Than seducing girls. How to seduce your girlfriend's girlfriend. There are two types of situations: good and training.

Many girls in their lives decide on bold sexual experiments, for example, a straight girl out of curiosity tries to seduce a lesbian, or a lesbian, in order to achieve sex with a straight girl, seduces her with might and main. But this seduction is not always easy and simple. For everyone interested in this issue, we will now give some advice on how to seduce a girl for a girl. Consider situations where two girls have different sexual orientations.

There is an opinion that a lesbian can only be liked by being the most similar in appearance to a lesbian. Many lesbians look like boys in appearance: short haircuts, wide pants, and shirts. However, this opinion is erroneous. Each lesbian is an ordinary person with her own tastes and preferences, only non-standard orientation. Lesbians, just like heterosexuals, like different partners - fat, thin, with long and short hair, etc. Therefore, the best way out is to just be yourself, not trying to look like someone. Of course, you need to take care of yourself and be as attractive as possible, but this is natural.

Remember how you seduced men. Beautiful appearance, flirting eyes, seductive positions - all this can be applied to lesbians. Sit in front of the lesbian you like, smile at her, try to attract her attention with your eyes. If you interest her, you will notice it. Then you can start communication. It doesn't matter who comes up first - you or she, the main thing is to establish a sincere and interesting communication. In the course of the conversation, let her know that you are interested in her more than just a friend. She will catch your signals and if she reciprocates, then everything will go like clockwork.

The main advice is to be natural and not be afraid to show your sympathy.

Here, everything is a little more complicated, because for many natural girls, the very idea of ​​having a lesbian relationship causes surprise, extreme rejection and shock. What to do in a situation when you are a lesbian and want to seduce a straight girl?

Never act directly on the forehead - in most cases, you will be rejected immediately. You will have to work hard and show the girl that she will be much better with a girl than with a boyfriend. After all, a girl understands her feelings and needs much better, is more romantic, gentle, tactful, she has many advantages for relationships that are either absent or poorly expressed in many men. You need to look after the girl as romantic as possible. Just let this courtship be modest. So, for example, giving a flower, a box of delicious chocolates, a beautiful poem of your own composition or a cute trinket, etc. is good, and you need to make such gifts as a token of attention on a regular basis. But write on the pavement "Olya, I love you! Ira." or singing a serenade under the windows is too much. Many will see and hear, this will embarrass the girl, and she will definitely never be yours. Lovely courtship, beautiful gestures and constant attention - that's what it should be.

It is important to make friends with a girl. You are a girl, so use this to establish close emotional contact. Listen to her, help with advice, talk heart to heart, give compliments - she will appreciate and remember! In general, start with this, and only then try to look after. Together with courtship, you can teach a girl to have close bodily contact with you. Hug her more often, kiss her on the cheek, hold her hand. At the very end, confess your love to her. Maybe. for her it will be a shock, but since you already have a strong spiritual relationship, she will not rudely repulse you. You may have to seek reciprocity for a long time, and here it is important to be non-annoying, but still purposeful and persistent.

How to seduce a friend

Dating and Pickup

How to seduce a friend

The line between "girlfriend" and "girl" is only in the presence of flirting and intimate relationships.

If you miss the moment of intimacy, then the girl will lose any attraction to you, and you will be just a friend. And then, although you will openly tell her that you like her, she will not take it seriously. Or thinks that something has hit you in the head. However. You can't talk about the loss of interest, the girl will be very interested to know the guy's opinion about her relationship. But will it really be interesting for you to listen to all this?

What to do?

It is not uncommon for you to like a girl and she considers you only a friend. In many cases, nothing can be done. However, the seeds of doubt can be sown in her head. And step by step, slowly incline her to the idea that you are not only a good friend, but also a great guy.

The problem is usually that you are too “good”. This gives the impression that you are a good friend and nothing more. Therefore, you need to flirt more. And if you have a problem with this. Even the most awkward body movements will be a big plus.

Joke around, be more playful, spend more time with her. And don't forget to compliment. And remember, the more the joke pods the girl, the more chances that she will hug you.

Don't forget to touch. Every time you hug her, takes her hand, crossing the road, she feels your warmth and wants to be weak. It's romantic enough.

Don't waste too much time on it. The girl must miss you. Your every appearance should leave a vivid impression in her head. And this cannot be achieved if she sees you all day.

Get yourself in order. Make sure you look and smell good.

Help her with her problems. This will allow you to spend more time with her. But it's also worth remembering that you should spend more time with her when she is happy than when she is sad. This will allow her to create an association of happiness with you.

Invite her to parties. But remember that you cannot ask yourself to go with her. This will look like a big weakness on your part.

Don't rush into battle. Let everything happen naturally and effortlessly.

