Ancient China border. Ancient China: Periodization of history and culture. Natural conditions described in legends

It has long been on an extensive territory, between the rivers Yangtze and Juanhe, a small country is located, which in about 1766 BC. Received the name of the state Shang-Yin. Ordinary people called their "Zhong GU", which meant " Middle State" Here, then there were people who know the writing, who know how to pay bronze, to join the weapons, produce combat wagons, breed and harness horses, spread power and attribute tribute to taxes, weaker tribes.

The Elders Shang-Yin, an early tribes who lived in this territory, began to rule alone. Among the lower layers, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe kings as about the "sons of the sky" was strengthened. Well, the kings believed that they had their origin from the swallow - the birds of the night color, which was sent to the ground to create the country Shan.

Over time, other tribes traded the knowledge and skills of the people of Yin. In 1122 to our era, the overall dynasty "Initians". Vladyka Zhou tribe called themselves vans, that is, kings. The first king was U-van, which significantly increased the size of the country. He distributed various titles with his approximated and endowed them with dots, but not in eternal property. All provincial rulers were dependent on the monarch. They had only the right to impose Castle and collect recruits.

As a result of raids of steppe nomadic tribes, the weakening of the power of Van and the disobedience of the provinces, the state was broken by 7 cars: Qin, Han, Chu, Zhao, Qi, Yan, Wei. This period (from 770 to 403 to our era) was called "Spring and Autumn".

Next, the time of "warring kingdoms", which lasted almost 2 centuries (403 - 221 to our era), - the struggle of the specific rulers for power. The dead lay straight on the streets of the city, and the battlefields were painted in bright red.

However, it should be noted that despite the crossbursts, the Epoch of Zhou became a period of cultural and economic growth. People with longing recalled the past, everyone dreamed of old, good time. There were educated people who expressed these dreams. Those were the ancient Chinese thinker of Lao Tzu and a younger contemporary of this troubled Time Coon Tzu.

In the battle of Changpin in 260 BC, the Kin's Era of the Kin's war was buried alive four hundred thousand surrendered soldiers by the enemy army. Thanks to the new organization of the troops: there were young people in attacking detachments, and in defenders - the elder war - the victory in the interworking won "Cinters".

Conquer and uniting all 6 kingdoms, the ruler of Qin, thirteen Ying Zheng, instead of the title "Wang" took the title of "Huangi". And since that time he commanded to call himself like this: Qin Shi-Huangi. Qin Shi-Huangdi did a lot for the country, starting with the association of provinces and expanding the boundaries of the country, ending with the domestic policy: Created a centralized management system (the whole country was divided into several territories, each was appointed two ruler, one of which was responsible for civilians, And the other is for the military. Careful supervision was conducted behind the rulers), introduced uniform money, writing and system of laws. He was a very cruel emperor, and this cruelty was explained by the desire of the emperor to preserve the country one and prevent decay. Thus, all the aristocratic titles were canceled, the whole of knowing was moved to the capital under the supervision of officials, no one from the inhabitants of the country was not allowed to wear weapons, now every family member became responsible for the life of his relatives (there was a powerful branched clan of relatives who keptly kept each other and Sometimes the components of the whole village. The interests of the family were attached much more importantthan a separate person). In addition, confusion followers were susceptible to persecution.

Once the predictor of the forefront of the Emperor: "We will destinate Qin Kursts that in the north." At that time, from the north to China made frequent raids of the Hunov tribes. To protect the country, Qin Shi-Huangi ordered to start building Wan Lee Chan Cheng - the Welk of the Chinese Wall. For her construction, he sent two million soldiers, prisoners of war and forced sent to work locals. Brutal laws turned the people of slaves, for distinguishing dressed in red clothes. Many never returned from the construction: the bodies of the dead were molded into the Great Wall, or in the Tower.

It must be said that this prediction really had a place to be. The emperor was killed not Hunna, but cruelty. A large detachment of recruits soldiers should have been on the northern border. However, they were late and frightened that they would now be sentenced to death. The detachment rebelled and went back. On the way, thousands of people joined them, rebellion broke out. As a result, the government captured the leader of the peasants Liu Ban. He became the emperor and founded the new Han dynasty (206 of our age - 25 years of our era).

