Pearls: a gem from the sea. Pearls - enchanting beauty from the depths of water Pearl charm

The pearl stone, which is an amazing gift of living nature and is mined not in the bowels of the earth, but at the bottom of large bodies of water (oceans and seas), has been used by human society for several millennia and is revered as the most unusual jewel.

What is this stone?

Pearls are biogenic gemstones obtained from the shells of freshwater and saltwater molluscs.

Its formation is the result of a mollusk's protective reaction to any stimulus (pebble, grain of sand, a fragment of a shell) that penetrates from the outside and ends up in its mantle.

In an effort to get rid of the irritant, the mollusk begins to intensively produce nacre and gradually, layer by layer, envelops it foreign body... After a while, a pearl appears in this place.

Several tens of pearls can form in the shell of one mollusk, but in this case they will be very small.

The chemical composition of pearls, which is not a mineral from the point of view of mineralogy, contains aragonite, a mineral that is a hard variety. The value of pearls used for jewelry making is very high.

Origin story

According to scientists, the first pearls were found in the shells of edible bivalve molluscs, caught in the waters of the Bay of Mannar 4,000 years ago.

The oldest pearl jewelry discovered during archaeological excavations in Susa is 4.5 thousand years old.

According to legend, one of the secrets of the incomparable beauty of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra was that she drank a glass of wine every day, in which a large pearl was dissolved.

In memory of the miraculous drink, guests of the modern Japanese hotel Otani are offered to taste the Pearl cocktail: along with a glass of wine, they receive a pearl lying on a rose petal.

The rulers of ancient states used pearls to regulate interstate relations: by presenting each other with expensive jewelry, they not only showed their favor, but also demonstrated their own wealth.

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great, who became the owner of countless treasures obtained as a result of his campaigns to the East (this happened in the 4th century BC), initiated the pearl fever that lasted for two centuries and made pearls extremely popular among the then nobility.

V ancient China the pearl that adorned the hat of every nobleman emphasized his high status.

V ancient Russia pearls came from China and began to be widely used to decorate clothes, household utensils and icon frames.

Prince Svyatoslav, as the chroniclers testify, wore a pearl earring in one ear. The mantle of Ivan the Terrible, embroidered with pearls, amazed foreign ambassadors with its beauty and wealth.

They were also surprised by the fact that peasant women in some provinces wear pearl beads and headdresses, generously embroidered with river pearls, for the holiday.

In medieval Europe, icons, church utensils and priests' vestments were decorated with pearls.


The main value of pearls, which has not changed for several millennia, is their use in jewelry.

Physical properties

Pearls, which are an organomineral aggregate of conchiolin (a protein polymer synthesized by molluscs) and calcium carbonate, have:

  • Layered structure. Organic plates alternate with the thinnest and transparent mineral layers in such a way that they do not touch at all. This generates the phenomenon of light interference, giving the pearls spectacular iridescent stains.
  • Density from 2.6 to 2.78 g / cm 3, due to which pearls are drilled without any cracks or chips.
  • Shelly break.
  • Lack of cleavage.
  • Pearlescent shine.
  • A low (up to 4 points on the Mohs scale) indicator of hardness, since any sharp object can easily scratch it. The delicate stone is not polished so as not to damage the mother-of-pearl layer.
  • The ability to dissolve even in very weak acids.
  • Different (depending on the variety) degree of transparency.
  • Variety of color palette.

Pearls can be white, silver, cream, pink, blue, green, yellowish, golden, blue and black. The color of pearls depends on many factors, but their maturity, measured in microns, is of decisive importance.

This characteristic indicates the thickness of the aragonite lamellae. The highest quality pearls are those in which this figure exceeds half a micron. As a rule, this is typical not for river pearls, but for sea pearls.

Place of Birth

Bivalve molluscs (scientists have counted over 32 species), from whose shells pearls are obtained, form colonies and live in shallow warm seas at a depth of 5 to 40 m.

The main extraction of natural pearls is carried out:

  • in the Manar and Persian Gulfs;
  • off the coast of the island of Sri Lanka;
  • in the Red Sea.

River pearls are mined in the clean rivers of Russia, Germany, China and North America.

Varieties, colors

Gemologists classify pearls into river and sea pearls:

  • The producers of river pearls are freshwater mollusks that live in the clear waters of lakes and rivers with a slow flow. Freshwater pearls, appearing in only one shell in a thousand, have an uneven surface, grayish color, small size and poor luster. The cost of river pearls (they are natural and cultured) is low.
  • Pearls grown in the sea are large in size, smooth surface and bright pearlescent luster. They are most often painted white or pink. Pearls of blue, black, yellow and green are much less common.

Sea pearls (depending on the type of mollusk that grew it, the purity, temperature and degree of salinity of the water in the reservoir) are divided into the following types:


This is the name for pearls that have a ribbed surface and an intricate shape that resembles a disk, pear, drop or cylinder.

Among them, specimens called paragons are of particular value: in their outlines, there is a resemblance to animals, human faces, wolf fangs, bird wings, etc.

They have always been credited with magical properties and used as amulets and talismans.


This group includes large (up to 22 mm in diameter) pearls, mined only in warm seas, with a variety of colors and a thick layer of mother-of-pearl.


This variety of pearls, adherent to one of the shell valves, lacks the mother-of-pearl coating at the point of germination. They are usually used for necklaces and necklaces and mask the defect by drilling a hole in this area for threads.


Pearls of this type, painted in bright yellow, orange, brown or red, do not have mother-of-pearl at all and are capable of gaining weight up to 70 g.

Giant sea snails, which are the producers of precious beads, are not able to live in artificially created conditions. Their habitat is the waters washing the shores of Cambodia, Vietnam, Burma and Thailand.


This variety of pearls, dyed in gray, silver and black, is characterized by an extra large size and a perfectly round shape.


Hollow and aerial view pearls obtained thanks to a special technology. The pearl bag of the mollusk, from which the pearl has already been taken, is filled with dry hygroscopic material, which absorbs moisture and gradually stretches the bag.

The mollusk envelops it with a layer of mother-of-pearl and after a while a very large pearl is formed from it, the value of which is determined by the thickness of the mother-of-pearl coating.


A very expensive cultured pearl produced by oysters (they were bred by selective breeding at the end of the 20th century) that live in the Japanese lake Kasumigaura.

Large (up to 2 cm in diameter) kasumi pearls, painted in pistachio, white, gold, cream and Orange color, have a teardrop shape and an iridescent bright shine.


Each pearl of this cultured variety looks like a flower petal. The peculiarity of the shape is explained by the fact that the formation of the pearl occurs as a result of the rejection of the implanted implant by the mollusk.

If a foreign body enters the pearl sac with the rejected implant, the process of the formation of the precious mineral is still triggered. The rarity of Keshi pearls is due to the fact that an oyster that does not accept an implant is usually implanted with a new one.


