The structure of the media system. Mass communication system (QMS): structure, specificity of information channels. Conditions for the functioning of the media


mass media- channels of mass communication, the main materialized part of MK, considered socially through the prism of MK

© I. Aleshina - mass media- organizational and technical complexes that collect, process and distribute verbal, figurative, musical information to a mass audience

V social communication the communicative aspect of MK dominates, and the information-content takes a subordinate place, i.e. it is important not so much what is transmitted, but who, to whom and how.

Among the means of communication, it is customary to distinguish:

Mass media - cinema, circus, theater, entertainment, fiction

The actual technical means - provide the transfer of information

Conditions for the functioning of the media:

Availability of technical means to ensure the regularity and replication of mass communication

Availability of socially significant information

Mass audience


(c) Borisnev "Sociology of Communication"

1. Vertical level:

- informational component - news agencies, press agencies, press centers, PR services

- technical- publishing houses, broadcasting centers

- organizational and management- legislative bodies, unions of journalists

- educational and scientific- a system of educational institutions that train professional personnel

2. Horizontal level - covers modern media

Horizontal level functions: informational, regulatory, relaxing, transmission of values.

Functions of the media - overlap with the functions of mass communication:

informational, interpretation function, value transmission function, relaxation function

22. Media as a media-political system. Description of the media system of Russia. ECONOMY AND STRUCTURE OF THE MEDIA SYSTEM OF RUSSIA

At the moment, Russian media are interesting not only for their content, but also for their development as an independent industry.

Today they represent a unique combination of many different phenomena and processes.

The development of the economy and the structure of the media affects the dynamic change in the Russian media system.

In 1989-91. - the transitional period, which is now considered completed.

The main characteristics of the transition period:

  1. Democratization
  2. Transition to market economy
  3. The emergence of parliament, political parties, elections
  4. The emergence of private companies, commercial banks, stock exchanges
  5. Formation of political and civic culture
  6. Building an entrepreneurial culture and professional ethics

In the post-perestroika period, there is a reorientation of the media towards a market economy

Mass information means printed, audio, audiovisual and other messages and materials intended for an unlimited number of persons;

under the means mass media means a periodical printed publication, radio, television, video program, newsreel program, other form of periodic dissemination of mass information;

SYSTEM (from the Greek sysntema - whole, made up of parts; connection), a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, forming a certain integrity, unity.

Mass media are subdivided into visual (periodicals), auditory (radio), audiovisual (television, documentary films). Despite all the differences between them, the media are united into a single system of mass communication due to the generality of functions and the special structure of the communication process.

Among the functions of the media, the following are distinguished:

Informational (message about the state of affairs, various facts and events);

Commentary and evaluative (often the presentation of facts is accompanied by a commentary on them, their analysis and assessment);

Cognitive and educational (advanced diverse cultural, historical, scientific information, the media contribute to the replenishment of the knowledge fund of their readers, listeners, viewers);

The function of influence (the media is not accidentally called the fourth power; their influence on the views and behavior of people is quite obvious, especially during periods of so-called inversion changes in society or during mass social and political actions, for example, during the general election of the head of state);

Hedonistic (here we are talking not just about entertainment information, but also about the fact that any information is perceived with a great positive effect, when the very way of its transmission causes a feeling of pleasure, meets the ethical needs of the addressee).

The variety of publications and programs that make up the mass media system was the result of the emergence and transformation of different types of newspapers, weeklies, magazines, radio and television channels in the aggregate of their constituent programs. The basis for differentiation was the desire to diversify the problem-thematic focus, appeal to different layers of the audience, focus on highlighting the life of different regions, spheres of activity, areas of interest, and present the positions of different social forces to the audience. These differentiating factors operate constantly and determine the processes of modifying the media system, depending on the nature of the content of each of the factors.

Thus, in the process of differentiation, with the formation of the entire variety of publications and programs, a large aggregate of media is emerging. The audience will have to choose some of them in accordance with requests and interests, and regardless of whether these journalists are conscious or not, relations arise between the media both between all at once, and between those to which one or another layer of the audience is addressing.


The media system is the totality and joint functioning of all types of media. Whether it's a newspaper, radio or TV. Each of these elements affects each other.

Radio and television are superior to other media in their efficiency, the ability to inform people directly from the scene. A newspaper, and even more so a magazine or a book, is inferior to them in efficiency, but they are more detailed, have more opportunities for analysis, generalization, commenting. The information contained in them can be saved, if necessary, return to it, compare with the newly received one. Radio communications require significantly less stress and effort to understand and comprehend than printed messages. Also important is the speed with which radio messages are spread. A rich arsenal of means of forming an emotional attitude of listeners to the problems under discussion have on the radio spoken word, music, noises and other broadcasting techniques.

The flow of information from the source to the recipient, taking into account the specifics of each channel, can be represented as follows: “Presentation on the radio of a report about this event in its development - every hour new details, a more multifaceted and generalizing picture of this event with the display of visible and therefore especially convincing details - on the same evening on television and in an illustrated evening newspaper, and, finally, a complete picture of the same event with an assessment and a detailed commentary that completes the formation of a social attitude towards it - the next morning in the newspaper. And two weeks later - this time in a newsreel - a reminder of the event and consolidation of the previously formed social attitude. A month later, there was an article in the journal analyzing this event in all its interrelationships. "

Media typology

Typology is a classification of objects or phenomena according to the generality of any signs. When studying journalism, the task is to professionally competently navigate the trends in the development of the media system and be able to give a typological description of each specific publication or broadcast program. First, you need to learn some methodological provisions.

First, the typological features are neither formal nor private. Changing at least one of them entails a whole chain of transformations in the appearance and content of publications. So, if we say that a newspaper differs from a magazine in terms of volume, then we will have to see the relationship of this characteristic with a number of other features (frequency, size of publications, decoration, etc.). Secondly, the typology of the media depends on many external (social) and internal (journalistic) reasons and factors. For example, the creation in the 1970s of large production associations based on individual enterprises gave rise to multi-page weekly firms, which replaced thin factory newspapers.

