulfur from concentrates. The rest of the reserves are suitable for development by the PVA method. Developed deposits: Yazovskoye, Nemirovskoye, Rozdolskoye, Podorozhnenskoye, Zagaypolskoye in Predkarpattya, Vodinskoye in the Middle Volga region, Gaurdakskoye in Central Asia. The largest enterprises for the processing of natural sulfur are the Rozdolskoye and Yavorovskoye production associations and the Gaurdak sulfur plant.

Mineral resources on the territory of Russia

Natural sulfur is obtained by a combined method (autoclave or reagent-free) by smelting it from a flotation concentrate while enriching sulfur ores. In open pit mining, the technological scheme for the concentration of sulfur ores includes: crushing, fine grinding into aquatic environment and flotation (for details, see Native sulfur). The total sulfur recovery with the combined method is 82-86%. The extraction coefficient of sulfur from the bowels of underground smelting is 40%. The depth of development is from 120 to 600 m, sometimes more.

Industrial gas sulfur is obtained from hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide during the purification of natural and associated gases, gases of the oil refining industry and non-ferrous metallurgy. Hydrogen sulfide is isolated from gases by absorption methods. Sulfur is obtained from gases (from sulfur dioxide, etc.) by its reduction with methane, coal, etc. There are many technological schemes and modes, the effectiveness of which depends mainly on the content of sulfur-containing compounds in the processing raw materials.

Associated sulfur is obtained from gases from the Orenburg field and the Astrakhan field, the gases of which contain up to 27% hydrogen sulfide.

The main types of products obtained from natural and gas sulfur are lump and liquid sulfur. GOST 127-76 "Technical sulfur" also provides for the production of granulated, ground and flaked sulfur. The specified GOST determines the production of 4 grades of natural sulfur (sulfur content from 99.2 to 99.95%) and 3 grades of gas sulfur (from 99 to 99.98%). For each grade, the norms for the mass fraction of various impurities (%) are established: ash 0.05-0.4, acid 0.002-0.002, organic matter 0.01-0.5, moisture 0.1-1, arsenic up to 0.005, etc.

The industry for the production of natural sulfur is managed by the All-Union Association "Soyuzsera" of the Ministry for the Production of Mineral Fertilizers of the CCCP. The association is in charge of the branch institute VNIPIsera, Rozdolskoye and Yavorovskoye PO, as well as Gaurdaksky and Kuibyshevsky sulfur plants. Enterprises for the production of associated sulfur are mainly subordinate to the ministries of the gas, oil refining industries, and non-ferrous metallurgy.

In the socialist countries, the sulfur industry is developed in the GDR, KHP, Romania and Poland (for more details see the "Mining" section in articles about these countries).

Extraction and production of sulfur is carried out in about 60 industrially developed capitalist and developing countries Oh. Until the beginning of the 50s. 20th century it was obtained from native ores, from pyrite as the main one and from ores of sulphurous metals as by-products. In the 50-60s. the technology of producing sulfur in the purification of natural gas is widely spread. A similar technology began to be used in oil refining, which led to a significant increase in the scale of sulfur recovery from gases during oil cracking. The main product is elemental sulfur. The leading sulfur producers are countries that carry out large-scale production of natural gas and oil or have large reserves of native sulfur, which is extracted, depending on the conditions of occurrence, by the open-cut method or by the borehole method. Poor ores are pre-enriched. A combined method is used in industry to extract sulfur from rich ores and concentrates. For deep-seated rich sulfur ores, the method of underground smelting is used.

Among the industrially developed capitalist and developing countries, the largest deposits of native sulfur are located in Iraq, Mexico, the USA, and Chile. The total production of all types of sulfur in these countries in 1986 exceeded 36.7 million tons, with most of the total production going to the industrially developed capitalist countries (tab.).

About 51% of all sulfur was produced in the USA and Canada. In the United States, sulfur production in 1986 amounted to about 12 million tons, of which about 5.8 million tons - elemental recovered sulfur obtained during oil refining, from natural and coke oven gases, 4 million tons - native sulfur, produced by the borehole method, and 1.1 million tons - sulfur contained in sulfuric acid obtained as a by-product in the metallurgical processing of non-ferrous metals, as well as in pyrite, sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide.

