Exercises for the corset. Exercises for strengthening the muscular corset. Reliable Muscular Corset - Best Spine Protection

Regularly to train your back is needed not only by weightlifters and bodybuilders. A good set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and the spine will help form a muscular corset. This is important for both smooth posture and for the prevention of spinal column deformations. The latter often arise in adulthood, especially the leading low-wear lifestyle of people. Paying out only half an hour at half an hour, you can save the flexibility of the spine for many years and avoid many problems with your back.

How to do exercises correctly

Before starting regular back muscle training, it is important make sure there is no contraindications. If there is a history of disease or damage to the spine, then you need a doctor consultation. Even if the loads are allowed, a number of rules should be observed to avoid the injuries of the musculoskeletal system:

  • perform all elements smoothly, without sudden jerks;
  • constantly listen to sensations in the problem area (discomfort - a signal for termination of classes);
  • rail the load gradually, dumb increasing the number of repetitions as muscles strengthened;
  • you need to do regularly, increasing discipline and fixing the results achieved;
  • beginners should not be chased by quantity Repeated and sets, as well as to ask a too frisky pace at the very beginning of the lesson.

The following complex of exercises for the spine is contraindicated in chronic diseases at the aggravation stage, bleeding of any etiology, the presence of pronounced pain in the zone of the waist, blades and neck.

Complex of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back of the house

Four simple exercises for which inventory and practical skillsWhen regular execution will help create reliable muscle support for the spinal column:

  • Bridge Berdrami. The element is performed from the initial position of the lying, bent legs while resting in the feet in the floor, the hands are located along the torso. Exhausted, lift the hips up to the straightening of the body in the hip joints, linger slightly at the top point and smoothly lower the pelvis. Exercise is preferably at least 15 times. As Muscles are strengthened, you can raise the load, straightening one leg in the knee when the hip is lifted.
  • "Bird and Dog" - Interesting and effective exercise for all groups of spinal muscles. Run on all fours (dog posture), you need to strain the press and straighten your back. The transition to the pose of the bird is to simultaneously picked up the right hand and the opposite (left) leg. The limbs are straightened, located strictly horizontally and fixed for a couple of seconds. After returning to the original position, the opposite hand and foot operate (make at least 5 times for each side).
  • Side Plank Especially useful with long-term static load on the spine (standing hours). Lokia on the side and leaning on the elbow of one hand, the second place on the waist. Then tear the hodges from the surface and straighten the body, fixed in such a position no less than half a minute. Repeat the element for the other side. To complicate the task, you can raise your leg in the process of execution or rely on the palm of a direct hand.
  • Deposits Designed to improve coordination are made from the standing position. Fixing the palms on the waist, you need to quickly step forward, bent the legs in the knee joints at right angles. Make 10 repetitions for each leg. You can increase the load with burden (hold dumbbells in your hands).

In addition to the prevention of deformations and diseases of the spine, this simple set of exercises will provide a magnificent posture. Thin waist and graceful gait will become another pleasant bonus.

People whose work implies long-term static loads on the back and attending a simulator room, it is recommended to perform more special elements.

Additional set of exercises to strengthen the spine (video)

The simulators in the gym allow you to diversify a set of standard elements for the formation of a muscular corset.

  • Stretching performed on hyperextension, perfectly strengthen the muscles rectifiers. From the source position, you need to fully straighten the body, staying up for 30 seconds at the top point.
  • Dead craving - Another excellent element for pumping rectifiers. Exercise is intended for the prevention of disorders and contraindicated with pain syndrome. Perform slopes and extension smoothly by holding the bar in the hands of a straight grip.
  • Element "Prayer" It is the thrust of the vertical block performed on the knees. At the bottom point when flexing the body, the head needs to touch the floor.
  • Hyperextenzia You can do on the phytball. The initial position is a legume on a stomach on a projectile with palms recorded on the head and lowered torso. When extending the body to straighten and linger on half a minute in this posture.
  • Stretching with Fitbol - One of the simplest, but very useful for the back of the exercises. You just need to lie on the shell of the stomach and relax the muscles of the whole body. It is possible for a long time in such a posture.

Listed exercises - not only guarantee of strong muscular corsetbut also excellent tools from back pain. Complement the standard workout program, you can do not fear scoliosis and osteochondrosis Even with the many hours of sitting in the office. It is important to get up every hour from the workplace to break the muscles slightly and activate blood circulation.

Efficiency of exercises for the back for diseases of the spine

Scoliosis and osteochondrosis - The most common pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The first diagnosis is made at any age, since the curvature of posture can be earned in childhood. Wherein atrophy muscles of the back and hold the vertebral post in incorrect position. Special exercises for stretching and strengthening muscles - the optimal way fixing situations.

Set of exercises with scoliosis (video)

Osteochondrosis - more "age" disease, which is degradation of cartilage fabric Intervertebral disks. Accompanied by a violation of the mobility of the spinal column, periodic pains and deterioration of fabrics. In this case, it should be done carefully, however, if the case is not very neglected, exercises they will help restore mobility and get rid of pain.

Osteochondrosis training (video)

After performing a complex of simple exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine daily, you can return health and save it for a long time.

Exercise The pendulum is considered one of the most effective in the elaboration of the abdominal muscles and in order to general strengthen the abdominal press. It is insulating, so the focus must be done not on the quantity, but on quality, after finding out all the nuances, how to make a "pendulum".

In the gym in this will help the coach, and ...

Exercise "Pendulum" for the development of buttocks, legs and press

Exercise The pendulum is considered one of the most effective in the elaboration of the abdominal muscles and in order to general strengthen the abdominal press.

It is insulating, so the focus must be done not on the quantity, but on quality, after finding out all the nuances, how to make a "pendulum".

In the gym in this, the coach will help, and in class at home - photos and videos to this article.

The advantage of the "pendulum" is that the position of lying does not create an excessive load on the spine, which and so you have to make considerable loads on strength training.


Almost only the lumbar joint is practically working, the main load falls on the lumbar spine, so that in order to avoid injuries it is not necessary to chase after a rapid pace, and the load on the press, as well as for the legs and for the buttocks in this case it will be more weighty.

Exercise The pendulum should include in any training program regardless of the level of athlete preparation, including powerlifters, because the powerful muscle corset allows you to hold the housing and thereby removes a considerable part of the load from the spine. The "pendulum" can be done at the beginning, and at the end of the workout.

"Lifting dumbbells on biceps"

It would seem that such an exercise should be of particular interest to women, but this is not at all - for the waist "pendulum" may be even harmful.

With the help of this exercise, it is not possible to reduce fat deposits on the waist, but because of the pumped, hypertrophic oblique muscles, the waist will become even wider.

Therefore, girls perform the "pendulum" better in a limited volume, only to strengthen the muscular corset.

