28 Panfilov's who they are. Panfilovites. The feat of the Panfilov heroes during the Great Patriotic War. Official version support

ALMATY, December 3 - Sputnik. The case labeled "Smersh" of 1942-1944, declassified this autumn, puts an end to the debate about the role of Kazakhs in the defense of Moscow on November 16, 1941 at the Dubosekovo junction.

How did the investigation of the feat of Kazakhstanis near Dubosekovo begin?

In order to finally establish the truth, representatives of the Russian Military Historical Society had to study previously classified archives for two years, according to the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky in the Rossiyskaya Gazeta publication.

Indisputable evidence was found by researchers in one of the folders "Main Directorate of Counterintelligence "Smersh", 1st Baltic direction." It took two years to collect materials, according to the chronology of the discovered documents, from the special department of the NKVD, and subsequently from the Smersh employees. And there was an investigation in hot pursuit.

The collection of factual data about what happened near Dubosekovo began from the moment when Red Army soldier Daniil Kuzhebergenov was arrested. He was suspected of the fact that, fighting as part of units in the Volokolamsk direction, in mid-November 1941, he surrendered to the enemy with weapons in his hands. His escape, which he made a few hours later, aroused even more suspicion among the special officers. By that time, Kuzhebergenov, according to the Chekists, was among the 28 dead Panfilov heroes.

© Sputnik / Nikolay Khizhnyak

At first, Daniel claimed that he really participated in that battle, but after, according to the surviving papers, he retracted his words. As a result of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously), among 28, another Kuzhebergenov, Askar, was awarded.

It was the unexpected "resurrection" of Daniil Kuzhabergenov that became the reason for the start of a more extensive investigation into the circumstances of the battle and the article written about him by the military commander of the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper Krivitsky.

What the secret archives of Smersh "told" about

All these data of 1942-1943 are very similar to the investigation conducted by the Prosecutor General's Office in the case of the Panfilovites in 1948. But only up to this point. Further materials of a later investigation are already being called fabricated by historians, since a wave of repressions of the army generals began and reasons were needed to hold high army officials accountable. That is why the results of the first, which passed, as they say, in hot pursuit, were then classified and came up only now.

© Sputnik / Vladislav Vodnev

Documents that fell into the hands of historians a few months ago reliably confirm not only that there really was a battle at the Dubosekovo junction, but also that the journalist Krivitsky described them very close to reality.

"The testimony of the former military commissar of the 1075th Guards Rifle Regiment ... senior battalion commissar Mukhamedyarov Akhmedzhan Latypovich.

Question: - Where, when did 28 Panfilov guardsmen fight with tanks and who specifically led this battle?

Answer: - ... The enemy, having concentrated his main forces on his right flank, decided to strike at the left flank of our defense, that is, at the location of the 4th rifle company in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Dubosekovo, Shiryaevo and Petelino junction. The first enemy strike was directed at the second platoon of the 4th rifle company. The platoon first repulsed the attack of enemy submachine gunners. The latter, met by the friendly and powerful fire of the heroes, leaving up to 80 people killed and wounded on the battlefield, was forced to retreat to their original position.

Further, according to Mukhamedyarov, the German command sent about 50 tanks against the second platoon of the company, which attacked in several echelons. Considering that there was practically no artillery support and there were not enough anti-tank rifles, the defenders of the line were forced to let armored vehicles at close range and disable them with bundles of hand grenades and bottles filled with a combustible mixture. The battle, as a result of which 18 enemy heavy armored vehicles were disabled, lasted about five hours. All 28 platoon soldiers, including political instructor Vasily Klochkov, were killed and crushed by tanks. As a result, the enemy managed to break through the defense.

Historical sensation from the archives of the FSB

The authenticity of the feat of the Panfilov heroes was also confirmed after a deep study of the archives of the Russian FSB. So, the researchers managed to find the testimony of the chief of staff of the 1075th Guards Rifle Regiment, Senior Lieutenant Andrey Vetkov.

"... A very large role in the entire preparation of materials and the perversions committed was played by the too great haste shown by those who prepared the materials and those who checked and promoted these materials. One thing is certain, no matter what crept into the matter, mass heroism, shown in the battle with Nazi tanks in the battle near Dubosekovo on November 16, 1941 is an irrefutable fact, and nothing should erase the blessed memory of 28 Panfilov heroes who fell in the fight against German monsters for the happiness and freedom of their beloved Motherland," he said. he is being interrogated by the NKVD on July 5, 1942.

© Sputnik / S. Kalmykov

Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov (left), commander of the 316th Infantry Division, Major General

As the author of the article, Vladimir Medinsky, notes, it follows from the documents that, speaking about the feat, Andrei Vetkov does not doubt a single word, although he is somewhat confused when it comes to the award list. Then it was important for the investigation to find out where the inaccuracies in the award list came from. But it was no longer possible to interrogate the people who formed it and made mistakes in the stories, the military commander Krivitsky: one of them, the commander of the 4th rifle company Gundilovich, died, while others were at the fronts and in hospitals for hundreds, or even thousands of kilometers.

At the same time, it is noted that errors in the award documents could well have crept in as a result of the confusion that prevailed at that moment on this sector of the front. Nevertheless, all doubts about the heroism of Kazakhstani warriors are swept aside by just one short reference from the archive, which is given by the author of the study:

"From the personnel of the 4th company of the 1075th Guards Rifle Regiment, which operated in the battles at the Dubosekovo junction on 07/06/42, is serving in the regiment as assistant chief of staff, former foreman of the 4th company Dzhivago Philip Trofimovich. Others there are no persons from the 4th rifle company operating in the Dubosekovo junction area as of 07/06/42 in the regiment.

That is, of all the fighters who were listed in October 1941 as part of a rifle company, by the summer of 1942 only one fighter fought.

Journalist Krivitsky wrote about what he saw with his own eyes

The accusations that in recent years have been leveled against the war correspondent Krivitsky, thanks to whom the entire USSR learned about the feat of 28 Panfilov heroes in the USSR, were also dispelled by documents from the archives, which so unexpectedly saw the light of day.

"During the stay of representatives of the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper, with the permission of the division command, they, together with Colonel Kaprov, the head of the political department of the division, senior battalion commissar Golushko, and the commander of the second battalion, Captain Gundilovich, went to the battle area where 28 heroes died, the Dubosekovo junction," it says in one of the interrogations of the former military commissar of the Mukhamedyarov regiment.

After returning, the group said that at the battlefield, in the trenches and nearby, the bodies of 27 heroes who died during the defense were found. The body of political commissar Vasily Klochkov was not found on the spot, because after his death, secretly from the Germans, he was found by local residents and "buried behind the guardhouse of the lineman of the Dubosekovo junction". It was on the basis of these data that Krivitsky wrote his material about the feat.

"The arithmetic, of course, does not converge. How many were exact? At what point in the battle? How many of the 130 company soldiers remained alive - and at the time of which of the tank attacks? But all this "award arithmetic" could not converge, especially then, given the situation," writes the author of the article, Vladimir Medinsky.

At the same time, he concludes that the fact of the feat of 28 Kazakhstani Panfilov heroes was not just in reality, but turned out to be even more realistic and legendary than we had imagined for all these long years.

Original taken from kritik in The real story of "28 Panfilov". Facts and documentary information

Today I will go to the film "28 Panfilov's". And I would like to know the real story of these "heroic" people, so that when writing a review about the film - to know how much the script distorts reality.

The calculation of the 45-mm anti-tank gun 53-K on the outskirts of the village near Moscow, November - December 1941

The most famous of the soldiers of the division were 28 people ("Panfilov's heroes", or "28 Panfilov's heroes") from among the personnel of the 4th company of the 2nd battalion of the 1075th rifle regiment. According to the version of the event widely spread in the USSR, on November 16, when a new German offensive against Moscow began, the soldiers of the 4th company, led by political instructor Vasily Klochkov, carried out defense in the area of ​​​​the Dubosekovo junction, 7 km southeast of Volokolamsk, accomplished a feat, during a 4-hour battle, destroying 18 enemy tanks. All 28 people, called heroes in Soviet historiography, died (later they began to write "almost all"). The phrase “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind!”, Which, according to the Krasnaya Zvezda journalists, was uttered by political instructor Klochkov before his death, was included in Soviet school and university history textbooks.

