Civil type of political culture. Various typologies of political culture. List of used literature

In political science, there are numerous typologies of political culture. The first in-depth study of the types of political culture was carried out by G. Almond and S. Verba.

From 1958 to 1962, they undertook a large-scale comparative study of the political cultures of Great Britain, West Germany, Italy, Mexico and the United States. In the course of this study, they were interested in "models of political orientations relative to political objects among members of nations." The results obtained in the course of the research and the concept formulated on their basis were presented in the work "Civic Culture". Three types of political culture were distinguished in it: patriarchal, subject and activist.

The patriarchal type ("parish", "communal", "provincial", "parochial" cultures) is characterized by the orientation of citizens towards local values ​​- community, clan, village, tribe, etc. Thus, an individual with a patriarchal culture is oriented to specific individuals - leaders, shamans. Members of the community have no knowledge of the political system; political orientations are not separated from economic and religious ones. Therefore, individuals with a patriarchal culture have no expectations associated with the political system itself.

The subject type of culture is characterized by a passive attitude of citizens to the political system. Here, the person is already focused on the political system, associates his expectations with it, but at the same time fears sanctions from its side. Ideas about the possibilities of influencing the production process

there are no decisions, the person does not consider himself as the creator of the political process.

The activist type, or political culture of participation, is characterized by the active inclusion of individuals in political life. Citizens skillfully articulate their interests and through elections, interest groups, parties influence the policy-making process. At the same time, they demonstrate loyalty to the political system, law-abidingness and respect for the decisions made.

The differences between the designated types of political cultures are clearly visible from Table. 14.2.

Table 14.2

Types of Political Cultures as Combinations of Object Orientations

A source: Almond S., Verba 5. The Civic culture. Political attitudes and democracy in five nations. Princeton, 1963. P. 17.

However, in real political life, Almond notes, the political culture of any society is a combination, a "mixture" of several types of political cultures. He paid particular attention to three types of such combinations. For a democratic industrial political system, the following combination is characteristic: 60% of representatives of an activist culture, 30% of a submissive culture, 10% of a patriarchal culture; for the authoritarian industrial - 5% - activist, 85% - subject and 10% - patriarchal; for an authoritarian transitional system, respectively - 10.60 and 30%; for democratic preindustrial - 5.40 and 55%. These proportions, of course, are rather arbitrary and can vary, but they express the nature of the relationship between different types of political cultures in various societies.

A democratic industrial political system, but Almond, corresponds to a civic political culture, which is of a mixed character. The author of the concept of civic culture claims that it is based on the ancient tradition of "mixed government", the representatives of which were Aristotle, Polybius, Cicero. This type of culture presupposes, firstly, the presence of three fragments of political culture in society (patriarchal, subject and activist), and secondly, the presence of the qualities of subjects and "parishioners" even among active participants. Almond and Verba emphasized that patriarchal and subservient orientations balance the activity and political participation of the individual, thereby ensuring the stability and stability of a democratic political system. Thus, the “ideal citizen” must simultaneously: strive to influence the government and at the same time maintain loyalty to it; be potentially active, but not be active all the time.

The main features of civic political culture are: consensus on the legitimacy of political institutions; tolerance towards other values ​​and interests; competence. Of course, these are features of the normative model of political culture. Along with them, Almond offers a more detailed list of features of civil political culture:

  • ? knowledge about the political system, about what democracy is and how it functions in a particular country;
  • ? the individual's feeling of his political significance and the ability to influence the policy of the state with his participation;
  • ? recognition of the obligation to participate in public affairs;
  • ? a sense of political freedom, expressed in the free discussion of any political issues;
  • ? willingness to cooperate with others in political actions;
  • ? pride in the democratic structure of their country;
  • ? trust in public and state institutions;
  • ? interest in politics, understanding of its content and goals.

Despite some idealization of the concept of civic culture, many political scientists admit that it is civic culture that is a solid foundation of democratic political regimes... Historical experience shows that the "transplantation" of democratic models into countries of non-Western civilization most often ends in failure: either a direct return to authoritarianism, or a gradual "hybridization" of the regime. That is why one of the most important conditions for a successful transition to democracy is the formation of a civil political culture. Naturally, direct copying of political culture Western countries impossible. In each country, the emerging civil political culture will be complemented by its own specific national features, which embody the historical and political experience of previous generations.

The typology of political culture proposed by G. Almond has been repeatedly criticized. She was criticized, firstly, for its extremely abstract nature; secondly, for American-centrism, since behind the term "civil culture" a very specific culture was seen - American culture; thirdly, for the fact that the entire Western culture in the proposed concept looked very monotonous, while there were serious differences between the political cultures of Western countries, and fourthly, for the "static" nature of political orientations.

A more modified typology of political culture was proposed by the Dutch researchers F. Hunks and F. Hickspurs in the mid-1990s. (see Table 14.3) They proceeded from the fact that when typologizing political culture, it is necessary to take into account such indicators as: interest of individuals in politics (or political interest); attitudes towards the political system (pro or anti-systemic orientations); political trust in state institutions and officials; orientation relative to the "exit" of the system; assessing the possibilities of personal participation in political life and the impact on politics, i.e., political activity.

