Vitamins for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester. Taking vitamins during pregnancy - A, B, C, D, E ... Let's break everything down into trimesters. Vitamins during pregnancy. What are the best drinks

A long process of agonizing expectation of conception passed, and finally, the expectant mother received confirmation - life was born inside her and the unborn child is growing. Ahead of 9 months of new discoveries, an amazing change in your own body, and finally, the long-awaited birth. It is during this period that the fair sex and her unborn baby need all-round support. Proper lifestyle, prevention of problems, good food and, of course, an additional intake of vitamins, which are already lacking in ordinary life, and now some of them go to support and develop the fetus. Below, you will find out which vitamins, and in what period it is best to take the expectant mother, as well as get comprehensive answers from doctors to the most common questions about vitamin complexes.

Almost every pregnant woman asks herself and those around her this question. The answer is obvious - of course, yes. The process of bearing an unborn child is associated with global changes in the work of the whole organism: the metabolism is radically rebuilt, the composition of the blood changes, the functioning of the hormonal system, and so on.

It is during pregnancy that the consumption of a number of substances by the body and the unborn child increases significantly: you need to constantly replenish the internal reserves of useful vitamins and trace elements.

Unfortunately, not always natural products or a special diet can fully compensate for the lack of one or another element, so you have to introduce them artificially, using individual drugs or whole complexes created specifically for pregnant women. The growth of the embryo, the assimilation of proteins, the work of the hormonal system - a lot depends on vitamins, including the health of the life growing in you.

Vitamins during pregnancy. What are the best drinks?

Among the whole variety of vitamins / trace elements, there are a number of substances that play an important, and sometimes a key role in the formation and development of the fetus.

  1. Folic acid. This water-soluble vitamin promotes the growth of fetal tissues, helps the cells of the host organism, recover and renew itself. In addition, it directly affects the growth of the placenta and the system of blood vessels in the uterus. A lack of B9 significantly increases the likelihood of miscarriage, and also worsens the mother's well-being.
  2. Tocopherol. The natural compound is involved in a number of important processes for the body, in particular the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. In addition, E-vitamin is a powerful antioxidant. The lack of tocopherol in the body can provoke anemia, visual impairment, and heart problems in the unborn child. The mother has general weakness, muscle pain and involuntary abortion.
  3. Pyridoxine. Vitamins B6 are a catalyst for the formation of amino acids, from which proteins are subsequently created. In addition, the biologically active substance forms the development and functioning of the nervous system, providing normal oxygen supply to the brain, while reducing the effect of toxicosis.
  4. Vitamin B12. A key element of the processes of ovulation in women not only helps to get pregnant, but also supports the development of a fertilized egg to the stage of an embryo.
  5. Vitamin A. It is involved in the development of the nervous system, vision and skeleton in the unborn baby.
  6. Vitamin C. Supports the mother's immunity and forms its basic rudiments in the child.
  7. Vitamin D. Promotes bone growth.
  8. Vitamins of groups PP, K, H are not as critical as the previous ones, but necessary for full-fledged work female body during the period of increased stress during pregnancy, as well as general health-improving substances.
  9. Calcium. Building "basis" for children's bones, which during pregnancy is required more and more.
  10. Iron. Helps to supply oxygen to all organs of the expectant mother and she is not yet born child.
  11. Iodine. Participates in the synthesis of hormones, helps prevent damage to the central nervous system and the skeleton of the unborn baby, and also protects the thyroid gland of the fair sex.
  12. Zinc. Directly and indirectly involved in a number of related biochemical processes. Its deficiency leads to complications of childbirth, postpartum hemorrhage, the development of congenital defects in the fetus, too little or too much weight / height at birth.

Vitamins for men

The representative of the stronger sex was able to provide you with high-quality genetic material, works hard and does everything possible to make the pregnant woman as comfortable as possible. Do not forget about a man - he also needs vitamins in order to be in perfect condition and always delight you with care, guardianship and love.

  1. Vitamin C. A powerful antioxidant that decomposes free radicals and significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  2. Lipic acid. Significantly improves liver function in men, normalizes the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.
  3. All vitamins of group B. The representative of the stronger sex must be smart, fast and strong - it is vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 that will help him become perfect.
  4. Vitamin H. Men do not always pay attention to the current condition of the hair, nails, skin. It is biotin that can bring them back to normal.
  5. Vitamin E. Tocopherol is the key to the success of the stronger sex on the love front.

Universal protector cell membranes, which is both an actihypoxant and an antioxidant, reduces the likelihood of the formation of a cancerous tumor, protects cells from oxidation, controls the synthesis nucleic acids, acts as an excellent neuroprotector. Taking vitamin E, a pregnant woman normalizes the production of progesterone, improves uterine distension, prevents fetal underdevelopment and possible miscarriage.

With all this, the most recent studies show that an excess of tocopherol and its uncontrolled intake can negatively affect the child in the future - individual medical specialists analyzing samples according to these criteria indicate an increased risk of heart defects in the early period.

That is why the intake of the vitamin should be strictly regulated - from 200 to 350 IU, unless your doctor has prescribed a different dosage. At the same time, the daily use it is necessary to break it into two times, in the morning and in the evening after eating.

Folic acid is a key element involved in the formation and maintenance of new cells in the body. This is especially important at the prenatal stage of the development of the unborn child, because the violation of natural processes due to a lack of B9 leads to very serious complications in later life. First of all, suffering from a lack of a vitamin Bone marrow therefore, without fail, pregnant women are required to take 400 milligrams of the substance daily from the beginning of pregnancy planning to childbirth. Reception folic acid can be divided into two times - 200 mg after breakfast and dinner.


A classic vitamin complex for pregnant women, containing all the main groups of low molecular weight organic compounds. The composition of multivitamins was developed more than twenty years ago, taking into account the then recommendations of experts. Of the main advantages of the drug, one can note the presence of a sufficient number of trace elements, including iodine and zinc, as well as a low price. Of the minuses - insufficient content in the composition of folic acid (200 mg), which requires the introduction of an additional dose of vitamin B9 into the diet. Also, certain groups of patients complain of frequent allergic reactions after taking Materna, most likely caused by a high content of B12 and vitamin A.

Alphabet - Mom's health

Russian multivitamin complex designed for pregnant women from conception to childbirth. The drug is divided into three types of tablets, which contain low molecular weight organic compounds and trace elements that do not conflict with each other and do not weaken the mutual action of the components.

Of the positive aspects of the combined preparation, we will cancel the moderate price and the presence of iodine in the composition. At the same time, as in Materna, there is not enough folic acid.


The composition of this multivitamin complex does not include iodine (that is, it must be taken separately), but there is a sufficient amount of folic acid and an increased content of magnesium, which is especially necessary for the prevention of miscarriage and the threat premature birth. Doctors recommend these multivitamins for the complex treatment of placental insufficiency. The price category is above average, reviews of Elevit are mostly positive.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte

One of the most famous, balanced and optimal vitamin complexes, used with equal success during the planning of the unborn child, pregnancy and after childbirth. The formula of the drug contains enough for the fair sex, the amount of vitamins A, B (including folic acid at a dosage of 400 mg / day), C, D, E, K, H, etc., as well as trace elements - iron, iodine, zinc, magnesium, selenium, copper, manganese, etc. With regular use of Vitrum Prenatal Forte, it is usually not necessary to take additional doses of certain low molecular weight organic compounds.

