The main types of power generation. Types of electric power industry What gives the chemical industry to the electric power industry

The electric power industry is engaged in the production and transmission of electricity and is one of the basic branches of heavy industry. In terms of electricity production, Russia is in second place in the world after the United States. The main part of the electricity produced in Russia is used by industry - 60%, and most of it is consumed by heavy industry - mechanical engineering, metallurgy, chemical, forestry.

A distinctive feature of the Russian economy (similar to that of the former USSR) is that the specific energy intensity of the national income produced is higher in comparison with developed countries (almost one and a half times higher than in the United States), in this regard, it is extremely important to widely introduce energy-saving technologies and equipment. ... It should be said that for some regions the electric power industry is a branch of specialization, for example, the Volga and East Siberian economic regions. On their basis, energy-intensive and heat-intensive industries arise. For example, the Sayan TPK (based on the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP) specializes in electrometallurgy: the Sayan aluminum plant, a non-ferrous metal processing plant and other enterprises are being built here.

The electric power industry has firmly invaded all spheres of human activity: industry, agriculture, science and space. This is due to its specific properties:

- the ability to transform into practically all other types of energy (thermal, mechanical, sound, light, etc.);

- the ability to relatively easily be transmitted over long distances in large quantities;

- huge speeds of electromagnetic processes;

- the ability to split energy and transform its parameters (voltage, frequency, etc.).

The electric power industry is represented by thermal, hydraulic and nuclear power plants.

Thermal power plants (TPP). The main type of power plants in Russia

- thermal, operating on organic fuel (coal, fuel oil, gas, shale, peat). Among them, the main role is played by powerful (over 2 million kW) GRES - state regional power plants that meet the needs of the economic region and operate in power systems.

The most powerful thermal power plants are located, as a rule, in places of fuel extraction (peat, shale, low-calorie and high-ash coals). Thermal power plants operating on fuel oil are located mainly in the centers of the oil refining industry.

Benefits of thermal power plants compared to other types of power plants:

1) relatively free placement , associated with the widespread distribution of fuel resources in Russia;

2) the ability to generate electricity without seasonal fluctuations.

Disadvantages of thermal power plants:

1) the use of non-renewable fuel resources;

2) low efficiency;

3) extremely unfavorable impact on the environment.

Thermal power plants all over the world emit 200-250 million tons of ash and about 60 million tons of sulfur dioxide annually into the atmosphere; they absorb huge amounts of oxygen in the air. To date, it has been established that the radioactive background around thermal power plants operating on coal is, on average, 100 times higher than near a nuclear power plant of the same power, since ordinary coal almost always contains uranium-238, thorium-232 as trace impurities. and a radioactive isotope of carbon. TPPs of our country, unlike foreign ones, are still not equipped with sufficiently effective systems for cleaning exhaust gases from sulfur and nitrogen oxides. True, thermal power plants running on natural gas are ecologically cleaner than coal, oil and shale ones, but the laying of gas pipelines causes enormous environmental harm to nature, especially in the northern regions.

Despite the noted shortcomings, in the short term, the share of thermal power plants in the increase in electricity production may amount to 78 - 88%. The fuel balance of thermal power plants in Russia is characterized by the predominance of gas and fuel oil.

Hydraulic power plants (HPP). Hydraulic stations rank second in terms of the amount of generated electricity, the share of which in the total production volume is 16.5%.

HPPs can be divided into two main groups: HPPs on large flat rivers and HPPs on mountain rivers. In our country, most of the hydroelectric power station was built on flat rivers. Plain reservoirs are usually large in area and vary natural conditions over large areas. The sanitary condition of water bodies is deteriorating. Sewage, which used to be carried out by rivers, accumulates in reservoirs; special measures have to be taken to flush river beds and reservoirs. The construction of hydroelectric power plants on flat rivers is less profitable than on mountain ones. But sometimes it is extremely important to create normal shipping and irrigation.

The most powerful hydroelectric power plants are built in Siberia, and the cost of electricity is 4 - 5 times less than in the European part of the country. Hydroelectric construction in our country was characterized by the construction of cascades of hydroelectric power plants on rivers. Cascade- ϶ᴛᴏ a group of hydroelectric power plants located in steps along the course of the water stream in order to consistently use its energy. The largest hydroelectric power plants in the country are part of the Angara-Yenisei cascade: Sayano-Shushenskaya, Krasnoyarskaya on the Yenisei, Irkutsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimskaya on the Angara. In the European part of the country, a large cascade of hydroelectric power plants has been created on the Volga, which includes the Ivankovskaya, Uglichskaya, Rybinskaya, Gorkovskaya, Cheboksarskaya, Volzhskaya, Saratovskaya power plants. In the future, the electricity of the Angara-Yenisei cascade HPPs is planned to be used together with the electricity of the Kansk-Achinsk energy complex in fuel-deficient regions of the European part of the country, Transbaikalia and the Far East.

At the same time, it is planned to create energy bridges to the countries Western Europe, CIS, Mongolia, China, Korea.

Unfortunately, the creation of cascades in the country led to extremely negative consequences: the loss of valuable agricultural land, especially floodplain lands, and a violation of the ecological balance.

Benefits of hydroelectric power plants:

1) the use of renewable resources;

2) ease of management (the number of personnel at the hydroelectric power station is 15 - 20 times

less than at the state district power station);

3) high efficiency (more than 80%).

4) high maneuverability, ᴛ.ᴇ. almost instantaneous

automatic start-up and shutdown of any required number of units.

For these reasons, the energy produced at the hydroelectric power station is the cheapest.

Disadvantages of hydroelectric power plants:

1) long terms for the construction of hydroelectric power plants;

2) large specific capital investments are required;

3) adverse impact on the environment, since

the construction of hydroelectric power plants leads to the loss of flat lands, damages the fish industry.

Nuclear power plants. The share of nuclear power plants in the total electricity generation in Russia is about 12%. At the same time, in the USA - 19.6%, in Germany - 34%, in Belgium - 65%, in France - over 76%. It was planned to bring specific gravity Nuclear power plants in the production of electricity in the USSR in 1990 up to 20%, however, the Chernobyl disaster caused a reduction in the nuclear construction program.

Now in Russia there are 9 nuclear power plants, 14 more nuclear power plants are at the design stage, construction, or are temporarily mothballed. Today the practice of international examination of projects and operating NPPs has been introduced. After the accident, the principles of NPP siting were revised. First of all, the following factors are now taken into account: the district's need for electricity, natural conditions, population density, the possibility of protecting people from unacceptable radiation exposure in certain emergency situations. This takes into account the likelihood of earthquakes, floods, and the presence of nearby groundwater at the proposed site.

New in nuclear power engineering is the creation of nuclear power plants, which produce both electrical and thermal energy, as well as plants that produce only thermal energy.

NPP advantages:

1) it is possible to build a nuclear power plant in any area, regardless of its

energy resources;

2) air oxygen is not required for work;

3) high concentration of energy in nuclear fuel;

4) absence of emissions into the atmosphere.

Disadvantages of NPP:

1) the operation of a nuclear power plant is accompanied by a number of negative consequences for

the environment: burial of radioactive waste occurs, thermal pollution of water bodies used by nuclear power plants occurs;

2) catastrophic consequences of accidents at nuclear power plants are possible.

For a more economical, rational and comprehensive use of the total potential of power plants in our country, the Unified Energy System (UES) has been created, in which more than 700 large power plants operate. The UES is managed from a single center equipped with electronic computers. The creation of the Unified Energy System significantly increases the reliability of electricity supply to the national economy.

V Russian Federation energy strategy developed and adopted

for the period until 2020. The highest priority of the energy strategy is to improve energy efficiency and save energy. In accordance with this, the main tasks of the development of the electric power industry in Russia for the near future are as follows:

1. Reducing the energy intensity of production due to the introduction of new technologies;

2. Preservation of the unified energy system of Russia; 3. Increasing the utilized capacity factor of power plants;

4. Complete transition to market relations, liberation of energy prices, transition to world prices;

5. The fastest renewal of the power plant park;

6. Bringing the environmental parameters of power plants to the level of world standards.

Electricity - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Electricity" 2017, 2018.

Before the 2008 reform, most of the energy complex of the Russian Federation was under the control of RAO UES of Russia. This company was founded in 1992 and by the beginning of the 2000s had become practically a monopoly on the Russian generation and energy transportation market.