Table 14.3

Types of political culture according to Hunks and Hickspoor


Object orientation


Actor ("I", self-orientation)

Empirical indicators of orientations

"Subjective political interest"



"Participation in political actions"

Passive cultures



Observational (4)

Observational (3)

Observational (2)

Observational (1)

Active cultures







Civil Participatory

The political culture of any state is formed under the influence of numerous, diverse factors, which gives rise to various types of political cultures. The types of political culture record the predominance in the style of political behavior of citizens of certain values ​​and standards, forms of relations with the authorities, formed under the influence of geographic, spiritual, economic and other factors. In other words, the type of political culture expresses the most common features of the behavior and political thinking of people living at a certain moment in history and having similar reactions to political events.

The typology of political cultures in political science is carried out according to one or another criterion. As such criteria, the specificity and characteristics of various political systems, countries and regions, types of citizens' orientation in political relations, openness or closedness of political values, ideological differences, etc. can be used.

In modern political science, the typology of political cultures formulated by G. Almond and S. Verba in the work “Civil culture. Political Relations and Democracy in Five States ”(1963), created as a result of the study of five different democracies in their historical experience (England, Italy, Germany, the USA and Mexico). Within this typology, three "pure" types were identified political culture.

Patriarchal("Parish"), characterized by people's lack of interest in political institutions, in the central government. The political interests of people are limited by the framework of their local community; an orientation towards local values, local patriotism, and nepotism dominate here. Such a culture is typical for peoples at the stage of a tribal system or for young independent states.

Subject- characterized by a strong orientation of citizens towards the activities of the authorities, the existing political system, but weak participation in political life. Citizens expect decisions from the authorities, but are not focused on participation, on the desire to influence decision-making.

Participatory(from English, participation- participation; activist, civic) - characterized by the active participation of citizens in the political life of society. Citizens strive to actively influence the government through legal means (elections, demonstrations, etc.).

When proposing their typology, the authors noted that in practice these types of political culture interact with each other, forming mixed forms with a predominance of certain components. Thus, in real political life, there are patriarchal-subject, subject-activist and patriarchal-activist types of political culture. Moreover, the most massive and at the same time optimal, from the point of view of ensuring stability political power, is a synthetic culture of "citizenship" in which subordinate attitudes and corresponding forms of people's participation in politics prevail. This type includes the following qualities: general positive assessment of government performance; a sense of pride in the political institutions of their nation; the expectation that the citizen will receive attention from officials; willingness to discuss policy issues in public; open and loyal manifestation of opposition sentiments; competence in the use of legal norms in order to counteract arbitrariness; the belief that democracy is a necessary system of government. Thus, a culture of citizenship is fundamentally an activist culture that has absorbed elements of a subject culture. Its main properties are pluralism, consensus and diversity.

Another variant of the typology of political culture is its division into Western and Eastern types. The values ​​of Western-type political culture go back to the polis organization of power Ancient Greece, which assumed the obligatory participation of citizens in solving general issues, as well as to Roman law, which affirmed the civil sovereignty of the individual. In general, the values ​​and standards of Western political culture were formed on the basis of a consistent increase in the role and importance of the individual in the political life of society, the establishment of civil society control over the state. It should also be noted the enormous influence of Christianity, especially its Protestant and Catholic branches. One of the classics of world political science R. Dahl, characterizing the new model of the democratic political process, called the possibility of control over government decisions as the main elements; elections in which practically the entire adult population participates; access to alternative sources of information; the opportunity to join independent associations, including political ones. Therefore for mass consciousness Westerners are characterized by values ​​that determine social significance: the right to own property, freedom of personality, freedom of thought and belief, the right to justice, the right to participate in the exercise of political power, welfare and security.

The eastern type of political culture is based on the peculiarities of the life of the communal structures of the agrarian Asian society, which were formed under the influence of the values ​​of the Arab-Muslim, Confucian and Indo-Buddhist cultures. Basic values ​​of this type were formed with the constant domination of ruling structures in the life of society, the domination of collectivist forms of organizing private life, and the suppression of conditions for individual life by power structures. Conflict resolution in Eastern cultures involved not encouraging legal norms, but appealing to the moral authority of senior bosses. Therefore, the ethical dominant of the political culture of the Eastern type was not the law, but the custom, not the constitution, but the opinion of the leadership. Hence, the most essential features of the political culture of the countries of the East are: confidence in the divine origin of power; attitude to politics as to the activity of people chosen by God, i.e. subordinate to the principles of divine government; denial of the randomness of political events; gravitation towards an authoritarian type of government, the search for a charismatic leader.

Different versions of the typology of political culture do not exclude the obvious fact that political culture of any type cannot be absolutely homogeneous. There are political subcultures in almost all of them.

