German Sterligov: Putin risks going to hell. German Sterligov: the story of a millionaire hermit The fortune of German Sterligov for a year

About a hundred miles from Moscow along the Riga direction, in the village of Nizhnevasilyevskoye, Istra district, lives German Sterligov ( Wikipedia about him), in the past - a businessman and almost an oligarch, now - a Russian peasant farmer with unusual views on life and history. He is 49 years old. Today we went to visit him: every Saturday from 12 to 16 o'clock in his estate ("Herman Sterligov's Sloboda") there is an open door period, when everyone can come there, look at his buildings, receive books on Russian history as a gift, drink Russian tea (ivan-chai) with bread and honey of its production, and, if desired, purchase something from its ecological products without GMOs. So we went.

Previously, I studied the teachings of German Sterligov on the website His teaching is First, in his view of history. In short: until the 1500s, the Russian people lived happily, almost did not get sick, killed very few in wars, and were engaged in productive labor. Gradually, due to the harmful actions of sorcerers-scientists, the life of the Russian people (and other peoples) deteriorated, first under the rule of the Romanovs, then under the rule of the Bolsheviks, and then Yeltsin. They moved to the cities and began to engage in harmful activities. The true history is hidden and glossed over, but its source is the Chronicle Code, compiled for Ivan the Terrible, this is a more or less accurate overview of Russian and world history, and the last part - from Grozny to Putin - was summarized by Sterligov himself, and described it in separate volume. These volumes of history, both ancient and new (from Adam to Putin), can be downloaded for free on Herman's website, or can be received as a gift in Sloboda. You shouldn’t argue about this in comments with me: let everyone study volumes of history, at least the last one, but the dispute is not with me, but with the author, and he won’t read my LiveJournal, because the “live journal” was also invented by sorcerers - scientists.

Secondly, his teaching is this: they say, the true faith is Orthodoxy, but the current ROC MP has departed from the truth. The Russian Church fell into heresy around 1600, and before it the Greeks, the Latin Church, etc., fell into heresy, in general, there is no visible Orthodox Church left on Earth. How the fall of the Greeks and the Russian Church happened is described in Sterligov’s books and on the website, I won’t repeat myself, find out for yourself if you wish. In general, there are few truly Orthodox people left, one of whom is German Sterligov himself and his family. Priests and bishops are not seen in the true church today. It is necessary for all the people and the ROC MP to repent of sins and heresy, and pray that God will reveal the right clergy, not infected with heresy.

Thirdly, in his opinion, the path to happiness is this: abandon technological progress, settle megacities in villages and farms, give out land to everyone (he even came up with the "Committee for the Settlement of Megacities"), ride horses, bake bread themselves, grow bees, etc. In addition, the state should switch to gold coins, change the military doctrine from nuclear forces to partisan troops, in case of attacks by enemies, live like a Christian, raise children by labor, and not smoke. No smoking, it's very strict. But the wine is still sold in Sloboda, hand-made. In addition, learn the Old Russian language, read history from chronicle sources up to the 1500s inclusive, grow a beard. To help people in this, Herman published many books (mostly reprints of ancient chronicles) and distributes them free of charge to those who can read Old Russian. Those who come should dress modestly, not in shorts, women - in headscarves and skirts (in a hijab, in short). Men preferably with a beard.

Every Saturday, citizens, mostly with cars and beards, come to him in Sloboda to learn about life and get some advice. (Today's lecture was about raising bees.)

I (A. Krotov) am not an adherent of the "teaching" of German Sterligov - it is diverse, and in some ways he is right, in some ways he is wrong, but in some ways his teaching is applicable to some people and not applicable to others, but, as usual, I decided to take a closer look at him and the way of life of this man. We went, then, five of us: Roman P. (driver of the car), wise Oleg Morenkov ktotam (who usually lives in Switzerland, but here on vacation, he flew in to look at cheap Moscow life), good woman Ksenia Churakova ksunray , Anton (me) and another Anton lusfert . Let's go by car. I was the only one with a beard, the rest with a little unshaven (except for Ksenia).

Mobile phones and cameras - "inventions of sorcerers-scientists" - are not held in high esteem in Sloboda, but some people there filmed something and even recorded on camera. I also took pictures, but I tried without a flash so that people would not be nervous. Therefore, the pictures turned out to be different, which is sharp, which is not very good, especially indoors. Well, okay, it will do, and whoever is not so will go and see for himself. There is a rather large territory, but guests can generally see only 1) a cafe-shop, 2) a common assembly hut where lectures are held and books are given out, 3) a women's model house where dresses in the old Russian style are sold, 4) a barnyard. Everything else is surrounded by a large fence with barbed wire on top. So!

My photos of today's interesting trip are under the cut.

We are approaching

The inscription "Rus"

"Women only in long skirts"


Shop-cafe at the entrance to Sloboda.
These are found in distant countries, in the USA, in Europe, such as "Farm Products" without GMOs
at five or 10 times the price, but everything is peasant and its own. Here's what's on sale:

Shampoo for 900 rubles. Soap too.

Ointment for 1000 rubles and tar for 300 rubles

Flour from Sterligov

Bread for 550 rubles

Wine for 3000 rubles

Canteen shop

This is how bread looks like for 550 rubles

Ksenia Churakova

In the shop

Many come by car, because it is far from the railway station

Main meeting house, large long hut

Skis special


Herman, like me at home, also has a lot of books in packs

Most popular book

Children's coloring can be received as a gift

Children's coloring based on Old Russian

This is how the "Chronicle Code" published by him looks like.
There is a text in Old Russian and pictures from there,
on the left is a translation into modern Russian.
There are many volumes. Not everyone can get them as a gift, but you need to understand the topic a little.

Such output. 1500 copies on old Russian books,
10,000 copies of "From Grozny to Putin", it is written there.

Chronicle published in many volumes

They are pretty thick

An ancient letter hangs on the wall, I don’t know, maybe it’s real

Even with some kind of seals, maybe natural
Sockets are also real

Bread-tea from G. Sterligov

Romance with tea and a piece of delicious honey from Sterligov

The Psalter is distributed like this

Here is such a book

I walked around, I think it's interesting to get such a Psalter for general development.
It seems to be desirable, but I understand that the cost of the book is very high, more than 1000 rubles for sure.
But I also see that there are many of these Psalters. I decided to ask the guy (who distributed books there - gave books).

