Ural Ural mountains are located in. Ural mountains, Ural. Tourism and Peak Narodnaya

The Ural Mountains are a unique natural site for Russia. Why? This will become clear to everyone who ponders this question. Primarily because they are the only mountain range that crosses Russia from south to north, while serving as a border between two parts of the world, as well as large parts of our country - Asian and European.

Ural Mountains Ural Mountains Ural Mountains Ural Mountains

Features of the relief of the Urals

Any geologist would agree that their structures are complex. They include breeds of different ages and types. Through the mountains, you can trace the history of many eras of the Earth. There are not only deep faults here, but also areas of the oceanic crust. The base of the Ural Range is a stone belt, a natural border dividing Europe and Asia, Sverdlovsk and Perm regions.
But the Ural Mountains cannot be called high. Basically, there are low and medium peaks. The highest point is Mount Narodnaya, located in the Subpolar Urals. Its height reaches 1895 meters. But Yamantau Mountain - the second highest point in the Urals - is located at the southern end of the ridge.

Along the profile, the mountains resemble a depression. The highest peaks are located in the north and south, while in the middle part, their height rarely reaches 400-500 meters. Therefore, when crossing the Middle Urals, only an attentive tourist or traveler will notice the mountains.
The beginning of the formation of the Ural Mountains coincides with Altai. But further destiny developed in different ways. Altai often experienced strong tectonic shifts. As a result, Belukha, the highest point in Altai, has an altitude of more than 4.5 kilometers. On the other hand, in the Urals it is much safer for life - earthquakes, especially strong ones, occur here much less often.

Sights of the Ural Mountains

Mount Manaraga (Bear's Paw) is not included in the list of the highest. But, of course, it is the most beautiful. Its top is a series of steep peaks, which is why from a distance the mountain really looks like a raised paw of a bear.

The highest point of the Urals is Mount Narodnaya, the top of which is located at an altitude of 1985 meters.

In general, it is quite difficult to list all the sights that the Urals can boast of. Although it will be useful to cite a few of the most interesting:

  • mountain Konzhakovsky stone;
  • the rocks of the Seven Brothers;
  • national parks Zyuratkul and Taganay;
  • Denezhkin stone reserve;
  • Deer streams natural park,
  • Chusovaya river;
    mountains Chistop and Kolpaki.

And this is only a small part of the most beautiful places located in the Urals.

Rivers and lakes of the Ural mountains

The Ural also boasts many beautiful rivers with crystal clear water and fast currents, dangerous rapids and picturesque rifts. It is no coincidence that many routes have been laid here, both for families and for sports rafting.

There are many beautiful stones and rocks on the banks of the rivers, and the endless Taiga will not leave indifferent any nature lover.

These rivers have seen a lot and keep many secrets to this day.

The rivers of the Ural Mountains belong to the basins of three seas: Caspian, Kara and Barents. The total number of rivers flowing here exceeds 5 thousand! Only in the Sverdlovsk region there are about a thousand, and in the Perm region - more than two thousand. The approximate annual flow of these rivers exceeds 600 thousand cubic kilometers.

Alas, today many of these rivers suffer from industrial waste. Because of this, the relevance of river water purification and conservation is becoming more and more important.

But there are not many lakes here, and their sizes are not large. The largest lake is Argazi (belongs to the Miass river basin). Its area is just over 100 square kilometers.

The Ural Mountains are a unique mountain system for Russia. It is the only mountain range that crosses the country from north to south and is the border between the two parts of the world.

At the heart of the region - Ural mountain system stretched for more than 2500 km - from cold waters Arctic Ocean before deserts of Kazakhstan.

Geographers have divided into five geographic zones: Polar, Circumpolar, Northern, Middle and Southern Urals... Highest mountains on Subpolar Urals... Here on Subpolar Urals, is the highest mountain in the Urals -. But it is these northern areas Ural the most difficult to access and underdeveloped. On the contrary, the lowest mountains are on Middle Urals, it is also the most developed and densely populated.