Subculture is a set of political orientations of citizens of certain regions, various social words and other subjects of political relations that differ from those dominant in society as a whole. Based on this, the following subcultures are distinguished in political science.

  • 1.Regional, due to differences between regions. Geographic, climatic and socio-economic differences between regions affect the way people live and their culture. For example, it has been scientifically established that the agrarian regions of Russia are politically more conservative than the industrial ones, and show a low level of political activity, limited only to participation in elections.
  • 2. Socio-economic subcultures, due to the existence in society of different classes and strata that have differences in the way of life, interests that play a particularly important political role.
  • 3.Age and sex subcultures reflect different political values ​​among representatives of different genders and generations. The older generations, whose political culture developed under the conditions of the Soviet political system, have views that differ from the political attitudes of modern youth.

The political culture of each individual country is usually formed in the process of interaction and combination of various value orientations and methods of political participation of citizens, national traditions, dominant forms of communication between the elite and the bulk of the population, as well as other circumstances that express stable features of the development of society and the state. In this regard, the basic values ​​of Russian political culture have developed under the influence of a number of factors that have not lost their influence at the present time.

Russia occupies a middle position between East and West. At first, it was the influence of Byzantine traditions, expressed in the dominance of collective forms of social life, the absence of traditions of legal statehood and the weak influence of the mechanisms of self-government and self-organization of the population. In the XX century, the totalitarian regime led to the formation of the political consciousness of the population under the powerful influence of the state.

Russia has gone through difficult stages of cultural and state development: pagan, Kievan Rus, Muscovy, Russian empire, the Soviet period and the current, post-communist period. In fact, the formation of stable political traditions and norms began anew at each stage. Many authors point out that contemporary Russian political culture is highly fragmented and unstable. Its distinctive features are political loyalty, subservient attitude to the state, political naivety, inclination to political radicalism, political extremes, limited personal claims to power, legal nihilism. It should also be noted that the structure of the psychological orientations of the main groups of the Russian electorate is changing extremely slowly.

The type of political culture is due to the diversity of political systems, the difference in the level of socio-economic, political and cultural development of societies and their historical traditions. From all the existing diversity, political science distinguishes two main models of political culture - totalitarian-authoritarian and liberal-democratic.

Totalitarian-authoritarian model of political culture puts the collectivist qualities of a citizen over his individual qualities at the forefront. This model has the following characteristic features: political consciousness and values ​​of society are formed centrally, by the state, state interests are more important than the interests of individuals, social groups(core values: order, loyalty, political trust, support for public policy, common ideology, political unity ); political informing of society is dosed and one-channel, monopolistically regulated by the authorities, political censorship is actively practiced; political language is standardized and sparse(categorical, and often limited, stereotyped, the corresponding symbolism is inherent in it is categorical, monotonous and rarely updated); the political culture of society is formed “Top down” on an uncontested basis; the level of political culture of most of the society is low, political and cultural progress is not very dynamic.

Liberal Democratic Model of Political Culture focused on ensuring the political rights and freedoms of a citizen, regulating the life of society exclusively through legal regulation. This model has the following characteristic features: political consciousness and values ​​of society are formed in a decentralized manner (multichannel), from a variety of sources; the level of priority of state interests depends on the degree of their coincidence with the interests of society, its social groups, citizens(basic values: human rights, freedom, pluralism in ideology, politics, economics, democracy, rule of law, inviolability of private life and private property, priority of public opinion, civil society, ecology, etc.); political informing of society is multichannel and alternative, political censorship is minimal, it is mainly applied to information of a radical and extremist nature; there is freedom of speech and press, but its level depends on the financial capabilities of sources of political information, their access to funds mass communication (primarily to television), as well as on the size of the audience and circulation of publications; the political language is vast and non-standard, it is constantly being improved and enriched, the political symbolism is multivariate, it develops in the mode of modernization; political behavior is diverse; the political culture of society is at a sufficient level, it is characterized by a certain progress.

Along with the levels and models in political culture, there are two main type, which differ in the characteristics and specifics of interaction with the external political and cultural environment and with other political and cultural entities, as well as in their internal content.

Closed type, which is characterized by political isolation, focus on their own political values ​​and norms, development in the regime of political and cultural autonomy, adherence to their own ethnic, religious, ideological, historical, social traditions, immunity to other systems of political norms and orientations.

Open type, It is distinguished by its sensitivity to foreign cultural experience, a highly dynamic political life, a variety of the political process and a high level of socio-political mobility, has rich political customs and traditions, adjusted in accordance with changing realities, and develops in a mode of constant self-reform.

By the orientation of society towards certain regulatory mechanisms within the political system distinguish market and bureaucratic types of political culture. Market political culture there is a culture that considers political processes through the prism of the relationship of purchase and sale, the achievement of benefits as the highest goal of political activity. Politics is a kind of business, the politician himself is either a “product” or a “businessman”. Political decisions are the result of a "trade deal". Bureaucratic (statist) political culture - it is a culture that associates the solution of political problems with the operation of mechanisms of state regulation and control over the political process. It is focused on limiting and prohibiting competition. The interests of the state are recognized as prevailing over private interests. Rationality is perceived as being organized and bureaucratic.

