Excess food. List of foods that make you fat. Low-calorie dairy products

What woman doesn't dream of eating and not getting fat? I think everyone has dreamed about it at least once. In fact, this is a completely feasible desire, you just need to pick up the right products power supply - and a little magic happens.

The trick is to eat foods that are slow to digest and keep you feeling full for a long time. Eating like this, you will not gain extra pounds, because calorie consumption is reduced.
When following the diet, it is important to avoid hunger, because because of it we tend to overeat after eating. When you eat foods rich in protein and fiber, then the feeling of hunger will not haunt you. What are these products? Let's figure it out.

Boiled potatoes

Many people avoid potatoes when trying to lose weight, but this is completely in vain. Yes, it contains a large amount of carbohydrates, but not less vitamins, fiber and other nutrients in it.
Potatoes also contain resistant starch, which can help you consume fewer calories and keep you feeling full for longer. After all, this type of starch contains half the calories than ordinary starch, and helps to satisfy hunger. But we are only talking about boiled potatoes. Fried potatoes or chips are not included in this list.


Usually oatmeal is consumed for breakfast, because it keeps the feeling of fullness for a long time, as it contains a lot of fiber and absorbs water. It also contains beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that helps slow down the absorption of carbohydrates.


It is an indispensable product in the diet. They contain 9 amino acids. Most of the nutrients are found in the yolk. A breakfast of eggs will help keep you feeling full until lunchtime and consume fewer calories throughout the day. Boiled eggs are preferred. They are also beneficial because they contain good cholesterol and vitamin D.

Broth based soups

While liquid meals are usually less satisfying than solid foods, soups are not. After all, soups that are cooked in broth contain a lot of protein and water. It is this combination that helps to get rid of hunger.
Soups can contain meat and vegetables, so there will be both protein and fiber, which will not only relieve excess weight, but also prevent unwanted bloating.


Fruit is an essential part of a healthy diet. And apples are the best option, because they saturate well due to the pectin content, which slows down digestion. Apples are high in water and soluble fiber, but low in calories.
Regular consumption of apples helps to reduce weight. They are also good source antioxidants, which helps speed up metabolism.


Like apples, citrus fruits are high in fiber, water, and vitamin C, which are good for filling and help you consume fewer calories. They also help reduce bloating and increase energy levels.


It is the lightest meat and contains a lot of protein. Thanks to protein, chicken meat can relieve you of hunger for a long time and increase metabolism, which will help burn calories. Chicken can be consumed in any form.


Peas, beans, and lentils are excellent sources of fiber and protein. Consuming these foods keeps you full and makes you feel full for a long time.

Under the bright label of your favorite product, only preservatives and flavors unnecessary for the body can be hidden. At the same time, such delicacies are usually not cheap, since their promotion is accompanied by loud, memorable advertising. Before sending them to your food basket, think about whether you really need to replenish your body with another dose of dyes and harmful substances and at the same time waste money. Nutritionists have compiled a list of the TOP 10 most useless foods that have no place on your table.

Dangerous foods: muesli threatens diabetes mellitus, and chocolate - caries

  1. Yogurt . This fermented milk product is useful if its shelf life does not exceed five to seven days. Long shelf life indicates a high content of preservatives.
  • Yogurt with a shelf life of more than a week is not healthy.
  1. Muesli. The high content of natural grains speaks in their favor, mineral substances, fiber. But freeze-dried flakes with different flavors are not needed. As a result of processing cereals, only their fragments with a high starch content remain. The latter is responsible for the accumulation of sugar, and therefore fat in the body.
  • Quick cereals can lead to excess weight, pancreatic disease and diabetes.
  1. Sugar. Although sourced from sugar beets or sugarcane, this product is lacking in beneficial nutrients.
  • Substitute honey for sugar.
  1. Pasta. The myth about the benefits of pasta arose from the addiction of Italians. However, they do not like pasta at all, but pasta made from durum wheat. It is she who provides the body with useful carbohydrates and nutrients that improve metabolism.
  • The usual pasta does not possess the qualities of pasta. They are made from soft wheat varieties, and therefore saturate the body with only energy.
  1. Dark chocolate . The benefits of chocolate are nothing more than a myth. The only thing that speaks in its favor is an increase in blood levels of the hormone of happiness, serotonin, a lack of which can cause depression.
  • Eating a lot of chocolate to improve serotonin synthesis, the researchers believe, is more likely to cause an urgent visit to the dentist, rather than contribute to hormonal changes.

