Who is a pickup artist and what does he do. Who are pick-up artists and how to recognize them The first pick-up artist

pickup artist is a man, rarely a woman. They meet the opposite sex for sex without commitment. Usually such people meet in a bar or on the street, but lately they have been tracking down a victim on a dating site.

After reaching their goal, pick-up artists lose interest in the victim. They may not get in touch, change their phone. Often people even take special courses where they teach proper communication.

What are the features of pickup trucks?

  • They are friendly and good looking;
  • Possess extraordinary communication skills, always surrounded by interesting people;
  • These people are relaxed, self-confident, active and always act confidently.

After the goal is fulfilled, the person does everything so that the victim leaves him herself. They do not take strong alcohol, but they enjoy their life. Seducers are very self-controlled, have extraordinary and flexible thinking, they even study NLP techniques. A professional seducer has the skills of a leader.

What dating techniques do pick-up artists use?

Pick-up artists usually choose different techniques for dating. There are also two types of seducers:

  1. The seducer meets the victim, first completely changing himself. He learns to work on mistakes, knows how to create a conversation out of nothing. He understands that to be able to love you need to start with yourself. Gradually transforming, he really becomes the best, after which sex is no longer so important for him, he simply gets rid of his flaws and phobias through communication. He gradually achieves harmony with himself, and it turns out just an excellent social element that is smart, savvy and good-looking.
  2. The second type pursues manipulative techniques. In this case, there is no self-development, the goal is to drag you into bed. In this situation, when dealing with such people, people have an unpleasant feeling that they were simply used. Template communication styles, seeking approval from a partner, the emphasis is on external attributes. This type is distinguished by template phrases, hypnosis, NLP techniques.

Where do pickup artists meet?

Most often, a pickup takes place in a cafe or bar, shop, less often on the street. At this time, a young handsome man comes up and starts a conversation about nothing. He acts confidently, makes compliments. An ordinary guy or girl can’t always start talking to strangers right off the bat, a pick-up artist does it confidently. Even if a person was refused an acquaintance, he can still go to impose himself on an acquaintance.

How to become a pickup artist?

A pickup helps overcome fear, which is why you can read books or watch videos. But in any case, you need looseness, excellent general development of a person. In any case, it will not work here without knowledge, especially when communicating on the Internet. To support a conversation on any topic without the necessary knowledge of the topics of love, some phrases will not work. If a woman is smart, she will immediately figure out a man, and vice versa. Anyone who wants to learn how to pickup on the street can read books or go to courses. On the street or in a cafe, you need to maintain a conversation through your development; you won’t be able to look into the Google search engine.

A pickup game, it does not teach the right relationship, therefore, in essence, a pickup artist is an unhappy person. Even having learned to shoot a partner at night, he will not receive true feelings, because he replaces them with lies.

Surely, many have heard the term "pickup", but not everyone fully understands what it means. So, who are these pickup artists? Skillful seducers, "collectors of women's hearts" or insecure guys trying to hide their insecurities behind some kind of screen?

Pickup is a whole science of seducing women. If you take care of the literal meaning, you will find out that in translation from English, pick up means “pick up” or “remove”.

In general, if you want to learn how to pick up girls and make a big impression on them, then pickup practices will help you with this. By the way, experienced pick-up artists manage to seduce the most spectacular beauties only with the help of their charm, without using additional resources in the form of expensive gifts and other things.

However, such a characterization by many pick-up artists seems rather generalized, because they try to succeed not only in seducing women, but also constantly develop themselves in different directions, working hard and hard on themselves. As you know, we are moving to a new stage as a result of personal changes - the more work done on ourselves, the more successful a man will be. We are talking about girls, and about authority in the company of friends and about qualities for achieving career goals.

Men interested in a pickup truck have different goals. Someone, thus, is really trying to find his love, someone wants to get a reputation as a womanizer or increase their self-esteem, and there are those who want to return lost relationships with the help of a pickup truck. Of course, there is a common goal - to learn how to attract the attention of any girl and like her.

Who is a pickup master

A pick-up master or a pick-up artist is a guy or a man who comprehends the art of seducing the opposite sex by practicing dating women and girls.

Its features

There is a stereotype that pick-up artists are notorious scoundrels who simply use girls to get sex from them. However, this is not always the case. The original goal of such a man (most of them) is not sex at all. Often, he simply wants to hone his communication skills, overcome certain complexes.

