The doctrine of managing "l. Matte background. Management Teaching »Lorenz Background of Stein Lorenz von Stein Social State

For the first time, the concept of social state was formed in the writings of German scientists of the XIX century: Lorentz von Stein, Yu. Offner, F. Naumann, A. Wagner. She was a product of German conservative thought.

Conservatism as the reaction to the Great french revolution 1789, fueled by the revolutionary events of 1848 and developed under the influence of the revolutionary ideology of socialists. The initial item of conservative philosophy has always been the installation on the inadmissibility of revolutionary changes, threatened the basics of the existing capitalist system. In any calls to the reorganization of life, the conservatives saw a dangerous work that comes against the interests of the ruling class. In other words, the theory of the social state was the answer to German conservatism at the threat of revolutionary transformations, unambiguously sounded in the middle of the XIX century from the mouth of the workers of the masters in many European countries.

However, rejecting revolutionary changes, German conservatives were not against social changes as such. Therefore, the sharper and more clearly was the danger of the proletarian revolution, the more active the socialist idea showed itself, the more stronger the readiness of the political figures of the conservative sense to the social reformation "from above" grew. In targeted social reforms, they saw the only alternative to the bloody and destructive proletarian revolution after the establishment of the "proletariat dictatorship". And if by definition by K. Maks, the most oppressed and illiterate part of the working class is the most oppressed and illiterate part of the working class, because there is still a working intelligentsia, as the most educated part of the working class, capable of teaching young people, and working aristocracy, the most secured part of the working class, which It is quite suitable for bourgeois justice, when everything is solved by money, and which often takes the side of the bourgeoisie, then who needs a dictatorship of irradesis from the arbitrariness of the bourgeoisie of illiterate workers ???

New ideas in the field of ideology and practical politics found their theoretical incarnation primarily in the works of the German philosopher, historian and economist Lorentz von Stein (1815-1890). It is he who owns a scientific priority in the development of the first theoretical concept of a social state, containing innovative views on the possibilities and means of state social Policy. This theory reflects the most innovative ideas about the possibilities of targeted and planned state policies aimed at overcoming the deepening abyss between wealth and poverty.

Determining the essence of the social state Lorenz von Stein in the work "Present and the future of legal and scientific and state Germany" wrote that "the state is obliged to maintain absolute equality in the rights for all different social layers and classes, for each individual self-determined personality due to its power. It is obliged to contribute to the economic and social progress of all its citizens, because only in such conditions, the development of one may be a condition for the development of everyone and it is in this sense that it is necessary to talk about the need for social development in countries with monopoly of capital. " Being the only guarantor of the development of humanism, equality and social justice, social state, in the understanding of Lorentz von Stein, thereby rises over all other institutions and the interests of society, defining a worthy labor with the right to work and the right to life.

L.Fon Stein proceeded from the fact that any monarchy will continue to be an empty shadow, will turn into a description or dying as a republic if he does not find moral courage to carry out necessary for the development of certain social reforms. Thus, L. von Stein laid the foundations of the theory of social policy, which was subsequently transformed into the theory of social state.

The most consistent presentation of the theory of the social state is presented in L. L. von Stein "The History of the Social Movement of France from 1789" The author set itself a goal - to find opportunities to eliminate class contradictions, inevitably arising in the bourgeois society, the means of the state itself!

Thus, he tried to solve the urgent "social question", the aggravation of which could lead to destructive consequences. Lorenz von Stein proposed the following solution: with the help of state power and new social laws, poor classes (primarily the working masses) should "change their capital dependent on the nature of labor, to the independent, materially secured position, so that the right to work is legally guaranteed EVERYONE THE RIGHT At least on social and domestic living conditions of life is worthy of labor!

Such a decision of the "social issue" is consonant with the most revolutionary rhetoric of the time. If you do not know that this formulation belongs to the conservator, then you might think that its author is a representative of the socialist direction. The ill-known German historian and the philosopher E. Trelch called L. von Stein "The predecessor of Marx, since he puts the proletariat in the same dialectical opposite and, on the basis of this, gives the same design of the future social state."

Of course, Lorenz von Stein and Karl Marx, being contemporaries, well knew the scientific works of each other. So, in particular, K. Marx in the work "To criticism of political economy" criticizes Lorentz Mattein's background for considering the goods outside its value characteristics. And in the works of "German ideology" and "Holy Family", K. Marx makes a number of critical comments against L. W. Watch as a "translator of the ideas of French socialism into Hegel's tongue."

Although the open discussion on the "social issue" between K. Marx and L. Watchtheme was absent, it was clearly seen that they were irreconcilable opponents offering completely different ways to solve social problems. According to E. Treillach, "In L. Watthene, the resolution of contradictions is not revolutionary, but with the help of social reforms based on state socialism ...< > In Marx, the permission of the class struggle leads to an autonomous, based on voluntary collective labor carrying human society opposite to the economy with market anarchism. " If K. Marx and F. Engels express an idea of \u200b\u200bsocial capital as a collective product, which should acquire the nature of social ownership, and advocate the capture of political domination by the proletariat with the goal of pulling out the right to use these capital from the bourgeoisie, Lorenz von Stein shows that Capital There is a part of the Society concentrated in the hands of the Society for the preservation of the working class and that the enslavement of workers can be eliminated only through social reforms based on state legislation, which should be in line with their social character of production. It would seem goals close, but we look further.

Conducting social reforms L. von Stein tied with a targeted state policy, since the state should always stand above capital and labor and the very "strongly tolerates from the dependent position of the lowest, purely working class, since the numerous class, the poorest the state itself Due to the development of its revolutionary and the growing conditions for the interclative struggle. " And Marx proves that it happens more often that the richest state, as a bureaucratic authority, the poorest may be the worker population of the country!

At the same time, Lorenz argues that "the state can solve the social problems of the working people by creating such state Device and such establishments that would allow the public with the right to work to be eligible for basic means of life on the basis of socio-labor legislation and the very population to solve their social problems with a relation to socially necessary work. This path turns the state into social and allows for each person the conditions of its social well-being. " Under these terms, L. von Stein understood not only spiritual or economic well-being as such, namely the living and free development of all that makes it well-being achievable for every person that we are now seeing in many socially developed states.

It should be noted that the social state does not seek to completely change the class structure of society and completely destroy class contradictions, it is only trying to smooth out, minimize, balance these contradictions, which in the future can completely abolish the separation of society into antagonistic classes. The real way to achieve this is the possibility of moving a person from one class to another by changing attitudes towards socially necessary work.

If the state is not able to fulfill its highest social function, which lies not to subordinate one class to the interests of another, but in the harmonic resolution of their contradictions, then its place is occupied by elementary power. physical strength and civil War Destroys together with the well-being of all and itself itself, which could not understand and preserve this welfare. " - wrote Stein.

The mission of the social state at the level of government is expressed in two main tasks: first, contribute to the development of a free interclass movement, secondly, to help those who suffer deprivation. Lorenz von Stein showed how these two tasks are implemented in specific management functions of the state:
1) elimination of legal obstacles to the development of free interclasses;
2) the care of social needs, which is designed to provide each personality social conditions of life from the total amount of basic means for life relatively evenly on the relative equality of working time as a relatively equal amount of labor, and the quality of well-being based on labor qualifications;
3) promoting employment for the benefit of society so that everyone has from society the necessary social well-being worthy of the number and qualifications of their work.

Thus, Lorenz von Stein considered "social question", in fact, from the point of view of the oppressed workers of the masses, which, of course, corresponded to the specific historical interpretation of his theory at the time of creation.