There are also contraindications: a pronounced osteochondrosis of the spine, primarily its lumbar department, as well as the injuries of the back and upper limbs.

"Training program Lazar Angelova"

There is a prerequisite for the absence of drafts, as the deceitful lower back is easy to set out. It is advisable to do on a special mattress or at least folded in several layers a thick blanket.

Option 1.

  1. To lie on the floor (see above), the hands will spread at right angle to the housing palms to the floor.
  2. Having drawn belly, raise closed legs vertically up so that the soles looked into the ceiling.
  3. In turn, to lower the straightened closed legs to the right, then left, on the exhalation lifting them vertically, and on the breath - omitting as close as possible to the floor, ideally - to the floor. At the same time, the hands, the upper part of the body and the head do not break away from the support, and remain tightly pressed.
  4. The pace of exercise is slow, with muscle control.
  5. To complicate the load, the legs can be kept not straightened, but under a stupid angle.

Option 2.

Option 3 (vertical pendulum with rubber ribbon).

  1. In this embodiment, the "pendulum", unlike the basic option, is involved predominantly musculature of the hips and buttocks.
  2. Take a straight rack, both legs come on a rubber tape, and tighten her ends to the chest.
  3. Tighten the stomach and remove the right leg to the right, without removing it from the rubber loop and reducing strictly in the same plane with the case.
  4. Run 30 times, then change your legs.

Option 4 (sloping to the side with burdening)

  1. With burden in this case, it means from Gary, barbell, dumbbells, etc., but you should not take a lot of weight shells, so as not to overturn the spine.
  2. Source position: The corpus of the straight, legs on the width of the pelvis, head raised, look forward.
  3. Take the projectile in one hand, the second lay behind the head on the back of the head or rest in the belt.
  4. Digging the breath on the breath, smoothly (!) To lean the body towards the hand from the dumbbells, not allowing deviations either forward or back.
  5. Stopping at the bottom point, make a small pause and in exhale as smoothly return to its original position.
  6. After performing several slopes in one direction, change your hand and repeat.

Exercise The pendulum is performed also on the horizontal bar: tightening on semi-baked hands, legs raise perpendicular to the floor and rock them in such a position from side as a pendulum. The exercise is quite complex, but effective.

"What is aquaeerobics"

Source: krasota-zdorove.com

Effective exercises and tips that make the muscles of the bark is stronger.

Muscle corset (or muscles of the bark, torso) is a complex of muscle tissues responsible for the stable position of the spine, pelvis and hips. These are the only muscles in the body that do not move our body, and are responsible for saving its position. For this they are called muscle-stabilizers. A well-developed muscular corset is a pledge of a beautiful posture, a healthy back and a strong press.

Strengthening the muscular corset: for and against

It is often possible to hear that all the problems with the spine - pain in the neck and lower back, the violation of the posture, hernia, the displacement of the vertebrae and others - occur due to the weakness of the muscles of the back, which cannot hold the spine in the correct position. In this regard, it is assumed that the surest way to get rid of violations in the spine is to pump up the muscles of the body, including the backs. However, in reality the situation is somewhat different.

The muscles of the back are divided into 2 large groups - superficial and internal. The first is superficial - form our body and provide movement. They are involved in performing various exercises. The second muscle group is internal - consists of short intervertebral muscles, which hold the stable position of intervertebral disks. These muscles cannot be used during exercise, therefore, with serious problems with the spine, the exercises will not benefit, but only aggravate the situation, having accelerating the wear of the intervertebral disks.

So, the strengthening of the muscular corset is useful only to prevent problems with the back, but not for treatment! If you are worried about pain and spasms in the neck, the lower back and other spine departments, it is better to contact a specialist. But to prevent these problems, improve coordination and physical form, strengthen the muscles of the bark is simply necessary!

Exercises for the development of a muscular corset

There are several basic exercises aimed at working out the muscles of the body.

Tightening the case ("Snake")

This exercise improves the flexibility and mobility of the spine. From the position lying on the stomach, lift the top of the body, leaning on bent elbows and forearm and squeezing the fists, and then tighten the entire body forward. Move your elbows a little further and again tighten the housing behind them. Make sure that the pelvis does not break off from the floor. Overcoming 2-3 meters, complete the exercise with a small rest, and then repeat 2 more cycles.

Hand breeding in the rise ("Flight")

Lie on the stomach and pull the hands forward. Lift legs, chest, shoulders and hands and, looking in front of yourself, delay in this posture for 15-20 seconds. Divide your arms to the sides, do not omit them to the floor, and save the position for another 15-20 seconds. Then smoothly lower the legs and arms and relax the muscles. Perform 10-15 repetitions in 3 approaches with a break in 30 seconds.


In position lying on the stomach, put your elbows and forearms on the floor. Make sure that the elbows are strictly under the shoulders, and the elbow joint was bent at right angles. Next, relying on the forearm, fists and fingers stop, lift the body parallel to the floor.

It is very important that the feet be reduced, the legs and buttocks were in tension, the stomach was drawn, and the loin retained a smooth position, not flexing down, nor up (imagine that you learn about the wall). All this will reduce the burden on the spine and activates the most important muscles of the bark. Hold the position of the bar for 1-3 minutes until you feel that you can no longer hold a straight line of the body. After a 30-second recreation, repeat 2 more times.

Planck with leg lifting

When you can easily hold the static position of the bar for more than a minute, you can complicate the exercise. To do this, lift one leg in the pose of the plank slightly above the level of the shoulders and keep the position until the end of the approach, while pulling the sock on yourself. In the next approach, change the leg raised.

Another variation of this exercise is a lead to the side. Stop in the position in the plank, take off the leg for several centimeters from the floor and take it to the side, without bending in the knee. In this case, the sock of the foot is directed to the floor.

Lowering legs alternately

Lie on the back, raise closed legs perpendicular to the body and make sure that the loin is tightly pressed to the floor. Start slowly omitting one leg as low as possible. Without touching the floor, go back to the original position and repeat the same one else. In the process of lowering the feet, pull the sock on yourself and initiate the movement of the heel.

"Walking" on the buttocks

This exercise develops muscle corset and helps to achieve more elastic and taped buttocks, and also allows you to get rid of violations in the intestinal work.

Sit on the floor and straighten your back, strain the press and bend your hands in the elbows. Then move forward the right leg together with the buttock and perform the "step", slightly raising the body. The same repeat the left foot. "Skating" in such a way 2-3 meters, relax and perform 2 more approaches. Do not forget to always keep your back straight! To complicate the exercise, you can keep your hands behind your head.

Even more effective exercises - in the program to strengthen the muscular corset from the participating in the Olympic Games, a member of the American Aerobics and Fitness Associations (AFAA), Director of Fitness Education, Herbalife Samantha Clayton.

