Human blood cells and their functions. Iron in the body: role, blood norms, low and high in analysis - causes and treatment of products rich in iron

Brush nails with white streaks, mood swings, shortage of forces, dizziness - a sign of a lack of products rich in iron. The deficit causes low-calorie diets, abundant monthly, bleeding ulcers, hemorrhoidal nodes.

Types of products rich in iron

Blood consists of plasma, in it - blood cells. They are three varieties:

  • erythrocytes - Red Blood Taurus,
  • leukocytes - White Blood Taurus,
  • plates - blood plates.

Erythrocytes are delivered to oxygen cells, carbon dioxide in the lungs return. They are filled with iron-containing.

When absorbed products containing iron, the body converts them into one of the forms: a hemostatic or chelate.

The source of the gem iron is a protein of animal origin, they are rich in meat food. This form absorbs the most fully.

Cheelated (non-hymatic) variety contains vegetable protein - ,. The use of these products with meat increases the absorption of chelated species.

Signs of lack of iron

Signs of deficit - dry skin, fragility, loss of shine ,. Deterioration of the state of the teeth. Reduced metabolic processes due to lack of products rich in iron, increase body weight.

Pale leather, headaches and fainting, the head is spinning, before the eyes of the "flying". In the afternoon I want to sleep, insomnia suffers at night. Detection of intellectual activity, memory.

Young women change taste addictions. I want to eat raw potatoes, chalk, clay. The weakness of the smooth muscles causes urine flows. It is difficult to swallow dry food, the habit of drinking.

A shortage in the diet of products containing iron reduces the level of hemoglobin. Fabys cease to obtain enough oxygen, the decline of forces.

Reducing hemoglobin levels for a long time remains unnoticed if the heart and light healthy are capable of compensating for the lack of oxygen flow in the tissue. With an active lifestyle, physical education, the formation of strength is noticed earlier.

For men, the lower rate of hemoglobin - 132g / l, for women - 117 g / l. During the critical value - 110g / l.

Conductible anemia is common. Disease suffers 10-12% of women of childbearing age. Pregnant women share a given variety of anemia - more than 80%.

Causes of iron deficiency anemia:

  • abundant monthly;
  • blood loss from the digestive system with hemorrhoids, ulcerative ulcer of the stomach;
  • impaired suction of iron from food for the disease of the small intestine;
  • the absence of products containing iron during the period of intensive growth, during pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Daily need

An adult man is needed to 20 mg iron, a woman - up to 30mg.

In women, the deficit is associated with a low-calorie diet. With the caloric content of the daytime diet 1000kkal, the body with products receives up to 8mkg of iron, which is below the norm. In cottage cheese, practically no useful yogurt. But in food cooked in cast-iron dishes, iron is more.

During the day, the body naturally loses up to 1 mg of the element. Loss is associated with the lunch of the epithelium, the release of sweat, monthly, hidden bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

During pregnancy, the body consumes iron on the formation of placenta, erythrocytes of the fetus, other needs of the female organism.

The smokers recognize the anemia more difficult. Connection with hemoglobin of carbon monoocycy, which comes with a cigarette smoke, forms a special form of hemoglobin without the ability to carry oxygen into tissue. The body in response increases the production of "good" hemoglobin, its overall level remains in normal.

To properly diagnose anemia, you must inform the doctor about the harmful habit, the number of cigarettes smoked per day.

Table products containing iron

Drawing up a menu from products rich in iron requires accounting for various biomanity of the gem or chelate variety.

The most quickly and fully the body absorbs iron from beef, lamb, turkey, liver, fish.

Despite the high iron content in plant products - for example, in Bobah - his assimilation is much worse.

Therefore, legumes -, peas - it is useful to combine with low-fat meat for more complete assimilation of iron products.

Iron absorption accelerates:

  • fruit -, orange, pineapple, strawberry, cherry, raspberry, strawberry, plum, currants, peaches;
  • vegetables - fresh cucumbers, red bell pepper, basil, parsley, dill.

The assimilation of the non-chemistry iron, which contains vegetable products, contributes to Vitamin C.

Take up to 3c.l. A day, you can, with honey.

Contraindications of cluster treatment: increased blood coagulation, thrombophlebitis, pregnancy.

Reduce the absorption of iron:

  • dairy products, cheeses due to high content;
  • potatoes, rice;
  • egg white;
  • vegetable grain protein.

It is worth abandoning the habit of drinking tea or coffee immediately after eating. These products contain a tannin that binds iron, prevents his assimilation.


Excess iron has toxic effect on the brain, liver, contributes to the development of inflammatory processes.

Abuse of alcohol, liver disease, contribute to the accumulation of iron in the body. Its excess causes a deficiency of copper, calcium, chromium.

In turn, the cause of iron deficiency is an excess of zinc.

Changed: 06/26/2019

Iron use for the body

The main function of iron in the body is considered to be the formation of hemoglobin. It is not surprising, because its composition contains three fourth iron reserves. But in the composition of other protein structures, the percentage of iron is relatively low - about 5%.

Why do you need hemoglobin? A protein containing a large amount of iron binds oxygen molecules that are transferred to working tissues and organs. That is why the decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood immediately affects the overall health and health. So even a slight blood loss is fraught with disorders. For athletes, the lack of iron is fraught with a disruption of recovery after intensive physical exertion.