One of the common approaches to the classification of political culture is the approach proposed by G. Almond and S. Verba, according to which there are three so-called pure types of political culture.

Patriarchal, which exists in a society with an undeveloped culture, as well as in which the process of formation of a political system is taking place. People - carriers of this cultural type lack political activity, discernment, interest in political values, norms and institutions; political naivety, apoliticality are widespread, their political views are “dissolved” in religious and social stereotypes and traditions.

Subject, the essence of which is in the preference of its carriers to obey the authorities, not to try to influence the authorities by political methods at their disposal, not to have an active civic position, to strive for self-alienation from any mechanisms of the political system and active participation in political life.

Activist, which is distinguished by a distinct orientation of the citizen towards an effective personal role in the political life of society, towards gaining a sufficient personal status in the political system.

According to the concept of G. Almond and S. Verba, ideal types of political orientation in their pure form do not occur in practice, they coexist and do not crowd out each other. Therefore, scientists have introduced the concept of "civil culture" as a mixed political culture. This culture is characteristic of a democratic political system. An “ideal” citizen, according to G. Almond and S. Verba, should exert pressure on the government and at the same time remain loyal to it, be active, but not be active all the time. It is the civic consciousness of political culture, in their opinion, that is the solid foundation of democratic political regimes.

In the context of the concept of political culture, G. Almond explained the different effectiveness of similar political institutions operating in different countries, and identified four types of political systems:

  • - Anglo-American political systems characterized by a homogeneous and secularized political culture;
  • - continental western european systems with a fragmented political culture, consisting of mixed political subcultures;
  • - pre-industrial and partially industrial political systems with differentiated political cultures;
  • - totalitarian political systems with a homogeneous political culture, “in which homogeneity is artificial”.

In political science, there are other classifications of types of political cultures. So, in particular, along with the types of political culture in the common human political and cultural space, there are also political subcultures. This concept denotes systems of political orientations and behavioral models characteristic of social groups and communities that differ in this capacity from other social subjects and the nation as a whole. Political subcultures are generated by the socio-economic, socio-ethnic, institutional, socio-territorial and cultural status stratification of society. The most important and pronounced of them are the following.

Political subculture of the West, which has the following characteristic features: a predominantly “participatory” model of political participation is used, the main element of politics is the individual, stable traditions of political democracy, the individual is already “satiated” with politics, Western religions form an open type of participation in politics, oriented to change, easily assimilating new elements , the predominance of modernism in the general and political culture, national interests, the growing role of political leaders due to the spread of the media and the decrease in the role and importance of political associations, the presence of a large “middle class” and a political mentality corresponding to its interests.

Political subculture of the East, which has the following characteristic features: a predominantly “subject” political culture is used, an essential element of politics is community (clan, ethnic, professional, family, etc.), stable traditions of authoritarian rule, the individual is not involved in politics, Eastern religions form “cautious ”An attitude towards politics aimed at re-creating relations and institutions along the traditional lines; under special conditions, this adherence to traditions becomes fanatical, the stability of the general and political culture, the primary role of the national-ethnic factor, the increasing role of political leaders due to the increasing role of pariahs and movements in politics, a sharp "gap" between the elites and the masses and the corresponding political mentality.

According to the degree of coordination of the interaction of political subcultures in a particular country W. Rosenbaum identified two types of political culture: integrated(homogeneous) and fragmented(heterogeneous). An integrated type of political culture is characterized by the presence of a relatively high degree of socio-political agreement on fundamental issues political structure, the prevalence of civil procedures in the settlement of disputes and conflicts, a low level of political violence and a high degree of diversity in political life. Fragmented political culture reflects the split of society, the strong polarization of its constituent social groups, the marginalization of society, charisma, that is, an orientation not to political associations and their programs, but to specific politicians who have exceptional talents, dignity and "Valor".

Thus, today there are many different approaches to the typology and classification of political cultures.

Control questions and tasks

  • 1. Describe the concept of political culture and give its general characteristics.
  • 2. What is the internal structure of political culture?
  • 3. How do political culture and morality, political culture and legal consciousness relate to each other?
  • 4. What are the problems of the formation of political culture in modern Russia?
  • 5. What is the political culture of student youth in modern Russia?

How important is a person's behavior at a certain point in time, and how he will act - it depends on many things, and in particular what types of political culture are views in society and each individual separately. About what is politics, and what is culture, to what extent can they organically combine, and how do they influence decision-making in various situations? Further on many issues of the development of life in traditional society.

In contact with

A little about theory

Numerous state structures, the peculiarities of the country's development and the determination of the possibilities of management within it, form the mentality that is inherent in this or that nation.

A variety of experts in the field of studying all spheres of human life argued about what political culture is. What kind of political culture exists in the traditional structure of society?