In 1948 and 1988, the official version of the feat was studied by the Main Military Prosecutor's Office of the USSR and recognized as fiction. According to Sergei Mironenko, "there were no 28 Panfilov heroes - this is one of the myths planted by the state." At the same time, the very fact of heavy defensive battles of the 316th rifle division against the 2nd and 11th German tank divisions (approx. disputed.

Historical analysis

Based on the materials of the investigation of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office, the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda first reported on the feat of the heroes on November 27, 1941 in an essay by front-line correspondent V. I. Koroteev. The article about the participants in the battle said that "everyone died, but the enemy was not missed"; the commander of the detachment, according to Koroteev, was "commissar Diev."

According to other sources, the first publication about the feat appeared on November 19, 1941, just two days after the events at the Dubosekovo junction. Izvestia correspondent G. Ivanov in his article “The 8th Guards Division in Battles” describes the battle surrounded by one of the companies defending on the left flank of the 1075th Infantry Regiment of I.V. Kaprov: 9 tanks were knocked out, 3 were burned, the rest turned back.

Criticism of the official version

Critics of the official version, as a rule, give the following arguments and assumptions:
Neither the commander of the 2nd battalion (which included the 4th company), Major Reshetnikov, nor the commander of the 1075th regiment, Colonel Kaprov, nor the commander of the 316th division, Major General Panfilov, nor the commander of the 16th th Army, Lieutenant General Rokossovsky. German sources do not report anything about him either (while the loss of 18 tanks in one battle at the end of 1941 would have been a noticeable event for the Germans).
It is not clear how Koroteev and Krivitsky learned a large number of details of this battle. The information that the information was received in the hospital from the mortally wounded participant in the battle, Natarov, is doubtful, since, according to the documents, Natarov died two days before the battle, on November 14th.
By November 16, the number of personnel of the 4th company was complete, that is, it could not have only 28 soldiers. According to the commander of the 1075th Infantry Regiment I. V. Kaprov, there were about 140 people in the company.

Investigation materials

In November 1947, the Military Prosecutor's Office of the Kharkov garrison arrested and prosecuted I. E. Dobrobabin for treason. According to the case file, while at the front, Dobrobabin voluntarily surrendered to the Germans and in the spring of 1942 entered their service. He served as chief of police in the village of Perekop, Valkovsky district, Kharkov region, temporarily occupied by the Germans. In March 1943, when this area was liberated from the Germans, Dobrobabin was arrested as a traitor by the Soviet authorities, but escaped from custody, again went over to the Germans and again got a job in the German police, continuing active traitorous activities, arrests of Soviet citizens and the direct implementation of forced sending labor to Germany.

When Dobrobabin was arrested, a book about 28 Panfilov heroes was found, and it turned out that he was one of the main participants in this heroic battle, for which he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. By interrogation of Dobrobabin, it was established that in the Dubosekov area he was indeed slightly wounded and captured by the Germans, but did not perform any feats, and everything that is written about him in the book about the Panfilov heroes is not true. In this regard, the Main Military Prosecutor's Office of the USSR conducted a thorough investigation into the history of the battle at the Dubosekovo junction. The results were reported by the Chief Military Prosecutor of the Armed Forces of the country, Lieutenant General of Justice N.P. Afanasyev, to the USSR Prosecutor General G.N. Safonov on May 10, 1948. On the basis of this report, on June 11, a certificate signed by Safonov was drawn up, addressed to A. A. Zhdanov.

For the first time, E. V. Kardin publicly doubted the authenticity of the story about the Panfilovites, who published the article “Legends and Facts” in the journal Novy Mir (February 1966). After that, however, he received a personal rebuke from Leonid Brezhnev, who called the denial of the official version "slandering the heroic history of our party and our people."

A number of new publications followed in the late 1980s. An important argument was the publication of declassified materials from the 1948 investigation by the military prosecutor's office. In 1997, the Novy Mir magazine, authored by Nikolai Petrov and Olga Edelman, published an article “New about Soviet heroes”, which stated (including on the basis of the text of the top secret certificate “About 28 Panfilovites” given in the article) that On May 10, 1948, the official version of the feat was studied by the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office of the USSR and recognized as literary fiction.

In particular, these materials contain the testimony of the former commander of the 1075th Infantry Regiment, I. V. Kaprov:

... There was no battle between 28 Panfilov’s men and German tanks at the Dubosekovo junction on November 16, 1941 - this is a complete fiction. On this day, at the Dubosekovo junction, as part of the 2nd battalion, the 4th company fought with German tanks, and really fought heroically. More than 100 people died from the company, and not 28, as they wrote about it in the newspapers. None of the correspondents contacted me during this period; I never told anyone about the battle of 28 Panfilov's men, and I could not speak, since there was no such battle. I did not write any political report on this matter. I do not know on the basis of what materials they wrote in the newspapers, in particular in the Red Star, about the battle of 28 guardsmen from the division named after. Panfilov. At the end of December 1941, when the division was assigned to the formation, the correspondent of the "Red Star" Krivitsky came to my regiment along with representatives of the political department of the division Glushko and Yegorov. Here I first heard about 28 Panfilov guardsmen. In a conversation with me, Krivitsky said that it was necessary to have 28 Panfilov guardsmen who fought with German tanks. I told him that the whole regiment, and especially the 4th company of the 2nd battalion, fought with German tanks, but I don’t know anything about the battle of 28 guardsmen ... Captain Gundilovich gave names to Krivitsky from memory, who had conversations with him on this topic, there were no documents about the battle of 28 Panfilov soldiers in the regiment and could not be. Nobody asked me about my last name. Subsequently, after lengthy clarifications of surnames, only in April 1942 from the headquarters of the division were sent ready-made award lists and a general list of 28 guardsmen to my regiment for signature. I signed these sheets for conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on 28 guardsmen. Who was the initiator of compiling the list and award lists for 28 guards - I do not know.

The calculation of the anti-tank rifle PTRD-41 in position during the battle for Moscow. Moscow region, winter 1941-1942

The materials of the interrogation of the correspondent Koroteev are also given:

Around November 23-24, 1941, together with the war correspondent of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper Chernyshev, I was at the headquarters of the 16th army ... When we left the army headquarters, we met the commissar of the 8th Panfilov division Yegorov, who spoke about the extremely difficult situation at the front and reported that our people are fighting heroically in all areas. In particular, Egorov gave an example of a heroic battle of one company with German tanks, 54 tanks advanced on the line of the company, and the company delayed them, destroying some of them. Yegorov himself was not a participant in the battle, but spoke from the words of the regimental commissar, who also did not participate in the battle with German tanks ... Yegorov recommended writing in the newspaper about the heroic battle of the company with enemy tanks, having previously read the political report received from the regiment ...

The political report talked about the battle of the fifth company with enemy tanks and that the company stood “to the death” - it died, but did not retreat, and only two people turned out to be traitors, raised their hands to surrender to the Germans, but they were destroyed by our fighters. The report did not mention the number of company soldiers who died in this battle, and did not mention their names. We did not establish this from conversations with the regiment commander either. It was impossible to get into the regiment, and Yegorov did not advise us to try to get into the regiment.

Upon arrival in Moscow, I reported the situation to the editor of the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper, Ortenberg, about the company's battle with enemy tanks. Ortenberg asked me how many people were in the company. I answered him that the composition of the company, apparently, was incomplete, about 30-40 people; I also said that two of these people turned out to be traitors ... I didn’t know that a front line on this topic was being prepared, but Ortenberg called me again and asked how many people were in the company. I told him that about 30 people. Thus, the number of 28 people who fought appeared, since out of 30 two turned out to be traitors. Ortenberg said that it was impossible to write about two traitors, and, apparently, after consulting with someone, he decided to write about only one traitor in the front line.

The interrogated secretary of the newspaper Krivitsky testified:

During a conversation with comrade Krapivin in PUR, he was interested in where I got the words of political instructor Klochkov, written in my basement: “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow,” I answered him that I invented it myself ...

