“Asocial” families with babies in the Vologda Oblast will be checked daily. Problems of raising a child in an incomplete family Problems of raising children in asocial families

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A number of researchers (S.V. Titova, O.P. Potapenko, E.Yu. Fisenko and others) distinguish the following types of non prosperous families based on the grounds that characterize the family negatively.

1. Dysfunctional families of the group of socio-economic and psychological-pedagogical risk are, first of all, low-income families with a low material standard of living, irregular parental income (and parents' unwillingness to increase their income), poor living conditions, emotionally and physiologically suffering from poverty and deprivation of children. An essential characteristic of this category of families is the consumer attitude towards the child, often as the only source of material income (cash benefits, additional food, social package, etc.)

As a result, gross violations take place in such families. legal rights and the interests of children. Full-fledged upbringing, education and development are not provided, the necessary control over the behavior and life of the child is not carried out. The general negative emotional atmosphere in the family negatively affects the psychological state of the child and the results of his education. There are deep conflicts between family members, into which the child is deliberately or involuntarily drawn. The pedagogical failure of the parents is clearly visible, which gives rise to serious problems in the behavior and psychosomatic health of the child.

Situationally, a family of moral and ethical risk for a child can become a family where parents divorce or the death of one or both parents.

3. Families with child abuse. The style of family relations in such families is manifested in physical punishment and deprivation of the child of poverty, clothing, walks in the fresh air with the aim of "effective education." Drunkenness of one or both parents can be one of the main factors provoking abuse of children. Any kind of child abuse (and most often there is a combination of several forms of violence) violates the physical and mental health of the child, hinders his full development. In such asocial, disorganized families with drug addiction, psychopathological burden of parents, there are cases of special family cruelty.

Dysfunctional families with mentally unstable parents or other family members, with destructive emotional-conflict relationships between spouses, with deformed value orientations transmit double standards, hypocrisy and other negative human traits to children.

Often these phenomena take place due to the pedagogical failure of parents: poorly educated, uncultured people are engaged in upbringing, humiliating the personal dignity of the child and other family members, broadcasting a derogatory attitude towards people, not accepting a different point of view and insisting on their own negative attitude to life. As a rule, in such families, the psychological worries of the parents due to the dire financial situation and unemployment result in child abuse. Often, deviations in the psyche of parents lead to despotism, cause strong dissatisfaction with their children because of their unfulfilled parental requirements. Often, fatigue and depression of parents is the result of their psychological cruelty, which is then transmitted to children, giving rise to conflicts between adolescents and their peers and teachers.

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Socialand Iworksawith an asocial family


Social work is a type of activity that is aimed at improving the social well-being of a person in society, at overcoming various social problems.

Typical problems of social work include the following problems: protection of public health, humanization of social relations, modern family, protection of motherhood and childhood, orphans, youth, women, pensioners, disabled people, persons without a fixed abode, migrants, refugees, unemployed, etc. etc. An increase in the number of families unable to cope with raising children; children who do not go to school, who are forced to earn their living from an early age, makes the task of helping disadvantaged and asocial families more and more urgent.

Based on the foregoing, the theme of the work was chosen: "Social work with an asocial family in the center of social assistance to the family."

The main directions of social work with an asocial family and social problems are considered in the works of P.D. Pavlenka ;, E.I. Single.

Various methods of providing social assistance to asocial families, as well as criteria and indicators of dysfunctional families, are considered in his works by NF Basov.

M. Polukhina, K. Yuzhaninov in their publications touch upon the problems of social orphanhood and asocial families.

In the publications of V. Smirnova and G.S. Burdina offers new models of work with an asocial family.

However, there are contradictions between the need to provide social assistance to an asocial family and the insufficient degree of development of this area of ​​social work, both in theory and in practice.

Research problem: what is the content of social work with an asocial family in the center of social assistance to the family.

Research object: social work with an asocial family.

Subject of research: the content of social work with an asocial family in the center of social assistance to the family.

Purpose of the research: to characterize the content of social work with an asocial family in the center of social assistance to the family.

1. To study the content of social work with asocial families.

2. Describe the asocial family as a client of social work.

3. Consider the legal regulation of social assistance to families.

4. Analyze the experience of work of the Kostroma region with dysfunctional families in the "Center for helping children left without parental care."

Research methods: analysis, generalization, synthesis.

Chapter1 . Theoretical aspects of social workwith an asocial family

1.1 Essencesocial work as a type of social activity

Social work is a special type of activity, the purpose of which is to satisfy socially guaranteed and personal interests and needs of various groups of the population, to create conditions conducive to the restoration or improvement of people's abilities for social functioning.

P.D. Pavlenok gives the following definition: social work is an activity aimed at helping people who need it, who are unable to solve their life problems without outside help, and in many cases even live.

N.F. Basov connects the definition of the essence of social work with the following key categories: social protection, social assistance, social support, social security, social services. The meanings of these terms form a meaningful characteristic of social work.

Social protection can be viewed broadly and narrowly. In the first case, it is the activity of the state and society to protect all citizens from social dangers, to prevent disruption of the vital functions of various categories of the population. In the second case, social protection is the creation of conditions that prevent the emergence of a difficult life situation or its complications among clients of social services. The main way of implementing social protection is social guarantees - the obligations of the state in relation to certain categories of the population.

Social support can be considered as special measures aimed at maintaining conditions sufficient for the implementation of "weak" social groups, individual families, individuals in need in the process of their life.

M. Payne proposes to consider social work as a practical activity, for example, as a chain of sequential actions, the links of which are diagnosis, intervention and completion. (Assessment in social work is the process of understanding a particular problem, its roots and possible ways helping a person or group of people. Intervention (intervention) - a sequence of steps or a plan of action on the part of a social worker or other social worker, which he carries out with the participation of the client or on his behalf).

Any activity, including social work, has its own structure, each element of which is necessary, organically linked and interacts with others, performs special functions. Social work is a holistic system. The structural components of this system are the following components: subject, object, goal, subject, content and means.

The subjects of social work include people and organizations that conduct and manage social work, as well as the state as a whole, which carries out social policy... But the main subject of social work are people engaged in social work professionally or on a voluntary basis.

The objects of social work are people in need of outside help: old people; pensioners; disabled people; seriously ill; children; people in difficult life situations; teenagers in bad company, and many others. All of them become objects of social work due to a violation of social functioning (interaction with the environment, ensuring the realization of needs).

The subject of social work becomes the life situation of the object, and the goal is to change the main characteristics of the life situation, overcoming the difficulties that have arisen.

The next component of social work as a system is content. It follows directly from the functions of work. The functions of social work are: informational, diagnostic, prognostic, organizational, psychological and pedagogical, practical assistance, management.

The social worker begins by collecting information about the client. Based on the information collected, it estimates the volume, types of work, mode, forms and methods of its activities. Depending on the nature of social assistance, a work plan is also built, the content and type of practical assistance is determined.

Social work is done by means. Means are all those objects, tools, devices, actions with the help of which the goals of the activity are achieved. It is almost impossible to list them. This is a word, and special registration forms, and business contacts, and psychotherapy techniques, and personal charm, etc. The choice and application of certain means depends entirely on the nature and characteristics of the object of social work.

Thus, social work can be considered as a kind of human activity, the purpose of which is to optimize the implementation of the subjective role of people in all spheres of society in the process of life support and active existence of an individual, family, social and other groups and strata in society.

1.2 Main directionssocial workwithasocialfamily

Social work with the family should be aimed at solving everyday family problems, strengthening and developing positive family relations, restoring internal resources, stabilizing what has been achieved positive results in the socio-economic situation and orientation towards the realization of social potential.

The family is a complex social system, which is characterized by the features of a social institution and a small social group. The family as a social institution is a complex social phenomenon. "As a social institution of society, the family is a set of social norms, patterns of behavior that regulate the relationship between spouses, parents and children, other relatives."

By the definition of E.I. Kholostova, a family is a social institution, that is, a stable form of relationships between people, within the framework of which the main part of their daily life is carried out.