Liu Ban continued more reasonably the case of Juandi: the cruel laws of the Qin Empire were canceled, at the end of the war with rivals, the emperor dismissed part of the army so that she could do agriculture And the craft, the techniques and tools of agrotechnology were improved, railway active workshops were created. During this period, hiking in Korea and Vietnam are organized, trade relations are established with the states of Central Asia and the Middle East so the Great Silk Road appeared.

Each people have their own story. On how well he remembers her depends on the country's success in modern world. China is a bright confirmation.

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Chinese ancient civilization numbered about 5000 years. The ancient sources found are proven that China is not less 3500 years. For several centuries after the death of the first emperor, China spread the wars. By 626 BC. Golden age has come in the country. Power switched to the first emperor of the dynasty Tang - TaiChun . In the capital of the Empire, moving in ChanganThe merchants arrived in the Great Flushing Way. Basels were noisy throughout the city. Different religions coexisted peacefully. For the first time, ordinary people, and not just know, the bonds to hold state posts. Each who expected to get a place in the public service should have passed the exam. The population worked at the production of salt, paper, iron. Flaw art and craft. The peasants sold their products on the streets, many called on the army.

First emperor

Before 221 BC China was divided into several kingdoms, each with his ruler who fought over 250 years. The state won the victory Qin (From this word, China's names in European languages). His ruler took the title Qin ShihuandyWhat does "first emperor Qin" mean. He climbed the throne of only 13 years. Brilliant commander and politician, he knocked anyone who stood on his way. For the steep temper it was called " qinsky Tigrome". Qin ordered to burn books that contradicted his ideas, and disagreeless scientists to reset into the pit. But the emperor was afraid to die. In his magnificent palace was more 1000 Spalten, And every night he changed the place of overnight, running around to be killed in a dream.
Qin Shihuandy It sought to preserve the unity of the Empire. He removed the authorities of the former rulers by setting them out in the capital Changan, re-shared the country on the area and appointed his officials. On his instructions, a network of roads and canals was built. For the safety of the northern border, the emperor ordered to build giant construction - Great Chinese wall, part of which has been preserved to this day. The emperor undertook to restore the strengths and wealth of the country after long wars. Writing unified. On all the products, even bricks, the manufacturer's name should stand: for the poor work of the masters could punish. The length of the TV axes was supposed to be the same, corresponding to the rut in the roads. Chinese kingdoms minted their coin. For Qin Shihuandy All coins were round, with a hole for a cord.
Despite all efforts, the empire collapsed shortly after death Qin Shihuandy, in 210 BC

the great Wall of China

For a long time, China threatened north of the nomadic tribes of Syunna (Hunna, or Huns). Local rulers tried to defend the building large walls. IN 214 BC The emperor ordered to combine them into one giant border wall longer than 3460 km. The construction was led by the commander Maine Tienwho sent officials to keep track of the work. Sitten built thousands of peasants. Shinder with whip constantly watched the pace and speed of work. The soldiers guarded the construction site from enemy attacks. Cold, view and dangerous working conditions roetened people. The dead were buried right where they fell.

The workers used simple tools - krcs, shovels, baskets and cargo, handbars. For lifting huge cobblestones, plates and stones used scaffolding from related bamboo poles. Mound from stones and land covered stone plates.

The height of the wall was 9 meters, and the width of such that chariot could drive through her. In the upper parts of the strengthen the guard towers were built. The wall also designed slug -anged loops for firing onions and crossbows.

Ultimately it was believed that Great Wall Has silhouette chinese Dragon Head west and tail east.

China's Solin - Changan

With a tank dynasty Changan became the largest city in the world. Shann means " forever safe". In the city there was more than a million permanent residents and many foreign merchants, travelers and scientists. Clothing was from color silk. Only the emperor could wear yellow clothes. The emperor's palace, surrounded by a high wall, was in the northern part of the city. Musicians advocated in the city square Dancers. Houses made of wood were covered with varnish. Roofing houses were designed.

Life is rich known

The rich lives on a wide leg. Catering families had wonderful houses in 2-3 floors. Magnificent silk robes, luxurious peers, on which the servants served pork or venison dishes and drinks cooked from millet and rice. Long hours were dedicated to enjoying music and poetry, play chess and cards. The houses decorated the luxury objects from gold and silver, jade and porcelain. Popular products were popular and painting on the rod. Noble Chinese moved around the city in stretchers - Palaankin.

