Treatment of infertility koltusa. Infertility reasons and treatment. Malfunction of the endocrine system


Complaints about the absence of menstruation for 7 months. Desire to give birth to a child. Prior to this, a long-term unstable cycle accompanied by severe pain. Lack of pregnancy. Repeatedly took courses of hormonal therapy.

Diagnosis: Infertility


The treatment lasted 1 year and 2 months. The cycle was restored after 4 months, stabilized after 7 months. After 14 months, a natural pregnancy, which proceeded without threats and complications.


After 14 months, a natural pregnancy, which proceeded without threats and complications. Self-delivery. Healthy daughter and happy mother.


The patient did not have menarche (first menstruation) at the age of 14. She was diagnosed with delayed puberty and assigned hormonal drugs, which she took on a regular basis until the age of 26. When there was a desire to have a child, pregnancy did not occur. A new diagnosis was made - infertility.

Diagnosis: Infertility


Since the patient's hormonal background was completely unbalanced, it was necessary to bring it back to normal, establish a healthy hormonal background and completely stop taking hormonal drugs that the patient had been taking for more than 10 years. For recovery hormonal background it took six months.


Pregnancy came naturally, passed without complications. The boy was born on time, the health of the mother and the baby is excellent.

The patient is a 43-year-old woman. (Moscow city)


The patient has a history of 2 abortions. Due to complications after the second abortion, it was recommended to undergo hormone treatment. The patient refused, found another specialist and underwent an alternative course of treatment. I felt healthy. Analyzes have confirmed this. However, further pregnancy did not occur for more than 13 years.

Diagnosis: Infertility


In the course of treatment, a number of diseases were identified that directly affect the ability to become pregnant, and even more so to bear and give birth to a healthy child. The homeopathy course took six months. After the Doctor canceled contraception, pregnancy began in the first cycle in a natural way. Throughout her pregnancy, the patient continued to be monitored regularly by the Doctor and in case of a cold she was treated only with homeopathic remedies. The pregnancy was easy, the patient did not experience any toxicosis or fatigue, and went on maternity leave 2 weeks before delivery. The baby was born on time.


The girl was born with excellent indicators, 8-9 points on the Apgar scale.

The patient is a 33-year-old woman. (Kiev)


The first pregnancy ended in miscarriage. According to the testimony, the cleaning was carried out. After which the pregnancy did not occur. The examination revealed: 1. A significant amount of fluid in the Douglas space (postuterine). 2. In hormonal status - an increased level of FSH with a significant decrease in estradiol. The case is regarded as a chronic inflammatory process, which became the cause of infertility.

Diagnosis: Infertility


The post-therapy examination showed excellent results. In the first cycle, the patient became pregnant naturally. The birth was successful, everyone is healthy.

The patient is a 37-year-old woman. (Moscow city)


The patient married at the age of 36. During the year, the young family did not manage to wait for the pregnancy. The doctors said that the patient is healthy and that pregnancy does not occur due to her age. I turned to Doctor Grigoriev with great skepticism and distrust in a state of depression. Also, the patient's condition was negatively affected by the inability to do IVF (the presence of contraindications), which made her assess the situation as hopeless.

Diagnosis: Infertility


In the course of treatment, severe dyshormonosis and problems with the thyroid gland (autoimmune thyroiditis) were revealed. It took three months of treatment.


A natural pregnancy soon followed, which proceeded without complications. The patient no longer turned to the Doctor, and on January 27, her happy husband and dad sent an SMS: “Good afternoon, Evgeny Vladimirovich! Today at 15.55 have given birth to a girl, height 48 weight 2.9. We are working on the name :) ".

Female patient, 42 years old (Moscow)


Complaints about the inability to carry the child. History of ectopic pregnancy, amputation of one tube. Three IVF attempts were unsuccessful.

Diagnosis: Infertility


Sustained recovery of clinical data on hormonal status. Natural cycle artificial insemination resulted in the desired pregnancy.

The patient is a 37-year-old woman. (Moscow city)


Complaints about the inability to carry the child. History of 1 pregnancy and childbirth, followed by three spontaneous abortions in the early stages.

Diagnosis: Infertility


An additional clinical examination revealed a latent infection with Brucella abortus. The treatment lasted 6 months. The control study did not reveal an infectious burden. The long-awaited natural pregnancy soon followed, which proceeded without complications.


The birth was successful, the baby and mother are healthy.

The patient is a 33-year-old woman. (St. Petersburg)


The patient has a history of a node and a cyst in the thyroid gland. At the time of treatment, she had been treated by a specialist for a long time, but there was no improvement. Unstable was reported as accompanying complaints. monthly cycle and an additional clinical diagnosis - obstruction of the fallopian tubes. The patient also wanted to have a baby.

Diagnosis: Thyroid nodule and cyst. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes.


After 3 months of treatment with individual homeopathic preparations, ultrasound control revealed a decrease in the size of the node and cyst in the thyroid gland. The monthly cycle has stabilized. After 6 months, the node completely resolved, the cyst retained its size. Structural disorders of the thyroid gland were not revealed 9 months after the start of therapy. General state health returned to normal. The patient was able to bear and give birth to a healthy child without harm and risks to herself and the baby. Natural cycle artificial insemination resulted in the desired pregnancy.


The boy was born healthy, height 54 cm and weight 3,850 kg. Mom and baby are doing well.

The patient is a 28-year-old woman. (Moscow city)


She applied for help 4 years ago for ulcerative colitis. In the course of treatment, a stable remission was achieved, and the patient did not appear again. A new treatment for ulcerative colitis, during which it turned out that an exacerbation occurred against the background of 2 unsuccessful IVF attempts.