Are pickup trucks and pickup masters the same thing?

It is important to note that a pickup artist and a pickup master still have some differences. In the second case, we are talking about a man who managed to reach great heights in the skills of seducing women, being an example for other novice seducers. The master without much effort can make acquaintance with any representative of the opposite sex, and communication with her will not cause him any embarrassment or internal panic - he gets the desired result without particularly straining.

1. Spectacular start

When meeting a girl, such a man is unlikely to use standard phrases, such as: “Can I meet you?”. No, he wants to be remembered, to impress, and for this you need to come up with something more interesting. For example, he might walk up to a subway stop and say, "I'm late for a meeting, and it's your fault." The girl begins to wonder, and then he continues: "I just can't go any further until I know your name." The subsequent conversation is summed up to obtain a phone number. There can be a lot of options - it all depends on the imagination and experience of the pick-up artist. If the girl does not respond to such calls, then the pick-up artist is looking for other ways to interest her.

2. Self-confidence

Women know that if a man is truly in love, then most often he is shy in front of her and embarrassed, afraid to say something superfluous or out of place. Of course, a pikaper usually behaves in a completely different way - he calmly and confidently looks into the girl’s eyes, and soon after meeting he will begin to initiate tactile contact, which occupies a special place in the list of seduction tools in the pikaper’s usual set. It can be a hug, holding a hand, removing hair from the face, and the like. Communicating with a pick-up artist, the girl will certainly feel that he does not doubt himself and his attractiveness at all.

3. Lots of questions

Having started communication with a girl, a pick-up artist does not seek to tell more about himself in order to impress her. He is more interested in finding out information about his interlocutor. The more he knows about it, the better for him - later he can use this data to his advantage.

4. Memorable date

A pikaper will not spend a lot of time on a girl in order to get sex from her. As a rule, the situation is limited to three dates, and acquaintance will be considered the first of them. However, it is worth recognizing that in order to achieve the goal, such a guy is ready to show imagination. Note that, despite the effectiveness of a date, it rarely involves serious financial costs.

To increase his chances, the pick-up artist must act outside the box - he needs to surprise or discourage a potential partner. He can arrange a date on the roof, in some extraordinary place. Also, he often “plays” on the girl’s possible phobias - fear of heights, confined spaces, and so on. It is important for him that the girl experiences a whole storm of different emotions at a meeting with him.

5. Intriguing disappearance

The pikaper usually effectively announces himself, after which he takes a pause in order to make the woman think about him and fear that such an unusual gentleman has lost interest in her. When the “victim” begins to guess and get nervous, the “loss” usually reappears. After silence for several days (usually this happens if the guy failed to “persuade” the girl into sex after the first meeting or immediately after he took the phone number), the pick-up artist appears and offers a meeting. Most often, a girl, tired of waiting, or intrigued by such behavior, turns out to be very accommodating.

This pattern is typical of the pick-up artist, but of course, some young people may unconsciously adhere to it.


A characteristic feature of their behavior is perseverance. The more persistent the guy, the more likely it is that he is a pick-up artist. But it is important to clarify that this will not continue indefinitely - he will not call the girl daily. If she doesn't pick up the phone, he'll wait a few days. If the date doesn't go as he planned, he'll give himself "one more chance," and in the event of another fiasco, he'll most likely disappear—forever or for a very long time.

When it's bad

When a guy masters only the superficial basics of a pickup truck, and subsequently uses it in seducing many girls, doing it illiterately and stereotyped.

What does such a pickup artist look like and what emotions does a girl experience next to him:

  • He is often silent or creates the appearance of a very distracted person. However, these pauses are so inappropriate that they do not look intriguing (as the pick-up artist wanted), but they strain, causing a desire to quickly end the conversation, which creates obvious discomfort.
  • He tries to be self-confident, but it can be seen with the naked eye that this is just an attempt. Despite pathos phrases and the like, it is clear that the guy is unsure of himself - usually it gives out a look, gestures. His insincerity is felt, and repels him.
  • His only goal is to assert himself in the eyes of other people. The main problem is that it is enough for him to “appear” to be a confident person, and not to be one. The only thing he wants to achieve from a girl is sex, and if his clumsy methods do not lead to this, he often begins to behave inappropriately.

