What crashed into the Chelyabinsk meteorite. Chelyabinsk meteorite: what scientists have learned in a year. Where did this come from

On February 15, 2013, a meteor shower hit the Chelyabinsk region. At 9:20 local time, a meteorite exploded in the sky, 30-50 km from Earth. The shock wave knocked out windows in houses, hospitals, kindergartens, schools. Shop windows burst. Fragments of the meteorite damaged buildings.

More than 1,000 people turned to hospitals with cuts and bruises, some of them were hospitalized in serious condition. According to the stories of the inhabitants, at first a trace appeared in the sky, as if from a jet plane, and then “the sun shone”.

“I was teaching a physical education lesson in a kindergarten and saw a white streak in the sky in the window, and then there was a bright flash,” Lyudmila Belkova, a resident of Chelyabinsk, told Gazeta.Ru. —

I shouted to the children: lie down on the floor! Close your eyes! And then another five or six explosions. One of the kids looked up, but I yelled for them to close their eyes.”

The shock wave was very hot, residents said. And in the mouth, even a few hours after the explosion, there was a metallic taste. Although the explosion occurred over the Chelyabinsk region, it was so bright that it was visible from the Sverdlovsk region and even from the Tyumen region. Part of the fragments of the meteorite fell on Chelyabinsk. The zinc plant was damaged - a fragment fell on its roof, broke it. Pieces of bricks littered the roadway.

In total, almost 7 thousand apartment buildings, 740 schools, 290 hospitals and polyclinics, 69 cultural and sports buildings were damaged in the Chelyabinsk region. The head estimated the damage from the fall of the meteorite at almost half a billion rubles.

To search for fragments of the meteorite, there were about 20 thousand rescuers. Soon, fragments of a meteorite were found, two in the Chebarkulsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, and one more in Zlatoustovsky. At the site of the alleged fall of a fragment of a meteorite near Lake Chebarkul, in the vicinity of the city of the same name, about 80 km from Chelyabinsk, the military discovered a funnel with a diameter of about six meters. The radiation background at the funnel was normal.

When it became known that the funnel was not dangerous, local residents moved towards it en masse.

Many of them went for fragments as a keepsake, fragments of a meteorite were put up for sale at online auctions at a price of up to 100 thousand rubles per fragment. To avoid the export of fragments from the country, I even had to connect.

Even the Chelyabinsk CJSC Patent Group tried to make money on the meterite by filing applications for the registration of trademarks Mysterious meteorite, Ural meteorite and Chebarkul meteorite.

An online survey of the population was conducted for this purpose. Thousands of people have described what they saw and heard when the meteorite appeared.

“Already intermediate processing gave new facts that eluded numerous photo and video cameras: several dozen independent witnesses indicated that during the flight of the car they heard a hiss, often comparing it with sparklers, and more than fifty people simply reported sounds without a detailed description . It was a few minutes before the arrival of the shock wave,” one of the organizers of the survey, astronomer Stanislav Korotkiy, told Gazeta.Ru. “Since sound waves cannot travel distances of tens of kilometers in fractions of a second, this phenomenon must have a different nature.”

A little more than a week later, 2/3 of the damaged buildings were restored - glass was inserted, the walls were restored. And new fragments of the meteorite continued to be found. There were also large pieces, the size of a fist, but mostly small ones. During the first month, we managed to collect about 3.5 kg of fragments. But the biggest find was yet to come.

In the autumn of 2013, it was lifted from Lake Chebarkul with a mass of 654 kg.

When lifting from the lake and weighing, it split into several parts, as a result, it was decided to consider the largest surviving fragment weighing 540 kg as the main fragment. Subsequently, scientists clarified that it actually is 473 kg.

Analysis of the fragments showed that the meteorite belongs to the class of ordinary chondrites LL5 (the least common group of ordinary chondrites, with a total iron content of 19-22% and only 0.3-3% of metallic iron), is characterized by the shock fraction S4 (traces of moderate impact of shock waves) and degree of weathering W0 (no visible traces of oxidation). With the help of isotopic analysis, it was possible to find out that it is almost the same age as the Universe, its age was 4.56 billion years.

Czech scientists calculated that it was 500 kilotons of TNT, which is 12 times more powerful than the atomic bomb explosion over Hiroshima. They also believe that it was once one with the 2.2-kilometer near-Earth asteroid 999NC43, and then broke away from it.

British researchers determined that at the time of the flyby, the meteorite reached its peak brightness, 30 times the brightness of the Sun. Moreover, in their opinion, the number of meteorites potentially dangerous for the Earth, like Chelyabinsk, is actually 10 times higher than previously thought.

A, a senior researcher at the Institute of Geosphere Dynamics, and colleagues found that the speed of the meteorite was 19 kilometers per second, its size was 18-20 meters, and its mass was 1.3 * 10 7 kilograms.

In the scientific community, interest in the event was enormous: the conference hall of the Sternberg State Astronomical Institute, where the first scientific reports on the meteorite were listened to, experienced such a stir in recent years, except perhaps only in the summer of 2012 at a report on the discovery of the Higgs boson.

In Russia, the Chelyabinsk meteorite has become a household name - many celestial bodies approaching the Earth are compared with it. In 2014, he was dedicated to "The Universe with a light touch ...", released by the Chelyabinsk Museum of Local Lore, and a triptych by the Ural painter. Numerous recordings of the meteorite fall, made by video recorders, spread over the Internet and gave rise to many jokes and questions abroad about why so many Russians have cameras in their cars.