The family as a small social group is a community of people based on marriage, consanguinity, satisfaction of individual needs of a person. As a small social group, the family realizes the natural (vital) needs of its members; creates conditions for direct contacts; does not have a rigidly structured system of vertical relationships; socializes its subjects with a sense of kinship, love, affection and responsibility for each other, accumulated social experience.

Considering the family as an object of social work, it is necessary to take into account its structure, environment, functioning, traditions and customs.

The family structure is multifaceted, as well as the multifaceted functions it performs.

The structure of the family is understood as the totality of relations between its members, including, in addition to relations of kinship, a system of spiritual, moral relations, including relations of power, authority. There are authoritarian and democratic (egalitarian) families.

Many families need help and support in order to fully fulfill the functions prescribed by society.

By definition Lodkina T.V. , an asocial family is a family, a feature of which is a negative antisocial orientation, expressed in the transfer of such attitudes to social values, requirements, traditions to children, which are alien, and sometimes hostile to the normal way of life.

Social work with an asocial family should be aimed at providing social and psychological assistance to such a family, solving family problems, strengthening and developing positive family relations, restoring internal resources, stabilizing the achieved positive results in the socio-economic situation and focusing on the realization of social potential.

But in general, the main directions of social work with an asocial family can be identified: diagnostic and rehabilitation.

1. Diagnostics involves the collection and analysis of information about the family and its members, identification of problems.

Family diagnostics is a difficult and responsible process that requires a social worker to comply with the following principles:

objectivity, adequacy of methods and techniques, complementarity and verification of the information received;

client-centrism (attitude to the problem in accordance with the interests of the client);

confidentiality, respect for the client's right to privacy and the ability to anticipate possible options for his reaction to proposed actions.

Family diagnostics is a long-term process that does not allow for unceremonious actions and ill-considered conclusions.

To diagnose a family developmental situation, such methods of work as observation, conversation, questioning, testing can be used. Scale, card, projective, associative, expressive techniques provide sufficient information for making a decision, developing correctional assistance programs. The social worker receives a lot of useful information by applying the biographical method and analyzing the documentation concerning the family and its members.

Based on the received diagnostic material, it is possible to draw up a social map of the family, which will contain information about its members, their age, education of parents and children, their specialties, place of work, family income; the state of health, housing conditions, the main problems of family relationships. Then it is established to which risk group this family can be attributed. It is advisable to make a forecast in the family's social map economic development families, to offer an option for help (emergency, stabilizing, preventive) and to argue the need for rehabilitation.

2. Rehabilitation is a system of measures to restore lost well-being in family relationships or to form new ones. In order to rehabilitate the family and its members, in world practice, institutions of social services for families and children, territorial centers, shelters, medical, psychological and social crisis centers are used. The content of their activities is to provide family members or an individual different types help in order to support or increase resources, reorient family members to other values, change their attitudes.

In such institutions, family members can get advice from specialists, attend group classes, and join one of the rehabilitation programs.

Patronage is of great importance when returning to the family of a person who has undergone a certain rehabilitation program.

The following stages of patronage are distinguished:

1) preparation - preliminary acquaintance with all available information about the family, drawing up questions for an interview, etc.

2) Introductory part - direct acquaintance with family members, a message about the purpose of the visits, about possible help.

3) Collection and evaluation of information - finding out the composition and living conditions of the family, relationships in it, methods of raising children, financial situation, health status of family members; filling out a social card; highlighting the problems that the social protection service can solve.

4) Conclusion - summarizing for family members (parents) the essence of the problems they face; joint choice of tactics for further actions; information on the types of assistance that can be offered.

5) Establishing relationships with other professionals working with the family (social teachers of schools, inspectors for the protection of the rights of the child, education, health, police, etc.).

6) Report - detailed description the results of the visit in the family survey report; drawing up an individual program for further work with the family.

Depending on the nature of the existing family problems, the so-called minimum and maximum programs are implemented at various stages of patronage.

Minimum programs address situations associated with the sudden loss of something very valuable in the family: physical health, relatives and friends, work, etc. In such cases, the efforts of the social worker are directed to restore, in a relatively short time, the ability of the family members to function optimally, despite the presence of objective and often irreversible restrictions and losses.

The maximum program is designed to provide assistance in extreme situations of trouble, if necessary, not only to compensate for what was lost, but also to achieve a reorientation of the life position, to replace or correct the previous behavioral patterns of family members.

Thus, social work with an asocial family includes such aspects as economic, legal, psychological, social, pedagogical and, therefore, requires a specialist to know the basics of these sciences and master their technologies.

1. 3 Characterization of the asocial family as a client of social work

A client of social work is an individual as well as a group (family) in a difficult life situation, in need of help, support, and social protection.

The practice of assisting a client is based on an application system. This means that social work with a client occurs only in the case of a person asking for help. A social work client has a certain status. It can be a large family, a family of a single mother, a family without a breadwinner, a poor, unemployed, a family with a disabled person, a migrant, a victim of violence, an orphan, a family with a seriously ill or terminally ill, families with people with alcohol, drug addiction and substance abuse addiction, etc.

Problematic, disorganized, crisis families, families of antisocial behavior - all these families, with a greater or lesser degree of convention, can be attributed to families at risk.

IA Kibalchenko identifies the main features of a dysfunctional or asocial family: family members do not pay attention to each other, especially parents to children; the whole life of the family is characterized by inconstancy and unpredictability, and the relationship between its members is despotic; family members are preoccupied with denying reality, they have to carefully hide one or more family secrets; in the rules of the family, a significant place is occupied by the prohibitions to freely express their needs and feelings.

One of the main tasks at the present stage is the early detection of family problems and the provision of timely assistance to families. Particular attention should be paid to the relationship between parents and children. In families where these relationships are fragile, the child's feelings of loneliness and uselessness grow.

Families with alcohol addiction also fall under the definition of an asocial family. In an alcoholic family, the need for fatherhood and motherhood is gradually fading away, and less and less time is devoted to raising children. It is in these families that children do not receive sufficient attention and care, are subjected to cruel treatment, and do not receive basic medical care.

I. Alekseeva notes that in many regions of the country a large number of disadvantaged families, unable to create stable and safe living conditions for children, are concentrated in former industrial zones, which are characterized by the presence of hostels where people live who do not have their homes and who have lost after the closure of the enterprise the opportunity to get some kind of paid unskilled work. Alcohol abuse occupies a significant place in the life of such families, which, by reducing the feeling of dissatisfaction with their lives, narrows the possibilities for resolving existing problems.

E.M. Rybinsky, examining the causes of the crisis in the Russian family, notes that the state and society are faced with a twofold task. “First, by improving socio-economic relations, increase the prestige of the family and strengthen its moral and everyday foundations, contribute to the revival and strengthening of the primacy of universal and spiritual values, which can significantly affect the decrease in the number of children left without parental care. Secondly, the state and society must act as a guarantor of the social protection of such children, assume responsibility and have sufficient economic, social, spiritual and moral resources capable of providing them with conditions for normal life, study, development of all inclinations and abilities, professional training, adaptation to the social environment and the most painless entry into this environment, thereby fully compensating for the lack of parental care. "

Parents' alcoholism remains the leading cause of social orphanhood. Socially, orphanhood is the elimination or non-participation of a large circle of people in the performance of their parental duties (distortion of parental behavior). Social orphans are a special socio-demographic group of children from 0 to 18 years old who have lost parental care for socio-economic, as well as moral and ethical reasons.

Social services, internal affairs bodies should pay attention to a child left without proper parental control, not when his family life becomes dangerous. It is necessary to have opportunities for individual preventive work with the family at the very first manifestations of trouble.

When working with families with alcohol dependence, remember that not everyone has the same cause of alcoholism. In his work with the family, the specialist must have the skill of identifying the key family problem based on the available information. It must be remembered that many problems are only a consequence and they themselves lose their relevance when solving a key problem.

According to I.A. Kibalchenko, the main skills in identifying the key problem include:

Ability to determine the cause and effect;

Ability to separate information from emotions;

Ability to see information from different points of view (family, neighbors, colleagues, etc.);

Ability to see and analyze the family as a functioning system with well-established relationships.

After the key problem is identified, you can move on to direct work with the family.

