It is true or myth that you need to eat often and in small portions. How much, what and how you can and should eat in order to lose weight cool Is it useful to eat 3 times a day

Still others eat densely, but rarely. But which regime is correct?

How many times a day should you eat in order not to gain weight and lose weight? To find the right answers to these questions, you should draw up a nutrition plan, calculate how many calories the body needs, and study possible mistakes in losing weight.

How many times a day should you eat

Almost all nutritionists agree that to lose weight, you need to eat 5-6 times a day. At the same time, the usual three-time regimen is considered by experts to be erroneous.

A person should be guided by some facts to determine the required number of meals:

  • For the average person with moderate activity and not burdened with extra pounds, the frequency of meals does not matter. Such people can either eat once a day or divide the diet into 7-8 meals. The main thing is that the total calorie intake of food does not exceed the permissible value.
  • It has been shown that increasing the number of meals, while reducing the serving size, is better for the normal maintenance of cholesterol levels, avoiding pressure surges and glucose.
  • People with increased physical activity should not resort to three meals a day. For them, 5-6 meals a day are optimal. With the help of such nutrition, protein is better absorbed, respectively, a faster growth of muscle mass is observed.

Doctors also say that the time of the meal affects the intensity of weight loss. According to nutritionists, food taken in the morning is almost completely burned by the body, while the "evening" calories are immediately converted into fat.

Good nutritional regimen

Any person, regardless of the presence of excess weight, is recommended to follow a certain diet. Food must enter the body at intervals of at least 3-4 hours.

Otherwise, digestive upset may begin, which ultimately will provoke the emergence of serious problems.

It is also important to monitor the amount of fluid entering the body. To maintain a normal water balance, a person needs to drink at least 40 ml of pure water per 1 kg of weight.

Snacks are an important part of proper nutrition:

  • Before lunch, it is better to satisfy your hunger with berries or fruits.
  • At an afternoon snack, it is allowed to use a smoothie or light salad.
  • After dinner, a glass of fermented milk drink or a small portion of cottage cheese will help to muffle the feeling of hunger.

Is it possible to lose weight by giving up three meals a day?

Scientists have repeatedly tried to find an answer to this question. After conducting a lot of research, they were able to establish that weight gain is influenced not by the number of meals, but by the calorie content of the dishes.

It is also important to choose the right food when choosing a regime. Regular consumption of fast carbohydrates provokes frequent rises and falls in sugar levels, which leads to a constant feeling of hunger.

Therefore, not eating more than 3 times a day can both contribute to weight gain and lead to weight loss. One thing is known for sure: people who are prone to overweight are more suitable three meals a day, because due to the greater number of meals they will only gain excess weight. With more frequent meals, you need to reduce the total calorie content of the dishes.

Slimming diet

When a person pursues the goal not only to improve health, but also to lose a few pounds, it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet:

  • The daily menu should be balanced. A person should consume no more than 1,700 kcal per day.
  • The first meal should be no later than 30 minutes after waking up.
  • For breakfast, a losing weight body should receive at least 25% of. That is why in the morning it is recommended to eat dairy products, porridge with a small piece of butter and fiber.
  • At lunchtime, to reduce weight, nutritionists advise taking 50% of the daily calorie intake. The plate must contain protein (1/4 of the portion), the same amount of carbohydrates (potatoes or buckwheat) and the bulk of fiber (any vegetables and herbs).
  • For dinner, the percentage of the daily calorie intake remains unspent. At the same time, the best option for an evening meal is seafood, lean fish and dairy drinks.

As mentioned above, you should definitely have snacks between meals. But it is worth remembering that 1 "intermediate" food should not exceed 100 kcal.

Drinking regimen for weight loss

Water will help speed up the process of losing weight.

thereforefor losing weight, it is important to monitor how much fluid per day he consumes and during what period:

  • Immediately after waking up, you need to drink 200 ml of water. But it is important to ensure that at least 30 minutes elapse between fluid intake and breakfast.
  • During the day, losing weight should consume 80% of the daily dose of water. It is advisable to adhere to a certain regimen, taking liquid 30 minutes before meals and abstaining from it for 2 hours after. It is recommended to drink no more than 350 ml of water at a time.
  • In the evening, fluid intake should be limited. It is allowed only an hour before bedtime to drink a glass of water or unsweetened tea.

When playing sports, the last fluid intake should be no later than 1 hour before training. During classes, it is allowed to take a few sips every 10-15 minutes.

What time do you need to eat?

But there is no scientific evidence that metabolism is faster at the beginning of the day. Therefore, a hearty breakfast or, conversely, eating a minimum amount of food in the morning does not affect metabolic processes in the body.

Also recently, intermittent fasting has been gaining popularity, the essence of which is that a person stops eating after 12 noon. But until that time, he can consume any number of calories.

The process of losing weight in this case consists in the fact that at 16 hours a deficit is created. But the effectiveness of this nutritional method has not been scientifically proven. Each person should independently choose a convenient time for themselves when they should consume food, depending on their daily employment and physical activity.

Fractional meals to control hunger

The principle of the method is that a person eats 5-6 times a day, but in small amounts. Due to this lifestyle, losing weight manages to control hunger without limiting their diet.

In addition, frequent snacks can help cleanse the blood of "bad" cholesterol and control blood sugar levels. Of course, it is impossible to say for sure that fractional nutrition will help get rid of extra pounds, since everything is individual.

Short-term fasting for heart and brain health

The principle of the method is that a person takes only water for 18 hours, in the remaining time he can consume any amount of low-fat food, while avoiding overeating. But not everyone uses this method of fasting.

Some use a different method, which consists in completely refusing to eat during the day, 2 times a week. On other days, a person can adhere to a normal diet without restrictions.

Research in the field of short-term fasting has shown that this method helps:

  • lowering cholesterol, insulin, testosterone and leptin levels;
  • improving memory;
  • reducing oxidative stress in the body;
  • slowing down the destructive processes in the brain.

But at the same time, according to experts, it is not fasting that is important for the body, but a decrease in the amount of calories consumed.