Fragments of the meteorite are stored in the Chelyabinsk Museum of Local Lore. According to the head of the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Chelyabinsk State University (ChelSU) Alexander Dudorov, today it is known that up to 95% of the meteorite fragments found on earth, "went around," including foreigners, which complicates their study.

Many thought it was a rocket. And the scientist Sergey Zamozdra immediately realized that it was a meteorite.

February 15, 2013. I'm standing at the window. The sensation from the flash - as if the car blinked a high beam. I knew right away that it was a meteorite. Moreover, just the day before, I told students about such phenomena ... I immediately ran to the window at the other end of the educational building in order to trace the trail from the falling fireball. I call the chief to tell about the "alien", and at that moment the shock wave comes. Intuitively I grab onto the window frame so as not to fly out. The window was literally shaking under my palm, - said on the radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda" associate professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics of ChelGU, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Sergey Zamozdra.

- Many agreed that we were very lucky?

How to look. This is both luck and bad luck at the same time. The bad luck is obvious. People got hurt. There are injuries, shock. Material damage. Perhaps there were long-term consequences - someone developed, for example, chronic diseases.

Luck is that we have a chance for a detailed study of this cosmic body. Previously, it was believed that the threat is posed by space objects larger than 100 meters. Ours was "only" 18, and such devastating consequences. Additional funds immediately appeared, research work intensified.

- By the way, from where, from which Galaxy, did the fireball fly to us?

Waiting for a meteorite from a distant galaxy is not worth it. We have enough of these "cobblestones" in our home, in our solar system - there are already about half a million of them. Telescopes are getting better, and we are able to find even more of these meteorites. They are cramped in space. They collide periodically. And one of these fragments flew to us in the South Urals.

- Scientists and rocket scientists, it turns out, missed the meteorite?

His speed was very high (18 km/s - approx. ed.), and our means of protection, I think, are not designed to fix such a speed. Moreover, the meteorite flew over the horizon, from the side of the rising sun. It was very barely visible. So they blinked.


- It's been four years. Is our meteorite still being studied or is everything already clear?

I didn't think the research would go on for so long. If we take the Tunguska phenomenon, then some fragments cannot be found. Most likely, it was a comet that exploded over the Earth and evaporated, turning into dust. There is, in fact, nothing to study.

We have a lot of stones left. They are sawn and cut. They study magnetic properties, the impact of shock waves, and chemical properties.

The glow itself is called a bolide. And fragments of a meteorite fall to Earth. The main body fell into Lake Chebarkul. An 8-meter funnel was formed. Body size - about 80 centimeters.

Is it true that the meteorite, which is now exhibited in the Chelyabinsk Regional Museum of Local Lore, is gradually losing weight, shrinking?

For me, this also came as a surprise. Believed that the meteorite is a monolith. It turned out that it also has pores. They absorbed moisture from Chebarkul Lake, where the meteor fell. Moisture gradually evaporates. I won’t be surprised that the “newcomer” lost 10-20 kg in weight.


- Over the past four years, has something like this ever flown to Earth?

There was nothing comparable. There are cases of falling in Europe, in Khakassia, in Buryatia. The only thing I can say is that literally last year in the Argayashsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, the villagers found a rather large fragment of a meteorite, weighing over five kilos. His age is over 100 years old.

- And how to distinguish space fragments from terrestrial pebbles? What do you advise?

Such fragments have a special crust on top. Like a burnt pie out of the oven. Take it in your hand. The density is very high. Such pieces are heavier, for example, coal three to five times.

Look at the chips. Small light grains should be visible there. Not more than a millimeter in diameter.

- What does our Chelyabinsk meteorite consist of? From gas, from ice?

Most likely from rocky material. This is called chondrules - the oldest substance from which the planets were born. A kind of frozen droplets. They stuck together, baked, shrunk. These pieces are billions of years old.

- How much are pieces of meteorites today? What's the price?

Our Chelyabinsk meteorite is estimated at about 500 rubles per gram. The price of large, heavy pieces can reach up to a million rubles or more.

- Not a material value ...

When you hold such a piece in your hands, you feel a connection with the cosmos, with some kind of eternity, infinity. It costs a lot. If I had enough money, I would probably start collecting such stones.

- Surely, you, as a researcher, have a piece of the Chelyabinsk meteorite?

Yes, I found fragments during a scientific expedition. This excitement is worse than hunting. Moreover, it was February. Snowdrifts. I found funnel holes, and at the bottom - pieces of a meteorite. The weight of the heaviest is about 130 grams. With chicken egg.


According to the initial reports of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, nothing was found at the site of the meteorite fall on Lake Chebarkul. Why wasn't it discovered right away?

In a couple of seconds, the meteorite "pierced" a ten-meter layer of silt and reached the granite rocks at the bottom of the lake. Went in like a knife through butter. Therefore, nothing was found. Too difficult conditions for examination.

- They say that if the meteorite entered the atmosphere from a different angle, the destruction could be more significant?

Then he would have fallen, perhaps somewhere in Kazakhstan.

But if it was not stone, like ours, but iron-nickel, like a piece of stainless steel, it would have fallen almost entirely. Didn't burn out. And the crater would be much more significant.

- And what is the final power of the explosion? What is it comparable to?

Finally declared to be 500 kilotons (kt). This is about three dozen Hiroshima.

- A projectile does not fall twice at the same point... Is there a chance that history will repeat itself in Chelyabinsk?