Among other gland functions, you can list such as:

  • Energy fitness muscles. The most "cheap" source of fuel for muscles is oxygen. Due to its transformation in the process of a number of chemical muscle reactions, the muscle receives energy to reduce. In addition to oxygen, other energy sources are used. These are phosphates contained in cells - creatine phosphate and ATP, as well as muscle glycogen and liver. However, their reserves are too small to maintain work with a duration of more than 1 minute. Creatine phosphate is enough to work for up to 10 seconds, ATP - for 2-3 seconds. The higher the hemoglobin concentration in the blood, the more oxygen it is capable of submitted to the working fabrics and organs. But iron deficiency can cause muscle spasms that are amplifying during the period of rest (sleep, seating).
  • Energetic brain feeding. Oxygen needs brain as well as muscles. Moreover, iron deficiency is fraught with the development of Alzheimer's disease, dementia (acquired by dementia) and other diseases caused by brain impairment.
  • Regulation of body temperature. This function is performed by iron indirectly. The stability of iron concentration in the blood determines the adequacy of the flow of all metabolic processes.
  • Strengthening immunity. The trace element is necessary for blood formation. White (lymphocytes) and red (erythrocytes) Blood cells are formed in the presence of iron. The first is responsible for immunity, and the second supplies blood oxygen. If in the body the amount of iron corresponds to the norm, it is able to independently resist the diseases. As soon as the concentration of iron decreases, infectious diseases make themselves felt.
  • Fruit development. During pregnancy, it is important to use a sufficient amount of iron, since part is spent when the fetutica is spent. But the lack of iron increases the risk of premature births, provokes insufficient weight in a newborn and violation in development.

How hardware interacts in the body

By itself, the normal concentration of iron in the body does not yet guarantee good health, high immunity, lack of disease and efficiency. No less important is the interaction of this trace element with other substances, because the functions of some may adversely affect the functions of others.

Avoid combining iron with:

  • vitamin E and phosphates: the absorption of iron is disturbed;
  • Tetracycline and fluoroquinolones: the process absorb the latter;
  • Calcium: the process of iron absorption is disturbed;
  • milk, coffee and tea - iron absorption deteriorates;
  • zinc and copper - the suction process in the intestine is disturbed;
  • soy protein - the assayment is suppressed;
  • chrome: Iron suppresses its suction.

But ascorbic acid, sorbitol, fructose and amber acid improve the absorption of iron by the body.

These nuances are necessarily taken into account during the reception of iron-containing drugs, since it is possible to obtain the opposite effect instead of improving well-being.

The role of iron in the emergence and course of various diseases

There are many diseases in which the use of products of rich iron can aggravate the situation.

People with elevated iron levels in the body are more at risk of infections, heart disease and certain types of oncology (especially men).

In the form of free radicals, iron provokes atherosclerosis. The same applies to rheumatoid arthritis. The use of iron in this disease provokes inflammation of the joints.

With individual intolerance of iron, the use of some products causes heartburn, nausea, constipation and diarrhea.

When pregnant, an excess of iron increases the risk of developing pathology (free-radical oxidation increases with the result of which mitochondria is dying - oxygen "depot" of cells).

In pathological disorders of iron assimilation, the risk of hemochromatosis disease is increased - the accumulation of iron in the internal organs (liver, heart, pancreas).

Which products contain iron

Iron stocks are replenished due to animal and vegetable products. The first contains "gem" hardware, the second is "non-migrable".

For the assimilation of the gem consumes animal products - veal, beef, pork, rabbit and offal (liver, kidney). To obtain benefits from nonsense, you need to use vitamin C simultaneously with iron-containing products.

Such products of plant origin, mg Fe2 + are considered record holders.

  • peanuts - 200 g of the product contains 120;
  • soy - in 200 g of product - 8.89;
  • potatoes - in 200 g of product - 8.3;
  • bean beans - 200 g of product - 6.93;
  • beans - in 200 g of product - 6.61;
  • lentils - 200 g of product - 6.59;
  • spinach - in 200 g of product - 6.43;
  • beet (topped) - in 200 g of product - 5.4;
  • nut - in 100 g of product - 4.74;
  • brussels cabbage - 200 g of product - 3.2;
  • white cabbage - 200 g of product - 2.2;
  • green peas - in 200 g of product - 2.12.

Of the cereals in the diet, it is better to include oatmeal and buckwheat, neglected flour, wheat sprouts. From thymyan herbs, sesame (sesame). Many iron is contained in dried white mushrooms and chanterelles, apricots, peaches, apples, plum, quince. As well as figs, grenade and dried fruits.

Among the products of animal origin of iron reserves in beef kidneys and liver, fish, eggs (yolks). In meat products - veal, pork, rabbit, turkey. Seafood (mollusks, snails, oysters). Fish (mackerel, pink salmon).

The digestibility of iron

Interestingly, when using meat products, iron is absorbed by 40-50%, in the use of fish products - by 10%. The record holder for the assimilation of the iron - the liver of animals.

From the products of plant origin, the percentage of iron, which is absorbed, even less. From the legumes man absorbs up to 7%, from nuts - 6, from fruits and eggs - 3, from cooked croup - 1.

Tip! The body benefits for the body, which combines vegetable and animal products. When adding 50 g meat to vegetables, iron digestibility increases twice. When adding 100 g of fish - three times, when adding fruits containing vitamin C - five times

How to save iron in food and its combination with other substances

When cooking, products lose some of the beneficial substances, and iron is no exception. Iron in animal products are more resistant to high temperatures. With vegetables and fruits, everything is more complicated - part of iron goes into the water in which products are preparing. The only exit is to minimize the heat treatment of vegetable products.

To increase the absorption of iron, use iron-containing products together with vitamin C. sufficiently halves grapefruit or orange so that the body learns it three times more. The only nuance - this rule is valid only with iron-containing products of plant origin.

In the diet, vitamin A is required, the disadvantage of which blocks the abilities of the body to use iron reserves for the formation of erythrocytes (red blood tales).

With a lack of copper, iron loses "mobility", as a result of which the process of transporting beneficial substances from "storages" in cells and organs is disturbed. To avoid this, turn on more legumes.

The combination of iron with the vitamins of the group in: "performance" of the latter is repeated multiple times.

But milk food and grains are better to use separately from iron-containing products, as they block the absorption of the trace element in the intestine.

Daily rate of iron

  • up to 6 months - 0.3;
  • 7-11 months - 11;
  • up to 3 years - 7;
  • up to 13 years old - 8-10.


