Expression 5 column what means. What is the fifth column? Fifth column in Russia - what is it? Is there in modern Russia "fifth column"

Let's start with the definition. The term "fifth column" came up with the Spanish General Emilio Mall, who commanded the Army of Frankists during civil War 30s of the last century in Spain. Being coming to Madrid, he handed over to the radio in early October 1936 by the appeal to his relatives, not yet fiery Republicans-Communists of the Spaniards: they say, in addition to the four army columns available at his disposal, he has another "fifth column". In Madrid itself! This decisive force at the right moment will hit the rear.

Methods of action? The "fifth column" of Frankists sowed panic, was engaged in sabotage, spying and sabotage. But even such her shares were then exaggerated, purely "propaganda success", because the Republican Madrid lasted against Frankist Fascists two and a half years.

Foreign observers, which were at this time in Madrid, easily "deciphered" the composition of the fifth column: there were opponents of the Republican regime, and crime elements hiding in the city. Most of them were hidden on the territory of the German embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich occupied the whole quarter. That is, the same fascists, just like Russian Maria Ivanovna, "from other doors."

Something similar happens now in Ukraine.

The process of formation, we have already started to form the fifth columns. According to our and foreign media, the State Duma deputy, the Supreme Atama of the Union of Cossack troops of Russia and abroad Victor Khololatsky said: He is ready to send 15 thousand Cossacks to Ukraine! Well, of course, if you receive a request about this "from the Cossacks of Ukrainian."

The number of the 5th column of "help to Ukrainians" from the Casual formations of Russia is considerable. According to the registry Cossacks, for example, the Chairman of the Council for the Cossacks Council, someone Alexander Belov "only" 760 thousand people. These guys rushes to support the current power and, of course, they oppose Kiev Maidan. They have already shown that they are capable, in the acceleration of demonstrators in Lugansk, Donetsk and Zaporizhia.

For all this costs and some more organized strength, rather than the shelling is still the "Cossack army". In fact, this is the FSB and a significant part, alas, the same Ukrainian special services. Both of these state services are the successors of the legendary KGB and act with the same methods (recall the history of "exports of socialist revolutions" in the third country) and persecute the same goals. That is - strengthening totalitarianism and recreating the empire, its former power.

When I worked for many years in Ukraine, in Poltava, I had to meet quite often and take information "for the public" in the press service of the local Department of the SBU. The impression was from this "office" twofold. On the one hand, I do not remember the case for these twenty years of the independence of our state, so that Poltava Esbassikniki caught and watery in a prison chamber of any mastitudinal spy, a saboteur, or, as they used to say the "pest" of the national economy. Let it even be not a mast, and some agent-zamhrohshka ... On the other hand, these people, many of which came to the service in the SBU after 1991, expressed patriotic sentiment and swore in loyalty and devotion to the "case of incomprehensibility."

Evaluate the actions of the SBU (as well as special special purpose organizations) should not be in words, but on affairs. The affairs of our "knights of the raincoat and dagger" were always sufficiently classified. And the Poltava public, for example, learned about their exploits only from their own informational laconic bulletins and rare appearances in the public.

But on indirect other signs could be made ... GM ... rather unusual, paradoxical conclusions about the "patriotically directed" activities of the secret department.

That's just take even an external entourage. Over the Poltava building of the management of the SBU for decades "proudly" ... Red stars, the symbol of the Bolshevik Empire evil! This is no less strange than the numerous monuments of Lenin, adorning the areas of our cities - and no matter what they do not bind to any particular worship.

God with them, with monuments while (more precisely, the hell with them)!

But about the signs of the Pentagram on all four turrets of our SBU, I even turned personally to one of the heads of this regional administration. The answer was such. They say on it - to eliminate characters totalitarian regime- Esbasshannikov has no money, they say, poor organization, budget ...

Then I waited for the moment when the SBU was finally started to repair the roof. Found, finally, money at least to change the facade? And I called the boss again. His answer was evasive. Stars remained on the towers.