In Canada, sulfur is obtained mainly from natural gas purification and oil cracking (87%), as well as from pyrite concentrates, etc.

The third place in sulfur production is occupied by Japan: 2.5 million tons in 1986, of which about 1.2 million tons was obtained as a by-product of metallurgical production, 1 million tons in the refining of natural gas and oil cracking, and 0.2 million tons from pyrite.

Traditionally, the main source of sulfur production was deposits of native sulfur, however, the production of reduced sulfur is growing at a faster pace. In 1986, more than 2/3 of the total output of all types of sulfur in the industrially developed capitalist and developing countries came from reduced sulfur. The largest amount of this type of sulfur is produced in Canada, the USA, France, the Federal Republic of Germany and the countries of the Middle East, especially in Saudi Arabia.

The extraction of native sulfur in the industrially developed capitalist and developing countries in 1986 amounted to 6.2 million tons; from the beginning of the 80s. the production level is constantly decreasing. It is mined mainly in the USA, Mexico, Iraq, Chile.

Pyrite is an important sulfur-containing fossil raw material, the production of which, like native sulfur, tends to decrease. In 1985, the world production of pyrite (excluding the socialist countries) amounted to 4.2 million in terms of sulfur, most of the production came from countries Western Europe... The main producers are Spain (30% of all production), South Africa, Japan, USA, Italy.

The main exporters of sulfur are Canada, the USA, Mexico and France, however, competition from the oil-producing states of the Near and Middle East is increasing. More than 1/2 of the export of industrially developed capitalist and developing countries falls on granular sulfur (the main supplier is Canada), about 35% on liquid (Canada and Mexico), the rest - on lump.

Natural mineral resources are unevenly distributed.

Their placement on our planet is subject to geological laws. Fuel minerals (coal, oil, natural gas, shale, peat) are of sedimentary origin and are associated with the cover of ancient platforms and its troughs. Coal ranks first in terms of reserves among fuel resources. Its geological reserves amount to almost 15 trillion. tons, and the explored -1139 billion tons. The world's coal resources are located in the 10 largest basins.

Topic: "Drawing the main deposits of minerals on the contour map of Russia."

In Russia - Tunguska, Lensky, Taimyr, Kansko-Achinsky (Bur.), Kuznetsky, Pechora; in Ukraine - Donetsk; in the USA - Appalachian, Western; in Germany - Ruhr. There are significant coal reserves in India, China, Australia, Poland, Kazakhstan, Great Britain and other countries.

Oil and gas resources are located in Asia, North America, Africa. There are 50 oil giant fields in the world with reserves of 500 million tons. More than 50% of them are in the countries of the Near and Middle East. Gas giants(about 20 deposits) are located in Russia, Iran. Oil and gas production is carried out in Romania, the Netherlands, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and other countries.

Ore minerals are found in the basement of platforms or in their shields, as well as in folded areas, forming ore belts. These are the "tin", "copper" Pacific belts. The "iron ore belt" covers the east South America and West Africa. Iron ore reserves are possessed by Russia, Ukraine, Canada, USA, Sweden, China,

India, South Africa, Australia. In the depths of developing countries, 90% of cobalt, tin, 75% of bauxite, 60% of copper are concentrated. There are aluminum ores in Australia, France, Russia, Hungary, China, Croatia, Bosnia, Brazil, Guyana, Jamaica.

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The placement of different minerals depends on the conditions under which they were formed. The formation of certain minerals is influenced by the depth of occurrence, temperature, pressure, the presence of a number of active magma chambers, etc.

Magma is introduced along the fault lines of the earth's crust from the depths of the earth, and ore minerals are formed. Accordingly, they are of magmatic origin.
Usually the ores are deep. But if the area of ​​their formation is subject to destruction under the action of external forces or rises so that deep sections of the earth's crust appear on the surface, then the ore deposits are close to the surface or even on it. Ore minerals are found in the area of ​​shields of ancient platforms (Baltic, Baltic shields), rejuvenated mountains of Paleozoic or Mesozoic folding (Ural, Appalachian).

