Milk dishes. What can be made from homemade milk milk products homemade cooking

Which will like even children and adults who usually do not tolerate milk on the Spirit.

Milk souffle

You can eat milk pudding and warm. In this form, it is perfectly combined with cheesery, wheat and oat jams, with layered fruit cakes. In addition, if you are going to treat these dessert children or transfers alcohol even in small doses, you do not need to add brandy.

Dairy Kisel with seasonal berries

We will prepare this dessert with cherries, and you can use strawberries, raspberry, blackberry, black or red currants, blueberries and even prunes or kuragu. If you have no berries at hand, then do not be discouraged - Kisel is good and without additional topping.

7 milk desserts

Ingredients (on 4-6 servings):

  • Milk (any fatness) - 1 liter,
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.,
  • Sugar - 1.5 glasses,
  • Potato starch - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 h. Spoon,
  • - 300-350 g.


In one pan boil milk. In another - thoroughly scroll eggs with sugar, add potato starch and stir. Constantly stirring and rubbing the resulting mass again, fill it with hot milk. Put the container on the middle fire and, having a wooden spoon, bring the mixture to a boil. Cool to room temperature, put vanillin.

Tip from the site: You can do a smoothie without adding cream, in this case take not 500 ml of milk, and 1 liter. In addition, the amount of sugar can also be varied - it depends on the sweetness of peaches and on your own taste preferences.


We are accustomed that when cooking a milk cocktail, ice cream is necessarily used, and all the ingredients are simply whipped with a mixer or blender to the desired consistency. However, you can cook this drink in a different way, and it will be no less tasty.

To be 100% confident that cheese is made only from high-quality ingredients, use the advice and recipes of experienced housewives, which know how to make cheese at home from milk.

The abundance of cheese products on the counters of our stores has long been not surprising for a long time. A variety of varieties often makes you think what cheese to choose? To bring the maximum benefit to the body, it should be made from natural and benign products.

Do you know that for cooking 1 kilogram you need to take 10-12 liters of milk? And good milk is far from cheap raw materials. Wanting to save, many manufacturers use many additional components that make cheese are no longer completely cheese. What to do?

Once almost every hostess who kept cows or goats, could prepare delicious homemade cheese or cottage cheese. Without harmful additives and palm oil. Want to learn and understand how to make cheese at home?

It is easy and the result will surely please. The resulting cheese dishes can be diversified by spices, spices and greens. During cooking, experiment, try adding garlic, paprika, dill, sharp pen. You will get spicy and aromatic cheese.

Homemade cooking often gives a more tasty and useful result than production supplied to the conveyor. The technology of cooking cheeses is to mix lactic acid bacteria or special enzymes with milk.

Bacteria and enzymes can be bought at the pharmacy, they quickly fold the milk and help to divide it on serum and cottage cheese.

Requirements for main ingredients

Perfect cheese is made of only three ingredients - milk, swarms and salts. But such a "pure" composition is quite rare.

If there is an opportunity, take fatty and high-quality milk, the best homemade or farm from proven sellers. Cheese is a product with a large content of fat, so the fatter will be milk, the more tastier it will turn out. It is not necessary to boil it, so you will "kill" all the useful substances.

To increase the fat content of milk, you can add cream or sour cream to it. By the way, the rustic separated sour cream is better not to take, it is the "urban" shop cooked on Zakvask, which is very important for the preparation of cheeses.

Sour cream and eggs often use sour cream, but you can take a kefir or natural yogurt.

When someone talks about cheese, for some reason the solid product with holes immediately appear. But what about other varieties? Cheese at home from milk can be made both solid and soft, brine or dairy - experiment with spices and recipes and you will be sure to surprise your seven delicious and healthy dish, and most importantly, you will be completely confident in quality.

How to cook cheese at home so that it is helpful and tasty? Turn to the proven recipes.

Indian cheese Panir

This type of cheese is distributed in South Asia. Cook it is very easy. 4 liters of milk and juice of one middle lemon are all the ingredients.

In a thick-walled saucepan, bring milk to almost boiling and pour lemon juice. Literally after 2-3 minutes, curd flakes and serum will appear.

Pour the resulting mass into the gauze, beat the serum, tie the knot and put under the press. After a few hours, the cheese is ready.