From positive qualities we can note the ideal balance of the composition, which does not cause negative manifestations in the vast majority of patients, a convenient dosage (1 tablet / day in the morning after a meal), as well as an understandable long-term regimen indicated in the instructions for the drug and calculated for the period before conception, 1,2, 3 trimeters of pregnancy and time after childbirth with the onset of lactation. The only disadvantage of the multivitamin complex is its high cost compared to analogues.

Useful video

Prenatal vitamins

Question answer

What vitamins to take in the first, second and third (last) trimester of pregnancy?

If you do not get enough vitamins from healthy fresh food (and up to 90 percent of all women experience this, since it is almost impossible to purchase really fresh vegetables / fruits, other similar products and ideally balance the diet in such a way as to completely cover the needs for low molecular weight organic compounds) , then vitamins must be taken constantly, or in long courses throughout the entire period of pregnancy. However, depending on the timing, individual components are particularly important:

  1. First trimester. The most necessary for the future baby and you, folic acid, vitamin E and A.
  2. Second trimester. With a properly balanced diet, you can take small breaks in taking vitamins. The most important trace elements of this period are considered to be iodine, calcium and iron.
  3. Third trimester. Vitamins C and D are especially important.

In any case, if possible, throughout the entire pregnancy, take complex multivitamins according to the recommendations and regimen of the attending physician - this will eliminate the need to use 3-4 separate drugs and save you time / nerves along the way.

How much vitamin E to take during pregnancy?

The recommended dosage of vitamin E ranges from 250-350 IU / day, divided into two doses and depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Regular intake of large doses can negatively affect the health of your child in the future: a number of modern studies and statistics show that women who take more than 600 IU of vitamin E daily throughout their pregnancy give birth to babies with a high risk of heart disease.

Advise, please, the best vitamins for pregnant women

Given the modern lifestyle, poor ecology, as well as the difficulties in observing a truly healthy and nutritious diet, the best way to regularly replenish the missing stocks of low-molecular organic compounds and trace elements, there will be a combination of multivitamin complexes containing the main groups of useful substances in the required dosage. One of the best drugs of this kind available on the pharmacy market and designed specifically for the needs of pregnant women is Elevit (with an additional separate intake of iodine) and Vitrum Prenatal Forte. Schemes for taking these multivitamins are described in detail in the instructions for the preparations.

Is it possible to drink vitamins Elevit not pregnant?

Naturally, you can. Moreover, they are recommended to be used not only before conception as a general tonic, but also after childbirth, as well as during lactation, when a tired body that has lost many vitamins and microelements urgently needs to recover and maintain vital processes at the proper level.

What vitamins to drink in early pregnancy?

In the early stages of pregnancy, it is desirable to use all the main groups of vitamins, one way or another positively affecting the processes of recovery, work and growth of the body. Folic acid and tocopherol are considered to be the key low-molecular organic compounds during this period - the first (vitamin B9) is responsible for the synthesis and support of cell function, and the second (vitamin E) is an antioxidant and ensures the correct metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Should I take vitamin B6 during pregnancy?

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is an important organic compound that is necessary for the synthesis of a number of amino acids responsible for the formation of a growing organism at the cellular level. It is he who ensures the correct and timely development of the nervous system and, in fact, the brain of your unborn child. In addition, a lack of B6 provokes irritability / aggressiveness in the fair sex, severe toxicosis, convulsive syndrome. It is definitely necessary to take it, either separately or as part of a multivitamin complex. The daily requirement of this drug is 2-4 milligrams, divided into 1-2 doses.

Vitamins and minerals are necessary not only for pregnant women, but also for any person who wants to be healthy. And in our case we are talking about the health of not one, but two people at once, one of which still lives in the tummy.

It is well known that all the necessary vitamins and minerals are found in whole foods. So is it worth turning yourself into a pill-recycling factory? There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question.

Indeed, it contains all the necessary vitamins for healthy people. But in pregnant women, the need for some of them increases, and getting them from food in sufficient quantities is already problematic. Not to mention that in the first weeks tastes change very much, and healthy eating does not always stimulate appetite. Nausea, and often vomiting, sets in, making it even more difficult to eat your daily allowance of vitamins and calories.

The most important substances during pregnancy are folic acid and iron. In most regions of Russia, iodine also belongs to them. They need to be taken in tablet form by everyone, while the rest of the vitamins can be found in sufficient quantities in food. The only condition for this is that nutrition should be balanced, complete and varied, ideally, your diet should be developed under the guidance of a nutritionist.

But even in this case, only a very healthy expectant mother with a perfectly flowing pregnancy can do without multivitamins. There are many special situations such as twin pregnancy, milk intolerance, etc. For information on what vitamin support is required in special cases, see the end of the article.

Most needed

These components, in addition to the main diet, must be taken by every pregnant woman.

Folic acid Volumes have been written about its exceptional importance for the development of the embryo. This vitamin is involved in DNA synthesis and cell division, it is absolutely essential for the development of the nervous system of the embryo (neural tube). If at the beginning of pregnancy future mother there was a strong lack of folic acid, this often led to malformations in the baby.

Since the rudiments of the nervous system are laid very early, in the period from 15 to 28 days after the onset of pregnancy, folic acid should ideally be taken even before conception. The daily dose for pregnant women is 400 - 600 mcg. In food, even with the most balanced diet, there is no such amount of folic acid. Preparations: "Mamifol", "9 months folic acid", "Folic acid" in tablets (the dose in this preparation is much higher than necessary).

It must be remembered that green tea reduces the absorption of folic acid, which means this combination should be avoided. Akalts, the well-known good old Biseptol, is a folic acid antagonist, which is why it is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy.

Iron - a direct component of hemoglobin, which is part of blood cells. During pregnancy, the expectant mother's blood volume increases by about a liter to provide both the placenta and the baby with the necessary nutrients. Iron is needed to form this blood.

With a well-balanced diet at the rate of 2500 kcal per day, about 15 mg of iron enters the body, but this mineral has its own peculiarity: no more than 10% of the dose taken is absorbed. Therefore, with a daily norm for pregnant women of 3 mg, the total intake of iron in the body should be at least 30 mg, including what is contained in food.

It is important to know about the effect of iron on the absorption of other vitamins. So, vitamin C improves the absorption of iron, so in many tablets they go together. On the other hand, zinc and copper compete with iron in the intestines for absorption, so you shouldn't take them together. Moreover, excessive intake of iron can lead to zinc deficiency in the body. Many stomach medicines bind iron and prevent it from being absorbed. These are, for example, "Motilium", "Omeprazole", "Ranitidine", "Almagel" and other medicines for heartburn. Their reception, if necessary, should be rescheduled for another time.

As a prophylactic during pregnancy, a dose of 30 mg of iron per day is sufficient. If we also take into account what is contained in food, then the total amount will be sufficient. Large doses are used only for the treatment of anemia, after appropriate blood tests and consultation with a doctor.

