What to do if your face peels off in winter. Facial skin peels off in winter: what to do? The main causes of peeling skin in winter

With the onset of winter cold, many women are faced with a very unpleasant problem - peeling of the skin. As a result of peeling, the skin becomes tight and dry, microscopic cracks, red spots and significant foci of irritation appear on it.

Extreme weather conditions leave their mark on the skin

To eliminate these phenomena, it is necessary to find out why the skin peels off in winter, what affects this process and why it undergoes such metamorphoses. It should be noted that peeling can appear not only in the winter season, however, it is with the arrival of sub-zero temperatures that the problem becomes much more urgent.

How frost harms the skin

Cold frosty air is an aggressive environment for the face, as it loses moisture and becomes much drier. The problem is aggravated by the fact that the air in heated and air-conditioned rooms is even drier. Thus, a kind of vicious circle is obtained: on the one hand, dry air outside, and on the other, indoors. In addition, a sharp change in cold and heat affects the vessels, reduces their tone, disrupts blood microcirculation and impairs the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

But it is the sebaceous glands that are designed to lubricate the epidermis with sebum in order to protect it from the aggressive effects of the external environment. Temperature changes cause spasm of blood vessels: when staying in the cold, the blood vessels in the skin narrow, in a warm room they immediately expand. This process negatively affects the state of the epidermis, however, it is necessary for our body to ensure normal thermoregulation.

To understand how frost affects the skin of the face, one must familiarize oneself with the features of the structure and functioning of skin cells, as well as with the specifics of blood microcirculation. At room temperature, the blood flow rate is approximately 200 ml per second. However, these parameters are modified in cold weather, and the blood flow rate drops to 50 ml per second. This fact explains the pallor of the skin in the cold, and then its redness in the room.

And the thing is that the upper stratum corneum does not have its own vessels, so it is heated by the dermis (the deep layer that has a vascular network). In such an image, the vessels have to alternately narrow and expand several times a day in order to warm the superficial stratum corneum.

The expansion and constriction of blood vessels is controlled by special molecules - cytokines, which are produced by skin cells. In addition to regulating temperature, cytokines control the degree of skin hydration. When their regulation and synthesis are disrupted, the skin begins to peel off and become too dry. In addition to cytokines, ceramides are also involved in the process of thermoregulation.

Ceramides are lipids (fatty molecules) that are part of cell membrane... Together with cytokines, they prevent the loss of moisture by skin cells. With significant frostbite and weathering of the epidermis, there is a significant decrease in ceramides, which also leads to peeling and dryness of the skin. Thus, the main reason that causes peeling of the skin in winter is a lack of moisture as a result of disruption of the functioning of dermal cells and a malfunction in blood microcirculation.

In winter, special care

Before you learn how to protect your skin in winter, you need to find out why such metamorphoses occur to it in winter? It is well known that frosty air is very dry. In addition, when it gets dry, it loses all moisture. Dry air, acting on the epidermis, dries it out and prevents moisture retention. The problem is aggravated by dry air in air-conditioned and heated rooms.

In addition, sudden changes in temperature have a detrimental effect on the condition of the vessels of the face. In the cold, they narrow, and in the room they expand. Such temperature fluctuations lead to impaired blood circulation and prevent the natural restoration of the epidermis. Subzero temperatures also affect the sebaceous glands, they secrete less sebum, which leads to damage to the lipid barrier, which should protect the skin from winter frost.

As a result, there are areas of peeling and irritation on the face, and the sensitivity of the skin is aggravated. In addition to external manifestations, there is an internal restructuring of the body associated with seasonal phenomena, which leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the skin. Such violations cannot be ignored, therefore, the winter exit strategy will have to be completely revised.

In winter, the skin needs a more delicate and gentle cleansing. All medications during this period should help restore and maintain the natural balance. What should be the basic winter care?

It should include:

  • cleansing;
  • peeling;
  • toning;
  • moisturizing;
  • nutrition;
  • protection.

Do not be mistaken and believe that the sun is inactive in winter. It is always active. In addition, in winter, snow reflects ultraviolet rays, and our skin absorbs them. Therefore, care cosmetics must contain sunscreen filters that can stop the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and free radicals. The foundation has an excellent protective effect. In addition to its protective properties, it is also capable of nourishing and moisturizing. Therefore, its use in the winter is very appropriate.

Rules for caring for different types of skin

It is no secret that each type of skin has its own nuances of care. Therefore, at any time of the year, it is necessary to take into account its type. In winter, the process of sebum secretion is not as active as in summer, which leads to certain changes: oily skin becomes combination, normal - dry, and dry - hypersensitive.


This type of skin at all times was considered a gift of fate. It always remains smooth, moisturized, clean with good turgor and color, does not suffer from excessive dryness and increased sebum secretion. And, nevertheless, even skin that can be called perfect needs careful care in winter. The main task in this case is to maintain a normal state, preventing it from dehydration and overdrying.

A light moisturizer will work for this type. You should not choose a cream with a dense texture, it can overload the epidermis, which will result in increased work of the sebaceous glands. A moisturizer should protect, moisturize, and soften. It is applied in advance to the face so that it has time to be absorbed. It is better to do this half an hour - an hour before going outside. Also, care involves the regular use of exfoliating agents.

Exfoliation is very important as a measure to prevent the accumulation of keratinized scales. Many cosmetologists recommend exfoliation in winter no more than once a week. As for cleansing, its principles are strikingly different from the summer cleansing. In winter, do not use soap and alcohol-based lotions.