A rare type of pearl produced by the mollusk of the same name and mined in Mexico, California, Thailand, Japan, New Zealand and Australia.

The abalone sink is unique: its inner surface shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. The pearls formed in it have the same feature.

Abalone pearls, painted in bright shades of beige, blue, pink, green, orange and lilac, are highly valued in the jewelry market.

Finishing the description of abalone pearls, it is worth saying that the shape of most of them repeats the outlines of a horn or a shark's tooth, therefore, the most valuable are those with a round shape.


The black pearls of this cultured variety are grown in the shells of large oysters, thus ensuring the outstanding dimensions of the stones obtained.

Tahitian pearls are cultivated in Vietnam, Australia and the Seychelles (the island of the same name is only the center for their sale). Tahitian pearls can be dyed deep charcoal, chocolate or silver.

Natural pearls can be natural or cultured. In both cases, it is formed in the shells of live mollusks.

There is only one difference: natural pearls are formed naturally, while cultured pearls are created by molluscs as a result of human intervention, deliberately inserting a special implant into their shells.

Since the traditional method of extraction (pearls were obtained by divers who opened the shells of mollusks with a knife), provoking the mass death of mollusks, which are natural leachate of water, caused enormous harm to the natural environment, it was banned in 1952.

Since then, 95% of the pearls entering the market have been cultivated in specially established farms.

The technology for the mass cultivation of pearls in artificially created conditions was invented and patented in 1896 by the Japanese entrepreneur Kokichi Mikimoto.

In 1926, pearls obtained in this way and for a long time considered a fake, received the status of a natural gemstone.

Pearls in an oyster

The cultivation technique is as follows: a small mother-of-pearl bead is inserted into the neatly opened shell of a three-year-old mollusk, after which the oyster is placed in a special reservoir with an artificially created environment, which is ideal for its life.

Due to the greenhouse conditions, the duration of the formation of river pearls is 2 years, and of sea pearls - 3. All stages of the process are under the continuous control of specialists.

Properties and appearance cultured pearls are in no way inferior to those of natural pearls.

Cultivation of cultured pearls has been established in Japan, China, India, Australia and some countries of Southeast Asia.

Magical properties

  • The magical properties of pearls turn it into a powerful talisman that can protect the owner from communicating with deceitful and vain people. Once in the hands of such a person, the stone will either lose its luster or be lost.
  • Pearl treats stubborn and strong natures well, so politicians, athletes and entrepreneurs who enlist his support can succeed and avoid many troubles (for example, from contacts with dishonest partners or from making unprofitable transactions).

Jewelry with black pearls (according to popular belief, this is a widow's stone, which is a symbol of loneliness) is not recommended for unmarried girls.

Black Pearl

Having succumbed to the influence of the stone, its owner may refuse to meet with potential applicants for her hand and heart. This stone, endowed with powerful energy, will protect a mature woman from the evil eye, damage and adultery.

  • The magic of pearls is beneficial for women: this stone is able to prolong youth, preserve beauty, endow them with maternal wisdom, enhance femininity, softness and charm.

Pearls are not suitable for men of creative professions with a mobile psyche: the influence of the stone can bring them to depression and severe psychiatric disorder.

Healing properties

Healing properties pearls are widely used by modern lithotherapists.

In their opinion, this stone is endowed with pronounced diagnostic qualities.

For example, a loss of luster, discoloration and cloudiness of pearls may indicate the onset of a serious tumor process in the abdominal organs. In this case, the owner of the pearl jewelry should immediately consult a doctor.

  • Patients suffering from arrhythmias, diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. A pendant with a large pearl will help ease their condition.
  • People who complain of emotional overload and shattered nerves are advised to wear pearl beads or a bracelet.

Pearl tincture has an excellent hemostatic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

To obtain it, 3-4 pearls are placed in a glass of cold water and infused for 12 hours. Using it to rinse your eyes can heal your conjunctivitis, and regularly rinsing your mouth can help heal sore gums.

Who is suitable for the sign of the zodiac?

Pearls are not suitable for representatives of every zodiac constellation, and this should be taken into account when choosing jewelry.

Ignoring this circumstance can undermine the health of a person whose zodiac sign is incompatible with this stone.

The horoscope claims that jewelry with pearls is most suitable for representatives of the water signs of the zodiac:

  • Wearing a stone will help develop communication and rhetorical skills.
  • with its help, they will gain determination and determination.
  • The influence of the gem makes them more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. Amulets with a mysterious mineral will help , and avoid the machinations of ill-wishers.

The influence of pearls is also beneficial for:

  • The support of the stone will balance the hot temper of Capricorns and help to live in harmony with oneself.

Representatives of the signs of the fire element - , and- wearing jewelry with pearls is contraindicated, since the energy of the planets patronizing them (Mars and Jupiter) actively conflicts with this stone.

Who is suitable by name?

Sunny pearls are perfect for a woman named:

  • Valentine. The stone will emphasize its purity and purity.
  • Marina. With his help, she will gain wisdom, calmness, become more attractive and avoid disappointment.
  • Albina. The support of the mineral will bring her good luck, peace of mind and help preserve the family union.
  • Hope. The magic of the stone will provide her with prosperity and longevity.
  • Evdokia. The stone will protect her from meanness and fill her life with joy. Margarita. The precious mineral will bring harmony and pacification into her life.

Talismans and charms

Pearls are among the stones that get used to their wearer.

In order for the stone used as a talisman or amulet to work exclusively for its owner and cannot harm him, it should be worn in compliance with the following rules:

  1. Accept pearls as a gift from unfamiliar people is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to unhappiness.
  2. Jewelry given by a loved one, will bring good luck to the new owner only if it is paired (for example, a set consisting of earrings and a bracelet), and the donor's intentions are kind and sincere. Otherwise, the pearl energy will be negative.
  3. Talismans, long used, should not be redistributed or inherited, since pearls that have retained the energy of the previous owner do not always accept a new owner. In this case, it can get lost or cracked.
  4. Often used pearl talisman needs regular recharging: for this it is placed in a glass of clean water, taken out into the street and left in a place flooded with moonlight for 15 minutes.


Pearls are very often used as inserts in jewelry: pendants, earrings, rings and tiaras. The most valuable are natural pearls of blue and black color, which have an impeccably round shape and a diameter of more than 10 mm.

Jewelry with pearls is most often set in gold (yellow and white), a little less often in platinum. Silver and gray colored pearls look spectacular in a silver setting.

You can wear pearl jewelry for girls and women of any age, taking into account the following recommendations:

  1. When creating a sophisticated evening look, a young girl going to a gala event is recommended to limit herself to only one long string of pearls.
  2. For a woman of mature age, in this case, a heavy choker or necklace in several rows is suitable.
  3. A short string of pearls, harmoniously complementing a trouser suit, office dress or a set consisting of a skirt and a blouse will help create the perfect business look.
  4. Pearls, which have become a versatile piece of jewelry, are nowadays often used to create everyday looks.