For healthy people, large doses of iron can be harmful. Firstly, it is nausea and constipation, then - zinc deficiency, which has already been mentioned above. Lack of zinc, in turn, can cause fetal growth retardation, miscarriage or premature birth, so the prescribed dose of iron should not be arbitrarily increased. Preparations: "Maltofer syrup", "Ferrum Lek", "Fenyuls".

Iodine - an essential trace element for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland of the mother, and after 18 weeks - and the fetus. Thyroid hormones, which include iodine, are responsible for the metabolism and growth of the baby. During pregnancy, the need for iodine increases, so if in your area (and this is almost the whole of Russia) there is a lack of iodine, you must take it. The daily dose of iodine for pregnant women is 200 mcg. Preparations: "Iodomarin 200", "Iodbalance 200", "Vitrum Iodine".

Iodine deficiency during pregnancy can lead to developmental delay, miscarriage, or congenital cretinism in the baby, and the mother's thyroid gland may suffer (goiter develops). Caution in taking iodine should be observed by those who have thyroid diseases, in this case, consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary.

Calcium needed by both members of the duet: both mother and baby. It is a building material for bones and teeth, and is also involved in the processes of blood clotting and muscle contraction. Severe calcium deficiency can inhibit the development of the skeletal system of the fetus.

The most relevant calcium deficiency becomes by the third trimester, when the baby's skeletal system is actively formed. A lack of calcium is associated with the risk of high blood pressure in the mother, as well as depletion of her own bone tissue especially for moms under 25.

A well-balanced diet provides the necessary amount of calcium, and its additional intake is not required. The main source of calcium for pregnant women is any dairy products, as well as cabbage leaves, lettuce, radish.

If for some reason it is not possible to eat properly, it is necessary to take calcium in the dosage form. The daily norm in this case is 250 mg. Vitamin D improves the absorption of calcium, so many manufacturers produce tablets with their combination.

How to choose a multivitamin

All multivitamins contain a different set of substances in different doses. And most often it is not about too low, but about too high a dose of a vitamin. Before buying, you need to check the composition on the label.

Here is a list of ingredients that should be present in a standard prenatal multivitamin:

Folic acid - 400 mcg
Iron - 30 mg
Zinc - 15 mg
Calcium - 250 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - 2 mg
Vitamin B12 - 2.6 mcg
Vitamin C - 50 mg
Vitamin D - 5 mcg (200 IU)
Vitamin A - 750 mcg (2500 IU)

The indicated doses of vitamins will be quite enough for prevention, but too high doses should just be alarming.

Iodine - 200 mg - is usually not included in prenatal vitamins, and is prescribed separately.

Calcium also most often needs to be taken separately and at other times from vitamins, since its preparations can impair the absorption of other substances.

The dose of vitamin A should not be more than 4000 IU, because in large quantities it has a toxic effect.

Try to avoid medicines that say “not a medicine” in small print on the label. Recently, manufacturers of vitamins can register them not as medicines but as dietary supplements. And the requirements for dietary supplements are much lower, the doses of active ingredients in them are not checked, and sometimes the actual amount of vitamins in such a preparation can tend to zero.

Vitamins in special cases

Vegetarians - if you do not avoid milk and eggs, the diet is complete and well balanced, then you do not need additional vitamins, except for the usual folic acid and iron and iodine. Vegans (who also do not eat milk and eggs) need supplementation with vitamin D (400 units) and vitamin B12 (2 mcg), as well as fats due to increased energy requirements.

milk intolerance - since dairy products are the main source of calcium for pregnant women, their exclusion from the diet should be reimbursed. With a lack of calcium in the mother, the risk of high blood pressure and preeclampsia increases.

Milk intolerance and lactase deficiency are common in Asian and African women. In this case, it is necessary to take either lactose-free dairy products, or replace them with soy milk and compensate for the calcium deficiency with tablets.

Vomiting pregnant - Excessive vomiting can be relieved by taking vitamin B6 (25 mg 3 times a day). In this case, you need to eat little and often. Take the tablets after meals to avoid making nausea worse. If this does not help, buy vitamins in syrup or solution.

lack of sun - found in northern regions, as well as in Muslim women wearing the hijab. In this case, it is necessary to include vitamin D3 preparations in the diet.

Athletes - during pregnancy, those involved in sports have a tendency to hypoglycemia ( low sugar blood). Decreased post-exercise glucose levels may impair fetal nutrient absorption. The solution is to increase the consumption of carbohydrates. The second aspect is sports nutrition often contains too high doses of vitamins, which can be toxic to the fetus. Sports mixtures containing vitamins should be avoided.

Multiple pregnancy - the rate of weight gain in multiple pregnancies is higher, and the total increase can be 16 - 20 kg. Taking extra vitamins is a must. The doses of the following vitamins should be increased: folic acid 1 mg (=1000 mcg) per day; iron - take more often; vitamin B6 - 2 mg per day.

In the diet of a pregnant woman, all vitamin compounds and minerals valuable for the crumbs should be present. This will ensure the normal course of pregnancy and the proper development of the baby. At the same time, vitamin requirements differ depending on the gestational age.

Consider the most important substances for the second trimester, which starts from the 13th week of gestation and lasts until the end of the 26th week. At this time, the severity of toxicosis decreases, as does the risk of spontaneous miscarriage. By the beginning of the 2nd trimester, all the main parts of the baby's body have formed, active development is taking place internal organs and the formation of their systems, and the mass of the fetus increases. As a rule, it is in the second trimester that it is recommended to start taking complex multivitamin supplements.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Essential Vitamins

The most necessary for the second trimester of pregnancy are such vitamin compounds.

  • Vitamin C. In addition to strengthening immunity, such a vitamin is needed to strengthen the walls of capillaries and the formation of collagen. A sufficient amount of it will protect the expectant mother from colds, stretch marks and bleeding, help to better absorb glucose and iron. The daily norm of vitamin C for women in position is 70-100 mg.
  • Vitamin D. Without this useful substance, the absorption of calcium is disrupted, which affects both the baby's skeleton and mother's teeth. Such a vitamin is able to be synthesized in the epidermis under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, so its shortage is often observed in the northern regions and winter period. For normal calcium metabolism, a pregnant woman should receive 400-600 IU of such a compound daily.
  • Vitamin E. This powerful antioxidant helps protect cell membranes from damage, is involved in the formation of hormones and prevents blood clots. It is very important for the normal state of the placenta, and also has a positive effect on the skin of the expectant mother, protecting it from stretch marks. The daily requirement for vitamin E during pregnancy is 10-15 mg.
  • Folic acid. Although this vitamin is most important in the first months of pregnancy, as it helps prevent dangerous malformations by controlling cell division and DNA formation, its value in the second trimester is also quite high. The norm of daily intake of folic acid for a pregnant woman is 400-800 mcg.
  • Thiamine. The role of such a B vitamin is to maintain metabolic processes, prevent CNS defects in a child. It is also important for the normal state of the digestive and of cardio-vascular system. The expectant mother should receive it daily at a dose of about 1.7 mg.
  • Pyridoxine. Such a compound is also called vitamin B6 and affects the formation of hemoglobin, protein metabolism, immunity, acid-base balance and blood glucose levels. Its entry into the body of a pregnant woman will support the proper development of the crumbs and prevent hypertonicity. The average daily dosage of pyridoxine for expectant mothers is 2.5 mg.