As noted by E.I. Kholostova, when working with the family of an alcoholic, diagnosis involves identifying the main cause of alcohol abuse and related circumstances. This requires the study of the personalities of all family members, as well as the study of social biography. The reasons for alcohol abuse can be a family predisposition, some features of personal status (personality instability, infantilism, dependence), traditions of the family or social environment, an illusory attempt to escape from problems. Next, a program of work with a drug addict, his family, and social environment is drawn up.

Working with such a family implies the formation of the client's and his family's motivation for a non-alcoholic lifestyle and building a different system of relationships.

In the process of work, the need to teach the family new skills is revealed. The alcoholic family most often faces the following social problems:

Hygiene of the home and habitat;

Care for children;


Job search;

Registration of documents;

Ability to solve problems.

At this stage of work, a specialist needs to help the family acquire social skills in line with the above social problems.

When working with dysfunctional families, a specialist can act according to the following algorithm:

1st stage: study of the family and awareness of the problems existing in it, study of requests from families for help, study of complaints from residents (neighbors).

2nd stage: initial examination of the living conditions of a dysfunctional (problem) family.

3rd stage: acquaintance with family members and its environment, conversation with children, assessment of their living conditions.

4th stage: acquaintance with those services that have already provided assistance to the family, study of their actions, conclusions.

5th stage: study of the reasons for the family's unhappiness, its characteristics, its goals, value orientations.

6th stage: the study of the personal characteristics of family members.

7th stage: drawing up a family map.

Stage 8: coordination with all interested organizations (educational institutions, a center for the social rehabilitation of children and adolescents, a family protection center, shelters, orphanages, inspectorate for minors, etc.).

9th stage: drawing up a program of work with a dysfunctional family.

10th stage: current and follow-up visits to the family.

11th stage: conclusions about the results of work with a dysfunctional family.

1. 4 Conclusions onchapter1

Study and analysis scientific literature on the topic of the research showed that social work with an asocial family is aimed at providing social and psychological assistance to such a family, helps to solve family problems, strengthen and develop positive family relations, restore internal resources, stabilize the achieved positive results in the socio-economic situation and focus on implementation social potential.

Social work with an asocial family in each individual case is due to individual characteristics families. One of the main tasks of social work with asocial families is to provide such families with timely assistance, the formation of new social skills in the client and the construction of a different system of relationships.

Chapter2 . Analysis of social work with an asocial familyat the center of social assistance to the family

2.1 Legal regulation of social assistance to families

The fundamental documents in the system of the legal framework for social services for families and children is the Constitution Russian Federation and federal laws.

In Art. 7 of the Constitution, the Russian Federation was proclaimed welfare state, whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a dignified life and free human development.

State support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood is provided, a system of social services is being developed on the basis of the Federal Laws of the Russian Federation "On the Fundamentals of Social Services to the Population in the Russian Federation."

The Law "On the Basics of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation" establishes legal regulation in the field of social services for the population, families and children. The law specifies the rights of family members to social services and to receive various social services both at home and in social service institutions.

An important role in the implementation of social work with families and children was played by the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, which deal with specific issues of social protection of this category of the population.

So, in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 1, 1992 No. № 543 "On priority measures for the implementation of the World Declaration on the survival and development of children in the 90s" social institutions for women and children, the provision of which must be guaranteed by the state, as well as draft regulations for the state system of social assistance to families and children.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 6, 1993. "On the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency, in the protection of their rights" established that the state system for the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors, the protection of their rights should be made by commissions on minors, guardianship and guardianship authorities, specialized institutions (services) of social protection of the population, education , health care, internal affairs bodies, employment services.

All decrees contributed to the development of a system of social services for families and children.

In the process of implementing the Federal Law "On the Basics of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation", resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation were adopted, regulating social services for families and children: "On the Interdepartmental Commission on Social Services

Population "; "On the provision of free social services and paid social services by state social services";

"On approval of the Regulation on licensing activities in the field of social services for the population"; "Regulation on a specialized institution for minors in need of social rehabilitation."

Territorial centers for social assistance to families and children carry out a variety of activities and provide a range of social services, can solve family problems on their own, provide assistance in overcoming difficult life situations in various areas of life. This ability of the center is very important and essential, since the Russian family faces many problems that cannot be solved by the functioning social institutions existing within a particular territory.

Annually the list of public services is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation; it is mandatory for regional authorities and expands due to the financial capacity of local authorities. This list includes the main social services provided to families and children:

1. Social - household, material and in-kind assistance:

Assistance in selection: Money; food products; sanitation and hygiene products; clothes, shoes and other essentials; technical means for the rehabilitation of disabled children; cash benefits, benefits, additional payments, compensations;

Social and household help at home for disabled low-income families;

Assistance in the organization of home work for disabled children and assistance in their further employment;

Organization of events to raise funds for the provision of targeted social assistance;

Assistance in employment (including temporary) and obtaining a profession, etc.

2. Social and legal assistance:

Assistance in the writing and execution of documents related to the protection of the rights and interests of clients, including clients;

Assistance in the provision of social benefits, etc.

3. Pedagogical assistance:

Pedagogical assistance to children in protecting their interests;

Advisory assistance to parents and children;

Promotion of cultural and leisure activities of children, etc.

4. Socio-psychological assistance:

Psychotherapeutic assistance (individual, group);

Psychological intervention in crisis situations;

Family psychological counseling (individual, group).

5. Social - medical assistance:

Assistance in referring people in need to inpatient drug treatment facilities;

Patronage of pregnant women and nursing mothers.

6.social patronage:

Social psychodiagnostics;

Development and implementation of individual programs;

Assistance in referral to special institutions.

The development of social services for families and children directly depends on transformations in the world of work, on the real provision of the constitutional right of every person to social protection.

2. 2 Experience of working with dysfunctional families in Buysky districtKostroma region

In 2000, in the Buisky district of the Kostroma region, a “Center for Helping Children Left Without Parental Care” was opened. The main focus of the center is working with dysfunctional families.

The Center has established a "Family Support Service" (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"), which includes specialists: pediatrician, psychiatrist, educational psychologists, social educators, social work specialists, educators. The task of the "Service" is to return the child to a rehabilitated family, in which the child will be provided with the necessary conditions for life, development, education.

The Service aims to provide comprehensive assistance to parents so that they realize the shortcomings of their lifestyle. As a rule, children from asocial, dysfunctional families live in the center, and it is very difficult to work with them.

The organization of the correctional work of the "Service" is based on the following important principles:

The principle of timeliness provides for early detection of family problems, difficult life situations in which the family and children find themselves. The implementation of this principle makes it possible to prevent the family from sliding to the critical border, beyond which lies the complete alienation of the child from the parents. Timely identification of family problems helps to avoid an extreme measure - depriving parents of parental rights. Unfortunately, in practice, this principle is not always fully implemented.

The principle of humanism expresses the readiness of employees of specialized institutions to come to the aid of a family and a child, to contribute to their social well-being, to protect rights and interests, regardless of deviations in the family's lifestyle. The implementation of this principle requires from specialists an active set of measures aimed at improving the family's health.

The principle of an individual approach involves taking into account the social, psychological, functional characteristics of the family in the choice of means of correctional work.

The principle of stimulating the family to self-help provides for the activation of its own internal resources for changing the way of life, restructuring relationships with children, referral to treatment that helps to remove, weaken alcohol dependence.

The principle of an integrated approach to preventive and corrective work means the need to integrate social services, government agencies and public organizations to assist the family in resolving a problem that aggravates the child's life.

Most often in the work of the "Service" the principle of an individual approach to the problem of each family is applied, which involves several stages:

· Preparation - preliminary acquaintance with all available information about the family, drawing up a conversation plan;

· Establishing contact of specialists with family members;

· Revealing the essence of family problems and the reasons for their occurrence;

· Determination of a plan for the family's exit from a difficult situation, the content of the necessary help and support from special services, stimulation of parents to self-help;

· Implementation of the planned plan, involvement of specialists who can help in solving problems that the family cannot solve on their own;

· Family patronage.