In the understanding of the matte, the state is the only guarantor of social justice and thereby "towers over all other public institutions and interests." On this basis, the philosopher XX century. Peter Kozlovski believes L. von Shatte as an apologist of a social state and a defender of the complete independence of such a state from a monopoly of any capital, except from the social, natural and intellectual capital of the society itself.

With such a generalizing interpretation, it is difficult to disagree, since Lorenz von Stein in the development of its socio-philosophical concept unequivocally sought to ensure the organic participation of the people in the formation of state will. But for him the participation of the people "means not a national representation, but the maximum accounting of interests, wishes, the very spirit of the people in developing and conducting public policy. Only such participation of the people will not undermine the independence of state power. Just what state Worker Will this state policy be beneficial? Therefore, only party parliamentarism and the active participation of the people in this parliamentarism can give a truly democratic direction for the social development of society.

Determining the essence of the social state, L. von Stein wrote: The state "is obliged to maintain absolute equality in rights for all different public classes for a separate self-determining personality due to its power. It is obliged to contribute to the economic and public progress of all its citizens, for, ultimately, the development of one acts as a condition for the development of another, and it is in this sense that the social state says. "

Today, such a definition of the social state is considered classic, although there are opinions that many researchers in the development of the concept of social state from the moment of the introduction of the term itself in 1850 did not actually happen, as it was paid attention only to the individual aspects of the state's activities in the social insurance area , health care, education, and not for all manifestations of social security. In fact, this is, of course, not so. The current understanding of the social state is not far backward compared to the theory of L. Mattein, and any study in this area should be repelled from the definition of a German scientist, as it is visible to the state to the state as a class of class struggle and first approved the priority of the ratio "Personality - State "Instead of the former" society - the state ", and the main goal of the social state is announced economic and social progress, the moral and moral health and intellectual-spiritual development of each.

In the definition of Lorentz, the stained background, the following essential characteristics of the social state can be distinguished.

First. Lorenz von Stein wrote that the social state does not simply support absolute equality in rights for all public classes and a separate personality, but must be done; The state does not simply contribute to the economic and public progress of all its citizens, but is obliged to contribute to this. The state does not simply fulfill certain functions of a social character, and burdened with the responsibility to fulfill them, providing their citizens the right to demand from the state of fulfilling these duties.

The external legal manifestation of the essence of the social state is the social responsibilities of the state in front of a person who are usually fixed at the constitutional level in the form of a system of human rights and citizen. It is the duty of the state to take care of a person, and not care itself, constitute the main principal difference between the social state from any other.
Any state should perform social functions, showing care of its citizens. But only at a certain stage of historical development, especially in the context of the class struggle, which is the need for the political association of workers in political parties, the state recognizes this with his duty! In such conditions, a person is granted the right to receive assistance from the state not in the form of alms, but is guaranteed to be eligible to demand from the state to fulfill their social functions. Commitments to ensure certain conditions Life to your citizens, the social state can no longer be folded from themselves, since the responsibility assigned to themselves is inevitable. If the state at a particular historical moment for some reason cannot fulfill the responsibilities assumed in full, this fact deprives us of the opportunity to consider such a state as social, since the state does not fulfill its duties.
In other words, the main distinguishing feature of the social state is the recognition and consolidation by the state of their duties to abide by all the legislatively social guarantees before citizens. It is the monopoly of the Law on Social Guarantees worthy of Labor Social State differs from the state with a monopoly of capital, that is, with a monopoly of the market and money. Today, modern Russia only causals take care of its citizens, and often due to the more spiritually developed population, and not systemically and not according to the state program.

Second. The social state is not only obliged, but also can fulfill its functions to ensure all social guarantees. This opportunity gives it power, natural resources and productive forces in the person of the able-bodied population, which the centuries accumulated social capital in the form of fixed assets of production, science and culture. And culture, as you know, is a combination of human or society achievements at a certain period of their development. The need to use power is due to the fact that the implementation by citizens of their civil duties can be associated with state coercion, for example, when we are talking On compliance with laws. Indeed, the rights and interests of stronger members of society may be limited in the interests of weaker members of society and the violation of social and labor legislation should be strictly engaged in the articles of the law! Under these conditions, L. von Stein warned, the state will have to restrain the onslaught of representatives of the dominant class who do not want to share with their compatriots who also have their own duties and rights that must be respected according to the legislation. And the debt of every citizen, regardless of its class, class, sexual, religious and other affiliation, to fulfill the decisions of state power, that is, the power that has a social state and due to the fact that it is social, and due to the fact that it is The state, and due to the fact that the laws of this state are accepted by the most united and well-organized to achieve their goals of the country's population! The law is strong, but it's law!

Third. The social state itself is interested in performing responsibilities. If we consider the state as a "highest personality", as an independent entity with its own interests and goals, the main goal of the state is self-preservation, that is, the maintenance of an existing political and social system. Will to self-preservation makes the state use everything possible methods To resolve contradictions dangerous for its integrity. That is why the struggle for its existence at a certain stage of development is forced to conduct a language not in the language of political ideas, but in the language of the real interests of the working people. The meaning of the formation of the state as a social lies in the fact that a person, being satisfied with the level and quality of his life, having opportunities for free development, most likely, will not seek to radically change its position - the natural stability of the public structure is ensured, including political stability. What constitutes the main goal of the social state.
In other words, when it is found that the state can be destroyed as a result of revolutionary changes and that the only alternative to this is to ensure each person the conditions for a decent life or at least guarantees worthy of existence, the state endowed with the authorities chooses this (second) alternative as preferred That is why it becomes social.

Thus, the ultimate goal of the social state is the preservation of socio-political stability, that is, the conditions under which governmentAnd the population of the country feels in complete safety. Therefore, in the activities of the social state there is nothing altruistic, that is, that the state would make to the detriment. The state is also interested in transforming socially as it is interested in its conservation and development. L. von Stein wrote that the development of individual individuals constituting the state becomes the degree of development of the state itself: "... the more insignificant citizens, the fact that it is insignificant; The smaller they are developed, the very less developed itself. "

In this regard, some modern authors give an erroneous interpretation of the essence of the social state, determining it as the maximum satisfaction of the ever-growing material and spiritual needs of members of society, a consistent increase in the standard of living of the population and a decrease in social inequality, ensuring the universal availability of major social benefits, primarily high-quality education, medical and social services.

Note that the state, including social, can not stand in front of them the impossible goals expressing the dreams of citizens about the full satisfaction of all of their needs. A similar idea of \u200b\u200bthe goal of the social state was most likely to occur in some authors under the influence of the propaganda of the Soviet period of the Company's development. At the heart of such definitions of the social state lies the idea of \u200b\u200bthe complete coincidence of the interests of the state and personality, which is actually not the same thing. As Lorenz von Stein showed, the main goal of the state is to preserve socio-political stability by establishing a balance between different public interests. This goal includes not so much a decrease in social inequality, how much to reduce its acute through the creation of decent living conditions for all citizens in the number and qualifications of the labor of everyone in the workplace in the country's economy for the well-being of everyone! Children should have everything they need for their development for obedience and good studies, old people as they have already deserved with their work worthy old age! The chance of a social state for the implementation of such a task is that the main goal of the state does not contradict the interests of the majority of its population, for in the democratic state, laws must be taken by this majority! It is in conditions of social and political stability that the safe existence and free development of each may be safe.

