On whom the well-being in the family depends. What is a full-fledged and prosperous family What is the well-being of a family

Today we will tell you about 5 major principles and criteria, which will help bring prosperityfamily and also what rules need observe to create strong relationship and family well-being


Today we will tell you about 5 major principles, which will help bring prosperity your family, and also find out what regulations must be followed to create strong relationship and family well-being.

According to family psychologists, the strongest, longest and most happy marriages between people are always based on mutual respect. According to experts, for most people on the planet, mutual respect does not come immediately after the wedding, it comes over the years.

However, it is not only mutual respect that contributes to family prosperity and well-being. There is also an opinion that the list of factors influencing a strong relationship is quite large. In our article, we will list the main criteria on which family happiness is based. Ready, then let's start!



1 .Awareness of your responsibility
You need to realize that I am responsible for myself, my reaction, my relationship, which has been created, for another person. And he is not to blame for any of my problems. If we imagine that we can change another person, so that he corrects himself, that he becomes different, that he returns to his “former self”, then you should immediately understand that it is very difficult to do this.

The simplest thing is to first take responsibility for ourselves, for our reactions and for the relationship, because we put into the relationship what we would like to receive from the other person. If you really feel responsibility within yourself, then all the higher powers, and your inner ones, will begin to help you. And most importantly, you will cease to be in a claim to your husband / wife or partner with whom you live together.

Imagine, if you are not in a complaint, if you understand that thanks to yourself you can change the situation, then you are growing in a relationship. This principle is one of the key tasks of any family relationship, thanks to which we grow within them.

We are like a diamond that we ourselves must cut. It’s very important to understand why this is important and how you will influence the relationship if you are responsible for your reactions and what you put into them. Remember, changes in us and in relationships will not come by themselves, you need to go to meet happiness.


2 .Awareness of the right choice
Almost everyone has his own life path tries to make the best choice for him. And here you need to understand, in order to change something in your life, you need to communicate culturally and talk with respect to your opponent. So, for example, if we understand that our husband or our wife has some other picture of the world around us, that is, he ( she( she) puts.

Remember important point, it is better to immediately find out about possible disagreements in a relationship than to endure silently and do nothing. In addition, if we often, together, try to find the reasons for disagreement in such conversations, then this for both can even become a certain option for relaxation, and this is normal. Because two collide different people, their pictures of the world are discord with each other, and therefore conflicts arise.

For reference, we note that women do not always understand why their husband or roommate always finds a strange solution to their problems, fatigue. Women, in turn, solve their problems in a different way, and therefore sometimes they just simply don’t understand the position of a man.

Therefore, it is very important to simply understand what actually prompts a man to get away from you. Any wife always has a desire to first teach her husband how to live correctly, so to speak, to adjust him for himself. To accomplish this, it is necessary to correctly convey the necessary information and this must be done delicately, one might even say, jewelry. A man should not feel that a woman is pressing on him.

3 .Family relationships need to be "cultivated"
This principle lies in the realization that a relationship is like a child. Relationships go through the same developmental stages as any child. In the beginning, you need to babysit with them, then a period of self-affirmation and maximalism sets in.

If you live long enough together, then at some point each partner wants something different. You just need to understand and support the other. Support in what he wants. Thanks to such actions, your significant other will undoubtedly be very grateful to you and will soon reciprocate.

4 .Learn to get used to the role correctly
As a rule, a man or woman does not leave the family if you are good " partner" and " mother". But if he lacks a spark from you, then he ( she) can look for this spark on the side.

Play a role " Mistresses" or " Lover"- e that's exactly the quality that needs to be developed within yourself. If the gap in the relationship is sufficient and you have moved away from each other, then use the so-called urgent resuscitation tools in order to somehow spread this straw pillow.

5 .Relationships should be mutual
In partnership, one must not only take, but also give, and sometimes it is necessary to give more. And, at some point, you will feel that you are on the right path, because you cannot confuse it with anything when a man or woman wants to return home, to you, to your family.

The specialist in psychosocial work is familiar with the problem of analyzing the factors of family well-being - not being well-being. Family complexity like social system and the psychological community of people of different sex, age, social and professional affiliation leads to the fact that attempts to isolate complete list such factors may be unsuccessful. Therefore, when discussing this problem, we are talking, as a rule, about attempts to identify the most significant factors and indicators of family well-being. One of the integral indicators is the psychological compatibility of spouses (family members in general).

