Cervical diseases in women names. Pathology of the cervix: types of disease, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods. Possible ways to get rid of the problem

Pathology of cervix - One of the most relevant problems and frequent occasion for the visit of the patients to the gynecologist. Many women heard that there were changes on the cervix: erosion, dysplasia, and even cancer. What preventive measures can be taken to prevent the emergence of serious problems? How do they diagnose them? Do you need to treat the pathological conditions of the cervix, and what methods today are the most effective?

The cervix is \u200b\u200bone of the few organs of the reproductive system of women available to visual inspection. This means that the occurrence of oncological diseases of the cervix can be completely prevented. Nevertheless, the cervical cancer ranks first in the structure of oncological diseases of the reproductive system of women.

Causes of cervical diseases:

  • Injury (after abortion or childbirth).
  • Infection (Chlamydia, Cockki, Trichomonas, Mycolasms, etc.) cause inflammation and enhanced lunch of the epithelium under which there are immature cells with increased susceptibility.
  • Viruses. Currently, the relationship between the occurrence of cervical cancer and the human papilloma virus is proved. It should be noted that HPV exhibits its own oncogenic effect only in those tissues that are prepared by other infectious agents and herpes virus of the 2nd type.
  • Violation of hormonal balance (most often progesteronodify state).
  • Violation of local immunitywhich plays a big role in the processes of restoration of tissues and the emergence of the erosion of the cervix.

All diseases of the cervix can be divided into: background, precancerous (dysplasia) and cervical cancer.

Background processes: Pseudo-erosion (ectopia, exactly what is most often called the erosion of the cervix), leukoplakia without atyphea, polyps, condylomas.

Background processes are not by themselves by precancerous states, but on their background, pathological changes may develop.

Causes of background processes are diverse - Domor monomal, inflammatory, post-traumatic. Very often, the background processes lay on each other and create a complex picture for diagnosis.

Prejudice process (dysplasia): Easy, moderate, heavy.

Preiodine processes (dysplasia) are complexes of atypical cells that do not go abroad epithelial cover. Depending on the degree of severity, it allocate light, moderate and heavy dysplasia. The presence of dysplasia can be suspected when carrying out colposcopy and reveal during cytological examination. Dysplasia is a mandatory step to transition to cervical cancer. That is, cervical cancer extremely rarely occurs on an unchanged neck, it is usually preceded by a dysplasia.

Separately allocate inflammatory diseases of the cervixBut it is already more refer to sexual infections.

Most common diseases of the cervix

  • Cervical erosion In its pure form, it is characterized by damage to the mucous membrane of the uterus facing the vagina. That is, it is a kind of ring on the cervix, visible to the naked eye when examining a gynecologist. It looks like a bright red stain on a pink background of intact mucosa of the cervix. Most often, the cause of the formation of erosion is an inflammatory process, various chemical or physical impacts or hormonal disorders. A similar picture, a gynecologist can observe infrequently, since this erosion is usually no more than two weeks. In the future, if the reason is eliminated, erosion completely heals. If the healing does not occur, erosion turns into pseudo-erosion. That's it, most often and designate the term "erosion of the cervix".
  • PseudoorosiaIn turn, it is not to the end or defectively healing erosion of the cervix. That is, healing began, but, since the causal factor was not eliminated, the process went wrong. As a result of such "incorrect" healing, in particular, the so-called cysts are formed on the cervical neck, also quite common.
  • Natives of cysts They are closured ducts of the cervical glands, stretched by the secret of these glands. Simply put, these are bubbles filled with liquid, located under the mucous membrane on the surface of the cervix. Sometimes, if the cause of erosion is eliminated, complete cure may come. But more often the healing process of erosion flows waves, with a change in the picture visible when inspection. With a long flow of the erosion of the cervix, the processes that constantly flow in the cells of the surface layer of the neck may vary, leading to the development of dysplasia. If this does not happen, the erosion of the cervical of the uterus can exist as much as possible, clinically in no way manifest.
  • Leukoplakia It can develop from erosion and is a seal on the cervix in the form of a white spot. Lakeaukia can also progress with the development of precancerous states.
  • Polyps of cervix - It is growing on the cervical surface or in its channel of various structures. The cause of the development of polyps is most often hormonal or inflammatory processes.
  • Flat Condylomas represent one of the manifestations of papillomavirus infection. Dysplasia can also develop dysplasia, which characterizes them as a presets.
  • Matter dysplasia There are three degrees. The first is an easy degree, the second - moderate and third is a severe degree of dysplasia. The degrees vary depending on the depth of the lesion. The deeper the process, the hardest dysplasia. The dysplasia is not visible to the naked eye and can be determined only with special studies both on the pathologically changed cervix and in healthy women.

The risk group on the development of various processes on the cervix can be attributed primarily for women, early launched sex, often changing sexual partners, many irrevocable or repeatedly subjected to various intrauterine interventions.

Diagnostic research

MAZ ONCOCITOLOGICAL RESEARCH OR RAR TEST - This is very simple, painless, and at the same time informative method of diagnosing malignant processes of the epithelium of the cervix. Recommended to perform 1 time per year.

Colposcopy. - Another way to assess the state of the cervix, which implies the study of the epithelial structure under a microscope (colposcope). In the process of inspection, the cervix is \u200b\u200btreated with special colous solutions (a solution of acetic acid, a solution of lugol and color filters) is used as a reagent. Thus, it becomes possible to identify pathology if it is available, and determine its borders. The procedure is absolutely painless, since the increase in the colposcope allows you to estimate the state of the cervix at a distance.

Biopsy cervixa - The most informative and serious method for diagnosing the state of the epithelium. If, as a result of Colposcopy, the doctor sees the epithelial site, suspicious of the presence of dysplasia or cervical cancer, then, in coordination with the patient, a piece of the cervical tissue is taking for histological examination.

Treatment of cervical diseases

As for treatment, modern medicine offers a large selection of methods for the treatment of cervical diseases. First of all, it is necessary to establish and, if possible, eliminate the reason for the emergence of a particular disease of the cervix. For this, the treatment of inflammatory processes is carried out, the correction of hormonal disorders. In the presence of viral etiology of the disease, specific antiviral treatment and correction of immunological disorders are necessary.

Sometimes, if the process does not have long history, these events are enough to eliminate pathology. But often it is necessary to resort to the surgical treatment of the cervix. If surgical treatment is envisaged, it is necessary to pre-achieve a good smear, otherwise the result will not be achieved.