Lorentz Study Story Story and the entire subsequent story show that in nature the phenomenon of the social state is of a vividly pronounced political character, which means the conscious taking the authorities of social obligations in order to preserve social and political stability. In this regard, the modern theorist of the social state E. A. Lukashev confirms the correctness of the conclusions of Lorentz von Stein, saying: "The social state has come after the legal, because the latter in his classical liberal (formal) version was based primarily on the principles of individual freedom, formal legal Equality and non-interference of the state in business civil society. And this led to the deep actual inequality, the crisis state of the economy and the class struggle. All this already requires the state of transition to a new qualitative state and fulfill their new state functions. "

New features arising from the theory of social state, become:

- a restrictive function, which manifests itself in relation to the dominant class and with the help of which such tasks are solved as limiting capital monopoly, regulation of labor relations, the regulation of the economy, the concentration of material and financial resources for social programs for the needs of the population and to protect against encroachment either the right to live according to its laws;

- a security function that solves social insurance, social security, the provision of opportunities to obtain the population of the necessary education, legal and medical care;

- guaranteeing function. Giving warranties and consolidating them in the constitutional level in the form of a system of human rights and a citizen, the state, in fact, becomes a defender of a person, providing him not only to have the right to have everything necessary for a decent work of life, and getting it guaranteed with the help of effective state state Security services of legality.

Summing up, it can be said that the theory of social state Lorentz von Stein became not only a set of new methods of public administration, but was the paradigm of the state's activities at a certain stage of its development. Of course, the theory of the Social State arose as a result of the organized political struggle of the working class of Europe against oppression by capitalists for their human rights and in the future gave tangible results to European peoples in terms of achieving high standards of life and social guarantees in the 20th century. However B. early XXI in. There are new problems that require their understanding and decisions in the framework of the development of the theory of social state.
First, it is necessary to find out what is modern world The optimal relation between each individual freedom, democracy and active regulatory role state. How compatible with the rights and freedoms of a person with the authorities of the social state.

Secondly, it requires a special analysis of the role of civil society and a social state in the development of rights and freedoms of citizens for well-being and stability in society. In this regard, the forms of civil society and the social state under the conditions of democracy should be clarified.

Thirdly, it is known that the theory of the social state arose as the theory of the national state in the era of the formation of monopolistic capitalism. But in the modern world, the framework of the mononational state, and international law acquires dominant. Today, when building a social state, it is impossible not to take into account the realities of globalization and polynationalism in the West countries. Therefore, in social philosophy, the ratio of national and global (international) in solving social issues is becoming very relevant. But this is the topic for other articles.

How to form a socially developed state.

Economy, these are economic relations organized to meet the needs of members of society in housing, nutrition, clothing, in communications, information, transport, in military tools to protect their interests from any encroachments to live in their laws, for the development of law enforcement agencies, funds necessary for the development of health, education, art, etc.

When people choose a program of that party where social guarantees for the population are in a country with developed parliamentarism; When life is organized by progressive and humane, economically and legally competent government chosen by the winning party's election to implement this program, properly putting all priorities and accents in economic Development All possible social guarantees to ensure the entire population with normal social conditions of life, worthy of the number and qualifications of their work in the workplace in the public economy of the country; When all rights and freedoms of citizens are formed to ensure these guarantees, with constant improvement of labor instruments and means of production; When the production of all necessary for every means of life, communications, and for intellectual and spiritual development of each, is developing, then it is then that progressive social development begins and the kingdom of freedom comes from workers and from the economic oppression of the workers of the power and wealth of people!

1. On the issue of housing.

In each economic region, housing, like the qualification categories of workers, is determined in 6-10 quality categories for qualification distribution, and according to the level of no more average-produced in the region from the equality of working time as a scale of labor. This will force the authorities to expand housing construction, and all workers to improve qualifications, responsibility and discipline.

The law defines that housing over permissible norms or its appearance on the market only after 20 square meters exceeding. m. Residential area on a working and 16 sq.m. The child in the region after ensuring all those in need of social standards, which are constantly increasing with the development of society and its economy.

The lower limit of the number of living space meters is 15-20% less guaranteed for each member of society is 15-20% less than from the region. We form the services to redistribute the existing housing stock and bring them in line with the goals for ensuring social guarantees for each law-abiding citizen of the country without violating the legality and principles of social justice, creating an information base to ensure the rights of each under housing legislation. This is necessary in cases of changes in the socio-economic situations of citizens without disturbing them. legal rights And the rights of children on the social conditions of life necessary for normal development are worthy of labor of parents in the workplace in the public economy.

It provides timely repairs or demolition that came into disrepair and construction of new well-maintained housing to ensure the needs of the population in accordance with the planned-warning renovation of housing and communications and years after five citizens of Russia will become one of the most secured in the CIS for housing!

True, some reproach me in the need for the redistribution of the available housing stock. And what is unfair here ??? Naturally, if a person changed the work on a less qualified, and not retired and did not get sick, why should he occupy a housing that does not correspond to his qualifications ??? Where's the justice??? It will definitely reduce the number of "Letunov" and lazy! After all, they will have to free the housing for the relevant specialist and take in accordance with their qualifications at the new job place !!! Now people are generally dismissed, leaving no livelihood, and man should not stay without work in order to have the appropriate social conditions if a person does not want to learn to confirm or improve his qualifications !!! Why create unfair socio-economic relationships, to produce poverty and crime, so that it is courageously fighting this ???

If there is only about 20 square meters of housing for today, just about 20 square meters of housing for each Russian, and the well-maintained hardly or 10 sq.m. for the millennium of its development for today Less.
If today half of the Russians get rich so much that it will allow themselves to buy for each family member for only 40 sq.m. Housing, where the second half of Russians will live even at a good salary ??? How many centuries each will have 40 meters, albeit in the barrack, if we build at such a pace ???

And everyone wants to live in a landscaped accommodation !!! If the costs of housing will be installed on its total number in the country relatively evenly from the number of residents in the equality of working time, and let them not always be in terms of the relative level of labor qualifications of its inhabitants, then the housing issue in Russia is thin, but will be solved, even though And not quite fair. With the help of such a law, salaries, friendship and hard work, anyway, many will be able to make a dwelling as much as they are satisfied. But if everything is solved only money and the market, the housing issue in Russia will never be solved !!! Therefore, in the society of humanism, equality and social justice, such a law should be!

2. On the issue of food supply.

The needs of the population are determined in the necessary products for a full balanced healthy nutrition And the norms of their consumption in line with the possibilities of the country, their number with the number of residents by region is consistent and the supply is provided at least these norms on the market over the market. Services are formed to ensure production, procurement and distribution of the necessary for the health of each diverse food, to eliminate the abuse of manufacturers and catering enterprises in the satisfaction of the needs of the population.

The government's government and on the ground contributes to the development of agriculture, food industry enterprises for organizing production and procurement of basic food products necessary for the normal development and full life of the country's population, providing timely delivery of food to the consumer table up to the guaranteed provision of each through food warehouses, stores or Catering enterprises. To do this, if possible, use a reusable packag that does not reduce sanitary standards, which will reduce the propagation of garbage sites, reduce environmental pollution and provide relative purity in settlements.

All necessary procedural measures are taken in ensuring the legality to eliminate any abuses in the production of food in agriculture, in enterprises of their processing, when stored in databases, catering and trade enterprises, which can lead to the spurry of food and harm the health of citizens using the existing experience of socially and environmentally developed countries of the world. The measure of responsibility of employees of these areas and ensuring their work with the conditions for the development of social justice is consistent.

Integrated is introduced balanced diet In production buffets, canteens and other public catering points on the type of sanatorium-resort at the place of study, work or residence of members of society, keeping the market for cooking quality, service services and those foods that are not included in the required range and excess from the range , kit and number of which is notified through means mass media Publicated and regularly.

All necessary control measures are accepted in the production, storage and distribution of food, ensuring their delivery to the population with high-quality and without delay.

