Capitals of South Africa in brief. South Africa. Vacation with children

Cape Town is the legislative capital of South Africa, seat of the South African Parliament. In addition to Cape Town, South Africa has two more official capitals: administrative - Pretoria and judicial - Bloemfontein. From its founding in 1652 to the present day, Cape Town has gone from a small wooden fort to a huge modern metropolis with a population of about four million people. The history and sights of the city were influenced by its favorable geographical location, because coordinates of Cape Town(latitude 33 ° 55'33 "S and longitude 18 ° 25'23" E) are located on the border of two oceans - the Atlantic and Indian.

The modern South African Republic is the most multinational and most economically developed country in Africa. South Africa is the only African country in the G20.

Table Mountain - Cape Town began here

Back in 1503, the Portuguese navigator Antonio de Saldanha, who sailed to India, could not figure out with the help of observations and maps whether he rounded the Cape of Good Hope, or is still in the Atlantic Ocean. To define himself, he climbed a flat mountain about a kilometer high that dominated the coastal landscape. In the course of his ascent, he not only saw that the desired cape was in the south, but also discovered several sources of water.

The place was really unique. Table Mountain - this is the name Saldanya gave her - closed a convenient bay from the wind, provided an excellent view and could supply settlers and expeditions with water and provisions.

In addition, the bay, which was also called the Canteen, was located about halfway between Europe and India, from where spices were transported to the Old World. The place for restocking food, water and resting sailors was just perfect.

For a long time, none of the European powers had the resources to establish in a place where is Cape Town, a full-fledged settlement. Only in 1652, the Dutch, or rather their East India Company, built a fort at the foot of Table Mountain, which gave rise to Cape Town, at first called Kapstadt.

Nowadays, not only several fairly convenient hiking trails have been laid on Table Mountain, but also a cable car. The mountain, which is actually a plateau about three kilometers long, attracts tourists with stunning views of Cape Town and the surrounding ocean. In addition, many beautiful representatives of flora grow on its slopes, some of which are found only in these places.

Castle of Good Hope

The enterprising Dutch have rebuilt the unsightly wooden fort into a full-fledged defensive structure 15 years later. They named it the Castle of Good Hope, but it was far from a full-fledged castle.

Gradually, the castle lost its defensive significance and fell into decay over time. It was only in the 20th century that it received the status of a monument of antiquity. In 1992, a large-scale reconstruction was carried out. After her, the Castle of Good Hope acquired its original appearance. Now it houses an impressive collection of antique weapons, furniture, tableware and an art gallery.

There are even ghosts of their own. Legends about them date back to the times when the castle cellars served as a prison for the most dangerous Boers who fought with the British.

Robben Island

A piece of land with an area of ​​just over 5 sq. km., located 12 kilometers from Cape Town, was first known as a thunderstorm of shipping. Powerful waves threw ships aground like shells. And if in other places the sailors could hope to get off the shallows during high tide, then in the vicinity of Robben the ships were doomed - they were crashed in a matter of hours.

The deserted island was ideal for creating a prison, and people at all times did not pass by such places. The Dutch were not even stopped by the lack of water - already in the 18th century they began to bring oppositionists from other colonies to Robben. Capturing Cape Town in the 19th century, the British were also happy to send Boers to the island. After the formation of South Africa, an extremely strict regime prison was built on the island, for which a water pipeline was drawn from Cape Town by sea. The legendary Nelson Mandela spent almost 20 years in prison on Robben Island.Now the island has been turned into a nature reserve, to which there is a ferry from Cape Town.

Museum "Gold of Africa"

One of the most important milestones in the development of Cape Town was the gold rush of the second half of the 19th century. Gold was mined quite far inland, but due to the fact that the city was the largest port and administrative capital, the golden river flowed almost exclusively through it. Tools, equipment and food were sent back to the mountains, further increasing the revenues of South Africa's largest city. According to some estimates, a third of the gold currently available in the world has been extracted from the South African subsoil.

The Gold of Africa Museum is a kind of monument to the era in which people from all over the world came to Cape Town to get rich instantly. The museum is housed in a renovated building dating from the late 18th century. In addition to exhibits relating to the period of the gold rush, it presents gold items created in the African kingdoms since the 2nd millennium BC. In the shop located in the museum building, you can buy gilded copies of exhibits and original knick-knacks.

Cango caves

Geographically, the Cango Caves are located quite far from Cape Town, but visiting them is part of the mandatory program of exploring the South African capital. This geological formation was discovered at the end of the 18th century. With the development of South Africa, the caves became a popular attraction and already in 1820 were taken under the protection of the British colonial administration - visitors were actively dismantling the stalagmites and stalactites of the Cango caves for souvenirs.

Organized tourists now have access to two routes. Downtime lasts about an hour. During this time, the tour passes through six spacious halls. Its highlight is the organ hall - a huge cave, the back wall of which really looks very much like an organ. Those who want to tickle their nerves can go along the adventure route. They will have to make their way through narrow manholes and, including, along a corridor with the promising name "Devil's Chimney".

Bo Kaap or Malay Quarter

Although racial segregation was not formally legalized until the 20th century, Cape Town city in South Africa could be considered an illustration of this concept at least a century earlier. The city is quite clearly divided into white, colored and black areas. In the Malay quarter, or Bo-Kaap, descendants of mixed marriages have long settled. A very colorful area was gradually formed. Asian artisans and their descendants built houses of the same type, which differ only in the color of the outer walls. Mosques rise above the residential quarters, the oldest of which was built in the middle of the 19th century.

The abolition of segregation has become a serious test for the Malay Quarter. Its proximity to the center of Cape Town (the area is located between the center and Table Mountain) made the property attractive for investment. Modern buildings began to appear in the area. Most likely, in a few decades, the architecture and life of Bo-Kaap will be available only in the museum located here.

Cape Town modern

Modern Cape Town is by no means a historical monument. The mild climate, warm ocean, cozy bays and excellent tourism infrastructure attract millions of tourists to the southern tip of Africa. Diving, boat trips, mountain hikes and wine farm trips are very popular in Cape Town and the surrounding area. Immigrants from Holland and France managed to develop local grape varieties, wines from which are not inferior to the best examples of world winemaking.

The center of Cape Town's evening life is the so-called. Waterfront. This is the abbreviated name for the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront. It is home to luxury shops, restaurants, theaters, nightclubs and Cape Town's gem of entertainment, the Two Oceans Aquarium. It consists of three dozen pools in which representatives of the water world of both the Atlantic and Indian oceans live. The highlights of the aquarium are a huge 11-meter cylinder glowing from the inside and an artificial section of the beach where seals and penguins live.

South Africa is a mountainous country that occupies a large area of ​​the southern part of the African continent. The Veld Plateau, located northeast of the Kalahari, cuts sharply into the eastern and southern borders of the country, creating a tectonic fault.

The state is divided into nine provinces, each with its own legislative and executive bodies. South Africa is the most developed country in this region. Permanent mining and transportation industries are the backbone of the local economy.

South Africa is the world's leading producer of gold and platinum. About 230 tons of gold are mined here annually. The world's largest platinum mines are located near the city of Rustenburg.

Only 14% of South African residents are descendants of Europeans. This European group consists mainly of Afrikaners, descendants of Dutch settlers who began to settle in South Africa in the 17th century. 75% of the inhabitants of South Africa are representatives of the Bantu tribes, including the Zulu, Sotho, Khosa and Tswana, as well as Bushmen and Hottentots.

Which city is the capital of South Africa? An interesting fact is that the country has three capitals. This is due to the fact that it was originally a confederation. And when the authorities were formed, the authorities were evenly dispersed over the capitals of the states that entered South Africa (the Orange Free State is the capital of Bloemfontein, the Republic of South Africa is the capital of Pretoria, the British possessions with the capital of Cape Town).

Some data suggests that the official capital of South Africa, so to speak, is the main one, is Pretoria, since the government is located there. But in fact, all three capitals are equivalent. The capital of South Africa Cape Town is the seat of the country's parliament, Bloemfontein is the Supreme Court.

The largest and most important city in the state is also Johannesburg. It is the economic heart of the other important cities are Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu-Natal and the port of Bisho in the Eastern Cape.

The capital of South Africa Cape Town is one of the largest economic centers in the country, an important commercial port and a major transport hub (with airports, seaport and railway station). The opening and development of the city took place thanks to the important sea route from Europe to Asia. Sailors traveling around Africa stopped to replenish supplies and repair ships in a conveniently located picturesque town on the shore of Stolovaya Bay. sunlight, temperate climate and favorable for the cultivation of grape crops. Cape Town, in particular its suburb Constance, produces world-famous wine of excellent quality.

Bloemfontein is the economic and cultural capital of South Africa. Here are the headquarters of large companies that produce furniture, food, etc. Despite this, the city is very calm and restless. Bloemfontein has the popular name "City of Roses", as each of its streets enchants with the fragrance of beautiful flowers throughout the year.

The capital of South Africa, Pretoria, is the center of the country's cultural life. There are a huge number of attractions here: historical monuments, museums, galleries, national reserves with untouched wildlife and real diamond mines.

Authors: A. V. Starikova (General information, Population, Economy), V. A. Popov (Population: ethnic composition), I. R. Yutyaeva, A. A. Tokarev, A. A. Arkhangelskaya (Historical sketch), V. D. Nesterkin (Armed Forces), V. S. Nechaev (Public Health), V. I. Linder (Sports), A. P. Gorokhova (Literature), V. A. Pogadaev (Ballet, Cinema)Authors: A. V. Starikova (General information, Population, Economy), V. A. Popov (Population: ethnic composition), I. R. Yutyaeva, A. A. Tokarev, A. A. Arkhangelskaya (Historical sketch); >>

SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLIC(Afrikaans Republiek van Suid-Afrika, English Republic of South Africa), South Africa.

General information

South Africa is a state in the South. Africa. Borders in the northwest with Namibia, in the north with Botswana and Zimbabwe, in the northeast with Mozambique and Swaziland; the territory of South Africa is completely surrounded by the Kingdom of Lesotho. The total length of the land border is 5244 km. In the west it is washed by the waters of the Atlantic, in the south and east - by the Indian Oceans (the total length of the coastline is 2798 km). Pl. St. 1220.8 thousand km 2 (official data). US. OK. 55 million people (2016, UN estimate; 6th place among African countries; over 51.7 million people in 2011, census). Capital - Pretoria (Prov. Gauteng); seat of parliament - Cape Town, Supreme Court - Bloemfontein. Officer. languages ​​- Pedi, Suto, Tswana, Swazi, Venda, Tsonga, Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Kosa, Zulu. Monetary unit - South - Afr. rand. Adm.-Terr. division: 9 provinces (tab.).

Administrative divisions (2016)

ProvincesArea, thousand km 2Population, thousand peopleAdministrative center
Eastern Cape (Eastern Cape)168,9 6997,0 Bisho
Gauteng18,2 13399,7 Johannesburg
Western Cape (Western Cape)129,5 6279,7 Cape Town
KwaZulu-Natal94,4 11065,2 Pietermaritzburg
Limpopo125,7 5799,1 Polokwane (formerly St. Petersburg)
Mpumalanga76,5 4336,0 Mbombela (formerly Nelspruit)
Northern Cape (Northern Cape)372,9 1193,8 Kimberly
Northwest104,9 3748,4 Mafikeng
Free State (Free State129,8 2834,7 Bloemfontein

South Africa is a member of the UN (1945), IMF (1945), IBRD (1945), AU (1994, until 2002 Organization of African Unity), Southern African Development Community (1994), WTO (1995), BRICS (2011).

Political system

South Africa is a unitary state. The Constitution was adopted by the Constitutional Assembly on 8.5.1996. The form of government is a mixed republic.

The head of state and government is the president, who is elected by the lower house of parliament from among its members for 5 years (with the right to be re-elected). The President is the Commander-in-Chief of Arms. by the forces of the country.

Supreme Legislator body - a bicameral parliament. Consists of Nat. assembly (not less than 350 and not more than 400 seats, deputies are elected directly by the population in multi-member electoral districts according to a proportional voting system) and Nat. Provincial Council (90 seats; 10 members appointed by each of the 9 provinces). Nat. the council has special powers to protect regional interests, including the protection of the cultural and linguistic traditions of ethnic representatives. minorities. The term of office of the parliament is 5 years.

Execute. power, according to the Constitution, is exercised by the President of South Africa. The president distributes responsibilities among ministers. Members of the Cabinet of Ministers are collectively and individually accountable to parliament for the exercise of their powers and the performance of their functions.

Leading polit. parties:, Democratic. alliance.


Shores in the main. aligned, preim. mountainous, with a few. comfortable bays and coves. The low-lying accumulative coast stretches only in the north-west and east (north of the city of Durban). In the south - the bays of Falsby, St. Francis, Algoa, etc.


By the nature of the relief, the surface resembles a giant amphitheater. More than 1/2 of the territory is located at the height. more than 1000 m, less than 1/4 - below 500 m. part in the relief stands out the Big Ledge, which is the marginal parts of the plateau and plateaus of the South. Africa, breaking off to a narrow strip of coastal lowland; in the east it forms Dragon mountains(height up to 3377 m, Champaign Castle - the highest point in South Africa). To the west of the scarp stretches a series of Weld plateau (High Weld, Middle Weld, Bushveld and Low Weld) with peaked ridges (Soutpansberch, Waterberg height 2084 m, Witwatersrand), as well as remnant flat-topped massifs. To the west of the Weld plateau is the Kap plateau, on which the meridionally extending Langeberg remnants, the Asbestos mountains (up to 1854 m), and others rise. parts of South Africa are the marginal plateaus of the Upper Karu, Bolshoye Karu and Maloye Karu; in the extreme south, the Cape Mountains rise. In the west is the Maliy Namaqualand plateau (average altitude 1200 m). In the northwest, north of the valley of the river. Orange, stretches the Kalahari Plains, crisscrossed by dry riverbeds.