Yes, there is such belief. But meteorites keep falling. Let and other sizes. So everything is possible.


Who wanted to pick up the Chelyabinsk meteorite

Pass the test that "Komsomolskaya Pravda" did on the anniversary of the fall of the cosmic body. ()


Four years ago, on February 15, at about 9:20 local time, a meteorite fell near Chelyabinsk.

According to official figures, 1613 people were injured then. Most of them were slashed by windows shattered by the blast.

According to various sources, from 40 to 112 people were hospitalized, two victims were placed in intensive care units. Not a single person died.

The shock wave also damaged buildings. The total amount of damage amounted to about 1 billion rubles.

On October 16 of the same year, a fragment of the Chelyabinsk meteorite was taken from a depth of 13 meters - from the bottom of Lake Chebarkul. Now the exhibit is exhibited in the Chelyabinsk Regional Museum of Local Lore.

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More than 1,000 people were affected by the meteor shower near Chelyabinsk. In the cities that suffered from a powerful explosion, telephone communications do not work, and windows were shattered in residential buildings. The number of wounded is being specified Ruslan RAKHMANGULOV

20 February 2013, 15:10:24
If we translate into plain language the military-bureaucratic report on the missile launch on February 15, and also taking into account other information in this topic (of course, skipping everything irrelevant like "meteorite" and "UFO wars"), the following picture is drawn.
On the eve of the event, the military is throwing a hypersonic kinetic missile into an orbit of 300-500 km, then a GKR. Since ballistic missiles do not go in such orbits, the Americans do not take retaliatory measures. But the Secretary of State is trying to get in touch with Lavrov to "scrub the issue." Lavrov, as Zhirinovsky blabbed, does not pick up the phone, is hiding "somewhere in Africa", avoids communication with the Secretary of State.
On the morning of the 15th, after a couple of circles in orbit, the GKR turns on the second stage and, having accelerated to a speed above the orbital one, it heads towards the Earth.

On the space-Chelyabinsk trajectory, everything is already ready for "interception". There is already a lot of evidence about bringing the military to combat readiness in advance in the region. Eyewitness Staryi72rus writes:
“In the morning, to be more precise, at 5-27 from the Plesetsk cosmodrome (very close) an old friend called and said, now verbatim. if you close the curtains, everything around you, presumably in the Magnitka area, will be warm. All - I call home. …. Yes, they called everyone, I’ll get tired of listing where. I'm pissed because I have something to lose."
The 2nd phase of testing begins. GKR enters the atmosphere at space speed. Her "body" is covered with a special thermal protective material, the protective properties of which create the very effect of a "burning meteorite" that everyone saw on the GKR approach to the scene.
Here, telemetry "probes" are already waiting for her (they are also observed by eyewitnesses, they are viewed on the videos posted on the network), two observing fighters at a distance and air defense crews in full combat readiness. Air defense begins to intercept. Several launches of ground-to-air missiles are carried out at the target.
An eyewitness writes:
“When the hype about the meteorite had just begun, one of the news sites had infa that the air defense systems deployed near Troitsk fired at the meteorite. Then it disappeared. I live on the border with Troitsk, and the truckers with whom we spoke said, that when they walked along the highway, they saw that a few seconds before the meteorite appeared in the sky, there was a rocket launch from the ground.
Apparently, the most important stage of testing takes place here. The GKR burns the "enemy" air defense missiles with a specially organized atomic ball around itself and practically without reducing the speed and trajectory, "leaves for Kazakhstan along the glide path with a slight decrease" (according to an eyewitness), leaving behind in the sky the very plume and atomic mushroom.
This was the task of the GKR: to pass unscathed through the air defense of the "enemy".
The question remains: why were such tests carried out in a densely populated area, and not on previous routes to the same Kura? It can be assumed that for the purity of the experiment, a real protective air defense belt was required - do not create a new one in the taiga for this purpose, there is neither time nor dough for this, as usual ... And if something goes wrong, it will be possible to write off on a meteorite.
Finally, where did the dead air defense missiles go? In the atomic ball, they turned into insignificant fragments, which the military is now looking for. Moreover, the power of the GKR attack with an atomic charge was such that the remains of air defense missiles were carried away like dust for tens of kilometers in the direction of impact. In slow motion, it can be seen that these rockets, which at various forums were mistaken for "UFOs saving the Earth from a meteorite", are carried away by the GKR in the direction of its flight in a whirlwind. The same "chondrite" stones from a real meteorite were also "poured" into the rockets, so as not to offend scientists at all.
The real intended enemy, the Americans, of course, immediately understood the game of the Russians - they have their own GKR. But, in order not to complicate the socio-political situation for the Russians after such "trials", they simply waved their hand (what can you take from them, from these mysterious Russians) and began to play along. From here all this confusion with the sizes and speeds of "meteorite" given out by NASA and Russian scientists went. As for the real speed of the GKR, at the entrance to the attack zone, of course, it was already quite commensurate with the speeds of air defense missiles, at least for a frontal or side attack, which everyone watched on video (now, however, people are afraid, iPhone in addition to other personal initiatives, it will ban autoregistrators). Well, as for the speeds of the "meteorite" at the ground of several tens of km / s - this is infa for the noble public and has nothing to do with reality.

