Self-development. A complete list of things to work on. Healthy lifestyle

Boris Akunin

Do you know, dear friends, that one of the highest human needs is self-development? I am sure that you know, or in any case you feel it, that is why you have shown interest in this topic. Yes, this is indeed a very strong need, inherent in all people without exception from birth. It is thanks to self-development that many people find meaning in life and achieve simply outstanding results in various fields. And this is not surprising, because self-development is a person's work on himself, in order to make himself better, if not in all, then at least in many ways. And the better you become, the more you can do in this life to succeed in what is important to you. And in general, self-development is very interesting. Friends, I want to confess to you that I have deep respect for people who show interest in such things as self-development, self-improvement, self-knowledge, self-education, self-study, self-discipline and other similar topics. I am pleased to work with such people and for such people. Because I also want to become better than I am now. I have always wanted this, and have always worked in this direction. Let's do it together now. And for this, let's see how you can and how you need to engage in self-development in order to get from this process not only benefit, but also great pleasure.

First of all, I want to say that the very fact that you are reading this article is already a great achievement for you. The point, of course, is not in the article itself, although I will try to make it very high quality and useful for you, it is in your interest in this topic. After all, self-development begins from the moment when a person pays attention to himself, in order to identify himself in this world, to realize his strengths and weaknesses, to determine what he wants to become. This is a process of self-knowledge, the purpose of which is a person's search for himself in this world. And you have already done this, you, firstly, found yourself, and secondly, you decided that the one whom you understand by your own “I” needs to change, and not just change, but improve. This is a good start, this is the right start - this is the beginning of self-development. Any person, if he draws attention to himself, sooner or later may discover in himself some, not even so much shortcomings, we all have enough of them, how many, let's say, not very well developed qualities that he considers bad developed because he compares himself to other people. After all, everything is known in comparison, well, or almost everything. We cannot know how developed we are without comparing ourselves with other people.

But you do not have to tell yourself that you are somehow worse than other people in order to want to develop yourself, if this does not so much motivate you to work on yourself, as it suppresses and forces you to give up. You just need to want to become better, inspired by the merits of other people, without thinking about your shortcomings. Let them, other people, especially successful people whom you sincerely admire, serve as a good example for you of what a person can become. This will instill in you the belief that you can become like that, and even better, because you are also human. And at a certain stage of his development, a person begins to compare himself not with other people, but with himself in the past, using this as a motivation for self-development. So it all starts with the fact that you pay attention to yourself and think about what kind of person you are and what you want to become. You did this by starting to read this article. But you need to move on, you need to realize the meaning of self-development, so as not to engage in this business, so to speak, blindly.

The meaning of self-development

Let us ask you a question - what is the point of engaging in self-development, if ultimately we all come to the same end, regardless of the level of our development and the results achieved in life? This question, I know, is asked by many people, talking about their lives. In fact, there may not be any such pronounced meaning in self-development, as, indeed, in everything else that we do in our life, if we proceed from the above position. The end, we all really have one. But if you think about it, then most likely the whole point is that we simply do not know about this meaning. How do we, for example, know why our Universe exists at all, why did we appear in it, and how, in the end, our existence will end? All these are such questions that any person can run into, arguing about the meaning of anything. Therefore, I cannot tell you with complete confidence why you need to engage in self-development, and what is the point in this, if we proceed from the idea that sooner or later everything in this world will cease to exist, at least in the form in which it exists now.

But I believe that self-development itself can become for you the meaning of your life, in this life. Why not? Why not use this life in order to squeeze out everything that you can do from it? After all, there may be no point in not doing this either. Is that so? What is the point in not doing self-development? What is the point in being lazy, going with the flow, being mediocre, being afraid of everything, not dreaming about anything, doing nothing, not striving for anything? You don't know that meaning either, right? But nevertheless, some people choose one path in their lives, and others another. And everyone lives his life as he sees fit to live it. So maybe just make this choice - either in favor of self-development, or in favor of not doing it?

Desire to develop

Now let's think about something else, also very interesting question- why do we want to do something, for example, to engage in self-development, but do not want to do something? Where do our desires come from? Self-development is self-development, where independence is key. But this desire to develop ourselves comes to us gradually. At first, any person learns and develops under the influence of external compulsion, that is, with the help of other people who help him, so to speak, to get on the right path in life. If, of course, they help him in this. It is other people who serve as an example for us of how a person can live at all, showing us either a good or a bad example. After all, a lot in our life depends on this, you must agree, including the desire to develop.

If a person shows interest in the process of constant development, often thanks to other people, less often in spite of them, and becomes addicted to it, then he himself will be able to continue to teach and develop himself in the way he needs, and constantly, throughout his life. Therefore, it is so important, very important to surround yourself with people, as much as possible, who can be a good example for you to follow. It is from their influence on you that your attitude to such things as self-development will largely depend. Of course, we all have our own head on our shoulders, but what thoughts will prevail in it depends very much on our environment.

Let's take, for example, such a type of activity as reading, which very well contributes to the development of a person - it helps him to gain new knowledge, develops his thinking, makes him more intelligent. You need to get addicted to reading, you just need to love this business, and then you will never stop doing it, never stop reading. You will always and everywhere try to read something to take your time, to learn something new. You will develop yourself through reading. The same is with self-development in general, the situation is. You only need to fall in love once with this business, with this process, and then you will never stop loving it. Because developing yourself is pleasant and interesting. This process is much more enjoyable than, say, smoking, drinking, gambling and other, let's be honest, nonsense that some people do. So you just need to accustom yourself to self-development, just once make the necessary efforts in order to become addicted to this occupation, if other people have not helped you with this, and then in the future the desire to develop yourself in you will only grow stronger. Even if the usefulness and interest of this activity is not yet obvious to you, and you still do not feel pleasure from it, it already takes possession of your consciousness, letting you know that you need to do this, you need to develop yourself. Because other people do it and they like it. So you may like it too.

