Healthy nutrition menu for the day. Basic principles of a healthy eating system Healthy eating system and what not to eat

Principles proper nutrition- these are rules that should be followed throughout your life, since their observance will lead not only to weight loss, but also to an improvement in well-being.

Currently, experts from all over the world have developed more than a dozen of the most diverse diets. Each of them is able to help you lose weight, the main thing is to choose the right one for your body that is right for it. However, any diet has only a temporary effect. Only by following the rules healthy eating, you can really achieve good results without harm to the body.

The basics and principles of good nutrition

The basics of good nutrition are based on 3 key principles:

  • control of calorie content of consumed foods
  • variety of food
  • observance correct regime nutrition.

For weight loss and improvement general condition health, it is important to consider all three principles of good nutrition.

The basic principles of proper nutrition:

Variety of products. Everyone knows that the body needs a large amount of a wide variety of vitamins and minerals every day. To provide it with the maximum amount of nutrients, you need to diversify your menu with various fruits, vegetables and cereals.

However, it should be remembered that some fruits may not help you lose weight. These include bananas, pears, and grapes. Although, of course, it is difficult to do without them, it will be enough to eat one fruit, and not a whole kilogram. Scientists have long proven that fruits and vegetables of different colors contain different useful substances. Even if you are very fond of apples, do not deny your body to strawberries.

Eat often, but little by little. When you eat only 3 times a day, the body can start to store up. The best option will be if you eat 5-6 times, but small portions. In a good way"Deceive" yourself, there will be a change of dishes. Use small plates. They will create the effect of a large portion.

Count calories. In order to lose weight, the calorie content of the foods consumed should be calculated. Calories should be roughly equal to the amount of energy expended in a day. If you do physical activity, then the calorie content should be slightly higher than if you lead a sedentary lifestyle.

The easiest way is to control your weight. If the numbers grow on the scales, then it is necessary to either reduce the diet or increase physical activity. In addition, there are tables indicating the calorie content of a particular product.

Create a meal schedule and stick to it ... It is advisable to take food at the same time. It's not easy to make such a daily routine, but possible. Dinner should be at least 3 hours before bedtime. If it so happened that you had to sit down at the table late, then it is better to do with fruits, light vegetable salad or low-fat cottage cheese.

The principles of good nutrition: when and what foods to eat

Start your day with breakfast:

  • Never deprive yourself of breakfast. Even if it seems to you that you are not hungry, the body simply needs to receive nutrients to function properly. You can refuse dinner, but breakfast should be mandatory.

Exclude junk food from the menu:

  • Do not once again talk about the dangers of fast food and other "snacks" such as crackers, chips, mayonnaise and others. Love yourself, not junk food. Indeed, in addition to extra calories (and therefore excess weight) such food will not bring any benefit. If it is difficult to immediately abandon such products, eliminate it gradually, and instead of store-bought mayonnaise, prepare sauces at home.

Enjoy snacks:

  • Even if you are on a meal schedule, there are times when you feel like grabbing something to eat. You shouldn't deny yourself this. For such snacks, something light is perfect: fruits, candied fruits, vegetables, low-fat yogurt, or a couple of nuts. This will reduce the feeling of hunger and will not allow you to eat more than the body needs in the main meal.

Important! By skipping the right snacks, you run the risk of eating more than normal.

Sweets can be helpful:

  • This is not about store-bought sweets. Candied fruits, fruits, dried fruits, a piece of dark chocolate, honey and some vegetables are great substitutes for production cookies and sweets. They are not only tasty, but also bring undoubted benefits to the body. If it is difficult to give up sugar, then it is better to replace white sugar with unrefined brown sugar, since it is not processed, which means it is more useful and natural.

Try to eat less hormonal foods:

  • Most manufacturers use different hormonal drugs and antibiotics for accelerated meat rearing. Entering the human body with food, these hormones have a negative impact on health. Changes hormonal background, antibiotics increase the risk of getting food allergies.

Reduce the amount of salt you eat:

  • As you know, salt delays the removal of fluid from the body. As a result, it does not allow to effectively fight overweight... Therefore, the amount of salt consumed must be reduced. When preparing meals for your family, try to add less salt to your meals. So, gradually, you will teach the family to eat right.

Limit your intake of animal fats:

  • Animal fats often lead to an increase in blood cholesterol levels, slow down metabolism and, as a result, lead to weight gain. Give preference to vegetable fats. They cleanse blood vessels, have 100% assimilation and are easier for the body to process.

Limit alcohol intake:

  • No one is calling for a complete rejection of alcohol. But it should be remembered that alcohol contains sugars that can negatively affect both the figure and health in general. In addition, spirits offer a wide variety of snacks, often very high in calories. If you can't refuse the drinks offered, limit yourself to one glass of wine.

Product replacement:

  • Learn to replace unhealthy high-calorie foods with healthy foods. If you can't give up meat, replace fatty pork with chicken, turkey, or beef. Replace sugar with honey, instead of cookies, take candied fruits for tea, instead of fatty dairy products, eat low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt. At first it will not be easy, but over time you will get used to it.