3. On the issue of clothing and textiles.

Everything is done to balance the production and financial capabilities of the country for the production and procurement of the necessary population of materials and tissues, the required accessories and raw materials for the production of diverse seasonal clothing of shoes, linen and hosiery products with the needs of the population to meet them in need to ensure the health of people in specific climatic conditions and worthy of human standards.

There is order on weaving, sewing, shoe factories, contributing to the supply of raw materials, equipment, specialists and increase control in production, procurement and in the distribution of tissues, objects of clothing and shoes with the introduction of procedural legal norms of the law for decent punishment of anyone in abuse in this area Industry. Special attention is paid to the modernization of the production of that products that is popular with the population of the decade, these are bed linen, fabrics for the furniture industry, for sewing a coat, jackets, costumes, light dress, children's clothing, shoes, and other, ensuring timely delivery of the population with minimal costs and Not violating the principles of social justice.

The government in the field contributes to the development of the market for services for collapses, tailoring, repair and clothing items are not included in the necessary assortment to meet the necessary needs of the population.

For the physical, intellectual and spiritual development of Russian citizens, special attention is paid to health care, preschool education, education, wellness sports, social security issues and disabled, as well as public relations, information and transport necessary for the full life of the country's population, ensuring that Direction Mode of maximum favorable.

Not forgetting, of course, about what you need to have to protect against anyone on our right to live in these laws !!!

At the heart of the development of the economy - mandatory planning and preventive repair and replacement of fixed assets for a more advanced and productive after the development of the resource, since the life and labor of people in aging and unclear main residential and production funds can lead to severe social consequences. And the late replacement and renewal of equipment in the energy sector and in transport is simply to tragedies, therefore issues of improving the qualifications and living conditions of working in these areas pay special attention, given their professionalism and responsibility.

But is it for the country with such rich natural resources And with such a people, is such a utopia? Just only good organizers and the desire of the majority of the population and this can be done with reality !!!

And no equalization, and equality only before the dictatorship of the law! The equalization of people unequal in advantages, in terms of energy, at the initiative, in terms of life and in production relations there is a condition for scinting injustice, is the end of the improvement of people and society, the death of progress and freedom, the beginning of the moral ugliness of the Company's members. If a person works well - in a comfortable area, a good planning, where the hallway and the kitchen is more than twenty meters, but no more than twenty living space. The remaining meters on the market, if there are already surplus legislatively decorated standards of living space. It works badly - in the barrack, the water is cold, the toilet on the street ... well, and if not enough for all loafers of the barracks, the living room is all
Equally, should be in terms of human labor, and otherwise it is not true when a person works badly, but it lives well, what kind of stimulus to work is better ??? When a wife works in the family on the sixth category, and the husband on the first, because anything happens, will receive a secondary quality, this is a family problem, not society.

But the social bundle of people in society in terms of richness, and not by socially useful work; The absence of the right to normal social conditions of life necessary for full-fledged development is worthy of the number and qualifications of labor relatively evenly from the relative equality of working time, and the quality according to the results of the qualifications of labor in their workplace in the public economy, there is even greater injustice and leads to even more powerful social shocks !!! The same who received a big inheritance, or won a large amount, let the golden toilets, chandeliers from diamonds and other baubles, but do not deprive the population of the ability to have a law of social living conditions and the right to decent people of the norms necessary for the life of social benefits From their total, which are produced for the entire people of Russia and must have to belong to their work !!!
And if the life of people define only money, often stolen from the people, then this is true for bourgeois, capitalist society, and not for society equality and social justice !!! The money is not canceled, like private property, only the law of distribution first necessary for each social benefit (socialism), then with the development of productive forces and communications to communicate and knowledge of the surrounding world in the free time (communism); and then guarantees to everyone for free access to the intellectual and spiritual wealth of humanity and in obtaining any education in it free time, since the true wealth of man is his free time, which can increase by society and its economy and the last phase of a nookratic society (intellectism) will come to give rise to a new era of human development - cosmolitis, but it will be a development already completely different Community ...
And in Russia, the civilization is not over, and the basis of civilization, as is known is the struggle of classes, and not the struggle of the wise essence of a person with his animal essence, for the mind with good is wisdom, but the mind without goodness is a trick! And who loves people of cunning, crap and dodgy?

That is why the question of the social well-being of the population can only be solved when direct social categories of payments for labor with specific necessary for the lives of each social benefits in the form of well-established housing, quality food, good quality on clothing from equality of working time, and qualifying quality Labor, as well as salary, as only such a distribution can determine social guarantees for labor on the necessary norms of all this for the prosperous life of everyone !!! That was this in the developed communities of antiquity, where humanism, equality and social justice were the basis of life, but now it is done in socially developed countries at a higher level, when the market is formed only out of quantitative and qualitative norms of these funds necessary for normal and healthy Life, not allowing to develop poverty and crime !!! For the money has always been determined and will always determine the particular nature of the assignment of social benefits in their market of those who have enough money for such assignment to the detriment of those who do not have such money, although it works no less, but often to have even the necessary unable.

And it is still necessary to remember that the transformation of private ownership of the means of production in public or state property does not allow the people to have means of consumption worthy of their work, if the payment for work is money, even if they are paid proportionally performed work! Only the nature of the property of the means of production is changing, and the method of distribution of social benefits remains the same, through the market! And talk about equality and social justice for all at the market is still what to talk about freedom for all when slavery

After all, socially useful work is a work aimed at the well-being of the whole society, and not just those who have a lot of money, and some work only on deprivation of people of such well-being, which means this antisocial act and should be stopped by law! And where is such a law and norms defining the social well-being and its relationship with the activities of the population? These are the laws and is invited to introduce into the life of society.

Of course, such laws will not make it all quickly honest, decent and happy, and maybe it is only in a country where people live well, always ready to help each other, where the government cares about his people, but such a device of society without a doubt not only It will allow to eliminate poverty and resourceful among honest and hardworking people, but also the rich will not be offended, because everything that will be out of social norms remains on the market, and under the conditions of direct democracy, it is possible to increase the norms of the society necessary in the development of the society's economy! But only this is not an incarnation of such a social device? Only people deprived of honor and conscience will be against such a device and it can be concluded which people are united by the Russian Federation today, if they do not unite into their political party with such a program against poverty and cure.

P.S. I am not a Marxist, because against the dictatorship of the proletariat! The proletarian can not be a dictator, since on Marx is "the most oppressed, the most illiterate and the poorest part of the working class"! And who needs a dictatorship of the illiterate masses ??? Especially if in the party of the proletariat, some proletarians, and the leaders of the descendants of the nobles or former bandits ... And there is another working intelligentsia, able to bear a reasonable, kind, eternal in its educational work with young people, and working aristocracy - pilots still on the working grid, And what are they proletaries?!

Against the liquidation of money !!! It is not necessary to destroy not the money, but their monopoly in the process of distributing funds necessary for normal social conditions of life with a relatively equal number from the relative equality of working time, and quality according to the results of qualifications in labor in the public economy. So that everyone has the right to have them worthy of labor not lower than the norms in the law for normal development, because the money has always determined and will always determine the private nature of the acquisition of material goods of those who have them enough for such an acquisition, to the detriment of those who have money for decent Labor of life is not enough, regardless of whether a person employs for the benefit of society or not, he earned money or stole. But if the money can be distributed in proportion to work, why it is impossible to the most necessary on their total number by equality of working time, and the quality of qualifications is worthy of labor in the workplace in the public economy ??? Lack of mind or conscience, spirituality or mercy ???
But spirituality in Russia, as in many countries of the world, is determined and perceived as the ability to compassion, empathize, sympathize with deceived, disadvantaged, weak, the desire to help them, and it is known that such a thing is also characteristic of even animals. And the hypocrisy was publicly anywhere and never confessed, and will not be recognized as an example of virtue and a role model, it is the lot of weak, cunning and unprincipled, for the mind with a virtue is wisdom, and the mind without virtue is a trick. And who respects people of cunning and dodgy? Just the same as they themselves! And do not confuse spirituality with religiosity ...