People who are starting a family strive to satisfy a complex of needs - for love, for children, for experiencing common joys, for understanding, and communication. However, the formation of a family is not only the realization of the ideal ideas about marriage that the future spouses have. This real life two, and then several people, in all its complexity and diversity; it includes continuous negotiations, agreements, compromises and, of course, overcoming difficulties, resolving conflicts that exist in every family.

Failure in marriage is largely predetermined by mistakes in choosing a partner: the chosen one in reality either does not have the necessary personality traits, or the totality of his psychophysiological characteristics, views and values ​​does not correspond to the ideas and needs of the elector. Disappointment can occur regardless of the fact that the partner has multiple positive qualities... It is very important that the husband and wife are suitable for each other on biological and moral factors, reflecting various aspects of upbringing, political, cultural, religious views, and also that the partners are tolerant of each other's peculiarities.

Consider the most important prerequisites for the future of family, including marital, well-being.

Psychobiological compatibility. It is about "indefinable inner sympathy", which may be based on such clear reasons as admiration for talent, success achieved, social status or external aesthetic ideal. A marriage without spontaneous attraction usually does not guarantee a successful marriage.

A harmonious marriage presupposes the social maturity of the spouses, preparedness for active participation in the life of society, the ability to financially support their family, duty and responsibility, self-control and flexibility. The most successful marriages are those people who value reliability, loyalty, love for family and strong character in their partner. In an “ideal marriage,” spouses most often have personality traits such as self-control, hard work, caring, dedication and flexibility.

Factors that have an indirect impact on the well-being of married life. It is important to know what the spousal relations of the parents of the chosen one were like, what is the family structure, the material level of the family, what negative phenomena are observed in the family and in the character of the parents. Even a minor family trauma often leaves a deep mark, forming negative attitudes and attitudes in the child. Sometimes insurmountable conflicts are inevitable where partners are diametrically different in their worldview.

Education. Higher education does not always increase the level of stability of family relations. Even in a marriage between two young people who graduated from higher educational institutions, conflicts can arise that, if not resolved in a timely manner, will give rise to divorce. However, the intellectual level and characters of the partners should not be overly different.

Labor stability. People who often change jobs are characterized by instability, excessive dissatisfaction, and inability to build long-term relationships.

Age determines the social maturity of partners, readiness to fulfill marital and parental responsibilities. The most optimal age is considered to be 20-24 years. The most natural age difference between spouses is 1-4 years. The stability of the so-called unequal marriages largely depends not only on the nature of both partners, on their mutual feelings, but also on their preparedness for age characteristics, on the ability to resist the "backbiting" of others, and so on.

Duration of acquaintance. During the period of acquaintance, it is important to get to know each other well, not only in optimal conditions, but also in difficult situations when the personal qualities and weaknesses of the partner's character are clearly manifested. It is possible, as is customary now, to live together for a while to get used to, to get used to each other's peculiarities.

All these factors create the prerequisites for the emergence of marital compatibility and incompatibility. Psychological incompatibility is the inability to understand a friend's fugue in critical situations. In marriage, each of the spouses can act as a "psycho-traumatic factor", for example, when one of the spouses is an obstacle in meeting the needs of the other. Psychological compatibility is defined as mutual acceptance of partners in communication and joint activities, based on the optimal combination - similarity or complementarity - of value orientations, personal and psychophysiological characteristics. Psychological compatibility of subjects is a multilevel and multidimensional phenomenon. In family interaction, it includes psychophysiological compatibility; personal compatibility, including cognitive (comprehending ideas about oneself, other people and the world in general), emotional (experiencing what is happening in the external and the inner world person), behavioral (external expression of ideas and experiences); compatibility of values, or spiritual compatibility.

Thus, the harmony of family and marriage relations from the point of view of personal parameters is determined by several basic elements:

  • the emotional side of marital relations, the degree of affection;
  • the similarity of their ideas, visions of themselves, their partner, the social world as a whole;
  • the similarity of the communication models preferred by each of the partners, behavioral features;
  • sexual and, more broadly, psychophysiological compatibility of partners;
  • general cultural level, the degree of mental and social maturity of partners, the coincidence of the value systems of the spouses.

Especially important in family and marriage relations are the value and psychophysiological compatibility of people. All other types of compatibility or incompatibility are subject to dynamic changes and change quite easily in the process of mutual adaptation of family members or in the course of psychotherapy. Value and psychophysiological incompatibility does not lend itself or is difficult to correct.