In this trend, bracelets, necklaces, brooches and sets of rings and earrings are allowed to be worn with oversized sweaters, T-shirts, frayed jeans and bright T-shirts.

Other uses of stone

In addition to being used in jewelry, pearls are widely used in lithotherapy and when performing magical rituals and ceremonies.

Nowadays icons are extremely popular, beaded, pearls and rhinestones.


The cost of jewelry (in rubles) with natural pearls is quite affordable:

  • 925 sterling silver earrings can be bought for 1200-5800 rubles.
  • The price of gold earrings ranges from 12,500-30,800 rubles.
  • silver ring will cost the buyer 1400-2400 rubles.
  • The cost of a gold ring ranges from 7700 to 15800 rubles.
  • For a pearl pendant in a silver setting, you will have to pay from 990 to 1900 rubles, in a gold one - from 3800 to 8700 rubles.
  • A necklace made of white pearls (47 cm long) can be purchased for 2500-4700 rubles.
  • River pearl beads cost from 460 to 750 rubles.


Natural pearls need careful care and storage.

Products with it must be regularly cleaned using a piece of velvet and a lukewarm solution of shampoo or baby soap.

After rinsing the pearls with running water, it is necessary to dry them naturally, without using a hair dryer or other heating devices.

It is strictly forbidden to clean pearls with a solution of ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and vinegar, as well as any abrasive materials.

Wearing products with pearls - in order to avoid damage to the mineral - is recommended only after applying deodorant, cream, perfume and hairspray.

In order not to expose the stone to high temperatures, before visiting the sauna or bath, jewelry with it should be removed.

Products with pearls that are afraid of mechanical damage should be stored in a separate box with an inner soft padding.

How to distinguish from a fake?

For many centuries, people have been engaged in counterfeiting natural pearls:

  • In the XV century. "Roman" pearls were very popular - glass beads filled with paraffin.
  • To this day, Chinese craftsmen cover glass beads with "pearl essence" - an extract of the scales of marine fish, which has a strong mother-of-pearl luster. To prevent the paint from rolling off the glass surface, the beads are baked in a muffle oven.
  • A fake is considered ready after several layers have been applied and baked.
  • The shell pearl technology, which appeared in America in the 20th century, consisted of turning beads from the thick part of mother-of-pearl shells and then applying a thick layer of varnish to them.

Nowadays, jewelry manufacturers use the technology to improve natural low quality pearls by exposing them to irradiation and dyeing.

As a result of treatment with neutrons or X-rays, inexpensive yellow pearls change their color, becoming black or Brown color as well as dark shades of blue.

Pearls of this color are more valuable and are in high demand, so it is much more profitable to sell products with refined stones.

The cheapest fakes are made of glass and plastic, covering them with a layer of pearlescent paint.

In order not to become a victim of fraud, you need to know that natural pearls:

  1. They have a greater mass than artificial ones.
  2. They have a uniform deep shine, regardless of the angle at which the light falls on them. A dull surface is a sign of a fake.
  3. When falling from a height of half a meter, they will - like balls - bounce off the surface; artificial beads, having fallen, will remain motionless.
  4. Unlike artificial ones, which quickly take on temperature the environment, real pearls stay cool even in a warm room.
  5. Have holes with perfectly straight edges; fake beads will always have bumps and chips around the holes.
  6. They have a scaly surface (this is clearly visible under a microscope), in contrast to artificial beads, the surface of which is smooth.
  7. When exposed electromagnetic field will remain stationary while the cultured pearls begin to roll.

What stones is it combined with?

The optimal is the proximity of pearls with other stones of the water element (with the exception of).

  • semi-precious;
  • ;

    The chemical formula and composition of the vitreous mass used for the base of future pearls is kept in the strictest confidence, but the initial process of their production can be observed by visiting a company store located in Mallorca.

    There is also the production and head office of the company.

    At the first stage, the master, strongly warming up a translucent stick from a secret composition and winding the softened mass on a metal rod, makes a ball - the basis of a future pearl.

    The cooled balls are placed in a wooden frame and sent to the production workshop, where they are covered with a paste consisting of mother-of-pearl and powdered natural pearls.

    Dried pearls are carefully polished, thanks to which they acquire the luster characteristic of natural pearls of the most expensive varieties. The process of making one pearl takes at least a month.

    With the help of modern technologies, "Majorica" ​​pearls are dyed in different shades of blue, yellow and pink, covered with gilding or silver.

    The cost of organic pearls is lower than that of cultured and natural ones, but products with them look no less impressive and have greater durability.

    In May 1934, a tragedy struck off the coast of Palawan Island (Philippines): a young pearl fisherman died and became a prisoner of a giant tridacna (mollusk) that pinched his hand. The body of the diver was taken out of the sea, and the flaps of the shell - the culprit of his death - were opened.

    Inside there was a huge pearl with a diameter of 23.8 cm and weighing 6 kg 370 g. The local mullah, who saw in its intricate shape a resemblance to the head of a man in a turban, gave it the name "Pearl of Allah".

    The value of the treasure (this pearl is considered the second largest in the world) - despite the absence of mother-of-pearl luster - is 40 million dollars. Its storage location, according to unverified data, is in New York.

    In 2010, in the same places, one of the local fishermen was lucky to catch a giant shell, inside which a pearl weighing 34 kg was formed.

    Its owner, who was remarkable for its unpretentiousness, kept it in his house as a talisman. The find became known only after a fire in the house of a successful fisherman.

    The cost of a unique pearl - according to preliminary calculations - is $ 100 million.

    Bright orange melo pearls measuring 23x18 mm were sold at Christie's auction in 1999 for 488 thousand dollars.


Choosing a bracelet or necklace made of round mother-of-pearl beads, you must first ask if pearls are right for you. Mineral of organic origin can beautify every woman and is in harmony with almost any outfit, but it does not always correspond to the horoscope of its owner. This explains the contradictory properties attributed to one of the most valuable gifts of the sea.

Why, for some people, pearls are a talisman and amulet that attracts good luck, while for others it only brings disappointment and depression? The answer to this question can be found by understanding the magical properties of a gem, to which all women are not indifferent.

How did pearls come about?

There are as many legends about the origin of mother-of-pearl stones as there are peoples who have appreciated shiny balls from time immemorial. The most beautiful of them was born in Ancient Greece... She narrates that the drops of water from the hair of Aphrodite turned into pearls when the foam-born goddess went ashore.

In the ancient East, in Arabia and Persia, it was believed that a pearl treasure is born where the ends of the rainbow touch the waves of the sea. The only people who probably knew where and how the jewel was obtained were the pearl divers. In ancient Japan, there was even a separate group of coastal residents, in which the secrets of the profession were inherited - from mother to daughter. Pearls could only be mined by women.