Highest peaks

  • Pai-Hoi- Mount Moreiz (Wesei-Pe) (423 m).
  • Polar Ural- mountain (1472 m above sea level).
  • Subpolar Urals- mountain (1895 m), mountain (1662 m).
  • Northern Ural- Mount Telposiz (1617 m).
  • Middle Ural- mountain (1119 m).
  • Southern Urals- Mount Yamantau (1640 m).
  • Mugodzhary- Mount Boktybai (567 m).


There are many different minerals and minerals. It is on Ural discovered, and the reserves of platinum were the largest in the world. Many minerals were first discovered precisely in Ural mountains.

For the eastern regions Ural the most characteristic are the deposits of copper pyrite ores and skarn-magnetite ores. The largest deposits of bauxite (Severo-Uralsky bauxite-bearing region) and asbestos (Bazhenovskoe) are located here. On the western slope Ural and in Urals there are deposits of coal (Pechora coal basin,), and gas (Volga-Ural oil and gas region, Orenburg gas condensate field), potassium salts (Verkhnekamsky basin).

There are also gems - emeralds, beryls, amethysts and many others. Became famous all over the world and Ural malachite: from it and jasper are made the bowls of St. Petersburg The Hermitage as well as interior decoration and altar Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood.


Along Ural mountains there is a large geological fault -. They themselves are classified as slowly growing mountains, therefore they have low seismic activity with a magnitude of 3-6. But, .

Mountain ranges, peaks and rocks

It seems that all the neighborhoods around the Devil's Settlement are familiar, but the Experts of the Urals not only know interesting information unknown to many, but they are also happy to share it. White Stone is not the official name for these pretty outliers. "Not far from the Chertova Gorodishche in the direction of the Uvalovsky cordon, next to the road leading to it, there is a small stone ridge, on the top of which there are two granite rocks up to 15 meters high. They are located among the clearing and are clearly visible even from a long distance. In addition to these rocks on the ridge. there are also several low picturesque stone tents no more than three meters high.These rocks do not have an official name, but the locals ...

The urban-type settlement Suksun is famous for the world's only monument to a samovar; there are also many historical and natural attractions here. Like many other places in the Urals, this area is noted for its beauty with the epithet "Ural Switzerland". True, Alexander Radishchev himself called this area "Ural Switzerland", passing through Suksun more than 220 years ago ...

There is in the vicinity of the village of Sarana, which is located in the Krasnoufimsky district, a unique natural monument - a 50-meter rock. Alikayev stone is called. Not only local residents come to visit him, but also guests from Bashkiria, Perm Territory, Izhevsk and Chelyabinsk regions ...

Mount Yezhovaya is located near the city of Kirovgrad, Sverdlovsk region. This is one of the most popular ski resorts in the Middle Urals. The absolute height of Mount Yezhova is 550 meters above sea level. It belongs to the Veselye Gory massif stretching from north to south for more than 30 kilometers ...

Jade Valley - a natural monument, a landmark of the Polar Urals, located in the natural park "Polyarno-Uralsky". The route begins with a visit to the visit-center of the Polyarno-Uralsky Natural Park, located in the village of Kharp, Priuralsky District, passes in the valley of the Sob River at the foot of Mount Rai-Iz, climbs Mount Nyrdvomen-Iz along the Nyrdvomen-Shor stream, ends at the massif of Mount Rai-Iz in the upper reaches of the Nefritovy stream (coordinates: N66 ° 57 "45.34" E65 ° 27 "54.20"). Natural Park "Polyarno-Uralsky" Natural Park "Polyarno-Uralsky" was formed by the decree of the Government of Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region dated July 31, 2014 No. 605-P "On the formation of the natural park" Polyarno-Uralsky ", by changing the categories, regime and boundaries of the state reserves of regional significance" Gornokhadatinsky "and" Polyarno-Uralsky "and joining them new territories, on the basis of an integrated ecological ...