Great inventions

The Chinese were great inventors. In II century BC They invented paper, later printing with wooden stamps. They also constructed the device to determine the force of earthquakes. In the era of the Tang dynasty, a mechanical water clock appeared, a magnetic compass, paper playing cards And thin porcelain. The invented gunpowder is invented by which the fireworks satisfied. The Chinese invented a typography. Pages were connected to a long strip, the book turned out to be a scroll.

Great silk path

Emperors Tan encouraged trade. Caravans of camels and horses hollowed Silk, porcelain, cing, tea and paper in a great flush way longer 7000 km. He joined China with the Mediterranean and walked through Central Asia, Persia, Cyria. The Chinese bought from fur, horses, gold, spices from neighbors. Fur products were brought from the north.
The journey through the Great Shelkovaya path was long. The merchants went to the path of the caravans. For the night camp broke. The Great Silk Road was named so because of the enormous merchandise value.

Crafts and art of China

The Chinese have learned how to produce salt from underground saline. The brine was lifted to the surface and in bamboo pipes were sent to chanes, where the water was evaporated. In the second century BC In China, began to make paper. From the wood of the tute tree, they made a cellulose mass and dried it on wooden framework. Buddhist monks first brought tea bushes with Himalayas, which soon began to grow. The farmers plowed the fields before sowing millet and grown rice. Irrigation allowed to master new lands for sowing . Okolo VI century BC. The Chinese have learned to make Silk from silk worm cocoons. Workers craftsmen learned to build a domain and to pay steel. Their weapons and tools have become stronger. Road workers raised the land for the road laying.
China was very popular calligraphy - Art of a beautiful letter. Artists decorated ceramic utensils with colored glaze. The outlines of the excellent beautiful scenery of the rocks in South China became the favorite plot of painters and artists.

Philosophy and path of knowledge

The Chinese have never had faith in a single God. They deified nature, worshiping the spirits of mountains, rivers and trees. They also have two religious and philosophical schools, indicating the norms of human relations. These are the teachings of Laosza (Taoism) and Confucius (Confucianism). The basis of Taoism is faith in harmony with nature. Confucians relied on virtue, camp and society stability. However, when B. I century BC. from India was borrowed buddhismHe spread very widely. Monk Xuan Tszan Returned and India with Buddhist treatises for their scientists fell in 629 year. Pilgrims went to the sacred "caves of thousands of Buddhas. More than B. 1000 caves There were wall paintings, Buddhist sculptures and an extensive library.
Taoist wise men contemplated the symbol yin Yang. The Chinese believed that Yin and Yang had a great force with the Universe, and their balance would provide the harmony of the world.
The Chinese believed that in the body of a person there is a network of paths, according to which energy flows. The needles introduced into singular points affect the energy current and heal the disease. This treatment method is called

Since ancient times, the Chinese have buried the deceased, along with the subjects for the afterlife. In the graves of the rulers, not only food, drinks and personal property, but also the bodies of the servants who had to be in eternal help from their master was found. The Chinese honored the dead ancestors, believing their help and protection.
Princess Dow Wan. Buried in robes from pieces of jade concluded by gold. Nephritis was supposed to protect her body from the tension.
In the tomb of the emperor buried a copy of his army to a natural value, which was made from terracotta: 7500 infantrymen, archers, officers, chariots and horses. Crossbows were crushed for a shot while trying to robbery. There were also layouts of palaces, and filled with mercury, driven by wheels, channels depicting the river Yangtze. Thousands of people worked on the creation of this. IN 1974. The tomb accidentally found workers who flew well.
Imperial tomb with " terracotta Army"Whether they were built on Mount. The body of the figures were done separately, then they attached their heads and hands. In the tomb in underground corridors, a number of warriors and horses were behind nearby. The face of each warrior was different from the other.

China is one of the largest and largest states of the world, he also occupies a leading position on the export of products. In addition, the Middle Kingdom can easily boast a multiplinary history of the state, which, according to different estimates, starts from 3500 to 5,000 years ago.

History of existence

In greater the ancient China was an imperial country, but some other era can also be distinguished.

So, the largest periods of existence:

  • dopimer's time (from the beginning of the Paleolithic to the emergence of the first state);
  • Ancient China (early forms of government and early empires);
  • classic period (from 3 in. until 1912);
  • modern era.