... In terms of sensations and actions, 28 heroes are my literary conjecture. I did not talk to any of the wounded or surviving guardsmen. From the local population, I spoke only with a boy of 14-15 years old, who showed the grave where Klochkov was buried.

... In 1943, from the division where 28 Panfilov heroes were and fought, they sent me a letter of awarding me the title of guardsman. I was only in the division three or four times.

The conclusion of the investigation of the prosecutor's office:

Thus, the materials of the investigation established that the feat of 28 Panfilov guards, covered in the press, is a fiction of the correspondent Koroteev, the editor of Krasnaya Zvezda Ortenberg, and especially the literary secretary of the newspaper Krivitsky ...

The Main Military Prosecutor's Office of the USSR was again involved in the circumstances of the feat in 1988, as a result of which the chief military prosecutor, Lieutenant General of Justice A.F. Katusev, published the article “Alien Glory” in the Military History Journal (1990, No. 8-9). In it, he concluded that "the mass feat of the entire company, the entire regiment, the entire division, by the irresponsibility of not entirely conscientious journalists, was downplayed to the scale of a mythical platoon." The director of the State Archives of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Historical Sciences S. V. Mironenko, shares the same opinion.

Documentary evidence of the battle

Commander of the 1075th regiment I. V. Kaprov (testimonies given during the investigation of the Panfilov case):

... In the company by November 16, 1941 there were 120-140 people. My command post was behind the Dubosekovo junction, 1.5 km from the position of the 4th company (2nd battalion). I don’t remember now whether there were anti-tank rifles in the 4th company, but I repeat that in the entire 2nd battalion there were only 4 anti-tank rifles ... In total, there were 10-12 enemy tanks in the sector of the 2nd battalion. How many tanks went (directly) to the sector of the 4th company, I don’t know, or rather, I can’t determine ...

With the resources of the regiment and the efforts of the 2nd battalion, this tank attack was repulsed. In battle, the regiment destroyed 5-6 German tanks, and the Germans withdrew. At 14-15 hours, the Germans opened heavy artillery fire ... and again went on the attack with tanks ... More than 50 tanks attacked in the regiment’s sectors, and the main blow was directed at the positions of the 2nd battalion, including the sector of the 4th company, and one the tank even went to the location of the regiment's command post and set fire to the hay and the booth, so that I accidentally managed to get out of the dugout: the embankment of the railway saved me, people who survived the attack of German tanks began to gather around me. The 4th company suffered the most: led by the company commander Gundilovich, 20-25 people survived. The rest of the companies suffered less.

On the 16th, at 6 am, the Germans began bombing our right and left flanks, and we got a fair amount of damage. 35 planes bombed us.

After the air bombardment, a column of submachine gunners left the village of Krasikovo ... Then Sergeant Dobrobabin, who was a platoon commander, hung down. We opened fire on the submachine gunners… It was around 7 in the morning… We beat off the submachine gunners… We killed about 80 people.

After this attack, political instructor Klochkov crept up to our trenches and began to talk. Greeted us. "How did you get through the fight?" - "Nothing, survived." He says: “Tanks are moving, we will still have to endure a fight here ... There are a lot of tanks coming, but there are more of us. 20 tanks, will not hit every brother in a tank.

We all trained in the fighter battalion. They did not give themselves such horror as to immediately panic. We were in the trenches. “Nothing,” says the political instructor, “we will be able to repel the attack of the tanks: there is nowhere to retreat, Moscow is behind.”

We took the fight with these tanks. From the right flank they were hitting with an anti-tank rifle, but we didn’t have ... They began to jump out of the trenches and throw bundles of grenades under the tanks ... They threw bottles of fuel on the crews. I don’t know what was torn there, only healthy explosions were in the tanks ... I had to blow up two heavy tanks. We repulsed this attack, destroyed 15 tanks. Tanks 5 retreated in the opposite direction to the village of Zhdanovo ... In the first battle, there were no losses on my left flank.

Political instructor Klochkov noticed that the second batch of tanks was moving, and said: “Comrades, we will probably have to die here for the glory of our homeland. Let the motherland know how we fight, how we defend Moscow. Moscow is behind, we have nowhere to retreat. ... When the second batch of tanks approached, Klochkov jumped out of the trench with grenades. The fighters behind him... In this last attack, I blew up two tanks - a heavy one and a light one. The tanks were on fire. Then I got under the third tank... on the left side. On the right side, Musabek Singerbaev, a Kazakh, ran up to this tank... Then I was wounded... He received three shrapnel wounds and a shell shock.

According to archival data of the USSR Ministry of Defense, the entire 1075th Infantry Regiment on November 16, 1941 destroyed 15 (according to other sources - 16) tanks and about 800 enemy personnel. The losses of the regiment, according to the report of its commander, amounted to 400 people killed, 600 people missing, 100 people wounded.

Testimony of the chairman of the Nelidovsky village council Smirnova during the investigation into the Panfilov case:

The battle of the Panfilov division near our village of Nelidovo and the Dubosekovo junction took place on November 16, 1941. During this battle, all our residents, including myself, hid in shelters ... The Germans entered the area of ​​\u200b\u200bour village and the Dubosekovo junction on November 16, 1941 and were repulsed by units of the Soviet Army on December 20, 1941. At that time, there were large snow drifts, which continued until February 1942, due to which we did not collect the corpses of those killed on the battlefield and did not perform funerals.

... In the early days of February 1942, we found only three corpses on the battlefield, which we buried in a mass grave on the outskirts of our village. And then already in March 1942, when it began to melt, military units carried three more corpses to the mass grave, including the corpse of political instructor Klochkov, who was identified by the soldiers. So in the mass grave of the Panfilov heroes, which is located on the outskirts of our village of Nelidovo, 6 fighters of the Soviet Army are buried. No more corpses were found on the territory of the Nelidovsky village council.

German tanks attack Soviet positions in the Istra region, November 25, 1941

Battle reenactment

By the end of October 1941, the first stage of the German operation "Typhoon" (attack on Moscow) was completed. German troops, having defeated parts of three Soviet fronts near Vyazma, reached the near approaches to Moscow. At the same time, the German troops suffered losses and needed some respite to rest the units, put them in order and replenish. By November 2, the front line in the Volokolamsk direction had stabilized, the German units temporarily went on the defensive. On November 16, German troops again went on the offensive, planning to defeat the Soviet units, surround Moscow and victoriously end the 1941 campaign.

The 316th Rifle Division took up defensive positions on the Dubosekovo front - 8 km southeast of Volokolamsk, that is, approximately 18-20 kilometers along the front, which was a lot for a formation weakened in battles. On the left flank, the neighbor was the 126th Infantry Division, on the right - the combined regiment of cadets of the Moscow Infantry School named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

On November 16, the division was attacked by the forces of the German 2nd Panzer Division with the task of improving positions for the offensive of the 5th Army Corps, scheduled for November 18th. The first blow was delivered by two battle groups against the positions of the 1075th Infantry Regiment. On the left flank, where the 2nd battalion occupied positions, the stronger 1st battle group was advancing as part of a tank battalion with artillery and infantry units. The task of the day was to occupy the villages of Rozhdestveno and Lystsevo, 8 km north of the Dubosekovo junction.

The 1075th Rifle Regiment suffered significant losses in personnel and equipment in previous battles, but before new battles it was significantly replenished with personnel. According to the testimony of the commander of the regiment, Colonel I. V. Kaprov, there were 120-140 people in the 4th company (according to the staff of division 04/600, there should be 162 people in the company). The question of the artillery armament of the regiment is not completely clear. According to the state, the regiment was supposed to have a battery of four 76-mm regimental guns and an anti-tank battery of six 45-mm guns. There is evidence that the regiment actually had two 76-mm regimental guns of the 1927 model, several 76-mm mountain guns of the 1909 model of the year and 75-mm French divisional guns Mle.1897. The anti-tank capabilities of these guns were not high - regimental guns pierced only 31 mm of armor from 500 m, and mountain guns were not supposed to have armor-piercing shells at all. The obsolete French guns had weak ballistics, nothing is known about the presence of armor-piercing shells for them. At the same time, it is known that on November 16, 1941, the 316th Rifle Division had twelve 45-mm anti-tank guns, twenty-six 76-mm divisional guns, seventeen 122-mm howitzers and five 122-mm corps guns, which could be used in combat with German tanks. The neighbor, the 50th Cavalry Division, also had its own artillery.