Mistresses, do not waste your money on useless products! Cook it yourself

  1. Chewing gum . The myth that chewing gum saves teeth from tooth decay is nothing more than a publicity stunt.
  • Chewing gum can damage the enamel of the tooth and, if used frequently in children, can cause a defect in the bite.
  1. Ready-made sushi. This Japanese dish has a beneficial effect on the body: rice cleanses it, and fish nourishes it with beneficial fatty acids. But only if the sushi was served immediately after preparation.
  • Sushi sets sold in stores have no useful properties.
  1. Crisps. These snacks, like the gum, have received widespread acclaim thanks to their advertising.
    Today, manufacturers are trying to make so-called healthy crisps from vegetables and fruits. However, like potatoes, they are of no benefit.
  2. Canned juices. Natural freshly squeezed juices are beneficial for the body due to the high content of vitamins. Packaged and canned contain only water and concentrate.
  • Make juices at home. So you get fortified drinks and do not waste your money.

10. Bouillon cubes complete the TOP 10 junk foods. Homemade soups and broth cubes are united only by taste. The latter do not contain useful elements inherent in homemade first courses, but are a source of preservatives, colors, flavorings and salt.

Are a common problem in modern world due to improper diet and a sedentary lifestyle. Unfortunately, every second inhabitant of our planet suffers from obesity. First of all, you should figure out which foods make you fat, and how to deal with obesity.

Fatty foods are difficult for the body to digest, so they quickly get fat from it, it is better to refuse such foods. One gram of fat provides 9 calories, so foods high in fat should be limited.

Fatty foods can cause drowsiness

Foods to be discarded:

  • fatty meat - pork, bacon, bacon, sausages, bacon;
  • butter;
  • mayonnaise;
  • margarine;
  • dairy and fermented milk products with a fat content of more than 15%;
  • smoked fish;
  • chips and crackers (with various food additives);
  • seeds, nuts;
  • canned meat;
  • semi-finished products;
  • French fries and all deep-fried foods;
  • fried foods with a lot of oil;
  • fast food.

Fast food can significantly impair memory in just a week.

Seasonings with food additives such as E621, flavor enhancers and monosodium glutamate pose a great health hazard. Such food is harmful and can lead to malfunction. digestive system... For girls, in order to lose weight, it is important to observe proper nutrition and eat in limited form foods that make you fat.

Foods affecting fat storage

Since childhood, many parents teach their children to drink tea with a sandwich, drink cola or juice from a pack in the morning. Good behavior is awarded with candy or other sweets. Improper diet is the first cause of obesity in children and the development of diseases gastrointestinal tract... The second category is foods high in carbohydrates, the excess of which has a detrimental effect on the figure. High-calorie carbohydrate foods include:

  • chocolate;
  • glazed curds;
  • confectionery and all products containing flour and starch;
  • ice cream;
  • sugar and foods containing sugar;
  • fast foods;
  • potatoes (only young potatoes, boiled or baked are considered useful);
  • white milled rice;
  • porridge fast food and ready-made muesli;
  • ready-made fruit juices;
  • alcohol.

Some of the foods we are used to are high in sugar. Even if you don't consume pure sugar, there may be an excess of it in your diet.

High-calorie foods are banned from nutritionists. These are the foods that make you fat for a short time... You went on a diet, but could not resist and ate a portion of your favorite chips, pizza or cake. In a week you lost 2 kg, and in a day you gained back. Therefore, it is important to monitor your diet and consume in moderation, no more than 200 calories.

You should also limit your sugar intake. You don't need to have sweet tea or porridge to get energy for the whole day. It is recommended to eat cereals for breakfast (cereals, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge). Dinner should be light and consist of vegetables and protein, and the last meal should be 2 hours before bedtime.

Medium-calorie foods

There are also foods that do not have such a high calorie content, but they should not be overused, since they can also gain extra pounds from them.

Any food can gain weight if consumed in excess. If you observe the measure, then the diet with weight loss can include the most fatty and high-calorie foods, although their portion will be scanty.

It is important for the health of our body to have a varied diet. This means that you need to moderately eat food from which you get fat. Food must be properly prepared, the safety of useful and nutritious elements depends on it. For example, it is not recommended to overuse fried foods, smoked foods and pastries. Cutlets can be steamed, and fish can be baked with vegetables in the oven.