Weight loss meal plan for the week

A properly drawn up schedule will allow you not to overload the body and will contribute to getting used to the new routine. At the same time, it is forbidden to break the diet, even if for any reason a meal was skipped.

Approximate meal plan for a week for weight loss:

  • 7: 00–9: 00 - breakfast. You should eat more carbohydrates while reducing the amount of protein.
  • 12: 00-14: 00 - lunch. At this time, the amount of protein should increase and the amount of carbohydrates should decrease.
  • 17: 00-19: 00 - dinner. It is recommended to completely avoid carbohydrates and consume only protein.

Snacks should be taken every 2 hours between meals. For example, you can eat an apple or low-fat yogurt. And do not forget about the drinking regimen.

Why More Frequent Meals Help You Lose Weight?

There is no scientific justification for a frequent regimen.

But at the same time, many examples have proven that frequent meals with a decrease in total calorie content contribute to fat burning. It is believed that this pattern is due to the fact that with this lifestyle, a person controls what and how much he eats.

How to learn to control hunger?

This is due to a systematic violation of the diet. The stomach gets used to receiving large portions and requires additional nutrition within a few hours.

Monitoring your diet can help you learn to control your hunger. When, 2-3 hours after eating, the body requires replenishment, it means that the person has consumed a lot of empty calories (sweets and baked goods) and almost did not receive fiber (vegetables).

How many calories should you consume per knock?

To answer the question, you need to decide on the goal. If this is weight loss, then the daily calorie content should not exceed 1700-1800 kcal. It does not matter what type of food will be used: 1, 3 or 5 meals per day.

The main thing is that 1 serving contains 30-40 g of protein, 60-70 g of carbohydrates and 15-20 g of fat.

How many times a day should you eat to gain weight?

It will be possible to get a beautiful relief only by eating at least 6 times a day, but the number of calories per day should not fall below the value of 2700-2800 kcal.

Consume most of the nutrients in the morning. The rest of the calories are eaten in the evening after strength training.

Weight loss mistakes

In an effort to get rid of the hated pounds, many make the wrong steps.

The most common mistakes when losing weight:

  • skipping meals;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • replacement of water with other drinks, especially sweet ones;
  • strict diets or complete refusal of food;
  • lack of breakfast;
  • complete rejection of carbohydrates and bread;
  • the use of low-fat foods;
  • improper selection of physical exercises;
  • rare weighing.

Improper motivation also prevents weight loss. Many are encouraged to take a difficult path by the opinion of others. But any method of losing weight will bear fruit only if a person does it out of love for himself and for his own good.


The number of meals does not affect metabolic processes in the body.

You can lose weight both with meals 3 times a day, and with a more frequent diet. The main thing is to keep track of the number of calories and do not forget about snacks.

The needs for energy, and therefore the amount of food, are different for everyone. Someone sits in the office at the computer from morning to evening, another has to move “on foot” all day, and the third is busy with hard physical labor.

How much food does a modern person need per day, depending on what and how he does, the director of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, will tell.

Tatyana Nikonova Hello, Viktor Alexandrovich. Please tell us how many times a day it is better for a sedentary office worker to eat.

As much as you want, but little by little. General recommendations - 3-4 times a day. But the total calorie content must correspond to energy consumption. Therefore, so that there is no feeling of hunger - four, and better - five meals a day - this is what relieves a person from the unpleasant sensation of hunger, at the same time does not allow the hungry to pounce on food and eat an excess amount, and the ability to more clearly and physiologically provide your body ... But keep in mind - that 4-5 times - this includes snacks. Breakfast and one hot meal are obligatory. Remember that eating a lot is undesirable after seven, otherwise you risk gaining weight. If you are an owl, then the last meal after dinner should also be a light snack.

Natasha Rostovtseva I have heard the term "basal metabolic rate" many times, that it is different for everyone and therefore two people with the same diet may differ in weight - one will be thin, and the other will gain weight. How can I find out what my main exchange is? My girlfriend, for example, eats quite a bit, but she still can't lose weight. Could it be that her metabolism has slowed down due to a strict diet?

This is the amount of energy that the body needs to maintain life in a state of absolute rest. Basal metabolism is measured in kilocalories. This is what the body spends on itself. This value ranges from 800-900 kcal to 1500-1600 kcal, this value is genetically determined and characterizes the level of metabolism. It depends on hormonal levels and primarily on the work of the thyroid gland.

From a strict diet, exchange cannot slow down. This is all apparent. However, as well as the severity of the diet. It is only about the balance between the energy that is spent and the one that is consumed. You need to measure your energy consumption and estimate approximately how much you consume with food. If you need to lose weight, you decrease the amount of energy from food and increase your physical activity. In any form - it can be running, dancing, swimming, any form, pleasant or not. It is necessary to reduce the density of your diet, first of all, at the expense of animal fats, at the expense of some easily digestible simple carbohydrates, first of all - added sugar, confectionery ...

Natasha During an emergency at work, I start to eat a lot. My mother always told me "the brain needs glucose to work." But how much do you really need? Because I overeat a lot during a heavy load at work, and they are more and more often. How do I know if the brain really "needs glucose" or is it just my nerves and I'm so stressed out by hard work? What is better to eat in the office so as not to starve and not get fat on eternal sausages in the dough? Thank you!

First of all, of course, stress is to blame, and not the brain's need for glucose. A stressful situation in your case causes an increased appetite. It is not necessary to fight this too much, but at this moment there is, for example, an apple, carrot, celery, which is useful, quite tasty, and low in calories. You can have some low-fat dairy products, a glass of kefir, yogurt, yogurt - but always with a low fat content. Snacks like this will reduce stress and prevent you from gaining excess weight.

Senn How to plan your meals for a person working at home? The refrigerator is nearby all the time, you can eat something all the time. And with my tendency to be overweight, it quickly affects the "waist". Maybe you can choose something for snacks at the computer to distract from the desire to make more tea and make another sandwich?

