Russian Federation - Russian language. Logical errors Let us compare the results of the first crisis with the second

· To assist

· notorious

Assign responsibility

In order to ensure the safety

What word or expression is inappropriate in business writing?

· undercover fight

Difficulties encountered

· To apply

We hereby notify

56. Which answer option is no speech errors?

· At the embassy building, protesters gathered with banners and microphones in Russian and English.

· The speaker, taking this opportunity, called on financiers to spend their expenses more economically.

· Linguists are sure that positive changes in the life of any community depend on a positive attitude towards the state language.

· Here's what else we all need to keep in mind: the practical interest in the Russian language is growing all over the world.

57. In which answer option are there no speech errors?

· Employees went to any assignment.

· Compare the results of the first crisis with the second.

· The legal status of a citizen is defined at the legislative level.

· A citizen submits documents on the relevant education and (or) professional qualifications, academic degrees and academic titles, as well as documents related to the passage of training.

58. In which answer option are there no speech errors?

· Job responsibilities are in the selection and management of personnel.

· The request was addressed not to the prosecutor's office, but to the city Council of Deputies.

· In the preceding months, we have paid a lot of attention to supporting the financial system.

· Contrary to the current situation.

59. Specify the correct verbal and numerical form corresponding to the phrase " ... twenty percent fee ...:»:

20% collection

20% collection

· 20 percent collection

20% tax

60. Indicate your preferred designation of quantity for business writing:

· with a mass of up to 5 kg

With a mass of up to five kg

With mass< 5 килограммов

With a mass of up to 5 kilograms

Read the text of the order.

In order to implement the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ "On the Procedure for Considering Citizens' Appeals Russian Federation", The Law of the Krasnodar Territory of June 28, 2007 No. 1270-KZ" On additional guarantees for the exercise of the right to appeal in the Krasnodar Territory "I order:

1. To approve the attached Procedure for working with citizens' appeals in the Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites of the Krasnodar Territory (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure).

2. The Department of Economic, Legal Activity and the State Register of the Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects of the Krasnodar Territory (hereinafter referred to as the Department) shall ensure:

b) posting the text on the official website of the Office;

c) familiarization of the civil servants of the Department with this order.

3. The order comes into force 10 days after the day of its official publication.

4. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Determine which of the suggested headings matches the content of the document:

· On measures to implement the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ "On the Procedure for Considering Applications of Citizens of the Russian Federation", the Law of the Krasnodar Territory of June 28, 2007 No. 1270-KZ "On Additional Guarantees for the Exercise of the Right to Appeal in the Krasnodar Territory"

About the Procedure for working with citizens' appeals in the Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects of the Krasnodar Territory

· On approval of the Procedure for working with citizens' appeals in the department of state protection of cultural heritage objects of the Krasnodar Territory

62. Read the document. Indicate the prepositions that should be used in place of the omissions [A] and [B].

Dear founders of educational institutions!

…[A]nn. 43, 44 of the Regulations on the licensing of educational activities, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2009 No. 277, the State Inspectorate for Supervision and Control in Education of the Perm Territory maintains a register of licensed educational institutions and posting it on the website.

... [B]submission of reliable and timely information in the specified register, we draw your attention to the need to promptly inform the Inspectorate of all changes in the network of educational institutions (exclusion from the register of legal entities, change of status, reorganization process in the form of a merger or acquisition, suspension of activities).

· [A] - "In connection with ..."; [B] - "For ..."

· [A] - "In accordance with ..."; [B] - "In order to ..."

· [A] - "According to ..."; [B] - "In view of ..."

· [A] - "In execution ..."; [B] - "Due to ..."

II. Test questions for knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the fundamentals of the constitutional structure of the Russian Federation

(Version No. 3)

Moscow, 2016

In which word does the stress fall on the first syllable?




· funds

In which word does the stress fall on the second syllable?



· Petition


· Document

· To assist


Assign responsibility

In order to ensure the safety

What word or expression is inappropriate in business writing?

Undercover struggle

Difficulties encountered

· To apply

We hereby notify

56. In which answer option are there no speech errors?

· At the embassy building, protesters gathered with banners and microphones in Russian and English.

· The speaker, taking this opportunity, called on financiers to spend their expenses more economically.

· Linguists are sure that positive changes in the life of any community depend on a positive attitude towards the state language.

· Here's what else we all need to keep in mind: the practical interest in the Russian language is growing all over the world.

57. In which answer option are there no speech errors?

· Employees went to any assignment.

· Compare the results of the first crisis with the second.

· The legal status of a citizen is defined at the legislative level.

· A citizen submits documents on the relevant education and (or) professional qualifications, on academic degrees and academic titles, as well as documents related to the passage of training.

58. In which answer option are there no speech errors?

· Job responsibilities are in the selection and management of personnel.

· The request was addressed not to the prosecutor's office, but to the city Council of Deputies.

· In the previous months, we have paid a lot of attention to supporting the financial system.

· Contrary to the current situation.

59. Specify the correct verbal and numerical form corresponding to the phrase " ... twenty percent fee ...:»:

20% collection

20% collection

20 percent collection

20% tax

60. Indicate your preferred designation of quantity for business writing:

With a mass of up to 5 kg

With a mass of up to five kg

With mass< 5 килограммов

With a mass of up to 5 kilograms

Read the text of the order.