Consume a lot of fluids:

  • Any nutritionist will tell you that no matter what diet you sit on, you need to drink a lot. It could be simple drinking water, mineral water, green tea, herbal teas, broths, fresh juices. It is especially necessary to drink a lot of water with great physical exertion. This is necessary in order to prevent possible dehydration of the body. As you can see, this does not include the favorite lemonades and other carbonated drinks. These drinks contain a large amount of sugars and harmful substances.
Interesting! Experts have developed a calculation formula daily allowance consumed water: 30 ml of water is needed per kilogram of weight.

Basic principles of good nutrition for weight loss

Don't get distracted while eating. It is better to take food calmly, without haste, without being distracted by books, TV or conversations. Without noticing it, you eat more than your body needs to get full. Enjoy every bite of food and the feeling of fullness will come much faster, which means that overeating from an increase in the portion does not threaten.

Attention! Synthetic sugar substitutes are found in many sweets and can be harmful to the body.

Don't give up food. The biggest mistake in losing weight is fasting. This can be very harmful to your health and, at best, get rid of stomach problems. The body in conditions of such a strong stress will most likely begin to put it aside, and this will affect the scales. It is better to follow the rules of a healthy diet every day.

Don't go shopping on an empty stomach. Always go grocery after meals. This will prevent yourself from making spontaneous purchases. In a hungry state, you are likely to buy a lot of excess food that has nothing to do with proper nutrition.

As much movement as possible. This rule especially applies to those who are engaged in sedentary work. Even if you follow all the principles of proper nutrition, energy needs an outlet. Fitness classes, swimming, aerobics, or jogging in the park are great for this. If sports are not for you, then dancing will also help keep your muscles in good shape. Even walking is a good way to keep fit. The main rule is not to be lazy, but to move.

Don't expect results in a week. We all want to get results as quickly as possible. But by following the basic principles of good nutrition for weight loss, you will not lose weight in a week. They are designed for constant use and then the result of changing your habits will delight at any time. Be patient and when you see the first fruits of your labors in the mirror, do not start to indulge yourself, but continue to work on yourself.

The principles of good nutrition for weight loss: a menu for any day of the week

  • Breakfasts - cereals (boiled in water and without adding oil), muesli, vegetable or fruit salads, low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese, boiled eggs or protein omelet, green tea or black coffee without sugar;
  • Lunches - first: vegetable soups without frying, low-fat broth with rye croutons. For the second: boiled or steamed lean meat (turkey, chicken or beef) or fish (seafood) is suitable as a main dish; brown rice, buckwheat, lentils or vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil can be prepared as a side dish;
  • Dinners - boiled or steamed lean meat (turkey, chicken or beef) or fish (seafood), vegetables with a low starch content as a side dish.
  • Suitable for snacks are fruits, vegetables, low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, dried fruits, and, of course, more liquid throughout the day.

It should be remembered that a diet for weight loss does not give quick results. You will need to work hard to get used to the new menu and learn how to burn calories. On average, changes will become noticeable around the third month.

Remember, proper and healthy eating is not a diet, but a lifestyle that should always be adhered to.

Follow your goal with patience and confidence, follow the principles of proper nutrition, and then the result of your efforts will delight you for many years.

"In order to live, a person must eat" - this is an axiom that does not require proof. However, not every nutritional system provides full-fledged mental and physical performance, and even more so - maintains health at an acceptable level.

In order for the body to receive all the necessary components for full-fledged life, a system of proper or healthy nutrition was developed. main feature such nutrition

The balance of each meal according to the main components, which include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. The main task of proper nutrition is to provide the body with a sufficient amount of:

Energy for the flow of life processes;

Building material for the regeneration (renewal) of body cells and their active growth in childhood and adolescence.

Basic principles of a proper nutrition system, which must be followed

  1. The balance of calories from food and burned during the day should be zero or negative. Negative is even better, since the body receives energy not only from food. The best remedy to burn calories - physical activity, which is why experts so persistently call for an active lifestyle.
  2. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats give different types energy, of which the energy obtained from carbohydrates is the fastest and is consumed in the first place, with 80% - to ensure the functioning of the brain. Energy from proteins is mainly spent on the renewal of body cells - muscle tissue and tissues of various organs. Energy from fat is the slowest and most of it is used to create vital reserves for future use. The optimal amount of ingredients in each meal is as follows:

20% -25% should be protein foods (meat products, fish products, eggs, dairy products, legumes);

Approximately 50% should be healthy carbohydrates (vegetables, cereals, cereals);

25% -30% should come from fats (vegetable, animal).

