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Non-traditional drawing techniques in the middle group
Children develop an interest in drawing at an early age. Kids enjoy running a brush over paper, smearing paint, making dots and blots. At the age of 2–3 years, the child begins to distinguish in his scribbles...
Environmental education in Russia: the current trend is the formation of a “fashion for ecology”
The formation of an environmental culture through the establishment and implementation of appropriate education, environmental training in higher educational institutions of both humanitarian and technical profiles with...
National dishes of Spain
The regions of Spain are a unique world with their own culture, music, language and gastronomy. Each region tells its story through architecture, music, dance, language and, of course, gastronomy. Spanish cuisine is one of the most...
Strawberries with milk: recipes, benefits and harms
How to make a milkshake with strawberries? Who among us doesn't love a refreshing milk drink? Not only children, but also adults enjoy pampering themselves with this delicacy. And a variety of milkshakes with strawberries, and not only...
Eliseevs Who is Eliseev ag
Coming from peasants, merchants, from the second half of the 19th century. - nobles. They came from serf peasants of the village. Novoselka of the Lutsk camp of the Rostov-Pereslavl province of the Moscow province. According to the revision tale of 1745, the Eliseev family takes...
The history of the Iranian imperial house of Pahlavi is more relevant than ever before Reza Khan Pahlavi short biography
REZA SHAH PAHLAVI (1876-1944) - Shah of Iran from 1925, founder of the new Pahlavi dynasty, which replaced the Qajar dynasty. As a result of two coups d'état carried out in 1921, R. first became the commander of the Cossack division...
Chinese gooseberry jelly or what to make from kiwi Kiwi jelly for cake
1. I turned the cookies into crumbs using a blender.2. Melt the butter, cool it and add it to the cookies. I kneaded the dough. It turned out quite crumbly, but wet.3. Lined a baking dish with cling film. I put it on the bottom...
Jewish dream book What does a bracelet mean in a dream
Seeing a bracelet in a dream is very good. This is a sign that there will be joy and prosperity in the future. This is also an indication of an advantageous match in marriage, and for dreamers of both sexes. Why else do you dream of a cute decoration, they’ll tell you...
Salad with smoked chicken and croutons
Chicken meat is irreplaceable in salads, especially for weight watchers, dieters and children. It is healthy, contains a large amount of protein, amino acids, minerals, and is well absorbed. Below is a selection where in first place...
Recipes for making cauliflower puree soup Cauliflower puree soup
Creamy Cauliflower Cheese Soup is one of our favorite summer soups! This soup turns out very tender, and butter, cream and cheese make it quite filling. Of course, it can be prepared in winter using...