Sweet pepper recipes. What to cook from bell pepper. Bulgarian pepper in soy sauce

Juicy bell peppers definitely add bright colors and sunny mood to the autumn menu. And its health benefits are noticeably increasing. Pepper also goes well with almost any product, which is why the dishes made from it are so different and delicious.

Mood salad

On a gloomy autumn day, a warm bell pepper salad will help you to perk up. Cut the eggplant into circles with the peel, salt, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse. We clean the yellow and red peppers from seeds and partitions, cut into strips, cut the red onion into small rings. In a bowl, mix 30 ml of soy sauce, 10 ml of olive oil, 2 cloves of garlic, passed through a press, finely chopped bitter pepper. We marinate vegetables in this mixture for an hour, put on a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes at 180 ° C. Combine baked peppers and eggplants, sprinkle with fresh herbs and sesame seeds. You can sprinkle the marinade on the salad - subtle spicy notes will make it even better.

Cheese tenderness

You can pamper your family with exquisite pepper rolls with cheese. Bake 2-3 whole colored peppers in the oven at 180 ° C for 15 minutes. We close them in a plastic bag for another 15 minutes. Then carefully remove the skin, remove the seeds and cut the pulp into strips 3-4 cm wide. Mix 150 g of curd cheese, 150 g of hard grated cheese, 4-5 cloves of chopped garlic, ½ bunch of chopped green onions and fresh herbs to your taste. We spread the filling on strips of pepper, roll up the rolls and secure with toothpicks. This can also be made according to the recipe of Julia Vysotskaya and serve it to the festive table.

Change of scenery

Are you bored with familiar combinations and want something unusual? Make a sauteed bell pepper sauté with chicken, mushrooms, and courgette. Cut into strips 500 g chicken fillet, fill in with a mixture of 4 tbsp. l. olive oil, ½ tsp. curry and a pinch of salt, leave to marinate in the refrigerator. Then fry it until golden brown and put it on a plate. In the same frying pan, brown the large bell peppers, zucchini and 200 g of champignons, cut into small pieces. We return the chicken meat, pour over the juice and zest sauce ½ lemon, ½ tsp. grated ginger, a generous pinch of oregano and cumin. Such an original saute will delight even the most picky home critics.

Rice impromptu

Rice with bell pepper is a great addition to the family menu. First of all, we put 300 g of unpolished rice to boil in salted water. Finely chop 3-4 garlic cloves with onion, grate 3 cm of ginger root. Fry this mixture in olive oil until the onions are soft. Add 2 medium chopped red peppers and fry for another 5 minutes. Next, lay in ready-made rice and 200 g of cherry tomatoes, cut into halves, and 100 g of leeks. Immediately remove the rice from the heat, fill it with 4 tbsp. l. soy sauce, 2 tbsp. l. sesame oil, salt and pepper to taste. This dish can be served as a side dish with anything, or you can enjoy it just like that.

Created for stuffing, with absolutely any fillings. Remove seeds and partitions from two large strong bell peppers. Pour a handful of raisins with boiling water and mix with 300 g minced meat from beef and pork in equal proportions. Season the minced meat with salt, black pepper, a pinch of thyme and fill the peppers. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top and place in a mold covered with oiled foil. For the first 15 minutes, bake the stuffed bell pepper at 200 ° C, then lower it to 160 ° C and let the vegetables stand for another 20-30 minutes. Elegant appetizing peppers will adorn any table.

Gold in a plate

Bell peppers are ideal for cream soup. Moreover, if you choose a harmonious pair for him. We bake two red peppers for 20 minutes in the oven at 180 ° C, let cool, peel and seeds, and puree thoroughly. We make a rosy sauté from the onion and carrots, add 400 g of cauliflower and 500 ml of chicken broth. While the vegetables are boiling, heat 200 ml of cream and dissolve 100 g of grated cheese in them. Add pepper puree here and simmer for a couple of minutes. Beat vegetables in a saucepan with a blender, combine with creamy dressing, add salt and spices. Creamy bell pepper soup will be successfully complemented with crispy croutons and parsley petals.

Vegetable therapy

It's never too late to make lecho from Bulgarian for the winter. We pass through a meat grinder 2 kg of ripe juicy tomatoes. Pour the resulting mass into a large saucepan, add 100 ml of vegetable oil, 60 g of sugar and 1 tbsp. l. salt. From time to time, stirring the tomatoes with a spatula, bring them to a boil. We clean 2.5-3 kg of small peppers from the tails and seeds, cut them lengthwise into 6-8 parts. We put them in the tomato mass and cook for 30 minutes, stirring often. At the end, we introduce 3 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar, pour lecho into sterilized jars and roll up the lids. Such a preparation will warm with the warmth of summer memories somehow in winter.

Bell pepper is a glorious vegetable that always has a tasty and useful application... If you need more fresh interesting ideas, read the section of recipes "Let's eat at home". And share your specialties with pepper in the comments.