When it's good

When the guy really benefited from the knowledge that he received, and they really contribute to communication with the opposite sex and help to achieve tangible success on other fronts.

How it looks from the side:

  • Such a pick-up artist does a lot of work on himself and improves himself, taking huge steps in terms of internal transformation.
  • Communicating with girls, he does not always pursue the goal of eventually having sex with her. Often they are driven by a desire to develop their social skills.
  • One of the main goals of such a guy is to become a truly attractive person and learn not to be a slave to external factors. With the right approach to the situation, he "takes" people with his internal state, and the interlocutors begin to reach out to him.
  • He knows how to develop a conversation almost “out of nothing”, instantly finding common topics with different people.
  • He does not have to seek sex in such a way that his motives are immediately obvious - his method of seduction allows him to come to him naturally.
  • The acquired skills allow him to feel free and relaxed in any company, which has a positive effect on his life in society.

What does it mean to pick up a girl or woman

Pickup means to seduce, to make acquaintance with a specific purpose. As a rule, this does not happen spontaneously, although it does happen. But still, the pick-up artist usually goes “into the field” to add to his list of victories. Most often, the goal of such a guy is sex, but if he is only at the beginning of his journey in this science, then he may well limit himself to getting a phone number. “Picking up” a girl, a young man tries to put the received theory into practice and determine which schemes are the most effective for him.

Basic pickup terminology

TFN. Typical frustrated loser. We can talk about a man who is almost always unlucky in one way or another with the opposite sex, despite the fact that he is a rather positive character. As a rule, his attempts to seduce a girl do not lead to anything. It can be characterized by a very predictable and monotonous behavior towards a girl. Usually he overstates its importance, thereby lowering his chances.

MCH- young man.

Field. To go out into the "field" in the language of a pick-up artist means to be where there is a pandemonium of girls. It can be a nightclub, a metro station, a shopping center, a cafe, a park, an embankment. The purpose of going out into the field is to make new acquaintances. When a pick-up artist is just starting to learn the basics of seducing women, he regularly goes out into the field to hone his skills. Usually there are instructors who monitor the process and subsequently give their assessment of what happened.

LTR LTR(Long Term Relationship) - a long-term relationship with a girl. That is, we are not talking about several dates, but relationships that last more than one month. It can also be shared accommodation.

ROUTINE. For a pick-up artist, this is a kind of intermediate and uninteresting stage - we are talking about template blanks for communication with the opposite sex. As a rule, in this dialogue, the reaction of the interlocutor is obvious and predictable for the pick-up artist, and her answers do not play a big role.

T10D. Fuck ten girls. Usually this tactic is used by guys who recently got out of a serious relationship, and are very worried about this. Experienced pick-up artists advise using T10D to quickly forget the former or to raise self-esteem.

DB(Closer-further). First, the guy shows maximum interest in the girl, and this is obvious to her, then he suddenly pauses, and practically does not pay attention to her, does not initiate communication. Then the pickup artist again demonstrates interest. Thus, he arranges an emotional buildup for the girl.

BG(delusional generator). A young man who has mastered this technique is able to talk on any topic with any girl. There are no pauses in his conversations, he will always find something to fill them with. Sometimes this skill is present by nature, but more often it needs to be developed.

Rooftop. Roof-carrier can be called an unexpected gift, an extraordinary pastime. Overall, this is a very powerful weapon in the hands of an experienced pickup artist.

OZHP. Female persons. This is how pick-up artists often briefly call girls and women.

Five stage pickup

1- Find your desired destination

First, the pick-up artist determines the goal on which he will practice the skills acquired in the training or self-study. He can choose girls of the same type, but to achieve the best effect, it is better to “try your hand” in seducing different OBD.

2 - Draw her attention to yourself

Here you can apply fantasy. Each man himself determines how to interest a girl - non-standard behavior, an unexpected phrase, a gaze, and so on.

3 - Attract and meet

After he has attracted the attention of the girl, the pick-up artist proceeds directly to getting to know each other and getting a phone number.

4 - Get close to the object of adoration, without giving himself away

To win over a girl even more, you need to get close to her. To do this, the guy is trying to find out as much information about her as possible, so that later he can use it for his own purposes. In some cases, a krysnosnos is arranged.

5 - Intimacy

As a rule, this is the end goal for most pickups. But if the guy was initially interested in a serious relationship with a girl, and was looking for one that would completely suit him, then after intimacy he starts a relationship. Otherwise, everything ends with sex.