  • from 14 to 18 years old (boys) - 11; Girls - 15.


  • men - 8-10;
  • women up to 50 years - 15-18; Over 50 years old - 8-10, pregnant women - 25-27.

What is dangerous lack of iron in the body

The lack of iron in the body is dangerous as follows:

  • acute anemia, or anemia - a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, in which the number of erythrocytes is also reduced and their qualitative composition changes. The result of anemia is a decrease in the respiratory function of the blood and the development of oxygen fasting fabrics. You can recognize acute anemia on the pallor of the skin and increased fatigue. Weakness, regular headache and dizziness - signs of lack of iron. Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) and shortness of breath - harbing problems with heart and light;
  • fatigue and weakness in the muscles;
  • excessive menstrual bleeding in women.

The lack of iron in the body leads to a deterioration in the state of the skin, the fragility of nails, hair loss. Impairment of memory, increased irritability - signs of iron deficiency. Reducing performance and constant drowsiness - precursor of oxygen starvation.

The lack of iron may be provoked by such factors:

  • increased blood loss. The root cause of such a variant of the development of events may be donor blood transfusion, abundant bleeding in women and damage to soft tissues;
  • intensive physical exertion of aerobic and aerobic-force (those that develop endurance). During such exercises, red blood cells have to transfer oxygen faster, as a result of which the daily hemoglobin consumption may increase almost twice;
  • active mental activity. During creative work, not only the stocks of iron, but also glycogen stored in the liver and muscles are actively consumed;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis with reduced acidity, duodenal ulcer, liver cirrhosis, autoimmune bowel disease provoke bad absorption of iron.

How to quickly fill the lack of iron

To fill the deficiency of iron in the body, nutritionists recommend to use vegetable and animal products. The first are the source of the so-called "non-melted" iron, that is, iron, which is not part of the hemoglobin. In such products, iron usually comes in combination with vitamin C.

Best of all iron deficit replenish such "non-immoral" products like legumes and green leafy vegetables, as well as whole grains.

"Gem" products contain iron, which is part of hemoglobin. The greatest reserves of hemoglobin are characteristic of all food of animal origin, as well as seafood. Unlike the "non-migrable", "gem" products faster fill the stocks of iron, since the body is easier to assimilate them.

Tip! Despite the fact that "hem" products are quickly absorbed by the body, do not get carried away overly. To replenish iron reserves, it is best to combine vegetable and animal products, such as green leafy vegetables and red meat grade

However, it is important to remember about the secrets of cooking, because it is precisely from the preparation methods that the final percentage of iron in food products depends. For example, solid grains during processing are losing about 75% of iron reserves. That is why solid grain flour is practically not beneficial for the body. Approximately the same thing happens when cooking vegetable origin with cooking is part of the iron remains in the composition of water. If you cook spinach for 3 minutes, no more than 10% will remain from iron reserves.

If you want to get maximum benefit from vegetable food products, try to avoid long-term heat treatment and minimize the amount of water. The perfect cooking method is for a couple.

With animal products, everything is much simpler - iron, which is part of hemoglobin, has high thermal processing.

What you need to know about excess iron in the body

It would be unfair to believe that the danger of health is extremely lack of iron. Its excess is also fraught with unpleasant symptoms. Due to excessive accumulation of iron in the body, the work of many functional systems is violated.

Causes of overdose. Most often, a genetic failure becomes the increasing concentration of the trace element, which increases the absorption of iron in the intestine. Less often - blood transfusion in large quantities and uncontrolled use of iron-containing drugs. The latter occurs when an independent increase in the dose of the iron-containing drug when passing the next reception.

With an excess of iron in the body usually happens:

  • skin pigmentation changes (symptoms are often confused with hepatitis) - yellow palms, armpits, darken old scars. Schlera, the rotted cavity barbell and language also acquire a yellowish shade;
  • cardiac rhythm is broken, liver increases;
  • appetite decreases, fatigue increases, the bouts of headaches are rapid;
  • the activity of the digestive organs - nausea and vomiting alternate with diarrhea, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, a new pain appears;
  • immunity reduced;
  • the likelihood of the development of infectious and tumor pathologies increases, such as liver and intestinal cancer, as well as the development of rheumatoid arthritis.

Preparations containing iron

Iron preparations include medicines containing salts and complexes of microelement compounds, as well as its combinations with other minerals.

In order to avoid pathological conditions and complications, iron-containing drugs should be taken only on the prescription of the doctor after a number of analyzes. Otherwise, excess iron can lead to a violation of the work of the heart, liver, stomach, intestines and brain.

  • powered by a small amount of water;
  • irrespectable with calcium, tetracycline, leftomycetin, as well as antacids (almagel, phosphhalugel, etc.);
  • accepted in a strict dosage. If for some reason the next reception was missed, the next dose remains unchanged. Overdose of iron (300 milligrams per day) can lead to a fatal outcome;
  • the minimum course is two months. During the first month, hemoglobin and erythrocyte indicators are normalized. In the future, the reception of drugs is aimed at replenishing iron reserves (filling "depot"). Dosage is reduced during the second month.

It should be remembered that even when compliance with all precautions, the reception of iron-containing drugs can cause such side effects as skin hyperemia, nausea, decreased appetite, drowsiness, headache, violation of digestive organs (constipation, diarrhea, intestinal colic, heartburn and belching), Metal taste in the mouth. In some cases, they can darken teeth (in the oral cavity, hydrogen sulfide, which, when interacting with iron, is converted to iron sulphide).

Tip! To avoid darkening of the teeth (especially relevant for caries), immediately after taking iron-containing drugs, the mouth can be rolled. If the drug is produced in a liquid dosage form, it is better to take it through the tube. If any of these symptoms appear, medication should be discontinued immediately

Overview of iron-containing funds is filed below.

Among the most frequently appointed gland preparations Conferon, Feracryl, Ferrum Lek, hemostimulin. Their advantages are the most accurate dosage and a minimum of side effects.