In other countries, men were involved in heavy and dangerous fishing. Diving to a considerable depth, they risked their own lives, raising to the surface shells of mollusks, in which wonderful treasures are born from the bottom of the warm seas. Most of the shells turned out to be empty, and only in some cases did the brave toilers of the sea manage to get the shining ball out of them.

The enterprising Chinese solved the problem simply: they began to artificially grow precious balls. Having figured out how pearls are formed, people began to put a small pebble or bead in the shell. For several years, the mollusk has enveloped a foreign object with shiny mother-of-pearl, turning it into a real pearl. It only remained to collect the finished "product".

Until now, cultivated material is obtained according to ancient technology. Despite the fact that there was no need to dive for gems in the shark-infested waters of the warm seas, pearls did not become cheaper. Its high price is explained by the large amount of labor that is required for cultivation: not every pearl has gem quality. Even with the introduction of a seed, on which a layer of mother-of-pearl should grow, a precious round pebble is formed only in one of 4-5 mollusks. It takes several years to grow a shiny ball about 7-8 mm in size. The pearls themselves are removed from the eggs and grow up within 5 years until they reach the age when they can be used to obtain valuable products.

Knowing how gems are formed, how much time and labor is spent on their production, one can be surprised at the abundance of jewelry with these stones. But this can be explained quite simply: in addition to real, natural or cultured, there are also artificial pearls.

What kind of stone is Mallorca?

The Spanish jewelry company Majorica has discovered and patented an exclusive method of producing imitation real pearls. The composition and formula of the material produced in an industrial enterprise without the participation of marine life is kept secret. The company only demonstrates to everyone what Mallorca pearls are and how they are made. The process of making the base can be observed in the company store on the island of Mallorca, where the jewelry production and the company's headquarters are located.

The artificial material is made of vitreous balls. The master makes each pearl by hand, heating a stick from a translucent substance. The melted pulp is wound around a metal rod.

The cooled balls are fastened to a frame made of wood and sent to the workshops for finishing. There, a paste is applied to them, which includes a powder of real pearls and mother-of-pearl. The company also keeps the full composition of this paste a secret. Dried pearls, already similar to real ones, are polished with special soft brushes. At the same time, imitated Major pearls acquire the luster characteristic of natural stones of the highest quality.

Thanks to modern technology, Mallorca is painted in a variety of colors: yellow, black, pink. They imitate expensive and rare varieties of natural cultured stone (blue, for example), paint the balls in colors unusual for the mineral, applying gilding or silver.

Silver ring SL with cubic zirkonia and pearls (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

Finished pearl beads are strung on strong threads. Jewelry that includes Mallorca stone can be complemented with Swarovski crystals, metal elements. Ready-made necklaces and bracelets are sold all over the world and are highly prized.

Other ways to imitate pearls

People learned to forge real stones a long time ago. Already in the 15th century, "Roman pearls" were known, which were made from glass balls filled with paraffin. In China, “pearl essence” is still used - an extract of fish scales with a mother-of-pearl shine. To fix it on the glass surface, the colored balls were baked in muffle furnaces. After applying several layers, the fake pearls were ready.

In the 20th century, the "shell pearl" technology appeared: beads were carved out of a thick nacre layer of shells, and they were varnished to make them shine. Imitation made from natural material was relatively cheap, and faux pearl beads became fashionable in the Americas.

Currently, in addition to imitation, they also use the improvement of low quality natural pearls. For this, tinting and irradiation are used. Cheap yellow pearls can be turned into more valuable brown and dark pearls (gasoline, eggplant, and various shades of blue). A very valuable and rare black pearl can be obtained by irradiating ordinary low-quality stones with X-rays or neutrons. The demand for such varieties is much higher, and it is more profitable for jewelry manufacturers to sell goods at a higher price.

Are there freshwater pearls?

The gem-producing molluscs do not only live in salt sea ​​water... There are many species of bivalve living in the rivers of Europe, Russia and other countries. But the price for river pearls is much lower than for sea treasures. Even the cultivated varieties of freshwater and saltwater pearls differ greatly in cost. This gives rise to doubts about the naturalness of freshwater jewelry.

In fact, freshwater pearls are not fake. The difference in price is explained by the cost of maintaining a pearl farm on the sea and on the river. Otherwise, the cultivation of stones is similar.

The growth rate of river treasures is higher than that of sea molluscs. In addition, several shiny balls can form in the shell of freshwater inhabitants at once. This naturally affects the final cost of the product.

River pearls can be distinguished by several features:

  • freshwater varieties often have irregular shape and form intergrowths;
  • the luster of a river pearl is dimmer, dull compared to a sea stone;
  • depending on the place of extraction or cultivation, sea pearls come in different shades, and river pearls are always white.

Don't be afraid to buy freshwater pearls. Despite their relatively low price, they are just as true a mineral as marine varieties. The magical properties of river pearls and the value of the stone do not differ from the abilities of a gem obtained on a sea farm. The whimsical forms of freshwater pearls are very well played in jewelry.

Unusual properties of pearls

Natural pearls have medicinal and magical properties that have been known since ancient times. According to legends, Queen Cleopatra retained her youth and beauty by drinking a drink made from pearls dissolved in vinegar and mixed with milk. And the beauties of the Middle Ages used powder from crushed pearlescent balls for cosmetic purposes.

Gold necklace PRIMAEXCLUSIVE with pearls (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

The Old Russian treatise "Izbornik Svyatoslav" states that pearls provide prosperity and longevity. To do this, it was recommended to crush them and use them with milk. General strengthening and medicinal properties pearls were noted by both Indian healers and ancient Chinese doctors.

Thanks to the mineral, it was even possible to establish whether a person was sick. If a pearl jewelry suddenly lost its luster, changed color or collapsed, an experienced healer could assume some kind of disease. Modern science would associate this with a change in the chemical composition of sweat and skin secretions in a patient. The substance that any pearl consists of - calcium carbonate - easily interacts with acids and fats, losing strength or changing color and structure.

Tibetan treatise on health "Chzhud-shi" recommends using pearl powder as a hemostatic agent. Powder is also used to treat poorly healing wounds, burns and skin diseases. Drinking milk with the addition of this powder helps fight anemia.

Modern lithotherapists use pearl water prepared according to Ayurvedic recipes. She is credited with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It is recommended to take such an infusion for fever, inflammation of various origins, liver and gallbladder diseases. Do not completely replace drugs and procedures prescribed by doctors with this remedy. All means of traditional healers are intended only to help in the treatment.

Is pearl magic useful for a person?

Many believe that pearls are a symbol of prosperity, wealth and longevity. But no less there are those who call it a stone that attracts misfortune and dooms a girl to loneliness. Why isn't the magic of pearl beads suitable for everyone?