20 February 2013, 19:20:52
From the head. I looked at all these videos for a long time and tried to understand what was happening there. The picture finally took shape when I read in this thread about the principle of operation of a kenetic rocket. Some things don't add up, though. It is now that the rocket was not touched in orbit, since the exercises, we have the right. But as soon as it comes down to it, they will start to graze it. To protect it in orbit, you will need a satellite military constellation, and with this we are still seams. In general, everything is again in a circle. But that's me, "reflections on the novel", I'm not a techie.

20 February 2013, 22:09:34
Well, IMHO, the most ingenious solution here is, being in some kind of intensively burning "shell", on the approach to the air defense system, collect all the fired missiles (for heat), then burn them with an atomic flash, at the same time completely burning your own with the same flash " shell", and already "naked" to continue moving towards the goal. After all, after the explosions, eyewitnesses now saw precisely the "cylinder", "gone to Kazakhstan." Perhaps the "cylinder" then changed direction to the Kura and hit a hypothetical target there.

21 February 2013, 18:55:57
I can’t download the video (probably the format is not provided for in this forum), I just give the link:

If this video is conditionally divided into 4-5 parts (starting with the appearance of a "meteorite" in the upper left corner), then the whole "battle" is in full view. The slow entrance of the Voyevoda, or whatever it is, in its fiery shell; collecting all air defense missiles fired upon the fact of the situation; almost instantaneous destruction of all air defense missiles by an outward (ball) atomic explosion; leaving the "cylinder-Voevoda" of its outer burnt shell; instant transition to Mach 7 (Americans, as far as I know, still know how to do Mach 6); and, in fact, instantaneous dissolution in space due to the hypersonic speed that is extreme today, ON A STRICT DIRECT line beyond the horizon. Moreover, the entire "battle" lasts 20 seconds! Probably, this is the time to launch the complex already prepared for launch. But the cylinder is already bye-bye, Moscow-Voronezh ... you won’t catch up.
Am I the only one who sees how GORGEOUS this is? Or I'm just dumb, because for the first time I really started to respect the Russian defense industry. I hope that there, in fact, is still much more elegant.

21 February 2013, 20:10:50
Today, over coffee with a friend, we just raised this issue. I spoke in the sense that they are simply collecting radioactive debris from rockets that have fallen into an explosion (well, including). But, just in case, they collect everything that is left for further improvements of the improved, so to speak.
Now we read the very phrase that issues the event:
"State tests were successful, a target missile simulating advanced enemy missile defense systems was successfully destroyed at an altitude of about 20 km by a new anti-missile defense system. The ICBM itself continued to fly in normal mode and hit a combat training target at the Kura nuclear test site ..."
So what is important after all: was a "simulating target missile" hit or an "ICBM that hit a combat training target at the Kura nuclear test site"?
For example, I see, first of all, an ICBM that has gone from the place of the "battle" to the combat training target. But the “target missile imitating advanced enemy anti-missile defense systems,” which was “successfully destroyed at an altitude of about 20 km by a new anti-ballistic missile defense system,” is just the defending “enemy”, which was represented by the Ural air defense in this exercise. And which, in this case, was destroyed "at an altitude of about 20 km" (!) by the new ABM OVERCOMING complex (note, ABM, but not air defense). The ICBM destroyed and overcame "a target missile imitating promising enemy anti-missile defense systems."
This is how I understand this information about the "successful launch".

21 February 2013, 22:30:39
There are other opinions. For example, that Pu has just a very difficult relationship with the military-industrial complex (albeit lying on its hind legs with Pu), but nevertheless there are people there too.
In general, the problem is this (as I imagine): Pu owes the Family, and the Siloviki must seize the initiative. That is, Pu sits on two chairs. But Pu is a played piece. Everything is clear, it's just a matter of time.
But in the cultural confrontation between VPK-Culture, I would support the opinion of the famous Russian national democrat Karabanov when he says that military clans should be at the head of the Russian state. But only politically. They should not interfere in the civil, cultural, economic life of people. That is, they know how to protect us, and we know how to feed them, and the parity of Russian society is built on this. The military has always been respected in Russia. Even I will never spit on the military (not to be confused with these, you know who), although I play in dub-blues-rock clubs.

22 February 2013, 19:38:33
Air defense missiles "catching up" with an aircraft are the last century. At modern speeds, it is possible to shoot down an object only by going out to "cross" it. According to eyewitnesses - truck drivers, the launches of air defense missiles were made a few seconds before the appearance of the "meteorite". That is, the object was detected by air defense before its visual observation from the ground, and the missiles did not follow, but cut across. On slow-motion footage, one "catching up" rocket was actually at an angle to the "meteorite". The rest are at a right angle from the back side relative to us, the observers. We see them in slow motion shots already struck, out of control and randomly flying in different directions "in front of the object."

22 February 2013, 21:49:08
Excuse me, I probably didn’t go to school either, so I don’t understand what Wikipedia says about the sound barrier, that is, “cotton”. Or I understand that along the entire route of a hypersonic aircraft on the ground, a train of broken glass spreads behind it.
Read the comments here to this: http://elementy.ru/email/1481540
There are "pros", but there are also "against", where people justifiably call it "nonsense".

22 February 2013, 22:47:55
I also say that "we do not hold out." As a child, I often lived in the countryside, in that area there was a military airfield, aircraft occasionally performed training flights with the transition to hypersonic. At this moment there was the same "cotton". Very softly said, super-tolerant: "cotton". Once in our house, glass really fell out of the frame from this "cotton". If what you read on Wikipedia were true, then the population within a radius of 200 km around that air regiment would hesitate to insert glass.
PS. By the way, I remember the sound features of this "clap" very well. Its character can be compared to the dense beat of a bass drum in an orchestra. There are not even "peals" from him, like from thunder. It's not to say that the microphone pickups of mobile phones transmit sound with high quality, but nevertheless ... What we hear in the recordings on a mobile phone has nothing to do with the "sound barrier" at all, it's not even close.