Gold, silver, iron, copper, platinum and other metals are extracted from ore minerals.

Non-metallic minerals include oil, natural gas, coal, peat, and salt. All of them are of sedimentary origin. This means that their formation is associated with processes occurring on the surface or in the upper layer of the earth's crust.

Mineral resources of Russia

Many minerals accumulated in the past in swamps, at the bottom of reservoirs and oceans. This led to the formation of oil and natural gas deposits (for example, in the West Siberian Plain).

Marble and some other building materials were formed during the metamorphism (change) of rocks. It takes place at a great depth, there high pressure and temperature.

Minerals are also mined in the oceans, especially on the shelf. Typically these are oil, natural gas, bituminous coal, sulfur and iron ore.

About the magazine

Scientific and technical journal in Russian
ISSN 0869-3188

Re-registered by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, information technologies and mass communications
Certificate of registration of funds mass media PI No. FS 77 - 67315 dated September 30, 2016


  • Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation
  • Joint Stock Company "Rosgeologia"
  • Public organization "Russian Geological Society" (ROSGEO)

Magazine publisher: LLC "RG-Inform"

Subjects of materials published in the journal covers the problems of the development and development of the resource base of the most important types of minerals both in the country as a whole and in its individual regions, the most important problems of the economy associated with subsoil use, including investing in geological exploration and mining, problems of managing the state subsoil fund and processes subsoil use, as well as legislative support for the use of subsoil.

On the pages of the magazine, issues of the state and prospects of development of the oil and gas and mining industries, including their technical and technological equipment, the activities of individual companies, the national and world markets of mineral raw materials, and issues of international cooperation are discussed.

Journal headings:

  • Column of the editor-in-chief
  • Geological exploration and resource base
  • Economics and Management
  • Legal support
  • Companies and projects
  • Technics and techology
  • Mineral raw materials market
  • Foreign experience and international cooperation
  • News and information

The magazine is distributed by subscription and direct mailing in Russia, CIS countries and far abroad, as well as at conferences, seminars, exhibitions. Circulation - 1000 copies.

Index in the all-Russian catalog "Rospechat" - 73252

Africa is rich in its natural resources... African states are the world's main exporters of raw materials for ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. The richest country in minerals is South Africa.

Minerals of South Africa

The richest ore deposits in the world are concentrated in the regions of Equatorial and South Africa. Large deposits of chromite are located in Southern Rhodesia, Nigeria is rich in tungsten, and Ghana has manganese reserves.

The island of Madagascar is home to the world's largest graphite deposits. However, gold mining is of the greatest importance for the economy of South African states.

The main reserves of gold are located in the South African Republic. Gold ores were formed here in the Cambrian period.

For the extraction of minerals such as copper, lead, cobalt, tungsten and tin South Africa takes the first place in the world. Also on the territory of this region there are unique uranium ores, the content of pure uranium in which reaches 0.3%.

Minerals of North Africa

On the territory of North Africa there are deposits of such minerals as zinc, lead, cobalt, molybdenum. These fossils were formed in North Africa at the beginning of the Mesozoic era, during the period of active development of the African platform.

Also, this region of the African continent is rich in manganese. Oil-bearing sources are located in the region of Northern Sahara and Morocco.

Phosphorite zones are located between the Atlas Mountains and Libya. Phosphorites are used in the metallurgical and chemical industries, as well as in the production of agricultural fertilizers. More than half of the world's phosphorites are mined in the North African phosphorite zone.

Morocco takes the first place among the countries of the world in the extraction of phosphorites.

Minerals of West Africa

The main mineral wealth of West Africa is coal and oil. Today, active development of new methods of oil production in this region is underway.

The main large deposits are located in the Niger Delta. West Africa is also rich in such minerals as niobium, tantalum and tin, iron ores, as well as non-ferrous metal ores.

The coastal regions of West Africa have large natural gas reservoirs. The southern territories are rich in gold ores.