Psychophysiological, and in particular sexual, incompatibility can lead to the breakdown of marriage. And the mismatch of values ​​in the interaction of people, especially in everyday contacts, leads to an almost irreversible destruction of communication and marital relationships. It is important here, on the one hand, how different the evaluation criteria of spouses are, and on the other hand, how much the individual criteria correspond to generally accepted ones. We can talk about double harmony when the value attitudes of the spouses coincide with each other and with the generally accepted system of values; about the coincidence of views with the generally accepted system of values ​​of only one of the spouses; on the compliance of the value criteria of both partners with generally accepted values, while differentiating their points of view; about double differentiation, when the systems of values ​​diverge and the interests of both are not identified with generally accepted criteria.

In the absence of any of these groups of prerequisites for compatibility, optimal adaptation does not occur or it occurs slowly, the harmony of the marital union is violated.

The most common factors that predetermine success or failure in marriage are the personal qualities of the spouses and their ability to solve all kinds of problems, to be in harmony with each other. In the absence of these skills, conflict situations often arise as a consequence of the incompatibility of any forces within one person or between spouses. It is important to take into account the individual psychological characteristics of each of the spouses. The type of personality can serve as a rational and complex indicator of their individuality: the most common cause of marital conflicts, as well as divorce, is “character dissimilarity,” the incompatibility of spouses.

A source of difficulty in family life there may be personality traits of one or both spouses. We are talking about traits that initially corresponded to the norm, but were not completely adequate to the personal qualities of the partner, or the partner did not find the right approach to communication, was unable to cope with some of the peculiarities of his own psyche. In addition, it can be pathological personality traits, which in themselves represent a problem in interpersonal relationships, and even more so in marital relations, making them initially potentially conflicting and complex, requiring special skills and attitudes for more or less harmonious coexistence of family members. (R. Woolis, 1999). When studying the personality of spouses, special attention should be paid to the following properties: extraversion - introversion, dominance - subordination, rigidity - flexibility, optimism - pessimism, carelessness - responsibility, rationalism - romanticism, hot temper - lability, the ability to social adaptation.

There is no answer to the question of the influence of similarity - homogeny or opposition and mutual complementarity - complementarity of personality traits on the harmony and success of a marriage. In some cases of polarity, homogenization has a positive effect, in others - complementarity, and in some cases (usually concerning, for example, such a dimension as dominance - submission), only one of the polar properties is more beneficial for both partners. The characteristics of the spouses' character are evidenced by their attitude to work, people around them, property, to themselves and to relatives. Basic moral principles, interests, outlook, lifestyle, psychosocial maturity and value scale are important. These indicators reflect the fact that, in addition to the personality traits of the spouses, marital interaction is associated with the expectations and experiences of their previous life. In order to help spouses with marital problems, it is necessary to find out what some of their expectations are based on and what is the real state of affairs in the family. For this purpose, the marriage of their parents, brothers or sisters is usually considered; dynamics of development of marriage relations.

The concept of duplication of the properties of brothers and sisters suggests that a person seeks to realize his relationship with brothers and sisters in new social ties. More stable and successful marriages are observed in cases where the relationship between partners is built precisely on this principle, taking into account gender. In this sense, marital relations can be completely complementary (the husband finds an older sister in his wife, and the wife finds an older brother) or partially complementary (both have older brothers or sisters).

A complementary marriage is a union in which each of the partners occupies the same position that he had in relation to brothers or sisters in the parental family. Partially complementary relationships arise when one or both partners in the parental family had several types of ties with their brothers and sisters, of which at least one is established with a partner. In an incomplete marriage, disagreements and contradictions can appear on the basis of primacy or subordination in the family.

The concept of duplication of parental properties assumes that a person learns to fulfill a male or female role to a large extent from his parents and unconsciously uses the model of parental attitude in his family. He learns the marital role by identifying with a parent of the same sex. Identification, identification is an elementary psychological reaction, which consists in the fact that an individual mentally equates himself with another person (parent).

Sometimes without noticing, he adopts the way of thinking, ideas and values, and most importantly, emotional reactions and internal states, unconsciously or consciously tries to become like a parent, therefore he approves of his standards of behavior and adapts to his assessments. The personality of the individual and the parent merge. The role of the parent of the opposite sex is also included in this scheme: the forms of parental relations become the standard.