  • Drugs - Old ways of treating cervical diseases, such as: the use of antibacterial drugs (synthitzine emulsion, tetracycline ointment, etc.), substances that improve healing (sea buckthorn oil, rosehip oil ....) in the form of tampons is not currently recommended Due to the duration and low effectiveness of treatment and sometimes to promote proliferative processes.
  • Chemical removal - Most often the drug Solkovegin is used. This method may be used only with surface lesion of fabric or condylum. Deeper pathological processes are not available for the penetration of the chemical drug, so when applying this method, women with serious lesions of the cervix, the changes often remain and progress.
  • Diathermocoagulation (electrocoagulation) - This is one of the methods of treating the pathology of the cervix. It is contraindicated by barking women, as it causes the formation of scarring, narrowing the cervix channel, which during childbirth can cause a cervix break.
  • Cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen treatment) - A more sparing method, does not leave scars, painless. The penetration depth is sufficient only for the treatment of surface lesions of the tissue and the guard. Not applicable with deep or serious damage. Recommended born women. The effectiveness of the method is 54.96%.
  • Laser therapy - One of the methods of choosing treatment. At the same time removes the fabric and stops bleeding. The method is painless, does not leave scars, it is possible to use even for boring, almost does not give complications, allows you to remove damage under the control of the microscope at the necessary depth. High efficiency method.
  • Radio Surgery (Radio)- The most efficient surgical technique using radio waves. The principle of the action of the radio room (the device "Surgitron") is based on the high energy of radio waves. The advantage - does not burn out, but cuts a damaged area, which can be subjected to histological examination, which allows you to refine the diagnosis. Radiosurgery is a new and safe method, since the device and removes the tissues and stops bleeding. The method is more preferable, especially for women planning to have children.
  • Excision of the cervix - If, according to the results of the biopsy, malignant education was found, it is necessary to continue treatment not at the gynecologist, but at a car. This doctor does not need to be afraid, you need to understand that he knows "his" pathology is better than any other specialist. Gloomy associations are associated with the fact that people, as a rule, are addressed to the oncologists, long and unsuccessfully treated among doctors of other specialties, and they fall to the oncologist with a launched stage of the disease. The operation can be carried out with a "Surgitron" radio. Cervical cancer - a disease that can be full of cure in the initial stage

The success of the treatment of cervical diseases largely depends on full-fledged diagnosis and timely and full-fledged treatment. It must be remembered that in the early stages the disease is completely cured, because the preventive examination of the gynecologist is necessary for each woman.

Ulyanova S.M., obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of the highest category.

Covered with multi-layer flat epithelium cells. It consists of three layers: basal, intermediate and superficial. Any change in ripening or differentiation of cells of the epithelium of doctors can call the dysplasia. This term is often called all the precancerous states of the cervix.

Possible diseases

Doctors distinguish several pathological conditions for which it is necessary to pay attention. So, in a separate group the so-called background processes are combined. These include true erosion, simple leukoplakia, polyps, ectopia, erythlace cervix. Separately allocated a precancerous state, which is called cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or dysplasia. It is important to understand that the background and pre-collecting states are different pathogenesis.

But the origin and manifestation of precancerous states and cancer are similar. Many of the reasons are called HPV. Thus, the presence of a human papilloma virus in the body is not a pledge of what will necessarily be cancer. But those women who discovered the prejudition states of the cervix, in 90% of cases, the HPV was still diagnosed. But at the same time, it is necessary to understand that from more than 60 types of the specified virus, the genitals are affected by about 20, and 11 serotypes are considered highlyoncogenic.


Most often, people are not suspected that there are HPV in their body. Some disease occurs in latent form. This means that people are carriers of the virus, but they do not have any manifestations. With subclinical form, cytological changes are diagnosed. The clinically pronounced HPV is determined when exophytic and endophytic conglishers are visible.

The most common are the 16th and 18th Papillomirus serotype. Infection, as a rule, passes absolutely unnoticed and is not accompanied by the appearance of any symptoms. But at the same time, the virus infects the cells, it is embedded in their genetic code, the replication of infected elements begins. This eventually leads to their reincarnation and causes the appearance of dysplasia or cancer.

But it is believed that the individual susceptibility of epithelium and congenital defects of protection mechanisms play an important role in the development of diseases.

Characteristics of background processes

Gynecologists can diagnose a number of cervical diseases that are characterized by special changes. So, doctors highlight true, congenital and false erosion.

Even in teenage girls, the gynecologist can see the displacement of the cylindrical epithelium during inspection. After the colposcopy, it becomes clear that it is bright red. At the same time, it is impossible to paint it with a solution "Lugol". This condition often calls pseudo-erosion or ectopia. It can be congenital or acquired. But this is not the prejudition states of the cervix, therefore such erosions do not require treatment. It is only necessary to observe regularly for them.

If the patient, the mucous membrane of the cervical canal turns into the vaginal section of the neck, then this condition is called an ecredopion. This is a combination of scar deformation of the tissues of the cervix and pseudo-erosion. When examining, the doctor can see a deformed neck with a slight or gaping yawn with red sections of a cylindrical epithelium. Often they can be with a transformation zone.

Another background process is leukoplakia, the name of the disease is translated as a "white stain". With this disease, the multilayer epithelium is locally orinals. At the same time, infiltrates are formed around the vessels of stroma. Leukoplakia may be simple, then it is referred to as background processes. If, with this disease, they are already talking about the prejudice.

Another disease is erythlace, but it is rare enough. This name is literally translated as "Red Spot". In this state, the multilayer epithelium is atrophy, it is thinned to several layers. Intermediate cells disappear. Through the thinned epithelium, there are vessels, so the sections look like red spots.

Also, when examining, the doctor can see the growth covered with epithelium. They are called polyps. These are bright pink formations that can be a sheet or oblong shape. They hang out of the cervical cervix.

Causes of erosion appearance

It is often possible to detect problems with the usual inspection or conducting colposcopy. If the doctor sees changes, he can explain from which the erosion of the cervix appears. So, the most common reasons are:

Infectious diseases, among which the most common chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, genetary herpes, papillomirus;

Inflammatory diseases of female genital organs;

Mechanical damage to the mucousa;

Hormonal changes.

As a result of the changes, the multilayer epithelium, the layers of which are poorly cloudy and the loose is laid, it is damaged by places and is listed. It was observed that this happens 5 times more often in women with a disruption of the menstrual cycle, they can even have a big erosion of the cervix. Instead of a lunished layer, a cylindrical epithelium is formed.