In order to implement the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ "On the Procedure for Considering Applications of Citizens of the Russian Federation", the Law of the Krasnodar Region dated June 28, 2007 No. 1270-KZ "On Additional Guarantees for the Exercise of the Right to Appeal in the Krasnodar Territory" I order:

1. To approve the attached Procedure for working with citizens' appeals in the Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites of the Krasnodar Territory (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure).

2. The Department of Economic, Legal Activity and the State Register of the Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects of the Krasnodar Territory (hereinafter referred to as the Department) shall ensure:

b) posting the text on the official website of the Office;

c) familiarization of the civil servants of the Department with this order.

3. The order comes into force 10 days after the day of its official publication.

4. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Determine which of the suggested headings matches the content of the document:

· On measures to implement the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ "On the Procedure for Considering Applications of Citizens of the Russian Federation", the Law of the Krasnodar Territory of June 28, 2007 No. 1270-KZ "On Additional Guarantees for the Exercise of the Right to Appeal in the Krasnodar Territory"

About the Procedure for working with citizens' appeals in the Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects of the Krasnodar Territory

On approval of the Procedure for working with citizens' appeals in the management of state protection of cultural heritage objects of the Krasnodar Territory

62. Read the document. Indicate the prepositions that should be used in place of the omissions [A] and [B].

Dear founders of educational institutions!

…[A]nn. 43, 44 of the Regulations on the licensing of educational activities, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2009 No. 277, the State Inspectorate for Supervision and Control in Education of the Perm Territory maintains a register of licensed educational institutions and posting it on the website.

... [B]submission of reliable and timely information in the specified register, we draw your attention to the need to promptly inform the Inspectorate of all changes in the network of educational institutions (exclusion from the register of legal entities, change of status, reorganization process in the form of a merger or acquisition, suspension of activities).

· [A] - "In connection with ..."; [B] - "For ..."

· [A] - "In accordance with ..."; [B] - "In order to ..."

· [A] - "According to ..."; [B] - "In view of ..."

· [A] - "In execution ..."; [B] - "Due to ..."

II. Test questions for knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the fundamentals of the constitutional structure of the Russian Federation

When is the State Duma dissolved? Federal Assembly Russian Federation?

After a threefold rejection of the candidacies of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation presented by the President of the Russian Federation

In the event of the resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation

When electing a new President of the Russian Federation

If the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation has expressed no confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation

A civil servant is a member of the competition commission of a state body. His son applied for participation in the competition to fill the vacant position of a specialist in this state body. What should a civil servant do?

No action required

Notify in writing the representative of the employer and the immediate superior of the existence of a conflict of interest

· Inform your son that he cannot participate in the competition for this position

· Inform the immediate superior and members of the tender committee about the presence of a conflict of interest

The representative of the employer became aware that one of his subordinates had a personal interest, which leads to a conflict of interest. However, he did not consider it necessary to take any measures. What are the consequences of his inaction if this circumstance is revealed?

The tenant's representative will be severely reprimanded

Employer representative will be demoted

Employer representative will be removed from leadership position

The employer's representative will be dismissed from the civil service

123. Restrictions and prohibitions in the civil service are established:

By the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation

· Federal law "On the system of public service of the Russian Federation"

· Federal law "On the state civil service of the Russian Federation" and other federal laws

Job regulations

At what point is a citizen applying for a civil service position required to submit information about his income, property and property obligations, as well as income, property and property obligations of his family members?

When entering the civil service

Within a month after entering the civil service

Within three months of entering the civil service

Within a year after entering the civil service

148. Can a bank use information about income, property and property obligations of a civil servant and his family members in order to determine his solvency when receiving a loan?

· Can not

May with the written consent of the civil servant and his family members

May with the written consent of the employer's representative

Can the attestation commission, based on the results of attestation of a civil servant, having made a decision on the inappropriateness of the civil service position being replaced, recommend that the employer's representative dismiss the civil servant?

It cannot, since certification of a civil servant is carried out in order to determine his compliance with the civil service position being replaced, and not in order to resolve the issue of dismissal from the civil service

Maybe, since a civil servant who does not correspond to the civil service position being replaced is subject to dismissal

Maybe, since the certification of a civil servant is carried out in order to identify the grounds for the dismissal of civil servants from the civil service

May as an exceptional measure

159. Extraordinary certification of civil servants can be carried out:

By agreement of the parties to the service contract

When a civil servant commits a disciplinary offense

After the expiration of the period of stay in the assigned class rank

If the representative of the employer has doubts about the conformity of the civil servant to the civil service position being replaced

Can the representative of the employer, in connection with the work necessity, in exchange for the additional paid leave granted to a civil servant who has an irregular working day, compensate for the performance of his official duties outside the normal duration of work time by payment as for overtime work?

· Can not

Maybe, since the representative of the employer in this case has the right to choose to provide the specified guarantee or compensation

Maybe, since the representative of the employer in this case proceeds from the interests of the state and financial capabilities

May with the consent of a civil servant

163. A civil servant can receive additional professional education:

Both in the Russian Federation and abroad

Only in the Russian Federation

Only in the Russian Federation and other CIS member states

In the Russian Federation, as well as abroad, subject to the availability of relevant international agreements

The government agency announced a competition for the provision of subsidies to socially oriented non-profit organizations. The non-profit organization "Mercy and Care" took part in the competition.