What juicy and tasty vegetable do we most often think about when we want to make a salad? Are we not starting to think about it, planning preparations for the winter immediately after, but in all kinds of forms? I'm pretty sure most of us will immediately think of bell peppers. How many delicious dishes you can cook with it, but no less ways to prepare bell peppers for the winter. The best recipes can be collected for a long time by relatives, friends, acquaintances and the vastness of the Internet, but I will make for you my small collection of recipes. The very ones that are the best and most delicious recipes for me.

Today we will preserve bell peppers for the winter in several proven and very tasty ways.

Pickled bell peppers for the winter - a step-by-step recipe for harvesting

People have different tastes, but I'm sure many of you can agree with me that pickling is one of the most delicious types of vegetable preservation. Marinades are usually so aromatic and savory, with a slight sourness and spices, garlic, herbs. Real jam. Well, I have a weakness for them. For this reason, I most often pickle bell peppers for the winter.

If you haven't had time to taste the pickled peppers yet, you are missing out on a lot. And although other pickled vegetables are much more common on store shelves, no one will bother us to make this amazing dish and appetizer on our own.

For pickled bell peppers you will need:

  • sweet bell pepper - 3 kg,
  • vinegar 9% - 1 glass,
  • sugar - 0.5 cups,
  • salt - 2 tablespoons
  • garlic - 1 head,
  • bay leaf - 8-10 leaves,
  • fresh parsley - a large bunch,
  • peppercorns - 1 teaspoon,
  • cloves - 6-8 pcs.

Fleshy red and yellow peppers are best for pickling. Peppers that are too thin will not taste as good. Fruits can be taken in any size, since it is still most convenient to cut them for placing in jars. This will maximize the capacity of each jar of pickled peppers.


1. Wash the pepper. Remove the stalk and cut the seeds into the core. It will be easier to do this if you cut the pepper in half lengthwise.

2. Cut the peppers into wide strips. Each half can be cut into 2 or 3 pieces, depending on how large the pepper is.

3. Pour 600 ml of water into a large saucepan. Pour a glass of vinegar and vegetable oil there, add all the sugar and salt at once. Turn on the stove and let the future marinade boil.

4. Put pieces of pepper in the boiling marinade, wait until the liquid boils again and simmer the vegetables for 10 minutes under the lid, stirring constantly.

The bell peppers should soften a little, but not be completely boiled. Pickled peppers are very good when they crunch a little.

5. Prepare canning jars. Jars with a volume of 1 or 0.5 liters are suitable.

It is better to sterilize them in advance. To do this, you can heat them in the oven, boil them in a pot of water, hold them over steam, or put them in the microwave with water and let them boil.

To make the Bulgarian pepper for the winter fragrant and slightly piquant, we put our "spices" on the bottom of sterilized jars. Place 3-4 garlic cloves in each, cutting into halves, 1-2 sprigs of parsley, 2 bay leaves, 5 peppercorns and 1-2 cloves.

6. Now put hot, just boiled, pepper in jars. Do this as tightly as possible and don't be afraid to crease or fold the peppercorns. When all the peppers are spread out, pour the marinade from the pan to the very edge of the jar. The pepper will continue to marinate in it.

7. Screw the lids on the cans or roll them up with a machine. Turn the jars over onto the lid and wrap with a thick towel until they cool completely.

In a few months such peppers will become amazingly tasty and will perfectly complement your winter diet with vegetables. It will make an excellent side dish or even an appetizer for the festive table.

It is best to store it in a cool place such as a cellar or refrigerator.

Bulgarian pepper for the winter in honey filling - a recipe with a photo

Bell pepper for the winter with honey is a very simple, but at the same time delicious recipe. The peppers are sweetish, crispy with sourness. Very unusual because honey will give its own unique taste. In my opinion, honey goes very well with bell pepper, it simultaneously complements its sweetness and sets off great. Any spices that are bright in taste are not put into such a marinade, which leaves honey the opportunity to reveal its taste and the taste of pepper. For the winter variety of blanks, the recipe is very suitable.

For canning, I most often recommend taking jars that are not too large in volume, especially if your family is not too large and an open jar of pepper will have to stand in the refrigerator for a long time. Why risk your health once again, and it's a pity for food. Agree, if you want more, you can always open two small jars. But it is impossible to preserve the big one back.

In addition, when you cook something for the first time, make small amounts for the experiment. After all, what one likes may not suit the taste of another.

Having tested this recipe on myself, I try to make a couple of three jars of pepper and honey.

For cooking you will need:

  • bell pepper - 1 kg,
  • honey - 4 tablespoons,
  • vinegar 9% - 4 tablespoons,
  • vegetable oil- 3 teaspoons,
  • salt - 2 teaspoons
  • black peppercorns - 1 teaspoon,
  • coriander seeds - 1 teaspoon.