Gold earrings SL with pearls and diamonds (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

In order for a semi-precious jewelry to give joy to its mistress, you need to know if the stone is suitable for her according to the sign of the zodiac. The mineral personifies the very element of Water, therefore, it can be successfully combined only with the character of those who, according to the horoscope, belong to the water signs: Scorpio, Cancer or Pisces.

The strongest sign of the zodiac in the trigon of Water is Scorpio. The strong energy of the host can suppress the energy of the gem and lead to the destruction of the pearl. For those born under this sign, stones of dark tones are best suited: red-brown and black.

It is best for crayfish to wear light varieties: cream and pink Indian, the properties of which are the ability to give calmness. Any kind of freshwater stones are suitable for Cancers. For the representatives of this sign, prone to frequent depression, it is undesirable to wear too dark varieties. The perfect shape and shine of the mother-of-pearl surface can comfort and give confidence if a person is anxious.

Blue pearls, the magical properties of which are based on the element of Water that patronizes him, will be best combined with the character of Pisces. Passive and calm energy will not allow them to commit wrong actions, will help to avoid conflict situations. Representatives of this sign can constantly wear pearl products as a talisman.

SL gold ring with topaz, pearls and diamonds (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

For practical people born under the signs of the trigon of the Earth (Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo), pearls can interfere, distracting from business. For people with an entrepreneurial streak, it is advisable to limit communication with the gem to such moments when the sensitivity and sensitivity inherent in the feminine energy of the stone are required of them. These can be periods of falling in love, creating a family and raising children. At times when all his enterprise is required of a pragmatic earth sign, it is better not to use pearls as a talisman: plunging the owner into a dreamy mood, the stone can harm him in business.

The signs of Air (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra) will be able to benefit from pure and light energy only when they themselves are pure in their thoughts. Self-doubt can lead to conflict with the mineral and will respond negatively in communication and personal life. Too long communication between the mobile and frivolous air signs of the Zodiac with a gem can make them soar in the clouds of their fantasies.

The magical properties of pearls are in antagonism with the nature of the representatives of the elements of Fire (Sagittarius, Leo, Aries). It is best for these signs to wear gold jewelry with a few inserts of rare and valuable pearls. It is undesirable for leaders and powerful persons to contact the stone for a long time. Most often, such people themselves feel the power of their energy, and the precious stone seems unattractive to them.

The meaning of pearls for unmarried girls is always loneliness. Making the owner passive, the stone does not allow her to seek meetings with potential partners herself. But for married people, the gem will turn out to be a desirable talisman, eliminating everything extraneous from the life of the family. By harmonizing the owner's energy, the pearl can give and return family happiness. Interestingly, the pearl in a dream means that the woman will soon shed tears.

Silver jewelry SL with cubic zirkonia and pearls (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

Mysterious and so diverse in shape and color, the mineral is the only stone that is not processed before being used in jewelry. The water element itself gives the pearls their shape. Each of them is unique and inimitable, charming and perfect in its own way.

The stone donated by the sea is one of the most amazing jewels on the planet. It seems no less surprising that the creators of this beauty are considered the last link in the chain of living organisms. Despite this, the beauty and inner radiance of this gem is amazing. Pearls contain the vitality of the sea.

History and origins

The jewel so revered by jewelers and connoisseurs of jewelry has the most unusual origin. It is unlike any of the stones, since it is not a mineral from the point of view of science - it is an organic formation created by marine as well as freshwater mollusks. For more than four millennia, this gem has been revered by all peoples as a precious stone.

Pearls are nothing more than the result of a mollusk's reaction to an external stimulus - sand, a fragment of a shell or other particle. When a foreign object comes into contact with the body of a mollusk, the process of rejection occurs - the animal covers a grain of sand (or other irritant) with the material that makes up its shell, so a pearl is born.

The shell of one mollusk can store dozens of pearls, but the more there are, the smaller they are. Find such beauty in the "houses" of some gastropods, as well as bivalve invertebrates. Among the cephalopods, only one species produces pearls - the nautilus. Scientists believe that any species of these animals are capable of creating gems.

The estimated date for the discovery of pearls is four thousand years ago. According to scientists, the jewel was discovered by fishermen while catching bivalve mollusks suitable for food. This event took place between the island of Ceylon and Hindustan, in the Minnar Bay. Since then, an extraordinary stone, suitable for use in its original form, has become a jewel. The gift of the sea was used as a decoration and as a currency.

Pearls were prized by many peoples of Asia and Africa. Statues of heroes, ancient gods were decorated with pearls. The gem was a reward for heroic deeds in the military field, and was also presented as a sign of love. The stone was revered in all countries stretching along the sea shores.

It is interesting! The well-known Queen Cleopatra wore earrings that adorned two large pearls. The Egyptian ruler considered this jewelry to be the most valuable of all jewelry.

It is interesting that the name of the gem came to us from China, where the stone is called "zhen zhu". Having passed the way through the ancient Turks, as well as the Volga-Bulgar language, the word acquired the Russian sounding "pearl". Europeans call pearls "pearl". This word comes from the ancient Latin name for one of the types of molluscs that are harvested. In the Russian language there is a synonym for pearl, similar to the European name - mother of pearl, although the exact interpretation of the word means “pearl covering”.

Place of Birth

Pearls are obtained from shells of molluscs, mostly bivalve. The main places of prey for such invertebrates are shallow seas with warm water:

  • Red sea.
  • Persian Gulf.
  • Mannar Bay.

These are large deposits of natural "wild" stone. There is also another pearl - cultured. It is just as natural, but its "cultivation" is controlled not by nature, but by man. There are such mining sites in Japan. The technology consists in implanting the pearl core inside the shell of the mollusc. After that, a pearl grows together with the animal for several years under the supervision of specialists.

In addition to sea stone, river pearls are also mined. The main places of production are the clean rivers of Europe, North America, Asia. Main suppliers of pearls of river origin:

  • Germany.
  • Russia.
  • China.

The shape of river pearls is often irregular, and the size is smaller than their marine counterparts, so the cost of such a stone is an order of magnitude lower.

Physical properties

The scientific description of pearls is a composite of calcium carbonate and conchiolin. The first component is an inorganic substance, the second is organic, a protein polymer produced by a mollusk. Pearls are usually opaque, but some varieties do allow light to pass through.

FormulaCaCO3 - 91.72%, conchiolin - 5.94%, water - 2.23%; loss on ignition 0.11%.
Density2.60-2.78 g / cm³
Refractive index1.52-1.66, black - 1.53-1.69
sometimes translucent.
ColourWhite, yellowish, silver, golden, cream, blue, green, black, gray, pink.


Many people associate the pearl with white. But nature gave birth to stones of extraordinary shades. Some of them are rare, more valuable, while others are often mined specimens.