One of the civil servants involved in evaluating bids and deciding whether to receive subsidies previously worked for the said charitable organization, although at the time of the competition was not associated with any financial obligations.

Considering that "Mercy and Care" deserves support the most, the civil servant actively talked about the advantages of this organization and urged the members of the commission to vote for it.

In this situation in accordance with the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" :

There was no conflict of interest, but there was a violation of the requirements for official conduct

There was no conflict of interest if the charitable organization would receive a subsidy and in the absence of support from a civil servant

There was a situation of conflict of interest, since the civil servant used his official position in order to obtain material benefits for a specific charitable organization

231. In 2005 A. was appointed to the position of deputy head of a department in the territorial body of the federal service. In 2009, A.'s husband was appointed to the position of the head of this territorial body.

Based on the results of the verification of compliance with the requirements for official behavior, the corruption component in the interaction of the head of the territorial body and civil servant A. was not revealed (there were no facts of payment of premiums in an increased amount, the provision of any benefits, preferences, etc.).

In this situation:

There is no conflict of interest, since A. was appointed to a position in the territorial body of the federal service before her husband was appointed to the position of head

There is a conflict of interest, but taking into account the results of the audit, showing the absence of abuse by the head of the territorial body of his powers, civil servants can continue to fill their positions with constant monitoring of the conflict of interest by the commission for the settlement of conflicts of interest

Since the head of the territorial body has the authority to appoint (dismiss) employees to (from) positions, approves the official duties of employees and implements a number of other functions in personnel management, then there are relations of direct subordination of employee A. and her spouse, as a result, the restriction was violated, connected with the state civil service, one of the spouses must be dismissed from the territorial body of the federal service

There is no conflict of interest or violation of a restriction related to the state civil service, since the spouse of employee A., although he is the head of the territorial body, is not her immediate boss

232. Civil servant K. is filling a position in the Federal Service for Environmental Protection. Concurrently, K. is engaged in teaching activities at the Institute of Environmental Management. K.'s service activities and the content of the disciplines she read at the institute are closely related.

In this situation:

Civil service legislation is respected as long as the process teaching activities K. does not use official information that became known to her in connection with the performance of his official duties as a civil servant

The legislation on the civil service is respected if K.'s representative at the place of service is aware of her part-time work and the fact of K.'s part-time work does not raise objections from the employer's representative

There is a violation of the legislation on the civil service, since in the process of pedagogical activity K. uses the knowledge and experience acquired by her as part of her work in the Federal Service for Environmental Protection

There is a conflict of interest, since in order to obtain material benefits in the form of remuneration at the main place of work, K. uses the knowledge and experience acquired by her as part of her work in the Federal Service for Environmental Protection

In 2011, the citizen entered the civil service. In 2013, the wife of a civil servant, together with her parents, purchased an apartment on a shared ownership basis. The costs of the spouse amounted to 2 million rubles, the cost of the apartment - 4 million rubles.

· The civil servant must provide information on the expenses of the spouse if the total income of the civil servant and his spouse for 2011-2012 is less than 2 million rubles

· The civil servant must provide information on the expenses of the spouse if the total income of the civil servant and his spouse for 2011-2012 is less than 4 million rubles

· The civil servant must provide information on the expenses of the spouse if the total income of the civil servant and his spouse for 2010-2012 is less than 2 million rubles

· The civil servant must provide information on the expenses of the spouse if the total income of the civil servant and his spouse for 2010-2012 is less than 4 million rubles

234. In February 2014, the child of a civil servant turned 18 years old. When submitting information on income, property and property obligations for 2013 in March 2014, the civil servant did not provide information regarding this child. In this situation:

The civil servant did not violate the law, since at the time of submission of the information his child had already reached the age of majority

A civil servant violated the requirements of the law, however, if the check shows that his actions were generally in good faith, and not the presentation of information was caused by delusion, then by the decision of the representative of the employer, the employee may be allowed to provide the missing information, including without applying to the employee measures of responsibility for untimely presentation of information

The civil servant violated the requirements of the law, but if the check shows that his actions were generally in good faith, and not the presentation of information was caused by error, then by the decision of the representative of the employer, the employee may be allowed to submit the missing information, and the employee should be penalized for late submission information

Measures of responsibility should be applied to a civil servant for the submission of incomplete and (or) inaccurate information

V. Test questions for knowledge and skills in the field of information and communication technologies


(Version No. 3)

Moscow, 2016

I. Test questions for knowledge state language Russian Federation - Russian language. 3

II. Test questions for knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the foundations of the constitutional structure of the Russian Federation. 17

III. Test questions for knowledge of the legislation on the state civil service of the Russian Federation. 29

IV. Test questions for knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation on combating corruption. 43

V. Test questions for knowledge and skills in the field of information and communication technologies. 62

I. Test questions for knowledge of the state language

Russian Federation - Russian language

1. Select the answer option in which in all cases the letter A is written in the place of the gap:

Democratic, make up, anti-corruption, comparison

· lead, concise, industry-specific, trajectory

· Grown, provocative, for example ... infusion, pers ... cash

· Suppose, incarnate, steam ... doxal, ignorant ... hypnotic

2. Choose an answer option in which in all cases the letter I is written in place of the gap:

· analytical, electoral, auction

· C..ganskiy, priv ... legia, forbid ...