Thirdly, the movement in the typology of the press is continuous. This applies not only to the distribution of media by groups, but also to the very set of criteria adopted for describing publications.

Finally, one more preliminary note. In various sources, you can find typological systems that do not coincide with each other, and often heated debates flare up among specialists about the order in which factors and signs of typology should be placed, which of them are more important - whether the content, or goals, or orientation to a certain audience, etc.

Typology parameters: Distribution region. It is customary to classify the press on a vertical basis, in accordance with the administrative-territorial structure of the state. Let us emphasize that it is not the place of publication that is taken as a basis, but the territory served. Otherwise, the classification will be incorrect. If the area of ​​regular operation of a media outlet expands to an international scale, then it acquires the status of transnational (or supranational).

The next level is the national media (for our country - all-Russian, federal). They become such if they simultaneously disperse across the entire territory of the country or in its predominant part. The specific content is always included in the concept of “regional media”. It can be both publications serving individual subjects of the federation (republics, regions, Moscow and St. Petersburg), and periodicals designed for a larger, historically developed part of the country, which is distinguished by natural, economic, national and cultural characteristics.

Under the local press in last years began to be understood mainly by publications published in districts and cities of regional (republican) subordination. There is also a similar broadcasting network. Satisfying the special interests of residents of small settlements, this type of media has a reliable consumer demand.

In Russia, the municipal press also became widespread - comparatively new newspapers in our city districts, volosts and small settlements (within the powers of the municipal government). At the same time, newspapers of enterprises, institutions and educational institutions continue to be published.

In a competitive environment, audience sympathies are noticeably redistributed in favor of the regional media, which is more typical for the press and to a lesser extent - for television. This is due to the more complete consideration by their editors of the population's requests, and with the relatively low price of "home" publications.

Founders. Against this background, party publications are perceived as a small group.

For their part, competing groups of businessmen also defend certain interests in the press and on television. Therefore, it is useful to supplement the description of the press "by founder" with a description of the influence groups associated with the editorial board through sponsorship, personal relationships, joint business and political activities. However, a peculiar typology of the largest groups of influence and real owners has already developed, who actually control the majority of Russian media: industrial and financial groups (Gazprom, LUKOIL, V. Potanin's Prof-Media, etc.), press monopolies (the so-called media empires of B. Berezovsky, Moskovsky Komsomolets, Independent Media, Provincial Publishing House, which covered the regional press in dozens of regions of the country, and others), the administration (especially through co-founding together with the editors of regional and local publications and ownership of most TV channels).

Audience. In the broadest sense, there is a division into mass media for all and about everything and specialized. In the literature of previous years, the name "socio-political press" was used. Now, in relation to our press, it is worth using the term "universal newspaper" or general publications intended for any audience, without segmentation, that is, dividing it according to any criterion. Under the pressure of the conditions of existence, the editorial offices themselves clarify their orientation, choosing definitions that are adequate and attractive to the public. So, at the end of the 90s, the most popular newspapers in terms of circulation (AiF, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Trud) designated the topics of publications as universal; only Kommersant-Daily, Novye Izvestia and Pravda ". Specialized periodicals are designed for a specific audience, which makes it stable in the market, although in most cases it does not promise a grandiose general demand. The role of landmarks in this case is played by socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age, education, income level, profession, religion, etc.). However, specialization also takes into account the more detailed segmentation of the market. Thus, a narrowly targeted press is published for groups of consumers united by personal interests (for amateur motorists - "5 wheel", for sports fans - "Soviet Sport", for fans and stage attendants - "Teatralnaya Gazeta", etc.) ...

Sociological research shows that a significant proportion of journalists do not know their intended audience well. A huge array of publications is addressed to some abstract reader. This entails an averaged style of materials, facelessness of publications and their similarity to each other. Only the leading national publications and broadcasting programs can afford the luxury of counting on the interest of all segments of the population. Publishing characteristics. This refers to the whole complex of information about the frequency of publication, circulation and prevalence, format, volume of a publication or program. These are by no means formal attributes. Distinguish between daily, weekly, ten-day, monthly, quarterly, and also not having a regular periodicity. Publications that are published less than once a year are not classified as periodicals. The format is indicated by standard parameters. In broadcast journalism, this word usually denotes an integral model of a program or channel (for example, music or information and music formats). For the press, the standard page sizes are set: A2, A3 and A4. These parameters owe their origin to the size of the printing paper to which the printing machines are tuned. With the advent of the possibility of printing a circulation on foreign technology, a new format came to the publishing business - a tabloid - it is slightly smaller than the usual A3. The tabloid format can be found in newspaper type weeklies, new thin magazines, as well as in newspapers genetically related to their Western prototypes. The volume of transmitted information is also measured in standard units. On radio and television, this is, of course, timing ("half an hour broadcast", "five minutes of news", etc.). In the press, to indicate the volume, the number of pages is given (and not pages, as people far from journalism say): a four-page, eight-page publication, etc.

Media system. Typologically diverse media in the aggregate form an integral system of journalism. Structurally, it is represented by three groups of media: - print press: newspapers, magazines, weeklies (newspaper and magazine types), digests, bulletins, time-based calendars; - audiovisual media - radio, television (on-air and cable), documentary films, video broadcasting; a special, intermediate subgroup is formed by teletext; - information services - telegraph agencies, advertising bureaus, press services, public relations agencies, professional journalistic clubs and associations.

11. Periodic press in the media system: functions, main types of publications. The dynamics of the development of periodicals in the information market.

Print is the most ancient subsystem of journalism, the rudimentary forms of which can be found among prajournalistic phenomena. They are characterized by a limited and inconsistent distribution of publications, targeting a narrow audience, and lack of printing equipment that allows for rapid replication of products. Typological characteristics: 1. Publisher. 2. Goals and objectives. One of the main typographic features of the publication. To determine it in the process of analysis, you should answer the following questions:

What are the tasks facing the publication in accordance with the tasks of the founder and publisher (from government and industry normative documents); - what is the program of the periodical? (from editorials in the first issues of the year and from other sources); - How does the publication actually fulfill its tasks and program? (topics of materials, their content, genres, sections, headings, authorship aimed at solving this program; examples of the implementation and non-implementation of the program); - What role do genres, structure, readership and authorship, and other characteristics play in the performance of tasks and programs? (no details, only in connection with the program, since the analysis of other typological features will be performed separately). 3. Reader audience. The readership should be determined from: a) materials of readers' conferences (if any by the editorial board); b) editorial reports or editorials; c) by letters from readers and their reviews; d) by the nature of the materials.