According to some indirect answers of unofficial persons (in this office, there are also informants in this office), these stars, they say, if we restore historical accuracy (and before the revolution, the KGB-SBU's building belonged to the Peasant Bank), it would be necessary to change on ... Petushkov! Under the "cocks" by our special services to walk, understandable things, did not want! Nevertheless, this entire plot seems to me symptomatic. And in this context, rumors and conversations about the continuing cooperation of the former Agents of the KGB of both post-Soviet republics are submitted and regularly. And understandable: SBU agents are unlikely to play for their own, for the Ukrainian "gate", most likely, they perform special margin of "older brothers" ...

From fresh media messages ...

The Russians in the Cossack form managed to participate together with the so-called "titers" in the departure to the local Euromaidan on January 27, the day before the above statement of Ataman the Cossack troops of Russia. Their arrival is also expected to arrive in Sevastopol, where a group of representatives of the Russian Biker Club "Night Wolves" has already been quartered. This public group is essentially one of the passes. "Night Wolves" are ready to die in Ukrainian barricades, "the club's website reports. These militants from the fifth Ukrainian column have their own camp near Sevastopol. "We will do our best to prevent aggressive protest movements in the Crimea," the wolves say.

A few days before these events, almost simultaneously, in all Russian media began a propaganda company designed to justify such an invasion of Ukraine. One after another began to appear the materials in which the Ukrainians and Russians say, they say, one people. Like, Russia ... well, it's just obliged to assist Ukrainians in the reflection of the attempts of the "Fascists-Bandera" to seize power. Etc...

Fifth column in Russia. What is the "fifth column"?