The infantry anti-tank weapons of the regiment were represented by 11 anti-tank rifles PTRD (of which 4 guns were in the 2nd battalion), RPG-40 grenades and Molotov cocktails. The real combat capabilities of these weapons were not high: anti-tank guns had low armor penetration, especially when using cartridges with B-32 bullets, and could only hit German tanks at close range, exclusively to the side and stern at an angle close to 90 degrees, which in a frontal situation a tank attack was unlikely. In addition, the battle near Dubosekovo was the first case of the use of anti-tank rifles of this type, the production of which was just beginning to unfold. Anti-tank grenades were an even weaker means - they pierced up to 15-20 mm of armor, provided they were in direct contact with the armor plate, so it was recommended to throw them on the roof of the tank, which was a very difficult and extremely dangerous task in battle. To increase the destructive power of these grenades, fighters usually tied them together in several pieces. Statistics show that the proportion of tanks destroyed by anti-tank grenades is extremely small.

On the morning of November 16, German tankers conducted reconnaissance in force. According to the memoirs of the regiment commander, Colonel I.V. Kaprov, “in total, 10-12 enemy tanks were moving along the battalion sector. How many tanks went to the site of the 4th company, I don’t know, or rather, I can’t determine ... In the battle, the regiment destroyed 5-6 German tanks, and the Germans retreated. Then the enemy pulled up reserves and with new force fell upon the positions of the regiment. After 40-50 minutes of battle, the Soviet defense was broken through, and the regiment, in fact, was defeated. Kaprov personally collected the surviving fighters and took them to new positions. According to the commander of the regiment I. V. Kaprov, “the 4th company of Gundilovich suffered the most in the battle. Only 20-25 survived. led by a company commander of 140 people. The rest of the companies suffered less. More than 100 people died in the 4th rifle company. The company fought heroically." Thus, it was not possible to stop the enemy at the Dubosekovo junction, the positions of the regiment were crushed by the enemy, and its remnants retreated to a new defensive line. According to Soviet data, in the battles of November 16, the entire 1075th regiment knocked out and destroyed 9 enemy tanks.

Breakthrough of German troops in the Volokolamsk direction on November 16-21, 1941. The red arrows mark the advance of the 1st battle group through the battle formations of the 1075th rifle regiment in the Nelidovo-Dubosekovo-Shiryaevo sector, the blue arrows mark the second. The dotted line indicates the starting positions for the morning, afternoon and evening of November 16 (pink, purple and blue, respectively)

In general, as a result of the battles on November 16-20 in the Volokolamsk direction, Soviet troops stopped the offensive of two tank and one infantry divisions of the Wehrmacht. Realizing the futility and impossibility of achieving success in the Volokolamsk direction, von Bock transferred the 4th Panzer Group to the Leningrad Highway. At the same time, on November 26, the 8th Guards Rifle Division was also transferred to the Leningradskoye Highway in the area of ​​​​the village of Kryukovo, where, like on the Volokolamsk Highway, together with other units, it stopped the 4th Wehrmacht Panzer Group.

Watch a documentary film: “Panfilov's men. The truth about the feat "

Conclusion: of course, it is up to us to decide where the story was “embellished” a little, and where it is really true.
In any case, a number of factors indicate that this story and the feat of people has the right to exist ....

75 years ago, on November 16, 1941, the most famous battle of the Panfilov division took place - at the Dubosekovo junction near Moscow. Until now, historians and lovers of military history are arguing about whether there were 28 Panfilovites or more. One thing is certain: the 8th Guards was one of the active formations that defended Moscow.


On the morning of November 15, 1941, the troops of Army Group Center, having completed the regrouping, launched a decisive offensive against parts of the Western and Kalinin fronts. The main striking force of the last German attack on Moscow was the 3rd and 4th Panzer Groups.

The strategic Volokolamsk Highway was defended by the 16th Army of Konstantin Rokossovsky, which also included the 316th Infantry Division attached to it earlier under the command of Major General Ivan Panfilov. Panfilov's formation was severely weakened in the previous October battles, when the German offensive was stopped in the first phase of Operation Typhoon.

On November 16, the positions of the 316th were attacked by the forces of two German tank and one infantry divisions. In the area of ​​​​the Dubosekovo junction, located 9 kilometers southeast of Volokolamsk, the defense was held by the 4th company of the 1075th regiment under the command of Captain Pavel Gundilovich.

A fierce battle ensued with units of the 2nd Panzer Division of the Wehrmacht under the command of General Rudolf Fayel. Stop the enemy - failed. The forces were unequal, and after a while the Germans broke through the positions of the regiment, which was forced to retreat. No more than 25 people survived from Gundilovich's company.

An ordinary battle, of which there were dozens in the history of the division, would have remained unfamous if it were not for the military newspapers of Izvestia and Krasnaya Zvezda. The latter have been especially hard at work. In particular, on November 28, 1941, the leading article "Testament of 28 Fallen Heroes" was printed in the main press organ of the Red Army, signed by the literary secretary Alexander Krivitsky.

His brisk pen told that "the lines occupied by twenty-nine Soviet guardsmen from the Panfilov division" were attacked at once by more than 50 German tanks. The result of the battle along Krivitsky was as follows: all 28 heroes (except for one traitor who raised his hands) died in a four-hour battle, knocking out 18 enemy armored vehicles with grenades and armor-piercing rifles and not letting the enemy through the line they were defending.

In an essay dated January 22, 1942, "About 28 Fallen Heroes," Krivitsky spoke in more detail about their feat, for the first time calling them by their last names. In particular, he called the political instructor the organizer of the fight. Vasily Klochkov.


According to him, he "was the first to notice the direction of movement of enemy tanks and hurried into the trench. - Well, friends," the political instructor told the soldiers. "Twenty tanks. Less than one per brother. That's not so much!" The article again stated that the total number of German tanks was 50, of which at least 14 were knocked out, and all the heroes were killed.

On July 21, 1942, all 28 fighters mentioned in Krivitsky's article were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. As expected, posthumously. In addition, they were immortalized in many articles and poems. For example, in the famous song "My dear capital" it was said: "And twenty-eight / / Your bravest sons will live for centuries."

After the war in 1947, the Main Military Prosecutor's Office conducted a detailed investigation of the battle at the Dubosekovo junction. The fact is that one of the 28 heroes, Ivan Dobrobabin, turned out to be alive and after the legendary battle was captured by the Germans, and then served in the occupied territory as the head of the local police.

The conclusions of the military prosecutors called into question the articles of Krivitsky, but their investigation was shelved - the demythologization of the heroes was considered inappropriate.

The opinion of colleagues was confirmed by a new investigation of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office of the USSR - in 1988. The head of the department, Alexander Katusev, came to the conclusion that "the mass feat of the entire company, the entire regiment, the entire division was downplayed by the irresponsibility of not entirely conscientious journalists to the scale of a mythical platoon."

On the other hand, the military historian Georgy Kumanev disagreed with the summary of the military prosecutors. Based on his conversations with Dobrobabin and several surviving participants in that battle, he stated that the feat of 28 Panfilov soldiers was.


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"The feat consisted in the fact that they had to detain 53 tanks and a company of submachine gunners at any cost," Kumanev said. According to him, by the end of more than four hours of battle, reserves came up and closed the gap in the defense. He stressed that, despite the fact that the enemy captured Dubosekovo, 28 fighters still saved Moscow. As for Dobrobabin, he, according to the historian, did not give an oath to the Germans, did not wear a policeman uniform and warned people about raids.


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From a military historian Alexey Isaev- a different view of events. According to him, the German documents did not reflect the loss of 18 tanks at the Dubosekovo junction on November 16, 1941. He stressed that by the end of the day the anti-tank artillery crews and the reserves brought up by the command had really stopped the enemy offensive.