22 February 2013, 23:15:57
What you interpret as the passage of a shock wave is heard on the ground as a growing and then receding rumble. What we really hear at the time of the flight of the aircraft at hypersonic speed. But not cotton. Right now, I'll look for links for you.

23 February 2013, 05:49:53
It is written there: "The reason for this is the shock wave that occurs when an aircraft flies at supersonic speed. When the shock wave reaches the earth's surface, it is perceived as a ROLL OF THUNDER."
Exactly, like a roll of thunder, growing and then receding. I called it "roar". I had the pleasure of hearing enough in the city of Zhukovsky. What do you mean by this link? This has nothing to do with our beloved meteorite. The shock wave from the explosions is recorded on two videos, you can listen:

By the way, hurry up, the meteorite rollers seem to have already been removed from youtube.

23 February 2013, 06:38:26
Of course, it’s not my business to enter into someone else’s dialogue, but you, excuse me, are either a troll or you simply have nothing to do. The Strela-2M MANPADS complex is indeed designed to destroy low-flying, slow air targets. Or did you not know that not all cruise missiles fly hypersonic? But here, in fact, we are talking about modern hypersonic weapons, because it is interesting for ourselves to understand what is wrong with this "meteorite". What is the "catch-up speed" at several strokes? In order for a nuclear warhead and an interceptor missile to reach the target at the same time, the effect will be better, or what?

23 February 2013, 16:54:33
The weak link in the information support of the Meteorite project, of course, turned out to be that cameras are now everywhere. So many recordings from video recorders, surveillance cameras and mobile phones were probably the most unpleasant surprise for someone. An atomic explosion, practically, can no longer be concealed. Therefore, "Plan B" begins to be implemented. On some murky information sites, articles like "The Strategic Missile Forces will fight meteorites with the help of ICBMs with an atomic charge" have already begun to appear. If anything, it was not the aliens who saved you, but the Strategic Missile Forces, by blowing up a terrible meteorite.
All this is bad: the technologies are the latest, and the propaganda support is the most dense.

23 February 2013, 22:11:21
In order to somewhat "defuse the situation", here I give a reference - a real harsh Chelyabinsk citizen writes what he saw.
With regard to the topic of discussion, you can pay attention to the following places, for example:
“The MiG-25 was quite frankly following the Mitearit. I don’t confuse it, because I remember well how they fly at that time. and made a U-turn with a sharp descent. Apparently, it was not our Chelyabinsk pilot, he just passed the Event to his Chelyabinsk colleagues and went home :-)"
And here it is:
"Mytearite proved to be a fine fellow, for he flew sharply from east to west, along a very slightly inclined trajectory, almost parallel to the ground. Didn't fly a little; Well, nothing, next time will definitely last. ")))

23 February 2013, 22:47:52
Yes, everything is fine. When the Timurites come to blame us for disclosing a terrible bourgeois secret, we will excuse ourselves that they say they smoked something.

23 February 2013, 23:02:51
Automatically read: "By prior agreement ..."
Well, they ... Completely forgot that's what. Central Russian time left an hour before midnight. And what are we talking about? About our defense industry, which has reached such an art! I myself have served my duty faithfully. But the army is not mine. Nevertheless, I also want to honestly congratulate all the honest warriors who read this forum on their Military Holiday!

24 February 2013, 13:30:59
We are quoted in blogs:

25 February 2013, 02:28:24
If you are talking about that "picture", which is slow-motion frames, then on them the "meteorite" moves at an angle to us, the observers, namely, it moves away towards the horizon. An object that seems to be "catching up" is actually attacking from the opposite side, that is, it flies across.
But most importantly, where do all these speed figures of tens of km / s come from? They were imposed on us by the media. Even just visually it can be seen that before the explosion, the "meteorite" moves at the usual "airplane" speed, and only after that it makes a sharp acceleration, maybe up to Mach 7-9, i.e. 2-3 km / s, well, maybe 5 km / s, as Spasin points out, there are supposedly such air defense missiles now. But no way 30-50 km / s. These are some interplanetary speeds for traveling to Pluto. It is strange why the media did not announce 150 km / s - it would be even cooler.
Here are the tests of the American X-51A, Mach 6 - 2 km / s. Visually, the speed is quite comparable to that which we observe in our "meteorite" after the explosion, when it is already leaving.