1. Wash the bell peppers and cut them in half. Remove the core with the stalk. Rinse off remaining seeds.

2. Cut the peppers into smaller pieces. Cut each half lengthwise into 2 or 3 pieces. If the pepper is very thick, as in my case, it can even be 4. The main thing is to make such pieces that will be convenient to eat later.

3. Place the pepper chunks tightly in clean, sterilized jars. Fill them completely with pepper. Try not to close jars that are not full, they will not be stored for a long time due to the large amount of air. It is best to cook the leftover peppers differently, such as making a fresh salad with them.

4. Now boil the kettle and pour boiling water over the peppers in the jars. Fill the jars to the brim, cover them with sterilized lids and leave them as they are for 10 minutes.

5. Now it's time to prepare the marinade. Take a small saucepan or ladle. Pour honey on the bottom, put salt, peppercorns and coriander seeds in it. Please note that sugar is not added, honey is substituted for it.

6. Drain hot water from jars of peppers directly into this saucepan, from this broth we will prepare the marinade. Add vegetable oil and vinegar.

7. Bring the marinade to a boil and pour over the peppers in the jars.

8. Then screw the caps back on as tightly as possible. Check if they are leaking. Then turn the cans over and wrap them in a warm blanket or towel. As such, the jars must cool before they can be put away for storage.

This very tender and spicy pickled appetizer will surely delight you on a long winter evening with its summer taste. Enjoy yourself and treat your family.

Caucasian pickled bell pepper in oil

And here is another original recipe. You know that sometimes spices and cooking methods can completely change the taste of a dish. This is one such case. The pepper turns out to be so fragrant and tasty that you can't drag it by the ears.

The recipe is not at all complicated, and the addition of a large amount of herbs and garlic makes the bell peppers only tastier for the winter.

Bulgarian pepper in tomato sauce

If we are looking for all sorts of tasty options for preparing bell peppers for the winter, then it's simply a sin not to remember how wonderful the tastes of pepper and tomatoes are combined. Everyone's favorite lecho is just from this category. But, if you want to cook not lecho, in which a wide variety of other vegetables is often added, but just sweet peppers in tomato juice, then this recipe is just right.

In tomato sauce, we will cover large pieces of pepper, which will be our spicy winter snack.

To prepare bell pepper in tomato you will need:

  • bell pepper - 5 kg,
  • not salted tomato juice - 3 liters,
  • vegetable oil - 1 glass,
  • salt - 2 tablespoons
  • sugar - 0.5 cups,
  • vinegar 9% - 6 tablespoons,
  • spices to taste (peppercorns and allspice, bay leaf, cloves, garlic).


1. Wash the bell pepper cold water and remove the seeds and tail. Then, cut into large pieces. Half or quarter pepper, depending on the size of the vegetable.

2. Pour the tomato juice into a large saucepan. Choose a dish that will eventually hold all the bell peppers.

Add sugar, salt, spices and vinegar to tomato juice. This will be our tomato marinade. You can take the juice from the store, or you can make it yourself from fresh tomatoes.

3. When the tomato juice boils, add the vegetable oil to it, and then add all the bell peppers. Stir well and cook, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes.

4. Hot, freshly boiled peppers in tomato juice, put very tightly in previously sterilized jars. Fill with juice to the very edge and tighten the lids. The lids must also be sterile.

Then turn the cans over and make sure the lids are not leaking. In this upside down look, place the jars on the table and wrap them up with a terry towel. Let them cool, after which you can remove the bell peppers for the winter and store in a cool place.

It will be ready in a few weeks. Bon Appetit!

Roasted bell peppers for the winter

You might think that we have not yet tried to do with pepper in order to preserve it deliciously. Well, for example, we haven't fried it yet. And I must tell you, this is a big omission, because fried bell peppers for the winter just need to close at least one jar for a delicious variety.

You know that when frying, the taste of pepper changes a little, and we will try to preserve it for the winter. And believe me, we will succeed, because the recipe is extremely simple to prepare. Even, probably easier than standard pickling.

My mom once said that this is a recipe for the lazy. But for us, this will mean that we won't have to put in extra efforts, and the quality of the tasty preparation will not deteriorate from this.

You will need:

  • sweet bell pepper of any color (preferably not large) - 2.5 kg,
  • garlic - 1 head,
  • bitter pepper - 1 small pod,
  • vinegar 9% - 0.3 cups,
  • sugar - 1 glass
  • salt - 1 heaped tablespoon,
  • vegetable oil for frying.


1. Wash the young fine peppers. There is no need to clean it, because we would fry and preserve it whole. They say this is the secret of his unique taste.

2. Pour oil into a skillet and fry the peppers until golden brown. Do not forget to turn them over so that they are browned on all sides. By the way, the oil will splash and shoot a lot, so cover with a lid or a special oil splash screen.