The reform of the industry was due to the fact that RAO "UES of Russia" was repeatedly criticized for the incorrect distribution of investments, as a result of which the accident rate at power facilities increased significantly. One of the reasons for the disbandment was an accident in the power system on May 25, 2005 in Moscow, as a result of which the activities of many enterprises, commercial and state organizations were paralyzed, and the work of the metro was stopped. Besides, RAO UES of Russia was often accused of selling electricity at deliberately inflated tariffs in order to increase its own profits.

As a result of the dissolution of RAO "UES of Russia", natural state monopolies in the network, distribution and dispatching activities were liquidated and created. The private one was involved in the generation and sale of electricity.

Today the structure of the energy complex is as follows:

  • OJSC "System Operator of the Unified Energy System" (SO UES) - carries out centralized operational and dispatch control of the Unified Energy System of the Russian Federation.
  • Non-profit partnership "Market Council for the Organization of an Efficient System of Wholesale and Retail Trade in Electric Energy and Power" - unites sellers and buyers of the wholesale electricity market.
  • Electricity generating companies. Including the state-owned ones - RusHydro, Rosenergoatom, jointly managed by the state and private capital, OGKs (wholesale generating companies) and TGKs (territorial generating companies), as well as fully private capital.
  • JSC Russian Networks - management of the distribution grid complex.
  • Power supply companies. Including JSC "Inter RAO UES" - a company owned by government agencies and organizations. Inter RAO UES is a monopoly in the import and export of electricity to the Russian Federation.

In addition to the division of organizations by type of activity, there is a division of the Unified Energy System of Russia into technological systems operating on a territorial basis. The United Energy Systems (UES) do not have one owner, but unite the energy companies of a particular region and have a single dispatch control, which is carried out by the branches of SO UES. Today there are 7 IES in Russia:

  • OES of the Center (Belgorod, Bryansk, Vladimir, Vologda, Voronezh, Ivanovsk, Tverskaya, Kaluga, Kostroma, Kursk, Lipetsk, Moscow, Oryol, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tambov, Tula, Yaroslavl power systems);
  • UES of the North-West (Arkhangelsk, Karelian, Kola, Komi, Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov and Kaliningrad energy systems);
  • UES of the South (Astrakhan, Volgograd, Dagestan, Ingush, Kalmyk, Karachay-Cherkess, Kabardino-Balkarian, Kuban, Rostov, North-Ossetian, Stavropol, Chechen power systems);
  • UES of the Middle Volga (Nizhny Novgorod, Mari, Mordovia, Penza, Samara, Saratov, Tatar, Ulyanovsk, Chuvash power systems);
  • URES of the Urals (Bashkir, Kirov, Kurgan, Orenburg, Perm, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Udmurt, Chelyabinsk energy systems);
  • UES of Siberia (Altai, Buryat, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kuzbass, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Khakass, Transbaikal energy systems);
  • UES of the East (Amurskaya, Primorskaya, Khabarovsk and Yuzhno-Yakutsk energy systems).

Key performance indicators

The key performance indicators of the power system are: installed capacity of power plants, electricity generation and electricity consumption.

The installed capacity of a power plant is the sum of the rated capacities of all generators of a power plant, which may change during the reconstruction of existing generators or the installation of new equipment. At the beginning of 2015, the installed capacity of the Unified Energy System (UES) of Russia was 232.45 thousand MW.

As of January 1, 2015, the installed capacity of Russian power plants increased by 5,981 MW compared to January 1, 2014. The growth was 2.6%, and this was achieved due to the introduction of new capacities with a capacity of 7,296 MW and an increase in the capacity of the existing equipment, by re-labeling at 411 MW. At the same time, generators with a capacity of 1,726 MW were decommissioned. In the industry as a whole, in comparison with 2010, the growth of production capacities amounted to 8.9%.

The distribution of capacities across the interconnected power systems is as follows:

  • IES Center - 52.89 thousand MW;
  • UES of the North-West - 23.28 thousand MW;
  • IES of the South - 20.17 thousand MW;
  • UES of the Middle Volga - 26.94 thousand MW;
  • URES of the Urals - 49.16 thousand MW;
  • UES of Siberia - 50.95 thousand MW;
  • IES East - 9.06 thousand MW.

The largest increase in 2014 was in the installed capacity of the URES of the Urals - by 2,347 MW, as well as the IES of Siberia - by 1,547 MW and the IES of the Center by 1,465 MW.

At the end of 2014, the Russian Federation produced 1,025 billion kWh of electricity. According to this indicator, Russia ranks 4th in the world, 5 times behind China, and 4 times behind the United States of America.

Compared to 2013, electricity generation in the Russian Federation increased by 0.1%. And in relation to 2009, the growth was 6.6%, which in quantitative terms amounts to 67 billion kWh.

Most of the electricity in 2014 in Russia was produced by thermal power plants - 677.3 billion kWh, hydroelectric power plants produced - 167.1 billion kWh, and nuclear power plants - 180.6 billion kWh. Electricity production by interconnected energy systems:

  • IES Center –239.24 billion kWh;
  • UES of the North-West –102.47 billion kWh;
  • IES of the South - 84.77 billion kWh;
  • UES of the Middle Volga - 105.04 billion kWh;
  • URES of the Urals - 259.76 billion kWh;
  • UES of Siberia - 198.34 billion kWh;
  • IES East - 35.36 billion kWh.

Compared to 2013, the largest increase in electricity generation was recorded in the IES of the South - (+ 2.3%), and the smallest in the IES of the Middle Volga - (- 7.4%).

Electricity consumption in Russia in 2014 amounted to 1,014 billion kWh. Thus, the balance amounted to (+ 11 billion kWh). And the largest consumer of electricity in the world at the end of 2014 is China - 4,600 billion kWh, the second place is occupied by the United States - 3,820 billion kWh.

Compared to 2013, electricity consumption in Russia increased by 4 billion kWh. But in general, the dynamics of consumption over the past 4 years has remained approximately at the same level. The difference between electricity consumption for 2010 and 2014 is 2.5%, in favor of the latter.

At the end of 2014, electricity consumption by interconnected energy systems is as follows:

  • IES Center –232.97 billion kWh;
  • UES of the North-West - 90.77 billion kWh;
  • IES of the South - 86.94 billion kWh;
  • UES of the Middle Volga - 106.68 billion kWh;
  • URES of the Urals –260.77 billion kWh;
  • UES of Siberia - 204.06 billion kWh;
  • IES East - 31.8 billion kWh.

In 2014, 3 ECOs had a positive difference between generated and generated electricity. The best indicator for the IES of the North-West is 11.7 billion kWh, which is 11.4% of the generated electricity, and the worst for the IES of Siberia (- 2.9%). The balance of electricity in the IES RF looks like this:

  • IES Center - 6.27 billion kWh;
  • UES of the North-West - 11.7 billion kWh;
  • IES of the South - (- 2.17) billion kWh;
  • UES of the Middle Volga - (- 1.64) billion kWh;
  • URES of the Urals - (- 1.01) billion kWh;
  • UES of Siberia - (- 5.72) billion kWh;
  • IES East - 3.56 billion kWh.

The cost of 1 kWh of electricity, at the end of 2014 in Russia, is 3 times lower than European prices. The average annual European indicator is 8.4 Russian rubles, while in the Russian Federation the average cost of 1 kWh is 2.7 rubles. Denmark is the leader in terms of the cost of electricity - 17.2 rubles per 1 kWh, the second place is taken by Germany - 16.9 rubles. Such expensive tariffs are primarily due to the fact that the governments of these countries have abandoned the use of nuclear power plants in favor of alternative energy sources.

If we compare the cost of 1 kWh and the average salary, then among European countries most of all a month a kilowatt / hour can be bought by residents of Norway - 23 969, the second place is occupied by Luxembourg - 17 945 kWh, the third is the Netherlands - 15 154 kWh. The average Russian can buy 9,674 kWh per month.

All Russian power systems, as well as power systems of neighboring countries, are interconnected by power lines. To transmit energy over long distances, high-voltage power lines with a capacity of 220 kV and above are used. They form the basis of the Russian power system and are operated by intersystem power grids. The total length of power transmission lines of this class is 153.4 thousand km, and in general, the Russian Federation operates 2 647.8 thousand km of power lines of various capacities.

Nuclear power

Nuclear power is an energy industry that generates electricity by converting nuclear energy. Nuclear power plants have two significant advantages over their competitors - environmental friendliness and economy. If all operating standards are observed, the NPP practically does not pollute the environment, and nuclear fuel is burned in disproportionately smaller quantities than other types and fuels, and this saves on logistics and delivery.

But despite these advantages, many countries do not want to develop nuclear energy. This is due primarily to the fear of an environmental disaster that may occur as a result of an accident at a nuclear power plant. After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986, close attention of the world community has been riveted to nuclear power facilities around the world. Therefore, nuclear power plants are operated mainly in technically and economically developed states.