4. The composition of the authors. Determined from the materials of readers' conferences, editorial reports and signatures to publications. 5. Internal structure. It is necessary to write out all sections and headings from magazine issues, note their frequency, determine the physical and meaningful relationship between them. Some sections in the magazine are permanent, appear from issue to issue, others - 2-3 times a year, while others, having appeared once, disappear altogether, giving way to new ones. 6. Genres. In addition to the well-known genres of journalism (article, correspondence, reportage, essay, sketch, note, etc.), there are a number of specific genres inherent only in individual publications. Among them, for example, for special journals, it is necessary to distinguish (and apply in the analysis process) the following: Research Article, message, special article, note, informative special article, review, review, etc. 7. Registration. Determine the number of illustrations different types- color and black-and-white photographs, drawings, diagrams, diagrams, etc., as well as the area they occupy in the total volume of a magazine or newspaper issue (for example, in terms of the number of pages or as a percentage). 8. Frequency. Determine how the frequency of the publication corresponds to its tasks and type. Compare with other similar publications. In what time intervals does the publication actually appear? 9. Volume. The volume data is taken from the output in the accounting and publishing and physical sheets. These data should be compared with each other in order to determine the density of the printed sheet. Determine the number of pages in the issue for a given format of the magazine, newspaper. Compare the volume of the publication with others of a similar type, note the changes in this indicator over time, if any, and their reasons. For a sheet publication, the term “volume” may be replaced by the term “area”. 10. Circulation. Among the different concepts of circulation (annual, monthly, etc.), the concept of a one-time circulation of one issue (issue) is usually used for research. The circulation is determined as average from the output for all issues of the year (for a magazine) or month, week (for a newspaper).

In Russia, the first newspaper "Vedomosti" began to be published in 1703 by the decree of Peter I. It is curious that in the west the first newspapers were of a commercial nature, in our country "Vedomosti" was a propaganda newspaper published by the autocrat with the aim of promoting state reforms. Pluses of printing: - the ability to quickly familiarize yourself with the entire array of materials included in the issue; - the possibility of deferred reading - until a convenient time; - the ability to perceive information at an individual pace. Minus printing: - lack of efficiency; - lack of direct interactivity; - high cost. The classification of print media (newspapers and magazines) is possible in many ways. S. Korkonosenko proposes the following division of periodicals: - by region of distribution (transnational, national, regional, local press); - by founder (state and non-state press); - by audience characteristics (age, sex, professional, confessional characteristics); - by publishing characteristics (frequency, circulation, format, volume); - by legitimacy (in terms of having permission to publish); - by content (quality and mass).

L. Resnyanskaya notes that the most common and relevant is the division of printed publications into universal and specialized. Universal implements the "for all about everything" model. These are publications that implement all the basic functions of the media and cover all areas. public life... Specialized publications may have models: - "not for everyone about everything" (thematic profiling of the press - "Sport-Express", "AIDS-info", "Financial Russia"); - "not for everyone not about everything" (restricting the audience and topics - professional industry, women, men, children).

The formation of the structure of the system of journalism was carried out in different ways. Historically, at first, separate, broadly oriented publications appeared, and then, in the process of the development of the media, new newspapers, magazines, radio and television programs of various thematic, program, audience orientations began to appear. Thus, various media gradually emerge, discovering and "settling" those "information poverty" that have arisen in connection with the state and needs of various segments of the potential audience, the attention of which certain social forces would like to win.

In conditions when such a natural process was artificially suppressed (for example, during the domination of totalitarianism and mono-ideology), the elimination of the restraining forces led to the "explosive" emergence of a multitude of publications thrown onto the "market" at the same time.

If in the first case the founders and journalists have the opportunity to "look around" and more or less clearly define their informational "niche", then in the second, haste leads to the fact that in some areas unjustifiably large "condensations" are formed, and in others - a vacuum. But in the end, in both development scenarios, optimization processes take place, especially when journalists act actively and with an understanding of the laws governing the functioning of journalism as a media system. Some editions (programs) appear, others leave the stage, third ones unite, fourth ones change their profile, fifth ones fight for existence and influence, etc. Survive and become a serious social force (political throughout the country and the world or "hobbit" among gardeners or pets is another question) only those of them who found their informational "niche" and "settled down" well in it, declaring themselves as clearly defined type of publication (program).

The type (Greek typos "print, form, sample") of publications and programs is determined by a stable set of characteristic features that appear under the influence of type-forming factors.

When considering the problem, journalism as social institution already had to turn to the typological analysis of the media. It turned out to be necessary to apply two typological approaches.

In accordance with one, the historical types of journalism were identified - feudal-monarchical, religious-clerical, bourgeois, socialist, - the formation and functioning of which is associated with the ideological and socio-economic forces of different eras in the history of mankind. Moreover, all these historical types, for a number of reasons, live in different countries and societies and in our time. The trend is the formation of a uniform typological appearance (with many internal differences determined by the specific circumstances of different countries and societies) of journalism of a new civilization.

In accordance with the other, the social types of journalism are defined - the media of civil society (in the aggregate of three sectors), state media and state-public media. For modern society, all three are necessary so that, on the basis of the complementarity of these types, information support of democracy is achieved through the establishment of an optimal information order in society.

In the formation of specific publications and programs "within" each of the types of journalism, there are concretizing type-forming factors that determine the specifics of publications and programs. These include, first of all, a socio-political orientation, a set of problem-thematic lines, audience orientation, frequency, region of distribution, creative appearance, etc.

In the formation of the system of mass media of the main social types, several factors act as the driving forces.