Take a 0.5 liter of good sour cream, as part of which only cream and break. The fat will be the sour cream, the tastier the cheese will turn out.

Put the sour cream in Marla, optionally you can add a pinch of salt. Touch the tips of the gauze and hang sister to flow serum per day. You can surprise, but cream cheese is ready!

If you add greens, seasonings or spices in sour cream, then the cheese will be difficult to distinguish from the store.

The second option of the recipe is in kefir. Delicious and bold kefir right in the package Put in the freezer for 6-8 hours. Then get rid of it from the film and put on the gauze and colander. After it melts and stalks all the serum, you can smear the creamy cheese on the sandwich. The disadvantage of this method is a small output.


This cheese refers to creamy and has a delicate cream consistency. It is well suited for sandwiches, and how.

Take 1 cup of ripples and kefir at least 2.5% fat, and half a cup of 20% sour cream.

Mix the ingredients of the room temperature, add a pinch of the salt and lay out in a colander, shining gauze. Install it in a liquid flowing saucepan and leave for 1-2 days in the refrigerator. In order not to be taught, cover with a lid or a plate. During this time, serum stalks, and the raw mass seals and matures.


The brine cheeses are manufactured using special salted pickled brins, they differ in the absence of a crust and have a bristing consistency. This species belongs to Brynza, Suluguni, Adygei, Chechchil and other popular varieties. Due to the fact that bacteria are rapidly developing in such products, the solution is sometimes specifically renovated to extend storage.

But for your family, you can cook cheese at home with such a salt concentration, as you like that it distinguishes him from the shop.

Adygei cheese refers to soft cheeses and does not require maturation.

Ingredients are as follows.

  1. Milk - 1 liter.
  2. Sour cream - 200 g
  3. Salt - 1 tablespoon.
  4. Eggs - 3 pcs.

Bring milk to boil. Wear eggs with salt, add sour cream and mix well. Pour the mixture into boiling milk with constant stirring. Boil 3-5 minutes. As soon as the curl mass from milk was separated - it's time to remove from the fire. Digest - cheese will be rubber.

Coland to make gauze in 3-4 layers and lean the hot mass to push the serum. After a couple of hours, make a gauze, put under the press to the fridge for the night. In the morning, Adygean delicacy is ready.


Prepare it easy and easy! On 3 liters of milk, you should take a tablespoon of salt and 3 spoons of 9% vinegar. Exit - 350 grams.

Boil milk, add salt and bring to a boil again. Pour vinegar as soon as flakes, remove from the fire.

With the help of a colander and gauze, let the serum drain and put under the press to the refrigerator. Best leave for the night. In the morning, the resulting cheese can be served to tea, but it is better to put in a container and fill with serum - the next day it will be more tastier.


How to cook cheese at home so that it resembles a solid Dutch? Surprisingly, you will spend only half an hour of your time.

Ingredients are as follows.

  1. Cottage cheese - 1 kg, best fat domestic or farm.
  2. Butter - 100 g
  3. Milk - 1 liter.
  4. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  5. Salt and soda - one teaspoon.

Fill the cottage cheese with milk and put on the middle fire, stirring constantly. When serum is separated, remove from the stove and fold on the colander, let's stop. Add creamy oil. Eggs sweat with salt and soda. All are well mixed and put on a small fire.

Boil until the mass becomes thick and tight, yellow. Be sure to stir continue to avoid burning. The whole process will take no more than 10 minutes.

Place the cheese in the form and put in the refrigerator. After cooking, the product should be cooled for some time and can be tasting - it does not require long maturation.


If anyone does not know, Mozarella looks like white balls, closed in brine, and refers to renewed cheeses. The rennet cheese is a product prepared with a special enzyme that is removed from the stomachs of calves or a goat. Its use significantly reduces cooking time.

A classic recipe requires a black buffalo milk, but, unfortunately, in the store it is not for sale, so take the usual cow.

The ingredients are following.

  1. Milk - 4 liters.
  2. Pepsin (enzyme) - 0.04 g
  3. Salt - tablespoon with a slide.
  4. Water - 30 grams.

Heat milk to about 35 degrees is the best temperature for the effective reaction of the reaction of the reaction of the reaction. Take advantage of a special kitchen degrees.