In marriage, both partners try to adapt their relationship to internal expectation schemes. Under the influence of falling in love, a person for some time may show "compliance" or, rather, "myopia", partially refusing to implement his program for the sake of a partner, wishing to adapt to him. Usually this causes an internal contradiction, so there is a desire to return to the programmed path.

Social inheritance of personality traits and behavioral patterns determines the similarity of marital relations, which are also inherited, so we often repeat not only the choice of a partner, but also many mistakes and problems of parents. Two of the most important dimensions of the parenting relationship largely determine the success of a child's marriage. The first important dimension is dominance in the family (which of the parents "commanded" and who obeyed), the second is the general well-being (balance and mutual acceptance) of relationships. Comparison of relationships in prosperous and conflict married couples shows that the balance of relations is significantly influenced by the favorable model of marriage of the parents, good attitude father to mother, happy childhood. Balanced spouses were calm in childhood, they were rarely punished, more often caressed.

There are also symmetrical, complementary and metacomplementary marriage. In a symmetrical marriage, both spouses have equal rights, none of them is subordinate to the other. Problems are resolved through agreement, exchange, or compromise. In a complementary marriage, one gives orders, gives orders, the other awaits advice or instruction. In metacomplementary marriage, the leading position is achieved by the one who realizes his own goals by emphasizing his weakness, inexperience, ineptitude and powerlessness, manipulating his partner.

Thus, with a dynamic approach to family problems spousal disharmony (violation) of relationships are analyzed from the point of view of the intrinsic motivation of the behavior of both spouses. Current family conflicts are considered taking into account past conflicts, as well as examples of past emotionally colored relationships. At the same time, the influence of the family in which each of the spouses grew up is assessed, the atmosphere inherent in it, poise, tranquility, the division of rights and responsibilities between father and mother, and an appeal to the experience of parents are taken into account.

The main prerequisite for change is the ability to understand this connection, to control one's own behavior, and to compare. The comparison is presented as an evolutionary comparison: the early sources of today's behavior of each of the spouses are taken into account. Everyone should understand why he is the way he is, what he expects from the marital union and why he reacts to the partner's behavior in this way and not otherwise. Marriage is seen as a consequence of the action of forces that lie in the features of the past experience of the spouses, mainly in their previous personal ties.

In the study of the problems of a married couple, special attention should be paid to the study of the factors in which husband and wife choose each other. The choice of a partner and interpersonal attractiveness in marriage are supported by factors that are of particular value to the individual or give rise to hopes that social contact with this partner will be favorable.

  1. Motivation or the first phase of communication: "What is he?" Appearance and demeanor play a significant role. The assessment of others is also important.
  2. Advantages: "Who is he?" The center of gravity is shifting to the area of ​​similarity of interests, points of view, and the scale of values. If significant discrepancies are revealed and the discovered shortcomings are not compensated for by any advantages, the partners disagree, believing that they are not suitable for each other.
  3. Role, status: "Where is he?" Role compatibility is assessed. Partners determine whether they can take on complementary roles in the marriage that will enable them to meet their needs. Both the similarity of characters and inclinations, and the opposite of complementary traits are evaluated.

In all phases, the principle of commensurability of exchange operates: equilibrium is achieved only if such an exchange, from the point of view of partners, is equivalent.

So, the problem of family well-being is primarily associated with how psychologically compatible family members turn out to be with each other. Compatibility as a multilevel phenomenon is associated not only with the current state and personal characteristics of the spouses, but also with their experience. past life, experience of interpersonal relationships in the parental family. The most optimal situation is when the experience and the learned type of relationship between spouses are generally positive, similar or complementary (complementary), do not contradict the general social system of rules and norms of interaction and relationships.

In the process of studying family functioning and organizing psychosocial assistance to the family, it is necessary to take into account the normative (correlated with a specific stage in the life of the family) crises. The variety of family systems significantly complicates the problem of analyzing the stages of marital and family relations, but some of the most typical options can be identified.

Researchers assume that marital relationships are constantly evolving and changing. From time to time, some “unforeseen” changes may occur in the relationship between spouses, but there are also a number of natural, “normative” changes that are typical for the development of marriage over time. Romantic love during courtship and honeymoon is replaced by a realistic understanding of marriage. It often comes to confrontation of idealistic ideas about marriage and a partner with the real "little things" of everyday life. After the birth of children, new joys and concerns appear. Separate stages in the development of matrimonial relations correspond to the periods of raising children, their separation from their parents and the possible departure from home. The most well-known system of "stages", where the presence or absence of children in the family and their age are used as the main feature of their differentiation. E. Duval (EM Viwan, 1957), for example, identified the following phases in the family life cycle.