Casual Muscle Corset Health Tips

Regular training is undoubtedly necessary to maintain a great form of both the muscles of the bark and the whole organism. However, in addition, it is important to remember every day about ordinary rules in order to preserve the health of the back and the entire muscular corset for a long time.

  • Constantly follow the posture, do not narrow.
  • Drawing up the routine work, every hour is distracted from the monitor or papers and perform a simple warm-up.
  • Raising the severity, bend the legs slightly and keep your back straight - it will reduce the load on the lower back.
  • If you have forced to stand for a long time, try to put one leg on a low stand (for example, a staircase) and change your legs alternately to reduce the voltage in the spine.
  • It is better to sleep on the side, as a dream on the stomach or on the back overload the lower back. If you still prefer to sleep on your back, put a small pillow under the lumbar department.
  • Try to normalize the body weight, because extra kilograms give a strong and uneven load on the spine.

All the movements that we do begin with the reduction of the muscles of the bark. It is they turn on to work first and transmit signals with limbs. A strong signal is a strong movement, and that is why it is so important to develop a muscular corset! Regular exercises and compliance with non-good recommendations will help you always keep the muscles of the bark in Tonus.

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exercises for strengthening muscles muscular corset how to strengthen the back of the exercise exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back
Source: Bud-V-Forme.ru.

1.4 thousand 909 8 min.

Abdominal muscles are located on the sides of the press. The question is how to download them, most of all interested in female representatives. Removable oblique muscles are capable of making a courageous, because the growth of the side press will inevitably lead to the expansion of the waist. But strong oblique muscles create a strong muscular corset, which supports the spine and helps to avoid injuries when performing exercises with high weights.

Anatomy of oblique muscles

The press consists of a variety of muscles. Most athletes pay attention to only the straight line, which is responsible for the presence of cubes. The oblique muscles often do not receive due load. They are located on the sides of the abdomen and help create an outlined silhouette.

Side muscles are divided into:

  • external (external) oblique - the largest and most notable;
  • internal oblique - smaller and deeper, under external.

The main purpose of oblique muscles is the turns of the hull to the right and left. In addition, they perform such functions:

  • support the spine, creating a strong muscular corset, which protects against injuries;
  • allow you to make a silhouette on the sides more tightened.

Therefore, the strengthening of oblique muscles is an important task for any athlete, which takes care of its figure and sports indicators. After all, without a strong lateral press, it will not be possible to seriously increase weight in basic exercises.

Rules of classes

When performing exercises on oblique muscles there are several important nuances. If you do not comply with them, training can only harm appearance and health.

First, it is worth understanding that the development of the lateral press will not help make the tummy flat and remove the sides. Fat burning occurs only when calorie deficiency. To create it, you need to comply with the diet and play sports (power or cardiovascular). During the execution of exercises on the press, an insufficient calorie is consumed. Therefore, if there are fat deposits on the sides, oblique muscles will be simply invisible.

Secondly, it should be borne in mind that the growth of the side press leads to the expansion of the waist. After all, it is there there are oblique muscles. It is not as scary for men who want to have a relief belly. But the women to swing oblique should be very careful.

"Kill" the waist and losing feminine lines to girls are quite easy, especially if you use exercise with burden. Women often admit this error, as it is believed that weighing will allow you to quickly reach the goal and remove the sides.

It is also necessary to follow these rules:

  • there are 1.5-2 hours before training, to do not on hungry and not on a full stomach;
  • after gymnastics, food should follow 1-1.5 hours.

If a significant increase in oblique muscles is required, you can drink immediately after training protein or heiner.

How to quickly pump caviar at home and in the gym - effective exercises

Effective exercises

To pump up the side press, you will need to regularly perform a special set of exercises.

It can be done on a separate day 1-2 times a week or perform a pair of exercises on oblique muscles at the end of the workout on other muscle groups.

3.1 Side twists

The simplest exercise for newbies, which can be performed at home, is the side twisting lying on the back.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. Frame on the rug. Hands pull along the housing. Bend feet in the knees.
  2. 2. Lightly raise the top of the floor from the floor, without taking the blades.
  3. 3. Try to reach the fingertips of the right hand to the right foot. Then - left hand to the left foot.

It is necessary to try to make 15-20 repetitions in 3 approaches.

In the process of execution should not strain the neck. Otherwise, the load will move from the target muscles on the cervical.

Another embodiment of the exercise in the position is lying when you need to reach the right knee right, and then - left elbow to the right knee.

Also, the side twists can be lying on the side.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. To lie on the right side and slightly bend legs in the knees. Left hand, bent in the elbow, bequeathed.
  2. 2. Then try to reach the hip elbow.
  3. 3. Line for a couple of seconds and return to its original position.
  4. 4. After performing the specified number of repetitions turn over to the left side.

If there is a phytball at home or in the hall, you can use it to study oblique muscles. In this case, it will be necessary:

  1. 1. To lie on it sideways so that the waist is on the phytball.
  2. 2. One hand must be kept behind the ball, and the second to start the head.
  3. 3. Feet should firmly rest in the floor.
  4. 4. From this position, it is necessary to start performing lateral twists, trying to reach your elbow to the legs.

When performing an exercise on phytball, you have to hold balance. Therefore, muscle-stabilizers are additionally included in the work.

3.2 slopes to the side standing

Effective exercise for the development of the side muscles of the press - slopes to the sides. Most often it is made from the position standing with dumbbells.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. Stop smoothly. Feet should stand on the width of the shoulders. In the hands of take dumbbells.
  2. 2. To lean first on the right side, and then in the left.
  3. 3. Dumbbells must slide close to the thighs.

Large weight in this exercise is not needed. This is especially true of girls. After all, the use of burdens in inclons will inevitably lead to the expansion of the waist.

You can do the exercise on the bench. The simulator for hyperextenia is best suited. It will take to get in it sideways and fix the legs between the rollers. When heading one hand, you need to start tilt to the sides.

Such an option will provide a greater amplitude of movement, and therefore more efficient elaboration of muscles.

3.3 Lifting torso and legs on the side

Complete variation of lateral curls - exercise with straight legs. Required:

  1. 1. To lie on the right side and start your right hand. Legs should be straight
  2. 2. On the exhalation, you should try to connect the elbow with your feet, at the same time raising them.
  3. 3. Stopping at the upper point for 1-2 seconds, you need to return to its original position.

This exercise is more difficult and not suitable for beginners. Before moving to its execution, you should master the lateral twisting without lifting legs.

3.4 Corpus turns

The development of oblique muscles is directed such an exercise as turning torso. It can be performed in the sitting position with a small vulture.