26 February 2013, 05:37:36
More eyewitness accounts:
"I look out - a fireball swells before my eyes, a contrail stretches towards it, towards the North-West some DARK OBJECT flies away.
From here: http://aljon.livejournal.com/691243.html

26 February 2013, 14:03:12
Sergey Yazev, Director of the Astronomical Observatory of the Irkutsk State University.
Note that all estimates made in Russia give significantly lower values. I am also inclined to believe that the estimates attributed to NASA greatly exaggerated.
How the Americans assessed the speed, and how correctly they did it - (to me) is still unclear.
As for the "second Tunguska" - this is a vivid comparison, but far from the truth.
In television programs, centimeter-sized dark pebbles are shown, which seem to have magnetic properties. They are presented as fragments of a fallen meteorite. The sale of samples has already been launched.
And the last. The statements of the Minister of Emergency Situations Puchkov about the meteor shower and that it is impossible to fix such bodies in advance, unfortunately, sound very unprofessional. There are already many examples where bodies of similar size were found a day or two or three before the flight near the Earth and even before the collision(Sudanese meteorite 2008).
From here: http://www.ogirk.ru/blog/columnist/yazev/2013-02-18/28353.html

This video is the bomb! It just kills the whole meteorite legend. The glow begins much below the boundaries of the stratosphere. Obviously, not much higher in height than the "event". That is, all calculations of speeds based on the time of the descent of the "meteorite" from the beginning of the stratosphere (100 km) are invalid! This is a missile fired from an aircraft at an altitude of ~25-30 km and set on fire, then it descends to a height of ~20 km, where the "battle" with air defense missiles takes place.
Spasin, close the topic - they will come after all!

A selection of materials about the "Chelyabinsk meteorite" - all the main versions are closed to official and government-controlled media. From the scandalous article by Latynina, removed even from the "opposition" "liberal" media, to Navalny, and a more detailed analysis of the version of military tests from Russian patriots.

Original taken from doctalovtyz v

Original taken from sidor_luty in a meteorite??? Versions of what happened or It seems that Latynina was right

Original taken from altina_augusta in a meteorite??? Versions of what happened or It seems that Latynina was right

Judging by how the second day
Zaputin's fuckers scream incessantly on the Internet,

Latina hit the spot .
For those. who did not have time to read it liquidated
(and hardly a self-liquidated post) - I remind you:

Original taken from nata_fedorova in a meteorite??? versions of what happened.

Original taken from nikolayos just like in the movies

Original taken from navalny just like in the movies

and comments as in life:

flash at 0-50 shock wave came at 3-10 (anti-theft blinked)
the height of the light support is 5 meters, the length of its shadow during the flash is 10.5 meters, the flash angle is 25 degrees.
The time of movement of the shock wave is 140 seconds, the speed is 330 m sec. the distance to the flash is 46200 meters, the height of the flash above the ground: sin25=0.43* 46200=19900 meters.

And this is on the ground. Watch (Here flying at 4:30, explosion 7:00)


P.S. Version Max : Ballistic missile flight:

"meteorite" in Tyumen flew at 9 hours 16 minutes and 15 seconds, and in Chelyabinsk at 9 hours 22 minutes and 53 seconds.
This can be seen from numerous video recordings.
Its speed (according to official data) was about 30 km / s, the distance in a straight line is just over 400 km from Tyumen to Chelyabinsk.
If you have at least a little understanding in mathematics, you can calculate that the "meteorite" would take less than 15 seconds to "get" to Chelyabinsk.
In reality, the "meteorite" arrived after about 6 minutes 30 seconds (or about 0.1 hours)
Those. its real speed was about 4000 km/h.
The flight speed of the Topol-M ballistic missile is 4 Machs (1 Mach = 1070 km/h).
So about 4280 km / h.
Flight trajectory: from the southeast to the northwest, then south and then west - I don’t think that meteorites have recently learned to maneuver like this, but for a ballistic missile this is a normal phenomenon (to bypass air defense systems).
After the meteorite, there was an obvious double plume of smoke (how many of its engines were faulty and how many were working?).

The latest type of weapon could be tested over Chelyabinsk
Original taken from svobodoff in Over Chelyabinsk, the latest type of weapon could be tested

Information about the meteorite was thrown into the media to mask the test

Also, for camouflage purposes, the test was scheduled to coincide with the flyby of asteroid 2012DA14.
Russian "scientists" (perhaps, at the behest of the FSB) presented such a "coincidence" as the alleged fall of one of the meteorites, in the suite of which the asteroid 2012DA14 was approaching our planet.
This confused many. Including, in yesterday's post, I also indicated this version, since it was very plausible.

However, NASA experts immediately denied this version.
The Americans point out that the video clearly shows that the object, similar to a meteorite, was flying from left to right in front of the rising sun, which means that it was flying from north to south. The trajectory of the asteroid DA14 passed in a completely opposite direction, from south to north.

And this means that the asteroid and the object that fell near Chelyabinsk are not interconnected in any way!

From the point of view of mathematics, the simultaneous approach of two space bodies to the Earth at once, following different trajectories, is an event with a very low degree of probability.
The probability of an event in which one of these bodies falls to the Earth, respectively, will be even lower, practically tending to zero.

That is, one more time. There is a low probability of a large meteorite falling to Earth.
The probability that there will be two of these meteorites on approach to the planet is even less.
The probability that these meteorites will simultaneously approach the planet from different trajectories is even lower.
And finally, the probability that two meteorites will simultaneously approach from different trajectories, and at the same time one of them will fall, is the lowest of all the listed options.

It follows that this "coincidence" was most likely artificial, and the fallen object was not a meteorite at all.

It is known that today one of the most promising types of weapons, the development of which is carried out in strict secrecy, both in the United States and in Russia, is hypersonic kinetic weapons.
The principle of operation of such a weapon is based on the high kinetic energy of a warhead flying at hypersonic speed (several times faster than supersonic).
At such speeds, a nuclear or any other charge is not needed, since the kinetic energy of the warhead exceeds the energy of the explosion of the charge.

An ordinary blank flying at hypersonic speed becomes like a meteorite, and is capable of inflicting even more damage than a conventional nuclear charge.
At the same time, the impact on the environment remains environmentally friendly, since there is no radiation, and troops can immediately enter the territory without any means of radiation protection.