At the initial stage, it is quite acceptable, and even necessary, for the above reason, for someone to help you fall in love with self-development. Some person whom you trust, whom you like, whom you will listen to, if he begins to advise you something, should become your guide in truly wonderful world people who are engaged in self-development and self-improvement with great pleasure and get fabulous pleasure from this activity. After all, what is self-development, from the point of view of human activity, is the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities, this is the physical development of the body, this is the development of thinking, this is the ability to manage one's own inner peace and everything else that is associated with the improvement of a person, or of everything that is in a person, this will be more correct. It is quite obvious that for such work on oneself, a person may need a mentor, teacher, advisor who will help him take the first steps in this difficult matter. After all, to engage in self-development means to use all the means at your disposal to improve yourself, including other people.

Motivation for self-development

Let's now look at what motivation for self-development can be in our life, based on the influence that external factors have on us. The most, I think, the main thing in self-development, from the point of view of motivation, is emotions. It is they, as a rule, that encourage us to this very self-development. Emotions release our energy, forcing us, at least, to want something very much, or not to want, depending on what kind of emotions they are, and at the most, to do something. And anything can cause them, even though, as mentioned above, other people, even circumstances, even our own thoughts. And at the same time, it does not matter, in fact, what kind of emotions force us to deal with ourselves, the main thing is that we, being under their influence, do something really. Pay attention to what turns you on, what makes you move, learn something, strive for something. All this can be a good motivation for you to self-development. So study yourself. Something must necessarily excite you, something very good or very bad. Or both. You can either want to get something, achieve something, come to something, or get rid of something - from work, from people unpleasant to you, from a hard life, from your own shortcomings that poison your life, well, etc. Sometimes, when a person does not have any desires at all, when he cannot even set a goal for himself, because he does not know what he wants, it will not prevent him from worsening his life a little, in order, firstly, to stir himself up, and then second, to realize those values ​​that he already has and does not want to lose, and for the preservation of which he needs to meet certain requirements. In other words, look for an opportunity to evoke strong emotions in yourself so that they motivate you to self-development. In general, life often throws us such problems, with which, as they say, you will not relax, therefore, it seems to me that many people have the motivation to become stronger, in the broadest sense of the word.

We are constantly driven by either negative or positive emotions, the only question is how we react to them. Some people are overwhelmed by negative emotions, so they don't do anything, no matter how bad or uncomfortable they are. And others, even very strong positive emotions cannot force them to do something, because either it is difficult for them to cope with their laziness, or they simply do not believe in their own strengths, in the fact that they can achieve something. And there are also people who are simply indifferent to everything, who do not care how they live. All these character traits have their own reasons - both for depression, and for laziness, and for indifference to everything. This means that any of these problems can be dealt with. This is already the task of the psychologist - to help you understand yourself. The main thing is that you are “alive”, that is, show a great interest in life and be active. If you feel very bad, you must want to make you feel better. And not to justify your suffering by saying that other people can be even worse than you. And if you feel good, you should want to make you feel even better, you should strive for something that will give you great pleasure. You need to train yourself to strive for victories in order to develop yourself with passion, with a sparkle in your eyes, with interest. It draws people in - the thrill from success, from achievements, from victories - this is a very strong drug. And most importantly, it is a useful drug that does not kill, but improves a person.

At the same time, I want to emphasize once again that it is important to be able to use any emotions to motivate for self-development. Someone moves better when it hurts, someone else when they really want something, that is, for someone the whip is a good motivator, but for someone the carrot. I recommend that you do not spend too much time studying all your psychological characteristics- fill your tank with exactly the fuel that allows you to work well and fly with all your might upward. That is, motivate yourself with what is closer to you. If bad emotions force you to do something with yourself and for yourself - let it be bad emotions, it's okay - motivate yourself with fear, resentment, anger, aggression, as it suits you best. If it's greed, vanity, curiosity, then use them to motivate. Or maybe you just want to leave something behind in this world, something that will allow you to receive great satisfaction from your life, as from a life that has meaning. The main thing is that you see - for what or because of what you will develop yourself, you will make yourself better, you will learn new things, acquire new skills and abilities, get rid of your shortcomings and weaknesses. The main thing is that you care about how your life will turn out.

The benefits of self-development

To engage in self-development correctly and maintain sufficient interest in this process, you need to notice the benefits that you get from it. Therefore, in self-development, it is very important to fix the achieved results, when you notice real qualitative changes in yourself and certain successes in your life. Since we are so arranged that it is difficult for us to do something without seeing from our activities positive results for a long time - it is extremely important to notice in yourself even the slightest changes for the better, and to enjoy them. Then you will not stop and do not stop engaging in self-development. Interest should be constantly warmed up, a person should see the meaning and benefit in what he is doing. How to record results? This is not an easy matter, I must say right away. It all depends on what goals you pursue when you develop yourself. Sometimes a person wants, well, there, say, to get rich in a year, but after a year of active work on himself, he may not have visible success in this area. No matter how many books he reads, no matter what he learns in a year, no matter what skills he develops in himself, his financial situation may remain the same, or it may improve, but not significantly. Why? Yes, for many reasons. Because it may take more time to achieve this goal, because the rest of the world also does not stand still and in it no planning can guarantee a person to achieve the desired result, because, in the end, he may do something wrong, he may be wrong and therefore not have the desired result. And in general, not everything and not always in this life can be done the first time. Therefore, success does not come to people immediately and not to everyone, but mainly only to those who are persistent enough to be worthy of it. So if something doesn't work out for you, then this is not a reason to quit everything and stop striving for your goal, stop developing yourself. It's just that the results that you can achieve in a certain time may turn out to be more modest than you expected, but they will definitely be.