According to data for 2014, nuclear power provides about 3% of the world's electricity consumption. Today, power plants with nuclear reactors operate in 31 countries around the world. In total, there are 192 nuclear power plants with 438 power units in the world. The total capacity of all nuclear power plants in the world is about 380 thousand MW. The largest number of nuclear power plants is located in the USA - 62, France - 19, the third - Japan - 17. There are 10 nuclear power plants in the Russian Federation and this is the 5th indicator in the world.

Nuclear power plants in the United States of America generate a total of 798.6 billion kWh, which is the best indicator in the world, but in the structure of electricity generated by all US power plants, nuclear power accounts for about 20%. The largest share in the generation of electricity from nuclear power plants in France, nuclear power plants in this country generate 77% of all electricity. The output of French nuclear power plants is 481 billion kWh per year.

At the end of 2014, Russian nuclear power plants generated 180.26 billion kWh of electricity, which is 8.2 billion kWh more than in 2013, in percentage terms the difference is 4.8%. Electricity production by nuclear power plants in Russia accounts for more than 17.5% of the total amount of electricity produced in the Russian Federation.

With regard to the generation of electricity by nuclear power plants through the interconnected energy systems, the largest amount was generated by the NPP of the Center - 94.47 billion kWh - this is just over half of the country's total generation. And the share of nuclear power in this united energy system is the largest - about 40%.

  • IES Center - 94.47 billion kWh (39.8% of all generated electricity);
  • UES of the North-West - 35.73 billion kWh (35% of all energy);
  • IES of the South - 18.87 billion kWh (22.26% of all energy);
  • UES of the Middle Volga –29.8 billion kWh (28.3% of all energy);
  • URES of the Urals - 4.5 billion kWh (1.7% of all energy).

This uneven distribution of production is associated with the location of Russian nuclear power plants. Most of the capacities of nuclear power plants are concentrated in the European part of the country, while in Siberia and the Far East they are absent altogether.

The largest nuclear power plant in the world is Japan's Kashiwazaki-Kariva, with a capacity of 7,965 MW, and the largest European nuclear power plant is Zaporozhskaya, with a capacity of about 6,000 MW. It is located in the Ukrainian city of Energodar. In the Russian Federation, the largest nuclear power plants have a capacity of 4,000 MW, the rest from 48 to 3,000 MW. List of Russian nuclear power plants:

  • Balakovo NPP - capacity 4,000 MW. Located in the Saratov region, it has been repeatedly recognized as the best nuclear power plant in Russia. It has 4 power units and was put into operation in 1985.
  • Leningrad NPP - capacity 4,000 MW. The largest nuclear power plant in the North-West IES. It has 4 power units and was commissioned in 1973.
  • Kursk NPP - capacity 4,000 MW. Consists of 4 power units, the beginning of operation - 1976.
  • Kalinin NPP - capacity 4,000 MW. Located in the north of the Tver region, it has 4 power units. Opened in 1984.
  • Smolensk NPP - capacity 3,000 MW. Recognized as the best nuclear power plant in Russia in 1991, 1992, 2006 2011. It has 3 power units, the first was put into operation in 1982.
  • Rostov NPP - capacity 2,000 MW. The largest power plant in the south of Russia. 2 power units were commissioned at the station, the first in 2001, the second in 2010.
  • Novovoronezh NPP - capacity 1,880 MW. Provides electricity to about 80% of consumers in the Voronezh region. The first power unit was launched in September 1964. Now there are 3 power units in operation.
  • Kola NPP - capacity 1,760 MW. The first nuclear power plant in Russia built in the Arctic Circle provides about 60% of the electricity consumption of the Murmansk region. It has 4 power units and was opened in 1973.
  • Beloyarsk NPP - capacity 600 MW. Located in the Sverdlovsk region. It was commissioned in April 1964. It is the oldest operating nuclear power plant in Russia. Now only 1 power unit is in operation out of the three envisaged by the project.
  • Bilibino NPP - capacity 48 MW. It is part of the isolated Chaun-Bilibino energy system, generating about 75% of the electricity it consumes. It was opened in 1974 and consists of 4 power units.

In addition to the existing nuclear power plants, 8 more power units are under construction in Russia, as well as a floating nuclear power plant of low power.


Hydroelectric power plants provide a fairly low cost of one kWh of energy generated. Compared to thermal power plants, the production of 1 kWh at hydroelectric power plants is 2 times cheaper. This is due to the rather simple principle of operation of hydroelectric power plants. Special hydraulic structures are being built that provide the necessary water pressure. Water, falling on the turbine blades, sets it in motion, which in turn drives generators that generate electricity.

But the widespread use of hydroelectric power plants is impossible, since a necessary condition for operation is the presence of a powerful moving water flow. Therefore, hydroelectric power plants are being built on deep large rivers. Another significant disadvantage of hydroelectric power plants is the blockage of river beds, which makes it difficult for fish to spawn and flood large volumes of land resources.

But despite the negative consequences for the environment, hydroelectric power plants continue to function and are being built on largest rivers the world. In total, there are hydroelectric power plants operating in the world with a total capacity of about 780 thousand MW. It is difficult to calculate the total number of hydroelectric power plants, since there are many small hydroelectric power plants operating in the world, operating for the needs of a separate city, enterprise, or even a private economy. On average, hydropower generates about 20% of the world's electricity.

Of all the countries in the world, Paraguay is the most dependent on hydropower. In the country, 100% of electricity is generated by hydroelectric power plants. In addition to this country, Norway, Brazil and Colombia are very dependent on hydropower.

The largest hydroelectric power plants are located in South America and China. The largest hydroelectric power station in the world is Sanxia on the Yangzi River, its capacity reaches 22,500 MW, the second place is taken by the hydroelectric power station on the Parana River - Itaipu, with a capacity of 14,000 MW. The largest hydroelectric power plant in Russia is Sayano-Shushenskaya, with a capacity of about 6,400 MW.

In addition to the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, there are 101 more hydroelectric power plants operating in Russia with a capacity of more than 100 MW. The largest hydroelectric power plants in Russia:

  • Sayano-Shushenskaya - Capacity - 6 400 MW, average annual electricity production - 19.7 billion kWh. Commissioning date - 1985. The hydroelectric power station is located on the Yenisei.
  • Krasnoyarskaya - Capacity 6,000 MW, average annual electricity production - about 20 billion kWh, commissioned in 1972, also located on the Yenisei.
  • Bratskaya - Capacity 4,500 MW, located at the Angara. It generates on average about 22.6 billion kWh per year. Commissioned in 1961.
  • Ust-Ilimskaya - Capacity 3,840 MW, located at the Angara. Average annual productivity is 21.7 billion kWh. It was built in 1985.
  • Boguchanskaya HPP - Capacity about 3,000 MW, was built at the Angara in 2012. Produces about 17.6 billion kWh per year.
  • Volzhskaya HPP - Capacity 2 640 MW. Built in 1961 in the Volgograd region, the average annual capacity is 10.43 kWh.
  • Zhigulevskaya HPP - Capacity about 2,400 MW. It was built in 1955 on the Volga river in the Samara region. It produces about 11.7 kWh of electricity per year.

With regard to the interconnected energy systems, the largest share in the generation of electricity with the help of hydroelectric power plants belongs to the IES of Siberia and the East. In these IESs, hydropower plants account for 47.5 and 35.3% of all generated electricity, respectively. This is due to the presence of large deep rivers in the Yenisei and Amur basins in these regions.

At the end of 2014, Russian hydroelectric power plants produced more than 167 billion kWh of electricity. Compared to 2013, this indicator decreased by 4.4%. The largest contribution to the generation of electricity using hydroelectric power plants was made by the IES of Siberia - about 57% of the all-Russian one.

Heat power engineering

Heat power engineering is the backbone of the energy complex of the overwhelming majority of countries in the world. Despite the fact that thermal power plants have a lot of disadvantages associated with environmental pollution and high cost of electricity, they are used everywhere. The reason for this popularity is the versatility of thermal power plants. Thermal power plants can operate on various types of fuel, and when designing, it is necessary to take into account which energy resources are optimal for a given region.

Thermal power plants generate about 90% of the world's electricity. At the same time, the share of thermal power plants using petroleum products as fuel accounts for the production of 39% of all world energy, coal-fired thermal power plants - 27%, and gas-fired thermal power plants - 24% of generated electricity. In some countries, there is a strong dependence of TPPs on one type of fuel. For example, the overwhelming majority of Polish thermal power plants operate on coal, and the situation is the same in South Africa. Most thermal power plants in the Netherlands use natural gas as fuel.

