Voting on September 10 candidates. Online broadcast "Kommersant": the latest news, comments, opinions. Candidates from the Leningrad Region

September 10 will be a single day of voting in Russia. In 25 subjects of the federation will be elected of different levels - Governors, deputies in state, city and municipal Duma. For whom and where to go to vote to the residents of the Lomonosovsky district? LL decrypts a complex electoral system.

Elections to the State Duma

328 556 people - just so much voters number in the Leningrad region. On September 10, they are waiting for an additional election of the State Duma deputy of the Seventh convocation on a single-member constituency (Kingisepp district №112). The mandate was released in the fall of 2016 after the State Duma Speaker Sergey Naryshkin was appointed head of the foreign intelligence service of the Russian Federation.

The Kingiseppian single-member constituency includes: Volosovsky, Kingisepp, Lomonosovsky, Luzhsky, Slatsevsky municipal districts, Sosnovoborsky City District, as well as part of the territory of the Gatchina Municipal District (Gatchina and Taitskoy city settlements, Bolshekolpansky, Verkhovskoye, Trojovitskoye, Elizavtian, Pubness, Christmas, Syankelevskoe Rural settlements).

Candidates from the Leningrad Region

The election commission registered the following candidates from the district of the Leningrad region:

Sergey Yakhnyuk, "United Russia"

Valery Shinkarenko, "Motherland"

Konstantin Zhukov, "KPRF"

Nikolay Kuzmin, "CPRF"

Natalia Kruglova, "LDPR"

Serik Urazov, "Patriots of Russia"

Sergey Glyaev, "Apple"

Andrei Shirokov, "Russian Party of Pensioners for Social Justice"

Marina Lubushkina, "Fair Russia"

Elections in Nizino

The inhabitants of the Nizinsky settlement will be able to finally form the municipal deputy corps. There will be two deputies to the local Council of the third convocation on the Nizin Eastern Pyans-Advanced Equipment No. 1.

It seems that the struggle will unfold a serious - heir registered 9 candidates! Here are their names:

Viktor Mokeev, "LDPR"

Evgeny Ugryumov, "LDPR"

Alexander Makarov, "United Russia"

Valery Shadrin, "United Russia"

Roman Miroshnichenko, "KPRF"

Valery Shinkarenko, "Motherland"

Zakhar Yarokhovich, "Motherland"

Andrey Bondar, self-configuration

Vladimir Demichev, self-configuration

Polling stations

In Lomonosov district, 40 polling stations will work from 8:00 to 20:00. Each voter votes personally, the vote for other voters is not allowed.

The bulletin is issued to the voter included in the list of voters, upon presentation of a passport or document that replaces the passport of a citizen, and if the voter votes on a repeated certificate - upon presentation of the abnormal certificate.

The bulletin is filled with a voter in a specially equipped cabin, a particularly equipped location where the presence of anyone else is not allowed.


On September 10, 28 experts from 13 countries - Belgium, Bulgaria, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Slovakia, USA, France, the Czech Republic, Sweden will be present. South Korea. Specialists are designed to monitor the electoral situation in 11 Russian regions, including the Leningrad region.

On September 10, 2017, elections of various levels were held in 82 regions of Russia. In many areas, violations were noted, most of all - in Moscow, where candidates for municipal deputies were chosen.

The information reduced below, mainly came along the hotline of the "Card of Violations" (except in cases specified). Data is replenished.

Nearby Media

IN Permwhere the election of the governor of the region is held, the Chairman of the Election Commission No. 2841 prohibited the media to conduct photo and video recording. The ban on the shooting was also carried out in relation to the "Lightning" edition in Volzhsk (Mari El, early election of the head of the republic) at section No. 134.

IN Gatchina (Leningrad Region), where additional elections of the State Duma deputy are held, forbidden to be located on the site to a free media employee.