First of all, this concept means a harmonious complex, which includes ideas, relationships between people, the results of an active influence on natural processes. Any of the components of social life are so tightly connected with each other and their fragments that in each of the social systems there is one or another clearly formed concept of the behavior of the masses. The individual legal elements are:

  • Institutions in their totality;
  • A complex of relationships of customs, traditions;
  • Ideas, belief system and views on certain processes;
  • Functional connections in society between people and nationalities.

Important! In every developed civilization, special attention is paid to the intrastate structure, which is one of the components and features of a developed community and a perfect state structure as a whole.

The concept of the political structure of the state

Under the term culture of the internal political system, it is customary to consider a structure consisting of various factors:

  1. Developed in natural historical conditions, relatively stable political knowledge;
  2. Objective and subjective assessments of reality and behavior models, stable under certain conditions, most often these are authoritarian political culture;
  3. Long-established moral values, traditions and norms that allow regulating relationships in society.

Talking about integrated political culture, as the most important evaluation criterion for the development of society, it is the most qualitative indicator of the development of trends in relation to politics within the state.

The general concept is a coherent system, which includes formed ideological convictions, samples of the collective life of individual subjects and their communities, models of action of various power institutions that ensure the security of the country. This kind of political culture is typical for many countries.

Political scientists pay great attention to the level of political culture and accept it as the main criterion of life, the main indicator of the state's aspiration for democratic civilized relations. In terms of its study as a mechanism of relationships, both within society and at the international level, attention should be paid to such a factor as the formation of stable attitudes and beliefs. They are formed by ideas and concepts grounded in life experience regarding various aspects of political life:

  • National state values, characterized by the attitude of members of society to the symbols of the state. The presence of a flag, anthem, state emblem, party, and other organizations are of great importance in shaping the world outlook of the people.
  • Political systems, their institutions.
  • The device of the state concept.
  • Mechanisms of activity and systems of work of authorities.
  • Personal characteristics of power holders, their adherence to the social system.

Important! Conviction, idea and their concept - one of the fundamental, basic points in the formation of state policy. Nothing can strengthen and raise the level of the worldview so much as the strength and validity of the convictions of each individual individual.


The formation of political culture took place throughout the history of mankind, its development and evolution took place in each of the historical epochs, starting from the times of antiquity. Each type has its own look. As of today, the following systematization has been adopted:

  1. It belongs to the most ancient type. This type is characterized by a low level of competence in deciding issues of domestic and foreign policy. Ordinary citizens are not interested in participating in such events, basically all events are focused on the values ​​of the local order, such as the community, clan, tribe. The patriarchal type of political culture stands out the fact that the main leaders, in the opinion of members of society, people are leaders, shamans, leaders of warriors. It is typical for some modern tribes.
  2. A more developed type, focused on the interests and aspirations of the state with low activity of individuals, is. Citizenship consists in non-resistance to the rule of monarchs, politicians, officials, impostors and adventurers who easily manipulate an almost amorphous mass of the population. People are not interested in getting more information, general concepts are already present in society, but the possibility of influencing the government in any way is not even implied.
  3. The most functional type is. Citizens actively participate in all processes, in elections of government bodies and strive to influence the development and adoption of projects and decisions by their expression of will. The population shows a significant interest in political events, a fairly large amount of information about the structural structure and functioning of the system.

The desire for self-realization using the legislative framework and the rights and freedoms in politics prescribed by the Constitution is encouraged. The activist type of political culture is widespread in the developed countries of Western Europe, Canada.

Every citizen can freely realize his ambitions, such a situation is considered as one of the most effective levers for the development of society.

Usually, the definition of a pure type in a real state presents significant difficulties. If a society is closed, clearly regulatory, where there is no publicity at all, it is almost impossible to determine the species. This situation is inherent in for domestic political culture, it is characteristic it was for the Soviet Union as well. For decades, Soviet ideologists have argued about a high level of development.

And only at the end of the last century, when the totalitarian system fell and was replaced by democratic principles and publicity, it became known about the low development of the state and society.

Attention! Despite the many years of idealization of the Marxist - Leninist principle of building society, as the most advanced type, the citizens of the USSR were not unanimous in their views. At the end of the twentieth century, the population of the Russian Federation was significantly divided in views.

Types of political culture, table:

Specific traits

Beliefs, attitudes and behaviors form a complex characteristic features and signs, consisting of the following:

  1. Consolidation and fixation of connections, between participants and elements of processes, stable sides of the acquired experience.
  2. This is the result of the natural historical development of a certain state over a long period of time. Refers to statist political culture where the experience of previous systems is applied.
  3. Differs in a total all-encompassing character in all spheres of political relations.
  4. Forms self-awareness and social behavior of the majority of the country's inhabitants.
  5. Ensuring the integrity of the sphere of politics and the coordination of political methods of life of society in a global sense, a harmonious combination of the interests of social groups, classes, the state, individuals with different convictions.
  6. Creation of certain behavioral patterns, norms of an organic relationship between power structures and the population.