Geological structure and minerals

The B. part of the territory of South Africa is occupied by the Early Precambrian Kaapvaal Craton of the African Platform. The craton foundation protrudes to the surface in the marginal west. and north-east. uplifts (mainly composed of Archean migmatite gneisses, as well as greenschist volcanic-sedimentary strata); in the rest of the territory, it is overlain by Precambrian and Upper Paleozoic - Lower Mesozoic (Kary complex) cover sediments. In the Early Proterozoic, during the Eburnian tectogenesis (about 2 billion years ago), the Limpopo granulite belt arose, extending into the South Africa south. edge. The Upper Archean-Lower Proterozoic sediments of the cover fill a large sub-latitudinal trough (1650: 350 km) and are broken by the Bushveld pluton (formation occurred during the period of the Proterozoic activation of the platform). In the north of the craton, the rocks of the basement and the Bushveld complex contain carbonatites(2-1.5 billion years). Complex Karu, lying in the deep of the same name. syneclise, includes glacial deposits of the upper Carboniferous, coal-bearing strata of the Lower Permian, red-colored deposits of the Upper Permian - Triassic, Middle Jurassic plateau-basalts... In the southwest, the sediments of the cover are broken through by numerous. Mesozoic kimberlite pipes (many are diamondiferous).

In the east, along the border with Mozambique, the Kaapvaal Craton is bounded by the "volcanogenic monocline" Lebombo - the edge of the Upper Paleozoic-Cenozoic pericontinental trough. In the southwest and west, it is framed by fold belts of different ages. In the structure of the Namaqualand belt, Ch. The Archean gneiss complex is important, among which there are zones composed of quartzite-amphibolite-gneiss strata of the Lower Proterozoic, which underwent thermotectogenesis in the Late Proterozoic. The folded belt Kronberg was formed by the Lower Proterozoic rocks, was not subjected to additional. thermotectogenesis. The Early Precambrian Kalahari Craton located between them is overlapped on B. including a cover of sediments of the Late Proterozoic and Upper Paleozoic. Fold belt Gariep, cutting along the Atlantic. The coast of the Namakvalandsky belt is composed of volcanic-sedimentary and terrigenous-carbonate strata of the Upper Proterozoic.

Along the south. At the end of Africa, the Early Mesozoic Cape fold system adjoins the Kaapvaal craton, in the structure of which sedimentary strata of the Upper Proterozoic (protruding in narrow horsts, cut through by Precambrian granites), Paleozoic and Triassic take part. Shallow-sea occurs in small grabens. and continental sediments of the Jurassic and Cretaceous.

The bowels of South Africa are extremely rich in various. minerals. The country has the world's largest reserves of platinum group metals, including platinum (over 80% of the world's reserves), chromites (3/4 of the world's reserves), manganese ores (over 1/2 of the world's reserves), and gold. There are also great reserves of coal, titanium oxides, uranium, iron ores, antimony, lead, zinc, nickel, fluorite, diamonds, apatite, and asbestos. Several are known. dozens of large deposits of platinoids associated with Bushveld complex(platinum prevails in ores); all reserves of chromite, vanadium, nickel, large reserves of copper, gold, tin, fluorite are also confined to the complex. Deposits of technogenic platinoids in dumps and tailings are of great importance. chromite mines of the Bushveldsky ore region. The largest deposits of metamorphogenic ferromanganese ores are located in the Kuruman and Postmasburg basins in the province. North. Cape (main manganese deposits - Kalahari, Mamatvan, Wessels, etc.; iron ore - Sayshen, Kumani, Kolomela). Main the source of gold and uranium oxide remain metamorphisms. Precambrian conglomerates of the ore region Witwatersrand containing also silver and osmous iridium.

The largest coal basin is Vitbank (main deposits are Middelburg, Volverkrans, etc.), important industrial. deposits are also located in the prov. Limpopo and Mpumalanga. Titanium oxide reserves are concentrated b. hours in the coastal-marine ilmenite-rutile-zircon placers on the coast of the Indian approx. (in the area of ​​Richards Bay, etc.). Main prom. antimony deposits - Kons-Myurkh near Hravelotte; lead and zinc - Black Mountain near Ahhenes (with copper); fluorite - Fergenug near Rust de Winter (Limpopo province), Vitkop near Sirius (North-West province). In the prov. Limpopo is home to the world's only carbonatite copper ore deposit, Phalaborwa (Palabora), whose complex ores also contain magnetite, apatite, vermiculite, gold, silver, platinoids, zirconium, uranium and thorium minerals. The major kimberlite deposits Venishia, Finch and the giant Cullinan pipe form the basis of the South African diamond resource base; there are also eluvial-deluvial and coastal-sea. placers (on the Atlantic coast).

The reserves of oil and natural combustible gas are small; prom. oil and gas content is established on the Atlantic shelf approx. (South Cape Basin). Deposits of complex ores of tantalum, niobium, lithium, cesium are associated with rare-metal granite pegmatites; with carbonatites - deposits of tantalum-niobium ores. There are also known deposits of tungsten and cobalt ores; phosphorites, pyrite, magnesite, andalusite group minerals (kyanite, andalusite, sillimanite), corundum, wollastonite, muscovite, talc, graphite, feldspars, rock salt, cement raw materials, decomp. natural builds. materials.


On the territory of South Africa, the climate is predominantly. tropical, south of 30 ° S NS. subtropical. Wed January temperature (summer of the Southern hemisphere) 18–27 ° C, July 7–10 ° C. Great influence on the indoor climate. areas have a Large Ledge, limiting the penetration of wet winds from the Indian approx. The coastal lowlands and the windward slopes of the Great Ledge receive 1000–2000 mm of precipitation per year; in int. regions and in the southwest, their number decreases to 150 mm. In the subtropics, cf. winter months less than 13 ° C, summer months approx. 21 ° C; precipitation up to 700 mm per year. On the Atlantic coast approx. desert climate; Wed monthly temperatures in winter 11–15 ° C, in summer 18–24 ° C, precipitation no more than 100 mm per year.

Inland waters

Most of the permanent rivers belong to the basin of the Indian ok., The largest of them are Limpopo with the tributaries Ulyfants, Tugela, Khrut-Fis; rivers are full-flowing, mainly. rainfall, with a summer (in the southwest - winter) maximum runoff. Atlantic basin approx. owns the largest river in the country. Orange (with tributaries Vaal and Caledon). Part of the Kalahari plains belongs to the inner region. runoff (episodic rivers Kuruman, Molopo). Annually renewable water resources amount to 51.3 km 3, water supply 284.0 m 3 per person in year. Annual water intake 15.5 km 3 , of which 62.5% is used in the village. x-ve, 27.0% - in municipal water supply, 10.5% - in industry (2013).

Soils, flora and fauna

East. coast to 30 ° S NS. typical savanna with acacias and aloe is widespread on red and red-brown soils, gallery forests stretch along the rivers. Subtropical grows south of 30 ° on the coast. forests and stiff-leaved evergreen shrubs, on the mountain slopes there are areas of monsoon forests with evergreen trees, among which valuable species are iron and aromatic wood, Cape boxwood, Cape redwood, etc. Areas of reserved forests from podocarpus are protected from cutting down. In a number of areas, it means. forest planting works. Plantations of pine and cedar, Australian acacia and eucalyptus have been created. Savannah with baobabs on red-brown soils, shrub savannah on black soils, steppes on mountain gray-brown soils are widespread on the marginal plateau Weld. On the Kalahari plains - a deserted savanna, south of the valley of the river. Orange - shrub semi-deserts and Karoo deserts.

The fauna has been affected since the beginning of Europe. colonization to strong change. Mn. species of large animals are almost exterminated and have survived only in reserves; some species are pushed to the north (elephant, rhino, zebra, giraffe, lion, ostrich). Golden moles, stripes, aardvarks, jumper antelope, and brown hyena are characteristic and partially endemic. The fauna of birds is quite rich. There are many termites among insects; tsetse fly and malaria mosquitoes are common.

Condition and protection of the environment

Main eco-friendly problems - soil erosion and land degradation in conditions of rugged relief and unsustainable use of natural resources, as well as desertification, prolonged droughts, shortage of water resources due to increased consumption of fresh water. There is air pollution in large cities, as well as pollution of agricultural, household and industrial rivers. discharges.

Nat. network of protected natural areas includes nat. Kruger parks, Kalahari-Hemsbok, numerous. reserves and faunistic reserves. To the list World heritage included Isimangaliso wetland area, Ukhahlamba-Drakensberg park, Mapungubwe cultural landscape, Cape Floristic protected areas. area, cultural and botanist. landscape of the Richtersfeld nature reserve.


Officer. South African statistics take into account ethno-racial ("black", "white" and "colored", ie, the population of mixed African-European-Asian origin) and linguistic groups. The black population makes up 79.2% of us. South Africa (2011, census), most numerous in the east (provinces: Limpopo - 96.7%, Mpumalanga - 90.7%, NW prov. - 89.8%, Free State - 87.6%, KwaZulu-Natal - 86.8%). Most of them speak Bantu languages: Zulu - 22.7% (KwaZulu-Natal - 77.8%), Spit - 16% (Eastern Cape - 78.8%), Pedi - 9.1% (Limpopo - 52 , 9%), Tswana - 8% (North-West Prov. - 63.4%, North Cape - 33.1%), midnight - 7.6% (Free State - 64.2%), Tsonga - 4.5%, Swazi - 2.5% (Mpumalanga - 27.7%), Venda - 2.4%, Ndebele - 2.1%; on the Khoisan languages say san and nama. “Whites” account for 8.9% (Eastern Cape - 15.7%, Gauteng - 15.6%), including Afrikaners - 5.3%, Anglo-South Africans (see Art. South Africans) - 3.1%; the rest are Germans, Portuguese, Jews, Italians, French, Greeks, etc. "Colored" (mulattoes, Cape mestizos, Cape Malays, Zanzibarians and various groups of Caucasian-Khoisan origin: griqua, Rehobotskie basters, eagles, etc.) make up 8 , 9%, live ch. arr. in the west (Western Cape - 48.8%, Northern Cape - 40.3%), of which 75.8% speak Afrikaans, 20.8% - English. Immigrants from Asia and their descendants account for 2.5% (KwaZulu-Natal - 7.4%), they say mostly. in English, some in Indo-Aryan and Dravidian languages, as well as in Chinese and Malay. Lebanese, Koreans and Japanese live in the cities.

From ser. 20th century the population increased fourfold (about 13.7 million people in 1950; over 22.5 million people in 1970; about 33.0 million people in 1990). Natural the growth of us. (12 per 1000 inhabitants) decreases; birth rate 22 per 1000 inhabitants, mortality 10 per 1000 inhabitants. (2016, estimate). Demographic indicators are affected by the widespread spread of HIV and AIDS (in 2015, about 7 million people were infected or sick - 1st place in the world). Fertility rate 2.4 children per woman (2016, estimate; average for African countries - 4.7); infant mortality 34 per 1000 live births. Wed the age of the population is one of the highest in Afro. countries (26.8 years; men - 26.5, women - 27.1). In the age structure of the population, the share of people of working age is 66.1%, children (up to 15 years old) - 28.3%, people over 65 years old - 5.6%. Wed life expectancy 63.1 years (men - 61.6, women - 64.6). There are 98 men per 100 women. The balance of migration is 3 per 1000 inhabitants. (2016, estimate). At the end. 20 - early. 21 centuries illegal migration from Zimbabwe, Angola, Mozambique and other Afr. countries causes an increase in social tension in society; against the background of migraine. In the meantime, there is an outflow of representatives of the white population (since 1995, over 800 thousand people have left).

Wed density of us. St. 45 people / km 2 (2016). The most densely populated are the north and north-east of the country (in the Johannesburg area of ​​over 1,000 people / km 2), as well as the coast, the least - west and north-west (in the area of ​​the Upper Karoo plateau and on the Kalahari plains less than 1 person. / km 2). Share of mountains. US. 65% (2016, estimate). St. 17% of us. concentrated in the Johannesburg metropolitan area (over 9.6 million people, 2016, estimate). The largest mountains. counties (thousand people, 2011, census): Johannesburg St. 4434.8 Cape Town St. 3740.0, Etekwini approx. 3442.4 (including the city of Durban - approx. 595.1; KwaZulu-Natal province), Ekurhuleni approx. 3178.5, Tswane approx. 2921.5 (including the city of Pretoria - approx. 741.7; both - Prov. Gauteng), Nelson-Mandela Bay St. 1152.1 (including the city of Port Elizabeth - approx. 312.4). Economically active us. 21.7 million people (2016, estimate). In the structure of employment, the service sector accounts for 71.7%, industry - 13.4%, construction - 9.2%, p. kh-va - 5.7% (2016, estimate). Unemployment rate 26.8% (2016 est.). St. 25% of us. lives below the poverty line (2015, estimate).


OK. 82% of us. South Africa are Christians, including 20.4% - representatives of different. Protestant denominations (Methodists, Anglicans, Reformed, Pentecostals, etc.), 6.6% - Catholics, 38.7% - followers of independent Afr. churches; 8.8% are adherents of the tradition. beliefs; 2.5% - Muslims (mainly Sunnis); 2.4% are Hindus; OK. 1% - followers of other religions; 3.4% do not identify themselves with any religion. group (2010, estimate).

There are 5 metropolises with 20 suffragan dioceses of the Roman Catholic. churches. The largest Protestant organizations: Presbyterian Church of Africa, Anglican Church of the South. Africa, Netherlands. Reformed Church in Yuzh. Africa. The largest independent Afri. churches - Zion Christian Church, Bapedi Lutheran Church. Orthodox parishes are under the jurisdiction of the Alexandrian Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church (1 parish in Johannesburg).

Historical sketch

Territory of South Africa from ancient times to independence

Coy-koin (Hottentots) and San (Bushmen) are considered the autochthonous population of South Africa. In the 11th century. Bantu migrated to the territory of South Africa. All R. 17th century colonization by the Europeans to the south began. parts of Afr. continent. In 1652 representatives of Niederl. East India Company (see. East India Companies) created a fortified settlement (Kapstad) near the Cape of Good Hope for replenishing food supplies and minor repairing ships (see. Cape colony). Gradually expanding the boundaries of the colony, Gaul. colonists - Boers (later began to call themselves Afrikaners) exterminated or pushed back to the desert areas of the indigenous people, seizing their land and livestock.

Extensive colonization of the South. Africa, accompanied by massive immigration from Europe, unfolded in the 1680s. After abolition in 1685 Edict of Nantes 1598 French Protestants (Huguenots) accepted the offer of the East India Company to move to the South. Africa. In the 17th and 18th centuries. Muslims arrived at the Cape of Good Hope - the descendants of slaves, politician. exiled and free migrants from Niederl. East Indies, which were later assigned a generalizing name. Cape Malays.