The results of my speed reading did not satisfy him, he read me a passage and said:

You're bad at reading, go study! - and gave me a small book in Old Russian so that I could train.

Learn to read folks

But this book was given out without question for free. They are not for sale, they are given away.

Lecture about beekeeping

On the right, a person is filming a camera, so I thought that I could also film


Oleg Morenkov


35 cars arrived, so there is an interest among the people in the teachings of G.S.

German Sterligov himself was one of the people with beards, but since I don’t understand faces well, I don’t know who exactly German was, and I didn’t take pictures “in the forehead” so as not to end up in a similar fate with the “sorcerers-scientists”. The lecture about bees was read not by him, but by someone younger. In general, he (Herman) has five children, so apparently one of them is engaged in beekeeping. But

- He is a reactionary, of course, is an inveterate one?

- Still would!

- And there is nothing more frantic?

- There is nothing more rabid.

- More terry, more odious - also not?

- Terry and odious nowhere.

- What a charm. Obscurantist?

“From brain to bone,” as the girls say...

Venedikt Erofeev, « Rozanov through the eyes of an eccentric"

An uncut beard with a shovel, traditional Russian clothes and absolute non-political correctness. Deliberately simple speech, replete with undisguised bullying (now recommended by "trolling » ) to liberals and other perverts: from political to sexual. It would seem that a better candidate than German Lvovich Sterligov for a game called « city ​​mayor elections » you can't imagine.

German Sterligov about Krasovsky, peasants, women and the election of the mayor of Moscow

He won’t win, of course, and, most likely, he won’t even be registered, but he’ll be a lot of fun. Although, of course, not as the leader of "Metal Corrosion » nicknamed the Spider, who also declared his mayoral ambitions (after all, it is one thing - a professional circus, and quite another - a buffoon show). In a word, for a visual demonstration of the very essence of Western-type democracy and in order to balance the liberal demshizu, such characters are simply necessary. And if there were none in reality, then they would certainly have to be invented.

But still, no one invented Herman Sterligov. He made himself: from the creation of the first commodity exchange in the rapidly collapsing Soviet country « Alice "to today's farming experiments near Moscow « Sloboda". From a 1990s sensational funeral home with an epic slogan « You will enter our coffins without diets and aerobics” to the equally eschatological in its essence enlightenment activities of recent years. However, the latter should not frighten an Orthodox Christian (unlike food prices « Sloboda"): we all look forward to the resurrection of the dead. Another thing is whether the servant of God Herman is Orthodox? Or behind his deliberately medieval appearance « a la russe” hides something else?

Germane, what do you believe?

G. Sterligov. Photo: Mikhail Japaridze/TASS

To begin with, it is worth listening to Sterligov himself, who directly states on his website: « please do not call me an Old Believer or a New Believer - I am an Orthodox Christian.” Of course, in modern conditions, everyone has the right to call himself anyone, even « Zen Baptist", though « Orthodox atheist. However, Sterligov deliberately seeks to show himself as a man of Russian traditional society, a kind of medieval premodernity. True, today it’s not enough just external evidence in the form of a bushy beard and oily boots (they are just as characteristic of many modern atheist hipsters), it is much more important to ask an internal question: « what do you believe?"

However, it must be admitted that Sterligov is not being disingenuous here, on his website he published a lengthy « Confession of Faith". The text, full of blasphemy against the Russian Orthodox Church, is replete with references to events in church history and research in the field of biblical chronology, and therefore a serious scientific article will be required to analyze all its provisions. Here we turn to Sterling's main accusation, which he throws not only at the Orthodox Churches, but also at all Old Believer concords.

So, in his opinion, even before the fall of Constantinople, which occurred in 1453 (according to the generally accepted chronology, which Sterligov also considers « heretical"), the Church of Constantinople veered into the Latin heresy by concluding a union with the Catholics at the Ferrara-Florence Council in 1439. And then, as you enter into liturgical communion with the Patriarchate of Constantinople, « all other Orthodox Churches, including the Russian one, allegedly became heretics:

By the end of the 15th century, one after another, the Eastern Patriarchs of Russia fell into heresy in 1597, 150 years after the Greeks fell into heresy, united with the Greek heretics and apostatized from the Orthodox faith ... "

By the way, by 1597 Sterligov means 1589, the year of the generally accepted chronology, the year of the establishment of the Moscow Patriarchate and the election of St. Job to the Patriarchal Throne. It is important to note that the saint, whom Sterligov blasphemes with his last words, suffered from the very Latins into whose heresy he allegedly fell when he entered into communion with the Eastern Patriarchs.

Saint Job. Photo:

It must be admitted that the vast majority of modern people are practically unfamiliar with the events of Russian church history. Especially with medieval history. Although this knowledge is simply necessary to understand many of today's processes. And in this Sterligov is right in his own way. Another thing is that he interprets these processes extremely willfully, leading to the fact that we should all curse « heretical”, in his opinion, the Orthodox Church and recognize himself ... « unbaptized." What, by the way, does Sterligov himself consider himself, dreaming of a new « Baptism of Russia "by some « true bishops."

All altars in all churches will have to be temporarily closed and all the people pray in churches that the Lord will reveal the real bishops saved by God, who will baptize the Russian people for the second time under the second Vladimir the Baptist.

And here, talking about « real bishops”, Sterligov is not just fantasizing, but frankly cunning. After all, if he had completely rejected their existence, he would have fallen into frank heresy - in contradiction with the words of Holy Scripture about the Providence of God for His Church - with the words of Christ Himself: « I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). And on the other hand, if he himself believes in his own words that all the Orthodox Churches have long since deviated into heresy, then no « there are no real bishops at all. No bishops, no priests, no... laity. No one is baptized, no one is married, everyone lives without the Church, without sacraments, in godlessness and fornication. Including German Lvovich himself. Despite the fact that with his mind he allegedly came to « true faith."