Proper technique:

  1. 1. Sit on the bench, a tumba or a chair and firmly resting legs into the floor.
  2. 2. On the shoulders put the rod from the bar.
  3. 3. Rotate the housing to the right to the right. The pelvis should remain motionless.
  4. 4. Then how to turn to the left as much as possible.

Movements should be smooth to feel the work of the target muscles.

You can do the exercise. In this case, when you turn to the right, you can slightly twisted the left foot. Then the amplitude of the movement will be the greatest.

3.5 bike

Many people know the exercise called the bike. In the standard version, it represents an alternate lift of his knees and loads the straight muscle of the abdomen. But if you change a little, you can shift the focus on the side press.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. To lie on the back and raise straight legs above the floor.
  2. 2. Then, tear up the top of the back so that the blades remain on the floor.
  3. 3. In exhale, bend the right leg in the knee and try to get to her left elbow.
  4. 4. After that, straighten the right leg and bend the left, trying to reach her right elbow.

Perform this exercise is continuously for 20-40 seconds in a fairly fast pace.

3.6 Side Planck

To study the side press, you can convert such an exercise as a plank. It will be necessary to perform it, standing on one leg and relying on one hand.

Proper technique:

  1. 1. Take the starting position, rearming on the right hand and right leg.
  2. 2. The left hand can be put on the belt.
  3. 3. The body should be direct. Cannot be allowed to "sagging" hips down.

You can stand in such a glass bar you can only 20-30 seconds. Gradually, time must be increased.

3.7 Lifting legs to the side in Wiste

If at home or in the gym installed the horizontal bar, you can swing oblique muscles with it. To do this, you will need to make leg climbs to the side in Wiste.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. Hang on the crossbar, tightly grabbed it.
  2. 2. Raise the legs bent in the knees, first right, and then left. They must be at the chest level.
  3. 3. The torso at the same time it is necessary to twist a little in the desired side.

This exercise has an increased level of difficulty. Usually it is easier to perform guys. The girls often lack the power of grip to hold the weight of their own body.

3.8 pendulum

The pendulum is another good exercise for the development of oblique muscles. For its execution you need:

  1. 1. Frame on the back. Legs to raise so that the hips are perpendicular to the floor, and the shins are parallel to him.
  2. 2. Rotate them to the right, twisting the pelvis. Floor touching optional. The main thing is to feel the maximum stretching of the lateral press.
  3. 3. Loading for a while, return the legs to the starting position with a powerful movement.
  4. 4. Then turn them left.

You can complicate this exercise by turning straight legs.

3.9 woodcutters

Exercise with the unusual name "Woodrovosk" can be done in the gym. It is also aimed at working out oblique muscles. It will take the simulator with the top block.

Step-by-step technique:

  1. 1. Stand right side to the upper thrust block and grab the handle with two hands.
  2. 2. Pull it to the left foot.
  3. 3. After returning the handle to the right shoulder and perform the required number of repetitions.
  4. 4. Then get up to the top block left side.

Movements must be powerful and chopping, as during the work of the woodcutter.

3.10 Russian twist

Russian Twist - a famous exercise for abdominal oblique muscles. It is performed as follows:

  1. 1. The initial position of the body is sitting on the buttocks, the legs bend a little in the knees and lift above the floor.
  2. 2. Case reject back, hands pull forward and connect the palms to hold the equilibrium.
  3. 3. From this position, you first need to twist the housing on the right side, then in the left.

So that the exercise was more efficient, you can take in the hands of the burden - a gircuit or a dumbbell.

Perform 3-4 exercises from those presented 1-2 times a week. The next training session should be planned not earlier than the muscles will stop root.

Source: nadietu.net

Strengthening muscular corset - Muller exercises

The strengthening of the muscular corset is necessary to each person, since this muscle group ensures the correct position of the spine and the maximum protection of internal organs. It is important to understand that the main role in such defense is played by the deep muscles of the back, chest and abdomen. Violation of posture and many diseases often arise against the background of a weakened muscular corset, which is why we decided to tell what exercises are best suited to strengthen muscle groups forming muscular corset.

Self-test before strengthening the muscular corset

Before proceeding directly to strengthen the muscular corset, it is better to check, in what condition it is at the moment. Later, such a self-test can be carried out to assess the effectiveness of the exercise.

Method 1

Lie the stomach down, tear your hands and feet from the floor (at the same time!).

Drawing a navel, strain the muscles of the bark, get back and lift the chest.

In this position it is necessary to last minute. If it is not for you, it's time to think seriously about strengthening the muscular corset.

Method 2.

Stand up on all fours so that the legs in the folds of the bend formed straight corners.

Look in front of yourself and stretching the neck, pull out your left hand and right leg (or vice versa) back and forth, respectively.

The purpose of the inspection is to keep balance. If you failed it, it's time to work on muscles-stabilizers.

Strengthening muscular corset - Muller exercises

Many exercises are directed to strengthening the muscular corset: both fitness and pilates, and rods with dumbbells. However, there is excellent gymnastics that you like almost all and does not require hiking in the hall or special equipment.

The Muller system consists of 60 respiratory movements performed simultaneously with ten exercises with the calculation of 1 exercise \u003d 6 breaths. In the Muller system there are three degrees of the difficulty of performing exercises, it recommends that everyone starts from the exercise of the smallest of complexity.

The first five exercise below is performed slowly 6 times, i.e. 1 Exercise \u003d 1 respiratory movement. The second five exercises are performed at an accelerated pace: the maximum of movements for 4 respiratory movements, 2 respiratory movements - rest. Breathing during the exercise to strengthen the muscular corset is necessary in a chest and through the nose.

Note: How to train press girls. Menstrual cycle and training

Description 10 Muller exercises to strengthen the muscular corset

Since Muller recommends that everyone starts classes to strengthen the muscular corset from the initial level of complexity, and move to the complication of exercises only after the exercise of skills, we decided to give exercises of the first degree for beginners to engage in Müller.

Exercise 1

IP: Hands on the belt. Foot nearby.

Slowly raise the leg ahead as high as possible, keeping your back smoothly and not bending legs in the knees. I raise the first leg and omit on the breath. The second - without a break in exhalation.

After that, a slow rise of any leg aside and lowering is all on the breath, I raise my second leg aside and omit on the exhale.

The cycle is repeated twice.

Exercise 2

IP: feet at a short step distance

In the breath, you swing back (with your head), feed the hips forward and bend the arms compressed in your shoes in the elbows and brushes.

On the exhale, lean forward and down, straighten your hands and try to touch by half. The knees do not bend.

Exercise 3.

IP: Heels are closer

On the breath tilt the body to the left (including and head), while simultaneously transferring a semi-bent right hand (palm down) for his head, make an exhale and return to the IP.

Do the slope to the right with semi-bent left hand.

Do not raise your heels.

Exercise 4.