Conducting factors are called failures in a cycle, frequent shift of partners, early start of sexual life and reduced immunity. Many of those who have found these problems are interested in whether there are any restrictions if the erosion of the uterus cervix was diagnosed. What can not be done with this disease? No hard restrictions. It is just important to observe the gynecologist regularly, to undergo all the necessary surveys and not to give up the appointed treatment.

Diagnosis of background processes

As a rule, women with affected cervical uterus do not complain about. There are no symptoms of erosion. True, some have blessed allocations that do not cause any discomfort. After intercourse may appear bloody issues Or Sukrovitsa. In this case, you should seem as soon as possible. It is able to assess the state, determine if there is erosion of the cervix. The name of the disease in such a situation is important more for a doctor. It is from the identified problem that further tactics of treatment will depend on.

At the inspection of pseudo-erosion looks like a red spot incorrect form. It stands out on the background of a pale mucous membrane. When conducting colposcopy, it becomes clear that the problem areas are covered with red papillas round or oblong shape, because of them, the surface looks like velvet. You should not be afraid of colposcopy, it is just an inspection using a special device that is capable of increasing the section 30-40 times.

The diagnosis of such a disease such as leukoplakia is also not difficult. In some patients, burned cell layers can be seen with the naked eye, they look like white plaques, which rise on ectocerviks (parts of the cervix speaking in the vagina). In others, they can be found only when carrying out colposcopy. To clarify the diagnosis of cervical tissue can be treated with iodine solution. The affected burrows are not painted in brown, they look like a surface covered with a whitish film. To clarify the nature of the leukoplakia (simple or with atypical cells), it is necessary to conduct a biopsy.

Also, when examining a gynecologist can see cysts on the cervix. The reasons for their appearance are as follows:

Sex infections that provoke the development of inflammatory diseases;

Injury to the neck during childbirth, abortion;

Hormonal disorders.

Casts look like bags that are filled with mucus. They appear from native glands that look like small white swelling. If there are failures in their work, the ducts are closed. In the case when only one bag is visible when inspected, it is called endometride cyan. But there are cases when there are several. In such situations, the doctor says that it is the backs of cysts on the cervix. The reasons for their occurrence are desirable to find out. After all, their appearance can be provoked by the infections that must be treated. As a rule, doctors recommend only one treatment method - the removal of the cyst. This is done using a puncture bag, removing viscous mucus and processing the place of its appearance.

Tactics of treatment

In cases where the doctor detects problems with the cervix, he must tell about what needs to be done further. So, first of all, a specialist will hold a colposcopy, take the material for cytological research and, if necessary, will offer to make a biopsy. A full-fledged examination allows you to determine which erosion of the cervix appears. It is also important to make strokes on the microflora, to identify whether infectious diseases. It is mandatory to find out if the patient has HIV, syphilis or viral hepatitis. In addition, the gynecologist can give a direction to conduct a survey for the presence of trichomonade, ureaplasma, HPV, chlamydia, mycoplasma, Gardnerells.

After that, you can proceed to treatment. Depending on the sizes, the reasons for the appearance and other factors, the gynecologist will offer to cover the neck of the uterus to the current, make cryodestruction, laser adoption or use the radio wave method.

In some cases, it is enough just to observe erosion. Such tactics are chosen in cases where it is found in young broken girls. Most often, their reason for its appearance is hormonal changes.

Description of treatment methods

The ignition is one of the most common ways. But with the procedure there are quite a few side effects. As a result of the cavity, coarse scars may form, to narrow the cervical channel. In addition, healing after the procedure is long enough. But, despite all the flaws, it is often used quite often that the procedure is unpleasant, but it is impossible to name too painful. Many women simply talk about the feeling of discomfort at the bottom of the belly. In addition, after the procedure may be released from the vagina.

The doctor should also warn about a number of restrictions. Mandatory should be for at least a month after the procedure. There is also restrictions on lifting weights - you can wear no more than 2 kg. The ban is superimposed on the visit of the sauna, bath, bathing, intense exercise.

Cryodestruction often leads to shortening the cervix. In addition, as a result of the procedure, Zev cervix may narrow. It is impossible to be overly painful to call cryodestruction, the patients confuse the accompanying unpleasant odor.

Many prefer to use more modern methods, for example, a radio wave method for treating cervical erosion. It is held by the Surgitron special apparatus. The electrode in it radiates high-frequency waves, they form warm when meeting with tissues. In this case, the cells are evaporated.

Also highly efficient is the laser treatment method. The effect of the beam of waves leads to the fact that pathologically changed cells are removed. At the same time, the surrounding tissues amazed slightly. This method is considered the least traumatic.

Dysplasia characteristic

Most often, the precancerous states are developing at traumatic lesions of the cervix. It is especially attentive to be the topics of the erosion of the cervix. Cancer on the background of it is unlikely to begin to develop, but the fields of dysplasia in some cases are detected just on the background of pseudo-erosions.

Specialists identify 3 stages of this disease. The first degree is called easy. With it, deep layers are amazed - basal and parabaznaya top layers remain normal. Exterior signs There are no diseases. It can only be found when conducting cytology, while the scraping should be taken deeply.

With a second degree - moderate dysplasia - changes may affect 2/3 epithelial cells. At this stage of atypical cells should not be.

For a third degree, the maturation and differentiation of cells passes only in the surface layer. The remaining layers are amazed. More detailed surveys show the presence of cells with atypics.

Diagnose dysplasia is not so simple. The disease proceeds without any pronounced signs, he has no characteristic symptoms. At the inspection, the gynecologist can identify ectopia, leukoplakia, see papillomas. Sometimes during dysplasia, it happens that the cervix is \u200b\u200bnot changed.

Install the diagnosis is possible when smear taken from the cervix. If in the process of research it was found that there are cells with dicariosis (change in nuclei) in the material, then histology is necessary. It is made from materials taken during biopsy.

Causes of dysplasia development

In most cases, it is difficult to understand what has become the basis for the emergence of problems with the reproductive organs of a woman. But there are a number of factors that can provoke the beginning of the disease. For example, if the patient has seams on the cervix, it means there is a violation of her nutritional tissues. And this can be an impetus for the development of the disease.

The provoking factors also include:

Immune and hormonal disorders;

The presence of erosive foci is dangerous is the transition area between the flat and cylindrical epithelium, placed on the outer part of the neck;

The presence in the organism of a highlyoncogenic type of HPV.

The risk factors are the following:

Earlier, the beginning of a girl of sexual life at the time when the epithelium is still not formed normally;

Long-term use of intrauterine and hormonal contraceptives;

Multiple childbirth;

The presence of infections that are transmitted by sexual means;

Ultimate meal with a shortage of vitamins C, a and beta carotene.