Five emperors and three dynasties

Several mythical is considered the early history of China during the reign of five emperors who changed one by one:

  • Yellow emperor;
  • Zhuan Xu;
  • Gao-blue;
  • Shun.

These emperors at different times led the cruel struggle for power to be in the throne. So it lasted from the 27th century BC. e. and up to 23 century BC e.

After that, they came in the form of the first dynasty, which the rules since the beginning of the 23rd century BC. e. and until the middle of the 18th century BC.

The eastern country began its active development during the reign of the next dynasty - Shan-Yin, which rules in the 17-11 centuries. BC e. And it was divided into two epochs - early Shang-Yin and Late.

At this time, writing was born, so more about this period is known. Also formed the first political foundations of the state, and agriculture gained a new form of soil cultivation.

The struggle for the power of the next dynasty - Zhou - led to the fact that Shang-Yin was overthrown.

The era of Zhou in the early stages of the Western period (11th century BC. E. - 771 BC. Er) had an exclusively central government. But gradually the decentralization of power was occurring, especially in the oriental period (771-475 BC).

Zhou's dynasty in ancient China replaces the period of fighting kingdoms, where several independent states begin to fight for power and territory. The largest of them were:

  • Zhao;
  • Qin;
  • Han.

Development of the Eastern Country

Despite the constant struggle, which was carried out during the time of fighting kingdoms, the ancient China is changing in all areas of life. Bronze replaces iron, new crafts appear, the cities are increased.

A lot of artworks were created, which still enjoy great popularity.

Two main philosophical and religious schools appear - Confucianism and Taoism - thanks to Confucius and Lao Tzu. Both schools have been gained popularity over time, and in modern China, most of the population professes these teachings.

Association under the Board of the Kingdom of Qin

In 221 BC e. Qin dynasty manages to combine all the land in a single state, which contributed to a single language, culture, religion.

The kingdom of Qin has probably the shortest period of reign - only 11 years, but during this time incredible reforms were held, which concerned almost all areas of the life of ordinary people.

Emperor Qin Shihuangi was able to do something that did not work in any early emperor. In addition, the construction of one of the miracles of the world, which has survived to the present day, is the Great Wall of China, it began at the same time with the emperor.

Han Epoch in China's History

Han's empire quickly changed Qin, but during this period nothing was lost, but on the contrary, there was a significant expansion of the territory: from the Gobi desert to the South China Sea, from the Mountains of Pamir to the Liaodong Peninsula.

The ancient China was great and militant in the Han era, because they managed to crush the strong Huns and to establish a great silk path, which began to bring big profit to the state.

It is on the Han dynasty that the history of the ancient China ends and the classic era begins.

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Ancient China

The history of the ancient China leads its beginning with the II millennium BC. e. The first early school societies emerged in the Pool r. Huanghe, here also appeared hieroglyphic writing-main source of knowledge about ancient China. The characteristic feature of the state of state in China is manifested in the fact that the process of the transition from the primitive-communal system to the class society was activated by the conquest of one people to others.

In the history of the ancient China, four periods are distinguished, each of which is associated with the Board of a specific dynasty:

1. The kingdom of Shan (Yin) is allegedly XVIII-XII century. BC e. ;

2. The kingdom of Zhoukhi in. -221 BC. e. ;

3. The kingdom of Qin- 221-207 BC. e. ;

4. Kingdom of Han-206 BC. e. - 220 g. e.

When moving from the generic system to class society (Shan-Yin), the rulers and supreme priests were simultaneously by the rulers and supreme priests. Their curl relied on relatives, clergy, army. As in all countries of the Ancient East, Van (king) was considered the owner of the Earth. According to religious canons, he was announced by the "Son of Sky". The burial of the despot was accompanied by cruel customs: together with him, His slaves were buried close. This rite was canceled only at the beginning of a new era.

During the Zhou dynasty, the power of the kings began to die consistently. The throne was inherited if extraordinary circumstances did not interfere. The rule of the ruler was considered absolute, especially during hostilities. For the failure to comply with his order, the breath cut off his head, executed his wife and children. Vanya led permanent wars with neighboring nomadic tribes.

In addition, the tradition required regular sacrifices by killing not only animals (bulls, pigs, lambs), but also people. Rites were held: annually in memory of the Father-Ruler; monthly - in memory of the grandfather; Every year - in honor of the sky and land.