He believes that the Panfilov division is truly legendary, and it was deservedly awarded the title of Guards. "But not for the feat described in Krivitsky's articles, but for actions near Volokolamsk back in October 1941," he said. Isaev , emphasizing that this is an episode of the war documented by both sides.

The 316th Rifle Division was formed by Major General Ivan Panfilov a month in Alma-Ata shortly after the start of the war. The vast majority of its members included people who did not have combat training and had not previously served in the army.

But Ivan Vasilyevich himself had considerable experience. Behind him was the First World War, the Civil War, where he fought in the famous Chapaev division and battles with the Basmachi. Being the military commissar of the Kirghiz SSR before the war, he was well aware of the traditions and languages ​​of his subordinates, a considerable part of which were fighters from Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

In response, the soldiers respectfully called him "Dad", "Aksakal", appreciating his care. Those who reached Berlin wrote on the Reichstag "Thank you, Dad, for the felt boots! Panfilovites." But at the same time, the 48-year-old general was a strict commander who did not tolerate sloppiness and violation of discipline.

The newly formed division was lucky - it was not immediately thrown into battle. In September 1941, she occupied positions in the second echelon of the 52nd Army in the Novgorod region, equipping positions. The divisional commander took advantage of this to develop the skills of fighting enemy tanks, the role of which was played by tractors.

Panfilov also encouraged sabotage raids by his subordinates behind German lines, believing that his fighters should not be afraid of the enemy, who can and should be beaten everywhere. In particular, Vasily Klochkov, political instructor of the 4th company, distinguished himself in one of them, who defeated an entire German unit, losing two of his fighters in battle.

The study did not last long. In connection with the German offensive on Moscow, the 316th was hastily transferred to the central direction to close the gaps formed on the Western Front after the encirclement of a number of Soviet armies. On October 12, 1941, the fighters of the division dug in near Volokolamsk, where the Mozhaisk defense line passed.

An unfired formation, consisting of recruits, placed in the direction of the main attack of the enemy, occupied a defense zone five times larger than pre-war ideas about tactics - 41 kilometers instead of 12. All hope was for artillery, and there were only 54 of them in the artillery regiment of the division and a separate anti-aircraft division tools.

The command reinforced the Panfilovites with a number of artillery units, adding another 141 guns and giving a tank company to help. But there was not enough ammunition and gunners needed increased skill in repelling enemy attacks.

On October 15, two tank (2nd and 11th) and one infantry (35th) divisions of the Germans, who had extensive combat experience, were well armed and determined to break through the next line occupied by the Red Army, fell on the positions of the Soviet division, on the way to the cherished goal - the capital of the USSR.
During fierce battles, the Wehrmacht, supported by the Luftwaffe, managed to push the Panfilovites for several kilometers, but did not break through their positions. The 316th stood to the death despite heavy losses.

He played his part in repelling enemy attacks and an unexpected blow to the Nazi rear of the battalion under the command of a senior lieutenant Baurzhan Momyshuly, which left the environment in exemplary order.

Volokolamsk was abandoned only at the end of October 1941, when the enemy broke through in other sectors of the front, and there was a danger of encirclement of the division. But the Panfilovites retreated not far, and since the Soviet troops offered fierce resistance in other directions, the German offensive finally ran out of steam on this. The troops of Army Group Center, in general, took two weeks to regroup and pull up reserves.

November 18, 1941 the division was awarded the title of 8th Guards Rifle. Ivan Vasilievich Panfilov managed to rejoice at such a high assessment of the achievements of his fighters - and in the evening of the same day he was killed by a mine fragment in the village of Gusenevo near Moscow.

Fierce battles in the Volokolamsk direction in the second half of November 1941, the Panfilovites fought shoulder to shoulder, along with the horsemen of the 2nd Cavalry Corps of General Lev Dovator and the crews of the 1st Guards Tank Brigade of Colonel Mikhail Katukov. They held back the onslaught of the 46th motorized and 5th army corps of the Germans. On November 26, all three of these guard formations were transferred to the Leningrad Highway, in the area of ​​​​the village of Kryukovo, where a very dangerous situation had developed for the Western Front.

She changed hands 8 (!) times until she was finally liberated from German troops on December 7, 1941 by the forces of the 8th Guards Rifle Division and the 1st Guards Tank Brigade. That's what Krivitsky had to paint about and make films for the shalops.

On November 16, 1941, during the defense of Moscow from the fascist invaders in the battle at the Dubosekovo junction, 28 fighters from the division of General Panfilov accomplished their immortal feat, destroying about two dozen German tanks and stopping the German offensive.

The battle near Moscow became one of the decisive battles and the most important event of the first year of the Great Patriotic War. Hitler made a special bet on the capture of the capital of the USSR, but failed in an attempt to capture it on the move. In the autumn of 1941, the German command began active preparations for a new offensive, concentrating the main forces of its army on the near approaches to the city. Fierce fighting was already going on 100-120 km from Moscow, large German tank groups were trying to break through the Volokolamsk highway to the capital.

But neither the superiority of the enemy in numbers and equipment, nor his pressure broke the morale of the defenders of Moscow. The Soviet troops defending the city received an order to detain the enemy at all costs. Among other formations of the Soviet Army, this task fell to the 316th Rifle Division under the command of Major General I.V. Panfilov

but, which was supposed to not miss the enemy in the Volokolamsk direction. One of the lines of defense in this direction passed at the Dubosekovo railway siding. It was here that the Nazis hoped to break through the defenses, break out onto the Volokolamsk highway and move towards Moscow.

I.V. Panfilov

And so, on November 16, 1941, the German troops went on the offensive, planning to quickly capture Moscow and victoriously end the 1941 campaign. The battle fought at night near Dubosekovo by a group of tank destroyers from the 316th Rifle Division (consisting of 28 men led by political commissar Vasily Klochkov) has gone down in all history books. For four hours, under heavy artillery fire and air bombing, the Panfilovites held back the tanks and infantry of the enemy. They repulsed several enemy attacks and destroyed 18 out of 50 tanks. But most of the detachment's soldiers died, the rest were seriously wounded (although for a long time it was believed that all 28 people were killed).

Of course, during the defense of Moscow there were other examples of courage and heroism among the units of the Red Army, thousands of Soviet soldiers gave their lives in battles near Moscow (like Major General I.V. Panfilov himself), but it was the feat of the Panfilov heroes that remained in history and played an exceptional mobilizing role during the war years, there were legends about the strength and courage of the heroes.

The 316th Rifle Division was renamed the 8th Guards Rifle Division and awarded the Order of the Red Banner, and all participants in the battle at the Dubosekovo junction in 1942, for boundless courage, heroism, military prowess and courage, the Soviet government posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

As it turned out later, not all 28 Panfilovites died. Six of them survived, but were wounded or shell-shocked - two later ended up in the hospital, two more were captured and experienced all the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps, and two more were excluded from the list of Heroes for various reasons.

In 1967, in the village of Nelidovo, located 1.5 km from the Dubosekovo junction, the Panfilov Heroes Museum was opened. In 1975, a memorial ensemble of granite "Feat 28" was erected at the site of the battle, consisting of six monumental figures, personifying warriors of six nationalities who fought in the ranks of 28 Panfilov soldiers. Their faces are turned towards where the fascist tanks came from, and behind the backs of the fighters - Moscow ...

What did the feat of the Panfilov heroes really look like?

The State Archives published on the website scans of documents from the investigation conducted by the military prosecutor's office in 1947 in Kharkov, from which it follows that the famous feat of 28 Panfilov heroes is fiction. At the same time, judging by various documentary evidence, parts of the division of General Ivan Panfilov really fought heroically against German tanks in November 1941 near Moscow.

Official Soviet version

On November 28, 1941, the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper published a large article entitled “Testament of 28 Fallen Heroes”, which described how, in the battle of November 16, the remnants of one of the companies of the 1075th Infantry Regiment of the 8th Guards Division at the Dubosekovo junction near Moscow were stopped at the cost of their own lives of dozens of enemy tanks.

“Over fifty enemy tanks moved to the lines occupied by twenty-nine Soviet guards from the division. Panfilov ... Only one out of twenty-nine was cowardly ... only one raised his hands up ... several guardsmen at the same time, without saying a word, without a command, shot at a coward and a traitor ... ”wrote the literary secretary of the Red Star Alexander Krivitsky.