  1. The 30-50-20 principle dictates that 30% of calories should be for breakfast, 50% for lunch, and 20% of calories for dinner. It is very important that 75% -80% of calories come from food into the body no later than two o'clock in the afternoon, since only in this case it is possible to solve the problem of excess weight.
  2. The interval between meals should not exceed 3-4 hours. Five small meals are significantly better than 3 large meals. 2 meals only harm the body.
  3. The optimal number of meals is five - this is breakfast 1, breakfast 2, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner.
  4. The number of dishes per meal should not exceed 3-4.
  5. It is advisable to eat only freshly prepared dishes.
  6. Do not drink food during meals and immediately after meals.
  7. Nutrition must be varied, since the psychological stress from monotonous nutrition greatly affects the rate of metabolic processes in the body.
  8. The basis of nutrition should be vegetables, and not only because they contain the right carbohydrates, but also a large amount of fiber, without which the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is impossible. This principle fully applies to fruits.
  9. The consumption of vegetable fats in the afternoon should be minimized, and animals should be eliminated completely. This is due to the fact that fats are digested for more than six hours and in the evening and at night, with a minimum of physical activity, calories from them will accumulate in the form of fatty deposits on the hips, abdomen and other problem areas.
  10. It is necessary to limit or completely eliminate the use of products harmful to the body: fried fatty meat, canned food, smoked meats, all kinds of sauces, semi-finished products, cereals fast food, mayonnaise, etc.
  11. Any salads should be seasoned with vegetable oil, low-fat mayonnaise, or low-calorie sauces. From dairy products, skim should be preferred.
  12. There are no special restrictions on the use of sweets and muffins before lunch, but it is better to limit their intake to 2-3 times a week and no later than two in the afternoon.
  13. Any vegetables and fruits (and boiled potatoes too), baked goods made from wholemeal flour with bran, various cereals (except for instant cereals and polished rice) are considered the most useful products in the system of a healthy diet.
  14. It is necessary to give preference to boiled and steamed foods and to minimize the use of fried foods.
  15. To maintain a normal weight, eat lean fish, meat and refuse fatty pork, beef, fatty cheeses and any processed lard (smoked, boiled).
  16. Minimize consumption alcoholic beverages of any kind, since they very much slow down or completely stop metabolic processes in the body. In addition, it is a high-calorie food that stimulates the appetite.
  17. Every day, you need to take raw vegetables and fruits to provide the body with vital enzymes, vitamins and fiber.
  18. Eating should last at least 20 minutes; it is also strongly discouraged to eat while standing.
  19. To normalize metabolic processes, thermoregulation and other vital processes, it is necessary that the daily consumption of raw purified water is approximately 30 ml per 1 kg of weight, but not less than 1.5 liters. Tea, coffee, juices, alcohol, boiled water should not be taken into account, since they do not participate in life support processes.

"Proper nutrition" implies the implementation of 3 main points: achieving harmony, maintaining health and prolonging youth.

It would seem that it could be easier - it is worth reducing the portions, and the weight will begin to decline. But it is not so easy to follow the commandment of our grandmothers: "If you want to lose weight, eat half a bucket less." In fact, everything turns out to be more complicated. Let's determine which foods should become the basis of your diet, and which ones will have to be categorically abandoned. The real purpose of nutrition is to increase physical and mental activity, which helps to maintain health.

Adherents healthy way lives are highly valued healthy (proper) nutrition systems, not harmful to health, but, on the contrary, solving many health problems and with weight in particular. But keep in mind that you should stick to a healthy diet for your whole life. It will take discipline and willpower from you, but the goal is worth it!

The opinion that proper nutrition is certainly chicken or turkey, buckwheat and oatmeal, Is a common misconception. Moreover, the habit of eating monotonously is harmful to the health of the body. Proper nutrition is made up of many healthy foods, which are often forgotten. These are lentils, and quinoa, and mung bean, and black rice, and guinea fowl, and quail eggs, as well as a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc.

Three secrets of good nutrition

  • 5 meals are required throughout the day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner - preferably at the same time + 2 snacks.
  • Serving for 1 time should fit in the palms of your hands. It is not for nothing that each of us has hands of different sizes - this is the measure of the individual norm. For a snack, just one handful that fits in the palm of your hand. Do you think this is too little? Believe me, over time you will easily get used to just that amount of food.
  • Last meal should take place no later than 3 hours before bedtime. You should definitely not gorge yourself at night, especially fatty or sweet ones. A hearty dinner is not the best option. For dinner, it is better to eat fruit / vegetable salads and dairy products (kefir, fermented baked milk, unsweetened yogurt, cottage cheese), and drink herbal teas before bedtime.
  • Make up grocery list, before going to the store. This will help you focus on eating healthy and avoid consuming junk food.
  • Prioritize vegetables as they are healthier than fruits.
  • Place healthy food in a prominent place. As a rule, we want to eat with our eyes. Therefore, it is worth taking away / throwing away old harmful stocks.
  • Cut out sugar. Try not to sweeten your food, and eat berries and fruits instead of harmful muffins and desserts. Even in winter, you can buy frozen berries.
  • Say no to fast food. It is better to carry food with you in containers.
  • Drink water (at least 30 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight). As you know, water is the source of life.
  • Limit your alcohol intake. A glass of dry red wine at dinner is fine, but it shouldn't be a daily ritual.

Proper nutrition - what to exclude?

Coffee - only natural, no soluble analogs. Tea and coffee should not be drunk later than 15:00 - they have an exciting effect on the body, and this is an extra load on the heart and blood vessels. Remember that any liquid should be consumed no earlier than 15-20 minutes after a meal.

Eliminate sugar from your diet, White bread and baked goods, as well as any sweets (even marmalade is prohibited!), meat broths, chocolate (including black bitter), fried and smoked products.

What to eat and how to cook correctly?

Cook, bake, steam, in a slow cooker, fry without oil.