Subordinate, periphery, combination

Equivalent, cynical, submission

Content of basic qualification requirements

The government civil servant must show:

  • correct use of grammatical and lexical means of the Russian language in the preparation of documents;

  • the ability to use the business style of writing in the preparation of documents and official correspondence;

  • the ability to use a variety of language tools and tactics verbal communication for the implementation of various purposes;

  • possession and free use of the vocabulary necessary for the implementation of professional service activities;

  • the ability to correctly interpret texts related to the socio-economic and legal spheres.

  1. In the word "catalog" the stress falls on ... syllable:

  • first

  • second

  • third

  1. In the word "quarter" the stress falls on ... syllable:

  • first

  • second

  1. The correct stressed vowel is highlighted in the words:


  • NEWS

  • localities

  1. Correctly spelled words:

  • unprecedented

  • exhausted

  • intriguer

  • incident

  • compromise,

  1. Misspelled words:

  • constant

  • scoff

  • light presentation

  • pedestal

  • foreshortening

  • escort

  • lawyer

  1. Correct word variant:

  • hastily

  • scrupulously

  • scrupulously

  • scrupulously

  • companion

  • component

  • campanent

  • component

  1. Correct spelling of the word:

  • precedent

  • incident

  • precedent

  • presenter

  • precindent

  1. Words with the letter "ё":

  • assignee

  • newborn

  • background

  • settled

  1. Words with "b":

  • june ... sky

  • october ... sky

  • november ... sky

  • January

  • overtake subordinates with fear

  • interruptions during hours

  • talk eye to eye

  • do not lose sight of

  • lie in a bank account

  1. Correct grammatical form words:

  • making adjustments

  • making adjustments

  • five Georgians

  • five Georgians

  1. The doubled consonant is used in the word:

  • apartheid

  • applause

  • apologist

  • ap ... robation

  • ap ... arat

  1. The doubled consonant is used in the words:

  • producer

  • dealer

  • mas ... he

  • com ... entarium

  • dilem ... and

  1. The doubled consonant is not used in words:

  • confidant ... ost

  • capitalist

  • dilem ... a

  • op ... on

  • Finnish(language)

  • humanism

  1. The following compound words are written with a hyphen:

  • (social) political issues

  • (socially) significant act

  • (legally) competent employee

  • (service) career growth

  • (socially) dangerous person

  1. Complex words are written with a hyphen:

  • (political) technological methods

  • (politically) important decisions

  • (socially) active youth

  • (social) political issues

  • (social) demographic problems

  • hall with four hundred and fifty seven delegates

  • take care of two hundred and eighty passengers

  • send invitations to three hundred seventy recipients

  • choose from five hundred sixty eight tickets

  1. Correct declension of numerals:

  • out of eight hundred and fifty respondents

  • meeting with five hundred and sixty seven voters

  • in two hundred thirty-five ballots

  • hand over passports to one hundred and fifteen residents

  1. The correct way to write and use numbers in the text:

  • with a mass of up to 5 kg ...

  • with a mass of up to five kg ...

  • at mass

  1. ... the history of Moscow is rich in events that are important for the life of the whole country.

  • eight hundred and sixty year old

  • eight hundred and sixty

  • eight hundred and sixty

  • eight hundred sixty annual

  1. NOT with a word is written together in a sentence:

  • The HR department sent a replacement for an (un) authorized employee.

  • The personal record sheet was (not) completed.

  • An (un) official but highly relevant document was posted to the news feed.

  1. NOT with the word is written separately in sentences:

  • The judge (not) hesitated to correct his mistake.

  • (Despite) the end of the contract, the work has not been completed.

  • Providing housing for young families is by no means an (un) solved problem.

  • An (un) certified copy of the document may be used for business purposes.

  1. NOT with a word is written together in sentences:

  • Written explanations given by (un) authorized persons may be (in) correct.

  • Transactions made by an (un) authorized representative of the owner may be recognized as (not) valid.

  • It is forbidden to hold official events by (un) authorized individuals and legal entities.

  1. SUBSTANCE instead of PRESENT is used in the expression:

  • the book IS a practical guide for professionals working in the field of jurisprudence and law

  • reporters PRESENTED a new candidate for mayor

  • citizens HAVE the right to choose the form of submission of documents

  • a lawyer will REPRESENT your interests in court

  1. All selected words are capitalized in expressions:

  • great Luke, state Museum of Arts. A.S. Pushkin

  • Damocles sword, Warsaw contract

  • ancient Russia, mari state pedagogical institute

  • state public history library , Gordian knot

  • cross hiking, Poltava battle

  1. All words are written with a capital letter in the names of the subjects of the Russian Federation:

  • Jewish Autonomous Region

  • Republic of North Ossetia - Alania

  • Altai region

  • Udmurtia

  1. The names of positions are written with a capital letter:

  • Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation

  • Head of the Presidential Executive Office of the Russian Federation

  • Secretary of the State Council of the Russian Federation

  • First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office of the Russian Federation