The social work professional who makes contact with the family is often confronted with overt expressions of suspicion, rudeness, hostility, and rejection. It is important to relieve this tension, to encourage the family to communicate. To achieve this, the specialist visits the family, having a clear professional orientation - to establish contact and further interaction, even if the wards do not evoke sympathy, it is difficult to accept their manner of communication, position.

Approximate scheme of a visit of a specialist to a family:


Clarification of the purpose of the visit.

Joining the family.

Establishing contact with the family and its individual members.

Positive information about the family and its members (children, adults). Emphasizing the positive aspects of family life.

Identification of current household and socio-mental problems of the family.

Sample questions to family members that are of the same type, which allows you to exchange information.

Informing about rights and obligations, possible consequences situations of negative and positive developments.

Informing about the possibility of getting help, about specialists with whom the family can work to solve their problems.

Observing the behavior and reactions of family members in order to diagnose its structure and problems.

Determining who is in charge of the family, regardless of whether he is present during the conversation or not. This is especially important because the main role can be played by the family member from whom the danger comes (mother's cohabitant, brother who returned from prison), i.e. one who shows cruelty, violence, etc. Further actions will depend on who is in charge of the family.

Thus, the initial stage of working with a problematic, dysfunctional family includes not only an interview, but also an invitation to cooperation of family members.

Gradual, gradual work with a dysfunctional family, the ability to evaluate all the pros and cons, engaging in dialogue and taking into account the opinions of family members itself is a method that gives a result. All further work depends on the first contact, the level and quality of the established relationship.

The purpose of the first visit is to relieve fear and tension from the family.

After the first meeting with the family, the social work specialist communicates the results to each employee of the "Service".

Then a general work plan is outlined. Each specialist of the "Service" defines the framework of his activities in this family, the efforts of all specialists are coordinated and recommendations are given.

With a closer acquaintance of all family members with the Service, it becomes clear what kind of assistance is needed, taking into account the opinion of each family member. As a rule, a dysfunctional family tries to shift its problems and the responsibility for resolving them onto specialists, while doing nothing and blaming the specialists for the lack of assistance.

In order for the work of the specialists of the "Service" and the family to be clearly defined and so that the parents do not completely shift the care of the child to the institution, a "Agreement on joint cooperation" is concluded with them. After it is determined in which direction the work with the family will take place and what services will be provided to it, the specialists of the Service develop an individual Family Plan.

The Family Plan is a diary that reflects all the main points of work with the family. He is the analytical diary of the family. By drawing up a plan for working together with the family, we train family members to be active in the process. Often they begin to write their own action plan for a certain period of time. This makes the work process collaborative and prevents the family from being passive.

Components of a family plan:

Description of the situation / problem;

Family description (family research);

Family skills and skills;

Actions (who will do what) and the timing of the actions;

Current behavior (process diary);

Indicators and criteria - acceptance of work, revision and completion of the case;

Intermediate and final results.

The family plan can be analytical, concise, chronological. It is important that he helps the family, captures the slightest positive changes, and outlines prospects.

In working with the family, specialists use a variety of methods. Observation is one of them. Observation makes it possible to find out:

What do parents consider important for themselves and their child in the work of the center and how do they understand the goals of social rehabilitation;

What interests the parents in the first place and whether they are interested in the content and nature of work with the child in the center;

Does the child or his parents hope for the help of the center's specialists, are the parents disposed to make positive changes.

The second method is conversation. Conversation, as a method of studying the family, involves a clear goal setting and planning the forms of its implementation. The goal prompts the topic, and it prompts the entire course of the upcoming conversation.

It is important for a specialist to record the behavior of an adult at different stages of joint work: at the beginning of the work, in the process of activity, after completing the task.

Talking to parents after completing the assignment gives the specialist additional material about their relationship to the child. The results of the interviews are also recorded in an individual notebook.

If the rehabilitation of the blood family was successful, and the child returns to the family, then the family has been under patronage for quite a long time.

Over the years of the Service's work, more than 300 children have been returned to the blood family. Children should return to a blood family, because, having lost contact with their relatives and friends, the child feels his uselessness, does not see the meaning in life. And children at any age should feel care and love, understanding and protection in their home.

2.3 Chapter Conclusions2

Thus, having examined and analyzed the content of social work in the center for social assistance to the family, we can draw the following conclusion: the activities of the social work of the center, aimed at providing assistance to dysfunctional families, including asocial ones, are carried out on the basis of the Family Support Service (hereinafter referred to as the Service ").

The Service is based on the following principles:

The principle of timeliness;

The principle of humanism;

The principle of an individual approach;

The principle of encouraging families to help themselves;

The principle of an integrated approach.

One of the main ones is the principle of an individual approach in working with an asocial family, which allows you to determine in which direction the work with the family will be carried out and what type of assistance should be provided by the specialists of the "Service" when developing an individual plan for working with the family.

But to achieve positive results in rehabilitation work with asocial families, it is necessary for a long time and the implementation of social patronage of such a family. But in practice, it is not always possible to completely return the family to normal life and harmonize its social needs.


In this work, the problem was studied: what is the content of social work with an asocial family in the center of social assistance to the family. To solve this problem, the main directions of social work with an asocial family are revealed; the characteristics of the asocial family as a client of social work are given; analyzed the activities of the center for social assistance to families in the Kostroma region.

As a result, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Social work is a type of human activity, the purpose of which is to optimize the implementation of the subjective role of people in all spheres of society in the process of life support and active existence of an individual, family, social and other groups and strata in society;

Social work with the family includes such aspects as economic, legal, psychological, social, pedagogical and, therefore, requires a specialist to know the basics of these sciences and master their technologies;

Early identification of dysfunctional families and providing these families with the necessary set of measures aimed at preventing and correcting relationships both within the family and with society as a whole.


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Numerous domestic and foreign studies show that it is the violation of family relations (child-parental and marital) that is often the reason for the victimization of children and the formation of their deviant behavior (I.A. J. Varga and others). All authors are unanimous that deviating behavior from the moral and socio-psychological norms accepted in a given society is observed more often in children from disadvantaged families. V different types dysfunctional family relationships, children specifically adapt to the surrounding reality, all the factors of which have a complex effect on the formation, development and socialization of the individual.

In the scientific pedagogical literature, there is no clear definition of the concept of "family trouble". Therefore, in different sources, along with the named concept, one can find the concepts of "destructive family", "dysfunctional family", "inharmonious family", "family in a socially dangerous position", "asocial family". Let's consider some definitions of a dysfunctional family.

MM. Buyanov: “Defects in upbringing are the primary and most important indicator of family dysfunction. Neither material, nor household, nor prestigious indicators characterize the degree of well-being or trouble of the family, but only the attitude towards the child "(Buyanov, MM A child from a dysfunctional family: notes of a child psychiatrist: book for teachers and parents / M. M. Buyanov. - M .: Education, 1988. - 207 p.).

L. Ya. Oliferenko: “A dysfunctional family is a family in which a child experiences discomfort, stressful situations, cruelty, violence, neglect, hunger — that is, unhappiness. By unhappiness, we mean its various manifestations: mental(threats, suppression of personality, imposition of an asocial lifestyle, etc.), physical(severe punishments, beatings, violence, coercion to earn money in different ways, lack of food), social(survival from home, confiscation of documents, blackmail, etc.) "(Oliferenko, L.Ya. Socio-pedagogical support of children at risk: textbook / L.Ya. Oliferenko [and others]. 2002 .-- 256 p.).

Thus , dysfunctional family- a family with a low social status in various spheres of life; a family in which basic family functions are devalued or ignored, there are hidden or obvious defects in upbringing, as a result of which “difficult children” appear. Thus, the main feature of a dysfunctional family is its negative, destructive, desocializing influence on the formation of the child's personality, which leads to his victimization and behavioral deviations.

The problems faced by dysfunctional families relate to social, legal, material, medical, psychological, pedagogical and other aspects of life. However, one kind of problem is rare. So, for example, the social disorder of parents leads to psychological stress, which gives rise to family conflicts, exacerbation of marital and parent-child relations. Pedagogical incompetence of adults leads to mental and personal development children, etc. Despite the different criteria of trouble and its content, all these families can be called functionally unstable, since they do not perform an educational function.