First. Try to fool yourself and not work close to the refrigerator, move away from it. If you really want to have a snack, eat low-calorie and healthy foods - salads, fruits, vegetables. The feeling of hunger will recede and you can continue to work. Well, stay away from all kinds of buns, chocolates, tea with sugar. Well, adjust the daily routine, sat for 40 minutes - move around, go outside, get a dog that requires you to walk with it, regardless of any weather.

Alexander 3 years ago ate on both cheeks almost 5 times a day and still could not gain weight! This hour I eat a little 1 time a day and have already exceeded 100, but my height is 198 cm! Where is it the golden mean, and there is or is dependence on age !?

There is such dependence. It is no coincidence that the most ideal weight for you is how much you weighed at 20 years old. Then hormonal changes begin, a gradual decrease in physical activity - after all, in our youth we actively move, and then we become better off, and we can afford to eat more, but the habits remain the same. And the weight is gradually increasing. If you notice that the arrow of the scales has crept to the right, be more strict with yourself. Monitor energy expenditures, reduce the density of the diet. Get up from the table without being oversaturated. The word "later" does not exist. If you did not do this on time, then it will be more difficult to bring yourself back to normal.

Lavender Star Victor Alexandrovich, I have two questions. To begin with, I will say that my body mass index is 19, I lead the lifestyle of an office worker. I try very hard to eat more in the morning and not overeat at night. At the same time, in the morning I practically do not feel hunger, and in the evening I am terribly hungry, and the closer to night, the stronger the feeling of hunger becomes. Is this normal and how can you cope with it, having a mindset that it is undesirable to eat at night?

Feel the subtlety - it is undesirable to eat a lot at night. Therefore, you can have something to eat, but a little. For example, it is very useful to eat any fruit at night. Or drink a low-fat fermented milk product. Choose a product to your liking - and use it at night, because those who have a tendency to be overweight should not eat heavily after seven, maximum after eight. Therefore, it is better to finish dinner before this time. You have a good BMI, even on the verge of a deficit, you cannot move towards weight reduction. You should not get hung up on food, you need to eat what you like, but with an eye on the balance of expended and consumed calories.

Eugene, I study at school, I am 16 years old. height 165. weight 47 in childhood I was too small, thin (I went to the endocrinologist, I was prescribed iodine and that's it) and in the transitional age everything changed ... I became of average height, ears appeared on the sides, a belly appeared, in the morning I do not have time for anything to do, and have breakfast as well. And at school, it turns out, I eat a lot (breakfast, lunch, dinner), especially there are some pies and chocolates, and the buffet only after the 4th lesson, somewhere at 11-12 ... I have breakfast with pies and chocolates ... (nothing healthy is sold there, unfortunately), sometimes between breaks we go to have a snack again (this is because we have nothing to do, breaks are 25 minutes long, what to do with this time? and sit in class I don't want to, the whole class runs to the dining room) I tried to bring food with me, but it doesn't always work out .. it's inconvenient. in Swedish, we share food in half with a friend, I still overeat, heaviness in my stomach. I eat too much at school, I don't know how to deal with it. after school I would like to do physical exercises, but everything needs money, they are not yet available. How much can I eat during the day?

It is best to have breakfast at home. At least a cup of tea, a cup of coffee, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, a sandwich with a thin piece of sausage. The feeling of hunger will come later. This will give you the opportunity and strength to give up pies and chocolates and wait for that very buffet. And at the buffet, try not to eat sausages in favor of low-fat products. And - less sugar and confectionery. The cake should be a celebration, since you have a tendency to be overweight. And then, in the afternoon, go in for sports (and they need to be engaged). Moreover, sports are not only classic sports, but all types of physical activity, dancing, for example. And against this background, you can eat everything, again with an eye on calories.

Peter Good time of the day. I have a question about daily consumption of freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices. How much will it not harm the body?

Juices do not harm the body, but fruits and vegetables by themselves are much healthier. There are more nutrients, and some muscles of the body work, and the work of the intestines is stimulated in this case. I would recommend limiting yourself to two glasses of juice - in the morning and at night, and in the afternoon there are vegetables and fruits.

Elena Viktor Alexandrovich, I join yeswecan, I really want to know why one can eat everything and a lot, while others immediately gain weight from the same products. Is it possible to somehow determine the foods from which a particular person is gaining weight, can there be any tests, or is it related to metabolism and how to restore it? Thanks

This is, of course, related to the level and state of metabolism of a particular person. With the level of basic metabolism. In some it is higher, in others it is lower. There is no need to go against nature, and there is little we can do here. You should know your basal metabolic rate and take this into account when calculating your level of physical activity and diet.

Lisa Hello. I am a student, I try to eat healthy, but my relatives cannot refuse mayonnaise and ready-made fried foods that are sold in supermarkets. All my protests do not help - they are already adults and are not going to change their habits. At the same time, they condemn me for the chips - that is, they still understand that there are harmful products. How to prove to them that endless sausages, mayonnaise and grilled chickens are harmful?

I try not to use the words "bad product". If we began to use them in the course of evolution, then they are good. Frequency and quantity are another matter. For example, no one will say that an apple is not a healthy food product. How long will we last, eating only apples? A week, but there will already be consequences. And in two weeks we will have big problems: protein deficiency, vitamin deficiency (there is nothing in apples except vitamin C), this is a deficiency of a number of fat components, lipids, certain carbohydrates. And we will become a sick person in two weeks. Or, on the other hand, is butter harmful? Everyone will say, "of course." And if it's just a cobweb to anoint on bread? You will have nothing but pleasant taste sensations. Plus animal fat, which we also need. But if we eat a lot of it, then it will be bad for us. Therefore, explain to your loved ones that you cannot eat these foods often and eat them in large quantities.

Dmitry Hello. I am 21 years old. My height is 175, and my weight is 60 kg. The weight does not rise any more, but it has been less. There are no health problems, only VSD. I work out in the gym once a week, at home every other day I do various exercises with a barbell. I eat 3-4 times a day. Earlier (2 years ago) I did not go in for sports, but the weight was the same. Please tell me how to gain weight? And is it worth recruiting at all? Vadim Hello, I am 37 years old. Height 178, weight 64. HELP TO GET WEIGHT. I have VSD, I am a lot nervous, I work with welding.