Jewelers have created a classification of pearls according to different criteria. Estimate of the pearl value depends on many indicators:

It turns out that the most expensive are considered to be large, perfectly spherical pearls, covered with a thick nacreous layer without superficial damage, endowed with a strong luster. As for color, craftsmen more than others appreciate rare samples of black, deep blue and snow-white colors.

The selection criteria for pearls depend on the type of mollusk in which it has grown, as well as on the temperature, purity and salinity of the water in the animal's habitat. Thus, the gem is divided into the following subspecies:

The coating of any pearl is tempting iridescent. This effect is given by mother-of-pearl. The surface of the gem appears to be perfectly smooth. This is not true. In fact, it is wavy, heterogeneous.

Healing properties

The healing power of pearls does not have an extensive spectrum of action, but few of its abilities are surprising.

Diagnostics of the body. One of unusual properties which helps the wearer to detect health problems before going to the doctor. Pearls change color when a person's skin acidity changes. This factor signals pathological changes in the body. When the stone grows dull, loses its luster or becomes cloudy, it means that somewhere inside the host the process of tumor formation begins (more often it concerns the abdominal organs). In addition to alerting, pearls can slightly slow down the development of the disease.

Recovery processes. The gem is suitable for people suffering from diseases of the digestive organs, as well as kidney diseases. Pearls restore work problem areas... The stone has a special effect on the stomach if undesirable processes with a change in acidity occur in the organ.

When a person suffers from conjunctivitis or other eye diseases that cause profuse discharge from the eyes, he should seek help from pearls. Wearing a stone will help relieve symptoms of the disease.

Water stone magic

The main direction of the magic power of pearls is protection and prevention. The gem is able to ward off the impending disaster, having warned the owner about it. The stone darkens, loses its color and shine, if a person is in danger, damage, an envious eye.

It is worth noting that pearls are selective - the gem does not tolerate deceit, treachery, willfulness, excessive pride, anger. The owner of the stone can only be a sincere person, pure in soul and thoughts, able to keep the word given to people or to himself.

Since ancient times, pearls have been considered a stone that protects a person from old age, bestowing eternal youth and beauty. One of the legends tells about Queen Cleopatra - the ruler of Egypt had a habit of drinking daily pomegranate juice in which the pearl lay. The unfading youth and beauty of a woman is associated with this ritual. The action of the drink was supported by all kinds of pearl jewelry, which Cleopatra used to supplement her regal image on a daily basis.

In ancient times, there was also the custom of giving the bride a pearl thread. This was done by the groom himself or his relatives at the wedding ceremony. It was believed that such a gift protects the young spouse from infidelity or other acts that could defame the honor of the family.

Important! Pearl jewelry cannot be inherited, since the gem is able to remember and store all the negative of the previous owner. Taking a grandmother's necklace as a gift, there is a risk of receiving with him all the life problems of a beloved relative.

Pearls are generally suitable for a small circle of people. Among the contraindications are:

  • weak will;
  • a tendency to lose composure;
  • tendency to depression, apathy and other similar conditions.

It is especially undesirable to acquire pearls for men with self-esteem problems and a weak psyche.

The magic of the stone is exclusively female. She endows the representative of the beautiful half of humanity with the necessary qualities - femininity, softness, charm, wisdom. Men who wear pearls run the risk of acquiring such character traits.

This can be useful, even necessary for politicians or businessmen who need some flexibility, plasticity in negotiations. The stone is strictly forbidden to creative individuals with an unstable psyche, since a tandem with a gem will bring them to the point of losing their minds.

Compatibility with other stones

Pearls are compatible with aquatic cousins ​​such as:

The exception is. Pearl has no friendship for him. But the gem can coexist with the minerals of the air element. These include:

Jewelry with stone

Pearls are used by jewelers to create expensive designer jewelry. The traditional setting for the gem is yellow gold and white or platinum. Pearls are rarely set with silver, and only stones of a silvery or gray shade.

The cost of such jewelry does not reach fabulous heights, but also does not differ in availability:

  • A necklace of pearls of the "Akoya" subspecies starts from 27 thousand rubles and above.
  • A yellow gold ring decorated with a natural river pearl is estimated at 14 thousand rubles.
  • Gold earrings with two large pearls (from 9 mm in diameter) in combination with a price of 40,000 rubles.
  • A white gold pendant with a silver pearl "Akoya" can be purchased for 15-20 thousand rubles.

How to distinguish real pearls from fake ones?

Ordinary large mother-of-pearl beads serve as imitation of pearls in jewelry. Such a fake can be distinguished only by the ratio of the pearl size to the price. Natural pearls are not cheap, they are not framed in alloys, they are not used for making jewelry. A synthetic pearl is always perfectly round. It should be noted, however, that cultured pearls are not considered fakes. These pearls are “alive”, like natural ones, and “grow” under the same conditions.

How to wear pearls correctly?

First of all, pay attention to the time of purchase - ideally it should be a Full Moon, which lasts three days in the middle of the lunar cycle.

Important! If you often wear pearl jewelry, the stones need to be recharged periodically. Place the jewelry in a clear container filled with water. Place this container for 15 minutes under the direct light of the moon. Thus, the gem will be saturated with the necessary energy.

  • Young girls wear products with a minimum amount of pearls, and mature ladies are supposed to have massive jewelry studded with pearls.
  • Rings decorated with a pearl are usually worn on the ring finger.
  • Colored pearls are worn separately. Color overload is considered a sign of bad taste.

If a young lady wants to complement the image with pearl beads, then there should be only one thread in them, nothing more.

Product care rules

Pearls need simple but careful care and respect. Direct sunlight will negatively affect the beauty of the stone. And in case of prolonged contact of the gem with the skin, it is necessary to rinse the product with water without any aids. For routine brushing, you can use the mildest cleaners, such as toothpaste.

Name Compatibility

Pearls are considered a female stone, however, among the names patronized by a gem, there is also a male name:

  • Oleg. The stone will provide this man with increased objectivity, making him more sociable. Pearls will help you assess the situation more correctly, providing a reliable rear.
  • Marina. Mother of pearl will endow her with calmness, wisdom, emphasize her attractiveness, and save her from disappointment.
  • Evdokia. The stone will save a girl with a beautiful Russian name from meanness, bring joy to life.
  • Margarita. For her, pearls symbolize perfection, bringing peace and harmony.
  • Hope. Pearls contribute to longevity, happy prosperity.
  • Albina. Mother of pearl will bring her good luck, peace of mind, and preserve family ties.
  • Valentine. For her, the stone is a symbol of purity and purity.

When choosing pearls as a talisman, be guided not only by compatibility, but also by your inner instinct. Without the right traits (or possessing the unnecessary ones), there is a risk of harm to yourself.