Was born thanks to the efforts of our doctors

Female infertility

The ability of a woman to bear children by nature itself is determined by the most important function of the human body. However, today in the world almost 15% of families are faced with the problem of infertility, and in the overwhelming majority of cases (up to 60%) it is precisely female infertility caused by a violation of the normal state of a woman, or by the presence of various diseases.

In addition, female infertility (as opposed to male) is more insidious, because it can be the result of a fairly wide range of reproductive pathologies. Starting from the production of a viable egg and creating favorable conditions for its fertilization, and ending with the normal course and completion of pregnancy.

Types of infertility

What should we know about female infertility? First of all, the fact that it can be primary and secondary.

Primary infertility

Primary infertility is observed in women who have a regular sex life without contraception and without a natural pregnancy. The reason may be genetic disorders, or congenital anatomical or functional pathologies of the structure of the reproductive apparatus.

Secondary infertility

Secondary infertility is considered "acquired". That is, initially female body was capable of childbearing, but lost this function due to some endocrine diseases or infections, under the influence of psychogenic or environmental factors.

Infertility treatment at Leoclinic

Galina Leonidovna

Obstetrician-gynecologist, surgeon

Experience 33 years

  • Gold Star "For Professionalism"
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland
To make an appointment

Doctor's consultation cost

Causes of female infertility

Malfunction of the endocrine system

The most common (almost 40% of cases) cause is a malfunction of the endocrine system (disruption of the hormonal activity of glands such as the ovaries, adrenal glands or thyroid gland), as well as polycystic disease. This interferes with the formation or maturation of eggs, making fertilization impossible. Early menopause (at 40-45 years old and earlier) also indicates a premature functional depletion of the ovaries.

Fallopian tube defects

Almost 30% of cases of female infertility are caused by defects (damage or blockage) of the fallopian tubes, as a result of which the transport of germ cells is disrupted or completely stopped. This is often the result of the occurrence of adhesions formed due to inflammatory processes in the uterus and its appendages, intra-abdominal operations and abortions.

Gynecological diseases

Certain gynecological diseases (for example, endometriosis, cervical erosion and dysplasia) should be considered the next most common cause of female infertility. After all, a violation of the production of mucus in the cervix in normal quantities and density leads to difficulty in the movement of sperm.

Immunological infertility

Immunological infertility occurs due to the appearance of antibodies aggressive to sperm in the cervical mucus of the cervix. Under such conditions, male germ cells die or become nonviable.

The psychological cause of infertility

The less common (in terms of frequency of observation) causes of female infertility can be considered a psychological factor (stress and negative emotions of varying intensity), as well as congenital anatomical abnormalities (for example, underdevelopment or absence of ovaries).

In most cases, female infertility is not a death sentence. Indeed, thanks to modern diagnostics and treatment, the joy of motherhood today can be available to an increasing number of women!

The optimal treatment method is selected by the doctor after a thorough diagnostic study. married couple and determining the type of infertility.

In infectious diseases, a thorough joint antibacterial and anti-inflammatory treatment of sexual partners is carried out with mandatory control tests of cure. In case of tubal infertility, external endometriosis, violations of the patency of the fallopian tubes are eliminated with the help of a laparoscopy operation, removal of pathological foci and dissection of adhesions. During the procedure, endometriotic lesions are also eliminated. Then it is imperative to carry out drug treatment. Various pathologies of the uterus are eliminated with the help of reconstructive plastic surgery. Treatment of immunological infertility is carried out using various methods, incl. plasmapheresis. Also, the introduction of the spouse's lymphocytes under the skin of a woman is used. At endocrine infertility correction of the hormonal background and stimulation of ovarian function is carried out, including stimulation of ovulation with various drugs: clostilbegit, recombinant gonadotropins, etc. During the cycles of stimulation of ovulation, folliculometry is necessarily carried out - ultrasound transvaginal examination to determine the effectiveness - growth of follicles and determination of the fact of completed ovulation, ovulation tests are also used.

The reasons male infertility just as often, as in women, are infectious diseases of the genitourinary organs; less often - congenital defects of the genital organs, trauma, complications after surgery. The male infertility treatment system includes procedures aimed at stimulating spermatogenesis, as well as restoring the patency of the vas deferens with the help of medication or surgery.

The use of unique methods of infertility treatment in our clinic allows 80-85% of patients to achieve pregnancy naturally. In the absence of the effect of the therapy, the couple is recommended different kinds ECO. It is important to understand that its application must be really necessary and justified. An artificial insemination procedure requires an average of no more than three percent infertile couples, for all others, conservative or surgical treatment will have sufficient effectiveness. Successful IVF on the first attempt occurs on average in 30% of cases. The older a woman is, the lower her chances of getting pregnant even in this way, since the quality indicators of the germ cells (ovarian reserve) deteriorate over the years. If many attempts have not brought the desired result, doctors recommend IVF with a donor egg. In the absence of a uterus or pronounced defects in the development of the uterus, you can resort to surrogacy.

Indications for IVF:

  • the absence of fallopian tubes in women, as well as their obstruction, which is not amenable to medical correction;
  • endocrine infertility in the absence of the effectiveness of hormonal therapy;
  • a strong degree of oligozoospermia (after ineffective treatment of both partners);
  • infertility of unknown origin.

In vitro fertilization is contraindicated in women suffering from:

  • oncological diseases;
  • acute inflammatory diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • benign tumors of the ovaries or uterus;
  • pathology of the uterus, in which the transplantation of a fertilized egg or its development is impossible.

One of the Clinic's specializations is pregnancy management and preparation for childbirth.

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