  • Aide to the President of the Russian Federation

  1. The correct use of capital letters in the words "committee", "commission" is given in the titles:

  • Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Property

  • Eurasian Economic Commission

  • Technical Committee for All-Russian Classifiers

  • Customs Union Commission

  • Counting Commission

  1. The correct use of a lowercase letter in the words "committee", "commission" is given in the titles:

  • Interim Commission of the Federation Council for the Preparation of Legislative Proposals on Countering Terrorism

  • Counting commission

  • Office of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Property

  • Technical Committee for All-Russian Classifiers

  1. Correct use of lowercase and uppercase letters given in the title:

  • State Duma Council

  • State Duma Committee on Education

  • Commission of the State Duma on mandate issues and issues of deputy ethics

  1. The correct use of uppercase and lowercase letters is given in the phrases:

  • Moscow school

  • Kaliningrad region

  • Asian countries

  • East Siberian Plain

  • X-rays

  1. The correct use of lowercase and uppercase letters is given in the expression:

  • scope of this Federal Law

  • the solution to this problem is provided for by the concept of reducing administrative barriers and increasing the availability of state and municipal services for 2011-2013.

  • the requirements for civil service experience for civil servants of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation are established by the Law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation

  1. Incorrect abbreviation used in words:

  • head (head), acad. (academician), i.e. (that is), look. (Look)

  • district (district), prof. (professor), acting (acting)

  • etc. (others), railway. (railway), region. (region)

  • city ​​(city), st. (street), rub. (rubles)

  1. The correct abbreviation is used in the words:

  • 20% tax

  • 20% tax

  • 20 percent fee

  • Twenty -% collection

  1. Correctly used abbreviations government agencies the authorities are:

  • Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation

  • Rospechat

  • Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

  • be considerate with subordinates

  • be honest with a colleague

  • admit to participate in the competition

  • allergy to demagoguery

  • make a report on the work

  1. The correct version of the phrase:

  • trust in law enforcement

  • trust in law enforcement

  • trust in law enforcement

  • powerful tornado

  • final communiqué

  • noisy avenue

  1. Correct word matching:

  • beautiful delhi

  • fresh vegetable

  • correction made

  • cozy Mytishchi

  1. Correct word matching:

  • LLC "Arena" is registered

  • the director of the department with colleagues prepared a draft normative act

  • completed plan by the plant

  1. Sentences with correct punctuation marks:

  • He is used to achieving his goal at all costs.

  • The refutation will be printed in petite form only.

  • Anyone could do this job.

  • Out of indignation, the head of the department did not find what to say.

  • The current situation still inspires optimism - the Russian language occupies a worthy place among the most widespread languages ​​in the world.

  • About 114 million people know Russian as a foreign or second native language.

  • Now, according to experts, 63 million residents of the former Soviet republics speak fluent Russian.

  • The only former republic of the USSR that has retained the status of the Russian language as the state language is Belarus.

  1. A sentence with correct punctuation marks:

  • You must submit documents no later than tomorrow.

  • Meanwhile, employees in roughly 40% of companies in the country are still paid in dollars.

  • By the way, the dollar exchange rate used for internal settlements is often lower than the official one.

  • It took the police officers less than three hours to apprehend the robber.

  1. A sentence with correct punctuation marks:

  • The goal of our power engineers is to provide the domestic market with heat and light as much as possible.

  • According to the estimates of the heads of energy companies, this year they will have to work in the conditions of an unprecedented increase in electricity consumption.

  • Population last winter, and social facilities cities worked smoothly.

  • The logical result of attracting investments in the electric power industry should be a solution to the problem of energy shortages.

  • Viewers appreciated films about modern Russian life in an artistic and extremely true vision.

  • The Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces spoke at the press conference.

  • The main essence of the speaker's speech is to substantiate the need for radical transformations in the industry.

  • The first and second days of the business trip went smoothly.

  1. Sentences with speech errors:

  • The public is wondering who will win out of 8 candidates in the elections?

  • Currently, a sociological survey of journalists is already underway.

  • At the embassy building, protesters gathered with banners and microphones in Russian and English.

  • In the stands for guests of honor, the winners of the competition watched the opening ceremony of the City Day.

  1. Sentences with speech errors:

  • All local newspapers published a denial of slanderous facts.

  • Aggression against a sovereign state was condemned by the international community.

  • The US government circles did not dare to recognize the genocide of Turkey against the peaceful Armenian population.

  • Mastering the Russian language opened access to the next stage of cultural and civilizational development of many nations and nationalities.

  1. Sentences with speech errors:

  • Linguists are sure that positive changes in the life of any community depend on a positive attitude towards the state language.

  • To stop the rise in food prices, the authorities intend to conduct a commodity intervention.

  • Employees went to any assignment.

  • The designer's services also included furnishing the renovated apartment.

  • All the color of the creative elite gathered at the opening of the fashion exhibition.

  1. Sentences with speech errors:

  • Both Russia and the EU members are interested in continuing cooperation in the field of science.

  • As you know, Umberto Eco is not only an excellent writer, but also a famous scientist.

  • The speaker's speech was striking in the clerical emasculation and poverty of the language.

  • The content of the report was based on verified facts.

  1. Sentences with speech errors:

  • In the new library of Khovrino, the district administration held a ceremony of presenting passports to young Muscovites.

  • Russia will supply gas to its neighbors in accordance with the approved schedule.