Working pickup phrases and schemes for a tackle

Each pick-up artist is trying to find his own scheme, according to which he is trying to attract this or that girl. However, we highlight two main ones.


It comes from the English word "fast" (Fast). As, for sure, it is clear from the definition, with this scheme, the guy tries to spin the girl for intimacy as quickly as possible. The ideal option for him is sex on the day of acquaintance. If this option does not work, then the maximum adhered to by an adherent of such a scheme is sex after the first date. The most successful "Fast" operates in nightclubs.


The classic scheme, and its name speaks for itself. It is worth noting that many girls are quite loyal to such a scheme if they are really interested in a young man.

So, the first thing is an unusual acquaintance, during which the guy becomes the owner of the coveted phone number. A few days later (on average 5), he calls the “potential victim” and, without much conversation, offers to meet.

The third date involves "roof-nosing". Having received vivid emotions, the girl becomes more open and more accessible for sex. After this, events for a pick-up artist can develop in different ways - a serious relationship (this is the least likely), periodic meetings for intimacy, the complete disappearance of a conquered girl from the life.

What phrases can impress a girl, start an acquaintance and set her in the right mood:

  • Are you a fashion model?
  • If we met in a restaurant, the waiter would bring you a bottle of wine from me.
  • I feel like you're following me.
  • You have incredible eyes, it's like a whole cosmos in them!

The best rooftops for a man or how to impress a girl

So, let's give examples of effective and unusual krysnosnos:

  • Hire a special service that will help deliver the bouquet to the girl. The peculiarity is that the flowers will go straight to her balcony, and not with the help of a courier. After that, call the girl and say that a surprise awaits her on the balcony.
  • Arrange a romantic dinner on the roof of some house without warning the girl about it. If possible, put a table and chairs, if not, then spread a blanket. Buy a bottle of wine, fruit, a set of sushi, or something that your companion will definitely like. ask a friend to look after this good while you lead a companion to a date. Seeing you with a girl (you can signal by phone), a friend needs to light candles and quickly leave. Walking around with the girl, say that you want to show her an interesting place, and then take her to the roof.
  • Unexpected meeting. Here, too, it is worth using flowers or the girl’s favorite fruit (for example, mango). For example, you know that she must get off at one of the metro stations at a certain time after work. Before doing this, make sure that it will be so by calling her, but without warning that you will be waiting for her. When she gets off at the bus stop, walk up to her with a flower or fruit in a cute bag and say, "I just really wanted to see you." Preferably, she did not have serious plans for the next few hours - then the evening can continue in your favor.
  • If you know that the girl is prone to extreme sports, then just organize a parachute jump or paragliding, of course, without warning her first. After that, celebrate this event in a secluded place.
  • Make an inscription on the pavement in front of her window. It seems trite, but the girls love it! You don't have to confess your love. You can write "Olya! Smile!". Late in the evening, you can make an “inscription” on the pavement from candles and ask to look out the window. The message could be more romantic: “Nastya! Waiting for you!". At the same time, you should know that the girl has the opportunity to go out, and she is set to meet. Then offer to continue the date in a more secluded place - you can invite her to dinner at your house, promising to treat her with a delicious dish.

How to become a pickup artist

Seminars of various pickup masters

In almost every major city, there are trainings where pickup masters share their experience and help other guys and men learn how to pickup. Periodically, well-known pick-up artists visit other cities with their trainings.

Internet training

If in the near future there is no training suitable for you planned in your city, you can learn all the necessary basics of a pickup truck using the Internet. Many masters offer an online course during which they share the necessary knowledge and work with the student no less qualitatively. As a rule, Skype is used for this, because in order to help the client as efficiently as possible, it is desirable for a pick-up artist to see who he is dealing with - a photo rarely gives a complete picture of a person.

On one's own

If the above examples for some reason do not suit you, then you yourself can learn how to pickup. To do this, it is recommended to watch videos with tips from experienced pick-up artists, read literature on this topic - all this can be found in abundance on the Internet.

I had absolutely no idea what is a pickup some time ago. And now for those like me, I want to give a clear definition and explanation of this word/concept/science. I was extremely interested in what kind of male science of seduction. And I decided to look into it. After talking with pick-up artists long and hard, I decided to write an article about it! Many thanks to the authors of this site for allowing it to be published!