Meeting of future spouses, their emotional attraction to each other.

Acceptance and development of new parenting roles.

Adoption of a new personality (child) into the family. Moving from a dyadic spouse relationship to a triangle relationship.

The introduction of children into out-of-family institutions.

Adopting the adolescence of children.

Experimenting with independence.

Preparing for the departure of children from the family.

The departure of children from the family, the acceptance of their departure, the life of the spouses "eye to eye".

Acceptance of the fact of retirement and old age.

When analyzing the stages of development of marital relations, the following are distinguished: young marriage, middle-aged marriage and mature marriage.

A young marriage lasts less than five years. The age of the spouses is from 18 to 30 years old. During this period, they get used to each other, buy furniture and household items, often do not have their own apartment and live with the parents of one of them. Over time, an apartment appears, which is gradually furnished, and its own household is built. Spouses are expecting children, with the birth of which there are responsibilities related to caring for and taking care of them. In the professional field, young spouses are just acquiring some kind of qualifications, they gradually reach a certain position, adapt to the new family environment. The wife has been on maternity leave for some time. Living together requires considerable expenses, including psychological ones, so their parents support them financially and “morally”.

A middle-aged marriage lasts 6-14 years. During this period, people are economically active, occupy a stable social position and are relieved of the need to purchase an apartment, furniture, etc. The little ones are no longer in the house, children - schoolchildren or students - are becoming more and more independent. In addition to household chores, a wife can devote much more time to professional activities.

Mature marriage begins after 15 and lasts up to 25 years. There are already adult children in the family, the spouses are left alone or get used to living with their families and raising grandchildren.

Elderly married couples are characterized by declining productivity and increasing health problems. The marriage is usually stable. The spouses need help and are afraid of losing each other. The relationship between them is as they have developed over the course of a long life together. At this time, it is already difficult to change anything. The narrowing of social contacts sometimes increases the pressure on adult children, especially when they live together, which can cause conflicts. Conflicts between old people may reflect their conflict with the “young” because of the different attitudes towards them.

A crisis situation in the family can arise without the influence of any external factors that determine the household and economic situation of the married couple, without the intervention of parents, betrayal or some pathological personality traits of one of the spouses. The presence of these factors accelerates the creation of a crisis situation and exacerbates it. A feeling of dissatisfaction grows, differences of opinion are found, silent protest, quarrels, a feeling of deception and reproaches arise.

There are two main critical periods in the development of marital relations.

The first occurs between the third and seventh years of married life and continues, in a favorable case, for about a year. Its occurrence is facilitated by the following factors:

  • the disappearance of romantic moods, active rejection of the contrast in the behavior of a partner during the period of falling in love and in everyday family life;
  • an increase in the number of situations in which spouses find different views on things and cannot come to an agreement;
  • more frequent manifestations of negative emotions, increased tension in relationships between partners.

Second crisis period occurs approximately between the seventeenth and twenty-fifth years of marriage. It is less deep than the first and can last for several years. Its occurrence often coincides:

  • with the approach of the period of involution, with an increase in emotional instability, fears, the appearance of various somatic complaints;
  • with the emergence of a feeling of loneliness associated with the departure of children;
  • with the increasing emotional dependence of the wife, her worries about rapid aging, as well as the possible desire of the husband to sexually express himself on the side "before it is too late."

Thus, crisis situations have certain patterns that lie in the foundations of marital relations. For an effective solution to emerging problems, one should not look for fault only in the behavior of one of the partners. These patterns must be known and taken into account, adjusting their behavior in accordance with them.

A special issue is the stage of remarriage. With a divorce, almost inevitably, there is a feeling of loss, there is a feeling of rejection, abandonment, uselessness. At first glance, it may seem that only the one for whom the divorce came as a “surprise” feels abandoned, but the initiator himself, long before the final decision to divorce, experiences the same negative feelings. Like any grief, divorce is experienced in several stages: the first shock, depression and rebirth. Each stage takes time and a proactive response. Skipping one of them, for example, “closing his eyes” with the help of alcohol or superficial falling in love, a person condemns himself to an unexpected return to a stage that has not been experienced.