In the Russian Federation, the main types of fuel for TPPs are natural and associated petroleum gas and coal. Moreover, most TPPs in the European part of Russia operate on gas, while coal-fired TPPs prevail in southern Siberia and the Far East. The share of power plants using fuel oil as the main fuel is insignificant. In addition, many thermal power plants in Russia use several types of fuel. For example, the Novocherkasskaya GRES in the Rostov Region uses all three main types of fuel. The share of fuel oil is 17%, gas - 9%, and coal - 74%.

In terms of the amount of electricity generated in the Russian Federation in 2014, thermal power plants firmly hold a leading position. Only last year, TPPs produced 621.1 billion kWh, which is 0.2% less than in 2013. In general, electricity generation by thermal power plants in the Russian Federation has decreased to the level of 2010.

If we consider the generation of electricity in the context of the UPS, then in each energy system the share of TPPs accounts for the largest electricity production. The largest share of TPPs in the UES of the Urals - 86.8%, and the smallest in the UES of the North-West - 45.4%. As for the quantitative production of electricity, in the context of the UPS it looks like this:

  • URES of the Urals - 225.35 billion kWh;
  • IES Center - 131.13 billion kWh;
  • UES of Siberia - 94.79 billion kWh;
  • UES of the Middle Volga - 51.39 billion kWh;
  • IES of the South - 49.04 billion kWh;
  • UES of the North-West - 46.55 billion kWh;
  • IES of the Far East - 22.87 billion kWh.

Thermal power plants in Russia are divided into two types of CHP and GRES. A combined heat and power plant (CHP) is a power plant with the ability to extract heat energy. Thus, the CHPP produces not only electricity, but also heat energy, which is used for hot water supply and space heating. GRES is a thermal power plant that produces only electricity. The abbreviation GRES remained from the Soviet times and meant the state regional power plant.

Today in the Russian Federation there are about 370 thermal power plants. Of these, 7 have a capacity of over 2,500 MW:

  • Surgutskaya GRES - 2 - capacity 5,600 MW, types of fuel - natural and associated petroleum gas - 100%.
  • Reftinskaya GRES - capacity 3,800 MW, fuel types - coal - 100%.
  • Kostromskaya GRES - capacity 3,600 MW, fuel types - natural gas - 87%, coal - 13%.
  • Surgutskaya GRES - 1 - capacity 3,270 MW, types of fuel - natural and associated petroleum gas - 100%.
  • Ryazanskaya GRES - capacity 3070 MW, types of fuel - fuel oil - 4%, gas - 62%, coal - 34%.
  • Kirishskaya GRES - capacity 2,600 MW, fuel types - fuel oil - 100%.
  • Konakovskaya GRES - capacity of 2,520 MW, types of fuel - fuel oil - 19%, gas - 81%.

Industry development prospects

Over the past few years, the Russian energy complex has maintained a positive balance between generated and consumed electricity. As a rule, the total amount of consumed energy is 98-99% of the generated. Thus, we can say that the existing production capacities fully cover the country's electricity needs.

The main areas of activity of Russian power engineers are aimed at increasing the electrification of remote regions of the country, as well as at the renewal and reconstruction of existing facilities.

It should be noted that the cost of electricity in Russia is significantly lower than in the countries of Europe and the Asia-Pacific region, therefore, the development and implementation of new alternative energy sources is not given due attention. Share in general production electricity from wind energy, geothermal energy and solar energy in Russia does not exceed 0.15% of the total. But if geothermal energy is very territorially limited, and solar energy in Russia does not develop in industrial scale then neglecting wind energy is unacceptable.

Today in the world, the capacity of wind generators is 369 thousand MW, which is only 11 thousand MW less than the capacity of power units of all nuclear power plants in the world. The economic potential of Russian wind energy is about 250 billion kWh per year, which is about a quarter of all electricity consumed in the country. Today, the production of electricity using wind generators does not exceed 50 million kWh per year.

It should also be noted the widespread introduction of energy-saving technologies in all types of economic activities, which is observed in last years... In industries and in households, various devices are used to reduce energy consumption, and in modern construction they actively use thermal insulation materials. But, unfortunately, even in spite of the Federal Law "On Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency in the Russian Federation" adopted in 2009, the Russian Federation lags far behind the countries of Europe and the United States in terms of energy savings and energy saving.

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Saint Petersburg State University

Service and Economy

Ecology Abstract

on the topic "Electricity"

Completed: 1st year student



ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY, the leading area of ​​power engineering, providing electrification of the national economy of the country. In economically developed countries, the technical means of the electric power industry are combined into automated and centrally controlled electric power systems.

Energy is the basis for the development of production forces in any state. Energy ensures the smooth operation of the industry, Agriculture, transport, utilities. The stable development of the economy is impossible without the constantly developing energy sector.

The electric power industry, along with other sectors of the national economy, is considered as part of a single national economic system. At present, our life is unthinkable without electrical energy. Electricity has invaded all spheres of human activity: industry and agriculture, science and space. Without electricity, the operation of modern means of communication and the development of cybernetics, computing and space technology are impossible. The importance of electricity in agriculture, the transport complex and in everyday life is also great. It is impossible to imagine our life without electricity. Such widespread use is explained by its specific properties:

the ability to transform into almost all other types of energy (thermal, mechanical, sound, light and others) with the least loss;

the ability to relatively easily be transmitted over long distances in large quantities;

huge speeds of electromagnetic processes;

the ability to split energy and the formation of its parameters (change in voltage, frequency).

impossibility and, accordingly, unnecessary storage or accumulation.

Industry remains the main consumer of electricity, although its share in the total useful electricity consumption is significantly decreasing. Electrical energy in industry is used to drive various mechanisms and directly in technological processes. Currently, the electrification rate of power drive in industry is 80%. At the same time, about 1/3 of the electricity is consumed directly for technological needs. Industries that often do not use electricity directly for their technological processes are the largest consumers of electricity.

Formation and development of the electric power industry.

The formation of the Russian electric power industry is connected with the GOELRO plan (1920) for a period of 15 years, which provided for the construction of 10 hydroelectric power plants with a total capacity of 640 thousand kW. The plan was fulfilled ahead of schedule: by the end of 1935, 40 district power plants had been built. Thus, the GOELRO plan created the basis for the industrialization of Russia, and it took the second place in the production of electricity in the world.

At the beginning of the XX century. in the structure of energy resources consumption, coal occupied an absolutely predominant place. For example, in developed countries by 1950. not coal accounted for 74%, but oil - 17% in total energy consumption. At the same time, the main share of energy resources was used within the countries where they were mined.

Average annual growth rates of energy consumption in the world in the first half of the XX century. accounted for 2-3%, and in 1950-1975. - already 5%.

To cover the increase in energy consumption in the second half of the XX century. the global structure of energy consumption is undergoing major changes. In the 50-60s. more and more oil and gas are replacing coal. In the period from 1952 to 1972. oil was cheap. The price for it on the world market reached $ 14 / t. In the second half of the 70s, the development of large deposits of natural gas also begins and its consumption is gradually increasing, displacing coal.

Until the early 1970s, the growth in energy consumption was largely extensive. In developed countries, its rate was actually determined by the growth rate of industrial production. Meanwhile, the developed fields are beginning to deplete, and the import of energy resources, primarily oil, begins to grow.

In 1973. an energy crisis broke out. The world oil price jumped to $ 250-300 per ton. One of the reasons for the crisis was the reduction of its production in easily accessible places and its movement to areas with extreme natural conditions and to the continental shelf. Another reason was the desire of the main oil-exporting countries (OPEC members), which are mainly developing countries, to more effectively use their advantages as owners of the bulk of the world's reserves of this valuable raw material.

During this period, the leading countries of the world were forced to revise their concepts of energy development. As a result, forecasts for growth in energy consumption have become more moderate. Energy saving began to play a significant role in energy development programs. If before the energy crisis of the 70s, energy consumption in the world was predicted by 2000 at the level of 20-25 billion tons of standard fuel, then after it the forecasts were adjusted towards a noticeable decrease to 12.4 billion tons of standard fuel.

Industrialized countries are taking major measures to ensure savings in the consumption of primary energy resources. Energy conservation is increasingly taking a central place in their national economic concepts. There is a restructuring of the sectoral structure of national economies. The preference is given to low energy intensive industries and technologies. There is a curtailment of energy-intensive industries. Energy-saving technologies are actively developing, primarily in energy-intensive industries: metallurgy, metalworking industry, transport. Large-scale scientific and technical programs are being implemented to search for and develop alternative energy technologies. In the period from the beginning of the 70s to the end of the 80s. the energy intensity of GDP in the United States decreased by 40%, in Japan - by 30%.