The first factor, contributing to the formation of the optimal structure of the media system, lies in the fact that all possible social positions at this stage of development of society should be represented in journalism. All and any state and public organizations, parties, associations, associations, individual citizens have the right to declare and defend their point of view, assessments of the present and ideas about the paths to the future (of course, within the framework of the law). Only under this condition will the society be able to listen to “all parties” and, on the basis of the “discussions of the parties”, make the best possible decision. Therefore, the founders (or co-founders, or sub-founders) not only can, but should also be the most diverse forces. Pluralism provides both the possibility of presenting each of the existing positions to the society, and the choice of the most correct one by the community. Of course, a consensus may not be found, but the pursuit of it must be at the heart of the formation and operation of the media system. And the structure of the system and the actions of its elements should be such that every opinion (even if this is the opinion of a minority or just a small group) was conveyed to the addressee and discussed. Otherwise, the requirement of information order democratism is violated and there is a threat of loss of approaches and ideas that are essential for working out the right decision.

Second- the set of publications and programs should be such that the created picture of reality is as complete, voluminous, comprehensive and complete as possible. Therefore, in journalism there are many publications and programs, and within them - headings, pages, headings programs that are addressed to various spheres of reality. Their range is extremely wide ("Timber Industry" and "Culture", "Garden and Vegetable Garden" and "Fashion Magazine", "In the Animal World" and "Music News", "The Peasant Question" and "In the World of Business", etc. .). Moreover, these publications and programs can be designed both for huge regions (countries, continents, the whole world - "Business Week" or "Reader's Digest" are published in several languages), and for localized distribution in small regions (an ecological page for a small area or sports edition for the city). At the same time, different publications and programs often refer to the same thematic layer - competing and / or complementary to each other.

Third the factor includes the needs and characteristics of the audience in accordance with its social status, ideological and political orientations, needs and interests in the field of information, requests and preferences, the level and nature of education, other demographic characteristics (age, gender, profession, etc.) , among which national, religious, regional, etc. are very important for the information policy of publications and programs in certain situations. This variety of features and, accordingly, the needs of the audience gives rise to a huge number of strictly oriented publications and programs specifically addressed to a specific audience group. "Peasant" and "Rabotnitsa", "Veteran" and "Rabochaya Tribune" - already the names of these publications indicate their audience orientation, as well as the titles of headings in the general media - "Collector's Corner", "Advice to Housewives", "Christian Program", "Opposition".

Estimated scale is important region of distribution... V modern conditions there are more and more “worldwide”, globally distributed publications and programs, as well as mass media operating within continents (for example, pan-European TV or the newspaper “European”). Of course, national mass media, which make up the backbone of the "information space" of each country, retain their importance, sometimes growing. Tendencies leading to an increase in the importance of local media (for example, regional television and radio broadcasting, regional newspapers, regional radio) are becoming more and more active.

The nature of the media also depends heavily on periodicity... In accordance with the natural cycles of life, daily publications and TV and RV programs are formed or released several times a week (for example, every other day). A special place is occupied, possessing specific features, weekly or weekly programs of RV and TV (in particular, "Itogi"), as well as magazines and headings that appear once every two weeks, three times a month, etc. Finally, it should be noted the publications and programs published on a monthly basis (monthly magazines, television and radio reviews, etc.).

Correspondingly formed and creative person publications and programs. Typological features in this area are associated with genre preferences (for example, "Arguments and Facts" mainly resort to interviews, conversation, answers to questions, and digest publications and programs - to a review, abstract, retelling, i.e. to forms based on compression information), with preferences for the style of presentation (some publications and programs widely use forms of dialogue, discussion, polemics, representing and comparing different opinions and views; others emphasize a unidirectional monologue presentation of their positions), a certain type of authors, as well as layout features, registration, etc.

Due to the huge differences and constant changes in the objective position and social orientations, informational preferences and areas of interest of various segments of the audience, journalists are constantly faced with the difficult organizational and creative task of creating and re-creating such a set of publications and programs aimed at various audiences. group of headings, pages, programs, which in any this moment would turn out to be "necessary and sufficient" primarily from the point of view of meeting the needs (needs, interests, demands) of the audience, would be able to create a wide and varied picture of reality and show the attitude of different social forces towards it in an accessible way for each layer of the audience.

Optimal system structure can be called when such a set of publications and programs will be formed, from which each representative of the audience will be able to choose the necessary information that satisfies all his interests, aspirations, preferences in the mass information sphere and contributes to the achievement of maximum awareness. And it is important for a journalist to understand that only by relying on the satisfied interest and request of the audience, it is possible to realize their tasks of creating a picture of life and convincing them of the correctness of their approaches and assessments, judgments and suggestions.

Thus, all factors in the formation of the structure of the media system act as a single whole. These differentiating factors operate constantly and determine the processes of modifying the media system, depending on the nature of the content of each of the factors. The emergence or separation of a new layer of the audience (for example, entrepreneurs) has led to the formation of a whole group of "business" media outlets; the consolidation of a number of regions located in Siberia leads to the creation, for example, of the "Siberian newspaper"; the deployment of a new political association contributes to the foundation of a publication expressing its point of view. Thus, at the “crossroads” of different type-forming factors (area of ​​life - social position - characteristics of the audience - region of distribution - frequency - creative “handwriting”, etc.), a typological image of the media (newspaper, magazine, TV or RV programs) is formed.

Wherein national publications and programs by their typological appearance they are very peculiar. For them, the unifying principles are only the region of distribution and, in part, the thematic field. And the position, audience guidelines, creative image are very different, which leads to the formation of unique types of publications and programs. Such are, for example, "Kommersant-daily" or "Segodnya", "Izvestia" or "Pravda".

However, national publications form some subsystems in the structure of the I.

By the nature of the appeal to thematic layers, it is necessary to single out universal publications and channels of TV and RV, in the field of which (taking into account the technical specifics of the press, radio and television) are practically all spheres of society (sometimes these media are called general political, which is not very successful, since they are not only about political issues). Addressing a wide range of topics, these publications and programs (such as the Izvestia newspaper, the Ogonyok magazine, the Vesti program) can only deal with issues of the "second" and "third" plan, moreover, in a kind of concise development ... Therefore, there is a need for the mass media, where, in principle, the same thematic layers could receive a fuller and deeper coverage.