Important Minerals

In addition to a sufficient amount of vitamins, all expectant mothers should also receive certain macro- and microelements. Among them, the following are considered the most necessary in the 2nd trimester.

  • Calcium. This mineral is important for the formation of the musculoskeletal system of the baby, strengthens the teeth and bones of the pregnant woman, preventing caries and pain in the limbs. In addition, it is involved in muscle contraction, blood clotting, and nerve signal transmission. The daily requirement for calcium during pregnancy is 1000-1500 mg.
  • Iodine. Such a microelement is used for the synthesis of hormones that the thyroid gland secretes. With its lack, metabolic processes are disrupted and the mental development of the baby slows down, so the expectant mother should receive 200 micrograms of iodine every day in the second trimester.
  • Iron. Without such an element, the formation of hemoglobin is disrupted and anemia develops, as a result of which the fetus receives less oxygen. At the same time, the woman’s condition also worsens, because with anemia, a breakdown, drowsiness, nervousness and tachycardia are noted. To prevent such a problem, iron is included in many multivitamins, and 30 mg is called the norm for pregnant women.
  • Magnesium. Such a macronutrient is needed for the development of the nervous system of the baby and the proper formation of the placenta. It also provides a calm mood for a pregnant woman, normalizes blood pressure, prevents cramps and gestational diabetes. The daily dose of this substance for expectant mothers is 300-500 mg.
  • Zinc. Thanks to the participation of this microelement, hormones are synthesized (including insulin), the fetal skeleton is formed and tissue regeneration is enhanced. The amount of zinc sufficient to maintain the health of the expectant mother is about 11 mg per day.

Rating of the best supplements

The list of multivitamin complexes that a pregnant woman can take at 13, 17, 25 or another week of the second trimester is quite large.

The top of the most popular includes such drugs.

  • "Elevit Pronatal". The composition of such long yellow tablets contains 12 vitamins, supplemented with 4 trace elements and 3 minerals. On average, a package of 30 tablets costs 600-700 rubles. The drug is praised for its balanced composition, high dosage of folic acid, the ability to split the tablet into halves.

Its disadvantages include large size, high price and lack of iodine, but in general, the reception of this complex in most cases leaves positive feedback.

  • "Vitrum Prenatal Forte". From these tablets, expectant mothers receive 12 essential vitamins in fairly high dosages plus 7 minerals for the normal development of the baby. The pills are elongated and gray in color, sold in packs of 30 and 100 pieces. The advantages of the drug include the presence of iodine and beta-carotene, taking only once a day, affordable price (a small package costs about 500-600 rubles), but many women do not like that the composition of the tablets includes dyes, and swallow them because of their large size. happens to be difficult.

  • "Femibion ​​Natalcare 2". In one pack of this drug there are 30 pink oval tablets and 30 yellowish gelatin capsules. The tablets include 10 vitamin compounds supplemented with potassium iodide, and the capsules are a source of omega-3 fats and an additional dose of vitamin E. The disadvantages of this complex are the lack of vitamin D and many important minerals, as well as high cost (one package costs 900-1000 rubles), which is why inexpensive analogues are often preferred.

However, those women who chose Femibion ​​2 in the second trimester remain mostly satisfied with both the effect and tolerability.

  • "Alphabet Mom's Health". main feature such multivitamins - distribution active substances on three different tablets, taking into account their compatibility and the most effective action. The result is pink tablets with iron, folic acid, vitamin C and taurine, white tablets with vitamin D, phosphorus and calcium, and blue tablets with vitamin E, iodine, zinc and other important compounds. The supplement is praised for its small size, reasonable cost (350-400 rubles per pack), good tolerance. The disadvantages include the presence of dyes and a three-time intake.

  • "Complivit Trimester 2nd trimester". This supplement is intended for pregnant women from 12 to 27 weeks. It takes into account all the recommendations of specialists for a given period of gestation and includes active substances in the doses that are needed for a growing baby. An additional plus such "Complivit" is the presence of an antioxidant complex, which includes rutoside and lutein. On the reception of such whites round tablets responses are mostly positive. Allergic reactions to the drug are noted very rarely, and the cost of the complex is considered low, since one package costs about 350 rubles.

How to take?

First of all, it is important to remember that a pregnant woman should choose a multivitamin complex together with her doctor, because such supplements have certain contraindications.

You can’t prescribe them yourself, as well as violate the doctor’s recommended duration of administration or dosage.

Here are a few more important points:

  • in most cases, multivitamins for pregnant women are taken once a day, although there are other schemes;
  • tablets are usually not cracked so that their active substances do not break down in the stomach, but some drugs can be divided (risk can be seen on their surface);
  • the complexes should be drunk in the morning, so that their intake does not affect night sleep in any way;
  • drink supplements optimally with non-carbonated non-hot water.

In addition, before you start taking, you should check the expiration dates and read the instructions, then check whether the package is intact and whether the tablets or capsules correspond to the characteristics indicated in the annotation.

About vitamins for pregnant women, see the following video.

Pregnancy is a special state of a woman. During this period, she is simply obliged to take care of herself, her health, what she eats and drinks, what drugs she takes. In addition, during this period, the needs of a woman also change, because her body must supply nutrients, vitamins and oxygen not only to herself, but also to an unborn child. This article will focus on complex vitamins for pregnant women, the feasibility of taking them and the complexity of the choice.

To drink or not to drink vitamins for pregnant women is a complex issue and still causes a lot of controversy. On the one hand, the lifestyle of the average woman today, unfortunately, does not favor a healthy balanced diet. This means that she, by definition, receives fewer vitamins and minerals than it's needed.

But this has a detrimental effect on the state of the woman's body, to say nothing of the child. On the other hand, an excess of vitamins can be no less harmful for both than their lack.

In addition, the need of each particular woman for a particular vitamin is very individual, and depends on a host of factors, including a woman's diet, her health, lifestyle, and even the time of year. And vitamin complexes are designed in such a way as to satisfy the needs of a woman in any condition, in any season, in any situation. Naturally, with the composition with this approach, excesses occur.

So is it necessary to take vitamins during pregnancy? It is definitely difficult to answer this question. Someone is an ardent fan of taking vitamins both at the conception planning stage and throughout pregnancy. Others believe that taking vitamins can cause serious pathologies, which means that they should not be taken categorically. Whose side is the truth on?

As always, she is somewhere in the middle. If the thing happens summer, and the pregnant woman is correct and eats varied, consumes a lot of fruits and vegetables, then she most likely does not need an additional complex of vitamins for pregnant women. You may need to drink some vitamins separately, but this should be determined by the doctor. If even before pregnancy she had all the signs beriberi and it's happening winter, then you can not do without multivitamins.