In 1795 Great Britain seized the South African. lands near Holland, in 1806 subjugated the Cape Colony. During the armament. fight against ethnicity. a group of spits ("Kafr Wars" of 1770-1870s), the border of the colony moved far to the east. The expansion of Great Britain became the reason for the beginning of the resettlement of the Boers in the free from the English. influence center. and east. regions of the South. Africa (see. "Great Track"). The Boers occupied the south. part of the territory of residence of the Zulu, having founded the republic of Natal on these lands. In 1843 it was annexed by Great Britain, which sought to deprive the Boers of access to the coast of the Indian region, in 1844 it was included in the Cape Colony.

In the 1850s. The Boers, having driven from the land the indigenous inhabitants - the Kosa, Zulu, Suto, Tswana, etc., occupied vast territories in the interior. regions of the country and founded the Boer republics, which received an official. recognition of brit. governments: Orange Free State(1854) and South Afr. Republic (Transvaal; 1852). In 1877 Great Britain annexed the Transvaal, but later the republic managed to partially regain its independence during the first Boer War 1880–81 .

In 1860 - mid. 1880s the world's largest diamond and gold deposits were discovered on the territory of South Africa; this discovery led to a rapid inflow of capital, widespread immigration of Europeans, the growth of the mining industry, trade, and the construction of railways. In mining in the 1880s. arose monopolistic. companies headed by S. J. Rhodes and other tycoons closely associated with the financial oligarchy of Europe. To work on the sugar plantations of Natal since the 1860s. recruited Indians; at the end of the contract, thousands of Indians remained in the South. Africa. In the 1890s. Brit. the authorities attempted to annex the Boer republics; by results Boer War 1899-1902 The Transvaal and the Orange Free State were captured by Great Britain.

In 1910, four Brit. colonies in the South. Africa were united into the self-governing dominion of the Union of South Africa (UAS). There is a system of economical. exploitation and racial discrimination of the Afro-Asian population. In the struggle against the system of oppression created in the South African Republic, the South African indigenous national was formed in 1912. Congress, renamed in 1923 as African National Congress... In 1921, the Communist was created. party Yuzh. Africa, which subsequently played an important role in the struggle to eliminate racial discrimination.

South American took part in the 1st World War on the side of the metropolis. After its graduation, the South American Union received a League of Nations mandate for the former. germ. colony - South-West. Africa (now Namibia), occupied in 1915 by his troops. In 1924, Nat came to power. party allied with Labor, prime min. became JB Herzog, conducting the racist int. politics. During World War II, South African forces also fought on the side of Great Britain. In 1948 Nat. the party in alliance with the Afrikaner Party won the majority of seats in parliament and began to implement its program, proclaiming the need for "separate development" diff. racial groups. In subsequent years, laws were adopted that defined and consolidated the state. a system called apartheid (apartheid). In 1952 the leadership of Afr. nat. Congress decided to launch a campaign of disobedience to racist laws, which received widespread support in the country.

According to the law "On the development of Bantu self-government" (1959) in the 1960s-1980s. on the basis of reserves (about 13% of the country's territory), the so-called. homelands ("national fatherland", or bantustans) for the Kos, Zulu and other peoples. Later, in accordance with the Homeland Citizenship Act, Africans in South Africa were assigned to one of 10 Bantustans, each of which was declared a “nat. fatherland "of one or another Afr. ethnos.

South Africa in the 2nd half of the 20th - early 21st century

Under pressure from afr. and Asian. member countries Commonwealth, who opposed the racist regime in South Africa, in 1961 South Afr. the government was forced to announce the country's withdrawal from the Commonwealth. After holding a referendum among the white population, the government proclaimed the country of South Afr. Republic (South Africa).

Dec. 1961 with a series of sabotage explosions, a new organization, Umkonto we sizwe (Spear of the Nation), declared its existence, which later came to be officially regarded as armed. wing Afr. nat. Congress. Its commander was N. Mandela, a prominent figure in the Congress. In 1964 he, along with other defendants, was sentenced to life imprisonment.

At the end. 1950s - early. 1960s formed an alliance of South Africa with the dictatorial regime of Portugal and Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, and after the collapse of the latter in 1963 - with the racist government of the South. Rhodesia. The racist policy had as its consequence the isolation of South Africa in the international. arena. At the same time, the UN did not apply to the South African. the government of effective sanctions in view of the position of Western stakeholders who viewed South Africa as a source of huge profits.

From ser. 1970s the apartheid regime faced great difficulties in its internal. and foreign policy. As a result of the collapse of the Portuguese. colonial empire to replace the Portuguese. the authorities in Mozambique and Angola in 1975 came to the governments created by the revolution. in batches. The ruling circles of South Africa supported the anti-government forces in Angola (National Liberation Front of Angola; National Union for the Full Independence of Angola) and Mozambique (Mozambican National Resistance), carried out armament. intervention in Angola. In 1980 he will be released. the forces achieved the independence of Zimbabwe. In South Africa, a massive protest movement, which began in 1972–73 with major strikes in the most important industrial sectors. centers of the country, reached its climax during the uprising in Soweto (June 1976). Afr. nat. Congress declared 1981 the year of revitalization of the activities of Umkonto we Sizwe. For 1981 the partisans Afr. nat. Congress held by St. 50 armed shares. Their actions were aimed at strategically important facilities, including power plants supplying Ch. prom. centers of South Africa, power lines, railways paths, police stations. Almost the entire country became the zone of action of the Umkonto ve Sizwe fighters. In 1985, 136 weapons were already carried out. shares, in 1987 - 248.

K ser. 1980s It became obvious to the South African authorities that they should be allowed to participate in the administration of the African country. population. Increased economical isolation of South Africa, military. defeat at Kuito Quanavale (Angola) by Angolan and Cubans. troops equipped with owls. weapons (autumn 1987 - March 1988), questioned the invincibility of the military. power of South Africa. In 1983, the United Democratic Party was created. front, which included 750 organizations (up to 3 million people); in 1985 the South African Congress was founded. trade unions, which united 33 trade unions (about 500 thousand people).

In 1988, a tripartite agreement was concluded (between Angola, Cuba and South Africa) on the withdrawal of foreign countries. troops from Angola and the implementation of the UN plan for the independence of Namibia. 2.2.1990 South African President F. de Klerk announced the lifting of the ban on the activities of Afr. nat. Congress and a number of other organizations and the forthcoming release of N. Mandela. Negotiations were started between the white government of the country and representatives of the Congress. Dec. 1991 in Johannesburg opened a multi-party forum (Convention for Democratic South Africa), which was attended by 19 delegations representing the majority of politicians. parties and organizations of South Africa. In Feb. 1993 the parties agreed to establish the Government of the nat. unity and the formation of the Transitional will fulfill. advice.

11/17/1993 approved project time. Constitution, 27.4.1994 held the first multiracial elections in the history of South Africa. 252 out of 400 seats in parliament were won by Afr. nat. Congress, on the 2nd place in popularity was Nat. the party ruled by St. 40 years. At the first meeting of the National. Assembly (May 9) N. Mandela was unanimously elected President of the country.

To improve the situation in the country, the Program for Reconstruction and Development was adopted as a government one. whose tasks were the solution of the housing problem and the provision of Afr. population with the minimum necessary services - drinking water, electricity, etc. In 1999 T. Mbeki became the president of South Africa. He nominated as nat. ideas doctrine "Afr. Renaissance ", which set as its goal the political and economic. the revival of Africa through a democratic. reforms and achieving sustainable economic. development.

In the presidential elections Afr. nat. Congress (December 2007) T. Mbeki lost to J. Zuma, who scored St. 60% of the votes. In 2009, the latter was elected President of South Africa (re-elected in 2014). During the reign of Zuma, the level of unemployment and crime remained high, and there was an acute shortage of skills. labor force. One of the most important problems in South Africa remains a high level of socio-political. tension. Strikes are regularly held by members of the labor movement demanding higher wages and better working conditions. In aug. 2012, during the strike at the platinum mine "Marikana", the police opened fire on the strikers, killed 34 people, 78 people. were injured. The country is witnessing an increase in xenophobia associated with the problem of illegal migration from other Afr. countries. At the end. 2015 - 2016 the country was covered by the student body. unrest over rising tuition fees.

The difficult situation that has arisen in South Africa overshadows some of the successes achieved by the country during the African rule. nat. Congress. Among them - improving the situation of the poorest strata of the population thanks to large-scale housing construction, the development of electrification and water supply, and the expansion of the system of social benefits.

At the same time, the policy of creating economic. benefits to the black population has generated a layer of corruption in the main. parasitic. business associated with functionaries Afr. nat. Congress (so-called. Tenderocracy). Economical the problems caused dissatisfaction with the rule of J. Zuma, accused of authoritarianism and corruption, and calls for the impeachment of the president. In 2017, the country experienced one of the most acute political events. crises after the elimination of the apartheid regime. Among the main priorities of South Africa's foreign policy are support for initiatives in the development of African countries, the development of South-South cooperation, and active participation in world multilateral forums. In 2011, South Africa became the fifth member of the BRIC group, which brought together economically rapidly developing countries with leading positions in their regions. Considerably inferior to other BRICS members in terms of GDP, the country nevertheless has a high political authority on the continent, and also has the necessary infrastructure to act as a "gateway to Africa" ​​when promoting goods and investments to the countries of the region. South Africa shares the core values ​​and aspirations of the BRICS countries, including the reform of global governance institutions.

Diplomatic. relations between South Africa and the Russian Federation were established in 1992. In 2013, a Joint Declaration was signed on the establishment of a comprehensive strategic policy. partnership between the Russian Federation and South Africa. Foreign trade turnover (2014) - USD 976.1 million.


South Africa is one of the most economically developed countries in Africa. The volume of GDP is 736.3 billion dollars (2016, at purchasing power parity; 3rd place in Africa after Egypt and Nigeria); in the calculation of GDP per capita USD 13,200 (8th place among African countries). Human Development Index 0.666 (2015; 119th place among 188 countries).

In the beginning. 21 c. South Africa is characterized by a high degree of economic diversification. The mining and processing of miner remains an important industry. resources (the number of employed decreased by 1/3 in 1990–2015). Economical growth (3.7% in 2004, -1.5% in 2009 due to the consequences of the global financial and economic crisis of 2008-09, 3.0% in 2010, 1.7% in 2016) in the end. 20 - early. 21 centuries due to the active development of the tertiary sector (e-commerce, tourism, information and telecommunications technologies, financial services, etc.). The economy depends on world commodity prices, which form the basis of the nat. exports (gold, platinum, coal, iron ore), the growth of state. debt, a decrease in the level of business confidence in government policies, exacerbation of social problems (poverty, high unemployment, etc.), lack of qualifications. frames, etc.

In the structure of GDP, the share of the service sector is 69%, industry - 29%, with. kh-va - 2% (2016, estimate).


Industry in the beginning. 21 c. characterized by high diversification, among Ch. industries - mining (9.2% of the value of GDP - 5th in the world, 2013; approx. 525 thousand employed, 2012), mechanical engineering (including the automotive industry - 7.5% of the value of GDP, 2015), food , chemical and forestry. Largest economical centers - agglomerations of Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg and Pretoria. Specials apply. economical zones around the cities of East London, Richards Bay, Kempton Park (JIAIDZ), Harrismith (Maluti-A-Phofung; Free State), Durban (Dube TradePort), as well as near Port -Elizabeth ("Coega" includes the deep-water port of Ngkura).

Fuel industry

From the end. 20 - early. 21 centuries on the Atlantic shelf approx. small volumes of oil (about 150 thousand tons; 2015, estimate) and natural gas (1011 million cubic meters) are mined; ch. company - state. Petroleum, Oil and Gas Corporation of South Africa (PetroSA). South Africa is the largest African. countries are a net importer of oil (over 23 million tons; 2013, estimate) and natural gas (3.8 billion m3; 2014, estimate), as well as one of the leading producers of petroleum products (about 8.5 million tons - 3rd place in Africa after Egypt and Algeria; 2013, estimate). Production (million tons, 2013): St. 10.5, natural gasoline St. 7.2, kerosene approx. 1.7 (including aviation St. 1.3), oil approx. 0.5 and natural St. 0.1 liquefied gas, etc. There are refineries (capacity, million tons of crude oil per year): in Durban (jointly owned by the Dutch-British Royal Dutch Shell and British BP - over 8.4; under control of the Malaysian company "Petronas" - approx. 6.0), Sasolburg (Prov. Free State; jointly owned by the company "Sasol" and the French. "Total" - St. 5.4), Cape Town (a division of the American company " Chevron Corporation "- approx. 5.0). One of the world's largest gas processing plants operates in Mosselbay (West Cape province) (under the control of PetroSA; over 2.2 million tons of products per year, including gasoline, kerosene, liquid oxygen and nitrogen ). South Africa is an important producer (7th place in the world) and supplier to the world market (6th place) of hard coal (mining is about 261 million tons, over 98% is bituminous; about 29% is exported, 2014). Developed by St. 90 deposits, main. production areas - Witbank-Middelburg (58%) and Highveld (21%) in the Witbank basin. Ch. company (approx. 3/4 nat. production) - "Exxaro", "Sasol", Brit. Anglo American Swiss. Glencore International, austral. "South32". Uranium ores are mined (393 tons in terms of uranium, 2015; 11th place in the world, 3rd place in Africa after Niger and Namibia) as a by-product in the development of gold deposits (including Copanang in the area of Klerksdorp, NW; AngloGold Ashanti). In Vaalput (North Cape province) - a landfill for the disposal of radioactive waste.

Power engineering

Electricity production 235 billion kWh (2014); TPPs (mainly coal) produce 85%, hydroelectric power plants - 10%, nuclear power plants - 4%, wind power plants - 1%. The largest company is Eskom (up to 95% of electricity production). Among the thermal power plants stand out (capacity, MW): "Kendal" (4116; south-west of Emalahleni), "Majuba" (4110; north of Folxrust; both - Mpumalanga province), "Matimba" (3990; near Lephalale, Prov. Limpopo), "Lethabo" (3708; northeast of Sasolburg). Hydroelectric power stations "Gariep" (capacity 360 MW) and "Vanderkloof" (240) are operating on the river. Orange, as well as pumped storage power plants "Drakensberg" (1000; KwaZulu-Natal province) and "Palmiet" (400; near Cape Town). The only nuclear power plant in the country - "Koeberg" on the Atlantic coast approx. (1,940 MW; north of Cape Town); in the city of Pelindaba (North-West prov.) - research reactor SAFARI-1 as part of the state. South-Afr. Atomic Energy Corporation (NECSA). Wind (the total capacity of power plants is 1053 MW, including "Sere" in the West Cape province - 100 MW) and solar (including the "KaXu Solar One" power plant in the North Cape province, 100 MW) are being developed. Large thermal power plants are under construction (2017; capacity, MW) - Kusile (4800; west of Emalahleni) and Medupi (4764; west of Lephalale), as well as the Ingula pumped storage power plant (1332; near Ladysmith, Prov. KwaZulu-Natal).