Winter care for normal skin


This type is characterized by increased sensitivity and problematicity. Dry skin is irritated in all situations and in all weather conditions. In winter, it instantly reacts to dry frosty air with significant redness, dehydration, flaking, microcracking and irritation. The situation is aggravated by overdried warm indoor air. To improve appearance, it must be nourished, moisturized, soothed (relieve irritation and increased sensitivity).

This type of skin is very vulnerable, it reacts to literally any irritant. The main care product should be a nourishing cream with fatty acids and oil base. It should be applied an hour before going outside, and in the evening before going to bed - moisturizing. Additional hydration options can be provided by thermal water, which is sprayed on the face throughout the day as needed. However, do not do this just before going outside.

Exfoliate dry skin once a week, but choose products with fine abrasive particles as exfoliants. Also, peelings should not include fruit acids in a large percentage. The procedure should be gentle and delicate, since active exfoliation can destroy the lipid layer, and additional trauma to the skin is completely undesirable. It is necessary to cleanse the skin with gentle and mild preparations, after which a tonic is required.


Despite the fact that oily skin looks rough and inelegant, in the winter season it is in the most advantageous position. The active secretion of sebum helps to preserve the lipid layer and protects against dryness and moisture loss. The care strategy for this type must be built in such a way as not to deprive it of its existing advantages. The main care product is a moisturizer, which can neutralize excess sebum production.

The fact is that even oily skin can be dehydrated, and it compensates for the lack of moisture by increased secretion of sebum. A cream with a special composition should prevent the appearance of an oily film. It should be oil-free to prevent oily sheen. This tool is used in the morning and evening. Aerosols, sprays with thermal water (only without alcohol) will help to take care of additional moisture.

For cleansing, micellar water is suitable, which effectively removes sebum or cleansing preparations containing plant and salicylic acids. Cosmetologists advise against using strongly matting preparations in winter, since the lipid layer can be significantly disturbed.


Combination leather combines characteristics of all types. This is very sensitive and dry skin on the cheeks, and in the T - zone - oily and porous. Basic care in winter can be supported by universal cosmetics that are suitable for all types. However, only if the difference between dry and oily areas is not so significant. When peeling on dry areas, use an emollient and at the same time nourishing agent. A gentle peeling with fine abrasive particles is suitable for this type.

What does peeling of the face in winter say?

Since severe frost and wind help to reduce the natural fat layer, the process of sebum production slows down. Without sebum, the upper layer of the epidermis remains defenseless, literally “naked”. This makes the already dry skin even drier and thinner, normal - dry, and oily - normal.

It is well known that cold wind and frost are the main enemies of beautiful and healthy skin. Therefore, she needs a double dose of hydration, nutrition and protection. There are some nuances here that need clarification.

Firstly, there is a misconception that you should not use a moisturizer in winter, because the water molecules in the cream freeze when they go out into the frosty air. This is a very dangerous and fundamentally wrong delusion. Therefore, do not believe those who argue that you cannot moisturize the skin in winter. After all, hydration occurs not due to water molecules in the cream, but due to a peptide film or a film based on artificial fats (petroleum jelly, lanolin), which give us comfort and a feeling of hydration.

By creating a film, the cream prevents moisture loss and evaporation from the surface of the epidermis. You should also use a moisturizer properly. As a rule, it is applied to the skin an hour before going out into the cold. This fact should be taken into account, since constant exposure to frost with poorly absorbed moisturizer can lead to dehydration of the epidermis.

Cold wind and frost cause flaking of beautiful and healthy skin

Secondly, many people believe that since it rains and snows in the fall and spring, it is not necessary to moisturize the skin, because it absorbs moisture from the atmosphere, that is, it moisturizes itself. Another dangerous misconception. The fact is that the moisture that is in the frosty air, falling on the surface of the face, instantly freezes, forming ice microcrystals. These ice crystals, in contact with the skin, contribute to the appearance of the smallest cracks, peeling and irritation.

Temperature changes also play an important role in the appearance of flaking foci on the skin. The temperature difference between frosty and hot air (the source of hot air in the room is heating devices and air conditioners) damages the skin so much that all the defects of illiterate care immediately make themselves felt.

To avoid temperature drops, in an apartment that has central heating, it is necessary to have additional sources of air humidification throughout the heating season. If there is no special humidifier, then you can place containers with water throughout the house, which will compensate for the excessive dryness of the air in the room. They are usually placed next to heating appliances.

The third misconception concerns skin type changes. Some women actively support the myth that skin type can change according to the seasons. In winter, it becomes dry and problematic, and in summer it becomes combined and oily. Of course it is not. Skin type never changes, we are born with a certain type and stay with it all our lives. However, the problem is that with the wrong care, it becomes drier, less healthy, poorly hydrated, with poor color and turgor.

How to get rid of flaking?

To prevent peeling, it is necessary to use three express methods that will help in short time to solve a problem.

To do this, use:

  1. Purchase a high-quality cream for dry skin that nourishes and protects it, neutralizes peeling, eliminates microcracks, and also relieves irritation.
  2. Peels remove dead skin scales, improve complexion, make the tone even and smooth. They help the creams penetrate deep into the dermis and regenerate it.
  3. The moisturizer gives the face a healthy look, eliminates dryness, irritation and flaking, as well as early wrinkles that are the result of dehydration of the skin. In order for a moisturizing cream to have a moisture-preserving effect, the following ingredients must be included in its composition: petroleum jelly, lanolin, paraffin, glycerin, hyaluronate, glycine, propylene glycol.

With intense peeling, you can use pharmaceutical preparations... It has a good therapeutic effect:

  • hydrocortisone ointment, which should be no more than 0.5% concentration;
  • panthenol (ointment, spray, cream), the product is applied to the face four times a day, has a pronounced emollient effect;
  • bepanten has healing and regenerating properties;
  • radevite gives softness and velvety, prevents the appearance of foci of peeling.