As a result, it turns out that, like various medicines, vitamin complexes for pregnant women must be taken not just like that, but only after consultation with a doctor. And, perhaps, the most important thesis that women should remember: it is best to receive vitamins from food. Of course, there are much fewer nutrients in products than in tablets. However, most natural vitamins are absorbed many times better, which means that it is easier to get the daily norm with them.

A set of vitamins for pregnant women

Before you figure out which vitamin complexes are better, you need to understand how many and what vitamins does a pregnant woman need woman. Given that another, albeit small, but already a person is developing in her body, her need for vitamins increases.

The norm of vitamins during pregnancy or a set of vitamins for pregnant women are also compiled without taking into account individual characteristics, but you can still focus on them in order to understand which vitamins are best for pregnant women.

On average, the daily intake of vitamins for pregnant women increases by 15-20%. However, you need to understand that the norms of vitamins differ by trimester. After all, at different periods of a child’s development, he needs different vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins when planning pregnancy

Some experts and many women believe that vitamin complexes for pregnant women should be taken even at the stage of pregnancy planning. However, this issue should also be examined in more detail. First of all, when we are just planning a pregnancy, the need for vitamins has not yet been increased, which means that if you drink vitamins, then for sure not for pregnant women After all, an excess of vitamins affects the body no less detrimentally than their lack.

Should I even take vitamins to prepare for pregnancy? The answer to this question is also individual and requires consultation with a doctor. In the end, if you have already decided to consciously prepare for pregnancy, then you can hardly do without a visit to the doctor. So check with him which vitamins are better for you to drink before pregnancy.

In most cases, women during this period have a deficiency of substances such as iodine and folic acid. It makes sense to drink them on the planning stage. If there are general signs of vitamin deficiency, then the doctor may prescribe a regular multivitamin complex to normalize the condition.

Vitamins in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

Which vitamins are the most important for early pregnancy? Usually, in response to this question, they call the same folic acid, as well as vitamins A and E. Let's try to figure out in more detail why these vitamins are so necessary, and how many of them are needed.

Let's start with vitamin E , because it is about him that the most fierce disputes usually go. The dose of vitamin E during pregnancy is 15 mg. It regulates the production of female sex hormones, normalizes the menstrual cycle - this is still before conception. In the early stages, it participates in the formation of the placenta, and also protects against miscarriage.

Now let's move on to folic acid . Another name for folic acid is vitamin B9 . His reception also begins three months before the planned conception, and ends at the end of the first trimester. The choice of dosage should be carried out by a doctor, depending on the condition of a particular woman. On average, it is 0.4 to 0.8 mg per day.

Folic acid promotes rapid cell division, which has a positive effect on the development of the fetal egg in the early stages. In addition, it contributes to the correct transfer of genetic information, like vitamin E, participates in the formation of the placenta, "insures" against miscarriage and miscarriage. Folic acid plays an important role in the synthesis of hemoglobin, and with its deficiency, anemia can develop. This condition adversely affects the child, because it is hemoglobin that carries oxygen through the body of the mother and fetus.

This is what concerns the body of the mother. But also in fetal development vitamin B9 takes the most active part. In particular, it is very important to receive it in the first 4 weeks of pregnancy. It is at this time that the neural tube is laid, and then the brain develops from it. If folic acid is not enough, then various malformations of the brain may occur, including nerve herniation.

Vitamin B9 is found in animal liver, spinach, asparagus, lentils, Brussels sprouts, beans and wholemeal flour. However, it is absorbed very poorly from food, no more than 50%. That is why it is prescribed to almost all pregnant women.

But don't start taking folic acid on your own. Remember that the dosage must be prescribed by a doctor.

Vitamin A taken in the first 2 months of pregnancy, as well as in the last 2 months. In the second trimester, it is not necessary to take it. In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, vitamin A should be taken no more than 2500 IU per day. Before pregnancy, this figure is twice as much - 5000 IU. Exceeding the dosage is dangerous because it causes the development of heart disease in the fetus, a violation of the development of the nervous system.

At the same time, a lack of vitamin A can be fatal, because it is involved in the development of the skeleton, vision and nervous system.

Vitamin A is found in fish oil, animal liver, sea buckthorn, mountain ash, apricots, rose hips, carrots, peaches, celery and spinach. Please note that vitamin A is fat-soluble, that is, for its absorption, all these foods must be consumed in combination with fats.

Vitamins in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the following vitamins and minerals are needed: iodine, calcium and iron.

Iodine pregnant women are usually prescribed in the first trimester. However, it is especially important in the second. The only contraindication for taking drugs containing iodine may be some diseases of the thyroid gland. Its daily dose is 250 mg per day.

Iodine takes an active part in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, and they, in turn, are involved in the formation of the child's skeleton, as well as in his mental development.

Lack of iodine in pregnant women causes metabolic disorders, namely its slowdown. As a result, expectant mothers begin to gain weight, they develop weakness.

Iodine is easiest to get from seafood and sea or iodized salt. However, it is worth remembering that iodine is destroyed by temperature effects, which means that after heat treatment, the amount of iodine in products decreases sharply.

Daily dose calcium for pregnant women is 1500 mg per day. And there is no point in talking about why calcium is needed in the second half of pregnancy, everyone knows this: calcium is needed for bone formation. In addition, he is involved in the formation endocrine system and kidneys.

However, an overdose of calcium preparators will not lead to anything good, because it has the ability to accumulate in the placenta.

Calcium is found mainly in fermented milk products. At the same time, animal fats impede the absorption of calcium, so preference should be given to low-fat foods. There is calcium in plant foods, in particular in broccoli, white cabbage, kohlrabi and the like. Chocolate, coffee and soda reduce absorption of calcium.

Since calcium is very poorly absorbed from food, it is still recommended to take vitamins with calcium for pregnant women. The third generation drugs, such as Calcemin, are considered the best. In addition to calcium, these preparations include vitamin D, zinc, manganese, boron, copper and magnesium, which promote the absorption of calcium.

Equally important for a pregnant woman in the second trimester iron . The average daily dosage is 30-60 mg. In some cases, this amount may be greater: if the woman's iron supply was initially reduced.

Iron is necessary, first of all, for the prevention of anemia. After all, it is part of hemoglobin, which, as we have already found out, carries oxygen throughout the body of the mother and child. In addition, iron is involved in protein synthesis, which is involved in the formation muscle tissue. Iron deficiency can lead to increased uterine tone.

If a woman has a risk of miscarriage, then she must check the level of iron in the blood. Normally it is 15.

Iron contained in meat, especially a lot of it in veal, turkey, hare, pork and beef. There is iron in plant foods, but from there it is absorbed much worse.

Vitamins in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

In the third trimester, vitamins such as A, C, D and iron are most relevant. We have already written about iron and vitamin A above. So now we will talk about vitamins C and D.

Vitamin C it is especially important during this period, although in some cases it may be prescribed during the planning period, for example, if a woman smokes. The dose of vitamin C during pregnancy is 90-100 mg.

Vitamin C has a strong effect on the immune system, but has an interesting feature: when oversupply of this vitamin in the blood of a woman, the placenta begins to perceive it as a hostile element and filter it out. That is, the more vitamin C intake, the less the child receives.