Ferrous metallurgy

Ferrous metallurgy was developed on the basis of its own. raw materials and export oriented. Mining (mt; 2016, estimate): iron ore approx. 60.0 (6th place in the world; the largest deposits are Saishen and Kumani in the North Cape province), chromite approx. 14.0 (46% of world production - 1st place; among the deposits - Tarisa in the North-West prov. And Dvarsrifir in the Limpopo province), manganese ores approx. 4.7 (30% of world production - 1st place; main deposits - in the southeast of the Kalahari Desert in the North Cape province). South Africa is an important supplier of ferrous metal ore concentrates to the world market (1st place in the export of chromium and manganese, 3rd place - iron, 2014).

The largest plants for steel smelting and rolled products (capacity, million tons of products per year): in Vanderbijlpark (4.4, Gauteng province; mainly flat products), Newcastle (1.9, KwaZulu-Natal province ; various steel grades, billets, wire rod, etc.), Saldanha Bay (1.2, West Cape; main sample hot-rolled steel coil), Ferinichinge (0.4, Gauteng province; special steel for the automotive industry, high-strength wire, etc.; approx. 1/3 of the production is exported) (everything is under the control of the world leader of the Luxembourg company "ArcelorMittal"), Emalahleni (1.0; production of steel, rolled products, ferrovanadium and vanadium slag; in the structure of the British company "Evraz"). Also the production of hot-rolled and cold-rolled seamless pipes (the plant of the ArcelorMittal company in Feriniching is the only one in the country; 100 thousand tons of products per year, 80% is exported), high-purity cast iron (the plant of the Australian-British company Rio Tinto near the city of Richards Bay - 25% of world production).

South Africa is a large producer (3.7 million tons in 2014, 2nd place after China) and Ch. exporter (3.2 million tons - over 54% of world exports, 1st place) of ferrochrome in the world. Among the enterprises are factories: jointly owned by Glencore International and Merafe Resources (total capacity of over 3.9 million tons; in Stilpourt in the Limpopo province, in the Rustenburg region in the North-West province, in Machishing in the Mpumalanga province); Brit. Kermas Group (1.6; in Emalahleni and Middelburg in the Mpumalanga province, near Muynui in the North-West province, in Stilpurt); "Hernic Ferrochrome" (St. 0.4; in Brits, North-West. Prov.). Also production of: ferromanganese (including the plant in Meyerton in the Gauteng province, capacity of 0.5 million tons per year, jointly owned by South32 and Anglo American), silicomanganese (plant in Emalahleni with a capacity of 180 thous. tons per year, in the structure of the Russian company "Renova"), special. alloys (plant in Krugersdorp, Gauteng province, under the control of the financial company Afarak Group; 110 thousand tons of products per year), ferrosilicon (in Emalahleni and near Newcastle), ferrovanadium (in Brits and Emalahleni), metallic manganese (in Mbombele) and silicon (in Polokwane). Production of metallurgical coke (in Pretoria, Newcastle, Feriniching). Output (thousand tons in 2013): steel 7693 (including stainless 493), cast iron 4900, ferroalloys 4180 (including ferrochrome 3219, ferromanganese 697, silicomanganese 134), direct reduction iron 1400, metallic silicon 32 and manganese 30.

Non-ferrous metallurgy

Non-ferrous metallurgy is one of the most developed branches of the industry, based on its own. raw materials and export oriented. Extraction of ilmenite (1300 thousand tons in 2016, estimate; over 1/5 of world production - 1st place), zircon (400 thousand tons - 2nd place) and rutile (65 thousand tons - 5- e place) are run by Australian-British companies. Rio Tinto and Amer. Tronox; main deposits - near the coast of the Indian (in the area of ​​Richards Bay) and Atlantic (Namaqua Sands in the area of ​​Saldanha Bay) oceans. An important source of foreign exchange earnings and employment (over 300 thousand people, 2014) is the mining of platinum and gold. South Africa is the world leader in platinum production (120 tons - 1st place in 2016, estimate; 70% of world production). Ch. deposits - in the massif Bushveld complex... The leading companies are Anglo American Platinum (controlled by the British company Anglo American), Impala Platinum Holdings and the British. "Lonmin". Of great importance is the extraction of other platinum group metals - palladium (73 tons in 2016, estimate; 2nd place in the world after Russia), ruthenium (over 27.3 tons in 2013), rhodium (over 18.1 tons) , iridium (about 5.7 t). Gold production (140 tons, 7th in the world in 2016, estimate; 580 tons, 1st in the world in 1994) is gradually decreasing due to depletion of reserves. Main deposits - in the area Witwatersrand(over 1/2 of production - Gauteng province, over 1/5 - Free State province, 2014), among the largest - Copanang (Free State province) and West Wits (on the border of Gauteng and North. -Western). Leading companies are AngloGold Ashanti, Sibanye Gold and Harmony Gold. Also mined (thousand tons in terms of metal) copper ore (77.0 in 2013; 107.6 in 2009; the largest deposit is Phalaborwa in the Limpopo province, developed by Palabora Mining), nickel (approx. 50.0 in 2016, estimate), vanadium (approx. 12.0 - 3rd place in the world; both - at deposits in the area of ​​the Bushveld complex), cobalt (approx. 3.0; over 0.6 in 2009), lead ( approx. 40.0), zinc (approx. 40.0 per year); silver (approx. 68.8 tons in 2013) (all three - the Black Mountain deposit in the North Cape province).

Titanium slag production facilities operate in Richards Bay (Rio Tinto company; approx. 2 million tons of products per year, including 250 thousand tons of zircon - approx. 1/3 of the world production) va, 100 thousand tons of rutile; 95% - exported), the city of Empangeni (KwaZulu-Natal province) and near the city of Saldania-Bay. In the mountains. env. Ekurhuleni is the Rand Refinery, one of the largest in the world (capacity 1000 tons of gold and 200 tons of silver per year; also processing electronic scrap). Among the centers for the smelting of platinum and other platinum group metals are the Rustenburg region, Polokwane, Svartklip (Limpopo province), Springs (Gauteng province) (the total capacity of the enterprises is about 350 tons of platinum, over 200 tons of palladium, about 50 tons rhodium, also produce iridium, ruthenium, gold); ch. manufacturers - Anglo American Platinum, Impala Platinum Holdings and Lonmin. The aluminum smelter operates in Richards Bay (processing about 1.4 million tons of alumina per year). Ch. copper production center - Phalaborwa (enrichment factory and processing plant of the Palabora Mining company, about 60 thousand tons of refined copper per year, also selenium and tellurium). Nickel production is concentrated in the Rustenburg region, Springs and Brakpan (Gauteng province) at Anglo American Platinum, Impala Platinum Holdings and Lonmin; vanadium pentoxide - in Emalahleni and Brits (Evraz and Vanchem Vanadium Products). Output (thousand tons, 2013): titanium slag 1150.0; primary aluminum 822.0; zirconium 210.0, lead approx. 42.0, zinc St. 30.1 and antimony 2.4 concentrates; refined copper st. 80.8, lead 54.0, cobalt approx. 1.3 (over 0.2 in 2009); nickel 33.2; (t, 2013) gold 440.0, platinum 144.7, palladium 82.3, rhodium 18.6, selenium 14.0, tellurium 6.5.

The diamond mining industry is of great importance. South Africa is one of the world's leading producers of natural diamonds (6th place in 2016; 4th place in Africa): production of 6.8 million carats (41% - jewelry), Ch. arr. at primary deposits (the largest are Venetia in Limpopo and Finch in the North Cape) by De Beers Group of Companies and Petra Diamonds. The historic center of diamond mining - g. Kimberly... Diamond cutting and polishing (in Johannesburg, Cape Town, etc.), synthetic production. diamonds and jewelry.

Mechanical engineering

Ch. sector - automotive. South Africa is the leading car manufacturer in Africa (approx. 2/3 of the total production in African countries, 2015). In 2016 St. 627.1 thousand cars (over 357.0 thousand in 2000), including cars - St. 335.5 thousand (approx. 230.6 thousand), commercial - St. 263.4 thousand (approx. 126.8 thousand), freight - St. 26.8 thousand (approx. 0.01 thousand), buses - approx. 1.3 thousand (approx. 0.24 thousand).

Among the main. vehicle manufacturers - divisions of large foreign. companies (American General Motors and Ford Motor, German Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen Group and BMW Group, China FAW, Japanese Nissan Motor and Toyota). Valid approx. 500 companies for the production of components, assemblies and car parts (including production of catalytic converters for export). Ch. automotive industry. cluster in the mountains. env. Nelson-Mandela Bay includes the following companies: General Motors (cars and trucks), Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa (engines), Hi-Tech Automotive (sports cars), Shatterprufe (car windows) (all in Port Elizabeth), Volkswagen Group (cars, engines, etc.), Lumotech (automotive lighting equipment and plastic modules) (both in Eitenhah), FAW Vehicle Manufacturers SA "(In the industrial zone" Coega "; commercial vehicles), etc. Among other centers - Pretoria (factories" Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa "and" Nissan SA "- pickups," BMW Group "- cars), East London ("Mercedes-Benz SA" - trucks and cars, chassis for buses), Pinetown (near Durban; trucks, chassis for buses), Johannesburg (trucks, buses), Ulyfantsfontein (Gauteng state; auto beads) (all - Volkswagen Group SA).

Production and repair of railway rolling stock (including freight cars for transporting coal and iron ore, cisterns, auto transporters) is carried out by the state. Transnet SOC in Durban, Pretoria, Eitenhah, Jermiston (Gauteng), Bloemfontein, Cape Town. Military product release. destination (including for export) is controlled by the state. Denel SOC (the main centers are in the Gauteng province; combat vehicles, artillery systems, missiles of various classes, infantry support weapons, ammunition, unmanned aircraft, etc.). Established production of electronic-optical. devices (an enterprise in the structure of the international corporation "Airbus Group"), telecommunications. and other equipment (among the companies - the Swedish "Saab Group"), development and production of small and medium. satellites ("Denel Spaceteq"). Aviats. the industry is represented by the manufacture of parts and assemblies (companies "Turbomeca Africa", "Aerosud") and repair of aviation. technology (in Johannesburg, etc.). The shipbuilding industry is export-oriented. products - yachts (mainly premium class), catamarans, port ships, trawlers; among the centers - Cape Town and Durban (dominated by small entrepreneurs); ship repair. Also, the production of equipment for mining (the main centers are in the Witwatersrand) and other industries (among the manufacturers - NECSA), electromechanical, ventilation, refrigeration, cable and wire products, cutting tools, transformers, air conditioners, p. NS. technicians, etc.

Chemical industry

The chemical industry is highly developed and diversified. The industry employs approx. 200 thousand people (early 2010s). Extraction in progress (thousand tons): phosphate raw materials approx. 1,700 (2016, estimate; Foskor is developing the Phalaborwa deposit), rock salt approx. 480 (2013), fluorite approx. 180 (2016, estimate). Among the leading companies are African Explosives and Chemical Industries, Sasol, Omnia Holdings, Foskor, state. Pelchem ​​SOC, Amer. The Dow Chemical, etc.

On the basis of coal mining, the production of liquid synthetic was established. fuel (two factories of the Sasol company in Secunda, Mpumalanga province; total capacity of about 8 million tons of products per year). Among the large centers for the production of organic products. synthesis - Secunda and Sasolburg (including ethylene, propylene, polypropylene, solvents; also about 600 thousand tons of ammonia, 2013). Sulfur production (270 thousand tons in 2013; as a by-product of metallurgical and oil refining industries), lime (1187 thousand tons in 2013; in Lima-Akres and Danielsköil, both - North Cape provinces), nitrogen (including liquid and granular; in Seconds) and phosphorus (in Richards Bay) fertilizers, organic. and inorganic (nitric, sulfuric, phosphoric, hydrofluoric, etc.) acids (near Durban, Krugersdorp, in Richards Bay, etc.), fluorine-containing compounds (in Pelindaba), prom. gases, prom. explosives (in Secunda, near Johannesburg), herbicides (north of Durban), emulsion resins, polymer emulsifiers, decomp. lubricants, prom. cleaners and other specials. chemicals for decomp. branches of industry and with. x-va. Numerous. small and cf. enterprises for the production of plastics and products from them (including packaging materials). Manufacturing of batteries and accumulators (in Port Elizabeth, Benoni, Gauteng province, and others; among the manufacturers - the companies "Eveready" and "First National Battery"). In Port Elizabeth there is a large center for the production of automobile tires (factories of companies: Japanese Bridgestone Corporation, German Continental, American Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company). Pharmaceutical the industry specializes in the production of generics; ch. manufacturers - Aspen Holdings (one of the world's leading manufacturers), Adcock Ingram, Biovac, Indian Cipla and Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, French. Sanofi. Pharmaceutical factories are located in Johannesburg, East London, Port Elizabeth, mountains. env. Ekurhuleni, Durban and others; facilities for the production of vaccines (in Cape Town) and antiretroviral drugs (in Pretoria; under the control of the state company "Ketlaphela"; under construction in 2017).

Building materials industry

Extraction (thousand tons): limestone 17188 (2013), clays approx. 7647 (incl. 90% - brick, approx. 7% - refractory), sand approx. 2200, gypsum approx. 560, vermiculite approx. 170 (2016, score; 1st place in the world; Phalaborwa deposit), St. 191 (2013). Cement production 12.2 million tons (2013); leading companies (total capacity of enterprises, million tons of products per year) - Pretoria Portland Cement (8.0), AfriSam (4.6) and French. "Lafarge" (3.6; the largest plant in the country - in Lichtenburg, North-West province). Edition builds. and automotive glass (among the leading companies - "PG Group"), glass containers (including "Consol Glass" and "Nampak"), bricks, ceramics. tiles, etc.