The dosage of the drug is calculated individually - 2 mg per 1 kg of body weight of the patient (but not more than 250 mg per day). For better suction, medication is taken during food by drinking with a small amount of liquid.

Positive changes (increasing the number of reticulocytes) are diagnosed after a week after the start of receiving funds. After another two or three weeks, the concentration of hemoglobin increases.

A drug Form release Structure
Hemiferprolongatum Sheath-covered tablets, weighing 325 mg Iron sulfate, in one tablet - 105 mg Fe2 +
Tardiferon Tablets of prolonged action Mukoproteoz and ascorbic acid, in one tablet - 80 mg Fe2 +
Ferroglyukonat and Ferronal 300 mg tablets Iron gluconate, in one tablet - 35 mg Fe2 +
Ferrogradmet Shell-covered tablets Iron sulfate plus plastic matrix - calm, in one tablet - 105 mg FE2 +
Heferol. 350 mg capsules Fumaric acid, in one tablet - 100 mg Fe2 +
Akiterrin Capsules, drops oral, syrup Iron sulfate, D, L-serine (capsules and drops oral) and iron sulfate, d, l-serine, glucose, fructose, potassium sorbate (syrup). In 1 capsule and 1 ml of syrup - 38.2 mg FE2 +, in 1 ml of drops, in 1 ml of syrup - and 34.2 mg Fe2 +
Gemesineral-TD. Capsules Microgranules of fumarate iron, folic acid, cyanocobalamin. In one capsule - 67 mg Fe2 +
Gino Tardiferon Pills Iron sulfate, folic and ascorbic acid, mucoproteoz. In one tablet - 80 mg Fe2 +
Globron. Gelatin capsules 300 mg Iron Fumarat, vitamins B6, B12, folic acid, sodium document. In one capsule - 100 mg Fe2 +
Ranferon-12 300 mg capsules Iron fumarate, ascorbic and folic acid, cyanocobalamin, zinc sulfate, ammonium citrate. In one capsule - 100 mg Fe2 +
Soribedurules Sheath-covered tablets, with a prolonged release of iron ions Iron sulfate, ascorbic acid, matrix (durul). In one tablet - 100 mg Fe2 +
Totema Solution for oral administration in ampoules of 10 ml Iron gluconate, manganese, copper, as well as benzoate, sodium citrate and sucrose. In one ampoule - 50 mg Fe2 +
Heferol. 350 mg capsules Fumaric acid. In one capsule - 100 mg Fe2 +
Feneuls. Capsules Iron sulfate, folic and ascorbic acid, thiamine. As well as riboflavin, cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine, fructose, cysteine, calcium pantothenate, yeast. In one capsule - 45 mg Fe2 +

Contraindications for receiving iron-containing drugs

  • aplastic and / or hemolytic anemia;
  • receiving medicines from a group of tetracycline or antacids;
  • chronic inflammation of the kidneys and liver;
  • consumption of high calcium products, fiber and caffeine;
  • reception of drugs that reduce the level of acidity of the gastric juice; Antibiotics and tetracycline drugs (these groups of drugs reduce iron absorption in the intestine).

Conventional contraindications:

  • ulcerative colitis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and / or duodenal intestine;
  • enteritis of various etiologies.

Iron injections and their features are described below. In addition to iron-containing capsules and tablets, injections are assigned. Their reception is necessary at:

  • chronic pathologies of digestive organs, accompanied by reduced intake of iron. Diagnoses: pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), Malabsorption syndrome, celiac disease, enteritis;
  • ulcerative colitis of non-specific nature;
  • intolerance to iron salts or hypersensitivity with allergic manifestations;
  • ulcerative diseases of the stomach and duodenal intestine during exacerbation periods;
  • postoperative period after removing part of the stomach or small intestine.

The advantage of injections is the rapid and maximum saturation of iron compared to other forms of drug release.

Important! When taking tablets and capsules, the maximum dose should not exceed 20-50 mg (when taking 300 mg of iron is a fatal outcome). When injected with a maximum dose, 100 mg of iron preparation is considered

The side effects with the introduction of iron by injection: seals (infiltrates) of tissues in the place of administration of the drug, phleets, abscesses, an allergic reaction (in the worst case, an anaphylactic shock is developing immediately), ICO syndrome, an overdose of iron.

Preparations are filed in the table

A drug Form release Structure
Ferrum Lek (intramuscularly) Ampoules 2 ml Iron hydroxide and dextran. In one ampoule - 100 mg Fe2 +
Wenimier (intravenous) Ampoules 5 ml Iron hydroxide of sucrose complexes. In one ampoule - 100 mg Fe2 +
FERERSEN (intravenous) Ampoules 1 ml Iron Sakharat, a solution of carbohydrates and cobalt gluconate. In one ampoule - 100 mg Fe2 +
Zhectefer (intramuscularly) Ampoules 2 ml Iron-sorbitol-lemon sour complex
Ferrlecite (solution - intramuscular, ampoules - intravenous) Solution for injection in ampoules 1 and 5 ml Rodgerylyukonate complex
Ferbitol (intramuscular) Ampoules 1 ml Iron Bitton Complex

Human health pretty much depends on the ratio of trace elements that fall into its body with food. They are also called "metals of life." A special place among these substances is occupied by iron. Interestingly, men of this iron are more: on average, there are about 2 g of iron in their blood cells, in the same time about 1.6 g. What follows from this, except that women and men are different in everything, even in " Body chemistry »? A simple practical conclusion: men should consume less iron than women, - 8-15 mg of this element per day. Women, due to regular blood loss, need two greater daily dose of iron. But both those and others should know which products contain iron.

What is the hardware for something?

Iron is responsible for several important functions of our body. The listed list, they are not exhausted, but they head it in importance.

Saturation of cells with oxygen.All cells of our body need continuous supply of oxygen. In the blood, these are engaged in erythrocytes. They in their composition special protein - hemoglobin containing iron.