A pickup truck is a large car with a body. This is the Russian meaning of this word and everyone knows it.

But the word pickup is not known to everyone. This is the name of the popular science in the west about the seduction of women. From the word pick up - in translation "remove", "pick up".

Definition1: pickup is the science of how to quickly seduce a woman with minimal effort in a minimal period of time, and breed for sex. That is - to seduce FAST! For - pickup! So they say in the ranks of modern pick-up artists.

Definition 2. Who are pickup artists?

These are people who devote most of their time to wandering the streets in search of women, and the implementation of their Napoleonic plans in the field of love victories!

What is pickup science based on?

Pickup, as a science of seduction, is based on another science called NLP, which has been quite popular lately. This is the science of communication, and not only.

The basic principles of a pickup truck:

  • Any girl can be seduced. It is important to know the approach.
  • Experience determines success. The more you practice, the better!
  • There are no mistakes - there is feedback. (from NLP)
  • There is no better woman in the world, so changing all women for one is ridiculous!

Pickup Lifestyle:

The lifestyle of a pickup artist is quite chaotic. Men are pick-up artists, like any other men, they constantly want new women and new sensations. This is their nature. If ordinary men hide it - then pick-up artists - on the contrary, put it on display!

They are not at all shy about showing that they want a lot of women at once. And fickle. Then after they walk - most pickup trucks gets himself permanent girls. But this takes time!

Therefore, the lifestyle of a pikaper is constant trips to the streets for women, to bars, discos, and frequent parties. Often the leaders of these parties gather to discuss some new pickup idea! The nightlife of a pickup artist must be said to be diverse. It's not too cheap though. Not all pick-up artists can resist expensive liquor in clubs, leaving their pocket empty! And here, willy-nilly, I want to laugh “they don’t want to pay for women, but they spend much more :) because of women :)”

For some reason, pick-up artists who don't hang out in bars have earned me the most respect. They hunt in other places - on the way to work in the subway, or in traffic jams. According to them, the best women can be found there, since the bars usually go to those who burn their lives and liver. And many girls of decent origin do not like bars. Therefore, this type of pickup truck has to be content with the metro and traffic jams. There are also galleries, theaters, but I don’t think that they often go there, although they talk!

Pickup Beliefs:

It is impossible to be put down more than it.

This means that you cannot pay more for her than she does for you, love her more than she loves you, call her more than she does for you, and so on.

This belief, according to their leaders, saves pickup artists time and money.

Pickup goals:

Faster to fuck a girl, while spending less money, time, effort (resources).

Pickup terms:

Bitch-shield- protection of the bitch, translated from English. Many women, when they are approached, do not behave quite correctly. They act rude and rude. Sometimes this happens because a woman wants to protect herself from external interference in her space. When a drunken man comes up to me and sticks - I turn on this protection! So it's not so bad for us women. But it interferes with pick-ups. Therefore, they need to remove this protection. Remove bitch shield. To communicate normally.

Examination We women test men when they start dating. We evaluate them. Who is he? What is he like in life? How smart is he? How smart? Or how persistent is he? According to the pick-up theory, we do it instinctively, without realizing it ourselves, since, according to pick-up artists, we need to determine in what part of life to define this man. The sex part, the relationship part, or the service part, pay at the bar or take you to work. Depending on how he - a man - behaves - we will determine him there. Logically. Either he will be my boyfriend, or a lover, or a friend who gives me a lift to work and takes me shopping. Good idea, right? :)

DOD: when a girl says - let's be friends - this is DOD.

Primari - the main girl in the harem

Secondari is not the main :)

MLTR- long-term relationship with several girls. It's customary for them to say that :) It's kind of cool! I have MLTR

SLTR- long-term relationship with one girl. But when someone says this, everyone becomes sad. Since such a person is lost for the society of pick-up artists!

HB - Hot Baby - hot baby. This is a girl that you really want to look at for a long time, because he is beautiful. And not only look!

SHB - Super Hot Baby - This is not just HOT - but a very hot girl. When you look at her - except for the fact that you want to continue to look - everything freezes in the nutria and the jaw drops!

Opener - a phrase with which a pick-up artist begins communication with a girl. For example, "hello", or "can I meet you" - these are openers!

Complement- this is a pleasant thing said to a girl.