Once the Spanish General Emilio Mall, coming with his army to Madrid, said that in addition to the four Army columns available at his disposal, he had a fifth column, in the very center of Madrid, which at the decisive moment would hit the rear. It was a column of traitors and spies of the steamed in Madrid. They sowed panic, they were engaged in sabotage, spying and sabotage. The fifth column caused more harm than four army ... Traitor beats in the most vulnerable place. What this threatens Russia let's look into the past. USSR and the Cold War with the United States. The strengths of this world, realized that the modern nuclear war would destroy everyone. That death is she, she walks nearby. There was a real threat to the death of the entire planet. It was impossible to start the war with a state with a nuclear bubble. And then how to influence and compete? Then a new way of warfare was invented, which, as it turned out later, became the most effective in the history of mankind. War informational. Anyone, even the strongest state can be destroyed by insulating the destruction program to its residents. They themselves collapse what is, and then take each other. Soviet people were ideologically very accomplished, how could it be so seduced? The iron curtain did not give an objective picture of what life in the West. The Soviet man closed his eyes with jeans, coca-cola and one hundred sausage varieties. This was not enough in the USSR and it was to such goods that those who considered themselves intelligentsia. It seemed to them that there, abroad, there is everything that they have, but besides that, more jeans with Coca-Cola. They drank the ports in the kitchens, told the anecdotes about the Secretarymen and listened to "Western votes". Of course, radio stations broadcasting in the USSR, they only talked about what kind of goods are deprived of Soviet people. And the stupid intelligentsia listened and blindly believed. And believing, it began to explain to people feeling easier that if you break the curtain, the good of the good and the universal grace will come to the country. The fifth column that shares the USSR formed. People who considered themselves an advanced intelligentsia and believed that who, if not they, should decide the fate of the state. None of them did not think that they themselves were victims of war - the wolved fifth column created to destroy the system that was gaining increasing popularity in the world. Now many say that we lost much more than purchased. Free world-class education, free medicine, free accommodation from the state, inexpensive and high-quality products, no crime and drug addiction on the streets, calm and confidence in the future, confidence in their state, which will definitely protect and help. It relaxed people, made them easily inspired by the "hamsters", made it possible to correct their brains in the right direction and send them to barricades. War took place. The enemy destroyed himself. And no matter how many nuclear clubs have, when the fifth column works, nuclear weapon useless. It remains to divide trophies - to inspire hamsters that they need privatization and free market and pick up the remains of the collapsed empire. This is a new kind of war and as we see the future behind him. Libya was destroyed by the same scenario. There are too long and people lived too well. Relax. Hamsters became hamsters. Free accommodation, education, medicine, gasoline 1 ruble per liter, lack of crime, various social programs, all this began to seem unshakable, for granted. When these people understand what they lost, they will regret that they did not fight "to the last drop of blood for their homeland", but it will be too late. Libya will never be so social stateWhat was during the colonel. An example of a fifth column of radio "Echo-Moscow" is an excellent example of the fifth column. There every air is aimed at the destruction of the current government in Russia, and therefore the collapse of the state. Here, a small example, heard, retake literally. Calls them in a live broadcast of some pensioner and swears: "Why are you lying why do you say that Putin has twenty-six palaces? Why do you need this lie? " He is asked: "And what's wrong?" He: "I am now resting in a sanatorium, in one of those palaces that you have listed!" He is broken, laugh and say: "Well, now we know that Putin has not twenty-six palaces, but less." Here, an example, as information is poured into the heads of listeners. Then the hamster will ask: "Why Putin, who has twenty-six palaces so far," and the hamster decides that he himself came to the thought of making a revolution. It will run to overthrow the power that, in principle, it was necessary. There is no longer the average man, there is evidence of the existence of Putin's palaces or not, he knows - once they say about it, it means there. Many times repeated lies perceived as true. In the fifth column there are very well trained people. They know how to configure the audience on the thoughts that they need. They regularly go to trainings abroad, they do not hide it. What thoughts will teach to inspire a foreign coach of course not aimed at strengthening the statehood of Russia. Russia still has a nuclear club and therefore only information is possible with it. What is now and is in full swing. The Internet is another field of battle and, judging by the statements of users, the fifth column is wins there. Russia is waiting for the fate of Libya. In Libya, there was a lot of truly smart peoplewho were betrayed by their leader and their homeland. Therefore, the war happened there, and NATO had to interfere and help. There people went to death for their homeland. There is no such thing in Russia. In the last twenty years in Russia, only managers who can sell and in every way prepared their sale of everything and all. You do not need to fight with them, they will give everything themselves. And who needs Russia's destruction is the same obvious, to someone who wants to take possession of resources. Do not buy them from Russia at world prices, and own them. Change the government, to enter into the management of the country of its people, privatize, and then "buy" resources already at home. And the Russians sell at world prices. It has almost happened. Exactly that "almost." But foreigners failed to completely pick up the resource-producing industry under their control. Putin stopped this process. (Khodorkovsky's case) and since then has become very uncomfortable West, and since then the war began against a specific person in Russia. Here, video, a little telling about some details: The information war against Putin's war in Russia is conducted with the help of its own citizens. People reprogram as it should be configured on the actions that west need. And our hamsters are happy to shake their home, thinking that this is their own decision. They are becoming more and more, people are inspired. Especially those who consider themselves smart. When the mass of such people exceeds critical valueRussia is completely collapsed as the USSR. We will not have a Libyan scenario, other people just come and share the remains of the country and resources. The fifth column will fulfill its mission and those who now destroy the statehood of their own country will not be needed. Combat hamsters will look surprise and worry: "How so? We wanted like better! ", Almost just as they look and experienced those who ruined the USSR. But it will be too late. So when it was profitable when the West was favorable, tightening Russia and Ukraine against each other. Brought friendly peoples before the Slavs brothers were ready to clutch each other in the throat. And why? Because fools in these nations many. You are not able to independently assess the situation, but listening to those who breed them. While they were bred - they gnaw. As they stopped - they immediately calmed down and now they are sitting and thinking: "E-my, what it was - what this was thrown out." So now, configure fools against the only policy that at least something did for the country and it became inconvenient to the West. What to do now? Anyone who speaks and acts against the statehood of Russia is its enemy. If a person calls to overthrow power - this is an enemy, because he wants the riots in my country. My sincere desire, so that everyone thought the same, and did not rebailed their thinking as the fifth column wants. Before you say about someone "Thief!", Think, did you come to this definition yourself, or did someone suggest you? Do not be fools.

It should be recognized that we live in the period of change. Gradually, they gain such revs that they can "crush" those who will not confline. To delve into the essence of change, it is necessary to navigate well in terms that are peculiar "beacons", intensely signaling simple citizens that events are rapidly gaining a move. Such can be safely attributed to the expression "5 column". What it is? Let's figure it out.

Excursion to history

The uninitiated reader, rarely listening, about what news speakers broadcast, the phrase will seem quite ordinary. Something like arguments about architecture. But this expression has nothing to do with doric and ionic columns ...