During the same period, the nuclear power industry was developing rapidly. In the 70s and in the first half of the 80s, about 65% of the currently operating nuclear power plants in the world were put into operation.

During this period, the concept of energy security of the state was introduced into political and economic use. Energy strategies of developed countries aim not only at reducing the consumption of specific energy carriers (coal or oil), but also, in general, at reducing the consumption of any energy resources and diversifying their sources.

As a result of all these measures in developed countries, the average annual growth rate of consumption of primary energy resources has noticeably decreased: from 1.8% in the 1980s to up to 1.45% in 1991-2000 According to the forecast, until 2015 it will not exceed 1.25%.

In the second half of the 80s, another factor appeared, which today has an increasing influence on the structure and development trends of the fuel and energy complex. Scientists and politicians around the world are actively talking about the consequences of the impact on the nature of man-made human activities, in particular, the impact on the environment of fuel and energy facilities. The tightening of international requirements for environmental protection in order to reduce the greenhouse effect and emissions into the atmosphere (according to the decision of the conference in Kyoto in 1997) should lead to a decrease in the consumption of coal and oil as the most affecting energy technologies.

Geography of Russia's energy resources.

Energy resources on the territory of Russia are located extremely unevenly. Their main reserves are concentrated in Siberia and the Far East (about 93% of coal, 60% of natural gas, 80% of hydropower resources), and most of the electricity consumers are in the European part of the country. Let's consider this picture in more detail by region.

The Russian Federation consists of 11 economic regions. It is possible to single out the regions in which a significant amount of electricity is generated, there are five of them: Central, Volga, Ural, Western Siberia and Eastern Siberia.

Central economic region(CED) has a rather advantageous economic position, but does not have significant resources. The reserves of fuel resources are extremely small, although the region occupies one of the first places in the country in terms of their consumption. It is located at the intersection of land and water roads, which contribute to the emergence and strengthening of inter-district ties. Fuel reserves are represented by the Moscow Region brown coal basin. The mining conditions are unfavorable, and the coal is of poor quality. But with the change in energy and transport tariffs, its role has increased, since imported coal has become too expensive. The region possesses rather large, but significantly depleted peat resources. Hydropower reserves are not large; reservoir systems have been created on the Oka, Volga and other rivers. Oil reserves have also been explored, but production is still a long way off. We can say that the energy resources of the CED have local significance, and the electric power industry is not an industry of its market specialization.

Large thermal power plants prevail in the structure of the electric power industry of the Central Economic Region. Konakovskaya and Kostromskaya GRES, with a capacity of 3.6 million kW, operate mainly on fuel oil, Ryazanskaya GRES (2.8 million kW) - on coal. Also quite large are Novomoskovskaya, Cherepetskaya, Shchekinskaya, Yaroslavskaya, Kashirskaya, Shaturskaya thermal power plants and Moscow CHP. HPPs of the Central Economic Region are small and few in number. In the region of the Rybinsk reservoir, the Rybinsk hydroelectric power station was built on the Volga, as well as the Uglich and Ivankovskaya hydroelectric power stations. The pumped storage power plant was built near Sergiev Posad. There are two large nuclear power plants in the region: Smolensk (3 million kW) and Kalinin (2 million kW), as well as Obninsk NPP.

All of these power plants are part of the interconnected power system, which does not meet the district's electricity needs. The power systems of the Volga region, the Urals, and the South are now connected to the Center.

Power plants in the region are distributed fairly evenly, although most are concentrated in the center of the region. In the future, the electric power industry of the Center for Economic Development will develop due to the expansion of existing thermal power plants and nuclear energy.

Volga economicdistrict specializes in oil and oil refining, chemical, gas, manufacturing, construction materials and power generation. In the structure of the economy, there is an intersectoral machine-building complex.

The most important mineral resources of the region are oil and gas. Large oil fields are located in Tatarstan (Romashkinskoye, Pervomayskoye, Elabuzhskoye, etc.), in the Samara (Mukhanovskoye), Saratov and Volgograd regions. Natural gas resources have been found in the Astrakhan region (a gas industrial complex is being formed), in the Saratov (Kurdyumo-Elshanskoye and Stepanovskoye fields) and Volgograd (Zhirnovskoye, Korobovskoye and other fields) regions.

In the structure of the electric power industry, there is a large Zainskaya GRES (2.4 million kW), located in the north of the region and operating on fuel oil and coal, as well as a number of large thermal power plants. Separate smaller thermal power plants serve settlements and industry in them. Two nuclear power plants have been built in the region: Balakovskaya (3 million kW) and Dimitrovgradskaya NPP. The Samara hydroelectric power station (2.3 million kW), the Saratov hydroelectric power station (1.3 million kW), and the Volgograd hydroelectric power station (2.5 million kW) were built on the Volga. The Nizhnekamsk hydroelectric power station (1.1 million kW) was built on the Kama near the city of Naberezhnye Chelny. Hydroelectric power plants operate in an interconnected system.

The energy sector of the Volga region is of interregional importance. Electricity is transmitted to the Urals, Donbass and the Center.

A feature of the Volga economic region is that most of the industry is concentrated along the banks of the Volga, an important transport artery. And this explains the concentration of power plants near the Volga and Kama rivers.

Ural- one of the most powerful industrial complexes in the country. The areas of market specialization of the region are ferrous metallurgy, non-ferrous metallurgy, manufacturing, timber industry and mechanical engineering.

The fuel resources of the Urals are very diverse: coal, oil, natural gas, oil shale, peat. Oil is mainly concentrated in Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, Perm and Orenburg regions. Natural gas is produced in the Orenburg gas condensate field, the largest in the European part of Russia. Coal reserves are small.

In the Ural economic region thermal power plants prevail in the structure of the electric power industry. There are three large GRES in the region: Reftinskaya (3.8 million kW), Troitskaya (2.4 million kW) operate on coal, Iriklinskaya (2.4 million kW) - on fuel oil. Some cities are served by Perm, Magnitogorsk, Orenburg thermal power plants, Yaivinskaya, Yuzhnouralskaya and Karmanovskaya TPPs. Hydroelectric power plants were built on the Ufa River (Pavlovskaya HPP) and Kama (Kamskaya and Votkinskaya HPPs). In the Urals there is a nuclear power plant - Beloyarsk NPP (0.6 million kW) near the city of Yekaterinburg. The largest concentration of power plants is in the center of the economic region.

Western Siberia refers to areas with a high endowment of natural resources with a shortage of labor resources. It is located at the crossroads of railways and great Siberian rivers in close proximity to the industrially developed Urals.

In the region, industries of specialization include the fuel, mining, chemical, power and construction materials industries.

In Western Siberia, the leading role belongs to thermal power plants. Surgutskaya GRES (3.1 million kW) is located in the center of the region. The main part of the power plants is concentrated in the south: in the Kuzbass and adjacent areas. There are power plants serving Tomsk, Biysk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, as well as Omsk, Tobolsk and Tyumen. The hydroelectric power plant was built on the Ob near Novosibirsk. There are no nuclear power plants in the region.

On the territory of the Tyumen and Tomsk regions, the largest program-target TPK in Russia is being formed on the basis of unique oil and natural gas reserves in the northern and middle parts West Siberian Plain and significant forest resources.

Eastern Siberia is distinguished by an exceptional wealth and variety of natural resources. Huge reserves of coal and hydropower resources are concentrated here. The most studied and developed are the Kansko-Achinsky, Irkutsk and Minusinsky coal basins. There are less explored deposits (on the territory of Tyva, the Tunguska coal basin). There are oil reserves. In terms of the wealth of hydropower resources, Eastern Siberia ranks first in Russia. The high speed of the Yenisei and Angara flows creates favorable conditions for the construction of power plants.

The industries of market specialization in Eastern Siberia include the electric power industry, non-ferrous metallurgy, mining and fuel industries.

The most important area of ​​market specialization is the power industry. Until relatively recently, this industry was poorly developed and hindered the development of industry in the region. Over the past 30 years, a powerful electric power industry has been created on the basis of cheap coal and hydropower resources, and the region has taken the leading place in the country in terms of electricity production per capita.

