The role of minerals in the human body of calcium. Calcium why need a body. Interaction with medical preparations

Calcium in the human body is present in the amount of 1-2 kg. Approximately 1% of this substance is in the blood, the remaining 99% is the basis of the skeleton and are presented in the form of carbonates and apatites. The daily rate of this mineral for an adult is 0.8 g. For a woman who is carrying a child, the recommended dose is somewhat higher - about 1 g.

Since this substance is rapidly excreted from the body along with later, it becomes especially necessary to persons leading an active lifestyle and athletes. Calcium for the body of people who are often in contact with fluorine-containing dust and phosphate fertilizers are also very important, and therefore they should pay attention to the products rich in this mineral.

Biological role

Calcium for the body is needed for the formation of bone tissue, it takes an active part in carbohydrate exchange and the exchange of sodium chloride is normal. Thanks to it, the regulation of hormonal secretion and muscle contractions occurs. This mineral prevents the development of inflammatory processes and monitors the normal permeability of vascular walls.

Calcium for the body is quite important. It is needed for the transfer of nerve impulses, as a result of which muscle activity is coordinated. Due to the circulation of the ions of this substance between cell membranes, there is a transmission of mental impulses, as a result of which a person can survive joy or calm down.

Calcium in the human body is the main "builder" of the toothbrush. It has a positive effect on the peristaltics and regulates blood clotting. This mineral is needed for the well-established work of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

And if calcium is missing?

The lack of calcium in the body may be caused by diseases, as a result of which its active conclusion occurs in the process of urine output, or the release of mineral substance from bones is disturbed. This will signal a reduced level of substance in the blood test - up to 2.2 mmol / l.

Calcium deficiency in the body is provoked by low-calorie diets, which are often addicted to women in order to lose weight. As a result, nail plates and hair become brittle. Bone tissue is made fragile. And it happens like this for the following reason - seeking to fill the lack of a substance, the body "pulls" it from nail plates, hair follicle, toothbrush.

Calcium is important for the body, so it is necessary to monitor that its products containing it in the diet. As a result, it will be possible to achieve the goal in the process of weight loss and establish a positive effect of this mineral.

In addition, the lack of calcium in the body is often observed in old age when his absorption begins to deteriorate. The symptoms of such an imbalance become:

  • heartbeat rhythm;
  • spinal deformation;
  • muscle spasms;
  • bone fragility;
  • hair and nails become brittle;
  • the memory is worsen;
  • hypertension is developing;
  • there are chronic inflammation of the skin;
  • there is an increased irritability.

Calcium deficiency for the body can provoke convulsions, spasms and breathing difficulties. Arise easy sensations and a feeling of tingling in the upper and lower limbs. Long-term calcium shortage for the body is fraught with decalcination of bones, which develops into osteoporosis. On the ECG, you can observe the conductivity of the pulses in the heart muscle.

But the lack of calcium in the body is easy to detect before the onset of the above symptoms. To do this, it is enough to carry out a blood test, which will help diagnose the deficit of this substance and will allow you to take the necessary measures in time.

What threatens an excess mineral?

The role of calcium in the human body is underestimated is extremely recommended, but also it is not worth the concentration. If the content of this substance in the blood will be more than 2.6 mmol / l, then this may indicate it too active absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. And what happens so because of the abuse of products, rich data from mineral. For example, if you drink a lot of milk, then you deliver a large amount of calcium. The same situation consists of taking a means of medicines that become necessary for health. Do not forget that excess vitamin D is also able to stimulate the suction of the designated mineral into the blood.

In increased quantities of calcium for the body, it is fraught with a decrease in the tone of smooth muscles and increasing blood clotting. An increase in acidity may be observed, which entails ulcerative disease and hyperacid gastritis. The consequences also include the development of angina, parachitoid and thyroid disease, the emergence of gout and bradycardia. May be violated kidney functions and bladderAs a result, the separation of salts of this mineral with urine increases and the risk of renal-stone disease increases.

The increase in calcium level affects:

  • paralysis or stay on long bed mode;
  • hereditary diseases, in particular we are talking about multiple endocrine neoplasia;
  • age changes;
  • diseases of the cervical department, which were treated using radiation therapy;
  • development malignant neoplasm In the lungs or: in women - the mammary glands, in a man - the prostate gland.