In the summer, you can drink all kinds of vegetables and fruits in the markets and supermarkets. Take full advantage of this abundance. Give preference to those gifts of the land that are grown in your native latitudes.

So that the diet was varied, the menu will have to alternate. Eat meat twice a week, fish 2 times, sour milk (for example, cottage cheese, yogurt) once a week and a hard-boiled egg or steam omelet once a week.

Following healthy system food, after a while you may suddenly find that the fries and chocolate bars you are no longer drawn. The purified body itself will require healthy food!

Healthy nutrition menu for the day

Healthy breakfast

Breakfast should consist of vegetables and cereals. Cook porridge only from whole grains - oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, millet! You can pour boiling water over buckwheat or rice groats in the evening, wrap a saucepan with a towel and leave it overnight - such steamed porridge is much healthier than boiled one.

Do It salad from vegetables or fruit and vegetable fresh (smoothie).

Healthy lunch

On the first cook either a salad or a soup. For the salad, choose vegetables that you can tolerate well (to avoid bloating). Boil the soup only in water, as a last resort, you can add a little vegetable oil (but not butter!).

For the second cook stewed vegetables - but only if there is still room on your palm! You can boil a small piece of meat or fish. It is allowed to vary the products, the main thing is to remember the compatibility: for example, meat and cottage cheese (protein foods) are combined only with vegetables. Eat bread separately from proteins, that is, also exclusively with vegetables, or separately from everything.

The right dinner

Your dinner must be light: it is advisable to feast on vegetable satat - your choice. If you have gastritis and raw vegetables can affect your digestive tract too aggressively, you can put the salad in the microwave for a short time, so it will be easier to digest.

We eat a healthy diet

Breakfast: buckwheat or rice porrige steamed in the evening, salad or freshly squeezed vegetable juice.

Dinner: soup (but not in meat broth!), seasoned with vegetable oil. A piece of boiled chicken or rabbit meat with a garnish of stewed or oven-baked vegetables.

Dinner: steam omelet from 2 eggs.

Breakfast: zucchini or cabbage pancakes (instead of wheat flour add some oatmeal), a cup of coffee or tea (don't forget to pause). Lunch: vegetable soup. Cook it, for example, from celery root, onion, carrot, tomato. Stew beef liver with a side dish of vegetables or rice. The juice.

Dinner: curd and carrot casserole. Kefir or fermented baked milk.
3rd day

Breakfast: porridge or pancakes with apples or stewed cabbage. Season with low-fat sour cream. A cup of cocoa or non-acidic juice.

Dinner: beetroot or borscht. Boiled fish, vegetable salad.

Dinner: any vegetables stewed on vegetable oil... The juice.

In the next 4-7 days repeat everything. When choosing vegetables for your meals, choose the ones that suit you best. For example, in case of digestive problems, legumes and White cabbage- they can cause bloating. In any case, it is worth consulting with your personal doctor or nutritionist.

For a snack, you can choose from: a few nuts, fruit, a couple of dried fruits, a glass of kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese.

Nishi's diet is based on a raw food diet. In his opinion, only raw food will allow a person to find perfect health. Nishi preaches eating raw vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts. Any heat treatment turns food into poison. But you need to switch to such food carefully and gradually. If a person cannot eat only raw food, boiled food should be combined with raw fruits and vegetables (there should be 3 times more raw foods than boiled ones), or with drinking freshly prepared juices, tea made from raspberry leaves, black currants, rose hips, persimmons or water with the addition of apple cider vinegar and honey.

In addition, it is important that your food contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a ratio of 1: 1: 4. Instead of industrial sugar, it is better to use dried fruits and vegetables, honey, sweet fruits.

Basic rules of good nutrition according to the Niche Health System:

1. Drink fresh good quality raw water up to 2.5-3 liters daily.

2. Eat mostly natural foods: fruits, nuts, vegetables, herbs, seeds - up to 75% of your daily diet.

3. Combine cooked food with raw vegetables, which should be 3 times more.

4. Chew food thoroughly. Remember, well-chewed is half-digested.

5. Eat only if you are hungry. It is better to skip meals and replace them with water. Water is food.

6. Rest your systems for 24-36 hours weekly. Before fasting, be sure to cleanse the intestines with herbal infusion or enema.

7. Do not eat until noon and end meal at 6 pm:

let breakfast be late and supper early.

It is also necessary to combine products correctly. The application of this rule can significantly reduce the burden on the excretory organs.

The scheme for combining products according to the Niche system:

Proteins - meat, fish, poultry, cheeses, dairy products, eggs, soybeans, beans, lentils, oilseeds (nuts, seeds, olives, bread, seeds, grain) - are combined only with vegetables, poorly combined with fats, carbohydrates, fruits;

Fats (vegetable, animal, margarine, butter, olives) are combined only with vegetables, sometimes it is possible to combine them with carbohydrates, starchy vegetables, tuberous (carrots, potatoes, turnips, rutabagas, beets, etc.) and with cereals (rice, flour , bread, cereals), but fats are poorly combined with proteins;

Fruits are combined only with each other (sour, semi-sour, sweet). Sour fruits are combined with vegetables.