3. Sterilize the jar (or jars) with lids. Place the fried peppers in a finished jar in layers, alternating with finely chopped garlic.

A layer of pepper, a layer of garlic, a layer of pepper, and so on.

4. Pour salt and sugar directly into the jar. I have one large three-liter jar. If you canning in several jars, then divide the amount of salt and sugar (and also later vinegar) by the number of jars that you have filled with pepper.

5. Now bring the kettle or pot of water to a boil. Pour two-thirds of the boiling water over the jar, pour the vinegar into the water, and then add to the very top.

Salt, sugar and vinegar will mix by themselves right in the jar and evenly spread over all peppers. Especially after a while, while the bank will be stored until winter. Don't worry about it, this is a tried and tested method.

6. Now the jar needs to be turned over and wrapped in a warm one in a standard way so that it cools slowly.

So our simple way of cooking fried bell peppers for the winter is ready. Try and enjoy the cold winter.

Bell peppers stuffed with cabbage for the winter - video recipe

For this recipe, you will need to prepare a classic marinade, and leave the peppers intact, so that the filling of thinly shredded cabbage and carrots is placed inside each. Here you just have to calculate everything well, because taking large bell peppers and containers you will have to look for the appropriate one.

But I believe that you, like me, will succeed. See a detailed recipe and experiment in your kitchen.

Any dishes made from bell peppers, prepared for future use or for a homemade dinner, will definitely diversify the family menu. Vegetable treats can be stuffed with meats or cereals to create a complete hot, soup, or snack.

What to cook with bell pepper?

Bell pepper recipes are usually straightforward. The vegetable will add a special flavor and piquancy to almost any dish or snack.

  1. By supplementing the salad with fresh pepper, you can diversify the taste and fill the composition of the snack with vitamins, and by choosing vegetables different colors, you can also make the treat beautiful.
  2. Do not neglect the addition of pepper to the vegetable stew or roast, ratunda or paprika will make the dish unusually tasty.
  3. Meat dishes, such as frying, goulash or other sauce, not only acquire a special taste, but also the pieces become very soft and tender.
  4. A simple summer dish - stuffed pepper, fill it not only with minced meat with rice, but also with other cereals, vegetable mixtures or cheese.

Salad with chicken and bell pepper will decorate the festive table if you fill the composition with colorful vegetables. This multi-component dish can replace a full-fledged side dish and will be an excellent addition to the main treat. Those who are not indifferent to unusual combinations will like the salad very much.


  • fillet - 400 g;
  • paprika - 2 pcs.;
  • smoked balyk - 200 g;
  • walnuts - 1 g;
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • salted champignons - 200 g;
  • mayonnaise for dressing.


  1. Cut the fillet into cubes, fry in oil.
  2. Cut paprika, mushrooms, balyk.
  3. Mix the chilled meat with the rest of the ingredients, add the nuts and raisins.
  4. Season with mayonnaise, serve after 15 minutes.

Stew of eggplant, bell pepper, tomato

Simple recipes from sweet pepper become extraordinary thanks to the addition of this vegetable. So that the stew does not turn out to be boring, a large number of vegetables are used, which combine well, and fill the composition with dry herbs. Those who are fasting and those who do not consume food of animal origin will like the treat.


  • ratunda - 2 pcs.;
  • eggplant - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • carrots and onions - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • hot pepper - 1 pc.;
  • ground coriander - ½ tsp;
  • hops-suneli, oregano - 1 tsp each;
  • salt, pepper, fresh herbs;
  • frying oil.


  1. Eggplants are fried, cut into cubes, and transferred to a brazier.
  2. Then onions are sauteed, carrots and ratunda are added.
  3. Pour into a container on top of the eggplant.
  4. Salt, pepper, season with dry herbs.
  5. Top with tomatoes, chopped garlic and hot peppers.
  6. Such dishes of sweet peppers and other vegetables are stewed on the stove for 20 minutes or in the oven for 40 minutes.
  7. Season with herbs, serve after 10 minutes.

Cooking anything can be done completely hassle-free. The most delicious is goulash, which is prepared quickly, without difficulty. You can create it both on the stove and in the oven, and in a multicooker; the process of making a treat is not fundamentally different.


  • pork - 600 g;
  • bell peppers - 3 pcs.;
  • hot pepper - 1 pod;
  • salt, a mixture of ground peppers;
  • dried paprika - 1 tsp;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp l .;
  • sesame seeds for serving;
  • oil for frying.


  1. Cut the meat into strips, salt, season with a mixture of peppers, paprika and soy sauce. Leave to marinate for 15 minutes.
  2. Fry the meat, add chopped hot peppers.
  3. Cut the bell peppers into strips, add to a saucepan, fry for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour in ½ tbsp. water, cover, simmer pork with bell pepper for 10 minutes.
  5. Fry the sesame seeds in a dry frying pan for 1 minute.
  6. Such dishes of meat and bell peppers are served while still hot, sprinkled with sesame seeds.