It was also established that it affects the emergence of these female diseases and men's hygiene. Schegma, which accumulates under extreme fleshmay cause the prejudition states of the cervix will begin to develop. This is determined by the presence in it that in the sex act falls on the cervix.

Possible ways to get rid of the problem

Tactics of treatment directly depends on which degree of dysplasia was diagnosed. So, at the first stage, it is often recommended to simply watch the tissues in dynamics and conduct conservative treatment that is aimed at eliminating possible cause The appearance of the disease. As a rule, antiviral or antibacterial therapy is carried out, designed to eliminate infection pathogens. In the absence of positive dynamics, as well as in cases where the 2nd or 3rd dysplasia was immediately diagnostic, surgical treatment is recommended.

In this case, it can be carried out just like the cervix. Reviews indicate that this method gives very good results. Cryodestruction or laser treatment can also be used. In some cases, diathermoconization is applied. This method is that the modified fabrics are excised in the form of a cone, the vertex of which is directed towards the internal zea. Remote fabric areas are additionally sent to histology.

It is important to know that in patients with dysplasia, the risk of cancer is 10-20 times higher than those who do not have this problem. In the first stage, there is a possibility of the reverse development of the disease - this occurs approximately half of the cases. But 40% of women will progress, in the rest - to be in a state of stabilization.

Alternative medicine

Hearing an unpleasant diagnosis, not everyone agrees to treat traditional methods. Even if the doctor offers a rather gentle and highly efficient radio wave method for treating the erosion of the cervix, there will be those who abandon the procedure.

Some begin to look for alternative methods. Drainaged by the diluted infusion of calendula (1 part of the glass of water), eucalyptus (1 tsp, diluted in the glass of water), are most popular with the greatest popularity.

But this is not all options, how can the cervical cervical treatment folk remedies. Some healers recommend brewing for sneaking from the calculation of 1 tbsp. l. On the floor-liter jar of boiling water. The grass must be boiled about 10 minutes and insist not less than half an hour.

If you decide to abandon qualified assistance and will be treated with these methods, then regularly go to the gynecologist in order to monitor the state of the cervix. This will only be possible to see the deterioration on time and try to correct the situation.

Cervical cancer - malignant tumor, which develops in the region of the cervix. This form of cancer occupies one of the first places among the oncological diseases of the genital organs. The cervical cancer most often occurs at the age of 35-55 years. It is much less common in young women.

Every year about half a million women fall in the world. Moreover, the risk of developing the disease largely depends on racial affiliation. For example, Latino American is 2 times more often than European.

This is an oncological disease of the female genital organs can be successfully treated in the early stages. Often it is preceded by prejudice states (erosion, dysplasia), getting rid of which, it is possible to prevent the appearance of cancer.

It is important to know that the diagnosis of "cervical cancer" is not a sentence. If a woman starts treatment in time, then she has an excellent chance of recovery. More than 90% of tumors in the early stage are healing. Modern methods allow you to preserve the uterus and ovaries. Thus, patients who have successfully coped with the disease retain their sexuality and can be successfully pregnant.

A large role in the development of a cervical cancer is played by the human papillomavirus (HPV) from the Papovaviridae family. Moreover, the virus is transmitted from the partner to the partner, even if the pair enjoyed a condom. Due to the small size of the causative agent, it easily penetrates through the pores in latex. In addition, the virus can be transmitted from any infected part of the body (lips, leather).

This virus brings its genes into DNA cells. Over time, this leads to the rebirth of the cells. They cease to ripen, lose the ability to perform their functions and can only be actively sharing. This leads to the fact that a cancer tumor arises on the site of one mutating cell. Gradually, it germinates to the nearest organs and let metastasis in remote areas of the body, which leads to severe consequences for the body.

In addition to the virus, there are still a number of factors that can cause the appearance of malignant neoplasm in the cervix.

  1. Previously, the beginning of sex life among girls.
  2. The presence of a large number of sexual partners.
  3. Smoking.
  4. Sexually transmitted infections.
  5. Excessive passion for diets.

Anatomy of the uterus

Uterus - This is a muscular organ in which the fetus is hacked during pregnancy. Basically, the uterus consists of a smooth muscles. It is located in a small pelvis. The upper part includes the fallopian tubes for which the egg is falling from the ovaries.

From the front from the uterus is a bladder, and behind her straight intestine. Elastic ligaments protect the uterus from displacement. They are attached to the walls of the pelvis or woven into the fiber.

The uterus resembles a triangle. The base is addressed to the top, and the lower narrowing part is the cervix opens in the vagina. On average, the uterus has a length of 7-8 cm, a width of 3-4 cm and a thickness of 2-3 cm, the uterine cavity is 4-5 cm. In women before pregnancy, the uterus weighs 40 g, and those who gave birth to 80 g.

The uterus has three layers:

  • Parameter or nearly chicken fiber. This is a serous shell, which covers the organ outside.

  • Myometrium Or the medium muscular layer consisting of intertwined beams of smooth muscles. It has three layers: external and internal - longitudinal and medium - circular, blood vessels occur in it. Purpose of Miometry: Protection of the Fetal during pregnancy and reduction of the uterus during childbirth.

  • Endometrium or mucous layer. This is an inner mucous membrane, which is thickly permeated with blood capillaries. Its main function is to ensure the attachment of the embryo. It consists of a coating and ferrous epithelium, as well as groups of colorful cylindrical cells. The surface of this layer opens the ducts of simple tubular glands. Endometrium consists of two layers: the surface functional is peeled during the monthly, the deep basal layer is responsible for the restoration of the surface.

Parts of the uterus

  • Bottom of the uterus - Upper convex part.

  • Body of uterus - The middle part, has a cone form.

  • Cervix - Lower, the narrowest part.

The lower narrowed part of the uterus has a kind of cylinder, through which the cervical canal passes. The cervix consists mainly of a dense elastic tissue rich in a collagen and a minor number of smooth muscle fibers. The cervix is \u200b\u200bconditionally divided into two departments.

  • Overview of partlocated above vagina

  • Vaginal partenters the cavity of the vagina. It has thick edges (lips), which limit the outer opening of the cervical canal. It leads from the vagina to the uterus.
The walls of the cervical cervix are covered with cylindrical epithelium cells, there are also tubular glands. They produce a thick mucus that does not give microorganisms to get from the vagina to the uterus. Also, this function is performed by combs and folds on the inner surface of the channel.