It is known that vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, but they provoke the development of allergies, so they are not recommended for pregnant women. It is much more expedient to eat potatoes, greens, Bell pepper, currants, carrots, cabbage. When exposed to air, vitamin C is destroyed.

Vitamin D needed for bone development. Therefore, in the third trimester, it is prescribed for the prevention of rickets in a baby. The daily intake of vitamin D is 400 IU.

In food, vitamin D is found in too small quantities, so talking about it simply does not make sense. But it is easily synthesized in the human body under the influence of sunlight. That is, in the summer, instead of taking certain drugs, you just need to be in the sun more often.

Which vitamins are best?

Taking vitamins during pregnancy is not at all mandatory, however, if you still decide to take them or have been prescribed them to you by a doctor, then you will face a difficult problem: how to choose vitamins during pregnancy?

The fact is that now there are a lot of different manufacturers of vitamin complexes in general, and multivitamins for pregnant women in particular. Almost all of them are good in their own way, and how do you determine which vitamins to take during pregnancy?

  1. The content of vitamins and microelements in a particular complex, and in almost all complexes it is different.
  2. The individual response of the body to specific drugs.

The list of vitamins for pregnant women is very extensive, and it is very difficult to understand all this diversity. To facilitate this process, we want to provide a comparative table of vitamins for pregnant women.

Nicotinamide (Vitamin PP) 20 mg

vitaminsElevitmaternaVitrum Prenatal ForteComplivit MomAlphabet Mom's healthPregnavit (capsules)Multi-tabs Perinatal
Vitamin A3600 IU5000 IU2500 IU1650 IU1650 IU3000ME2666 IU
Vitamin D3500 IU400 IU400 IU250 IU250 IU200ME200 IU
Vitamin E15 mg30 mg30 mg20 mg12 mg10 mg10 mg
Vitamin C100 mg100 mg120 mg100 mg50 mg75 mg90 mg
Folic acid (vitamin B9)800 mcg1 mg800 mcg400 mcg300 mcg750 mcg400 mcg
Vitamin B11.6 mg3 mg3 mg2 mg1.2 mg1.5 mg2.1 mg
Vitamin B21.8 mg3.4 mg3.4 mg2 mg1 mg2.5 mg2.4 mg
Vitamin B62.6 mg10 mg10 mg5 mg2 mg5 mg3 mg
Vitamin B124 mcg12 mcg12 mcg5 mcg3 mcg5 mcg2 mcg
Nicotinamide19 mg20 mg20 mg20 mg19 mg15 mg27 mg
Biotin200 mcg30 mcg30 mcg 30 mcg
Calcium pantothenate (vitamin B5)10 mg10 mg10 mg10 mg5 mg10 mg9 mg
Betacarotene 2500 IU
trace elements
trace elementsElevitmaternaVitrum Prenatal ForteComplivit MomAlphabet Mom's healthPregnavit (capsules)Multi-tabs Perinatal
Calcium125 mg250 mg200 mg25 mg250 mg250 mg160 mg
Magnesium100 mg25 mg25 mg25 mg50 mg 75 mg
Phosphorus125 mg 19 mg125 mg
Iron60 mg60 mg60 mg10 mg20 mg30 mg14 mg
Zinc7.5 mg25 mg25 mg10 mg12 mg 15 mg
Copper1 mg2 mg2 mg2 mg1 mg 2 mg
Manganese1 mg5 mg5 mg2.5 mg1 mg 2.5 mg
Iodine 150 mcg150 mcg 150 mcg 150 mcg
Molybdenum 25 mcg25 mcg 25 mcg
Chromium 25 mcg25 mcg 25 mcg 50 mcg
Selenium 20 mcg 40 mcg 50 mcg
Taurine (amino acid) 50 mg

Many people have a question Are pregnant women entitled to free vitamins?? Vitamins are really required, especially if a woman has indications for this. However, it should be understood that they will give you quite specific vitamins for free and you will not have the opportunity to choose. Bearing in mind that many women do not like to work with tables and numbers, below we will consider the most common vitamin complexes and give them a brief description.

Vitamins for pregnant women Pregnavit : today it is perhaps the most popular complex in pregnant women in our country. However, it lacks iodine and some trace elements. Stopping your choice on it, it is important to consider this moment.

Vitamins for pregnant women Elevit : This vitamin complex has a high magnesium content, so it is often prescribed to women with a threatened miscarriage. However, the composition of the complex does not include such a microelement as iodine.

Vitamins for pregnant women Alphabet : the complex is different in that different vitamins and elements in it are separated into different tablets, painted in certain colors. This allows you to divide in time the intake of substances that conflict with each other. In addition, this also allows you to simply refuse one of the tablets in the presence of an allergy. The complex of vitamins for pregnant women contains iodine, which is clearly its plus.

Vitamins for pregnant women Vitrum Prenatal Forte : These prenatal vitamins contain iron in the required amounts. Therefore, the complex is very useful for women suffering from anemia. Equally important is the presence of folic acid in the composition of vitamins, and such important trace elements as iodine and antioxidants (selenium, manganese, molybdenum).

Vitamins for pregnant women Complevit Mom : in the complex, the content of iodine, vitamin A, D and vitamins B6 and B12 for pregnant women is significantly lower compared to other vitamins. On the one hand, this can be considered a minus of the complex. On the other hand, this complex suitable for those who is sure to get all these vitamins from food.

Vitamins for pregnant women Centrum Materna : one of the few complexes that contains folic acid and iodine, but it contains a high content of vitamins A and B, which means that you should not take it without consulting a doctor. Do not opt ​​for these vitamins and those who are prone to allergies.

Vitamins for pregnant women Multi-tabs Prenatal : the complex can be considered basic, suitable for a normal, without pathology ongoing pregnancy.

Vitamins for pregnant women Femibion : this is the newest complex of vitamins, which include a special, easily digestible form of folic acid. It does not contain iron and vitamin A, since the first is far from being absorbed with every vitamin. And vitamin A is too dangerous in case of an overdose, and according to European doctors, there should be additional reasons for prescribing a drug with its content.

Vitamins for pregnant women Amway : These vitamins cause a huge amount of controversy: someone is completely delighted with the use of these vitamins, someone is embarrassed that they are not sold in a pharmacy, but by people without a medical education. It makes sense to familiarize yourself with all the certificates, composition, and so on, and make a decision on this basis. The convenience of vitamins from Amway is that almost all the vitamins in them are placed in different tablets, and a woman can select an individual composition.

Vitamins for pregnant women Emfetal : vitamins are new on the Russian market, and therefore raise many questions. Many women are afraid to buy something new, and prefer old and proven products.

Vitamins for pregnant women Pregnakeya : also new and inexpensive vitamins. Reviews about them are still very controversial and ambiguous. These vitamins contain almost all the necessary vitamins and minerals, including folic acid, iodine and iron.

In conclusion, I would like to say once again that it is best to try to balance your diet in such a way that you simply do not need to take vitamins. However, if the lack of vitamins still bothers you, be sure to consult your doctor.