Alternative history in Sterling style

In a word, Sterligov is a walking oxymoron: an unbaptized ultra-Orthodox, a kind of non-priest, who rejects all other non-priests, the only « Christian" all over the world (unless, of course, you count his few adherents). And it was this incident, as well as Sterlig's church-historical fantasies, that the well-known sectologist and church historian, professor of the Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University Alexander Dvorkin commented on to Tsargrad:

German Sterligov has nothing to do with either Orthodox Churches or Old Believer concords, he is his own "church and concord". Any of his attempts to appeal to historical events reveal elementary ignorance. So, speaking of the fact that the Greeks inXVcentury, after the Ferraro-Florentine Union, they allegedly never repented, he simply distorts historical facts. First, there were those in the Church of Constantinople who openly opposed the union, including St. Mark of Ephesus. Secondly, many of the bishops who signed the union out of cowardice publicly repented immediately after returning from the Ferrara-Florence Cathedral.

Thirdly, most Orthodox Christians immediately stopped visiting churches where the Pope was commemorated, and therefore at the time of the fall of Constantinople in 1453, Hagia Sophia was practically empty. Fourthly, already in 1454, a consistent opponent of the union was elected Patriarch of Constantinople - St. Gennadius Scholarius, a disciple of St. Mark of Ephesus. And finally, after the fall of Constantinople, the union was rejected and condemned at four Local Councils, including those with the participation of other Eastern Patriarchs.”

One of the cathedrals mentioned by Professor Dvorkin was the Council of Constantinople in 1484 with the participation of the Patriarchs of Constantinople, Jerusalem, Antioch and Alexandria. It was decided to accept Catholics into the bosom of the Orthodox Church as heretics of the "second rank » , that is, through chrismation. And this clearly demonstrated that the Ferraro-Florentine Union was destroyed not only "politically » but also sacramentologically, spiritually. Of course, all these facts radically diverge from Sterlig's concept of history, which Professor Dvorkin in his commentary to Tsargrad aptly compared with the attempts of the mathematician Fomenko to create his own "new chronology". » , a pseudoscientific theory of a radical revision of the entire world history. Well, as they say, "so much the worse for the facts » .

G. Sterligov. Photo: Alexander Shcherbak / TASS

Sterligov Religious Travel Agency

The creator of one of the most totalitarian pseudo-religious groups is credited with the words: "If a person really wants to get a million dollars, then the best way is to found his own religion." Sterligov earned his first million long before creating his own cult. As well as hardly this cult brings him money. Here the motivation is different, connected not so much with the love of money, but with pride: with the certainty that everyone around you is mistaken that only you have a monopoly on the truth, on the “most true and grace-filled” faith.

And in this Sterligov does not discover anything new, but only becomes the next “guru” for the same “religious tourists” who are looking for where it is “more blessed”. It would be interesting to know how many adherents of Sterling's teachings (not counting his family members) stayed in this "faith" for more than two or three years?

And, nevertheless, I would not like to end this text exclusively negatively, because even Sterligov in his "Confession of Faith" admits the possibility for repentance of those whom he has written down as "heretics". I would also like to express the hope that the servant of God Herman, who considers himself unbaptized, will return to the Church of Christ. Not invented by him, but really existing, with archpastors and shepherds, and most importantly, with the holy Sacraments, which this untalented Russian man had not accessed for a very long time. And so I would like to end it with the same words:

No one but the Almighty knows the future. Therefore, let the last sign of my illiterate and half-witted reasoning be not a period, but a question mark. Amen".

The first Russian millionaire of the 90s, who made a fortune in just a matter of days. Scandalous projects - the first Alisa commodity exchange, ARTC - ended in complete failure, having managed to bring the founder not only a fabulous income, but also outrageous fame. He tried himself in business, social activities and even politics. The latest project "Sloboda" has become, according to Sterligov, a way of life. However, the chain of stores "Bread and Salt" is expanding, and information about income from the sale of ecological products at fabulous prices is kept secret.

A man with a full beard and a hard look is in no way associated with a multimillionaire. Indeed, the founder of the rural settlement "Sloboda" has not had much money for a long time. But what is interesting about the fate of an extraordinary farmer who today sells malt sourdough bread for 1,500 rubles, actively fights against homosexuality and abortion, electricity and money settlements and frightens opponents with his extraordinary statements.

Behind him is not one rise and fall. After all, German Lvovich Sterligov always not only kept pace with the times, but tried to be one step ahead of him, which more than once caused misunderstanding of others. Not afraid to radically change his life and striving for publicity, the merchant each time received his 15 minutes of scandalous fame, after which he again disappeared from view.

He won the glory of the "official" millionaire in 1991 thanks to the activities of the first commodity exchange "Alisa", the first day of which brought Sterligov 6 million rubles.

His financial condition in 1992 makes it possible to call the businessman a dollar billionaire and the richest man in Russia.

How did the further life of the first "post-Soviet" billionaire turn out? What made a successful entrepreneur, who tried his hand in business, political and social activities, to devote his life to the revival of the village in its original form? Let's try to find answers in the biography of German Sterligov.

German Sterligov is a direct descendant of the noble Sterligov family. The future billionaire was born in the city of Zagorsk (today Sergiev Posad - author) on October 18, 1966.

In the family of a well-known professor of medicine and a good diagnostician, Lev Aleksandrovich, idleness and idleness were not encouraged. The upbringing of children was carried out by the mother Margarita Arsenievna. After the family moves to the capital, Herman is sent to a special school with an English bias No. 19. In fact, the certificate of this school will be the only document on education.

As expected, the Soviet young man served in the ranks of the Soviet Army and, after demobilization, submits documents to a prestigious university.

Entering the Faculty of Law at Moscow State University in 1988, the guy prefers not to study, but to adventurous commercial projects. It is the opening of the first cooperative "Pulsar" that takes away all his time and forces him to leave the university after the first year.

Two steps to billions: a real Russian pioneer

Sterligov's plan was a real adventure. Having gathered a group of artists right on the Arbat, he organizes concerts right at the stations. Thanks to the talent of persuasion, he was able to convince the management of the stations that this object stands for "vocal hall". And this is a place where you can earn good money on vocals.