But the system of a healthy lifestyle according to Nishi presupposes not only proper nutritious nutrition, but also adherence to six basic rules of health.

RULE 1 - Hard bed

RULE 2 - Hard pillow, or roller.

RULE 3 - Exercise "Goldfish"

RULE 4 - Exercise for the capillaries.

RULE 5 - Closing the feet and palms.

RULE 6 - Exercises for the back and abdomen.

And this is how the daily routine for Nishi should look like:

6-7 am - getting up, exercise according to the Niche health system, contrast shower.

7-8 o'clock in the morning - breakfast: "live porridge" of oatmeal or rolled oats, grated apple or 2 prunes, a glass of hot herbal tea or juice, any fruit, a piece of bread.

11-12 o'clock in the afternoon — lunch: fruits, vegetables, nuts or a piece of cheese (soaked feta cheese), or an egg, or 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, 1-2 pieces of bread.

15-16 hours - lunch: you can eat anything, but be sure to 100-150 g of protein food (boiled meat or fish, or nuts, or feta cheese) and 450 g of vegetables (salad or vinaigrette).

18.30—19 o'clock - dinner: kefir, salad or fruits, seeds.

21-22 hours - exercises according to the Niche health system. Cold and hot shower.

From 23 o'clock to 6-7 o'clock - sleep (firm, flat bed, pillow-roller).

Using Professor Nishi's Health System will allow you not only to regain your former harmony, but also never get sick.

If some product is not on the list of permitted products for lunch or dinner, this does not mean that they have forgotten about it, it means that it cannot be eaten for lunch and dinner!

Breakfast and additional nutritional information.

If a product is not on the list of allowed products for lunch or dinner, then it cannot be eaten for lunch and dinner!
1) For breakfast, if it is until 12, you can eat absolutely everything, not counting the portion size, and even more so the calories (they do not need to be counted at all). You should definitely have breakfast in order to activate the metabolic processes in the body in a timely manner. You don't have to eat something big. You can limit yourself to a couple of rye croutons with cheese and tea / coffee / juice.

2) You can drink as much water as you need. Don't force yourself - drink as much as you can.

3) Salt - not limited, but do not make food too salty, it provokes swelling.

4) Sugar and derivatives (including honey) - up to 12 !!! I advise you to try to replace sugar with brown, or at least fructose. White sugar does not contain anything useful that cannot be avoided. I am against artificial sugar substitutes.

5) There is no optimal amount of food that can be eaten at a time, depends on the person and on his needs. All people are different, their activity is different, metabolic processes. It is not necessary to switch to saucers, but plates "like from a buffet" should be avoided. In an article in the magazine "Losing Weight Correctly" I talked about it

6) We eat mainly three times a day; if necessary, you can have a snack with permitted fruits and vegetables. But remember: a large amount of fruit can interfere with weight loss (eg 0.5-1kg of apples during the day). If you eat something all day long, you slow down your metabolism. All three meals should be of equal saturation.

7) I do not advise you to cleanse the body and carry out fasting days... I am against any violence against the body. I think this increases the likelihood of a recession.

8) Vacation. All inclusive. I do as usual - I eat breakfast, lunch is hearty, and then at four or five, lunch is the second. I go to dinner with my friends, have a glass of wine and eat a couple of slices of cheese. In this situation, weight is not gained. With all the rest, 100% will go up, no matter how much you swim and do.

9) When visiting, take a bottle of dry red wine with you, so as not to think about what to drink. For evening and nightly activities, you can have a bite to eat with a couple of slices of low-fat cheese.

10) How to cope with the fact that your husband has to cook dinner? The main motivation. Patiently adhere to the "System minus 60" for about two weeks, and then you get used to it. And in no case try what you cook. You get used to it very quickly. Now I can easily determine by smell what seasoning is missing, even the salinity of the dish. It's all a matter of habit

11) If you missed dinner, you will have to forget about it. A couple of passes - and you stop forgetting !!! For myself, I can say that my stomach itself very methodically reminds me that it's time to have lunch or dinner ...

12) Why not milk chocolate, but can cake? The principle is to get used to not consuming extra sugar in principle. Sugar-free cookies and so on - do not exist. But if it is possible to cut back on sugar without sacrificing taste, then why eat milk chocolate? Those who love milk chocolate are just used to its taste (also about dry wine). Switching to dark chocolate is addictive to enjoying not-too-sweet foods. This is what allowed me to restructure my eating habits. I do not like, for example, cream cakes, or honey anymore, they seem too sweet to me.

13) Doctors support the system. My system does not contradict any dietary canon in principle.

14) The system can be used for breastfeeding, with the only caveat - to introduce all the principles very gradually and carefully monitor the amount of milk. In principle, those who are losing weight according to my system do not have problems with GV, since everything is possible, and physical activity is welcomed only within reasonable limits.

15) I am totally in favor of taking additional vitamin products. In our time, eating a balanced diet is impossible. How many oranges, for example, greenhouse oranges, do you need to eat to get your daily dose of vitamin C ?! I regularly take multivitamin preparations in courses, they make skin, hair and nails look better. By the way, some vitamins help restore skin elasticity, which is also very important. In the book, I also recommend taking vitamins.

16) Many people successfully use the system during pregnancy, however, before starting it is necessary to consult with the supervising doctor.