  • The mayor demanded to stop illegal construction in the landscaped area.

  • No one knows the Criminal Code better than him.

  1. Sentences with speech errors:

  • In his welcoming speech, it was emphasized that the education and intelligence of future specialists would be in demand for the country.

  • In modern conditions, knowledge of the Russian language as the basis of business is becoming necessary for neighboring countries, and not only for them.

  • The speaker, taking this opportunity, called on financiers to spend their expenses more economically.

  • Here's what else we all need to keep in mind: the practical interest in the Russian language is growing all over the world.

  1. Sentence without speech errors:

  • Regulatory legal regulation of relations formed in connection with the provision of state and municipal services.

  • The legal status of a citizen is defined at the legislative level.

  • A citizen submits documents on the relevant education and (or) professional qualifications, on academic degrees and academic titles and documents related to the passage of training.

  1. Expression free of speech errors:

  • clarification of mistakes

  • operate with accurate data

  • emphasize the need for construction

  • hand over on time thanks to accurate work

  1. Expressions containing speech errors:

  • make against a bad prognosis

  • act contrary to established principles

  • desire for activity, need for activity

  • admiration for a heroic deed, respect for a heroic deed

  1. Correct use of phraseological units:

  • lost in the annals of history

  • apply draconian measures

  • talk nonsense in vegetable oil

  • hover at the height of glory

  • find material damage

  • meet modern needs

  • earn respect

  • express concerns

  1. Expressions where norms are violated lexical compatibility words:

  • make an effort

  • increase the capacity

  • discover a pattern

  • foreshadow defeat

  1. Sentences where mistakes were made due to the omission of a required word:

  • To improve production performance, it is necessary to unite all workers involved in the economy.

  • As a result of speech deficiency, the grammatical and logical connections of words in a sentence are violated, its meaning changes.

  • Let us compare the results of the first crisis with the second.

  • Environmental disasters are an urgent problem of our time.

  1. Expressions where errors caused by excessive verbosity are made:

  • every minute of time

  • in the month of December

  • meet for the first time

  • meet for the first time

  • in summer time

  • misconception

  1. The legality of power means:

  • recognition of power by the population, acceptance of power as legitimate and fair

  • power is legitimate, exercised by law

  • reasoned recognition of authority

  1. Intentional restriction or deprivation of rights on any grounds is called:

  • discrimination

  • segregation

  • genocide

  • eugenics

  • xenophobia

  1. Administrative and political jargon are phrases:

  • talk about the problem

  • underutilize potential

  • talk all evening

  • lack a point

  1. The main political organization society, protecting its economic and social structure on a certain state territory is:

  • Political Party

  • public association

  • administrative-territorial unit

  • state

  1. Dictionary that you can use to find out the meaning of the words: "circular", "civilist", "sovereignty":

  • phrasebook

  • orthographic dictionary

  • etymological dictionary

  • law dictionary

  1. Dictionary that you can use to find out the meanings of the words: "attaché", "apocryphal":

  • dictionary of foreign words

  • orthographic dictionary

  • pronouncing dictionary

  • dictionary of paronyms

  1. In official documents, words and expressions may be used:

  • this year

  • current year

  • with this we direct

  • the act is drawn up

  1. The correct turns of speech are:

  • in the city of Moscow

  • in Moscow

  • according to order

  • according to order

  • keep in mind

  • keep in mind

  1. Business correspondence is characterized by:

  • use of clichés and stamps

  • double interpretation of the text

  • compliance with a specific type of business letter

  • accuracy and conciseness of transmission of the necessary information

  1. Using notes to service documents:

  • allowed

  • allowed in exceptional cases when the corresponding explanation cannot be stated in the text of the document

  • not allowed

  1. To genres business style relate:

  • order

  • essay

  • story

  • thesis

  • disposition

  • court speech

  • article

  1. The given text belongs to the style of speech:
During the period of early Roman legislation, there was no question of the portability of abstract obligations. In modern law, an obligation, without losing its character of a connection between two persons, has acquired a different character: it is a property value for the creditor, property encumbrance for the debtor. It thus becomes independent of the personality of active and passive subjects, which can change without affecting the obligation.

  • colloquial

  • artistic

  • newspaper and journalistic

  • official business

  • scientific

  1. Purpose of the cover letter:

  • informing

  • initiating, maintaining relationships

  • legalization

  • motivation

  1. The correct form of addressing the addressee in a business letter:

  • Dear Sergey Viktorovich!

  • Sergey Viktorovich, good afternoon!

  • Good afternoon, dear Sergey Viktorovich!

  • Mr. Ivanov!

  1. Read the text. Indicate suggestions that provide specific anti-corruption measures:
Democracy in Novgorod existed for at least 6-7 centuries (1). What allowed her to survive for so long? (2)

The principles of the formation of the ruling elite of the Novgorod principality were very similar to those that existed in early republican Rome: selfless service and frequent rotation of senior officials, primarily princes and mayors (3). In particular, among the special features of Novgorod democracy are the following (4):

The princes and mayors, that is, the rulers of the state, entered into an agreement with the veche, according to which they were forbidden to have or acquire any (large) property in Novgorod and in the territories subject to it (5). In case of violation of the agreement, the veche expelled its ruler, which happened quite often (6).