If the calcium is much, then for the body it will not bring this benefit. The person disappears an appetite, a nausea, provoking vomiting, may be observed. The work of the digestion system is disturbed, which entails pain in the abdomen and constipation. Excess calcium influences the operation of the heart muscle and on brain activity - concentration is lost, hallucinations may occur and pursue a sense of weakness. Kidney functions are also violated.

How to maintain the optimal level of calcium?

For the body of calcium is useful in a certain amount. If a mineral deficiency is observed, it is easy to fill it, enriching its diet cabbage, beans, almond nuts and a top of the turnip. But remember that these products should be grown without the use of chemical fertilizers - just as they will have a positive effect.

Women who hold a low-calorie diet must remember such culture as a salad-lathouse, since the minerals included in its composition are easily absorbed by the body. Cow's milk, if you consulate it, it is advisable to replace goat, as it is more useful for the body, and calcium is more calcium.

Fruit and vegetable salads, seasoned with natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream, will quickly "give out calcium - for the body such food will be easy, as the process of assimilation does not take a lot of strength.

Calcium for the body is extremely important. Therefore, it should be remembered that this substance is practically not absorbed. Therefore, to replenish the lack of calcium, the menu is desirable to enrich products with its content. In this case, the maximum benefit will bring vegetables.

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purposeto find out why calcium is so necessary for our body and what food is rich in calcium.

To achieve the goal of the study, I used the following methods:analysis (analyzed the literature on the research topic), questioning and analysis of the results obtained, practical research, conversation with a specialist, observation and conclusions.

Following the research, received results: K. the altitude is the main building element of our body. Calcium is needed not only to children and older people, but a person at any age. ABOUT h provides healthy bones and teeth, smooth and silky skin, shiny and strong hair.Calcium is the mineral contained in our body and in many food products . It helps to have a slim fit and straight posture.

Output:calcium substance for the growth and development of a living organism, its maintenance must be normal . If there is enough calcium in our body, we will always be healthy. N. evogenian to present the body of a person without bones and teeth.Milk and fermented milk products remain the main source of the natural flow of calcium into the body. Calcium is a vital element.


Calcium is a mineral contained in our body and many food products. Most of the calcium in our organism is contained in the bones and teeth.


Mom and my younger sister says that you need to drink milk, to eat cheese and cottage cheese, because these products contain calcium, and it is useful for health. I was interested, and what is calcium and why it needs our body.

Hypothesis:the lack of calcium in the human body leads to fragility and fragility of bones, so its content should be normal.

Purpose:find out why calcium is so necessary for our body and what food is rich in calcium.


Explore the literature on calcium benefits;

Carry out experiments on the study of the effects of acids on calcium destruction;

Analyze the results and draw conclusions.

Object of study:calcium.

Subject of study: The effect of calcium on the strength of bones and enamel of teeth.

Research methods: Analysis of literature on the topic, questioning and analysis of the results obtained, practical research, conversation with a specialist, observation and conclusions.

Practical significance research: This project can be continued at the next study step. You can compare the calcium content in different types Products and choose the one that contains the greatest amount of calcium necessary for human health.

Novelty:in my class and among my friends no one spent research work about calcium.

Research time: January - February 2018


I decided to spend a survey among my classmates. The purpose of the questionnaire: find out what they know about calcium and its benefits. 17 people took part in the survey. The results of the survey are as follows:

After analyzing the results of the survey, I came to the conclusion that my classmates, do not know anything about calcium. So my research will be useful not only to me, but also to my comrades.

What is calcium?

Calcium is not a trifle:

Forming limestone

Without me neither chalk nor marble

Do not cost any

Calcium builds you a skeleton

There is no support without me.

Also calcium ions,

Keep nervous system

And turn the blood.

So as not to wear a denture -

You need calcium covers!

Calcium is an element without which the main life processes cannot flow normally. Almost all plants and animals need calcium, it is in all organs and tissues of living organisms.

Calcium is necessary to ensure that the bones are durable. Children are needed for normal growth and development, most calcium is contained in bones and teeth.

In the human body, calcium is in three main places:

In the bones of the skeleton (about 99%);

In cells;

In blood. It is the blood of calcium that is delivered to the organs and tissues of the body.

Study problem.