IP: feet at the maximum distance from each other, the heels are turned outward

Hands are weakly hanging on the sides, turn the housing, the right shoulder - back, the left thigh is ahead and vice versa.

Note: Planck - Spend 60 seconds a day, in exchange for a flat belly!

Exercise 5.

IP: legs on the width of the shoulders, hands are omitted on the sides

Hands (palms down) slowly raise forward on the breath.

Making deep squats on exhalation.


Exercise 6.

IP: feet parallel to each other, almost closed

Hands on the belt.

On the breath of catch the sock and take the left leg back (do not bend your knees, do not lean). We lower the leg.

On the exhalation we carry out the rise of another foot and, accordingly, we lower it.

Exercise 7.

IP: legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt

Hipped a thigh forward, tilting the torso back (the neck is kept smooth).

Feeding back and putting his belly forward, tilting the torso ahead, holding his back and neck smooth.

Do not take interruptions between tilt and forth, breathe exactly.

Exercise 8.

IP: hands are compressed in fists, the heels are closer

Tilt the torso to the right, tighten the left hand bent into the elbow, and the right down to lower down.

Exercise 9.

IP: feet widely divorced, feet look inside

Quickly rotate the upper part of the body in the belt (the head does not rotate with the torso) to the right, and then left, the lower part of the body must be fixed. Two rotations for inhale and two rotations for exhalation. The ultimate goal is on rotations in both directions.

When the right shoulder moves back, the left thigh is fed forward and vice versa.

Exercise 10.

IP: legs are slightly placed and parallel, hands are omitted down

1. Raise the right leg bent into the knee, then left. Toe legs should be lowered down, do not bend.

2. Leaving the top of the leg still, raise alternately the lower part of the left and right foot back and up. The blow of the fifth on the buttock is a sign of proper execution.

  • 1.7. Massage in LFK
  • 1.7.1. Classification of massage. Impact of massage on the body
  • 1.7.2. Basics of classic hand massage
  • 1.7.3. Acupressure
  • Control questions on the section
  • Section 2. Basics of the technique of the exercise
  • 2.1. Periodization of the LFK
  • 2.2. Regulation and control of loads in the LFK
  • 2.2.1. Theoretical Fundamentals Regulation of Loads in the LFC
  • 2.2.2. Loads in LFK
  • 2.3. Forms organization forms
  • 2.4. Organization, Structure and Methodology of Lesson in LFK
  • Control questions on the section
  • SECTION 3. METHOD OF LFC in orthopedics and traumatology
  • 3.1. LFK during deformations of the musculoskeletal system
  • 3.1.1. LFK with posture defects
  • Strengthening muscular corset
  • 3.1.2. LFC with flatfoot
  • 3.2. LFK in traumatology
  • 3.2.1. General foundations of traumatology
  • 3.2.2. LFK in injuries of the musculoskeletal system
  • LFK with soft tissue injuries
  • LFK in injuries of bones
  • LFK with vertebral fractures (without damage to the spinal cord)
  • LFK when dislocate in the shoulder joint
  • 3.3. Contractures and ankylose
  • 3.4. LFC for diseases of the joints and osteochondrosis of the spine
  • 3.4.1. Diseases of the joints and their types
  • 3.4.2. Fundamentals of the technique of LFC for diseases of the joints and osteochondrosis
  • Complex exercises for strengthening the muscular corset (the initial stage of the third period)
  • Complex of the main exercises for unlocking the cervical spine
  • Unlock lumbosacral spine
  • SECTION 4. LFC technique for diseases of visceral systems
  • 4.1. LFC technique for diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • 4.1.1. Classification of cardiovascular pathology
  • 4.1.2. Pathogenetic mechanisms of influence of physical exercises for diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • 4.1.3. METHOD OF LFC for diseases of the cardiovascular system of indications and contraindications to the exercise
  • General Principles of LFC Methods for Cardiovascular Diseases
  • 4.1.4. Private LFC techniques for diseases of the cardiovascular system Vegeta dystonia
  • Arterial Hypertension (Hypertension)
  • Hypotonic disease
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Myocardial infarction
  • 4.2. LFC for respiratory diseases
  • 4.2.1. Respiratory diseases and their classification
  • 4.2.2. LFC technique for diseases of the respiratory system
  • LFC for diseases of the upper respiratory tract
  • Waste and colds and infectious diseases
  • 4.3. LFC technique with metabolic disorders
  • 4.3.1. Metabolic disorders, their etiology and pathogenesis
  • 4.3.2. LFC with metabolic disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Healing Physical Culture for Obesity
  • 4.4. LFC technique for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • 4.4.1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, their etiology and pathogenesis
  • 4.4.2. LFK for diseases of the tract of the medical science mechanisms of physical exercises
  • Gastritis
  • Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer
  • SECTION 5. METHOD OF LFC for diseases, damage and violations of the nervous system
  • 5.1. Etiology, pathogenesis and classification of diseases and disorders of the nervous system
  • 5.2. Mechanisms of therapeutic influence of physical exercises for diseases, disorders and injuries of the nervous system
  • 5.3. Fundamentals of the leaf technique for diseases and damage to the peripheral nervous system
  • 5.4. LFC with traumatic damage to the spinal cord
  • 5.4.1. Etiopathogenesis of spinal cord damage
  • 5.4.2. LFC with spinal cord damage
  • 5.5. LFC with traumatic brain injuries
  • 5.5.1. Etiopathogenesis of brain injuries
  • 5.5.2. LFK with brain injuries
  • 5.6. Brain circulation disorders
  • 5.6.1. Etiopathogenesis of brain circulation disorders
  • 5.6.2. Medical physical education under brain strokes
  • 5.7. Functional Brain Violations
  • 5.7.1. Etiopathogenesis of functional impairment of brain activity
  • 5.7.2. LFC with neurosa
  • 5.8. Cerebral palsy
  • 5.8.1. The etiopathogenesis of the cerebral paralysis
  • 5.8.2. LFK with cerebral palsy
  • 5.9. LFK with violations of view
  • 5.9.1. Etiology and pathogenesis of myopia
  • 5.9.2. Therapeutic physical education during myopia
  • Control questions and tasks on the section
  • Section 6. Features of the organization, content and work of a special medical group in an educational school
  • 6.1. The state of health of schoolchildren in Russia
  • 6.2. The concept of health and medical groups
  • 6.3. Organization and work of a special medical group at school
  • 6.4. Methods of work in a special medical group in a comprehensive school
  • 6.4.1. Organization of the work of the SMG head
  • 6.4.2. Lesson as the main form of work organization SMG
  • Control questions and tasks on the section
  • Recommended Literature Basic
  • Additional
  • Strengthening muscular corset

    Source position: lying on the floor. Breathing arbitrary. The number of repetitions of five is ten times. In the future, the number of repetitions can be increased.