Near observers

Members of the Commissions in the right of a deliberative voice (PSG) were not allowed to polling Birsk and Tuymazakh (Bashkortostan, municipal elections), Sochi (Krasnodar Territory, election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the region), Chekhov (Moscow region, the election of deputies of the city council). From the tuymazov complained that PSG and observers throughout the city do not allow shooting and remove from work in the sections. The city court does not work for the second day, so it is not possible to file statement of claim, the hot line of the republican is not responding.

In Moscow, members of the Commissions with the right of a deliberate vote were not allowed to the sections before the start of the voting in areas Tsaritsyno, Presnensky and Lublin. Near Veshnyaki The observer was not allowed in Tick.

Bans for moving and shooting, restriction in work

IN Penzawhere the elections of deputies of the regional legislative assembly are held, the Commission banned the movement of observers on the premises, did not allow shooting. One of the observers, a candidate from United Russia, Sergey Egorov tried to snatch the phone.

In the village Obukhovskaya Kamyshlovsky district of the Sverdlovsk region (election of the governor and deputies of applications municipal Education) Member of the Commission with the right of deliberative voices Sergey Demin was banned to get acquainted with the list of voters.

IN sele Owner (Pskov region, the election of deputies of the district assembly and additional elections of the deputy of the urban settlement deputy) and in Krasnodar Commission members with the right advisory voice banned video recording. In Krasnodar, PSG was also limited to the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the lists of voters.

IN moscow district Otradnoye The candidate and at the same time a member of the territorial election commission (TIK) with the right of deliberative vote Natalia Pakhomovoy Chairman of the district election commission (PEC) forbade it to navigate through the voting room, forcing him to sit behind the column limiting the review.

Near Lianozovo PEC 604 Chairman refused to provide PSG the register of voters voting outside the site. In PEC 376, a member of the Commission with the right of a deliberative voice was not given the shooting.

Near Marina Grove pSG refused to accept statements and tried to remove from the site.

"Interfax" with reference to the head of the Moscow branch of the "Apple" party Sergey Mitrokhina reports that the chairman of the PEC in Tverskaya District i did not allow observers, I forbade shooting, "I tried to register incomprehensible people without passports."

On the plot in Norilsk. Photo: Alexander Rumyantsev


IN Krasnodar A member of the Commission with the right of a deliberative voice was threatened by "administrative measures", when he filed a complaint to the restriction of work and at the same time led the shooting. Chairman of the Commission, Deputy and Members of the Commission with the right of a decisive voice, as well as observers forced it to remove the video.

In Moscow district Filevsky Park Members of the PEC prohibited the candidate for Municipal deputies of Veronika Bykadararov to keep video shooting. She stated: "If you do not remove the camcorder in 15 minutes, the police will remove it."

Forced to the vote

In the town Nazarovo. (Krasnoyarsk Territory, elections to the deputies of the city council), according to the data received on hot line "Cards of violations", director of school number 14 called teachers and forced to vote for United Russia.

Moscow (Pervomaysky): Teachers forced to vote. The head of the administration of the Khoperskaya Olga Vladimirovna came to school. Brought envelopes with bulletins, all laid ticks and returned the documents of Hawa.

IN Penza Voters were brought by bus from the plant. In Moscow district Eastern Izmailovo The social worker brought to the site of pensioners, I gave them memo with campaign for "United Russia", after which someone called someone and had reportedly reportedly, who voted. Near Ochakovo-Matveyevskoye Voters were browsed from the people with disabilities located nearby.

The help was also fixed in Kuzmolovsky urban settlement The Leningrad region (the election of deputies of the municipality), reports "Zaks. RU "with reference to" Observers of St. Petersburg ".

IN Cherepovets(Vologda region, the election of deputies of the city Duma) at section No. 937 in the register of voters voting at home, there were only three people, but members of the exit group took 50 ballots and returned with 17 filled.

A resident of the city Sasovo Ryazan region (election of the governor) reported on the hot line "Cards of violations", which works in a budget organization andthe manual forces it to vote on the plot until a certain time and verbally report. In the settlement Vnukovo (New Moscow) voter-state service bosses, according to her, forces confirmation what she took part in the elections.