Energy production.Almost all human body cells burned calories to get energy. In this process, iron is also involved. When it is lacking in the process, failures occur, which are accompanied by weakness in the muscles and the state of general fatigue.

Participation in the work of the body's immune system.This trace element contributes to the formation of immune cells, the main task of which is to protect the body.

Products containing iron. How to use?

Animal or vegetable food?

Among the vegetable products there are many excellent sources of iron. The portion of some of them can provide more than 10% and even the third part of the daily need in this microelement (soybeans are capable of doing it by 40%!). Plus to all the dishes from vegetable products, as a rule, less calories than meat.

The best suppliers of iron from plant products are bean (soy, beans, peas), as well as leaf green vegetables. Separate spices (thyme, sesame), wheat bran dishes, wholegrain flour, buckwheat, wheat croup, oatmeal and dried fruits also contain it in sufficient quantity. But…

Most of all iron in meat!

First, in animal products, a more significant concentration of iron is observed.. For example, portion of lamb, beef or sardine contains up to 2 mg of this element, and rabbit meat, turkey, beef and pork liver - approximately 3 mg. A significant amount of iron can be learned from fish and egg yolks.

Secondly, iron as part of meat is absorbed better. And in order to increase the percentage of suction by the body of a given trace element from plant products, it should be diversified by the dishes with elevated content of vitamin C and vitamins of the group. In other words, eat with a bipctex apple and water the salmon steak with orange sauce.

Thirdly, the "meat" iron is sufficiently resistant to heat treatment, unlike vegetable. One-grains, for example, can lose about 75% of the element from their composition during the manufacture of flour.

It is also worth noting that part of the iron can "leave" in the water in which the products are boiled. So, boiling for three minutes the spinach leaves lose it by almost 90%. To minimize such losses, it is advisable to reduce the cooking time of plant products and use less water.

Surprisingly, iron dishes can, on the contrary, "add" iron to food. We are talking about very meager quantities. However, the therapeutic effect of using cast-iron pots was still proven by scientific research.

However, it should be borne in mind that this question is even more difficult than we think. Prereparations of recent years show that Celery's use over several weeks helps to restore the balance of iron no worse, and even better meat.

Memo: What products contain iron?

A lot of iron in animal products, especially "with blood": well-cooked pieces of meat, fried or boiled from very fresh beef, offal, fish and seafood (especially shrimp), bird (especially white chicken meat).

In the products of plant origin, the most iron is contained in green and legume vegetables: soybeans, lentils, spinach, etc., tofu, sesame seeds, chickpeas, beans, olives, mangold and beetle, tomatoes and baked with skin potatoes, pumpkin and bunk dried mushrooms. A lot of iron in buckwheat kashe, fruits and berries: apples, plums, bananas, grenades, pears, peaches, persimmon, black currant, cranberry, blueberries, strawberry, dried fruits.

Risk of iron deficiency anemia. Symptoms of iron shortage

Children are also at risk of iron deficiency, this is especially true of kids up to 2 years and adolescents in periods of active growth in the body.

Endurance exercises can lead to a loss of 50% of iron reserves, if you do not take care of the daily replenishment of this element in the body. And some gastrointestinal problems (for example, gastritis) do not allow him to be appropriately appropriate.

The iron level decreases with blood loss, in small children and during active growth, in case of case of powerful fitness training and gastrointestinal diseases.

Symptoms of iron deficiency:

  • We got up, shortness of breath, interruptions in the work of the heart, headaches and dizziness (up to fainting), irritability, scattered attention syndrome, increased sensitivity to cold.
  • Reducing appetite, nausea, liquid chair. With progressive anemia, perverted appetite and sense of smell are observed.
  • Violation of the menstrual cycle, especially in teenage girls.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Cracks on lips and tongue, brittle nails.

Compatibility with other nutrients

Vitamin C

The use of vitamin C in combination with iron-containing products optimizes the absorption of the microelement by the body. Only 50 mg of this vitamin, taken, for example, from halves of grapefruit, can increase iron absorption three times. Note that such an effect extends more to "vegetable" than on the "meat" metal of life.

Vitamin A

The lack of vitamin A can negatively affect the formation of hemoglobin, but this shortage must be really significant.


Copper helps mobilize iron reserves in the body for their further work in blood cells and not only. Bean are rich in iron, and copper. Therefore, the dishes of them are best suited for rapid replenishing stocks of these elements in the body.


Calcium and iron compete for suction in the intestines. Therefore, with low hemoglobin, buckwheat is preferable, welded on milk, and on water. And without sugar (he, too, Ferrum blocker).
For the absorption of iron, a sufficient amount of folic acid is especially important.

Some products slow down the absorption of iron in the stomach and intestines. For example, when it is deficient, you should not drink black tea and coffee after meals.

Excess Iron in the human body

Excess element leads to no less complex consequences than its deficiency. When gluing them, the skin acquires the jaundice shade, the work of the heart (arrhythmia) is disturbed, the liver increases, people feel the decline, dizziness, leather pigmentation is observed.

Very rarely in the human body, an excessive amount of iron falls into food, since the body itself regulates the intensity of his assimilation. But special food additives and some medicines can easily cause its oversupply. Therefore, they are categorically impossible to use without much need and without coordination with the doctor.

The reason for excess iron can be hereditary predisposition to its extra accumulation. This is a fairly common disease, although it is difficult to diagnose. Such people should be reduced in their diet the number of dishes with a high content of iron.

Human blood consists of cells and liquid parts, or serum. The liquid part is a solution containing a certain amount of micro and macroelements, fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Blood cells are made to divide into three basic groups, each of which has its own characteristics of the structure and function. Consider each of them more carefully.

Erythrocytes, or red blood cells

Erythrocytes are quite large cells that have a very characteristic form of a two-way disc. Red Taurus does not contain kernels - in its place is the hemoglobin molecule. Hemoglobin is a rather complicated compound, which consists of a protein part and a bivalent iron atom. Erythrocytes in the bone marrow are formed.