Neg hit is a hooked complement. Ordinary complements often do not catch, so sometimes they do not connect the hook. For example, “cool legs, (complement) one is slimmer than the other (hook).” How are you?

And there are hundreds of such pickup trucks!

Open means to open communication with a woman.

close– close communication by going to the next stage of the relationship, or by being refused!

CINEMA is not a cinema where films are shown! This is from the word kinesthetic - touching a girl for different parts of the body. Pick-up artists do this to excite the girl a little, in order to win her over.

light cinema- gentle, barely noticeable touches, I must say that sometimes very pleasant. (OK).

Hard Cinema- hard pawing, grabbing different parts of the girl's body. Sometimes it is scary and unpleasant, to be honest. But this is done in order to make it clear to the “victim” that they are holding her tightly and are not going to let go. According to the pickup theory, when a woman realizes that she has no choice, she gives up! But if you don't give in, nothing happens! Sooner or later he gets tired of mocking you, and retreats! But not for long :) After giving you a couple of minutes to rest, he can continue, and so on until you get used to it and surrender to him on your own. Such is the wave method!

Pickup Pros:

For men who have spermatotoxicosis, a pickup truck is very useful. It increases the number of women. It is important to learn pickup from a normal person. For women - those of us who only want sex and an unobtrusive lover - you need to look for pickup trucks!

Pickup cons:

Too twisted and heaped up about completely simple things. According to pickup masters who have been doing it for years, all this can be explained in a completely different priest, ordinary language in much less time.

For women, it is difficult to establish a long-term relationship with a pick-up artist, and marry him for a husband!

Women's pickup?

Is there a female pickup?

No, according to the authors of this project, women need other things. For us, it is more important how to find and keep a man than to sleep with him quickly! This is taught by project instructors who explain to women how they are with a man, based on their experience of communicating with a huge number of women who, one way or another, made a lot of mistakes!

In the modern world, such a term as a pickup truck is actively used. However, many still do not fully understand who pick-up artists are, what is the purpose of their activities. In fact, this is a kind of subculture, rooted in America, beloved by many. In our country, this trend appeared only in the last decade, but has already become widespread. Now, in almost all major cities, special trainings and seminars are held to teach the pickup truck and reveal the main secrets of seducing women.

Unfortunately, until now, most girls, answering the question of who pick-up artists are, choose only negative adjectives, associating these men with rudeness and depravity. In reality, everything is quite the opposite: they are often distinguished by a broad outlook, well-delivered speech and frankness in communication.

So, young people who are fond of pickups tend to seduce the girl they like as soon as possible. Some men use the acquired knowledge and acquired skills in a positive way in order to find the one and only and make her life interesting, and the time spent together unforgettable. Others arrange some kind of competition, working only for quantity, not for quality. The last category is really to be feared, because it will be unpleasant for any girl to find out that she was only a fleeting sexual infatuation of a partner. Be that as it may, all the ladies are dreamers who want to see a knight.

Who are pick-up artists and how to recognize them?

The main distinguishing feature of the adherents of this trend is assertiveness, frankness, even a little arrogance is possible. If a fairly persistent young man comes up to you on a walk, in the cinema, in a club or cafe, diligently trying to find an approach to you, then he may already be a pick-up artist. Usually, after a short conversation, such people go on the offensive: they invite you on a date and take the phone number of the lady they like.

Surprisingly, a competent pick-up artist is able to charm a girl in a couple of minutes, and sometimes continue communication in a secluded place. If the conversation was limited only to the exchange of contacts, then all his further actions will be aimed at charming and intriguing the lady. In other words, to turn the situation in your favor, you will fall in love so much that you yourself will look for dates.

In modern practice, there are also pick-up girls, but the overwhelming majority are still men. It is worth noting that any member of such an unusual club was deprived of the attention of the opposite sex in the past, so he seeks to learn new things and catch up. Some guys, who were not popular with girls, listen to the advice of pick-up artists at special seminars with only one goal: to take revenge on the beautiful half of humanity, ruthlessly seducing and then leaving the ladies. People of this circle very rarely talk about themselves, because their main task is to get to know the interlocutor. The more information a man receives, the more ways to charm a girl he will come up with.

Summing up, we can answer the question of who the pickup artists are. These are young people who want to seduce a girl for a short period of time with a specific goal.

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