I advise you to keep a diary and regularly write down in it all the changes that you observe in yourself and in your life - this will help you see many positive changes in your life that will occur due to self-development. If you learn something, study something, train something in yourself, then any changes in this direction must be recorded or otherwise recorded. Suppose you want to lose weight and go on a diet for this - start writing down in your diary how many kilograms you lost in a week, month, two months, six months, a year. Also, try to describe your emotional state in as much detail as possible in order to notice progress in this direction. Let all your work on yourself be before your eyes. In other words - record, take pictures, and videotape all the changes that take place in your life, thanks to your work on yourself. Usually we do not change very quickly, so we do not always notice these changes and it seems to us that we do not get any benefit from self-development. For example, if you start actively reading smart books and articles, then you will not immediately notice a change in yourself. It will seem to you that you are still the same person as you were before, while in fact you will become smarter, more knowledgeable in some important issues, more flexible in your behavior, more effective in solving various problems and tasks, you will become make fewer mistakes and make the right decisions more often, and so on. All this is very difficult to notice, but it is possible and most importantly necessary, very necessary. After all, the trouble of many people is that they want everything at once, without even realizing that if they get everything they want, they will quickly lose all interest in life. This is why it is so difficult for some people to notice their progress. They notice only very strong changes, and those happen very rarely. So keep a diary and write down everything that happens to you in it so that you can see the results that you have achieved through self-development.

But the question is: does it follow from the above that self-development must always have a clear and clear goal? No, friends, you shouldn't. There may not be a clear goal, for the simple reason that a person cannot know about all goals, developing certain qualities in himself, gaining certain knowledge. But at the same time, he can be close to them, engaging in self-development. There are many examples in history of how some initially seemingly meaningless activity made the person involved in it, if not great, then at least in something successful. You may have the same in your life. You can study something without fully understanding why you are doing it. And then your knowledge can be very useful to you. Well, let's say you are studying a foreign language, without an explicit purpose to go somewhere, where you can communicate with other people in it. But at one point, you may see an ad in the newspaper, which will say that a very large company for a high-paying job requires a specialist who, in addition to having a good knowledge of his profession, also speaks the language that you studied. And at this moment, your knowledge may be very useful for you. That is, I want to say that it does not always make sense to get some kind of knowledge to achieve a certain goal, you can do the opposite - adjust your knowledge to some interesting goal that you recently learned about. Therefore, the main thing, after all, I believe, is that you have an interest in self-development, that you devote enough time to this, and even to benefit from what you have learned, mastered, developed in yourself with pleasure - you can always find an opportunity.

Of course, planning and setting goals needs to be done, life should not be chaotic, otherwise you can get confused in it. But understand one very important thing - when planning and setting goals, you are walking along a path already trodden by someone, because you strive for what you already know and with the help of those methods that have already been developed by someone. This is good, but it may not be enough for a person who is not interested in everything known. Some people need a different meaning, a different motivation, in order to develop themselves, and in order to find this meaning, they need to engage in self-development for the sake of self-development, without any plan and specific goals. You can combine self-development for the sake of a goal with self-development for the sake of interest, when a person learns about everything he wants to know about and what he needs to learn, thereby maintaining an interest in working on himself. In other words, figuratively speaking, you need to maintain the fire of passion for self-development by any means. Because although I wrote at the very beginning of the article that having fallen in love with this business, you will never stop doing it, you can still lose your taste for an active life if initially you diligently worked on yourself not of your own free will, but out of necessity, or in other words, because of the impact on you of other people.

Self-development results

What can be your results in self-development? In fact, they are very different, from outstanding to barely noticeable. But at the same time, believe me, they are always there. And these results are sure to make your life better. I know many people who are engaged in self-development and adhere to different strategies in this difficult, but extremely rewarding business. They pursue different goals with varying degrees of success. And I can say for sure - they all receive a certain reward for their efforts. Someone just begins to think better, more efficiently, more practical, someone learns a new skill and, having acquired it, changes their job to a more interesting and profitable one, someone in their field becomes a very good specialist and people begin to appreciate him highly, and someone - it becomes healthier and more cheerful by working on your body. We always have where to grow. There is something to strive for. There is something to achieve success.

I believe that one of the important goals of self-development should be the desire of a person to make his inner picture of the world as much as possible corresponding to reality. After all, the better we understand the world around us - its structure, functions, laws, the great opportunities we will possess to make it more perfect. For example, an engineer, understanding the laws of nature, can use them to create various devices that will make people's lives better, easier, more interesting, more fun, more comfortable. And a specialist who is well versed in the psychology of people can help them become happier and more cheerful, he can teach them to love themselves and life, so that they receive satisfaction from it. And other specialists create medicines that save lives for many people. And so on. In other words, knowing this world, thanks to development and self-development, we get the opportunity to change it. And even if we do not always change it for the better, there is no doubt that this should be done. So the more developed a person is, the more master of his life and even of this whole world he feels himself.