Red blood cells have many features:

  • Gas exchange is one of the main blood functions. Direct participation in this process takes precisely hemoglobin. In small pulmonary vessels, the blood is saturated with oxygen, which is connected to the hemoglobin iron. This connection is reversible, so the hydroxygen remains in those tissues and cells where it is needed. At the same time, with the loss of one oxygen atom, hemoglobin is connected to carbon dioxide, which is transferred to the easiest and outdoant.
  • In addition, there are specific polysaccharide molecules on the surface of red blood cells, or antigens that determine the reserves factor and blood group.

White blood cells, or leukocytes

Leukocytes are a rather large group of different cells, the main function of which consists in protecting the body from infections, toxins and foreign bodies. These cells have a kernel, can change their outlines and pass through the fabrics. Food in the bone marrow. Leukocytes are customary to divide into several separate species:

  • Neutrophils are a numerous leukocyte group that have the ability to phagocytosis. The cytoplasm contains many granules filled with enzymes and biologically active substances. When penetrating bacteria or viruses into the body, neutrophil moves to a foreign cell, captures it and destroys it.
  • Eosinophils - blood cells that perform a protective function, destroying pathogenic organisms by phagocytosis. Work in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, intestines and the urinary system.
  • Basophiles are a small group of small oval cells that take part in the development of the inflammatory process and anaphylactic shock.
  • Macrophages - cells that actively destroy viral particles and have accumulation of granules in the cytoplasm.
  • Monocytes are characterized by a specific function, as they can or develop, or, on the contrary, inhibit the inflammatory process.
  • Lymphocytes - leukocytes responsible for the immune response. Their peculiarity is to be able to form resistance to those microorganisms, which have already penetrated into human blood at least once.

Blood plates, or thrombocyte

Platelets are small, human oval or rounded blood. After activation, the protrusions are formed on the external, as a result of which it resembles a star.

Platelets perform a number of rather important functions. Their main purpose is the formation of the so-called blood clots. It is platelets first in place of injury, which, under the influence of enzymes and hormones, begin to stick together, forming a thrombus. This cluster clogs the wound and stops bleeding. In addition, these blood cells are responsible for the integrity and stability of vascular walls.

It can be said that blood is a rather complicated and multifunctional variety of connective intended to maintain normal life.

Let's start with the cells that are most in the blood - red blood cells. Many of us know that red blood cells carry oxygen to organs of organs and tissues, thereby ensuring the breathing of each smallest cell. Due to what they are able to do it?

Erythrocyte, - What is he? What is his structure? What is hemoglobin?

So, the erythrocyte is a cell that has a special form of a two-way disc. There is no kernel in the cage, and most of the cytoplasm of the erythrocyte occupies a special protein - hemoglobin. Hemoglobin has a very complex structure, consists of a protein part and an iron atom (Fe). It is hemoglobin that is an oxygen carrier.

This process occurs as follows: Available atom of iron attaches an oxygen molecule when the blood is in light man during the breath, then the blood according to the vessels through all organs and tissues, where oxygen is discharged from hemoglobin and remains in cells. In turn, carbon dioxide is distinguished from the cells, which joins the atom of iron hemoglobin, the blood returns to the lungs, where gas exchange occurs - carbon dioxide with exhalation is removed, oxygen is connected instead and the whole circle is repeated again. Thus, hemoglobin transfers oxygen to cells, and carbon dioxide takes out of the cells. That is why man inhales oxygen, and carbon dioxide exhales. Blood in which red blood cells are saturated with oxygen, has brightly aluminous color and called arterial, and blood, with erythrocytes, saturated with carbon dioxide, has dark - red and called venous.

In the blood of man, red blood cell lives 90 - 120 days, after which it is destroyed. The phenomenon of the destruction of the erythrocytes is called hemolysis. Hemolysis takes place mainly in the spleen. Part of the red blood cells are destroyed in the liver or directly in vessels.

For details on deciphering a general blood test read in Article: General blood analysis

Blood group antigens and reserves - factor

On the surface of the erythrocytes there are special molecules - antigens. There are several varieties of antigens, therefore the blood of different people differs from each other. It is antigens that form a blood group and a reserves - factor. For example, the presence of antigens 00 - forms the first group of blood, the antigens 0a - the second, 0B - the third and antigens of AV - fourth. Rh - factor is determined by the presence or absence of an antigen RH on the surface of the erythrocyte. If the RH antigen is available on erythrocyte, then the blood of a positive rear - factor, if there is no blood, then blood, respectively, with a negative rhesus - factor. Definition of blood group and reserves - factor is of great importance when overflowing blood. Miscellaneous Antigens "will be entrited" with each other, which causes the destruction of red blood cells and a person can perish. Therefore, it is possible to overflow only the blood of the same group and one Rh - factor.

Where does erythrocyte in the blood appear?

Erythrocyte develops from a special cell - predecessor. This cell - the predecessor is located in the bone marrow and is called eritroblast. The erythroblast in the bone marrow passes several stages of development to turn into erythrocytes and during this time is divided several times. Thus, from one erythrobusta, 32-64 red blood cells are obtained. The entire process of ripening erythrocytes from the erythrobusta passes in the bone marrow, and ready-made red blood cells enter the bloodstream instead of "old" to be destroyed.

Reticulocyte, erythrocyte predecessor
In addition to erythrocytes in the blood there are reticulocytes. Reticulocyte is a bit "unwarked" erythrocyte. Normally, in a healthy person, their number does not exceed 5 - 6 pieces per 1000 erythrocytes. However, in the case of acute and large blood loss, erythrocytes and reticulocytes are out of bone marrow. This happens, because the reserve of finished red blood cells is insufficient to replenish blood loss, and for ripening new it takes time. Due to this circumstance, the bone marrow "produces" a bit "immature" reticulocytes, which, however, can already perform the main function - tolerate oxygen and carbon dioxide.