Ust-Khantayskaya HPP, Kureyskaya HPP, Mainskaya HPP, Krasnoyarsk HPP (6 million kW) and Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP (6.4 million kW) have been built on the Yenisei. The hydraulic power plants built on the Angara are of great importance: the Ust-Ilimsk hydroelectric power station (4.3 million kW), the Bratsk hydroelectric power station (4.5 million kW) and the Irkutsk hydroelectric power station (600 thousand kW). The Boguchanovskaya hydroelectric power station is under construction. The Mamakanskaya hydroelectric power station on the Vitim river and a cascade of Vilyui hydroelectric power plants were also built.

Powerful Nazarovskaya GRES (6 million kW), powered by coal, have been built in the region; Berezovskaya (design capacity - 6.4 million kW), Chitinskaya and Irsha-Borodinskaya GRES; Norilsk and Irkutsk CHPPs. Also, thermal power plants were built to serve cities such as Krasnoyarsk, Angarsk, Ulan-Ude. There are no nuclear power plants in the region.

The power plants are part of the unified energy system of Central Siberia. The electric power industry in Eastern Siberia creates especially favorable conditions for the development of energy-intensive industries in the region: metallurgy of light metals and a number of branches of the chemical industry.

Unified Energy System of Russia.

For a more rational, comprehensive and economical use of the overall potential of Russia, the Unified Energy System (UES) has been created. It has over 700 large power plants with a total capacity of over 250 million kW (84% of the capacity of all power plants in the country). The UES is managed from a single center.

The Unified Energy System has a number of clear economic benefits. Powerful power transmission lines (power transmission lines) significantly increase the reliability of electricity supply to the national economy. They align the annual and daily schedules of electricity consumption, improve the economic performance of power plants and create conditions for the full electrification of areas where there is a lack of electricity.

The structure of the EEC the former USSR included power plants that spread their influence over an area of ​​over 10 million km 2 with a population of about 220 million people.

The United Energy Systems (UES) of the Center, the Volga region, the Urals, the North-West, the North Caucasus are included in the UES of the European part. They are connected by high-voltage highways Samara - Moscow (500 kW), Moscow - St. Petersburg (750 kW), Volgograd - Moscow (500 kW), Samara - Chelyabinsk, etc.

There are numerous thermal power plants (KES and CHPP) operating on coal (near Moscow, Ural, etc.), shale, peat, natural gas and fuel oil, and nuclear power plants. Hydroelectric power plants are of great importance, covering the peak loads of large industrial areas and hubs.

Russia exports electricity to Belarus and Ukraine, from where it goes to Eastern Europe and Kazakhstan.


RAO "UES of Russia", as the industry leader among the former Soviet republics, managed to synchronize the energy systems of 14 CIS and Baltic countries, including five EurAsEC member states, and thereby reach the final stretch of the formation of a single electricity market. In 1998, only seven of them operated in parallel.

The mutual benefits our countries receive from the parallel operation of power systems are obvious. The reliability of power supply to consumers has improved (in light of recent accidents in the United States and Western Europe, this is of great importance), and the amount of reserve capacity required by each country in case of power failures has decreased. Finally, conditions have been created for mutually beneficial export and import of electricity. For example, RAO "UES of Russia" is already importing cheap Tajik and Kyrgyz electricity through Kazakhstan. These supplies are extremely important for the energy-deficient regions of Siberia and the Urals; they also make it possible to "dilute" the Federal wholesale electricity market, restraining the growth of tariffs within Russia. On the other hand, RAO "UES of Russia" simultaneously exports electricity to those countries where tariffs are several times higher than the national average, for example, to Georgia, Belarus and Finland. By 2007, the synchronization of the energy systems of Russia and the European Union is expected, opening up huge prospects for the export of electricity from the EurAsEC member countries to Europe

List of used literature:

    Monthly production - mass magazine "Energetik" 2001. # 1.

    Morozova T.G. "Regional Studies", M .: "Unity", 1998

    Rodionova I.A., Bunakova T.M. "Economic Geography", M.: 1998.

    Fuel and energy complex is the most important structure of the Russian economy. / Industry of Russia. 1999 No. 3

    Yanovskiy A.B. Energy strategy of Russia until 2020, M., 2001


  • 1. History
    • 1.1 History of the Russian electric power industry
  • 2 Main technological processes in the electric power industry
    • 2.1 Electricity generation
    • 2.2 Electricity transmission and distribution
    • 2.3 Electricity consumption
  • 3 Activities in the electric power industry
    • 3.1 Operational dispatch control
    • 3.2 Energosbyt
  • Notes (edit)


Thermal power plant and wind turbines in Germany

Electricity- the energy sector, which includes the production, transmission and sale of electricity. The electric power industry is the most important branch of the energy sector, which is explained by such advantages of electricity over other types of energy as the relative ease of transmission over long distances, distribution between consumers, as well as conversion into other types of energy (mechanical, thermal, chemical, light, etc.). A distinctive feature of electrical energy is the practical simultaneity of its generation and consumption, since electricity propagates through networks at a speed close to the speed of light.

The Federal Law "On Electricity" gives the following definition of the electric power industry:

Electric power industry is a branch of the economy of the Russian Federation, which includes a set of economic relations arising in the process of production (including production in the mode of combined generation of electric and thermal energy), transmission of electric energy, operational dispatch control in the electric power industry, sales and consumption of electric energy from the use of production and other property objects (including those included in the Unified Energy System of Russia), owned or on other grounds stipulated by federal laws, to the subjects of the electric power industry or other persons. Electricity is the basis for the functioning of the economy and life support.

The definition of the electric power industry is also contained in GOST 19431-84:

Electricity is a section of the energy sector that ensures the electrification of the country based on the rational expansion of the production and use of electrical energy.

1. History

For a long time, electrical energy was only an object of experiments and had no practical application. The first attempts at the useful use of electricity were made in the second half of the 19th century, the main directions of use were the recently invented telegraph, electroplating, military equipment(for example, there were attempts to create ships and self-propelled vehicles with electric motors; mines with an electric fuse were developed). Initially, the sources of electricity were galvanic cells. A significant breakthrough in the mass distribution of electricity was the invention of electric machine sources of electrical energy - generators. Compared to galvanic cells, the generators had a higher power and useful life, were significantly cheaper and made it possible to arbitrarily set the parameters of the generated current. It was with the advent of generators that the first power plants and networks began to appear (before that energy sources were directly at the places of its consumption) - the electric power industry became a separate industry. The first transmission line in history (in the modern sense) was the Laufen-Frankfurt line, which started operating in 1891. The length of the line was 170 km, the voltage was 28.3 kV, the transmitted power was 220 kW. At that time, electrical energy was used mainly for lighting in large cities. Electric companies were in serious competition with gas companies: electric lighting was superior to gas in a number of technical parameters, but at that time it was significantly more expensive. With the improvement of electrical equipment and the increase in the efficiency of generators, the cost of electricity declined, and in the end, electric lighting completely replaced gas lighting. Along the way, new areas of application of electric energy appeared: electric lifts, pumps and electric motors were improved. An important stage the invention of the electric tram became: tram systems were large consumers of electrical energy and stimulated the increase in the capacity of power plants. In many cities, the first power stations were built along with tram systems.

The beginning of the 20th century was marked by the so-called "war of currents" - a confrontation between industrial manufacturers of direct and alternating currents. Direct and alternating current had both advantages and disadvantages in use. The decisive factor was the possibility of transmission over long distances - the transmission of alternating current was realized easier and cheaper, which led to his victory in this "war": nowadays alternating current is used almost everywhere. However, there are currently prospects for widespread use direct current for long-distance transmission of high power (see High-voltage direct current line).

1.1. History of the Russian electric power industry

Dynamics of electricity production in Russia in 1992-2008, in billion kWh

The history of the Russian and, perhaps, the world electric power industry dates back to 1891, when the outstanding scientist Mikhail Osipovich Dolivo-Dobrovolsky carried out the practical transfer of electrical power of about 220 kW over a distance of 175 km. The resulting transmission line efficiency of 77.4% was sensationally high for such a complex multi-element structure. This high efficiency was achieved thanks to the use of a three-phase voltage invented by the scientist himself.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, the capacity of all power plants was only 1.1 million kWh, and the annual electricity generation was 1.9 billion kWh. After the revolution, at the suggestion of V.I.Lenin, the famous GOELRO plan for the electrification of Russia was launched. It provided for the construction of 30 power plants with a total capacity of 1.5 million kW, which was implemented by 1931, and by 1935 it was exceeded 3 times.

In 1940, the total capacity of Soviet power plants was 10.7 million kW, and the annual electricity generation exceeded 50 billion kW * h, which was 25 times higher than the corresponding figures of 1913. After a break caused by the Great Patriotic War, the electrification of the USSR resumed, reaching a level of output of 90 billion kWh in 1950.