The cervix in the lower vaginal part is covered with a flat non-propelled epithelium. His cells come to the cervical canal. Above the channel is lined with cylindrical epithelium. Such a picture is observed in women after 21-22 years. Young girls have a cylindrical epithelium descending lower and covers the vaginal part of the cervix.

We offer you answers to questions about cervical cancer, which are most worried about women.

What are the stages of cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer stage

Stage 0.
Cancer cells are located only on the surface of the cervical cervix, do not form a tumor and do not penetrate the tissues. This condition is called cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.

Stage I.
Cancer cells grow and form a tumor, which penetrates deep into the tissues of the cervix. The neoplasm does not go beyond the limits of the body, does not apply to lymph nodes.

Substalia Ia. The diameter of the neoplasm is 3-5 mm, depth up to 7 mm.

Substandya IB. The tumor can be seen with the naked eye. Penetrates the connecting tissues of the cervix 5 mm. The diameter is from 7 mm to 4 cm.

Diagnosed only with a microscopic study of cytological smear from the cervical canal. If atypical (incorrect) cells of a flat epithelium are found in this analysis on oncocytology, then a survey is recommended using a colkoscope. This is a device that allows you to carry out a detailed inspection, with the removal of the image on the screen. And also carefully examine the cervix and make tests for cancer.

Stage II.
The tumor germinates into the body of the uterus and goes beyond its limits. It does not apply to the walls of a small pelvic and the lower vaginal departments.

Substandia IIA. The tumor is about 4-6 cm in diameter, visible during the examination. The neoplasm is striking the cervix and the tops of the vagina. It does not apply to lymph nodes, does not form metastases in remote organs.

Substandia IIIV. The neoplasm extends to the near-solid space, but does not affect the surrounding organs and lymph nodes.

For diagnostics, a study is prescribed with the help of Colchoscope, ultrasound of a small pelvic organs. Biopsy may also need. This taking a sample of fabric from the cervix. This procedure is carried out during colloscopy or independently. With the help of curette, part of the epithelium from the cervical cervix swaps. Another method is a wedge-shaped biopsy.

Performed with an electrical surgical loop or scalpel. Allows you to analyze the tissue from deep layers.

Stage III
The malignant tumor has spread to the walls of a small pelvic and the bottom of the vagina. May hit nearby lymph nodes and violate the departure of urine. Does not affect remote authorities. The tumor can reach a large size.

Podstadia IIia.

The neoplasm sprout into the lower third of the vagina, but the walls of the small pelvis are not affected.

Podstadia IIIIV. The tumor causes the blockage of ureters, can affect lymph nodes in a small pelvis and detected on its walls.

For diagnostics, colposcopy, biopsy, computed tomography are used. The latter method is based on radiation by X-rays. With their help, the scanner makes many snapshots that are mapped to the computer and give a holistic picture of the changes. Also informative magnetic resonance tomography. The operation of tomograph is based on the action of radio waves, which are absorbed in varying degrees and release different types fabrics.

Stage IV
The tumor reached a significant size and widely spread around the cervix. Middle and remote organs and lymph nodes are affected.

Substanda IVA.. Metastases spread to the rectum and bladder. Lymph nodes and remote authorities are not affected.

Podstadia IVV. Long-term organs and lymph nodes are affected.

For diagnostics use visual inspection, intestinal endoscopy, computer tomography or magnetic resonance tomography to determine the size of the neoplasm. In order to identify remote metastases, positron-emission tomography is prescribed. The body introduces glucose with a radioactive atom. It concentrates in cancer cells of tumor and metastases. Such clusters are then detected using a special chamber.

What are the signs of cervical cancer?

In the early stages of cervical cancer, specific symptoms do not occur. Woman does not notice any changes or unpleasant sensations. The first signs appear when the tumor reaches significant sizes and amazes neighboring organs. Therefore, it is so important to take a preventive inspection at the gynecologist every year to identify cancer at an early stage when it can be overcome.

Cervical cancer symptoms

  1. Bleeding from the vagina.
    • After the start of menopause
    • Between menstruation
    • After gynecological inspection
    • After sex act
    • After sinking

  2. Changes in the nature of menstruation.
    • Leveling of the bleeding period
    • Changing the nature of the discharge

  3. Change the discharge from the vagina.
    • With blood traces
    • An increase in the number of white
    • In the later stages of the decay of the discharge tumor become silent and have the kind of meat

  4. Pain during sexual intercourse.
  5. Pain in the back and at the bottom of the abdomen.
  6. Edema foot
  7. Violation of urination and intestinal emptying.
  8. Reducing performance, weakness.
It should be noted that these signs are not specific to the cervix tumor. They may arise with other genital diseases. However, if you found such symptoms, it is an urgent to turn to the gynecologist.

Consultation of an oncologist at the treatment of cervical cancer

Diagnosis of cervical cancer

What awaits you at the doctor's reception?

Collect anamnesis. The doctor collects data on health complaints, monthly flow, etc.

Visual inspection. Inspection of the vagina and the lower section of the cervix with gynecological mirrors. At this stage, the doctor takes smears of the contents of the vagina on the microflora and for the presence of cancer cells (oncoscitology).

If there is a need to carry out a more thorough inspection, colposcopy is assigned. It is carried out using a tool equipped with magnifying lenses and a lighting element. The procedure is painless and allows special tests to detect cancer cells and take a sample of tissue for analysis. During the study, the doctor may notice a plot of mucous membrane, which differs in color from the surrounding tissues or tower over them.

If the tumor is developing in the thickness of the walls of the uterus (endophoe), the organ increases in size and has a barrel-shaped form. In the case when the tumor growth is directed to the outside (exofite), then during examination, the doctor sees growing similar to the cauliflower. These are rounded formation of gray-pink color, which begin to bleed when touched. Also, the tumor may have a kind of mushroom on the leg or be like an ulcer.

What is the analysis on cervical cancer?

To date, the worldwide recognized analysis for early diagnosis of cervical cancer is a daw test or test. Papapicolau.

Analysis take a spatula or a wallach brush from the mucous membrane. Then the material in a special container is sent to the laboratory. There, the sample is applied to the skin glass and conduct a study of cell characteristics (cytological). The result will be ready after 7 days.

Analysis take no earlier than the fifth day from the moment of the start of the cycle and no later than 5 days before the start of menstruation. During the day, before visiting the gynecologist, you need to refrain from sex contacts and douching.

There are several other analyzes for diagnosing cervical cancer.