Listen to her. Just sitting and nodding isn't enough. Girls love it when you listen and understand them. And this should be done not out of selfish goals to drag her into bed, but because this way you can build strong relationships and understanding. Be a gentleman.

Remember important information. Her birthday, her hobbies, her relatives, favorite color, favorite movies and wine, her ambitions and future plans. If a girl sees that you care about it, she will really appreciate you.

  1. Be playful, but remember that not all girls like this. Otherwise, she may think that you are an adult child. But if a girl succumbs to such flirting and she likes it, then you need to use it.
  2. Remember that many girls put a taboo on meeting friends. And this means that even if you are at your best, you initially will not have a chance.
  3. Know how to stand up for her, if required. Prove that you are a real man.

What you need to know

  1. Make sure she doesn't have a boyfriend, otherwise you won't succeed, and you will also get in trouble.
  2. Don't slow down with relationships. The more you are friends, the more “good” you become. And girls love bad guys.
  3. Remember that the first and very last step must come from you. Because a man chooses a girl, and not a girl chooses a man. But, nevertheless, do not see yourself too desperate.
  4. Don't waste a lot of time trying to win your girlfriend. There are many girls around, and there will always be one who will reciprocate you.


So, in the last article you read about how to meet a girl. Now you will learn how to conquer, achieve and conquer a girl.

After a successful acquaintance, the first question that comes to your mind is how to win a girl? After all, the first step seems to have been taken, but what next? How to behave so as to be in the same bed with her? How not to mess up and rush?

If you think girls want sex less than you do, then I’ll tell you one thing: you don’t know anything about girls, boy. That is why I will tell you some useful tips on how to hook up any young lady with the least loss for yourself.

Seduction stages:

1. Acquaintance.

You must clearly know how to win the girl's attention. What should I tell her, where it should be. How to conquer a girl. Without understanding these things, it will be very difficult for you to move on.

In short, you have to be mega-confident and not afraid to show that confidence.

You should not ask, but take her phone number. Don't talk too much. Do not talk outright nonsense. Don't look at her like she's the last girl in your life.

Remember, failure is experience. This ensures that the next one will turn out much better and more efficiently for you.

2. Rapprochement.

After meeting, this is the most crucial stage. Because she has already agreed to meet with you. But you still don't know how to quickly seduce a woman.

To do this, you need to be able to hook her, interest her, make it clear that she will be fun and cool with you. That you are not a typical nudotik who cares only in this life computer games, head-asshole and football.

3. Seduction.

Let's move on to the most responsible one. I will tell you a few strategies after which you will definitely find yourself in the same bed.

Not necessary:

  • Listen to the woman. If you want to seduce her, then don't listen, but look at her. A woman can say one thing, but want something completely different. They do it all the time. They always speak with hints, with connotations, and so on. They want you to figure it out for yourself.
  • Cheat yourself. Thinking she's not like that. That she needs a relationship. Raise her to the skies. You remember, who does not take risks, he sits at home and watches porn. So just try it.


  • Touch her. Touching is very important in this matter. In general, there is a rule: the earlier you start touching a girl, the faster you will have sex. No touching -> no arousal -> no sex.
  • Talk about sex with her. Conversation is a win-win tactic. She will start thinking about sex, you will be next to her. And if you also connect touch, then the result will not be long in coming.
  • Infuse emotions and charge her. You have to be active so that she sees a male in you. Guess who all girls dream of having sex with? Right from the alpha.
  • Show your desire, declare it. How to do it? Touch her, do not be afraid to speak openly about her bulging parts of the body that attract you. Say what you like about her, it excites. Reduce topics to sex. If you seduce, then seduce. If you just communicate, you will become just a friend.
  • Show off your balls. She must understand who is sitting in front of her: a man or a woman in jeans. If you are afraid of her, if you choose the words, you are nervous, she will merge you. You are a man. And if you want it, you must take it. Don't ask permission, just take it. Dot.
  • Be ready to lose her at any time. Oh, this is difficult, trust me. After all, you are so afraid of losing the girl of your dreams. And you will definitely lose her, because you are afraid of it. She is everything to you, you are afraid of losing the girl's love and show it to her in every possible way. And she doesn't need such men.

The most common mistakes in seduction:

If you still do them, then you don't know exactly how to seduce a woman. All these mistakes are taken from my students, with whom I hung out a lot and watched their success with women. I'm sure you have these errors too.