So, friends, self-development is really great. Doing it, you will not live your life in vain. Therefore, do not waste time in vain - develop, learn, acquire new skills, set ambitious goals for yourself and look for ways to achieve them, the whole world is at your feet - live in it as a person, that is, be active. I do not urge you to do something specific, psychology, for example, to study or something else, I can only offer you this. And you yourself decide what you want to succeed in, what you want to learn how to do, what you want to know, understand, realize. Self-development is therefore self-development because a person decides for himself how and in what direction to develop. The main thing is to improve yourself, guided by the principles I have described, and everything in your life will be fine. I invite you, friends, to develop together - I will write interesting articles for you on useful, from my point of view, topics, and you will read them. And in this way we will learn about this world, mainly, of course, from the point of view of psychology, after all, I understand it more, but we will definitely touch on other topics as well. What do you think, do you agree?

With the growing number of motivational and educational books and articles, not only matters personal experience the author's question, but any practical evidence that these methods work. Let's talk today about where to start self-development and in which areas to develop.

Personal self-development: an experiment

An experimental study was conducted with the participation of a group of young people. They were given a condition - it is necessary to spend 2 days alone. At the same time, no entertainment was allowed, including gadgets. They could still study, read ordinary books, write anything, and so on - a set of ordinary household chores. Plus, each of the participants could stop participating at any time.

Experiment Results

The results are shocking to say the least. The experiment involved about 100 people, but only 3 reached the final: 2 girls and 1 one guy. Later they told how they occupied themselves. The young man devoted time to physical training, one of the girls plunged into the world of art and creativity - she read books and wrote a diary, and the other - into herself - took up meditation.

The rest of the participants simply could not stand the torture, saying that they decided to end their participation. But, even worse, each of them changed the internal state - they became more nervous, irritable and chronic diseases began to work themselves.


Modern youth are simply not adapted to live without what they themselves are accustomed to. They cannot completely abstract themselves from the world and plunge into the depths of their own consciousness, or even choose more traditional means of spending time.

Most young people definitely devote themselves to television, surfing the Internet and social networks, correspondence about anything. At the same time, the concept of "self-development" is either unknown to them, or has no meaning.

Self-development - where to start?

Today, the topic of personal growth is no less relevant than the topic of zombies in the media culture over the past few years. They keep repeating on the Internet and in books that the key to a successful life and self-confidence is self-improvement.

Nevertheless, many people have a question not about what exactly needs to be done or how best to approach this process, but simply - where to start?

To start, as always, you need to understand what exactly you are doing. Development is the process of improving or changing everything that exists. Life, in fact, is a constant development, which, if it does not touch on any qualities, necessarily passes through the prism of growing up, social relations and different views of the world.

Based on these judgments, we come to the conclusion that self-development is purposeful actions, the main goal of which is to change or improve certain aspects of life, be it a career, communication skills, or any necessary skill.

Theory is always important, therefore it would be even more correct to refer to the dictionary: self-development is the intellectual or physical development of a person on the basis of independent studies and exercises, on their own initiative, without the assistance of any external forces.

Understanding your own actions is the first step towards self-development. Now, specifically about where to start.

Self-development plan

If a person is standing in the middle of the forest and does not know where to go, the first thing to do is to determine where he is.

It's the same here. Realizing that it is necessary to develop, you need to understand from what point this development will begin, and what specific efforts need to be made in order to achieve a certain result. A series of questions will work for this.

Ask yourself questions

  • What doesn't suit me?
  • What does not suit people whose opinions are important to me?
  • What would I like to achieve?
  • Etc.

Wheel of life

It so happens that it is difficult to immediately determine what problems prevail in life, so here the "Wheel of Life" will come to the rescue. It will consist of 10 sectors, each of which is responsible for the vital aspects of the existence of each person.

The main thing here is to approach the implementation as objectively as possible. You should see your shortcomings and gaps that need to be corrected, and not create the illusion of a good life.

Let's take a look at some of the sectors.


One of the fundamental sections on which success in other areas of life depends. Correct mode days, good sleep, exercise and good food.


The ability to hear oneself, control emotions and direct them in the right direction. A minimum of negative emotions and solid positive. Meditation is one of the methods that can help you achieve spiritual balance.


This is the section of a person's life that, when we feel dissatisfied, prevents us from sleeping soundly at night and, accordingly, has a very detrimental effect on our existence as a whole. Many people devote their whole lives to the problems of financial well-being, but sometimes it is enough to put in a little more effort - to show your perseverance at work or find a new one, start your own business or improve your qualifications.


People surround us everywhere, so a lot depends on the ability to communicate. Position yourself correctly and treat really important personalities with dignity.

Personal growth

Attention to one's own skills and abilities, the development of memory, creative thinking, the fight against procrastination, smart time management.

As you can see, there are really many areas, so you need to make a clear choice in favor of one or the other direction. If it is very difficult to decide, then you can go in order. Improving health, finding mutual language with yourself, having ceased to worry about the financial side of life, having learned to communicate with people and constantly developing, you can really achieve great success. The main thing is not to be sprayed on everything at once.

Be honest with yourself

In order to benefit from the process of self-development, you need to determine where it is really needed, and for this - to honestly look at your strengths and weaknesses.

You looked the truth in the eye, and with tears pointed out your own mistakes. But this was not done to show how bad life is. On the contrary, to fix it. First, you still need to decide where to start.

Splitting a goal into subgoals

The solution to the problem of each of the sectors should consist of one global goal, which can be divided into several smaller ones, in order to make it easier to approach the implementation of that single one. In order not to get confused about what will have to be done on the way, it is better to write down each stage.