Medium-calorie foods that can help you gain weight:

  • duck;
  • sour cream 15% fat;
  • chicken meat, namely broilers;
  • horsemeat;
  • rabbit meat;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • Pasta with cheese;
  • lamb meat;
  • soups;
  • bananas.

The most harmful of all foods that make people fat are considered margarine and artificial spread oils. Abuse of fatty foods leads to high cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of disease of cardio-vascular system... It is also necessary to quit smoking and alcoholic beverages.

Reasons for the appearance of extra pounds

Women during critical days overeat and consume large amounts of high-calorie foods. It is possible to gain excess weight during stressful situations and experiences. It is clear that you need to control yourself, but this is not always possible, at the moment when you want something special and tasty.

During which periods, even a low-calorie meal, can lead to fat deposition:

  • Often, people wait until the diet is over and they can eat their favorite treats. However, after a diet, if you overeat again, the kilograms in a short period will return again.
  • Many people put on extra pounds during the holidays, when the table is covered with various goodies. Such food is not only high in calories, but also harmful to our body.
  • A strong feeling of hunger occurs after parting with a loved one.
  • Women gain weight during pregnancy. Indeed, during this period, it does not matter from what products they get fat, the main thing is to satisfy the needs of the growing baby.
  • While the food is being cooked, the housewives can eat enough, hence the extra pounds appear.

Proper nutrition rules

Red wine also belongs to high-calorie foods, they should not be overused. And fruits, on the contrary, are low-calorie, but you should not eat them in kilograms in one day. To lose weight, eat in moderation and at the right time. Playing sports, aerobics or will allow you to achieve better results. You can reduce your appetite and hunger by eating a few almonds.

Sometimes, you really want to pamper yourself with sweets. Often these are the very foods that make you fat. You cannot completely abandon them, it is important to make correct menu so that food is healthy and varied, since they contain useful essential trace elements that are so necessary for the body.

A useful substitute for harmful foods

How to make harmful things useful

  • Be sure to count calories. You can lose weight on any set of foods, if you observe the calorie content. True, portions of high-calorie food will be several times smaller than the dietary one, but on the other hand, you will not have to radically change your taste preferences.
  • Use 15% sour cream or natural yogurt instead of mayonnaise.
  • It is recommended to fry food in a non-stick pan. In this case, you do not need to add oil or fat.
  • When cooking, use boiling, stewing, baking, or steam.
  • Prepare drinks yourself (smoothies, Sassi water, detox water, slimming drinks - the choice is huge).
  • Cook semi-finished products yourself (swap pork for chicken and turkey, mayonnaise for yogurt, White bread on whole grain)
  • Look for an alternative. Any product or dish can be replaced with a less nutritious and more useful analogue.

To avoid gaining excess weight, eat foods that are low in calories. These include vegetables and fruits, cereals, dried fruits, chicken fillet, a fish. It is recommended to eat baked vegetables, as they retain the most useful and nutritious substances.

Proper weight loss is impossible without a healthy diet that will create a calorie deficit, not an excess. Therefore, it is important to keep track of what you eat and what you fill yourself with. Some products help you lose weight, others interfere. There are low-calorie weight loss foods that can help you lose those extra pounds without starving. They need to be adopted and included in your diet, because they can be tasty, healthy, and completely safe for the figure.

The total calorie content of a particular food product is the sum of the amount of energy that is generated during the processing of all types of compounds in our body. When absorbed, fats form 9.3 kilocalories per gram, proteins - 4.5 kcal / g, and carbohydrates - 4.1 kcal / g. In order for the body to function fully, a woman needs to receive about 1500 kcal per day, for a man - 2200 kcal. It is believed that the lowest calorie foods for weight loss are those that contain no more than 100 kcal per 100 grams.

The calorie content of a product is determined by its chemical composition, the amount and content of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in it. The energy value also depends on the digestibility of food, on the state of the intestinal microflora, on the work of the digestive system and metabolism.

Also an important factor that affects calorie content is heat treatment. Frying and boiling increase the energy value. This must be taken into account when preparing dishes and making up a low-calorie menu.

Also, the calorie content depends on the grinding and mixing of the product. It is believed that the more food is crushed, the better the body assimilates its particles, preserving energy resources that are not spent on chewing. So, products that are crushed to a puree state are better absorbed by the body, requiring less energy. Well, the energy resources of the product, which the body does not use, are deposited in the form of fat.