Why gain weight? You work with a barbell, you have good physical activity. Gradually, you will build up muscle mass. So you are doing well, and in no case listen to those who will advise you anabolic steroids or other drugs for muscle growth. Normal diet, you do not have a deficiency in protein food - keep up the good work. Dairy dishes, meat dishes are the sources of protein that you need.

Elena Hello, Viktor Alexandrovich. As you know, with a sedentary lifestyle, you need to consume fewer calories. On the other hand, it is necessary to eat fruits, vegetables, fish, etc. Is it possible to combine one with the other - and eat right and not overeat? What is the minimum amount of calories per day that is not harmful to health? Thanks

Elena, first of all you need to know your level, that is, the level of energy expenditure and make sure that the food corresponds to it. If this balance is, then you will continue to be as attractive as you are now. Weights, a mirror and a centimeter are enough to control yourself. As for the diet, you need to eat varied, tasty, but give up excess fat (sausages and sausages) and limit sugar.

Serendipity good afternoon. I have 2 questions. 1. Is it true that the sweet eaten for breakfast (before 12.00) "does not settle" on the stomach and sides, and therefore you can treat yourself to a cake / pastry to avoid temptation in the evening? 2. Recently, she has completely stopped eating meat, except that chicken is very rare. I just don't want to. But I'm afraid that it would not lead to a deficiency of protein in the body - to lean on legumes? about myself: I'm 30, I lead a healthy lifestyle, I run 3-4 km (on the street) every day, every other day I add 40 minutes of fitness to running. thanks in advance.

You yourself answered your second question. As for the first, “safe in the morning sweet” is a myth. Of course, if you ate a cake at night and then do not move, then carbohydrates are converted into fat faster. But this, firstly, does not mean that they are not converted into fat in the morning, and secondly, it does not mean that having eaten a cake in the morning, you can refuse it in the evening.

Maria 73 Hello, Viktor Alexandrovich. Subtracted from the magazine that there is not only non-cotine and alcohol dependence, but also dependence on food! Is this true and how to deal with this addiction? And I also wanted to know: I am on maternity leave, the child loves to play on his own, so I don't have much to move. Tell me, how much food should I eat per day with a sedentary lifestyle? Vladimir Nikolaenko The main thing is to form healthy taste perceptions from early childhood !!!

This cannot be called a real addiction. Of course, the feeling of fullness also affects the brain, forcing the release of endorphins - hormones of pleasure. But, of course, it is incomparable with the power of alcoholic, nicotine, and even more drug addiction. Probably everyone will say that the most delicious cutlets and the most delicious borscht are the ones that mom cooked. Taste habits inherent in childhood are the strongest and last until a ripe old age.

Hello, Dasha, please tell me is it true that if after eating at least half a lemon the fat will be burned, is it possible to lose weight in this way?

How much, often and what exactly we eat is influenced by many factors - from the traditions of the family and country, to genetics. Recent research points to a partial genetic effect on individual meal frequency.

How many times a day should you eat, according to research by scientists?

Statistics broadcast emotionlessly: among adults USA over 20 65% are overweight or obese and there are no signs of significant improvement in this situation. In Russia, this indicator is not much better - about 51% of people(data: 2010) we weigh more than we need and the dynamics are also not happy.

We will not list the obvious harm from excess weight in this text. Let us dwell on just one of the frequently discussed topics - how weight and body composition change depending on the frequency of meals.

(Hereinafter, we will cite mainly Americans as an example of research, since a Russian person is essentially the same, only he has slightly different braces, and there is practically no data and research on Russia).

How many times a day do people eat?

Children exhibit a natural urge to eat small portions ("peck" food) throughout the day. However, after reaching a certain age, the child gets used to eating food in a certain way.

How much, often and what exactly we eat is influenced by many factors - from the traditions of the family and country, to genetics. Recent research points to a partial genetic effect on individual meal frequency.

According to the National Food Consumption Survey ( Nationwide Food Consumption Survey - NFCS, 1987 - 1988), the average frequency of meals among 3,182 American adults was 3.47 times a day - this is when all snacks, including high-calorie drinks are taken into account.

If we discard intermediate meals up to 70 kcal (for example, tea, coffee, drinks), then the number of meals decreased to 3.12 per day.

Actually, this fact is confirmed by the traditional widespread 3 meals a day: the very same breakfast, lunch and dinner. Although dietitians and trainers often advise eating small meals more often throughout the day for metabolic benefits, people are reluctant to follow them.

Some scientists believe that eating infrequently, but in large portions, increases the risk of obesity by increasing synthesis and deposition (lipogenesis or "deposition" of fat) after meals.

However, scientists did not come to a consensus: the discussion continues, since the research data are contradictory.

How many times a day to eat: Does the frequency of meals affect your body?

In the past few years, researchers have been looking at the effects of meal frequency. Here are some of the more interesting results.

In some early studies featuring people posted about 50 years ago, assessed the effect of feeding frequency on weight and body composition.

In some experiments, a similar connection was found. Others deny the effect of increasing the number of meals on body weight and composition.

Some studies show an inverse relationship between eating frequency and composition / body weight - i.e. the more meals, the less weight(all other things being equal - for example, with the same number of calories).

However, these data are questioned: in addition to the obvious genetic differences of the subjects, there are other factors that can influence the result and conclusions.

For example, experiments that use self-collected data to compare total daily energy expenditure often underestimate food intake.

Several studies have found a very large underestimation of the calorie intake of overweight and obese people, as well as older people who tend to underestimate the amount of food they eat.

The source notes the rather positive effect of more frequent meals on body weight and composition, even considering the possibility of underestimating people who are restricting food / dieting. Nevertheless, this difference is insignificant and is not confirmed by many other studies.