Tsar Wan had advisers from among the nobility. They included: a commander, judge, head priest, a great fortuneteller. In the staff of the bath consisted of scribes: the elders, or the so-called "left" who recorded the speeches of the monarch, the younger "right"-recorded its decrees, decisions on judicial affairs. Officials were divided into ranks in accordance with the hierarchical structure. The position of officials was considered hereditary.

On the ground were located studies of district.Even in the era of Zhou and Qin, the remains of community self-government remained. In emergency situations (III century BC. Er) convened folk Assembly. They made decisions on the election of the king (842. BC), sometimes supported the ruler, victim defeat (494,474 BC). The community had the Council of Elders, and merchants, artisans-their elder. In the mechanism of state there were police, prisons. The Van administration has placed the numerous state of the reservoirs, spies.

Van and his administration took care of land aelioration, tax collection, etc.

In the reign of the Shan dynasty (later Yin) society and the state were mainly slavened. Slaves were in possession of both private individuals and states.

The dominant class was priest to know, silent aristocracyand aristocracy subordinate tribes. The social position of the secular aristocracy was determined by the magnitude of land possessions, the number of slaves, proximity to the king (Wan) held by the post. In accordance with this, titles were assigned, which gave certain attractions.

The bulk of the population was free communities. The land was considered by state property and was at the disposal of the kings. All lands were divided into two categories:

    Public field which was treated together with the whole community. The entire harvest came the elder of the community, and from him to the king;

    Private fieldswho were in the individual use of the family, not being the property of their holders.

In private property there were slaves, houses, tools of labor.

Political system At the early stage, the Shang (Yin) dynasty retained the features of a tribal military democracy.

Later is observed transition of all the completeness of power to the king-Van.Elders from breeding leaders become sole rulers. The largest slave owner, the Supreme Military Head, the Higher Judge and the priest was Wang. He headed the state apparatus. Higher positions were engaged in the appointment of the king his close relatives. Smaller posts - professional officials (scribes), tax collectors, judges. In the era of Shang (Yin), the division of officials was carried out on the main categories:

Civilian officials;

Military officials;



In the XII century BC e. In the state, the Shang (Yin) exacerbates internal contradictions. At the same time, it strengthens its strength and expands the possessions of the Zhou tribe, which was under the authority of the Inisk Vanov. Under the leadership of this tribe, a number of tribes are united for the fight against the yin state. In 1076 BC e. Zhou tribes caused the defeat of the Yin Army. The state of the Shang Polo, and the Kingdom of Zhou came to replace him.

The Board of the Zhou dynasty (XI-III centuries. BC) can be conditionally divided into three main periods:

Western Zhou - 1076-742. BC e. ;

Eastern Zhou - 770-403. BC e. ;

Zhangsky ("seven warring kingdoms") - 403-221. BC e.

During Western Zhou(1076-742 BC. Er) The slave-owned state is strengthened, its structure is complicated. The Company is characterized by a higher level of development of productive forces, an increase in the number of slaves, the development of large land tenure.

Hot supreme Power In Zhou, she belonged to the hereditary king (Vanu), but there was no centralized state during the entire period. Van directly controlled only the metropolitan area, and the rest of the country was divided into principalities that the princes managed. The territories of the principalities were subdivided into smaller administrative units that have developed on the basis of the former tribal division. The lowest administrative-territorial unit was a rural community.

Zhowsky state machineHe managed the Supreme Sannis (Xiang) consisted of approximate, personal servants of the bath and trusted slaves. Xiang was the head of the administrative apparatus and the closest assistant Wan on the management of the country. In the kingdom of Zhou there was a palace management system: Palace employees were simultaneously by officials. Supreme officials (Dafa) were divided into three senior groups, medium, younger.

In the Western Zhou, major land tenure developed intensively. Formally, the owner of the Earth was still the king, but the slave-owned aristocracy had the opportunity to freely dispose of their possessions. Over time, the right of major slave owners to the ownership of land turns into ownership of land.

Community land use in Western Zhou continued to play a prominent role. The position of the community has deteriorated. Many ruined and switched to the discharge of landless tenants.

In the middle of the VIII century. BC e. There was a collapse of Western Zhou in connection with the weakening of the central authorities, as well as unsuccessful wars with nomads. When the country broke up into a number of independent states, the Zho kings turned into rulers of small ownership-Eastern Zhou.