  • You just have conversations... This is bad sign... She can just get worn out with her friend. That's not why you're here, you remember, right? You need to talk with subtext in a sexual frame. And don't forget to flirt right. Otherwise, then don't complain that I can't get the girl.
  • No touching at all. Girls need to be touched. If she doesn't touch you or reluctantly reacts to your touch, then hello, friend zone. So you are doing something wrong.
  • There is no infusion of emotions. Low energy male. If your communication is devoid of emotion, then the next stage is boredom. And when a girl gets bored with you, you can forget about her and about sex.
  • There is no seduction process itself. You don't flirt with her, you don't talk about sex. Roughly speaking, you do not lure into your bed. You just talk to her, so you are just friends.

When she gives you:

  • When she feels like a woman next to you: weak, protected, behind a man, number two.
  • As soon as she sees in you the kind of man with whom she can feel yourself a real woman. Do not understand that she is a woman, but feel with your heart.

4. Sex.

After seduction comes the most awesome stage - sex. The main thing here is not to spoil anything, not to frighten her away. Make it so that she remembers this for a very long time and wants more.

Do you want to communicate with a girl in the same language? Do you want to understand her? Do you want to conquer her?

September 24 and 25 at 20:00 Moscow time / Kiev I will host two private webinars for free "Power over a woman"!

Just 2 pm - and you will have clear instructions at your disposal:

  1. How to become a man, because of which girls are ready to scratch out each other's eyes.
  2. How to build communication with a girl you like so that she wants to be with you.
  3. How to stop being just a friend and become her dream man.
  4. How to overcome popular female excuses and always get what you want.
  5. How to attract high-status girls.

To get guaranteed to get to the webinar, click on the button and register -

There are certain topics that are best brought up before starting the process so that there are no unpleasant surprises later.

5. Relationships.

Congratulations. You went through all the stages and moved on to the most difficult, but also the most enjoyable - relationship. You will no longer be tormented by the question of how to stir up with a girl, because next to you will be the one you have chosen for yourself. The one that suits you and sees you as an alpha male, a confident man.

And these are the most important criteria that must be taken into account.

The golden rules of seduction:

1. Each girl teaches you to quickly seduce the next.

The more girls you seduce into this moment, the more likely you are to drag the next one into bed. Even one that at first glance seems inaccessible to you. In general, experience and practice. Practice and experience.

2. If she says no, she wants to talk.

Believe me, in any other case, she would immediately stop communicating with you. Because girls only spend time with the guys they see as sexual objects. So do not believe her words, but watch the actions, they will say much more.

3. There are two types of situations: good and training.

That is, for you positive result will be for any outcome. In one case, you will get sex, in the second, experience. Which is sometimes much more valuable than another low-quality chick that didn't pump you. Don't be afraid to practice even if you get turned down. In the future, you will know what mistakes you shouldn't make.

IN modern world quite often a woman has to take on male responsibilities. And gradually this kind of substitution began to penetrate even into relations between the sexes. Young people often behave very modestly and do not even dare to talk to a girl. But almost any of the fair sex dreams that it is the man who takes the first step when meeting. And not only communication concerns these desires. It was noticed a long time ago that in the list of women's fantasies, the desire for seduction got a rather high position, and on the first date. Of course, the weaker sex is unlikely to dare to express such a thing. The generally accepted social foundations play a role, as well as the secret dream that sooner or later a handsome guy will easily and unobtrusively whirl a girl in a romantic haze. So much so that she, without noticing it, will first be in his ardent embrace, and then in bed.

Perhaps, many men from time to time ask themselves a very relevant question about how to seduce a girl. For most, it remains an unsolvable mystery, the answer to which will not be given by a single beauty. In order to become a conqueror not only of women's hearts, but also of other equally desirable parts of the body, you must first of all be well versed in the psychology of women. We will talk about this today.

So, why, with all such an ardent desire to be subdued, does the girl not show any active? Even, rather, on the contrary, in every possible way makes it clear about his negative attitude towards intimacy after such a short period of acquaintance. Here it is worthwhile to clearly understand that if a man comes up with the idea of ​​how to seduce a girl, then the fair sex will not lag behind him. And all girls from childhood are well aware of the rule that interest is, first of all, something that is not so easy to get. So the ladies are modest, coquettishly lowering their eyes, secretly dreaming of the hottest night in their lives. So the way to a woman's lodge lies in accepting the rules of the game that she starts throughout her life. Just let her know that you are perfectly aware that all "bad" actions come exclusively from you. Let her feel like an innocent flower, which is so unceremonious, but always elegant and tactful Believe me, you just have to play along a little, and even the most gentle princess will melt under your confident caresses, rolling sly eyes with a sigh: “Well, again you men, only one thing on my mind ... ".

Someone, asking the question of how to seduce a girl, does not receive an categorical answer that she supposedly needs to show her indifference. And then the woman will do everything herself. I must say that this is the path for those who prefer passive role in seduction. This method may well play on someone, but there is always a downside to the coin. Some ladies, not finding interest in their own person in a man, can simply shrug their shoulders and choose a new object that will find the strength to charm and conquer a girl. And then you can no longer explain the elusive dream of a languid embrace, that it was the lady who had to do everything herself.