Interfering factors aside, most studies show that increased eating frequency does not play a significant role in weight loss / changes in body composition.

Experimental studies: there is no difference in the number of meals for ordinary people

Most experimental studies have involved overweight and obese people.

One study found: when the total daily calories are constant(but with a lack of calories - for weight loss), there is no difference in weight loss, even when the frequency of meals per day increases from one to nine.

Roughly speaking, you can eat your own, for example, 1500 kcal at least in one meal, even if divided into 9 meals - there will be no difference - you will lose weight the same way.

In 2010, Cameron and his colleagues evaluated the effects of an 8-week low-calorie (calorie-loss) diet on obese men and women.One group of subjects ate food 3 times a day (low frequency of meals), the other took 3 main and 3 additional snacks (high frequency of meals). In both groups, calorie restriction was similar (minus 700 kcal / day from the norm).

As a result, a similar decrease in body weight (about 5% of baseline), lean mass, fat and total BMI was recorded. No significant differences were found between groups with different feeding frequencies in any sign of obesity.

In addition to experimenting with fat people, there have been several studies with people of normal body weight. In terms of weight and body composition optimization, the results were similar to those obtained in overweight / obese people: increasing the frequency of eating does not provide any benefit.

Even with a low-calorie diet or when calorie intake helps maintain current body weight, increasing the frequency of meals from 1 to 5 or from 1 to 3 did not improve weight loss.

How many times a day are there: exceptions to the rule - children and athletes

The exception is the work of Fabry and co-authors. The researchers showed that the increase in skinfold thickness in 10-16 year old boys and girls was significantly greater with 3 meals a day compared with 5 or 7 meals. At the same time, no significant differences were found between girls and boys 6-11 years old.

Interestingly, many reports of improved body composition with increased eating frequency were obtained when the treatment group consisted of athletes.

Thus, based on this limited information, it can be assumed that increasing the frequency of food intake in athletes may improve body composition.

A small number of studies involving athletes have demonstrated these benefits from increasing the frequency of eating: reduced loss of lean muscle mass with a hypocaloric (lack of calories) diet, a significant increase in lean muscle mass and anaerobic capacity, a significant increase in "fat burning".

Eating frequency and effect on cholesterol, blood pressure, insulin in the body

There is much less literature in the scientific literature regarding the effect of changes in dietary frequency on "health markers" such as blood lipids and glucose, blood pressure, hormone levels, and cholesterol.

Gwinup and colleagues were among the first to undertake several descriptive studies evaluating in humans the influence of nutrition is similar to that of “herbivores” (often and few) in comparison with “predators” (rarely and a lot).

Five inpatient men and women were prescribed low-calorie food intake for 14 days in a cross-over manner according to the following scheme:

    one large meal a day,

    10 doses a day, every 2 hours,

    Three meals a day.

Food is similar predators (one meal per day) led to an increase in serum lipids compared with 3 meals a day. Meals by type herbivores (10 times a day) caused a decrease in serum lipids: phospholipids, esterified fatty acids and cholesterol.

More recently, studies involving obese and non-obese people also found significant improvements in total cholesterol when low-calorie meals were consumed 8 times versus one meal, and 17 snacks versus 3 meals a day.

In a crossover study of 6,890 males and 7,776 females aged 45–75 years, the average cholesterol concentration in the general population decreased significantly with increasing meal frequency, even after adjusting for the influencing variables: obesity, age, physical activity and diet.

After adjusting for these variables, total and LDL cholesterol levels were about 5% lower in people who ate more than 6 meals a day, as opposed to those who ate once or twice a day. Similar results were obtained by other researchers.

A recent cross-sectional study of the effect of eating frequency on health outcomes in humans compared the traditional 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) versus one serving of all of those meals. Each subject followed one of the dietary patterns for 8 weeks, with an 11-week break. With meals once a day, there was also a significant increase in total blood pressure..

Scientists have reported that increasing the frequency of meals has a positive effect on glucose tolerance. Specifically, when subjects consumed 4 small meals at 40-minute intervals, rather than one large serving containing exactly the same number of calories, lower insulin secretion and glucose levels were observed.

When comparing consumption of low-calorie diets of 17 small servings per day (versus 3 per day), serum insulin levels were 27.9% lower.

However, there are several experiments in healthy men, healthy women, and overweight women that have not shown any benefits in terms of cholesterol and triglycerides.

Despite the mixed results of studies on health markers such as total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and glucose tolerance, it appears that increasing the frequency of meals has a POSITIVE effect.

However, it is noted that the experiments showing the benefits of increasing the frequency of feeding were relatively short-term, and nothing is known about whether such a positive adaptation will occur in the long-term study.

How many times a day to eat: protein is better absorbed with a more even distribution in the diet

It is widely believed that at one meal the body can absorb only a limited amount of proteins and it is necessary to distribute their intake throughout the day for the best effect, for example, when enhanced protein nutrition is needed for muscle growth. And there is a scientific basis for this.

Based on recent research,muscle protein synthesis in response to a serving of food is optimal when consuming 20-30 grams of high-quality protein or 10-15 grams of essential amino acids - that is, this amount is absorbed as efficiently as possible in one meal.

Studies have shown that the diet of typical Americans does not distribute protein intake adequately, for example, the amount of protein in breakfast is low (about 10-14 grams), the main part is at dinner (about 29-42 grams). Thus, the American diet optimizes protein synthesis only once a day - during dinner.

An animal study showed that an equivalent distribution of protein between three meals (16% protein per serving) leads to greater overall protein synthesis and muscle mass, compared to suboptimal intake (8%) for breakfast and lunch and more than optimum (27%) during the dinner. That is, protein is in theory better absorbed if consumed more evenly throughout the day.

To observe the actual relationship between eating frequency and protein status, it is necessary to use experimental models in which protein synthesis is optimized by consuming 5-6, rather than three servings.

This was demonstrated by scientists Paddon-Jones and colleagues, who found that mixed protein synthesis was about 23% higher when three large meals of 800 kcal (containing about 23 g protein, 127 g carbohydrates, 30 g fat) were consumed, supplemented with three small 180 kcal servings with 15 g of essential amino acids each, compared to three large servings of 850 kcal each.