Against the socializing of means of production !!! The transformation of private property into public or state does not make the social benefits necessary for life available to everyone in terms of the number and qualifications of their work, it only changes the nature of the property tools, and the method of distribution of consumption funds is maintained by the same, through the market through commodity-money relations, and talk about Equality and justice for all at the market anyway, what to talk about freedom for all when slavery!

Against the existence of any transition period. There was no transitional period between the slave-owned and feudal state, between feudal and capitalist! Canceled the law with a monopoly of the right to workline and the law approved the serfdom - no slave-owned state! Canceled the monopoly of the law on serfdom and formed the right of hired work and the monopoly of capital - there is no feudal, canceled the monopoly of capital and established a monopoly of the Law on Social Guarantees - there is no capitalism !!! And if the necessary social benefits no longer have a capital monopoly, what kind of capitalism is it? This is already socialism! And when the warranties will apply to all means of communications, communism will begin! But this is not a paradise for everyone, unhappy will always have ...

I am against an armed uprising and government coup, because with true democracy, the fate of the people should solve the people himself choosing the most interesting program of parliamentary parties who are struggling for power, and not a bunch of adventurers for their dubious purposes!

What free labor did Marx speak, Lenin and others? This person should be free in his choice - to participate in the socio-needed work on its abilities and aspirations, in order to have everything you need from society for free from the futility of life, or not to participate - and nothing from society. Or be punished for theft. Everyone chooses his own and deserves what it has. But the human society is different from other hierarchical public systems of the animal world of the planet Earth, which is capable of providing fulfillment of the laws of his life at a higher level, and if this does not happen, it is worth talking about any development of the mind and spirituality of such a people, except The desire to live at the expense of others by accumulating their capital ??? But this is exactly what is at the core of capitalism - monopoly of capital !!!

Some of my opponents fear some internal reasons for the impossibility of creating prosperous social Systems, referring to the inevitability of crises, to work in the unwillingness of people to work on heavy, harmful and dangerous for the health of production, for it is impossible to rely on the consciousness of the masses without a whip and gingerbread, and permissiveness with a support for wealth and power - this is like a drug! And how to treat such a drug addiction?

And how is this done in Norway, Iceland and in other socially developed countries? If there are no more jobs, and production is necessary? Is it no time and social guarantees is not a whip and gingerbread? And wealth, like ignorance of laws, is not freed from responsibility to the people if the laws are followed !!!

And crises with reducing capital monopoly and under the monopoly of the Law on Social Guarantees in the fulfillment of their duties in the public economy in compliance with all safety standards should not be !!! For if the amount of products are available meets the standards for the satisfaction of the urgent needs of the population, then what economic crisis can we talk about ??? Socio-economic crises are developing only on the inconsistency between the commodity and money masses when satisfying the population of their needs. And if someone wants to feed Tuneev, then let it be fed, just how then these tunes will live with the loss of the breadwinners, what will they earn old age? Camera in prison if you steal and violate the law?

(1890-09-23 ) (74 years)


Born in Borubi. He studied philosophy in the Kiel and Ian Universities. Intected in France, studying socialism. The result of his research was the work "Socialism and Communism in modern France" (), who introduced the German public (including Marx and Engels) with socialist ideals. In 1846, Lorenz von Stein became a professor at the University of Kiel, but in 1851 he was fired for the sale position in the issue of connecting Schlesvail to Prussia. From until 1885, Professor of the University of Vienna, where in 1882 his lectures visited the Japanese Minister-Reformer ITO Himobuumi. On December 13, 1874, he was elected a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

Main Works

  • Der Socialismus Und Kommunismus des Heutigen Frankreichs, 1842 (" Socialism and communism in modern France»)
  • GESCHICHTE DER SOCIALEN BEWEGUNG IN FRANKREICH VON 1789 BIS AUF UNSERE TAGE, 1850 (" History of Social Movement in France from 1789 to this day»)
  • DIE VERWALTUNGSLEHRE, \u200b\u200b1865-1868 (" Teaching on management»)
  • Gegenwart und Zukunft der Rechts- und StaatswisShaft Deutschlands - Stuttgart, 1876 (" Present and future of the science of the state and the right of Germany»)

see also

Write a review about Article "Stein, Lorenz Background"


  • Tarasov I. T. The main provisions of Lorentz Stein on police law in connection with his teaching on the management set out by the professorship at the Department of Police Rights Scholarshot of the University of St. Vladimir I. Tarasov. - Kiev: Univ. Type., 1874. - s.
  • Bung N. Kh. State and national education primary and professional, i.e., scientist, real and artistic, in Germany, England and France: Essays Researed. Lorenz Stein: Extract. From Operation: Das Elementar und Berufsbildungswesen von L. Stein / Sost. prof. N. H. Bung. - Kiev: Univ. Type., 1877. -, II, 100, II p.
  • Block A. L. State power in European society: a look at political. The theory of Lorentz Stein and FR. Polit. orders / [cit.] A. Blok. - St. Petersburg: Type. V. Dekakova, Cents. 1880. -, II, 191, p.
  • Chizhov N. E. Encyclopedia and the Philosophy of Law in German and Austrian Universities: Vol. 1- / N. Chizhov. - Odessa: Type. P. A. Green (b. Ulrich), 1882.
    • Heidelberg University: prof. Stow and Schulze; II. Vienna University: prof. Lorenz von Stein: (Encyclopedia and methodology of legal education and the philosophy of law): (Law philosophy). - 1882. -, 94 p.
  • Chizhov N. E. The right and its maintenance for the teachings of Lorentz Four-Stein: sketch. it. jurid Lit. / [Cit.] N. Chizhova, prof. Novoros. un-ta. - Odessa: Econ. a type. (b. Odessa. Vestn.), 1890. - VIII, 431 p.
    • Ivanovsky I. A. Collapse of the writings prof. N. Chizhova "The right and its maintenance for the teachings of Lorentz von Stein": (2 hours. Odessa. 1889-1890) / prof. Novoros. University I. A. Ivanovsky. - St. Petersburg: Type. V. S. Balasheva, 1891. - 25 p.
  • Chizhov N. E. Reply to the article G.G. Nechaeva and Lange "Russian book about Lorentz von Stein" / N. Chizhov. - Odessa: Econ. a type. (b. Odes. Vestn.), 1891. - 36 p.
  • Evstratov A.E. The genesis of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe social state: historical and theoretical problems. Dis. ... Cand. jurid Sciences: 12.00.01: Omsk, 2005. 234 p. RGB OD, 61: 05-12 / 1087.
  • Evstratov A.E. . Author's abstract ... / Omsk state University. Omsk, 2005. 24 c.
  • Kochetkova L. N.. Philosophy and society. Issue number 3 (51) / 2008.
  • Evstratov A.E. . Mescar Omgu. Series "Law" Issue No. 4 (41) / 2014. With 35-40.



  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

Excerpt characterizing matte, Lorenz background

When Nichiushka was taught, Princess Marya approached his brother, kissed him and, unable to hold more, cried.
He looked at her.
- Are you about Nichochka? - he said.
Princess Marya, crying, approved the head.
- Marie, you know Evan ... - But he suddenly fell silent.
- What are you saying?
- Nothing. No need to cry here, "he said, looking at her with the same cold look.