How to set a goal

It also happens that it is difficult to set a goal. There are several general rules which will simplify the process. It is necessary that the goal be measurable, it really could be achieved and clearly understand the deadline for achieving it.

For example, let's draw up one action plan. For example, you decide to become a better person by gaining new skills and solving the financial issues of your life by finding new job... The problem is lack of knowledge, inability to concentrate and poor productivity.

What can and should be done for this?

  • Complete refresher courses;
  • Learn to focus on business;
  • Learn to plan your time, attend a training session about it, or read a book;
  • Write a resume, sending it to all places where you would like to get a job.

A complete list of things to work on:

  1. Formation of useful and getting rid of bad habits;
  2. Development of personal and professional character traits;
  3. Improving the financial situation, increasing financial literacy;
  4. Developing useful skills;
  5. Work on outward appearance: style and figure;
  6. Lifestyle and attractive lifestyle;
  7. Work on voice and speech;
  8. Work on behavior, gestures and gaze;
  9. Motivation and discipline;
  10. Development of thinking and intelligence;
  11. Psychological and physical health;
  12. Relationships with the opposite sex and friendship;
  13. Development of charisma and communication skills;
  14. Interesting hobbies and interests;
  15. Sports: development of strength and endurance.

On our website you can find useful information on each of the items (see the menu).

With age, each person loses his former inner self-confidence, acquires many problems and complexes, and is burdened by everyday worries. And then, sooner or later, everyone has a question - what next? Go with the flow, or try to change something in your life and get out of your daily routine. A person's personality, his consciousness is the center of his self-development. The ability to control the body and mind, learn to get what you want from life, the ability to achieve inner harmony and tranquility, the ability to reveal your deep, inner potential - this is all that gives us personality self-development.
The first point of any methodology for self-development of personality s It consists in the fact that each person must learn to get distracted from the daily hustle and bustle and look deep into himself. Therefore, the process personality self-development starts not from reading books and studying concepts, but from self-realization.


An adult constantly has to prove his worth to himself and to everyone around him, therefore, self-realization becomes the meaning of life for almost everyone. This is continuous work on your mistakes and on yourself, this is creative and career growth. The rapid pace of life and the constant development of technology give rise to an urgent need for constant self-improvement and self-realization. Also, we must not forget about physical and spiritual health, because without this, achieving success is simply impossible. Harmony in development and existence with the outside world is main principle self-realization.
And it is not at all necessary to self-actualize in a career, because a happy personal life also requires constant investments. It is not enough just to acquire a baggage of knowledge of a psychological and aesthetic nature; it is necessary to learn how to apply it correctly in practice. And the process of self-realization in this case can be viewed exclusively as self-development of the individual.


Achieving your goals, whether in your personal life or in your career, requires hard work and perseverance. To achieve ideal self-realization, an idyll of emotional and mental state is necessary. Everyone can achieve a high position in the circle of their abilities if they do their own thing. Everyone knows that water does not flow under a lying stone. Therefore, inaction is not the best assistant in building a career, because you can remain a gray office mouse. You just need to believe in yourself, and confidently go towards your goal. And then work, in addition to financial income, will also bring moral satisfaction.


Another important principle of personality self-development is the ability to effectively manage your time. The secret of such efficiency lies in the consistent execution of affairs, according to a previously drawn up plan. After all, it is the compilation of such lists that is the key to self-organization. Such a list includes all priority tasks, and a step-by-step scheme for their implementation is written. The goals should be defined specifically, with a mandatory time limit for their achievement. This makes it possible to control all events yourself, and not depend on them. A prerequisite for any strategic planning is a clear definition of the desired result. It is a correctly compiled list that is half of a successful path to personal self-development, prosperity and a successful life. After all, success is not random event- it starts with a well thought out strategic plan.

Today, women without specific obstacles on the way can achieve success and bring profit to the family. Gone are the days when, in order to move up the career ladder, a woman had to transform into a man, figuratively speaking. Now, how to become a successful and rich woman, you can ask not businessmen, but real business women.

The process of personality development - how to start self-development

How to properly start self-development in order to achieve the desired result? How to set a goal and plan to achieve it in order to achieve success? What are the primary personal qualities and useful skills you need to develop in order not to quit in two days? We ask ourselves these and many other questions every day. How to properly plan personal self-development? We answer these questions in this article.

Goal setting and planning

Every person strives to become better. Many people think to quit smoking on the New Year or start going to the gym on their birthday, but they never do it. The reason is simple - you have to start with something else. Personal self-development starts with setting a goal. A correctly set goal motivates you to make daily progress.

The goal is formulated in the affirmative, it should be "environmentally friendly" (not harm other people) and achievable. All aspirations come down to the main areas: recognition by others, financial well-being and health. “I don’t smoke” is a bad formulation, as it contains denial, and “I take care of my health” is a good one.

When the goal is formulated, it must be written down and presented as if it has already been achieved. Clearly define a timeline for yourself and draw up an action plan. A big goal is easier to achieve if it is divided into small parts, as the saying goes, "Eat the elephant in pieces." The points should be such that it is possible to do something every day that brings the achievement of the goal closer.

In order to conscientiously carry out your own plan, it is necessary to develop willpower.

The workout consists of three exercises:

  1. "I will not" - get rid of the bad habit. Do not bite your nails, accumulate cups near your computer, or procrastinate important things.
  2. "I will" - get a good habit. Put things in place, follow the rules healthy eating, do exercises.
  3. Self-control. Keep track of what usually escapes attention: keeping your posture, counting the time spent in front of the TV and money for daily needs.