Along with the universal ones, there are publications and programs multidisciplinary, covering a number of problem-thematic lines, interconnected by a certain centering direction and the nature of information. For example, the weeklies Zarabogo and Novoye Vremya deal with foreign issues, but one of them builds its work based mainly on publications of the foreign press, and the other on the materials of domestic authors-analysts of international relations. And if these publications are designed for the most massive audience, then the magazine "International Affairs" focuses mainly on specialists. There are also magazines specializing in regions (Africa and Asia, USA and Canada, etc.). The Literaturnaya Gazeta and Kultura are also diversified in their own way, concentrating their information around widely understood problems of literary and cultural life, attracting authors mainly from the circles of the creative intelligentsia.

Such publications as "Literaturnaya Gazeta" and "Kultura" are, as it were, transitional from multidisciplinary to specialized ones, addressing one problem-thematic line. These are, in particular, "Sport Express", "Football", "Hockey" and other sports publications. At the same time, it is easy to notice that, covering a sports topic in full or choosing one or several sports "disciplines" (for example, the magazine "Sports Games"), these mass media conduct sports topics broadly, considering social, ethical, legal, aesthetic and many other aspects of sports life, while addressing specifically to the mass audience, and not to specialists in this field (although these media should be interesting for specialists as well).

"Next" to the nationwide and in addition to them, a system is being formed regional(republican, regional, district) mass media.

If many newspapers of wide distribution ("Medical newspaper", "Gudok", "Trud", "Komsomolskaya Pravda", etc.) are often unique in their typological characteristics and have no analogues, then regional newspapers as a type of publication are characterized by similar features, even if are published not only in different regions, but also in different CIS countries and are published in different languages.

The typological specificity of regional newspapers is determined by the fact that they perform their tasks in relation to the audience, socio-political institutions of the region and on the material of the life of this region. And even if several newspapers are published in the region, any of them appeals mainly to all strata of the region's residents (only young people usually have their own newspaper), albeit from different political and ideological positions.

Hence the peculiarities of the regional media: a set of headings "closes" the entire thematic space when referring to various audience groups (professional, age, national, educational, groups of consciousness and positions, etc.). Moreover, more often than in others, it is possible (and even necessary) for the founding participation of various social forces in regional publications and programs. Different co-and sub-founders can maintain their headings and even pages in one publication, organize and maintain a constructive dialogue with each other, discussions and sharp polemics. The full implementation of such properties of regional publications is especially important where there is only one newspaper published (and with financial and organizational difficulties, this situation will be encountered more and more often).

Another typological feature of the regional media is that in conditions when a regional newspaper is the only print source of information for very many residents of a particular region (only a part of the audience turns to publications distributed throughout the country), a significant part of its area is given to information " across the country and the world. " This information comes most often from agencies and various press bureaus that distribute press releases; It is becoming increasingly important to review and digest materials from the media of the country and other states, information from the Internet, as well as exclusive (specially ordered for the newspaper) and syndicated (distributed by subscription of a number of newspapers) media materials of the country. At the same time, it is very important to maintain the relevant topics "across the country and the world", when preference is given to what connects the region with other regions of the country and the world. After all, readers can get general information from other newspapers, on radio and television.

Typological characteristics of the regional radio and television are close to the characteristics of the features of regional newspapers (with the exception of the topic “by country and the world”). The need to highlight the interregional and international relations of the regions remains in force. At the same time, generally significant radio and television materials about the life of the country and the world, the audience crawls through other channels. (For the interaction of print, radio and television in the field, see the next section).

Typological features of the district press are similar to those of regional publications. District newspapers are the closest publications for residents of villages and the district center, since they write about things that are generally familiar to them, moreover, often about people who maintain contacts with each other, and sometimes are in kinship relations.

It is especially important that in addition to fifteen- or twenty-minute radio programs, which are aired two or three times a week, the regional newspaper has no "associates" and competitors subsidies). Therefore, the transition to a weekly publication of newspapers is promising with the daily work of the regional radio with operational information. Then the whole range of topics, the interests of all layers of the audience, the positions of all socio-political and other organizations operating in the region will be able to be represented.

So, in our country there are many publications and programs that differ in a variety of typological features. If we take into account the emerging joint publications and programs with foreign newspaper and magazine companies and television and radio organizations, cable TV studios, as well as the distribution of foreign publications and programs, we can already speak of an emerging trend towards a high saturation of information flows. However, the “information space” of Russia is still poorly equipped for a number of reasons (political, economic, organizational). And great efforts are required to improve the system of journalism so that the awareness of citizens (and this is the main concern of journalists) is provided reliably enough.

Improvement of the media system to a significant extent depends on understanding the real and necessary nature of media interaction.

Penza State University
Faculty of Law
Department of "Communication Management"

by discipline: "Journalistic Creativity"

"System characteristics of the media"

Date ………………………………… .signature …… …………………

Head: Professor, KIN Chetvertkov Nikolay Vasilievich

Date ………………………………… .signature …… ………………

The work is protected with an assessment ……………………………………

Penza, 2011.


Introduction ……………………………………………………………… ..…. 3
1) Components of the media system …………………………………… ... …… .5
2) Functions and structure of the media ……………………………………… ........ 12
3) Organization of mass media ……………………………………………… ......... ..16
Conclusion ………………………………………………………… .. …… .18
References ……………………………………………… ... …… ..20

The media, as a complexly organized object, must meet the requirements of a systematic approach:
* maintain a holistic character, despite the existence of various, differing from each other media, forming a single information space for all members of society, constant information interaction in the public system;
* have a set of components, each of which actively interacts with its environment and with each other on the basis of the laws inherent in the media;
* have the necessary set of functions and so implement them in order to meet the information needs of the individual, various groups of the population, society as a whole;
* the structure as a way of connecting the components should have such a set of various newspapers, magazines, TV and radio programs that can contribute to the performance of these functions;
* The media should be an organized system, acting in accordance with the development of the living conditions of society, to have the necessary organizational relations between the participants in mass information activities (relations of coordination, discipline, responsibility, etc.). For the implementation of organizational processes, appropriate administrative and management structures are required, including editorial offices, publishing houses, etc.
Due to this goal of this work - the definition of the features of the system characteristics of the media.
To achieve the goal in the work, the following tasks were set and solved:

    determine the integrity of system media;
    identify the components of the media system;
    determine the main and main functions and structure of the media;
    consider the organization of the system characteristics of the media.
Object of study- System characteristics of the Russian mass media. Subject of analysis- features of the systemic characteristics of the media in Russia.
The literature review will include: Zasursky Ya.N. Mass media of Russia; Ed. Ya.N. Zasursky.-M .: Aspect-press, 2002-303 p.