Fighting peeling at home

Many products can be used at home to make soft scrubs, of which coffee and cucumber are the most popular. Making them yourself is very simple.

Coffee scrub

Take coffee grounds and add a few drops of essential oil to it (you can use mint or tea tree). You can also swap out the essential oil for grape seed oil, flaxseed oil, or rose oil. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and massage for five to ten minutes. Then wash it off warm water.

Cucumber scrub

Grate a medium-sized cucumber, add two tablespoons of oatmeal. Insist the resulting mass for 30 minutes. Apply to face and massage for five to ten minutes. Then wash off the mass with warm water.

Masks that are easy and convenient to make at home are also effective.

Banana mask

Soften the pulp of one banana until mushy. Then mix with one tablespoon of olive oil. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse. Next, apply any nourishing cream to clean skin.

Carrot mask

Grate one medium-sized carrot. Mix with one tablespoon of oatmeal. Add one tablespoon of warmed milk to the mixture. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 20 minutes.

Masks are well complemented by massage treatments. Making your own massage at home is not at all difficult. The main thing is to follow the instructions.

Honey massage

Mix one tablespoon of honey with a tablespoon of water. Gently massage the face along the massage lines for 10 minutes. Afterwards, remove the remaining honey and wipe your face with a napkin.

Oatmeal massage

Take one tablespoon of oatmeal and boil it in milk. Then add a teaspoon of honey, olive oil and egg yolk. Apply the mixture on the face in an even layer, massage along the massage lines. Leave the mixture on your face for 15 minutes.

Eliminate peeling in the salon

Sometimes the causes of peeling can be malfunctions in the work of internal organs or heredity. In this case, it is almost impossible to fix the problem on your own. Therefore, it is necessary to seek the advice of a dermatologist. He will prescribe adequate treatment, which will eliminate, first of all, the cause of the phenomenon, and then its consequence.

If the cause of peeling is a hereditary factor, then you can contact an aesthetic clinic to eliminate the problem. The clinic can offer the following procedures:

  • biorevitalization (tissue saturation with hyaluronic acid);
  • mesotherapy (targeted introduction of biological cocktails);
  • chemical peeling (deep exfoliation).

What if the peeling continues, despite all the procedures and treatment? Do not wait any longer, you need to urgently consult a dermatologist. Persistent and stubborn scaling can be caused by serious medical conditions (seborrhea, eczema, and psoriasis). In this case, a competent correction of such conditions is necessary.

Professional advice is never superfluous, so you should take it into service.

  1. A very hot shower, especially a long shower, can destroy the lipid layer and affect the fatty acids. Therefore, all water procedures should be carried out in a gentle thermal regime.
  2. Before applying foundation to your skin, you should perform a gentle exfoliation and apply an emollient cream. In this case, the foundation will lie flat. Peels should be carried out regularly, they perfectly remove dead scales and improve the condition of the skin. There is one trick that can help you cope with the frosty air: add one drop of face oil to your foundation.
  3. During the winter period, one should not forget about the lips. Lip care should be carefully selected according to the same criteria as for the face. You should not stop your choice on viscous textures, they fill the cracks in the lips, which looks unaesthetic. Also, do not choose drugs with lanolin.
  4. After frost, do not rub your frozen cheeks with your hands. This will make them look even more red. Just let your skin get used to the warm environment. After a few minutes, you can powder your face with moisturizing powder.
  5. Wear a hat in winter. This will help prevent overdrying your hair.
  6. Makeup has a beneficial effect on the skin. You can opt for waterproof makeup, as normal makeup can run off in wet snow and strong winds.
  7. In winter, masks are recommended to be done more often than at other times of the day: every two days.
  8. In air-conditioned rooms, the air is very dry, therefore it is recommended to purchase a special air humidifier. If this is not possible, then wet towels can be broadcast to the batteries or containers with water can be placed next to them.
  9. You need to moisturize yourself not only from the outside, but also from the nutria: in winter, consume about 3 liters of fluid per day.

Peeling of the skin of the face is a fairly common problem that almost all girls periodically encounter. Typically, this condition is accompanied by an itchy sensation and redness of the dermis. In this case, the affected areas are quite difficult to mask with foundation. To cope with the problem, it is important to determine why the skin on the face is peeling.


Peeling of the skin gives girls a lot of inconvenience. This problem interferes with the normal application of cosmetics, because the foundation lies unevenly and creates a not very attractive image. As a rule, the skin on the face flakes off in autumn and winter. This is due to a deficiency of vitamins and the negative impact of weather conditions.

All reasons are conventionally divided into two main categories - external and internal. The first group includes the following factors:

In addition, the causes of problems often lie not only in the quality of cosmetics, but also in the individual intolerance of the product. Creams, tonics and other products must be chosen individually, taking into account the characteristics of the body. Very dry facial skin requires constant hydration, so do not use products containing alcohol to care for it.

To cope with the negative impact of external factors, you need:

If the reason for the development of peeling lies in a disruption in the functioning of the body, it will be much more difficult to eliminate this problem. First, you need to determine what provokes such a condition.

In most cases, peeling is caused by a lack of moisture in the body. The skin is getting too little fluid, and as a result, it can become rough and chapped. To solve this problem, you need to drink more water and use moisturizing creams.