    1. Frame on the back. Bend to the left foot to the vertical position of the thigh, put the right hand with the knee of the left leg. Perform the movement of the knee of the left foot to the chest, not let it with his palm of the right hand, for five seconds, then relax for five seconds. Everything is similarly repeated with the right foot and left hand. Free leg can be semi-bent.

    2. Frame on the back. The legs are straight, the feet are divorced to the width of the shoulders. Straight hands put along the body palms on the floor. Perform pressureing with a population, hands and heels of legs on the floor with a half-liter of the berry from the floor (buttocks barely relate to the floor). At this point, the muscles of the pelvic bottom should be collected (squeeze the buttocks, pull the anus, draw the abdominal muscles). Hold the body in this voltage for five seconds, then relax for five seconds.

    3. Frame on the back. The legs are straight, the feet are divorced to the width of the shoulders. Hands bend in front of the breast and take a mutual capture for the ray-taught joints. Perform stretching hands to the sides and simultaneous pressure on the chest for five seconds; Then relax within five seconds, freely spreading the hands on the sides or putting them next to the torso. Periodically change the grip (left from the inside, right from the inside).

    4. Frame on the back. The legs are straight, the feet are divorced to the width of the shoulders. Hands bend in front of the breast and rests the palm in the palm. Pressing palm pressure to the palm and simultaneously pressure to the floor for five seconds; Then relax within five seconds, freely spreading the hands on the sides or putting them next to the torso.

    5. Frame on the back. Hands put along the body palms on the floor. Legs to straighten the legs as much as possible, stretch the socks on yourself, assemble the muscles of the pelvic bottom. Slightly tear up the right foot from the floor, make five turns up (to the height of two feet relative to the floor surface). After the fifth maha, the right leg hold down at the top of the point for five seconds (maintaining the maximum straightening of both legs and tension of both socks of feet on itself). During the execution of the exercise, all the time presses the head and the heel of the lying leg on the floor. After holding at the top point, the right leg is lowered to the floor and the whole body relaxes for five seconds. Everything is similarly repeated with the left foot.

    6. Frame on the left side. Long bent hand to put under the head, put the right hand with a palm in front of the breast. Torture, straighten your feet as much as possible, stretch socks to pull on yourself, collect the muscles of the pelvic bottom. Slightly tear off the right leg from the left leg, make five turns up (to the height of two feet relative to the floor of the floor). After the fifth maha, the right leg hold down at the top of the point for five seconds (maintaining the maximum straightening of both legs and tension of both socks of feet on itself). During the execution of the exercise, he should push the side of the head into the floor (in the foot) and the lateral part of the foot of the underlying leg on the floor. After holding at the top point, the right leg is lowered onto the left foot and the whole body relaxes for five seconds. After the required number of repetitions, the right foot lie on the right side and everything is similar to the left foot.

    7. Frame on the stomach. The palm of the left bent hand put on the floor in front of him, the palm of the right bent hands put on the brush of the left hand, put the forehead on the brush of the right hand (in the future the position of the hands can be changed). Legs to straighten the legs as much as possible, stretch the socks on yourself, assemble the muscles of the pelvic bottom. Slightly tear up the right foot from the floor, make five turns up (to the height of two feet relative to the floor surface). After the fifth maha, the right leg hold down at the top of the point for five seconds (maintaining the maximum straightening of both legs, "tension" of both socks of feet on itself and holding the pelvic bottom muscles collected). During the execution of the exercise, he should push the forehead all the time (in the underlined hand) and toe lying legs on the floor. After holding at the top point, the right leg is lowered to the floor and the whole body relaxes for five seconds. Everything is similarly repeated with the left foot.

    8. Frame on the back. Put the palm of the hands under the head, the fingers of weave in the "Castle". Bend legs in the knees, tighten the feet to the buttocks, without taking them from the floor (to put them on the width of the shoulders, and the knees are diluted on the sides). Singing the body from the floor, to raise the head and the top of the body along with the hands up. The loin does not break away from the floor.

    9. Frame on the back. Hands put along the body palms on the floor. The legs bend in the knees, tighten the feet to the buttocks (all parts of the legs hold close to each other). Slightly tear off the feet from the floor, to carry out the pelvis from the floor with the movement of the knees and the hips vertically up.

    Complete first option: add pressure knee-knee (outside insight).

    Complete second option: One foot throws through the knee of another leg (this position should be changed periodically) and put pressure on the knee (from the inside out).

    10. Push up from the floor with knees to fatigue.

    Education of the skill of correct posture Must be built first of all on the child's teaching to maintain the right poses in everyday behavior: in the seat, walking, carrying weights, etc. As special exercises, it is possible to recommend those when performing which it does not draw attention to its posture, and on this basis gradually forms then a muscular feeling that allows him (already without special control of consciousness) to maintain the right pose. Such exercises, for example, may be maintaining the right posture with control in front of the mirror or in the wall, with the holding of light weight on the head, walking on a narrow support, balancing, with mutual correction, etc. In addition, it is necessary to constantly remind children about the need to follow their own Posture in everyday behavior.

    General strengthening The body is an important task of LFC for children with deformations of the musculoskeletal system, which, as a rule, differ in low levels of health. The main means of solving this task 12 (in addition to the already discussed) are endurance exercises, among which are particularly effective skiing and swimming, morning charging and hardening.

    Therapeutic swimming in the therapy of spinal deformities It is an effective facility of the exercise. The effect of "hydraideness", occurring in water, eliminates the static load on the spine, frees the cartilage intervertebral discs from the constant squeezing by their vertebrae, the bone-binder of the spine is unloaded. In addition, when moving from the vertical to a horizontal position, curvature decreases, which facilitates the correction of the spine. All this creates extremely favorable opportunities for using swimming in the treatment of patients with pathological posture and scoliosis. Immediately during the exercise, the lifting of the head from the water to perform the inhalation ensures the extension of the thoracic spine, and the traction rowing efforts with their hands away along the longitudinal axis of the body, strengthen the muscles of the body.

    Systematic swimming classes form the right posture, help to get rid of the slope, functional deviations in the state of the spine, reduce the curvature of the spine in the frontal plane, reduce increased kyphosis and lordosis.

    Undoubtedly the influence of swimming for the general strengthening of the body. It is one of the best means of development and strengthen the respiratory system due to hydraulic pressure on the upper part of the body and water resistance during the movement, compressing the chest and the stomach of the swimmer. In addition, when swimming is also difficult to exhale. All specified circumstances contribute to the fact that the respiratory act when swimming is well developed by compensatory external respiration mechanisms, increases blood saturation with oxygen, improves the contractile ability of the heart, increasing its physical activity resistance, and is an important measure of primary and secondary prevention of cardiopulmonary failure during deformations. Such general treatment effects of therapeutic swimming, as a training for thermoregulation and immunity of the patient, improving the excitation and braking processes in the CNS, improving its regulatory functions, and the like.