The editorial stated that 28 guardsmen destroyed 18 enemy tanks and "lay down their heads - all twenty-eight. They died, but did not miss the enemy ... ". The names of the fighting and dead guardsmen were not indicated in the first publications.

On January 22, 1942, in the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper, Krivitsky published an essay under the heading “About 28 Fallen Heroes”, in which he described individual details of the battle, personal experiences of the participants and for the first time named their names.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 21, 1942, all 28 guardsmen listed in Krivitsky's essay were posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The version outlined by Krivitsky became the official state version, included in all history textbooks, despite the fact that it later turned out that six of the 28 named heroes survived.

Refutation of the official version

In June 1997, Novy Mir magazine reprinted materials from an investigation conducted by the Military Prosecutor's Office of the Kharkov garrison in November 1947. Scans of these documents have now been published on the website of the State Archives, which confirms their authenticity.

The investigation began with the arrest and accusation of treason Ivan Dobrobabin. According to the case file, being a soldier of the Red Army, he surrendered to the Germans and in the spring of 1942 became the chief of police in the village near Kharkov. At the same time, Dobrobabin, as it turned out, was one of the Panfilov heroes.

After that, the Main Military Prosecutor's Office of the USSR conducted a thorough investigation into the history of the battle at the Dubosekovo junction, the results of which were reported in a secret report to Andrei Zhdanov. The main conclusion: the feat of 28 Panfilov's men is a literary fiction of the editors of Krasnaya Zvezda.

The investigators interviewed the author of the very first short article about the feat, Krasnaya Zvezda correspondent Vasily Koroteev, literary secretary Alexander Krivitsky, editor-in-chief of the publication David Ortenberg, and former commander of the 1075th Infantry Regiment Ilya Karpov.

According to Koroteev, on November 23-24, the commissar of the 8th division told him about the heroic confrontation of some company with 54 tanks on November 23-24 at the headquarters of the 16th army with reference to the political instructor of the regiment, who, however, was not there either. The materials of the political report said that the 5th company of the 1075th regiment died, but did not retreat, and only two people turned out to have tried to surrender. The report did not mention the names of the regiment commander, there was no way to contact.

As it becomes clear from the testimony of Koroteev, on the basis of his short note about this clash, Krivitsky and Ortenberg composed a story about the battle. The correspondent told the editor-in-chief that there were probably 30 people left in the company, thus, minus two traitors, it turned out to be 28.

“I told him that the whole regiment and especially the 4th company of the 2nd battalion fought with German tanks, but I don’t know anything about the battle of 28 guardsmen ... Captain Gundilovich gave names to Krivitsky from memory, who had conversations with him on this topic , there were no documents about the battle of 28 Panfilov soldiers in the regiment and could not be, ”said Karpov.

The list of heroes' names was formed, according to him, in the spring of 1942 at the division headquarters. The regiment commander also noted that not the 5th, but the 4th company fought heroically.

“... There was no battle between 28 Panfilov’s men and German tanks at the Dubosekovo junction on November 16, 1941 - this is a complete fiction. On this day, at the Dubosekovo junction, as part of the 2nd battalion, the 4th company fought with German tanks, and really fought heroically. More than 100 people died from the company, and not 28, as they wrote about it in the newspapers.

During interrogation, Krivitsky also showed that the famous words of political instructor Klochkov “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow,” he invented himself. He also called the descriptions of sensations and actions of 28 characters literary fiction.

Also, according to the testimony of local residents and the command of the 1075th regiment, the bodies of six killed Red Army soldiers were found at the battlefield near Dubosekovo after the snow melted in the spring.

Criticism of the rebuttal

After the publication of the documents of the 1947 investigation, the former Marshal of the Soviet Union Dmitry Yazov (still alive) spoke in defense of the official version. In September 2011, Yazov in the newspaper "Soviet Russia" published the material "Shamelessly ridiculed feat."

“It turned out that not all “twenty-eight” were dead. What of it? The fact that six of the twenty-eight named heroes, being wounded, shell-shocked, despite everything, survived the battle on November 16, 1941, refutes the fact that an enemy tank column was stopped at the Dubosekovo junction, rushing towards Moscow? Does not refute,” wrote Yazov.

Yazov and Kumanev refer to the memoirs of Krivitsky, who in the 70s said that he testified in 1947 under duress.

“I was told that if I refuse to testify that I completely invented the description of the battle at Dubosekovo and that I did not talk to any of the seriously wounded or surviving Panfilov before the publication of the article, I would soon find myself in Pechora or Kolyma. In such an environment, I had to say that the battle at Dubosekovo was my literary fiction, ”the journalist told Kumanev.

In 2012 and. O. head The scientific archive of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences Konstantin Drozdov published documents from the scientific archive of the Islamic Republic of Iran with transcripts of conversations with Panfilov’s men, participants in the battles near Moscow, which were recorded by employees of the Commission on the History of the Great Patriotic War in 1942-1947.

Drozdov suggested that this case of debunking the feat in the 47th year had a "custom" character and was directed against Georgy Zhukov, who was one of the main initiators of the awarding of 28 Panfilov's men. (Shortly after the end of the Great Patriotic War, Marshal of Victory fell into disgrace, since Stalin and his entourage suspected him of intending to seize supreme power in the USSR).

Evidence of the feat

The commander of the 1075th regiment Karpov in the 47th year told the investigation that the 2nd battalion (including the 4th company consisting of 120-140 people) on the morning of November 16, 1941 repelled the attack of 10-12 enemy tanks, 5-6 German tanks were destroyed. and the Germans withdrew.

“At 14-15 hours, the Germans opened heavy artillery fire ... and again went on the attack with tanks ... More than 50 tanks attacked in the regiment’s sectors, and the main blow was directed at the positions of the 2nd battalion, including the sector of the 4th company, and one tank even went to the location of the command post of the regiment and set fire to the hay and the booth, so that I accidentally managed to get out of the dugout: I was saved by the embankment of the railway, people who survived the attack of German tanks began to gather around me. The 4th company suffered the most: led by the company commander Gundilovich, 20-25 people survived. The rest of the companies suffered less.

One of the surviving soldiers of the 4th company, officially considered a "Panfilov" Ivan Vasiliev, spoke about the battle in December 1942 (the transcript was published by Drozdov).

“We accepted the battle with these tanks. From the right flank they were hitting with an anti-tank rifle, but we didn’t have ... They began to jump out of the trenches and throw bundles of grenades under the tanks ... They threw bottles of fuel on the crews. I don’t know what was torn there, only healthy explosions were in the tanks ... I had to blow up two heavy tanks. We repulsed this attack, destroyed 15 tanks. Tanks 5 retreated in the opposite direction to the village of Zhdanovo. In the first battle, there were no casualties on my left flank.

Political instructor Klochkov noticed that the second batch of tanks was moving, and said: “Comrades, we will probably have to die here for the glory of our homeland. Let the motherland know how we fight, how we defend Moscow. Moscow is behind, we have nowhere to retreat. ... When the second batch of tanks approached, Klochkov jumped out of the trench with grenades. The fighters behind him ... In this last attack, I blew up two tanks - a heavy one and a light one. The tanks were on fire. Then I got under the third tank... on the left side. On the right side, Pyotr Singerbaev - a Kazakh - ran up to this tank ... Then I was wounded ... I received three shrapnel wounds and a shell shock.

According to the USSR Ministry of Defense, the entire 1075th Infantry Regiment on November 16, 1941 destroyed 15-16 tanks and about 800 enemy personnel. The losses of the regiment, according to the report of its commander, amounted to 400 people killed, 600 people missing, 100 people wounded.

Results and conclusions

Apparently, there was no battle with the participation of 28 "Panfilov" described in Soviet textbooks. However, there is no doubt that on November 16 the positions of the 1075th regiment were attacked by two waves of several dozen German tanks. The soldiers of the Red Army had a small number of newly received anti-tank rifles, hand grenades and Molotov cocktails. All these means can be used against tanks only at a distance of several tens of meters and are ineffective. As a result of the attack, the positions of the Soviet troops in this sector were broken through, the regiment withdrew to reserve positions.