In the 50s of the XX century, such power plants as Tsimlyanskaya, Gyumushskaya, Verkhne-Svirskaya, Mingechaurskaya and others were put into operation. By the mid-1960s, the USSR ranked second in the world in electricity generation after the United States.

2. Basic technological processes in the electric power industry

2.1. Electricity generation

Power generation is a transformation process different types energy into electricity at industrial facilities called power plants. Currently, there are the following types of generation:

  • Thermal power engineering... In this case, the thermal energy of combustion of organic fuels is converted into electrical energy. Thermal power engineering includes thermal power plants (TPPs), which are of two main types:
    • Condensing (IES, the old abbreviation GRES is also used);
    • Heating (combined heat and power plants, CHP). Cogeneration is the combined production of electricity and heat at the same station;

IES and CHPP have similar technological processes. In both cases, there is a boiler in which fuel is burned and, due to the heat generated, steam is heated under pressure. The heated steam is then fed to a steam turbine, where its thermal energy is converted into rotational energy. The turbine shaft rotates the rotor of an electric generator - thus the rotational energy is converted into electrical energy, which is fed into the grid. The fundamental difference between CHP and IES is that part of the steam heated in the boiler goes to the needs of heat supply;

  • Nuclear energy... It includes nuclear power plants (NPP). In practice, nuclear power is often considered a subspecies of thermal power generation, since, in general, the principle of generating electricity at nuclear power plants is the same as at thermal power plants. Only in this case, thermal energy is released not during the combustion of fuel, but during the fission of atomic nuclei in a nuclear reactor. Further, the scheme of electricity generation does not fundamentally differ from a thermal power plant: steam is heated in a reactor, enters a steam turbine, etc. Due to some design features of a nuclear power plant, it is unprofitable to use it in combined generation, although some experiments in this direction have been carried out;
  • Hydropower... This includes hydroelectric power plants (HPPs). In hydropower, the kinetic energy of the flow of water is converted into electrical energy. For this purpose, with the help of dams on the rivers, a difference in the levels of the water surface is artificially created (the so-called upper and lower reaches). Under the action of gravity, water is poured from the upper pool to the lower one through special channels in which water turbines are located, the blades of which are spun by the water flow. The turbine rotates the rotor of the generator. Pumped storage stations (PSPP) are a special type of hydroelectric power station. They cannot be considered generating capacities in their pure form, since they consume almost as much electricity as they generate, however, such stations are very effective in unloading the network during peak hours;
  • alternative energy... It includes methods of generating electricity, which have a number of advantages in comparison with the "traditional" ones, but for various reasons have not received sufficient distribution. The main types alternative energy are:
    • Wind power- the use of kinetic wind energy to generate electricity;
    • Solar energy- obtaining electrical energy from the energy of the sun's rays; The common disadvantages of wind and solar energy are the relative low power of the generators and their high cost. Also, in both cases, storage capacities are required at night (for solar energy) and calm (for wind energy) times;
    • Geothermal energy- the use of the natural heat of the Earth for the generation of electrical energy. In fact, geothermal plants are ordinary thermal power plants, where the source of heat for heating steam is not a boiler or a nuclear reactor, but underground sources of natural heat. The disadvantage of such stations is the geographical limitation of their application: geothermal stations are profitable to build only in regions of tectonic activity, that is, where natural sources of heat are most accessible;
    • Hydrogen energy- the use of hydrogen as a power fuel has great prospects: hydrogen has a very high combustion efficiency, its resource is practically unlimited, the combustion of hydrogen is absolutely environmentally friendly (the product of combustion in an oxygen atmosphere is distilled water). However, to fully satisfy the needs of mankind, hydrogen energy for this moment unable because of the high cost of producing pure hydrogen and technical problems of its transportation in large quantities;
    • It is also worth noting alternative types of hydropower: tidal and wave energy. In these cases, the natural kinetic energy of sea tides and wind waves is used, respectively. The spread of these types of electricity is hampered by the need to coincide too many factors in the design of a power plant: it is necessary not just the sea coast, but such a coast on which the tides (and sea waves, respectively) would be strong and constant enough. For example, the Black Sea coast is not suitable for the construction of tidal power plants, since the water level drops in the Black Sea at high and low tide are minimal.

2.2. Electricity transmission and distribution

The transmission of electrical energy from power plants to consumers is carried out through electrical networks. The power grid is a naturally monopoly sector of the power industry: the consumer can choose from whom to buy electricity (that is, the power supply company), the power supply company can choose among wholesale suppliers (power producers), however, the network through which electricity is supplied is usually one, and the consumer cannot technically choose the power grid company. From a technical point of view, the electrical network is a combination of power transmission lines (PTL) and transformers located at substations.

  • Power lines are a metal conductor through which an electric current passes. Nowadays, alternating current is almost universally used. Power supply in the overwhelming majority of cases is three-phase, therefore, the power line, as a rule, consists of three phases, each of which may include several wires. Power transmission lines are structurally divided into air and cable.
    • Overhead transmission lines suspended above the ground at a safe height on special structures called supports. As a rule, the wire on the overhead line does not have surface insulation; insulation is available at the points of attachment to the supports. The overhead lines have lightning protection systems. The main advantage of overhead power transmission lines is their relative cheapness in comparison with cable ones. Also, maintainability is much better (especially in comparison with brushless cable lines): it is not required to carry out excavation work to replace the wire, and a visual inspection of the line condition is not complicated by anything. However, overhead power lines have a number of disadvantages:
      • a wide strip of alienation: it is forbidden to erect any structures and plant trees in the vicinity of power lines; when the line passes through the forest, trees along the entire width of the right-of-way are cut down;
      • insecurity from external influences, for example, falling trees on the line and theft of wires; despite lightning protection devices, overhead lines also suffer from lightning strikes. Due to vulnerability, two circuits are often equipped on the same overhead line: the main and the backup;
      • aesthetic unattractiveness; this is one of the reasons for the almost ubiquitous transition to cable power transmission in urban areas.
    • Cable lines (CL) held underground. Electrical cables are of various designs, but common elements can be identified. The core of the cable consists of three conductors (according to the number of phases). The cables have both external and inter-core insulation. Typically, liquid transformer oil or oiled paper acts as an insulator. The conductive core of the cable is usually protected by steel armor. From the outside, the cable is covered with bitumen. There are collector and brushless cable lines. In the first case, the cable is laid in underground concrete channels - collectors. At certain intervals on the line, exits to the surface in the form of hatches are equipped - for the convenience of the penetration of repair teams into the collector. Brushless cable lines are laid directly in the ground. Brushless lines are much cheaper than collector lines during construction, but their operation is more expensive due to the inaccessibility of cable. The main advantage of cable power lines (in comparison with overhead ones) is the absence of a wide right of way. Provided that it is deep enough, various structures (including residential) can be built directly above the collector line. In the case of a brushless installation, construction is possible in the immediate vicinity of the line. Cable lines do not spoil the city landscape with their appearance; they are much better protected from external influences than overhead lines. The disadvantages of cable power lines include the high cost of construction and subsequent operation: even in the case of brushless installation, the estimated cost of a running meter of a cable line is several times higher than the cost of an overhead line of the same voltage class. Cable lines are less accessible for visual observation of their condition (and in the case of brushless installation, they are not available at all), which is also a significant operational disadvantage.

2.3. Electricity consumption

According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), in 2008, global electricity consumption was about 17.4 trillion kWh.

3. Types of activities in the electric power industry

3.1. Operational dispatch control

The system of operational dispatch control in the electric power industry includes a set of measures for centralized control of technological modes of operation of electric power facilities and power receiving installations of consumers within the Unified Energy System of Russia and technologically isolated territorial electric power systems, carried out by subjects of operational dispatch management authorized to implement these measures in the procedure established by the Federal Law "On the Electricity". Operational control in the electric power industry is called dispatch because it is carried out by specialized dispatch services. Dispatch control is carried out centrally and continuously throughout the day under the guidance of the operational managers of the power system - dispatchers.

3.2. Energosbyt

Notes (edit)

  1. 1 2 Federal Law of the Russian Federation of March 26, 2003 N 35-FZ "On Electricity" -
  2. Under the general editorship of Corresponding Member RAS E.V. Ametistova Volume 2 edited by Prof. A.P. Burman and Prof. V.A. Stroev // Fundamentals of modern energy. In 2 volumes. - Moscow: MPEI Publishing House, 2008. - ISBN 978 5 383 00163 9
  3. M. I. Kuznetsov Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering. - Moscow: Higher School, 1964.
  4. U.S. Energy Information Administration - International Energy Statistics -
  5. Operational management in power systems / E. V. Kalentionok, V. G. Prokopenko, V. T. Fedin. - Minsk .: Higher school, 2007

The leading position of the thermal power industry is a historically established and economically justified pattern of development of the Russian energy industry.