To explore the calcium problem in our body and find out how much it should be, I went to GBUZ, "Regional Hospital No. 11". I agreed to talk to the talk of the nurse Elena Philippovna.

I asked the following questions:

How much calcium is our body?

She explained that the body's need for calcium:

from 1 to 6 years - 1500 mg per day;

7 - 9 years old - 700mg;

10 - 12 years old (boys) - 900 mg (girls) - 1200 mg;

13 - 20 years - 1200 mg;

21 - 50 years old - 1000 mg;

over 50 years old - 1200 - 1500 mg.

What needs to be used for this?

Elena Philippovna said that you need to use: cabbage, greens, nuts, fruits, vegetables milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, beans, beans. And the most calcium in dairy products.

Milk and fermented milk products remain the main source of natural

calcium arrivals in the body. And this is despite the fact that the milk is far from the first places in the list of calcium-containing products. Milk and dairy products most people can be consumed with almost no limit. Most of the calcium is contained in butter And cheese. Cottage cheese is not the richest on calcium, the fact is that the "lion's share" of calcium is contained in the breast, therefore in cottage cheese, if it is made of pure milk, calcium is somewhat less.

How tasty and sweet, and very easy,

In the evening, in the morning drink milk!

Also calcium is contained in meat, fish, in bananas, oranges and in many other products. And my dad says, the more calcium absorbs our body, the stronger will be the teeth and bones.

How to determine how much calcium is our body?

Elena Filippovna told that the amount of calcium is determined by blood test. In the laboratory, calcium concentration is determined, which is contained in serum.

If there is little calcium in the body, what should be taken?

Elena Philippovna explained that calcium can be taken in the form of syrup, suspension, tablets, etc. Of course, in agreement with the doctor and under the persistent leadership of the parents.

The causes of calcium deficiency in the body are:

Lack of calcium in food;

Unbalanced nutrition;

Consumption of a large amount of sugar (when dissolved in the stomach interferes with calcium suction, violates phosphorus-calcium exchange);

Reception of medicines (hormonal, laxatives, antacids), which form with calcium compounds are not suction in the intestines;

Consumption of a large amount of salt (it contributes to the elimination of calcium from the body);

Products with an acidic reaction (animal fats, products from top grade flour, oxalic acid, spinach, rhubarb) lead to a violation of calcium metabolism;

Sedentary lifestyle;


Elena Filippovna wished me good health and never sick. I liked the conversation with Elena Filippovna.

Practical research.

Returning home, I asked myself a question: what happens if calcium would not be left in the bones?

Experiment No. 1.

I decided to spend experience with chicken bones. He took chicken bones put them in a jar and poured vinegar.

7 days passed. What happened to the bones?


Vinegar destroyed calcium in the bone, and they became soft. They lost their strength.

Experiment number 2.

I put an egg to the jar and completely poured it with vinegar. Tiny bubbles appeared on its surface.

This acetic acid attacks calcium contained in the eggshell. After some time, the egg shell changes its color. After 3 days, I took out the egg and neatly washed with its tap water.


The egg has become like a rubber ball. If there is little calcium in the body, the enamel of our teeth is cracking, like an egg shell, and the teeth begin to root and collapse.


So I learned that the altitude is a nutrient element that is needed for strong bones. With excess calcium, kidney stones appear, blood clotting is disturbed, immunity is weakened. And with a lack of calcium, restless sleep, nail fragility and hair, general health problems arise. It is impossible to imagine the body of a person without bones and teeth. Without teeth, it is not only not able to use normal food, but also risks to destroy his digestive system.

Milk and fermented milk products remain the main source of the natural flow of calcium into the body.

In the experiments, I proved that the bones without calcium became flexible and soft, lost hardness, which is why when calcium lack in children develops curvature of the spine, and in adults often occur bone fractures. And the experience of S. chicken eggshowed that the enamel of the teeth without calcium becomes soft and vulnerable, which is dangerous by the development of caries.

I came to the conclusion, calcium is a vital element, without him we could not live.

If calcium is below the norm,

It turns out in your blood,

Bleeding dangerous

Even scratch threatens!

Be healthy!