List of low calorie weight loss foods

Starting a conversation about what low-calorie foods for weight loss are worth noting first water... It does not contain calories in principle, while it transports oxygen to the cells and provides them with nutrients and fluid. Therefore, it is important to drink enough water - not less 30 ml per kilogram your weight. Other low-calorie drinks are green and herbal teas, natural black coffee without sugar, and cocoa with a minimum of additives.

Healthy vegetables

A list of the lowest calorie foods for weight loss should definitely include plant foods rich in fiber. Fiber is a fibrous component of plants that reduces cholesterol levels and slows down the absorption of carbohydrates by the body. Therefore, plant foods are considered the lowest in calories. This includes many fruits and berries, but the record holders for low calorie content are vegetables and herbs.

  • For example, 100 grams of broccoli contains only 33 kcal per 100 grams, and at the same time this product is very useful because it includes calcium, magnesium, valuable proteins and other useful elements. There is also information that broccoli reduces the risk of cancer. Consume the product raw and boiled.
  • 100 grams of carrots contains only 35 kcal... It is a source of carotene, has an antioxidant effect, strengthens the immune system, improves intestinal motility and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the organs of vision.
  • Artichoke contains 40 kcal per 100 grams... It helps to saturate the body with such useful components as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron. It also includes a complex of sugars and enzymes.

Avoid boiling vegetables for too long to avoid losing health benefits.

Also, when choosing low-calorie foods for weight loss, you can pay attention to the following vegetables and herbs:

  • Eggplant - 24 kcal;
  • Zucchini - 27 kcal;
  • Red cabbage - 31 kcal;
  • Celery root - 32 kcal;
  • Leeks - 40 kcal;
  • Parsley - 49 kcal.

Also considered very useful for weight loss cucumbers, in which there are very few calories, many types and vitamins.

Permitted fruits

The list of low-calorie foods includes and fruits despite the fact that they are low in fructose. They are recommended to be consumed in the first half of the day.

  • 100g grapefruit contain all 35 kcal... And for those who are losing weight, this is the best assistant. It helps reduce appetite and also contains special enzymes that help burn fat. By eating half of the fruit before meals (you can also drink natural juice), you can easily get rid of a couple of kilograms in a couple of weeks without any other effort.
  • Another useful slimming product is a pineapple containing 48 kcal per 100 grams... It helps cleanse the body of toxins, normalizes pressure and the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and accelerates the fat burning process.
  • IN papaya contains 43 kcal per 100 grams. It contains many enzymes that help burn fat and assimilate proteins. Papaya is recommended to be consumed with food.

Also from fruits, you can distinguish such low-calorie foods for weight loss, the list with calories of which you will find below:

  • lemon - 31 kcal;
  • raspberries and strawberries - 41 kcal;
  • apples - about 40 kcal;
  • pears - 42 kcal;
  • pomegranate - 52 kcal and many others.

Slimming meat products

Plant foods are healthy, of course, but you can't do without protein either. Its main source is meat products. They help the body burn calories while maintaining muscle mass. Protein good because the body spends more calories for their assimilation than it receives in the end.

Low-calorie meat products for weight loss, the list of which we will now consider, is chicken, rabbit, veal, beef... Moreover, these products are quite satisfying, they help to completely forget about the feeling of hunger for a while. The calorie content of meat products is as follows:

  • lamb kidneys - 77 kcal;
  • veal - 90 kcal;
  • chicken - 165 kcal;
  • turkey - 197 kcal;
  • rabbit - 199 kcal.

Low-calorie dairy products

Dairy products are also useful in the diet of a losing weight person. They help burn fat due to the presence in them calcitrol... They are also sources of proteins. Milk contains a number of valuable components such as protein, lactose, minerals, fat-soluble vitamins. A list of low-calorie slimming foods, a table of which will help you navigate, made up of dairy products, will be as follows:

  • low-fat kefir - 30 kcal;
  • milk and yogurt - about 58 kcal;
  • fermented baked milk - 85 kcal;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 86 kcal;
  • sour cream and cream with a fat content of 10% - 156-158 kcal;
  • semi-fat cottage cheese - 156 kcal

Low Calorie Weight Loss Products: Zero and Negative Calorie Leaders

There are also foods with minimal or no calories. There is also food that belongs to foods with a negative calorie content, that is, it is believed that the body spends more on its digestion than it receives, and due to this, weight loss occurs.