Pepsin is difficult to measure, so take it on the tip of the knife. Dissolve in boiled water room temperature and mix with warm milk.

After about half an hour, milk is fermented and will become similar to. Cut it into small squares to release the serum, and leave for 15-20 minutes.

Drain the serum and shock the "solid milk" into a colander or a special breathable shape for cheeses. Let it stand for another 2 hours. During this time, excessive serum finally stalk.

Turn the shape to the dry clean plate and leave for another couple of hours.

Getting to the ambassador. Dissolve salt in serum, lower the cheese in the brine and leave overnight.

The next day you can start tasting, and you can withstand several days for ripening. Real renewed cheese matures at least three weeks.


Armenian cheese braided in pigtails is dietary because it is prepared from low-fat varieties of milk. He belongs to the brine beene cheeses and the Suluguni Slice.

Ingredients are as follows.

  1. Milk - 4 liters.
  2. Water - 8 liters.
  3. Lemon acid - 1 teaspoon.
  4. The rennet enzyme is 1 gram.
  5. Salt - 200 g

In the water bath, heat the milk to 36-38 degrees, constantly stirring. Different with citric acid and enzyme in a quarter of a cup of milk or water, mix them with heated milk and retain in a warm place. To preserve heat, the pan can be wrapped.

An hour later, warm the saucepan literally 5-7 minutes on medium heat. Cut the jelly-like mass on the cubes and drain the serum. Let it stand for another 30 minutes.

Heat the water in another container to 70-80 degrees and put cheese pieces into it. Bring them in water with wooden blades for about 15 minutes.

Put the rubber gloves and keep mixing with your arms. Maintain the water temperature constant.

Gradually, start stretching the cheese, form the threads and shift them into the salty solution. On 1 liter of water should be taken 200 g of salt.

Leave the threads per day in the brine, then press them and glow the pigtails.

The ingredients are following.

  1. Very fat cottage cheese - 1 kg.
  2. Vegetable oil without smell or melted creamy - 3 tablespoons.
  3. Salt and soda - half a teaspoon without a slide.
  4. Water (or diluted milk) - 2 liters.
  5. Paprika and fenugreeps - 1 teaspoon.

Leave cottage cheese in the freezer at night. Bring the water to a boil and place frozen cottage cheese in it, boil for 15-20 minutes. Perfoliate through the gauze, laid in a colander to a complete flow of fluid.

Mix cottage cheese with salt, soda and butter. Place in a thick-walled pan and boil up to homogeneity, about 10 minutes. If the taste of soda is felt, then you can add a spoon of vinegar and a pinch of sugar.

Take the paper for baking (parchment), sprinkle it with a mixture of spices and salt. To lay the edge of the cheese mass and wrap the roll. Cool in the refrigerator. After 2 hours you can try.

Each routine - in your boxes

Home cheese must be stored in the refrigerator no longer than the week, because you do not add to it preservatives, and therefore bacteria multiply faster. But, as a rule, households eat a delicious dish literally per day or two and you have to cook a new portion.

Storage methods depend on the type of product. For example, cottage cheese can not be stored in polyethylene crops - it chips there and quickly. Put it into enamelled or glassware. This is the fastest kind of cheese - a day or two, and acidic and an unpleasant odor appears.

Put in the freezer, cottage cheese and cheese from those products that, when defrosting, do not lose their useful properties.

The rennet cheeses do not tolerate moisture, so provide them with dry storage. Wrap the food film and put into the enameled saucepan.

Adygei, Brynza and Suluguni feel great in stainless steel or enamel tanks.

The perfect place for storage of cheese is a compartment for vegetables in the refrigerator. Pre-wrap it into the food film to ensure tightness.

If the refrigerator did not turn out at hand, he broke or you left for nature, on the journey, and on the street it is hot, then take a cotton fabric, moisten it in salted water, press and wrap the cheese. Put in a dark, well-ventilated place.

  1. If you want to get a solid cheese, like in the store, then the heavy press should be used, density depends on the pressure. But it still does not affect the taste, so think well, do you need it?
  2. Cheese must be matured, let him lie down. Its taste will be more saturated and piquant. It matures well if his mass is more half a chalk.
  3. To give a form, you can take ordinary colander.
  4. Saved rennet or brine cheeses should be soaked, excessive salt will go into the water.