There were certain rules of conduct for high-ranking officials (boyars). (7). These rules stipulated that in the event of an abuse of office by any of the boyars, the veche could decide to "put the violator on the stream" - or, speaking modern language, to confiscate all his property, after which the people and the army broke into the boyar's house and trade warehouses and carried away everything that they could carry away (8).

  • 3,5,6,8

  • 1,2,3,4,5

  • 1,3,7

  • 3,7,8

  1. Read the text. Note the expressions that characterize the corruption component of the activities of officials in Russia:
in the Moscow kingdom.

  • governors ruled in the territories of Siberia entrusted to them

  • the king had no influence on them

  • uncontrolled

  • went all bad

  • robbed the local population

  • he was met by the royal convoy

  • were deprived of incentives to accumulate personal wealth

  • introduced the practice of mandatory rotation of all senior officials

  1. Read the text. Note the expressions that characterize the anti-corruption component of the activities of Russian rulers:
Methods of combating bureaucratic arbitrariness and corruption in the Moscow kingdom. While the governors ruled in the territories of Siberia entrusted to them by the tsar, many thousands of miles from Moscow, the tsar had no influence over them and could hardly control their actions. In conditions of such uncontrolledness, they went all out and plundered the local population. But after some time, the tsar usually called the governor back to Moscow. And when he reached the Urals with his wagon train, he was met by the royal convoy, which confiscated all the gold, furs and other valuables that were in the wagon train of the retired governor. Thus, the next governors, knowing what had happened to their predecessors, were deprived of the incentive to accumulate personal wealth and instead began to think about how to achieve prosperity of the province under their control - in order to receive a reward from the king for this. It is known that Ivan the Terrible, among other measures, introduced the practice of mandatory rotation of all high-ranking officials, which was carried out annually under him.

  • the king had no influence on them

  • uncontrolled

  • went all bad

  • confiscated all gold, furs and other valuables

  • knowing what happened to their predecessors, they were deprived of incentives to accumulate personal wealth

  • introduced the practice of mandatory rotation of all senior officials

  • to make their province prosperous

  • You won't grease, you won't go

  • Hand washes hand

  • Business time - fun hour

  • The quieter you go, the further you'll get

  • Dry spoon tears your mouth

  • Seven times measure cut once

  • To rake in the heat with someone else's hands

  1. Folk wisdom, reflecting the corrupt nature of activities:

  • Every clerk loves a hot roll

  • The master's case is afraid

  • And a smart one takes when a stupid one gives.

  • They are greeted by clothes, escorted by the mind

  • Skill and work will grind everything

1. The main tasks of colloquial speech cannot be:

1) expression of personal attitude to phenomena, events

2) expression of the generally accepted attitude towards phenomena, events

3) dominance of information about an event over its emotional assessment

4) dominance of the emotional-evaluative principle in the message

5) create conditions for the spontaneous use of language tools

limit trusting and free relationships in the process of communication

2. It is not typical for colloquial speech:

1) focus on the norms of the literary language

2) complete neglect of the norms of the literary language

3) expressive intonation

4) the significant role of emotionally expressive vocabulary

6) saving speech means

3. The law of economy of speech means in colloquial speech implies:

1) limiting vocabulary to only colloquial words

2) using a phrase instead of a single word

3) the use of one word instead of a phrase;

4) narrowing the circle of book words, terms

5) the use of words, the meanings of which are concretized in the situation

4. It is not typical for the syntax of colloquial speech:

1) complex sentences with sequential attachment of subordinate clauses

2) simple sentences, often incomplete

3) violation of the word order

4) omission of members of the proposal

5) the use of sentence words

6) lexical repetitions, introductory words

5. Speaking educated people:

1) constantly violates the norms of the literary language

2) generally complies with the standards of the literary language

3) is close to book speech

4) involves deviations from the norms for the purpose of communicative expediency

5) destroys the unity of the literary language

6. Mark the words with the missing letter E:

2) school therapy

3) pie with cherry plum

4) distorted image

5) river

7. Insert the missing vowels:

1) imprint ___ smoldering

2) honest ___ loving

3) experiment ___ rim

4) from ___ skat reserves

8. Insert the missing consonants, if necessary:

1) be silent ___ ___

2) unprecedented ___ dent

3) al ___ yumin

4) ox ___ eibol

9. Mark the sentences where there is no mistake in the use of adverbs:

1) Having received the recognition of the broad masses, it was decided to republish the book.

2) Not having walked a kilometer, he found that the path was overgrown with grass.

3) Approaching the house, I got scared from the thought that something could happen there.

4) Idleness is a relative concept, and it does not exist when sitting at home.

5) Having undergone a difficult operation, the soldier was saved.

10. Mark the options where the rules of the lexical combination of words are violated.

1) recover material damage

2) meet modern needs

3) take action

4) earn respect

5) express concerns

11. Mark the sentences where there are no mistakes caused by the omission of the required word.

1) Compare the results of the first crisis with the second.

2) The beak of the hazel grouse does not differ in color from the common hazel grouse.

3) The entire surface of the earth was a green-golden ocean.

4) Pupils of our sports club performed better than all other clubs.

5) Each specific speech act requires very specific means


12. Mark sentences without tautology:

1) The hero purposefully strives for the intended goal.