In addition to the key role in the formation and functioning of the skeleton, ION CA2 + is involved:

  • in permeability cell membranes!!!
  • transmission of nerve signals
  • reducing myocardium, skeletal and smooth muscles,
  • reduction of secretory and hormonal cells,
  • regulates blood coagulation, the permeability of the blood vessels walls,
  • sensitivity of vessels to vazo-pressing substances,
  • activates synthesis and broadcasts the action of many hormones,
  • it is the most versatile regulator!

The ion of phosphorus - P5 + together with Ca2 + forms the mineral base of bone tissue, is a bond component of cell membranes and main energy carriers (ATP, ADP), as well as the CAMF - mediator of hormonral and neuro-receptor signals. Through these and other substances of P5 + participates in almost all metabolic processes.

M2 + ion determines the functional state of the nervous tissue, especially the CNS, regulates more than 300 enzymatic and other reactions and processes, including homeostasis Ca2 + and P5 +.

CA2 +, P5 + and MG2 + is an essential buffer that saves our life daily, leveling blood pH, and, supporting homeostasis.

Many food products (most sugar, sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol, coffee, modern meat "), stress, state of intestines (especially fermentation), many drugs, and even sport - shift blood pH blood in the acidic side.

Simplifying, let's say climb. And this "corridor" is very narrow. PH shift per unit leads to human death.

Therefore, from our mineral depot (these are bones and teeth first of all) instantly "shoot" these minerals in blood. For "obsching", holding homeostasis, salvation of the owner's life.

The body will rather "dissipate" all the bones and teeth than let us die.

The exchange and homeostasis of CA2 +, P5 + and MG2 + is provided by a complex neurogorrhonal-polyorgan mechanism.

In the center of this complex three hormones:

  • Pararathyroid hormone (parathgormon, parasirine, PTH) is synthesized in parathyroid glands;
  • Calcitonine (CT) is produced by the C-cells of the thyroid gland;
  • B-hormone (dioxichecalciferol, calciferol) is formed from vitamin D by hydroxylation.

Despite the external monolithity, the bone is continuously changing, the decay of bone structures and replacing them with new ones.

Bone remodeling is performed by two types of cells: osteoblasts and osteoclasts.

Osteoblasts carry out reparation of bone tissue, osteoclasts carry out bone resorption.

Osteoblasts occur from the stromal cells of the bone marrow. Their function: the synthesis of osteoid - the protein matrix of bone tissue, which consists of several specific proteins, but the main two of them are:

  • Bone Collagen 1 type, which is polymerized into the rope-like structures. In the intervals between the "strands" of the rope-like protein, mineral crystals are laid, which are calcium salts of phosphorus, coal, lemon and other acids.
  • The deposition of these salts contributes - osteocalcin. This peptide contains - gamma carboxyglutamic acid (glutamic acid product and vitamin K).

Osteoblasts reduce their activity while reducing the level of genital hormones.

Osteoclasts originate from predecessors of mononuclear leukocytes (monocytes). These bone cells are rich in lysosomal and mitochondrial enzymes, with the help of which they carry out the resorption of bone tissue. These cells are active.

Affinity bone cells The cells of the hematopoiet and immune system explains the frequent damage to the bone-articular system during diseases of Bekhterev, rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis, hemoblastosis, plasmocyte, as well as the high frequency of bone metastases of malignant tumors.

Summary: Physiology CA, MG, P exchange is ensured by a very complex, multicomponent regulation.

And, complex regulatory systems are prone to destabilization and often come out of equilibrium.

Almost all endocrinopathies, many systemic, and organ diseases are accompanied by violations of this exchange.

The most significant load: during intensive growth in childhood, in the period of puberty, pregnancy, lactation, menopause and andropause.

In these periods, it is especially necessary to help the body to keep homeostasis CA, MG, P. Health depends on this. No need to wait for the development of pathology.

The most important factors determining the condition of bone tissue and the CA2 +, P5 + and MG2 + metabolism is the adequate entry of the corresponding ions in the body, and then their effective absorption in the intestine, followed by the "utilization" of the bone and other tissues.

It is clear that the basic moments of calcium exchange and related ions are their sufficient content in food and water, the intestinal health.

In practice, there is an alimentary, i.e. Food deficit, to the greatest degree of calcium.

Many factors negatively affect the intestinal absorption of calcium in different age periods. In particular, with artificial feeding, only 30% of calcium contained in food mixtures is absorbed, while 70% is absorbed from the female milk.