If you want to cook homemade cheeses, based on savings, you can hardly win a lot. But you will be confident in the freshness of the product and the quality of the ingredients. Do you know what your cheese will be different from the shop? It will be cooked with love, which means that you will bring the dual benefit to your family.

Mother two children. We have been holding a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I love to experiment, constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, modern, saturated. I love my family.

Milk is not only a wonderful drink, but also unique. His uniqueness is that it is the basis for the preparation of the mass of other diverse dishes. Milk can be added to other drinks, such as cocoa, tea, coffee, made of cocktails, mousses, soufflings, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, cream, porridge and soups, creams, used when baking pancakes, pancakes, cakes and cupcakes , all delicious milk dishes are simply not listed. On our site you can find all sorts of dishes from milk recipes with photos presented for you in a wide range.

You can talk a lot about the benefits of milk. Surely, you do not need a detailed description of all the beneficial properties of this drink, if you can call it. Milk is a full-fledged product. Each person begins his life from him. We are grown on milk, and in the future, we simply cannot limit the use of this product. But many people think that milk can only be consumed in fresh or fermented. In fact, it is not. Milk it turns out beautiful pastries, deserts and even the main dishes that you will learn on our website.

From fresh milk you can cook a milk cocktail or sauce, just hot milk with honey before bedtime, milk soup or porridge for breakfast, custard for cake or dessert. Also from it you can make a foiled or condensed milk even at home. These simple milk dishes are always quickly prepared, not take a lot of time and effort. Milk and in a variety of pastries are used: home bread and buns, pancakes and pancakes. But the baking can be prepared on sour milk, then the products will be much more magnificent and tastier.

Preparation of milk-based dishes are practiced almost all cookies. In some cases, the product is used as the main ingredient, for example, for yogurt, cottage cheese desserts, milk kisl, Beshamel sauce, cocoa. In the rest of the dishes, milk is included to give a special consistency, tenderness and softness.

Cooking of milk dishes

On our site there are also recipes preparation of milk dishes such as cottage cheese, cheese, cheese and other milk derivatives. For the preparation of cottage cheese, milk must be used, then warm it well, but not boil. Cool and sonar serum, which, by the way, can be used when baking, and cottage cheese or leave under a press for ripening, or use in the preparation of any dish. Cottage cheese is the most common product from which dietary dishes made of milk, casserole, cheesery, desserts and many other dietary dishes recipes.

If you love red fish, then undoubtedly know how to prepare such a fish "sub-product" like milk. And if you suddenly do not consider milk with edibles at all, then we will dissuade you and tell how to cook milk so that no one remains indifferent!

How to cook milk except to fry? It turns out that this highly useful product can not be frying, but also to cook, and stew, and salt-marinate. In any case, it will be delicious, try it!

Fried milks in breading

400-500 g of milk,
200 g of flour,
200 g breadcrumbs,
1 egg,
Salt, black ground pepper, vegetable oil.

Milles thoroughly rinse, cut into pieces and dry a paper towel. Egg sweat with salt and pepper. Preheat vegetable oil in a pan. Put a plate with milk, flour, egg and breadcrumbs on the table. Cut the slice of milk on the plug, dip in the flour, shake up too much, dip in the egg and cut in crackers. Put on the pan with butter. Do this procedure with the rest of the slices. Fry on medium heat on both sides to ruddy crust.

Fried milks in a grain

500 g milk,
2 eggs,
3 tbsp. flour
Salt, ground pepper - to taste.

Milles rinse, apply, salt, pepper and leave for half an hour. Meanwhile, take the eggs, add flour and three spoons of water, mix well to a homogeneous state. In a frying pan, heal vegetable oil. Lower the pieces of milk into the clarity and fry in a frying pan on both sides to a golden crust.
If you have a fryer, you can cook in it. Immediately lay out ready-made milk on paper towels to remove excess oil.

Do you know how to make milk as spicy snacks? Here is a recipe.

Milks in Korean style

400 g of milk,
2-3 carrots,
3-5 cloves of garlic,
10 ml of soy sauce,
2-3 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 bulb,
Red ground pepper - to taste.