1) Components of the media system.
They form and develop under the influence of the environment. They are active factors affecting the functioning of the system.
Media technical base. Is their material basis. At the same time, the state of the printing industry, television and radio communications and other technical problems hinder the development of positive changes in the information sphere of Russia. Thus, over 40% of the capacities of large printing houses and about 70% of local printing enterprises are outdated letterpress printing. The equipment itself is worn out by 80%. Hence the low quality of printing work and the desire of many editorial offices to contact foreign printers. Until recently, 56% of domestic magazines and 19% of newspapers produced their products abroad. 1
The delivery system of publications to consumers is experiencing serious difficulties. Newspapers and magazines are often late, delivery services, alternative to Rospechat, are developing slowly. Modernization of the printing technical park can become an important stimulus for the development of the information sphere and, above all, for improving the quality of information products. We need large investments in this industry. They can be provided by the state, since many printing enterprises are state-owned, but this, most likely, will not happen soon. The way of privatizing these enterprises, financing their modernization with large capital is also possible.
The development of new information and communication technologies is an important global trend. The Internet is used as a mass media in many countries. The number of Internet connections in Russia is only 0.13% per 1000 inhabitants. It is 35th in the world. For comparison: in the USA - 21.82%, in the UK - 8.3%, in Germany - 5.85%. It should be noted that many Russian media outlets have their own electronic versions, many independent publications appear on the Internet, but they have not yet found a mass audience. 2
Economics of the media... In the 90s. serious changes have taken place in it. Ownership relations have changed. Along with state and public organizations, mass media are owned by private individuals, structures with different organizational and legal status: closed joint stock companies, open joint stock companies, limited liability companies, joint ventures, etc. mass media. The state monopoly is being replaced by a competitive media market. The process of their commercialization is developing. At the same time, a significant number of mass media exist not as a means of making a profit, but as a means of influence in the implementation of corporate interests of commercial and other structures. Under these conditions, many unprofitable media outlets, financed by organizations and individuals interested in them, do not stop publishing.
Low paying capacity of the population as a result economic crisis limited subscription to newspapers and magazines, their retail sale. As a result, in the 90s. one-time circulation of newspapers decreased by 1.5 times, and magazines - 5 times. One-time circulation of all-Russian newspapers decreased by 77 million copies, or 3 times. In 1998, the one-time circulation of all-Russian newspapers was 32 million copies, and of magazine publications in Moscow - 33 million copies. Thus, the information field of all-Russian newspapers and magazines has sharply decreased along with the reduction of their audience. At the same time, the amount of information has been significantly reduced. This is evidenced by a significant drop in annual circulation: in the 90s. for all-Russian newspapers it decreased 11 times, and for magazines - 8 times. 3
The difficult economic situation of editorial boards and readers has led to alarming changes in the structure of the information sphere, threatening its integrity. The evolution of information relations created by means of printing has taken the following path:
* going beyond the limits of the all-Russian information field of a significant part of the population;
* reduction of the amount of information in the structure of a separate publication;
* deterioration of the quality of all-Russian information, a decrease in the level of its reliability (engagement, corporatism, mythology of publications, etc.). 4
We are talking about the destruction of the existing system of information links and the impoverishment of its content, about the limitation of the completeness and deterioration of the quality of information, i.e. about the processes that negatively affect the functioning of political, legal, moral, aesthetic and other social relations on the scale of the whole society.
The processes of mass media concentration in the hands of a narrow circle of industrial and financial groups have a significant impact on the information sphere. The topics of publications, the choice of events and phenomena covered, and their assessment are often done to please the interests of these groups. In addition, large printing and television and radio equipment, as well as a wide range of publishing and television and radio organizations are now concentrated in the hands of the state, which clearly contradicts progressive world trends and limits the capabilities of the media as a democratic institution.
Leading mass media are grouped into the following groups:
* On the state budget funding are the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company with its 99 regional television and radio organizations, ITAR-TASS, RIA Vesti, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, and many local publications. The state owns 51% of ORT shares. Large group The media are financed by the Moscow government: TV Center, the city cable channel TV-Center-Stolitsa, newspapers Tverskaya 13, Vechernyaya Moskva, Delovaya Moskva Segodnya, Moskvichka, etc. 5
* Most Media includes NTV, the regional television network TNT, radio Echo Moskvy, newspapers Seven Days, Segodnya, Itogi magazine, etc.
* Prof-media controls Izvestia, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Zakon, Expert magazines, Europe Plus radio, Prime news agency, etc.
* In the sphere of influence of Berezovsky's group are ORT, TV-6, Kommersant, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Novye Izvestia, Ogonyok, etc.
* "Arguments and Facts" (weekly and a number of specialized publications).
* "Moskovsky Komsomolets" (newspaper, its regional supplements, "MK-Boulevard", etc.). 6
In the conditions of the economic crisis, the share of subscriptions, retail sales of editions in providing funding for the media is sharply decreasing, and the role of advertising of foreign and domestic producers is increasing many times over. This leads to significant changes in the typological structure of the media. Advertising and advertising and reference publications appear and actively develop, numerous blocks of advertising information fill the air. Many business newspapers and magazines are being created, and the number of media outlets for categories of the population with a higher level of income is growing. Advertising makes a significant contribution to the development of the "yellow", tabloid press.
Feature films, music and entertainment programs take over 60% of the airtime and, thanks to the inclusion of ad units, provide a solid financial income. And vice versa, the production of publications and programs that are unprofitable in terms of advertising is reduced - for children, pensioners, small ethnic, regional and other groups of the population, as well as educational, scientific, cultural and educational. 7
Audience factor... During the transition period, its influence on the information sphere of the media increased significantly. As a result, the number of nationwide television broadcasts (ORT, RTR, NTV, TV-6, Kultura, Ren-TV, ACT, STS, TNT), radio broadcasting (Radio Rossii, Mayak, Europe Plus, "Russian Radio" and many others). Six times in the 90s. the number of all-Russian newspapers increased. 1200 new titles were added to the periodicals. eight
The functional diversity of the media has expanded. The number of information, art, music, entertainment and other programs and related types of publications has increased. Media information has become more diverse in terms of topics. There are more and more publications on topics of interest to the audience, such as health, household, culture, religion, eroticism, etc. The number of publications and television and radio programs addressed to various groups of the population is growing:
- ethnic;
- regional;
- professional;
- confessional;
- age (children, youth, veterans);
- women and men;
- small groups (family, club), etc. 9
The steady trend of reducing the circulation of all-Russian newspapers makes it necessary to expand the functional "responsibilities" of local press agencies in covering all-Russian and international topics in order to ensure the integrity of the nationwide information space.
Although the influence of the audit factor on the functional, typological, thematic structure of the media is increasing, it is often realized not directly, but through the advertising component. The higher the rating of a publication or program in a particular audience group, the greater the volume and prices of advertising receipts.
In television and radio broadcasting, the relationship of purchase and sale with the audience is still limited. Terrestrial television and radio does not provide financial revenues from the audience, and pay cable and satellite television is still underdeveloped. The main financing of commercial television and radio is carried out through advertising placed in television and radio programs that are attractive to large audience groups, and budget funds are also allocated for state channels and radio stations. Financial dependence on these two sources and on sponsors gives rise to the leading economic incentives for the functioning of electronic media.