Combining the results of several studies, it can be concluded that if protein synthesis is optimized, increasing the frequency of meals can positively affect protein absorption.

In addition, eating time experiments show the importance of protein intake before, during and after physical activity.


    For ordinary people who are not burdened with sports achievements and activities, for people who are overweight, the frequency of meals does not matter. You can eat 1 time a day, you can eat 9 times a day - the result will be the same, it all depends on the number of calories consumed per day, and not on the number of meals.

    However, an increase in the frequency of meals still has a positive effect on the normalization of blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and surges in blood glucose and insulin levels.

    An increase in the frequency of meals (more precisely, a more even and frequent distribution of protein among meals) also has a positive effect on the absorption of protein, which is required in an increased amount, for example, for muscle growth.

    Some studies have shown the positive effect of increasing the frequency of eating on the body quality of athletes: a decrease in the loss of dry muscle mass during "drying" (hypocaloric diet), a significant increase in lean muscle mass and anaerobic capacity, a significant increase in "fat burning".

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we are changing the world! © econet

What does science say about how many times a day to eat?

Zozhnik popularly expounds the position of the International Society for Sports Nutrition regarding the frequency of meals, based on dozens of scientific sources. So how many times a day should you eat, according to research by scientists?

Statistics broadcast unemotionally: among US adults over 20 years old, 65% are overweight or obese and there are no signs of a significant improvement in this situation. In Russia, this indicator is not much better - about 51% of people (data: 2010) weigh more than necessary and the dynamics are also not happy.

We will not list the obvious harm from excess weight in this text. Let's dwell on just one of the frequently discussed topics - how weight and body composition change depending on the frequency of meals.

(Hereinafter, we will cite mainly Americans as an example of research, since a Russian person is essentially the same, only he has slightly different braces, and there is practically no data and research on Russia).

How many times a day do people eat?

Children exhibit a natural urge to eat small portions ("peck" food) throughout the day. However, upon reaching a certain age child gets used to consuming food in a certain way.

How much, often and what exactly we eat is influenced by many factors - from the traditions of the family and country, to genetics. Recent research points to a partial genetic effect on individual meal frequency. According to the National Food Consumption Survey ( Nationwide Food Consumption Survey - NFCS, 1987 - 1988), the average frequency of meals among 3,182 American adults was 3.47 times a day - this is when all snacks, including high-calorie drinks, are taken into account. if we discard intermediate meals up to 70 kcal (for example, tea, coffee, drinks), then the number of meals decreased to 3.12 per day.

Actually, this fact is confirmed by the traditional widespread 3 meals a day: the very same breakfast, lunch and dinner. Although dietitians and trainers often advise eating small meals more often throughout the day for metabolic benefits, people are slow to follow them.

Some scientists believe that eating sparsely, but in large portions, increases the risk of obesity by increasing synthesis and deposition (lipogenesis or "deposition" of fat) after meals. However, scientists did not come to a consensus: the discussion continues, since the research data are contradictory.

How many times a day are there: in Does the frequency of meals affect your body?

In the past few years, researchers have been looking at the effects of meal frequency. Here are some of the more interesting results.

Some early human studies published about 50 years ago assessed the effect of eating frequency on body weight and composition. In some experiments, a similar connection was found. Others deny the effect of increasing the number of meals on body weight and composition.

Some studies show an inverse relationship between eating frequency and composition / body weight - i.e. the more meals, the less weight (all other things being equal - for example, with the same number of calories). However, these data are questioned: in addition to the obvious genetic differences of the subjects, there are other factors that can influence the result and conclusions.

For example, in experiments that use data collected by the subjects themselves to compare the total daily energy expenditure, food intake is often underestimated (We wrote about this in the text “” - there in the study people cheated 1.5-2 times). Several studies have found a very large underestimation of the calorie intake of overweight and obese people, as well as older people who tend to underestimate the amount of food they eat.

The source notes the rather positive effect of more frequent meals on body weight and composition, even considering the possibility of underestimating people who are restricting food / dieting. Nevertheless, this difference is insignificant and is not confirmed by many other studies.

If we discard the interfering factors, thenmost studies show that increased eating frequency does not play a significant role in weight loss / changes in body composition.

Experimental studies: there is no difference in the number of meals for ordinary people

Most experimental studies have involved overweight and obese people. One study found: when the total daily calories are constant(but with a lack of calories - for weight loss), there is no difference in weight loss, even when the frequency of meals per day increases from one to nine. Roughly speaking, you can eat your own, for example, 1500 kcal at least in one meal, even if divided into 9 meals - there will be no difference - you will lose weight the same way.

In 2010, Cameron and his colleagues evaluated the effects of an 8-week low-calorie (calorie-loss) diet on obese men and women. One group of subjects ate food 3 times a day (low frequency of meals), the other - did 3 main and 3 additional snacks (high frequency of meals). In both groups, calorie restriction was similar (minus 700 kcal / day from the norm). As a result, a similar decrease in body weight (about 5% of baseline), lean mass, fat and total BMI was recorded. No significant differences were found between groups with different feeding frequencies in any sign of obesity.

In addition to experimenting with fat people, there have been several studies with people of normal body weight. In terms of weight and body composition optimization, the results were similar to those obtained in overweight / obese people: increasing the frequency of eating does not provide any benefit. Even with an isocaloric diet or when calorie intake helps maintain current body weight, increasing the frequency of meals from 1 to 5 or from 1 to 3 did not improve weight loss.

How many times a day are there: and exceptions to the rule - children and athletes

The exception is the work of Fabry and co-authors. The researchers showed that the increase in skinfold thickness in 10-16 year old boys and girls was significantly greater with 3 meals a day compared with 5 or 7 meals. At the same time, no significant differences were found between girls and boys 6-11 years old.