Active mining in West Africa favorably influences the development of industry in this part of the African continent. So over the past decade, non-ferrous metallurgy has reached a high level of development, chemical industry and mechanical engineering.

It is unlikely that there is such a huge flat terrain in the world as the West Siberian Plain. The minerals found in this area were discovered back in 1960. Since then, this natural storeroom has been of particular value for our state.

The age of the rocks of the West Siberian Plain indicates the presence of a huge amount of resources in them. The development of the northernmost deposits requires additional investment of time and effort. Today, due to the huge area of ​​swampy bogs in such an area as the West Siberian Plain, minerals are extracted at the cost of considerable effort.


The West Siberian Plain is located within the boundaries of the Epigercyn plate. It is located on the Asian continent and occupies almost the entire part of Western Siberia, starting with Ural mountains and ending

The regions of Russia and Kazakhstan are located on this plain. The total area of ​​this area exceeds three million kilometers. The distance from north to south is two and a half thousand, and from east to west - one thousand nine hundred kilometers.

Description of the West Siberian Plain

This area is a surface with slightly rugged relief, diluted with minor fluctuations in relative heights. All this determines the clear zoning of the landscape.

Description of the West Siberian Plain gives an idea of ​​the characteristic of the area. In the northern part of the territory, tundra predominates, and in the south, the steppe stretches. Due to the fact that the plain is poorly drained, a large part of it is occupied by swampy areas and swampy forests. The total area of ​​such complexes is more than one hundred twenty eight million hectares. By virtue of geographic features the climate is changeable.

Plain structure

The structure of the West Siberian Plain is heterogeneous. At great depths, there are Paleozoic rocks, which are covered with Meso-Cenozoic sediments. The Mesozoic formations represent marine as well as continental deposits of organic matter.

The structure of the West Siberian Plain indicates a repeated change in climate conditions and the regime of precipitation accumulation on this plate. This was facilitated by its descent at the beginning of the Mesozoic period.

Gray clay, mudstones, glauconite sandstones represent Paleogene sediments. Their accumulation took place at the very bottom of the Paleogene Sea, which, in turn, connected the Arctic Basin with the seas of Central Asia by lowering the Turgai Strait. Subsequently, in the middle of the Oligocene, this sea left the boundaries of Western Siberia. In this regard, the upper Paleogene sediments are sandy-clayey continental facies.

Colossal changes in the nature of the accumulation of sedimentary deposits occurred in the Neogene. Formed rock that rises in the southern side of the plain and consists of continental deposits of rivers and lakes. Their formation took place in the condition of a small dissection of the plain, which was covered by subtropical vegetation, then deciduous deciduous forests. In some places one could find savannah territories inhabited by giraffes, hipparions, and camels.

Mineral formation process

The location of the West Siberian Plain presupposes the presence of a folded basement from the Paleozoic [sediments. These deposits are covered by a cover of loose marine and continental Mesozoic-Cenozoic rocks (clay, sandstone, etc.). This suggests that in some places the age of the rocks of the West Siberian Plain reaches one billion years or more.

As a result of the subsidence of the plate in shallow lakes, organic matter accumulated, which later turned out to be conserved under sedimentary rocks. As a result of pressure and exposure to hot temperatures, the formation of minerals began. The resulting substances moved to the sides with the least pressure. As a result of these processes, oil flowed from a submerged to a raised state, and gas compounds rose along the edges of the field basins. Above the places of the highest uplifts of the basins there is a sedimentary rock - clay.

Resources available

Thanks to the work of geologists in such a territory as the West Siberian Plain, the minerals found in this area have become a powerful base for the development of Western Siberia. There are deposits of such resources as natural gas, brown coal, oil.

The developed wells in Western Siberia are producing large amounts of oil. Soft sedimentary rocks are easy to drill. One of the richest and most high-quality is the West Siberian Plain. Minerals have been mined here for over fifty years. The largest basin is the West Siberian oil and gas basin. Within the boundaries of the Khanty-Mansiysk syneclise, as well as the Krasnoselsky, Salym and Surgut regions, the Bazhenov formation contains the largest reserves of shale oil in our country. They are mined at a depth of two kilometers.