A classic summer dish using fresh vegetables -. To make the treat tastier, sautéed onions and carrots are added to the filling, so the minced meat will come out juicier and simmer it more efficiently in the oven, the pepper cooked in this way comes out much tastier.


  • sweet peppers - 8-10 pcs.;
  • minced pork and beef - 500 g;
  • cooked rice until half cooked - 2/3 tbsp.;
  • salt, pepper, oregano;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • tomato juice - ½ tbsp.;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • onions and carrots - 2 pcs.


  1. Peppers to clear of seeds.
  2. Spread 1 onion and carrot, put into minced meat, add rice, season with salt, pepper, oregano, stir.
  3. Fill the peppers with the mixture, distribute in a heat-resistant container.
  4. Spread the second onion in a frying pan, add carrots and tomatoes.
  5. Add fruit drink and water, simmer for 5 minutes.
  6. Pour the gravy over the pepper, move the bowl to the oven, cover.
  7. Such dishes of bell pepper are simmered for 40 minutes at 190 degrees.

With bell pepper and tomatoes - gazpacho. It is not difficult to prepare it, it is important to choose quality products, add chilli spiciness and serve chilled. The classic bread crumb is not added in the modern version, but if there is not enough bread flavor, they supplement the composition with crackers.


  • bell peppers - 2 pcs.;
  • hot pepper - 2 pods;
  • fresh cucumber - 3 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 8 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • wine vinegar - 20 ml;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • thyme, ground pepper, sea salt;
  • croutons - 1 handful per serving;
  • Tabasco - 5 drops.


  1. Put the blanched tomatoes, peeled sweet and hot peppers into a blender bowl.
  2. Add peeled garlic and chopped peeled cucumbers.
  3. Pour in oil, vinegar.
  4. Beat up all the ingredients.
  5. Rub through a sieve, get rid of seeds and peels.
  6. Add tabasco, salt, pepper and stir.
  7. Cool, serve with croutons.

Recipes from bell peppers for the winter will help to replenish the stock of preservation and diversify the off-season diet with original treats. They harvest vegetables on their own or in the company of other seasonal fruits, the variety of options will amaze even an experienced chef.

  1. Bell pepper blanks are all kinds of multi-component winter salads; paprika is often added as an additional ingredient in vegetable spins.
  2. On the basis of pepper, a delicious and very spicy adjika comes out, which is made moderately hot or very hot.
  3. Having prepared vegetables in a special way - whole, you can cook stuffed dishes from bell peppers in the offseason.

Pickled bell peppers are an appetizer that you want to try while cooking, but it will become special in about a couple of weeks. Many people bake peppers in the oven to avoid splashing the oil, but this way the appetizer will not come out as spicy as we would like. Prepare 12-13 cans of 1 liter.


  • sweet pepper - 10 kg;
  • garlic - 20 heads;
  • vegetable oil.

Marinade for 1 can:

  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • vinegar - 100 g;
  • boiling water - 500 ml.


  1. Peel the garlic, chop finely with a knife.
  2. Do not peel the pepper, leave the tails, prick with a fork.
  3. Fry in oil until golden brown, immediately distribute into jars, sprinkling with garlic layers.
  4. Pour salt, sugar into jars filled up to the shoulders, add vinegar and pour boiling water over, seal.

Spicy, very spicy cooks quickly, does not undergo cooking and consists of a small amount of ingredients, it is stored all winter and does not spoil. Tarragon (tarragon) and traditional dill, parsley and cilantro add special piquancy. For spinning, you will need 13-15 cans of 0.5 liters each.


  • Bulgarian pepper - 10 kg;
  • hot pepper - 500 g;
  • garlic - 1 kg;
  • dill, parsley, cilantro, tarragon - 200 g each;
  • salt - ½ tbsp.


  1. Peppers to clean from tails and seeds, garlic from husks.
  2. Scroll all ingredients through a meat grinder, including herbs.
  3. Add salt, distribute in sterilized jars, close the lid, put in the refrigerator.

- a good option to get rid of the surplus rejected crop. Vegetables are cut into strips and supplemented with a minimum set of ingredients. Such an appetizer can be included in a fry or other multi-ingredient salad, or in a soup, add it as a fragrant dressing.


  • sweet peppers of different colors - 5 kg;
  • hot pepper - 300 g;
  • carrots - 500 g;
  • onions - 500 g;
  • tomato - 1 tbsp.;
  • salt;
  • oil for frying.


  1. Cut the peeled bell peppers into strips, chop the hot peppers without seeds.
  2. Transfer to a frying pan, add oil, fry until soft.
  3. Sauté finely chopped onions and grated carrots separately, pour in the tomato, then fry for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour tomato sauce with pepper, stir, simmer for 15 minutes.
  5. Distribute in sterilized jars, seal.

