Recipe from crab sticks, cucumber and corn. Salad with crab sticks, corn and cucumber. Step by step recipe. All ingredients in almost any salad should be cut to the same size. It is both prettier and more convenient when eating.

Classic salad crab with cucumber and corn is a signature dish of all experienced housewives in post-Soviet countries. An easy-to-prepare, unusually tasty and delicate salad of crab sticks, fresh cucumber, eggs and corn is adored by thousands of families around the world, traditionally not a single festive feast is complete without it.

About the dish

There are two versions of the origin of this popular snack. According to the first, King Louis XIV of France, a recognized gourmet and connoisseur of rare delicacies, was a big fan of crab salad. The second legend names the United States as the origin of the dish, where it was especially popular in the 1920s.


Servings: - +

  • crab sticks600 g
  • canned corn2 banks
  • cucumbers 2 pcs
  • rice 100 g
  • bulb onions 1 PC
  • mayonnaise 200 g
  • fresh herbs, salt taste

Calories: 525 kcal

Proteins: 18.9 g

Fats: 30.9 g

Carbohydrates: 42.5 g

45 minutes Video Recipe Print

    Boil water (1 l) in a saucepan, season with salt. Rinse the rice well - so that the water becomes clear, pour into a saucepan with boiling water and cook, stirring for 15-20 minutes. An important point- rice should not be boiled, therefore, its condition should be closely monitored. Useful life hack: if you put 1 tbsp at the very end. l. fresh lemon juice, the rice will become pure white.

    Strain the finished rice by throwing it into a colander and rinse with warm (not hot) water - so the grains will not stick together, and the rice will turn out to be airy and crumbly. Chicken eggs wash thoroughly, put in boiling water and cook for 7-10 minutes so that the yolk turns out steep - they will boil better if you add 1/2 tsp into the water. salt. Boiled eggs should be placed in cold water- so they cool faster, and the shell is removed much easier.

    For the salad, crab sticks, boiled eggs and fresh cucumber should be cut into small cubes, and the liquid should be drained from the corn. It is advisable to ensure that all products are cut approximately the same. Corn is a good size guide. If you peel the cucumbers beforehand, the dish will turn out to be especially tender and soft.

    You can also use a special device to grind eggs. Chop a small onion very finely. In fact, adding onions to the classic version of the salad is not at all necessary, but it will add juiciness and special piquancy to the dish.

    In a deep bowl, mix all the ingredients thoroughly, add salt and mayonnaise. If desired, you can also add pepper and finely chopped fresh herbs. Transfer the finished dish to a beautiful salad bowl and refrigerate.

    If the crab salad with cucumber, egg and corn will be served immediately, you can season it with mayonnaise. Otherwise, it is better to add the dressing in separate portions, since ready meals with mayonnaise, even in the refrigerator, are stored for a maximum of 24 hours. To keep the cut food fresh, cover it with cling film.

A delicious and tender crab salad with cucumber and corn is prepared so quickly and easily that even little cooks can be involved in the process, turning a routine activity into a fun game with children! This dish can be a main course or a mouth-watering snack prepared quickly for the sudden arrival of guests.

Crab salad with corn, cucumber and rice quite popular in Russia due to the simplicity of its manufacture and the low cost of ingredients. There are at least ten variants of this salad, each housewife “sees” this salad in her own way. I will not pretend to be original and present a classic restaurant version of the salad, which has a wide range of flavors and good satiety.

Of course, there is no real crab among the ingredients, we are not in a gourmet restaurant, crab sticks are used. Therefore, another name for the recipe is salad with crab sticks, corn, cucumber and rice.


  • crab sticks 300 g
  • boiled rice 300 g
  • canned corn 250 g
  • eggs 4 things.
  • cucumbers 250 g
  • mayonnaise 100 g
  • salt taste

For the salad, you should choose juicy and elastic sticks, neatly colored only on the outside. In the list of ingredients in the first place should be minced fish, surimi and only in the last rows starch, flavor enhancers, etc. You should choose only chilled crab sticks. Of course, a frozen product is cheaper, but I do not recommend purchasing it for a salad, because when frozen, crab sticks lose too much moisture, become dry and fibrous, and unscrupulous sellers can freeze expired goods. It is also impossible to trust a product that is sold by weight, since it is impossible to know by whom, when and from what products this “delicacy” was created.

With this amount of ingredients, 1.4-1.5 kg of salad is obtained. It is enough to eat them for a couple of days.


We prepare all the ingredients necessary for the salad. I cooked the rice in advance, so you can start assembling the salad right now. By the way, I used long grain unboiled rice, although steamed rice is also possible. First of all, we set the eggs to boil. Let it boil for 10-12 minutes, the yolk will grab during this time.

When picking a salad, I always follow the simple rule “all ingredients should be approximately the same size”, that is, an ingredient is selected as a basis, which goes to the salad without slicing, and all other ingredients are cut into pieces of the appropriate size. For example, it is necessary to do just with this approach.

But back to our salad. I chose the grain size of corn as a basis. We cut the cucumbers and put them together with corn (only grains, no "water"!) And rice in a medium-sized bowl.

We cut the boiled eggs (for the salad I cook for 12-15 minutes) and add them to the rest of the ingredients. Mix gently.

Salt to taste, season with mayonnaise and put in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour, the salad should be infused. And so, salad with crab sticks ready. Bon Appetit!

The cat Hunter was the first to go to try. His opinion: everything is perfect!