Oslyanka is the highest mountain in the Middle Urals Oslyanka is the highest mountain in the Middle Urals, located in the northeast of the Kizelovsky district, north of the administrative border with the Gornozavodsky district. Its height reaches 1119 meters above sea level. That is why Mount Oslyanka is included in Oleg Chegodaev's project "Crown of the Urals". Probably, the name of the mountain comes from the word "donkey" - a touchstone, a whetstone. But there is also a second option: from the word "donkey" or "donkey" - a log, possibly because of the shape of the ridge. Mount Oslyanka is the highest point of the Oslyanka ridge, which is a 16 km long ridge stretching from north to south. It has several bare peaks covered with curums. In some places the mountain ...

The SHATAK ridge is a plateau-like ridge crowned with rocky peaks, between which there is a real network of forest roads. In order to climb one of the peaks of the ridge, one day is enough, even for inexperienced tourists. Thousand-peaks of the Shatak ridge Thousand-peaks of the Shatak ridge: 1011 meters Karatash peak, the farthest northern spur of the ridge, 1039 meters - Yaryktash peak, located south-west of Karatash, 1271 meters - Bolshoi Shatak, the main peak of the ridge, at the top is a rocky ridge, folded by shale rocks, 1142 meters - Bolshoi Tashtyrt (Mayak), located in the southeast of 1271 m, differs in the presence of inclined rock plates, 1206 meters - a plateau, located southwest of 1271, here and there are scattered small rocks, ...

My Big Bitch I climbed the ridge Big Bitch once. And our way to the ridge, as I understand it now, was very non-standard. First, our guide Ivan Susanin was leading us. So it was written on his T-shirt and he in all seriousness claimed that his name was Vanya, and his surname was Susanin, and being a guide in the Ural taiga was his vocation. I hope you understand what feelings took possession of me when, in the company of our German financial director, my beloved nephew and a 17-year-old German boy who came to practice in Russia and for whose safety his father personally instructed me to answer, I approached for some reason ...

Mount Bakhmur is the highest point in the Ashinsky region. It is located near, only 30 km from the city of Ashi. Located in the upper reaches of the Ati River to the west of the Baskak ridge, on the western slope of the Ural Mountains. "Mount Bakhmur is one of the best, interesting and rich routes in the collection of the project" From Ufa for the Weekend "! There, in this Berendeevo kingdom, except for Valery Kuznetsov, no one leads. This is truly a reserved place. Fabulous, dense and very beautiful. Type route: walking roundabout, with a transfer. The total length is 14 km. Accessible to people in normal physical form. What awaits the participants of the hike? Transfer 8 kilometers on a "loaf" with overcoming three fords across the river ...

The Ural Mountains are very old. Their age is about 600 million years. The length is over 2000 kilometers. The area is 781,100 km². Location - between the East European and West Siberian plains. This unique mountain system begins from the coast of the Arctic Ocean and ends in the sultry steppes of Kazakhstan. And even if they are not very high - the prevailing heights of 1000-1500 meters are still considered to be one of the most beautiful in the world. And how many fairy tales, legends and poems are dedicated to their beauties!

That is why they cause burning interest and a lot of questions - what are the highest absolute heights of the Urals mountains? What is the highest point of the Ural Mountains? Highest list?

The highest mountain in the Urals - Narodnaya - is the brightest gem in the natural crown of Russia. This peak now attracts thousands of travelers from Russia and Europe. Its height is the highest in the Urals - 1895 meters above sea level.

In addition to Narodnaya, there are several other majestic peaks in the Ural mountain system, each of which has unique features given by Mother Nature. For example, the highest mountain in the Sverdlovsk region is Konzhakovsky stone. Its height is 1569 meters above sea level. Or Mount Dinosaur East, which is located beyond the Arctic Circle.

The following lines tell in detail about the geography of the Urals and its peaks, which are worth climbing, a description and a photo are given, the history of their discovery and names, features of tourist routes and equipment that is necessary to conquer the peaks are told.

In contact with

Geography of the Ural Mountains

Eastern European and West Siberian Plains notable for the fact that it is between them that the Ural mountain system is located. It crosses Russia from north to south at approximately 60 east longitude.