The whole will be the perfect base for a stuffed dish loved by many eaters. It is not at all difficult to create such a blank, and you will need a minimum of ingredients. Choose peppers not large, not very dense varieties. The amount of ingredients is calculated for 1 can of 3 liters.


  • sweet pepper - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 2-2.2 l;
  • salt - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • vinegar - 50 ml.


  1. Put the peeled peppers in a jar (not tightly!).
  2. Pour boiling water over, cover, leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Drain the water into a saucepan, add salt and sugar.
  4. Boil the marinade until boiling, add vinegar, boil for 5 minutes.
  5. Pour marinade over the jar, seal.

The best way to keep everything valuable properties vegetables - freezing bell peppers for the winter. There are two ways to implement the idea: prepare whole vegetables, peeled from seeds and use them for stuffing or chopped peppers, which are better prepared in portions and use them for salads, soup dressings and filling other dishes.

Each housewife in late summer and early autumn is going to make preparations from pepper for the winter. After all, canned bell peppers are incredibly tasty and incredibly healthy!

Pepper blanks for the winter can be very diverse, this is a popular lecho, pepper caviar, various salads, peppers with honey, peppers stuffed with vegetables.

In general, pepper is a versatile vegetable, and Bulgarian pepper for the winter can be prepared in a wide variety of ways, depending on your taste preferences.

I bring to your attention the proven recipes for pepper blanks from the notebook of my mother and grandmother. I spied some of the ways how to prepare Bulgarian pepper for the winter from my friends and former work colleagues. If you have your favorite and proven peppers for the winter - write in the comments, or in the Home Restaurant group at social network vKontakte and Odnoklassniki!

Velvet lecho without vinegar and oil

If you like simple and not troublesome, then my recipe for lecho without vinegar will certainly delight you. We will cook lecho without vinegar and oil, which makes this preservation simply irreplaceable if you are on a diet. In addition, lecho without vinegar can be safely given to children, provided that all storage recommendations given in the recipe are followed. See recipe with photo

Adjika pepper with tomato juice and Krasnodar sauce

I would like to acquaint you with my last year's discovery - very tasty adjika with the addition of Krasnodar sauce. The result is a versatile thick adjika sauce that goes well with pasta, buckwheat, meat, I also used it as a pizza sauce and lasagna sauce. And if you add spices for the kebab, then we get a delicious grill sauce, which does not need to be specially prepared, but just open the can and that's it. Recipe with photo.

Baked peppers for the winter "for gourmets"

Today I want to tell you how to cook baked peppers in your own juice for the winter for further use of this preparation in salads and snacks. Peppers baked for the winter are prepared with lemon juice instead of vinegar, there is not a drop of water in the marinade (only its own juice from the peppers), and all this with the addition of olive oil. For salt and sugar, canned baked peppers for the winter also turned out to be balanced. Recipe with photo.

Bulgarian pepper for the winter in Armenian

A friend shared this recipe with me: she knows that I love delicious canning, and if it is also just made, even more so. The recipe for bell peppers for the winter in Armenian is just this: with a minimum of time, with a minimum of hassle in processing the ingredients, you get an excellent snack for the winter: moderately spicy, appetizing, aromatic and tasty. See recipe with photo

Serbian sauce Aivar

Aivar is a sauce made from baked peppers and eggplants, with the addition of garlic, hot pepper and spices. You can cook it just like that, or you can preserve it. Today I want to tell you about the preparation of this sauce. As a rule, for the winter, from peppers and eggplants, they cover lecho, sauté and the like. But the sauce made from these vegetables also deserves your attention. Recipe with photo.

Bell pepper caviar

The caviar from bell pepper, pre-baked in the oven, turns out to be incredibly tasty and aromatic. I prepare this conservation every year, it always ends faster than the rest. From the specified number of products, 3 half-liter jars are obtained, so feel free to increase the portion several times. We look at the recipe with a photo.

Bell pepper salad for the winter with carrots

I really love simple preservation - when both the ingredients are available and the cooking process itself is quite easy, but in the end it turns out delicious and very appetizing. The recipe for bell pepper salad for the winter with carrots, which I want to tell you about, is just that. It is really a pleasure to cook it - without sterilization, simply and quickly. See recipe with photo

Pepper stuffed with cabbage for the winter

How to cook pepper stuffed with cabbage for the winter, I wrote.

Bell pepper appetizer for the winter with pear

In this appetizer, the pepper is closed for the winter ... with a pear. Yes, that's right, with a pear. There are other ingredients - onions and cabbage: as you understand, they also play an important role if it comes about the taste composition. But what struck me the most was the marinade. I burst into the usual slender row of its components (garlic, vinegar, vegetable oil, salt, sugar) ... Who do you think? Cinnamon! Interesting? Recipe with photo.