Economic and political life Eastern Zhou(770-403 BC. Er) is characterized by the following changes:

An increase in the role of merchants in public life on the basis of the development of crafts and trade;

The loss of hereditary land tenure of the generic aristocracy, the lands of which are gradually moving to serving nobility.

Large land ownership focus in the hands of military leaders, seruners, merchants. The personal property of slave owners to Earth is strengthened.

After the destruction of the monarchy of the Western Zhou from the middle of the VIII century. BC e. The country finally broke up into many independent states. They led the conquest war among themselves, during which weaker states were talked stronger.

The strongest of the states became the kingdom Qin

Of particular importance for strengthening the Qin Empire had reforms Shang Yana - Sanovnik of the Qin State (died at 338. BC. Er). Shanan was one of the founders of the philosophical school legists The state law has become above. Strict compliance with laws was considered paramount condition in the country. During this period, the emperor was approved by mandatory laws. In particular, as a result of reforms Shang Yana:

    The right of private ownership of land was introduced;

    Officially permitted free purchase and sale of land, which caused a blow to community land tenure;

    Artificial crushing of large patriarchal families was carried out, which accelerated the collapse of the community;

    The whole territory was divided into centralization to administrative events-new administrative division was carried out on the territorial principle. In each of the 36 educated areas were scheduled for two ruler, military and civilian, the former aristocracy was put under the strictest control. Wealth and government merits were the criterion of knowledge, old titles were destroyed. Harsh laws were introduced for the slightest misconduct;

    Taxes began to be charged on the basis of the number of land treated;

    The arousal was re-equipped and reorganized.

The reforms Shang Yana contributed to the sharp strengthening of the Qin Army and the state as a whole.

In 249 BC e. The Qin Army spared the ownership of the Zhowsky king, putting the end of the Zhowa dynasty. In the following years, the rulers of Qin managed to defeat the rest of the state. By 221 BC e. The country's union was completed.

In JVZ-Ruler of the kingdom of Qin united all China under his power and took the title of Qin Shhuin (that is, "the first Qin Emperor"). He led successful conquering wars with neighbors. With it, the construction of the Great Wall of China was launched to protect China from nomadic tribal raids. At the same time, the troops south were sent. There were built fortresses and new areas were established. At the same time, the construction of grandiose palaces in the capital was actively accounted for. Unified government services and the criteria for evaluating official merit of officials were introduced. Money has been unified, uniform lengths of length and weight are introduced, a single writing, etc.

In the centralized Qin Empire head of statehe was the emperor. In his hands was focused on all fullness legislative, executive and judicial authorities.There was also a branched state apparatus headed by two ministers. Their deputies were the secretaries. Other senior government officials were head of Palace Guardthe official who was the cult of the ancestors of the emperor, an official who has ends with questions of external relations. The imperial players were playing a major role in the activities of the state apparatus. advisors.

In the Qin Empire there appeared special judicial agencywhat indicates the allocation during this period of judicial functions from administrative. As higher judicial instancehe performed an emperor who could disassemble court cases. The judicial agency followed the application of criminal laws. Everything about the most serious crimes took place through it, especially those related to the excess of power by officials. At the head of this department stood tinwei.The provincial judge was also the head of the prison in the district.

The army was playing a big role. At first, the foundation of the army was the personal bodyguards of the emperor and the parts guarding the capital, at the same time who carried out and police functions. Gradually, a permanent army was formed in the state, which was on the content of the treasury. In the Empire, Qin existed military service. Men from 23 to 56 years old were taken to the army, which should have been able to go a year, then during the year they carried the garrison service and subsequently one month a year served in militia at the place of residence.

In the era of the Empire, Qin due to social contradictions constantly broke out the uprisings, the most powerful of which in 207-206. BC e. And led to the death of the Qin monarchy. The founder of the new dynasty Han- Became One Usiz managers of this uprising, community headman Liu Ban.

Emperor dynasty Hanrules from 206g. BC e. 220g. n. e.

He proclaimed himself with the emperor Liu Ban at the beginning of his reign made a number of concessions to landowners, reducing taxes and canceling the stern dynasty Qin. However, his reforms did not stop the growth of slavery and large private land tenure.