Geographers distinguish 5 zones of the Ural system:

  1. Polar Ural- occupies the north of the mountain system. Administratively divided between the Komi Republic and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. It is characterized by low passes and deep valleys that dissect the ridges crosswise.

    The Polar Urals is a mountainous region in the north of Eurasia, in the territory of Russia, the most northern part. The northern border of the region is considered to be Mount Konstantinov Kamen, and the Khulga River separates the region from the Subpolar Urals.

  2. Subpolar Urals(where Mount Narodnaya is located) - perhaps the highest part of the system. Mount Telposiz is located on the south side, and the Lyapin River on the north. Glaciers in this area are common. Part of the zone is included in the Yugyd Va National Park.

    The Subpolar Urals is a mountain system in Russia, stretching from the headwaters of the Lyapin (Khulga) River in the north (65º 40 'N) to Mount Telposiz ("Nest of the Winds", height about 1617 m) in the south (64º N) ...

  3. Northern Ural- a zone bounded by Telposiz mountain in the north and Kosvinsky stone in the south. The Ural ridge in the territory of the zone is divided into several parallel ridges. The total width of the system in the region is 50-60 km.

    Northern Urals, part of the Urals from the Shchuger River in the north to Mount Oslyanka in the south. The length is about 550 km. Height up to 1617 m (Telposiz). Flattened peaks and dissected relief are characteristic. On the slopes - taiga forests, higher - mountain tundra and rocky placers

  4. Central or Middle Urals- the lowest part of the mountain system. 6 ridges pass along it. Their total width, together with the foothills, reaches 90 km. River valleys in the Middle Urals are wide enough. On the eastern slopes of the zone, there are karst landforms: craters, hollows, wells.

    Middle Ural - the lowest part of the Ural Mountains, limited by the latitudes of Konzhakovsky Kamen in the north and Yurma mountains in the south

  5. Southern Urals- the widest (250 km) and southern zone of the Ural Mountains. The South Ural is bounded by the Yurma mountain and the Mugodzhary ridge. Administratively located on the territory Russian Federation and. It is characterized by dissection of ridges by deep depressions and valleys.

    The South Ural is the southern and widest part of the Ural Mountains, stretching from the Ufa River (near the village of Nizhny Ufaley) to the Ural River. From the west and east, the South Ural is bounded by the East European and West Siberian plains


Yamantau is the highest place in the Southern Urals (1640 m). Peaks near the mountain 2: Big Yamantau and Small Yamantau. The peak has been known to settlers from Russia since the 17th century. It was first described by P.I. Rychkov in 1762 in his book "Orenburg Topography". Climbing the mountain goes along its western or northern slopes, through the villages of Revet or Sosnovka.

View of Yamantau from the southern slope of Mount Kuyantau

To see Yamantau, you first need to get by train from Ufa, Nizhnevartovsk, Adler or Moscow to Beloretsk. From there, by bus or intercity taxi, you need to get to the villages of Tatly or Kuzelga, which are located at the foot of the mountain.

Note: to climb Yamantau, you do not need to use climbing equipment. But taking alpenstocks, wearing helmets, trekking boots, knee pads and elbow pads will not hurt.


Telposiz is a massif that consists of two peaks (h = 1617 m), located on the border of the Northern and Subpolar Urals. This mountain is called differently. The main name, translated from the Komi language, means “mountain of the nest of the winds”. There is also the Nenets "Ne-Khekhe" translated as "mountain-baba". The last name, according to legend, was given due to the fact that at one of the peaks a woman was turned into an idol, who had turned over to her husband.

Telposiz (1617 m) is the highest peak in the Northern Urals. It is located near the conditional border of the Northern and Subpolar Urals on the left bank of the Shchugor River. The Telposiza area is known for the prevalence of bad weather

According to some historians, Semyon Kurbsky discovered the mountain. But studies of the natural object began only at the end of the last century, when a gas pipeline was laid not far from it. Popular routes for tourists include visiting the Yuzhny Glacier, Telpos Lake and rafting down the Shchugor River.