Bulgarian lecho: the classic of conservation!

You can see how to cook a real Bulgarian lecho.

Pepper salad for the winter "In the apple!"

Do you like unusual and tasty preparations pepper for the winter? Pay attention to this salad! The recipe for pepper salad for the winter "In the apple!", You can see.

Bell pepper lecho for the winter "You will lick your fingers"

Pepper lecho "You will lick your fingers" - a delicious and very aromatic preservation, just the sun in a jar. In our family, lecho is simply adored and eaten with tomato sauce, it is very tasty. Therefore, we usually close the lecho for the winter according to this recipe in large batches, so that it will last for the whole winter. See the recipe with a photo.

The main sweet pepper season begins in August and lasts until mid-autumn. It was at this time that its fruits are most full of vitality and strength. Of course, you need to take advantage of this!

If you are not a fan of lengthy culinary processes, you can do it easier: cut off a slice of sweet pepper and crunch it with benefit and for your pleasure - pepper is very tasty and raw. But we are pursuing other goals, namely: to learn how to cook enchantingly from sweet pepper delicious dishes... And first, let's find out who does pepper love?

Basically, pepper is not picky and goes well with almost all vegetables. But he especially loves tomatoes. Adjika, lecho, stews, salads, all kinds of side dishes and snacks, as well as other equally tasty dishes are the result of the union of this couple.
In addition to tomatoes and other vegetables, pepper will be good in combination with rice, cheese, olives, meat, fish, lettuce. The scope of application of pepper is also great: appetizers, salads, first and second courses.

In culinary terms, pepper is not difficult to cope with. Before processing, you need to remove the stalk and seeds from it. For this, the base of the stalk is carefully trimmed and pulled out along with the seed part. After that, the pepper is rinsed to remove any remaining seeds and dust. For the preparation of hot dishes, take large, slightly unripe fruits of light green, dark green or yellowish color, and for salads - ripe fruits of bright yellow and red color. If you are going to stuff pepper, then it is better to pour the pepper first (without seeds) hot water and boil for 1 minute. That's all the wisdom.


Pepper stuffed with vegetables


  • Sweet pepper - 1 kg
  • Carrots - 300 g
  • Cabbage - 150 g
  • Onions - 100 g
  • Tomato puree - 100 g
  • Parsley and celery root - 40 g
  • Spices to taste
  • Salt to taste


Roots (carrots, celery and parsley root), peel the onion, cut into small strips and fry with fat. Scald the cabbage, chop finely, combine with the roots, add a little water, tomato paste, salt and simmer the vegetables until soft.

We wash the pods of sweet fresh pepper of the same size and shape, cut the upper wide part of the pod not completely, but in the form of a lid, and remove the seeds without violating the integrity of the pod. Then put the pods in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, put them on a sieve and cool.

Fill the pepper with filling, put it in one row in a shallow dish, fill it with tomato sauce, add pounded garlic, a pinch nutmeg and simmer until tender.

Serve the finished peppers along with the sauce in which they were stewed.

Pickled bell peppers


  • Bulgarian pepper (sweet) - 1 kg
  • Parsley and tarragon to taste
  • Bitter pepper - to taste
  • Greens and dill inflorescences - to taste
  • Garlic to taste


We wash the pepper, remove the stalks and seeds. After cleaning, immerse it in cold water for 30 minutes, and then either cut the pepper into longitudinal strips 3-3.5 cm wide, or leave the fruits intact.

To prepare the marinade, bring 1 liter of water to a boil, add 5% vinegar (0.5-1 cup), salt (1 tablespoon) and boil for 1 minute.

At the bottom of prepared jars, with a capacity of 0.5-1 liter, put herbs and spices, put pepper on top and fill with boiling marinade.

We put the cans in a pot of boiling water and sterilize half-liter cans for 12-15 minutes, liter cans - 18 minutes.
After the end of sterilization, the jars are sealed and cooled.

Tip: for pickling, you need to take green and red bell peppers with fleshy walls. Fruits with hard, parchment-like walls are not suitable for pickling.

Sweet pepper in tomato


  • Sweet pepper - 500 g
  • Vegetable oil - 100 g
  • Tomatoes - 200 g
  • Bulb onions - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Salt to taste
  • Parsley (greens) - to taste


We wash the pepper without removing the stalks, and then prick with a fork in several places. Fry the prepared peppers on all sides in vegetable oil.

Peel the tomatoes, chop finely and fry with the chopped onion. Add pounded garlic, finely chopped herbs and salt.

Put the finished pepper on a plate, fill it with hot tomato sauce and let it brew. Serve the appetizer chilled.

Sweet pepper salad


  • Sweet pepper - 5 kg
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Vinegar - 200 g
  • Vegetable oil - 200 g
  • Water - 1000 ml
  • Parsley to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon


Pepper we clean from the stalk and seeds, rinse well and cut into small slices.