Divorce as a phenomenon is often associated with the experiences of interpersonal relationships that spouses have learned in their parental families. It has been noticed that the mistakes of relatives “I just want to repeat”, and children of divorced parents often subconsciously provoke divorces in their families. You can try to break this "vicious circle" by analyzing your own and parental styles of family relationships. Easier such an analysis is given with the help of a family psychotherapist. But for a start, it's a good idea to find and explain your mistakes on your own. This will help not only to see them, but also to realize them in order to avoid repetition in the future. The experience of those who have found marital happiness on the second or third attempt encourages divorces. In addition, there is even such an opinion that each new marriage is like new life, and therefore a person who has replaced several spouses has lived several lives.

The advantages of remarriage in comparison with the first are that partners no longer count on "eternal", romantic love and approach marriage more rationally. They are more likely to feel gratitude for all the good that the second marriage provides them, try to preserve it, and protect it more actively. If disharmony in family relationships arises again, the spouses are more prepared, motivated to correct their relationship and, if necessary, it is easier to break the relationship.

However, among neurotics, persons with pathological character traits in the second marriage, the same unsuccessful choice of a partner is observed, the same mistakes are noted that led to the collapse of the first marriage. Normal, adaptive individuals more often draw the right conclusions from a previous failure, choose a more adequate partner for a second marriage, or behave more meaningfully.

So, the marriage union in its development goes through a number of stages, accompanied by the so-called normative crises. General character these crises, however, do not determine their severity and severity. Much depends on the desire and culture of interpersonal relations of the spouses, their ability to revise their erroneous views, the desire to maintain psychologically prosperous, healthy relationships with other family members. The presence of a conscious attitude towards joint development with a partner, timely detection of changes in relationships allow spouses to correct their behavior. Lack of attention to the processes of each other's development, changes in the needs and interests of the partner puts the family on the brink of disintegration. Divorce as an extreme solution to emerging family conflicts can become a constructive experience if a person realizes the need to change his own ideas about himself, other people, and family life.

Successful marriages are not built on what every party counts on. receive from these relationships - they are built on the basis that each of the spouses gives each other. Building a meaningful relationship requires a concerted effort, but the results are worth the effort. O: p>

Never allow yourself to get so busy fighting for existence when there is no time for life. A good marriage is a gift, good luck ... Don't turn it into nothing. Children need more role models than criticism.

10 tips from psychologist Richard Denny that will really help you build and strengthen family relationships filled with joy, happiness and mutual understanding in the family, i.e. achieve harmony in the family:

1. Sit down together at the table regularly.

I drew attention to the trend, people who live together, in the same house, rarely, and sometimes almost never eat together. Each family member eats at a convenient time for him or has a snack while sitting in front of the TV. In any family, this should be an indispensable rule: set the table, everyone gather around it and have dinner. If this is completely impossible on weekdays, then you can extend this rule to weekends. There should be no excuse for allowing family members to neglect the family lunch or dinner. Time at the table allows you to see everyone together, relax, and talk slowly. (Note by Nikolai Doroshchuk. It is a rule in our family - to have breakfast together, to have lunch on weekends, to have supper).

2. Share your views.

I suppose you often consult with family members and ask for their opinion. It is very bad when one of the family members always takes the initiative into their own hands and does not give the others a chance to express their point of view.

Many of the points of view expressed will be more or less valuable and meaningful to you. So, if you are going to ask for someone's opinion, do not forget to listen to them. (Note: In our family, we ALWAYS, on almost all issues, exchange opinions. And this does not lead to a quarrel, but on the contrary to respect for each point of view).
3. Concentrate on the good.

To feel happy with your family, try to focus your attention on the good things. Don't focus too much on the annoying habits of your life partner. When people live together, in any case, there are moments of irritation or dissatisfaction with each other. Overcome your irritation, pay attention to the big picture, replace negative emotions in your mind with positive ones. (Note: This moment is very difficult, but very, very important in family relationships. It is difficult when you say to yourself “you have to live for ...”, but very pleasant when you say: “I LOVE YOU.” The three most powerful words that one person might say to another. Some find it difficult to say them out loud, others simply forget about them or do not attach special importance to them, and yet the power of these words has not disappeared).

4. Be where you need to be.

Whenever your family members need you, be there. Appreciate these special occasions and do your best not to miss important family events.