The foothills of Telposiz are not inhabited. The nearest village, Kyrta, is 75 km away from it. The best way to get to the mountain is to first reach Syktyvkar and from there fly to Vuktyl. From the last mentioned city, you can order a car for transfer to the foothills of the mountain or at least to Kyrta.

Good to know: Telposiz is a summit that is easy to conquer. In the summer, a group of unprepared tourists, "armed" with alpenstocks, climb it. Only for a winter hike up the mountain requires special equipment in the form of snowshoes.


Oslyanka is the highest peak of the Middle Urals (1119 m). Its name, translated from Old Russian, means "river whetstone" or "log". The mountain has been known since the 17th century. Complex investigations of the summit were carried out in 1940 by the Ural expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences. At the same time, rock crystal was discovered on Oslyanka.

The Oslyanka Ridge is located in the east of the Kizelovsky District of the Perm Territory, west of the main watershed ridge of the Urals. Oslyanka is a 16 km long mountain range stretching from north to south

The routes offered by tourist organizations pass through the villages of Uspenka and Bolshaya Oslyanka. They include dinners, campfire gatherings and a visit to the bathhouse.

The city of Kizel, closest to the mountain, is located 50 km away. You can get there by bus or train through. There are no roads leading from this city to the foothills of the mountain. To get as close to the top as possible, you need to agree on the transfer in advance with the drivers of off-road vehicles from Kizel.

Do you know that: climbing Oslyanka does not require any climbing equipment.


Payer is the highest point of the Polar Urals (h = 1499 m). Payer was discovered and mapped in 1847 by an expedition of the Russian Geographical Society.

Payer, the highest peak of the Polar Urals. It is composed of quartzite, shale and igneous rocks. There are snowfields

Interesting fact: according to the head of the campaign - Ernst Hoffmann, the name of the mountain in the Nenets language means "Lord of the mountains".

Several streams flow near the mountain, which flow into amazingly beautiful lakes. Most tourist groups make routes past these bodies of water, as the flat areas near them are great for parking.

You can come to Payer only by off-road vehicle from the village of Eletsky in the Komi Republic. Locals willingly take tourists to the mountain for a small fee. Trains from Labytnanga, Vorkuta and Moscow run to the railway station in Yeletskoye.

Climbing Payer is best done in the last month of summer. On the hike, you need to take safety systems, climbing ropes, zhumars and other items necessary to overcome small (up to 6 meters) vertical ascents.

Folk - history of discovery and description

Narodnaya is the highest peak of the Urals (1895 m). It does not stand out against the background of other Ural peaks. It is distinguished by the presence of bowl-shaped depressions with small lakes, glaciers and snowfields.

The coordinates of the highest point of the Urals are 65 ° 02 ′ north latitude, 60 ° 07 ′ east longitude.

Mount Narodnaya is the highest point of the entire Ural ridge. There are winter roads and glaciers on the mountain. On the northeastern slope there is the "Blue Lake", an alpine body of water, the purest water basin at an altitude of a kilometer above sea level. From the northeast and southwest, the ascent will be especially difficult, there are a large number of rock formations and sheds

Narodnaya was discovered in 1846 by A. Reguli, surveyed in 1927 by the geologist Aleshkov. From him the peak got its name. On the maps of Reguli, the peak was listed under the name Poen-Urr.

It's important to know: climbing the mountain is carried out along its northern, gentle slope. They pass through the Kar-Kar pass with an overnight stay near a mountain lake. Before the hike, you need to register with the administration of the Yugyd-Va National Park. An application for the ascent must be submitted at least 10 days prior to arrival at the foot of Narodnaya.

How to get there

To get to Narodnaya, you need to get to Inta-1 station by trains that follow to Vorkuta or Labytnanga. Then you need to get by car to the Zhelannaya quartz mining base.

General view of the base. The Zhelannaya base was created for ore mining. Mine workers live here. Quartz is mined. At the base, you can rent a room for 500 rubles per person per day

From this point you should walk 15-18 km to the mountain along the Balabanu river.

What equipment to take

There is no need to rent climbing equipment for hiking, but it is advisable to wear trekking boots, elbow pads, knee pads and a helmet.