Thermal power plants (TPP) operating in Russia can be classified according to the following criteria:

§ by sources of energy used - fossil fuels, geothermal energy, solar energy;

§ by the type of energy supplied - condensing, heating;

§ on the use of the installed electric capacity and the participation of TPPs in covering the electric load schedule - basic (at least 5000 hours of using the installed electric capacity per year), half-peak or maneuverable (respectively 3000 and 4000 hours per year), peak (less than 1500-2000 h per year).

In turn, fossil fuel-fired thermal power plants differ in terms of technology:

§ steam turbine (with steam power plants on all types of fossil fuels: coal, fuel oil, gas, peat, oil shale, firewood and wood waste, products of energy processing of fuel, etc.);

§ diesel;

§ gas turbine;

§ steam and gas.

The most developed and widespread in Russia are thermal power plants for general use, operating on fossil fuels (gas, coal), mainly steam turbines.

The largest thermal power plant in Russia is the largest on the Eurasian continent, Surgutskaya GRES-2 (5600 MW), which runs on natural gas (GRES is an abbreviation that has survived from Soviet times, meaning the state regional power plant). Of the coal-fired power plants, Reftinskaya GRES has the largest installed capacity (3,800 MW). The largest Russian TPPs also include Surgutskaya GRES-1 and Kostromskaya GRES, with a capacity of over 3 thousand MW each.

In the course of the industry reform, the largest thermal power plants in Russia were merged into wholesale generating companies (WGCs) and territorial generating companies (TGKs).

At the moment, the main task of the development of thermal generation is to ensure the technical re-equipment and reconstruction of existing power plants, as well as the commissioning of new generating capacities using advanced technologies in the production of electricity.


Hydropower provides system services (frequency, power) and is a key element in ensuring the system reliability of the Unified Energy System of the country, having more than 90% of the regulating capacity reserve. Of all the existing types of power plants, it is hydroelectric power stations that are the most maneuverable and, if necessary, are able to quickly significantly increase the production volumes, covering peak loads.

Russia has a large hydropower potential, which implies significant opportunities for the development of domestic hydropower. About 9% of the world's water resources are concentrated in Russia. In terms of the availability of hydropower resources, Russia ranks second in the world, ahead of the United States, Brazil, and Canada. At present, the total theoretical hydropower potential of Russia is determined at 2,900 billion kWh of annual electricity generation, or 170 thousand kWh per 1 sq. km of territory. However, only 20% of this potential has now been exploited. One of the obstacles to the development of hydropower is the remoteness of the main part of the potential, concentrated in central and eastern Siberia and the Far East, from the main consumers of electricity.

Figure 1 Electricity production by hydroelectric power plants in Russia (in billion kWh) and the capacity of hydroelectric power plants in Russia (in GW) in 1991-2010

Electricity generation by Russian HPPs provides annual savings of 50 million tons of standard fuel, the potential for savings is 250 million tons; allows to reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by up to 60 million tons per year, which provides Russia with an almost unlimited potential for increasing energy capacity in the face of stringent requirements for limiting greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to its direct purpose - the production of electricity using renewable resources - hydropower additionally solves a number of important problems for society and the state: the creation of drinking and industrial water supply systems, the development of navigation, the creation of irrigation systems in the interests of agriculture, fish farming, regulation of river flow, which allows to fight floods and floods, ensuring the safety of the population.

Currently, there are 102 hydroelectric power plants operating in Russia with a capacity of over 100 MW. The total installed capacity of hydropower units at hydroelectric power plants in Russia is approximately 46 GW (5th in the world). In 2011, Russian hydroelectric power plants generated 153 billion kWh of electricity. In the total volume of electricity production in Russia, the share of hydroelectric power plants in 2011 was 15.2%.

In the course of the reform of the electric power industry, the federal hydro-generating company JSC HydroOGK (the current name is JSC RusHydro) was created, which united the bulk of the country's hydropower assets. Today the company operates 68 renewable energy facilities, including 9 stations of the Volga-Kama cascade with a total installed capacity of more than 10.2 GW, the first-born of large hydropower in the Far East - Zeyskaya HPP (1,330 MW), Bureyskaya HPP (2,010 MW), Novosibirskaya HPP (455 MW) and several dozen hydroelectric power plants in the North Caucasus, including the Kashkhatau HPP (65.1 MW), which was commissioned in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic at the end of 2010. Also, RusHydro includes geothermal power plants in Kamchatka and highly maneuverable capacities of the Zagorskaya pumped storage power plant (PSHPP) in the Moscow Region, which are used to equalize the daily irregularity of the electric load schedule in the IES Center.

Until recently, the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP named after V.I. PS Neporozhny with a capacity of 6721 MW (Khakassia). However, after the accident on August 17, 2009, its capacities were partially out of order. Currently, restoration work is in full swing, which is expected to be completed in full by 2014. On February 24, 2010, hydroelectric unit No. 6 with a capacity of 640 MW was connected to the grid under load; in December 2011, hydroelectric unit No. 1 was put into operation. Today, hydroelectric units No. 1, 3, 4, 5 with a total capacity of 2560 MW are in operation. The second largest hydroelectric power plant in Russia in terms of installed capacity is the Krasnoyarsk HPP.

The prospective development of hydropower in Russia is associated with the development of the potential of the rivers of the North Caucasus (Zaramagsky, Kashkhatau, Gotsatlinskaya HPPs, Zelenchukskaya HPP-PSPPs are under construction; plans include the second stage of the Irganai HPP, Agvalinskaya HPP, the development of the Kuban cascade and Sochi North Ossetia and Dagestan), Siberia (completion of the Boguchanskaya, Vilyuiskaya-III and Ust-Srednekanskaya hydroelectric power plants, design of the South Yakutsk hydroelectric power station and main consuming regions (in particular - construction of Leningradskaya and Zagorskaya PSPP-2).

Nuclear power. Russia possesses a full cycle nuclear power technology from uranium ore mining to electricity generation. Today, there are 10 nuclear power plants (NPPs) in operation in Russia - a total of 33 power units with an installed capacity of 23.2 GW, which generate about 17% of all electricity produced. 5 more nuclear power plants are under construction.

Nuclear energy was widely developed in the European part of Russia (30%) and in the Northwest (37% of the total electricity generation).

Figure 2 Electricity production of Russian NPPs (in billion kWh) and capacity of Russian NPPs (in GW) in 1991-2010

power industry spatial alternative industry

In 2011, nuclear power plants generated a record amount of electricity in the entire history of the industry - 173 billion kWh, which was about 1.5% of an increase compared to 2010. In December 2007, in accordance with the decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom was established, which manages all of Russia's nuclear assets, including both the civilian part of the nuclear industry and the nuclear weapons complex. It is also entrusted with the tasks of fulfilling Russia's international obligations in the field of the peaceful use of atomic energy and the regime for the non-proliferation of nuclear materials.

The operator of Russian nuclear power plants, Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC, is the second largest energy company in Europe in terms of the volume of nuclear generation. Russian NPPs make a significant contribution to the fight against global warming. Thanks to their work, 210 million tons of carbon dioxide are prevented from being released into the atmosphere annually. Safety is a priority for NPP operation. Since 2004, Russian NPPs have not recorded a single serious safety violation classified on the INES international scale above the zero (minimum) level. An important task in the field of operation of Russian NPPs is to increase the installed capacity utilization factor (ICUF) of already operating plants. It is planned that as a result of the implementation of the program for increasing the capacity of the Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC, calculated until 2015, an effect equivalent to the commissioning of four new nuclear power units (equivalent to 4.5 GW of installed capacity) will be obtained.

Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy is one of the potential directions for the development of the electric power industry in Russia. Currently, 56 deposits of thermal waters with a potential exceeding 300 thousand m3 / day have been explored in Russia. Industrial exploitation is underway at 20 fields, among them: Paratunskoye (Kamchatka), Kazminskoye and Cherkesskoye (Karachay-Cherkessia and Stavropol Territory), Kizlyarskoye and Makhachkala (Dagestan), Mostovskoye and Voznesenskoye (Krasnodar Territory). At the same time, the total electric power potential of steam-water baths, which is estimated at 1 GW of operating electric power, has been realized only in the amount of slightly more than 80 MW of installed capacity. All operating Russian geothermal power plants are currently located on the territory of Kamchatka and the Kuriles.

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