(An example from family life .. When my wife's father died, it was very difficult psychologically for her at that moment. This sadness of loss was added by the fact that lately I was more and more delayed at work. most attention. I went to my BOSS and asked for 2 days leave. It was just necessary at that moment).

Always be there at the right time, be ready to give advice and support.

5. Create psychological comfort.

Ask yourself if you always take the opportunity to compliment. What do you expect from your family members? Are you asking too much of your children? Are you putting undue pressure on them to insist on tangible accomplishments that would make you proud of them? Remember that the stress that accompanies the relationship between parents and children, in the event that your expectations and requirements are overestimated, is sometimes too great.

6. Compliment family members.

Every person can give a compliment, the main thing - do not forget to find an opportunity, instead of criticizing, support your loved ones, often say good words to your family members.

7. Make surprises.

Whether you are a parent or just a family member, you should surprise yourself from time to time when the opportunity presents itself. As we grow up, we get more and more pleasure not receiving, but making gifts, bringing joy to other people. It's nice to receive a prize, but equally enjoyable to plan and organize it. (An example from personal life. Yesterday, when my wife was returning from work, next steps could have been predicted. Everyone has their own everyday life. But yesterday I decided to surprise my wife. Instead of going home and eating the dinner she prepared in advance, I "kidnapped" her and took her to a cafe on the seashore. Dinner by the fireplace, what else needs to be said. And 2 months ago my wife asked me to go to another city - 40 km from Odessa. She argued that she was advised to visit one of the shops in this city. But in fact, we spent 3 hours at the seaside watching the flight of seagulls).

8. Goodbye.

From time to time, quarrels and conflicts occur in every family. Someone becomes a source of trouble for their loved ones, and if you are the victim, anger is a completely natural reaction. You may even say something like “I will never forgive you for this” - an extremely negative message that you load into your brain. Under whatever circumstances we say this, you should calm down a little, collect your thoughts and re-restore in memory the whole picture of what happened.

Can we change the event? Of course not - now this is history, so try to never let "I will never forgive you" again. This will not make you happy, will not remove the burden from the soul, will not prevent similar events in the future. This statement will not do you any good, it will slowly destroy you from the inside and lead to deep conflict with yourself. Often the easiest and fastest way is to ask yourself, "Why did he say that?" or "Why did he do it?" Even if you don't find a logical answer, you will at least try to take a fresh look at the situation and understand the other person.

9. Share your joys and sorrows.

If you are unable to share your concerns with family members, you will have to remain a very unhappy and lonely person. There is amazing strength in a strong, close-knit family. Share your sorrows, not so that your family will suffer with you, but so that they can support you. Knowing what is happening in the lives of all family members creates unity as you have a common foundation for future success.

10. And lastly, for those who have to constantly participate in the struggle for a career, who live under pressure, who may have to spend long hours, if not days away from home. Remember your goals in life. If you have a family and children, remember that your greatest goal is not to become the richest person in the cemetery, or to become a breadwinner for a family you hardly ever see. So, plan your time so that you can take care of your loved ones. Spending time together should be a top priority and should be protected from intrusion. Let your family know that this time is invaluable to you, and while you are struggling for success, promotions and other achievements, your main goal is family, and this does not only apply to the distant future.

Best regards, Nikolay Doroshchuk.

To keep your family happy, you need to study factors of family well-being and follow them. Those people who are looking for happiness in life will never find it until they realize the factors that influence it. The family is the most wonderful miracle and event in a person's life, but not everyone understands this, without trying to make their family more prosperous. Psychologists have decided to help you find these factors of family well-being, and how to start using them in life.

It is enough just to read the article to understand this question and find the answer to it, since psychologists have spent a considerable time studying those families who independently found the factors of well-being and used them in their family. These families are happy today. Accordingly, you can also apply all the tips given here in practice and make your family happy.

What happiness means to you

Before you start learning factors family well-being, it is advisable to realize what is really happiness for you. According to the research of psychologists, each person has his own opinion about happiness, so you also need to have your own opinion about happiness. This will help you in the future to find this happiness in the family and thereby improve the well-being of the family.

Mutual understanding in the family

The most important factor in family well-being is mutual understanding in the family, which needs to be developed. Without mutual understanding in the family, it is impossible to build happiness and love. If the family does not understand each other, then this is a problem and it needs to be solved as soon as possible. To do this, become an initiator and start looking for ways yourself to begin to understand your family. Try to listen to the opinions of everyone, and by common efforts come to a common opinion. No need to argue, since the dispute is not causal family well-being and the problem of conflicts. Calmly you need to listen or even write down the opinions of everyone, and then come to a common deliberate decision. If there is no understanding in your family, find the source, it is different in every family.