Equipment for a beginner climber: carabiners with a clutch - 5 pieces, harness, self-belaying mustache, belay device, 2 prusiks, rope climbing device - jumar, backpack for 60-80 liters, sleeping bag, cushion cover, mountain boots, crampons, ice ax, helmet , sticks telescopic, headlamp flashlight.

In the absence of a tourist experience it is worth taking a guide.

Mineral resources of the Ural mountains

The Urals are an inexhaustible storehouse of natural resources. It develops and produces 48 types of minerals. Of these, the most important for the Russian industry are copper pyrite and skarn-magnetite ores, bauxite, potash salts, gas, oil, and coal. Also, the Ural subsoil is rich in minerals. More than 200 types of natural precious and semi-precious stones have been discovered in the mountains, which are used in various industries and in the decoration of various buildings.

The Ural Mountains are a unique natural site for our country. Probably, you shouldn't hesitate to answer the question why. The Ural Mountains are the only mountain range that crosses Russia from north to south, is the border between two parts of the world and two largest parts (macroregions) of our country - European and Asian.

Motherland. Ural Mountains: Ural - the ridge of Russia

The Ural Mountains stretch from north to south, mainly along the 60th meridian. In the north, they bend towards the northeast, towards the Yamal Peninsula, in the south, they turn towards the southwest. One of their features is that the mountainous area expands as you move from north to south (this is clearly visible on the map on the right). In the very south, in the region of the Orenburg region, the Ralskie mountains are connected with nearby elevations, such as the General Syrt.

No matter how strange it may seem, the exact geological boundary of the Ural Mountains, as well as the exact geographic boundary between Europe and Asia, they still cannot determine exactly. In 2010, the Russian Geographical Society equipped a special expedition for this purpose.

The Ural Mountains have a long and complex history. It begins in the Proterozoic era - such an ancient and little-studied stage in the history of our planet that scientists do not even divide it into periods and epochs. About 3.5 billion years ago, a rupture of the earth's crust occurred on the site of the future mountains, which soon reached a depth of more than ten kilometers. Over the course of almost two billion years, this rift expanded, so that about 430 million years ago, an entire ocean was formed, up to a thousand kilometers wide. However, soon after this, the rapprochement began. lithospheric plates; the ocean disappeared relatively quickly, and mountains formed in its place. It happened about 300 million years ago - this corresponds to the era of the so-called Hercynian folding.

New large uplifts in the Urals resumed only 30 million years ago, during which the Polar, Subpolar, Northern and Southern parts of the mountains were raised by almost a kilometer, and the Middle Urals - by about 300-400 meters.

At present, the Ural Mountains have stabilized - no large movements of the earth's crust are observed here. Nevertheless, to this day, they remind people of their active history: from time to time, earthquakes occur here, and very large ones. The strongest had an amplitude of 7 points and was recorded not so long ago - in 1914.

From a geological point of view, the Ural Mountains are very complex. They are formed by breeds of various types and ages. In many ways features internal structure The Urals are associated with its history, for example, traces of deep faults and even parts of the oceanic crust are still preserved.

The Ural Mountains are of medium height, the highest point is Mount Narodnaya in the Subpolar Urals, reaching 1895 meters. It is curious that the second highest peak in the Urals - Mount Yamantau - is located in the South Urals. In general, in profile, the Ural Mountains resemble a depression: the highest ridges are located in the north and south, and the middle part does not exceed 400-500 meters, so that, crossing the Middle Urals, you may not even notice the mountains.

We can say that the Ural Mountains were unlucky in terms of height: they formed in the same period as Altai, but subsequently experienced much less strong uplifts. The result is that the highest point of Altai, Mount Belukha, reaches four and a half kilometers, and the Ural Mountains are more than two times lower. However, such an elevated position of Altai turned into a danger of earthquakes - the Urals in this respect are much safer for life.

Typical vegetation of the mountain tundra belt in the Ural Mountains. The picture was taken on the slope of Mount Humboldt (Main Ural Range, Northern Urals) at an altitude of 1310 meters. Photo by Natalia Shmaenkova

The long, continuous struggle of volcanic forces against the forces of wind and water (in geography, the former are called endogenous, and the latter - exogenous) created a huge number of unique natural attractions in the Urals: rocks, caves, etc.