And finally, and most importantly, hypersonic weapons fit into the new concept of warfare. Prompt Global Strike, PGS("Global Lightning Strike"), which allows you to strike at any point on the planet within 1 hour.
The flight path of hypersonic warheads is much flatter than that of conventional nuclear-armed ICBMs.
This allows you to significantly reduce the time of approach to the target. The object over Chelyabinsk had the same flat flight path.
Everyone has seen the contrail.

Immediately after the explosion, Lake Chebarkul, located 80 km from Chelyabinsk, where the remnants of the "meteorite" allegedly fell, was cordoned off by the military and the FSB, and several divers were looking at the bottom for what was left of the warhead. It was impossible to allow anyone to know what it really was.
Only after they were convinced that it was impossible to find anything at the bottom of the lake due to zero visibility and a one and a half meter layer of silt, the search was stopped.

Hypersonic warheads can be launched by conventional ballistic missiles.
The nuances of accelerating the warhead to hypersonic speeds are classified.
But it is known that the height of the rocket to the point of acceleration in this case is much lower (about 200-300 km) than that of ballistic missiles with a nuclear charge.
This makes it clear to the tracking systems of other countries that a missile with a non-nuclear warhead has been launched.
Apparently, in this case, a missile was launched from the northern territories, possibly from a Russian submarine from the Arctic Ocean.
It just fits into the flight path, from north to south.

The test was successful.
According to the latest NASA data, based on the readings of infrasonic sensors in Alaska and other parts of the planet, the released energy from an object that collapsed in the atmosphere above the Chelyabinsk object corresponds to 500 kilotons of TNT, which approximately corresponds to the explosion of three, four Tomahawk cruise missiles (in nuclear version) , or 25 bombs dropped on Hiroshima.
The city was saved from severe destruction by a high altitude (about 30 km), at which the explosion occurred.

The importance of the test for the Kremlin is emphasized by the fact that, in addition to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a government commission was sent to the region.

Of course, you noticed that despite the news orgy that continues around the fragments of the Chebarkul meteorite that exploded over Chelyabinsk allegedly found by Ural scientists, tourists and just local residents, our site does not participate in the dissemination of these fairy tales and there are several objective reasons for this.

Firstly, there is no official evidence that it was a meteorite that exploded over Chelyabinsk. Official sources use the more streamlined wording "presumably a meteorite". The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations has already announced twice at press conferences that neither the places where the debris fell, nor the actual debris of the exploded object were found. It was also stated that none of the stones, which are attributed to belonging to the Chelyabinsk "meteorite" - such is not what the results of the analyzes indicate. Moreover, the polynya on Lake Chebarkul, which "Ural scientists" call with maniacal persistence "the site of the fall of the Chebarkul meteorite" - was formed for other reasons, examination of the bottom by divers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and water samples - did not reveal foreign impurities indicating that something fell into it meteorite-like.

According to the statement of Roshydromet, ground-based weather stations of the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions recorded on February 15, 2013 from 07.00 to 08.00 (Moscow time) a luminous plume from the passage of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). They were observed from the side of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (in the direction from northeast to southwest) in the area of ​​the settlements of Talitsa (80 km east of Yekaterinburg), Sloboda Turinskaya (225 km northeast of Yekaterinburg) , Schelkun (75 km south), Asbest (80 km northeast), Balandino Airport (Chelyabinsk), near the city of Chelyabinsk, as well as in the area of ​​Koltsovo Airport (Yekaterinburg).

Besides, in 07.15 Moscow time On February 15, multiple air explosions were observed over the Chelyabinsk airfield, accompanied by a sharp chemical smell. According to the information of AMSG employees, air traffic controllers, crews of civil aviation aircraft, flights of luminous unidentified objects were observed over the area of ​​the Chelyabinsk airfield during the night. According to the head of the AMC Koltsovo (Yekaterinburg), flights of luminous objects were also observed at night.

According to the monitoring data of the Institute of Applied Geophysics. E.K. Fedorov, the heliogeophysical situation for the period February 14-15 was calm. No space weather disturbances (intrusion of charged particle streams, ionospheric and magnetic disturbances) on the territory of the Russian Federation were recorded by national observation facilities.

This applies to the data of the Elektro and Meteor satellites, the network of magnetometers and ionospheric sounding stations. The world space weather monitoring network (USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, European Space Agency) also did not register any disturbances in the solar atmosphere, interplanetary medium and near-Earth space.

In this regard, to read endless fictions in the news that the windows in Chelyabinsk were broken by "meteorite fragments", that the factory wall collapsed due to a "large fragment of a meteorite" falling into it, that a "meteor shower" passed over Chelyabinsk, " fireball fell”, “comet blew up”, “ice fireball”, “stone meteorite blues”, etc. etc. - just ridiculous.

What exploded over Chelyabinsk did not appear from space, which is confirmed by the lack of data from observatories and satellites about the approach or entry into the Earth's atmosphere of an object whose dimensions, according to NASA, were at least 17 meters and weighed up to 7000 tons. The only thing that the satellites photographed was the atmosphere in the Chelyabinsk region rearing up after the explosion.

The windows in the city were not shattered by fragments, but by the sound shock wave that followed the explosion, but I emphasize that only a sound wave went down to the city, and the main blast wave went up into the atmosphere, which led to the formation of an ozone hole that held above Chelyabinsk for two days. An explosion with a capacity of 500 kilotons did not go down, but went vertically up, knocking out a hole in the atmosphere. How could this happen? This happens in the case of a directed explosion, but not for natural reasons. Where does the sharp chemical smell, headache and nausea that Chelyabinsk residents write about come from?