In Moscow district Filevsky Parkduring the vote at home in one of the apartments, the social worker was, after whose agitation, the voter put marks in the bulletin in accordance with the names of candidates on the pocket calendar of United Russia, which before this brought the social worker. Agitation of social workers was also fixed in the area Orekhovo-Borisovo. North.

In Moscow district Lublin The deputies are run by the director of the psychiatric hospital number 13, and 270 patients were introduced into the register of the voting.

According to the OVD info, the Patients of the Moscow hospital number 29 named Bauman offered to vote, despite the fact that the hospital is not in the area where they are spelled out.

After vote

According to data obtained on the hot line of "Card of Violations", to count the votes at polling stations, they tried not to submit observers in Moscow areas Dorogomilovo and Tagansky.In the districts of Maryino, Chertanovo Central, Krylatskoye and Fili-Davydkovo prohibit shooting. In the area of \u200b\u200bLomonomsky and Perovo observers, on the contrary, are not released from the plots until the end of the counting.

It takes quite a bit of time before the beginning of a single voting day, which in 2017 will have to be on September 10. Almost all of Russia will take place local elections, which are very important from a political point of view to determine the future of our country.

Currently, in a huge number of regions of the Russian Federation, the election campaign is coming to an end. Various candidates and parties are trying to relocate on their side of the voters. Many Russians are asked by the same question: who choose on this day according to the list of candidates? According to the tradition of the traditions of the following parties in many years, the traditions of the following parties have to be selected between candidates from the following parties: "United Russia", Communist Party of Communist Party, LDPR and "Fair Russia".

The CEC was told that all candidates for governors and ZSC regions were already registered. Election Commission To clarify the work and providing additional information launched a "hot line" - tel. 8-800-301-12-09.

This year, the work of the sections and the election order are somewhat changed. In particular, the abnormal certificates are canceled, which allows the citizen to vote outside of its region, simply by writing an appropriate application at the polling station at the place of stay.

United Russia traditionally nominated the greatest number of candidates (1477 people - by 105 more than in 2008), but as a percentage of candidates of the party of government from the total number of registered applicants fell to 19% from 42% in 2008.

The election of deputies of municipal assemblies will be held in Moscow on September 10. In total, almost one and a half thousand mandates will be distributed. From the support of the deputies chosen in 2017, the nomination of candidates for mayor of Moscow in 2018 will depend - it depends on them whether candidates will be able to pass the municipal filter.

Governor of the Belgorod region;

Chapter of the Republic of Buryatia;

Deputies in the Barnaul City Duma;

Governor of the Perm Territory;

Governor of the Kaliningrad region;

Chapter of the Republic of Karelia;

Governor Kirov region;

Deputies to the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory;

Head of the Republic of Mari El;

Chapter of the Republic of Mordovia;

Governor of the Novgorod region;

Deputies in the legislative assembly of the Penza region;

Governor of the Ryazan region;

Elections to the Saratov Regional Duma;

Governor of the Saratov region;

Deputies in the Sakhalin Regional Duma;

Governor of the Sverdlovsk region;

Governor of Sevastopol;

Elections to the Parliament of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alanya;

Governor of the Tomsk region;

Elections B. State Council Udmurt Republic;

Head of the Udmurt Republic;

Governor of the Yaroslavl region.

This fall, election of different levels will be held in 81 subjects of the Russian Federation. In less than a week 16, the names of the new governors will announce, in six - deputies of legislative assembly. In Yakutsk, they will choose a new mayor, residents of another 11 regional centers will need to decide with deputies of urban councils. What will be for a spoiled newsletter and how to vote not at the place of registration, I learned "AiF-Kaliningrad".

Who can vote?

Any citizen of the Russian Federation over 18 years old, registered in the region, city or village, where elections are passing.

The elections cannot participate in the elections that the court decision is incapacitated or is contained in the fields of imprisonment. At the same time, those who are in the investigative insulator, but not condemned, this right has retained.

Where to vote?

You can find your site on the site of the Central Election Commission.