Interestingly, many reports of improved body composition with increased eating frequency were obtained when the treatment group consisted of athletes. Thus, based on this limited information, it can be assumed that increasing the frequency of food intake in athletes may improve body composition.

A small number of studies involving athletes have demonstrated these benefits from increasing the frequency of eating: reduced loss of lean muscle mass with a hypocaloric (lack of calories) diet, a significant increase in lean muscle mass and anaerobic capacity, a significant increase in "fat burning".

Eating frequency and effect on cholesterol, blood pressure, insulin in the body

There is much less literature in the scientific literature regarding the effect of changes in dietary frequency on "health markers" such as blood lipids and glucose, blood pressure, hormone levels, and cholesterol.

Gwinup and colleagues were among the first to undertake several descriptive studies evaluating the effects of nutrition in humans like “herbivores” (often few) versus “carnivores” (rare and many). Five men and women who were in the hospital were prescribed the consumption of isocaloric food for 14 days using a cross method according to the following scheme:

  • one large meal a day,
  • 10 doses a day, every 2 hours,
  • Three meals a day.

Eating carnivore-like (one meal a day) resulted in an increase in serum lipids compared to 3 meals a day. Eating herbivores (10 times a day) caused a decrease in serum lipids: phospholipids, esterified fatty acids, and cholesterol.

More recently, studies involving obese and non-obese people also showed significant improvement in total cholesterol when isocaloric foods were consumed 8 times versus one meal, and 17 snacks versus 3 meals a day.

In a crossover study of 6,890 males and 7,776 females aged 45–75 years, the average cholesterol concentration in the general population decreased significantly with increasing meal frequency, even after adjusting for the influencing variables: obesity, age, physical activity and diet. After adjusting for these variables, total and LDL cholesterol levels were about 5% lower in people who ate more than 6 meals a day, as opposed to those who ate once or twice a day. Similar results were obtained by other researchers.

A recent cross-sectional study of the effect of eating frequency on health outcomes in humans compared the traditional 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) versus one serving of all of those meals. Each subject followed one of the dietary patterns for 8 weeks, with an 11-week break. With meals once a day, there was also a significant increase in total blood pressure..

Scientists have reported that increasing the frequency of meals has a positive effect on glucose tolerance. Specifically, when subjects consumed 4 small meals at 40-minute intervals, rather than one large serving containing exactly the same number of calories, lower insulin secretion and glucose levels were observed.

When comparing consumption of isocaloric diets of 17 small servings per day (versus 3 per day), serum insulin levels were 27.9% lower.

However, there are several experiments in healthy men, healthy women, and overweight women that have not shown any benefits in terms of cholesterol and triglycerides.

Despite the ambiguity in research on health markers such as total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and glucose tolerance, it appears that increasing the frequency of meals is beneficial.

However, it is noted that the experiments showing the benefits of increasing the frequency of feeding were relatively short-term, and nothing is known about whether such a positive adaptation will occur in the long-term study.

How many times a day to eat: protein is better absorbed with a more even distribution in the diet

It is widely believed that at one meal the body can absorb only a limited amount of proteins and it is necessary to distribute their intake throughout the day for the best effect, for example, when enhanced protein nutrition is needed for muscle growth. And there is a scientific basis for this.

Based on recent research, muscle protein synthesis in response to a meal is optimal when you consume 20-30 grams of high-quality protein or 10-15 grams of essential amino acids - that is, this amount is absorbed as efficiently as possible in a single meal.

Studies have shown that the diet of typical Americans does not distribute protein intake adequately, for example, the amount of protein in breakfast is low (about 10-14 grams), the main part is at dinner (about 29-42 grams). Thus, the American diet optimizes protein synthesis only once a day - during dinner.

An animal study showed that an equivalent distribution of protein between three meals (16% protein per serving) leads to greater overall protein synthesis and muscle mass, compared to suboptimal intake (8%) for breakfast and lunch and more than optimum (27%) during the dinner. That is, protein is in theory better absorbed if consumed more evenly throughout the day.

To observe the actual relationship between eating frequency and protein status, it is necessary to use experimental models in which protein synthesis is optimized by consuming 5-6, rather than three servings. This was demonstrated by scientists Paddon-Jones and colleagues, who found that mixed protein synthesis was about 23% higher when three large meals of 800 kcal (containing about 23 g protein, 127 g carbohydrates, 30 g fat) were consumed, supplemented with three small 180 kcal servings with 15 g of essential amino acids each, compared to three large servings of 850 kcal each.

Combining the results of several studies, it can be concluded that if protein synthesis is optimized, increasing the frequency of meals can positively affect protein absorption.

In addition, experiments with meal timing show the importance of protein intake before, during, and after physical activity.


  • For ordinary people who are not burdened with sports achievements and activities, for people who are overweight, the frequency of meals does not matter. You can eat 1 time a day, you can eat 9 times a day - the result will be the same, it all depends on the number of calories consumed per day, and not on the number of meals.
  • However, an increase in the frequency of meals still has a positive effect on the normalization of blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and surges in blood glucose and insulin levels.
  • An increase in the frequency of meals (more precisely, a more even and frequent distribution of protein among meals) also has a positive effect on the absorption of protein, which is required in an increased amount, for example, for muscle growth.
  • Some studies have shown the positive effect of increasing the frequency of eating on the body quality of athletes: a decrease in the loss of dry muscle mass during "drying" (hypocaloric diet), a significant increase in lean muscle mass and anaerobic capacity, a significant increase in "fat burning".

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Here is a selection of materials - the answer to the question: how much food to eat per meal?

3-4 tablespoons of cereal (with a "slide") is a decent portion. Maybe this is according to my ideas. A single meal should not exceed 500-700 g. Even a healthy organism is not able to fully "process" a large amount.

In general, I usually advise people to listen to their own body, because each person is so unique (individual) that some advice "for everyone" is often simply meaningless, and sometimes harmful.

If "your portion" exceeds 700 g, try to eat, say, half of the "usual norm", and then imagine that something distracted you (an important call, flood, fire, etc.) and return to the "meal" in 10 minutes -fifteen. If you are really still hungry, your appetite will not disappear. The fact is that the feeling of satiety comes with a "time delay", especially when the food is refined and full of "flavoring agents".