Keep in mind that you can always run into individual intolerance certain vitamins. This is usually expressed in weakness, nausea and other similar sensations. In this case, it is better to stop taking vitamins and ask your doctor to prescribe you a new drug. Approximately 2/3 of all negative reviews about any vitamins fall precisely on cases of individual intolerance.

In addition, do not forget that synthetic vitamins greatly increase the load on the liver. Therefore, it is recommended to drink vitamins in courses: drink for 1 month, take a break for 1-2 weeks, and only then resume taking vitamins. Be healthy!

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Vitamins are biologically active compounds that have a variety of structures. They are coenzymes of biochemical reactions occurring in the body. During pregnancy, the need for vitamins increases due to the growth and development of the fetus and the increased load on many maternal systems. But whether it is necessary to drink vitamins during pregnancy remains controversial to date.

Beneficial features

Studies show that most women become pregnant against the background of a deficiency of many vitamins and minerals. This deficit has to be replenished during the gestation period. At this time, the need for group B, C, folic acid increases significantly. At the same time, the need for trace elements is increasing.

The shortage may not be felt, but it will affect the emerging child. It has been proven that a lack of folic acid in the early stages leads to the development of neural tube defects. Therefore, even before conception, doctors recommend including vitamin complexes containing folic acid, as well as tocopherol, in the preconception preparation plan. It improves the maturation of the egg and promotes fertilization.

The expectant mother must prepare the body for pregnancy, create reserves of biologically active substances. This will improve the work of various enzyme systems, metabolism. With a sufficient amount of vitamins B₆, B₁₂, the level of hemoglobin is associated. With a deficiency, aplastic anemia develops, which will aggravate the course of pregnancy.

1 trimester

Doctors recommend taking vitamins during the trimesters of pregnancy. The 1st trimester is associated with the laying of all organs, the beginning of the formation of the nervous system. The further viability of the fetus and the preservation of pregnancy depend on how correctly this process proceeds.

It must be remembered that the development of the embryo does not depend only on the content of vitamins in the diet, and in the presence of genetic abnormalities or chromosomal rearrangements, the situation cannot be corrected by increasing the active substances in the diet.

Vitamins are prescribed by a gynecologist depending on the trimester and individual characteristics, taking into account risk factors. The main drugs in the initial period are:

  • folic acid - B₉;
  • tocopherol acetate - E;
  • retinol - A;

Is it necessary to take vitamins in the 1st trimester of pregnancy if a woman eats well? The need for them during the bearing of a child increases several times, therefore it is impossible to cover it only with food.

Folic acid

Contained in any vegetables with a natural green color when ripe, as well as leafy greens (parsley, spinach, dill). It has even been found in animal products, which is why there is now talk of the ubiquitous presence of folate. But its peculiarity is the tendency to rapid decay. If a salad or cabbage is just plucked from the garden, then we can talk about a good saturation with useful substances. But in vegetables that are stored in the refrigerator or at room temperature, the breakdown of folates is accelerated, after a few hours their content is half as much. When heated to 60 degrees, only traces of folic acid remain after a few minutes.

Folacin is necessary for the division of all body cells, both in the expectant mother and in the developing fetus. It is involved in the process of DNA replication (doubling) that occurs during cell division. Most of all, the red bone marrow, as the most actively dividing structure, suffers from a lack of folate. For a woman, this is manifested by the development of megaloblastic anemia.

But a state of pronounced deficiency and severe consequences of a lack of B₉ are rarely observed. The normal intestinal microflora is involved in the synthesis of this substance, as well as several others. With dysbacteriosis, when the content of beneficial bacteria in the intestine is disturbed, the amount of folates in the body may decrease, which, together with insufficient intake from food, will lead to the development of anemia. It is impossible to cure it only with iron preparations.

The dose of folic acid for those who are planning a pregnancy is 400-800 micrograms. But doctors recommend sticking to the maximum dosage: this will saturate the body before conception. With successful conception, the dosage is not reduced. Those who in past pregnancies did not have children with neural tube pathology, spontaneous miscarriages in the early stages, are allowed to take 800-1000 mcg per day. For women with a history of the listed pathologies, the dose is increased several times.

You can read more about why you need to drink folic acid when planning a pregnancy, as well as prescribed drugs and options for taking them.

Pregnant women diagnosed with epilepsy who are forced to take anticonvulsants should take an increased dose of folate. Carbamazepine and valproic acid significantly reduce the amount of B₉ in the body.

Folic acid is safe. It is water-soluble, with excess in the body is easily excreted by the kidneys. No signs of overdose have been reported.


The second most important for pregnant women is tocopherol (E). This is a fat-soluble compound, the name of which translates as "bearing offspring." Its function in the body is to:

  • protection of cell membranes from the damaging effects of oxygen;
  • preservation of vitamins A and C in an unoxidized form;
  • the inclusion of selenium in the composition of coenzymes;
  • immune protection;
  • reducing the need for cells in oxygen and protection from hypoxia;
  • protein synthesis and tissue regeneration;
  • stimulation of hormone production.

The lack of tocopherol is reflected in appearance and condition of the skin, nails and hair. They become dull, lifeless, hair splits, and nails break easily. Therefore, with dry skin, it is necessary to additionally include tocopherol in the diet.

During the gestational period, an additional amount of tocopherol is needed. It has the following effect:

  • improves hormonal levels;
  • contributes to the maturation of the egg;
  • reduces risk;
  • increases the chance of conception;
  • eliminates symptoms;
  • promotes the formation of the placenta;
  • reduces the risk.

The dosage of vitamin E in capsules is 100-200 mg per day. It is recommended to start taking it at the planning stage 2 months before conception for two spouses. A woman continues to drink tocopherol after confirmation of pregnancy for 2-3 months.

Tocopherol (vitamin E) is the second most important vitamin for pregnant women (after folic acid).

Tocopherol acetate is a fat soluble substance. Therefore, there is a risk of its cumulation. But the toxic effect is manifested when daily allowance 10-20 times. There may be a cumulative effect with prolonged overdose. Then the medicine is canceled and Vikasol is prescribed to reduce the risk of bleeding.


Vitamin A (retinol) is involved in many metabolic processes:

  • enzyme synthesis;
  • the formation of muscle tissue;
  • synthesis of sex hormones;
  • maintaining immunity due to the metabolism of interferons, lysozyme, immunoglobulin A;
  • activation of receptors for calcitriol (vitamin D₃);
  • production of retinal rhodopsin for twilight vision.

Experiments have shown that the most complete exclusion of retinol from the diet of animals of both sexes leads to the development of infertility. It is also necessary for the normal development of the unborn child. But the need for vitamin A in women before and during pregnancy is not much different. In the 1st trimester, a sufficient amount of it comes from food. Large doses of retinoids are toxic to the fetus and can cause the development of heart defects, nervous system. Only by the second half of gestation and the moment of lactation does the need increase.

2nd trimester

After the formation of all organs of the fetus and placenta, the need for active substances changes. The 2nd trimester is a time of active growth of the child, the development of the skeleton. Therefore, the need for calcium and the substances involved in its metabolism increases.