The main feature of the single voting day in 2017 is testing instead of abreparation certificates (they will be applied only in two regions - in Leningrad and Bryansk regions) A new voter inclusion system in lists is not at the place of residence. Experiment will be held in 20 regions: Buryatia, Karelia, Mari El, Mordovia, North Ossetia, Udmurtia, Krasnodar and Perm, Belgorod, Kaliningrad, Kirovskaya, Novgorod, Penza, Ryazan, Saratov, Sakhalin, Sverdlovsk, Tomsk, Yaroslavl regions and in the city Sevastopol.

Until August 5, voters had to submit special statements in favor of elections to include in the lists to vote on a plot in another city. With the condition that a citizen will vote within the Unified Election District - the territory on which elections are held. For example, give a voice for the candidate for the governors of the Kaliningrad region, being in Moscow, will not work.

As they say in the election committee, the new system is preparing for the presidential election of 2018: a citizen of the Russian Federation will be able to vote on any polling station of the country.

When to vote?

Plots will open on voting day at 8:00 local time. Exactly 12 hours later they will complete work. This year, a number of regions extended the operation of polling stations: you can vote in the Perm Territory and Karelia from 8:00 to 22:00, in the Kaliningrad region - from 7:00 to 21:00.

This is done for the convenience of people - as it managed to visit the plots not all. In the Kaliningrad region, for example, with such a request to deputies, representatives of Garden Societies appealed.

What documents take with you?

To get a bulletin, you need a passport or a document replacing it (military ID or a temporary certificate of a citizen Russian FederationIf the passport is issued). Pension and driver's license in this case are not a substitute passport document!

Note that the number of ballots in each region will be different - it depends on how many elections of different levels simultaneously passes on a particular site.

How to fill in the newsletter?

The easiest way is to put a tick or another sign in a square belonging to the candidate or party list. In the election committee they say that if the newsletter is without marking or there will be more permissible, it is invalid. They will only take into account when calculating the total number of votes.

You can write in the newsletter with feathers and ballpoint handles, including multi-colored, as well as markers.

What will happen if you spoil the bulletin?

If the form is spoiled by chance - contact the members of the Commission with a request to issue a new one. The defective newsletter is repaid immediately - the left lower angle must be cut off. By the way, the crumpled bulletin (if it is correctly filled) will not be invalid.

How and when will the votes be considered?

Since the end of July, the CEC information and reference center has been working to advise citizens by elections. Questions can be set on multichannel free phone calls from Russia: 8 800 301-12-09. From August 30, it works around the clock.

According to the organizers, representatives of all political forces, as well as journalists, bloggers, political experts will participate in discussions. An online marathon will be organized in all regions where elections will be held.

"Gazeta.Ru" will conduct online broadcast.

The leaders of the regions will be chosen on September 10 in Belgorod, Ryazan, Yaroslavl, Kaliningrad, Novgorod, Kirovsky, Tomsk, Saratov, Sverdlovsk regions, in the republics of Karelia, Mari El, Mordovia, Buryatia, Udmurtia, as well as in the Perm region and Sevastopol.

"In general, the situation in the regions in which the election of the governors will be approximately the same. What will happen after the election of the governors, let's see, "says the director of the Regional Program of the Independent Institute social Policy Natalia Zubarevich.

According to the analyst of the GC "Finam" Alexey Kornev, this year the situation in the regions has not changed much compared to last year - there are no funds for some noticeable and tangible positive shifts. Even if before the election there were some short-term improvements to attract voters, then due to the lack of resources, they are most likely to roll.

Where to take money in the conditions of the policy of budget consolidation is the eternal headache Governors. To perform the May Decrees of the Presidential Salary Regulations, the regions were forced to make debts, which, as of the beginning of this year, according to the Ministry of Finance, reached 2.353 trillion rubles.

In 2017, rigid budget policy led to a reduction in debt level to 2.217 trillion. But part of the regions continued to increase the debt.