The Urals are also famous for their huge reserves of all types of minerals. These are, first of all, iron, copper, nickel, manganese and many other types of ores, building materials. The Kachkanar iron deposit is one of the largest in the country. Although the metal content in the ore is low, it contains rare, but very valuable metals - manganese, vanadium.

In the north, in the Pechora coal basin, coal is mined. There are also precious metals in our region - gold, silver, platinum. Undoubtedly, Ural precious and semi-precious stones are widely known: emeralds mined near Yekaterinburg, diamonds, gems of the Murzinsky strip, and, of course, Ural malachite.

The beauty of the Ural Mountains awakened the talent of P.P. Bazhov, who created a series of tales about the Urals, the wealth of the nature of this region.

Unfortunately, many valuable old deposits have already been depleted. Magnetic mountains containing large reserves of iron ore have been turned into quarries, and reserves of malachite have survived only in museums and in the form of separate inclusions at the site of old developments - it is hardly possible to find now even a three-hundred-kilogram monolith. Nevertheless, these minerals largely ensured the economic power and glory of the Urals for centuries.

The way to Siberia lies through the Urals. See the video about this:

The Ural Mountains, also called the "Stone Belt of the Urals", are represented by a mountain system surrounded by two plains (East European and West Siberian). These ranges serve as a natural barrier between the Asian and European territories, and are among the oldest mountains in the world. Their composition is represented by several parts - polar, southern, circumpolar, northern and middle.

Ural mountains: where are they

Feature geographic location This system is considered to be the length from north to south. The hills adorn the continent of Eurasia, mainly covering two countries - Russia and Kazakhstan. Part of the massif is spread out in the Arkhangelsk, Sverdlovsk, Orenburg, Chelyabinsk regions, Perm Territory, Bashkortostan. Coordinates of the natural object - the mountains run parallel to the 60th meridian.

The length of this mountain range is more than 2500 km, and the absolute height of the main peak is 1895 m.The average height of the Ural mountains is 1300-1400 m.

The highest peaks of the array include:

The highest point is located on the border separating the Komi Republic and the territory of Ugra (Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug).

The Ural Mountains reach the shores belonging to the Arctic Ocean, then hide under water for some distance, continue on to Vaigach and the Novaya Zemlya archipelago. Thus, the massif stretches in a northerly direction for another 800 km. The maximum width of the "Stone Belt" is about 200 km. In places it narrows to 50 km or more.

Origin story

Geologists argue that the Ural Mountains have a complex way of origin, as evidenced by the variety of rocks in their structure. The mountain ranges are associated with the era of the Hercynian folding (late Paleozoic), and their age reaches 600,000,000 years.

The system was formed by the collision of two huge plates. The beginning of these events was preceded by a rupture in the earth's crust, after the expansion of which an ocean was formed, which disappeared over time.

Researchers believe that distant ancestors modern system have undergone significant changes over many millions of years. Today, a stable situation prevails in the Ural Mountains, and there are no significant movements from the side of the earth's crust. The last strong earthquake (with a power of about 7 points) occurred in 1914.

Nature and wealth of the "Stone Belt"

While staying in the Ural Mountains, you can admire the impressive views, visit various caves, swim in the lake water, experience adrenaline emotions, going down the course of the seething rivers. It is convenient to get around here in any way - by private cars, buses or on foot.

The fauna of the "Stone Belt" is diverse. In places where spruce trees grow, it is represented by proteins that feed on the seeds of coniferous trees. After the arrival of winter, red animals feed on independently prepared supplies (mushrooms, pine nuts). Martens are found in abundance in mountain forests. These predators settle nearby with squirrels and periodically hunt for them.

The ridges of the Ural Mountains are rich in furs. Unlike their dark Siberian counterparts, the Ural sables are reddish in color. Hunting for these animals is prohibited by law, which allows them to breed freely in mountain forests. In the Ural Mountains, there is enough space for wolves, elk, and bears to live. The mixed forest area is a favorite spot for roe deer. The plains are inhabited by foxes and hares.