The cuff of loose sediments encloses a horizon of underground fresh and saline waters. There are also hot springs, the temperature of which varies from one hundred to one hundred and fifty degrees.

West Siberian Plain: minerals (table)

Thus, the structure of the West Siberian Plain indicates the solid age of the rocks of this territory and the presence of rich mineral deposits. Despite this, there is a problem in the development of gas and oil. It lies in heavy natural conditions... The life and work of people in the northern part is significantly complicated by severe frost and hurricane winds. The soil in the north is bound by permafrost, so construction is not an easy task. In the summer, the number of blood-sucking insects increases, which create difficulties for the workers.

Instead of a conclusion

Today, the issue of protection and rational use of the resources of Western Siberia remains relevant. The predatory devastation of the surrounding nature can lead to disastrous consequences. It must be borne in mind that everything in a natural system is interconnected, and therefore one must strive not to violate its harmony.

The vast territory of our country is rich in valuable resources, including coal, oil, natural gas, precious stones and minerals. What minerals is rich in central part and other regions where richest deposits of these riches, what are their reserves and what is the share of Russia in the world. Let's answer these questions.

In contact with

Fossil types

Mineral resources are minerals, rocks and combustible raw materials embedded in the depths of the earth's crust and which are valuable to humans. Wealth in these resources, among other indicators, determines the position of the country on the world market. It is customary to distinguish types of minerals depending on the purpose of their use. The list of minerals is quite impressive.


In most cases they are used as fuel. These include:

Oil is an oily liquid, which is an excellent fuel and raw material for many substances. Oil in Russia is called black gold.

It is used in almost all industries and brings enormous profits. In terms of its reserves, Russia is in 7th place among all countries, but it has been established that only half of the oil production opportunities have been realized.

An important characteristic of oil is its density: the less it is, the more the product is valued.

Gas- the most convenient and environmentally friendly fuel, which is extracted from the hollows of rocks. Natural gas is formed by the breakdown of organic compounds in the depths. In terms of deposits of this substance, Russia is in first place in the world.

Coal- is the result of the decomposition of a huge amount plant organisms... Occurs in layers, the formation process of which takes thousands of years. This is the most demanded combustible material, it is actively used in metallurgy and industry. Only the United States and China are ahead of Russia in coal reserves.

Peat- a combustible substance (contains up to 50% carbohydrate), which is the result of rotting plants, mainly mosses. Peat deposits are swamps. The thickness of the peat layer is at least 30 cm. The demand for it is huge, since it burns well and is used to fertilize the soil. There are more than 40 thousand peat deposits, most of which are located in the Asian part of the country.

Oil shale on the contrary, they are mined in the west. This is a combination of organic matter and siliceous clay, solid formations of a gray or brown hue. Oil shale deposits are located at the bottom of water bodies. The processing of this material produces a resin that is similar in properties to oil. Oil shale is an additional source of heat, but since their reserves exceed the amount of all fossil fuels in the world, it is possible that in the foreseeable future it is oil shale that will become the main raw material for fuel.


Ore is not one specific type of raw material, but a combination of several components with the content of the main substance in such an amount that the extraction and processing of ore is profitable and justified from an economic point of view.

Fossils extracted in this way are called ore. Central Russia is rich in these reserves.

Metal ores- these minerals of Russia are named so because they contain various metals. These are deposits of iron, copper, nickel, cobalt, tin, tungsten, and aluminum.

On the territory of our country, gold is mined (our country is in 4th place together with Canada), silver (first place in terms of reserves on the planet), polymetals.

Iron ore Is a mineral formation containing a large amount of iron. This mineral is the main raw material for the manufacture of cast iron.

Gold- fusible, soft, very dense, but ductile in its properties precious metal. Jewelers emit yellow, white, red gold (the color depends on the added metals; additives give gold products greater strength). Also, gold is used in production, medicine, cosmetology.

Silver- white metal, soft, ductile, conducts electricity well. Silver is used for making jewelry, crockery, cutlery, and electrical engineering.

Non-metallic ores (as the name implies, they do not contain metals): titanium, uranium, manganese, mercury and others.