When Princess Marya was crying, he realized that she was crying that Nichushka would stay without his father. With great effort on yourself, he tried to go back to life and moved to their point of view.
"Yes, they should seem sorry for them! He thought. - And how easy it is! "
"Heavenly birds are neither sow, nor zaughty, but your father nourishes them," he said himself and wanted to say the same princess. "But no, they will understand it in their own way, they will not understand! This, they cannot understand that all these feelings they value, all our, all these thoughts that seem so important to us that they are not needed. We can not understand each other. " - And he fell silent.

Little son of Prince Andrei was seven years old. He barely knew how to read, he knew nothing. He survived a lot after that day, acquiring knowledge, observation, experiment; But if he would have left all these after the acquired abilities, he could not better understand the whole meaning of the scene he saw between his father, Prince Marya and Natasha, what he understood her now. He understood everything and, not crying, left the room, silently approached Natasha, who left him, shyly looked at her thoughtful beautiful eyes; Raised ruddy upper lip He trembled, he leaned against her head and cried.
From that day, he avoided Desala, avoided his countess her caught and either she sat alone, or she approached the princess Marya and Natasha, whom he seemed to love even more his aunt, and quietly and shyly caught him.
Princess Mary, coming out of Prince Andrew, understood quite all that Natasha's face told her. She did not speak more with Natasha about the hope of salvation of his life. She alternated with her in his sofa and did not cry more, but it was indisputable, turning to the soul to the eternal, incomprehensible, whom the presence was so sensitively over a human man.

Prince Andrei not only knew that he would die, but he felt that he was dying that he had already died half. He experienced a consciousness of alienation from the whole earthly and joyful and strange lightness of being. He, not in a hurry and not disturbing, expected what he had to do. That terrible, eternal, unknown and distant, the presence of which he did not cease to feel in continuation of his whole life, now it was close to him and - for the strange ease of being, which he experienced is almost clear and experienced.
Before he was afraid of the end. He twice has experienced this terrible painful feeling of fear of death, end, and now I have not understood it.
The first time he experienced this feeling when the pomegranate with a wolf spoiled in front of him and he looked at the stall, on the bushes, on the sky and knew that he had death before him. When he woke up after the wound and in his soul, it instantly, as if liberated from his opposite life, this flower of love, eternal, free, independent of this life, was no longer afraid of death and did not think about her.
The more he, in those hours of suffering privacy and the half-breed, which he spent after his wound, was thoughtful to the new, the beginning of the beginning of eternal love, the more he himself, who did not feel that, renounced earthly life. Everything, to love everyone, always sacrificed for love, there was no one to love anyone, it meant not to live it in life. And the more he penetrated with this beginning of love, the more he renounced from life and the more perfectly destroyed that terrible barrier, which stands between life and death without love. When he, this is the first time, recalled that he had to die, he spoke to himself: Well, the better.
But after that night in Mytishchi, when the one he wanted to half-breed in front of him, and when he, pressed her hand to his lips, I cried with quiet, joyful tears, the love of one woman quickened in his heart and again tied him to Life. And joyful and disturbing thoughts began to come to him. Remembering the minute at the dressing point, when he saw Kuragin, he could now not return to that feeling: he was tormented by the question of whether he live? And he did not dare to ask it.

His illness was his physical order, but the fact that Natasha called: it was happening with him, it happened to him two days before the arrival of Princess Marya. It was the last moral struggle between life and death in which death won. It was an unexpected consciousness that he was still treated with the life of him in love for Natasha, and the last, conquered horror fit before unknown.
It was in the evening. He was, as usual after lunch, in a light feverish condition, and his thoughts were extremely clear. Sonya sat at the table. He tristed. Suddenly, the feeling of happiness embraced it.
"And it entered it!" He thought.
Indeed, on the site of Sony sat only with the silent steps of Natasha.
Since she began to walk behind him, he always experienced this physical feeling of her intimacy. She was sitting on his chair, sideways to him, leaving him the candle light from him, and knit stockings. (She learned to knit stockings since the prince Andrei told her that no one knows how to walk for sick, like old nanies that knit stockings, and that in knitting stockings there is something soothing.) Thin fingers quickly came through the occasionally Stocked needles, and the thoughtful profile of her lowered face was clearly visible to him. She did the movement - the tangle rolled down with her knees. She shuddered, looked back at him and, challenging a candle with his hand, cautious, flexible and accurate movement bent, raised the tangle and sat down in the previous position.
He looked at her, not moving, and saw that she had to breathe in all her chest after his movement, but she did not decide to do it and carefully translated the breath.

For the first time, the concept of social state was formed in the writings of German scientists of the XIX century: L. von Stein, Yu. Offner, F. Naumann, A. Wagner. She was a product of German conservative thought.

It is known that conservatism arose as a reaction to the Great French Revolution of 1789 and who prepared her ideas of enlightenment. The further development of conservative thought was fed by the revolutionary events of 1848 and the developing revolutionary ideology. The initial item of conservative philosophy has always been to install on the inadmissibility of revolutionary changes, threatened the basics of the existing system. In any calls to the reorganization of life, the conservatives saw a dangerous job, which comes against reality. In other words, the theory of the social state was the answer to German conservatism at the threat of revolutionary transformations, unambiguously sounded in the middle of the XIX century. in European countries.

However, rejecting revolutionary changes, German conservatives were not against the changes as such. Therefore, the sharper and more clearly was the danger of the revolution, the more active than the liberal and socialist idea showed itself, the more stronger the readiness of the political figures of the conservative and to the social reformation "from above" grew. In targeted reforms carried out by the state, they saw the sole alternative to the bloody and destructive revolution on the French type.

These ideas in the field of ideology and practical politics found their theoretical incarnation primarily in the writings of the German philosopher, historian, economist Lorentz St. Stein (1815-1890). It is its scientific priority in the development of the first theoretical concept of a social state, containing innovative views on the possibilities and means of public policy for its time.

L. von Stein proceeded from the fact that any monarchy will continue to be an empty shadow, will turn into a despoty or dying in the republic, if he does not find moral courage to become a monarchy of social reforms. Thus, L. von Stein laid the foundations of the theory of the social monarchy, which was subsequently transformed into the theory of social state.

The most consistent presentation of the theory of the social state is presented in L. L. von Stein "The History of the Social Movement of France from 1789" . The author set himself a goal - find opportunities to eliminate class contradictions, inevitably arising in the bourgeois society, the means of the state itself.Thus, he tried to solve the urgent "social question", the aggravation of which could lead to destructive consequences. L. von Stein suggested the following solution: With the help of state power, the poor classes (primarily working class) should "change their dependent position due to the nature of labor, to the independent, material-free position. Such a decision of the "social issue" is consonant with the most revolutionary rhetoric of the time. If you do not know that this formulation belongs to the conservator, then you might think that its author is a representative of the socialist direction. The most famous German historian and the philosopher E. Trelch called L. von Stein "The predecessor of Marx, since he puts the proletariat in the same dialectical opposite and, based on this, gives the same design of the future."

Of course, L. von Stein and K. Marx, being contemporaries, well knew the scientific works of each other. So, in particular, K. Marks in the work "To criticizing political economy" criticizes L. Watte Stain for the fact that he considers the goods as "good" outside its value characteristics. And in the works of "German ideology" and "Holy Family", K. Marx makes a number of critical comments against L. W. Watch as a "translator of the ideas of French socialism into Hegel's tongue."