  1. Cytology on atypical cells. This is taking a sample of the contents of the cervical canal. Under the microscope is determined by the presence of cancer cells.
  2. Thin Prep-method or liquid cytology. It is to prepare special thin layer cytological preparations.
  3. HPV test "Double genetic trap". Allows you to diagnose not the tumor itself, and the degree of infection with the human papilloma virus and the degree of risk of cancer development.

In conclusion, we emphasize once again, as it is important to attend the gynecologist in a timely manner. Preventive visit to the doctor 1 time per six months will reliably protect you from the development of a cancer tumor and will help preserve health.

What is a flat-cell cervical cancer?

The cervix covers two types of epithelium. Depending on whether the cells of which are the basis of the tumor, are separated by 2 types of cancer:
Flat-cell cervical cancer is a malignant tumor, which develops from a flat epithelium cell that covers the vaginal part of the cervical cervical channel. It is 80-90% of all cases. This type of disease occurs significantly more often than the ferrous form of cancer (adenocarcinoma).

The emergence of this form of cancer leads a mutation in the cells of a flat epithelium. To the conversion of normal cells into cancer can cause human papillomavirus, the presence of polyps and erosions of the cervix. Also, the cause can be inflammatory processes and a helix, which is used as a means of contraception.

The effect of these factors leads to traumatization and inflammation of the cells of the flat epithelium. This causes a failure in the DNA structure, which is responsible for the transfer of genetic information to child cells. As a result, in division, a non-typical cell of a flat epithelium is formed, which can perform its functions, but immature cancer. It is capable only to share and produce like themselves.

Square Cancer Cancer has three stages:

  • low-differentiated flatwacker cancer - immature shape, tumor soft, fleshy, actively grow up.
  • flake carcinous non-illuminating cancer - Intermediate shape, is characterized by the most diverse manifestations.
  • square bakery oroging cancer - Mature shape with solid dense consistency, beginning of tumor formation.
Flat epithelium cancer can be held in different forms. So cancer cells formed a tumor in the form of small rounded formations - cancer pearls. Can take the shape of a mushroom or warts covered with epithelial papillas. Sometimes the tumor has the kind of small ulcers on the cervical shell.

If the cancer managed to reveal in the early stages, it is good to treat. Conduct an operation to remove a tumor and a course of chemotherapy to prevent the formation of new foci of the disease. In this case, it is possible to save the uterus and in the future a woman can endure and give birth to a child.

If the moment is missed, and the tumor sprout into the tissue of the uterus, it will be necessary to remove it and, possibly, the appendages. To consolidate the results of treatment, chemo and radiation therapy are prescribed. Serious danger to life and health occurs in patients with the fourth stage of cancer, when the secondary foci of a cancer tumor appeared in the near and remote organs.

What is the prevention of cervical cancer?

The prevention of cervical cancer is largely based on the consciousness of a woman to his health.

Regular visits to the gynecologist are important.

  • 2 times a year must be attended by a doctor. The gynecologist will take a smear on the flora from the vagina.
  • once a year it is advisable to pass colposcopy, for a thorough study of the state of the cervix.
  • 1 time in 3-4 years is a cytological study on atypical cells. This rar test allows you to determine the precancerous condition of the mucous membrane or the presence of cancer cells.
  • If necessary, the doctor will appoint a biopsy. Taking a small piece of mucosa for a thorough study.
It is especially important to undergo these surveys to women who are more risked with cervical cancer.

The main risk factors:

  1. Early start of sex life and early pregnancy. The risk group includes those who often entered into sexual contacts up to 16 years. This is due to the fact that at the young age of the cervical epithelium contains immature cells that are easily reborn.

  2. A large number of sexual partners throughout life. American studies have shown that a woman who for their lives had more than 10 partners, the risk of tumor development increases by 2 times.

  3. Venericual diseases, and especially human papilloma virus. Viral and bacterial venereal diseases cause cell mutations.

  4. Long-term intake of oral contraceptives causes a hormonal failure in the body. And the balance of the balance does not affect the state of the genital organs.

  5. Smoking. In tobacco smoke, carcinogens are contained - substances that contribute to the transformation of healthy cells into cancer.

  6. Long diet and improper nutrition. The disadvantage of antioxidants and vitamins increases the likelihood of mutation. In this case, the cells suffer from the attacks of free radicals, which are considered one of the causes of cancer.

Methods of prevention

  1. The presence of a permanent sexual partner and regular sexual life significantly reduce the likelihood of tumor and other sexual diseases.

  2. Also very important moment - the use of condoms to prevent contamination of human papilloma virus (HPV). Although these funds do not give an absolute guarantee, but they reduce the risk of infection by 70%. In addition, the use of a condom protects against venereal diseases. According to statistics, after transported venerans, mutations in the cells of the genital organs occur significantly more often.

  3. If a sexual contact occurred with a condom, it is recommended to use the use of epigen intimate for hygiene of the internal and external genital organs. It has an antiviral action and can warn infection.

  4. Personal hygiene rules plays a big role. To preserve the normal microflora of the genital organs and maintaining local immunity, it is desirable to use sex gels with lactic acid. This is important for girls after the occurrence of puberty. Select the means that contain the minimum number of flavors.

  5. Refusal of smoking is an important part of prevention. Smoking causes the narrowing of the vessels and disrupts blood circulation in the genitals. In addition, the tobacco smoke contains carcinogens - substances that contribute to the transformation of healthy cells into cancer.

  6. Refusal of oral contraceptives. Long reception contraceptivefunds can cause violations of hormonal background in women. Therefore, it is unacceptable to independently determine which pills to take to prevent pregnancy. This should do a doctor after examination. Hormonal disorders caused by other factors can also cause a tumor. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor if you have noticed a menstrual cycle failure, an increased sophistication, after 30 an acorn rash appeared or you began to gain weight.

  7. Some studies revealed a cervical cancer connection with injuries that were obtained as a result of gynecological manipulations. This includes abortions, injuries during childbirth, spiral production. Sometimes a scar can form as a result of such injuries, and its tissue is prone to reincarnation and can cause a tumor. Therefore, it is important to trust your health only by qualified specialists, not private doctors, in which you doubt the reputation.

  8. Treatment of precancerous states, such as dysplasia and erosion of the cervix, allow you to prevent the development of the tumor.
  9. Proper nutrition. It is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, more croup containing complex carbohydrates. It is recommended to avoid products that contain a large number. food additives (E).
As specific prophylaxis, a vaccine against a virus causing cervical cancer has been developed.

Is the vaccination from cervical cancer effective?