1. Well, at least kill I did not find any information about chewing gum ... can you chew it?
Sugar-free, but it whets your appetite
2. If in the middle of the day I do pre-bites, apples or oranges, several times, is it a mistake?
Better to eat three times: breakfast, lunch and dinner. If breakfast is early, then you can have a little bite to eat before 12-00. If lunch is early and it's hard to survive until dinner, then you can have a snack with permitted vegetables or fruits.
3. And it turns out until 12 everything can be eaten once?
If your first breakfast is early or doesn't work in the morning, then you can have two, but lunch should be normal too! It shouldn't be like "I ate so much for breakfast that I don't want to have dinner."
4. Is buckwheat with fish in a fat-free sauce possible?
The lunch lists say about buckwheat that it is not allowed with fish? Or the fish, that it is not allowed with buckwheat? No, not written! But it is written that any combination of products, if it is not specified separately, then you can buckwheat with fish.
5. What to do with dinner if lunch was at 15-00-16-00?
Well, you can move it for an hour, but it doesn't have to be constant !!!
6. What are crisps?
These are rye croutons, like bread, but MANDATORY RYE! NO MORE! You can see how they look in Yandex.
7. And on the forum it is written that meat is not allowed with anything for dinner, and in the recipes in Katya's book there are recipes with meat and tomatoes.
It is necessary to read not only recipes, but also advice to them. It says that such a combination is permissible for decoration or flavoring, but not as a side dish.
8. If I go to bed very late, can I move my dinner?
It is possible, at the same time the deadline for the end of weight loss will also move. The later the dinner, the slower you lose weight.
9. I get up at 14-00 and go to bed at 6-00 in the morning, why shouldn't I have breakfast at all?
Well, yes, do not have breakfast. Do you want? So change your daily routine. (Note, this does not apply to night shift workers!)
10. And I had lunch with "a leaf of cabbage and a piece of sausage", is this normal?
No, you shouldn't take Minus 60 as a diet and make your diet dietary. Eat like everyone else normal people, just make adjustments according to the system.
11. Didn't I see dried apricots, seeds, nuts, etc., etc. on the lists?
We read the first message in the topic "Nutrition" ... This phrase must be remembered and repeated as soon as such questions appear .... A sort of mantra ...
12. And the earliest time for breakfast is what time?
And when you wake up and your working day begins. A denser or lighter, listen to the stomach, it is our friend, but do not forget that you have to be hungry for dinner!
13. I work the night shift, is the system not suitable for me?
If you work the night shift, Katya advises you to have breakfast when you get home from work and go to bed. And then, if possible, adhere to the usual routine, that is, have lunch and dinner at your usual time.
14. During the day I really want something sweet, I still have a habit of eating sweets at lunch. How to be?
Eat prunes (3-5 pcs.), They are sweet and over the system or fruit. This will help you rebuild and give up this habit altogether.
15. Why can't berries, etc., etc.?
Because they do not lose weight.
16. Why shouldn't you cook porridge in milk for lunch?
Sweet or unsweetened cereals cooked in milk can contribute to weight gain. If you have normal digestion, allow yourself this breakfast. If you don’t take our word for it, contact any nutritionist or check for yourself, only then do not ask the questions "why am I not losing weight?"
17. It's enough to eat yogurt for dinner. homemade, or do you need something more serious?
All three meals should be evenly saturated.
18. I read that after 12 you can have coffee without milk and sugar! But coffee and milk are allowed, can they be sugar-free together?
Yes, but in combination with a meal, i.e. after / during lunch and dinner (see food combination), otherwise it will be equated to an unwanted snack.
19. According to the System, you can only drink red dry wine, but I have an allergy / heartburn to it, can I replace it with white?
According to the system, only dry red is allowed, the rest is on your conscience.
20. For example: I am reading Katina's book of recipes. Dinner p. 215 "salad from cabbage breast". Can you eat meat and vegetables for dinner? Or, for example, read on the forum recipes on the system "for dinner" cottage cheese casserole + an apple and an egg? which of the options does this apply to? Explain I can not enter, or I literally understand everything, you can and so ???
The recipe tips say EVERYTHING. Re-read all the tips, there is a lot of new and interesting written about building a menu, combining products.

Lunch (we have lunch in the afternoon, but if you have lunch before 12, you still stick to these lists)

METHOD OF PREPARING FOOD FOR LUNCH: - For lunch, any cooking method except frying *, maximum - sautéing **, but then butter, sour cream and mayonnaise are no longer possible.
* Frying is a process in which products are heat treated and brought to readiness by direct contact with fat or in oil (deep fat) at a temperature that ensures the formation of a specific crust on their surface. (do not confuse the crust that forms during frying with the crust that forms during baking in the oven or during sautéing, these are two different things)
** Passing - in our case - 1 tsp was poured into the pan. oils, put vegetables or some other products, fried a little, added water and brought to readiness

- Mayonnaise, or sour cream, or vegetable or olive oil are allowed until 14-00 in small quantities (about a teaspoon)
- soy sauce, coconut milk, ketchup, adjika, horseradish, etc., also in small quantities, but there is no time limit
- you can use any herbs, spices, garlic. "Chemical" seasonings and spices (such as Maggi cubes, Galina Blanca, etc.) are best avoided or used as little as possible. We do not use mixtures like Magi for the second, etc.
- LOVE greens! (such as dill, parsley, cilantro, etc., etc.)