Among other dietary reasons for calcium and osteopathy deficiency are called the use of chlorinated water, chocolate, sugar, coffee and cocoa abuse, excessive consumption of sweets and salts, excessive consumption of products containing organic acids - sorrel, spinach, rhubarb, cranberries, tomatoes, citrus .

A direct negative effect on calcium and bone metabolism has smoking, drinking alcohol, drug addiction and toxicization, ecological disadvantages, many drugs (laxatives, diuretics, antacids and adsorbents, etc.)

Very affects insufficient physical activity, psycho-emotional stress.

The most varying group in relation to CA-P-MG of imbalance are children. First of all, these are babies and children of the first year of life, and in second place - schoolchildren, which is associated with elevated mental and not quite physiological static loads that are experiencing children in school. There are three basic forms of osteodistrophy:

Osteomalacia - This is a decrease in the mineralization of bone tissue without disrupting the protein bone structure and without reducing its protein mass.

Osteoporosis - Destruction and loss of protein bone matrices with disturbed bone tissue and its mineral density per unit volume.

The mechanical strength of the bone decreases.

Osteopetrosis - Excessive increase in bone mineralization. The bone strength decreases.

Bioavailability of various calcium forms

Bioavailability of various forms of sa. Talk about some:

1. Ca carbonate.

In a healthy person, only about 15% of calcium carbonate is absorbed in the small intestine (85% "past").

Elimination by the kidneys (20%) and with feces (80%).

More effective as a means of reduced acidity of the stomach.

2. Ca gluckonate.

With a healthy intestine, about 9% is absorbed. Elimination by the kidneys (20%), with a fee (80%).

3. Ca citrate.

Ca citrate has a positive feature - reduces the amount of oxalates in the urine.

Citrate's bioavailability reaches 44%.

4. Unlike simple salts Calcium chelate It is a complex where the salt "is fermented" into the amino acid frame. Already enters the intestines in ready for suction. CA should be transformed into a thin intestine in chelates, and so it is already enabled in a bioavailable form.

The best shape is. Bioavailability exceeds 86%.

B night time there is a circadian acceleration of resorbative processes in the bone. It is advisable to take SA after lunch and in the evening, which will prevent his accelerated loss in the second half of the night.

The effectiveness of the assimilation of SA influence:

  • Optimal acidity of gastric juice. Reduced acidity - sa digested worse.
  • Balance with fat. The optimal ratio of fat and sa \u003d 100: 1. Sa forms well-absorbed compounds with fatty acids.
  • Balan with magnesium (MG). SA ratio: mg \u003d 2: 1. With magnesium deficiency, Magnesium is weak. MG deficiency in food is a separate current problem.
  • Balan with phosphorus (P).
  • Vitamin D. With the lack of this vitamin of calcium, it is not capable of properly absorbed from the intestine and enter the bone.
  • Vitamin K2: Participates in the synthesis of protein, which destroys and derives calcium, located on the walls of the vessels; activates the protein that secures calcium on the surface of bone tissues; Provides calcium interaction and vitamin D.

Reception of sa must be accompanied by the reception producing K2.

And, it is only part of mandatory factors.

Send to labels. Try to take CA preparations that, with long-term use, will guarantee not only efficiency, but also your safety.

Lecture of Nutriciologist Arcadia Bibikova

Calcium, Ca) - One of the most common in the human body, which is a building material for bones of man or animals.

In addition, calcium in combination with supports the health of cell membranes, participates in the transmission of nerve pulses, and also has antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effect.


The name of the substance ("Calx", "Calcis" - from the Latin "Lime") proposed to introduce its discoverer - the English chemist of Gemphri Davy, which in 1808 brought the metallic calcium form using the electrolytic method. True, for a long time, Davy, burnt lime in the form of limestone, gypsum and marble was used in construction business residents of the Earth 3 and more than a thousand years ago.

common data

Location B. periodic table DI. Mendeleeva: in old version - IV period, IV series, group II, in new version Tables - 2 Group, 4 period.

  • Atomic number - 20
  • Atomic mass - 40,078
  • Electronic Configuration - 4S2
  • Melting temperature (° C) - 839
  • Boiling temperature (° C) - 1487
  • Cas: 7440-70-2

Physiochemical properties. Calcium is a soft chemical-active metal silver-white color. When contact with oxygen (o) and carbon dioxide (CO2), the metal surface begins to fill up.