The vaccination of cervical cancer makes Gardasil. This is a four-component vaccine against the most dangerous varieties of human papilloma virus (HPV), which is the main cause of cervical cancer. In Russia, she was registered in 2006.

The drug contains particles (proteins) similar to viruses, which in human body cause antibodies. There are no viruses in the vaccine that could multiply and provoke a disease. The tool does not apply to the treatment of cervical cancer or papillom on genitalia, it cannot be missed in contaminated women.

Gardasil is designed to protect the body from human papilloma virus. It has been scientifically proven that his varieties 6, 11,16,18 cause the appearance of papillom (warts) on the genitals, as well as cervical cancer and vagina.

Vaccination against cervical cancer guarantees immunity for three years. It is recommended for girls aged 9-17 years. This is due to the fact that according to statistics, women who have a cancer tumor after 35 years have become infected with HPV aged 15-20 years. And from 15 to 35 years old, the virus was in the body, gradually causing the transformation of healthy cells into cancer.

The vaccination is done in three stages:

  1. On the appointed day
  2. 2 months after the first dose
  3. 6 months after the first introduction
To acquire long-term persistent immunity, it is necessary to repeat the introduction of a vaccine at 25-27 years.

The drug is produced by the oldest German pharmaceutical Corporation Merck KGAA . And today, more than 50 million doses have already been used for today. In 20 countries, this vaccine is included in the national calendar vaccinations, which indicates its recognition in the world.

There are still disputes on the safety of this means and the feasibility of its introduction to adolescents. Heavy cases of side effects (anaphylactic shock, thromboembolism) were described and even lethal outcomes. The ratio is one death per million made vaccinations. At the time when more than 100,000 women die from the cervical cancer. Based on this, those who have not made vaccinations risk much more.

Manufacturers conducted an investigation during which it was proved that the percentage of complications when vaccinated against cervical cancer does not exceed the corresponding indicator in other vaccines. Developers claim that many deaths were caused by not the drug themselves, but fell for the period after its introduction and are associated with other factors.

Opponents of vaccination against cervical cancer claim that it makes no sense to make vaccinations to girls in such an early age. With this argument, it is difficult to disagree. In 9-13 years, girls usually do not actively have an active sex life, and immunity is preserved only 3 years. Therefore, it makes sense to postpone vaccination at a later date.

Committed that Gardasil does not affect the reproductive system and is "part of the conspiracy theory for sterilization of Slavs" - fiction of sensation lovers. This showed many years of experience in using the drug in the USA, the Netherlands and Australia. In women who were grafted by Gardasil, problems with fertilization occur more often than their peers.

The significant cost of the vaccine (about $ 450 per course) strongly limits the number of women who can make vaccinations for their money. It is difficult to argue that the manufacturer's corporation receives huge profits. But the drug that can really protect against the development of a cancer is worth this money.

Summing up, we note that Gardasil is an effective means of preventing the appearance of cervical cancer. And the percentage of complications are no more than that of flu vaccines or diphtheria. Based on this, it can be recommended to conduct vaccination of those young women who fall into the risk group. This must be done in 16-25 years, when the likelihood of HPV infection increases. Vaccination can be carried out after a thorough medical examination, if serious diseases were found during it.

Many women heard or encountered such a problem as the erosion of the cervix.

However, it is just one of the diseases that may arise on the cervix, leading to late treatment to sufficiently serious consequences, up to infertility or the development of cervical cancer.

The cerviff disease of this type can manifest itself not only in women in reproductive age, since significant changes in the female organism, occurring both in adolescence and in menopacteric period, sometimes the cause of pathologies.

All diseases of the cervix are divided into:






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Be careful!

Against the background of the launched states of the background diseases of the cervix, more serious and deep pathological changes can develop.

Preiodine (dysplasia). Prejudice diseases of the cervix are divided into three forms - light, moderate and heavy.

Diagnostics of dysplasia, which is the step to the transition to the cervical cancer, is carried out using colposcopy and cytological research.

Cervical cancer. This is a severe malignant disease of the cervix, which can lead to a deadly outcome.

Causes of disease

The reasons for the occurrence of pathological processes in the cervical of the uterus are quite a lot, lay out the main of them:

Post-traumatic. Various injuries that usually occur after abortion or childbirth.

Inflammatory, which implies the development of pathologies on the neck of the uterus as a result of infectious diseases of the sexual system (cocci, chlamydia, mycoplasma, trichomonas, etc.) or viral diseases (papilloma virus, herpes virus, etc.).

The dormricons, which arise as a result of the violation of the hormonal background, as a rule, is a deficit of progesterons.

Factors of occurrence.

Also factors for the emergence of cervical diseases are:


Frequent colds;

Decrease in immunity;

Overwork and stress;

Irregular and defective nutrition.

All these factors lead:

To a decrease in the efficiency of the functioning of natural protective systems of the body;

To violation of the uterine epithelial update;

To launch the mechanism of rebirth epithelium of the uterus in defective tumor cells.

Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of any cervical diseases are included in the activities of a doctor-gynecologist. In order to avoid serious problems in the child's childbearing function, self-treatment medical preparations or folk remedies for cervical diseases is absolutely unacceptable.

All diseases of the cervix require timely treatment under the control of the specialist, otherwise it is threatened not only the ability of a woman to childbear, but also there is a serious threat to her life.
The cervix is \u200b\u200bone of the organs of the reproductive system of a woman who is available for visual inspection by a gynecologist. For inspection, an experienced specialist uses not only a special set of medical instruments, but also its broad knowledge and rich practical experience.

The cervical cancer today occupies one of the leading places among the oncological diseases of the reproductive system of women. The reason for the occurrence of cancer neoplasms is most often the launched state of those or other sexual diseases. In the case of diagnosing the pathology of the cervix, treatment under the control of a gynecologist is necessarily, otherwise a benign education, with time, can turn into malignant.

Timely appeal to the gynecologist significantly reduces the risk of the occurrence and development of oncological diseases of the cervix. And considering that many cervical diseases are practically asymptomatic, preventive inspection by a qualified specialist must be held every woman at least 2 times a year.


Symptoms of cervical diseases, which are most often manifested in the last stages of the disease:

The feeling of discomfort at the bottom of the abdomen;

Painful leakage of the menstrual cycle;

Abundant bleeding during menstruation;

Bleeding that are not associated with the menstrual cycle;

Painful or uncomfortable sensations during sexual intercourse;

Non-specific separation from the genital organs, burning and pain at the bottom of the abdomen.

Why attend a doctor?

If you have at least one of the listed symptoms, the appeal to the doctor should be immediate.