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature allows us to distinguish various classifications of violations of family education, where the criteria are:

1) the nature of family communication and the style of relationships;

2) structural deformation of the family;

3) types of parent-child relationships;

5) features of disharmonious marital relations;

6) the very style of family education.

L.S. Alekseeva presents the classification of disadvantaged families depending on their leading indicators of disadvantage.

- habitually conflict families... In such families, for reasons of a psychological nature - the inability or unwillingness of people to communicate constructively, to reckon with each other, to take into account the mood, interests, tastes, habits - the interpersonal relations of family members are destroyed;

- pedagogically unsuccessful families... Parents in such families do not have the necessary pedagogical knowledge; they use methods of raising children that contradict the natural process of the child's personality development. At the same time, the parents, according to A.S. Makarenko, “there is neither a clear goal, nor an education program”;

- immoral families... In the conditions of these families, the personal relationships and lifestyle of the parents presupposes a mismatch with the elementary norms and rules of behavior. Immorality, drunkenness and other vices of adults take on such ugly forms that they become the property of publicity and universal condemnation;

- asocial families. Main feature For such families, living conditions do not meet basic sanitary and hygienic requirements, the basic needs of the child are not met, and the negative antisocial orientation is expressed in the transfer of such attitudes towards social values ​​to children that are alien or hostile to the normal way of life.

Leading signs of an asocial family:


Addictiveness (dependence);

Delinquency (offenses);


Unsatisfactory living conditions;

Involvement of children in illegal activities;

Conflicting inside family relationships burdened with a criminological nature;

Social isolation of the family.

Conflicting and pedagogically unsuccessful families indirectly have a desocializing effect on children and adolescents. Parents in these families can lead healthy image life, have a positive social orientation, but due to various socio-psychological and psychological-pedagogical difficulties of an intra-family nature, lose their influence on children. In these families, we can see the following negative manifestations: a divergence in the ideas of family members about the importance of leading family values, consumer attitude towards the family, disrespectful attitudes and low psychological culture of parents, inability to overcome difficulties that arise.

The modern pace of life distorts the nature of the relationship between parents and children in such families.:

Communication is reduced to a minimum, and its content is reduced to control over children;

There is no joint activity;

Children lack parental attention to their problems and become emotionally distant from their parents.

Thus, these families are unable to fulfill the socializing functions of transferring social experience and raising children. The presence of their own insoluble psychological and pedagogical problems in parents, their increased anxiety, low self-esteem make it difficult for them to adequately fulfill their parental roles. This leads to the formation in the child of a feeling of his own uselessness and low value, to low self-esteem, misunderstanding on the part of the closest people, and the experience of loneliness. Structural deformation of the family is in this case the most important cause of the child's personality disorder.

Help to conflicting and pedagogically unsuccessful families on the part of a social teacher consists in a deep study and correction of the methods of family education.

The approaches to the work of a social teacher with such dysfunctional families are based on:

1) on methodological assistance to the family (preventive work in the educational and social environment);

2) on the principles of humanism, respect, confidentiality, faith in the internal potential of parents, consistency, multidimensionality; on the interdisciplinary interaction of specialists from various fields (teachers, psychologists, social educators) by coordinating their efforts.

Immoral and asocial families are of great concern to social educators. They have a direct desocializing influence on the child, lead an antisocial lifestyle, directly demonstrate patterns of illegal behavior, are focused on norms and values ​​that are contrary to public morality. The presence of degraded personalities in a family often leads to the assertion in relations between adults and children of open hostility, alienation, mutual repulsion, and disrespect for human dignity.

Such families produce adolescents with delinquent and addictive behavior, contribute to the formation of sexual deviations. These types of families contribute to the formation of addictive, aggressive behavior, phobic disorders, social outsider in children. The consequence of the desocializing influence of asocial families is adolescent cruelty, violence, an increase in crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, and neglect.

Children from such disadvantaged families face many psychological and social problems, which complicates the process of their socialization and adaptation. Such children are characterized by: low self-esteem, isolation, lack of community with other people, an increased degree of anxiety, a feeling of instability, a feeling of insecurity among loved ones, a rapid growing up compared to children from wealthy families.

As a result of a defect in family upbringing and a deficit of conditions for the development of personality, a deformed personality is formed, a situation of a deviant pattern arises, the personality compensates for its social and psychological "handicap" in various forms of deviant behavior and victimization. In view of his social incompetence, due to the violation of family relations, the person becomes a victim of deviant behavior - deviant victimization of the child sets in.

The purpose of the work of a social teacher with immoral and asocial families is to protect the child from the anti-pedagogical influence of the family, to ensure the protection of his interests. It is very difficult to do this, since it is impossible from the outside to influence the change in the relationships of people in the family and on their behavior. It is necessary to force the parents themselves to evaluate the family atmosphere and its influence on children, to realize their mistakes. However, this position is more acceptable for immoral families. The work of a social teacher with asocial families should be carried out in cooperation with law enforcement agencies, as well as with guardianship and guardianship authorities. An extreme measure in this case is to deprive parents of their rights, if this is necessary in the interests of protecting the child.

Currently, in our republic there are a number of documents that provide for the protection of the rights of children in such situations. This is, first of all, Law of the Republic of Belarus "On the Rights of the Child".

In addition, within the framework of the Children of Belarus program for 2006-2010. acted subprogram "Orphans", the purpose of which was to prevent social orphanhood, socialization and integration into society of orphans and children left without parental care.

The subprogram provided for the solution of the following tasks:

1) creation of conditions conducive to the upbringing of orphans and children left without parental care, in various forms of family life (foster families, guardianship, patronage, adoption, etc.);

2) development of a system of post-boarding adaptation;

3) monitoring the observance of the rights of orphans and children left without parental care.

Currently, the problems of social orphanhood and their solution are disclosed in The program of continuous education of children and students in the Republic of Belarus(sections "Family education", "Social and pedagogical support and psychological assistance to students").

Asocial families - an unfavorable type of family with an immoral microclimate and a negative impact on the development of the child. They are characterized by a weakened moral and labor atmosphere, constant conflict, anti-pedagogical attitude towards children, nervousness in relations between family members, lack of a common culture and spiritual needs. These families are often large. The financial situation is difficult. There is no care for children, no useful organization of their life and activities in such families. Children seek to compensate for the lack of love and care of their parents on the street by self-affirmation in yard companies.

In such families, systematic drunkenness prevails, often a joint father and mother, a depraved lifestyle of parents, sometimes involving children in it, and beating them up. Intra-family relationships are built in such a way that they bring significant harm to the spiritual and physical development of the child. Conditions for raising children in such families are completely absent.

So, an asocial family is a family in which children and adults neglect generally accepted social and moral norms (drunkenness, fights, foul language) and perceive the skills of deviant and illegal behavior.

Reasons for the emergence of asocial families

To understand what leads to the formation of asocial families in society, you need to know the reasons.

There are several of them, according to A.D. Torre, M.N. Plotkin, V.I. Shirinsky and others:

1) Parental programming: the fate of every person, including the drinker, is largely determined by the life plan that developed in his subconscious in early childhood. Such a plan can be the factor of alcoholism, drug addiction, asocial lifestyle, identified by psychologists and psychoanalysts, indicated by parental programming. Even in childhood, every person, most often unconsciously, thinks about his future life, as if replaying his life scenario in his head.

Everyday human behavior is determined by his reason, and he can only plan the future. A script is a gradually unfolding life plan formed in childhood under the influence of parents. This psychological impulse pushes a person forward with great force, towards his destiny, and very often regardless of his choice or resistance. The same applies to children who grew up in families, for example, alcoholics and remembered how their parents began to smile, sing and laugh and caress them after the coveted bottle appeared, i.e. the formula “drinking is good” is developed and children remember exactly this.

Growing up, these people refine their scripts, assign roles. If this is a “good” scenario, then the ending is positive, if not, but in asocial families it is overwhelmingly negative, so the ending can take place in a hospital bed or prison cell or in a psychiatric hospital. In addition, the roles are bad (they are bad at living, there are always problems, quarrels and squabbles in the family) or good (they succeed in everything, they are always successful winners).