“The proceeds were carried in suitcases, even if they were copper…”, - G. Sterligov.

And perhaps the young businessman could have become a famous producer, if not for the ban on private concert activity in 1989, because of which the musical group broke up.

But the merchant does not give up, and the Pulsar cooperative radically changes its direction of activity. Now it is a detective agency, and the first of its kind. It was at this stage that he met Artem Tarasov, who in the future will more than once act as a guarantor and sponsor of Sterligov's projects.

In 1990, the detective business went bankrupt. And with the remaining money in the amount of 3 thousand rubles, the adventurer goes to the Dominican Republic, where he lowers them to the casino. It is while playing roulette that he comes up with an idea that will radically change his whole life.

He decided to create the first commodity exchange in Russia. Lack of money, thousands of debts did not stop the pioneer. In search of where to get start-up capital, he decides to turn to Tarasov. Under the guarantee of a millionaire friend, he receives a loan of 2 million rubles from the Stolichny bank.

The lion's share of the credit was spent on advertising. And here Sterligov was again the first - he was the first to pay for advertising on television. And it gave tremendous results. His profit from interest on transactions carried out on the first day of the Alisa exchange reached 6 million rubles. In fact, the exchange was a wholesale base, which was managed from a common information and commercial center.

Further development of events occurs rapidly and unpredictably:

  • March 1991 - becomes the first ruble multimillionaire;
  • April 1991 - opens the "Club of Young Millionaires" in Russia;
  • June 1991 - becomes a dollar multimillionaire;
  • August 1991 - moves to the USA, opens the international exchange Alicein America;
  • 1992 - becomes a billionaire, and the exchange union - a holding company with its own security service and 80 subsidiaries.

A specific assessment of Sterligov's wealth in those days is not given by any publication, as well as by the businessman himself.

But the reputation of one of the first millionaires in Russia was firmly entrenched in him.

In 1993, Sterligov left the business and began to closely engage in social activities. The exchange lasted until 1996.

Social activity

In parallel with doing business, Sterligov begins a diverse public activity:

  • 1991 - receives land in the Ryazan region for the revival of the family estate, but due to the lack of declared work, the allotment was selected;
  • February 1992 - meeting with Dzhokhar Dudayev, the purpose of which, according to the businessman, was to study the prospects for cooperation;
  • 1993 - completely devoted to the affairs of the patriotic movement, as he becomes the spiritual son of Archimandrite Kirill (Trinity-Sergius Lavra);
  • 1996 - heads the society of the Moscow nobility, as well as the "Headquarters of the search for the library of Ivan the Terrible";
  • June 1998 - becomes chairman of the board of the "Word and Deed" movement.

The ideology of this movement was entirely based on the "patristic teaching of the Orthodox Church", and the program offered to quickly restore order in Russia.

But due to the renaming of the movement into "Russian House", the CEC refused in 1999 to register the list.

Or maybe in politics?

Sterligov burst into the world of politics in 2002 like a boomerang. And here he decided to get everything at once. Therefore, he did not waste precious time on the lower steps, but immediately ran for governor of the Krasnodar Territory.

Having failed, a year later he participates in the elections for mayor of Moscow. But even here it is gaining only 3.87% of the votes and takes 3rd place.

In 2004, he is already trying his hand at the presidential election race, but does not pass registration.

At this time, the eccentric business became more famous for its extraordinary slogans. He went to the polls as a manufacturer of coffins, for which he purposefully opened a coffin office with his brother.

"You will fit in our coffins without diet and aerobics",
“-Where are you jumping, bun? “I’m in a hurry to buy myself a coffin!” - slogans invented personally by Sterligov.

The election race has completely depleted the businessman's reserves. Therefore, the Sterligovs sell their house on Rublyovka and move to a village in the Mozhaisk district. Thus begins a new, reclusive part of the biography of German Sterligov.

“I don't want to govern our people - I wanted to, and then got sick of it,” - this is how he himself will later say about the results of political activity.

"Any currency is evil..."

The Sterligov family completely renounces the blessings of civilization and devotes its life to the development of a subsidiary farm.

Sterligov about money:- Those who do not have money do not cause any condolences in me. Those who don't have money don't want to work. If there is no money, create your own peasant economy or get a job as a laborer, since not everyone can be masters. A slave to a good master lives better than a prosperous manager in the city.

But the hermit businessman complains about the lack of assistants.

“The Russian people no longer exist, only viewers remain,” G. Sterligov

Therefore, in 2006, he created an electronic "Register of non-drinking men."

In society and the press, an opinion appeared that the entrepreneur-adventurer "seemed to have calmed down."

“There is still a feeling that this is not even a lull, but just a new round of a tricky game. And very gambling. And it probably won't be the last." Source "Expert".

And Sterligov did not deceive expectations. He announces the launch of a new project - ARTC.

JSC "Anti-Crisis Settlement and Commodity Center" opens in November 2008, when business in Russia felt all the problems of the global crisis.

In fact, it was another exchange for barter transactions. And, oddly enough, businessmen began to join the dubious community, paying entry fees, which ranged from 30, and later up to 100 thousand euros.

At the same time, in a spiritual impulse to reject satanic money, the merchant begins to mint gold coins.

“The duty of any believer is to get rid of money and help others do it,” G. Sterligov

Both ventures were initially unsuccessful and could not withstand the collision with state policy. Although during the period of its existence, the ARTC has opened regional offices in many cities of Russia, and even international centers abroad.

The result was lawsuits from business partners who in 2010 demanded to recover $1 million from Sterligov. The businessman was forced to curtail the business by filing a bankruptcy petition.

Armenian spy or Russian killer

Again, information about Sterligov appears only in 2013. Moreover, it is associated with a number of scandalous cases:

  • the murder of journalist Anastasia Baburova and lawyer Stanislav Markelov;
  • organizing hand-to-hand combat training for members of banned nationalist organizations on the territory of Sloboda;
  • shootout in Sinichkino.

In the summer of 2015, an Orthodox hermit businessman urgently leaves for Nagorno-Karabakh to avoid persecution. Here he buys a mill and sells flour.