The Ural mountains hide a variety of minerals in the depths. The hills are fraught with asbestos, platinum, gold deposits. There are also deposits of gems, gold and malachite.

Climate characteristic

Most of the Ural mountain system covers a temperate climate zone. If in the summer season you move along the perimeter of the mountains from the north to the south, you can fix that the temperature indicators begin to increase. In summer, the temperature fluctuates at + 10-12 degrees in the north and +20 in the south. In the winter season, the temperature readings acquire a lower contrast. With the onset of January, northern thermometers show about -20 ° C, in the south - from -16 to -18 degrees.

The climate of the Urals is closely related to air currents arriving from the Atlantic Ocean... Most of the precipitation (up to 800 mm during the year) permeates the western slopes. In the eastern part, such indicators decrease to 400-500 mm. In winter, this zone of the mountain system is under the influence of an anticyclone coming from Siberia. In the south, in autumn and winter, you should count on little cloudy and cold weather.

The fluctuations typical of the local climate are largely due to the mountainous relief. With increasing altitude, the weather becomes more severe, and temperature indicators vary significantly on different parts of the slopes.

Description of local attractions

The Ural Mountains can be proud of many attractions:

  1. Reindeer Streams Park.
  2. Reserve "Rezhevskaya".
  3. Kungur cave.
  4. An ice fountain located in the Zyuratkul park.
  5. "Bazhovsky places".

Deer Streams Park located in the city of Nizhnie Sergi. For lovers ancient history the local rock Pisanitsa, dotted with drawings by ancient artists, will become interesting. Other prominent sites in this park are caves and the Great Gap. Here you can walk along special paths, visit observation platforms, cross to the desired place by cable car.

Reserve "Rezhevskoy" attracts all connoisseurs of gems. This protected area contains deposits of precious and semi-precious stones. It is forbidden to walk here on your own - you can stay on the territory of the reserve only under the supervision of employees.

The territory of the reserve is crossed by the Rezh River. On its right bank is the Shaitan-stone. Many Ural residents consider it magical, helping in solving various problems. That is why people constantly go to the stone, wanting to fulfill their dreams.

Length Kungur Ice Cave- about 6 kilometers, of which tourists can visit only a quarter. In it you can see numerous lakes, grottoes, stalactites and stalagmites. To enhance the visual effects, there is a special highlight here. The cave owes its name to the constant subzero temperature. To enjoy the beauty here, you need to have winter clothes with you.

From the national park "Zyuratkul", spread out in the area of ​​Satka Chelyabinsk region, arose due to the appearance of a geological well. It is worth looking at it exclusively in winter. In frosty weather, this underground fountain freezes and takes the form of a 14-meter icicle.

Park "Bazhovskie mesto" associated with the famous and beloved by many book "Malachite Box". This place has created full-fledged conditions for vacationers. You can go on a fascinating walk on foot, by bicycle, on horseback, while admiring the picturesque landscapes.

Anyone can cool off here in the lake waters or climb the Markov Kamen Upland. In the summer season, numerous extreme lovers come to "Bazhovskie mesto" in order to descend along the course of mountain rivers. In winter, the park will be able to experience just as much adrenaline while riding a snowmobile.

Recreation centers in the Urals

For visitors to the Ural Mountains, everything has been created the necessary conditions... Recreation centers are located in places far from noisy civilization, in quiet corners of pristine nature, often on the shores of local lakes. Depending on personal preference, you can stay here in complexes with a modern design or in antique buildings. In any case, travelers will find comfort and polite, caring staff.

The bases provide for the rental of cross-country and alpine skiing, kayaks, tubing, snowmobile rides with an experienced driver are available. On the territory of the guest zone, there are traditionally barbecue zones, a Russian bath with billiards, children's playhouses and playgrounds. In such places, you can be guaranteed to forget about the bustle of the city, and fully relax on your own or with the whole family, taking an unforgettable memory photo.

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