Everything is possible with everything. Besides:
- pasta with a meat group, except for eggs, you can not have a lot of them;
- potatoes, sweet potatoes with a meat group, except for eggs, there are not many of them;
- corn with a meat group, except for eggs, there are not many of them
- couscous with a meat group, except for eggs, you can not have many of them
- legumes with a meat group, except for eggs, there are not many of them.
And do not try to fool yourself by eating soup with meat for the first and potatoes for the second! (THIS IS FOR EXAMPLE)
- Accordingly, soups, if they contain pasta, potatoes, sweet potatoes, legumes, are cooked in water. If they do not have pasta, potatoes, sweet potatoes, legumes, then you can use meat broth. But remember that soups do not saturate for a long time, so I do not recommend getting carried away with them. Do not try to cook soup in meat broth with potatoes, and then fish them out of there, this cannot be done

- You can do the first, and the second, and a salad, and in one meal. That is, it is not necessary to eat only soup at lunch or only the second, you can do both.
- Sushi in any form is allowed. Rolls are also possible, except for hot ones.
- From soy products, only Tofu soy cheese is allowed.
- You can only rye croutons (these are crisps - you can find out what crisps are by asking a question to Yandex), or, at worst, rye bread.

Permitted fruits, dried fruits, nuts and berries
1. Apples (1-2 pcs during the day (after 12-00)
2. Citrus fruits
3. Plums (not many)
4. Kiwi
5. Watermelon (1-2 pieces during the day (after 12-00)
6. Prunes (not a lot, 4-6 pieces)
7. Pineapple
8. Avocado

Permitted vegetables and legumes
You can eat Any, but:
1. Peas and corn can be eaten frozen, but not canned. You can also corn on the cob. If they are included in the frozen mixture, then it is possible with meat / fish, because there are not so many of them.
2. Salted and pickled vegetables are allowed in small quantities, this also applies to various Korean salads, seaweed, sauerkraut, olives, olives and all salinity and pickles, including mushrooms.
3. Do not forget that sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn and legumes cannot be combined with permitted meat and fish products, except for eggs.
4. It is better not to get carried away with the combination of mushrooms with meat (this phrase does not mean that mushrooms with meat cannot be! You can, but be careful!)
5. Green beans are a vegetable, not a legume
6. Legumes are beans, peas, lentils, etc.

Permitted meat and fish products:
1. Boiled sausage and sausages and other boiled sausage products.
2. Cutlets (not fried !!!)
3. Meat (any chicken, rabbit, and horse meat, in general - ANY), offal (this does not mean that you can eat skin and fat !!!)
4. Jelly (aspic)
5. Fish (salted and lightly salted in small quantities)
6. Seafood
7. Crab sticks (rare)
8. Kebab, if not very greasy, and not very pickled. It is better to marinate in lemon juice, kefir, pomegranate juice... If it has been marinated in vinegar for a long time, then it is better not to eat it.
9. Eggs
10. From canned food only canned FISH in its own juice. (seldom)

Permitted cereals:
1. Fig. White milled rice can be eaten very rarely. Better to switch to brown, parboiled and other types of rice.
2. Buckwheat
3. Pasta ONLY from durum wheat (do not forget that you cannot combine with permitted meat and fish products, except eggs)
ATTENTION!!! This does not mean that you can have dough for lunch !!!
4. Rice noodles.
5. Corn grits and couscous - no more than 1 time per week and do not combine with products from the meat group!
6. All permitted cereals cannot be boiled in milk, because sweet or unsweetened cereals cooked in milk can contribute to weight gain. If you have normal digestion, allow yourself this breakfast. If you don’t take our word for it, contact any nutritionist or check for yourself, only then do not ask the questions "why am I not losing weight?" You can boil the cereals in water and add milk.

Dairy and fermented milk products:
-You can eat any non-greasy one.
-Cheese can be of any fat content
-It is imperative to watch the composition so that there is no prohibited sugar, butter etc.

1. Tea of ​​any kind
2. Coffee
3. Red dry wine. If you are allergic to it / heartburn, etc., then it is up to you to replace it with something or not. According to the system, only dry red is allowed.
4. Freshly squeezed juice
5. Dairy and fermented milk drinks.
6. Any water (mineral water, with gas, without it, but this does not mean that you can sweet soda !!!)

1. Tea of ​​any kind
2. Coffee
3. Red dry wine
4. Any water (mineral water, with gas, without it, but this does not mean that you can sweet soda !!!)

Dinner (we have dinner in the evening, closer to 18-00, not 15-00)

- For dinner, any method of cooking, but no oil and fat can be used.