After 20 weeks, it is recommended to take additional retinol. He is responsible for the activation of receptors for calciferol, so the lack of the first will affect its action. Doctors prescribe 1-2 tablets of retinol, which corresponds to 3300-6600 IU.

Lack of vitamin D during pregnancy is manifested by impaired absorption of calcium. If this trace element is not supplied with enough food, then the body begins to withdraw it from its own structures in order to provide a growing fetus. Therefore, a pregnant woman may experience:

  • aches in the bones;
  • joint pain;
  • muscle cramps.

Calcium deficiency will affect after pregnancy. For some, even during the period of gestation, teeth begin to actively deteriorate and crumble, caries appears. Hair and nails also suffer from a lack of calcium.

It should be remembered that calcium is a component of the blood coagulation system; without it, the full formation of a clot is impossible. Therefore, a deficiency can lead to increased bleeding, which is especially dangerous during gestation.

A child with an intrauterine deficiency of D₃ may have a predisposition to the development of rickets.

But not all pregnant women have clear signs of calciferol deficiency. They are successfully synthesized in the skin under the action of ultraviolet radiation. In some cases, this process may be disrupted:

  • dark-skinned people who lived in the equatorial zones for a long time, but now live in a temperate climate;
  • with a strict vegetarian diet;
  • in those rarely exposed to the sun or from regions located beyond the Arctic Circle.

Rules for taking vitamin D for pregnant women - 400-600 IU, or 10-15 mcg, is enough to cover the daily requirement.

3rd trimester

By the end of gestation, an increased need for A, E, D remains. Also, ascorbic acid is recommended in the 3rd trimester. It is included in the complex of antioxidants that protect cells from the action of various endogenous oxidizing agents. Vitamin C has the following effect:

  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces their fragility;
  • reduces bleeding;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • promotes iron absorption.

For pregnant women who have to bear a child during a seasonal rise in the incidence of respiratory infections, it will not be superfluous to include ascorbic acid into the diet. It is not possible to fully cover the costs of the body at the expense of food. Ascorbic acid, like folates, does not withstand the action of air and heat, it begins to decompose at temperatures above 60 degrees, and after boiling it is completely absent.

Iron deficiency anemia may be due to a violation of the intake of ferrum in the body. Its absorption is accelerated while taking ascorbic acid and is inhibited in the presence of calcium. Therefore, as part of some complex vitamin preparations these substances are combined depending on the competition for absorption.

For pregnant women, regardless of the trimester, vitamin B₁₂ (cyanocobolamine) is important. For the body, it is useful for the following properties:

  • participation in the synthesis of DNA and RNA cells;
  • fatty acid metabolism;
  • protein synthesis;
  • the formation of red blood cells;
  • melatonin synthesis and regulation of sleep cycles;
  • maintaining the health of the reproductive system.

In pregnant women, a lack of cyanocobolamin leads to development that cannot be treated with iron preparations, sleep problems, nervousness, and memory impairment. The need increases in the following cases:

  • vegetarian diet;
  • diabetes;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • the age of the expectant mother is over 45 years old.

The need during gestation and lactation is the same and is 3.5 mg per day.

Vitamin B₆ is also often prescribed for pregnant women, but in combination with magnesium. These substances reinforce each other's action. They begin to be used in the 2nd-3rd trimester to prevent pathology of the placenta, and also in case of a threat, magnesium in combination with B₆ reduces the tone of the uterus and helps prolong gestation.

Ways to fill the deficit

Which vitamins are better to take during pregnancy, the doctor decides, focusing on individual characteristics women. If the expectant mother has no complications, she has a minimal risk or its absence in the development of fetal pathologies, then prophylactic doses of drugs are necessary. In case of detection of abnormalities, severe condition of the fetus, risk of preterm birth and various diseases, increased doses of drugs may be required.

The regimen for taking vitamins during pregnancy may change. It should be remembered that B₆ and B₁₂ cannot be combined, they enhance the allergenic effect of each other and can lead to urticaria. A, E, C are complementary, have an antioxidant effect. Therefore, they are often used as a single drug.


Most doctors insist on the need for vitamin complexes, despite balanced diet. The explanation for this is as follows:

  1. The amount of nutrients in food cannot cover the daily requirement of even a non-pregnant woman. It is not only the content of active substances that matters, but also their absorption, which may be limited due to metabolic characteristics or certain diseases.
  2. V winter time in vegetables and fruits, the amount of useful components is at a minimum level: folates and ascorbic acid have already oxidized by this point.
  3. Processing products before consumption leads to a significant loss of their beneficial properties.

There are also conditions that reduce the intake of nutrients from food or speed up their metabolism:

  • gastritis;
  • duodenitis;
  • diabetes;
  • acute or chronic infections;
  • liver pathology;
  • colitis.

The use of vitamin complexes does not cancel proper nutrition. Food contains the necessary peptides, fatty acids, carbohydrates, without which life and development are impossible, as well as ballast substances necessary for normal digestion.


Via pharmaceutical preparations you can achieve the required concentration of vitamins in the diet and block the daily requirement. Some doubt the need and effectiveness of synthetic drugs, but data from various studies indicate that it is impossible to provide a pregnant woman with the necessary substances without them.

There are many different brands in pharmacies, some of them are designed for the feeding period. They differ from each other in composition and dosage.


One of the most popular complexes for pregnant women is Elevit. Its feature is a sufficient amount of folic acid: a woman does not need to take it as a separate drug. Also, "Elevit" will be useful for or premature birth, it includes an increased amount of magnesium. Useful property is also a high iron content, which is equivalent to a prophylactic dosage. But the complex does not contain iodine, which is necessary for the formation of the nervous system and the thyroid gland of the fetus. Therefore, those to whom the doctor has prescribed Elevit will have to take iodine additionally from the 22nd week.


Separately, you can highlight the vitamins "Alphabet". Their feature is the division of active substances into different methods. For example, iron is reinforced by the action of ascorbic acid, magnesium - B₆, calcium - D₃, B₆ and B₁₂ are not taken in one tablet, which reduces the risk of developing allergies. The convenience lies in the fact that if you are intolerant to a certain substance in the composition of the tablet, you can refuse to take it. But taking "Alphabet" is recommended for practically healthy women, without pregnancy complications or obstetric and gynecological history. The dosages in it are at the minimum for pregnant values.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte

The composition of the drug contains all the necessary trace elements and vitamins, iodine is no exception. Its content is close to the daily requirement and no additional intake is required. The amount of folic acid is optimal for early term gestation, and retinol is contained in a non-toxic dose for the fetus. The dosage of tocopherol is increased. This combination of useful substances allows us to recommend this drug as a preconception preparation.


The complex contains all the necessary substances in sufficient quantities, but only calcium and a small amount of iron are contained among the microelements. On the one hand, this can be considered a disadvantage, but on the other hand, if it is necessary to introduce iron into the diet, add iodine, magnesium, the dosage will not need to be adjusted taking into account the drugs taken.


Contains a complete list of essential substances, a sufficient amount of iodine. This drug can be used only after consulting a doctor. It contains increased content of retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid. It is an antioxidant complex that will be useful for women with various chronic diseases. But at the same time, the risk of an allergic reaction increases.

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