No fragments knocked out glass and frames - they were knocked out by a sound wave, and only because these glasses and frames, and the plant, had there not been an explosion, would have fallen out and collapsed soon themselves - due to old age. The video clearly shows that the new plastic windows withstood the sound wave, so reading the statements of "Ural scientists" about fragments of the "Chebarkul meteorite" that broke windows in houses is ridiculous.

At the moment, there is no information about what actually happened over Chelyabinsk, but there is information about how it happened and what happened after the explosion. And, there was a mobilization of 20,000 conscripts, 8 units of air transport and 4,500 units of ground equipment to comb the area in order to search for places where the object fell or its debris. And all this mass of forces and means did not find anything, which was officially announced.

But think about it - why use such tools in search of an ordinary meteorite? Maybe because the locals of Chebarkul say that a cigar-shaped, silver-colored object appeared above the lake, emitting a loud roar, similar to the operation of engines and emitting a flame of black-red-blue color. And it was this cigar-shaped object - without any explosion, having melted the ice, plunged to the bottom of the lake. this is precisely what can explain such a genuine interest of the military in the search for "places of fall or fragments of a presumably meteorite." And, a few days later, for the first time in the last 20 years, exercises are suddenly announced and an airborne division is transferred to Chebarkul, and tanks go there on their own from Siberia. For some reason, the exercises were closed to the press and the military said that no comments would be given. Also a coincidence?

For the first time, ground stations detected a UFO just above Lake Baikal, from where it descended by 45 degrees and proceeded to Chelyabinsk, and then something incomprehensible happened. There are videos that show a cigar-shaped object separating from a glowing ball a second before the explosion. This is compared with the stories of the residents of Chebarkul about a cigar-shaped UFO. There are several options for what happened:

The object was shot down by another UFO

The object crashed and an escape pod separated before it exploded.

The object crashed and self-destructed, and the crew evacuated in an escape pod

The object really was a meteorite in the event of a fall of which nothing would have been left of Chelyabinsk at all, and the consequences would have been global in scale for the whole world, but a certain aircraft destroyed it and disappeared in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bChebarkul Lake.

That is why the military has gathered such a force and spent so much time in the hope of finding the crash site or the wreckage of the UFO. Judging by the sudden organization of closed exercises and the transfer of the Airborne Division, they may have managed to find something. Although this is highly doubtful, given the advancement of extraterrestrial technology.

And now the main question is, why did the object fly exactly to Chebarkul Lake? Maybe because, according to legends and reports of local researchers of anomalous phenomena, near Lake Chebakul, as psychics say, there are "places of power" where "portals to other worlds" open from time to time...

And the UFO most likely used just such a portal, and it is pointless to look for it in the lake. even the Ministry of Emergency Situations admitted the absence in the lake of something similar to the place where a meteorite or its fragments fell, but "Ural scientists are so severe" that they sneeze at it, and they stubbornly search and allegedly find fragments of a non-existent meteorite, to which they have even given a name - Chebarkulsky.

And you can not say that they are lying 100%. This is a very subtle and cunning lie. A meteorite in Chebarkul can indeed be found, and fragments within a radius of 300 kilometers can also be found. Do you know when this meteorite fell into the lake?

June 11, 1949 at 8:14 a.m. in the morning in the vicinity of Kunashak (this village is located about 50 km north of Chelyabinsk) a stone meteor shower fell. According to eyewitnesses of that time, the rainfall was accompanied by a bright fireball flying across the cloudless sky, followed by a smoky trail.

"Sparks bounced off it, and before disappearing it broke into several parts," local residents reported.

The car flew from north to south, and in 8-10 seconds of visibility it covered about 150 kilometers. A minute after the disappearance, there was a triple thunderclap, similar to the rumble of a gun.

The largest fragments that could be found in the area weighed from 35 to 50 kg (the depth of the craters is up to two meters). However, the collective farmer Gaysin even found a 120-kilogram fragment. As scientists have established, the age of the "space alien" was about 500 million years. One of the fragments is stored in the Kunashak Museum of Local History.

Local residents claimed that one of the largest fragments of the meteorite fell into Lake Chebakul, while raising a 20-meter column of water. Accordingly, one part or several of the disintegrated meteorite went exactly to Chebarkul and all the surroundings there are covered with fragments of "ordinary chondrite". However, it was not possible to find it then. Chebakul, is located five kilometers southwest of Kunashak and 80 kilometers from Lake Chebarkul, where they are so stubbornly looking for a "meteorite", and given the fact that the area of ​​scattering of meteorite fragments that fell in 1949 was 300 square meters. kilometers and in Chebarkul you can certainly find a stone fragment of the Chebakul meteor.

The fireball and its trace was visible at a distance of 700 kilometers in the Chelyabinsk, Kurgan regions and Bashkiria. Meteorite samples are kept not only in Moscow, but also in the museums of Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, as well as in the capital of Vietnam.

Probably it is these samples of a stone meteorite that the "Ural scientists" give out as new ones. Well done, what more can I say. Who knew about the existence of "Ural scientists" before the incident on February 15 - no one, and now their titles and names are circulated in the press in millions, and fragments of the meteorite that fell in 1949 will be able to sell abroad at impressive prices.

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