Sell \u200b\u200bvegetable oil in a frying pan. Onions Cut the cubes, soda the carrot for Korean for Korean (not too large), cut the milk with pieces. Put products in the pan, quickly mix and add a soy sauce there. Touch, stirring, until readiness (10-15 minutes), then add a fine garlic. Red pepper Add to taste. You can put in this snack black ground pepper and coriander, too ground. When feeding decorate with greens.

Omelet with milk

500 g milk,
1 bulb,
500 ml of milk,
2 eggs,
Salt, spices - to taste.

Onions cut into small cubes and fry on vegetable oil in a frying pan before transparency. In the meantime, cut into small pieces of milk and add to the bow, continue to prepare, stirring. Eggs scatter with milk, add salt and pepper. In the form for the baking, lay out roasted milk and onions, scatter and pour eggs with milk. Put in the oven, heated to 200 ° C, for 20 minutes. If you hurry, you can pour the milk with a bow right in the pan, cover the lid and cook on the highest possible fire until readiness.

Pate from milk "Gentle"

200 g milk,
50 g of butter,
50 g of cream soft cheese,
Greens, salt, pepper - to taste.

Milles rinse, cut into pieces and boil in boiling salted water for 10 minutes. Cool down. Fold pieces of milk in the dishes for whipping, add creamy cheese and softened oil, spray, pepper, add greens and grind into a homogeneous mass. It turns out a gentle petoon for sandwiches!

Fritters from milk

500 g milk,
1 egg,
1 bulb,
1 carrot,
2 tbsp. flour
Salt, black ground pepper, greens - to taste.

Clean the onions and carrots, rinse the milk and cut into pieces. Grind milk with onions and carrots with a blender to homogeneous mass. Green grind, add to the ground, pour flour, salt and pepper and mix. Wear an egg, stirrate and lay out a spoon on a frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry from two sides to a golden color.

Milks stew in sour cream

300-400 g of milk,
1 bulb,
1-2 clove of garlic,
3-4 tbsp. good sour cream
1 tbsp. vegetable oil
½ beam of greenery,
Salt, black ground pepper, cheese - to taste.

Pour into the Multicooker bowl oil and install the "Baking" or "frying" mode. While the bowl is heated, clean the bow and cut it with half rings. Put in the bowl and roast for 4-5 minutes. Rinse milk, clean the films and cut into pieces of medium size. Add to the bowl and continue to prepare in the same mode for another 5. Stir a couple of times. Grind garlic and greens, add to the products in the bowl. Good, fatty sour cream, also add to the bowl and mix. So that the sour cream is guaranteed not curled when heated, you can add a spoonful flour, mixing thoroughly. If the sauce is very thick, pour some hot water. Save, stick to taste and close the lid. Prepare minutes 15 minutes. Serve, generously sprinkled with finely squeezed cheese.

If you have no multicookers, you can cook stew in sour cream in a saucepan, of course.

300 g of milk,
2-3 tbsp. rice
1 carrot,
1 bulb,
1 Tomato,
vegetable oil for frying
Salt, spices - to taste.

Boil water (approximately 1 liter), salt and pour washed rinse. Figure can be in advance to soak on a couple of hours so that it welds faster. Onions and carrots Cut into cubes. Tomato covert steep boiling water and immediately lower it into cold water, remove the skin and also cut into small cubes. Heat the pan with oil and fry the onions first to transparency, then add carrots, fry until soft and then add tomato and sliced \u200b\u200bwith slices of milk. Extinguish, stirring for 10 minutes. Put the finished roaster in the pan with rice, add greens and spices to taste and negotiate another 5 minutes.

Milk vegetable stew

200-300 g of milk,
2 potatoes,
1 carrot,
1 bulb,
1-2 tbsp. sour cream
1 tbsp. vegetable oil
Salt, spices, greens - to taste.

Fry onion and carrots on vegetable oil until soft. Clean potatoes, cut into cubes, add to carrots with onions, mix and continue to cook for another 10 minutes. After laying out the vegetables in a saucepan, and in a pan, adding oils, fry the milk sliced \u200b\u200bwith small pieces. Put milk to vegetables in a saucepan, salt and stick to taste, add sour cream, diluted with a small amount of water, and put on the mesmer fire to steal until potatoes are ready. Serve, sprinkling with greens.