In general, everyone sets their own norm. It should only be remembered that undernourishment is always better than overeating. The body compensates for the lack of some "consumables", but working with constant "overload" is much more harmful for it.

Respectfully yours, Valery, "Diamart" store administrator ().

Foods in our diet

In the diet, it is more necessary to include those products that correspond to the season. That is, when there is a massive collection of cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, etc. it is at this time that it is necessary to maximize their consumption by reducing the consumption of other products. In berry season - eat berries as much as possible.

We need:

  • a hearty breakfast (for example, cereals, borscht and soups, meat is the best time for it if you eat it),
  • light lunch (salads, again you can eat porridge, dairy products),
  • and the almost complete absence of dinner (kefir, fermented baked milk, tea, fruits, in extreme cases, a light vegetable salad).

It is better to eat more times a day, but in smaller amounts.

Human stomach: stomach volume and functions

To understand how much you can eat - let's look at normal stomach volume and function.

In nutrition, start from volume your his stomach: volume food together with liquid at one time should be 2/3 volume your his stomach... Since the food consumed should not stretch stomach... It is also necessary to consider not only how much, but also what we eat.

The main function of the stomach is to accumulate and partially digest food. This process is carried out due to the complex interaction of the stomach and other organs of the digestive tract. This interaction is carried out through nervous and humoral regulation. A food lump consisting of chewed food and saliva enters the stomach through the esophagus. Food masses are retained in the stomach for 1.5 - 2 hours.

The volume of the human stomach before eating is approximately 500 ml. When filled, it can grow up to four liters, while on average it can be filled up to one liter. Keep in mind that this volume also includes fluid. However, the size of the stomach may also depend on the physique and individual characteristics of the body. An empty stomach reaches 20 cm in length, while the front and back surfaces touch each other, the filled stomach stretches to 24-26 cm, the walls move away by 8-9 cm.

The total volume of the stomach varies from 1.5 to 3 liters in different people. The main factor in the primary processing of food is gastric juice, which contains enzymes, hydrochloric acid and mucus. Enzymes of gastric juice partially break down proteins and fats contained in food. Hydrochloric acid provides denaturation of proteins and complex sugars, preparing them for further breakdown, destroys microorganisms entering with food, and also converts ferric iron (Fe3 +) into bivalent (Fe2 +) necessary for the process of hematopoiesis.

The production of gastric juice begins even before the start of food intake under the influence of external stimuli (the smell of food, the type of food, thoughts about food, or the approach of the time of normal eating), which trigger chains of conditioned reflexes. However, the largest amount of gastric juice is secreted when food enters the stomach directly. In this case, the nerve fibers of the submucous plexus and directly the cells of the glands of the stomach are irritated. The total amount of gastric juice produced per day can reach two liters. The content of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice provides a very low pH, which drops to 1.0-1.5 at the peak of secretion.

The production of mucus by the epithelium of the gastric mucosa also increases during digestion. Complex organic compounds contained in mucus form a colloidal protective barrier of the stomach, preventing self-digestion of the stomach. Also, adequate functioning of the submucous network of blood vessels has an important role in protecting the stomach wall from acid and enzyme aggression.

When the specific pH of the food bolus is reached, the pylorus sphincter relaxes (the rest of the time it tightly blocks the passage between the stomach and the duodenum), and the muscle layer of the stomach wall begins to contract in waves. In this case, part of the food enters the initial section of the small intestine (duodenum), where the digestion process continues. From the moment food enters the small intestine, the production of gastric juice is suspended.

In addition to the main function of accumulating and primary processing of food, the stomach performs many equally important functions:

  • Destruction of microbes from food;
  • Participation in the metabolism of iron necessary for the process of hematopoiesis;
  • Secretion of a specific protein involved in the absorption of vitamin B12, which plays an essential role in the synthesis of nucleic acids and the conversion of fatty acids;
  • Regulation of the function of the gastrointestinal tract through the release of hormones (gastrin, cholecystokinin).

Imagine what will happen if you consume food more than the volume of the stomach. The stomach will stretch and begin to displace and squeeze nearby organs: at the top are the lungs (it will become more difficult to breathe) and the heart (the heart will start to work more often, palpitations will appear), the liver on the right (it will begin to prick in the right side), the spleen on the left (the blood movement will slow down, it will begin to pull to sleep ), below the intestine (the food in the intestine will begin to be compressed, not digested, turn into stones, and be deposited in the intestines for life, the weight will increase only due to such food stones).

Product compatibility

The second nuance that must be adhered to when eating: this product compatibility. The fact is that the valve connecting the stomach and duodenum opens only when the stomach does its job completely (vegetable food is digested in the stomach for about 30 minutes, eggs - 45 minutes, porridge - 2 hours, meat - 4-6 hours).

Time for digestion of food in the stomach (provided that the stomach is empty before):

Water - Almost instantly enters the intestines
Fruit juice - 15-20 min
Vegetable juice - 15-20 min
Vegetable broth - 15-20 min
Most raw vegetables, vegetable salads without oil - 30-40 minutes
Vegetable salads with vegetable oil - up to 1 hour
Fruits with a high water content and berries - 20 min
Oranges, grapes, grapefruits - 30 min
Apples, pears, peaches, cherries - 40 min
Various types of cabbage, zucchini, corn - 45 min
Boiled vegetables - 40 min
Root vegetables: turnips, carrots, parsnips, etc. - 50 minutes
Starchy vegetables (potatoes, tapinambur, etc.) - 1.5-2 hours
Porridge: rice, buckwheat, millet, etc. - 2 hours
Legumes - 2 hours
Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc. - 3 hours
Nuts - 3 hours
Dairy products - 2 hours
Egg - 45 min
Fish - 1 hour
Poultry - 2.5 - 3 hours
Beef - 4 hours
Lamb - 4 hours
Pork - 5.5-6 hours

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