However, it falls under the sanctions of Azerbaijan as a violator of the state border.

But Interpol, according to RIA Novosti, stops the search after a complaint from the businessman's lawyer.

How much is a pound Sterligov?

Returning to Sloboda in September 2015, the businessman starts a new project related to the manufacture and sale of natural products.

Sterlig on farming:- There is no market for natural products, there is only a market for poison, which is produced by farmers or agricultural holdings. The farmer always produces products with chemistry and GMOs, if you value your health, you cannot buy products from them. It is necessary to buy from those people who are outside the game, who produce products without chemicals, produce a natural product for themselves and their children.

And already in December 2016, he opens the first store of the Bread and Salt chain. Today it is a network of 11 stores located in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in Perm and Kirov.

Here they offer malt sourdough bread for 1,500 rubles. for a loaf, other natural products, cosmetics, salt and herbs.

Some stores operate on a franchise basis, and without a lump-sum fee, but with a royalty in the amount of a tithe. Sterligov basically does not enter into any written contracts with suppliers and partners, and all issues are resolved by oral agreement without the involvement of the police or other official bodies.

Only a like-minded businessman can become a supplier of natural products, having passed the test of the Food Safety Committee.

After passing the test, economy has the right to sell products at prices several times higher than market prices.

"The most important requirement for applicants is no chemistry in products, no GMOs, and even more so mechanized lines", - G. Sterligov

All sales are made through IP. Profit information is not disclosed. But, according to the farmer himself, the monthly revenue exceeds 1.5 million rubles.

“What kind of businessman am I now? I have long been just a peasant, and a beggar, like a church rat, ”- G. Sterligov

Despite the obvious denial of all the achievements of mankind, Sterligov's business is actively promoted online. On the official website you can order not only products, but also cosmetics, dishes and even clothes from a personal Model House, building houses using ancient technologies.

The businessman plans to expand the chain of stores, open mini-bakeries and starter shops in the regions, develop "peasant fast food" and open his own cafe.

“But my global goal is to cut off all electricity on the planet! There will be no electricity, hydroelectric power plants and nuclear power plants will stop. In a couple of days, all people will disperse on foot from megacities and start doing housework. And the old life will improve, which was in our country a thousand years ago. But in the meantime, we are building stores,” G. Sterligov.

Image copyright RIA Novosti Image caption One of the first Russian millionaires, Sterligov turned to Orthodoxy of the old rite and in 2004 left Moscow with his family for the Mozhaisk region, where he farmed on the lands allocated to him

The hasty departure of businessman German Sterligov from Russia to Nagorno-Karabakh has puzzled many. One of the first Russian multimillionaires, an Old Believer, the author of his own history textbook and a champion of the barter system of trade, Sterligov hastily left the country when his name began to be mentioned in connection with the trial of members of the national extremist group BORN.

According to the testimony of Evgenia Khasis, convicted of murder in the framework of one process in the "BORN case" and acting as a witness in the trial of the alleged one, Sterligov provided support to the organization.

Ties with BORN were the main topic of the press conference that Sterligov held shortly after his departure.

The businessman took advantage of the attention of the press to declare: until recently, he had not heard about the group, he had working relations with Ilya Goryachev, and the danger that forced him to leave the country did not come from Russian justice.

The BBC spoke to the businessman about what made him leave Russia, why he chose Karabakh and what happened to the gold he bought in 2008. On July 14, the jury ruled.

BBC: Why Nagorno-Karabakh?The authorities say that you are here as a tourist.

German Sterligov: That's how it's supposed to be. Therefore, they registered [...] as tourists. And so, in general, we came to visit our friends ...

My main task was to protect my family and, if something happened to me, so that my children would rotate among normal people.

I have never been to Karabakh before. I was told a lot of good things about Karabakh in Yerevan three months ago when I was there.

I really liked it, especially how people communicate with each other. I thought we should bring the kids here, show it. In theory, I told them how people should communicate kindly. In Russia, this is bad, unfortunately, it needs to be corrected.

(On July 10, Sterligov was included in the list of undesirable persons by Azerbaijan due to a visit to the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic - BBC note).

About billionaires and big money

BBC: Tell us about your past rich life, when you were one of the richest people in the country. Do you regret not being one anymore?

Image copyright Image caption In June, after posting a photo of his home with boarded up windows on social media, the businessman announced that he was leaving Russia "to the delight of her enemies."

G.S.: It's in the past. I am no longer a rich man, money. But I have five children, three granddaughters and a household in Russia. And now, God willing, it will be in Karabakh. Money? I sometimes miss them, but I know that you can not go over the measure, and I do not regret that I am not a multimillionaire or a billionaire.

BBC: What can you say about today's billionaires? Who do you respect?

G.S.: There are such people. But basically, very rich people are cowardly, scared people. And they are very tortured by life, because they have unnatural round-the-clock problems. They do not have enough - I know from my own experience - time neither for a family, nor for children, nor for life. Everything is money-money-money, beggars-beggers-beggers, takers-takers, swindlers-swindlers - and such is the eternal cycle. Longing is green.

BBC: Do you have friends who help you? Does it help you? And if not him, who else sympathizes with you and helps you?

G.S.: I am familiar with Konstantin Malofeev with a hat. We've met a couple of times in our lives. We never even talked about anything, we just said hello.

BBC: Isn't there a vital irony in the fact that after all the sharp statements about migrants in Russia, after joining, founded in 2002 after a clash with Armenian migrants in the Moscow region, after trying to run from DPNI for mayor, after patrols that walked around Moscow in search of dark-haired illegal immigrants, Sterligov seeks refuge among the Armenians?

G.S.: Yes, this is complete nonsense, nonsense. DPNI was promoted simply in my name and that's it. Young people came, boys ... At that time I was sitting on Red Square and twirling huge things.

Boys came, patriotic, and said: "Herman Lvovich, let's help you in the election campaign - put up leaflets, etc." Good guys. "Herman Lvovich, move out from the DPNI" ... They glued leaflets to me. As well as a huge number of people involved in the election campaigns for the election of the mayor of Moscow.

(The movement against illegal immigration is recognized in Russia as an extremist organization. Its activities are prohibited in the country - approx. BBC).