Saving the former structure of the Central and Local State Authority, the Supreme Power sent its efforts to the centralization of the country. A new territorial administrative division was conducted on the county with an increase in the number of areas and counties. At the head of the districts, District Auditors-Vicers of the Emperor, who carried out control over the local administration. The area and counties were headed by three appointed officials of the official: the ruler and his civil and military business assistants. The activities of the local administration were controlled by inspectors from the center. Significant changes were subjected to state apparatus- Imperial Council, the highest deliberative body under the emperor. Functions for managing the country were divided by five departments.

However, as a result of powerful peasant uprisings in the second half of the II century. The power of the Han dynasty came into decay. In 220, the Unified Han Empire broke into three independent kingdoms, the period of the existence of which was called Songo China History The slave-owned Ancient Chinese state covers significant ... teaching, as a legal system Ancient China, in stories which etio-political dogmats of Confucianism ...

Three thousand years ago, the Great Chinese Plain between the Rivers Juanhe and Yangtze began to settle the first Chinese. Despite the fact that the first states began to appear on this territory, their inhabitants considered themselves a single people with a single culture and language.

The emergence of ancient China occurred almost the same as in ancient Egypt, Sumere and Ancient India - on the shores big rivers. In the Valley of Juanhe (in Chinese - "Yellow River") and ancient Chinese civilization originated. The first kingdom arose in 2 millennia BC. e. and called Shan or Yin. Archaeologists excavated the capital of this kingdom Great City Shan and the tomb of the Shan Kings - Vanov.

In 1122 BC e. The warlike tribe of Zhou, headed by Word, defeated the Shagians and established its primacy, and the majority of the country's population of Shang-Yin drew into slavery. But in the 8th century BC. e. The state of Zhou broke up under the blows of nomads; Now, one, then another kingdom, of which the largest state was the Kingdom of Jin (7-5th century to N. e.). With the collapse of States Jin began the period of Zhango ("fighting kingdoms") when China was divided into two dozen small princes of the principalities, badly obeyed Zhousvan.

6-5th century BC. e. - the appearance of the first philosophical exercises ancient China. Of all the wise men of this time, a confusion was especially revered by the Chinese. His teaching about the "noble man," about respect for the elder, about modesty, about the importance of education, about the attitude towards the ruler as the head of the family, for a long time in China, the ideal relationship between people - and in the family, and in the state.

In 221 BC, the ruler Qin In Zheng united large territories into a single empire and took the title Qin Shihuandi, which means "the first emperor of the Qin dynasty. So that people do not ropat, they were kept in constant fear. Qin Shihuandi brutally suppressed any resistance, applying the most terrible treasures, for example, could be cooked alive in the boiler. For the slightest guidance of man, they beat the heels bamboo stick or sliced \u200b\u200bhis nose. If a person violated the law, then his whole family was exposed to punishment: the condemned relatives turned into slaves who were used on heavy construction work.

Having established its complete power in the Empire, Qin Shihuangi began a war with nomads-Huns, attacked from the north on his borders. He decided to fix his victory forever to the construction of a powerful border wall, called the Great Wall. It was erected from stone blocks and bricks hundreds of thousands of convicts and ordinary peasants. The height of the wall was with a three-storey house. At the top, two carts could be dispersed without any work. In the towers carried the security service. At the bottom of it, they lived, and on the top platform, the watch closely followed the surroundings and, in the case of danger, the fire was burned, smoke, which was visible far. A large squad of warriors hurried to this place to this place.

With the fall of the dynasty of Qin to power, one of the leaders came peasant war - Lyuban. He reduced taxes and canceled the most cruel laws introduced in China by Emperor Qinashovandi. Lyuban became the founder of the Han dynasty. In the Han era, the main features of the Chinese state were formed, which were inherent to him before the beginning of the 20th century.

The collection of taxes in a large country required Chan's officials in geometry and arithmetic. For learning the basics of mathematics used special textbooks and collections of tasks. Ancient Chinese astronomers accurately calculated the duration of a sunny year and made a perfect calendar; They were known hundreds of stars and constellations, they calculated the periods of circulation of the planets. In ancient China, the beginning of the Chinese civilization and its culture - science, literature, art were laid.

The death of the Han dynasty was associated with the uprising of "yellow dressings", which covered the country in 184. Although the uprising was cruelly suppressed, it caused the hardest blow to the country. In 220, the Han dynasty fell, and several independent states were formed on its territory. This event is usually considered to be the end of the period of antiquity in Chinese history.

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