However, once again, we emphasize that the symptoms of cervical diseases are manifested only at the last stages, therefore it is extremely important to undergo a prophylactic examination at the gynecologist so that the doctor can diagnose the occurrence of pathological processes at the initial stage, which will greatly facilitate the treatment process and make it more efficient and efficient.

A complex of diagnostic measures consists of a mandatory gynecological visual inspection, as well as if necessary, an additional series of studies is appointed (analyzes, colposcopy, cytological and histological examination, laparoscopy) that will help formulate an accurate diagnosis and choosing the most effective treatment.

Medicine knows various diseases of the cervix. Unfortunately, each year they are diagnosed more and more, while the age of patients is completely different. The reproductive system of a woman in each case has individual features, but regardless of this, if infection occurred or the inflammatory process began, it will be very quickly progressing.

If there are cervical diseases in women arising against the background of the irregular work of the ovaries, then it should be restored hormonal background. Otherwise, the patient may develop infertility, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, there is no ovulation. Treatment of the pathology of the cervix must hold a doctor, so consider what the features of the disease, as well as their varieties.

The pathology of the cervix, what it is. Such a question is given by every girl who has diagnosed violations in the work of reproductive organs or other gynecological problems.

The structure of the uterus. Source: Pervenets.com.

There is a certain medical classification that shares diseases to such groups:

  • Inflammatory;
  • Background.
  • Ectopia of congenital character;
  • Polyps of the cervix.

Each pathology can develop for various reasons. To understand this, you need to turn a little to anatomy. On the lining layer of the cervix, there are two types of epithelium (flat multilayer and single-layer cylindrical). There is a so-called transformation zone between them, where and in most cases, pathological processes begin to progress.

Considering such a feature, the same cervical diseases, symptoms and signs of which can be viewed on specialized sites, can develop in patients both reproductive and adolescence, and climacteric age, which is due to significant changes in the body in these periods. Such diseases are practically no malignant, but the doctor needs to be observed.

Classification of the background diseases of the cervix. Source: doctordicks.ru.com.

Prejudice diseases of the cervix are more dangerous than the previous species. These pathologies tend to change their nature of the flow, as a result of which the disease will become malignant. This type of disease is classified in degrees and is called the dysplasia of the cervix. The danger is also in the absence of characteristic symptoms, which does not give on time to recognize the beginning of the pathological process.

Casting diseases of the uterus, symptoms and photos of which will be presented are a consequence of certain changes in the epithelial layer. It is not difficult to guess that the patient diagnose the prejudice state before the formation of malignant disease. Oncology, in most cases, is formed exactly where the epithelium transformation zone is located. If you do not attend the gynecologist on time, the appearance of cervical cancer is not excluded.

Most often, the Cervical Pathology Cabinet, namely the doctor who works there, reveals the disease of an inflammatory nature. These processes are associated with the enhancing infection in the genitals (HPV).

Such doctors represent the diseases of the cervix, the classification, which is given, adopted in world medicine.


When the development of this disease begins, a cylindrical epithelium is shifted to the vagina to the cervical area. Some experts call in certain cases such a disease of pseudo-erosion. Extopia can be both congenital and acquired character. A characteristic feature is that the disease is more often diagnosed in patients who do not have a regular menstrual cycle.

What does ectopy look like. Source: Etozo.biz

Often there is no characteristic feature of the progression of the pathological process. The only thing that can alert the girl is an increase in the volume of white discharge, as well as the appearance of blood after intimate proximity. When visiting the gynecologist, when the doctor holds an inspection, he will notice the red focus of the wrong shape. Therapy is further appointed, which is developed individually, taking into account the nature of the pathology.


The disease is characterized by the gap of muscle fibers of the cervical canal mucosa. This leads to the fact that it turns into the vaginal zone of the cervix. The state is developing in women who recently transferred generic activities, or the artificial interruption of pregnancy (abortion) was made, various diagnostic procedures can also be the cause.

The pathological process is classified as combined, since there are scars in the complex with pseudo-erosion. Symptomatics, as in the previous case, is absent, there is no painful syndrome. If necessary, the doctor will recommend patients to produce operational treatment.


The main satellite for the development of the pathological process is the local oroging of the multilayer epithelium. The degree of severity may be different. In medicine, there is a simple and proliferating leukoplakia. If a woman is diagnosed with a second type of disease, atypical cells will be detected. The presented signs of the pathology of the cervix are talking about the prejudice state.

How diagnosed leukoplakia. Source: Surgery-center.kiev.ua.


In the development of the presented disease, the epithelial layer is thinning. This is due to the fact that tissue cells are gradually atrophy, while having a local nature of distribution.

If we consider ECTERSERVICS, the specialist will notice the formation of red spots on it. Currently, specialists have not established the main cause of the development of pathology, as well as its characteristic pathogenesis. Treatment is to use various techniques that can destroy the focus.


These formations often appear on the mucous membrane of the cervical canal. We ask the question as to the fact that the woman had formations on the cervix, which they were, it is worth clarifying. Doctors are subdivided into ferruginous and epidermisated. The surface of all growths is covered with epithelial cloth.

Polyps on the cervix. Source: outacts.trade.

The color of the polyps is bright pink, and the form is oblong or leafy. During the diagnosis, the differentiation of conventional polyps with large etndometrium polyps is carried out. You can reveal them in the course of ultrasound scanning of the small pelvic organs. The main method of treatment is the removal of polyps by various techniques.


A rather common disease is considered endometriosis of the cervix. Among it characteristic features It is the growth of endometrial outside the body. Among the main provoking factors of the development of pathology is the injury to the cervix, which is happening in the process of generic activity or during diagnostic procedures.

At the first stages of the progression of the disease, there is no pronounced symptomatology, as a result of which the girl may not even suspect the presence of one endometriosis. Symptoms of cervical diseases occur in running cases. Then the bleeding is not excluded after intimate proximity, and immediately before the start of menstrual secretions.

Among the most common diagnostic methods are isolated colposcopy. If the doctor considers that it is necessary, then the patient will advise the biopsy of the cervix. In some cases, when the diagnosis is already delivered, the gynecologist may not prescribe treatment, since it will be meaningless.


The causes and mechanism of the nucleation of cancer and precancerous cervical diseases are almost identical. According to statistical data, the disease is most often developing after penetrating the patient of the human papillomava virus (90% of patients). From the moment the prejudice state was revealed, and before rebirthing it already in oncology, it can pass about two years. It is not difficult to understand why it is so important to reveal the dysplasia as soon as possible and take care of it.

Stages of cervical cancer.

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