There are some more options how to cook milk, for example, to pickle or salute, but they differ little from the usual column of fish.

Enjoy your appetite and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shufkaykin

The principle of cooking vegetable milk is very simple - soak nuts or seeds for the night in the water, we wash the nuts in the morning, shift into the blender, pour clean water and beat them together with water, and then filter after a few layers of gauze. White liquid, resulting in a result, and will be vegetable milk, which can be used to the great post, vegans and everything, who has allergies to lactose.

Another useful advice. At home, the taste and aroma of vegetable milk can be easily changed. For example, if you add when beat together with nuts and seeds in a blender without seeds, honey, maple or agave syrup, the drink will be sweet (at the same time without harmful sugar!). The taste and flavor can be changed using a variety of spices - vanished from a pod, a ground cinnamon, nutmeg, ground ginger, cloves, or even red chili peppers.

For the preparation of vegetable milk, the most important thing is to stock up not only with raw nuts and well-quality seeds, but also a powerful blender. With it, you can easily beat even hard nuts in minutes, like coconut pulp or walnut. Our choice is powerful and high-speedblender MOULINEX ULTRABLEND LM936E10. . Six blades and a powerful motor provide the most homogeneous consistency every time, and six automatic programs and the presence of a manual mode opens unlimited culinary capabilities.

1. Almond milk

The almond milk is very popular with Vegans, because it is easy to cook, and in taste it perfectly replaces the cow. You can cook cappuccino and latte, cook porridge on it, add to smoothies, prepare lenure baking and pancakes. In addition, almond milk is incredibly useful, contains vegetable protein, lipids, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, vitamins E and group B, and calcium in it is twice as much as in the cow. Exactly! In 100 ml of cow milk, a total of 120-150 mg of calcium is contained, whereas in the same amount of almonds - 273 mg. For the preparation of the drink you will need raw unjeited nuts. Just pour 1 cup almond with water and leave for the night, rinse the nuts in the morning, put in a blender, add 4-5 glasses of filtered water and whipped within a few minutes. You will have a white thick liquid. Strain it through gauze or sieve - and the almond milk is ready. The remaining groove can be dried - and flour will get, from which you can cook a lot of delicious desserts - from Makarone Cakes to Lean Folds.

2. Milk from walnuts

Walnuts are incredibly useful. They contain a huge number of various vitamins and minerals: A, E, C, Groups in and RR, calcium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, and so on. Like all nuts, walnuts are an excellent source of vegetable protein and healthy unsaturated fats. Milk is prepared from walnuts in the same way as the almond. Raw nuts (1 cup) are soaked overnight, in the morning are washed, poured 5-6 glasses of water and in a powerful blender are whipped for a few minutes, then focused through the sieve. Milk from walnuts can be slightly bitter taste, so you can add a natural sweetener, such as floral honey, agave syrup or a refinambur. For the same recipe you can cook milk from any other nuts - hazelnuts, macadamia, cashews, brazil nuts, Pecan. Each of them is unique in its composition, rich in macro and micronutrients, and can also be used in a wide variety of culinary purposes.

3. Cedar milk

I want to tell this drink separately, because it is a real champion in the number of useful substances. In addition, protein of cedar nuts is absorbed by more than 90% and contains 19 amino acids, most of which are essential, that is, not produced by the body and must come with food. As part of the cedar milk vitamins of beauty A and E, as well as a good set of vitamins of Group V. List of minerals more than impressive - phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, copper, iodine, silicon and others. In general, it is enough to fill with mousil milk for breakfast - and reserves of nutrients in the body will be significantly replenished. To cook at home such a drink is very simple, besides quickly - cedar nuts do not need to be soaked. Purified nuts. Put in a powerful blender like high-speed Moulinex Ultrablend LM936E10, fill with 2 glasses of water and begin to beat, adding gradually 2-3 glasses of water. Leave the ready mass for half an hour, then strain. Cake can be added to smoothie, porridge, baking and refueling for salads.