In the activities of periodicals, subscription and retail circulation are important, but often not decisive. For many of them, subscription and retail cover no more than 20-30% of editorial, publishing and other expenses. The rest of the funds for these purposes are provided by advertising, sponsorship, budget financing. ten

Until economic relations between the media and the audience become the leading ones in the mechanism of the information market, the media will sin with yellowness, scandalousness, loud sensationalism, various not very correct techniques that make it possible to attract an audience, thereby increasing the rating and circulation. The temptation is great because it comes about big money. In 1997 alone, the volume of the media advertising market amounted to $ 1.18–1.23 billion.

Thus, the slow growth of direct dependence of media content on the most important information needs of the audience significantly affects the quality of information. This is manifested, for example, in the lack of awareness of the audience about the activities of the most important social institutions. Thus, the data of a sociological survey indicate the dissatisfaction of the audience with informing the media on such topical issues as the activities of government and commercial structures. She considers her level of awareness of work to be low:
- executive authorities 44.8%;
- legislative power 46.1%;
- law enforcement and judiciary 46,2%;
- party and public organizations 50.7%;
- state enterprises and organizations 47.2%;
- financial structures 53.8%;
- commercial structures 56.5%. eleven

If we single out the most important of all the professional qualities of journalists, then this quality will turn out to be objectivity. For journalists, objectivity does not mean mathematical or scientific accuracy, but rather a coverage of facts that excludes emotions and separates facts from opinions. Journalistic objectivity is often associated with the "inverted pyramid" and structure of writing, where facts are arranged from top to bottom according to their importance and answers to the questions: "who", "what", "where", "why", "when" and "how".
For many, objectivity means accurately reporting facts and events in the form of an impartial description. For example, in the Canons of Journalism there is a clause “Impartiality”, which reads: “In current newspaper practice, it is customary to draw a sharp line between the relationship of news and the expression of opinions. Chronicle messages should not contain opinions or be biased in any way. This rule does not apply to so-called special articles, the very nature of which and the signature under them provide the author with the right to his own interpretation. " The first point is the same requirement in the Charter of TV and Radio Broadcasters: “Making clear distinctions between reports of facts, comments and assumptions in order to avoid their identification” (22, 2). Most experts who study the problem of objectivity agree that this rule must be strictly observed. Thus, it is obvious that in recent years the theory of objectivity has begun to allow for analytical coverage of events, which goes far beyond the impartial description. In other words, objectivity is allowed in journalism.