Put the pepper in a saucepan. Add water, sugar, oil, chopped herbs, pepper, salt and bring the mixture to a boil. Cook for another 15-20 minutes. Just before the end of cooking, add vinegar to the salad and pour it into clean, sterile jars.

We cover the jars with sterile lids and roll them up.

Baked peppers with egg


  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Dutch cheese - 30 g
  • Bulgarian red pepper - 60 g
  • Bulgarian yellow pepper - 60 g
  • Tomatoes - 70 g
  • Onions - 50 g
  • Basil - to taste
  • Black pepper - to taste
  • Salt to taste
    Vegetable oil - to taste


Pepper is cleaned of seeds, washed, dried and cut into strips. Cut the onion into strips, and the tomatoes into half rings.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Put the onion in the oil and fry until transparent. Then add the pepper, lightly fry and put the tomatoes.

After a minute, add salt, black pepper, a little basil, stir, heat, remove the vegetables from heat and transfer to a deep refractory plate. Grind the vegetables with grated cheese on top.

We put the dish in a preheated oven for 5 minutes. When the cheese is melted, break an egg on top of it and place it back in the oven.

The dish is ready when the protein curdles.

Sweet pepper sauce


  • Sweet peppers - 200 g
  • White grape wine - 100 g
  • Vinegar 3% - 75 g
  • Butter - 80 g
  • Pepper peas - to taste
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Meat broth - 800 ml
  • Flour - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt to taste


Prepare the red base sauce. To do this, melt and fry a spoonful of oil until red, then add flour, and, stirring, fry until reddish brown, then dilute the broth, salt and heat.

Next, finely chop the bell peppers and sauté in butter until tender. Pour wine into sautéed pepper and boil the liquid to two-thirds of the original volume, then add the red base sauce and cook for 15-20 minutes.

Put crushed black pepper, bay leaf, garlic, pounded with salt in the boiled sauce, and boil again for 5-10 minutes, then filter, rubbing the pepper, and season butter... The sauce is served with boiled and fried meat, hare and wild goat dishes.

Sweet pepper vinaigrette with potatoes


  • Canned sweet pepper - 500 g
  • Potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Green onions - 100 g
  • Salt to taste


Cut the peeled boiled potatoes and the hard-boiled egg into thin slices and place in a bowl. Add the chopped canned peppers, salt the salad, and then stir.

We spread the vinaigrette in a salad bowl with a slide, which we surround with an edging of finely chopped onions.

Salad ready.

Decorate the vinaigrette with egg wedges and finely chopped herbs.

Pepper stuffed with meat


  • Sweet pepper - 12 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 1 pc.
  • Bulb onions - 1 pc.
  • Minced meat - 600 g
  • Rice - 0.33 cups
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Parsley - 1 tablespoon
  • Mint - 1 tsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste


Cut off the tops of the peppers and save. Pepper is cleaned of seeds and veins. Salt inside and prick with a fork in 2-3 places.
Cooking the filling: finely chop the onion and simmer. Add minced meat, rice, seasonings and mix. Fill the pepper with the mixture, cover with the tops cut off earlier, put in a saucepan.

Separate the pepper from each other with tomato slices. Pour the contents of the pan with a glass warm water or broth.

We bake in the oven for about 45 minutes at a temperature of 220 ° C.


  • Tomatoes - 3 kg
  • Sweet pepper - 2 kg
  • Onions - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Garlic - 1 pc.
  • Vinegar - 1 tablespoon
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Carnation - 1 pc.
  • Allspice peas - 1 pc.
  • Ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons


Wash the tomatoes and cut them into medium-sized slices. We heat the pan, pour vegetable oil on it, wait until it heats up, and then put the tomatoes and simmer them until the juice is abundant.

When the tomatoes are stewed, add sweet peppers, cut into medium-sized pieces and diced onions, to the lecho. Simmer vegetables over low heat for about half an hour.

15 minutes before the end of stewing, add garlic (pressed or finely chopped) to the lecho. Then add salt, sugar and spices to the cure. When the dish is ready, pour a little vinegar into it. Lecho is ready to be consumed.

You can serve the dish to the table both warm and cold by first transferring it to a salad bowl and sprinkling with finely chopped herbs. For those who want to enjoy lecho in winter, there is a standard canning process: sterilizing cans and rolling food into them.

Adjika spicy


  • Bitter pepper - 100 g
  • Garlic - 100 g
  • Sweet pepper - 200 g
  • Tomatoes - 400 g
  • Vinegar - 20 g
  • Sugar - 20 g
  • Salt - 20 g


Grind the pepper, garlic and tomatoes in a food processor until smooth. Add salt, sugar, vinegar and mix thoroughly - salt and sugar should completely dissolve.

Let the adjika brew a little.

Pour the finished adjika into a gravy boat and serve.

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