For the first time, the Frankist General was applied during the war in Spain in 1936-1939. It was that secret agents are in the rear. Describing the situation in the speech on the radio, he said that in addition to the four military columns, there are also 5 columns. What it became clear from the comments: E. Mol meant hidden, spy network operating in Madrid.

Modern definition

Over time, the term has become a nominal one. Now it's rarely some of the citizens interested in events in the world, asking: "5 column - what is it?" This is called frank and hidden spies, traitors and pests, some individuals who are capable of aiding by the enemy in clear that the patriot does not want to be a part of this "society". The 5th column is people who do not in any way can gain confidence as the states and its citizens. They act on the basis of narrow-minded interests, without thinking about the security of their homeland.

What is the "fifth column" in Russia

In society goes great and, unfortunately, a hot dispute about who is a patriot, and who is not. All those who will suspect in the awareness of the "potential enemy", which now acts as a collective West, are denied the impartial title "5 column". What it is, everyone treats in his own way, without worrying about the emotions of the opponent. So to the universal "Mordoboy" not far ... But still authoritative political scientists quite clearly determined that such a fifth column in modern Russia.

First of all, all the beneficiaries came to the unpleasant list - those who participated in memorable events on the Swamp area. These citizens who have their own views on the policies of the state (for which they have full right), are too actively criticized by the authorities, not offering effective "prescriptions" of the treatment of "ailments". Their position is now not to honor from that part of society that supports the general rise generated by the Crimean events.

More complex representatives of the fifth column

Some sources believe that the "society" of hidden and explicit opponents in the Russian Federation is significantly wider than the legal opposition. Foreign citizens are counted against them, whose activities are clearly anti-government. Basically, "Supostats" work with the population, creating sometimes uncontrolled dissatisfaction with the authorities. It is suitable for any reason, if only people worried and indignantly. And if there are no demand from foreigners (they are not obliged to serve our homeland), then their own is a completely different conversation.

The 5th column attracts in its ranks of Russians the opportunity to get a good income. No need to hide that these people act in the interests of our opponents, whose sponsored abilities are not yet limited. Yes, and "approaches" to the recruitment are very sophisticated. Citizens of the Russian Federation are confident that they have the full right to their point of view. In order to make a member of the fifth column from an honest person, carefully and unobtrusively adjust his opinion. And what as a result? Now you are dissatisfied with the authorities, and tomorrow for a small MZD, you already run on a rally, not asked if your goals are laid by the organizers?

What is dangerous 5th column?

Need to start with the fact that the influence of the fifth column lie cash. They are controlled by foreign citizens, haunting goals other than Russian. They act not always illegally. Part of the work is carried out openly: publications in the media, financing of projects, the organization of shares aimed at highlighting the disadvantages of the public device. Legal actions are quite democratic. Only their goal, if we consider deeply - anti-state. The activity of the fifth column is aimed at eliminating the strong statehood of Russia. It is done not open, but veiled. Lightly, but persistently column has its negative impact on the minds of citizens. There is a preparation for the "turning point" when it is possible to bring people to the streets with the requirement to change power. In this activity, many specialists involved covering almost all segments of the population. An ordinary average person does not have to go to rallies: representatives of the enemy camp will wait for him on the Internet, on the forums, in social networks. Anti-state moods are injected into the people carefully and neatly so as not to cause rejection. Those dangerous hidden enemy. His work is not everyone can recognize, which means to navigate and reflect the blow will be difficult.

"Fifth column" - so called the internal enemies of the state, ready by order from the outside to try to strike into the most unprotected place, or the urgent to inflate society from the inside.

The history of the appearance of the concept of "fifth column"

According to Wikipedia during the reign of Odius Dictator Mussolini, when the First World War, who argued about the presence of the "fifth army" of Germanists in the countries of the Allies of the Entente.
Some researchers allegedly refer to the creator of this expression by Emilio Molos of the Spanish General, who commanded the entire Army of Franco during the most severe Spanish civil war in the history of the state.
On unverified sources when capturing Madrid in 1936 by year, he shared the fact that in addition to the four military columns, he had another fifth column located in the city itself, which has the opportunity to effectively support the upcoming troops.