Astrological compatibility

Pearls are a stone of Water that has absorbed water strength and power. The moon is the patron planet of the gem. From the point of view of astrology, pearls are most suitable for the signs of the water element.

The stone has the greatest compatibility with Cancer and Pisces.

("+++" - the stone fits perfectly, "+" - can be worn, "-" - absolutely contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

Representatives of the Cancer family will find peace of mind, poise. Cancer women will become more open in relationships with loved ones, overcome shyness, fear of being misunderstood or funny. In terms of health, the talisman will have an effect on blood pressure, normalizing indicators.

The amulet will help Pisces to become less impulsive, to protect themselves from rash actions. Jewelry with pearls contributes to the development of a sense of intuition in Pisces women, thereby protecting the owner from unhappy love. Also, the amulet will direct the endless stream of Pisces' rich imagination in the right direction.

An exception to the “pearl-water” rule is the Scorpio sign, which symbolizes the dark depths of the Ocean. The zodiac sign itself is very unpredictable and complex. Therefore, Scorpios are advised to acquire amulets exclusively from black stone.

For other signs, the gem is revealed in different ways:

  • will be protected from the envy and revenge of others who do not like the obsessive sociability of this sign. The talisman will give unambiguity to conflicting Gemini, and women will gain support in choosing a profession and other vital decisions.
  • The amulet has a similar protective effect on Aquarius as it does on Gemini. For women striving to fulfill their cherished dreams, it is better to purchase a black gem. It is worth remembering that during periods of sadness or apathy, it is better not to wear jewelry, so as not to incur trouble from the dark side of the moon.
  • Taurus is calm, balanced, therefore they are in great harmony with pearls. For women, the talisman helps to be more attentive to others, and also overcomes the habit of splashing out a bad mood on other people.
  • Libra will find a healer of heart ailments in pearls. The stone will help Libra look more pleasant in the eyes of others, pacifying vanity. Unmarried women will meet love faster.
  • Pearl favors Virgo, but only those representatives of the sign who are endowed with strong character... If Virgo's activities are associated with dangers, the talisman will save a person from trouble.
  • Sagittarius is advised to wear only black pearls and only when a streak of good luck comes in life. The talisman will maintain the balance of life.
  • For Capricorns, sea pearls are better suited, which pacifies, promotes the development of objectivity.

A complete contraindication to wearing a stone, especially black, in Lions and Aries. These signs are protected by the Sun, and pearls are a gem of the Moon, which will muffle the natural strength of Leo and absolutely contradict Aries.


The nature of pearls is complex and mysterious. The stone contains the power of the sea and the moon. The gem is strong and fastidious, although outwardly delicate and attractive. Only a person with a pure and deep soul, such as the sea itself, can make friends with pearls.

3.7 / 5 ( 3 voices)

Pearls are not only used in jewelry. This gem has recently attracted the attention of many cosmetics manufacturers. Moreover, such funds are by no means cheap. No wonder - brands guarantee amazing results from their use. Is it worth spending money on “precious” cosmetics? Let's figure out with the experts how useful pearl-based care and decorative products will be for the skin.

Pearls are a precious stone with pearlescent tints, known from ancient times. There are many beautiful legends about him - for example, the ancient Greeks believed that these "creations" of mollusks were the tears of a sea nymph.

It is believed that the first person who experienced the miraculous power of pearls to transform the skin was Cleopatra. She regularly took baths with aromatic oils and pearls, powdered and dissolved in vinegar. At the court of the Chinese emperors, mother-of-pearl stones were also popular - they were used to prepare medicinal elixirs for external and internal use.

Do not rush to dip your favorite pearl beads in concentrated vinegar - you should doubt the positive properties of such a "cocktail"!

And the invention of professional cosmetics based on pearls can be indebted to the Chinese scientists. This gem was first added to cosmetics at the Hainan Institute. It produces not only "pearl" skin and hair care products, but also medicines. And cosmetics with pearls are gradually conquering the world. Women in an unequal battle for beauty and youth are ready to "experience" any cosmetic novelty, especially such an "exotic" one. But is it worth it to blindly trust the manufacturers?

Pearls in natural conditions is formed when a foreign body enters the shell of a mollusk. And after many years it turns into a luxurious pearl - the mollusk envelops even the smallest speck of many layers of mother-of-pearl.

To understand what benefits pearls can bring to the skin, consider its composition:

  • Aragonite - 92%.

In fact, this is a "kind" of chalk familiar to all. Calcium salts in the cosmetic field are often used as fillers for creams and toothpastes. But they do not have a particularly pronounced effect on the condition of the skin, since it is extremely poorly absorbed by the cells of the dermis.

  • Conchiolin - 6%.

It is a protein that is the main "building material" for integumentary cells and has powerful antioxidant properties. It contains over 20 amino acids. It is the conchiolin in pearls that has a positive effect on the skin - it accelerates metabolic processes in tissues, stimulates the production of elastin and collagen.

  • Vitamins (D, group B) and trace elements (zinc, copper, magnesium) - 2%.

There are very few of these useful substances, but they still contribute to skin care - they improve metabolic processes in cells and tissues, and protect the integument from external negative influences.

Thanks to conchiolin, pearl-based care products (provided that they are "correctly" produced) are able to nourish the deeper layers of the dermis, make the skin more taut and elastic, smooth wrinkles, and make the integument soft and velvety.

Of course, not whole precious stones are added to cosmetics - they are first ground into a fine powder. There are also methods for obtaining liquid fractions from a precious stone.

Pearls in decorative cosmetics

It has become very "fashionable" to add pearls to decorative cosmetics - tonal creams, blush, powders. Manufacturers promise that when using them, the facial relief will be leveled, and the skin will literally shine, aesthetic defects (age spots, freckles) will become invisible. But the fact is that just the same effect is given by "ordinary" masking products for the face!

Decorative cosmetics with pearls are often recommended for owners of sensitive skin prone to inflammation - because the proteins of the stone accelerate the processes of dermis regeneration. This is so - but only if the product contains a sufficient amount of powder obtained from pearls.

Will pearl powders give the skin a pearlescent glow? Probably yes. But there is no certainty that this will be the "merit" of the particles of the stone, and not other components of the composition.

In cosmetics, pearls are often the main component of anti-aging products - creams, masks, serums, scrubs. Their action is aimed at toning the skin, eliminating inflammatory processes, tightening and active moisturizing of the integument. Given those beneficial features, which can have a pearl protein on the dermis, it is quite possible to achieve skin transformations using high-quality products!

Often pearls in the composition of cosmetics are "passed off" as a component that will protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. But, according to experts, the substances contained in the stone will not "save" the integument from photoaging processes. If the cream begins to provide such an effect, it is definitely not due to the pearls in the composition.