Also, the following factors can lead to problems with the epithelium:

Salon treatments for peeling

If peeling becomes the result of pathologies of internal organs or a hereditary predisposition, it is not recommended to try to eliminate it yourself. You need to contact a specialist who will prescribe the treatment and the necessary cosmetic procedures. To the most effective methods The fixes for this problem include the following:

Features of home skin care

If the peeling is due to external factors, home remedies can help improve the condition of the skin. To forget about this problem, it is very important to provide proper care for the epithelium. It includes compliance following rules and recommendations:

The use of pharmaceutical preparations

After determining the causes of peeling, it will be possible to choose an adequate treatment. Treatment may differ depending on the source of the problem. If the reason lies in the pathology of the skin, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines. In addition, external agents are often used that have a moisturizing effect.

If skin peeling is caused by infection with bacterial microorganisms or fungal infection, special antibacterial or antifungal drugs are used. The most effective pharmaceutical remedies that allow you to cope with the problem include:

  1. Creams containing hydrocortisone. Moreover, the concentration of this component should not exceed 0.5%. They can be used no more than 1 time per day and no longer than 14 days.
  2. Panthenol or another anti-flaking cream that includes dexpanthenol. The face is treated with such formulations until redness and itching completely disappear.
  3. Bepanten is an excellent cream that is often prescribed for children. It effectively removes small cracks in the skin and is considered an excellent prophylactic agent.

Flaky skin care masks

There are quite a few effective home remedies that help to quickly eliminate peeling and significantly improve the condition of the epithelium. The most useful masks include the following:

  1. Honey. Mix a couple of tablespoons of honey and the same amount of oil, add 3 yolks. Mix thoroughly and heat on a steam bath. Treat your face with a warm composition. Moreover, each new layer must be applied every 4–6 minutes. After 20 minutes, cleanse your face with chamomile broth or filtered water.
  2. Curd. Mix a large spoonful of cottage cheese with a small spoonful of honey. Then pour in a little milk. As a result, you should achieve the consistency of sour cream. Apply to face for a quarter of an hour. The resulting composition has excellent moisturizing properties and helps soothe irritation.

  3. Nutritious. To make it, you should take cottage cheese, carrot juice, olive oil, milk - 1 large spoon each. The resulting mass should be applied to the face for a quarter of an hour. Rinse with warm chamomile broth. Finally, rub with a piece of ice.
  4. Dairy. If the skin of the face peels off too much, it needs to be deeply hydrated. To do this, it is recommended to mix a large spoonful of cottage cheese, cream and olive oil. Apply the resulting composition for a quarter of an hour and rinse with a decoction of chamomile.
  5. Linseed. The components of this mask quickly restore the normal condition of the skin. To make it, take a large spoonful of flax seeds, boil them to get the consistency of gruel. Then add the same amount of jojoba oil.
  6. Egg. To make the composition, you need to take a couple of yolks quail eggs and mix with a large spoonful of olive oil. Add some oatmeal. Massage the composition onto the skin and rinse off after 20 minutes.
  7. Mandarin. Mix a couple of quail yolks with a spoonful of sour cream and tangerine peel, which should be chopped with a blender. Leave for half an hour, then add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. After 25 minutes after application, you can wash.

Many girls are interested in why the skin on the face peels off, what to do to overcome such a problem. Peeling of the skin is mainly observed in the female half of the population.

Trouble on the skin

Men also have sebaceous glands, however, they function differently, in this regard, the skin peels off mainly in women. To avoid such a problem, you need to take good care of your skin and use only those products in which you are confident. Let's look at the causes of peeling. This often happens if the skin is dry and at the same time, it is exposed to the negative effects of external factors. Hereditary predisposition plays an important role. Remember: as you age, the skin on your face flakes off more, and this is a lot of hassle.

Why this problem occurs

The skin often peels off in winter with the onset of frost, there is no getting away from this! The problem is also caused by wind, sun, air that is too dry. Sometimes peeling occurs after scratches, irritations, allergies. The latter, as a rule, occurs due to contact with irritants, such as food, medicine, dust, insects. In common cases, the skin on the face is flaky due to dryness, and this can be easily corrected. But if, in addition to this, it still itches, you need to seek help from a specialist, since the phenomenon can be caused by an infection.

Why does the skin on the face peel off?

This may be due to the medication prescribed by the doctor to combat the skin ailment. In this case, there is no need to sound the alarm, as this indicates the cleansing of the body. But reporting the problem to your doctor is highly recommended. The skin on the face dries very often due to lack of moisture - this is the most common problem. To avoid peeling, you need to use products designed to moisturize. First, it is necessary to reduce the impact of external factors that could provoke dryness. If you use soap for washing, you need to refuse and replace it with a mild lotion, foam or milk with a cleansing effect. If you do not want to give up using soap, get one that will contain cream or olive oil.

Proper care is the key to beauty

Dry skin hates being roughly wiped off with a towel. You need to gently and thoroughly wet it, then wipe it using tonic. After that, a moisturizing cream is applied. If you see that the skin on your face is drying, it is not recommended to use products that contain lanolin and alcohol. These two components will be annoying.

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If you wash your face with plain water, use a mild gel or toner and
the problem is still there, try using sesame oil for cleansing. With its help, you can get rid of flaking on the face. Apply the cream 30 minutes before going outside. It is important to know how to choose your makeup if you have very dry skin. The funds must have enough fatty components, so that all the necessary moisture will be kept inside. Cosmetics containing healthy fats help create a protective barrier if skin is too dry and flaky. A baby cream or regular petroleum jelly helps to keep the beneficial components inside. If you take all measures, and the problem does not go away, you should make an appointment with a doctor.