BBC: In an article in Forbes, Konstantin Gaase wrote about you that you are always ahead of your time. Do you think it is? And if so, what awaits the country in the near future? In the next three years, 15 years?

G.S.: I will tell you what the whole world is waiting for in the next three years and 15 years. Ecological catastrophy. A monstrous environmental disaster , primarily associated with water.

Because the crazy billions of fools burned a huge amount of oil, and continue to burn and extract it. And water goes in its place. Therefore, a colossal catastrophe awaits all of us - dehydration, the disappearance of the animal world, plants ...

Politics and Putin

BBC: Do you support Russia's foreign policy since 2014? "#CrimeaOur"?

G.S.: First of all, I am not involved in politics, I am a Christian. If they bother me a lot, like now, I'll go into politics. I tell you this. For the first time in years. I really got something in recent years, they put pressure on me. I'm sitting in the woods, I don't touch anyone, I support Putin.

BBC: What do you think of Putin?

G.S.: I think Putin needs to read my history textbook. Otherwise, he may be late. Putin is in danger of going to hell, as are billions of other people who do not care about eternal life. Therefore, if I am asked specifically about Putin, [...] I would wish him from the bottom of my heart to become an Orthodox Christian as soon as possible.

BBC: He seems to be trying...

G.S.: How can a clean-shaven person be an Orthodox Christian? This is absurd. Can you imagine, a Hare Krishna comes with a yellow comb on his head and says: "I am an Orthodox Christian." It's the same as shaving your beard.

BBC: You called the ROC heretics, mummers and charlatans. Are they all like that?

G.S.: It's true. Neither add nor subtract. This is detailed on my website. There is a "Confession of Faith", a story about when and how the Russian Orthodox Church fell into heresy and from a grace-filled Christian church became a graceless heretical community. This happened in 1597.

Well, in Rome, generally kirdyk. And the Moscow Patriarchate wants to keep up with Rome...

And by the way, interestingly, my problems began after Putin's visit with a delegation from the Russian Orthodox Church to the Pope. And I admit that we could talk about the fact that I greatly interfere with the life of the Russian, so-called, Orthodox Church. This joint-stock company. They are now [going to] hold an Ecumenical Council, they have big plans, and, of course, it would be better if I were not there, so that I would be somewhere in Nagorno-Karabakh.

BBC: Do you think that the ROC is dependent on the state?

G.S.: Well no. Rather, the state is dependent on the Russian, so-called, Orthodox Church. This is such a gang that all officials are afraid of like fire. Terrible community. Ruthless, strong, cruel. Nobody goes there. If you get in there, it's the end of your career, and maybe even worse.


Image copyright RIA Novosti Image caption 1992 Twenty-five-year-old millionaire German Sterligov (left) in his office.

BBC: Why did you give training grounds to the guys from BORN? Did you know that they kill people or plan murders?

G.S.: The question is provocative, it makes no sense to discuss. It's like I'm going to ask: why did you kill children yesterday? This is an absurd question, offensive to me.

BBC: Do you know anything about what BORN is the presidential administration?

G.S.: I had never heard of BORN until the moment they started talking about me, a week or two ago. I have never heard anything about BORN, let alone BORN's connections with anyone. These are different planets, where nationalists live on one, that is, sick shaved people, and Orthodox Christians live on the other.

BBC: Do you know Ilya Goryachev, Nikita Tikhonov or Evgenia Khasis?

G.S.: I am not familiar with Ilya Goryachev. He came to me several times as a petitioner and visitor. A pleasant, normal guy, polite and well-mannered, asked for money for a magazine, I refused. I learned about Tikhonov and Khasis the other day in connection with this whole scandal.

BBC: Did you order a staged video for Goryachev and Khasis about an attack on representatives of sexual minorities?

G.S.: No, I didn't finance it. There was none of this. I have already said that I was offered to finance the Russian Image magazine. Once or twice, I don't remember, Goryachev came to me, quite legally, and asked for money. Many people came to ask for money...

I remembered him, Goryachev, among a huge number of people because I urged him to close this "Russian image". And he convinced him of the failure of nationalist activities, told him when the ROC fell into heresy, why the Serbian church was no longer a church. I killed two hours on it. He made a good impression on me.

BBC: Is it true that you were willing to pay for real attacks on members of sexual minorities?

G.S.: Are you making fun of me? I have now answered all these questions.

Sterligov's Gold

BBC: During the crisis of 2007-2008, you said that you were buying gold, as it could become a means of payment again. What happened to the gold? If you still have it, did you bring it to Karabakh?

G.S.: We came to the creation of a gold exchange in 2011 and prepared documents for registration. We prepared a huge building on the Garden Ring, storage, logistics, created a network throughout the country and were sure that we would be given a license. But we were not given a license. Milovidov - he headed the FFMS [Federal Service for Financial Markets] - did not give us a license, we did not create a gold exchange and closed.

This issue is now exactly in the same perspective, only on a large scale, in the calculations through the "Gold Standard" states such as Russia, China, Brazil, Iran are dealing with ... Calculations are made without the participation of the dollar, the equivalent is the price of gold.

I am glad that the ideas that we promoted were accepted by the leaders of the countries and are now useful in order not to pay Americans a tax for every transfer through the Bank of New York.

So I don't think that I wasted my time, I benefited my country, my compatriots... It was a good project.

I hope that Russia and other countries from the topic of the gold standard will come to the topic of gold payments, that is, they will mint gold and silver coins and completely replace paper money.

Image copyright Image caption In 2009, Sterligov tried to introduce "golden golden" as a currency.

BBC: What happened to the gold you were buying?

G.S.: I didn't buy it. We minted gold coins in London, Moscow at Goznak. It was called "golden golden". Oz, half ounce and quarter ounce coins.

We minted coins for the money of people who turned their paper money into gold, and distributed to those people who began to settle in them as an internal unit of account.

They were not transported across borders, electronic and physical receipts were valid. This was the beginning of the settlement system. We created the gold exchange to make a central exchange server and act as a clearing house around the world without transporting gold.