    Directly when spending swimming with children suffering from spinal deformations, it is necessary to take into account the following requirements:

    Select swimming exercises and style of swimming strictly individually;

    Pay special attention to the formulation of proper breathing;

    When selecting the initial position and individual corrective exercises, take into account the type of deformation, the degree of curvature, changes in the spine, the state of the muscular system and the level of physical fitness, the presence of concomitant diseases of other organs;

    Pre-master the elements of each exercise on land, taking into account the coordination disorders in patients with scoliosis;

    Eliminate exercises rotating the spine with oscillations around the longitudinal axis of the body;

    Ensure control over the strict stabilization of the spine in the position of the correction;

    To achieve an increase in the sliding phase with the self-attraction of the spine.

    Based on these requirements, the main style of swimming for the treatment of deformations is Brass on the chest with an extended pause of sliding, during which the spine is pulled as much as possible, and the muscles of the body are statically tense. In this case, the shoulder belt is located in parallel to the movement, the movement of the hands and legs is symmetrical and performed in the same plane.

    At kifoscolyosis, preference is given to Brass on the back, and with scoliotic posture and scoliosis I and II degrees can be recommended to swim with a rumble on the chest and on the back, a slip on the chest and back with a symmetric and asymmetric position of the hands. With non-fixed scoliosis, asymmetric brex and krol can be recommended. With III - IV degrees of scoliosis, the task of improving the overall condition of the body is put forward to the fore, therefore it is recommended to swim in breasts on breasts, sliding, and patients with fixed scoliosis - special sets of symmetric exercises. Very carefully prescribed high-speed breaking of segments, dosing diving in length. With the S-shaped scoliosis of all degrees, asymmetric bress is also shown, the crown.

    The use of all types of swimming exercises is accompanied by the setting of proper breathing on land and in water, dosed swimming with breathing delay in breath and exhale, with an elongated exhalation and improvement of equipment.

    Organization of exercise classes in spinal deformations It involves the use of small group, and sometimes - and individual methods. In groups, children are selected by sex and age. The course of treatment is usually at least a year at three to four classes per week and mandatory daily independent classes of exercise complexes, which develops the Methodist of the LFC, and then learns along with children (if possible, in the presence of parents). Treatment lasts a few years before the complete completion of the growth of bones and stabilization (or elimination) of deformation. Classes are organized in two periods. The task of the first is the gradual adaptation of the body to muscle work and aligning the tone of the muscles. In the second period, basic tasks are solved. The duration of each period is determined by the degree of deformation, the condition of the patient and the dynamics of the favorable changes that occur in the process of the exercise.

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of the exercise of the exercise of the exercise during disorders of posture. The functional state of the muscle-extensors of the body and the muscles of the abdominal press, which directly participate in the formation of a muscular corset and maintaining the correct posture, is determined using special motor tests on their powerful endurance. These include the following tests:

    1. Holding legs at an angle of 45 ° in the lying position on the back. The patient lies on the couch, hands along the body. Then he freely raises straight legs at an angle of 45 ° and, touching the socks of the explorer's hand, keeps them in such a position. Hold time is determined by the stopwatch.

    2. Holding the body to the weight in the stomach position. The man lies on the couch in such a way that the upper part of the body (to the ridges of the coming bones) is on weight; Hands on the belt, feet are fixed by the researcher. The time to hold the body on weight is determined in the stopwatch.

    The study of the forcefulness of muscles is carried out two - three times a year.


    Ecology of consumption. Fitness and Sports: There are excellent gymnastics that you like almost all and does not require hiking in the hall or special equipment ...

    The strengthening of the muscular corset is necessary to each person, since this muscle group ensures the correct position of the spine and the maximum protection of internal organs.

    It is important to understand that the main role in such defense is played by the deep muscles of the back, chest and abdomen. Disorders of posture and many diseases often arise against the background of a weakened muscular corset.

    Let's look at what exercises are best suited to strengthen muscle groups forming a muscular corset.

    Self-test before strengthening the muscular corset

    Before proceeding directly to strengthen the muscular corset, it is better to check, in what condition it is at the moment. Later, such a self-test can be carried out to assess the effectiveness of the exercise.

    Method 1

    1. Lie the stomach down, tear your hands and feet from the floor (at the same time!).
    2. Drawing a navel, strain the muscles of the bark, get back and lift the chest.

    In this position it is necessary to last minute. If it is not for you, it's time to think seriously about strengthening the muscular corset.

    Method 2.

    1. Stand up on all fours so that the legs in the folds of the bend formed straight corners.
    2. Look in front of yourself and stretching the neck, pull out your left hand and right leg (or vice versa) back and forth, respectively.

    The purpose of the inspection is to keep balance. If you failed it, it's time to work on muscles-stabilizers.

    Methods for strengthening the muscular corset: 5-minute Muller system

    Many exercises are directed to the strengthening of the muscular corset: and fitness, and pilates, and rods with dumbbells. However, there is excellent gymnastics that you like almost all and does not require hiking in the hall or special equipment.

    The Muller system consists of 60 respiratory movements performed simultaneously with ten exercises with the calculation of 1 exercise \u003d 6 breaths. In the Muller system there are three degrees of the difficulty of performing exercises, it recommends that everyone starts from the exercise of the smallest of complexity.

    The first five exercises below It takes slowly 6 times, i.e. 1 Exercise \u003d 1 respiratory movement.

    Second five exercise Performed at an accelerated pace: the maximum of movements for 4 respiratory movements, 2 respiratory movements - rest.

    Breathing during the exercise to strengthen the muscular corset is necessary in a chest and through the nose.

    Description 10 Muller exercises to strengthen the muscular corset

    Since Muller recommends that everyone starts classes to strengthen the muscular corset from the initial level of complexity, and move to the complication of exercises only after the exercise of skills, we decided to give exercises of the first degree for beginners to engage in Müller.

    Exercise 1

    IP: Hands on the belt. Foot nearby.

    1. Slowly raise the leg ahead as high as possible, keeping your back smoothly and not bending legs in the knees. I raise the first leg and omit on the breath. The second - without a break in exhalation.
    2. After that, a slow rise of any leg aside and lowering is all on the breath, I raise my second leg aside and omit on the exhale.
    3. Next, holding the back smoothly, alternately raise one leg back and lowered it (on the breath), we repeat the movement of the second foot (in exhale).

    The cycle is repeated twice.

    Exercise 2

    IP: feet at a short step distance

    1. In the breath, you swing back (with your head), feed the hips forward and bend the arms compressed in your shoes in the elbows and brushes.
    2. On the exhale, lean forward and down, straighten your hands and try to touch by half. The knees do not bend.