Treatment using improvised means

Hydrocortisone ointment

If the skin on the face is dry, it can be restored with a hydrocortisone cream (0.5%, but not more). Try to treat problem parts of your face every day. This tool can be used once a day for a week. Folk remedies cosmetology has always been in demand. They are reliable and safe
sleepy. You can make remedies with honey.

Mask with honey

Simple recipe: take a teaspoon of honey and mix it with water, making a solution op. You will need to wet your fingers in it and massage. As a result, the dead cells will fall off. After the procedure, wash yourself with warm water, let your face dry, use a cream.

Milk mask

An excellent remedy is a mask with oil and milk
m, in which you will need to add oatmeal. You will need to cook porridge in milk, take one tablespoon, mix it with a teaspoon of honey and butter. The mask is kept for 15 minutes. The tool can be done once a day, it is completely safe, since it contains natural products.

Read also: How to grow thick, beautiful eyebrows at home: oils and procedures

Mask with coffee

To overcome the problem of flaking, you can make soft nourishing masks with coffee, tea, apple, fresh cucumber. Some girls even use watermelon! With fruits, you can rub a clean face in the direction of the massage lines. To cleanse and moisturize your skin in winter, a regular White bread soaked in milk. It is recommended to mix these products and leave them for 20 minutes.

Vegetable mask

Vegetable products are very effective in helping to overcome flaking. You can grind oatmeal flakes and mix them with finely grated carrots. The resulting gruel is diluted with milk and then applied to the face. The product needs to stand for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The same mask can be done by changing the ingredients, for example, instead of milk, use the yolk of an egg, and instead of carrots, use grated cheese. A mask of sour cream and cucumber will help you restore your skin. Another good option is to make a banana mixture with extra virgin olive oil.

It is important to note

when you wash off the mask, you need to apply the cream on damp skin. In winter, our skin requires thorough care. You can make masks with yolk and sour cream (kefir). Flaxseed broth helps to overcome the flaking problem, for the preparation of which you need 2 tablespoons of flax seeds pour 500 ml cold water... The mixture is cooked until you get a gruel. Then the broth will need to be filtered and when it reaches a moderate temperature, apply to the skin. The recommended holding time is 20 minutes.

If your skin is flaky, a mustard and vegetable oil product will help you. To prepare, take both ingredients 1: 1, mix them and add just a little water. The mixture will need to be applied to the face and kept for 4 minutes. This mask is just perfect for pale skin. If you see that your face becomes fading, you can do mustard plasters, you need to withstand them for the same amount: no more than 4 minutes. After washing, be sure to use a moisturizer.

With the onset of winter cold, many women are faced with a very unpleasant problem - peeling of the skin. As a result of peeling, the skin becomes tight and dry, microscopic cracks, red spots and significant foci of irritation appear on it.

Extreme weather conditions leave their mark on the skin

To eliminate these phenomena, it is necessary to find out why the skin peels off in winter, what affects this process and why it undergoes such metamorphoses. It should be noted that peeling can appear not only in the winter season, however, it is with the arrival of sub-zero temperatures that the problem becomes much more urgent.

How frost harms the skin

Cold frosty air is an aggressive environment for the face, as it loses moisture and becomes much drier. The problem is aggravated by the fact that the air in heated and air-conditioned rooms is even drier. Thus, a kind of vicious circle is obtained: on the one hand, dry air outside, and on the other, indoors. In addition, a sharp change in cold and heat affects the vessels, reduces their tone, disrupts blood microcirculation and impairs the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

But it is the sebaceous glands that are designed to lubricate the epidermis with sebum in order to protect it from the aggressive effects of the external environment. Temperature changes cause spasm of blood vessels: when staying in the cold, the blood vessels in the skin narrow, in a warm room they immediately expand. This process negatively affects the state of the epidermis, however, it is necessary for our body to ensure normal thermoregulation.

To understand how frost affects the skin of the face, one must familiarize oneself with the features of the structure and functioning of skin cells, as well as with the specifics of blood microcirculation. At room temperature, the blood flow rate is approximately 200 ml per second. However, these parameters are modified in cold weather, and the blood flow rate drops to 50 ml per second. This fact explains the pallor of the skin in the cold, and then its redness in the room.

And the thing is that the upper stratum corneum does not have its own vessels, so it is heated by the dermis (the deep layer that has a vascular network). In such an image, the vessels have to alternately narrow and expand several times a day in order to warm the superficial stratum corneum.

The expansion and constriction of blood vessels is controlled by special molecules - cytokines, which are produced by skin cells. In addition to regulating temperature, cytokines control the degree of skin hydration. When their regulation and synthesis are disrupted, the skin begins to peel off and become too dry. In addition to cytokines, ceramides are also involved in the process of thermoregulation.

Ceramides are lipids (fatty molecules) that are part of the cell membrane. Together with cytokines, they prevent the loss of moisture by skin cells. With significant frostbite and weathering of the epidermis, there is a significant decrease in ceramides, which also leads to peeling and dryness of the skin. Thus, the main reason that causes peeling of the skin in winter is a lack of moisture as a result of disruption of the functioning of dermal cells and a malfunction in blood microcirculation.

In winter, special care

Before you learn how to protect your skin in winter, you need to find out why such metamorphoses occur to it in winter? It is well known that frosty air is very dry. In addition, when it gets dry, it loses all moisture. Dry air, acting on the epidermis, dries it out and prevents moisture retention. The problem is aggravated by dry air in air-conditioned and heated rooms.

In addition, sudden changes in temperature have a detrimental effect on the condition of the vessels of the face. In the cold, they narrow, and in the room they expand. Such temperature fluctuations lead to impaired blood circulation and prevent the natural restoration of the epidermis. Subzero temperatures also affect the sebaceous glands, they secrete less sebum, which leads to damage to the lipid barrier, which should protect the skin from winter frost.