The timber industry complex is export-oriented. The industry employs approx. 160 K people (2015); created approx. 7.7% of the value of manufacturing products (2014). Among the leading companies - state. SAFCOL, Mondi, Mpact, Amer. Kimberly-Clark Corporation. Logging 17.9 million m 3 (2015; including mine timber), including on the basis of art. forest plantations (commercial pine and eucalyptus plantations, mainly in the provinces of Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal). Numerous. sawmills and several. pulp and paper enterprises. Among the centers are Durban, Richards Bay, Felixston (KwaZulu-Natal), Pit Retif (Mpumalanga), Springs, Cape Town. Production (million tons, 2014): cellulose approx. 2.0, cardboard approx. 1.2 (including container), paper approx. 1.1 (writing, newspaper, sanitary and hygienic, etc.), matches. Furniture industry.

Light industry

The light industry provides products to the national. market and markets of neighboring countries. After a decline in production volumes and a reduction in the number of people employed in the industry (including due to competition with imported products from China) in the end. 20 - early. 21 centuries growth is noted. Valid approx. 2 thousand companies (mainly small and medium-sized, early 2010s; approx. 80% - in the textile and clothing industry). Production is concentrated in the provinces of the West. Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng. The production of natural and synthetic yarns and fabrics (including knitted fabrics) is carried out. fibers, ready-made clothing, nonwovens (geotextiles, etc.). South Africa - Ch. world producer of mohair from wool of angora goats (over 2.4 thousand tons - 52% of production, 2014; among the centers - Eitenhahe, Port Elizabeth, East London region). Leather industry (among the centers - Port Elizabeth). Handicrafts are widespread (woodcarving, carpet weaving, leather, ceramics, jewelry, colored beads, etc.).

Food industry

The food and beverage industry is one of Ch. nat. employers (255 thousand employed in 2014); in the industry is formed approx. 24% of the production cost of the manufacturing industry. OK. 1/2 of the enterprises are located in prov. Gauteng. Production of flour (corn, wheat, etc.) and bakery products (leading companies - Pioneer Foods, Tiger Brands, Premier Foods, Foodcorp), meat processing (Eskort, etc.) and milk (among the main manufacturers of dairy products - the company "Parmalat SA" as part of the French concern "Lactalis" and "Clover Industries"), the production of chocolate and confectionery (including the factories of the American company "Mondelēz International" and the Swiss . "Nestlé"), soft drinks (including well-known brands at the enterprises within the company "South African Breweries"), ready-made frozen meals, etc. Cane sugar production (over 1.6 million tons in 2016) in the provinces of KwaZulu-Natal (12 plants) and Mpumalanga (2); among the companies - "Tongaat Hulett Sugar", "Illovo Sugar" and others. Export value is the production of fruit, vegetable and fish canned food, fruit jams, juices and concentrates. Brewing (chief producer - "South African Breweries"). South Africa is a large world producer (11.2 million hectoliters in 2015 - 8th place) and exporter (4.2 million hectoliters - 6th place; 11th place in value) of grape wines; winemaker. the industry is most developed in the prov. Zap. Cape. Processing and packaging of red tea (rooibos).


At the end. 20 - early. 21 centuries remains an important sphere of income and employment of the population (taking into account indirect employment - 8.5 million people) against the background of a decrease in the share of the industry in GDP. Main producers - large high-value plantations, farms and cooperatives. The high level of development of the industry contributes to the meaning. the degree of provision of own. needs for food and agricultural. raw materials. Imported (million tons, 2013): St. 1.4, rice approx. 1.3, soybean meal approx. 0.7, palm oil approx. 0.4, etc. The development of the industry is affected by unfavorable natural conditions (including droughts). In the structure of the village - x. lands (million hectares, 2014) out of 96.8, grazing lands account for 83.9, arable land - 12.5, perennial plantations - 0.4.

Crop production accounts for approx. 65% of the cost of agricultural. products (early 2010s). Main food. crops (harvest, million tons, 2014): cereals approx. 17.0, including corn approx. 14.3 (10th place in the world, 1st place in Africa; in the provinces of North-West, Mpumalanga, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal) and wheat approx. 1.8 (85% of the collection - the provinces of the West. Cape and North. Cape, Free State), potatoes St. 2.2. Ch. technical crops (harvest, million tons) - sugar cane (about 15.0 in 2016; plantations in the KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga provinces), soybeans (over 0.9 soybeans in 2014) and sunflower (over 0, 8 seeds). South Africa is a major manufacturer and supplier to the world market for various fruits (harvesting approx. 7 million tons in 2014). Harvest (million tons in 2014): citrus St. 2.7 (main cultivation areas - in the provinces of Limpopo and Eastern Cape), including oranges approx. 1.8 (9th in the world, 2nd in Africa after Egypt; 2/3 exported) and grape fruits of St. 0.4 (5th place in the world, 1st place in Africa), apples approx. 0.8 (90% - in the West Cape; 3/5 exported), St. 0.4 (7th place in the world, 1st place in Africa; in the provinces of Western Cape and Eastern Cape). Grow also decomp. vegetables (over 2.7 million tons in 2014), bananas (about 0.5), etc. Viticulture (collection of over 1.9 million tons in 2014) in the provinces of West. Cape (in the valleys of the Berch River and Hex River), North. Cape (near the Orange River) and KwaZulu-Natal. Cultivation of red tea (collection of about 18 thousand tons per year, over 1/3 is exported; provinces of the Western Cape and Northern Cape). The basis of animal husbandry is wool sheep breeding. Livestock (million heads, 2014): St. 24.1, cattle of St. 13.9, goats approx. 6.0, pigs approx. 1.6, St. 0.3, donkeys approx. 0.2; poultry of St. 161.2. Production (thousand tons, 2014): St. 3337.0, St. 3181.2 (including poultry - St. 1724.3), cheese approx. 89.0, skins and skins of St. 111.3 (2013), wool approx. 40.0 (2013); eggs approx. 9.8 billion pieces (2014). Fishing for wild animals (including catching crocodiles). Fishing (catch of over 596 thousand tons in 2014); fish farming and aquaculture are developing.

Services sector

The banking and financial system is governed by South Afr. Reserve Bank (Central Bank; 1921; in Pretoria), in 2015 it includes 31 banks (14 - divisions of foreign banks), 190 insurance companies, etc. The largest banks (in total - 84% of banking assets in the country): Bank of South Africa (ABSA), First Rand Bank (First National Bank), Nedbank and Standard Bank. Johannesburg is Africa's largest stock exchange (1887; 18th in the world by market capitalization, 2015). Tourism plays an important role in the economy (over 1.5 million people employed and about 12.8% of the value of GDP, taking into account related industries, 2015). OK. 3/4 of income is provided by foreign. tourism (in 2015 the country was visited by 8.9 million people, including over 1/5 - from Zimbabwe). South Africa - Ch. the center of business tourism in Africa, among other types - visiting relatives and friends, recreational, cultural, educational, ecological. In the beginning. 21 c. the importance of the information and communication sector is growing. technologies (e-banking, mobile software development) and services in the field of business processes.


Among Afr. countries are distinguished by a developed network of internal. transport communications (main company - state. "Transnet SOC", headquarters - in Johannesburg; under its management a network of railways, pipelines and main seaports). The leading role is played by road (the volume of freight traffic is over 561 million tons, about 287 million trips were made by passengers, 2016) and rail (about 220 million tons and over 412 million trips, respectively). The total length of St. 747 thousand km, including hard-surfaced approx. 159 thousand km (2014). Ch. highways (including Cape Town - Bloemfontein - Johannesburg - Pretoria - Polokwane - Bytbridge / Zimbabwe) pass through the main. settlements and connect South Africa with neighboring countries. The total length of the railways is approx. 21 thousand km (2014; approx. 40% electrified). Among the main. lines: Johannesburg - Kimberley - De Ar - Cape Town, Pretoria - Bloemfontein - Springfontein (hereinafter - branches to Port Elizabeth and East London), Johannesburg - Pietermaritzburg - Durban (all - in basic passenger traffic), Port Elizabeth - Worcester / prov. Zap. Cape (tourist routes), Sishen / prov. North. Cape Saldanha Bay (iron ore transportation), Musina / prov. Limpopo - Richards Bay (coal transport) and others. High-speed rail. communication on the line Johannesburg - Pretoria - int. airport them. O. R. Tambo. 135 airports, including 8 international (2015). Freight turnover of air. transport of St. 885 million tkm (2015); in 2014 transported approx. 40 million passengers (2014). Ch. international airports (passenger traffic, million people in 2015/16): them. O. R. Tambo near Johannesburg (about 20.4), in Cape Town (about 9.7), them. King Chaka near Durban (St. 4.9), in Port Elizabeth (St. 1.6). Leading national and one of the largest in afr. air carrier countries - South African Airways. Mor. transport serves foreign trade transportation. Mor. the fleet includes 22 vessels (2010; including 19 under foreign flags). The total cargo turnover is sea. ports approx. 224.3 Mt (2016) Ch. ports (cargo turnover, million tons): Richards Bay St. 99.4 (it includes one of the largest coal terminals in the world, 71.3 million tons of coal were exported in 2014), Saldanha Bay St. 66.5 (mainly export of iron ore; 1st and 2nd places in Africa, respectively), Durban approx. 41.5 (including over 2.6 million TEU containers, the 3rd place in Africa in terms of container turnover), Port Elizabeth approx. 9.2 Cape Town St. 4.2. Int. water transport is poorly developed. The total length of oil product pipelines is 1460 km (enterprises in Durban, Secunda, etc. are connected with consumers), gas pipelines - approx. 1,300 km [from fields in Mozambique to Secunda (South African section of the Rompco gas pipeline), Secunda - Richards Bay - Durban, etc.], oil pipelines - approx. 1000 km (Durban - Sasolburg, Saldanha Bay - Cape Town), for the transportation of condensate - approx. 100 km (from fields on the shelf to Mosselbay, etc.) (2013).

International trade

The volume of foreign trade turnover (billion dollars, 2016, estimate) 168.2, including export 83.2, import 85.0. Ch. merchandise exports (% of export value, 2016): vehicles 7.8, platinum 5.7, bituminous coal 5.2, gold 4.6, ferroalloys (mainly ferrochrome) 4.1, iron ore (including concentrates ) 3.1, etc. Ch. buyers (% of export value, 2015): China 9.1, USA 7.6, Germany 6.5. Imported (% of import value, 2016): oil and oil products 10.9, auto components 6.6, telephone equipment 3.4, vehicles 2.3, medicines 1.5, etc. Ch. suppliers (% of import value, 2015): China 18.3, Germany 11.2, USA 7.0.

Military establishment

Armed. Forces (National Armed Forces - NAF) number 67.2 thousand people. (2016) and consist of the Ground Forces (Land Forces), Air Force, Navy, as a department. species acts military honey. service. Prepared reserve 15.05 thousand people Military. annual budget $ 3.54 billion (2016, estimate), foreign military help approx. $ 0.5 million Supreme Commander-in-Chief NVS is the president of the country. It determines the direction of the military-political. course and military. construction, appoints min. defense (citizen), early. the joint headquarters and commanders-in-chief of the Armed Forces. Operationally, the country's territory is divided into military, naval. and military air. zones.

Ground forces (37.85 thousand people) have infantry, armored, mechanized, mountain rifle, art., Engineer. formation; organizationally reduced to the command of ground operations, 6 divisions, a special brigade. assignment and army aviation brigade. In service with SV 342 main. battle tanks, 990 armored personnel carriers, 262 field artillery guns, 338 mortars, etc., 29 army aircraft.

Air Force (7.8 thousand people) include combat and auxiliary. aviation, as well as air defense forces and means. Organizationally reduced to a combat aviation. command and 5 air brigades. The Air Force is armed with 83 combat aircraft and 141 auxiliary aircraft. aviation (including training), 25 combat support helicopters. In service with the air defense are MANPADS, anti-aircraft art. installation of caliber 35 mm.

The Navy (19.1 thousand people) includes the command of the sea. operations, squadrons of ships and submarines, sea command. infantry, mor. aviation, special forces. destination, a group of missile boats. In service with 4 diesel-electric. Submarine, 8 URO frigates, 7 missile boats, etc .; in the pestilence. aviation (600 people) - approx. 30 aircraft and 22 transport helicopters; in the amphibious forces (3.6 thousand people) - an amphibious assault ship dock, 2 tank landing ships, 15 light tanks, 25 armored personnel carriers, etc.

Armament and military equipment in the main. foreign production. Since 2005, the recruitment of the NAF has been carried out on a voluntary basis, but the possibility of conscription into the Land Forces for 12 months, in the Air Force for 18 months, in the Navy for 21 months has been preserved. Training of officers in the military. schools and abroad, sergeants and soldiers - in training centers. Mobilization. resources of 4.2 million people, including those fit for the military. service 3.1 million people

Health care

In South Africa, per 100 thousand inhabitants. there are 78 doctors (2013); 28 hospital beds for 10 thousand inhabitants. (2005). Total expenditures on health care account for 8.8% of GDP (budget financing - 48.2%, private sector - 51.2%) (2014). In the state. sector that serves St. 80% of us., There is constant underfunding and congestion; the private sector is well financed by honey. insurance and payments of patients. Legal regulation of the health care system is carried out by the Constitution (1996), laws: on honey. professions (1974), on occupational safety and health (1993), on the free provincial. health care (1999), about psychiatr. help (2002), about nat. health care (2003), about trad. physicians (2007), etc. The country widely attracts honey. workers from abroad. St. 400 state hospitals (low quality of service) and approx. 200 private clinics. The priority task of healthcare is to expand the availability of medical services. assistance to the population through the introduction of mobile honey. help, etc. telemedicine. Main infectious diseases: fever of the Congo - Crimea, malaria, relapsing fever, typhoid fever, hepatitis B, schistosomiasis (2015). Main causes of death: AIDS, stroke, diabetes mellitus, ischemic. heart disease, lower respiratory tract infection, tuberculosis, hypertensive. disease, dysentery, etc. (2015). Resorts, recreation areas and pestilence. bathing: KwaZulu-Natal, Mosselbay, Simonstad, the vicinity of the cities of Durban, Port Elizabeth, etc.