Recent studies (V.A. Sysenko, V.N.Druzhinin, A.G. Kharchev, N.E. Matskovsky) show how this happens in the life of asocial families:

Parental programming is perceived in an asocial family as the goal of life;

Provides a way to construct your time;

There is an opportunity to learn from experience, which, in turn, can be either successful or unsuccessful.

2) Life circumstances. Their influence on human destiny is enormous.

Circumstances can be favorable or not, pushing or deterring antisocial behavior. Here is the inability to deal with setbacks and personal dramas and professional failures.

Most often, asocial families are people with a weak, unstable psyche, any difficulties and difficulties for whom are an impetus to the abuse of alcoholic beverages. The inability to understand yourself and others makes you constantly quarrel, get divorced. Because of this, the number of single mothers and their children is growing. Every year, 500-600 thousand marriages break up, and each year each of 4-5 newborns will fall under the category of children from single-parent families.

Moreover, children from such families make up the ranks of minors brought to the internal affairs bodies (according to 1997 data) - 1.16 million adolescents, of which more than 300 thousand - for drinking alcohol or appearing in public places in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

3) Living conditions are the third and very important causal factor in the emergence of asocial families. Living conditions can be directly related to the consumption of alcoholic beverages due to their diversity: here is the religious aspect - how the religion of a particular people relates to drunkenness, and everyday life (it is clear that life in communal apartment not at all the same as in a comfortable private house) and household, and others.

Living conditions can also include dissatisfaction with work, low wages, inability to use free time, lack of funds. Specifically social, economic and political changes in the life of society are also important. At present, in the Russian Federation, a difficult crime situation, the impoverishment of most of the population, unemployment, lumpenization, a moral vacuum - all this surrounds families, leading to an increase in the number of asocial families.

The following types must be attributed to asocial families:

Families with drinking parents (one or both);

Families of alcoholics;

Families of drug addicts;

A family where children are juvenile delinquents;

Families where violence is used against family members (usually women, children, old people);

And also a marginal family and its types: families of homeless people, unemployed and refugees.

In an asocial family, the normal rhythm of life is disrupted. Drinking and drug addicts parents often lose control over themselves, do not follow the norms of behavior with children. Constant conflicts with each other often end in denia with children. Constantly fighting. Children are nervous, worried, they often have stressful situations and a sharply negative attitude towards their parents, and sometimes fear and horror in front of them. Child abuse is especially harmful. Thus, in 2005, 30 babies died in asocial families in the Rostov region. Mothers simply "forgot" to feed them.

Indifference to children hurts and hardens them, inhibits the development of good feelings in them. Since a teenager is prone to one-sided conclusions and generalizes due to the limitedness of his experience, he has distorted ideas about relationships between people, a state of uncertainty and distrust. In an attempt to somehow adapt to a difficult situation, to avoid the cruelty of their elders, adolescents resort to lies, cunning, and hypocrisy. The family as a social system realizes its being and influences moral education child, adolescent through certain types of relationships: socio-biological, economic, legal, moral, psychological, aesthetic.

In families, according to researchers A.I. Antonova, V.I. Medkova, L.I. Zakharova, M.N. Mirsagatova and others, where parents lead an immoral lifestyle, drank, wandered, took drugs, constantly quarreled, adolescents, on average 3 - 3.5 times more often than their peers from prosperous families, were among those addicted to alcohol, drug addiction and more often committed audacious offenses and crimes.

It is especially necessary to dwell on the families of alcoholics. Alcoholism is a poison that eats away at families. It is true that every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. But, it is also true that the troubles and problems of children from alcoholic families are typical. Alcohol problems are universal, knowing neither national characteristics, nor geographic differences and boundaries.

Alcoholic families can be different from each other in all respects, different events take place there. But psychologically, these families are similar. Lies permeate all intra-family relationships and penetrate further, capturing a circle of friends and neighbors. Concepts and deception are becoming common components of life. Children do their best to hide the "shame of the family."

In such situations, violence is often present, most often the aggressiveness of the parents is directed at the children. They are subjected to insults, sophisticated torture (locked up for a day without water and food, put on their knees, on salt). As a rule, the result of all this is psychoneurotic states in children, low self-esteem, which persists throughout life.

Many teenagers commit crimes while intoxicated. Among juvenile offenders, the proportion of younger age groups and adolescent girls has increased; their ties with representatives of other age groups of the underworld have strengthened, but at the same time there is a tendency towards the automation of child crime; almost half of juvenile delinquency is now organized, of a group nature; the number of juveniles who have committed repeated crimes has increased.

Typology of alcoholic families

Determining the typology, one should focus on those families in which one or more family members drink.

1) Families with drinking fathers . These families are in the majority, much more families with drinking mothers. They differ in that the relationship between their members is tense, children are usually or very afraid of their drinking fathers and do everything to please them and not cause anger, and fathers can engage in assault, beat their children, kick them out of the house or force them to do back-breaking work. around the house and household, or, on the contrary, children in such families grow up unattended, fathers are not respected and not afraid, they are rude to them and take revenge in all possible ways for humiliation and insults, publicly ridicule and humiliate them.

And in one, and in another case, a complex attitude is developed in children towards mothers. Many feel sorry for them and try to help, others, on the contrary, blame the mothers for the current situation, believing that they have failed to establish family relations. Women, faced with drunkenness of their husbands, always experience stress, many lose confidence in themselves, in life, in the future. Quarrels, conflicts, beatings, violence are always frequent, so most of these families break up, which leads to the formation of single-parent families and orphanhood.

2) Families with a drinking parent - mother . The situation is even worse here. The woman was initially assigned the role of the keeper of the hearth, the housewife. Drinking mothers, as a rule, abandon all their household duties (or do them partially), pay little attention to children, husband, do not take care of them, giving rise to a wrong understanding and perception by children of the family structure, social roles of men and women. Children grow up not knowing care and affection, constantly experiencing feelings of shame, anger, disappointment and humiliation. Boys who grew up in such families have an inadequate attitude towards girls, depending on their attitude towards their mother. Usually, children from such families develop an inferiority complex, so they are usually very controllable, driven and dependent, or, conversely, cruel and angry.

3) Families with both parents drinking . In families where both parents drink, all the previously stated negative factors are aggravated several times and the relationship both between the spouses in the family and between them and the children, them and their relatives are tense. Children grow up uncontrollable, left to themselves, often "street" teenagers, they have a shifted framework of understanding good and bad, there are no moral and ethical principles and foundations.

A study by researchers of the effect of growing up children without one or both parents - the absence of parental protection - revealed that such children become alcoholics themselves - up to 30 years old this was noted in 29% of alcoholics, 22% of schizophrenics and only 1.5% of healthy people. Moreover, protest against the current state of affairs among many children from such families was expressed in the form of leaving home, conflicts, taking alcoholic beverages, and drug addiction. As a result of all this, a change in personality (both the parent and the child) may occur, considered as resistance: hysterical, psychopathic, schizoid, etc.

In the family of drug addicts, the normal rhythm of life is also disrupted. Drug addicts, like drinkers, parents often lose control over themselves, do not follow the norms of behavior with children. They constantly come into conflict with each other and even fight. Children are nervous, worried, they often have stressful situations and a sharply negative attitude towards their parents, and sometimes fear and horror in front of them.

Families where children are juvenile criminals are distinguished by illegal behavior, are engaged in theft, wander about.

Families of social risk include marginalized family and its types: homeless, unemployed, refugees.

The status of the unemployed definitely affects the relationship in the family between the spouses, one of whom was excluded from the structure of labor relations. Moreover, the reactions of the husband and wife are very different from each other. Wives treat their husbands 'unemployment much worse than husbands treat their wives' unemployment. Lack of work leads not only to a change in the relationship between spouses, but also to a change in the relationship between all family members. An unemployed person, due to the temporary loss of his ability to be an equal breadwinner of the family, experiences a certain psychological pressure on the part of loved ones, relations with friends and acquaintances change.