As a result, there are areas of peeling and irritation on the face, and the sensitivity of the skin is aggravated. In addition to external manifestations, there is an internal restructuring of the body associated with seasonal phenomena, which leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the skin. Such violations cannot be ignored, therefore, the winter exit strategy will have to be completely revised.

In winter, the skin needs a more delicate and gentle cleansing. All medications during this period should help restore and maintain the natural balance. What should be the basic winter care?

It should include:

  • cleansing;
  • peeling;
  • toning;
  • moisturizing;
  • nutrition;
  • protection.

Do not be mistaken and believe that the sun is inactive in winter. It is always active. In addition, in winter, snow reflects ultraviolet rays, and our skin absorbs them. Therefore, care cosmetics must contain sunscreen filters that can stop the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and free radicals. The foundation has an excellent protective effect. In addition to its protective properties, it is also capable of nourishing and moisturizing. Therefore, its use in the winter is very appropriate.

Rules for caring for different types of skin

It is no secret that each type of skin has its own nuances of care. Therefore, at any time of the year, it is necessary to take into account its type. In winter, the process of sebum secretion is not as active as in summer, which leads to certain changes: oily skin becomes combination, normal - dry, and dry - hypersensitive.


This type of skin at all times was considered a gift of fate. It always remains smooth, moisturized, clean with good turgor and color, does not suffer from excessive dryness and increased sebum secretion. And, nevertheless, even skin that can be called perfect needs careful care in winter. The main task in this case is to maintain a normal state, preventing it from dehydration and overdrying.

A light moisturizer will work for this type. You should not choose a cream with a dense texture, it can overload the epidermis, which will result in increased work of the sebaceous glands. A moisturizer should protect, moisturize, and soften. It is applied in advance to the face so that it has time to be absorbed. It is better to do this half an hour - an hour before going outside. Also, care involves the regular use of exfoliating agents.

Exfoliation is very important as a measure to prevent the accumulation of keratinized scales. Many cosmetologists recommend exfoliation in winter no more than once a week. As for cleansing, its principles are strikingly different from the summer cleansing. In winter, do not use soap and alcohol-based lotions.

Winter care for normal skin


This type is characterized by increased sensitivity and problematicity. Dry skin is irritated in all situations and in all weather conditions. In winter, it instantly reacts to dry frosty air with significant redness, dehydration, flaking, microcracking and irritation. The situation is aggravated by overdried warm indoor air. To improve its appearance, it must be nourished, moisturized, soothed (relieve irritation and increased sensitivity).

This type of skin is very vulnerable, it reacts to literally any irritant. The main care product should be a nourishing cream with fatty acids and oil base. It should be applied an hour before going outside, and in the evening before going to bed - moisturizing. Additional hydration options can be provided by thermal water, which is sprayed on the face throughout the day as needed. However, do not do this just before going outside.

Exfoliate dry skin once a week, but choose products with fine abrasive particles as exfoliants. Also, peelings should not include fruit acids in a large percentage. The procedure should be gentle and delicate, since active exfoliation can destroy the lipid layer, and additional trauma to the skin is completely undesirable. It is necessary to cleanse the skin with gentle and mild preparations, after which a tonic is required.


Despite the fact that oily skin looks rough and inelegant, in the winter season it is in the most advantageous position. The active secretion of sebum helps to preserve the lipid layer and protects against dryness and moisture loss. The care strategy for this type must be built in such a way as not to deprive it of its existing advantages. The main care product is a moisturizer, which can neutralize excess sebum production.

The fact is that even oily skin can be dehydrated, and it compensates for the lack of moisture by increased secretion of sebum. A cream with a special composition should prevent the appearance of an oily film. It should be oil-free to prevent oily sheen. This tool is used in the morning and evening. Aerosols, sprays with thermal water (only without alcohol) will help to take care of additional moisture.

For cleansing, micellar water is suitable, which effectively removes sebum or cleansing preparations containing plant and salicylic acids. Cosmetologists advise against using strongly matting preparations in winter, since the lipid layer can be significantly disturbed.


Combination leather combines characteristics of all types. This is very sensitive and dry skin on the cheeks, and in the T - zone - oily and porous. Basic care in winter can be supported by universal cosmetics that are suitable for all types. However, only if the difference between dry and oily areas is not so significant. When peeling on dry areas, use an emollient and at the same time nourishing agent. A gentle peeling with fine abrasive particles is suitable for this type.

What does peeling of the face in winter say?

Since severe frost and wind help to reduce the natural fat layer, the process of sebum production slows down. Without sebum, the upper layer of the epidermis remains defenseless, literally “naked”. This makes the already dry skin even drier and thinner, normal - dry, and oily - normal.

It is well known that cold wind and frost are the main enemies of beautiful and healthy skin. Therefore, she needs a double dose of hydration, nutrition and protection. There are some nuances here that need clarification.

Firstly, there is a misconception that you should not use a moisturizer in winter, because the water molecules in the cream freeze when they go out into the frosty air. This is a very dangerous and fundamentally wrong delusion. Therefore, do not believe those who argue that you cannot moisturize the skin in winter. After all, hydration occurs not due to water molecules in the cream, but due to a peptide film or a film based on artificial fats (petroleum jelly, lanolin), which give us comfort and a feeling of hydration.

By creating a film, the cream prevents moisture loss and evaporation from the surface of the epidermis. You should also use a moisturizer properly. As a rule, it is applied to the skin an hour before going out into the cold. This fact should be taken into account, since constant exposure to frost with poorly absorbed moisturizer can lead to dehydration of the epidermis.