Support in Hard time

Factor family well-being, without which the family cannot be called happy, this is support in difficult times. Your family should be as a whole, and if someone is feeling bad or difficult, support him in this difficult moment. This should be done as a matter of course. If the family does not have this habit and principle, it is dysfunctional. Start not just saying empty words, but understand the one who feels bad in order to feel how painful it is, then you will begin to understand the problem more and solve it with joint efforts.

Problems and solutions

Each individual has and will have problems, just as every family has problems, the factors of family well-being are always associated precisely with problems and reactions to them. Each person or family perceives problems differently, someone runs away and is afraid of them, believing that having a problem is bad. Others believe that problems bring only knowledge and experience if they are solved as soon as they appeared, without running away from them. In fact, the success and well-being of every family is not in the absence of problems, but in the fact that such a family solves problems as soon as they arise, realizing that every problem is beneficial.

Any successful person will tell you that his success is connected not with victories, but with defeats, since problems carry more benefits, experience and knowledge than victories. Therefore, rejoice that there are many problems in your family, and finally begin to solve them. If you are curious about the power of problems and want to learn more about them, read: for a more detailed list of popular problems and how to solve them through positive experiences.

Love and attention in the family

We must not forget that all the factors of family well-being are inherently connected with love and attention, without which it is impossible to build a successful and happy family. A family in which there is no love and attention is considered dysfunctional. But there is no need to be upset, since according to statistics there are 80% of such families worldwide, and this is a big problem. All this depends only on those who created this family. Today, outlooks on life, opinions, values ​​and priorities have changed, so families are most often created not for love, but for profit, or in connection with other reasons.

If you want to create a prosperous family, create it with the person you really love. If you cannot yet understand exactly what you love and whether you are loved, then do not rush to create a family. Psychologists recommend at such moments not to rush and live together for at least 2-3 years not married. Thus, if you did not love, after 2-3 years, your couple will disperse, which is safer if you had a family and children.

Family money is a tool of well-being

If we turn to statistics, then 90% of people and families have a problem with money. This is not due to the fact that people receive small salaries and their incomes are small. It all depends on the principles and habits of the person. All people and families who have a money problem have developed the habit of spending 100% of their income, and borrowing another 20% from friends and acquaintances before their paychecks. This habit is dangerous and it is she who is the cause of problems associated with a lack of money, which leads to not the well-being of the family. In order to solve this problem, it is enough to read the article:

« Family well-being» is a service aimed at mutual understanding in married couples, awareness of relationships and the achievement of harmony between partners or loved ones. Sessions on "Family Wellbeing" are conducted by a specialist of the LLC on Skype. Both partners must be present during the session.
If there are quarrels and conflicts in your relationship, there is no mutual understanding and you are tired of sorting out the relationship, then the "Family Wellbeing" service is exactly what your couple needs!

With Family Wellbeing sessions, you:


  • systematic disputes and conflicts;
  • misunderstandings and disagreements paired with;
  • lack of joy and pleasure from relationships;
  • insults and resentment between partners;
  • guilt and shame in a relationship;
  • and any other problems that interfere with family well-being.

  • closeness and sincerity of communication with a partner;
  • agreement and understanding in family;
  • comfort and pleasure from being apart from each other;
  • mutual unity and agreement;
  • harmoniousrelationship with a loved one.

You can learn more about Family Wellbeing sessions by signing up for free consultation(onSkype, ViberorWhatsapp).


Most often, the first results from sessions for the "Family Wellbeing" service are noticeable after the first lesson. Next, the couple analyzes the relationship over time and determines how often they need the participation of an OO specialist.
The duration of one full-fledged Family Wellbeing session is on average 40 to 90 minutes.

If the discord in the family is temporary, and the partners have a sufficiently high level of awareness, then one session may be enough. If the conflicts are deep and last for a long time, several sessions may be required, a separate study with each (or with one of the partners) on “Release from worries” and periodic maintenance on “Family well-being”.

The cost of classes on "Family Wellbeing" - $ 60 per hour (classes are conducted by three people: a specialist in general education and a married couple).

You can get acquainted with all the reviews of LLC clients in the section "

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