Uranium ore- a mineral resource with a high concentration of uranium. It is a radioactive element used in nuclear fuel, geology, mechanical engineering and aircraft construction. In addition, this substance generates heat many times more powerful than oil or gas. Uranium is a very common element in nature.

Manganese ore, the main component of which is manganese, is used very widely in metallurgy, ceramics, and medicine.


Precious and semi-precious stones are rocks of organic and inorganic origin, used in jewelry, industry, and often in medicine. The main wealth is diamonds, the first of which was found at the end of the 19th century. Also mined:

  • topaz,
  • emeralds,
  • sapphires,
  • rubies,
  • rhinestone,
  • cornelian,
  • amethysts,
  • malachite,
  • amber.

Diamond Is a mineral that is the hardest in the world, but at the same time very fragile. Diamonds are widely used in jewelry, and due to their strength also in the nuclear industry, optics, microelectronics, for the manufacture of sharp cutting and sharpening objects.

Rhinestone- a transparent mineral used in the manufacture of jewelry and some interior details, as well as in radio engineering.

Other minerals include amber, topaz, malachite, ruby, and so on.

Note! What kind of mineral is called the stone of fertility. These are the minerals from which mineral fertilizers are produced: phosphorite, potassium salts, apatite

Building breeds: different kinds sand, gravel, granite, basalt, volcanic tuffs. The bowels of the earth also store graphite, asbestos, mica different types, graphite, talc, kaolin. They are widely used in construction.

Place of Birth

Mineral deposits in our country are widespread throughout the territory. are located in the southern, eastern and northeastern parts, as well as on. Valuable breeds are mined in these areas. In the central and European parts of Russia, which are more flat, rich ore deposits have been discovered.

Detailed minerals map in Russia is as follows:

  1. Combustible minerals are concentrated in the northwestern part of Siberia and the Volga delta, that is, in the European part of Russia, and the largest deposits are Sakhalin and the Yamalo-Nenets district.
  2. Gold is mined in five large deposits, 200 primary and 114 complex. The richest regions in gold are Magadan, Yakutia, Sakha.
  3. Silver is mined in the Urals and Eastern Siberia. Almost 98% of the deposits are located in the region of the Okhotsk-Chukotka and East Alin volcanic belt.
  4. Most of the many sources of peat are found in the Urals and Siberia, in swampy areas. The largest is the Vasyugan field, which is located in Western Siberia.
  5. Bituminous coal is mined almost throughout the country, but the main wealth is concentrated in the east (more than 60% of the total).
  6. Deposits of gypsum, sand, limestone are found in the area. Potassium salts are mined in the Perm Territory, rock salt - in Eastern and Western Siberia.
  7. The location of construction raw materials is recorded in the Urals, Sayan, Transbaikalia, Irkutsk Region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Siberia.
  8. Large quantities of aluminum ores can be found in the northern Urals and the Komi Republic.

Expert forecast

Information on the share of minerals in Russia among world reserves varies somewhat, but on average it is very significant indicators... So, in Russia there are about 12% of the total oil reserves, 32% - natural gas, 30% - coal, 25% - iron.

Note! The problem is that, according to experts, the bulk of Russian deposits are not of high quality in comparison with world ones (in terms of the ratio of useful components, they are less valuable than samples from other countries of the world, but their extraction is much more difficult by natural and geographical conditions) ...

To improve the situation, a strategy has been developed up to 2020, the result of which should be a more rational and efficient use of raw materials.

The situation is aggravated by the decline in the replenishment reserves of minerals in Russia. As a result, many oil companies are losing profitability.

Coal mining is carried out at a slow pace and does not provide industrial sectors with a sufficient amount of raw materials. Many iron ore mining enterprises are provided with reserves for no more than two decades. Working with other metal ores is also very difficult and continues to deteriorate.

The main types of fossils in Russia

Mineral resources of Russia - ores, diamonds, oil


Now, despite the colossal reserves of minerals throughout the vast territory, our country lags significantly behind most countries in the world in terms of their development and use. The improvement of the country's economy and the development prospects largely depend on the solution of this problem.

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