Cold wind and frost cause flaking of beautiful and healthy skin

Secondly, many people believe that since it rains and snows in the fall and spring, it is not necessary to moisturize the skin, because it absorbs moisture from the atmosphere, that is, it moisturizes itself. Another dangerous misconception. The fact is that the moisture that is in the frosty air, falling on the surface of the face, instantly freezes, forming ice microcrystals. These ice crystals, in contact with the skin, contribute to the appearance of the smallest cracks, peeling and irritation.

Temperature changes also play an important role in the appearance of flaking foci on the skin. The temperature difference between frosty and hot air (the source of hot air in the room is heating devices and air conditioners) damages the skin so much that all the defects of illiterate care immediately make themselves felt.

To avoid temperature drops, in an apartment that has central heating, it is necessary to have additional sources of air humidification throughout the heating season. If there is no special humidifier, then you can place containers with water throughout the house, which will compensate for the excessive dryness of the air in the room. They are usually placed next to heating appliances.

The third misconception concerns skin type changes. Some women actively support the myth that skin type can change according to the seasons. In winter, it becomes dry and problematic, and in summer it becomes combined and oily. Of course it is not. Skin type never changes, we are born with a certain type and stay with it all our lives. However, the problem is that with the wrong care, it becomes drier, less healthy, poorly hydrated, with poor color and turgor.

How to get rid of flaking?

To prevent peeling, it is necessary to use three express methods that will help to eliminate the problem in a short time.

To do this, use:

  1. Purchase a high-quality cream for dry skin that nourishes and protects it, neutralizes peeling, eliminates microcracks, and also relieves irritation.
  2. Peels remove dead skin scales, improve complexion, make the tone even and smooth. They help the creams penetrate deep into the dermis and regenerate it.
  3. The moisturizer gives the face a healthy look, eliminates dryness, irritation and flaking, as well as early wrinkles that are the result of dehydration of the skin. In order for a moisturizing cream to have a moisture-preserving effect, the following ingredients must be included in its composition: petroleum jelly, lanolin, paraffin, glycerin, hyaluronate, glycine, propylene glycol.

With intense peeling, you can use pharmacy preparations. It has a good therapeutic effect:

  • hydrocortisone ointment, which should be no more than 0.5% concentration;
  • panthenol (ointment, spray, cream), the product is applied to the face four times a day, has a pronounced emollient effect;
  • bepanten has healing and regenerating properties;
  • radevite gives softness and velvety, prevents the appearance of foci of peeling.

Fighting peeling at home

Many products can be used at home to make soft scrubs, of which coffee and cucumber are the most popular. Making them yourself is very simple.

Coffee scrub

Take coffee grounds and add a few drops of essential oil to it (you can use mint or tea tree). You can also swap out the essential oil for grape seed oil, flaxseed oil, or rose oil. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and massage for five to ten minutes. Then rinse it off with warm water.

Cucumber scrub

Grate a medium-sized cucumber, add two tablespoons of oatmeal. Insist the resulting mass for 30 minutes. Apply to face and massage for five to ten minutes. Then wash off the mass with warm water.

Masks that are easy and convenient to make at home are also effective.

Banana mask

Soften the pulp of one banana until mushy. Then mix with one tablespoon of olive oil. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse. Next, apply any nourishing cream to clean skin.

Carrot mask

Grate one medium-sized carrot. Mix with one tablespoon of oatmeal. Add one tablespoon of warmed milk to the mixture. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 20 minutes.

Masks are well complemented by massage treatments. Making your own massage at home is not at all difficult. The main thing is to follow the instructions.

Honey massage

Mix one tablespoon of honey with a tablespoon of water. Gently massage the face along the massage lines for 10 minutes. Afterwards, remove the remaining honey and wipe your face with a napkin.

Oatmeal massage

Take one tablespoon of oatmeal and boil it in milk. Then add a teaspoon of honey, olive oil and egg yolk. Apply the mixture on the face in an even layer, massage along the massage lines. Leave the mixture on your face for 15 minutes.

Eliminate peeling in the salon

Sometimes the causes of peeling can be malfunctions in the work of internal organs or heredity. In this case, it is almost impossible to fix the problem on your own. Therefore, it is necessary to seek the advice of a dermatologist. He will prescribe adequate treatment, which will eliminate, first of all, the cause of the phenomenon, and then its consequence.

If the cause of peeling is a hereditary factor, then you can contact an aesthetic clinic to eliminate the problem. The clinic can offer the following procedures:

  • biorevitalization (tissue saturation with hyaluronic acid);
  • mesotherapy (targeted introduction of biological cocktails);
  • chemical peeling (deep exfoliation).

What if the peeling continues, despite all the procedures and treatment? Do not wait any longer, you need to urgently consult a dermatologist. Persistent and stubborn scaling can be caused by serious medical conditions (seborrhea, eczema, and psoriasis). In this case, a competent correction of such conditions is necessary.

Professional advice is never superfluous, so you should take it into service.