Although an open discussion on the "social issue" between K. Marx and L. Watchtheus was absent, it was evident that they were irreconcilable opponents offering completely different ways to solve social problems. According to E. Treillach, "In L. Stonching Stein, the resolution of contradictions is not revolutionary, but with the help of state socialism ...< > Marx has the permission of the class struggle leads to an autonomous, based on voluntary collective work and a human society and anarchism economy. " If K. Marx and F. Engels express an idea of \u200b\u200bthe capital as a collective product, which should acquire the nature of public property, and advocate the seizure of political domination by the proletariat with the goal of pulling away from the bourgeoisie, L. L. Stein shows that capital is concentrated in Hands of part of society means of preserving the social dependence of working classes and that eliminate the enslaration of workers can be through social reforms.

Conducting social reforms L. von Stein associated with a targeted policy of the state, since the state is standing above capital and labor and itself "strongly tolerates from the dependent position of the lower, purely working class", as the numerous class, the poorest itself.

The state may resolve the "social issue" by creating such a state device and such establishments that would allow labor to lead to the acquisition of property. This path turns the state into social and allows for each person the conditions of welfare. Under these terms, L. von Stein understood "not spiritual or economic wealth as such, namely the living and free movement [inter-class movement], which makes it wealth achievable for each person."

It should be noted that the social state does not seek to change the class structure of society and destroy class contradictions, it is only trying to smooth out, minimize, balance these contradictions. The real way to achieve this is the possibility of transitioning a person from one class to another by changing attitudes towards property.

If the state "is unable to fulfill its highest social function, which is not subject to one interest in another, but in harmonic resolution of their contradictions, then its place is occupied by the elementary power of physical forces and civil war destroys together with the well-being of all and the very state itself It could not understand and save this welfare. "

The mission of the social state at the management level is expressed in two main tasks: first, to promote a free interclative movement, secondly, to help those who suffer deprivation. L. von Stein showed how these two tasks are implemented in specific managerial functions of the state:

1) elimination of legal obstacles to free interclace movement;

2) the care of public needs, which is designed to provide each individual physical conditions of independence;

3) Promotion of work that does not have capital, in achieving economic independence, for example, through auxiliary cash registers, insurance business, self-help in the form of the union of the poor.

Thus, L. von Stein considered a "social question", in fact, as a working question, which, of course, corresponded to the specific historical interpretation of his theory at the time of creation.

In the understanding of L. von Stein, the state is the only guarantor of social justice and thereby "towers over all other public institutions and interests." On this basis, the philosopher XX century. Peter Kozlovski believes L. von Shatte as a state apologist and the defender of the complete independence of the state from the government of society.

With such a generalizing interpretation, it is difficult to agree, since L. von Stein in the development of his socio-philosophical concept unequivocally sought to ensure the organic participation of the people in the formation of state will. But for him, "participation" of the people "means not a national representation, but the maximum accounting of interests, wishes, the very spirit of the people in developing and conducting public policy. Only such participation of the people will not undermine the independence of state power. "

Determining the essence of the social state, L. von Stein wrote: State "It is obliged to maintain absolute equality in rights for all different public classes, for a separate self-determining personality due to its power. It is obliged to contribute to the economic and public progress of all its citizens, for, ultimately, the development of one acts as a condition for the development of another, and it is in this sense that the social state says. "

This definition of a social state is considered classic. The modern researcher A. E. Evstratov believes that "many researchers in the development of the concept of a social state that has been introduced by many of the term of the term in 1850, did not actually happen (in steinovsky understanding)since attention was paid only to the individual aspects of the state's activities in the social sphere (in the field of insurance, health, poverty), and not on all manifestations of social statehood. " In fact, this is, of course, not so. A modern understanding of the social state went ahead compared to the theory of L. von Stein, but any study in this area should be repelled from the definition of a German scientist, as it overcomes the approach to the state as a class struggle and for the first time, the priority of the ratio "Personality - State" instead of the previous "society is a state", and the main goal of the state is announced economic and social progress.

In the definition of L. Winter Mattein, the following essential characteristics of the social state can be distinguished.

First. Social state has dollable, obligatory nature.L. von Stein wrote that the Social State does not simply support absolute equality in rights for all public classes and a separate personality, and obligateddo it; The state does not simply contribute to the economic and public progress of all its citizens, and obligatedcontribute to this. The state does not simply perform some social functions, and burdened with dutyperform them by providing their citizens the right to demand from the state of fulfilling these duties.

The external legal manifestation of the essence of the social state is the social responsibilities of the state in front of a person who are usually fixed at the constitutional level in the form of a system of human rights and citizen. It is the duty of the state to take care of a person, and not care itself, constitute the main principal difference between the social state from any other.

Any state performs social functions, showing care of their citizens. But only at a certain stage of historical development in conditions of aggravation of class struggle, the state recognizes this with his duty, thereby giving a person the right to receive assistance from the state is not in the form of alms, but on its own initiative, guaranteed to be eligible to demand from the state to fulfill their social functions. Making the obligations to ensure certain living conditions for their citizens, the social state can no longer be folded with themselves, since the responsibility assigned to themselves is inevitable. If the state at a particular historical moment for some reason cannot fulfill the responsibilities of the duties in full, this fact does not deprive us of the opportunity regarding the state as social, since the duty exists and then when it is not fulfilled or fulfilled.

In other words, the main distinguishing feature of the social state - this recognition and consolidation from the state of their duties to citizens.It is this social state that differs from the Patennist state, also taking care of its citizens. Today for modern Russia It is important to prevent the theoretical and practical identification of a social state with a paternalist.

Second. The social state is not only obliged, but also can perform its functions.This opportunity gives him power. The need to apply power is due to the fact that the implementation of social responsibilities may be associated with state coercion, for example, when it comes to redistributing income to fulfill social programs. Indeed, the rights and interests of stronger members of society may be limited in the interests of more weak members of society. Under these conditions, L. von Stein warned, the state will have to restrain the onslaught of dominant classes who do not want to share their incomes. However, the state should not be afraid of this, since it is precisely the highest power in society, and the debt of every citizen is independent of its class affiliation - to fulfill the decisions of state power, that is, the authorities that have a social state without the fact that it is social , and due to the fact that it is a state.

Third. The social state itself is interested in performing responsibilities.If we consider the state as a "highest personality", as an independent entity with its own interests and goals, the main goal of the state is self-preservation, that is, the maintenance of an existing political and social system. The will to self-preservation makes the state use all possible ways to resolve contradictions dangerous for its integrity. First of all, we are talking about non-profitable class contradictions. Therefore, the struggle for its existence at a certain stage of development is forced to keep not in the language of political ideas, but in the language of the real interests of the working people. The meaning of the state's formation as a social lies in the fact that a person being satisfied with the level and quality of his life, having opportunities for free development, most likely will not seek to radically change its position - this ensures the natural stability of the public structure, including political stability, which is the main goal of the social state.

In other words, when it is found that the state can be destroyed as a result of revolutionary changes and that the only alternative to this is to ensure each person the conditions of decent life or at least guarantees a worthy existence, the state endowed with the authorities chooses this (second) alternative as preferable, That is why it becomes social.