In order to concretize the form, it is necessary to consider its main structural elements. First of all, it is self-awareness, consisting of their ideological components - knowledge, values, beliefs, ways of thinking and psychological factors in the form of political feelings, emotions, experiences, orientations, moods. The complex of political attitudes, types, forms, styles, activities forms behavior in this area.

The main for gaining experience are political and state foundations and traditions, customs, historical public memory. In any modern society, the device is a complex system formed by various subcultures. On the basis of the dominant form, the political system and the ruling regime are determined.

Types of political culture

Foundations of culture and politics

The political culture of a society can be analyzed both in terms of indicators of the political cultures of its members - citizens, their social groups and strata, institutions, and in terms of indicators characterizing society as a whole. The latter include the nature of the existing political organization of society, the forms and methods of functioning of political institutions, the degree and methods of citizens' participation in the political life of society, the accumulated socio-political experience, existing political traditions and customs, the system of political ideas, knowledge, principles.

Political cultures are classified according to the nature of power and political and managerial values; participation in politics; politico-civilizational genesis, etc.

In connection with the nature of power and government, the following are distinguished: democratic, authoritarian, totalitarian and transitional types of political culture.

A democratic political culture is characterized by an orientation towards truly democratic values ​​and ideals, the rule of law and civil society, free participation in politics, ideological, political and economic pluralism, the priority of human and civil rights, and a rich political language. The main "bearer" of democratic political culture is the middle class.

Authoritarian political culture is focused on the decisive role of the state and one party in society, the appropriate forms and methods of government and control over political life and participation in it. The political consciousness and values ​​of society are formed centrally by the state. In accordance with them, the state interests are more important than the interests of individuals, social groups. The political language is standardized.

A totalitarian political culture presupposes state-directed and controlled forms of people's participation in politics, rigidly ideologized stereotypes of behavior, loyal focus on official institutions and symbols, full control over the activities of the media, the presence of an extensive system of tracking and controlling ideology, public speeches and private conversations about politics. The political language is formalized and ideologically rigidly defined.

The next approach focuses on the differences in the nature and degree of participation of people in politics in relation to their political orientations. G. Almond and S. Verba (on the basis of a comparative analysis of the USA, Great Britain, Italy, Germany and Mexico), by the nature of political participation and behavior of people, distinguished the following main types of political cultures: parish (patriarchal), subject and participatory (subspecies - civil) culture ...

Parish The (patriarchal) type of political culture is characterized by the lack of proper knowledge of politics among the population, weak participation in political events. In such societies, there are no specialized political roles: the power of chieftains and shamans is the indivisibility of political, economic, and religious roles. Patriarchal orientation is the absence of any expectations associated with the political system.

Subject the type of political culture is characterized by "passive political behavior", an exclusive orientation towards the dominant values ​​with very little understanding of them. The subject well understands state power and knows how to effectively (for the system) obey it. Otherwise, he is passive.

For participatory(from English, participation -“Involvement”) of the type of political culture is characterized by the active participation of individuals in political life, their influence on decision-making processes, and skillful articulation of their own interests. This type of culture is also qualified as “rational-activist”. An orientation toward the “activist role of oneself” is characteristic, and this latter does not depend on a positive or negative attitude towards the system and its roles.

A special kind of political culture is civil culture, which was most typical in the period under review for the United States and Great Britain. This mixed type is characterized by a consensus of the legitimacy of political institutions, the direction and content of public policy, tolerance of pluralism of interests, competence and mutual trust with citizens. Within the framework of this type of political culture, many citizens can be quite active in politics, but at the same time, a significant part of others play passive role subjects: political activity is only part of the interests of a citizen, and, as a rule, not a very large part of them.

G. Almond and S. Verba assumed that the formula of the political culture of the developed industrial countries of the West looks like this: 60% - “participants”, 30% - “subjects”, 10% - “persons of parish culture”. The formula of authoritarian political culture (on the example of Portugal before 1974) was determined by the following approximate ratio: 10% - 60% - 30%. For a pre-industrial society (for example, the Dominican Republic), the ratio looked like: 5% - 40% - 55%.

According to G. Almond and S. Verba, the types of “patriarchal”, “subject”, “participatory” and “civil” political cultures do not exist in the modern world in their pure form. Usually one or another political culture is a combination of these types. In this regard, G. Almond and S. Verba also identified three mixed types of political cultures - provincialist-subject, subject-participatory and provincialist-artistic culture.

The specificity of the nrovincialist-subject type is that a significant part of the population rejects the exclusive claims of diffuse tribal, village or feudal power and shows loyalty to a more complex political system with specialized government structures.

The peculiarities of the nodanistic-participatory type of political culture are that under it a significant part of society acquires a “specialized orientation” in relation to the political system and its elements, as well as “activist self-orientations”. But at the same time, a significant part of the population continues to focus on the authoritarian government structure and adhere to a passive system of self-orientation.

Provincialist-participatory political culture is characteristic of many developing countries... The political system in most of them is characterized by provincial fragmentation, and the problem is to ensure the active participation of citizens in political life.