BBC: In 2007, during the crisis, you tried to get back into business with the idea of ​​barter payments. Tell me what didn't work?

G.S.: Barter - [because every commodity was supposed to be exchanged for] gold . Since gold is not money in modern conditions, it turns out to be a barter transaction. A computer is for gold, oil is for gold... This is barter.

Only formally, according to the current legislation, this is a deal - exchange, barter, because gold is a commodity, not money. But in reality, this is just a sale for gold, and barter is not taxed. As I said, we were not given a license.

To Russia and back?

BBC: How long are you going to stay here? And what are you going to do?

G.S.: I will not return to Russia with my family until I receive security guarantees for my family from the leadership of the Russian Federation. And I myself will fly to Russia this Thursday for a few days in order to save the Karabakh Armenian leadership from attacks that they have some criminals hiding from Russian justice here.

I officially warn law enforcement about my trip to Russia. If they have any questions for me, a desire to detain me, then I am at their disposal. And then the press writes a lot, as if I am a fugitive from justice.

I will go for three days, then, if God willing, I will return and will be engaged in the creation of a peasant economy in Karabakh. And I will take my family out only if I am sure that they are safe. If those enemies who are now trying to trample on us are neutralized by the Russian authorities.

I want to return to Russia with my family, I like living in Russia, I like the attitude of the Russian authorities towards the peasants, I like our freedoms in matters of raising children, in matters of confession of faith. And these are the main standards of freedom.

Ever since I wrote a review of the book by Alena Sterligova “Beating with her husband. What I had to go through with German Sterligov"

I follow the Sterligov family, because I receive reviews from those who claim that they are wonderful people, and I envy them and, in general, according to all the rules of love for my neighbor, I must die in terrible agony for that review.
The reaction of these people is completely incomprehensible to me. They see in Sterligov some wonderful person, illumined by extraordinary spirituality. Apparently, they themselves are very spiritual people - it is not in vain that they speak on behalf of the Lord, wishing me a speedy death.

Meanwhile, I considered and still consider Sterligov and his family to be people who fool people's heads. They live as they want - it's great. I think the means allow them to be eccentric, and without constant outrageousness they are bored.
Herman himself has not changed at all since his youth, when wealth suddenly fell upon him. Who and why needed to make unknown young people like Sterligov and Khodorkovsky billionaires, history is silent. We can only guess that some unknown to us either party functionaries, or underground businessmen, or outright crime, and maybe foreigners needed figureheads for the great hack, in which everything that was created by 3 generations Soviet people, was taken from us.
The history of how the relationship between the newly minted billionaires and the real beneficiaries developed in the future is also shrouded in darkness. Khodorkovsky was imprisoned, but for what and why we still don’t know for sure.

But Sterligov's fate was different. Apparently, he was needed for some short operation, after which he was supposed to go into the shadows. But he didn't want to. Here is just the case when show-offs are more expensive than money, and Sterligov turned his life into an endless performance.
What is at least worth it is that back in early 1991, when the USSR was intact, he organized a club of young millionaires, where millionaires with an annual income of at least a million rubles and no older than 35 were admitted. And the entrance fee to this club was as much as 250 rubles. According to Sterligov, millionaires in the USSR are among the most disenfranchised categories of citizens, and in order to counter this, his club was created.
Meanwhile, Sterligov became a millionaire after the creation of the Alisa exchange, the logo of which was the dog Alisa, for which he received the nickname "Puppy" from the then businessmen.

And his 2004 presidential campaign with slogans like "You'll fit in our coffins without diet or aerobics"? It is still unclear what he meant by this. At that time, Sterligov said that his business was the production of coffins, but now he claims that he never produced coffins, and the advertising was washed away by the fact that he wanted to draw attention to the frailty of our life.
Further, German Lvovich Sterligov became exclusively Orthodox and of such holiness that he locked himself and his family in the wilderness, where he did not use electricity and gas, but used the Internet.
Sterligov has his own chronology and his own religion - he sees enemies in the Russian Orthodox Church, and the Greek Patriarchy has left the true path. The main sign of the Orthodox is a beard. Shaved people are not allowed into Sloboda. It's strange, the Hasidim wear a beard and the Mujahideen - are they allowed in Sloboda?
In Sloboda, some unusual ecological farming was carried on, and Herman sold lamb for fifteen hundred per kilo. There were also expensive horses, and the whole family loved to pose with machine guns and guns.

Based on this life, a book by Alena Sterligova was published, which was actually written by journalist Igor Shnurenko, he later sued them, but they never paid him the promised 2 million 100 thousand.
I think they did the right thing. Shnurenko went too far in this book. He could not hide his contemptuous attitude towards Herman, and showed that the relationship of the spouses is far from ideal, and Alena turned out to be downtrodden, completely enslaved by her tyrant husband, but in fact she is a very prosperous and well-groomed lady, who from time to time time plays a patriarchal Russian woman in collectible outfits for the public.
Why do I think so? And here are her photos.

She dyes her hair, maybe she did plastic surgery for herself, because in 2015 she looks better than a few years ago. By the way, the Orthodox do not wear such a headscarf at all. The purpose of the scarf is to completely cover the hair and neck. And this flirtatious trinket on her head has nothing to do with piety.
Do you believe that Alena is able to milk several cows, cook for a large family? Does she have a very polished look? No need la-la. A woman doing hard work doesn't look like this at 50.

Last year, Sterligov was unusually supportive of Novorossiya. They even wanted to give him citizenship of the DNR. But now he was disappointed in them - they, you see, are "red". Oh, who would doubt that this person cannot be relied upon.

Why did I remember Sterligov today? But because now he is again in all the news: he sold his property and moved ... to Nagorno-Karabakh.
How is it?

« Russian businessman German Sterligov received threats over his history textbook "From Grozny to Putin," Sterligov's lawyer Artur Airapetov said.».
It is clear that Karabakh arose because of a lawyer, but why such a sudden decision? Because of the textbook, then moved?
Let's get a look.
History textbook by German Sterligov "from Adam to Putin"
1. From Adam to Macedonian (Bible History)
2. From Macedonian to Monomakh (Face chronicle of the 16th century)
3. From Monomakh to the fall of the Greeks into heresy (Focus annalistic code of the 16th century)
4. From Ferrara to Grozny (Face chronicle of the 16th century)
5. From Grozny to Putin (German Sterligov)
And there is nothing to say - exemplary nonsense.

The newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda is concerned about the fate of Sterligov, and this is what they write:

I, - Herman tells me, - bought a mill nearby, here I am selling the first grinding.
Buyers come up and ask: why is your flour almost twice as expensive as on the market?
- Because it is clean ecological, - Herman explains.
- Wai-wai! - buyers are surprised, but they take it anyway.

Tell me, Herman, what brings you here?
- This is an unrecognized republic. This is a huge plus - all sorts of European and American ... do not come here and do not interfere with people's spiritual life.

- Do you feel guilty about yourself?
- Not. Of all the things I've been accused of, I'm not guilty of anything.
- And as far as I know, you were declared almost the leader of a gang of nationalists who allegedly underwent military training on your estate?
- Listen, well, this is just utter nonsense! In my settlement, people simply cannot live without beards. Here you come to me and live please. And these nationalists, whom I saw, they are all shaved. For this reason, I can't do business with them.
So what do your enemies want from you?
- These are orders. They want to destroy me and my family. Therefore, I did not tempt fate and left here.
- Is there a threat of murder?
- There are a lot of options for destruction from murder to replanting on the needle. Here I do not know their clear plans.
Do you think it's safe here?
- No I do not think so. They can get here too.
- Maybe there are places safer than Karabakh?
- I wanted to go to the Lugansk People's Republic.
I agree, great place! I'm there, read that I spent the whole last year.
- But ... I looked at their leadership, I do not like their policy. Those red flags and all. But Karabakh is still a source of absolutely clean and cheap products for Russian cities. There are so many different fruits and vegetables that need to be processed and transported to Russia. Here you can produce such pure and healthy juices, compotes, wines ...
- Well, where do you plan to live here? Or a secret?
- No secrets. Here, 27 kilometers from Shushi in the mountains, there is a most beautiful place, called Shirlan. This is a completely deserted place of 600 square kilometers. There are no roads there. Only on horseback. There are such beauties: geysers, mineral springs! And the air! And, most importantly, there is no light, no TV, no Internet, no cellular communication. This is what I dreamed about in the settlement. This is where to raise children and live in peace. Levon Hayrapetyan (Bashneft, - N.V.), the most beautiful person who is currently under house arrest in Moscow, gave me two horses. One from the stables of the Queen of England, the other from Holland. So in terms of movement, everything is fine. There are also excellent horses of the Karabakh breed here.
- Wait, but you have to line up there ... Will you carry a brick on horseback?
- Yes, everything is there! Stone underfoot, lime underfoot. There is plenty of wood. Nothing is needed, only to attract workers with golden hands, of which there are many in Karabakh.
- Are you planning to bring your workers from the settlement here?
- No, we will not close the settlement. Our son Sergiy runs the economy there.
- Did he stay?
- No, the whole family is with me. And Sergius rules from here. There will be an Armenian courtyard. We will supply Armenian goods there.
- Will this land in Shirlan cost you some money, or will it be free of charge?
- I do not know yet. Let's see… .

And before that, there was an interview with Alena in KP.

- What prompted you to leave everything in Russia and move here?
“To be honest, I don’t know myself. That was the will of her husband. We were in Belarus when Herman suddenly told me that we were going to Karabakh. Why we left, Herman will answer this question both for you and for me on Monday, when he returns. And rightly so, because I am a woman and I can blurt out something superfluous ahead of time. I was only told that we should not return to Russia for the time being.
- Why did you leave specifically for Nagorno-Karabakh, where you had never been before?
- On this score, with my feminine mind, I think this way: where else could Herman lead us with our views and habits? To Europe, where is the perversion? To Georgia, where gay parades have already been held? But Karabakh still retained its moral foundations. Everyone here speaks Russian. And the people here are kind! Everyone is trying to help
- Who would have told me recently that I would be in Karabakh, I would be very surprised. But in my almost fifty years, I realized that everything that happens to us should be taken for granted. There is no need to be very happy about anything, and there is no need to be upset. Everything is the will of God. Of course, I feel sorry for the economy that we have been creating for so long and carefully. But if the husband said so... You know, the happiness of a woman, the real happiness of a woman is not in the surrounding interior and home comfort, but the happiness of always being with her beloved husband, with her beloved family.

Alena is going to supply herbs from Karabakh to Russia, with the help of which hepatitis C can be cured. Yes, herbs, herbs should be treated.

As you can see, each in his role. One poseur personally sells flour at more than twice the price in these places, on antique scales. And this is in impoverished Nagorno-Karabakh! (I look at his photo, and I am tormented by vague doubts: does he not paint? Previously, his hair was sparse and gray).
The other, again in an exclusive dress, speaks in some language specially invented by her, which is supposed to depict something ancient Russian.

So what's the deal there? They also wrote about the persecution in the Born case, where the defendants testify against them. However, due to German’s family ties with the FSB (at one time he was patronized by his uncle Alexander Sterligov, a major general of the KGB, whom German now renounces, although I remember how the general himself talked about a talented nephew on TV - he was then just as popular, like Herman today) he is unlikely to be threatened with persecution in the cases of Russian nationalists.

I think the reason is banal: debts. The family is clearly living beyond its means. Building houses and decorative households, an Orthodox fashion house and ecological products, teaching children at home, thoroughbred horses, publishing wild books, constant flashing in the media - do you think this is cheap? Moreover, the principle of this family, it seems, is not to repay debts in any case. In the book about Alena, it is written that her mother taught her to do this - they did not repay the debts that appeared after the death of their father. Alena's father was a fairly wealthy man, but he died, and the family did not want to reduce their appetites. Actually, this was one of the reasons for her marriage.
Moving to Karabakh is also not cheap. Another house, many more costly projects. But, apparently, the short-term ownership of the Alisa exchange brought such a good income at one time that, despite the bankruptcy, there is enough for this whole circus, and even left for grandchildren. That's how much there was in the USSR that these guys "privatized".

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