The habit is developed in 21 days. Take no more than one bad and one good habit for training during this period. The process of personality development should take place consistently, without haste and interruptions.

If you justify postponing things "for later" by the lack of time, you need to familiarize yourself with the basics of time management. This will not only speed up the achievement of your main goal, but also increase efficiency in all areas of life. Read a book about it:

  • Brian Tracy "How to Manage Your Time";
  • Neil Fiore " Easy way stop postponing things for later ”;
  • Jana Frank "Muse and the Beast".

The main rule of time management is planning. It is necessary to draw up a schedule for the next day, based on the urgency and importance of the upcoming tasks. Some things can be delegated, others - postponed, and still others - not done at all. Every evening you need to plan the main activities for the next day, and on Sunday - for the coming week. Various life hacks will help save your time.

Drawing up a menu for a week or two and a one-time purchase of all the right products save time on your daily shopping trips, prevent overloading, and promote a healthy diet. Don't waste time on the road just moving - listen to lessons on the way foreign languages, fiction or self-development audiobooks. Mix things up - for example, you can cook dinner and watch a new TV show in Spanish at the same time.

On the path of personal self-development, training of intelligence, memory, attention, physical fitness, communication skills, professional knowledge will help you, plan time for these exercises in your diary.

Concentration of all attention on one thing can bring imbalance and a feeling of lack of something important.

To experience a feeling of happiness, a person needs harmony in all areas of life.

For example, for success in work, you need to monitor your health and get enough rest, but for family well-being you need money.

Draw a circle, divide by 8:

  • Work;
  • a family ;
  • health ;
  • hobby;
  • recreation;
  • studies;
  • communication ;
  • money.

Rate your satisfaction with each area of ​​your life from 0 to 10 and fill in the corresponding part. The sectors with the lowest grades should be worked out first.

Features of personality development are not only individual, but also age-related. The development of memory and thought processes is more active in adolescence, therefore, in order for your mind to remain mobile until old age, you need to constantly train it.

Follow your plan. Start with to-do lists of 3-4 items and gradually increase their number.

Live in the present. Plans for the future should not get in the way of enjoying the moment.

Do not compare yourself with others, only with yourself, as you were yesterday or a year ago.

Get ready for the fact that the environment can interfere with your endeavors. Think about how to explain your new habits to your family members so as not to offend and gain their support.

The attitude to a long process and gradual work will help you not to quit in a couple of days.

Take action as soon as you finish reading the article!

Human self-development- an integral part of our life, because life is given to us so that we can achieve a new, better quality of life. And self-development, self-improvement is the conscious management of the personality itself, the process of personal growth, which must be organically integrated into our daily affairs, it is one of the main components of our life.

Human development is the most important process, which includes self-knowledge, self-development, self-improvement. I think that I will not be mistaken if I say that self-development, self-improvement is the earliest possible approach to your goals - an opportunity to make your dreams come true. Therefore, the site provides systematic information to improve health, body, mind, financial component, spirituality. In this article, we will try to figure out what these rather vague concepts are.

So, the most common statements and questions regarding our topic:

3. Why do you need to engage in the notorious self-development, self-improvement?

It is not worth to know the importance of these issues, they are very important, because understanding the need for personal growth has a direct impact on our financial condition, social status, mental comfort and many other spheres of life. But not all at once, but in order.

Let's try to briefly answer the above questions:

1. Self-development, self-improvement is the path of the weak!

There is an opinion that self-development, self-improvement is the path of the weak, and a strong, self-confident person is so good in itself, without any self-development there. But let's take, for example, Alexander the Great, who wanted to conquer the whole world, which he successfully accomplished by conquering, subjugating more than half of the lands known at that time. Isn't it an example strong man? His teacher was the philosopher Aristotle, the greatest ancient thinker, he laid the basic life principles in the basis of the Macedonian worldview. The historian Plutarch wrote: “Alexander the Great admired Aristotle and loved the teacher, in his own words, no less than his own father. He repeated, "I owe my life to Philip my father, and to Aristotle that I live with dignity, as befits a man."

Without a doubt, in many respects the success of the Macedonian depended on the foundations that were laid by Aristotle, here is the glorified self-development for you - the lot of the weak. As you can see, self-development is an opportunity to develop in all respects, to change oneself, one's thoughts, attitude to everything and everyone, behavior, emotions, to become better, and as a result - to have top scores compared to those that you would have without self-development, and whatever you do, your results will be better with self-development than without it. Therefore, a very important competitive advantage of our modern world that we have is the opportunity to develop, become more literate, stronger, more universal than other people trying to achieve success in everything.

2. Why are many who have taken the path of self-development, self-improvement disappointed?

Most often, those who have embarked on the path of self-development, self-improvement are disappointed only because they have the wrong approach, and besides, a vague idea of ​​how a person should self-develop, self-improve.

On this moment there are many methods, theories, practices of self-development, self-improvement, therefore an unprepared person asks the question: "What books to read for self-development?", "Which of the self-improvement practices is the most effective?" methods for him? " People who decide to start self-development, self-improvement as a person face such problems. What, by the way, do not hesitate to take advantage of newly-made teachers of different stripes, titles, rushing to help, of course, not for free to provide information of interest and not always caring about its usefulness and adaptation to a particular personality! IN FACT EVERY PERSON IS UNIQUE!