The political culture differs rational and emotional-volitional levels. The first is formed on the basis of fundamental socio-economic and political interests, the social status of various categories of the population, as well as the corresponding orientations, attitudes, formed on the basis of these interests; the second is based on rational and irrational elements and phenomena, which are determined primarily by sociocultural and sociopsychological factors.

An important place in the development and functioning of political culture is occupied by stable general cultural socio-psychological phenomena: traditions, rituals, rituals, mentality, accumulated experience, stereotypes, myths, religion, etc.

So, mentality expresses character, style, method of group thinking, perception of social life, affects the state of mind and stable norms of behavior. Depending on the prevailing mentality, a class, people, nation and other communities and groups have a certain sensitivity to one or another type of ideology, cultural norms, political values, etc. In transitional societies, the mentality is unstable: old value orientations are destroyed, new ones are at the stage of formation or are illusory. With the development of society and its structures, the influence of international factors in the mentality, corresponding changes take place.

In the context of political culture, the concept of political identity is widely used. This concept is understood as the end result of the identification process - self-identification, self-determination of individuals. As a rule, identifications are associated with the main social institutions, and as a result, the destruction of the latter entails disorientation and de-identification. There are several levels and aspects of identity consideration. It is possible to distinguish national-ethnic, state-territorial, civilizational and other levels of identity, to consider it as an orientation towards the cultural-geographical area of ​​the spread of society or the phenomenon of "radiation of culture" (A. Toynbee). The criteria of national identity are language, culture, lifestyle, behavioral features, common customs and traditions, the presence of ethnonyms, the state. For identity in politics, the criteria are language (political), political culture (in the totality of its constituent elements), the corresponding ethnos (people, nation, community), statehood, etc.

The main groups of criteria (foundations and guidelines) of political identity are identified.

  • 1. By the completeness and depth of identification with political institutions and values ​​that can manifest themselves at the collective, emotional-evaluative and behavioral levels.
  • 2. By place and role in the reproduction of the political structure of society (functional or dysfunctional).
  • 3. According to the mechanism and genesis of the formation of external solidarity - conformist, non-conformist.
  • 4. By the vector of political orientations and party affiliation (socialist, liberal, conservative, left, right, centrist, etc.).
  • 5. By object and subject (personal, group, party, class, state), etc.

Political identity is embodied primarily in the system of values ​​of a certain political group. This identity is most clearly manifested in such forms of political activity of the population as participation in elections on party lists, social support for political actions and events, solidarity with political demands, etc.

To analyze political culture, the concept of national character is used. It helps to synthetically cover three research areas: historical and cultural tradition, social and political practice, and individual way of thinking. In a sense, the national character can be interpreted as the most common type of personality in a given people and a set of typical patterns of behavior, formed on the basis of impulses and traditions that regulate the behavior of the nation over a long period. The study of national character and traditions is an essential prerequisite for understanding the political culture of any people.

Approaches that draw attention to the characteristic national features and features of political culture in connection with its civilizational foundations are relevant. It is about cross-cultural analysis and synthesis of politics and culture of different societies. Accordingly, the political culture of Western, Eastern, Russian and other civilizations stands out. In the studies of a number of scientists, the influence of civilizational and religious values ​​on the development of political and administrative cultures, as well as on the role of the culture of elites and leaders in promoting the corresponding political, cultural and ethical values, is shown.

Distinctive features of Russian political culture are statehood, orientation towards the subjects of power, socio-collectivist orientations, a high level of education of the population, rational and respectful interaction of the main religions, centuries-old friendship of peoples, etc. It is advisable to pay attention to the special significance and value of the political culture of Russia as a unique civilization and powers; all spiritual, linguistic and moral foundations, patriotism. It also highlights those political and managerial values ​​that are of direct importance for a successful socio-economic and political development: effective management culture, optimal interaction of traditions and innovations, focus on the competitiveness of the country, institutions and people, on management strategies for overcoming the crisis, on improving the qualities of the political elite and leadership, on the competitiveness of the country and society in the context of globalization. Sometimes the key, orientational political and mobilization principles of modernization development are put forward from the system of values. For example, the well-known "five" I's "": innovation, institutions, infrastructure, investment, intelligence.

In various macroregions of Russia, based on historical and cultural traditions, certain political values ​​may have corresponding priorities. Depending on the severity of the problem, certain values ​​are actualized. Thus, after the return of Crimea to Russia, patriotism became the dominant political value.

Already, both democratic and authoritarian and traditionalist-patriarchal strata (values ​​and orientations) of political culture coexist.

The "Russian idea" has been actualized for a long time. Applied to modern conditions the question of the "Russian Eurasian Dream" can be raised as a value guide. It is based on the understanding of Russia as a special unique civilization and the development, based on public consensus, of programs for innovative, socially just development.