The main problems of refugee children are psychosocial problems. To solve them, it is necessary that the measures taken are aimed at restoring the personality of the child, taking into account the requirements associated with his physical, moral and spiritual development.

Working with the homeless requires a special approach, not to humiliate or repulse, but to inspire hope for a positive solution to the problem.

A common feature of asocial families is a sharply reduced ability to carry out normal functioning and effectively raise children. Some of these families are of a lumpenized nature and are characterized by extremely low incomes, high levels of alcohol or drug consumption, very poor housing conditions, or no suitable housing at all. The development of the correct policy for this type of family should be one of the most important directions of the social work strategy.

Insufficient attention to this type of family reduces the general moral level of our society and contradicts the high ideal of humanism. At the same time, the ill-considered distribution of food, money, housing to such families without taking into account the social characteristics of a particular family and the reasons for its impoverishment, contributes to the recreation of strata of declassed dependents who are inclined to take an active part in actions of social disobedience, mass riots, Hu-Ligan antics and create a breeding ground for the growth of crime.

Consequently, in all the types of families considered, there is a destruction of marriage and family relations, quarrels, divorces, diseases and all kinds of negative consequences both for the family members themselves and for the whole society as a whole.

The next socio-psychological problem and types of families where it is applied violence in family. Its roots are not only in our socialist past, when the family and its problems were considered a personal and secondary matter. The roots are much deeper here. Suffice it to recall the popular sayings: "Husband and wife are one Satan", "Beats - means loves", "A child needs to be flogged while lying across the bench."

On this moment in our society, a situation has developed in which people who have been subjected to violence in their own family, their own home, practically cannot find help. And all that terrible percentage of murders in the family - 20-30% of the total, could have been much less if society had not fenced itself off from family problems, if the concept of "everyday life" had disappeared from our everyday life.

Statistics show that about two million children under 14 years old annually receive family and domestic injuries, up to 10% of them die, 50 thousand leave the family, 25 thousand are constantly on the wanted list, 2 thousand commit suicide.

Since 1990, the number of parents deprived of parental rights has increased 2.5 times. As a result of all this, 8% of crimes, including grave ones, are committed by minors today. Cruelty breeds cruelty, and it spills out from the family into society. It is not for nothing that 95% of people in the colony say that they experienced violence in childhood or witnessed it in the family. This is only a small part of the evidence of crimes committed in the family, concerning children and only physical abuse. We do not have special statistics on cases of domestic violence.

Children are severely traumatized by family abuse. Often they become embittered, become aggressive, which is expressed in the unmotivated cruelty of adolescents towards strangers, their desire for destructive actions. Rossiyskaya Gazeta states that out of 12 thousand convicted minors, almost 60% are serving sentences for grave and especially grave crimes - murder, robbery, robbery, rape. Over the past 10 years, the proportion of those convicted under grave offenses has doubled. Accordingly, the aggressiveness of the prisoners has grown, and this is against the background of their illiteracy.

In 16 countries of the world, parents are punished even for the educational flogging of their own children. They can be punished with a fine. Correctional labor or psychological training. January 30, 2004 Supreme Court Canada has passed the so-called spanking law, according to which parents can use physical strength with the aim of educating your child. But corporal punishment should be light: for children under two years of age and for adolescents, the use of force is strictly prohibited, the rest can only be spanked with the palm of your hand, you cannot use objects (not even a belt), you cannot hit the child on the head and face.

In Russia, it is also forbidden to beat children officially. Even for pedagogical purposes. But few people know about this, because someone else's family is darkness. You need to understand that cruel treatment is not only beatings, but also causing moral and mental suffering to a child. This is also the deprivation of good nutrition and rest. When a child is forbidden to communicate with peers, this is also cruelty, expressed in the restriction of freedom.

For bullying their children, failure to fulfill parental responsibilities for the upbringing, maintenance, education of children, criminal cases were opened against 76 people in the second half of 2006 and 45 - in the first half of 2007; 11,135 people were brought to administrative responsibility in the second half of 2006 and 10,620 - in the first half of 2007. During the same time periods, 55 and 69 parents with alcoholism and drug addiction, whose children are registered with the IPA, were respectively identified.

After physical abuse, in second place is sexual abuse and most often, it is committed by a parent over minor child... (I.S.Kon, S.A.Melnichenko and others). In all world cultures, incest sexual relations (i.e. sexual relations between relatives) are associated with the strictest taboos. This prohibition is primarily psychological, not genetic. Studies have shown that the risk of genetic deformities and diseases, although slightly higher, is not enough to cause such brutal persecution. Another proof of the psychological nature of the prohibition on incest is the following: incest is, for example, the relationship between a stepfather and a stepdaughter who are not blood relatives. Whatever it was, but for practical psychologists, psychotherapists, teachers, social workers and all those involved in working with children, this problem and this topic did not exist until recently.

If we take into account only "sexual contact abuse", omitting the so-called sexual "abuse" or those cases when adults frighten children by showing them their organs, then a terrible picture emerges. By the age of 14, 30% of girls and 10% of boys have experienced contact violence, in 45% of cases the rapist is a relative, 30% is a more distant acquaintance. 90% of the aggressors are men.

Among relatives, the most frequent figures using violence are the father, stepfather, and guardian. Less often, but also quite often it is a brother, grandfather, uncle. It is not at all necessary that incest violence is carried out by alcoholics and the like. Quite decent people often turn out to be rapists. Girls are more likely to be sexually abused than boys, but violence against boys tends to be more violent and leads to severe psychological and physical consequences.

In a family with incest, there is no usual attachment and mutual trust. These are families without true love. Members of such families rarely touch each other; any touch is colored sexually for them. The role of the mother in the family is passive. She is absent either physically (leaves), or psychologically (always and in everything agrees), so no one considers her. In such families there are many secrets from each other - who received money, how much, how and with whom he spent his free time, threats and psychological tension are characteristic. If the abuser is a stranger, it is unpleasant and scary, but understandable and understandable. It's much worse if the rapist close person that you love. While raping his daughter, the father explains this most often by the fact that he loves her, trying to silence her - he threatens to kill her.

The psychological consequences of the deed for the future life of such a child are terrible. Such women are afraid to hug their child, and in relationships with men, including with their husbands, they always expect violence. Such tense attitudes cannot stabilize family relationships. All these consequences accompany a person throughout his entire future life. Threats, beatings, sexual harassment and even murder are gradually becoming attributes of many family relationships. The family ceases to be the guarantor of safety for the elderly, women and children. It turns into a dangerous area of ​​crimes against the person.

Domestic violence is one of the most important and pressing problems modern Russia. Economic crisis, social upheavals, declining living standards, low salaries, their not timely payment, etc. phenomena lead to an increase in violence in general and in the family in particular. A large number of crimes occurring within the home are committed by one family member in relation to another. The term "domestic violence" means emotional, physical, sexual violence committed knowingly against family members or other household members. Family life traditionally takes place behind closed doors and intrusion into it is seen as an infringement on privacy. Consequently, family behavior is less accessible than any other to the mechanisms of social control.

The attitude of society towards domestic violence is also influenced by the peculiarities of perception. Everywhere the greatest sympathy comes from the most helpless victims. Infants and toddlers fall into this category, since it is clear that they are unable to protect themselves. Elderly victims of violence have a choice that, in the eyes of society, makes them less vulnerable to constant persecution. Elderly people, with the exception of the sick, enjoy less sympathy and support from the population, since, having a choice, they can change their dangerous place of stay.

Victims who offer physical resistance are more often justified by society than those who resignedly obey, although resistance entails more serious violence. Public opinion places the blame on the victim who is abused or is passive. The typical model of domestic violence is the use of force against the weakest. Strength can be physical or determined by status. Both of these types of superiority occur in cases of domestic violence against adults. In most cases, neither battered women nor battered elderly people have the physical strength to fight or resist their tyrants.

Not all acts of violence are the same in their brutality, and their severity can range from minor to fatal. While milder forms of violence, such as a simple push, can be used to intimidate rather than injure, even such action can create significant problems for the elderly. It should be borne in mind that they have a much lower ability to quickly restore physical and mental strength, and therefore, to recover, than young people.