Another pressing topic is the question "How to seduce a girl into a kiss?" In this case, it all depends on whether she liked you. If, in a conversation with a man, a woman does not try to “close” from him by crossing her arms or legs, but straightens her hair, tries to straighten her shoulders and bites her lips from time to time, then these are the right signals of sympathy. Start by shortening the distance. Let it look like a completely innocent excuse, for example, try to supposedly better catch the scent of her perfume, which you can make an unobtrusive compliment. Do not make sudden movements, and then the closeness of your face will make the girl flutter at the level of sweet foreboding. After that, try to gently take her hand, namely the wrist. If she does not remove it from your lips, but is slightly embarrassed or shy, then you can safely continue. Look the girl in the eyes, breathe calmly and evenly. Slowly bring your face to her cheek and touch the skin with your lips. If after this no negative reaction followed, then the lips become the next object for conquest.

Are you still thinking about how to seduce a girl without being rudely rejected? There is only one correct answer - be not just yourself, but the way a woman wants to see you. Become the hero of her fantasies, and you are guaranteed an unforgettable pastime.

It starts with a conversation on the forum, or in a chat, or with a letter on a dating site. In any case, at first you can get the girl interested in how you communicate in writing. So try to keep general rules decency: do not swear, do not be rude, do not write outright vulgarities.

Find out what the girl is interested in, what her hobbies, favorite films. If you met on a forum or dating site, do not be lazy to read her entire profile or her entire profile, and not just look at the photo. Talk about what you like, ask questions - all women love to talk about themselves and their hobbies.

If a girl asks to see yours, post only those where you are in focus, come out well and preferably without other girls in the frame, especially your exes. The more original the pictures are, the more chances that she will be interested in you. Stories and photographs about travel and pets are especially appreciated.

Make gifts. It is possible even on the Internet: virtual flowers, postcards, voices or plus signs for the girl's photos. Signs of attention are pleasant to anyone, and faster she will reciprocate to the one who expresses her feelings more vividly.

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Useful advice

The first assistants in seduction are compliments. If you are not strong in words, praise her eyes and hair, it always works.


  • how to quickly seduce

Seduction of a girl, that is, persuading her to an intimate relationship, is a process that requires a certain amount of skill. According to the pickup professionals, two minutes are enough for this.

Preparing for seduction

Don't expect super fast results. Even using the most effective seduction techniques will not put a girl to bed in just 2 minutes. The maximum that you can achieve is to quickly win over the interlocutor to yourself and in the future get what you want with almost one hundred percent probability.

The first thing to do is choose a place where you will seduce the girl. As practice shows, in almost every city there is an institution or an open area, which is visited by girls who initially want to get to know each other. For example, it can be a cozy corner in a city park hidden from prying eyes, a bar counter in a trendy nightclub, or a hall in a shopping center. Ask your friends or on the Internet about such places in your locality.

Think about which type of girl suits you best. Of course, theoretically, you can win over almost any representative of the fair sex, but there must also be a type with which you can quickly find mutual language... For example, it can be girls of average or tall, with bright or discreet makeup, with an intelligent or carefree look, belonging to one or another subculture, etc.

Work on your appearance... You don’t have to dress brightly, but you do have to look neat enough. Train your gaze. This is one of the most important tools for quick seduction. It is best to do this in front of a mirror. It is not necessary to open your eyes wide and "play" with your eyebrows. It is enough to learn to look at the girl with confidence, without looking away, and at the same time to smile slightly.

Choose for yourself several models of phrases that you will exchange with the girl at the first. The most effective compliments are light compliments, spoken confidently and without excessive flattery. Try to be laconic, for example: “Girl, you are adorable. I just have to find out what your name is. "

The process of dating and seduction

The very process of dating and seduction looks something like this: after you notice a girl you like, try to meet her eyes. Maintain eye contact and smile slightly. By the expression on the girl's face, it will be possible to understand whether you are interested in her or not. Approach her slowly or alert her. Smile and in a confident tone offer to meet and chat with her, or accompany her to her destination if she is going somewhere or traveling.

Try to act quickly. You should immediately interest the girl and inspire her trust in you. You will be able to do this if you determine the approximate course of her thoughts, understand what she likes, what kind of person she is. After that, the most desperate guys sometimes immediately, under various pretexts, invite the girl, for example, to their home. Others quickly receive a phone number from her and after a while call to arrange a meeting in more romantic conditions.

Remember not to abuse the girls' trust. Don't fool them and don't use them "for one night's sake." The tactic of quick acquaintance is better and more tactful to use in order to find a girl for a long and serious relationship.

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