Salad with crab sticks, corn and cucumber- one of the most delicious salads with crab sticks. Thanks to canned corn, it turns out to be a little sweet, and green onions and cucumber make it juicy and aromatic in spring. As well, it is also very easy to prepare. It takes no more than 10 minutes to cook it. It is very convenient when there is no time for long salads to prepare.

In addition, at the moment of the appearance of unexpected guests, it can be an excellent option for a quick and delicious salad... If desired, you can top it with fresh dill or parsley. And if you add rice to it, then the salad will turn into a classic version.


  • Crab sticks - 1 pack,
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • Canned corn - 200 gr.,
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.,
  • Green onion feathers - 50-70 gr.,
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Salt to taste

Salad with crab sticks and cucumber - recipe

Cooking salad with crab sticks and cucumber begins with boiling eggs. Juice canned corn.

Defrost slightly and dice the crab sticks.

Peel the eggs and cut them into small cubes too.

Wash the cucumber and green onion feathers. Chop the onion finely with a knife.

Cut the cucumber into cubes together with the skin. Of course, if the cucumbers are overripe and already have a thick enough rind, then it is better to remove it.

Put canned corn, crab sticks, cucumbers, eggs, and onions into a bowl.

All components salad with crab sticks, corn and cucumber mix well.

Stir in a pinch of salt and add mayonnaise. For mayonnaise, it is better to use a fatty mayonnaise. Stir the salad. Serve immediately after cooking until watery.

In the event that you are preparing a large portion of salad. Season only a small part of it with mayonnaise. Place it in portions in a small salad bowl or on a plate garnished with lettuce leaves. As you can see, everything is simple, fast and affordable. Enjoy your meal. It turns out no less juicy and tasty

This is another article on how to cook salads with crab sticks so that it is tasty, satisfying. And although in general it would seem to be a simple dish, there are a lot of recipes for its preparation.

Delicious step-by-step salad recipes with crab sticks and classic ingredients


  1. Classic crab stick salad recipe


  • Crab sticks - 250 g.
  • Eggs - 3-4 pcs.
  • Canned Corn - Half a can of canned corn,
  • Cucumber - 1 pc. medium size
  • Fresh dill, green onions, salt, pepper, mayonnaise.


1. Wash greens, dry them with paper napkins (or other improvised means).

2. Cut the crab sticks into small pieces in size and shape that we like. Finely chop 2-3 onion feathers and add to the chopsticks in a deep bowl (plate). Finely chop a little dill into the same plate.

3. Boil the eggs hard-boiled in advance and let cool completely to room temperature. Can be cooked in the evening and kept in the refrigerator until the next day when you prepare the salad. Cut the eggs into small pieces.

We found an old egg cutter, and we cut it with it, right into the plate to the sliced ​​products. Then grind it a little more in a plate with a knife.

Don't overcook eggs. Enough 8-10 minutes, otherwise they will become tough, tasteless.

4. Mix everything.

5. Add canned corn to the salad. Be sure to taste it. Tough, unsweetened corn can ruin an entire salad.

Add corn to your liking. I sometimes add (if there are children), about the same as sticks. Those. for 250 g of sticks - 250 g of corn. If for myself, I add half as much corn.

6. Mix everything again.

7. We still have a cucumber, cut it into small cubes.

All ingredients in almost any salad should be cut to the same size. It is both prettier and more convenient to eat.

8. Added a cucumber, mixed and at this moment we determine what we lack in the salad. Or cucumber, or maybe onions, dill, corn. Add the ingredients we did not grab and mix again. We added a little cucumber and onion.

You must clearly understand that the specified amount of ingredients in salads is not a dogma. You can add or subtract them to your liking.

9. Well, that's all. Our salad is almost ready. It remains only to fill it with mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

10. If you will serve the salad immediately on the table and are sure that it will be eaten all over, then fill up the entire prepared salad. Well, if you want to serve it tomorrow, then it is best not to add cucumbers yet, and of course, in no case season with mayonnaise. It is also undesirable to salt and pepper. All this must be added before serving.

You can cook it completely, set aside a part, so fill it with mayonnaise. And the rest must be eaten the next day.

Bon Appetit!

  1. Salad with crab sticks, corn, cucumber and shrimps


  • Crab sticks - 500 g.
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Corn - 1 can
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Shrimps - 10-15 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt, pepper - as desired and to taste


1. Cut the crab sticks into small pieces, the size of a grain of corn, which we will add to the salad. In the photo, a red arrow shows a grain of corn.

2. Cut the eggs into the same cubes as the sticks and put everything in a deep bowl.

3. First, peel the rough skin from the cucumber, if you have a young cucumber, you do not need to peel the peel. We also cut the cucumber into cubes, about the size of corn. We send to the common cup.

4. Put the corn in the same cup. We spread it to taste. Determine for yourself how much corn you want in your salad. Choose sweet, tasty corn, then your salad will be delicious too.

5. Mix everything. The salad is not completely ready yet. But since we will not eat as much yet, we will pour a little into a separate salad bowl, and cover the remaining salad with a lid or film and put it in the refrigerator.

6. Sprinkled salad, if necessary, add a little salt and pepper. Season with mayonnaise to taste. We usually do this so that every bite, of every ingredient, is covered with a thin layer of mayonnaise. But do it to your liking. Mix thoroughly.

7. Peel the shrimp and take a few sprigs of herbs.

8. Put salad on a portioned plate. Under it along the perimeter, in several places we spread the leaves of greenery.

9. Put peeled shrimps on top and now our salad of crab sticks with shrimps is completely ready.

We serve, listen to how we are praised for such a salad, and we ourselves do not lag behind, but work hard with our jaws.

Bon Appetit!

    1. Video - Crab salad (with crab sticks)

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