Pearl powder has a beneficial effect on the cover - there is no doubt about it. But the positive effect of the product can be seen only when using high-quality cosmetics! And women here often have to act by trial and error in order to find a "treasure" in a purchased cream or mask - for many manufacturers, pearls in their products become an excellent marketing ploy. Even adding a gram of pearl powder per ton of finished cream, they can claim that this is a luxury skincare product that will give you instant results.

For the buyer, it will remain a "mystery" of what quality pearl powder and its exact amount was used in the manufacture of the product. Be very careful when choosing care and decorative cosmetics.

When buying pearl cosmetics, pay attention to the following points:

  • Carefully study the composition - pearl proteins should be among the top 10 ingredients here. Is pearl powder listed only in 30th place? Put the product back on the shelf - there are so few pearls in it that it cannot “rejuvenate” the skin.
  • Since pearls in cosmetics are used in different types, it should be clearly displayed on the labels. It is great if the composition contains precisely "pearl powder" - it means that the stones were not subjected to chemical treatment in the manufacture of the product. But hydrolysates (in the list of components are often referred to as "pearl proteins") may be less useful - the concentration of nutrients in them is less, and when they are obtained, they are often used harmful to the skin chemical substances.
  • Cosmetics with enough pearl powder to rejuvenate the skin cannot be cheap. Creams and serums in mass markets will not give the effect promised by the manufacturer - there is so little valuable ingredient in them that it "works" only on the surface of the dermis. But high-quality cosmetics are produced with the use of expensive nanotechnology - only then will the beneficial substances come to the cells of the integument.

Treat the promises of manufacturers as critically as possible - not all of them come true! It is better to trust the real reviews of those who have already used a particular tool.

There are many myths and legends about pearl-based products. Greek gods and Egyptian queens acquired unearthly beauty thanks to pearls, and Chinese emperors and popes strengthened their health and prolonged life. Is it worth it for us modern people, trust this beautiful stories? Is there a scientific explanation for the benefits of pearl remedies?

Pearls consist of aragonite substance, which is 93% CaCO3 (natural chalk) and is practically not assimilated in pure form. However, as a filler for decorative cosmetics (foundations, powders) it will provide a "masking" effect for fine wrinkles, enlarged pores, oily sheen and will provide a pearlescent shine. Pearl powder also contains 6% conchiolin protein. This protein consists of 22 amino acids - methionine, glycine, alanine, glutamic and aspartic acids. It is an antioxidant, has a healing effect, activates metabolic processes in cells (increases metabolism), promotes the production of collagen and elastin.

Despite the fact that conchiolin normalizes the production of melanin (prevents the formation of age spots), pearl-based products are not photoprotective filters (not SPF). In addition to this unique protein, pearl powder contains 18 microelements (iron, copper, zinc), vitamins (group B, vitamin D). Protein, vitamins and trace elements are most often present in anti-aging cosmetics (creams, masks, serums).

The most active component (designated as pearl proteins or its hydrolyzate) for the greatest penetration depth is “packed” in capsules using special technologies, which penetrate into the intercellular spaces of the skin and act on the deep layers.

When choosing pearl-based anti-aging cosmetics, pay attention to the fact that protein should be at the forefront of the active ingredients in the product. Taking into account the cost of raw materials and the complexity of the technology for extracting useful components, effective cosmetics cannot be cheap! The most saturated foods with the highest concentration will be classified as luxury products. Today, the store offers a wide selection of pearl-based cosmetics. With a competent approach, modern ladies, no worse than the ancient Greek goddesses, can experience its cosmetic effect.

From the (almost) new series of Belita Pearl Shine, which has become my favorite among all the Bibiks. After a successful purchase, I decided to continue my acquaintance with the series and, having fallen in love with the packaging at first sight, took a sample Pearl Serum - Essence for the face "Beauty Capsules" from Belita from the Pearl Shine series.

Brand: Belita

Volume: 30 ml

Skin type: any

Price: 4.23 (2$)

Place of purchase: Belita brand store


Serum - the essence is in a nice transparent bottle, which has a circular sticker with the most necessary information.

Dispenser - pump works properly, does not flow, gives out a small pea of ​​the product, which is enough for half my face.

The bottle itself was sold in a beautiful box, iridescent like pearls. Oddly enough, there is not a lot of information on the box either, and there are not even kilometer promises.

The serum itself is transparent, with small bubbles, not sticky, the smell is pleasant, neutral, it does not remain on the skin.

Serum contains beautiful pink balls, which during the entire period of use never got to me through the dispenser. But out of curiosity, I took out a couple of things to see what kind of babies they are. What they are made of, I could not understand because of their size, but when pressed, they break and disappear. So, most likely, they have just a decorative function.


water, betaine, sodium chloride, hydrolyzed pearls, methylpropanediol, PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil, Centella Asiatica leaf extract (centella), Amorphophallus Konjac root extract, acrylate and C10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymer, phenoxyethanol, ethylparabene parabene , microcrystalline cellulose, mannitol, sucrose, synthetic fluorophlogopite, tin oxide, CI 77891 (titanium dioxide), CI 73360 (Red 30), Tocopheryl Acetate, sodium hydroxide, perfume composition, 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol , perfume composition, citronellol, linalol, linalol, limonene

Pearl extract moisturizes the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles, reduces melanin synthesis, prevents the formation of age spots, helps to restore a healthy glow to the skin.

Centella extract enhances blood microcirculation in the skin, fights free radicals, accelerates cell regeneration, smoothes wrinkles, gives the skin a firm, fresh, toned look.

For Belita, the composition is quite good, there are many components useful for the skin that are present at the beginning and in the middle of the composition, which means that their concentration is not the smallest.


Beauty Capsules Pearl Essence Serum for the face gives the skin a unique sensation of freshness and radiance. The complex of active ingredients (pearl extract, centella extract, konyak mannan) intensively moisturizes, nourishes and softens the skin, helps to smooth wrinkles, even out skin tone, and protects against negative environmental influences.


Oily, with enlarged pores. Without moisture, after an evening cleansing, the skin very quickly and strongly secretes sebum (sebum), and in the morning I look like a damn beauty.

When buying a serum, I expected good hydration, comfort when using (no stickiness and a feeling of a film on the face) and so that it would not clog pores and create problems for my already capricious skin.


Application: Apply the essence serum to cleansed skin in the morning and evening. Can be used as a stand-alone product or before applying a face cream.

I use serum as an independent product, as my relationship with creams is not very good. After the cream I do not feel enough hydration, often the creams clog the pores and leave the feeling of poorly cleansed skin.

Recently using 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. Occasionally in the evenings I alternate with a wonderful oil for oily skin.


I really like the result. Serum good moisturizes the skin, absorbs quickly and is not felt on the skin. If I use it in the morning, then after about 20 seconds you can safely start painting. Suitable as a make-up base, cosmetics after the serum lays down well, does not roll.

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