The regimental commander Karpov himself claims that the 4th company really took the brunt and fought heroically, as a result of which 20-25 out of 120-140 personnel remained alive.

That is, there was a feat, but its circumstances differ from what is written in the textbooks, and “Panfilovites” should be called not 28, but at least the entire composition of the 4th company, which selflessly opposed heavy equipment with minimal anti-tank weapons.

This feat also had a result: as a result of clashes on November 16-20, 1941, in the Volokolamsk direction, Soviet troops stopped the offensive of two tank and one infantry divisions of the Wehrmacht. The German command was forced to change the direction of the breakthrough to Moscow, which in the end never happened.

The feat of 28 Panfilov heroes

November 16, 1941 under the new the advance of the fascist army on Moscow at the Dubosekovo junction, 28 fighters from the division of General Panfilov performed their immortal feat

By the end of October 1941, the first stage of the German operation of the attack on Moscow called "Typhoon" was completed. German troops, having defeated parts of three Soviet fronts near Vyazma, reached the near approaches to Moscow.

At the same time, the German troops suffered losses and needed some respite to rest the units, put them in order and replenish. By November 2, the front line in the Volokolamsk direction had stabilized, the German units temporarily went on the defensive.

On November 16, German troops again went on the offensive, planning to defeat the Soviet units, surround Moscow and victoriously end the 1941 campaign. In the Volokolamsk direction, the Germans were blocked by the 316th Infantry Division of Major General I.V. Panfilov, who took up defense at the front with a length of 41 kilometers from the village of Lvovo to the Bolychevo state farm.

Ivan Vasilievich Panfilov

On the right flank, its neighbor was the 126th rifle division, on the left - the 50th cavalry division from the corps Dovator.

Lev Mikhailovich Dovator

On November 16, the division was attacked by the forces of two German tank divisions: the 2nd tank division of Lieutenant General Rudolf Fayel attacked the positions of the 316th rifle division in the center of defense, and the 11th tank division of Major General Walter Scheller hit in the area Dubosekovo on the positions of the 1075th Infantry Regiment, at the junction with the 50th Cavalry Division.

Walter Scheller

PzKpfw-IIIG of the 11th Panzer Division at the Dubosekovo junction

year of issue - 1937; weight - 15.4 tons; crew - 5 people; armor - 14.5 mm;gun - 37 mm;

speed - 32 km/h

The main blow fell on the positions of the 2nd battalion of the regiment.

The 1075th Rifle Regiment suffered significant losses in personnel and equipment in previous battles, but before new battles it was significantly replenished with personnel. The question of the artillery armament of the regiment is not completely clear. According to the state, the regiment was supposed to have a battery of four 76-mm regimental guns and an anti-tank battery of six 45-mm guns.

The obsolete French guns also had weak ballistics, nothing is known about the presence of armor-piercing shells for them. However, it is known that for firing at tanks from guns of this type, shrapnel shells were used, the fuse of which was set to strike. From a 500-meter distance, such a projectile pierced 31 millimeters of German armor.

At the same time, it is known that, in general, the 316th Rifle Division on November 16, 1941 had 12 - 45 mm anti-tank guns, 26 - 76 mm divisional guns, 17 - 122 mm howitzers and 5 - 122 mm corps guns , which could be used in combat with German tanks. The neighbor, the 50th Cavalry Division, also had its own artillery. The infantry anti-tank weapons of the regiment were represented by 11 ATGMs (four of them were in the second battalion), RPG-40 grenades and Molotov cocktails.

Anti-tank guns They were distinguished by high armor penetration, especially when using cartridges with B-31 bullets that had a tungsten carbide core.

PTRD could hit German tanks only at close range from a 300-meter distance, penetrating 35-mm armor at that distance.

Battle at the Dubosekovo junction became the first case of the use of anti-tank rifles, the production of which was just beginning to unfold, and their number was still insufficient.

Right here at Dubosekova, and the fourth company of the 1075th rifle regiment accepted the battle. According to the staff of division 04/600, there should have been 162 people in the company, and by December 16 there were about 120 people in the standing. Where did the number 28 come from?

The fact is that on the eve of the battle, from among the most persistent and most accurate fighters, a special group of tank destroyers was created in the amount of about 30 people, commanded by a 30-year-old political instructor Vasily Klochkov.

Vasily Georgievich Klochkov - Diev

All anti-tank guns were transferred to this group, and therefore the number of tanks destroyed does not look fantastic at all - out of 54 tanks moving towards the Panfilovites, the heroes managed to destroy 18 vehicles, the loss of 13 of which was recognized by the Germans themselves. But the Germans recognized the tank as lost only if it could not be restored, and if after the battle the tank was sent for major repairs with the replacement of the engine or weapons, such a tank was not considered lost.

A list of these fighters a few days later was compiled from memory by the company commander, Captain Gundilovich, at the request of the Krasnaya Zvezda correspondent Alexander Yuryevich Krivitsky. The captain may not have remembered someone, and someone probably got on this list by mistake - he died earlier or fought with the Germans as part of another unit, because the group included not only the captain's subordinates, but also volunteers from other units a shelf.

Despite the fact that, following the results of the battle, the battlefield remained with the Germans, and most of our fighters who participated in this battle died, the homeland did not forget the heroic deed of the heroes, and already on November 27, the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper for the first time informed the people about this feat, and on the following day, an editorial appeared in the same newspaper under the heading "Testament of 28 Fallen Heroes". This article indicated that 29 Panfilov soldiers fought with enemy tanks. At the same time, the 29th was called a traitor. In fact, this 29th was sent Klochkov with a report to Dubosekovo. However, there were already Germans and a fighter in the village. Daniil Kozhabergenov was taken prisoner. On the evening of November 16, he escaped from captivity to the forest. For some time he was in the occupied territory, after which he was discovered by horsemen Dovator who are in the raid on the German rear. After connection exit Dovator from the raid, was interrogated by a special department, admitted that he did not participate in the battle, and was sent back to the division Dovator.

The main blow fell on the positions of the 2nd battalion, which occupied the Petelino-Shiryaevo-Dubosekovo defense line. The 4th company of this battalion covered the most important section - the railway crossing near Dubosekovo, behind which a direct road to Moscow opened. The firing points immediately before the move were organized by the soldiers of the 2nd platoon of tank destroyers - a total of 29 people. They were armed with PTRD anti-tank rifles, as well as anti-tank grenades and Molotov cocktails. There was one machine gun.

bottles with cop

On the eve of this battle, the commander of the second platoon, D. Shirmatov, was wounded, therefore, the “Panfilovites” were commanded by the castle platoon commander, sergeant I. E. Dobrobabin.

Ivan Efstafievich Dobrobabin

He made sure that the firing positions were equipped to the conscience - five full-profile trenches were dug, reinforced with railway sleepers.

reconstruction of the trenches "Panfilov"

At 8 am on November 16, the first Nazis appeared near the fortifications. The “Panfilovites” hid and did not show their presence. As soon as most of the Germans climbed to the heights in front of the positions, Dobrobabin whistled briefly. The machine gun immediately responded, shooting the Germans at close range, from a hundred meters.

Opened heavy fire and other soldiers of the platoon. The enemy, having lost about 70 people, rolled back in disorder. After this first encounter, 2nd Platoon had no casualties at all.
Soon, German artillery fire fell on the railway crossing, after which the German submachine gunners again went on the attack. She was repulsed again, and again without loss. In the afternoon, two German PzKpfw-IIIG tanks appeared near Dubosekovo, accompanied by an infantry platoon. The Panfilovites managed to destroy several infantrymen and set fire to one tank, after which the enemy retreated again. The relative calm in front of Dubosekovo was explained by the fact that a fierce battle had been in full swing at the positions of the 5th and 6th companies of the 2nd battalion for a long time.

Having regrouped, the Germans carried out a short artillery preparation and threw a tank battalion into the attack with the support of two companies of machine gunners. The tanks were deployed front, 15-20 tanks in a group, in several waves.