The South African Olympic Committee was founded and recognized by the IOC in 1991. The country's athletes participated in the Olympic Games in 1904–60 and since 1992, in the Olympic Winter Games in 1960, since 1994. In total, 25 gold medals were won at the Olympics (as of 1.1.2020), 32 silver, 29 bronze medals; the most successful were representatives of athletics (8, 14, 7), boxing (6, 4, 9), swimming (6, 6, 6), tennis (3, 2, 1), cycling (1 gold, 4 silver, 3 bronze medals). The youngest Olympic champion in the 100 m race is R. Walker, who won the gold medal in London at the age of 18 (1908). At the Olympic Games in Antwerp (1920) B. Rudd, the grandson of C. Rudd, the founder of the diamond mining company "De Beers", distinguished himself; he won gold (400 m), silver (4 × 400 m relay) and bronze (800 m) medals. The first woman to compete at the Olympic Games (Amsterdam, 1928) was M. Clark, who won the bronze medal in the 80 m hurdles at the Los Angeles Olympics (1932). Marathon runner J. Tugwane - Olympic champion in Atlanta (1996), V. van Niekerk - winner of the World Championships (2015, 2017) and the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro (2016) in the 400 m race, in Rio de Janeiro broke the world record 17 years ago M. Johnson, having covered this distance in 43.03 s. One of the most famous 800m runners in the world in the 2010s. became K. Semenya, who won the World Championships (2009, 2017), the African Games (2015), the Olympic Games (2012 - after the disqualification of M.S.Savinova, 2016) and 3 gold medals at the African Championship (2016); the silver medalist of the World Championship (2011) in the 800 m race and the bronze (2017) in the 1500 m race. Traditionally, high jumpers perform well: EK Brand became the champion of the Olympic Games in Helsinki (1952); 2-time world champion (2001, 2003) and twice silver medalist of the Olympics (Sydney, 2000; Athens, 2004) - H. Cloet-Storbeck. Among the most successful swimmers are: K. van der Burg, who won gold medals at the Olympic Games in London (2012 - 100 m) and two world championships (2009 and 2013 - 50 m) breaststroke style; C. le Clos (butterfly style) won the Olympic gold (2012 - 200 m) and 4 gold (2013 - 100 m, 200 m; 2015 - 100 m, 2017 - 200 m) medals at the World Championships. In 2000, Sh. L. Wittstock (the future Princess of Monaco) played as part of the South African Olympic swimming team in Sydney.

Among the most popular sports: rugby, football, boxing, auto racing, golf, cricket, athletics, swimming and tennis, cycling, rowing. The South African national rugby team is one of the strongest in the world, 2-time world champion (1995, 2007), 3-time winner of the Three Nations Cup (1998, 2004, 2009). The most famous players: J. Smith (played 121 games), P. Montgomery (top scorer - 893 points), B. Habana (as of 1.1.2017 had the 2nd result in terms of the number of attempts - 67). In 1995, the Rugby World Cup was held in South Africa. The final match was held at Ellis Park Stadium (Johannesburg) in the presence of 65 thousand people. The history of the tournament was filmed by f. "Unconquered" (2009).

One of the strongest professional boxers in the history of the country - K. I. Sanders, who performed in the heavy weight category and won the title of world champion according to the versions of the World Boxing Organization (WBO, 2003) and the World Boxing Union (WBU; 1997–2000); fought 46 fights, scored 42 victories, including 31 by knockout. Golfer G. Player - winner of 9 Grand Slam tournaments. The South African national cricket team has played three times in the semifinals of the world championships (1992, 1999, 2007). Stayer S. Mokoka - 2-time winner of the Universiade in Kazan (2013), African champion (2016) in 10 thousand meters. Among the tennis players of South Africa, the most famous are: W. R. Ferreira (won 15 ATP tournaments), A. Koetzer (won 9 WTA tournaments), L. Huber is one of the strongest players in doubles: won 53 WTA tournaments, including 5 Grand Slam tournaments - Australian Open (2007) and USA (2008, 2011) , Wimbledon Tournament (2005, 2007). The men's national team of South Africa - the winner of the Davis Cup (1974), the women's national team of South Africa - the winner of the Federation Cup (1972).

In 2010, South Africa hosted the FIFA World Cup (won by the Spanish national team). The matches took place in 10 cities of the country, in stadiums with a capacity of 38 thousand people. and more; the largest of them: Moses Mabida (Durban; 62.8 thousand seats), Cape Town (over 64 thousand seats), Soccer City (Johannesburg; 84.5 thousand seats), the last of them the final match was held. The South African team played under the arm. braz. coach K. A. Parreira; The hosts drew with the Mexican team (1: 1), lost to the Uruguayan national team (0: 3) and defeated the French national team (2: 1), eventually taking the 3rd place in the group (due to the worst goal difference with the Mexicans ). The tournament was remembered for the use of specials by local fans. rozhkov - vuvuzel, creating specific. noise in stadiums. The strongest football club "Mamelody Sundowns" (Pretoria) - the winner of the Afr. Champions League (2016) participated in the World Club Championship (2016). Accepts opponents at the Loftus Fersfeld arena (approx. 52 thousand seats).

Stage of the world championship "Formula 1" Grand Prix South. Africa was held at the Prince George circuit (East London) in 1962–65 and at the Kyalami circuit (near Johannesburg) in 1967–93.

Speaking at complex team forums, South African athletes won: Afr. games (in 1999 were held in Johannesburg) - 300 gold, 270 silver, 217 bronze medals (3rd place on 1.1.2017 among all countries), Universiades - 27, 16, 28, in the Youth Olympic Games (3, 4, 3 ).

Education. Institutions of science and culture

Management of educational institutions is carried out by the Ministry of Education, the Council for Higher Education, and the Ministry of Labor. Main regulatory documents: laws - on schools (1996, amendments 2005, 2007), on higher education (1997, amendments 2002, 2008), on advanced training (1998, amendments 2003, 2008), etc. The education system includes 2-year preschool education (chap. private), 9-year compulsory basic education (6-year primary and 3-year incomplete secondary), 3-year complete secondary (general or technical) and higher education. Preschool education is covered by St. 76% of children, primary education - 99.7% of schoolchildren, secondary education - 93.8% (2014). The literacy rate of the population over 15 years old is 94.6% (2015, data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics). Ch. scientific. institutions, universities, libraries and museums are located in Johannesburg(English Academy of South Africa, University of the Witwatersrand, University of Johannesburg, etc.), Cape Town (Royal Society of South Africa, University of Cape Town, South African University, etc.), Kimberley (A. McGregor Museum, W. Humphries Art Gallery), Pretoria (South African National Academy of Sciences, Academy of Arts and Sciences, University of Pretoria, etc.).

Mass media

Leading periodicals editions: newspapers in English. lang. - The Daily Sun (Cape Town, published since 2002; daily, circulation approx. 260 thousand copies), The Daily News (Durban, since 1878; daily, approx. 60 thousand copies), The Sunday Times "(Johannesburg, since 1906; weekly, about 440 thousand copies); newspapers in Afrikaans - Die Burger (Cape Town, since 1915; daily, about 55 thousand copies), Rapport (Johannesburg, since 1970; weekly, about 175 thousand copies), etc. Radio s 1923, television since 1976, for official. languages ​​of South Africa and several Europ. languages. Television and radio broadcasting is controlled by governments. by the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC, founded 1936, Johannesburg). Nat. information agency - South African Press Association (founded in 1938, Johannesburg).

realism). The prose of O. Schreiner (novel "African Farm", 1883), T. Mofolo (novel "Chaka", 1925) gained fame. Comprehension of ethnographic. diversity and political device of the country, socio-psychological. Problems are at the center of creativity of R. Zlomo, J. van Bruggen, B. U. Vilakazi, A. Peyton (“Cry, Beloved Country”, 1948), J. Cope (novel “Lovely House”, 1955), A. Fugard (drama "Blood Ties", 1961), E. Krihe, MV Serote (poetry collection "The Roar of Cattle", 1972; the novel "Every Birth has Its Own Blood", 1981), A. Meiman (the novel "Victims" , 1976), D. Brutus, B. Head (book "Stories about tenderness and power", 1989) and others. The works of N. Among the first Europ. buildings - defended. structures (Fort of Good Hope in Cape Town, 1666–77, architect P. Dombaer) and brick houses covered with white plaster in the mainstream of the so-called. Cape-Dutch style (unlike the Netherlands, with figured pediments not only at the ends, but also in the center of the long side of the building, where the main entrance was located: the Grote-Constance estate near Cape Town, early 18th century, etc.) and churches (Reformed church in Tulbag, 1743). At the turn of the 18-19 centuries. spread neoclassicism worked H. Baker and his followers J. M. Solomon, G. Leith and others. Among the brightest works of art deco - the memorial to the first Boer colonists "Vortrekker" in Pretoria (completed in 1949, architect G. Moordijk). In the forms of modernism from the beginning. 1930s designed by architects R. Martinsen, W. G. Macintosh, J. Fasler. All R. 20th century decomp. local traditions since modern. forms were connected by N. Eaton, H. Stauch and others, in the 1950s. significant was the influence of the Brazilian (O. Niemeyer), since the 1960s. - Amer. architecture, including L. Kahn (R. Eytenbogardt and others). In the beginning. 21 c. buildings taking into account society, cultural and natural contexts are created by J. Nuro, P. Rich.

In the 1st floor. - ser. 19th century landscapes of the territory of the present. South Africa was captured by travel artists (T. W. Bowler, J. F. Angas, T. Baines, and others), at the end. 19th - 1st third of 20th centuries - local painters J. Wolskhenk, J. Nod, R. Prause, S. Koldekott, K. Senek, J. H. Pirnif, who worked in line with decomp. European currents. Niederl. post-impressionist P. Wenning influenced G. Bonsaier, T. McCaw and others. She created portraits of D. Kay, in the spirit of him. expressionism I. Stern and M. Laubser worked, Paris school- M. Sumner. All R. 20th century traditions of the peoples of South Africa and the latest Europe. tendencies were connected by V. Battiss, A. Preller, S. Skotnes; major Afr artists. the origins were L.K. Makhubela, J. Pemba and J. Sekoto. From the end. 1970s in the mainstream of figurative painting, they created works by S. Pinker and R. Hodgins (also a master of social realism and political satire, along with P. Stopfort). From the end. 18th century worked dumb. sculptor A. Anreith, at the end. 19 - early. 20th century - A. van Wau, in the 1st half. 20th century - K. Steinberg, M. Kottler, L. Lipschitz; among the masters of afr. origin - E. Mancoba and J. Kekana (authors of wood sculptures, including religious ones), in the 2nd half. 20th century - S. Kumalo, E. Legae, L. Sithole, N. Mabasa, J. Khlungwani.


Moose. culture is different means. a variety of styles and trends. The Zulu, Kosa, Suto, Venda and other peoples retain the tradition. music. In the beginning. 20th century developed specific. the style of church music that united Europe. basis, North-Amer. gospel music and local traditions. On the 1st Thursday. 20th century mountains began to develop. muses. a life; in the interaction of Europ., Afr. and Latin-Amer. music gradually formed specific. song and dance styles - marabi, kwela, magwanga, etc. Ok. 1900 Methodist mission teacher Enoch Sontonga (c. 1873-1905, spokesman for the scythe) wrote the hymn "God Bless Africa", which in 1996 became an integral part of the State. anthem of South Africa. One of the first muses. educational institutions - South Africa. muses. College in Cape Town (1910), which was headed by Brit. musician W.G. Bell. In the 1940s and 1950s. a composer school began to take shape. Jazz pianist and composer T. Matchikiza (1921–68) - the author of the most famous South African. the musical "King Kong" (held in 1959 on the stage of the Witwatersrand University, in 1961 in London the European premiere took place; the music was recorded on gramophone records). In 1948 the Society of Afr. music, in 1953 - International. b-ka afr. music in Johannesburg. Traditions. the music of South Africa was studied by ethnomusicologists H. Tracy, A. Tracy, P. Kirby and others. f-those of the University of Cape Town (1923) are studied by the West. academic and afr. trad. music, jazz, the Opera School works in the un-those (1954). At the University of Pretoria, muses were created. the Unisa Foundation (1990), which organizes concerts, competitions and festivals. The oldest musical performing groups in South Africa are Symphonic. Cape Town Orchestra (1914, since 1997 Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra), Stellenbosch University Choir (1936). In 1954 in Johannesburg the Nat. symphonic. South African Orchestra (private since 1998). Since 1992, Pretoria has hosted international events. competitions of musicians-performers. World renowned musicians include: singer Miriam Makeba; jazz musicians - alto saxophonist Kippi Moeketsi (1925–83), pianist Abdullah Ibrahim (b. 1934), trumpeter Hugh Masekela (b. 1939); gospel singer Rebecca Malopé (b. 1965), Soweto Gospel Choir (Johannesburg, 2002).


The country has long-standing traditions of performing arts (folklore Bantu, San, Zulu, etc.). Year of birth sovr. The theater is considered to be 1838, when the Grahamstown Amateur Company staged the play "Life Among the Huguenots" by A. G. Bein. Originally theater of Europ. type developed under the influence of missionaries (performances were staged on biblical subjects and didactic plays based on local material). Afr. I. W. Schlessinger's theater trust (later "African Consolidated Theaters"). In the 1920s. at the Marienhil Mission (near Pinetown) comedies and performances of Zulu folklore were staged. In the 1920s – 1930s. theatrical performances gained popularity among the workers. In 1929 in Johannesburg the group "Happy Stars of Metetwe" was formed. In 1932 the playwright G. Dhlomo created Dramatic in the same place. Bantu Society (in 1936 the Bantu People's Theater was opened; in 1941 the festival of the African National Theater was held on its basis). In the 1940s and 1950s. was popular Dramatic. Society of Orlando Boys' Club. In 1958, the Social Center for Bantu Men (founded in 1924) staged the play Lost Friday by A. Fugard, reflecting the real situation of the country's indigenous population. In 1959, the "Association of Afr. music and drama ”. 1950-60s the basis of the theater repertoire in South Africa was made up of plays by local authors (including the founder of the "black theater" G. Kent). 1970s-80s - the heyday of the "protest theater". In 1973 Nar was organized in Lenasia. experimental theater. In conditions when on the basis. theater venues (including in the National Theater Organization created in 1947 in Pretoria), Ch. arr. white directors and actors, the development of color theater until 1978 was concentrated in the independent Market Theater (1976, Johannesburg) and in People's Space (1972; reopened as Space Theater in 2008). Among other theaters: in Johannesburg - "Joburg Thietr" (1962), Nat. children's theater (1990), "Soviet theater" (2012); in Cape Town - "Artscape Theater Seter" (1971) and "Baxter Theater" (1977), puppet "Puppet Space" (1972); in Durban - Playhouse (1986). Scenic sites are located in pl. casinos and large shopping centers (incl. h. in the premises of "Montecasino" in Johannesburg since 2000, the "Theater and Studio of Peter Turien").