What form are erythrocytes?

Normally, 70-80% of red blood cells have a spherical biconed shape, and the remaining 20-30% may be of various shapes. For example, simple spherical, oval, thicker, cup-shaped, etc. The form of erythrocytes may be impaired with various diseases, for example, erythrocytes in the form of a sickle are characteristic of sickle-shaped cell anemia, oval form with a lack of iron, vitamins in 12, folic acid.

For details on the reasons for reduced hemoglobin (anennels), read in the article: Anemia

Leukocytes, leukocyte types - lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophiles, monocytes. The structure and functions of various types of leukocytes.

Leukocytes are a large class of blood cells, which includes several varieties. Consider the varieties of leukocytes in detail.

So, first of all, leukocytes are divided into granulocytes (have graininess, granules) and agranulocytes (do not have granules).
Granulocytes include:

  1. basophiles
Agranulocytes include the following types of cells:

Neutrophil, appearance, structure and functions

Neutrophils are the most numerous variety of leukocytes, in the normal blood of them containing up to 70% of the total number of leukocytes. That is why the detailed consideration of the types of leukocytes will begin with them.

Where does this name come from - neutrophil?
First of all, we find out why neutrophil is so called. In the cytoplasm of this cell there are granules, which are painted with dyes having a neutral reaction (pH \u003d 7.0). That is why this cell was called: neutophil - has affinity for neutrealtan dyes. These neutrophilic granules have the form of a shallow grain of purple - brown.

What does neutrophil look like? How does it appear in the blood?
Neutrophil has a rounded shape and unusual shape of the nucleus. The kernel is a wand or a 3 - 5 segments interconnected by subtle hill. Neutrophil with a kernel in the shape of a stick (rod) is a "young" cell, and with a segmental core (segmented) - "mature" cell. In the blood, most neutrophils segmented (up to 65%), the rods in the norm are only up to 5%.

Where do neutrophils come to blood? Neutrophil is formed in the bone marrow from its cell - predecessor - myeloblast Neutroofyl. As in the situation with the erythrocyte, the cell - the predecessor (myeloblast) passes several stages of ripening, during which it is also divided. As a result, 16-32 neutrophil matures from one myeloblast.

Where and how much does Neutrophil live?
What happens to neutrophil further after its ripening in the bone marrow? Mature neutrophil lives in the bone marrow for 5 days, after which it goes into the blood, where he lives in the vessels 8 - 10 hours. Moreover, the bone marrow pool of mature neutrophils 10 is 20 times more than the vascular pool. From the vessels they go into fabrics, of which no longer return to the blood. In the tissues of neutrophils live 2 - 3 days, after which they are destroyed in the liver and spleen. So, mature neutrophil lives only 14 days.

Granules of neutrophil - what is it?
In the cytoplasm of neutrophil there are about 250 types of granules. These granules contain special substances that help to perform its function neutrophil. What is contained in granules? First of all, these are enzymes, bactericidal substances (destroying bacteria and other pathogens), as well as regulatory molecules that control the activity of neutrophils themselves and other cells.

What functions perform neutrophil?
What does neutrophil do? What is his purpose? The main role of neutrophil is protective. This protective function is implemented due to the ability to phagocytosis. Phagocytosis is a process during which neutrophil approaches a pathogen agent (bacteria, virus), captures it, puts inside himself and with the help of enzymes his granules kills a microbe. One neutrophil is able to absorb and neutralize 7 microbes. In addition, this cell is involved in the development of an inflammatory response. Thus, neutrophil is one of the cells providing human immunity. Neutrophil works, carrying out phagocytosis, in vessels and tissues.

Eosinophils, appearance, structure and functions

What does eosinophil look like? Why is the so called?
Eosinophil, like neutrophil, has a rounded shape and a rolling-shaped or segmental shape of the kernel. Granules located in the cytoplasm of this cell are quite large, the same size and shape, painted in brightly orange, reminding red caviar. Eosinophil granules are painted with dyes having a sour reaction (pH eosinophil - has affinity for eosiny

Where is eosinophil formed, how much does he live?
Like neutrophil, eosinophil is formed in the bone marrow from the cell - predecessor - eosinophilic myeloblast. In the process of maturation, the same stages are underway as neutrophil, however other granules have. Eosinophil granules contain enzymes, phospholipids and proteins. After full ripening, eosinophils live a few days in the bone marrow, then go into the blood, where they circulate 3 - 8 hours. From blood, eosinophils go into tissues in contact with the outer medium - the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, the urinary tract and intestines. In total, eosinophil lives 8 - 15 days.

What does eosinophil do?
Like neutrophil, eosinophil provides a protective function due to the ability to phagocytosis. Neutrophil is subjected to phagocytosis pathogenic agents in tissues, and eosinophil on mucous respiratory and urinary tract, as well as intestines. Thus, neutrophil and eosinophil perform a similar function, only in different places. Therefore, eosinophil is also a cell providing immunity.

A distinctive feature of eosinophil is its participation in the development of allergic reactions. Therefore, people having allergies on something usually increases the number of blood eosinophils.

Basophil, Appearance, Building and Functions

How do they look? Why so called?
This type of blood cells are the smallest, they are contained only 0 - 1% of the total number of leukocytes. They have a rounded shape, a rod or segmented kernel. The cytoplasm contains various in the magnitude and shape of the granules of dark purple color, which have an appearance resembling a black caviar. These granules are called basophilic graininess. The graininess is called basophilic, since painted with dyes having an alkaline (BASIC) reaction (pH\u003e 7). Yes, and the entire cell is named so because it has an affinity for major dyes: bazofeta - bas.iC.

Where does basophil come from?
Basophil is also formed in the bone marrow from the cell - predecessor - basophilic myeloblast. In the process of ripening, the same stages are underway as neutrophil and eosinophil. Basophila granules contain enzymes, regulatory molecules, proteins involved in the development of an inflammatory response. After full ripening, basophiles overlook the blood, where no more than two days live. Further, these cells leave the bloodstream, go into the body's tissues, however, what happens to them there - today it is unknown.