So, the first question of a person who has decided to engage in self-development: where to start? You can start by reading the relevant literature. How to choose books on self-development, self-improvement and not make the wrong choice? If the author of the book claims that he has developed a "universal unparalleled" method of human development that is suitable for everyone, then put that book back and never take it back. Statements of this kind are a desire to impose their vision of a solution to a problem. But all people are different, so there is no panacea, a universal pill for everyone - drunk and healthy.

In a word, a person who decides to engage in self-development, self-improvement is lost in the sea of ​​information, an abundance of teachings, methods, practices! This site is just created as a guidebook, as a "lighthouse", having reached which, bypassing the sea of ​​unnecessary information, you can choose exactly the teaching, the method that suits you.

3. Why do you need to engage in the notorious self-development, self-improvement?

Point number 2 already contains the answer to this question.

At this point, let me finish my theoretical research and move on to specifics.

Apparently you paid attention to the motto of this site "Self-development, Self-improvement of a person - KeyRich", and the sections of the site, sub-headings of the site are entitled as follows: "Spirituality", "Health", "Positive", "Inner circle", "Favorite business", " Money".

That is, it turns out that self-development, self-improvement is the dominant of our life aspirations? - Yes exactly.

And, for example, money, health, your favorite business (i.e. sections of the site) - is it a prerequisite, mandatory components of self-development?

- Yes, there is no way without it. There is such a concept "Maslow's Pyramid of Needs" - this is the common name for the hierarchical model of human needs. Maslow's needs are distributed as they grow, explaining that a person cannot experience high-level needs while he needs more primitive things.

1. Physiological: hunger, thirst, sex drive, etc.
2. Existential: safety, comfort.
3. Social: connections, communication, caring for others, attention to oneself, joint activities.
4. Prestigious: self-esteem, respect from others, career growth.
5. Spiritual: cognition, self-expression, self-development.

There are many trends, directions, simple and complex, sometimes useful, and sometimes not very, there are dozens of officially recognized components of the process of self-development, self-improvement.

One of the main components is that any undertaking must be preceded by a goal setting. It should be clearly formulated - in a positive way, as ambitious as possible.

So, if your goal is self-development, self-improvement, then everyone will have to decide individually (each person is unique, unique), what does he mean by this. We are quite expecting such a list: to become a highly spiritual person, to find perfect health, financial independence, respect, and love of others.

It is up to oneself to choose what is the main goal, intermediate or stage, each person has his own, purely individual. Someone needs to start restoring health, and someone needs to create a financial basis for their plans, and most, unfortunately, will have to implement this comprehensively.

Having the main and intermediate goals, you should be imbued with absolute confidence in the reality of your plans, but a more productive way is to visualize these goals as already achieved by you. But not only to visualize, but also to take practical steps on the way to finding what you want.

If, for example, your soul and mind have "chosen" the cultivation of organic vegetables as their favorite thing, then start with this on your balcony, if you are an ordinary manager. And if you already own some capital, buy a greenhouse.

What does “soul and mind have chosen” mean?

And this means that a person can achieve success without losing himself, only doing what he loves, which is “a joy” to him. Many people choose what is fashionable, prestigious today, or their parents choose them.

There is such a parable. The newcomer to the "kingdom of the dead" was introduced to its inhabitants. The one who occupies the most honorable place was recommended as follows: "This is the Great Commander!"

- "So this is a shepherd from our village!"
- "Yes, but he was born to be the Great Leader!"

So, I wish you to become a Great Leader during your lifetime and find your goals. This is quite real - there is a method, read the articles on this site.

Now - to the details. Knowing the goal, believing in the reality of its achievement, it is necessary to carry out some actions. And this requires strength, energy, but what if the strength is enough only for routine work in the office and a trip to entertainment establishments.

Do not despair - you simply do not know about the huge reserves of the body, the methods of gaining health and increasing energy, which you will comprehend and can put into practice, while making a minimum of physical effort, but showing truly titanic willpower on the way to a healthy lifestyle.

- Nope! - Will not work! - Everything is too neglected - this is me about the fact that we have been stuffed with the theory of calorie content for 150 years, the theory balanced nutrition... These theories became the basis for the emergence of culinary delights, whole branches of the meat and dairy, bakery industries and the like developed.

The products of the enterprises of these industries, not without the help of powerful advertising, deprive us of the remnants of health every second. And there is also someone to do with these pitiful remnants - for this there is official medicine.

So, having slagged the body with unprocessed, undigested products “bread-loaf-meat-milk” of corporations, we go to the doctors - some have kidneys, some have liver, heart, each with his own problem. Clearly, you just need to “eat less”, but what about another corporation - pharmacists, pharmacists, they also “want to eat”. So instead of maintaining health at the proper level through a healthy diet, we eat everything, exhausting our body, after which we have to go to doctors, take pills so that the meat-milk-doctor-pharmacy conveyor does not stop, bringing profit to our “benefactors” ...

We continue to work, eat our usual food, relax, paying our bills for everything to our "benefactors", but this is if the heredity is good, the body has large reserves of strength, and if not, then here you will also not be left unattended - there is also a bureau of funeral services ... Everything is thought out, everything is functional, even the slogan is applicable: "At the head of everything, he is a MAN!" But it’s somehow very sad to become, since for more than 100 years there have been works of famous scientists about the harmfulness of such nutrition. Why aren't they advertised?

Look at the name of the ministries - 50% of them have plans for growing, producing, and marketing “food products”. But what about the MAN? - Duc he is being treated! And pigs, cows, buns are budget revenues.