- soy sauce, balsamic vinegar in small quantities.
- you can use any herbs, spices, garlic. We do not use "chemical" seasonings and spices (such as Maggi cubes, Galina Blanca, etc.), mixtures such as Magi for the second, etc. We do not use.
- LOVE greens! (such as dill, parsley, cilantro, etc., etc.)
- In small quantities lettuce leaves and seaweed(in versions with vegetables, the quantity is not limited)

Below are 7 dining options.
- You need to choose one of these options and there is only what is written there, DO NOT ADD PRODUCTS FROM OTHER OPTIONS !!!
- Do not try to eat everything that is listed in the option, eat only what you want!
- Alternating dinner options is not only possible, but also necessary.
- You can combine products from one option with each other, except for Option No. 6 "Meat, fish". In this option, it is better not to combine the products with each other, half an egg for a maximum of 200 grams of meat.

Option 1 "fruit and milk":

2. Citrus fruits,
3. Plums (not a lot),
4. Kiwi,

6. Prunes (4-6 pieces)
7. Pineapple
8. Dairy or sour-milk products with a fat content of no more than 5% can be used. Yoghurts with any additives are not allowed. No cheese.

What can you drink?

- Tea of ​​any kind
- Coffee
- Water with or without gas


Option 2 "fruits and vegetables":
1. Apples (1-2 pcs during the day (after 12-00),
2. Citrus fruits,
3. Plums (not a lot),
4. Kiwi,
5. Watermelon (1-2 pieces during the day (after 12-00)
6. Prunes (4-6 pieces)
7. Pineapple
8. Any vegetables, EXCEPT:
- Potatoes
- Pea
- Mushrooms
- Pumpkins
- Eggplant
- Avocado
- Legumes
- Batata
- Corn

What can you drink?
- Juices made from the listed fruits and permitted vegetables
- Tea of ​​any kind
- Coffee
- Water with or without gas
- Dry red wine. If you are allergic to it / heartburn, etc., then it is up to you to replace it with something or not. According to the system, only dry red is allowed.

Option 3 "fruits and cereals":
1. Apples (1-2 pcs during the day (after 12-00),
2. Citrus fruits,
3. Plums (not a lot),
4. Kiwi,
5. Watermelon (1-2 pieces during the day (after 12-00)
6. Prunes (4-6 pieces)
7. Pineapple
9. Any rice, except for white polished (note, rice noodles are not allowed, because white rice is not allowed for dinner)
10. Buckwheat

What can you drink?
- Juices from the listed fruits
- Tea of ​​any kind
- Coffee
- Water with or without gas
- Dry red wine. If you are allergic to it / heartburn, etc., then it is up to you to replace it with something or not. According to the system, only dry red is allowed.

Option 4 "vegetables and milk"
1. Any vegetables, EXCEPT:
- Potatoes
- Pea
- Corn
- Mushrooms
- Pumpkins
- Eggplant
- Avocado
- Legumes
- Batata
- Nothing salty, pickled, smoked DO NOT!
2. You can dairy or sour-milk products with a fat content of no more than 5%. Yoghurts with any additives are not allowed. No cheese.

What can you drink?
- Juices made from permitted vegetables
- Dairy and fermented milk drinks
- Tea of ​​any kind
- Coffee
- Water with or without gas
- Dry red wine. If you are allergic to it / heartburn, etc., then it is up to you to replace it with something or not. According to the system, only dry red is allowed.

5 option "vegetables and cereals"
1. Any vegetables, EXCEPT:
- Potatoes
- Pea
- Corn
- Mushrooms
- Pumpkins
- Eggplant
- Avocado
- Legumes
- Batata
- Nothing salty, pickled, smoked DO NOT!
2. Any rice, except for white polished (note, rice noodles cannot be, because you cannot white rice)
3. Buckwheat

What can you drink?
- Juices made from permitted vegetables
- Tea of ​​any kind
- Coffee
- Water with or without gas


6 option "meat, fish"
1. Meat (any and chicken, and rabbit, and horse meat, in general ANY) and offal (this does not mean that you can eat skin and fat !!!). You can have a little broth and without fat (up to 100 ml)
2. Fish
3. Seafood (salted, lightly salted, pickled, etc. not allowed)
4 eggs
5. Aspic, aspic.
ATTENTION!!! There is no boiled sausage on the list, crab sticks, canned food. We have not forgotten about them, they cannot be.

What can you drink?
- Tea of ​​any kind
- Coffee
- Water with or without gas
- Dry red wine. If you are allergic to it / heartburn, etc., then it is up to you to replace it with something or not. According to the system, only dry red is allowed.

7 variant "milk, cheese and crisps"
1. You can dairy or sour-milk products with a fat content of no more than 5%. Yoghurts with any additives are not allowed.
2. Cheese up to 50g. Any cheese is possible, even with mold!
3. Crisps (RYE croutons, namely RYE) 3-4 pieces.

What can you drink?
- Dairy and fermented milk drinks
- Tea of ​​any kind
- Coffee
- Water with or without gas
- Dry red wine. If you are allergic to it / heartburn, etc., then it is up to you to replace it with something or not. According to the system, only dry red is allowed.

1. Green or herbal tea (from leaves, stems, plant flowers, but not from roots)
2. Coffee
3. Water with gas (very gently, whet the appetite) or not
4. Red dry wine. If you are allergic to it / heartburn, etc., then it is up to you to replace it with something or not. According to the system, only dry red is allowed.
5. During evening and night activities, you can have a bite to eat with a couple of slices of low-fat cheese

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