2) Functions and structure of the media.
During the transition period, many functions of the media are updated, and their structure is transformed to ensure the implementation of these functions.
The growing demand for event and other operational information updates the information functions of the media, expands the volume of reporting and news publications. Thus, television news programs are usually ranked second (after feature films). Their rating on ORT is 85.6%, on RTR - 71.3%, on NTV - 60.8%. However, the audience's needs for event-driven, operational information have not yet been fully satisfied. 12
The topic of television news programs tends to converge with the needs of the audience, but not in all its sections. The greatest interest is aroused by information on topics of domestic policy (32.4%), family (18.3%) and culture (8.9%). At the same time, the volume of news tends to decrease in the context of the crisis that has befallen our society.
The most popular among the respondents are the news broadcasts of the radio stations "Radio Russia", "Mayak", "Europe Plus", "Echo of Moscow".
Unfortunately, the basis for eventful and operational information in periodicals is not large. There are about 300 newspapers published 4-5 times a week with a one-time circulation of 14.2 million copies, while there are 5150 newspapers with a smaller frequency, the one-time circulation of which is 100 million copies. Among 245 all-Russian newspapers, only 17 are published daily (5 times a week). The ratio of one-time circulation of daily and other newspapers is 5.1 and 27.8 million copies.
The analytical functions of the media still have little effect on the structure of television and radio programs, and even in periodicals, the share of analytical publications is not so significant. So, on television, analytical programs are not very popular with viewers. Preference is given to programs based on historical and archival documents, as well as various talk shows.
During the transition period, the media have shown a significant increase in the popularity of fiction television and radio broadcasts and a decrease in the popularity of fiction publications. So, according to the rating, feature films take first places on ORT, RTR, NTV, TV-6. Among the surveyed TV viewers, 24.8% supported the appearance of a specialized channel of feature films.
With the development of the entertainment functions of the media, the number of relevant publications and programs has sharply increased, and their popularity among the audience has increased. They round out the three most preferred programs (film screenings, information and entertainment) and have a high rating - 81.9% among the surveyed viewers.
The basis of typology is the dismemberment of systems of objects and their grouping using a generalized model or type. A type is defined as a variety, form, model, which is characteristic of a particular group of objects as a unit of reality dismembered in typology.
In the press, such a unit is a periodical (newspaper, magazine), on television - a channel, a television program, on a radio - a radio station, a radio program. And for the media as a whole, it is a mass media.
The typology of journalism is used for the comparative study of the essential features of the media. These features can be: the nature of the audience of the media; its subject and thematic focus and other features related to the nature of the information; special purpose; release time (morning, evening newspaper, night TV program); frequency (daily newspaper, weekly, monthly magazine), etc.
By the nature of the audience, the following types of publications, television and radio programs are distinguished:
* all-Russian, the audience of which may include the main groups of the population living throughout the territory of Russia;
* interregional, covering the population of several regions (STS, Ren-TV, etc.);
* international, uniting groups of the population of different countries (magazines "Domashny Ochag", "Cosmopolitan", etc.);
* ethnic communities (nations, nationalities);
* territorial communities (regional, regional, city, district and other media);
* for professional, production groups (in industry, agriculture, trade, management, army, etc.);
* for social groups (organizational, mental, industrial work, for the emerging "new Russians", etc.);
* for age groups (children, adolescents, youth, middle-aged people, the elderly);
* for women and men;
* for parents ("Parents", "Nanny", "Our baby", etc.);
* for small groups (family, community, club, etc.);
* for various groups of believers (Orthodox, Catholics, Muslims, etc.);
* for groups of the population distinguished on other grounds. 13
The nature of the information is an important basis for the formation of various typological media groups. Publications addressed to a specific audience (all-Russian, regional, women's, etc.) can be universal in terms of subject matter, i.e. reflect topics of interest to the audience. However, they are often monothematic, or they can reflect several topics that are important for a given audience. For example, a magazine for women is often universal in terms of topics ("Peasant", "Worker"), but it can also be a fashion magazine ("Offiziel"), and is devoted to medical topics ("Women's health"), etc.
The media are differentiated by their intended purpose, taking into account the nature of their participation in the implementation of the functions of politics, economics, in support of certain ideological, political, religious and other trends. The owners and founders of the media are many government, commercial structures, political parties, trade unions, churches and other organizations. So, the RTR program "Parliamentary Hour" is published, party, trade union and other newspapers are published, newspapers and magazines of the Russian Orthodox Church etc. The state is the largest owner of the media in Russia, although in many countries the legislative and executive branches do not have their own media outlets. The state media includes not only all-Russian publications, television channels and radio organizations. The media are owned by many local authorities. fourteen
The media can be part of media groups loyal to government policy or opposition to it, profess the views of the right, left, centrists, adhere to various ideological concepts - liberal, communist, national-patriotic, social-democratic, etc. According to all these criteria, they can be distributed into groups: opposition press, right-wing press, liberal media, etc.

3) Media organization.
The media can be an organized or disorganized system. The orderliness of their structure, the optimal functioning of the system depend on the processes of organization and disorganization in this system object. Along with the editorial structures, the structures of the economic organization, there are state functional bodies, various public institutions participating in this organizational process. Its transformation is associated with the general tendencies of the transition to a democratic society, with a reduction in the sphere of relations of subordination, subordination to power structures and with the expansion of relations of coordination, cooperation between the media and various subjects of organizational and managerial activity.
The organizational functions in the media system are carried out by the Ministry of Press, TV and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Media.
The main tasks of the ministry are:
- development and implementation of state policy in the field of mass media;
- registration of mass media and advertising agencies;
- licensing of television broadcasting and radio broadcasting;
- control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the rules for registration and obtaining licenses, the imposition of penalties provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the issuance of warnings; suspension and cancellation of registration and licenses in accordance with the established procedure;
- development and implementation of measures in the field of development, reconstruction, operation, standardization and certification of the technical base, technical and other norms and standards;
- preparation of drafts of legislative and other normative acts in the field of mass media, etc. 15
In the system of legislative power - the State Duma - the Committee for Information Policy and Communications formed by it operates. The Duma discusses and adopts laws on the media, and the Federation Council approves them and sends them to the president for signature. These legislative acts also regulate the relationship between the authorities and the media. Influence organizational relations in the media system Presidential decrees and government decrees.
The state information policy during the transition period is characterized by positive and negative trends. The mechanisms of legal regulation of the media are being developed. They create conditions for the emergence of many publications and other media focused on the needs of various audience groups for their free functioning based on the legislative process. Attempts of arbitrariness on the part of the authorities are limited. There are growing tendencies towards the legal action on the territory of Russia of the norms of international law concerning the activities of the media and the protection of information rights of citizens, etc.

I.A. Nesterova Mass media, types, functions, role and influence // Encyclopedia of the Nesterovs

The media is the most important tool social development v modern world... However, in dishonest hands, the media turns into a sophisticated propaganda weapon. For many years, the European media have been instilling in EU residents that refugees are good. The consequences were an increase in crime and a loss of moral principles.

Types of media

Approach to mass media(abbreviated media) as a kind of expression of opinions and tools for obtaining and disseminating socially significant information is reflected in the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Mass Media".

Types of media defined in the law:

A mass media means a periodical printed publication, a network publication, a television channel, a radio channel, a television program, a radio program, a video program, a newsreel program, or another form of periodic distribution of mass information under a permanent name (title).
Law of the Russian Federation of 27.12.1991 N 2124-1 (as amended on 03.07.2016) "On the mass media"

Law N 2124-1 is basic in the field of legal regulation of relations arising from the organization of the activities of the media, their relations with citizens and organizations, the procedure for disseminating mass information.

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