From "List 16" is Mordovia, Belgorod region, Saratov region, Sverdlovsk region, Perm region. Moreover, the level of debt in the last three regions rose by about twice. However, they made it relatively painlessly, since before that had a relatively low volume of borrowing.

But the duty of Mordovia (almost 45 billion rubles) is only slightly less than the total revenues of the republican budget last year (48.9 billion rubles). At the end of last year, the debt exceeded the size of the total budget revenues in Buryatia and Udmurtia, and in the Kirov and Tomsk regions it was more than 50%.

"The overall surplus of the budgets of the regions of Russia in the first half of this year amounted to 408.5 billion rubles, while last year for the same period - 241 billion rubles. Despite the expectation of the acceleration of expenses by the end of the year, we believe that in general this year the regions will show the surplus of the consolidated budget, in contrast to the traditional deficit in the past. At the same time, as last year, traditionally rich regions - Moscow, YNAO, Tyumen region, Sakhalin - demonstrate a record surplus against the background of strict control over expenses and good tax receipts. Traditionally weak financially, the regions continue to reduce the budgets with a deficit, since they are much lower than them to reduce budget expenditures. In particular, in this half of the year, such regions like the Republic of Mordovia, the Republic of Khakassia, some Far Eastern regions feel very well, "said Fitch Ratings Senior Director Vladimir Redkin.

If we take the economic situation this year as a whole, then in Buryatia, it is one of the worst in the country. Rosstat recorded in the first half of the decline in industrial production by 26.4%, while in general the country was height by 2%. Of the 16 regions where elections will be held, the industry turned out to be in minus 8.1% in Udmurtia.

The head of Buryatia will also have to solve the problem of unemployment, which is also the highest among 16 regions - 9.2% in January-July at 5.1% on average in Russia. In addition, in Buryatia, a high level of poverty - 18.3% of the population had, according to the results of last year, income below subsistence minimum. Approximately the same indicator in Mordovia and Tomsk region, and the republic of Mari El is an absolute leader among 16 subjects - there are 23.2% of the population.

Perhaps the latest anti-advertise of Buryatia can be considered the fact that in the republic only in 2016, 32.5% of residential funds are provided with all types of improvement - water pipelines, water supply (sewage), heating, hot water supply, gas or floor electric stoves. On average, in Russia, the indicator is 66%. However, Buryatia is not alone here.

In the Novgorod and Kirov regions, as well as in Sevastopol, only 40.2-45.7% of the residential foundation is fully comfortable. In the Kirov region, there are also the highest share of emergency and dilapidated housing - 7.4%, according to Rosstat last year.

At the same time, the Kirov region is one of the lowest salaries in the "list-16" - only 26.8 thousand rubles in June 2017. Below, workers were obtained only in the Saratov region - 25.5 thousand. The average accrued salary in the country amounted to 42 thousand rubles.

Economic middling, such as the Ryazan region, is not all smoothly. Regional authorities will have to try to fulfill May decrees. In Ryazan, the lowest ratio of wages of employees of state health care institutions and general education to salaries of those engaged in other fields of economics.

The medical staff received in 2016 only 72.5% of the average salary in the region's economy, and the pedraticles are 73.2%. This is below the average Russian level.

However, all these economic problems seem not too serious against the background of the fact that last year in the Novgorod region, according to Rosstat, population mortality (without a mortality rate from external reasons) almost one and a half times higher than the average Russian level: 1590.6 dead per 100 thousand people, against 1175.1 on average around the country.

A high mortality rate is also in Ryazan (1471.6) and Yaroslavl regions (1446.9). In the Novgorod region, people are most dying in working age - 729 per 100 thousand population. In Russia, on average, this indicator is 525.3.

Overall, it is obvious that the state of affairs in economically developed regions with a large number of industrial enterprises (Sverdlovsk region, Perm region) and with powerful agriculture (Belgorod region) is much better than in Mari El or Buryatia. But industrial centers cannot help in level of living with oil and gas regions, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Elections no significant changes in the life of the regions are likely to not bring. "So far, no quick change is expected," Natalia Zubarevich summarizes.

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