What functions are assigned to basophil?
During blood circulation, basophiles participate in the development of an inflammatory response, are able to reduce blood coagulation, as well as take part in the development of anaphylactic shock (type of allergic reaction). Basophiles produce a special regulatory molecule of interleukin IL-5, which increases the amount of eosinophils in the blood.

Thus, basophil is a cell involved in the development of inflammatory and allergic reactions.

Monocyte, Appearance, Building and Functions

What is monocyte? Where is it produced?
The monocyte is agranulocyte, that is, there is no grain in this cell. This is a large cell, a little triangular shape, has a large core, which is a rounded shape, bean-like, vane, row and segmented.

The monocyte is formed in the bone marrow from monoblast. In its development there are several stages and several divisions. As a result, mature monocytes do not have a bone marrow reserve, that is, after education immediately go into the blood, where 2 - 4 days live.

Macrophage. What is this cage?
After that, part of the monocytes dies, and the part goes into fabric, where a little modifies - "rushing" and becomes macrophages. Macrophages are the biggest cells in the blood that have a core oval or rounded form. Blue cytoplasm with lots of vacuoles (emptiness), which give her a frothy look.

In the body tissues, macrophages live several months. Once from the bloodstream in fabrics, macrophages can become resident cells or wandering. What does it mean? Resident macrophag all the time of his life will spend in the same tissue, in the same place, and the wandering constantly moves. Resident macrophages of various body tissues are different in different ways: for example, in the liver, these are kipfer cells, in the bones - osteoclasts, in the brain - microglyal cells, etc.

What do monocytes and macrophages do?
What functions do these cells perform? The blood monocyte produces various enzymes and regulatory molecules, and these regulatory molecules can contribute to both the development of inflammation and, on the contrary, to slow down the inflammatory response. What do at this particular point and in a certain situation monocyte? The answer to this question does not depend on it, the need to strengthen the inflammatory response or weaken is accepted by the body as a whole, and the monocyte only executes the command. In addition, monocytes are involved in healing wounds, helping to speed up this process. Also contribute to the restoration of nerve fibers and the growth of bone tissue. The macrophage in the tissues is concentrated on the performance of the protective function: it phasizes the pathogens, suppresses the reproduction of viruses.

Lymphocyte appearance, structure and functions

The appearance of the lymphocyte. Stages of ripening.
Lymphocyte - rounded cell of various sizes, having a large round core. The lymphocyte is formed from the lymphoblast in the bone marrow, as well as other blood cells, is divided several times during the ripening process. However, in the bone marrow, the lymphocyte passes only "general training", after which it finally matures in Timus, spleen and lymph nodes. Such a ripening process is necessary, since the lymphocyte is an immunocompetent cell, that is, a cell that provides all the variety of organism immune reactions, thereby creating its immunity.
The lymphocyte, which has passed the "special training" in Timus, is called T - lymphocyte, in lymph nodes or spleen - B - lymphocyte. T - lymphocytes are less than B - lymphocytes in size. The ratio T and B cells in blood is 80% and 20%, respectively. Blood is a vehicle for lymphocytes, which delivers them to the place in the body where they are necessary. Lifting lymphocytes on average 90 days.

What do lymphocytes provide?
The main function and T-, and in-lymphocytes are protective, which is carried out by participating in their immune reactions. T - lymphocytes predominantly phagocyse pathogenic agents, destroying viruses. Immune reactions carried out by T-lymphocytes are called non-specific resistance. Nonspecific it is because these cells act equally in relation to all pathogens of microbes.
B - lymphocytes, on the contrary, destroy bacteria, producing specific molecules against them - antibodies. On each type of bacteria B - lymphocytes produce special antibodies that can destroy only this type of bacteria. That is why B - lymphocytes form specific resistance. Nonspecific resistance is directed mainly against viruses, and specific - against bacteria.

The participation of lymphocytes in the formation of immunity
After in - lymphocytes once met with any microbe, they are capable of forming memory cells. It is the presence of such memory cells that causes the stability of the organism to infection caused by this bacteria. Therefore, in order to form memory cells, vaccinations against particularly dangerous infections are used. In this case, a weakened or dead microbe is introduced into the human body in the form of vaccinations, a person moves in a light form, the result of memory cells are formed, which ensure the stability of the body to this disease throughout life. However, some memory cells are saved for life, and some live a certain period of time. In this case, vaccinations make several times.

Platelet, appearance, structure and functions

Structure, platelet formation, their types

Platelets are small cells of round or oval shape, not having a kernel. When activated, "increased", acquired by star form. Thrombocytes in the bone marrow from megakarisoblast. However, the formation of platelets has features uncharacteristic for other cells. From the megakarisoblast is formed megakaryocytewhich is the largest bone marrow cage. The megacariocyte has a huge cytoplasm. As a result of ripening in cytoplasm, separation membranes grow, that is, a single cytoplasm is separated into small fragments. These small fragments of the megacariocyte "are packed", and this is independent platelets. The bone marrow platelets go to the bloodstream, where they live 8 to 11 days, after which they are dying in the spleen, liver or lungs.

Depending on the diameter, the platelets are divided into microgram, having a diameter of about 1.5 microns, normopforms with a diameter of 2-4 microns, macro-forming - diameter 5 microns and megalo-forming - diameter 6 - 10 microns.

What are platelets answer for?

These small cells perform very important functions in the body. First, platelets maintain the integrity of the vascular wall and help its recovery during damage. Secondly, platelets stop bleeding, forming a thrombus. It is platelets first turn out to be in the focus of a break of the vascular wall and bleeding. They, sticking together with each other, form a thrombus, which "sticks out" the damaged wall of the vessel, thereby stopping bleeding.

Thus, blood cells are essential elements in ensuring the basic functions of the human body. Nevertheless, some of their functions still remain unexplored.

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