Biological role of calcium in the body

Calcium performs a number of useful functions in almost all living organisms - human, animals and even plants.

According to data, only in the bones of the average person is from 1 to 1.7 kg of calcium! In the cell fluid, the concentration of Ca ≈ 10-4 mmol / l, the intercellular fluid ≈ 2.5 mmol / l.

In the human body, in particular - bones, calcium is contained in the form of hydroxyapatite, and perform most of the various biological processes - calcium ions.

The bones of most invertebrates, for example - corals, mollusks, etc. consist of calcium carbonate (lime). This substance is also one of the main components. egg shell and shells.

Among the main functions of calcium in the human body and animals can be allocated:

  • Is a building material for bone tissue, incl. Dental, thanks to which the bones are maximally resistant to the effects of various adverse factors - injury, fractures, caries, increasing porosity (osteposition) and others. Also included in the cell core, membranes, intracellular and intercellular fluid.
  • Participates in the transfer of nerve impulses, due to which the nervous system manages other organs and systems, incl. muscular fabrics. Directly supports the possibility of muscles to shrink, which is especially important in the case of the heart muscle (myocardium). Supports the working capacity of the nervous system.
  • Participates in the regulation of blood clotting processes, insulin and glucose levels.
  • Together with sodium, only the opposite, calcium is involved in regulating the permeability of the cell membrane - exocytosis.
  • It has antioxidant, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress activity.
  • Helps the body in purification from heavy metals, radionuclides and other substances poisoning.
  • Performs the function of the activator of some enzymes, hormones and neurotransmitters.
  • Participates in maintaining the organism of the acid-alkaline balance (pH), preventing the appearance of acidosis (increasing acidity).
  • We are needed for normal formation of nails and hair.

Calcium use in other spheres of human life

  • Obtaining uranium using metal thermal methods;
  • Production of building materials - plaster, cement;
  • Use as a basis for the manufacture of plaster (in traumatology, surgery);
  • It is part of some disinfectants, for example - chlorks.

Daily need

Children from 1 to 3 years 600 mg
from 4 to 10 years 800-1000 mg
from 10 to 13 years 1000-1300 mg
The youth from 13 to 16 years 1200 mg
from 16 to 25 years 1000 mg
Adults from 25 to 50 years 800-1200 mg
Pregnant and nursing breasts 1500-2000 mg

Important! Calcium admission to the body must be combined with admission, in proportion 1 (Ca) to 1.5 (P).

For balanced nutrition, most of daily norm Calcium enters the body with food, in particular - dairy products, grain crops, greens, nuts and other products that will be discussed further in the article.

Lack of calcium

The lack of calcium in the body can cause a number of health complications, among which you can allocate:

  • Reducing the mineralization and density of bones (), which is why they become more vulnerable to mechanical damage (fractures);
  • Slowing down the growth of children, rickets;
  • Teeth disease are observed -, and others;
  • Feeling of numbness in the limbs;
  • Muscular cramps in various parts of the body, as well as other disorders of the nervous system - increased nervousness, anxiety, increased susceptibility to, drowsiness, violation of mental activity (dementia);
  • Attacks (rapid heartbeat);
  • Stratification and increased nail fragility;
  • , development and even attacks of a hypertonic crisis;
  • Abundant bloodstures during menstruation;
  • Increased level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and the development of related diseases - ,;

Causes of calcium shortage

The main reason for calcium shortage is unbalanced nutrition (rigid diets, starvation, irregular meals, etc.).

There are also products that impede the normal absorption of sa - beef fat, fat cow milk, palm oil. Palmitic and steamed fatty acid contained in these products have binding sa activity, turning it into its derivatives - palmitate and calcium stearate. Next, the necessary for the health of calcium is simply excreted from the body in the defecation process. If you eat these products on an ongoing basis, especially since childhood, a number of health problems will have a number of health problems due to a lack of calcium.

Among other reasons that can cause calcium deficiency, you can allocate smoking, alcohol, lack of vitamin D, increased use of coffee and other caffean-containing products, pregnancy, breastfeeding period and menopause, various diseases of the thyroid and urinary system.