Most researchers (S. Ivanchenko, G. Sillaste, L. Olefir, etc.) include in the definition of violence the lack of medical care, poor nutrition, the forcible separation of the elderly from the rest of the family, theft of money or things. The result of all these actions can be a threat to the life and health of an elderly family member.

The most violent criminal acts take the form of deliberate harm or self-harm. The problem of violence against children, both emotional, physical and sexual, is no less acute. Nevertheless, acts of cruelty towards a spouse are much more common than towards children. Statistics show that half of all murders in a family are the murders of one spouse by another.

With the exception of family homicide, where both husbands and wives are the victims, women are more likely to be victimized and seriously injured. Cases of spousal violence are more or less characteristic of all socio-economic strata of the population, regardless of the level of education, as well as for all ethnic and professional groups.

The majority of the victims are unmarried women who are abused by their partner. Many victims of violence have physical and mental disabilities, which makes them completely dependent on other family members, because they themselves are not able to provide themselves with food, medicine, etc.

Most at risk are widowed people over 75 years of age who are bedridden with illness. Domestic violence is rarely the only one; it is usually repeated many times. It is worth overstepping the barrier and violence becomes an integral part of family relationships. There is also no guarantee in the family that the first victim of violence will be the only one.

Most cases of violence are associated with psychological pressure and exploitation. A physical action is often preceded by verbal abuse in the form of abuse degrading his human dignity. Feelings of worthlessness, incompetence, unattractiveness, insignificance and inferiority are instilled in victims. Psychological abuse can lower the victim's self-esteem and force her to admit her guilt in the violence committed against her.

Everyone who lives in a violent home does not feel safe. Domestic terror affects all family members, whether it affects them personally or not. Everyone should somehow adapt to it. The consequences of such terror can be fear, depression, suspicion, emotional and physical alienation, and a stifling atmosphere in the family, especially when there are differences of opinion.

Domestic violence is most commonly associated with four socio-psychological factors that are relevant to all victims of domestic violence, namely stress, social isolation, alcoholism and initial exposure to violence. Violence is closely related to social stress in the family. Among the many problems that can raise tensions and lead to violence are parenting disagreements, sex, unemployment, and the need for medical attention. The type and source of stress is just as important as its intensity. Family responsibilities, non-participation in social activities, and a limited social support system increase the risk of violence.

Husbands often isolate battered women from those around them, control all their contacts with family and friends, and prohibit them from studying or getting a job. By interfering with the life of physically weakened elderly people, the family isolates them from friends and acquaintances. Spousal beatings are often associated with alcohol, and some researchers believe that it removes control over instincts, others that it serves as an excuse.

Many cases of violence are caused by an attempt by relatives to raise money to buy drugs and alcohol. The main factor in spousal aggression and a common motive for discrimination against others is considered to be physical abuse, which the rapists themselves experienced in the past in the parental family or witnessed.

It is believed that family members resort to physical violence when they are unable to influence the family's decision due to lack of authority (as, for example, if the husband is a chronic alcoholic, unemployed or drug addict). An unemployed person, due to the temporary loss of his ability to be an equal “breadwinner” of the family, experiences a certain psychological pressure from his loved ones, primarily from his husband or wife, and other family members. Relations with friends and acquaintances also change somewhat.

The number of children and adolescents trying to commit suicide is growing by about one and a half times every year. Evgenia Eletskaya, a Rostov analytical psychologist specializing in the prevention of suicides among children and adolescents, notes that the peak of child and adolescent suicidal activity is 14-16 years old, although in last years Children aged five to ten also try to commit suicide. Suicide is currently ranked 4th among other causes of death among adolescents. Among the reasons for teenage suicides in Rostov-on-Don, problems and conflicts in the family are in the first place. In second place is violence. The reasons can also be unhappy love, gambling addiction, mismatch of biological and psychological sexes, troubles at school, etc.

Social protection institutions provide psychological and material assistance to such families and children: rehabilitation centers and social assistance services for families and children, neurological dispensaries, etc. Practical prevention of drunkenness, alcoholism and other negative phenomena in dysfunctional families takes a variety of forms.

In all cities, there are departments for helping families and children, which are entrusted with the task of coordinating work to stabilize, improve families and provide timely assistance. Educational work is being carried out among young people who have applied for marriage registration. In a number of regions of the country, there is another form of comprehensive anti-alcohol work based on an individual approach - the rehabilitation of alcoholic families. Narcologists, the police, the juvenile affairs inspectorate, and teachers jointly identify families where parents are alcoholics, willingly or unwillingly, as they say, add teenagers to drunkenness. For each member of such a family, preventive measures of a medical, educational and legal nature are taken.

This work also involves social workers who provide psychological assistance to families. Social work is focused not only on solving these family problems, but also on strengthening and developing, restoring the internal potential for performing numerous socially significant functions of the family.

The types and forms of social assistance aimed at preserving the family as a social institution in general and each specific family group in need of support can be subdivided into emergency, aimed at the survival of the family (emergency assistance, urgent social assistance), social work aimed at maintaining stability families, and social work aimed at the social development of the family and its members. The social worker should not regard the situation as hopeless, but it should be remembered that the resolution of family problems is, first of all, a matter of free choice of the family members themselves. Without their strong-willed effort and perseverance, the most effective social technology will not succeed.

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Asocial family. This is a family where the parents have criminal inclinations. Therefore, sooner or later, the child becomes involved in a system of criminal manipulations on their part (as he copies their stereotypes of behavior, and in some cases, thinking). First, the child learns to provide small services (for example, to enter the window of the apartment, and then open the door to adult thieves, stand aside, observing the behavior of others, give a signal in case of danger, etc.). Then the child is asked to break the law himself under the supervision of the parents. In case of disobedience, he will face insults and threats to deprive him of the opportunity to spend the night at home.

By involving children in committing crimes, parents limit their opportunities to receive a normal education, are catalysts for violations of relations between the child and peers, as a result of which the child falls into groups with a criminal orientation. The future of such a child is pre-programmed: nothing good awaits him in this life.

The lack of well-being in these families gives rise to violence. Violence is defined as knowing or unconscious acts that threaten the well-being or rights of the child. Perhaps you are lucky and you will not see how an angry dad works out strength techniques on a defenseless child. Perhaps you will be lucky, and you will not hear streams of swear words, which you have never heard from the lips of a woman called a mother. Perhaps you will be lucky, and you will not feel the fetid smell of alcohol and will not see the eyes "extinguished" from the next "dose". If you are lucky, you will never see it. And the child is in such an environment for years.

Experts identify the following forms of violence against children:

1) Physical - this is cruelty and other purposeful inhuman actions that cause pain to the child and impede his development (causing physical pain: beatings, bites, moxibustion, deliberate suffocation or drowning of the child, as well as situations where the child is given poisons and inadequate medications).

2) Emotional (mental) is a violation of the psycho-emotional balance in the direction of negative feelings and experiences. The child experiences a constant lack of attention and love, but screaming, threats, ridicule, bullying, harsh and harsh criticism, insults and intimidation are quite enough, which lead to a loss of self-esteem and self-confidence. Such cruelty is no less harmful than physical. Such disrespect by parents of feelings, dignity of the child is called "murder". It is deliberately aimed at suppressing the feelings of joy and love in children.

Emotional alienation of children arises, called the "affective dullness syndrome", which creates the basis for chronic psychogenic traumatism, often causing secondary affective criminal actions - aggression directed outward (asocial behavior) or towards one's own personality (suicide).

Repression and pressure at any age have 2 consequences: the personality is either suppressed if it is weak, or a protest is born in it, which can develop into an acute form if the personality is strong. If violence is applied to a child, he does not manage to actively defend himself, he experiences a feeling of anger, but is forced to suppress it. In fact, there is an accumulation of anger, which will be reacted later. This gives rise to the aggression of children and other types of their deviant (deviant) behavior.

Becoming parents, they will also be cruel to their children. Violence is directly related to the level of delinquency among children. This is confirmed by the increase in the number of violent crimes committed by adolescents. Special statistics on cases of domestic violence are not kept. They become known when a child is admitted to hospital with serious injuries or commits an offense.

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