2) The clean room of the new school made a pleasant impression with its cleanliness.

3) Yuri Gagarin, who is the first cosmonaut, is also an example for today's youth.

4) Education was easy for Gagarin: he invariably received an A.

5) The thundering guns deafened with their roar.

13. Mark the sentences in which you need to put a comma in front of the union as:

1) It was again heard ___ how the brook thunders at the bottom of the abyss.

2) In nothing, the folk character ___ is so manifested as in song and dance.

3) Art is ___ like life: it is inexhaustible.

4) In Pushkin's poems, ____ is collected as in a magic crystal, all the extraordinary qualities of Russian speech.

14. Mark the words where the suffix is ​​pronounced ["he]:

1) spellbound

2) assessed

3) encouraged

4) repeated

5) repaired

15. Find correspondences to the types of plans of speech and their signs:


When using a word, one must take into account the impossibility of using logically incompatible concepts. Even Aristotle argued: "Speech must comply with the laws of logic." Otherwise, a logical error may occur: paralogism or illogism(matching incomparable). Logical errors can be made both within the same sentence, judgment, and at the level of the text.

An illiterate construction of a sentence can cause an involuntary comparison (opposition) of two logically heterogeneous (different in volume and content) concepts. Such errors occur due to non-observance logical law of identity... A typical example:

The color of Russian huskies is different from other breeds(the author of the statement compares the color with the breeds, although it was necessary to end the expression of this thought like this: ... different from the color of Laikas of other breeds).

Other examples:

· Speech heroes of Sholokhov differs from all others heroes(followed: ... from the speech of the heroes of other authors).

Compare results the first crisis since second(instead of … with the results of the second).

· Design this machine is similar to the old sample(right: … old-style machine designs).

Skater received for technique of execution appraisals almost equal to the winner competitions (it is necessary: ​​... almost equal to the marks of the winner of the competition).

To describe or characterize an object in statements, mutually exclusive concepts can be used. Such errors are due to a violation logical law of contradiction... For example, under the heading “You Can't Think of It on Purpose” in the Krokodil magazine, there was an ad that aired on the local radio:

Today, a red-and-white dog on the left bank of the river attacked chickens, of which one ate at all, seventeen - to death. (Error in opposing adverbs at all and to death, which in this context are equivalent. The announcer, apparently, tried to express the idea that the dog ate one chicken, and only strangled the rest, bitten it off).


· The traitor lay unharmed with a broken head.(Editing is possible: ... alive, but with a broken head.)

· They lay, wrapped in white sheets, like twin brothers. There were both girls and boys among them(No comments).

Ignorance of the meaning of a word can cause a violation of the third law of logic - excluded third law... We find a classic example of this mistake in Moliere's play "The Bourgeois in the Nobility":

Mr. Jourdain. ... And now I must tell you a secret. I am in love with a lady of high society, and I would like you to help write her a note, which I am going to drop at her feet.

Philosophy teacher. Surely you want to write poetry to her?

Mr. Jourdain. No, no, not poetry.

Philosophy teacher. Do you prefer prose?

Mr. Jourdain. No, I don't want either prose or poetry.

Philosophy teacher. This is not possible: either one or the other.

Mr. Jourdain. Why?

Philosophy teacher. For the reason, sir, that we can express our thoughts only in prose or poetry.

Mr. Jourdain. Nothing else but prose or poetry?

Philosophy teacher. Not otherwise, sir. Everything that is not prose is poetry, and everything that is not poetry is prose.

Compare: While there are two saunas for men and women, located on two floors. And there will also be a thirdfor engineering and technical workers.

The use of a word without sufficient reason is a violation of the fourth law of logic ( law of sufficient reason). Example:

Now you will see the feature film "Cruel Romance" based on the play of the same name by A.N. Ostrovsky "Dowry"(word eponymous superfluous in this sentence).

Logical errors often occur when a homogeneous series is incorrectly constructed. The enumeration may overlap the volumes of concepts if it is based on different criteria for selecting objects. For example, an insufficiently erudite person may object: This is not an animal, but an insect!(although insects are a subclass of animals as general concept). Compare: Thus, all people can be divided into old people, Russians and brunettes.... Or in a minibus you can often find an advertisement: Free travel only for veterans, participants and invalids of the Great Patriotic War. But veterans and the participants- concepts are equivalent, and people with disabilities are also participants. Therefore, it was enough to use one of the synonyms in the ad text: participants or veterans... In stationery genres, as well as in the essays of schoolchildren, mistakes in use are widespread homogeneous members sentences, in the quality of which heterogeneous concepts and phenomena are often combined. The obvious illogicality of facts in one row is associated with a pragmatic beginning, a combination of sharply contrasting elements. Example: Provide material assistance to Sidorov, tk. he really needs: his wife, grandmother, insurance, installments for furniture and alimony are on his dependents.

A special group of errors is highlighted in the construction of the definition. The logical law of identity requires the proportionality of the subject (defined word) and predicate (definition). Violation of this requirement may result in gross logical errors. Such a mistake was made, for example, in the definition: "Minora citizen who at the time of the crime was under 18 years of age ”. From this definition, it can be concluded that only criminals can be minors. Compare:

Square -it is a geometric figure in a shape square (error in the form of another " geometric shape"- a circle in the definition).

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