Examples of using the expression "Fifth Column"

IN 2014 year 18 -MARCH, when documents were signed on the accession of the Crimean Peninsula to Russian Federation,the president Putin noted in his speech: " Some Western politicians are trying to intimidate us not only by serious sanctions, but also the emergence of big problems inside the country. I would like to understand that all the same they mean? What are the actions of the National - traitors, "fifth columns", and maybe they calculate that the people will determine their discontent with the deterioration of the economic situation of the state?"

"Representatives of the liberal opposition or how they are still fairly called the "fifth columns" currently lead a systemic and targeted campaign to discredit the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, Lugansk and Donetsk People's Republics and the values \u200b\u200bof the entire Russian world. According to this reason, regular chains are happening in the information The space for which we need to respond hard."

"If at first the fifth column preferred to speak in a peace-loving key, today she opened up her genuine face to us and actually did not hide under the subversive activities. No need to participate in the fifth column in direct armed conflicts against the Russian state. Enough enough and the fact that the enemies are controlled Almost all media".

Civil War in Spain

The fighting was carried out with 1936 years and ended in April 1939 of the year. Walked between conservatives under the leadership of General Franco and Republicans, who represented the "left" folk front. If the first were supported by only fascist Germany and Italy, but the second is the entire progressive world community, including the USSR.

During this war, the soldiers of Franco were shot about 75 thousands of their enemies, and the Republicans were executed about fifty thousand people. In battles on the estimates of researchers, about two hundred thousand soldiers died and 25 thousands of noncombatants died from hunger. The German Franco was able to win in this war.

What is the fifth column video

From Spanish: Quinta columna. It is believed that this is an expression from the speech on the radio (autumn, 1936) of the Spanish General Emilio Mall (1887 1937), which during the Civil War in Spain (1936 1939) headed the offensive of the rebels ... ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

In the Spanish Republic during the war 1936 39, the name of the Agency of General Franco, operated in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels fell on Madrid. During the 2nd World War, the fifth column is the conditional name of the fascist ... ... Large encyclopedic Dictionary

"Fifth column", in the Spanish Republic during the war 1936 39, the name of the agent of General Franco, acted in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels fell on Madrid. During the 2nd World War "Fifth Column" Conditional name ... encyclopedic Dictionary

In the Spanish Republic during the war 1936 39, the name of the Agency of General Franco, operated in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels fell on Madrid. During the 2nd World War, the "Fifth Column" is the conditional name of the fascist ... ... Political science. Vocabulary.

The name of the Franco Agents, acting in the Sp. Republic during nat. revolution. Wars 1936 39. The term P. K. arose in the beginning. Oct. 1936, when the Frankist gene. The mall stated on the radio that the rebels lead the offensive on Madrid with four columns, ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

fifth column - The name of the Nazi agent in various countries, which carried out sabotage and spyware, sowed panic, was engaged in sabotage and helped the seizure of these countries by German troops. The term fifth column first entered the use of ... Encyclopedia Third Reich

In the Spanish Republic during the war 1936 39, the name of the Agency of General Franco, operated in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels fell on Madrid. During the 2nd World War, the "Fifth Column" is the conditional name of the fascist ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Fifth column - About traitors, traitors who are on the content of hostile states and used for espionage, sabotage and decomposition of the spirit of a population of a particular warring country. In each country where Hitlerism had access, spyware was created ... ... Fraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

- ("Fifth column",) The name of the Agency of General Franco, operating in the Spanish Republic during the national revolutionary war 1936 39. The term "P. to." Summary at the beginning of October 1936, when Frankist General E. Mall said ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Publ. Disappropriate Secret agents enemy spies, saboteurs, sabadets, traitors. / I\u003e Expression of General of the Frenchist Army Emilio Mall, who announced during the onset of Madrid (1938), which in addition to the four Army columns is located in the city ... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings


  • "Fifth column" and Russian church. Age of persecution and splits, Shambarov Valery Evgenievich. When the USSR collapsed, one of the main organizers of this operation Zbigniew Brzezinsky said: "We now have one enemy - Russian Orthodox Church"Although she and from the communist authorities ...
  • "Fifth column" and Russian church, Shambarov Valery Evgenievich. When the USSR collapsed, one of the main organizers of this operation, Zbigniew Brzezinsky, said: 171; We now have one enemy - the Russian Orthodox Church 187; Although she and from the communist ...

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