In this way, the ultimate goal of the social state is the preservation of socio-political stability, that is, the conditions under which the state power feels in complete safety. Therefore, in the activities of the social state there is nothing altruistic, that is, that the state would make to the detriment. The state is also interested in transforming socially as it is interested in its conservation and development.L. von Stein wrote that the development of individual individuals constituting the state becomes the degree of development of the state itself: "... the more insignificant citizens, the fact that it is insignificant; The smaller they are developed, the very less developed itself. "

In this regard, some modern authors provide an erroneous interpretation of the essence of the social state, determining it as "the maximum satisfaction of the ever-growing material and spiritual needs of members of society, a consistent increase in the standard of living of the population and a decrease in social inequality, ensuring the universal availability of major social benefits, primarily high-quality education, medical and social services. "

Note that the state, including social, can not stand in front of them the impossible goals expressing the dreams of citizens about the full satisfaction of all of their needs. A similar idea of \u200b\u200bthe goal of the social state most likely could arise from russian author Under the influence of the propaganda of the period of developed socialism. At the heart of such definitions of the social state lies the idea of \u200b\u200bthe complete coincidence of the interests of the state and personality, which is actually not the same thing. L. von Stein showed, the main goal of the state is to preserve socio-political stability by establishing a balance between different public interests. This goal includes not a "reducing social inequality", but to reduce its acute through the creation of decent living conditions for all citizens. The chance of a social state to existence is that its main goal is not contrary to the interests of the individual, since only in conditions of social and political stability it is possible to safely exist and free human development.

L. W. Watch Study and the entire subsequent story show that by nature the phenomenon of the social state is of a vividly pronounced political character, which means social obligations with the authority in order to preserve social and political stability. In this regard, the modern theorist of the social state E. A. Lukasheva confirms the correctness of the conclusions of L. Watthene, saying: "The social state came after the legal, because the latter in his classical liberal (formal) version was based primarily on the principles of individual freedom, formal legal equality and non-interference of the state in civil society affairs. And this led to deep actual inequality, crisis states in the economy and class struggle. All this demanded that the state of transition to a new qualitative state and the fulfillment of them of new functions. "

New features arising from the theory of social state, become:

- restrictive function,which is manifested in relation to dominant classes and with the help of which such tasks are solved as limiting monopolization, regulation of labor relations, regulation of the economy, the concentration of funds for social programs and needs;

provisionality,the decisive tasks of social insurance, social welfare, providing opportunities for education and medical care;

guaranteeing function.Giving guarantees and fixing them at the constitutional level in the form of a system of human rights and a citizen, the state, in fact, becomes a debtor of a person, providing him with the right not just to receive help from the state, but to receive it guaranteed.

Summing up, it can be said that the theory of social state L. von Stein has become not only a set of new methods of government, but was a paradigm of the state's activities at a certain stage of its development. Of course, the theory of the social state arose as a result of the struggle of the working class of Europe for their rights and in the future gave tangible results to European peoples in terms of achieving high standards of life and social guarantees in the XX century. However, at the beginning of the XXI century. There are new problems that require their comprehension and solutions within the framework of the theory of social state.

First, it is necessary to find out what is in the modern world the optimal relationship between the individual freedom and the active regulatory role of the state. How compatible with the rights and freedoms of a person with the conduct of a social state are compatible.

Secondly, requires a special analysis the role of civil society in the social state. In this regard, the forms of interaction between civil society and the social state should be clarified.

Thirdly, it is known that the theory of the social state arose as the theory of the national state in the era of the formation of monopolistic capitalism. But in the modern world, the framework of the National State, and international law acquires dominant. Today, when building a social state, it is impossible not to take into account the realities of globalization. Therefore, in social philosophy, the ratio of national and global (international) in solving social issues is becoming very relevant. But this is the topic of another article.

Stein, L. background. The history of the social movement of France from 1789 - SPb.: Type. A. M. Kotin, 1872. - with. XXVIII.

Macedonian, J. H. Legal Nature Russian Federation as a social state: dis. ... Cand. yur. science - M., 1997. - s. 56.

Lukasheva, E. A. Social Legal State. Problems of the general theory of law and the state / ed. B. C. Nersesity. - M.: Norma Infra-M, 1999. - with. 79.

Lorenz von Stein

Stein (Stein), Lorenz Background (1815-1890) - German philosopher, historian, economist. Author of various works on society, state, right. Stein - one of the bright opponents of the ideas of socialism and communism , thin and consistent critic of the work of Marx. It was developed as an alternative to socialism as an alternative to socialism and as a means of salvation of historical progress from social revolutions. The philosophical views of the matte are based on the teachings of Hegel. The main attention of Stein paid social philosophy. The main motive of the behavior of each person, in the matte, is the desire for self-realization.

Philosophical Dictionary / Avt.-Cost. S. Ya. Podprigor, A. S. Podprigor. - ed. 2nd, erased. - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2013, from 520.

Stein (Stein) Lorenz Background (1815-1890) - German philosopher, historian, economist. Author of various works on society, state, right. Main Works: "Socialism and Communism in modern France" (1842), "The history of social movement in France from 1789 to this day" (in three volumes), "management's doctrine" (the second volume issued after the death of S.), "The present and future of the science of the state and the right of Germany" (the third volume is posthumously) and others. Sh. - one of the bright opponents of the ideas of socialism and communism, a subtle and consistent critic of the work of Marx. It was developed as an alternative to socialism as an alternative to socialism and as a means of salvation of historical progress from social revolutions. The philosophical views of S. are based on the teachings of Hegel. The main attention was paid to Social Philosophy. The main motive of the behavior of every person, according to S., is the desire for self-realization. The latter is expressed in extracting, processing, manufacturing goods. Any benefit, made by the person, according to S., "belongs to her, is identified with her and therefore it becomes as inviolable as she herself. This inviolability of good is the right. United's right with a person in one inviolable whole, good is property." A person cannot self-realize and engage in any kind of activity alone, so he is forced to cooperate with others, i.e. live in society. Like Hegel, Sh. Disasters the concepts of "state" and "civil society". Civil society, according to S., based on the division of labor, which, in turn, depends on the forms of ownership. Law public Life It is S. "In essence, the constant and unchanged order of dependence of those who do not own, from those who own." The whole history of mankind is represented by Sh. How the struggle of these two classes: there is not a single type of society in which there was no or will not be this struggle. The ideas of socialism and communism, which can be considered that the creation of a harmony of classes is possible, according to S., are a beautiful, but non-fulfilling dream. Really, any society is attributively divided into classes, each class seeks to master the state power and use it in their own interests. The state, according to Scheme, is based on completely different principles. The Company is broken by contradictions and generates revolution (S. identifies the revolution with collapse, death, etc.), and the state seeks to establish organic unity of free, interests and actions of people. In human history there is a form of power that can guarantee the transition of an individual from non-free civil society to freedom in the state. This form, from the point of view of S., is a constitutional dynastic monarchy. The dynasta monarch occupies such a high position that he is alien to the interests of any class. Moreover, only the monarch is able to realize the interests of society as a whole and consistently conduct social reforms. The constitutional dynastic monarchy is, according to S., not only an absentee-class state, but also socially oriented, i.e. Monarch must conduct reforms in favor of workers in order to improve their standard of living, raising their status, growth in educational and cultural potential, etc. The theory of the absentee monarchy S. received, thanks to Prussian Chancellor O. Bismarck, and another name - "Social Monarchy". The popularity of this theory, ascending to the ideas of S., is especially great in countries having a monarchical management type.

Because Kandrinich

The newest philosophical dictionary. Cost. Gitsanov A.A. Minsk, 1998.


Philosophers, wisdom lovers (biographical pointer).

von Stein.) - nobled race

Generic coat of arms of Ostsey Steins

There are several Russian nobility gods "Stein". One of them was submitted to the noble pedigree book of the Kharkiv province, the other - Volynsky.

Description of the coat of arms

In black shield, three silver in the gold rim of diamond quadrangular stone (two and one).

In the Silver Chapter Lazorous Romes in a row. The shield is crowned with a noble crowned helmet. Tablet: Three black ostrich feot, on average golden coin. Name: black, silver fell. The coat of arms of the Shatte made into part 16 of the general Hercobnik of the noble childbirth of the All-Russian Empire, p. 44.

Famous representatives


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