Prof. troupes appeared in the 20th century. (ballet company of Cape Town University, 1934; since 1997, Cape Town City Balle). In 2012 the Johannesburg Ballet was organized. Folklore and modern choreographic. the performances are carried out by Jazzart Dance Theater (history since 1973; modern name and status since 1986) and Dark Room of Modernity (2010, both in Cape Town); Wuyani Dance Company (2015, Newtown). One of the leading choreographers is Ch. Bovim (Private Presley, 2013; The Queen of the Ballet, 2014; The Kiss of Romeo, 2016). Nat. festival of arts (1974, Grahamstown), Small nat. Karoo Arts Festival (1994, Oudshurn), Afr Festival. Mangaung Culture (1997, Bloemfontein). The South African Dance Academy has been operating in Pretoria since 1991, and the Ballet for All; School in Cape Town since 1991; in Johannesburg since 1993 - Nat. art school.


The first film screening (a series of 30-second films) took place in 1896 in Johannesburg. At the end. 1890s filming was carried out by E. Hyman, W. Dixon, and others. In 1909 a stationary cinema was opened in Durban. In 1910 Australian. entrepreneur R. Naylor organized the Springbok Film Co. (full-length fictional film "The Great Theft of Kimberley Diamonds" by R. Nissen, 1911). In 1913, the film magazine "African Mirror" (from 1939 - sound) began to appear. In 1915 in Killarney (a suburb of Johannesburg) the film studio "African Film Productions Ltd." ... The first sound f. - "In the land of the Zulu" (1930). One of the notable directors of this period was J. Albrecht (Sari Mare, Mommy, both 1931). In 1938 W. Boxer founded the Alexander Films film studio (production of commercials). In 1940–48 the Amateur Film Organization of the League of Rescue Operations was active. In the 1940s and 1950s. popular films by P. S. de Wet: "Simon Beyers" (1947), "The machinations of Dr. Kwak" (1948), "Come with me tonight" (1949), "The Pleasures of Life" (1957), "An Invitation from the Heart "(1959). In the 1950s-80s. J. Ace's works stood out: Far, Far Out in the Steppe (1951, the first color film), Brawlers (1961, co-production with the USA), Only After You, Comrade (1966), Animals Are Wonderful People (1974), Funny People (1976), The Gods Must Have Been Crazy (1980), Funny People 2 (1983). In 1964, the National was created. movie advice. In the 1960s - early. 1970s state programs are adopted. supporting cinema in Afrikaans and bantu... Illegally filmed short films criticizing the government and policy of apartheid: Return, Africa by L. Rogozin (1959), Volcano, Wake Up by L. Ngakane (1962), Five Fates by K. Austin (1980). The first is openly critical. painting became f. The Place of Wailing by D. Rudt (1986). In the 1970s-80s. declared himself dir. R. Devenish ("Busman and Lena", 1973; "Guest", 1977, Ave Mkf in Locarno; "Marigolds in August", 1980, Ave Mkf in Berlin). In 1997, the first tape of a black dir was released. R. Sulemana ("Fools"). In 1999 the South Afr ​​was established. nat. film and video fund. At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. means. paintings by O. Schmitz - "Mapantsula" (1988, banned from showing), "Johannesburg Stories" (1997), "Tale of Robberies" (2000), "Paris, I Love You" (2006), "Life First "(2010)," Shepherds and Butchers "(2016, pr. MKF in Berlin); T. Makhlatsi - "Portrait of a young man drowning" (1999, St. Mkf in Venice). Among the actors: L. Shuster, G. Mamabolo, T. Gumede, T. Mokhlomi. One of the most successful films is the crime drama Tsotsi by G. Hood (2005, Oscar ave.). The best co-productions from the USA are “Stander” by B. Hughes (2003), “Unconquered” by K. Eastwood (2009, about N. Mandela). Popular works by S. Brecher - documentary "Kobus and Dumile" (2002) and "Surfing in Soweto" (2007), fiction - "Burning Hotel" (2011), "Ayanda" (2015), "It's me, Anna" (2015 ); O. Hermanus - "Shirley Adams" (2009), "Beauty" (2011, Ave Mkf in Cannes), "Endless River" (2015), N. Blomkamp - "Alive in Johannesburg", "Yellow" (both 2006) , "District 9" (2009), "Elysium - Heaven not on Earth" (2013), "A Robot Called Chappy" (2015). Annually held: Mezhdunar. Durban Film Festival (since 1979), South Afr. int. film and television market "Sithengi" in Cape Town (since 1995), Intern. Cape Town and Winelands Film Festival (since 2009; modern name and status since 2012), Intern. Documentary Film Festival "Meetings" (1999, Cape Town and Johannesburg), Human Rights Film Festival of Three Continents in Johannesburg (2002, documentaries from Africa, Asia and Latin America). Since 2006, it has been awarded to nat. pr. "Golden Horns".

Jacob Zuma hand-feeds his wives.

For several years now, South Africa has been ruled by the black Zulu President Jacob Zuma. In April he should hit 75 years old, but he is energetic as young. Grandfather has eight wives, five of which are official! Only on the maintenance of the presidential harem from the state treasury is spent annually $ 2 million. If the heroic Boers, the descendants of the Dutch, French and German colonists in South Africa, knew how the wealth of the country for the future of which they fought would be spent ...
Following the 2014 parliamentary elections, in which the ANC won 249 seats, Jacob Zuma was re-elected for a second presidential term on May 21 without a vote due to the lack of other candidates. If anyone tried to stand as a candidate, he would get acquainted with the Zulu ... no longer with spears, but with bullets ...

After the elimination of apartheid, the black population of the country gained access to previously closed areas and, naturally, immediately took advantage of the opportunity.

In the photo, old Negro districts were built for black workers by Rhodes' diamond heir, Oppenheimer. (Now rich blacks live here, if a criminal wanders here out of stupidity, he is killed, and the body is given to the police.)
White did not wait for the new masters of the state. Those of them who still continued to live in the central part of Johannesburg, the "inner city", abandoned their apartments. In their place, new tenants with a different skin color immediately moved in. They were the dregs of black society. In general, a classic example of "white flight", but at the same time different from a similar situation in Detroit. If in the "City of Motors" the leading role was played by the depressive state of the main branch of the urban economy - the automobile, then in the "City of Gold" it was primarily political processes. However, regardless of the root causes, the result was the same. Both megacities from "white" to "black". Negroes arbitrarily occupying the housing left by the whites refused to pay for it. The immediate result of this was the rapid degradation of the city's housing stock. Landlords stopped servicing their property, cut off water, sewerage, and electricity there. Little New York was turning into Little Harlem.

Here is an example of the most famous building in South Africa ... An empty skyscraper was taken over by black gangs, turning an elite skyscraper into a hotbed of crime, drug addiction and AIDS. The bottom of the atrium served as a five-story dump ...

Big business, the headquarters of the largest South African companies, of course, have not disappeared from Johannesburg, the city remains the business capital of the country. They just moved closer to the staff. In the northern suburbs, in the Sandton area, a new well-defended settlement has emerged, certainly not as impressive as the Central Business District created in the 1950s and 70s, but much safer. The city is actually still divided, only white and black have changed places ...

By the time of the abolition of apartheid, the police were at 64% consisted of blacks. The main problem was the commanding staff. Only by the mid-2000s, the authorities managed to achieve 50% of blacks in leadership positions. In itself, this was not a problem (the black middle class is still quite loyal to the whites, namely from which they recruited and recruited black officers). The problem was a purely political solution - to flood the law enforcement agencies with people from the ANC, which had its own experts on power issues. The flow of terrorists from National Congress(ANC) corroded the inside of the police much faster than any positive discrimination.
Police powers were curtailed after 1994 - the use of force was now discouraged. In some Norway, such a measure looks appropriate - but we are talking about a country of black intra-tribal slavery, blood feud, cannibalism, voodooism, and other, no less beautiful ancient customs... The crime situation has deteriorated sharply, the death rate among police officers has increased, 200-300 killed police officers for modern South Africa is normal, although this is the highest figure in the world, huge even by African standards.
The dashing reforms of Mandela added fuel to the fire, after significant relaxation in the legislation on private security services, this market swelled to obscenity and took the best employees from the police ... Today in South Africa there are 190 thousand police officers and an army of almost a million guards.
Meanwhile, the prohibitive rise in the crime rate, combined with wild poverty, continues. After the victory of democracy from 1994 to 1998, there wereregistered 2,000 attacks that killed 550 white farmers. Moreover, the ANC looks like a herbivore organization in comparison with other black movements like the "Pan African Congress of Azania", whose leaders until 1994 generally advocated slogans like "One farmer - one bullet" and demanded immediate land acquisition from the Boers without any compensation. And the American organization "Black Panthers" sent their fighters to train the locals on how best to kill whites.
Today, after the arrival of democracy in the country, 200 thousand people have been killed ... The rise of black racism, fully encouraged by the government. Failure of your own social policy the authorities prefer to blame the Boers. By 2011, the number of white farmers killed has grown up to 3037. Life in South Africa has become an extreme sport for whites: the danger of robbery, beatings, rape and simply violent death has grown many times over.
On the other hand, some whites can afford isolation from the surrounding horror. Fortified camps protected by the latest science and technology, high walls, energized barbed wire, motion sensors, machine-gun towers are being created, rich whites live there in their besieged fortresses.
Here is a blissful example of white survival in this country: "On the road sign indicating the entrance to Orania, the inscription:" Private property. Blacks are not allowed to enter! " This is how visitors are greeted in a small town in the heart of the Republic of South Africa. The population of Orania is about 700. To be eligible to settle here, you must at least be a representative of the white race.
“Back in the days of apartheid, I realized that fragile harmony cannot last long,” says Mayor Karel Boshoff. "The blacks will sooner or later take power, and we, the white minority, will remain completely powerless."
“We don't like what has been happening in South Africa since 1994. We believe that the mixing of people in South Africa was a mistake and caused conflicts, says Orania Vice Mayor Prinslu Potzhetier. “So we decided to live our own way.” Boshoff, son-in-law of former South African Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd, founded Orania in 1990 with 11 families. The settlers acquired a small town and the surrounding area and have been building a white South African future here ever since. According to local residents, the main goal of creating a voluntary reservation is to preserve the language and cultural heritage of Afrikaners, descendants of colonists of Dutch, French and German descent. About 20 years ago, they made up 60% of the white population of South Africa. The remaining 40% were Anglo-Africans, most of whom left the country after the blacks came to power. However, Afrikaners consider the republic their homeland and do not intend to leave the country, and there is nowhere to run.
Orania lives thanks to agriculture... In order to avoid problems with the authorities, the residents founded a private company in which everyone works. On the territory of the town their own money goes - ora.
“As far as freedoms are concerned, Afrikaners are much easier here, and besides, it is safe, if we talk about the level of crime in the country,” says Focus John Stride, who has lived in Orania for 14 years.
The settlers do not use the labor of blacks in principle, so as not to give them political rights. This, according to Boshoff, would plunge the city into the same chaos that South Africa has lived in for the past decade and a half. "

Usually in South Africa occurs 50 murders a day - more than in Mexico, where the endless drug war is raging. South Africa is the world capital of rape (according to experts, up to 500 thousand cases a year)! Of course, most of the victims are black, but white women are also at risk: the locals firmly believe that sex with a white person cures AIDS, and at least 30% of blacks are sick ...
The new black regime exploits blacks as well as the old: in 2012 the police are democratic killed 44 miners at a demonstration for higher wages, of course, without any sanctions and indignation from the world community. Apartheid no longer exists, and the mine generally belongs to the British Lonmin ...
From 1996 to 2011, the number of farms fell from 60 thousand to 40 thousand. From 1994 to 2004, about a fifth of all whites left the country - a huge number of talented and qualified specialists who live in a black "paradise" was not to my liking. White farmers are still at risk. Since 1997, the number of white farmers decreased by a third, armed attacks farmers are committed 4 times more often than the national average.
I have mentioned the ANC several times - this terrorist black organization now officially rules in South Africa. They are the ones on December 16, 1961 staged a series of explosions in major cities of the country. And they continued to kill whites and blacks terrorizing the population ... Their favorite pastime is making "necklaces". They caught a man, better than a white one, but a black renegade would do. They buried him up to his neck in the ground, put a cut car tire around his neck, added gasoline and set it on fire ... Sometimes the victim was slowly roasted alive for several hours ...
In terms of population, South Africa is in 26th place in the world, with 51.8 million people living in the country (as of July 2010). The number of whites in the country is rapidly declining due to their emigration to North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, mainly under the age of 40. According to various sources, 8.8% of the population is now white, while in the 40s their share reached 21-25% of the country's population! The share of the black population in South Africa is growing due to the influx of black emigrants from other African countries. More than 10 million immigrants arrived in South Africa ...
Over the past two decades, the country's population has remained almost unchanged due to the high infection with HIV, as well as the decline in the number of whites. One of the central problems is the massive spread of HIV infection (mainly among the black population), for which South Africa ranks first in the world.
Impressions of those who have visited South Africa:
"Johannesburg made a very heavy impression. The largest city of South Africa, once a business capital" is now rapidly losing its image of a leader in the region "- a quote from the Internet. With peeling advertising signs. In many places where advertisements were torn off by the former owners (white), now it is either not restored, or crookedly corrected with bare paint. And black around. Crammed. Right on the sidewalks they sleep, eat, relieve themselves, trade, ... live. But the culture is like at home in the village. A thousand kilometers from here. We did not dare to get out of the taxi in the center of Johannesburg. And disgusting. And creepy. White people seemed to be poisoned with some kind of chemistry, like bedbugs ... sorry for being straightforward. "
"We sit down. Large numbers of negros start to scurry around the plane, there are also a lot of them at the airport. Well, yes, Africa. I go through border and customs control without any problems, I get my luggage - everything is in place! It's strange that nothing is lost. Michael meets me at rented "Renault". Next we need to go to Durban, which is 700 km on the east coast. I ask him to show me the city first. Michael wonders "What to see there?" takes me to the very center and I am in shock. There are skyscrapers around, well, that's understandable. But on the ground there is sheer blackness and dirt. Why? Michael explains that the blacks gradually took over the city center and turned it into a sump, so the business center the city has moved to another place. Actually, tourists have nothing to do in Johannesburg. Besides, local whites cannot live here either because of the crime rate. div house with electric fence and barbed wire. But this does not always help. "
"In a very beautiful Durban, 3 minutes after stopping in the city center to capture his beloved against the backdrop of the city hall, my colleague was robbed. Two irresponsible teenagers with knives took away an expensive camera. Black. I confess, I thought about some benefits of apartheid. sharply negative, none of them makes "Robin Hoods." The black thieves caught in front of our eyes were almost torn apart by a crowd of the same "black brothers." because of such bastards they think badly of us! - the negro rustled. "Let's hang them!" The crowd listened. The police did not let the lynching take place, and the upset champion of order spat at one of the thieves. plot. "
"I lived in Randburg for almost 5 years, this is an urban area of ​​Johannesburg, slightly above average. Life in South Africa is peculiar, very cheap - compared to other developed countries, but at the same time, there is a" first world "in one country (Western standards) and the "third world" (hopeless poverty). When this is all together, then, of course, the mixture is explosive. Blacks do not like whites, because whites have clamped them for decades. White blacks (not all white, but very many) they despise that blacks, in their opinion, are narrow-minded and lazy at work. Outwardly you will not notice this immediately, for this you need to live there for some time. Almost all whites are racists (they believe that blacks are second class). time, blacks have squeezed whites - for 13 years now, since blacks came to power in 1993. Whites get less money than blacks working in the same position - because blacks have been "underpriviledged" (did not have enough privileges) for many years. It is harder for whites to find a job - the company must have a certain percentage of black workers; if you are a white man, then it is even harder (white woman - previously oppressed as a woman, preference - oppressed). There are also many Indians and Colored people in South Africa. All nations, in principle, stand on their own - in words, all are equal, but there is a structure, the whites are still the elite - although they are pinned down by their salaries. There are a lot of politics related to races - even at the level of ordinary, daily life. Whites stay on their own, communicate with other whites, with such communication the standards are like in any other Western country. The houses are large and beautiful, almost all whites have servants living in the house. There are still many Englishmen and people of other nationalities in South Africa, although many emigrated after blacks came to power. "..
Africa moves to Europe ...
The hasty flight of Europeans from Africa, groveling before the very bloody dictators modernity has become the backbone of the latter's unlimited power. Sekou Touré broke off diplomatic relations with France, and Paris humbly asked for their restoration for 10 years. When the Guinean tyrant "forgave" France, the president of the republic, Valerie Giscard d'Estaing, flew headlong to Guinea to pay his respects. Idi Amin ordered the arrest and execution of his critic, the English teacher Denis Hills. The British Queen and the Prime Minister sent pitying letters of apology and a request for clemency, and the Foreign Minister personally flew to Uganda and apologized several times for the words of the British citizen, giving Amin the opportunity to fully enjoy the humiliation of the former metropolis.
This so-called civilized world has forbidden itself, in principle, to criticize the policies of the new post-colonial states. The UN endlessly condemned apartheid in South Africa or the power of the white minority Ian Smith, but never the monsters: Amina or Mobutu ...
This behavior of the West is worse than a crime!
And now cute black brothers from Africa have swept over Europe ...