The main blow was inflicted in the direction of Dubosekovo as the most tank-accessible area.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, a heated battle broke out before the move. Anti-tank guns, of course, could not stop the advance of a dozen German tanks, and the battle began near the village itself. The soldiers had to jump out of the trenches under gun and machine-gun fire in order to surely throw a bunch of anti-tank grenades or a Molotov cocktail. At the same time, they still had to repel the attacks of enemy machine gunners, shoot at tankers jumping out of tanks on fire ...

As a participant in that battle testifies, one of the platoon soldiers could not stand it and jumped out of the trench with his hands up. Carefully aiming, Vasiliev removed the traitor.
From explosions in the air there was a constant curtain of dirty snow, soot and smoke. This is probably why Dobrobabin did not notice how the enemy practically destroyed the 1st and 3rd platoons on the right and left. Soldiers and his platoon perished one by one, but the number of destroyed tanks also grew. The seriously wounded were hastily dragged into the dugout, equipped in positions. The lightly wounded did not go anywhere and continued to fire ...
Finally, having lost several tanks and up to two infantry platoons before moving, the enemy began to retreat. One of the last shells fired by the Germans severely concussed Dobrobabin, and he lost consciousness for a long time.

The command was taken by the political instructor of the 4th company V. G. Klochkov, sent to the position of the second platoon of the commander Gundilovich. The surviving fighters later spoke respectfully about Klochkov - without any pathetic phrases, he raised the spirit of the fighters, exhausted and sooty by many hours of battle.

The soul of the detachment of guards was a political instructor V.G. Klochkov. Already in the first days of the fighting near the walls of the capital, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and honored to participate in a military parade on Red Square on November 7, 1941.
Vasily Klochkov made his way into the trenches at the Dubosekovo junction and stayed with his soldiers to the end. Twenty black, with white crosses, clanging caterpillars, smugly rumbling fascist tanks were advancing in an avalanche on the Dubosekovsky trench. The Nazi infantry ran behind the tanks. Klochkov remarked: “There are a lot of tanks coming, but there are more of us. Twenty tanks, less than one tank per brother. The warriors decided to fight to the death. The tanks moved very close. The fight has begun. The command was given by political instructor Klochkov. Under fire, the Panfilovites jumped out of the trench and threw bundles of grenades under the tracks of tanks, and bottles of fuel on the engine part or gas tank.

For four hours a firestorm raged over the trenches of the brave men. Shells exploded, bottles of combustible mixture flew, shells hissed and whistled, flames raged, melting snow, earth and armor. The enemy could not stand it and retreated. Fourteen steel monsters with ominous white crosses on their sides blazed on the battlefield. The survivors got away. Thinned the ranks of the defenders. In the haze of the advancing twilight, the rumble of motors was heard again. Having licked their wounds, filling their belly with fire and lead, the enemy, seized by a new fit of rage, again rushed to the attack - 30 tanks moved on a handful of brave men.

Political instructor Klochkov looked at the soldiers.
“Thirty tanks, friends!” he said. Probably, we will have to die here for the glory of the Motherland. Let the Motherland find out how we fight here, how we defend Moscow. We have nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow.

These words of Klochkov entered the hearts of the fighters, like a call of the Motherland, a demand, her order, instilling in them a new force of selfless courage. Now it was already clear that in this battle the warriors would find their own death, but still they wanted to make the enemy pay dearly for their lives. The soldiers, bleeding, did not leave their combat posts. The attack of the Nazis bogged down. Suddenly another heavy tank tries to break through to the trench. Political instructor Klochkov stands up to meet him. His hand is clutching a bunch of grenades - the last bunch. Seriously wounded with grenades, he rushed to the enemy tank and blew it up.

The brave political instructor did not hear how a strong explosion echoed through the snow-covered expanses. Next to Klochkov, head to head, lay the wounded soldier Ivan Nashtarov and, as if through a dream, from somewhere far away, he heard the voice of the political instructor “We are dying, brother ... Someday they will remember us ... If you live, tell us ... ". Second attack repulsed. Again the enemy did not pass. He rushed about in smoke and flames and, finally, backing away, growling in impotent anger, turned into a shameful flight, leaving 18 of his 50 tanks to burn out. The resilience of 28 Soviet hero heroes turned out to be stronger than enemy armor. More than 150 fascist conquerors lay on the snow at the site of a fierce battle. The battlefield was silent. The legendary trench was silent. The defenders of their native land did what they had to do. Spreading their weary arms, as if covering their wounded, blood-soaked native land with their lifeless bodies, lay those who stood. For boundless courage, heroism, military prowess and courage, the Soviet government posthumously awarded the participants in the battle at the Dubosekovo junction the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
The Panfilovites became a terrible curse for the Nazis, and there were legends about the strength and courage of the heroes. On November 17, 1941, the 316th Rifle Division was renamed the 8th Guards Rifle Division and awarded the Order of the Red Banner. Hundreds of guardsmen were awarded orders and medals.
On November 19, the division lost its commander ... 36 days fought under the command of General I.V. Panfilov 316th Rifle Division, defending the capital in the main direction.
Having not achieved decisive successes in the Volokolamsk direction, the main enemy forces turned to Solnechnogorsk, where they intended to break through first to Leningradskoe, then to Dmitrovskoe highway and enter Moscow from the north-west.
As it turned out later, not all 28 Panfilov soldiers fell in this unprecedented battle. The Red Army soldier Nashtarov, seriously wounded, having gathered his last strength, crawled away from the battlefield and was picked up by our scouts at night. In the hospital, he spoke about the feat of Soviet soldiers. Three days after the battle, he died. The Red Army soldiers Illarion Romanovich Vasilyev, Grigory Melentyevich Shemyakin were picked up half-dead on the battlefield and, after being cured, returned to their native division. Red Army soldier Ivan Demidovich Shadrin during the battle in an unconscious state was captured by the Germans. For more than three years, he experienced all the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps, while remaining faithful to his homeland and the Soviet people. Vasiliev died in the city of Kemerovo, Shemyakin died in Alma-Ata in December 1973, Shadrin, who lived in the village of Kirovskoye, Alma-Ata region, died.
The names of the Panfilov heroes are included in the annals of the Great Patriotic War in gold letters

By the end of the day, despite stubborn resistance, the 1075th Rifle Regiment was driven out of its positions and forced to retreat. An example of self-sacrifice was shown not only by the “Panfilovites” near Dubosekovo. Two days later, 11 sappers of the 1077th Infantry Regiment from the same Panfilov's 316th Division delayed the advance of 27 German tanks with infantry near the village of Strokovo for a long time at the cost of their lives.

In two days of fighting, the 1075th regiment lost 400 people killed, 100 wounded and 600 missing. From the 4th company, which defended Dubosekovo, hardly a fifth remained. In the 5th and 6th companies, the losses were even heavier.

Contrary to the legends, not all "Panfilov" died in battle - seven soldiers survived from the 2nd platoon, and all were seriously injured. These are Natarov, Vasiliev, Shemyakin, Shadrin, Timofeev, Kozhubergenov and Dobrobabin. Before the arrival of the Germans, local residents managed to deliver the most seriously wounded Natarov and Vasiliev to the medical battalion. Shemyakin, seriously shell-shocked, crawled through the forest from the village, where he was discovered by the cavalrymen of General Dovator. The Germans managed to capture two - Shadrin (he was unconscious) and Timofeev (heavily wounded).

Natarov, taken to the medical battalion, soon died of his wounds. Before his death, he managed to tell something about the battle at Dubosekovo. So this story fell into the hands of the literary editor of the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper A. Krivitsky.

But, as we remember, six people survived from the second platoon - Vasiliev and Shemyakin recovered in hospitals, Shadrin and Timofeev went through the hell of concentration camps, and Kozhubergenov and Dobrobabin continued to fight for their own. Therefore, when they declared themselves, the NKVD reacted to this very nervously. Shadrin and Timofeev were immediately written down as traitors. It is not known what else they did in captivity of the Nazis. The rest were looked at very suspiciously - after all, the whole country knows that all 28 heroes died! And if they say that they are alive. So they are either impostors or cowards. And we don't know which is worse.

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