Calcium application S. therapeutic goal It is advisable in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy, lactation, menopause, monthly, long-term intake of diuretic or anti-epihylectric preparations, glucocorticosteroids and other states under which Ca is explicitly derived from the body;
  • Diseases that are characterized by a violation of the transport of nerve impulses - in numbness, cramps, as well as increased permeability of cell membranes;
  • Reduction of bone density (osteoporosis), violation of the growth and formation of the skeleton (rickets);
  • Abundant bleeding;
  • and associated states;
  • Organism poisoning -, heavy metals, magnesium salts (MG 2+);
  • Liver diseases (parenchymal hepatitis), kidneys (), skin ();
  • Metabolism disorders, hypocalcemia.

Excess calcium

An excess of calcium in the body as well as a shortage may cause a number of health complications, among which you can allocate:

If we talk about sa, as a mineral, then, due to its high chemical activity in its pure form, it is practically not found. The greatest calcium capacity in nature is observed in such formations, as chalk and other varieties of limestone, field spat, granite.

Chemical sources (CA): "Calcium Gluconate", "Calckene", "Calcium-D3 Nicomed", vitamin complexes.

Synthesis in the body: -.

Calcium interaction with other substances

The best digestibility of the Ca in the intestine occurs at the simultaneous reception with vitamin D.

In order for calcium to maximally perform its functions in the body, its reception must be combined with C - in proportion 1 (Ca) to 0.7 (Mg) 1, as well as phosphorus (P) - 1 (Ca) to 1.5 ( R).



Calcium in the human body: video

Photo shutterstock

Calcium value for the human body

Since calcium is the main element of bone tissue, its sufficient content in the body is important for the proper formation and development of the bone frame and prevent bone fragility. Pregnant and lactating women and children in the period of active growth are especially needed. In the elderly, calcium deficit often becomes the cause of osteoporosis.

The processes of excitation and braking in the brain and their balance directly depend on this element - calcium is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. Calcium is important for the normal permeability of cell membranes and vessels, and therefore plays a last role in normal metabolism.

To teeth in the kid grow strong and beautiful, mom needs to take care of sufficient calcium in its body

The stability of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, blood coagulation, muscle cut, the production of the necessary hormones and enzymes and their activity - all this also depends on calcium. Possessing antiallergic properties, calcium reduces the manifestation of allergic reactions and is used to prevent and treat such diseases such as swelling, bronchial asthma, urticaria, pollinosis and so on.

Calcium contributes to getting rid of the body from heavy metal salts and radionuclides, reduces blood pressure, provides strong and healthy sleep, relieves fatigue and tension, has a positive effect on overall well-being.

Calcium deficiency in the body

The lack of calcium in the body can lead to:

  • rickets;
  • bone curvature;
  • scoliosis;
  • latency in children and adolescents;
  • blood coagulation disorders;
  • various allergic reactions;
  • the formation of kidney stones;
  • the fragility of capillaries.
Caffeine, nicotine and alcohol contribute to the intensive removal of calcium from the human body and lead to its deficit

In humans suffering from chronic lack of calcium, there is often an involuntary cutting of muscles, bleeding of gums and dental destruction, they are more susceptible to infections and poorly carry physical and mental loads.

After 30 years, the human body begins to do especially intensively lose calcium and, if you leave the problem of the deficit of this trace element for a long time, it is not only worse appearance (The condition of the teeth, skin, hair and nails) and the mood, but also there is a huge risk of developing serious diseases and reduce life expectancy.

The best calcium is digested at night, since it is at night "parathyroid glands work especially actively

Those who are constantly working in closed premises, do not forget that vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium, which is produced by the body under the action of the sun. The lack of calcium and vitamin D is the cause of such severe diseases as osteoporosis and osteomation - softening bones (sometimes osteomalysis is also called "rickets of adults").

In addition, the lack of calcium is able to cause an incurable neurological disease - sclerosis scarm. Most often, this ailment develops after 40 years, however, with an acute deficit, calcium may occur before.

What foods contain calcium?

Calcium is contained in:

  • dairy products;
  • seeds;
  • nuts;
  • greens;
  • dried fruits;
  • soybeans;
  • cheese;
  • seafood;
  • fish;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables.

Vegetables are especially rich in calcium , pineapples, cherry. A finished source of calcium for the body is bran, honey and fermented milk products.

A large amount of calcium is contained in sesame seed and tea Roibush

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