  1. A very hot shower, especially a long shower, can destroy the lipid layer and affect the fatty acids. Therefore, all water procedures should be carried out in a gentle thermal regime.
  2. Before applying foundation to your skin, you should perform a gentle exfoliation and apply an emollient cream. In this case, the foundation will lie flat. Peels should be carried out regularly, they perfectly remove dead scales and improve the condition of the skin. There is one trick that can help you cope with the frosty air: add one drop of face oil to your foundation.
  3. During the winter period, one should not forget about the lips. Lip care should be carefully selected according to the same criteria as for the face. You should not stop your choice on viscous textures, they fill the cracks in the lips, which looks unaesthetic. Also, do not choose drugs with lanolin.
  4. After frost, do not rub your frozen cheeks with your hands. This will make them look even more red. Just let your skin get used to the warm environment. After a few minutes, you can powder your face with moisturizing powder.
  5. Wear a hat in winter. This will help prevent overdrying your hair.
  6. Makeup has a beneficial effect on the skin. You can opt for waterproof makeup, as normal makeup can run off in wet snow and strong winds.
  7. In winter, masks are recommended to be done more often than at other times of the day: every two days.
  8. In air-conditioned rooms, the air is very dry, therefore it is recommended to purchase a special air humidifier. If this is not possible, then wet towels can be broadcast to the batteries or containers with water can be placed next to them.
  9. You need to moisturize yourself not only from the outside, but also from the nutria: in winter, consume about 3 liters of fluid per day.

Our skin is exposed to the negative effects of environmental factors, in addition, it is an indicator of the processes that occur in the body.

In winter, the skin is especially susceptible to low temperatures, which causes various diseases on it. Why this happens and why we will figure it out in more detail.

Specifically, we will consider the reasons for this phenomenon and how to eliminate it.

What must be done, and what is better not to do at all - read further in our article.

It so happens that due to skin diseases, therefore, if you feel severe discomfort, it is better to consult a dermatologist for advice.

If the skin is completely healthy: there are no rashes, spots and other problems, perhaps the main cause of winter peeling is the weather and temperature:

  • Wind;
  • Low humidity;
  • Temperature changes;
  • Conditioned air;
  • Freezing.

These phenomena affect the health, appearance of the skin and can cause not only peeling, but other problems as well. Also, detachments appear due to a lack of vitamins, since it is during the cold period that we consume little plant food, especially fresh vegetables and fruits.

There are other factors as well. Let's take a closer look. Winter allergies are common. The appearance of changes on the face depends on the state of the immune system and its ability to fight allergens. Cold acts as an irritant and may be a manifestation of an allergy.

About improper care

We have already remembered that in winter our face suffers from temperature extremes. In addition, improper care can make the situation permanently worse.

Washing hot water, the use of soap, active rubbing can cause skin problems. Such manipulations cause irritation, disrupt protective functions, the face dries up and becomes covered with scales.

It is possible to eliminate problems with the skin of the face only by picking up correct system cosmetics.

It is worth paying attention to the shelf life and composition of cosmetics, since some ingredients adversely affect the appearance of the face.

Cosmetic solution to the issue

It must be understood that there are only two correct steps in exfoliation: gentle exfoliation and nourishment. Therefore, a scrub and a fat cream will come to your aid, which must be applied to the skin in a thin layer immediately after exfoliation.

The right cream contains extracts of chamomile, rose and vitamins to help restore beauty to the face. Also, if urgently needed, you can use wax-based base products.

They promote regeneration at the cellular level and create an excellent barrier against cold and hot conditioned air.

Internal violations

The state of the body is displayed on the face in the form of defects, for example, detachment of cells. Vitamin deficiency is the most common cause. Hormones also contribute to desquamation.

Imbalance hormonal background can be eliminated only by a doctor, but the lack of vitamins can be compensated for independently.
In the winter season, vitamins A, B, E, F and polyunsaturated fats will provide health and a radiant appearance to the face.

Vitamin A is found in large quantities in apricots, carrots, pumpkin, parsley, spinach, egg yolk, butter and liver. Vitamin B is rich in fresh fish, grain bread, dairy products, green apples, melon, brown rice and cabbage.

Vitamin E is found in sufficient quantities in nuts, cucumbers, radishes, and potatoes. Rich in vitamin F vegetable oils, cereals, black currants and fish.

Regular consumption of these products will significantly improve the condition of the skin. Peeling will quickly disappear, tightness and discomfort will disappear.

You can listen to more tips here:

You can also take a course of multivitamins that can provide your body with all the necessary elements. You can choose the complex yourself, but it is better to consult a doctor.

Maintain your water balance

Our body is largely composed of water, therefore, a decrease in its amount at the cellular level leads to health problems. Dehydration is a scourge of modern people.

We don't know how to drink water. Coffee, tea, juice, compote and, even worse, harmful soda are easy, but somehow it does not add up with ordinary water.

A good habit is to drink a glass of water about every hour.

So in a day you can consume that rate, without which not only our facial skin suffers, but also internal organs... At first, it will undoubtedly be difficult, therefore nutritionists recommend hanging stickers around the house and personal office with a simple inscription: "Drink some water." So you will be able to instill in yourself this very important and correct habit - to drink water.

Age features

Each age has its own causes of disease. If, then this is in most cases associated with irritation. An irritant can be food, household chemicals, hygiene products, drug consumption, vitamin deficiencies, and even a long stay on the street.

Having identified the source of the problem, it is necessary to minimize its impact on the child. Men of all ages rarely suffer from peeling.

Firstly, men's skin is coarser and thicker, and secondly, they daily peel with a razor. Therefore, the representatives of the stronger sex look younger in comparison with women of the same age.

But if the scales did appear, then this signals either allergic manifestations or the presence of some kind of infection. Therefore, the consultation of an experienced dermatologist will be very useful here.

The female body is special and the skin of women also has its own characteristic moments. Representatives of the fair half often complain about discomfort, dryness and peeling. The reasons for such phenomena can be:

  • Low-quality cosmetics;
  • Allergy;
  • Improper nutrition;
  • Bad habits;
  • Diets;
  • Lack of vitamins.

Only an integrated approach to solving the problem can help and. Therefore, at the first sign, you should begin to act.

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