4. Coconut milk

Some mistakenly believe that coconut milk is the liquid that is inside the coconut nuts. This liquid is called "coconut water", while the milk is prepared from the pulp on the same principle as all other types of plant milk. The pulp of 1 coconut should be placed in a blender with 3 glasses of filtered water, as you should beat over a few minutes and strain. Cake to dry and use both flour. Milk is an indispensable ingredient of many dishes. For example, it prepares curry and tom-yam soup, a variety of sauces and vegan desserts. By the way, if the water add two times less, then it turns thick coconut cream. In the cooled form - a great lennid alternative to yogurt.

5. Sesame milk

Schorts - Calcium Record holder (783 mg per 100 g of product). No dairy product with him compares this. In addition to this mineral, in sesame milk there are vitamins E and group B, phosphorus, iron and zinc. Nutritionists recommend adding sesame to food and use sesame milk to everyone who wants to get rid of sugar addiction. In addition, there is a singer inexpensively, unlike nuts. To prepare a glass of sesame seeds, soam overnight in the water, in the morning water to drain and rinse the seeds in the sieve, put in a blender, pour 1-1.5 liters of filtered water and beat 30 seconds, no more, strain - and useful, rich in calcium milk Ready.

6. Pumpkin milk

Another budget version of vegetable milk. The pumpkin is quite peculiar spicy taste and aroma, so it will not suit coffee and muesli. But for the preparation of cream soups, salad dressing and thick sauces to a hot unsweetened dish - the perfect option. It can also be heated and beaten together with the ground cinnamon, honey or agave syrup. It turns out a hot spicy drink, which is also useful for adults, and for children. In addition, there are many antioxidants, protein and unsaturated fats, minerals and vitamins in pumpkin milk. 1 Glass of purified seeds need to soak overnight, rinse in the morning and beat in a blender with 4 glasses of filtered water, and then strain.

7. Sunflower milk

Of the usual sunflower seeds, a delicious vegetable milk is obtained, rich in indispensable acids, minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin D. The only problem - only raw unjeited seeds will suit for the preparation of milk. Further, on the same recipe: 1 cup of seeds soaked overnight, we rinse in the morning and whipped with 4 cups of water and the sweetener to taste. For example, a pair of flashes of maple syrup. Focus - and milk is ready. The taste is rich and bright, so for cappuccino, maybe not the most suitable option, but for any other culinary purposes - a great lennid alternative to cow's milk.

8. Oatmeal milk

How to prepare vegetable milk from nuts and seeds, we figured out. Go to the cereals. And the first on the queue - oatmeal. It turns out not just milk, but a real drink of beauty and youth. Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants included in its composition significantly improve the condition of the skin and hair. In addition, oatmeal is a budget product, and the cost of milk from it is kopeck. Even cheaper than rice. You do not have to cook drink all night, just only 10-15 minutes. For the preparation of milk, we recommend taking wholegrain flakes. On 1 cup you will need 1 l of filtered water. Fill in a blender with water with water and leave for 10-15 minutes, as desired Add dates or honey, and then beat in a blender for about 3 minutes until the whole mass becomes homogeneous consistency and color. Perfectly through a sieve or several layers of gauze. Oatmeal milk is ready.

9. Rice Milk

The preparation of rice milk is somewhat different from the recipes already familiar to us. A glass of conventional white rice needs to soak overnight, in the morning rice washed to shift into the blender and beat with a large amount of water - it will take about 7-8 glasses. Next, the mixture will need to be reduced to a boil on low heat, periodically stirring, cool and strain. Rice milk is pretty thick and fresh to taste, which can be changed by adding maple or agave syrup. It is ideal for the preparation of dairy cas.

As you can see, make vegetable lean milk at home is very simple. Moreover, you can prepare it almost from any nuts, seeds and croup that you can find. For example, from exotic cinema and chia, poppy or flax seeds. A little effort - and you have a natural lean vegetable milk, rich Belkom I. useful substances.

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To maintain organs of vision, it is necessary to make carrots and blueberries permanent elements of their own. They have a beneficial effect on tired eyes, help preserve vision, prevent the development of hazardous diseases. Choosing between blueberries and carrots, Potcher
Pros and cons of tattoos for neck Minus color tattoos
The first tattoo was made more than 6,000 years ago, as the scientists of archaeologists were installed during excavations. So the art of the tattooja leaves its roots in the most antiquity. Currently, many do not mind decorate their body. But the tattoo is a serious decision