Do you know what is the most popular, highly effective, in contrast to all existing diets - relatively safe? - This is the so-called "cave diet". That is, three-quarters of food consists of plant foods, without complex seasonings, heat treatment (food of cavemen, our ancestors). It is understandable - sausage and buns do not grow on trees, and in the rivers there is pure water, and not soup or borscht, for example. And most importantly - no ministries for you!

For the sake of fairness, let's say that when switching to this diet, it is necessary to comply with some conditions that are required in case of a sharp change in the diet, otherwise health problems may arise. In the heading "Health" everything is detailed.

So what - to live hungry? - No - half-starved, if we consider our usual, current diet as basic. Moreover, it is necessary to cleanse the body of toxins, to move actively, to restore the energy flows of your body, so that the problems of volitional attitude, perseverance, perseverance "stand up to their full height."

That is, deny yourself everything, and even against the background of considerable physical costs, but in return, what? - Our body, finally, will be given the opportunity to take a break from processing, disposal of a huge amount of unnecessary, harmful food, which will allow the body to engage in self-healing, as a result, your health will begin to improve.

Do you know the feeling of perfect health? - It's a bit like flying in children's dreams, plus 70% of the delight of your own physical strength, mental lift. So, choose - either the well-being of agro-industrial oligarchs or flights on the wings of perfect health.

Articles that are in the "Health" section on the above-mentioned topic will add confidence to you, reduce the severity of the problems of volitional efforts.

Well, now - about Money, abundance, prosperity. So, financial abundance is far from prosperity. Well-being will forever leave your life if you, having fabulously enriched yourself, entered into deals with your conscience, violated worldly and Divine laws, defaming, humiliating your neighbors.

By sacrificing spirituality in the name of material wealth, you violate the laws of the Universe, so it can deprive you of the opportunity to enjoy life, which is conditioned by the possession of material wealth.

But everything is not so simple here. Because our concepts of good and bad rarely agree with the Laws of the Universe. It is quite possible that a highly spiritual person, having elevated his skill in any kind of activity to the absolute, will be punished for this with negative changes in fate, and a dodgy businessman, violating worldly laws, will feel in the best possible way. Those. creating excess potential, you always get an adequate answer to neutralize it (most often troubles in the family, at work, but sometimes through illness or an uncountable incident, and may even take life). Is there a safety precaution? - Yes - you can find the answer by studying the information on this site.

It is very important to understand that our life is surrounded by a mass of conventions, prohibitions, dogmas, rules, which turns it into a game, a performance, depriving our life of expediency. For an insignificant reason, we can fall into a rage, rage or harass our neighbor for being addicted to some type of clothing, hairstyle. Our whole life is a struggle: for the harvest, for a place in the sun, and more often just out of habit. Although it is more efficient and productive to live in peace and harmony with others.

The flora and fauna are expediency itself, everything is rational, pragmatic, there is nothing conventional, far-fetched. Aggression receives an adequate rebuff, the big one can always have breakfast with the little ones, but without anger and hatred. It's funny to hate pizza, hamburger or schnitzel.

How can we find purposefulness? - Everything is very simple - stop taking on faith the flow of information that pours on your heads from the high stands, televisions, and print media. There are programs that make you predictable, manageable, obedient, and deprive you of True Knowledge.

Analyze any information, study, improve your Knowledge. True knowledge is a direct path to expediency.

After reading all this, one person, let's call him an optimist, can say: “Some kind of maniac - how did the pigs stop you? Law and order, you see, is not to his liking! "

And the other is a pessimist, exclaiming: “Uncle, take off your glasses - what pigs, what legality? Go to the cafeteria, there you will be fed with something that has never grunt, did not grow under the sun - everything is produced by chemical laboratories. All this is not only harmful, but also deadly, but ... legal. "

...? - “Duc, if you honestly indicate on the packaging what kind of chemistry it is made of, it’s like something that’s not harmful. Or legal? In a word, it is correct. "

If the world had acquired this Knowledge, then a person would have received true freedom, they would no longer be treated as an object of exploitation, because in the end it will turn out to be counterproductive, after all, the person has received his sight!

Of course, you can say that the section on self-improvement involves thinking about the sublime, flying to the astral plane in order to gain Spirituality, and you are again plunged into everyday life: money, cleaning your "giblets", waste products, ... enemas, finally. - Fi, how non-commercial!

No, the truth is that choosing food CONSCIOUSLY, you are already on the path of self-improvement. And so on all points: finances, favorite business, soul, body, etc. Fortunately, difficult concepts can always be explained. in simple words Maslow also claims that this is the only way - from the simple to the complex.

Did you know that there are books that can be read and understood by no more than 10 people in the world? These are books or articles about actual problems for mankind, but overloaded with formulas and science. They are intended, understandable only to two or three colleagues in the shop. This is their effectiveness - if you want a percentage - divide 10 by 7 billion (Earth's population), then multiply by 100%.

And if you write a book on a similar subject, but which would be understandable to half of humanity, i.e. 3.5 billion people? - It captures the spirit, isn't it ?! Therefore, it sounds like this: "What is perceived is not what is true or right, but what is understandable" - i.e. It is not simple beautiful words, you also have to correspond to elementary expediency and write about complex things in simple words that are as easy to understand as possible.

And yet, and still ... This site is not related to light reading detective or love genre over a cup of tea with a bun. With such an approach, the result will be appropriate; a different attitude and perception are needed here.

You should not focus on memorizing something unusual or interesting, but you need to "Turn on the mind" in order to analyze the information provided on the site and choose what is right for you and will help you grow as a person, making your dreams and desires come true.

I wish you my dear ones, the earliest possible acquisition of your path!

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