About morals:
35-year-old Zimbabwean native Andrew Chimboza, who lives in South Africa, pleaded guilty to the murder of 62-year-old Mbuiselo Manona, claiming that he ripped out the victim's heart and ate it in order to prove to the deceased that he was not gay ...
He also brought his "deepest apologies" to the relatives of the victim, noting that he regards his actions as "exceeding the boundaries of necessary self-defense" ...

The genocide of the white population is taking place in South Africa!

From an article on a court case in South Africa: "I killed them because they were white." These famous words were spoken last year by William Kekana, who was involved in one of the most heinous crimes in which the entire family of Clifford Raunsthorne was destroyed, including his fiancée, child and his mother. But the murder of the entire family did not appear in the media, not even the fact that the one-year-old Kyle was killed on his first birthday. They are white! The women were raped before being killed ...

Anika Smith was at home, and not at school due to illness, when the blacks broke into her house, raped her en masse and cut off her forearms, still alive. They needed her hands for their voodoo rituals. She bled to death and her father found her when he came home from work ...

South Africa is in the first place for sexual abuse of children of any age. It happens every day ...

In 2001, a nine-month-old girl was raped by six men between the ages of 24 and 66. It was reported that in February 2002, four men raped an 8-month-old baby. One of the men was charged ...

If the Negro killer is a member of the ANC, he is not under trial ... And most likely he will be at large ... (Reminds the attitude towards "refugees" in Europe ...)

More than 67,000 cases of rape and sexual assault involving children were reported in South Africa in 2000.

Blacks believe that sexual intercourse with a white virgin can heal them of AIDS. This, among other things, explains the frequent rape of girls by them. Every third teenager of both sexes in South Africa is a victim of sexual violence.

Many whites in South Africa live in poverty, they are not hired because they are white, they are denied medical care, they do not receive an education, rich whites, and sometimes blacks, bring them humanitarian aid and give them free soup.

They cannot get a job for the simple reason that they are white ... The priority when applying for a job is black, even if he is dumb as a cork, then a white woman and only last of all a white man ...

And now, after the adoption in June 2016 of the law on the seizure of land from white farmers in South Africa, the country is on the verge of civil war ...
Let me explain. The government claims that the land belonged to blacks, so pay us money for the territories. The fact is that the land itself and the work on it are not of interest to them. The Negroes themselves are colonists, the Zulu tribes came to these lands destroying more than 2 million local residents of those who did not have time to escape and stumbled upon the Boer colonists moving from the empty uninhabited coast during the Great Trek ... The Zulu never cultivated the land! It was considered a shameful occupation, worthy only of slaves! And the tribes of the Hottentots and Bushmen live in a primitive communal system and are engaged in gathering, they have no concept of ownership of land at all. See Rhodesia now Zimbabwe Check out what it has become now. There, too, they took the land from the whites."Restoration of justice" in neighboring South Africa Zimbabwe ... Whites were killed or expelled not only from the land, but also from the country. President Mugabe unofficially allowed the seizure of farm land not according to the right of former property (there was simply no such right), but just like that - without any compensation, even for livestock and property. Priority was given to veterans of the national liberation struggle, former partisans, who considered the land a reward for service, but did not know how to cultivate it and manage buffaloes. Hundreds of local goats were released into the pasture. These goats tend to eat whatever they see with roots, and after two seasons the pasture has turned into a desert. Buffaloes and cows imported from South Africa became extinct.
So the hunger began ...
Today, human rights activists are trying to draw the attention of the countries of Europe, America, as well as Australia and New Zealand to the problem of racially motivated crime in South Africa. One way to help whites is to accept them abroad and recognize them as refugees. But the problem is that massive immigration of 4 million South Africans is not possible! For example, in the USA there is a quota for Africans. Unfortunately, despite the fact that the Afrikaners have European blood, they fall under this quota. Moreover, analysts believe that allowing white immigration could undermine the status of the late Nelson Mandela, dispelling the myth of him and the ANC as "fighters for freedom and justice."
In 2010, a protest march against the genocide of whites in South Africa was held in Sweden. Radio The Right Perspective reported that the marchers believe that "You can no longer sit and do nothing, because what is happening now in South Africa may happen to us in the future." In 2012, a protest was organized in Los Angeles and in 15 other US states. Leaflets with information about the genocide in South Africa were distributed to all bystanders. The organizers of the protest were pleasantly surprised by the responsiveness of the people and their desire to support the Afrikaners.
The problem of mass killings of whites in South Africa was hushed up for a long time, and representatives of the white minority were unable to attract the attention of other countries. I would like to believe that the situation has begun to change for the better, and that the descendants of the Boers will finally hear the world ...
Black racism is the official policy of South Africa! Both the president of the country and the so-called members of the government have repeatedly spoken about this and, most importantly, acted in accordance with this!
"I have a dream!" - said Martin Luther KING, an outstanding fighter for the rights of the black population in the 60s. It would seem that it has come true. Barack OBAMA was sitting in the chair of the President of the United States, and in South Africa, back in 1994, the apartheid regime collapsed. Only here is no need to talk about the kingdom of justice that the preacher dreamed of. Both the white majority in North America and the white minority in South Africa have themselves become oppressed citizens. But hardly anyone will intercede for them even on March 21, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination ...

Useful data for tourists about South Africa, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information about the population, currency of South Africa, cuisine, peculiarities of visa and customs restrictions in South Africa.

  • Capital: Pretoria (government)
  • Territory: 1.220.430 sq. Km
  • Country code: +27
  • Domain: .ur
  • Network: 220V
  • Time: from Moscow -1 hour.
  • A visa is required to enter

Information about South Africa

Geography of South Africa

The Republic of South Africa (South Africa) is a state located at the southern tip of the African continent. It shares borders with Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Swaziland. Washed by the Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean.

Most of the country is occupied by high flat plateau "Karoo" and low (up to 2500 m) mountains, only along the coast stretches a narrow strip of plains, separated from the elevated regions by the ridge of the Drakonovye (Great Ledge) and Cape Mountains. The highest point in the country is Mont-aux-Surs (3299 m.).


State structure

A republic with a presidential form of government. Independent member of the British Commonwealth. The legislature is a bicameral parliament (Senate and National Assembly). Each of the 9 provinces of the country has its own parliament, legislature and government, reporting to the Prime Minister of South Africa.


Official language: Afrikaans and 10 more languages

Afrikaans are spoken by Afrikaans (descendants of the Dutch) and most mestizos, English is spoken by almost all whites and Asians, some Africans. Most Africans speak their own languages.


Religion - Christians (mostly Protestants) - 68%, followers of local beliefs - 28%, Muslims, Hindus, Jews.


International name: ZAR

The South African rand is equal to 100 cents. In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 200 (orange), 100 (purple), 50 (pink), 20 (brown) and 10 (green) rand, coins in denominations of 5 (silver), 2 and 1 rand, as well as 50, 20, 10 , 5, 2 and 1 cent. In the course of the coin, both old and new issues, the bills of which, with different denominations, are quite similar to each other. For cash payments, only local currency is used.

Foreign currency can be exchanged at airports, train stations, hotels and numerous bank branches. It is relatively unprofitable to exchange money in hotels, since the exchange rate is usually somewhat overpriced and a commission is charged (approximately 1%). It is necessary to keep currency exchange receipts for reverse conversion when leaving the country.

All major shops, hotels and restaurants accept major credit cards. Only cash is used for payments at petrol stations. Traveller's checks can be cashed at banks and tourist offices (commission approximately 1%).

History of South Africa

The territory of South Africa in ancient times was inhabited by Bushmen, Hottentots and Bantu peoples, but after the discovery of the southern tip of Africa in 1488 by the Portuguese, colonization of the country began. In 1652 the first European settlement was founded by the Dutch East India Company. The history of South Africa is marked not only by the conquest of territory by aliens, but also by a fierce struggle (especially after the discovery of diamond deposits) between the descendants of the Dutch settlers, who made up a special ethnic community - the Boers, and England. The struggle ended with the formation on the basis of two Boer republics in 1910 of the Union of South Africa (since 1961 - the Republic of South Africa) as part of the British Commonwealth.

South Africa map

Popular attractions

South Africa Tourism

Where to stay

South Africa is a land of contrasts: here you can enjoy wonderful nature, great hunting and gorgeous beaches. The main places for tourists to visit are national parks, major cities and the coast. It is there that the hotels of world hotel chains and national hotel brands are located - Southern Sun Hotel Holdings, Inns and Protea Hotels, Sun Hotels International and Karos Hotel.

The hotel infrastructure is diverse - from economy hotels to luxury five-star hotels. All of them are of a fairly high class, even three-star hotels are prestigious and offer tourists quality service, cleanliness and comfort.

South Africa does not have a traditional European classification of hotels, but still most hotels have a star rating depending on the quality and quantity of services provided. Most motels, guesthouses, hostels and beach cottages have no classification at all.

One of the most budgetary types of accommodation is camping in national parks, which, in addition to tent accommodation, can offer a shower, a kitchen and a shop. The so-called "hotels on wheels", which offer a fairly high level of service, are unique for this country and are in great demand.

The ideal option for unpretentious tourists would be accommodation in youth hotels (hostels). They usually offer multi-bed rooms with a shared bathroom. Meals are not included in the room rate.

African safari lovers can settle in campsites - canvas chalets on wooden platforms.

Guesthouses - family hotels are scattered throughout South Africa. The cost of accommodation in such hotels depends on the number of services provided.

On the coast and nature reserves, most of the hotels are so-called bungalow complexes or loggias. The presence of a restaurant and a bathroom in the room on the territory of the hotels is mandatory. Meals are mainly organized according to the "all inclusive" system, or - full board.

Popular hotels


It is advisable to tip waiters in restaurants (up to 10% of the bill), porters in hotels and airports (up to R 5 for each suitcase or bag), taxi drivers (up to 10% or rounding off the amount on the counter to the nearest integer), guides on excursions, and etc.


Opening hours of institutions

Banks are open on weekdays from 9 am to 3.30 pm, on Saturday from 8.30 am to 11 am. ATMs are open around the clock, as are bank offices at airports.


Value Added Tax (VAT, 14%) is included in the price of all goods and services. VAT refund is possible at the airport at the "VAT REFUND" counter upon presentation of the return receipt (issued in the store). In this case, tourists must also present a valid passport, all required forms of documents and cash receipts, as well as the goods themselves, and the minimum amount of purchases must exceed 250 rand. If the amount of VAT itself exceeds RR 3 thousand, compensation is often issued non-cash, by bank transfer to the account.

The medicine

A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required. It is recommended to take action against malaria. International medical insurance is compulsory.

Drinking water and most local soft drinks are generally safe to drink, but it is nonetheless recommended to use mineral or drinking water factory packaging. The quality of food in the overwhelming majority of cafes and restaurants meets sanitary standards. Street stalls and bistros are also considered safe.


All reasonable precautions should be taken with regard to both things and personal safety. Guided tours alone are downright dangerous. You should always gather company before going swimming, walking in the mountains or going on a hike. It is not recommended to travel alone in buses, fixed-route taxis and trains in the evenings.

Credit card fraud is very common in South Africa.

Emergency phones

Police - 10111.
Criminal Police - 0800-111-213.
Ambulance - 10117 or 999.
Rescue Service - 1022.

National characteristics of South Africa. Traditions

Since autumn 2006, the country has been running an extensive and consistent smoking cessation program.

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