  • So, calorie content greenery usually 0-50 kcal. It can be used to prepare various dishes such as salads, as well as fruit and vegetable vitamin cocktails. It is also recommended to use it as a powder for the first and second courses.
  • Considered useful asparagus(20 kcal) and pumpkin(up to 22 kcal). They help remove excess fluid from the body, which also contributes to weight loss. Asparagus contains amino acids that have a diuretic effect and are a kind of "food detoxifier". If you consume 500 grams of these products every day for a month, you can lose up to 5 kilograms in a month.
  • 100g lettuce contains about 15 kcal. It also contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. The leaves help improve immune function and promote proper blood regulation. Kale cabbage is very useful, which contains only 5 kcal per 100 grams. It includes folic acid, manganese, iron, various vitamins, phytonutrients.
  • You also need to remember about garlic, the calorie content of which is negligible. It helps prevent cancer, improves the immune system, and is a powerful antioxidant.
  • IN chilli 100 grams contains 20 kcal. It promotes the production of a natural analgesic and helps protect the body from early aging. Works the same way as garlic or kale.
  • Returning to the topic of drinks, you need to remember about tea. It is a powerful antioxidant that reduces the risk of heart attack and cancer. Natural high-quality tea has others beneficial features... So, fluoride ensures the safety of teeth, fights against allergic reactions, inflammation. At the same time, tea without additives, like water, does not contain calories.

Here are some more low-calorie foods for weight loss, the table with which will always tell you how to satisfy your hunger:

  • seaweed - 5 kcal;
  • lettuce salad - 12 kcal;
  • cucumber - 15 kcal;
  • tomato - about 29 kcal;
  • green onions, radishes, bamboo shoots - 19 kcal.

As we can see, a diet based on low-calorie foods can be both tasty and healthy. Losing weight can be enjoyable if you get creative with it. Among the mass of vegetable, dairy and meat products, everyone can find what they like. You can prepare a variety of recipes from low-calorie slimming foods - first and second courses, salads, drinks. But remember, too, that a lot depends on how you cook your food. Frying increases calories, therefore in better ways cooking, baking, steaming are considered. Also, be careful with various additives that can make your food more nutritious. This is mainly the case for animal fats.

Top 10 Lowest Calorie Foods In This Video

This video contains the most useful weight loss products.

Without a doubt, any woman of the fair sex is faced with a dilemma when there is no room in the closet, and, in principle, there is nothing to wear. The same thing happens with our refrigerator. Going to the supermarket, we try to make purchases for a week in reserve, however, much of what we bought, unfortunately, we do not use, but simply throw it away after the expiration date or after the product has deteriorated.

Surely you yourself sometimes, with great surprise, found in the far corner of the refrigerator shelf some delicacy that you did not remember when you bought it. And all this already expired food (sometimes quite expensive) crashes into the garbage chute! And nowadays it is a very expensive pleasure to throw money like that! So what can you do to ensure that you always have at hand everything you need to cook a variety of dishes, and at the same time not buy anything extra?

How to avoid unnecessary waste

To do this, you need to calculate the family menu for the next week and inspect the products that you have at home before going to the hypermarket. For example, cereals and all kinds of pasta-type flour products have a shelf life of several months, so their wholesale purchase is financially justified. But vegetables like potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, paprika and so on, you need to buy only in the amount required for the near future.

Now, after we figured out the products for side dishes, we need to calculate in which dishes you will use them, what you need to cook them, and in what quantity. Write out all your calculations in a notebook, which you will then take with you for shopping.

When composing a menu for the week, do not forget to take into account all the nuances. For example, that you will need to take food with you to work, that not all adult meals are suitable for children, as well as your diet, if any.

The first part will include products that can be bought for future use for a week, such as canned food, vegetable oil, pasta, spices, cereals, long-term storage vegetables (carrots, potatoes, onions, etc.).

In the second part of the list, we put various dairy products, fruits, vegetables, herbs, which are wiser to buy several times throughout the week. For example, you can take some bananas and grapes on Monday, and after a couple or three days - apples, oranges and tangerines. This method will help make your household's nutrition more varied, healthy and complete.

The third list includes products that are more advisable to buy every day or every other day - bread, milk, country cottage cheese.

This method will help you save a lot and not overload the refrigerator. However, if after all this you still have a lot of unused products, then we advise you to try another military trick: write the menu not for a full week, but for 5-6 days, on the remaining days cook from what you still have in a refrigerator. Or arrange for yourself and your loved ones fasting days, which will be relevant for people watching their figure.

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