    Exercise 3.

    IP: Heels are closer

    1. On the breath tilt the body to the left (including and head), while simultaneously transferring a semi-bent right hand (palm down) for his head, make an exhale and return to the IP.
    2. Do the slope to the right with semi-bent left hand.
    3. Do not raise your heels.

    Exercise 4.

    IP: feet at the maximum distance from each other, the heels are turned outward

    1. Hands are weakly hanging on the sides, turn the housing, the right shoulder - back, the left thigh is ahead and vice versa.
    2. Turns need to be done as far as possible without rotating the feet.

    Exercise 5.

    IP: legs on the width of the shoulders, hands are omitted on the sides

    1. Hands (palms down) slowly raise forward on the breath.
    2. Making deep squats on exhalation.
    3. Straighten.

    Exercise 6.

    IP: feet parallel to each other, almost closed

    1. Hands on the belt.
    2. On the breath of catch the sock and take the left leg back (do not bend your knees, do not lean). We lower the leg.
    3. On the exhalation we carry out the rise of another foot and, accordingly, we lower it.

    Exercise 7.

    IP: legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt

    1. Hipped a thigh forward, tilting the torso back (the neck is kept smooth).
    2. Feeding back and putting his belly forward, tilting the torso ahead, holding his back and neck smooth.
    3. Do not take interruptions between tilt and forth, breathe exactly.

    Exercise 8.

    IP: hands are compressed in fists, the heels are closer

    1. Tilt the torso to the right, tighten the left hand bent into the elbow, and the right down to lower down.
    2. Tilt the torso to the left and tighten the right hand bent into the elbow, and lower the left down.

    Exercise 9.

    IP: feet widely divorced, feet look inside

    1. Quickly rotate the upper part of the body in the belt (the head does not rotate with the torso) to the right, and then left, the lower part of the body must be fixed. Two rotations for inhale and two rotations for exhalation. The ultimate goal is to 4 respiration of 40 rotations in both directions.
    2. When the right shoulder moves back, the left thigh is fed forward and vice versa.

    Exercise 10.

    IP: legs are slightly placed and parallel, hands are omitted down

    1. Raise the right leg bent into the knee, then left. Toe legs should be lowered down, do not bend.

    2. Leaving the top of the leg still, raise alternately the lower part of the left and right foot back and up. The blow of the fifth on the buttock is a sign of proper execution.

    Perform exercises to strengthen the muscular corset, given all Muller's recommendations to protect yourself from problems with internal organs and posture disorders.published

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    To form a muscular corset for the spine, the exercises should be selected correctly and regularly perform. The human skeleton with good condition of the muscles is correctly formed, the muscles fortress contributes to the natural location of the organs inside. With developed muscles, they are calmly held in the desired position.

    Tasks organ

    Muscular corset is the main task - to keep the spine in a vertical position. Not in vain, it is sometimes called the "life post" - the owner's health is largely dependent on its condition. Inside the spine there is a spinal cord, the roots of nerves go from it. Along the spinal column in large quantities the blood vessels stretch. With any displacement of the vertebrae, the calm movement of blood in the body is impossible, full-fledged nutrient access is stopped.

    To displace the vertebrae to not occur, along the spine should be strong, well-developed muscles. With an insufficient fortress, exercises are useful to strengthen the muscular corset. It follows not only large, located outside, but also flying small muscles.

    • Muscle trapezoidal

    The development of the trapezoid muscle is not so often engaged, as it should be. It is believed that its main task is to help in the movement of shoulders, but it is more important in an anatomical plan. The muscle takes the top of the back entirely, begins with the processes of breast vertebrae, then attached to the top of the blades, clavicle, the upper fibers are strengthened on the back of the head.

    Trapezoidal muscle thanks to its structure takes part in almost any movement of a person, a considerable role plays in the formation of a skeleton, pressing the blades. It accounts for most of the load when performing pushing, heavy movements. It is carrying bags, and opening doors, and push up, and lifting weights, and rising hands; Even the strength of the blows depends on the state of the trapezoid muscle. For its development, exercises are performed in different directions.

    Without a sufficient fortress, this muscle will not be able to develop a real force.

    • Abdominal muscles

    Abdominal muscles provide protection against physical influences from outside the internal organs and help them hold in the right natural position. Proper posture is formed due to the muscles of the loin, as well as abdominal and oblique. With the weakness of these muscles, the vertebral pole can bend forward towards the abdominal wall, and this can lead to a variety of diseases.

    Benefit from class

    The human skeleton is formed correctly with the support of strong muscles. Conduring the strengthening of the muscular corset of the back, you can provide the body for trouble-free work. Any of physical exertion helps strengthen the muscles, but it is better to use specially designed exercise complexes. When they are developed, the rendeked load is taken into account, the exercises help to distribute it evenly, with attention to human anatomy.

    It is very important to do exercises for your back muscles if you have the so-called sitting job. Gymnastics helps to increase the mobility of the spinal column, strengthen the spine muscles, prevent changes in intervertebral discs, because of which painful sensations often occur.

    Exercises in the lying position

    Hands straighten over your head, stretch up with strength up. In this position, delay, count to 10. Now your hands can be omitted.

    Hands pull along the body. At the same time, try to raise your head and legs, at the same time do not break away from the floor. In this position, try to measure and count to 10.

    Raise and pull the legs alternately: first right, then the left. Try to keep them as right as possible. Then the left foot bend in the knee and pull it up to the chest, then do the same with the right foot. In both directions, scroll through the movements that resemble riding a bike: first ahead, take up to 30, then back, the movements are as much.

    Hands stretch in different directions, bend your legs in the knees, lift and lower. Then the lower limbs lower the right side, at the same time turn the head to the left. Do the same, just change the parties. Repeat several times.


    Effective gymnastics

    Lower the stomach and accept this position in which it will be convenient to make focus on the chin. In this posture, try to raise my right leg and left hand. Hold to account 10. Then limbs change. Further, all the hands and legs simultaneously lift, take somehow. In such a position, try to hold, counting to 10.

    Divide your legs so that they are a little shuffer. Couple for head fingers. Top torso turn left as if you tried to turn on my back. Take the starting position and turn to the other side.

    Divide your arms to the sides, make your chin on the floor, stand right leg to get her sock with your left hand. Reconnect the starting position. Repeat for other limbs.

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    Useful exercise under the name "Nature". Stand on your knees and hands, try to stretch, well defaming the upper part of the body. Bending the spine, return to its original position. Rock yourself several times: I fuse with the wheel and return back.

    Those who set forth in order to strengthen the muscular corset should be careful. If you do more and diligently, you can inadvertently provoke new problems for the body. And doctors, and fitness professionals are united that uncontrolled workouts will not help improve health, but, on the contrary, they are able to worsen the state.

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