It is clear that the strength of the system of political values ​​lies in their unification and (or) interconnection. However, in practice, various political forces (subjects) use them unilaterally, in private interests. Even within the same culture, conflicting values ​​can exist. Besides, there are also anti-values. That is why the issue of integrative political values ​​and the corresponding political course is being actualized. Today, a state anti-crisis, innovative program supported by business and society can become a course that unites Russian citizens based on Russian political values.

Socio-political values ​​and their understanding, due to the peculiarities of cultures, traditions and historical genesis, differ in a number of societies and civilizations (Western, Confucian, Islamic, Hindu, Russian, etc.). Thus, in Western civilizations, liberal (liberal-conservative) value systems are emphasized; in East Asian - traditionalist (Confucian, communitarian) with elements of liberalism, etc.

Political cultures can also be viewed from the point of view of ideal models of socio-economic development of society (traditional - industrial - post-industrial) and culture (modern - postmodern).

A number of characteristic features of postmodern society can be distinguished.

  • 1. Postindustrial, information production, the emergence of a vast sector of "integrated communications" and its contradictory impact on society.
  • 2. Developed middle class, fragmented social structure.
  • 3. Enhancing the role of post-material values ​​and culture of industries, aestheticization of everyday life.
  • 4. Constructing an identity based on individual choice and the value of self-reliance.
  • 5. Different experiences of time and space, the role of competition.
  • 6. Reducing the social role of the state.
  • 7. Dictate of the consumer, various agencies, castings, indices, "experts", etc.

In a postindustrial, postmodern society, new value systems appear that coexist or conflict with the systems of traditional, modernist attitudes and orientations. In post-industrial countries, post-material values ​​are widespread: cultural pluralism and freedom of expression, the Internet-connected sphere of public life, attention to ecology, a plurality of social ties and identifications, etc. Post-material values ​​have become the source of the emergence of new civic groups, such as environmental and women's movements, as well as associations to protect public interests.

A changing value system is reforming the political agendas of many governments; a number of political parties and associations of citizens urge the authorities to take more active steps to preserve the environment, increase the role of local government, etc. (Table 2.3).

Table 23.

Characteristics of value systems and foundations of materialistic (modern) and nost-materialistic (postmodern) consciousness



The need for strong institutions and leaders; priority order; xenophobia; fundamentalism


Prioritizing economic growth; achievement motivation. I-IV technological orders.

Top priority for quality of life; subjective well-being;

IV-VI technological orders (nanotechnology, biotechnology, robotics, etc.)


Traditional media of the modern era: print, radio, television

Electronic integrated communications increasingly compatible with humans

A changing value system is reforming the political agenda.

Under the influence of technical innovations in the field of communication of disharmony, a certain disharmony occurs in the existing culture, its many basic meanings are destroyed. So, gradually integrating into the modern cultural environment, computers, the Internet, and other interactive electronic media not only differentiate social structure societies or create a disproportionate representation of political minorities on the Internet, but also, combining the old and the new in a new way in interpreting the individual and group experience of people, actively provoke in them new social and political expectations, change the very structure of their politically significant interests. It can be said that the new possibilities for the movement of information by modern teletechnomediums provoke the emergence of a new type of life activity: simultaneously everyone with everyone and at the same time separately. This is also facilitated by the virtualization of the political space, the interweaving of reality with fictional events, artificially constructed information, which violates some features of the rational type of social and political orientation of a person, generates in him stable elements of skepticism, irony in relation to such a combined reality. Forming special ways of cultural assimilation of politically significant information, new communications create a completely new social atmosphere for the formation of various forms of political life, and for the reproduction of culture.

Thus, mass perceptions of citizens about politics are now more and more shaped by means and images characteristic of the entertainment industry. As a result, a kind of "culture of political entertainment" is inevitably formed in the structure of the political culture of such an information-advanced society. It is obvious that such a culture, through the created utopian worlds, gives media users a simplified understanding, interpretation and comprehension of political reality. It is also clear that such a schematic perception of political realities leaves a lot of room for manipulation. public opinion, artificial construction of political reactions, increasing the controllability of a person's political activity.

The postmodern political culture is highlighted, emphasizing the theatricalization of the surrounding life, hyperreality, consumption of symbols, fragmentation of life, distrust of the state, power and departure from real politics.

In modern political culture, the role of racial, ethno-national, gender and age, environmental, global, sexual and other orientations that have little in common with the previously familiar class orientations is increasing. The transformation of the traditional political spectrum with the accepted division into “left” and “right” is taking place, interclass coalitions are emerging, as a result of which many leaders and citizens find it more difficult to navigate what is happening in the sphere of politics. There is growing support for policies focused on solving specific problems, increasing the role of new social movements, nominating informal leaders, and expanding citizen participation in governance. The ideas of a new management culture are widespread, first of all, among younger, educated and wealthy people and societies.

Today, the urgent tasks of reforming the Russian state and society are: the development of political culture based on democratic values; awareness of the importance of the traditional cultural dominants of Russia as a unique civilization; taking into account the increasing role of innovative and modernization subcultures in the 21st century.

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